Environmental Industries Summaries
Environmental Industries Summaries
Environmental Industries Summaries Test- House Description: Demonstrate the reductionof airbornebiologicalcontaminantsin actualresidential settingutilizinga BiozoneAir Purtfier Model#2000 positivereductionin airbornemicroorganisms Reeults: Demonstrated Test- Condominium Descriflion: Demonstrate thereduction of airbomebiological contaminantsin actualresidential settingutilizing a Biozone AirPurifier Model#1000 Results: Demonstratedpositivereductionin airbornemicroorganisms CompleteTest Resultson FollowingPages Environmental Industries International, Inc. 4731Nonh A1A,Suite216 Vero Beach,Floricla32963 Phone(561)231-9772.Fa-r(561)231-9773 INTRODUCTION Thisreportdetailsthe resultsof a singularAir QualityStudy utilizingthe Biozone2000modelair purifier. The purposeof the study was to determinethe in-situ resultsot the Biozone2000 in a domesticlocationand its eltectin the reduction(if any)of airbomebactoria. METHODOLOGY A "typicalhome"wasselectedfor ihe Study.Theair qualF ty, re. bacterial content, was measuredwith Micrology Laboratories Easygelpetridishsystemwhichis a pectin-gel method. The formulaiionused was the StandardPlate of Countformulation.The air wastestedbeforeulilization the Biozone2000 and again atter 24 hoursof use ot the device. The"typicalhome'selectedwasa 2000sq. ft., singlelloor dwellinginhabitedby two adults,twochildrenand onecat. The home appeared clean with no noticeableorganic odors. A petridishwas placedon a tablein tho familyroom and anotherpetridish was placedon a dresserin the ma$ ter bedroom.Fortheinitialairtest,thepreparedpetridishes were un@veredand left exoosedto the air for I hour then recoveredand allowedto incubatefor zl8hours. The Biozone2000 was Dlacedon a oortade table in the familyroom(a multi-usearea)approximalely12teet away fiom wherethe petri dish was exposedin the family room and 47 feet from the Detridish locationin the masterbedroom(not in the line of sight - around2 comers). The Biozoneunitwastumedto "HighFan"and allowedto run lor 24 hours. No additionalmechanicalmethodswereused to enhanceair circulation, ie. no ceilingfansor the home's ventilating system. Biozone'sphotoplasma containssmall amountsotozoneso the ozonelevelswere testedin both an areasot thehomeal I hourintervals usingtwomonitors, FamilyRoom EcosensorA-212 ozonemonitorand an EnmetOzone monitor0800 modsl. At no time did the ozonelovelsin the familyroomexceed.03 ppm and no morethan .02 ppm in the masterbedrcom. After24 hoursol continuousoperationof the Biozone2000, two rDre ak quality tosts w6re performedbllowing the as previously described. samemethodology SUMMARY OF RESULTS the bacBasedon our experienceol indoorenvironments, teriacountexhibitedin thelamilyroomareaol thedwelling as wellas the masterb€droomareawereon the low sideof the typicalair qualitylound in most homes. However, analysisof the specifictypesof bacteriaand microbiological mold/funguscolonieswherenot pertormed. Visual examinationof the petri dishes' bacterialand mold/funguscoloniesindicatea significantreductionin both counts after the use of the Biozone2000. There did not appearto be otherenvironmontaleventsor circumstances to the result thatwouldcontribute CONCLUSION Analysisof the resultswould indicatethat photoplasma efiectsof the UV lampused combinedwiththe germicidal in the Biozone2000 had a very positiveetfecton reducing lt hasbeenwell of airbornemicroorganisms. the pres€nce establishedthat bothphotoplasmaand UVlightare biocidal in nature. Exposureto lhee melhodseven for short time periods,such as the 24 hoursin this study,furthersupport its elfectiveness. In can be turther suggestedthat if the indoorair hadbeensubjectedto thesepurificationmethods in bacteriaand for longerthan24 hours,furtherreductions moldcounlscouldbe obtained. Masler B€droom Beginning Air Sample After24 hrs. Biozone2000 Beginning Air Sample Atter24hrs. Biozone2000 Environmenal Industries Intemational, Inc. 1180 19th Street Vero Beach,Fiorida 32950 (561) Phone 778-4886. Fax(561)778-8391 tf{TRoDUCTtOtil Thi6r€portdetailstho {esufb of a singulff Air Oudity Study utilizing lhe Biozone10m modelair purin€r. The prpose ot lhe sfrrdy wss to det€min€ the in-sihl resuftsof the Biozon€1q)0 in a domestblocationand its efiect in the r€duc,lion(it ily) of airbomebasteriaflowing througha dwelling'sventilatingsystem. IIETHODOLOGY A r€6ftl6ntialcondominiumand it8 indepsndentwntilating syst€mwas seloct€dtor the Stdy. The air quality,rs. bactgrial conbnt, ryas maasuredwit| Micidogy Laboratories EaslrgelpEti dish systemwhici is a p€c{in{el method. Th€ bmu|alion usodwasth€ StandardHate Countiormulation. The ai. in the ventilatingsystemwas test€db€lore utiluafionot tr€ Biozono1mOand againafter ?| hoursof useof lhe device. Th€ condor$niun ura6a 700 sq. fi., singlo floor dyvolling inhabitedby two working adults. The condo appoared c{€anwith rp nolicoaHeoqanb odors. A petri dish was placedircido an oudetv6nt in tie lMng area. For the initial ak b6t lhe Feparsd p6ti dish was un@wred and l€ft erposodto the circulatingair for t hourlhen recoveredand allori,€dto incubatefor 48 hours. Thewntilatingsystemtan was snitch€dbr continuousoperation. Tho Biozone 1ff)0 was placed on a waist high slsr€o speakerin tp livlngrmm appoximatety7 feet ar{ay from the retum air vent. The Biozonounit was turnedb "Hioh Fan' andalbur€dio run fcr 24 hours. Biozone'sphoOpli+ ma outsutoontainssmallamountsof ozon6and ozonglevels ryers tasted in sev€ral ar€asol lie condominiumat I hour inter\/alsusirlg two rnonitoG,an EcosonsorA-2l Z Air Sample Beginning ozone monitorand an Enm6tOzongMonitor0800 model. Al no tirn€dll lfte ozonelovelsanyvyh€re in the livfi|garea exc€ed.@ ppm. Albr 24 hour6of codinuousop€ratbnof the Biozone1q)0, anolhorair qualitytest was performedfullowingthe sam6 methoddogyas proviou$ydeecrib€d. SUMf,ARYOF REST'LTS Bas6don our o)eerienceof irdoor environmenb,the bac leria count e)ftiHbd in the v€ntilalirE syEfiEmof the dw€llingwastypicalot the air qualityfoundin sucfi testing. HorEwr, midobiologicalanalysisof lhe spedTtctyp€s ol bactedaard mold/funguscolonieswherenot pgrformed. Msual oxamination ol the petri dishes' bacterial and mold/fungus@lonies indicate a significantrcduc{ionin ccunls aftsr the use of t|e Biozons1000. Th6r6 did not appearto be olher environmemaleventsor circums.tanoes $at luouldcontrbuleb the r€sult ctl{cLUsroN Analysisot the resultsvrouldindicalethat very low levelsof ozoneusodin the Biozone1000had a !/sry porilivEeffec{ on redrrcingthe pr€serEeot airbomemicroorganisms in thg ver ilalingsystem. h has beenvuellesfiaHisfiedthat pho toplasmais bftrcidalin natuF. E,Qocnroto photoplasrna ev6n for short lime periods,sucfi as the 24 hours in this 6trrdy,funher supportits stfoctiveness. h can be ftnfier suggost€dthat if $e ventilatingsystemhad b€€nsubjected io thes€purificationmethodsfor longerlhan 24 hours,furlher reductionsin bacleria and mold counts could be obtain€d. Air Sample After Biozone