1. - Florida Public Service Commission
1. - Florida Public Service Commission
Case Assignment and Scheduling Record '- Section 1 0004i35-TP Docke-; No. Company: o f Records and R e p o r t i n q (RAR) Completes Divi;;ix ~ Date Docketed: 04/25/2000 T i t l e : Adelphid Business S o l u t i o n s of J a c k s o n v i l l e . I n c . B e l l S o u t l i T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i ~ ~ n sI ,n c . Offic-la1 F i l i n g Date. ILast [lay t o Suspend: Request by B e l l S o u t h Telecommunications. I n c . f o r approval o f amendment t o e x i s t i ng intet-connecti on, unbundl ing , r e s a l e . and c o l l o c a t i o n agreement w i t h Adelphia Business Solutions o f Jacksonville. I n c . Expiration: Referred t o : !" ( 1 in d i cates OPR) ADM - " Section 2 AFA APP CAF - -- -- (CMU) X - EAG - GCL - OPR (:ompletes and r e t u r n s t o RAR i n 10 workdays. - Proqram/Modul e w4 4213( f I LEG X - RAR - PA1 - WAW - Time Schedule JARNING: THIS SCHEDULE I S AN INTERNAL PLANNING DOCUMENT. [T I S TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO REVISION. 'OR UPDATES CONTACT THE RECORDS SECTION: (850) 413-6770 Current CASR r e v i s i o n 1eve1 S t a f f Assiqnments Due Dates OPR Staff - Previous S t a f f Counsel - OCRs ( ) 0 0 Recomn-ended assignments f o r h e a r i n g and/or d e c i d i n g t h i s case: F u l l Commission Hearing Exami net' Date f i l e d w i t h RAR: Initials: ~ OPR S t a f f Counsel Commission Panel Staff - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2.3. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 3;2 33 . 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. Current I I I 39. Commi s s i oners GR DS CL JC ADM JB --Case Section' 1 - Docket. No. Divi;aon o f Records and Repm.ci,,, 0004'515-TP Date Docketed: ,KAR) Comple1;es 04/25/2000 T i t l e : Adelphia Business S o l u t i o n s o f J a c k s o n v i l l e . I n c . BellSoi2ith Telecommunications. I n c Company: O f f i c i a l F i l i n g IDate: Last Day t o S u s p m ~ : Section 2 - Request by B e l l S o u t h Telecommunications, I n c . f o r approval o f amendment t o e x i s t i ng i n t e r c o n n e c t i o n , unbundl ing , r e s a l e . and c o l l o c a t i o n agreement w i t h Adelphia Business Solutions o f Jacksonville, I n c . Expi r a t 1 on : Referred t o : (:"O" i n d i c a t e s IOPR) ADM AFA APP CAF -~ (CMU) X EAG GCL LEG RAR PA1 WAW - - X - - - - OPR (i:oripletes and r e t u r n s t o RAR i n 10 workdays. F'roqram/Modul e A20( f ) Time Schedule IARNING: THIS SCHEDULE I S AN INTERNAL PLANNING DOCUMENT. 'T I S TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO R E V I S I O N . -OR UPDATES CONTACT THE RECORDS SECTION: (850) 413 -6770 Current CASR r e v i s i o n l e v e l S t a f f Ass1 qnmerit s Due Dates 1-1 blende1 son OPR Staff - ..____ Previous Current 1. S t a f f Recommendation 2. Agenda 3 . m i d a r d Order .- S t a f f Counsel K F'ena. -~ OCRs ( __ Assignment and Scheduling Record B Keating ) 0 0 0 Recommended assiqnments f o r h e a r i n g and/or d e c i d i n g t h i s case: F u l l Coinmission Hearing Examiner X Commission Panel Staff - - Date f i l e d w i t h RAF!: 04/27/2000 Initials: 26. 27. 28. 2'3 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. - I I I 37 OPR St a f f Couns e 1 Secticln 3 I Chairmiln Completes Assignments a r e as f o l l o w s - Hearing O f f i c e r ( s ) I 1 - Prehearing O f f i c e r 1 u I - Cornmi s s i oners ; L L - - Exam. - [ ~ Where panels a r e (issigned t h e s e n i o r Commissioner i s Panel Chairman; t h e i d e n t i c a l panel decides t h e case. Where one Comrni ss i ciner . a Hearing Exami n e r o r a S t a f f Member 1 s assigned the f u l I Commission decides t h e case PSCIRPR-15 (Rev 2/00) * COMPLETED EVENTS Approved : Date 04/27/2000 c3 A L STATE OF FLORIDA Comilmssioners: JOE.GARCIA, CHAIRMAN J. 7’EIKF.Y DLASON SUSAN F. CLARK E. LFONJACOBS,JR. LILA A . JABER DIVISION OF RECORDS & REPORTING BLANCAS. BAYO DIRECTOR (850) 413-6770 t April 27, 2000 Marshall M. Criser Ill, Regulatory Vice President BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. 150 South Monroe Street, Suite 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1556 Re: Docket No. 000495-’TP Dear Mr. Criser: This will acknowledge receipt of a request by BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. for approval of amendment to existing interconnection, unbundling, resale, and collocation agreement with Adelphia Business Solutions of Jacksonville, Inc., which was filed in this office on April 25,2000 and assigned the above-referenced docket number. Appropriate staff members will be advised. Mediation may be available to iresolve any dispute in this docket. If mediation is conducted, it does not affect a substantially interested person’s right to an administrative hearing. For more information, contact the Office of General Counsel at (850) 413-6248 or FAX (850) 413-7180. Division of Records and Reporting Florida Public Service Commission CAPITAL CIRCLE OFFICE CENTER2540 SHUMARD OAKBOULEVARDTALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-0850 An Affirmative ActionEqual Opportunity Employer PSC Website: http://www.floridapsc.com Internet E-mail: [email protected] T3 1 DIVISION OF RECORDS AND REPORTING FROM : DIVISION OF LEGAL SERVICES (KNIGFT)~i RE: DOCKET NO. 000495-TP REQUEST BY BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC. FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO EXISTING INTERCONNECTION, UNBUNDLING, RESALE, AND COLLOCATION AGREEMENT WITH ADELPHIA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS OF JACKSONVILLE, INC. .G 1. Attached is an ORDER APPROVING AMENDMENT TO EXISTING INTERCONNECTION, UNBUNDLING, RESALE, AND COLLOCATION AGREEMENT, to be issued in the above-referenced docket. (Number of pages in order - 3) W DI< // anc At 1:. achment cc: Division of Competitive Services (Arant) I: 000495.wdk