LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District Name of the University: - University of Pune Arts, Science & Commerce, B.B.A., B.C.A., B.S.C. Sr. No. 1 1. Distri ct Name of the College, Full Address with Pin Code 2. Pune 3. Deccan Education Society’s Fergusson College, (Arts, Science) Deccan, Pune – 411 004. Ph.No.020-25654212/ 25675960 E.Mail: [email protected] (ID.NO.PU/PN/AS/02/1885) Location Rural ® Urban (U) Year of Establish-ment 4. 5. U C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1885 Type of College for Men only(M) For Women only(W) Co-education (CE) MW 6. Courses offered in the College Up to Bachelor Degree (UG) Up to Master Degree (PG) Or above 7. UG, PG Whether recognize d by the UGC under Section 2(f)&12B 8. Course Conduced 9. B.A., B.A-Music., B.Sc., B.Sc.-Computer Science, B.Sc-Bio-technology B.Sc-Environmental Science, B.Sc- Microbiology, Vocational Electronic Equipment maintenance, Vocational Still Photography and Audiovisual, Vocational Biotechnolgy M.A-English, Marathi, Economics,Psychology, M.Sc- Org Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, M.Sc.Tec.Ind.Maths, 2 Pune Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Sir Parashurambhau College (Arts,Science and Commerce), Tilak Road, Pune-411030. Ph. No. 020- 24331978, Fax No. 020-24332479 (ID.NO.PU/PN/ASC/003/1916) U 1916 MW UG, PG 3 Pune Modern Education Society’s Nowrosjee Wadia College, (Arts & Science) 19, Late. Prin. V.K. Joag path Pune – 411 001 Ph. No. 02026127024/26122944 (ID.NO.PU/PN/AS/005/1932) U 1932 MW UG,PG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx Microbiology, Physics, Petrolium Technology, Electronics Science, Environmental science, Geology, Bio-tech, Botany, Zoology M.Sc- Computer Science MCA-(Science), B.A., B.Com.,B.B.A., B.Sc.-Computer Science, MA.- Economics, Politics, Geography, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic M.A.M.Sc- Mathmatics, M.Sc-Computer Science, M.Sc – Org Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Geography. Geology, M.Com., B.A., B.Sc.-Computer Science, B.Sc - Bio-Technology B.Sc – Botany, MA.-English, Economics, Psychology M.A.M.Sc-Geography, M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Polymer Science, Physics, Petroliam Technology, Geography, Geology, Electronics, Zoology, Bio-Chemistry 4 Pune Deccan Education Society’s Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune-411 004. Ph.No.-020-25654943/ 25655348 Web (ID.NO:-PU/PN/C/010/1943) U 1943 MW UG,PG 5 Pune Maharashtra Education Society’s Abasaheb Garware College, (Arts & Science) Karve Road ,Pune – 411 004 Ph.No.020-25440311/25440721 Website: m (ID.NO:-PU/PN/AS/011/1945) U 1945 MW UG,PG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx M.Sc Tec & Ind Mathematics with Computer Application M.Sc-Computer Science, B.Lib.Sc B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A.,B.B.M., B.Com-Computer application-(Vocational Course), Tax Procedure & Practices-(Vocational Course), P.G. Diploma in- Banking Finance., P.G. Diploma inInternationl Business., P.G. Diploma in- Taxation., M.Com, B.A., B.Sc.- Computer Science, B.Sc-Biotechnology B.Sc.Electronic Science B.Lib.I.Sc M.A.- Hindi, Economics, Politics, History, M.A/Mass communication & Journalism M.Sc.,- Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Physics, Biodiversity, Microbiology, M.Sc-Computer Science P.G.Diploma in Foreign Trade 6 Pune 7 Pune 8 Pune Akhil Bhartiya Maratha Shikshan Parishad’s Shri. Shahu Mandir Mahavidyalaya (Arts & Commerce) Near Parvati Ramana Pune – 411 009 Ph.No.020-24221424 (ID.NO:-PU/PN/AC/014/1960) Sadhu Vaswani Mission’s St. Mira’s College for Girls (Arts and Commerce), 6, Koregaon Park, Pune-411001. Ph.No. 26124846 Fax No. 020-26124846 Website : (ID.NO:-PU/PN/AC/015/1962) U 1960 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A, B.C.A MA.- Economics, English, Marathi., M.Com. U 1962 W UG,PG Anekant Education Society’s, Tuljaram Chaturchand College (Arts, Science and Commerce), Baramati-413102. (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. (02112) 222405, 222728 Fax No. 222728 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/016/1962) R 1962 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A, B.C.A B.Sc-Computer Science., MA- Sociology, Economics M.A/Mass Communication & Journalism, M.Com. P.G.Diploma in Banking & Finance., Certificate Cource in E-Commerce B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc- Computer Science,B.Sc-Applied wine Technology., MA.,English, Marathi, Hindi Economics, Politics, History, M.Sc.-Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Botany, Physics,Zoology, Analytical Chemistry., Microbiology, M.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 9 Pune Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Annasaheb Awate Arts, Commerce & Hutatma Babu Genu Science College. Mancher-410503, (Dist.Pune) Ph.No. (02133) 223160/25721 Fax No. 223160 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/017/1966) R 1966 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A., B.Sc., B.Sc- Biotechnology MA.-English, Marathi, Hindi, M.Com. 10 Pune Maharashtra Education Society’s Garware College of Commerce, Karve Road, Pune-411004. Ph.No.020- 25440605/25441629 E.Mail: [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/018/1967) U 1967 MW UG,PG B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M M.Com. 11 Pune Shirur Shiksha Prasarak Mandal’s Shri Chandamal Tarachand Bora Arts, Science and Commerce College, Shirur (Ghodnadi)-422 210 (Dist.Pune) Ph.No. (02138) 222301/222498 Fax No. (02138) 224160 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/019/1968) R 1968 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc., MA.-English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, History, M.Com. , M.C.A B.Lib & I.Sc M.Lib & I.Sc C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 12 Pune 13 Pune Indrayani Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s Indrayani Mahavidyalaya (Arts and Com.), Near Railway Station, Talegaon (Dabhade) Dist.Pune - 410507 Ph.No. (02114) 222225 Fax No. 02114- 222554 E-mail: [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/020/1968) Modern Education Society’s Ness Wadia College of Commerce 19, Late. Prin. V.K. Joag path Pune – 411 001 Ph. No. 02026167024/26163149 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/021/1969) R 1968 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., M.Com. U 1969 MW UG,PG B.Com., B.Com-(Language Arabic & Persian) B.B.A.,B.B.M P.G. Diploma in- Banking Finance, Internationl Business, Taxation Laws, Certificate Course in Traval & Tourisum management, M.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 14 Pune Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411 005. PhNo. (020)25535927/25535102 U 1970 MW UG,PG U 1970 MW UG,PG U 1970 MW UG,PG (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/022/1970) 15 Pune 16 Pune Anjuman Khairul Islam’s Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Shankarsheth Road, Pune-411001. Ph.No. 26454240 Fax No. (020)-26453707 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/023/1970) St. Vincent College of Commerce ( Night) 2004 , St. Vincent Street, Pune – 411 001. Ph.No.020-26351162 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/024/1970) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc-Microbiology, B.Sc-Bio-technology, B.Sc-Voacational Bio-Tec B.Sc.- Computer Science MA.- English, Marathi, Economics, Psycology, Geography M.Sc-Botany, Physics, Zoology, Analytical chemistry,Microbiology, Geography, Electronic, Bio-Technology, Statistics M.Sc - Computer Science M.C.A M.Com., B.A., B.Com., B.B.A, B.C.A , B.Sc-Computer Science, MA- English,Urdu, Economics, M.Sc.-Organic Chemistry, Electronic, Zoology,Computer Science (MCS), M.Com. B.Com., M.Com. 17 Pune Pune Jilha Shikshan Mandal’s Annasaheb Waghire College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Otur, Tal – Junnar , Dist .Pune – 412 409 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/025/1970) R 1970 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc - Computer Science MA- Marathi, Hindi, M.Com. M.Sc- Organic Chemistry 18 Pune J.T.S.S.P Mandal’s Shri Shiv Chhatrapati College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Bodkenagar, Junnar Dist. Pune- 410 502 Ph.No.(952132)-222094/223689 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/026/1970) R 1970 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A., B.C.A., MA- English, Marathi, Politics, M.Com., M.Com(E. Commerce)., M.C.A(Commerce)., M.Sc-Organic Chemistry 19 Pune Pune Jilha Shikshan Mandal’s Annasaheb Magar Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science and Commerce), Hadapsar, Pune-411028. Ph.No. 020-26990376 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/029/1971) U 1971 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc. Computer Science, B.B.A., B.C.A, B.B.M MA.- Marathi, Hindi, Economics, M.Sc.-Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, M.Sc- Computer Science., M.Com. 20 Pune Sanghavi Kesari College of Arts , Commerce & Science Chinchwad, Pune – 411 019 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/030/1971) U 1971 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A, B.C.A MA.- Economics, Marathi, M.Com. B.B.A, B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 21 Pune 22 Pune 23 Pune 24 Pune Indapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Indapur-413186 (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. (02111) 23102 Fax No. (02111) – 23102 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/032/1972) Pune Zilha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Waghire Arts and Commerce College, Saswad-412301, Tal. Purandar (Dist.Pune) Ph.No. (02115) 222524 Fax No. (02115) 222472 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/033/1972) Shri Mugutrao Sahebrao Kakade Mahavidyalaya, Arts,& Commerce, Someshwarnagar, Baramati Nira, 412 306, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/034/1972) R 1972 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A., B.Sc. M.Sc – Organic Chemistry., R 1972 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc., MA.- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, M.Com. R 1972 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A MA.- Marathi, Hindi., History, M.Com. KTSP Mandal’s R Hutatma Rajguru Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science and Commerce), Rajgurunagar-410 505 (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. - (02135) 222099/222136 Fax No. 222099 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/036/1977) 1977 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A. B.Sc - Computer Science, MA.- English, Marathi, Economics, Politics M.Com. M.Sc.-Organic Chemistry, C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 25 Pune Rajgad Dynanpeeth’s Anantrao Thopte Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science & Commerce), Bhor-412206 (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. (02113) 222710/ 222746 Fax No. 02113- 222895 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/043/1982) R 1982 MW UG,PG 26 Pune Naigaon Education Society’s Arts, Commerce College, Daund, Dist .Pune. - 413 801, (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/044/1982) R 1982 MW UG,PG 27 Pune U 1983 MW UG, PG B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com. 28 Pune Jai Hind Sindhu Education Trust’s Manghanmal Udharam College of Commerce, Pimpri, Pune-411017. Ph.No. (020) 27413943 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/045/1983) Khadki Education Society’s Tikaram Jagannath College of Arts, Commerce and Science, 491, Elphinston Road, Khadkee, Pune-411003. Ph.No.020-25811491 Fax No. 25818246 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/046/1983) U 1983 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. Computer Science, M.Com., M.Sc.(Computr Science) B.B.A, B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A., B.Com., BCS, BCA, B.Sc.- Zoology, First Year Bdefence Studies, Diploma in Communication, D.T.L., P.G.Diploma in Banking & Finance, Diploma in Journalism, French, Jerman, Japenis, MA-English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Geography, M.Sc- Geography, Electronic, M.Com., M.C.S. B.A., B.Com., MA. Marathi, History, M.Com. 29 Pune 30 Pune 31 Pune 32 Pune 33 Pune Lonavala Education Trust’s Dr. B. N. Purandare Arts, Smt. Shantidevi Gopichand Gupta Commerce College, Lonavala-410403 (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. (02114) 273774 Fax No. 02114- 273006 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/048/1983) Vidya bhavan College of Commerce, 20 , Solapur Road, Bhairoba Nala, Pune 411 013 Ph.No.020-26877180 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/050/1983) Symbiosis Society’s College of Arts & Commerce, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune 411 004 Ph.No.020-25653903 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/051/1983) Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya ( Arts, Science & Commerce) Aundh gaon), Pune – 411 007 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/052/1983) Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s Mahatma Phule Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science and Commerce), Pimpri-Waghire, Pune-411017. Ph.No. (020) 27412033 Fax No. (020) 27412007 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/053/1983) R 1983 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., M.Com., M.A- Economics U 1983 MW UG, PG B.Com., M.Com P.G. Diploma in Banking & Finance U 1983 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com. B.Sc., (Computer Science) M.Com. U 1983 MW UG B.Com., B.A., B.C.A U 1983 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.A, MA.-Marathi, Economics, M.Com. M.Sc- Organic Chemistry,Geography C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 34 Pune Indapur Taluka Gramvikas Pratishthan’s Arts & Commerce College, Kalamb ( Walchandnagar) 413 114, Tal – Indapur, Dist – Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/056/1984) R 1984 MW UG B.A., B.Com 35 Pune The Poona Gujarathi Kelvani Mandal’s H.V. Desai Senior College of Arts, Science and Commerce, 596, Budhwar Peth, Desai Brother’s Vidya Bhavan, Pune-411002. Ph.No.020- 24463914, 24450373 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/057/1984) U 1984 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc.-Computer Science, M.Com. M.Sc-Computer Science Diploma in Communication & Journalism 36 Pune Shri Swami Vivekananda Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Samajbhushan Ganpatrao Kalbhor , Arts, Science & Commerce, College, Loni Kalbhor , 412 201 Tal – Haveli, Dist – Pune Ph.No.020-26913846 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/058/1984) R 1984 MW UG B.Sc., B.A., B.Com. M.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 37 Pune 38 Pune 39 Pune 40 Pune Pune Jilha Shikshan Mandal’s Mamasaheb Mohol Mahavidyala 48/1-A, Erandwane, Paud Road, Pune-411038. Ph.No. 25443024 Fax No. 25431034 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/059/1984) Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Commerce & Maharshi Vitthal Ramji Shinde Arts College, Ahilyashram 896, Nana Peth, Pune 411 002 Ph.No.-020-26350857 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/060/1984) Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s Samajbhushan Baburao alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts & Commerce College, 425, Shukrawar Peth, Pune- 411 002. Ph.No. 24477335 Fax No. (020) 24450936 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/063/1984) U 1984 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com, B.C.A., B.Sc- Computer Science, MA.-Marathi, Economics, M.Sc- Computer Science M.Com. M.C.A - (Science), U 1984 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com, B.Sc., MA.-Marathi, M.Com. U 1984 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com, B.C.A B.Sc- Computer Science., B.Sc.-Microbiology., M.Sc-Microbiology., M.Com. People Education Society’s (Bombay) Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts & Commerce, Jai Jawan nagar, Yerwada, Pune- 411 006. Ph.No.020-26694300 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/067/1985) U 1985 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com, MA.-History, M.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 41 Pune Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s, College of Commerce, 302/A Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411 004. Ph. No. 020-25651410 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/068/1986) U 1986 MW UG,PG B.B.A., B.C.A. B.B.M., B.Com, B.Sc-Computer Science., Certificate Course in Human Rights., Certificate Course in Travel & Tourism.,Certificate Course in Event Management., Certificate Course in – Spanish, German, Japanese, French P.G.Diploma Course in Foreign Trade., P.G.Diploma Course in Insurance & Finacial Services., P.G.Diploma Course in Banking & Finance., Diploma in Communication & Journalism , M.A/Mass Communication & Journalism, M.Com. 42 Pune Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s, S. M. Joshi College, Hadapsar, Pune 411 028. Ph. No. 020-26999001 E.mail- rayatsmjoshicollege@ (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/069/1986) U 1986 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. B.C.A., M.Com-(I.T)., M.A- History., C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 43 Pune Janata Shikshan Sanstha’s Smt. Chandrakala Kishorilal Goyal , Arts & Science & Commerce College, Dapodi, Pune - 411 012 Ph.No.020-27144494 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/070/1986) U 1986 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com, B.C.S., B.Sc- Computer Science, MA.- Marathi, M.Com. 44 Pune Pune Zilha Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Baburaoji Gholap Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science and Commerce), Sangvi, Pune-411027. Ph.No. 27282618 Fax No. 27280204 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/073/1989) U 1989 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com, B.Sc. Physics, B.C.S., B.B.A., B.C.A., MA.- History, English, Economics, M.Sc.- Physics, Organic Chemistry, M.Com., M.C.A.-(Science) Pune Chakan Shikshan Mandal’s C.S.M. College of Arts, & Commerce , Chakan Tal – Khed, Dist .Pune 410 501 Ph.No.02135-52468 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/075/1989) R 1989 MW UG B.A., B.Com. B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M., M.Com M.A-Marathi, Economics Pune Ambegaon Taluka Vidya Vikas Mandal’s Arts & Commerce College Ghodegaon, Tal – Ambegaon Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/076/1989) R 1989 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com, MA.-Marathi, M.Com. 45 46 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 47 Pune 48 Pune 49 Pune 50 Pune VidyaVikas Mandal Sanchalit B.D. Kale Mahavidyalaya Ghodegaon, Tal. Ambegaon Dist. Pune Ph.No. (02133) 280749 Fax No. 02133-280749 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/76/1989) Pune Zilha Shikshan Mandal’s Late Sankarrao Bhelke Mahavidyalaya Arts, Science & Commerce College, Nasarapur – 412 213, Tal. Bhor, Dist – Pune Ph.No.02113-272213 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/083/1990) Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha’sShree Siddhivinayak Arts and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya , Karvenagar, Pune-411052. Ph.No. 25433275/25473053 in Fax No. 25465869 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/086/1990) M C E Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior College for Girls (Arts, Science and Commerce), 2390, K.B. Hidaytullah Road, Camp, Pune-411001. Ph.No.(020) 26446970, 26457577 Fax No. (020) 26434286 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/088/1992) R 1989 MW UG/PG B.A., B.Com, B.C.A., M.A-Marathi, M.Com. R 1990 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com, B.Sc., MA.-Marathi. U 1990 W UG, PG B.A., B.Com, B.B.A., MA.- Geography, English, Economics, Sociology, M.Com. P.G.Diploma in Banking & Finance U 1992 W UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S., B.B.A., B.C.A., P.G.Diploma in Communication & Journalism, M.Com, MA.-English,Sociology M.Sc.- Organic Chemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology M.Sc- Computer Science, C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 51 Pune 52 Pune 53 Pune 54 Pune Progressive Education Society’s Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce College, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411053. Ph.No. 25654021/25660091 Email:[email protected] m Fax No. (020) 2565093 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/089/1992) Pune Zilha Shikshan Mandal’s Ramkrishna More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Akurdi, Pune-411044. Ph.No. 27650276 Fax No. 27659740 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/090/1992) U 1992 MW UG,PG U 1992 MW UG, PG Acharya Atre Vikas Pratishthan’s (Purandhar) College of Arts Holkarwada, Jejuri, , Tal – Purandar, Dist – Pune 412 301 Ph.No.02115-253247 (ID.NO:PU/PN/A/091/1992) Saraswati Mandir Sanstha’s Saraswati Arts & Commerce College ( Night), 1359, Shukrawar Peth, Natu Baug , Pune 411 002. Ph.No.020-24433018 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/092/1992) R 1992 MW UG U 1992 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A., B.Com. B.Sc., B.Sc.- Computer Science, B.Sc-Biotechnology, B.B.A., B.C.A.,B.B.M M.Sc-Computer Science M.Com., M.C.A-Science MA-Economics, M.Sc- Zoology, Organic Chemistry Microbiology,Bio-tech B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A, B.C.A MA -Politics, English, Marathi, Hindi, M.Sc.- Analytical, Chemistry., Zoology, Geography, Botany, Physics M.Sc- Computer Science., M.C.A-(science)., M.Com B.A. B.A., B.Com, Certificate Course in French, German, & Japanise. M.A.-Marathi, M.Com 55 Pune Warwand Garam Shikshan Sanstha’s Ekanath Sitaram Divekar Arts, Science Mahavidyalaya, Warwand, Tal - Daund , Dist –Pune Ph.No.02119-283562 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AS/096/1993) R 1993 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Sc., M.A.-Marathi, M.Com. 56 Pune R 1993 MW UG B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.C.A. 57 Pune R 1993 W UG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A. M.Com., B.Sc.-Home Science Certificate Course in Jerman, M.Sc.-Microbiology 58 Pune Dnyaneshwar Gramonnati Mandal’s Hon.Balasaheb Jadhav Arts, Science and Commerce College, A/P : Ale-412411, Tal. Junnar Dist- Pune Ph.No. (02132)263078 /262522 E.Mail:bjcollege [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/097/1993) Agricultural Developmet Trust’s Shardabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Shardanagar, Malegaon(Bk), Baramati Dist – Pune. 413 115, Ph. No.-02112- 254250/255576 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/098/1993) Gramonnati Mandal’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Narayangaon, Tal- Junnar, Dist –Pune 410 504, (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/099/1993) R 1993 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A B.Sc.- Computer Science, MA.-Economics, History M.Sc-Organic Chemistry M.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 59 Pune Vidya Prathisthan’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, MIDC, Baramati-413100 (Dist. Pune). Ph.No. (02112) 243714 Fax No. 243488 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/101/1994) Padmshri D.Y.Patil Prathisthan’s Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Science and Commerce College, Pimpri, Pune-411018. Ph.No.27421095/96/97, 27424194 Fax No. (020) 27420711 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/111/1995) R 1994 MW UG, PG 60 Pune U 1995 MW UG, PG 61 Pune Bharateeya Jain Sanghatana’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Wagholi, Pune-412207. Ph.No. (020) 27050895 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/113/1995) U 1995 MW UG, PG 62 Pune Indapur Taluka Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s , Bhigwan College of Arts, Bhigwan, Tal – Indapur, Dist – Pune Ph.No.-02118-247097 (ID.NO:PU/PN/A/120/1997) R 1997 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A., B.Com.,B.C.A., B.Sc., B.Sc - Computer Science, Applied Biotechnology, B.Sc.-Bio-Technology, M.Sc.- Computer Science, M.Sc., Bio-Technology, Analytical Chemistry, B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc.,-Bio-Technology, M.Com., M.Com-(I.T)., M.C.A., M.C.A(Commerece)., M.Sc.-Computer Science, M.A.- Pschycology, English, Geography. P.G.Diploma in Journalism. M.Sc.-Geography. B.A., B.Com., B.C.A., B.Sc., B.Sc- Computer Science., B.Sc-Enviormental Science & Geography M.Sc.-Organic Chemistry., Chemistry M.Com B.A. 63 Pune Samaj Shikshan Mandal’s, Amriteshwar College of Arts, Winzer- 412 212, Tal – Velhe, Dist – Pune Ph.No.02130-232323 (ID.NO:PU/PN/A/121/1997) Camp Education Society's Arvind B. Telang Arts, Commerce & Science College, Nigadi, Pune-411044. Ph.No. 020-27658596/27653156 Website:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/129/1998) Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Sahebrao Shankarrao Dhamdhere College of Arts & Commerce, Talegaon – Dhamdhere, Tal – Shirur, Dist – Pune Ph.No.-02137-272462/ (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/133/1999) R 1997 MW UG B.A., B.Com 64 Pune U 1998 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. B.C.A B.Sc.-Computer Science, M.Com M.Sc. Computer Science. 65 Pune R 1999 MW UG B.A., B.Com. ,B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc., Certificate Course in English Literature 66 Pune Audyigik Tantra Shikshan Santha’s College of Fine Arts & Design M.I.D.C., Chinchwad, Pune-411019 (ID.NO:PU/PN/FA/139/1999) U 1999 MW UG Fine Arts 67 Pune Bhimthadi Shikshan Sanstha’s K.G.Kataria College , Daund-413 801, Dist –Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/140/1999) R 1999 MW UG B.A., B.Sc C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 68 Pune Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s Arts, Commerce, Science College 191, M.H.Board Yerawada, Pune-411006. Ph.No. 26687000 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/143/2000) Dr. D.Y. Patil Science College, Akurdi, Pune – 411 044 (ID.NO:PU/PN/S/144/2000) U 2000 MW UG B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., B.Sc - Computer Science, B.B.A., B.C.A 69 Pune U 2000 MW UG, PG B.Sc., B.Sc. Computer Science M.Sc. Computer Science M.C.A. (Science) 70 Pune Raja Shri Shivrai Pratisthan's Maharashtra College of Science,Rambaug Colony, Kothrud, Pune-411038. Ph.No. 25437801 Fax No. 25453177 (ID.NO:PU/PN/S/145/2000) U 2000 MW UG, PG B.Com., B.Sc.-Computer Science., B.B.A., B.C.A. M.Sc.- Computer Science., 71 Pune Samata Vikas Pratishthan’s, Arts, Science, (BCS)College B Wing Second Floor, Sant Tukaram Complex Nigadi, Pune – 411 044. (ID.NO:PU/PN/AS/146/2000) U 2000 MW UG B.A., B.Sc.- Computer Science 72 Pune Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Fine Arts, Katraj, Dhankawadi, Pune – 411 043 Ph.No.020-24371933 (ID.NO:PU/PN/FA/147/2000) U 2000 MW UG B.F.A-(Applied Art), B.F.A-(Painting), B.F.A-(Sculpture) B.F.A-(Bridge Course) M.F.A-(Applied Art) M.F.A-(Fine Art) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 73 Pune Shikashan Prasarak Mandal’s R Shri Padmamani Jain College of Arts & Commerce, Pabal Tal- Shirur, Dist – Pune.412 403 Ph.No.-02138-252009 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/148/2000) 2000 MW UG B.A., B.Com. 74 Pune Sanskar Mandir Sanstha’s Arts, & Commerce College, Vitthalnagar, Warajemalwadi, Pune -411 052 Ph.No.-020-25292851 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/149/2000) U 2000 MW UG B.A., B.Com. B.Sc. Computer Science, 75 Pune Institute of Science, Poona’s, College of Computer Science, S. No. 130, Mumbai Bangalore Highway, Opp. Wakad Police Chowkey, Wakad, Pune 411 057. Ph. No. 020-22934719/20 (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/153/2000) U 2000 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M., B.Sc.-Computer Science, B.Sc., Electronics Communication & Science, M.C.S., M.Com., MCA M.A.-Economics, M.A/Mass Communication & Journalism, 76 Pune Spicer Memorial College Arts, Commerce & Science Aundh, Pune-411007. Ph.No. 55890381 Fax No. 0091-020-5888418 7 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/156/2001) U 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. B.Sc.-Computer Science B.Sc-Bio-technology, B.Sc.-Microbiology B.C.A. M.A- English M.C.A.-(Sciecne) Certificate Course in English C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 77 Pune 78 Pune 79 Pune 80 Pune 81 Pune Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science 44, Vidyanagari, Shivdarshan, Parvati, Pune-411 009 [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/157/2001) Kranti Education Society’s B.C.S. Science College, Wagholi , Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/158/2001) National Center for Rural Development’s B.C.S. Science College, Bhosari , Pune –39 (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/159/2001) Audhyogik Shikshan Mandal's College of Commerce, Science & Information Technology, S.T.P. Building, Purnanagar Complex,Chinchwad, Pune-411019. Ph.No. 27475090 (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/160/2001) U 2001 MW UG, PG B.Sc.- Computer Science, M.Sc -Computer Science, M.C.A-(Science)., U 2001 MW UG B.Sc. Computer Science (Closed) U 2001 MW UG B.Sc. Computer Science (Closed) U 2001 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com. B.C.S., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M., B.H.M.T.T., M.C.A., Diploma in Taxation, P.G.Diploma in Inter nationtional Buisness Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Mandal's Arts, Commerce & B.C.S. Science College Landewadi, Bhosari, Pune-411039. Phone No. 020-27124910 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/161/2001) U 2001 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com.,B.B.A., B.C.A B.Sc.- Computer Science, B.Sc.- Bio-technology, M.Sc.- Computer Science,., M.Sc.- Bio-technology., M.C.A.-(Science)., M.Com., P.G.Diploma in Taxation., Certificate Course in French, Germen C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 82 Pune Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Sinhgad College of Science, Sr.No.44/1,Vadgaon (Bk), Sinhgad Road, Pune - 411041. Ph.No. (020) 24341730 Fax No. 020- 2435692 (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/162/2001) U 2001 MW UG B.Sc.- Computer Science, B.Sc.- Bio-technology, B.B.A., B.C.A. B.B.M 83 Pune Snehvardhak Education Trust’s, B.C.S. Science College, Panchwati Colony , Talegaon Dhabhade, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/164/2001) R 2001 MW UG B.Sc. Computer Science 84 Pune Dr.D.Y.Patil Pratishthan’s B.C.S. Science College Lonawala , Tal – Maval, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/165/2001) R 2001 MW UG B.Sc. Computer Science Pune Chanakya Education Society's Indira College of Commerce & Science New Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathwade, Pune-411033. Ph.No. 020-020-22934217 Fax No. 020-22932633 (ID.NO:PU/PN/SC/166/2001) U 2001 MW UG, PG B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M ,. B.Sc - Computer Science M.Sc.-Computer Science M.Com 85 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 86 Pune Netaji Shikshan Sanstha’s Arts, & Commerce College, Kedgaon, Tal – Daund , Dist – Pune Ph.No.02119-224534 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/168/2001) R 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com., 87 Pune U 2001 W UG B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A.,B.B.M 88 Pune U 2001 MW UG B.Com. 89 Pune Maharashtra Girls Education Society’s, Huzurpaga Mahila Vanijya Mahavidyalaya, Laxmi Road, Pune 411 030. Ph. No. 02024455484/24497538 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/169/2001) Saraswati Vidyalaya Union’s Commerce Night College , 414, Somwar Peth, Pune – 411 011. Ph.No-26135472 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/170/2001) Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratisthan's Arts, Science & Commerce College, Sec.No 27, Near Lokmanya Hospital, Akurdi, Pune-411044. Ph.No. 27650313 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/144/2001) U 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com B.B.A, B.C.A, B.Sc-Computer Science,. B.Sc- Biotechnology, C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 90 Pune Mandke Human Happiness Foundation’s, Smt. Sudhatai Mandke College (Arts & Commerce ) Sr.No.47/8, Erandwane, Paud Road, Pune-411 038. Ph.No.020-25453665/25439359 E.mail:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/178/2002) U 2002 W UG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A 91 Pune Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha’s Shardchandra Pawar Arts & Commerce College, P radakshina Road, Alandi Devachi Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune Ph. No. 2135-232857 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/181/2002) R 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.C.A M.A- English., Economics, 92 Pune Mahatma Gandhi Sarvodaya Sangh’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Urali Kanchan Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/182/2002) R 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 93 Pune Chandrakant Yashwant Dangat U Patil Shikshan & Krida Mandal’s Shivchhatrapati Arts & Commerce College, Vadgaon (BK), Pune – 411 041 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/183/2002) 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com. M.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 94 Pune 95 Pune 96 Pune 97 Pune Shri Shivaji Education Society’s, Arts, Commerce College, Bawada , Tal Indapur, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/185/2003) Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s Sinhgad Arts & Commerce College, S.No.49/2 & 53/2 Narhe Ambegaon Bk !, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune.411 041 Ph. No. 24392221 (Id. No. PU/PN/AC/190/2003) Shree Balaji Society’s Arts & Commerce College, Sr. No. 55/2-7, Tathawade, Near Wakad Police Station, Pune-411 033. Ph.No. 020-22932928 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/191/2003) R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. (Closed) U 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A.., M.Com., Certifiacte Course in Jerman & Japnies U 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.B.A., B.C.A B.Sc - Computer Science., B.Sc- Environmental Sci B.Sc- Electronics B.Sc- Microbiology M.A/M.C.J Forum for Culture Studies Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Ganeshkhind road, Aundh, Pune-411007. Ph. No. 25887601 (ID.NO:PU/PN/M.A.,M.Phil/19 3/2003) U 2003 MW UG, PG B.C.A . M.A.- English, Certificate Course in Japnese, Certificate Course in Communication in English. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 98 Pune 99 Pune 100 Pune 101 Pune 102 Pune 103 Pune Sinhgad Technical Education Society’ Sinhgad College of Commerce Kondhwa (Bk), Dist. Pune Ph. No. 26933634 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/194/2003) Shri Chhatrapati Education Santha’s Art’s & Commerce College, Bhavaninagar, Tal. Indapur, Dist. Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/195/2003) Arya Samaj Trust College of Commerce, Masharashi Dayanand Marg, Pimpri, Pune-411017 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/196/2003) Maeer’s Mitsom College, S.No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411038. (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA,BCA,BFT/ 208/2004) Kasturi Education Sanstha’s, Arts & Commerce College, Shikrapur, Tal.Shirur, Dist. Pune 412 208 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/209/2004) Gajanan Maharaj S.P. Mandal’ Shri Vilas Tambe Arts & Commerce College for Women, Otur, Tal. Junnar, Dist. Pune Ph.No.952132-264456 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC(Women)/21 0/2004) U 2003 MW UG B.Com., B.B.A., B.C.A. M.Com R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. U 2003 MW UG B.Com. U 2004 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M. R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc- Computer Science B.C.A R 2004 W UG B.A., B.Com. M.A- Economics, Marathi M.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 104 Pune MAEER’s Arts Science & Commerece College Sr.No.124, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune - 411 038 Ph.No.020-25431795/25432767 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/210/2004) U 2004 MW UGPG B.A., B.Com, B.Sc B.Sc- Computer Science M.C.A-(Scienece) Certificate Course in French, Jerman, Japnies P.G.Diploma in International Business., P.G.Diploma in Banking & Finance. , P.G.Diploma in Taxation., M.A/Mass communication & Journalism 105 Pune 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 106 Pune 2005 MW UG B.Com. B.B.A, B.C.A., B.Sc., B.Sc-Computer Science 108 Pune Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s R Arts, Science & Commerce College, Wadmukhwadi, Charoli, Alandi Road, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/216/2004) Kannada Sangha Pune, U College of Commerce, S. No. 36, Ganesh Nagar, Near CDSS, Erandawane, Pune 411 038. Ph. No. 02065201927/25433136 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/217/2005) Vikas Pratishthan’s U Late Tukaram Dhondiba Pathare Arts & Commerce College, Chandan Nagar, Pune-411014. Ph. No. 020-27011211 (Id. No. PU/PN/AC/218/2005) 2005 MW UG B.A., B.Com. B.Sc- Computer Science B.B.A., B.C.A. B.B.M C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 109 Pune 110 Pune 111 Pune 112 Pune 113 Pune Pawana Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Arts & Commerce College, M.I.D.C, Indrayani Nagar, Bhosari, Pune-411 026 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/219/2005) Kailas Education Society Arts & Commerce College, Rahu, Tal. Daud, Dist. Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/221/2003) Maeer’s College of Commerce ( Night), S.No. 124, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune-411038. ID.NO:PU/PN/C(Night)/212/200 4) D.Y. Patil Pratishtan’s, Dr. D.Y. Patil Applied Arts & Craft College, Akurdi, Pune-411044 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Arts&Crafts/213 /2004) U 2005 MW UG B.A., B.Com. B.C.A R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. U 2004 MW UG B.Com. U 2004 MW UG Applied Arts, Craft D.Y. Patil Pratishtan’s, Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts, Science & Commerce (Women) College, Sector No. 27 A, Pradhikaran, Opp. Lokmanya Hospital, Akurdi, Pune-411044 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/214/2004) U 2004 W UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 114 Pune 115 Pune 116 Pune 117 Pune Suryadatta Education Foundation’s, Suryadatta College of management Information Research & Technology, 46/1, C/8, Maharshee Karve Nagar, Off. Mhatre Bridge, Pune 411 052. Ph. No. 020-2546 8300/25468400 (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/229/2005) Suryadatta College of Fine Arts, Pune-Mumbai Express Highway Road, Wakad Road, Bawdhan, Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/FA/232/2005) Seeta-Rang Charitable Society’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, (for women) At-Post-Bori (B), Tal-Junner, Dist. Pune-412 411 Ph.No.02132-282136/284415 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/246/2006) Shivnagar Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s, College of Commerce, Science & Computer Education, Malegaon Bk., Tal. Baramati, Dist. Pune 413 115. Ph. No. 02112-254216/253388 (ID.NO:PU/PN/CSBBA/BCA/247/2006) U 2005 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M U 2005 MW UG Fine Arts R 2006 W UG B.A B.Com B.Sc-Computer Scienece R 2006 MW UG B.B.A, B.C.A B.Sc - Computer Science., B.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 118 Pune 119 Pune 120 Pune Sinhgad Technical Education R Society’s Nivrurti Babaji Navale College of Commerce, Gat.No.309/310 Kusgaon (BK) Lonavala, Tal-Maval, Dist-Pune 410 401 Ph.No. 02114-280282/304412 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C,BBA/BCA/BF T/248/2006) Progressive Education Society’s U Modern College of Computer Studies and Business Studies, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411 005 Ph.No.020-25536502/65002034 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA&BCA/256 /2006) Namdevrao Mohal Vidya Krida R Pratishthan’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Pirangute, Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune Ph. No. 22922529 Email:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/266/2007) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 2006 MW UG B.Com., B.B.A B.C.A, B.B.M 2006 MW UG B.Com B.B.A, B.C.A 2007 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc.-Computer Science 121 Pune 122 Pune 123 Pune Jenesis Education Society’s Arts, Science and Commerce College, Shankar Sheth Road, Near 7 Loves Chowk,Bhavani peth, Pune- 411 042 Ph. No. 26440555 (ID No. PU/PN/ASC/267/2007) Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Commerce 19/15,Erandwane, Smt.Khilare Marg, Off Karve Road, Pune-411 004 Ph.No.020-2543 4303/02 (ID No. PU/PN/ASC/268/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.Com B.B.A, B.B.M B.C.A B.Sc-Computer Science U 2007 MW UG B.Com B.B.A, B.B.M B.C.A Carmel Vidya Bhavan Trust’s, Christ College, P. B. No. 3026, 26/4A, Matchwel factoury Raod, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune 411 014. Ph. No. 02064109986/20266024 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/269/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc-Computer Science B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 124 Pune Arihant Education Foundation Arts, Science and Commerce College, S.H.L.Court, Pune-Solapur Road, 3 Pulget, Camp, Pune411 001 Ph.No.:020-26332921/26333900 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/270/2007) U 2007 MW UGPG 125 Pune R 2007 MW UG 126 Pune G. S. Raisoni Educational & Medical foundation Arts, Science and Commerce College, Gat.No.1200, nagar road, Wagholi, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune. Ph. No.020-27052811/13 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/271/2007) Shri Khanderai Pratishthan Dnyansagar Arts, Science and Commerce College, Balewadi, Tal. Haveli, Pune-411 045. Ph.No.02066280275/65304635/64105257 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/272/2007) U 2007 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.Com, B.B.A, B.C.A, B.Sc. Hs B.Sc- computer science M.C.A-Science M.C.A. Commerce M.Sc. computer science Certificate Course in Jerman,French, Japnies P.G.Diploma in Taxation B.A B.Com B.Sc B.Sc-Computer Science B.B.A , B.C.A, B.B.M, B.A. B.Com B.B.A , B.C.A, P.G.Diploma in Taxation P.G.Diploma in Banking 127 Pune Dnyanvardhini Pratishthan, Dnyanvardhini College Arts, Science and Commerce, B.B.A .& B.C.A.Chikhali, Pimpri - Chinchwad, Pune-411 019. Ph.No.020-64103003 E.Mail: [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/273/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.A B.Com B.B.A., B.C.A, B.Sc.-Computer Science M.C.A 128 Pune Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s Vishwakarma College of Arts, Science and Commerce College, Sr.No.2/3/4,Kondhwa (Bk.), Pune-411 048. Ph.No.020-32335778/26932700 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/275/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc. Certificate Course in English, Jerman,French, Japnies Diploma Course in Jerman, French, Japnies 129 Pune Late Gangadhar Paraskar Pratishthan B.B.A. College, Kunal Plaza, 2nd Floor, Chinchwad Station, Chinchwad, Pune-411 019. Ph.No. 020-64101171 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/276/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.S C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 130 Pune 131 Pune 132 Pune Abhinav Education Society’s , College of Computer Science & Management , Sr. No. 13, Ambegaon(BK), Katraj- Dehu Bypass, Pune-411 046. Ph . No- (02137)272140 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCS/279/2 007) Kamala Education Society’s, Pratibha College of Commerce & Computer Studies, Plot No. 3 Behind Mehta Hospital, Off Mumbai-Pune Road, Chinchwad, Pune 411 019. Ph. No. 020-30690506/07/08 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA,BCA,B.F. T/280/2007) Hutatma Rajguru Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Sai Sahawas, Tinehewadi Road, Rajgurunagar, Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune-410 505 Ph.No.02135-203040/226206 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/281/2007) U 2007 MW UG B.B.A B.Sc - Computer Science U 2007 MW UG B.Com B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M, B.Sc- Computer Science., Certificate Course in French & German P.G.Diploma Foregin Trade., P.G.Diploma in Taxation., R 2007 MW UG Arts, Commerce & Science. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 133 Pune 134 Pune 135 Pune 136 Pune Shree Santa Tukaram Prasarak Mandal, Arts, Science and Commerce College, Vadgaon Maval, Dist. Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/283/2007 Shri Someshwar Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Someshwar Science Mahavidyalaya, Someshwarnagar, Baramati, Dist. Pune.412 306 (ID.NO:PU/PN/S/284/2007) Choice Pariwar Trust’s Choice College of Arts & Commerce Karve Road, Kothrud, Pune-411 038. Ph.No.020-6400133 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA,BCA/288/ 2007) MAEER Pune’s MIT Arts, Commerce & Science College, Alandi (Devachi), Tal-Khed, Dist-Pune 412 105. Ph. No. 020-27185857 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ASC/289/2007) R 2007 MW UG R 2007 MW UG U 2007 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A., R 2007 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc B.B.A. B.C.A. B.B.M B.Sc-Computer Science C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A B.Com B.Sc B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc., 137 Pune 138 Pune 139 Pune Chaudhary Atarsingh Yadav Memorial Education Trust, Siddhant College of Management Studies, Sudumbare, Chakan Road, TalMaval, Dist-Pune-412 109. Ph. No. 020-27420449 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA,BCA/291/ 2008) Pune Education & Technical Society’s, College of Business & Computer Studies, Vadgaon Sheri, Pune-411 014. (ID.NO:PU/PN/BCA/295/2008) Bharat Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s, Jaikranti College of Computer Science & Management Studies, Behind B.R.T. Depot. Dnyaneshwar Building, Katraj, Pune-47. Ph.No. 020-64702589 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/297/ 2008) U 2008 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A. U 2008 MW UG B.C.A. U 2008 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. B.Sc-Computer science C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 140 Pune 141 Pune 142 Pune 143 Pune Novel Institute of Business Management and Research, Novel College of BBA & BCA 165, Premlok Park, Chinchwad, Pune-19. Ph. No. 020-27640182 Website: U 2008 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. Metropolitan Education Trust’s Metropolitan College, Sr. No. 279, Plot No. 01, Amar Shurti, Hadapsar, Pune-28. Ph.No. 9420-26991499 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/299/ 2008) Sarhad’s Sarhad College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Sr. No. 79/81/80/7614, opp. Rajaram Gas Agency, opp. Bharati Vidyapeeth, Katraj, Pune-46 Ph. No. 020-24368621 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/300/2008) Shree Swaraj Education Society’s Swaraj College of Commerce & Computer Studies, Sr. No. 3, Plot No. 1, Krushnamai Co-op housing Soc. Dhankawadi, Pune-43. Ph. No. 020-20245353 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/ 303/2008) U 2008 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. U 2008 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B. Sc-Computer Science B.B.A. B.C.A. U 2008 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. (ID.PU/PN/BBA/BCA/298/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 144 Pune 145 Pune 146 Pune 147 Pune Vasantdada Patil Pratisthans, Guruwarya Sadanand Maharaj Arts & Commerce College, Kondhwa (B), Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune-411 048. Ph. No. 26933435 (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/ 304/2008) Subhadra’s Educational Society, S.N.B.P. College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Morwadi, Pimpri, Pune-411 018. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/ 305/2008) Maharashtra Vikas Kendra’s Conquest College of Arts Commerce & Computer Studies At.Post Jadhavwadi, Chikhali, Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/ 306/2008) Poona District Education Association’s Arts, Commerce & Science College , Sec. No. 18, Sambhajinagar, Chinchwad, Pune-411 019 Ph.No.020-27659740 U 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. U 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc B.C.A R 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.B.A B.C.A u 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/ 306/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 148 Pune 149 Pune 150 Pune Pragnya Educational Trust’s Pragnya College of Management & Computer Studies, Sr.No-26/1/1, Vill-Handewadi Autade, Behind Mayur Mangal Karyalaya, Off Katraj-saswad Road, Tal-Haveli, Dist. Pune-020-20552063/64 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/ 308/2008) Mula Education Society’s Sahyadri College, Tathawade, Tal-Mulshi, Dist-Pune Ph.No.-020-64103666 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/ BBM/309/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A R 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M (I.B) Krishna Educational Foundation Leelawati College of Commerce & Computer Studies, Survey No.139/2, Warje, Pune-411 058 Ph.No-020-25237672 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/310/ 2008) U 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M B.Com C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 151 Pune 152 Pune 153 Pune 154 Pune 155 Pune Shri.Gurudatta Gram Vikas Pratishthan’s, College of B.B.A/B.C.A/B.C.S &B.B.M, Jategaon Bk., Tal-Shirur, Dist-Pune-412 208 R 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M B.Sc-Computer Sci Pasaydan Education Society College of BBA & BCA At.Post-Kuruli, Tal-Khed, Pune-410 501 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/312/ 2008) Chaitanya Shikshan Sanstha’s Prin.D.B.Gadhave Mahavidyalaya, Fourth Floor, P.M.T Building, Gadital, Hadapsar, Pune-411 028 Ph.No.020-64051789 R 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A U 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc-Computer Sci Vidya Prasarini Sabha’s College of BCA , Lonawala,Tal-Maval, Dist.Pune-410 401 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BCA/315/2008) Dina Education Soceity’s Dina College of Arts Commerce Mohammadwadi, Hadapsar Pune-411 028 Ph.No-020-25677666 U 2008 MW UG B.C.A., B.Sc- Computer Science U 2008 MW UG B.C.A B.B.A (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/BBM/B CS/311/2008) (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/313/200 8) (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/315/08 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 156 Pune 157 Pune 158 Pune 159 Pune Vidya Pratishthan’s Commerce & Science College Vidyanagari, Indapur Dist-Pune-413 106 Ph.No.-(02111)-225600 (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/319/2008) Abhinav Education Society’s College of B.C.A Narhe-Ambegaon, Dist-Pune-411 043 Ph.No.020-24378020 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BCA/320/2008) Poona District Education Association’s Pune Arts, Commerce & Science College, Pirangut, Tal-Mulshi Dist-Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/321/2008) Audyogik Tantra Shikshan Sanstha’s ATSS College Of Business Studies & Computer Application, C2 MIDC, off Mumbai-Pune Highway , Chinchwad, Pune- 411 019 Ph.No.020-27472079 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/BCA/325/ 2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Sc-Computer Sci B.B.A B.C.A R 2008 MW UG B.C.A R 2008 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc U 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 160 Pune 161 Pune 162 Pune Asian Academy of Education & R Research Asian College of Science & Commerce, S.N. 47/8, Narhe, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune.411 041 Ph.No.020-66038140 (ID No. PU/PN/CS/326/2008) Dr. D.Y.Patil Shikshan Sanstha’s R Dr. D.Y.Patil College of Computer & Buisness Studies G.T.No.1029,1030,1031, Newale Vasti, Chikhali, Pune-412 114 Ph.No-020-65103727 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/BBA/327/2008) Dr. D.Y.Patil Shikshan Sanstha’s U Dr. D.Y.Patil College of Computer & Buisness Studies G-Block MID C Plot/G SEI-13-1 Sambhajinagar, Chinchwad Pune-411 019 Ph.No-020-27495999 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/BCA/329/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 2008 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc-Computer Sci 2008 MW UG B.B.A 2008 MW UG B.C.A 163 Pune 164 Pune 165 Pune 166 Pune Skylark Foundation’s Art Commerce & Science college, Khed Shivapur, Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune.412 205 Ph.No.02138-222430 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/346/2009) Alard Charitable Trust Alard College of Business Studies Sr.No.50, Near Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, Marunje, Hinjawadi, Dist-Pune 411 057 Ph.No.020-22934041/22934188 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/347/2009) Kanifnath P. Changulpai Educational & Social foundation’s Sai College of Information Technology, Sai-Chayya, Sr.No.230/3/2/8 Vimannagar, Wadgaonsheri, Pune-411 014 Ph.No.020-26633788/26633854 (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/348/2009) M.C.E. Society’s Arts & Commerce Night College 2390, K.B. Hidayatullah Road , Azam Campus, Camp, Pune – 411 001 Ph.No.(020)-6452288,26452040 Website-www.mce (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/349/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.C.A R 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A R 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc-Computer Science U 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 167 Pune 168 Pune 169 Pune 170 Pune Dr. D.Y. Patil Educational Academy’s Dr. D.Y. Patil College of B.Sc. Biotechnology, A/P. Ambi, Talegaon Dabhade, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune. Ph.No.02114-287559/287669 (ID.NO:PU/PN/S/350/2009) Pratibha Mahila Pratishthan’s Pratibha Commerce, Science & Computer Science College, Navi Sangvi, Pune-27. Ph.No.020-27281213/27281214 [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/352/2009) Vivekanand Institute of Technology’s Vivekanand College of Arts, Commerce & Science, 78, Guruvar Peth, Jedhe Road, Near Panchmukhi Maruti Mandir Pune-411 002. Ph.No.020-24482678/24494657 (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/353/2009) Unity Education Trust’s Unity College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Kothrud, Pune411 038. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/355/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.Sc. Biotechnology U 2009 MW UG B.Sc. B.Sc.-Computer Science B.Sc. Biotechnology B.B.A. B.C.A. B.B.M. U 2009 MW UG B.Sc- Computer Science B.B.A. B.C.A. U 2009 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 171 Pune Agarwal Vidya Prasarak U Mandal’s Science & commerce College, Gat No. 332/333, Mumbai-Pune Road, Somatane Phata, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/357/2009) 2009 MW UG B.Sc- Computer Science B.C.A 172 Pune R 2009 W UG B.A B.Com B.Sc 173 Pune Hutatma Rajguru Shikshna Prasarak Mandal’s Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Rajgurunagar, Tal Khed, Dist.Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/358/2009) Subhadra Education Society’s S.N.B.P. College Maharashtra Housing Borad, Yerawada, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune-411 006. Ph. No. 020-26686162 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/359/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc- Computer Science 174 Pune Peoples Empowerment Group ISB & M College of Commerce S.No. 44/1, 44/1/2, Nande Village, Tal. Mulshi. Dist. Pune-411 042. Ph. No.91-20-66754600 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/360/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 175 Pune 176 Pune 177 Pune 178 Pune Data System Research Foundation Commerce College, Plot No. P1, S.No. 15, Kharadi Knowledge Park, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune-411 014. Ph. No.020-27012726. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/361/2009) Jog Education Trust’s P. Jog College of Science & Commerce, Mayur Colony ,Kothrud, . Pune-411 038. Ph. No.020-25431065. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/362/2009) Synergy Foundation’s Synergy School of Commerce, Khajina Vihir Chowk, Sadashiv Peth , Pune-411 030. Ph. No.020-25431065. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/363/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A U 2009 MW UG B.Com B.B.A B.C.A U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M Progressive Education Society’s U Modern College of Commerce & Computer Studies Yamunanagar, Nigdi, Pune-411 044. Ph. No. 020-27661350 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/366/2009) 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 179 Pune Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Shri. Datta Digambar College of Commerce & Science, Awasari Bk, Tal. Ambegaon, Dist. Pune-412 306 Ph. No. 02133-263119 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/367/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.C.A 180 Pune Pandurang Gramin Vikas Praishathan’s Dilip Walse Patil Arts, Commerce & Science College, Nimgaonsava, Tal. Junnar, Dist. Pune-410 504. Ph. No. 02132-237181 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/368/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc 181 Pune 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A 182 Pune Shanti Education Foundation’s U Shanti College of Commerce, 163/A, Amar Plaza, Pune-Solapur Road, Off Vaibhav Theatre, Hadpsar, Pune-411 028. Ph. No. 020-26812922 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/369/2009) NCIT India, U IIBM College of BBA & BCA, 8/2, D-3, MIDC, Chinchwad, Pune-411 019. Ph. No. 020-32401819. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/370/2009) 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 183 Pune 184 Pune 185 Pune 186 Pune Dnyanoday Prashikshan Sevabhavi Sanstha’s, Foresight College of Commerce 283, Shukrawar Peth, Prestige Point, Pune-411 002. Ph. No. 020-24444999. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/371/2009) Ignited Minds Society’s, Mulshi Institute of Science & Commerce, Gat No. 237, 238, 241, 242 & 243, Sambhave, Tal. Mulshi, Dist. Pune-412 108. Ph. No. 020-65005452 [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/372/2009) Behere Education Society’s, Behere College of Commerce, Sagardeep Complex, 234, Navi Peth, Pune-411 030. Ph. No. 020-24331448 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/373/2009) Amplify Mindware Academy for Development of Education & Research, National College of Commerce & Computer Application, Hole Vasti, Undri Pisoli, Hadapsar, Pune-411 028.. Ph. No. 020-26970151 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/374/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.Com B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M U 2009 MW UG B.Sc- Computer Science B.B.A B.C.A B.B.M U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A R 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 187 Pune Bhima Shaikshanik Nyas’s Subhash Anna Kul Arts, Commerce & Science College, Madhukarnagar, Patas, Tal. Daund, Dist. Pune.412 219 Ph.No. (02117) 222312 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/375/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc 188 Pune Atharva Dnyan Prasarak Mandal’s Atharva Arts, Commerce College, S.No. 90, Alandi Road, Near R.T.O., Yerawada, Pune. Ph.No. (020) 24390998 e-mail : [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/381/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A 189 Pune Late Vitthalroa Beldare Patil Dnyanprasarak Sanstha’s Sun-Bright College & Management Studies, S.No. 54/15, Ambegaon, Tal. Haveli, Dist- Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/382/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A 190 Pune Unity Education Trust’s Unity Night College, Kothrud, Tal. Haveli Dist- Pune-411 038. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/383/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 191 Pune 192 Pune 193 Pune 194 Pune Sadashiv Moholkar Shikshan U Sanstha’s Khanduji Moholkar College of Computer Science, At. Junction, Post : Lasurne, Tal. Indapur Dist- Pune-413 114. Ph.No.(02118) 272605 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/386/2009) Sadashiv Moholkar Shikshan U Sanstha’s Khanduji Moholkar College of Computer Science, At. Junction, Post : Lasurne, Tal. Indapur Dist- Pune-413 114. Ph.No. (02118) 272605 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/386/2009) 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A Shree Shivaji Education Society’s Smt. Ratnaprabhdevi, Patil Mahila Mahavidyalaya Bawada , Tal. Indapur Dist- Pune-413 114. Ph.No. (02111) 275747 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ACS/387/2009) Subhash Vidya Mandal’s D.R. Kakade College of Commerce Pimpalwandi, Tal. Junner, Dist- Pune-412 412. Ph.No.(02132) 273444 / 273222 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/388/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.A B.Com B.Sc U 2009 MW UG B.Com B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 195 Pune Om Shiv Foundation’s Arts & Commerce Night College, 1452, Kasaba Peth, Near Gaonkos Maruti, Dist- Pune-411 011. Ph.No.(02132) 273444 / 273222 (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/389/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.Com B.A 196 Pune 2009 MW UG B.Sc 197 Pune Bhairavnath Shikshan Mandal’s U Bhairavnath College of Science, Khutbao, Tal. Daund, Dist. Pune-412 203. (ID.NO:PU/PN/S/391/2009) Shri Chhatrapati Sambhaji U Gramvikas Pratishthan Sanchalit, Shri Vasantrao Farate patil Arts, Commerce & Sciecne Mandavgaon Farata, Tal. Shirur, Dist. - Pune-412 203. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/392/2009) 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc- Computer science 198 Pune Bhagwan Mahavir Education Society’s Preetam Prakash College, Indrayaninagar, Bhosari, Pune-411 026. (ID.NO:PU/PN/AC/393/2009) 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A U C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 199 Pune Balaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s College of B.B.A. & B.C.A. Shirur (Rural), Jategaon B !!, Tal. Shirur, Dist.Pune-412 210. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/394/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A 200 Pune Shri Anand Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s , Sancheti College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Thergaon, Chinchwad, Dist. - Pune-411 033. (ID.NO:PU/PN/CS/396/2009) U 2009 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A B.Sc- Computer Science 201 Pune Shri Narmadeshwar Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Karmaveer N.M. Gadsing Guruji Arts, Commerce and Science College Krishnanagar, Chinchwad, Pune411 019. (ID.NO:PU/PN/C/397/2010) U 2010 MW UG B.B.A B.C.A C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District Name of the University: - University of Pune B.Ed./ M.Ed. 1 Pune S.P.Mandali’s Tilak College of Education Tilak Road Pune – 411 030 Ph.No.(020)-24332035 (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/009/1941) U 1941 MW UGPG B.Ed. M.Ed 2 Pune Adarsha Comprehensive College of Education & Research, Karve Road, Erandawana, Pune- 411 004 Ph.No.020-25433084 (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/027/1970) U 1970 MW UG B.Ed. 3 Pune U 1970 MW UG,PG B.Ed., M.Ed. 4 Pune Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya Aranyeshwar , Pune – 411 009 Ph.No.(020)-24223930 Email: [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/028/1970) Chandrashekhar Agashe College of Physdical Education, Gultekadi , Savakarnagar, Pune – 411 037 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BPED/037/1977) U 1977 MW UG,PG B.P.Ed., M.P.Ed., Physical C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 5 Pune Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Education vidyanagari, Baramati Dist . Pune– 413 133 Ph.No(02112)-239400,239185 (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/080/1990) R 1990 MW UG, PG 1)B.Ed-(English), 2)M.Ed. 6 Pune Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Mrs. Nirmalatai Thopate College of Education, Bhor 412 206, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/082/1990) R 1990 MW UG,PG B.Ed., M.Ed. B.A.B.Ed. (Integrated) 7 Pune Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Education, Baramati Dist. Pune-413 133 Ph.No.02112-239400/ 239185 Fax No. (02112) 243762 E.Mail: [email protected] (Id No.PU /PN/E.du./080/1990) R 1990 MW UG/PG 1) B.Ed - English 2) M.Ed. 8 Pune Shri Sant Tukaram Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s College of Education Wadgaon – Maval, Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/085/1990) R 1990 MW UG B.Ed. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 9 Pune 10 Pune 11 Pune 12 Pune Maharashtra Cosmopolitin Education Society’s H.G.M. Azam College of Education For Girls, 2390, K.B. Hidayatullah Road , Azam Campus, Camp, Pune – 411 001 Ph.No.(020)-26447257,26434244 E.mail:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDN/094/1993) Krishi Vikas Pratishthan’s College of Physical Education (Mahila), Sharadanagar- 413 102, Baramati, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/BPED/100/1993) Pavna Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s,College of Physical Education , 67/2. Landge Ali, Bhosari, Pune – 411 039 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BPED/112/1995) Suhrud Mandal Pune’s Panduran Shmrao Mulgaonkar Vishesh Shikshan Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya, S.No.93/1/B, Parvati Paytha, Laxminagar, Pune-411 009. Ph.No.(020)-24232591/24232501 Email:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/B.Ed Hearing &Imaperierd/127/1998) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 1993 W UG,PG 1) B.Ed. 2) M.Ed 3) B.A.B.Ed. (Integrated) R 1993 W UG B.P.Ed. U 1995 MW UG B.P.Ed. U 1998 MW UG Hearing & Imperierd (B.Ed.) 13 Pune 14 Pune 15 Pune 16 Pune 17 Pune Sunni Jumma Masjid Education Society’s Dr. Mumtaj Ahmed Khan Education College, Manchar, Dist – Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/EDn/192/2003) Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s Genba Sopanrao Moze Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya S.No. 80,Wadmuhkwadi, Chahroli, Alandi Road, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune- 412 105 Ph.No.02025139140/27185100/26687000 (ID.NO:PU/PN/B.Ed/202/2004) Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishthan’s Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Education, Pimpri, Pune-411018 (ID.NO:PU/PN/B.Ed/203/2004) Abhinav Education Society’s College of Education, Dhankawadi, Dist. Pune-411043 (ID.NO:PU/PN/B.Ed/204/2004) Progressive Education Society’s College of Special Education (for Hearing and Impaired) Shivajinagar, Pune-411005 (ID.NO:PU/PN/BE.dHearing &Imaperierd/205/2004) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2003 MW UGPG B.Ed. M.Ed. R 2004 MW UGPG 1) B.Ed. 2) M.Ed U 2004 MW UG B.Ed., M.Ed U 2004 MW UG,PG B.Ed. M.Ed. U 2005 MW UG Hearing & Impaired (B.Ed.) 18 Pune 19 Pune 20 Pune 21 Pune 22 Pune Shri Khanderai Pratishthan’s College of Education, Balewadi, Tal.Haveli, Dist. Pune (ID.NO:PU/PN/ E.Dn/222/2005) Bhima Shaikshanik Nyas’s Subhash Anna Kul College of Education, Gat.No.427, Madhukarnagar, Patas, Tal. Daund, Dist. Pune-412 219 Ph.No.02117-222312 Email:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ E.Dn/223/2005) U 2005 MW UG B.Ed. R 2005 MW UG,PG 1) B.Ed. 2) M.Ed Paschim Maharashtra Education trust’s College of Education, Kondhwa Khurd,Tal. Haveli, Pune-411048 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ E.Dn/224/2005) Shri Shivaji Shikshan Prasarak Manadal’s Purandar Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya, Saswad , Tal - Purandar, Dist. Pune-- 412 301 Ph.No. (02115)- 223755 (Id.No.PU/PN/B.Ed/250/2006) Shri Jain Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s, College of Education Chinchwad, Fattechand Marg, Chinchwad, Pune – 411 033 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ E.dn/240/2005) R 2005 MW UG B.Ed. R 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2005 MW UG B.Ed. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 23 Pune Institute of Science Poona’s Swami Vivekanand College of Education Survey No. 130, MumbaiBangalore Highway, Opp Wakad Police Chowkey, Waked, Pune 411 057. Id. No.PU/PN/B.Ed./264/2006 U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. 24 Pune U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. 25 Pune U 2006 MW UG,PG 1)B.Ed. 2)M.Ed 26 Pune Dr. D.Y. Patil Prathistan’s Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Education, Akurdi, Pune-411 044. Id. No.PU/PN/B.Ed./263/2006 Zeal Education Society’s , Dnyanganga College o Education S.No. 25/3/2, Hingane Khurd, Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 051 Ph.No.(020)-24348071 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/233/2006) Ashlock Education Society’s Spicer Memorial College of Education, Aundh Road,Ganeshkhind P.O, Pune – 411 007. Ph.No.(020)-25690381/2/3 Website: (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/235/2006) U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 27 Pune 28 Pune 29 Pune 30 Pune Shri, Bhairavnath Shikshan Sanstha’s, Parvatibai Dhondiba Dhankude, Adyapak Mahavidyalaya, Sr. No. 70 ,Dhankude Vasti,Baner Dist – Pune.411 045 Ph.No.(020)-32931397 [email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/236/2006) Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s, Sinhgad College of Education 44/1, Vadgaon (BK) Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 041 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/237/2006) Progressive Education Society’s, Modern College of Education (for women)P.E.Society’s Campus, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411 005. Ph.No.(020)-25530670 Email:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/238/2006) Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s, Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya, Dhankwadi,Opp.Post office Pune – 411 043 Ph.No.(020)-24370164 Email:[email protected] (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed//239/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed.(English) 31 Pune 32 Pune 33 Pune 34 Pune 35 Pune Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Education, Kusgaon (BK), Gate No. 309, 310 and 314, Near Mumbai-Pune Express Highway, Tal-Maval, Dist-.Pune-411 041. (ID No. PU/PN/ B.Ed/241/2007) Shikshan Maharshi Dr.D.Y.Patil Shikshan Sanstha’s Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Education 107, RIL, G. Block, Shahunagar, M.I.D.C. Chinchwad, Pune – 19. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/242/2006) Institute of science Poona’s College of Education, Sr. No. 130, Mumbai Bongalor Highway, Opp. Wakad Police chowkey,Wakad, Pune- 411 057. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/243/2006) Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s, Sinhgad College of Education,Sr. No. 43\2. Narhe (Ambegaon) Tal – Havali, Dist Pune – 411 041. (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/244/2006) Shri Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Women College of EducationAt- Otur, Dumberwadi,Tal – Junner, Dist. Pune – 412 409 (ID.NO:PU/PN/ B.Ed/245/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG,PG B.Ed. M.Ed. 36 Pune Maharashtra Academi of Engineering And Education Research, College of Education Kothrud, Pune-411 038. R 2007 MW UG B.Ed. (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./277/2007) 37 Pune Kasturi Shikshan Santha’s College of Eduaction (B.Ed.), Shikrapur, Tal- Shirur, Pune-412 208. Ph. No. 02137-272440 Email:[email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./292/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed 38 Pune Shaan Education Society, Guardian College of Education, NIBM Kondhwa Crossing Road, Kondhwa (K), Pune-48. Ph. No. 020-64780784 Website: www.shaaneducation.Com (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./293/2008) U 2008 MW UG B.Ed 39 Pune Navsahyadri Charitable Trust’s College of Education, Chakan, Tal-Khed, Dist-Pune-410 501. Ph. No. 02135-286251 R 2008 MW UG B.Ed., M.Ed (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./294/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 40 Pune Jai Ganesh Educational Foundation’s, Jai Ganesh B. Ed. College, Sr. No. 48, Manajinagar, Narhe Road, Pune-411 041. Ph. No. 020-64705396 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./296/2008) U 2008 MW UG B. Ed 41 Pune 2008 MW UG B. Ed 42 Pune 2008 MW UG B. Ed 43 Pune MAEER’s Vishwashanti Gurukul R Teacher’s Training Academy, B.Ed. College (English Medium) Gat. No. 39, Loni Kalbhor, PuneSolapur Road, Tal-Haveli, DistPune. Ph. No. 020-38210000 Email. [email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./301/2008) Snehavardhak Mandal’s Shaikhanik R Trust College of Education, Panchwati Colony, TalegaonDabhade, Pune-410 506 Ph. No. 02114-222237 Email [email protected]. (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./302/2008) Dhareshwar Vidya va Krida U Pratishthan’s Dhareshwar College of Education Sr.No.-48 ,Indraprastha nagar, Dhayari, Pune-411 041 Ph.No.020-24390995 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./316/2008) 2008 MW UG B. Ed C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 44 Pune 45 Pune 46 Pune 47 Pune Shri Bhairvnath Shikshan Prasark Mandal’s Shri Bhimashankar B.Ed College, Landewadi (Chinchodi), TalAmbegaon, Dist-Pune-410 503 Ph.No.(02133)-235106 E.Mail:bhimashankar_b.ed [email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./316/2008) Ira Education Society’s College of Education Sr.No.149/2 Arvi, Tal:Haveli, Dist:Pune Ph.No.O20-25259911 Email:[email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./324/2008) Shivneri Foundation’s Shivneri Adhyapak Mahavidayalaya, Khanapur. Tal-Junnar, Dist-Pune 410 502 Ph.No.(02132) 223352,285666 Website: (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./328/2008) Jaywant Shikshan Prarsark Mandal’s Jaywantrao Sawant College of Education, Sr.No.58,Indrayani Nagar, Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411 028 Ph.No020-26970908 [email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./332/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed U 2008 MW UG B. Ed 48 Pune 49 Pune 50 Pune 51 Pune Jaywant Shikshan Prarsark Mandal’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Education Sr.No.80/2, PuneMumbai Bypass Highway, Tathwade,Pune-411 033 Ph.No.020-22933423 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./333/2008) Samarth Dnyanpeeth’s Sahyadri Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya, Someshwarnagar,(Waghlwadi), Tal-Baramati, Dist-Pune.412 306 Ph.No.02112-282489 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./334/2008) Chintamani Dnyanpeeth’s Chintamani Adyapak Mahavidyalya, S.No.15, Ambegaon (Bk), Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune.411 046 Ph.No.020-24367746 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./335/2008) Al-Ameen Educaional & Medical Foundation’s Sharadchndraji Pawar College of Education, sharad campus, Pimple-Jagtap road Koregaon-Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist.Pune-412 216 Ph.No.02137-208113 [email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed./336/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed 52 Pune 53 Pune 54 Pune 55 Pune Al-Ameen Educaional & Medical Foundation’s Dattatray Govindrao Valse Patil M.Ed College sharad campus, Pimple-Jagtap road Koregaon-Bhima, Tal-Shirur Dist.Pune-412 216 Ph.No.02137-208113 [email protected] (IDNo.PU/PN/M.Ed/337/2008) Bhigawan Shikshan Prasark mandal’s Loknete Shardchandraji Pawar College of Education, Bhigawan, Tal-Indapur, Dist-Pune.413 105 Ph.No.02118-246246 (IDNo.PU/PN/B.Ed/338/2008) Kamala Education Society’s Pratibha College of Education Plot No.2, M.I.D.C. Block-D, Off Mumbai-Pune Highway, Opp. Mehata Hospital, Chinchwad, Pune-411 019. Ph.No.020-30690506 (ID No. PU/PN/B.Ed./340/2008) Bhartiya Dyanvardhini Sabha’s Kantilal Khinwasara B.Ed College , Laxmannagar , Thergaon Pune-411 033 Ph.No.020-27276785 (ID No. PU/PN/B.Ed./344/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW PG M. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2008 MW UG B. Ed R 2009 MW UG B. Ed 56 Pune 57 Pune 58 Pune 59 Pune 60 Pune Gramonnati Mandal’s B.Ed College Warulwadi, Narayangaon Tal- Junnar, Dist:Pune 410 504 (ID No. PU/PN/Edu./345/2009) Ph.No.:02132-245979/242697 E.Mail:[email protected] (ID No. PU/PN/B.Ed./34/2009) Arihant Education Foundation Arihant College of Education, S.H.L.Court, Pune-Solapur Road, 3, Pulget, Camp, Pune-411 001 Ph.No.:020-26332921/26333900 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Edu/351/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed U 2009 MW UG B.Ed Sharad Educational Institute’s College of Education, Gat No. 1708 A/P Rajuri, Tal. Junnar, Pune-412 411. (ID.NO:PU/PN/Edu/364/2009) Vidya Prasarini Sabha’s B.Ed. College Lonavala, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune.-410 401 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Edu/365/2009) Maeer’s MIT Saint Dnyaneshwar B.Ed. College, Dehu Phata, Kelgaon, Alandi (D) Pune. Ph.No. (020) 277185857 Web-site : (ID.NO:PU/PN/Edu/380/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed-(M) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed-(M) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 61 Pune Ayodhya Charitable Trust’s College of Special Education, 51/2, Vikas nagar, SRP Gate-2, Wanawadi, Pune-411 040. Ph.No. (020) 26874460 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Edu/390/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2009 MW UG Hearing & Imperierd (B.Ed.) LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District 1 Pune 2 Pune 3 Pune 4 Pune 5 Pune Name of the University: - University of Pune Law U 1924 MW UG,PG Indian Law Society’s I.L.S. Law College, Pune – 411 004 Ph.No.020-25656775 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/004/1924) ABMSPS’s Yashwantrao Chavan , Law College, Parvati, Pune – 411 009 Ph.No.020-24221002 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/038/1978) M.C.E Society’S A.K.K New Law Academy, Pune K.B. Hidaytullah Road, Azam Campus Camp, Pune – 411 001 Ph.No.-020-26442068 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/103/1994) Vidya Pratishthan Vasantrao Pawar Law College , M.I.D.C. Bhigwan Road, Baramati-413 133, Dist. Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/141/1999) Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishthan’s, Law College, Pimpri , Pune 411 018 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/171/2001) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) 3) 4) B.S.L. L.L.B. M.L.L. D.T.L. D.L.L. & L.W. L.L.M. B.S.L. L.L.B. D.T.L. D.L.L. & L.W. B.S.L. L.L.B. D.T.L. D.L.L. & L.W. U 1978 MW PG,UG U 1994 MW UG 1) 2) 3) 4) R 1999 MW UG 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.L.L. & L.W. U 2001 MW UG, PG 1. 2. 3. 4. B.S.L. L.L.B. D.T.L. D.L.L. & L.W. 6 Pune Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Shankarrao Chavan Law College , Deccan Gymkhana, Pune – 411 004 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/179/2002) U 2002 MW UG 7 Pune U 2002 MW UG 8 Pune U 2003 MW UG, PG 9 Pune U 2003 MW UG 10 Pune Pune Zilha Shikshan Mandal’s, Law College, Karadi , Pune-411014 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/180/2002) Shri Balaji Society’s, Law College, Building No. C-2 Brahma Estate S.No. 1/1 A. Kondhwa (Khurd), Pune-411048 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/186/2003) Shri Shivaji Maratha Society’s Law College, Shukrawar Peth, Pune 411 002 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/187/2003) Sinhgad Law College, Kondhawa (BK) , Pune – 411 048 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/188/2003) U 2003 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 5. M.L.L. 6. Forensic Law & MJ. (F.L.M.G.) 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 4. L.L.M 5. D.L.L. Certificate Course C.F. Science & M.J. D.S.L.D.E.P. D.H.R.D.C.P.L. 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 4. D.L.L. & L.W 1) B.S.L. 2) L.L.B. 3) D.T.L. 4) M.L.L. & L.W. 5) Certificate Course C.F.S. & M.J. 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.L.L. & L.W. 4. F.S. & M.J. 5. D.T.L. 11 Pune P.E. Society’s, Modern Law College, Ganeshkhind, Pune – 411 053 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/189/2003) Abhinav Education Society’s, Law College, Dhankawadi, Pune-411043, (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/206/2004) U 2003 MW UG 12 Pune 13 U 2004 MW UG Pune Deccan Education Society’s Law College, Fergusson College Campus, Deccan, Pune-411004 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/207/2004) U 2004 MW UG 14 Pune U 2003 MW UG 15 Pune R 2007 MW UG 3 years Law Course 16 Pune Raja Shri Shivrai Pratishthan’s Law College, Rambhaug Colony, Kothrud, Pune-411038 (ID.NO.PU/PN/LAW/230/2003) Hutatma Rajguru Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Law Collge Rajgurunagar, Dist. Pune. (ID No. PU/PN/Law/274/2007) Subhadra Educational Society’s SNBP College of Law Sant Dnyaneshwar Nagar, Mhada Colony, Ajmera Morwadi, Pimpri, Pune-411 018 Ph.No.020-27488628 (ID No. PU/PN/Law/343/2009) U 2009 MW UG 1) 3 Year Law Course C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1. 2. 3. 4. 1) 2) 3) 4) B.S.L. L.L.B. D.L.L. D.T.L. B.S.L. L.L.B. D.T.L. Forensic Sciences & M.J. 1) 3 years B.S.L. 2) 5 years L.L.B. 3) D.L.L. & L.W. 4) D.T.L. 5)C.M.J &F.S 1) B.S.L. 2) L.L.B. (L.L.B) 2) 5 Year Law Course (B.S.L) LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District Name of the University: - University of Pune B. Pharmacy / M. Pharmacy 1 Pune Sheth Govind Raghunath Sabale College of Pharmacy, Saswad – 412 301, Dist – Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/095/1993) R 1993 MW UG, PG B. Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, 1) Pharmaceuital Chemistry 2. Pharmacology 3. Pharmaceutics 2 Pune Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s, Pharmacy College, Bhor, Dist- Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/102/1994) R 1994 MW UG B.Pharmacy M.PharmacyPharmocology 3 Pune Padmashri Dr. D.Y.Patil Institute of Pharmacutical Sciences & Research, Pimpri, Pune – 411 018 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/104/1994) U 1994 MW UG, PG 4 Pune Shivanagar Vidya Prasarak R Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Malegaon (BK), Tal – Baramati, Dist – Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/106/1994) 1994 MW UG B. Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, 1) Pharmaceuitcs 2) Pharmacology 3) Pharma Chemistry 4) Pharma Cognosy 5) Quality Assurance Techniques B.Pharmacy C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 5 Pune All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Pharmacy, Kennedy Road, Near R.T.O. , Pune – 411 001 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/117/1996) U 1996 MW UG, PG 6 Pune U 1996 MW UG, PG 7 Pune Maharashtra Cosmopolotion Education Society’s, Allana College of Pharmacy, 2390B.K.B,Hidyatulla Road, Azam Campus, Camp, Pune 411 001 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/118/1996) Maharashtra Academe of Engineering & Educational Research’s College of Pharmacy, Erandawana, Paud Road, Pune – 411 038 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/123/1997) U 1997 MW UG 8 Pune Shri Chhatrapati Sambhaji Shikashan Sanstha’s College of Pharmacy( Sitabai Thite College), Near Hudco Colony Shirur , Dist – Pune 412 210 R 2001 MW UG U 2001 MW UG 9 Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/174/2001) P.E. Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy, Nigadi, Pune 411 044 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/175/2001) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy, 1) Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2) Pharmaceutics 3) Quality Assurance Techniqes 4) Pharmacology B. Pharmacy M. Pharmacy 1) Pharmaceuitics 2) Pharmacology B. Pharmacy M. Pharmacy 1. Auality Assurance Techniques 2. Pharmaceutical Chemistry B.Pharmacy. B.Pharmacy M. Pharm 1) Pharmacitical Chemistry 10 Pune 11 Pune 12 Pune 13 Pune 14 Pune 15 Pune Dr. D.Y,.Patil Pratishthan’s College of Pharmacy, Pimpri, Pune – 411 018 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/176/2001) Sinhgad Tenchincal Education Society’s College of Pharmacy, vadgaon (BK), Sinhgad Road , Pune – 411 041 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/177/2001) U 2001 MW UG B. Pharmacy U 2001 MW UG Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Sinhagad Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Kusgaon (Bk), Lonavala, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/197/2004) P.E. Society’s Modern College of Pharmacy (for Women), Borahadewadi, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/200/2004) Attar Singh Yadav Memorial Education Trust’s Siddhant College of Pharmacy, At & Post: Sudumbare, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/201/2004) Gajanan Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Sharadchandra Pawar College of Pharmacy, Dumbarwadi, Otur, Tal. Junnar, Dist. Pune (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/215/2004) R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy M. Pharmacy 1. Pharmacitical Chemistry 2. Pharmacology 3. Qulity Assurance Techniques B.Pharmacy R 2004 W UG B.Pharmacy R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 16 Pune 17 Pune 18 Pune 19 Pune 20 Pune 21 Pune Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Sinhagad Institute of Pharmacy, 49/2 and 53/2, Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Nahre Ambegaon, Pune-411041 (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/226/2005) Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Pharmacy, 40/4 A. Kondhwa (BK), Pune-411048, (ID.No.PU/PN/Pharm/227/2005) Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Sector No.34, Thergaon (Kalewadi) Pune 17 (Id. No.PU/PN/Pharm/249/2006) Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Charak College of Pharmacy & Research, 720/2 Wagholi, Pune - 412 207 (Id. No.PU/PN/Pharm/253/2006) R.M.P.S. Bhalchandra College of Pharmacy Shikago Hills Pune - Panshet Road. Gorhe (Khurd), Pune - 411 042 (Id. No. PU/PN/Pharm/254/2006) Vishal Junner Seva Mandal’s Vishal Institute of Pharmacutical Education & Research Ale - 412 411, Tal. Junner, Dist - Pune (Id. No. PU/PN/Pharm/255/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2005 MW UG B.Pharmacy U 2005 MW UG B.Pharmacy U 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy 22 Pune Jaywant Shikshan Prasark Mandal’s Jaywantrao Sawant College of Pharmacy and Research, Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, U 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy (Id. No.PU/PN/Pharm/257/2006) 23 Pune Alard Charitable Trust’s, Alard College ofPharmacy, Sr.No. 50, Marunjee Road,Near Rajiv Gandhi Infotech. Park.Hinjwadi, Tal. Mulshi, Pune - 411 057. (Id. No.PU/PN/Pharm./260/2006) R 2006 MW UG B.Pharmacy 24 Pune U 2005 MW UG B.Pharmacy 25 Pune Shri Chankya Education Society’s Indira College of Pharmacy, Tathwade, Pune- 411 033. (Id. No. PU/PN/Pharm/258/2005) Abhinav College of Pharmacy Sr. No. 23/3/3, A/P-Narhe, Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune U 2007 MW UG B.Pharmacy 26 Pune Rajmata Jijau Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Gat No. 101, 102, Moshi-Alandi Road, Dudulgaon, Pune-412 105 R 2007 MW UG B.Pharmacy (ID No.PU/PN/Pharm/286/2007) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 27 Pune Kasturi Shikshan Santa’s R College of Pharmacy S.No. 87, Post-Shikrapur Tal-Shirur Dist-Pune. Ph.No.02137-272140 ID No.PU/PN/B.Pharm/290/2008 2008 MW UG B.Pharmacy 28 Pune Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Pharmacy Gat.No.2181,Wagholi, Tal.Haveli, Dist-Pune.412 207 Ph.No.020-27050937 Website: IDNo.PU/PN/B.Pharm/342/2008 R 2008 MW UG B.Pharmacy 29 Pune Poona District Education R Association’s Shankarrao Ursal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Centre, Kharadi, Tal. Haveli, Dist- Pune Ph.No. (020) 27011106 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Pharm/384/2009) 2009 MW UG B.Pharmacy C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District Name of the University: - University of Pune Engineering 1 Pune 2 Pune Modern Education Society’s Cusrow wadia Institute of Technology, Pune – 411 001 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/008/1938) Maharashtra Academy of Engineering & Educational Research Maharashtra Institute of Technology, S.No.- 124, Ex. Servicemen Colony, Behind L.I.C. Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune – 411 038. (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/047/1983) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 1938 MW UG U 1983 MW UG,PG B.E.- 1. Civil 2. Electrical 3) Mechanical 4) E & TC B.E. 1) E & TC 2) Computer 3) Mechanical 4) Mechanical Sandwich) 5) Civil 6) Polymer 7) Petro Chemical 8) Petroliam 9)Information Technology M.B.A. M.E. 1) Petroliam (By Papers/By Research) 2)Structural Engg. 3)Polymer 4. Construction Management 5)Electrinics Digital System 3 Pune Pune Institute of Computer Technology , S.No. – 27, Pune – Satara Road, Dhankawadi, Pune – 411 043 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/054/1983) U 1983 MW UG,PG 4 Pune D. Y. Patil Pratishthan’s D.Y. Patil College of Engineering , Sector 29, Nigdi Pradhikaran, Near Akurdi Railway Station, Akurdil, Pune – 411 044 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/055/1984) U 1984 MW UG,PG Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, 666, Upper Indira nagar, Bibwewadi, Pune – 411 037 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/061/1984) U 5 Pune C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1984 MW UG,PG B.E. 1) Computer 2) E & TC 3) Information Technology M.E. 1) Computer 2) E & TC 3) MBA B.E. 1) Mechanical 2) Computer, 3) Civil 4) Instrumentation 5) Information Technology 6) E & TC 7) Production Sandwich M.E. 1. Civil Engg. 2. Computer 3. Mechanical Design B.E. 1) Industrial 2) Electronics 3) mechanical 4) Computer 5) Instrumentation 6) Chemical 7) E & TC 8) Production 9) Information Technology 10) Civil M.E. 6 Pune P.V.G.’s College of Engineering & Technology, 44, Vidyanagar, Parvati Darshan,Pune – 411 009 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/066/1985) U 1985 MW UG,PG 7 Pune SVPP’s College of Engineering, Malegaon (BK) – 413 115 Tal – Baramati, Dist – Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/084/1990) R 1990 MW UG 8 Pune Maharshri Karve Shree Shikshan Santha’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Karvenagar, Pune – 411 052 (ID.NOPU/PN/Engg/087/1991) U 1991 W UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1) Heat Power 2) Computer Science 3) Information Technology 4) Industrial Engineering 5) Instrumentation Control 5) Mechanica Design 6) Civil Engg. B.E. 1) Mechanical 2) Electrical 3) E & TC 4) Printing & Grapic 5) Informtion Tecnology 6) Computer M.E. 1) Electrical Power System B.E 1) Mechanical 2) Civil 1) E & TC 2) Computer 3)Information Technology B.E 1) E & TC 2) Copmuter 3) Instrumntation & Control 4) Information Technology 5) Mechanical 9 Pune The All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Engineering, Kennedy Road, Near R.T.O. , Pune – 411 001 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/93/1992) U 1992 MW UG B.E. 1) Mechanical 2) Mechanical Sandwich 3) Electrical 4) Electronic 5) Chemical 6) Computer 7) Civil 8) Production Sandwich 10 Pune Army Institute of technology College of Engineering, Dighi Hills, Pune – 411 015 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/108/1994) U 1994 MW UG 11 Pune Sinhgad Tenchnical Education Society’s Sinhgad College of Engineering, S.No. – 44/1, vadgaon (Bk), off. Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 041 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/116/1996) U 1996 MW UG, PG B.E. 1) E & TC 2) Mechanical 3) Computer 4) Information Technology B.E. 1) Computer 2) Chemical 3) Mechanical 4) E & TC 5) Production 6) Civil 7) Information Technology 8) Biotechology M.E. 1) Electronic Digital System 2) Mechanical Desing Engineering 3) E& T.C.(VLSI & Embedded System 4) Information Technology 5)Mech.Engg. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 12 Pune All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Institute of Enginerring & Technology , Kennedy Road, Near R.T.O. , Pune – 411 001 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/124/1998) Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Dr. D.Y. Patil Pratishthan’s , Institute of Engineering & Technology,Pimpari,Pune–18 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/125/1998) U 1998 MW UG 13 Pune U 1998 MW UG 14 Pune Pune Zilha Shikshan Mandal’S College of Engineering , Hadapsar, Pune – 411 028 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/130/1998) U 1998 MW UG 15 Pune MAEER’s Maharashtra Academy of Engineering, Kalgaon ( Alandi Devachi) , Tal – Khed , Dist – Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/134/1999) R 1999 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx Mechatronics 6)Comp. Network 7. Chemical 8. Mechanical Hit Power 9. Civil Stracture 10. M.B.A. B.E. 1) Computer 1) Electrical 2) Electronic 3) Instrmentation 4) E & T.C. 5) Information Technogy B.E. 1) Computer 2) Electronic 3) E & TC 4) Information Technology 5) Instrumentation B.E. 1) Mechanical. 2) Electronics 3) Instrumentation 4) Computer 5) Information Tech. B.E. 1) E & TC 2) Computer 3) Elecronics 4) Chemical 5) Mechanical 6) Information Technology 7) M.B.A. 8)M.C.A. 16 Pune Progressive Education Society’s , Modern College of Engineering, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411 005 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/135/1999) U 1999 MW UG, PG 17 Pune U 1999 MW UG 18 Pune Modern Education Society’s College of Engineering , V.K. Jog Path, Pune – 411 001 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/136/1999) Pimpari – Chinchwad Education Trust’s College of Engineering, Sector No. – 26 Pradhikaran, Nigadi, Pune – 411 044 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/137/1999) U 1999 MW UG 19 Pune Genaba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s College of Engineering, Balewadi, Tal – Haveli, Dist – Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/138/1999) U 1999 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.E. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) E & TC Computer Mechanical Elecrical Information Technology M.E. 1) Hit Power 2) Control System 3) MCA 4) MBA B.E. 1) Computer 2) E & TC 3) Mchanical B.E 1)Mechanical 2.Computer 3. E & TC 4 Information Technology 5. MCA, 6. MBA B.E. 1) Mechanical 2) Computer 3) E & TC 4) Information Technology 5) MCA 6) MBA 20 Pune Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Engineering for Women, Katraj – Dhankawadi, Pune – 411 043. (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/150/2000) U 2000 W UG B.E. 1) Computer 2) E & TC 3) Information Technology 21 Pune Vidya Pratishthan’s College of Engineering Vidyanagari, M.I.D.C. Bhigwan Road, Baramati , Dist –Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/152/2000) R 2000 MW UG B.E. 1) Computer 2) Information Technology 3) E & TC 4) Mechanical 5) Civil 22 Pune Sinhgad Tenchincal Education Society’s, Smt. Kashibai Nawale College of Engineering, Vadgaon (BK), Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 041 U 2001 MW UG B.E. 1) Computer 2) E & TC 3) Information Technology 4) Mechanical 5) MBA U 2001 W UG B.E 1) Information Technology 2) Computer 3) E & TC 4) Mechanical M.E. 1) E& T.C.(VLSI & Embedded System 2) Information Technology (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/155/2001) 23 Pune MAEER’s, Women Engineering College, S.No. 124 , M.I. T. College Campus, Paud Road, Kothrud, Pune – 411 038 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/172/2001) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 24 Pune Rajshree Shahu College of Engineering, S.No. 80, Pune –Bombay Bypass highway, Thathwade, Pune 411 033 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/173/2001) 25 Pune 2002-2003 MW UG 26 Pune Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal U Charitable Trust’s, Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, S.No. 2/3/4 , Kondhawa (Bk) Pune – 411 048 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/184/02-3) Sinhagad Technical Education R Society’s Sinhagad Institute of Technology, Kusgaon (Bk), Lonavala, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/198/2004) 2004 MW UG 27 Pune J.S.P.M.’s Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering, S.No. 58, Handewadi Road, Hadapsar, Pune-411028 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/199/2004) 2004 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U U 2001 MW UG, PG B.E 1) E & TC 2) Computer 3) Information Technology 5) Mechanical 6) Civil ME 1. Electronics 2. Mechanical 3. Civil Structure 4. MBA 5. MCA BE. 1) Information Technology 2) Computer. 3) E & TC 4) Electronics 5) Mechanical 6) Civil B.E. 1) E & TC 2)Information Technology 3) Mechanical 4) Computer 5) MCA B.E. 1) E & TC 2) Computer 3) Mechanical 4) InformationTechnolog y 5) Electrical 6) MBA 7) MCA 28 Pune Sinhagad Technical Education Society’s Sinhagad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa (Bk) Dist. Pune-411048 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/228/2005) U 2005 MW UG 29 Pune Chaudhari Attarsingh Yadhav Memorial’s Trust’s Siddharth College of Engineering, Sudumbare, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune (ID.NO.PU/PN/Engg/231/2005) R 2005 MW UG 30 Pune Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering Sr. No. 18. Karvenagar-Pune411 052 U 2006 MW UG U 2006 MW UG R 2006 MW UG (Id. No. PU/PN/Engg/251/2006) 31 Pune The Shetkari Shikshan Mandal’s Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology, Bavdhan (Khurd), Pune-411 038. (Id. No. PU/PN/Engg/252/2006) 32 Pune G.H. Raisoni Society’s, College of Engineering and Management, Gat No. 1200, Wagholi, Pune - 412 012. (Id. No. PU/PN/Engg/259/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.E. 1) Mechanical 2) E & TC 3) Computer 4) Information Technology B.E. 1) Computer 2) Mechanical 3) Electronics 4) E & TC 5) Information Technology 6) MBA 7) MCA B.E 1) Computer Enginerring, 2)E&T.C 3)Information Technology, 4) Mechanical Enginerring, 5) M.B.A 6) MCA B.E 1. Computer 2. E & TC 3. Mechanical 4. Electronics 5. MBA 1) Computer Engineering 2)E .&T. 3) Electronic Enginerring 4) Mechanical Enginerring, 5) M.B.A 6) MCA 33 Pune 34 Pune Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s, Imperial College of Engineering andResearch, Gat No. 720 (1 and 2), Pune-Nagar Road, Wagholi, Pune - 412 207. (Id. No. PU/PN/Engg/261/2006) Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust’s, Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering, Gat No. 2181, At. Wagholi, Tal. Haveli, Pune - 412 102. R 2006 MW UG R 2006 MW UG R 2007 MW UG U 2007 MW UG (Id. No. PU/PN/Engg/262/2006) 35 Pune 36 Pune Shree Chanakya Education Society’s Indira College of Engineering & Technology, 1094, Parandwadi,Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune. (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./282/2007) Zeal Education Society’s Dnyanganga College of Engineering & Research, Narhe, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune-411 041. (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./285/2007) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1) Computer Enginerring 2) E.&T.C 3)Information Technology 4)Mechanical Enginerring 5) Civil Enginerring 6) M.B.A 1) Computer Enginerring 2) E&T.C 3)Mechanical Enginerring 4)Inforamtion Technology 5) Civil Enginerring 6) MBA 1)Computer Enginerring 2) E&T.C 3) Information Technology 4) Mechanical Enginerring 5) MBA 1) Mechanical Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3) Computer Enginerring 4)Information Technology 5) Electrical 37 Pune G.H. Raisoni Education & Medical Foundation’s G.H. Raisoni Institute of Engineering & Technology, Wagholi, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune-412 207. (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./287/2007) R 2007 38 Pune Nutan Maharashtra Vidya Prasarak Mandal’s Nutan Maharrashtra Institute of Engineering & Technology, Talegaon station, vishnupuri Tal-Maval Dist- Pune.410 507 Ph.No.02114-228175 Email:nmiettalegaon@gmail. com (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./314/2008) R 2008 MW UG Pune STES’S Sinhged Institute of Technology and Science Narhe(Ambegaon), off Westerly Bypass, Narhe, Tal:Haveli, Dist-Pune-411 041 Ph.No.020-24394149 (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./323/2008) R 2008 MW UG 39 40 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx MW UG 1)Computer Engineering 2) Electronics Engg 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 5) Electrical 6) MBA 1)Computer Engineering 2) Electronics Engg 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 1)Computer Engineering 2) Mechanical Enginerring 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 41 Pune Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s Institute of Technology Sr.No.35,Plot No5/6 , Lohgaon, Tal.-Haveli Dist-Pune.411 047 Ph.No.020-26613476 Email:[email protected] (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./330/2008) R 2008 MW UG 1)Computer Engineering 2) Mechanical Enginerring 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 42 Pune R 2008 MW UG 43 Pune R 2008 MW UG 1)Computer Engineering 2) Mechanical Enginerring 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 1) Mechanical Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3)Information Technology 44 Pune Dhole Patil Education Society’s Dhole Patil College of Engineering, 1284,Ubale Nagar, Wagholi, Tal.Haveli Dist-Pune-412 047 (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./331/2008) Al-Ameen Educational & Medical Foundation’s College of Engineering, Sharad Campus, Pimple Jagtap Road, A/P.Koregaon Bhima, Tal-Shirur, Dist-Pune.412 216 (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./339/2008) K J’s Educational Institutes, Trinity College of Engineering & Research Sr.No.25&27, Post Office Yelvewadi, Near Bopdeo Ghat, Hotel Garva, Pisoli,Tal-Haveli, Dist-Pune-411 048 Ph.No.020-65004100 (ID No. PU/PN/Engg./341/2008) R 2008 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1) Mechanical Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3)Information Technology 4)Computer Engineering 45 Pune Shri Gajanana Maharaj Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Sharadchandra Pawar College of Engineering, At. Dumbarwadi, Post. Khamundi, Tal. Junnar. Pune- 409 412 ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/354/2009 R 2009 MW UG B.E 1) Electronics 2) Computer Enginerring, 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 46 Pune Dr. D.Y. Patil Educational Academy ‘s Dr. D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, S.No. 124, At.Post. Ambi Talegaon,Tal. Maval,Dist. Pune. (ID.NO:PU/PN/Enng/356/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.E 1) Mechanical 2) Computer Enginerring, 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 47 Pune Rajgad Dnyanpeeth’s Shr Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering S.No. 237, Dhangwadi, Tal. Bhor, Dist- Pune-412 206. Ph.No. (02113) 282456 e-mail : [email protected]. (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/376/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.E 1) Mechanical 2) Computer Enginerring, 3)E&T.C 4) Civil Enginerring C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 48 Pune 49 Pune 50 Pune Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak R Mandal’ s Bhivarabai Sawant Institute of Technology & Research (For Women) Gat No. 720/1&2, Pune-Nagar Road, Wagholi, Tal. HaveliPune-412 207. Ph.No. (020) 27051170 / 71 Web-site : (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/377/2009) K.J’s Educational Institute R K J College of Engineering & Management Research, S.No. 25 & 27, Village Pisoli, Post Office Yevlewadi, Near Bopdeo Ghat, Tal. Haveli, Dist-Pune-411 048. Ph.No. (020) 65004100 / 65004217 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/378/2009) Alard Charitable Trust’s R Alard College of Engineering & Management, S.No. 50, Marunje, Rajiv Gandhi InfoTech Park, Hinjewadi Dist-Pune-411 057. Ph.No. (020) 22934041 / 22934188 Web-site : (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/379/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 2009 W UG 2009 W UG 2009 W UG B.E 1) Mechanical 2) Computer Enginerring, 3)E&T.C 4)Information Technology 5) Electronics Engg 51 Pune 52 Pune Shahajirao Patil Vikas R Pratishthan’s S.B. Patil College of Engineering Gat No. 58,Vangali, Tal. Indapur, Dist- Pune-413 106. Ph.No. (02111) 289999 Web-site : (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/385/2009) Government College of R Engineering And Research, Avasari,(khurd), Tal. Ambegaon, Dist. – Pune.412 405. Ph.No. (02133) 225900 (ID.NO:PU/PN/Engg/395/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 2009 W UG B.E 1) Mechanical Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3)Civil Engineering 4)Computer Engineering 2009 W UG B.E 1) Mechanical Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3)Automobiel Engineering 4)Computer Engineering LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Pune District Name of the University: - University of Pune B. Architecture 1 Pune Bhartiya Kalaprasarini Sabha’s College of Architecture, Chitrtakalacharya, 2043, Sadashiv Peth, Puram Chauk, Tilak Road, Pune – 411 030 (ID:PU/PN/Arch/0041/1978) U 1978 MW UG B. Architecture 2 Pune 1985 MW UG B. Architecture 3 Pune Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s U College of Architecture Marathwada Sadan, 302-A Deccan Gymkhana , Pune-411 004. (ID:PU/PN/Arch/065/1985) Maharshi Karve stree Shikshan U Santa’s Br. Bhanuben Nanavati college Architecture for Woman Karvenagar, Pune-411 052. 1994 MW UG/PG B. ArchitectureB.Arch. Interior Design M. Architecture 1. Envermental Architecture 2. Landscape Architecture (ID:PU/PN/Arch/109/1994) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 4 Pune Vivekanand Institute of Technology Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil college of Architecture 226-A, PMT Commercial Complex, Annasaheb Magar Bhavan , Hadapasar , Pune-411 028 U 1995 MW UG B. Architecture U 1999 MW UG B.Architecture U 2000 MW UG B. Architecture B. Arch. Interior Design M. Architecture 1. Computer Application 2. Architecture Conservations U 2000 MW UG B. Architecture (ID:PU/PN/Arch/114/1995) 5 6 Pune Pune Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society’s, Allana College of Architecture, 2390- B.K.B,Hidyatulla Road, Azam Campus, Camp, Pune 411 001 (ID.NO.PU/PN/Arch/142/1999) Sinhgad Tenchincal Education Society’s College of Architeture, Vadgaon (Bk), Sinhgad Road, Pune – 411 041. (ID.NO.PU/PN/Arch/151/2000) 7 Pune Dr. D.Y Patil Pratishathan ‘s college of Architecture Akurdi, Pune-411 044. (ID:PU/PN/Arch/154/2000) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 8 9 Pune Pune Sinhgad Technical Education R Society’s Sinhgad Institute of Architecture and Design Studies Kusgaon (BK), Lonavala Tal-Maval, Dist-Pune (ID:PU/PN/Arch/234/2006) Bharati Vidhyapeeth’s College of Architecture Katraj,Dhankawadi, Pune-411 043. (ID:PU/PN/Arch/234/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 2006 MW UG B. Architecture MW UG B. Architecture LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune Arts, Science & Commerce, B.B.A., B.C.A., B.S.C. Sr. No . District Name of the College, Full Address with Pin Code Location Year of Rural ® Establis Urban hment (U) 1 A’nagar Dr. B.P. Hiwale Society’s Ahemadnagar College (Arts, Science & Commerce) Ahemadnagar – 414 001 (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/001/1947 U C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1947 Type of College for Men only (M) For Women only(W) Coeducation (CE) MW Courses offered in the College Up to Bachelor Degree (UG) Up to Master Degree (PG) Or above UG,PG Whether recognize d by the UGC under Section 2(f)&12B Course Conducted B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., & B.Sc. Computer Science (B.C.S.), B.B.A., B.C.A., , B.Sc., (Biotechnology), M.A.- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Politics, History, Geography, M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, Drug Chemisty, Biochemistry, Physics, Zoology, Microbiology, Geography, Botany & M.Sc. Computer Science (M.C.S.), M.Com. 2 A’nagar 3 A’nagar 4 A’nagar 5 A’nagar Pemraj Sarda Arts, Science & Commerce College, A,nagar – 414 001 (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/04/1962) New Arts, Science & Commerce College, A’nagar - 414 001 (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/14/1970) U 1962 MW UG/PG U 1970 MW UG, PG Dada Patil College , Karjat Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/06/1964) R 1964 MW UG,PG A.N.B. College , Shrirampur, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/02/1960) R 1960 MW UG,PG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A , B.Sc., B.Com.,M.A., English, Marathi, Hindi,Economics, Politics, M.Com. B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., & B.Sc. Computer Science (B.C.S.), B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc. (Biotechnology), M.A.- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, History, Geography, M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, Mathematics, In Organic Chemistry, Anal. Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Zoology, Electronic, Biology, Env.Sci,Geography,DrugChemistry,M.Sc. Computer Science (M.C.S.),M.Com. BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, English, Hindi, History, M.Com. B.C.A BA, B.Sc, MA, English, Marathi , Hindi, Economics, Politics,History, M.Sc Organic Chemistry, Physics.,Analytical Chemistry, 6 A’nagar C.D. Jain College of Commerce, Shrirampur Dist – A’nagar-413 709 (ID.NO.PU/AN/C/005/1962) R 1962 MW UG, PG B.Com., M.Com. 7 A’nagar Sangamner Nagar Palika, Arts, D.J. Malpani Commerce & B.N. Sarda Science College, Sagamner Pin – 422 605, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/03/1961) R 1961 MW UG/PG 8 A’nagar 1964 MW UG, PG 9 A’nagar K.J. Somaiyya , Arts, R Commerce, Science College, Kopargaon Dist – A’nagar - 423 601 (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/07/1964) S.S.G.M. Science, Gautam Arts, R Sanjivani Commerce College, Kopargaon Pin 423 601, Dist - A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/09/1965) BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, English, Marathi , Hindi, Sanskrit, Economics, Politics, Sanskrit (Entire),English (Entire)M.Sc Organic Chemistry,Physics,M.Com. BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, English, Marathi , Hindi, , Economics, Politics, History,M.Com. 1965 MW UG,PG 10 A’nagar Babuji Avhad Arts & Commerce College, Pathardi – 414 102 , Dist- A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AC/10/1966) R 1966 MW UG, PG 11 A’nagar Shri Dyaneshwar R Mahavidyalaya, Arts ,Commerce, & Science,Newasa, Dist -A’nagar – 414 605 (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/11/1968) 1968 MW UG,PG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, English, Marathi , Hindi, Economics, Geogrophy, M.Sc Organic Chemistry, Physics,zoology, Geogrophy M.Com. B.A., B.Com., M.A. History, M.Com. B.A., B.Com.,B.Sc. M.A.Marathi, Hindi, M.Com. 12 A’nagar P.V.V. Patil College of Arts, Commerce, & Science , Pravara nagar , Loni (BK), Tal – Rahata, Pin - 413 713 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/16/1971) R 1971 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., & B.Sc.(Biotech), M.A.English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, History, M.Sc.Mathematics, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Anal. Chemistry, Botany, Physics, Zoology, Environment Science M.Com. 13 A’nagar R 1978 MW UG, PG B.A, B.Com, B.Sc,M.A.,Hindi, History. 14 A’nagar R 1978 MW UG, PG B.A.,B.Com, B.Sc, M.A.,English,Politics,Histo ry, M.Com. 15 A’nagar R 1982 MW UG,PG B.A,B.Com,B.Sc.,M.A., Hindi. 16 A’nagar New Arts, Science & Science College , Shevgaon , Pin – 414 502 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/20/1978) Arts, Science & Commerce College , Rahuri Pin – 4143 705Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/21/1978) Maharaja Jivajirao Shinde College, Shrigonda, Pin 413 701,Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/23/1982) Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sonai , Pin – 414 105, Tal – Newasa, Dist - A’nagar R 1989 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com. B.Sc., M.A. English, Hindi R 1982 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.Com. (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/31/1989) 17 A’nagar Chatrapati Arts, Science & Commerce College, Shrigonda Pin- 413 701 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/22/1982) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 18 A’nagar 19 A’nagar 20 A’nagar 21 A’nagar 22 A’nagar 23 A’nagar 24 A’nagar Jamkhed College, (Arts, Commerce & Science) Jamkhed – 413 201, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/28/1984) Radhabai Kale Arts, Science & Commerce College for Women Tarakapur, 414 001 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/34/1989) Shri Anand Science & Arts College, Pathardi Pin- 414 102, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/SA/37/1991) Shri Dadasaheb Rajale Education Society’s, Dada Patil Rajale Arts, & Science College, Adhinathnagar , Tal –Pathardi Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/39/1991) New Arts , Science, & Commerce College, Parner Pin – 414 302 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/19/1977) Ad..Manoharrao Nanasaheb Deshmukh , Arts & Science College, Rajur, 422 604,Tal – Akole, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/045/1993) Takli Dhokeshwar College of Arts, Takali Dhokeshwar , Pin – 413 304, Tal– Parner, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/047/1994) R 1984 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. U 1989 W UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1991 MW UG B.A., B..Sc. R 1991 MW UG B.A., B.Sc. R 1977 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1993 MW UG B.A., B.Sc. R 1994 MW UG B.A. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 25 A’nagar 26 A’nagar 27 A’nagar 28 A’nagar 29 A’nagar 30 A’nagar 31 A’nagar Arts, Commerce College, Belapur 413 715, Tal – Shrirampur, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AC/048/1995) Arts , Science & Commerce College, Tal. Rahata, 423 107, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/52/1997) Lt. Abasaheb Kakade Arts College, Bhodhegaon, , Tal – shevgaon, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/054/1997) Pravara Rural Education Society’s, Arts, Science & Commerce College, Satral , Tal – Rahuri , Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/57/1998) Kukadi Education Society’s Arts College, Pimpalgaon Pisa, Tal – Shrigonda, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/058/1999) Pravara Gramin Shikashan Sanstha’s , Arts, Science & Commerce College, Kolhar,Tal. Rahata, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/59/1999) Shiv Parvati Vikas Sanstha’s Arts College, Rashin , Tal – Karjat, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/060/1999) R 1995 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 1997 MW UG B.A., B.Com.,B.Sc. R 1997 MW UG B.A. R 1998 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1999 MW UG B.A. R 1999 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1999 MW UG B.A. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 32 A’nagar Mahatma Phule Nutan Mahavidyalaya (Arts), Mirajgaon , Tal – Karjat , Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/062/2001) R 2001 MW UG B.A. 33 A’nagar Ashok Gramin Shikshan Sanstha’s, Arts, Science & Commerce College, Ashoknagar, Tal- Shrirampur, Dist – A’nagar R 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 34 A’nagar R 2001 MW UG B.A. 35 A’nagar R 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. & B.Sc. Computer Science (B.C.S.) 36 A’nagar R 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 37 A’nagar R 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com. (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/064/2001) Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi College of Arts, Khednagar Tal – Karjat , Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/065/2001) Pravara Rural Education Society’s Arts, Commerce, & Science (BCS) College Ashwikhurd, Tal- Sagamner, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/66/2001) Gautamnagar Education Society’s Arts, Commerce, & Science , College, Gautamnagar, Tal – Kopargaon, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/67/2002) Bhausaheb Bora Arts & Commerce College, Ghargaon, Tal – Sagamner, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AC/068/2002) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 38 A’nagar 39 A’nagar 40 A’nagar 41 A’nagar 42 A’nagar 43 A’nagar Nutan College of Arts, Rajapur, Tal –Sangamner, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/069/2002) Adhinath Krushi Vikas Pratishthan’s Shri.Harihareshwar College of Arts, Adhinathnagar, Koradgaon, Tal- Pathardi , Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/70/2002) R 2002 MW UG B.A. R 2002 MW UG B.A. Ramesh Firodia Education R Trust’s Ramesh Firodia Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sakur, Tal – Sagamner , Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/71/2002) Pragati College of Arts, Kharda, R Tal – Jamkhed, Dist – A’nagar 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 2002 MW UG B.A. R 1990 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. B.B.A, B.C.A R 1992 MW UG B.A., B.Sc (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/072/2002) Sahakar Maharshi Bausaheb Santuji Thorat, College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sangamner-422605, Dist-A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/35/1990) Jijamata College of Science and Arts Dnyaneshwarnagar AtBhende (Bk)-414605, Tal. Newasa, Dist.A’Nagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/043/1992) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 44 A’nagar 45 A’nagar 46 A’nagar 47 A’nagar 48 A’nagar 49 A’nagar Junnar Taluka Shikshan Mandal’s Arts & Science College, Takali-Khatgaon Dist.A’Nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/073/2003) Baneshwar Shikshan Santha’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Buranpur, Tal. & Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/74/2004) Ahmednagar Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Arts & Science College, DeoliPravara, Tal. Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/76/2004) Pravara Rural Education Society’s Arts Commercs & Science College, Puntamba, Tal. Rahata, Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/ACS/77/2004) Pravara Rural Education Society’s Arts Commerce & Science College Alkuti, Parner, Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/AS/78/2004) Shri Dattakrupa Education & Agricultural Rural Development, Pratishthan’s, Saikripa College of Arts, Gharagaon, Tal.Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/A/79/2004) R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Sc R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Sc. R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 2004 M UG B.A. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 50 A’nagar 51 A’nagar 52 A’nagar 53 A’nagar 54 A’nagar Akole Taluka Education Society’s Arts, Commerce & Dadasaheb Rupwate Science College, Akole-422 601, Dist.Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/ASC/18/1974) Rayat Shikshan Santha’s Chandraroop Dakale Jain College of Commerce, Shrirampur-413709 (Dist. Ahmednagar). (ID.No.PU/AN/C/005/1962) Janseva Foundation, Loni Budruk’s Arts & Commerce College, Shendi, Tal. Akole, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id. No. PU/AN/AC/093/2007) Arts & Commerce College, Shendi (Bhandardara Dam), Tal. Akole, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id. No. PU/AN/AC/094/2007) Sahyadri Bahujan Vidya Prasarak Samaj, Sangamner, Dist-Ahmednagar-422 605. (Id. No. PU/AN/ACS/101/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 1974 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A. B.C.A English, Marathi, Hindi. R 1962 MW UG,PG B.Com. 1)ComputerApplication 2)Computer concept& Programing M.Com R 2007 MW UG Arts , Commerce R 2007 MW UG Arts Commerce (B.B.A & B.C.A) R 2008 MW UG, PG Arts, Commerce Sceince 55 A’nagar 56 A’nagar 57 A’nagar 58 A’nagar Akole Taluka Education Society’s, Sant Kondajibaba Arts, Commerce College, Kotul, Tal-Akole, Dist-Ahmednagar (Id. No. PU/AN/AC/102/2008) Varqa Charitable Institute’s Of Higher & Technicla Education, Arangaon, Ahmednagar-414 005 (Id. No. PU/AN/BCA, BCS/106/2008) Maharashtra Institute of Education & Development’s North Star College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Wadgaon Gupta, Samatanagar, Gulmohar Road, Ahmednagar, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/ACS/110/2009) Janta Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Late Marutraoji Ghule Patil Arts, Commerce and Science college, Nagapur, Tal. & Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/ACS/111/2009) Shri. Dattakrupa Shaikshanik Va Krushi Gramvikas Pratishthan’s Abinav College of Commerce, Bhistabaug, Pipeline Road, Wani-Nagar, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/CS/112/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG Arts Commerce U 2008 MW UG B. Sc. BCA 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. B.B.A. B.C.A. 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. 2009 MW UG B.C.A. S.G.R. Education Foundation’s 2009 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. Navinbhai Shah Pratishthan’s College of B.B.A. & B.C.A. 679, Bazar Peth Tal. Sangamner, 2009 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. Pradnya Gramin Ani Adivashi Vikas Sanstha’s College of B.B.A. & B.C.A. Savtamalinagar, New B.Ed. College Road, Tal. Sangamner, 2009 MW UG B.B.A. B.C.A. College of Commerce & Science, Gat No. 1030, Chass, Tal. & Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/C/117/2009) Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/C/118/2009) Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/C/119/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune Law U 1970 MW UG 1 A’nagar New Law College, A’nagar Pin – 414 001 (ID.NO.PU/AN/Law/015/1970) 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 2 A’nagar Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha’s Law College, Sagamner , Pin – 422 605 ,Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/LAW/55/1998) R 1998 MW UG 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 4. D.L.L.& L.W. 3 A’nagar Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan's Khasdar Shri. Govindrao Adik Law College, Shrirampur-413709 Tal. Shrirampur, Dist. Ahmednagar R 1998 MW UG 1) 3 years law course 2) 5 years B.S L.L.B course R 2007 MW UG 1) L.L.B 3 years course 2) B.S.L.L.B 5 years course (Id No. PU/AN/LAW/56/1998 ) 4 A’nagar Kopargaon Taluka Vidyarthi Sahayak Samitee’s Shri Namdeorauo Parjane Law College, Kopaergaon, (Samudranagar), Tal, Kopaergaon, Dist- Ahmednagar (Id. No.PU/AN/Law/092/2007 ) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune B.Ed./M.Ed./ B.P.E.D 1 A’nagar 2 A’nagar 3 A’nagar 4 A’nagar 5 A’nagar 6 A’nagar 7 A’nagar College of Education 105 Kedgaon Devi Road, A’nagar- 414 005 (ID.NO.PU/AN/Edn/08/1965) Swami Sahajanand Bharati College of Education, Shrirampur Dist – A’nagar College of Eucation , Sagamner, Pin – 422 605 Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/Edn/12/1969) Pravara Gramin Adhyapak Mahavidyalay, Loni –413 736, Tal – Rahata, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/E.dn/36/1990) College of Physical Education, A’nagar,414 001 (ID.NO.PU/AN/BPED/42/1992) College of Physical Education,Pravaranagar, 413712, Tal – Rahata, Dist – A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/BPED/44/1992) Sanjeevani Rural Education Society’s Shri Saibaba College of Education, Sahajanand Nagar, Post Shingnapur, Tal. Kopargaon, Dist. Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/75/2004) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 1965 MW UG B.Ed. R 1970 MW UG B.Ed. R 1969 MW UG B.Ed. R 1990 MW UG B.Ed. U 1992 MW UG B.P.Ed R 1992 MW UG B.P.Ed. R 2004 MW UG B.Ed. 8 A’nagar 9 A’nagar 10 A’nagar 11 A’nagar 12 A’nagar 13 A’nagar Mula Education Society’s College of Education, Sonai, Tal. Newasa, Dist. Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/82/2004) Sanjivani Prastishthans B.Ed. College, Kurund, Tal. Parner, Dist. Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/84/2006) Trimurti Pawan Pratishthan’s College of Education, Trimurti Nagar (Newasa Phata), Tal. Newasa – 414 603 Dist – Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/85 /2006) Trimurti Pawan Pratishtha’s College of Education (for Women), Trimurti Nagar, (Newasa Phata), Tal. Newasa – 414 603 Dist – Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/86/2006) Rahuri Rural Women’s Institute of Education’s Gayatri College of Education Deolali – Pravara-413 716 Tal - Rahuri, Dist– Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/87/2006) Abhinav Education Society’s College of Education Akole, Tal. Akole – 422 601. Dist – Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/88/2006) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2004 MW UG B.Ed. R 2005 MW UG B.Ed. R 2006 MW UG B.Ed. R 2006 MW UG B.Ed. R 2006 MW UG B.Ed. R 2006 MW UG B.Ed. 14 A’nagar 15 A’nagar 16 A’nagar Shree Datta Krupa Shaikshanik R and Krishi Gram Vikas Pratishthan’s College of Education Ghargaon, Tal. Shrigaonda, Dist – Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/89/2006) Nav Maharashtra Shikshan R Mandal College of Education Shevgaon, Tal. Shevgaon – 414 502 Dist – Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/B.Ed/90/2006) Mohammadiya Education R Society’s Masumiya Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya 25, Bagroza Hudco Colony Ahmednagar-414 001 2006 MW UG B.Ed. 2006 MW UG B.Ed. 2006 MW UG B.Ed R 2008 MW UG B.Ed R 2008 MW UG B.Ed (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./92/2006) 17 18 A’nagar A’nagar Shikshan Prasarak Santha, Ghulewadi, Tal-Sangamner, Dist-Ahmednagar-422 605 (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./96/2008) Sulochna Belhekar Samajik & Bahu Uddwshiya Shikshan Sanstha, Sant Dnyaneshwar D. Ed. College, Newasaphata, TalNewasa, Dist-Ahmednagar-414 603. (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./97/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 19 A’nagar 20 A’nagar 21 A’nagar 22 A’nagar Sakeshwar Gramin Vikash Seva Santha, Gurukul Near, Tal Taki Road, Post-Savedi, TalAhmednagar, Dist-Ahmednagar. (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./98/2008) Seva Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Dr. N. J. Paulbute College of Education, Dnyaneshwarnagar Vasant Tekadi, Sawedi, Dist-Ahmednagar-414 003. (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./99/2008) Shree Samarth Academy Shree Samarth Vidyanagar, Ahmedngar-Pune Road, Tal-Parner, Dist-Ahmednagar-414 302 Ph. No. 02488-242030 (Id.No.PU/AN/B.Ed./100/2008) Mahatma Fule Shaikshnik Samajik, Sanskrutik & Krida Mandal’s, chatrapati shivaji maharaj College of Education Jamkhed, Tal.Jamkhed, Dist-Ahmednagar413 201 (Id.No.PU/AN/B.Ed./103/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG B.Ed R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed R 2008 MW UG B.Ed 23 A’nagar Parth Vidya Prasarak Mandal,Babuji Avhad College of Education Pathardi, Plot No. 23 & 24, Tal. Pathardi, Dist. Ahmednagar-414 102. (Id. No.PU/AN/B.Ed./105/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed 24 A’nagar Shri Baneshwar Shikshan Sanstha Baneshwar College of Education Burhannagar, Tal. Dist- Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/Edu/108/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed 25 A’nagar Dnyaneshwar Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s, Yamunabai Kurhe B.Ed. College, At/Post. Wadala ,Bahiroba, Tal. Newasa, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/Edu/109/2009) R 2009 MW UG B.Ed C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune Engineering 1 A’nagar Pravara Rural Engineering R College, Pravara nagar , Post – Loni, Tal – Rahata, Dist – A’nagar, Pin - 413 736 ID.NOPU/AN/Engg/025/1983 1983 MW UG,PG B.E. Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Computer, Electronics, Electronics & TelecommunicationInform ation Technology, Instrumentation, M.E. 1) Mechanical 2) Civil 3) Chemical 4) Envormantal Engg. 2 A’nagar Amrutvahini College of R Engineering, Amrutnagar-422 608, Post.Sangamner, Dist.A’Nagar. ID.NOPU/AN/Engg/024/1983 1983 MW UG B.E. Mechanical, Production, Electronics, Computer, Civil, E & TC, Information Technology, Mechanical ME 1. Civil Engg. Structure 2. Mech. Engg. Machine Design C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 3 A’nagar Sanjeevani Rural Education R Society’s College of Engineering, Kopargaon, Sahajanandnagar, PostShingnapur – 423 603. Dist – A’nagar ID.NOPU/AN/Engg/026/1983 1983 MW UG B.E., Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, Civil, Information Technology, E & TC M.E. Mechanical Design 4 A’nagar Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao U Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Vilad Ghat , Post – M.I.D.C. A’nagar , Pin – 414 111 ID.NOPU/AN/Engg/027/1983 1983 MW UG 5 A’nagar Vishwabharati Academy’s College of Engineering, Sarola Baddi, Jamkhed Road, Ahmednagar. 2008 MW UG 2009 MW UG B.E., Mechanical., Civil, Information Technology, Instrumentation, Electrical, E & TC ME. 1. Strucharal Engg. B.E., Mechanical., Mechanical Engg. Computer Science & Engg. Information Technology Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. B.E.- Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, E & T C, Computer. 6. A’nagar U ID.No.PU/AN/Engg/104/2008 Shri Shivaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Shri. Chhatrapati Shivaji College of Engineering Shrishivajinagar, (Rahuri Factory), Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/Engg/113/09) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 7 8 A’nagar A’nagar Hon Shri Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust’s Group of Institutions . 2009 MW UG B.E.- Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, E & T C, Computer. S.G.R. Education Foundation’s G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering & Management, Chas, Ahmednagar-414 008. 2009 MW UG B.E.- Information Technology, Electrical, E & T C, Computer, Electrical. College of Engineering A/P Kashti, Tal. Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/Engg/114/ 2009) (Id.No.PU/AN/Engg/115/ 2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune Architecture 1 A’nagar 2 A’nagar Pravara Rural College of Architecture, Loni , Pravarnagar- 413 736 Tal – Rahata, Dist A’nagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/Arch/51/19 96) Athare Patil memorial Foundation, College of Architecture, Savedi Road, Ahmednagar-414 003 (Id. No. PU/AN/Arch/91/2006) R 1996 MW UG B.Arch R 1996 MW UG B.Arch 1)B. Arch 5 years C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx LIST OF COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY Ahmednagar District Name of the University: - University of Pune B-Pharmacy / M-Pharmacy 1 A’nagar 2 A’nagar 3 A’nagar Pravara Rural College of R Pharmacy, Pravaranagar, Loni , Tal - Rahata Dist – A’naga - 413 736 (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/030 /1987) Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao U Vikhe Patil, College of Pharmacy, Vadgaon Gupta, Vilad Ghat, Post- M.I.D.C A’nagar 414 111 (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/046 /1994) Mula Education Society’s R College of Pharmacy, Sonai, Tal. Newesa, Dist. Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/80/ 2004) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1987 MW UG, PG B.Pharma, M.Pharma Pharmacongnacy, 1994 MW UG B.Pharmacy 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy 4 A’nagar 5 A’nagar 6 A’nagar 7 A’nagar Sanjeevani Rural Education Society’s Sanjeevani College of Pharmaceutical & Research at Sahajanandnagar, Post: Shignapur, Tal. Kopargaon, Dist. Ahmednagar. (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/81/2004) Amrutvahini Sheti and Vikas Santha’s College of Pharmacy, Amrrutnagar-422608, Tal. Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/83/2004) Shri. Vivekanand Narsing Home Trust’s College of B. Pharmacy, At- Shivajinagar, Rahuri Society’s Tal-Rahuri, Dist-Ahmednagar. Ph. No. 02426-251353 (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/107/2008) Hon Shri Babanrao Pachpute Vichardhara Trust’s Group of Institutions . College of Pharmacy A/P. Kashti, Tal. Shrigonda, Dist. Ahmednagar. (Id.No.PU/AN/Pharm/116/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy M. Pharmacy 1. Pharmacology R 2008 MW UG B.Pharmacy 2009 MW UG B.Pharmacy Nashik District Name of the University: - University of Pune Arts, Science and Commerce, B.B.A. / B.C.A./B.F.T. 1 Nashik K.T.H.M. Arts, Science, U &Commerce College, Shivajinagar, Gangapur Road-422 002, Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/A/62/2001) 1969 MW UG,PG 2 Nashik LVH Mahavidyalaya (Arts, Science, & Commerce) Panchwati, Nashik- 422 003 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/18/1971) Nashik H.P.T. Arts, R.Y.K. Science College, Prin .T.A.Kulkarni Vidyanagar , Nashik – 422 005 (ID.NO.PU/NS/AS/01/1924) U 1971 MW UG,PG U 1924 MW UG,PG 3 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.A.,, B.Sc., B.Sc. (Computer Science), M.A., M.Com., M.Sc., M.Sc. (Computer Science), .M.A. English, Hindi, Economics, History, Geography, Sociology, Marathi, M.Sc. Maths, Organic Chemistry, Analitical Chemistry, BioChemistry, Microbiology, Mathamatics,Environmental,B otany, Physics, Zoology, Geography, Electronics B.A.,, B.Sc., M.A., M.Com., B.B.A., M.A. Psychology. B.A., B.Sc., B.Lib., M.A., M.Sc., M.Lib., (I-Sc), M.C.A. Science Faculty, M.A.Marathi, Hindi, English, Politics, Economics, Computer Science (BCS) (MCS), M.Sc., Oganic Chemistry, Physics, Micro ,Botany,Zoology, Certificate Course in English, Jerman, French, UGC Course in Functional English & Travel & Tourism 4 Nashik B.Y.K. (Sinnar) College of Commerce , Nashik – 422005 (ID.NO.PU/NS/C/003/1957) Nashik Bhonsala Military College, (Arts, Science & Commerce), Rambhumi, Nashik - 422 005 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/31/1986) Nashik RNC Arts, JDB Commerce, NSC Science College , Nashik Road, Nashik- 422 101 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/005/1963) U 1957 MW UG,PG U 1986 MW UG, PG U 1963 MW UG/PG 7 Nashik MSG Arts, Science & CommerceCollege, Malegaon Camp- 423 105, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/04/1959) R 1959 MW UG,PG 8 Nashik Karmaveer Abasaheb alias N.M. Sonawane Arts, Science & Commerce College, Satana- 423 301, Tal. Baglan, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/08/1967) R 1967 MW UG,PG 5 6 C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.Com., B.B.A., B.F.T., M.Com.-Advaced Accounting, Advanced Costing, Buisness Administration B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S., M.A.- Defence Studies, M.Sc.Defence Studies, M.Com. B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S., M.A.- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Histrory, M.Com.-Buisness Administration, Advance Accounting B.B.A B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S., M.Sc., M.Com., M.A.English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Politics, Geography,Urdu, M.Com.Advance Costing, Buisness Administration, M.Sc.Physics, Chemistry, Geography,Zoology,Organic Chemistry B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.Com., M.A.- Marathi, Hindi, History, Economics, English, Politics, M.Com.-Buisness Administration, Advance Accountancy, Costing Management Process, Buisness Fianance, P.P.M., M.I.S., Management Process 9 Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College, Lasalgaon – 422 306 Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/07/1967) R 1967 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., D.C.M.M.A., English, Marathi 10 Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College, Pimpalgaon Baswant – 422 209, Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/09/1968) R 1968 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S., M.Com., M.A.- English, Marathi, Economics, Politics, 11 Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College , Manmad – 423 104 Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/11/1969) R 1969 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.Com., M.A.- Marathi 12 Nashik Guruwarya Mamasaheb Dandekar R Arts & Bhagwant Waje Commerce & Science College, Sinner- 422103, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/13/1969) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce R College, Nandgaon – 423 106 Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/21/1972) Nashik Karmaveer Ramraojee Aher Arts, R Science & Commerce College, Deola - 423102 Dist. Nashik 1969 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.Com., M.A.- Marathi, Politics, Economics, English 1972 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.- Marathi, English. 1978 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.- Marathi, English. 13 14 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/22/1978) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College, Ozar(Mig)- 422 206 Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/27/1984) Nashik Gokhale’s Education Society’s H.A.L. College of Science & Commerce, Ozar, Township- 422 207 Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/32/1986) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College, Deolali Camp- 422 401, Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/29/1984) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College Kalwan- 423 501, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/26/1983) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College CIDCO, Nashik-422 009 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/47/1993) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College Igatpur- 422 403, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/23/1981) Nashik Arts & Commerce College , Yeola- 423 401 Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/14/1970) Nashik Karmaveer K.H. Abad Arts & Shri M.G. Lodha Commerce College, Chandwad- 423 101, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/15/1970) R 1984 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.Hindi. R 1986 MW UG,PG B.Sc., B.Sc.(Computer), B.Com., M.Sc.(Computer) B.B.A ,B.C.A U 1984 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.Economics, M.Com. R 1983 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.Marathi. U 1993 MW UG,PG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., M.A.English, Marathi, M.Com. R 1981 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1970 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 1970 MW UG B.A., B.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 24 Nashik Arts & Commerce College, Malegaon City– 423 203, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/17/1971) Nashik Karmaveer Ganpatdada More Arts & Commerce College, Niphad – 422 303, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/19/1971) Nashik Arts & Commerce College, Vani , Tal- Dindori, Dist - Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/20/1972) Nashik Arts , Science & Commerce College, Nampur, - 423 204, Tal – Baglan , Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/28/1984) R 1971 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 1971 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 1972 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 1984 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 28 Nashik J.A.E.T. Arts, Science& Commerce for Women College, Malegaon – 423 203 , Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/34/1989) R 1989 W UG B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. 29 Nashik Smt. Pushpatai Hire Arts, Science & CommerceMahila College, Malegaon Camp, 423 105, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/39/1990) Nashik Swami Muktanand Science College, Yeola 423 401, Dist. Nashik R 1990 W UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 1991 MW UG B.Sc. 25 26 27 30 (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/41/1991) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Nashik Arts& Commerce College , Surgana - 422 211, Dis –Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/43/1992) Nashik Dang Seva Mandal’s Dadasaheb Bidkar Arts & Commerce College, Peth-422 208, Tal. Peth, Dist. Nashik. (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/46/1993) Nashik Arts, Science & Commerce College , Harsul , Tal. Peth Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/48/1993) Nashik NDMVP’s Arts & Commerce College, Taharabad, Tal – Baglan, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/51/1997) Nashik Dang Seva Mandal’s College of Arts, Abhone – 423 502, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/A/50/1997) Nashik V.N. Naik Arts, Commerce & Science College, Canada Corner, Sharanpur Road, Nashik-422002 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/53/1998) Nashik Arts & Commerce College (for Women), Sane Guruji Nagar Jail Road Nashik Road , Nashik -422101 (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/54/1998) Nashik Arts & Commerce College, Tryambakeshwar, Nashik –422212 (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/55/1998) R 1992 MW UG B.A., B.Com R 1993 MW UG, PG B.A., B.Com., M.A.-History. R 1993 MW UG B.A. R 1997 MW UG B.A. , B.Com. R 1997 MW UG B.A. U 1998 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.C.S. U 1998 W UG B.A., B.Com R 1998 MW UG B.A., B.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Nashik N.D.M.V.P.Samaj’s Arts, Commerce & Science College, Saikheda- 422 210 Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/56/1998) Nashik Arts College , Saundane TalMalegaon Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/A/59/2000) Nashik G.D. Sawant Arts, commerce , Science&B.C.S College, DattatrayValse-patil vidyanagri,Pathardi Road,Ambad,Nashik- 422 010 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/61/2001) Nashik Computer Science Mahavidyalaya, Malegaon Camp, 423 105, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/62/2001) Nashik Padekar Foundation’s Computer Science Mahavidyalaya, (B.C.S.)College, Sharanpoor Road, Nashik – 422 002 (ID.NO.PU/NS/A/62/2001) Nashik Navjeevan College of Computer Science, 4th Scheme Shivshakti Chowk Cidco Nashik-4122009 (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/64/2001) Nashik Computer Science (B.C.S.) College, Panchwati, Nashik - 422 003 (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/65/2001) R 1998 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 2000 MW UG B.A. U 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com.,B.Sc., B.C.S., M.C.A. R 2001 MW UG B.Sc. (Computer) College closed U 2001 MW UG B.Sc. (Computer) College closed U 2001 MW UG B.Sc. (Computer) R 2001 MW UG B.Sc. (Computer) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Nashik Computer Science (BCS) College, Neminagar, Chandwad 423101, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/S/66/2001) Nashik V.N. Naik Arts, Commerce College , Dindori, Dist- Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/67/2001) Nashik Arts, & Commerce (English Medium), Night College, Malegaon – 423203, DistNashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/68/2001) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s Arts, Commerce & Science College, Dindori, Dist – Nashik-422202 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ACS/69/2001) Nashik Shri saptshrungi Arts and Commerce College, Dangsoundane , Tal – Baglan, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/70/2002) Nashik K.K.Wagh Arts, Commerce & Science College Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari, Adgaon Road, Panchavati, Nashik-422003 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASCCS/71/2002) Nashik Arts’s Commerce and Science College, Dari.- 422 003, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ACS/73/2002) R 2001 MW UG B.Sc. (Computer) College closed U 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 2001 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com. U 2002 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc. (Computer) B.B.A,B.C.A R 2002 MW UG B.A.,B.Sc,B.Com, (College Closed) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 53 54 55 56 57 58 Nashik Shree Brahmanand Swami Shikshan Prasarak mandal’s Art’s & Commerce College, Dodi Budruk, Tal. Sinnar, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/74/2003) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s Arts and Commerce College, Soyagaon, Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik-423203 (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/75/2003) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. samaj’s Arts & Commerce College, Khedgaon, Tal. Dindori Dist. Nashik-422205 (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/76/2003) Nashik Jagdamba Education Society’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Manmad Road, Yeola423401, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASC/77/2003) Nashik Ozar Vikas Santha’s Vishwasatya Arts & Commerce College, Tambat Lane, Ozar (Mig)422206, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/78/2003) Nashik K.K. Wagh Education Society’s Arts & Commerce College, Chandori, Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/AC/79/2003) R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc. R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com., R 2003 MW UG B.A., B.Com. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 59 60 61 62 Nashik K.K. Wagh Education Society’s K.K. Wagh Arts Comerce, Computer Science College, Bhausahebnagar-422301, Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/ASCCS/84/2004) Nashik K.K. Wagh Education Society’s K.K. Wagh Arts Comerce, Science Computer Science College, Kakasahebnagar-422 308, Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik. (ID.NO.PU/NS/ACSCS/86/200 4) Nashik Shreeman Kisanlalji Sarda Pratishthan’s, College of Commerce, Vrindawan, Nashik-Ozar Road, Panchavti, Nashik-422003 (ID.NO.PU/NS/A/62/2005) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s B.C.A.(Under Commerce Faculty) College,Udoji Maratha Boarding Campus, Shivajinagar, Gangapur Road, Nashik - 422 002 (Id. No. PU/NS/B.C.A./94/2006) R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc. (Comp) R 2004 MW UG B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., B.Sc. (Comp) U 2005 MW UG B.Com College closed U 2006 MW UG 1) B.Com, 2)B.B.A 3)B.C.S C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 63 64 65 66 67 Nashik Gargi Education institute’s B. Sc Wine Technology and Applied Wine Technology College, Plot No. 29, Sector 45, Cidco, Nashik - 422 009 (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Sc.Wine/95/2006) Nashik K.K. Wagh Education Society’s Collgege of fine Arts, Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari, Amrutdham, Panchvati, Dist.-Nashik. Id. No. PU/NS/Fine Arts/103/2007 Nashik Swargneeya Sanjibhai Rupjibhai Memorial Trust’s, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Sanjibhai Delkar Marg, Saily, Silvassa – 396230 (U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Manmad, Tal. Nandgaon, Dist. Nashik - 423 104 (ID No. PU/NS/ACS/108/2007) Nashik Pune Vidyarthi Gruha’s College of Commerce & Science, 206, Dindore Road, Near Meri, Mhasrul, Dist. Nashik. (ID No. PU/NS/CS/110/2007) U 2006 MW UG B.Sc wine Technology 2 B.Sc Applied wine Technology U 2007 MW UG B.F.A (painting) (fine Arts) U 2006 MW UG Arts,commerce& Science U 2007 MW UG 1)B.A 2)B.Com U 2007 MW UG 1) Commerce (B.Com) 2) Science ( C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 68 69 70 Nashik Shree Gurudeo Shikshan Prasark Mandal’s Arts & Commerece College Andersul, Tal-Yeola, DistNashik Ph.No.02559-267952 (ID No. PU/NS/AC/116/2008) Nashik N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s Arts & Commerce College Makhmalabad, Tal-Dist.Nashik Ph.No.(0253)-2530528 Email: [email protected]. in (ID No. PU/NS/AC/119/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. R 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. Nashik Karm. R. S. Wagh Education & Health Sanstha’s Arts, Commerce & Science College, Rajaramnagar, TalDindori, Dist-Nashik Ph. No (025560) 237166 Email: [email protected] (ID No. PU/NS/ACS/124/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 71 Nashik The N.E.I. Nashik’s Late Sou. Ratnaprabha Prabhakar Vaishampayan Arts, Commerce & Science Night College, Off. Nashik District Court, Nashik422 002 72. 73. 74. 75. (ID No. PU/NS/ ACS/137/2009) Nashik Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Brahma Valley Arts, Commerce & Science College, Cidco Nashik-8 (ID No. PU/NS/ ACS/138/2009) Nashik Shri Sairaj Shikshan Pratishthan, Vishwalata College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Bhatgaon, Tal.Yeola, Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/CS/139/2009) Ph.No. 25232934 Nashik Shree Swami Samarth Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Dangsaudana, Tal. Baglan (Nashik) Sanchlit, Arts, Commerce College, Raolgaon, Tal. Malegaon (Nashik) (ID No. PU/NS/A/140/2009) Nashik Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samja’s Arts & Commerce College, Satpur, Tal.Dist. Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/AC/141/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx U 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. U 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. R 2009 MW UG B.Com. , B.B.A., B.C.A. & B.Sc. Computer Science R 2009 MW UG B.A. U 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Nashik Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samja’s Arts & Commerce College, Vadner Bhairav, Ta.Chandwad, Dist. Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/AC/142/2009) Nashik Ashoka Education Foundation’s Ashoka Center Business & Computer Studies, Nandanvan Hills, Chandsi, Tal.Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/CS/143/2009) Nashik Dhanlaxmi Shikshan Sanstha’s Sahakarmitra Shivajirao Katkade Arts & Commerce College, Naigaon, Tal. Sinnar, Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/AC/144/2009) Nashik Gokhale Education Society’s Sir Dr. M.S. Gosavi College of Commerce, Behind Namdar Gokhale Park, Namdar Gopal Krishna Gokhale Vidyanagar, Nashik-422 005. (ID No. PU/NS/C/145/2009) Nashik Janata Seva Mandal’s Modern College, Shrisamarthnagar, Near Canal, Behind New Market Yard, Linkraod of PethroadMakhamalabadroad, Panchavati, Nashik. (ID No. PU/NS/CS/146/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. U 2009 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A., B.Sc. Computer Science R 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. R 2009 MW UG B.Com. U 2009 MW UG B.C.A. B.Sc. Computer Science 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Nashik Late. Sandip Sudhakar Sonje Shikshnik Sevabhavi Sanstha, Zodage Sanchalit, Sandip Arts College, Zodage, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/A/147/2009) Nashik Om Sai Samajik Sevabhavi Sanstha’s Sharda College, Saradwadi Road, At.Post., Tal.Sinnar, Dist. Nashik-422 103 (ID No. PU/NS/C/148/2009) Nashik Gargi Education Institute, Gargi Argriculture & Research & Traning Institute, 6 Gargi House, Madhukamal Nagar, Gangapur Road, Tal.Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/C/149/2009) Nashik Saihydri Shikshan Mandal’s Mahant Jamanadas Maharaj, Arts, Commerce & Science College, Karnjali, Tal. Peth, Dist.Nashik-422 208 (ID No. PU/NS/ACS/150/2009) Nashik Sarswati Mata Shikshan Prasarak Sanstha, Malegaon, Shri. B.M. Patil Arts & Commerce College, Dabhadi, Tal.Malegaon, Dist.Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/AC/151/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2009 MW UG B.A. R 2009 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A. U 2009 MW UG B.B.A., B.C.A., B.B.M. R 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. B.Sc. R 2009 MW UG B.A. B.Com. Nashik District Name of the University: - University of Pune B.Ed / M.Ed / B.P.E.D. 1 Nashik 2 Nashik 3 Nashik 4 Nashik 5 Nashik College of Education , Shivajinagar, Gangapur Road Nashik – 422 002 (ID.NO.PU/NS/Edn/6/1965) College of Education , Malegaon Camp, 423 105, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Edn/33/1986) Citizen Welfare Education Soicety’s Dr.Manjoor Hasan Ayyubi College of Education Bhudhwar Ward, Malegaon – 423 203, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Edn/36/1990) Khatun Minority Women’s Social’s Welfare and Education Society’s A.M. College of Education (English Mediam), Aaishanagar, Malegaon-423203, Dist. Nashik. (ID.NO.PU/NS/B.Ed/81/2004) Jagdamba Education Society’s S.N.D. Education College, Babhulgaon-423401 Tal. Yeola, Dist. Nashik. (ID.NO.PU/NS/Edn/85/2004) U 1965 MW UG B.Ed. R 1986 MW UG B.Ed. R 1990 MW UG B.Ed. R 2004 MW UG B.Ed. R 2004 MW UG B.Ed. C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 6 Nashik 7 Nashik 8 Nashik 9 Nashik 10 Nashik Ozar Vikas Santha’s Vishwasattya B.Ed. College, Tambat Lane, Ozar Mig, Tal. Niphad, Dist. Nashik. (ID.NO.PU/NS/B.Ed/88/2005) N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s College of Education, Satana – 423301, Tal – Baglan, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/B.Ed/91/2006) Amruta Vasishnavi Education and Welfare Trust’s, College of Education, Prashant Gardan, Post-Shenit, Agaskhind, Tal. Sinnar, Dist - Nashik. (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Ed./97/2006) Nashik Rural Education Prasarak Mandl’s Collgege of Education (Co-Ed) Brahma Valley Educational Campus, Anjneri-422 213 Tal. Tryambakeshwar, Dist.-Nashik. (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Ed./104/2007) Kasmade Parisar Vikas Mandal’s College of B.Ed. (Co.Ed.) Education At Post. Vasaka, Vithewa di (Lohaner) Tal. Devala, Dist. Nashika (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./105/2007) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2005 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG B.Ed. U 2006 MW UG/PG B.Ed M.Ed(Co-ed) U 2007 MW UG 1) B.Ed (Co-ed) U 2007 MW UG 1) B.Ed (Co-ed) 11 12 Nashik Nashik Citizen Welfare Education Society’s Dr. Manjur Hassan Ayubi College, S.No. 224, Post Box No. 141, C.S.No. 937/124, Islamnagar, Guruwar Ward, Malegaon-423 203, Dist.Nashik. (ID No. PU/NS/M.Ed./107/2007) Sanjibhai Rupajibhai Memorial Trust’s S.S.R. College of Education, Sayali-Silvasa-396 230. Dist. Nashik. U 2007 MW UG.PG B.E d 1) M.Ed (Co-Ed) . U 2007 MW UG 1) B.Ed (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed/109/2007) 13 Nashik Yuth Education & Welfare Society’s National Campus, Moulana Azad Road, Sarada Circal, Nashik-422 001. (ID No. PU/NS/M.Ed./106/2007) U 2007 MW PG M.Ed 14 Nashik S.S.P.M Mumbai’s Shri Swami Samarth College of Education Agaskhind, post-Shenit, Tal-Sinnar, Dist-Nashik Ph.No.0253-3298394,6572871 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./113/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 15 Nashik K.K.Wagh Education Society’s K.K .Wagh College of Education Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari Amrutdham, Panchwati, Dist. Nashik-422 003 Ph.No.0253-2516671,2512867 Email.kkwaghcollege_education (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./114/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed 16 Nashik Ashoka Education Foundation’s Ashoka College of Education Ashoka House, Ashoka Marg, Wadala, Nashik-422 011 Ph.No.0253-6453929 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./115/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.A .(B.Ed) 17 Nashik Potdar Foundation’s Potdar College of Education Malegaon Camp, Bhagwan galli, Dist-Nashik Ph.No.(02554)-258390 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./120/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed 18 Nashik Gramin Vikas Sanstha Nashik’s Shri Sidhhi Vinayak Shikshan Shastra Mahavidyalaya(B.Ed) Nandgaon V.T.Sankul, Malegaon Road, Nandgaon, Dist-Nashik Ph.No.(02552)-233812 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./122/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 19 Nashik 20 Nashik 21 Nashik PVG College of Education Sr. No. 206. Dindori Road, Behind Reliance Petrol Pump, Mhasrul, Nashik-04 Ph. No. 0253-2530118. Website: (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./126/2008) N.D.M.V.P., Samaj New College of Education, Bhor Township, Chunchale Shiwar, Nashik-10 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./127/2008) R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. A.V.E.W. Trust’s College of Education Prashant Gardern Phost-Shenit, Agaskhind, Tal-Sinnar, Dist-Nashik Ph. No. 0253-3200720 R 2008 MW UG M.Ed. Ajitdada Pawar College of R Education, At-Post-Manur, Tal-Kalwan, Dist-Nashik-423 501 Ph. No. 02592-222810 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./129/2008) J.A.T. College of Education R (For Women) Malegaon, Dist-Nashik. Ph.No. 02554-232952 (ID No. PU/NS/B.Ed./130/2009) 2008 MW UG B.Ed. 2008 M UG B.Ed. (ID No. PU/NS/M.Ed./128/2008) 22 Nashik 23 Nashik C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 24 25 26 27 28 Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Nashik Bhaudeshiy Samajik Gramin And Shaikshanik Santa Sanchalit Shikshanshashra Mahavidyalay, Abhone, Tal-Kalwan, Dist-Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/Edu./131/2009) Samarth Shaikshnik Samajik & Sanskrutik Pratithan’s Samarth Shikshanshashra Mahavidyalay, Katkadenagar, Satpur, Dist-Nashik. (ID No. PU/NS/Edu./132/2009) Shri Kanyhalal Maharaj Samajik Shaikshanik Trust’s Sainath Shikshanshashra Mahavidyalay, Panchavati, Nashik (ID No. PU/NS/Edu./133/2009) Motiwala Education & Welfare Trust’s Motiwala College of Education, Mothiwalanagar, Satpur, Gangapur Link Road, Nashik-422 205 (ID No. PU/NS/Edu./134/2009) Maratha Vidyaprasarak Samaj’s Shikshanshashra Mahavidyalay, Sr. No. 671/A, M.P.V. Campus, Gangapur Road, Nashik, (ID No. PU/NS/Edu./135/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. R 2008 MW UG B.Ed. Nashik District Name of the University: - University of Pune B-Pharmacy 1 Nashik NDMVP’s Samaj’s college of Pharmacy, Shivajinagar, Gangapur Road, Nashik – 422 002. (ID.NO.PU/NS/Pharm/025/1982) U 1982 MW UG, PG 2 Nashik R 1993 MW UG, PG 3 Nashik R 2000 MW UG 4 Nashik College of Pharmacy, Agra Road, Panchwati, Nashik-422 003 (ID.NO.PU/NS/Pharm/45/1993) Shreeman Sureshdada Jain, College of Pharmacy, Chandwad-423 101, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/AN/Pharm/60/2000) Jagdamba Education Society’s S.N.D. College of Pharmacy, Babhulgaon-423401, Tal. Yeola, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Pharm/82/2004) R 2004 MW UG B.Pharmacy 5 Nashik Sau Mathurabai Bhausaheb Thorat Sevabhavi Trust’s, S.M.B.T. College of Pharmacy, Nandihills, Dhamangaon, Tal. Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik. R 2005 MW UG B.Pharmacy (ID.NO.PU/NS/Pharm/89/2005) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy. 1. Pharmacetics 2. Pharmacitical Chemistry 3. Pharmacology 4. Pharmaconsy B.Pharmacy, M.Pharmacy., Pharmacology. B.Pharmacy. M. Pharm 1. Pharmacutics 6 Nashik 7 Nashik 8 Nashik 9 Nashik 10 Nashik Mumbai Education Trust’s, College Pharmacy, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Adgaon, Nashik - 422 003 (Id. No.PU/NS/Pharmacy./98/2006) Nashik Rural Education Prasarak Mandal’s, Collge of Pharmacy. Brahma Valley Education Campus, Trimbak Road, Anjaneri, Dist.-Nashik-422 213. (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/100/2006) M.G. Vidya Mandir’s, Samajshri Prashantdada Hiray College of Pharmacy, Malegaon Camp-423 101, Dist.-Nashik. (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/101/2006) Let. Bhausaheb Hiray Smarnika Samiti Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy Bhaygaon Road, Malegaon Camp423 105, Dist.-Nashik. (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/102/2006) Swargeeya Sanjibhai Rupajibhai Memorial Trust’s S.S.R. College Of Pharmacy Sanjibhai delkar marg, sayalisilvasa-396 230 (U .T dadra &Nagar haveli) Ph.No.(0260) 6454129,2681105 (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/111/2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2006 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG 1)B.Pharmacy R 2006 MW UG 1)B.Pharmacy R 2008 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy 11 Nashik 12 Nashik 13 Nashik Khatune Minority Women’s Social Welfare and Educational Society’s Royal college of phrmaceutical Education & Research near Suresh Nana Petrol Pump, Sayne khurd , Malegaon Dist : Nashik -423 203 Ph.No.(02554)233908 Website: (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/112/2008) Shree Gurudatta Shikshan Sanstha’s Loknete J.D.Pawar College of Pharmacy, Datta Bhoomi, Down Hills Campus A/P.Manur, Tal.Kalwan, DistNashik Ph.No.(02592),222990,222810 (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/118 /2008) Kalyani Charitable Trust’s R.G. Sapkal College of Pharmacy Sapkal Knowledge hub Kalyani Hills, Anjaneri,Tal-Trimbak Dist-Nashik- 422 212 Ph.No.(02594)-220163 Website: (Id. No. PU/NS/B.Pharm/121 /2008) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx R 2008 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy R 2008 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy R 2008 MW UG 1) B.Pharmacy Nashik District Name of the University: - University of Pune Engineering / Architecture 1 Nashik K.K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education Research, Hirabai Haridas Vidyanagari Amrutdham, Panchwati, Nashik- 422 003 ID.NOPU/NS/Engg/030/1984) U 1984 MW UG 2 Nashik R 1998 MW UG 3 Nashik Sir Vishweshwarayya Institute of Technology ,At post Chincholi,-422 101Tal- Sinner, Dist – Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Engg/052/1998) N.D.M.V.P. Samaj’s Karmaveer Adv.Baburoa Ganpatrao Thakare College of Engineering, Gangapur Road, Nashik – 422013 (ID.NO.PU/NS/Engg/058/1999) U 1999 MW UG C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.E.- Computer, E & TC.,Civil, Production, Mechanical, Electrical,Chemical , Information Technology. ME 1. Producation Engg. Manufacturing & Autorotion 2. Civil Engg Stucturer 3. Electrical Engg. Control System B.E.-Chemical, Electrical Mechanical, Computer, E & TC MBA B.E.-1. Mechanical, 2.Computer, 3. Instrumantation & Control 4. E & TC 5. Information Technology 5. Civil 4 Nashik Shree Neminath Jain Brahmacharyashram’s College of Engineering, Neminagar, Chandwad-423101, Dist. Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Engg/083/2004) R 2004 MW UG 5 Nashik Mumbai Education Trust’s, College of Engineering, Bhujbal Knowledge City, Plot No. 1071, Adgaon, Nashik - 422 003 R 2006 MW UG/PG R 2006 MW UG R 2008 MW UG (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./96/2006) 6 Nashik Jagdamba Education Society’s, S.N.D. College of Engineering & Research Centre, Babhulgaon, Tal.-Yeola, Dist.-Nashik.-423 401 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg/99/2006) 7 Nashik Matoshri Education Society’s Matoshri College of Engineering & Research Centre, A/P Eklahare, Near Odha Gaon Aurgabad Highway Dist-Nashik-422 105 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg/117/20 08) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx B.E. 1. Civil, 2. Computer, 3.E & TC, 4. Mechanical 5. Information Technology 1)Computer Engineering 2)Electronic & T.C 3)Information Technology 4)Electronic Engineering 5)Mechanical Engineering 6) M.C.A 1)Computer Enginerring 2)E&T.C 3)Mechanical Enginerring 4)Electrical Enginerring 5)Information Technology 6. MBA 1)Computer Enginerring 2)Information Technology 3)E&TC 8 Nashik College of Architecture , Nashik – 422002 U 1989 MW UG The Principal, R Vastukala Research Foundation’sShyamlal Gupta Inter-National College of Architectute, Villholi, Gupta Marg,Trimbak Road, Dist.Nashik422 002 (Id. No. PU/NS/Arch/93/2006) Nashik Rural Education Prasarak R Mandal’s College of Architecture and Design Brahma Valley, Gat No. 592 Anjneri, (Tryamakeshwar) Dist-Nashik (Id. No. PU/NS/Arch/92/2006) Sandip Institute of Technology & R Research Center, Mahiravani, Trimbak Road, Dist-Nashik-422 213. Ph. No. (022)25931598, 25611822 Website:wwwSandipfoundation.or g. Email:[email protected] (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./123/2008) 2006 MW UG B.Architecture, Bachelor of Design(B.DES) M. Arch 1) Valuecation 2)Construcation Management 1) B.Arch 2006 MW UG 1) B.Arch 2008 MW UG 1.Mechanical Engg. 2. Computer Engg. 3. Information Technology 4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. (ID.NO PU/NS/Arch/035/1989) 9 Nashik 10 Nashik 11 Nashik C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 12 Nashik Brahma Valley College of Engineering & Research Institute, Anjaneri, Nashik Ph. No. (02594) 220202 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./125/2008) R 2008 MW UG 13 Nashik Gokhale Education Society, College Of Engineering,Prim.T.A. Kulkarni Vidanagar Nashik-422 005 U 2009 MW UG R 2008 MW UG R 2008 MW UG Ph. No. (0253) 2342060 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./136/2009) 14 15 Nashik Nashik Kalyani Charitable Trut’s Late.G.N.Sapkal College of Engineering, Sapkal Knowledge Hub, Kalyani Hill, Anjaneri, Trimbakeshwar Road, Nashik-422 212. Ph. No. (02594) 220164 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./152/2009) Amruta Vaishnavi Education & Welfare Trus’t, Shatabdi Institute of Engineering & Research (Via Deolali Camp-Bhagur) Taluka Sinnar, Dist- Nashik- 422 502 Ph. No. (02551) 304215 (Id. No. PU/NS/Engg./153/2009) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx 1. Mechanical Engg. 2. Computer Engg. 3. Information Technology 4. Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. B.E. 1. Computer Engg. 2.Mechanical Engg. 3. Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. 4.Electrical Engineering B.E. 1. Computer Engg. 2.Mechanical Engg. 3. Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. 4. Civil Engg B.E. 1. Computer Engg. 2.Mechanical Engg. 3. Electronics & Telecommunication Engg. 4. Electrical Engineering Nashik District Name of the University: Law 1 Nashik 2 Nashik 3 Nashik 4 Nashik University of Pune K.B.H. Law College, R Malegaon Camp- 423105, Dist.Nashik (ID.NO.PU/NS/Law/016/1971 ) Navjeevan Law College , U CIDCO, Fourth Scheme, Nashik- 402 009 (ID.NO.PU/NS/Law/57/1999) N.B.T. Law College, U Prin.T.A.KuIkarni,Vidyanagar, Nashik-422205 (ID.NO.PU/NS/Law/010/ 1969) 1971 MW UG 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 1999 MW UG 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 1969 MW UG/PG N.D.M.V.P. Smaj’s Law College, Shivajinagar, Gangapur Road, Nashik-422002 2004 MW UG/PG 1. B.S.L. 2. L.L.B. 3. D.T.L. 4. D.L.W. 5. M.L.W. 6. F.S. & M.J. Diploma Course P. Law 1) B.S.L. 2) L.L.B. 3) D.T.L. 4) D.L.L. & L.W. 5) D.C.L. 6) C.C.M.J. 7) D.C.P.L. 8) D.I.P.R. 9) D.H.R.L. U (ID.NO.PU/NS/Law/80/2004) C:\DOCUME~1\PC1\LOCALS~1\Temp\List on Website.docx
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