Product overview Conveyor system XS Conveyor system
Product overview Conveyor system XS Conveyor system
Product overview PO Conveyor system XS XS Conveyor system XL XL Pallet handling components XL XLP Conveyor system XM XM Aluminium based systems Pallet handling components XM XMP Conveyor system XH XH Conveyor system XK XK Pallet handling components XK XKP Conveyor system XB XB Guide rail components GR Conveyor support components CS Modular pallet conveyor system XT XT Structural system XC XC Structural system XF XF Fasteners FST Stainless steel systems Hygienic conveyor system Series XMY XMY ® Copyright FlexLink 2010 The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publishers and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information but no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions. The right is reserved to make design modifications. Conveyor system Series XLX XLX Conveyor system Series XMX XMX Conveyor system Series XHX XHX Guide rail components Series X GRX Support components Series X CSX Appendixes APX Product index IDX Patents Essential parts of the FlexLink product range are protected by patents and design regulations. Drawings are made to European standards. i Contents Conveyor system XM System information .............................................................. 3 Chains XM ............................................................................ 4 Chain accessories XM........................................................... 5 Accessories for use with steel chain 5056849...................... 6 Beams XM ............................................................................ 6 Beam accessories XM........................................................... 7 Slide rails XM ....................................................................... 8 Slide rails XM, hardened steel .............................................. 9 End drive units XM ............................................................. 10 End drive units XM, direct drive with slip clutch................. 10 End drive units XM Type H, direct drive, no slip clutch....... 11 Double drive units XM ........................................................ 11 Intermediate drive units XM ............................................... 12 Catenary drive units XM ..................................................... 12 Horizontal bend drive unit XM ............................................ 13 Drive units for vertical wedge conveyors XM...................... 13 Idler units XM ..................................................................... 14 Wheel bends XM ................................................................ 15 Horizontal plain bends XM.................................................. 16 Support rail for plain bends XM.......................................... 17 Vertical bends XM .............................................................. 18 Angle plates, Front piece, Drip trays, Drip catchers and Drip pans XM ............................................................................. 19 Components for track width adjustment XM ...................... 19 XM pallet handling components System information ............................................................ 21 Pallets................................................................................. 22 Pallet accessories ............................................................... 22 Pallets XMPP 150×120, XMPP 150×150 ............................ 23 Pallets XMPP 150×200, XMPP 150×250 ............................ 24 Guide rail ............................................................................ 25 Guide rail bracket................................................................ 25 Pallet locating station ......................................................... 26 Pallet stop cylinder ............................................................. 27 Product index Product designations in alphanumeric order ...................... 29 ii Conveyor system XM Contents PO System information...............................................................3 Chains XM.............................................................................4 Chain accessories XM ...........................................................5 Accessories for use with steel chain 5056849.......................6 Beams XM.............................................................................6 Beam accessories XM ...........................................................7 Slide rails XM ........................................................................8 Slide rails XM, hardened steel ...............................................9 End drive units XM ..............................................................10 End drive units XM, direct drive with slip clutch .................10 End drive units XM Type H, direct drive, no slip clutch .......11 Double drive units XM.........................................................11 Intermediate drive units XM ................................................12 Catenary drive units XM ......................................................12 Horizontal bend drive unit XM .............................................13 Drive units for vertical wedge conveyors XM ......................13 Idler units XM......................................................................14 Wheel bends XM .................................................................15 Horizontal plain bends XM ..................................................16 Support rail for plain bends XM ..........................................17 Vertical bends XM ...............................................................18 Angle plates, Front piece, Drip trays, Drip catchers and Drip pans XM ..............................................................................19 Components for track width adjustment XM .......................19 XS XL XLP XM XMP XH System information XK XKP XB GR CS XT XC XF FST Chain width 83 mm Technical characteristics The XM conveyor is also available in a stainless steel version. Drive unit capacity 1250 N Chain tension limit 1250 N Beam width ........................................ 85 mm Chain width ........................................ 83 mm Chain pitch 33,5 mm Item width 20–200 mm 40–300 mm* Maximum item weight Horizontal transport ......................... 15 kg Vertical transport.............................. 10/2* kg Maximum weight on conveyor............ 200/80* kg Maximum conveyor length ................. 30/8* m XMY *Applies to vertical wedge conveyor. CSX Features Suitable for a wide range of applications. Higher capacity than XS and XL. Includes components for pallet handling and vertical wedge conveyors. XLX XMX XHX GRX Examples of application areas APX Ball valves, water meters, disk drives, pie packages, film cartridges, plastic bottles, beverage cans, products on pallets, paint cans, socks. IDX System information 3 Chains XM Plain chain Cleated chain, Type A Plain chain Length 5 m XMTP 5 Plain link XMTL 83* Plain chain (Ultra low wear) Length 5 m XMTP 5 C Plain link n.a. Cleated chain Type A cleats Length 5 m h=15 mm h=30 mm XMTF 5×15 A# XMTF 5×30 A# Enter cleat frequency (1–20) instead of # in product designation. *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 Cleated link h=15 mm h=30 mm Friction top chain XMTL 83×15 A* XMTL 83×30 A* *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 Roller top chain Friction top chain Length 5 m XMTP 5 F# Enter cleat frequency (1–20) instead of # in product designation. Friction top link XMTL 83 F* *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 Roller top chain Length 5 m XMTR 5 Roller top link XMTL 83 R* *Note. This link cannot be combined with plain links Steel top chain Flexible cleat chain, Type B Steel top chain Length 5 m XMTP 5 TF Steel top link XMTL 83 TF* *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 Top part has steel cover for improved wear resistance. Flexible cleat chain Type B Length 5 m XMTE 5 B# Enter cleat frequency (1–10) instead of # in product designation. Flexible cleat link XMTL 83 B* *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 4 Chains XM Chains XM (continued) Other chains See the FlexLink chain guide for a selection of other chains. Flexible cleat chain, Type C PO XS XL XLP XM Flexible cleat chain Type C Length 5 m XMP XMTE 5 C Flexible cleat link assembly Type C (link base and flexible cleat top) XMTM 83 C* Flexible cleat top (replacement) XH XMTX 78 C* XK *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 Flexible cleat chain, Type D XKP 30 83 XB GR CS 4 Flexible cleat chain Type D Length 5 m XT XMTE 5 D Flexible cleat link assembly Type D (link base and flexible cleat top) XMTM 83 D* XC Flexible cleat top (replacement) XF XMTX 75 D* *Note. Links must be ordered in multiples of 10 FST Chain accessories XM XMY Plastic pivot Pin insertion tool for chain XMTT 13×16 XLX XMMJ 6 XMX Plastic pivot XM XHX XMTT 13×16 Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 25 Pin insertion tool XM, XB Steel pin XMMJ 6 GRX Lubricant for chain CSX XMTD 6×50 LDSS 450 APX Steel pin XM XMTD 6×50 IDX Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 25 Silicone-based lubricant Chain accessories XM LDSS 450 5 Accessories for use with steel chain 5056849 Slide rail for steel top chain 5056849 Rebuilding kit for direct drive 23 Slide rail, PVDF Length 3 m 5057212 This thicker slide rail is required since the chain top is thinner than the standard chain top. Rebuilding kit for end drive unit Rebuilding kit for end drive unit, direct drive 5058269 Kit includes support rolls for guidance of chain under the drive unit, and side plates for replacement. Rebuilding instructions are delivered with the chain. Rebuilding kit for wheel bend Rebuilding kit for end drive unit 5058263 Kit includes support rolls for guidance of chain under the drive unit. Rebuilding instructions are delivered with the chain. Rebuilding kit for wheel bend 5058270 Kit includes new guides and washers and screw for raising the top disc of the wheel bend 2 mm. Rebuilding instructions are delivered with the chain. Beams XM Conveyor beam Beam section for chain installation 85 75 80 160 80 11 Beam section for chain installation XMCC 160 Including connection strips and screws Beam Length 3 m Length to order XMCB 3 XMCB L Slide rail: see page 35 Beam accessories: see page 21 6 Accessories for use with steel chain 5056849 Beams XM (continued) Profile for split conveyor beam PO 85 XS XL 75 11 XLP XM Profile for split conveyor beam Length 3 m Length to order XMCB 3 H XMCB L H XMP XH Beam clip assembly XK 30 XKP 49 Beam clip assembly XB XMCE 49×30 Including M8 screw and locking nut. Use minimum 5 clips per meter. Place clips 100 mm from each end. GR CS Beam accessories XM XT Connecting strip with set screws L M8 6 a XC b a XF h Connecting strip with set screws h=25, a=30, b=50, L=130 h=25, a=44, b=44, L=160 FST XLCJ 6×130 XLCJ 6×160 XMY Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 10 XLX Cover strip for T-slot, PVC 2 XMX 16 Cover strip for T-slot, PVC Length 25 m XHX GRX XLAB 25 For XS-XL-XM-XH CSX APX IDX Beam accessories XM 7 Slide rails XM Plastic slide rails for XL, XM, XH beams XLCR 25 0,95 XLCR 25 P/H 0,95 Slide rail Length 25 m HDPE (μ=0,1–0,25) PVDF (μ=0,15–0,35) UHMW-PE (μ=0,1–0,25) PA-PE (μ=0,1–0,25) XLCR 25 U Drill fixture for slide rail 1 ∅ d mm 60 XLCR 25 XLCR 25 P XLCR 25 U XLCR 25 H See Appendix A, page 321 for selection guidelines and assembly instructions. Drill fixture for XL-XM-XH-XK-XB slide rail d=4,2 mm 15 3920500 Rivet crimping pliers Steel slide rail for XL, XM, XH beams XLCR 3 TA Rivet crimping pliers for XL-XM-XH-XKXB For 4 mm rivets 5051395 Slide rail (μ=0,15–0,35) Length 3 m Acid resistant stainless steel XLCR 3 TA Rivet crimping clamp Mounting tool for slide rail XMMR 140 Mounting tool for slide rail XM Rivet crimping clamp for XL-XM-XH-XKXB For 4 mm rivets 3923005 XMMR 140 Aluminium rivets XLAH 4×6 Aluminium rivets 4 mm for XL-XMXH conveyors XLAH 4×6 Extra slide rail in plain bends must be anchored using plastic screws due to lack of space for the rivet crimping tool. Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 250. Plastic screws for slide rail Plastic screws 5 mm for XS-XL-XMXH-XB beams XLAG 5 Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 50 8 Slide rails XM Slide rails XM, hardened steel Steel slide rail, straight Glue tape 3M PO 3000 20 XS 20 365 XL 1,5 Slide rail, hardened steel Length 3 m XLCR 3 TH Delivered with 9 predrilled holes Glue tape (for XL, XM, XH) Length 30 m Steel slide rail for bends Mounting tool for slide rail XLP 5057208 XM XMP XH 45° 90° XK 30° 1,5 80 20 Mounting tool for XM 80 XKP 5057676 The fixture consists of 4 pieces XB Slide rail for bends, hardened steel Slide rail for bend, XM 30° XMCR W30 TH Slide rail for bend, XM 45° XMCR W45 TH Slide rail for bend, XM 90° & 180° XMCR W90 TH 180°: Use 2 pieces of steel slide rail 90° GR CS Brass rivets XT XC 8 4 Brass rivets (100 pcs) XF 5056167 Rivets for anchoring the slide rails FST Cleaner 3M XMY XLX XMX Cleaner (100 sachets) XHX 5057207 Use cleaner on beam and slide rail before attaching glue tape. GRX CSX APX IDX Slide rails XM, hardened steel 9 End drive units XM End drive unit HL/HLA End drive unit HR/HRA 242 80 80 85 242 85 39 39 293 270–280 293 270–280 77 77 665–715 665-715 165 End drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HL XMEB # HLA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16-18-20-25-27-33-37-46-55-58 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m 165 End drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HR XMEB # HRA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16-18-20-25-27-33-37-46-55-58 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m End drive units XM, direct drive with slip clutch End drive unit HLP/HLAP 80 242 End drive unit HRP/HRAP 80 70 242 39 39 190 190 301 301 345–465 345–465 335 End drive unit, direct drive 3-phase motor on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V 335 XMEB # HLP XMEB # HLAP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-36-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Variable speed motors: see page 335. 10 70 Drive unit, direct drive 3-phase motor on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HRP XMEB # HRAP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-36-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Variable speed motors: see page 335. End drive units XM End drive units XM Type H, direct drive, no slip clutch End drive unit HNLP/HNLAP End drive unit HNRP/HNRAP 315 PO 80 315 80 XS 39 39 160 264 130 84 XL 160 264 28 XLP 413 XM 85 160 XMP 160 85 413 84 End drive unit, max 1250 N 3-phase motor on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HNLP XMEB # HNLAP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: see diagram, page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Variable speed motors: see page 335. 130 XH 28 End drive unit, max 1250 N 3-phase motor on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XK XMEB # HNRP XMEB # HNRAP XKP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: see diagram, page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Variable speed motors: see page 335. XB GR CS Double drive units XM XT Double drive unit HLD/HLAD Double drive unit HRD/HRAD 80 80 85 242 XC A A 242 85 XF 39 39 Double drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on left side A = 86 mm 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V A = 130–350 mm* 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V FST XMY 77 77 665–715 293 278–288 293 278–288 165 XMEB # HLD86 XMEB # HLAD86 XMEB # HLD– XMEB # HLAD– Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16,18-20-25-27-33-37-46-55-58 m/min. *Specify A separately when ordering. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m 665–715 Double drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on right side A = 86 mm 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V A = 130–350 mm* 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V 165 XLX XMX XMEB # HRD86 XMEB # HRAD86 XHX XMEB # HRD– XMEB # HRAD– Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16,18-20-25-27-33-37-46-55-58 m/min. *Specify A separately when ordering. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m End drive units XM Type H, direct drive, no slip clutch 11 GRX CSX APX IDX Intermediate drive units XM Intermediate drive unit HL/HLA 80 Intermediate drive unit HR/HRA 80 85 326 53 326 85 53 270–280 270–280 307 307 139 139 720–790 165 Intermediate drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMER # HL XMER # HLA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-9-12-15-19-25 m/min. Maximum traction force: 200 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 1,00 m 720–790 165 Intermediate drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMER # HR XMER # HRA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-9-12-15-19-25 m/min. Maximum traction force: 200 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 1,00 m Catenary drive units XM Catenary drive unit HL/HLA 80 39 242 670 118 Catenary drive unit HR/HRA 80 80 165 85 270–280 39 242 670 118 270–280 563 563 1025–1065 1025–1065 Catenary drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEC # HL XMEC # HLA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16-18-20-25 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 1,35 m 12 165 85 80 Catenary drive unit Suspended 3-phase motor Transmission on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEC # HR XMEC # HRA Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-12-16-18-20-25 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 1,35 m Intermediate drive units XM Horizontal bend drive unit XM Horizontal bend drive unit, 180° PO XS XL XLP Horizontal bend drive unit, 180° 50 Hz 230/400 V 60 Hz 230/460 V XM XMEW 180/# H XMEW 180/# HA XMP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30 m/min. 60 Hz: 5-8-12-15-18-24-30 m/min. Maximum traction force: 200 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,65 m XH XK XKP Drive units for vertical wedge conveyors XM Direct drive unit for vertical wedge conveyor 80 XB Direct drive unit for vertical wedge conveyor 80 315 315 GR CS 195 195 150 150 375–465 XT 375–465 XC 335 335 XF FST Direct drive unit for vertical wedge conveyor Without chain slack 3-phase motor on left side 50 Hz 230/400 V XMEB # HLGP 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HLAGP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-36-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Direct drive unit for vertical wedge conveyor Without chain slack 3-phase motor on right side 50 Hz 230/400 V XMEB # HRGP 60 Hz 230/460 V XMEB # HRAGP Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-20-25-30-40-50-60 m/min. 60 Hz: 6-10-16-19-31-36-44-63 m/min. Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m XMY XLX XMX XHX GRX CSX APX IDX Horizontal bend drive unit XM 13 Drive units for vertical wedge conveyors XM (continued) Synchronous drive unit for vertical wedge conveyors max. max. 215 215 max. 100 max. 278 315 80 85 495 140 486 530 Synchronous drive unit 50 Hz 230/400 V XMED # H Insert desired speed instead of # in designation: 50 Hz: 5-10-15-18-22-27-35-45-55 m/min. 60 Hz: – Maximum traction force: 1250 N. See page 16. Effective track length: 0,80 m Including two basic units, two cardan shafts, two gear reducers, 3-phase motor, two timing belts and reducer pulleys, motor pulley, transmission cover, mounting plate Beam section for chain installation 80 160 80 Beam section for chain installation XMCC 160 Including connection strips and screws Idler units XM Idler end unit 85 Idler end unit Type S 80 85 315 315 80 44 120 152 140 Idler end unit Effective track length: 0,80 m XMEJ 315 Idler end unit Compact version XMEJ 315 S Effective track length: 0,70 m Each side plate has four unfinished holes for attachment of accessories. Requires drilling through side plate. A drill fixture (5057144) is available. 14 Idler units XM Idler units XM (continued) Protective cover for idler end unit Drill fixture for idler end unit PO 44 XS 60 189 XL 39,5 32 Protective cover for XMEJ 315 Drill fixture for XMEJ 315 S XMSJ 189 XLP 5057144 The drill fixture is used when drilling holes for attachment of accessories. The side plates of idlers and drive units are prepared for easy drilling of 6,5 mm holes. The holes are suitable for threading (M8). Protective cover for idler end unit XM XMP Idler bend unit, 90° 93 Protective cover for XMEJ 315 S XH 300 80 XK XMSJ 146 Including mounting screws (M8). Requires drilling of two holes in each side plate. Use drill fixture 5057144. XKP 300 XB GR Idler bend unit, 90° XMEK 90R50 CS Effective track length: 0,60 m. Note. Cannot be used with a return chain XT Wheel bends XM XC Wheel bend, 30° XF Wheel bend, 45° FST Æ275 >160 Æ275 >160 XMY 80 80 80 160 Wheel bend, 30° XLX 80 XMX 160 XMBH 30R160 A Effective track length: 0,25 m 1-way (0,50 m 2-way) XHX Wheel bend, 45° XMBH 45R160 A GRX Effective track length: 0,30 m 1-way (0,60 m 2-way) CSX APX IDX Wheel bends XM 15 Wheel bends XM (continued) Wheel bend, 90° Wheel bend, 5°–180°, 210° 80 80 E° >160 >160 80 80 Æ275 Æ275 160 160 Wheel bend, 90° XMBH 90R160 A Effective track length: 0,40 m 1-way (0,80 m 2-way) Wheel bend, 180° Wheel bend, 5°–180°, 210° XMBH ER160 A The outer bend is cut in the middle to the desired angle and assembled using connecting strips. The angle “E” must be specified when ordering. Æ275 >160 80 80 320 Wheel bend, 180° XMBH 180R160 A Effective track length: 0,65 m 1-way (1,30 m 2-way) Horizontal plain bends XM Horizontal plain bend, 30° Horizontal plain bend, 45° 80 80 200 200 R R 30° 45° Horizontal plain bend, 30°±1° R=300±10 mm R=500±10 mm R=700±10 mm R=1000±10 mm XMBP 30R300 XMBP 30R500 XMBP 30R700 XMBP 30R1000 Effective track lengths: R300: 0,60 m 1-way (1,15 m 2-way) R500: 0,70 m 1-way (1,35 m 2-way) R700: 0,80 m 1-way (1,55 m 2-way) R1000: 0,95 m 1-way (1,85 m 2-way) 16 Horizontal plain bend, 45°±1° R=300±10 mm R=500±10 mm R=700±10 mm R=1000±10 mm XMBP 45R300 XMBP 45R500 XMBP 45R700 XMBP 45R1000 Effective track lengths: R300: 0,65 m 1-way (1,30 m 2-way) R500: 0,80 m 1-way (1,60 m 2-way) R700: 0,95 m 1-way (1,90 m 2-way) R1000: 1,20 m 1-way (2,40 m 2-way) Horizontal plain bends XM Horizontal plain bends XM (continued) Horizontal plain bend, 60° Horizontal plain bend, 90° PO 80 80 XMBP 90... XS XL R R XLP 200 XM 60° 90° XMP Horizontal plain bend, 60°±1° R=500±10 mm R=700±10 mm R=1000±10 mm 200 XMBP 60R500 XMBP 60R700 XMBP 60R1000 XH Horizontal plain bend, 90°±1° R=300±10 mm R=500±10 mm R=700±10 mm R=1000±10 mm Effective track lengths: R500: 0,95 m 1-way (1,85 m 2-way) R700: 1,15 m 1-way (2,30 m 2-way) R1000: 1,45 m 1-way (2,90 m 2-way) XK XMBP 90R300 XKP XMBP 90R500 XMBP 90R700 XMBP 90R1000 XB Effective track lengths: R300: 0,90 m 1-way (1,75 m 2-way) R500: 1,20 m 1-way (2,40 m 2-way) R700: 1,50 m 1-way (3,00 m 2-way) R1000: 2,00 m 1-way (3,95 m 2-way) GR CS XT Support rail for plain bends XM XC Support rail for plain bends XF FST XMY 16 XLX 10,5 Support rail for plain bends, XM–XH Length 2,4 m Polyamide XMX 5048598 XHX Fix with sheet metal screw BSS ST 4,2×9,5 or similar. See page 324 for installation instructions. GRX CSX APX IDX Support rail for plain bends XM 17 Vertical bends XM Vertical bend, 5° Vertical bend, 45° 5° 80 80 80 9 45° B 80 R R400 A 195 Vertical bend, 5° XMBV 5R400 Effective track length: 0,20 m 1-way (0,40 m 2-way) Vertical bend, 7° 7° 80 Vertical bend, 45° R= 400, A=419, B=417 R=1000, A=844, B=349 XMBV 45R400 XMBV 45R1000 Effective track length: R400: 0,50 m 1-way (0,95 m 2-way) R1000: 0,95 m 1-way (1,90 m 2-way) Vertical bend, 60° 80 80 13 60° R400 269 R400 80 208 466 Vertical bend, 7° XMBV 7R400 Vertical bend, 60° XMBV 60R400 Effective track length: 0,20 m 1-way (0,45 m 2-way) Effective track length: 0,65 m 1-way (1,20 m 2-way) Vertical bend, 15° Vertical bend, 90° 80 15 80 80 90° 34 R R400 80 261 A Vertical bend, 15° XMBV 15R400 Effective track length: 0,30 m 1-way (0,55 m 2-way) Vertical bend, 30° 80 XMBV 90R400 XMBV 90R1000 Effective track length: R400: 0,85 m 1-way (1,60 m 2-way) R1000: 1,75 m 1-way (3,50 m 2-way) 30° 80 94 Vertical bend, 90° R= 400, A= 480 R=1000, A=1080 Vertical bend, 5°–90° R400 80 9 E° 349 Vertical bend, 30° R XMBV 30R400 80 Effective track length: 0,40 m 1-way (0,75 m 2-way) Vertical bend, 5°–90° R=400 R=1000 XMBV ER400 XMBV ER1000 The bend is cut in the middle to the desired angle and assembled using connecting strips. The angle “E” must be specified when ordering. 18 Vertical bends XM Angle plates, Front piece, Drip trays, Drip catchers and Drip pans XM see chapter X85 in FlexLink product catalogue 5147 PO Components for track width adjustment XM see chapter X85 in FlexLink product catalogue 5147 XS XL XLP XM XMP XH XK XKP XB GR CS XT XC XF FST XMY XLX XMX XHX GRX CSX APX IDX Angle plates, Front piece, Drip trays, Drip catchers and Drip pans XM 19 20 XM pallet handling components Contents PO System information.............................................................21 Pallets .................................................................................22 Pallet accessories................................................................22 Pallets XMPP 150×120, XMPP 150×150.............................23 Pallets XMPP 150×200, XMPP 150×250.............................24 Guide rail.............................................................................25 Guide rail bracket ................................................................25 Pallet locating station ..........................................................26 Pallet stop cylinder ..............................................................27 XS XL XLP System information XM XMP XH XK XKP XB GR CS XT XC XF Pallet handling products for conveyor system XM Technical characteristics The pallet handling components for conveyor system XL are designed for loads up to 8 kg. The maximum size of the products on the pallets depends on the shape of the products and the location of their centre of gravity. Guide rail brackets specifically designed for the pallet track width are available. The system also includes prebent guide rails for bends. Pallet sizes (W×L×H) ..... 150 mm × 120 mm × 26 mm 150 mm × 150 mm × 26 mm 150 mm × 200 mm × 26 mm 150 mm × 250 mm × 26 mm Maximum load on pallet. 5–8 kg (including pallet and fixtures) FST XMY XLX XMX Application areas XHX Examples of application areas are transport and assembly of spark plugs, gear wheels, fuel injectors, hydraulic pistons, headlights, brake cylinders, cellular phones, and harddisk drives. GRX CSX APX IDX System information 21 Pallets Pallet 150×120 Pallet, length 120 mm Pallet 150×200 XMPP 150×120 Pallet, length 200 mm XMPP 150×200 Mineral reinforced PPE-PA. Weight: 0,26 kg. Max load 5,0 kg. Max load includes fixture weight. See page 23 for detailed pallet dimensions Mineral reinforced PPE-PA. Weight: 0,32 kg. Max load 7,0 kg. Max load includes fixture weight. See page 24 for detailed pallet dimensions Pallet 150×150 Pallet 150×250 Pallet, length 150 mm XMPP 150×150 Mineral reinforced PPE-PA. Weight: 0,28 kg. Max load 6,0 kg. Max load includes fixture weight. See page 23 for detailed pallet dimensions Pallet, length 250 mm XMPP 150×250 Mineral reinforced PPE-PA. Weight: 0,38 kg. Max load 8,0 kg. Max load includes fixture weight. See page 24 for detailed pallet dimensions Pallet accessories Shaft and roller kit Shaft and roller kit 5056002 Rollers: Polyacetal resin Shaft: Stainless steel 4 shafts, 28 rollers. 1 kit is needed for each pallet. Initiator plate Slide block for pallet 20 13 Initiator plate Slide block for pallet XMPS 100 Polyamide 1 slide block. 4 slide blocks are needed for each pallet. Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 10 22 Pallets 2 XMPL 13×20 Steel. Including screw 1 to 4 initiator plates can be fitted to a pallet. Note. Must be ordered in multiples of 25 Pallets XMPP 150×120, XMPP 150×150 PO XMPP 150×120 XMPP 150×150 XS XL XLP (2x) 0,25 A 0,3 B XM A 0,3 25 9 26 7 (4x) 6 XMP XH XK XMPP+XMPS .../3903214 0,3 50 (4x) A XKP 100 (2x) XB ∅6,6 +0,220 H13 0 ( ∅0,4 M ) (11x/17x) B GR C CS 5±0,15 (2x) B XT XMPP 150x150 XMPP 150x120 FST 0 150 –1 120 ± 0,5 XF XMY 64,8 30,8 C 30,8 90° (2x) 112 82 64,8 XC XLX XMX XHX 39,8 39,8 GRX (2x) 0,15 C 60,8 60,8 10 (11x/17x) CSX 0 150 –1 APX IDX Pallets XMPP 150×120, XMPP 150×150 23 Pallets XMPP 150×200, XMPP 150×250 XMPP 150×200 XMPP 150×250 (2x) 0,25 A 0,3 B A 9 26 25 7 (4x) 6 0,3 50 (4x) 0,3 XMPP+XMPS .../3903214 A 100 (2x) +0,220 (23x/29x) ∅6,6 H13 0 ) ( 5±0,15 (2x) ∅0,4 M B C B XMPP 150×250 39,8 200±0,6 39,8 (2x) 0,15 C 60,8 60,8 0 150 –1 24 Pallets XMPP 150×200, XMPP 150×250 10 (23x/29x) 114,8 250± 0,6 114,8 89,8 89,8 64,8 30,8 212 162 82 C 30,8 64,8 90° (2x) XMPP 150×200 Guide rail Guide rail 15 mm, aluminium Guide rail for pallets in 180° bends PO XS 472 20 XL 15 XLP Straight rail 15 mm Aluminium, length 3 m XLRS 3×15 331 Guide rail for pallets in 90° bends XM R236 XMP 80 XH 80 Outer guide rail for 180° bend 3904898 XK XKP 236 XB R236 GR 80 Outer guide rail for 90° bend CS 3904899 XT Guide rail bracket XC Fixed guide rail bracket XF 190 153 44 30 1,5 FST 25 XMY 41 ∅9 XLX 23 XMX XM 15 Guide rail bracket 85 XHX XLRB 49×42 GRX CSX APX IDX Guide rail 25 Pallet locating station Pallet locating station 245 172 117 Hole for proximity switch ∅13 193,5 125 R1/8" Threaded hole M12×1 for proximity switch 12 44 ∅9 81 172,5 88 Pneumatic locating station XMPX 150 A Frame: cast aluminium. Horizontal wedge: steel. Vertical wedge: hardened steel. Cylinder connection 6 mm Locating accuracy: ±0,1 mm. Locating force at 0,6 MPa: 460 N. Max vertical force including pallet weight: 300 N. T-bolts and nuts for mounting the locating station to the conveyor beam are included. Mounting hardware for connection to a support structure must be ordered separately. The proximity sensors (∅12 mm, not supplied by FlexLink Systems) must have a minimum effective sensing distance of 2,5 mm to the initiating surface (aluminium). Example: the effective sensing distance for SICK (IM12 sensing range 8 mm) is 5,18 mm. This is calculated as follows: 8 mm × 0,81* × 0,45** = 2,92 mm. (*Useful sensing range = 0,81 × nominal sensing range, **Reduction factor for aluminium.) Locating station with pallet and stop cylinder XMPP 150x120 XMPP 150x150 XMPP 150x200 XMPP 150x250 0,5 0,7 194,5 XMPD 20x10 E 0,6 MPa 26 Pallet locating station Pallet stop cylinder Pallet stop cylinder PO Load 8 30° 9 XS kg 41 16 50 63 8,4 40 XL 40 42 67 M5 30 XLP 20 XM 10 XMP 84 10 Pneumatic stop cylinder Double-actuated 30 XH Speed m/min XMPD 20×10 EA Housing, cover: anodized aluminium Plunger: polyamide with steel top Stroke: 10 mm. Theoretical force at 0,6 MPa: 130 N (minus direction) For use with cylinder position sensor. Including ∅6 pipe connections and the necessary mounting hardware. 20 The diagram shows the maximum permissible weight of a group of pallets (product weight + pallet weight) that the stop cylinder is capable of stopping, as a function of the conveyor speed. XK XKP XB Bracket for proximity switch 13 GR 23 3 10 CS 21 32 ∅9 XT 8 35 Bracket for proximity switch ∅12 mm XC XMPB 12 XF Anodized aluminium Pallet stop cylinder on conveyor beam FST XMY XLX XMX XHX GRX CSX APX IDX Pallet stop cylinder 27 28 Pallet stop cylinder Product index Product designations in alphanumeric order 3904898 ................................ 25 3904899 ................................ 25 3920500 .................................. 8 3923005 .................................. 8 5048598 ................................ 17 5051395 .................................. 8 5056002 ................................ 22 5056167 .................................. 9 5057144 ................................ 15 5057207 .................................. 9 5057208 .................................. 9 5057212 .................................. 6 5057676 .................................. 9 5058263 .................................. 6 5058269 .................................. 6 5058270 .................................. 6 LDSS 450................................ 5 XLAB 25 .................................. 7 XLAG 5 ................................... 8 XLAH 4×6................................ 8 XLCJ 6×130 ............................ 7 XLCJ 6×160 ............................ 7 XLCR 25 H .............................. 8 XLCR 25 P .............................. 8 XLCR 25 U .............................. 8 XLCR 25.................................. 8 XLCR 3 TA .............................. 8 XLCR 3 TH.............................. 9 XLRB 49×42.......................... 25 XLRS 3×15............................ 25 XMBH 180R160 A................. 16 XMBH 30R160 A................... 15 XMBH 45R160 A................... 15 XMBH 90R160 A................... 16 XMBH ER160 A .................... 16 XMBP 30R1000 .................... 16 XMBP 30R300 ...................... 16 XMBP 30R500 ...................... 16 XMBP 30R700 ...................... 16 XMBP 45R1000 .................... 16 XMBP 45R300 ...................... 16 XMBP 45R500 ...................... 16 XMBP 45R700 ...................... 16 XMBP 60R1000 .................... 17 XMBP 60R500 ...................... 17 XMBP 60R700 ...................... 17 XMBP 90R1000 .................... 17 XMBP 90R300 ...................... 17 XMBP 90R500 ...................... 17 XMBP 90R700 ...................... 17 XMBV 15R400 ...................... 18 XMBV 30R400 ...................... 18 XMBV 45R1000 .................... 18 XMBV 45R400 ...................... 18 XMBV 5R400 ........................ 18 XMBV 60R400 ...................... 18 XMBV 7R400 ........................18 XMBV 90R1000 ....................18 XMBV 90R400 ......................18 XMBV ER1000 ......................18 XMBV ER400 ........................18 XMCB 3 H ...............................7 XMCB 3...................................6 XMCB L H ...............................7 XMCB L...................................6 XMCC 160.............................14 XMCC 160...............................6 XMCE 49×30...........................7 XMCR W30 TH .......................9 XMCR W45 TH .......................9 XMCR W90 TH .......................9 XMEB # HL ...........................10 XMEB # HLA .........................10 XMEB # HLAD– ....................11 XMEB # HLAD86 ..................11 XMEB # HLAGP....................13 XMEB # HLAP.......................10 XMEB # HLD–.......................11 XMEB # HLD86.....................11 XMEB # HLGP ......................13 XMEB # HLP .........................10 XMEB # HNLAP ....................11 XMEB # HNLP ......................11 XMEB # HNRAP ...................11 XMEB # HNRP......................11 XMEB # HR...........................10 XMEB # HRA ........................10 XMEB # HRAD–....................11 XMEB # HRAD86..................11 XMEB # HRAGP ...................13 XMEB # HRAP ......................10 XMEB # HRD– ......................11 XMEB # HRD86 ....................11 XMEB # HRGP......................13 XMEB # HRP ........................10 XMEC # HL ...........................12 XMEC # HLA.........................12 XMEC # HR...........................12 XMEC # HRA ........................12 XMED # H .............................14 XMEJ 315 S ..........................14 XMEJ 315..............................14 XMEK 90R50 ........................15 XMER # HL ...........................12 XMER # HLA.........................12 XMER # HR...........................12 XMER # HRA ........................12 XMEW 180/# H .....................13 XMEW 180/# HA ...................13 XMMJ 6 ...................................5 XMMR 140 ..............................8 XMPB 12 ...............................27 PO XMPD 20×10 EA ...................27 XMPL 13×20 .........................22 XMPP 150×120 .....................22 XMPP 150×150 .....................22 XMPP 150×200 .....................22 XMPP 150×250 .....................22 XMPS 100 .............................22 XMPX 150 A..........................26 XMSJ 146..............................15 XMSJ 189..............................15 XMTD 6×50 .............................5 XMTE 5 B# ..............................4 XMTE 5 C................................5 XMTE 5 D................................5 XMTF 5×15 A# ........................4 XMTF 5×30 A# ........................4 XMTL 83 B* .............................4 XMTL 83 F* .............................4 XMTL 83 R*.............................4 XMTL 83 TF* ...........................4 XMTL 83* ................................4 XMTL 83×15 A*.......................4 XMTL 83×30 A*.......................4 XMTM 83 C*............................5 XMTM 83 D*............................5 XMTP 5 C................................4 XMTP 5 F# ..............................4 XMTP 5 TF ..............................4 XMTP 5 ...................................4 XMTR 5 ...................................4 XMTT 13×16 ...........................5 XMTX 75 D* ............................5 XMTX 78 C* ............................5 XS XL XLP XM XMP XH XK XKP XB GR CS XT XC XF FST XMY XLX XMX XHX GRX CSX APX IDX 29 30
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