December issue - Jersey Shore Area School District


December issue - Jersey Shore Area School District
This Month
Editor in Chief
Laura Jameson
News Editor
Abigail Velez
Features Editors
Faith Leathers & Brandon Ranck
Sports Editor
Trevor Rhinehart
Opinions Editor
Isabella Cappellini
Editorial Staff
Brandon Barker
Dayna Beitz
Tiffani Burkhart
Harley Daugherty
Rachel Doughty
Tyler Fields
Aaron Hennigan
Zane Kaler
Elizabeth Johnson
Tyler Rae Laub
Calvin Lesser
Jessica McClellan
Elle Miller
Makayla Potter
Kalee Rizzo
Isaiah Shirk
Brooklyn Smeltzer
Kyle Toner
Sarah Ulsamer
Gabrielle Vuocolo
Mrs. Janna Riggle
The Paw Print
Jersey Shore Senior High
701 Cemetery St..,
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Aries (March 21-April 19): You are the jolliest person ever!
Spread the Christmas spirit. You share a birthday with Austin Mahone and Logan Paul.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Your emotions will change over
Christmas break. You will become happier as you spend
more time with your family. You share a birthday with
Dwayne Johnson.
Gemini (May 21-June 20): You are on the top of Santa’s nice
list this year. Congratulations! You share a birthday with Iggy Azalea and
Kanye West.
Cancer (July21-July22): This may come as a surprise to you, but you are on
the nice list this year. You are going to get that special gift you have been waiting for. You share a birthday with Luke Bryan and Kevin Hart.
Leo (July 23-August 22): You are one of Santa’s favorite elves. You share a
birthday with Shawn Mendez and Barack Obama.
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Looks like you were on the naughty list
this year. Don’t be expecting anything under the tree, unless you wanted socks
and underwear. You share a birthday with Wiz Khalifa and Cameron Dallas
Libra (September 23- October 22): You should be expecting a kiss under the
Mistletoe. You share a birthday with Zac Efron and Kim Kardashian.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21): You are going to have a special gift
from you a secret Santa. Don’t try to figure out who it is because you never will.
You share a birthday with Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry.
Sagittarius (November 22- December 21): You haven’t been doing our
chores, you are getting a boat load of coal for Christmas. You share a birthday
with Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus.
Capricorn (December 22- January 19): For Christmas expect to get 200
pounds of hot chocolate, with lots of marshmallows. You share a birthday with
LeBron James and Liam Hemswarth.
Aquarius (January 20-Febuary 18): You are being a Debbie downer, maybe
you should be more in the Christmas spirit. Help your family decorate the tree,
and make Christmas cookies. You share a birthday with Taylor Caniff and Michael Jordan.
Pisces (February 19-March 20): Don’t worry about surprise kisses under the
mistletoe, because you are going to be the one giving the kisses. You share a
birthday with Rihanna and Justin Bieber.
Student of the Month
Emalie Rell Chosen as December Girl
Emalie Isabel Rell, daughter of Lisa Rell-Pontious
of Williamsport, has been selected as the December
Girl of the Month by the Jersey Shore Area Business
and Professional Women’s Club.
Emalie has been a member of the tennis team all
four years of her high school career. She has earned a
letter in tennis and two gold bars. In addition, she
received the Sportsmanship Award.
In addition, she has been a member of the Outdoor
Club, Prom Committee, Homecoming Committee,
Yearbook, Spanish Extra Club, National Spanish Honor Society, Student Council, Pep Club, Powder Puff
Football, and FBLA.
Emalie has been named as an Academic All-Star
Award winner, has earned recognition as a VIP student, and has been nominated to homecoming court.
Outside of school, she holds a part-time job at Marc
Williams Goldsmith. Emalie also volunteers at her
church’s food bank.
Emalie’s hobbies include reading, quilting, playing
with her puppy, traveling, and spending time with
family and friends.
After high school, Emalie plans to attend college to
become a criminal psychologist.
River Haines Named December Citizen
River Len Haines, son of Dennis and Lisa Haines
of Jersey Shore, has been chosen as the Jersey Shore Lions
Club Citizen of the Month for December.
River has been a member of the Bulldog basketball
team and baseball team throughout his four years in school.
He has earned letters in both basketball and baseball twice
during his career. In addition, he received the Offseason
Improvement Award and Leadership Award for basketball.
This year, he is team captain of both teams as well.
In addition, River has been a member of FBLA,
Pep Club, National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor
Society, Outdoor Club, and Key Club. He is serving as president of Outdoor Club this year.
Outside of school, River worked part-time for
Steinbacher-Stahl Law Firm in Williamsport. He attends
Immaculate Conception Church and volunteers there at
various church functions. He also won a Best in Show
Award for pottery at the Lycoming County Fair.
River’s interests include doing trail work, clay
shooting, four-wheeler riding, spending time with family
and friends, and smiling.
After graduation, River plans to attend Lock Haven University for physical therapy, rehabilitation, and athletic training.
Paris Goes Dark: The Rest of the World
Lights Up In Support
By Laura Jameson
At the same time as this bombing, a
On November 13 of this year horrible attacks
mass shooting and hostage situation took place at
occurred that have left the entire world in
the Bataclan theatre located on the same street as
shock and in fear of their own safety.
the previous bombing. An American band was
Everyone has at least heard of the attacks in
playing at the concert to about 1,500 fans. It wasParis, France that left 130 people dead and 368
n’t until an hour into the concert when three men
people injured some of them very seriously.
pulled up in a car out front. All of them were clad
These attacks left the city of light in the dark for
in dark clothes and had AK-47. They took posiweeks as they and the entire world recovered.
tion and fired in the crowd, some saying that they
Six separate attacks occurred throughout the
shouted the phrase ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they did so.
city in varying places.
The hostage situation took place closer to 10:00
The first of these attacks started near
pm when the shooters took around 60-100 people
Paris troops patrol the Eiffel
France’s national football stadium. Three sepas the police started to gather outside of the theaTower during the attacks on
arate suicide bombers detonated their vests in
tre. The shooters threatened to decapitate these
November 12.
different locations and at different times. The
people and throw them out the window at the
first one happened at 9:20 pm. The bomber had been kept from
police every five minutes.
entering the stadium when security guards searched him and
It was around 12:20 am that the police and a tactical group
found the vest. Just seconds after he was turned away he detonat- called RAID arrived and began the assault on the theatre. All three
ed his bomb.
of the terrorists were killed in the assault. Two of them died when
Five minutes later the first shooting took place at the rue
they detonated their vests. The last one was shot multiple times by
Bichat. The attackers shot at people in a cafe before cross the rue
authorities before his vest detonated. Approximately 89 people
Bichat and shooting people in a restaurant.
were killed in this final assault.
Only five minutes after the shooting started another suicide
It was a horrible time for Paris. The attacks left the city of lights
bomber detonated their vest near the stadium as well. It was bedarkened by the massive death toll. Theories and rumors had been
lieved that this bomber and another were supposed to detonate
spreading that the attackers had managed to get into the country
their vests after the first detonated theirs inside the stadium. If he by way of refugees. They passed themselves off as some of the
had succeeded the people would have rushed out of the stadium in many thousands that France accepted into their country.
a panic and they would have taken out more people.
But French President Francois Hollande is not letting this stop
The second shooting took place at 9:32 pm at a restaurant on
France from helping those in need. On November 18 he emphathe Rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi. The man managed to kill at least 5 sized the French government’s commitment to helping Syrian
people and injure about 8 in the process. Some eyewitnesses say
refugees. He even promised that 30,000 refugees would be taken
he executed the attack using short bursts from his rifle.
in within the next two years.
While all the rest of the chaos was taking place another attack
Although the people of France were still willing to help those in
was happening 6 minutes after the second shooting. There were
need, that didn’t mean they were going to let ISIS get away with
two shooters involved this time unlike the previous one. These
the deaths of over 100 of their citizens.
men attacked people at a restaurant on the Rue de Charonne.
Just two days after the attacks French officials said they had
They killed 19 people and nine people were left critically injured as begun military airstrikes on Raqqa. They had managed to bomb
the two attackers got away in a car.
their political offices and even their military base.
A bombing separate to those near the football stadium hapThe attack in Paris was a devastating event not just on Paris but
pened at 9:40 pm near the Boulevard Voltaire. Reports say a man the world. It has showed everyone just how psychotic the people
sat down at cafe, have someone take his order, and then detonated of ISIS are and has left many people wondering if they are safe.
his vest. Thankfully no one was killed in this attack but 15 people
Hopefully one day this threat will be neutralized and Paris, and
were left injured and one of those was in critical condition.
the rest of the world, can truly feel safe.
Security or Hospitality
By Sarah Ulsamer
Since 2011, 1,500 Syrian refugees have called this country
home, but now with the heightened ISIS attacks and power, more
refugees are trying to flee to countries to start a new and successful life. Three attacks have been claimed by the Islamic government since October 31. France happened to be one of the targets
of an attack. On the 13 of November, Paris suffered an ISIS attack
that left 129 people dead. France closed its border and “went
dark” while the rest of the world “turned lights on.” Since then 23
people have been detained, and over 100 people have been put on
house arrest by French authorities. A Russian plane was shot
down over Egypt leaving 224 dead. Beirut also had 44 causalities
due to suicide bombings on November 12, 2015.
As the number of Syrian refugees trying to flee are increasing,
the United States intends to take in refugees. However, the government is left to decide whether or not they would welcome the
refugees with open arms, or refuse them. However with more
than half of the states not willing to agree, it will be very difficult
to actually know if refugees will be accepted or not.
Only seven states explicitly stated they would accept the estimated 10,000 refugees that will be coming to the United States
next year. They include Delaware, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Colorado, Connecticut, and Vermont.
There are 31 states that will not be allowing refuges to call their
state home. Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgie,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada,
North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Wyoming, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee.
Some governors are stating why
they won’t allow them and others are
straight to the point with no reason.
Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson
tweeted on November 16, “As Governor I will oppose Syrian refugees being relocated to Arkansas.”
Texas’ governor, Greg Abbott, gave
a very direct reason, “Texas will not
accept any Syrian refugees and I demand the U.S. act similarly. Security
comes first.”
Another reason why people don’t
want the refugees is because of the
thousands of homeless veterans that
sleep on streets every night. Also due
to the many economic problems the
United States faces.
The future of refugees being welcomed to the United States is uncertain. But this topic will divide people,
states, and the government as a whole
until the day the decision is made,
and more then likely after as well.
Arkansas’ governor Asa Hutchinson (above) does not welcome the Syrian refugees such as this family (below)
Welcoming Mrs. Maneval!
By Brandon Ranck
You may have noticed a new face around the building,
specifically in the B-Wing. Mrs. Amy Maneval has moved up to the
high school from the middle school, replacing Mrs. Kacie Meixel,
who left the district about a month ago.
“I wanted to teach English, instead of reading, I eventually
would (after I retire from public education) want to teach part time
at a college, but I need to get some high school experience first,”
Mrs. Maneval said about her reasoning for coming to the high
Mrs. Maneval has a pretty extensive educational background including: a B.A. in English from Shippensburg University,
a teaching certificate from Lycoming College, a reading specialist
certificate from Bloomsburg University and a master’s degree in 21st
century teaching and learning from Wilkes University.
She stated, “What I’ll miss the most about the middle
school is all of the great teachers that I worked with, and the principals.”
Although she is new to the building, a lot of students know
her from their middle school years. “I love seeing the students, especially the ones that I used to have at the middle school.”
Her favorite class to teach so far is the honors course
“because we read a lot of novels, and because I’m also a reading
teacher, I just love that.”
She decided to join the high school teaching staff about a
Mrs. Maneval may be new to the high school but she is a
year ago, however an opening allowed her to move up. “I’ve been
familiar face among some of the students
thinking of coming up here for over a year, and the opportunity
presented itself when Mrs. Meixel left.”
She is looking forward to the experience and helping students reach their full potential, so they can go to college and be successful and go on to life from there.
“I just want to thank everyone for being so helpful and respectful and nice to work with and be with,” she concluded.
We here at the Paw Print wish her the best of luck in her upcoming years as part of the teaching staff here at the high school.
The Trout are Back!
By Brooklyn Smeltzer
Mrs. Stephanie Machmer and Mrs. Tricia Sweitzer both have trout in their classrooms for the 2015-2016
year. The Lycoming County Conservation District is the
partner in this project, Carey Entz-Rine is the local watershed specialist who helps out. Mrs. Machmer’s life skills
class helps out with the trout in the classroom.
In mid-October the tanks were
being set up for the new brook trout eggs.
The eggs arrived November 4, from the
Bellefonte fish hatchery. After a total of 535
shipped eggs there was 379 living and 156
dead. On November 20, the students
checked the eggs and almost all eggs were
hatched and the sac fries were very active.
In Mrs. Sweitzer’s room they also
received the eggs on the fourth and 442 of
them were alive. All eggs are hatched now
and are “buttoning up” their sacs. Most of
the trout are beginning to swim up which is
a great sign for what is to come.
Mrs. Machmer is separating the trout eggs
with her students. (above)
Picture of the trout eggs that were separated. (left)
This Year’s Musical Promises to be
By Abi Velez
The big-screen hit The Wedding Singer will be performed live on stage as this year’s musical.
The Wedding Singer is a very flamboyant show based in New Jersey back in 1985. It’s based on the movie
in which Adam Sandler plays the lead role, Robbie Hart. Robbie Hart is the most wanted wedding singer in
all of New Jersey. After Robbie’s fiancé Linda stands him up at the altar, heartbroken Robbie makes every
wedding he sings at after the incident horrible. That is until he falls in love with a waitress named Julia
whom he met at one of the weddings. Only problem, she is about to marry Glen, her “Wall-Street Shark.”
Robbie has to go through with an amazing performance to win Julia’s heart.
This musical is a pop-rock type show. There are going to be bright colors, and funky music like there was
back in the 80’s so be prepared for teased up hair, bright makeup, and tutus!
The musical will be performed April 22, 23, and 24.
The cast list was put up on Ms. Tess Bowers’ door Nov. 20. She will be the director of this show as
well as Lindsey Eischeid as co-director. The cast list is as follows: Ben Thomas as Robbie Hart; Dustin
Puckett as Sammy; Logan Wentzel as George; Chloe Bierly as Julia Sullivan; Taylor Kowalski as Holly;
Chase Carpenter as Glen Guglia; Katie Grubb as Rosie the Rapping Grandmother; Abi Velez as Linda; and
Chiara Hauserman as Angie.
The Ensemble includes: Bailey Campbell, Olivia Edler, Skyla Feerrar, Jessica Fink, Megan Gallagher, Ally George, Abby Greevy, Katie Hendricks, Averie Hess, Morgan High, Kayla Keen, Kayla Markley,
Aria Meixel, Vera Miller, Kaylee Munro, Kaylyn Naugle, Trista O’Dell, Allison Panczyszyn, Allie Schweikart,
Jalen Seyler, Tara Toth, Abigail Watson, Dayanaira Watson, and Daytona Wentzel.
Coming April 22-23-24
Raising Money for a Good Cause
By Gabby Vuocolo
Relay for life is a great
thing to look forward to. It’s a time
for communities across the globe to
come together and celebrate any of
the cancer survivors. And you can
make a donation! It doesn’t matter
if you donate a penny or $100, every penny counts! Every person that
has every fought or died of cancer
should get this opportunity to be
recognized for their hard battle for
cancer. A lot of people might not
get off of the couch and go run, but
it’s for a great and awesome cause.
Every year 4 million people in over
20 countries raise money for
awareness to save all the lives of the
people that are battling a very brutal battle.
Our school does this every year. Our leader is Brandon Ranck (11) is going to tell you about
what kind of fundraising we do. Brandon said, “The high school alone makes about $2,000$5,000. And all of Jersey Shore makes $40,000-$60,000 a year.” Some of the events that they
do is the huge track event that they hold every year. They raise a lot of money for this great
Brandon Ranck (11) is the head
of Relay for Life
As you probably know there are different colors to represent the different types of cancer. As everyone knows pink is for breast cancer. Breast cancer usually affects woman. Purple is for pancreatic cancer, orange is leukemia, emerald is liver, dark blue is colon cancer, light blue is prostate cancer, and yellow or gold is for all childhood cancers. Cancer is a
very terrible thing. People lose family members, friends, people they work with. Everyone knows at least one person that has lost
someone that has had cancer or died from cancer. So raising this money with the different events is a really good cause that everyone
should participate.
Christmas Season brings in Record Profits
for Businesses around the World
By Brandon Ranck
Christmas, it might be your favorite time of the year but
you are not the only one! Corporate business owners and chief
executive officers also love the wonderful season of giving.
Christmas makes a huge mark for many businesses both locally
and globally. It is a time that most businesses break their record
According to, a lot of businesses count the
Christmas season as 40% of their annual profit, whereas very few
count it as their lowest profit of the year.
One of the
biggest profits for
businesses around
Christmas are
items such as
wrapping paper,
gift tags, and the year’s hottest toys and electronic gadgets, such as the latest iPhone or
the Xbox 1, and even the Play Station 4.
So next time you are in a local or large scale business, think deeper. What really
does happen to the money that I pay them with? Some businesses keep the tremendous
profit, while others tend to donate it to large charities or even pay it forward to other
people, who may be in need.
Mrs. Stephanie Machmer’s Students
Continue Christmas Tradition
By Tiffani Burkhart
There is currently a Christmas tree set up and decorated with gloves, hats, scarves and anything that
can keep someone warm outside of Mr. Harvey Barnhart’s room. It isn’t just any tree though. It holds a
special meaning to Mrs. Stephanie Machmer and the
kids that she teaches.
Mrs. Machmer said, “They have been putting up
the mitten tree since 2004.”
For the past 11 years, all of the items that they collect are donated to the Love Center for those who
need the items. Donations aren’t just welcome from
high school students—preschool kids, parents, and
staff are also asked to bring items in for the tree.
Throughout the 11 years that they have been doing
this they have collected over 5,000 items. A special
thing the math department does to get kids to donate
is offer them extra credit for every item that they are
bringing in for the tree. Of course there is a limit on
the amount of bonus points you can receive. Last
year alone people donated around 500 items. However in previous years they have gotten as many as 900.
One of the most wonderful things is seeing the
eyes of the students light up when they see that people have put items on their tree, Mrs. Machmer said.
Her kids are so kind and giving. So do your part and
donate items to make sure someone else is able to
stay warm this winter.
Spreading Holiday Cheer
By Dayna Beitz
Christmas caroling started a thousand years ago in Europe.
They would sing the songs during the winter solstice. They would
write and sing the carols for every season, but now they only sing
them for Christmas.
Gabby Harris (9) said, “I went Christmas caroling last year
and had a lot of fun. I went with the school choir, and we sang traditional carols. We sang songs like ‘Angels We Have Heard on High,’
‘Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer’ and ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas.’”
The earliest Christmas carol written was in 1410. Christmas caroling was originally meant to be sang as you danced in circles around large stones.
Trista O’Dell (9) also went Christmas caroling last year.
“My favorite part was going around and singing to people. It made
me happy to see their faces light up, while we sang to them. ‘We
Wish You a Merry Christmas’ seemed to be everybody’s favorite.”
Christmas caroling makes people get in the Christmas spirit. It makes both the caroler and the person being sung to happy.
Mrs. Bierly
By Laura Jameson
You’d most likely find her
down in the C-Wing teaching kids
how to throw pottery. Or, in most
cases, helping those students salvage
the remains of their projects and
turning it into something awesome.
Mrs. Charlotte Bierly is this month’s
teacher of the month.
Mrs. Bierly has been teaching 22 years, starting her career at
Mifflinburg and Williamsport. After
that she came her to Jersey Shore
Mrs. Bierly teaches
and has been teaching ever since. She
potteries 1,2,3 and
teaches Potter 1, 2, 3, independent,
and also Art Skills with Mrs. Stephanie Machmer’s “awesome class.”
As for her favorite class, she loves all of them.
“Pottery 1, because they are so amazed that they can do it,” she
said. “Pottery 2, because that’s when the students discover they
can control the clay and make decisions that impact their projects.
And pottery 2 because they get so creative.”
She didn’t leave out her independent kids though even though
there isn’t a set class for them. “They can explore their own ideas,”
she said about her independent students.
The thing she loves most about teaching is working with teenagers.
“I like to get to know them and hear about the good and bad
things that happen to them,”she said, “and helping them develop
skills to do things they never thought they’d be able to do.”
In her 22 years of teaching, Mrs. Bierly has had a few embarrassing moments. One of them is something that some of the
teachers and students may remember.
“Have you heard about how my glass kiln caught fire mysteriously on the first day of school one year?” she asked. “That would
be it….thanks for bringing that up.”
Her funniest moment on the other hand was a family one.
“During a pep assembly my daughter Chloe (12) got to throw a
pie in my face,” she said. “I then hugged her and got her back. It
was funny at the time, I swear.”
As for who inspired her to become a teacher and experience all
of this, it was her father and high school art teacher.
Outside of school Mrs. Bierly has many different hobbies and
“Contrary to popular belief,” she said, “braiding my hair is not
my only hobby.”
She also enjoys walking her dog, Max, bike riding, playing keyboard at her church, gardening, growing herbs, painting, drawing
and “torturing my cats by holding them like babies… and I kind of
like pottery.”
Mrs. Bierly’s favorite sport is soccer. “It’s the only one I watch
regularly,” she said. And her favorite food is butternut squash
“Have you had that? I would eat a bowl every day for the rest of
my life,” she added.
As for her favorite animal she said it would have to be a giraffe
because “who wouldn’t love giraffes?”
Her favorite books,
along with many, is the
entire Harry Potter series and her favorite
actor is Benedict Cumberbatch.
“He has an epic
name,” she commented.
“Have you seen Sherlock???”
Just like everyone
there are certain things
about her that make
Mrs. Bierly unique and
interesting. “Prince William named his daughter after me,” she joked.
Something else is a
thing that not everyone
can do. “I can scrape my
ribcage with my shoulder blades,” she said. “I
(Above) Mrs. Bierly, her husband
thought everybody
and three daughters Chloe, Kira and
could do it. If it’s quiet
you can even hear it.”
(Below) Mrs. Bierly and her oldest
Something really cool
daughter Chloe (12)
is that she has more
relatives than just a
daughter in the high
“Mrs. Raye Bierly and
I are married to brothers,” she said. She also
has three kids: Chloe,
Kira and Rees.
If Mrs. Bierly could
be anything other than a
teacher she said she
would be an art restorer
in a museum. “I could
absolutely see myself
happy doing that,” she
And now for some
advice from the pottery
“Obviously you
should take art classes,”
she said. But on a more
serious note she added, “Assume the best about others. A lot of
times we read too much into what other people say and do and it
hurts our feelings. If you assume that others aren’t intending to
hurt you it helps you not jump to getting hurt.”
A very great piece of advice from a very great teacher.
Next time you see Mrs. Bierly you could ask her about tips for
braiding your hair or maybe even about her cool talents.
The Highlights of 2015
By Tyler Rae Laub
As 2015 comes to a close, let’s look back on some of the biggest news stories and trends
that left an impression on all of us that we won’t soon forget.
Caitlyn Jenner:
Television personality and former Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner made headlines
for coming out as a transgender woman earlier this year on 20/20 With Diane Sawyer.
Following her coming out interview, Jenner made a shocking yet moving appearance on
the cover of Vanity Fair with a new identity- and a new name! Caitlyn Jenner is now stepping out into the spotlight and making a monumental leap forward for the
transgender community and inspiring people everywhere.
Paris Attacks and ISIS:
On the evening of November 13, six coordinated terrorist attacks, later
known to be lead by ISIS, occurred in Paris and its northern suburb, SaintDenis. Three suicide bombers attacked near the Stade de France in SaintDenis, followed by mass shootings and suicide bombings at restaurants,
cafes and a music venue in Paris. In total, the attackers killed 130 people
and injured around 85. Following this tragedy, ISIS released chilling videos
of threats to attack New York City, Washington D.C. and many more locations inside and out of the U.S.
Kylie Jenner Challenge:
Find small glass/cup, insert lips, and suck. Congratulations, you’ve done
the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge. Against all medical advice and reason you
have attempted to make your lips plump and fuller like the 18 year old television personality and model Kylie Jenner. This viral trend has swept the
nation and left its mark; for better or for worse. While some were accepting
of the results, others were sent to the hospital for bruised and even split
lips. All in all, this was just another stunt that internet made go viral, and if
you did it, what were you thinking?
The Dress:
Is it blue and black or white and gold: the question that rocked
America. When a Tumblr user posted a picture of a dress and asked
the profound question, the internet went crazy and “the dress” quickly became a viral phenomenon. Whether you saw blue and black or
white and gold, it all comes down to science. What we see when we
look at the dress is a color illusion. Ours eyes are being tricked by the
colors that surround it. Nevertheless the dress, that went on to appear on many shows including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, is black
and blue no matter what colors you see.
The New Celebrities
By Jessica McClellan
YouTube has become very popular over
the years. YouTube is made for many
things; music videos, funny short videos,
but most recently YouTubers.
People that share their doing the things
they love. Such as baking, singing, gaming,
and more are considered YouTubers.
Tyler Oakley, Bethany Mota,
PewDiePie, MirandaSings, Zoella, Jenna
Marbles and many more. People
(subscribers) watch YouTubers for many
things, such as tutorials, blogs, vlogs, and
There are many different categories on
YouTube as well. Such as cooking, singing,
dancing, makeup, gaming, comedy, and
much much more.
Some students were asked who their
Bethany Mota is really popular too
Tyler Oakley is one of Youtube’s most
favorites of YouTube were.
popular youtubers
Gabby Harris (9) said, “My favorite
YouTubers are JC Caylen and Kian Lawley’s collab channel, I can spend 2 hours on the weekend watching YouTube.”
Also, Alyssa Munro (9) said, “I love Twaim, I could spend like 2 hours watching him.” Kaylee Munro (9) said, “Tyler Oakley is
queen. I love him.”
Getting the Big One
By Isaiah Shirk
In Pennsylvania, deer hunting is something almost everyone does.
Sometimes, some really goofy and crazy things happen in the woods! Some
people make better choices than others but it still can be fun.
Bea Ferguson (11) said, “One time I went hunting with Pearl Patterson
(11), Katie Grubb (12), Mr. Ferguson, and Pearl's grandmother for deer.” She
explained that Pearl had never shot a muzzleloader before and that it was her
first time doing it. Bea said, “When she shot, the kick was so strong, the bullet
grazed her grandmother’s foot!” Pearl’s grandmother passed out and they had
to help her limp out of the woods. Bea
said, “It was so crazy!”
Ezekiel Miller (11) traveled 63
miles into the woods, carrying all his
belongings in his backpack. Ezekiel says,
“It took me 7 days of camping to get to
my prime spot. I got there, set up inside
a big tree, and sat there for 6 hours playing poker with myself.” Ezekiel said he
saw one rabbit, the next day he saw a 15point buck! Then he woke up and realized it was a dream. He also realized he
must have taken a wrong turn because a
few hundred meters away, there was a
town full of beavers; and then he went
Another Movie is Added to the James Bond
By Faith Leathers
“The name’s Bond. James Bond.” This line is known by everyone, even
if you haven't seen any of the .007 movies. James Bond was created in
1953 by Ian Fleming.
Since Fleming's death in 1964, 23 James Bond movies have been
filmed. The 24th film, Spectre, came out on November 6 of this year. Out
of the 24 films, Daniel Craig has starred as Bond himself in four of them.
Craig has been playing the role of Bond since 2006. One of his Bond
films, Skyfall, made $1.1 billion, making this film the most successful
James Bond film ever.
The actors that also played as James Bond are: Sean Connery, George
Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosan.
This year, Spectre will probably mark the last James Bond movie that
will have Daniel Craig as the lead role. Daniel Craig is unsure if he wants
to make another Bond movie because of the troubles he has had behind
the set of each film, including: unfinished scripts, arguments with the
directors, and just not getting along with the other actors/actresses.
“At this moment, no. I have a life and I've got to get on with it a bit.
But, we'll see,” said Craig.
Daniel Craig is James Bond in the new movie
Spectre is mainly about a secret group of men, mostly old enemies
from other James Bond films, who want to expose the identities and lifestyles of the spies and everyone working for MI6.
Spectre stands for Special Executive for Counter-intelligence,Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.
M is the woman who is in charge of the British Secret Service, but was killed in the film, Skyfall, by Silva. M sends a video to Bond
explaining why Spectre needs to be stopped. But, Bond doesn't see this video until a couple months later after her death.
To keep MI6 and all the spies safe, Bond goes after Spectre and tries to figure out who is in charge of it all, even after the new guy in
charge of M16 tells him not to and suspends him from all spy work. James meets a lady by the name Madeleine Swann, and she ends
up being the “Bond girl” of this film. She ends up helping him with the mystery of Spectre and fighting off the bad guys, and also becoming his love interest.
I'll leave the ending for anyone who is interested in watching this movie so it can remain a mystery.
Spectre logo
This or That?
Desiree Long (9)
Melanie Steinbacher (10)
Ivan Sponenburg (11)
Jess Willits (12)
Coffee or hot chocolate?
Hot Chocolate
Are you the Grinch
or Elf?
Give presents or
receive presents?
Give presents
Give presents
Give presents
Receive presents
Watch Christmas
movies or not?
Fuzzy socks or regular socks?
Regular socks
Fuzzy socks
Regular socks
Regular socks
Ugly or cute sweater?
Real or fake Christmas tree?
Love or hate candy
Turkey or ham?
Winter or summer?
This or That?
Owen Lesser (9)
Darren Stetts (10)
Logan Huling (11)
Collin McLaughlin (12)
Egg nog or hot cider?
Egg Nog
Hot Cider
Egg nog
Hot cider
Hanukkah or Christmas?
Snow or rain?
Sled riding or snowball
Sled riding
Snowball fights
Sled riding
Snowball fights
Snowmen or snow angels?
Snow angles
Snow angles
Gift wrap or gift bags?
Gift bags
Gift wrap
Gift bags
Gift bags
Fire or snow?
Christmas Eve
Black Friday
Christmas Eve
Black Friday or Christmas Eve shopping?
Do You Know Who Santa Really Is?
By Faith Leathers
The origin of Santa Claus is based on a man by the name
of St. Nicholas.
Nicholas was born in 280 AD, in what is now Turkey. St.
Nicholas was known for helping the poor, and he's also
known for delivering gifts to all the good boys and girls
around the world. In 1934, the song “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” brought along the creation of the naughty and
nice list that Santa makes each year.
In the Western part of the world, North America and
South America, Santa is known for his bringing of gifts and
joy to families on December 24 of each year. Santa Claus is
mainly described as a jolly white-bearded man, wearing a
red suit with black leather boots and gloves. He also has a
bag full of gifts and a sleigh with eight reindeer.
In the Netherlands, Santa Claus goes by the name Sinterklaas. 36% of the Dutch give gifts on Sinterklaas Day,
which is a day before Christmas. 21% give gifts on Christmas Day. 26% of the Dutch give gifts on both days. In England, he goes by Father Christmas. Father Christmas was created in the 16th century and is described to be wearing a green or a scarlet
robe lined with fur.
Even though there are many different stories and origins of Santa Claus, in every origin he seems to be very giving and an amazing
man who children and adults of all ages look up to. So this Christmas season, try and be good boys and girls… and you may end up
with everything you asked for.
What is Your Favorite Christmas Food?
By Isaiah Shirk
Christmas cookies, ham, sweet potatoes, and eggnog are all popular Christmas foods in the United States, but is it popular to everyone? Not all people just enjoy these famous treats, though.
Summer Andrus (11) said, “My favorite Christmas treat is my mom’s homemade Tiger Butter.” Her mom’s Tiger Butter is a mix of
chocolate and peanut butter fudge. She said, “It tastes really good.”
Ariana Paulhamus (12) explained that her favorite Christmas snack is pretzel with either a melted Rolo, mint M&M or candy cane
piece on top. She said, “It’s my favorite because they are bite-sized and you can eat a lot of them without getting full, and the mint and
chocolate taste great together.” Sounds like a tasty treat for the holidays.
Branden Barris (10) said that his favorite Christmas food is pie. Why? “Because pie is pie,” was his response.
Gineen VoNeeda (11) likes her grandma’s peanut butter blossom cookies. Gineen said, “They’re the best cookies you’ll ever taste.”
Chiara Hauserman (11) says that she personally loves Holly Cookies. She explains, “They are basically like Rice Crispies, but they
use corn flakes instead, and they top them with either red M&Ms or cinnamon candies.”
Everyone has their own favorite food at Christmas that makes the holidays even more special. Merry Christmas everyone!
What Was Your Favorite Album This Year?
By Jessica McClellan
Music was a big part of us this year. Between albums, concerts, and singles. It’s crazy! Artists went all out to make the best music for the fans.
One Direction, Adele, Justin Bieber, Drake, The
Weekend, Selena Gomez and many more stars have
made their way to the top of the charts with their
amazing songs form there amazing albums.
People gave their opinions about the poppin’ music that came out this year.
Madilyn Bailey (9) said, “Bring me the
Horizon is my favorite artist, Sempiternal is the
best album they have done.”
Also, Gage Mann (9), has own personal
favorite when it comes to music. “My favorite artist
is Nicki Minaj,” he said, “Her best album is the
Melanie Steinbacher (10) loves country music, “Chris Young is my favorite artist because his songs have a meaning behind them.”
So, people have been loving the new music that has been popping this year and more to come in later years. New albums, new artists, and more.
With albums like “25” from Adele, “Made in the A.M.” from One Direction, and “Purpose” by the one and only Justin Bieber. It’s
hard to pick just one album with amazing hits of the year on them to be the best one of the year. Besides, everyone has their own music taste.
Kardashian Breakups of 2015
By Rachael Doughty
Looking back at 2015, it was one long year for the Kardashian/
Jenner family, specifically in breaks ups.
One took place Fourth of July weekend, when Kourtney Kardashian broke up with Scott Disick after nine years together.
Kourtney claims to have always stood by Scott to defend him, but
after three kids it has gotten old.
Kourtney made her final decision after seeing a picture of Scott
with his arm around another woman, Chloe Bartoli, in Monte Carlo; Scott still didn’t return home until after a month-long party
Years earlier, in 2010, the couple temporarily split when Kourtney believed Scott had an alcohol problem; after Scott gave up
drinking and attended counseling with Kourtney, the couple decided to continue their relationship. Scott's improved behavior
didn't seem to last long; recently he's been spotted "partying hard"
without Kourtney.
Kourtney says she will continue putting on a brave face and
others respond with, "She is over it. She's fed up. It's humiliating
and disrespectful. How much more is she supposed to take?"
Kylie Jenner and Tyga started dating in October of 2014, but
had reportedly broken up on the rappers 26 birthday on November 19th. Kylie was the one who broke up with Tyga just as she
returned from Australia because of "something Tyga did.”
Tyga said, "He's devastated" and denies "doing anything" at all.
Tyga isn’t going to give up on Kylie saying, “that's his one and only
Lastly, one of the most well-known Kardashian break ups was
between Kris Kardashian/Jenner and Bruce Jenner, now known
as Caitlyn Jenner, were officially divorced on March 23rd of 2015
after 22 years of marriage.
Later when Bruce Jenner announced his transition becoming a
woman, Kris Kardashian “freaked out” forcing more chaos on the
newly separated couple. However Caitlyn’s 10 children and step
children have been very supportive of his transition.
This past year definitely took a toll on the Kardashian/Jenner
family, wonder what’s coming for 2016.
Have You Seen Orange is the New Black
By Rachael Doughty
Orange Is the New
Black is an American
comedy-drama series
created by Jenji Kohan.
The series is based on
Piper Kerman's memoir, Orange Is the New
Black: My Year in a
Women's Prison
(2010), about her experiences at FCI Danbury,
a minimum-security
federal prison.
The first season
premiered on July 11,
2013 on Netflix. The
second season was released on June 6, 2014.
The third season premiered on June 11, 2015. On April 15, 2015, the series was renewed
for a fourth season, scheduled to premiere in 2016.
The series focuses on Piper Chapman (Taylor Schilling), a woman in her thirties who is sentenced to 15 months in Litchfield Penitentiary, in upstate New York. Piper has been convicted of transporting a suitcase full of drug money for her then girlfriend Alex
Vause (Laura Prepon), an international drug smuggler.
The offense happened 10 years before the start of the series and
in that time Piper had moved on to living a normal, legal lifestyle.
Her sudden indictment
seriously disrupts her relationships with her fiancé,
family and friends.
Piper starts off having a
rough time adapting to the
prison lifestyle, and soon
realizes even though she is
stuck in there the world
outside keeps moving.
As Piper meets
the other inmates, the
show plays flashbacks
showing how they came to
be in prison and what’s
happening in their old
lives without them there.
Although there is comedy,
there are also many lessons taught throughout
the series.
Before Piper was convicted, she probably wouldn’t have talked
to or befriend the type of women that she met in prison; after being forced around them she realized how to really communicate
with people and learned many life lessons from them.
Overall the series is full of comedy, but can also be very serious
and play with your emotions. I can’t wait for season 4 to premiere
in 2016 to see what new complicated situations Piper gets herself
Ballerina Slippers for Christmas?
By Kyle Toner
It happens every year: getting a bad Christmas gift. It can be
anything from socks to underwear. It’s always difficult to react to
when you open it up, too. Sometimes you give them to other people too.
Here are some of the worst Christmas gifts people in our school
have gotten.
Katelyn Dutton (10) said, “The worst Christmas gift I got was an
itchy sweater and I had to wear it
all day and now I have to wear it
every Christmas.”
Another terrible gift was received by Ella Simcox (11). “I got a
wire coat rack shaped like a woman. It was so awkward I ended up
taking it back.”
Travis Bradley (12) said, “One year I got a pair of ballerina slippers for Christmas, so that’s the worst gift I ever got.”
So next time you get a bad Christmas gift just think … it could
be worse, like a wire coat rack shaped like a woman! In the end it
doesn’t matter what you get, just be thankful for what you have.
Have a very merry Christmas.
Club Spotlight
By Elizabeth Johnson
Teen Talk
What this club does
Talk about feelings or thoughts
Discuss school issues
Help people feel better about themselves
Provide safe environment from students to release
what's on their minds
What is said stays at club
Help make stronger friendships
Key Club
What this club does
Painting of the bulldog and pawprints
Trick or treat for Unicef
Holiday food drive
Holiday door decorating contest
Lock ins
Sponsor dances
President- Skyla Feerrar (11)
Vice President- Zane Kaler (10)
Secretary/Treasurer - Dakota Gardner (11)
President- Cameron Boughter
Vice Presidents- Janel Eck and Collin Fulkrod
Secretary- Ben Thomas
Treasure- Lyndsay Malicky
Historian- Hayden Swartwood
When and where they meet
When and where they meet
Wednesdays during VIP homeroom in B130
Mondays during VIP homeroom in E301
From the members…
Why should someone join your club?
Skyla Feerrar (11): “ It’s a great club that can help you
express your thought and feelings.”
Megan Haltenhoff (10): “If you have something on your
mind you can say it and not get judged.”
What’s your favorite part of this club?
Megan Haltenhoff (10): “That I won’t get judged.”
Skyla Feerrar (10): “Building good friendships, and helping people overcome their feelings and conflicts in and outside of school.”
What made you join Teen Talk?
Jasmin Burkholder (9): “A friend said I should come.”
Megan Haltenhoff (10): “To find people who won’t judge
me and will except me for who I am.”
From the members…
Why should someone join your club?
Cameron Boughter (12): “Because we do a lot of fun activities that help out our school.”
Ben Thomas (12): “Because Key Club does great things for
the school.”
What’s your favorite part of this club?
Cameron Boughter (12): “Being the president.”
Ben Thomas (12): “The out-of-school activities.”
What made you join Key Club?
Lyndsay Malicky (10): “I just heard about it and it sounded
Ben Thomas (12): “Because it looks good on college applications.”
Dear Diary
By Abi Velez
November 18, 2015
Today is Wednesday! Hump-day! Half way through the week! Two more days until Thanksgiving break.
November 20, 2015
Cast list is posted today for the upcoming spring musical The Wedding Singer! Congrats to everyone who made it! Can’t wait to see
the show!
December 1, 2015
Welcome back! It’s the first day back to school from Thanksgiving break. I hope you all had a great break, now it’s time to get back
into the routine!
December 2, 2015
Second day back and it’s so hard to get out of bed. There’s a lock in this Friday from 8pm, until 8am Saturday morning!
December 4, 2015
Thank gosh that it’s Friday! This week went by so slow, tomorrow many students from our school are going to take the SATS so
wish them luck! Stories are due here in Journalism, and next week is the school play! Show dates are the 11 th and 12th of this month.
December is packed with a lot of fun things. You’ll never be bored! Girls basketball game tonight, make sure you come out and support our girls throughout the season! There is a choir concert the 17 th, and make sure you listen around the school the 18 th for Mosaic
(select ensemble) which will be going around the school Christmas caroling! Then it’s break! Have a great Christmas and a Happy
New Year!
Christmas is
By Sarah Ulsamer
Christmas is now the most celebrated holiday. With it getting
so much fame, one of my favorite holidays seems to have disappeared. Thanksgiving is the only day of the year that I can stuff
my face all day and go into a food coma, wake up the next day,
and feel no shame. It’s a day to spend time with family and
friends that has been thrown out the window.
Walking through stores the day after Halloween and there are
Christmas trees with red and green lights and ornaments in my
face as soon as I get in the door. Outside reindeer are put out and
lit up along with blow-up snowmen, elves, and penguins. Black
Friday sales were already out, and it’s over three weeks away.
What happened to the turkeys, cornucopias, scarecrows, and Indian corn?
What is even more sickening about Thanksgiving not being
celebrated by most is the fact that because people are so obsessed
with getting a good deal, more employees have to work and spend
time away from their families, not by choice but by force. It is
okay for some grocery stores being open for a few hours Thanksgiving morning for people like me who run to the store for their
mother for stuffing, or turkey gravy.
Sorry Thanksgiving, but I will always love you, because I actually enjoy spending time with my family and friends. Eating everything in sight is almost like a sport to me, and this I will always
hold dear to my heart. Christmas can sit in the back seat for a few
more weeks
so every
holiday can
be enjoyed
without HoHo-Ho’s.
By Makayla Potter
Who doesn’t like Starbucks coffee these days? Their old cups
used to have symbols of the season, which included Reindeer and
ornaments, but have traded them in for favor of a simple red cup.
They recently changed the design of the cups which is now only a
red cup with their green logo on the center. Joshua Feuerstein had
a lot to say about this change. He made a video which he then later
posted it on Facebook on November 5 stating that Starbucks was
removing the original design because “because they hate Jesus.”
He encouraged all customers to say “Merry Christmas” in replace of their names and take a picture to post it on social media
with the hash tag “#MerryChristmasStarbucks.” When his video
reached ten million views, he said, “I think Starbucks has gotten
the message that the Christian majority in this country has awakened and are demanding that our voice be heard.” Starbucks responded to it and said, “Its design was created to create a culture of
belonging, inclusion and diversity.” Also, “The cups are meant to
be a blank canvas for each customer to tell their Christmas stories
in their own way.”
I feel like this whole debate
is stupid, fighting over a cup
and what’s on it isn’t important. We have so many other things that we should be
worried about, especially about
what’s happening in the world,
our communities, and our
families. I feel that we stop
fussing over the little things in
life and focus on what’s going
on all around the world.
Disney•PIXAR Upcoming Blockbusters
By Bella Cappellini
As many of my fellow classmates
know, I keep up on all things Disney. Especially the new movies that are upcoming in the
next few years. Disney and Pixar are releasing
several movies in the short years we have to
wait for them. The latest one that will have
been in theatres by the time this is being read.
The Good Dinosaur is the most recent movie,
other than Inside Out, that has been released
from the collaboration of Disney and Pixar.
Other collaborations of theirs has resulted in
extremely popular and well known movies.
Many of which have had the voices of very
famous stars. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen were
the starring voices in the superbly done movie
Toy Story as they played Woody and Buzz
Lightyear. Ellen DeGeneres played the voice
of the forgetful blue tang, Dory from Finding
Nemo. Movies from these two companies
have made many people fall in love with the
animation, the characters, and the unforgettable story.
Recently, there has been a releasing
of the upcoming Disney and Pixar movies that
will be released in theatres in the upcoming
years. In my opinion, the most talked about
ones are Finding Dory, the sequel to Finding Nemo, and Incredibles 2, another sequel to the first one. People are getting very excited
for these movies to come out. It has been several years since the original movies have come out, and sadly it will take a few more until
we get the sequel. For a movie that has had three in total, the fourth installment of this series is set to come out about the time of the
others. Toy Story 4 is in the works as I am typing up this article. These movies take quite a bit of time to come up with and design and
animate. So many people put incredulous hours into coming up with these movies for people to enjoy and love for generations.
Other than working with Pixar, Disney is set to release a few on its own coming up, also in the upcoming future. The movie
Zootopia, is set to be released March 4, 2016. So w e won’t have to wait too long for this one. The trailer is released, so anyone interested in seeing what Zootopia is about can check that
out on the internet. An original movie, Frozen, was
one that captured people around the world. It was
released in 2013 and is still being talked about and
expanded in the Disney universe. Confirmation to
the sequel wasn’t too long ago. The plot and anything
about the story on the second installment is currently unknown. Though I have a feeling it will be a large
hit, thanks to the Academy Award winning first Frozen. Disney is also releasing a new princess. This
one has more known about it. The release date is set
for November 23, 2016. Moana has already cast its
princess voice and has a star set to be a starring role
alongside the princess. It has been confirmed that
Dwayne Johnson has joined the talented cast of voices. Other than animated movies, Disney is set to release plenty of live action movies for everyone. Including a new Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and
the Beast, and a sequel to Tim Burton and Disney’s
Alice in Wonderland.
Disney and Disney Pixar are hard at work
creating movies that will be known and talked about
immensely. I for one am very exciting to see most of
the movies I have mentioned. Other than the ones I
have mentioned, there are also a few that are not
very known about yet, but are sure to be a success.
Disney and Disney Pixar have a knack for creating
animation magic. Movies that they created years ago
are still well known and loved today.
Don’t Forget the True Meaning of Christmas
By Makayla Potter
When you go to sleep on Christmas Eve what is the first thing
you think of? When you wake up Christmas morning what do you
think of? Most people would think of presents that they are going
to get. What is the true meaning behind Christmas though?
I believe it’s about a baby boy who was born into this sin-filled
world, and he was perfect. You’re probably thinking how can he
be perfect, maybe you’re even saying no one’s perfect, but I’m
here to tell you the truth that he was perfect. His mother was a
virgin. People nowadays call her the Virgin Mary. Now I know
you’re thinking that isn’t possible but it was.
I believe He was born to die on the cross for our sins. Believe it
or not he loved us so much he died for us. What kind of a friend
would do that? Who would love you unconditionally like that?
Nowadays we lose sight of what’s really important, the birth of
Jesus. Many kids are only thinking about what they want for
Christmas, or all the candy they will get. We think it’s about ourselves and
getting whatever presents
we want for
ourselves. We
mistake toys
and electronics
for the real gift
of eternal life
that is free for everyone.
Why would you want to
pass up the free opportunity
to go to heaven? Why would
you want electronics and
clothes over the rest of your
life, and if you don’t believe
that this is true, let me ask
you this one question. Say
there’s a bike how do you
know someone made it? Well
of course by the detail the
structure the color everything about that bike shows
that someone made it. People think the world started
with a big bang, but some of
us know that it didn’t happen
like that. How can so much
detail in this world not show
that someone created us someone created this world someone
died for our sins someone wants to offer us the gift of eternal life?
That my question to you. So when you go to sleep on Christmas
Eve, when you wake up on Christmas morning, what are you going to think about? The presents under the tree, or the true meaning of Christmas which is God’s love for us?
Reason For the Season
By Abi Velez
If you don't know the story of the birth of Jesus Christ here it is right from the scriptures: Matthew 1:18-25
18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came
together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.
19 Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce
her quietly.
20 But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be
afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
22 All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:
23 "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"--which means, "God with us."
24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
When you think of Christmas what first comes to your mind? Presents, cookies, Santa Claus?
That’s probably what most of you think, right? What if I told you that Christmas wasn’t started for
just presents or cookies? I believe it was started as a celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. Like it says
in the name CHRISTmas. According to, 45% of people all over the world celebrate Christmas, but wait, there’s a problem. Only 32% of the world is Christian, or believes in Jesus, so what about that 13% that aren’t Christians. What are those 13% of people celebrating it for?
People over time have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, and that has affected our
youth of today, and people living in this time. Many people believe that the reason for the season is
to just be with family, and enjoy what we have, which isn’t wrong, but it’s not the reason why people began celebrating the 25th of December.
Truthfully, it upsets me seeing people stress out over the holidays. Why are you stressing?
Because you’re packed with shopping for something that isn’t necessary? The holiday for me growing up was always about family, and coming together and celebrating our lives together, and being
thankful for Jesus Christ's’ birth. The presents we get represent the presents that the wise men had
brought to the newborn Jesus. As a Christian myself it’s kind of uncalled for, for people to celebrate my savior’s birthday if they don’t believe in him. Like I stated before, what are they celebrating? Why can’t there be a day to get presents, and celebrate family without involving a huge religious holiday. The birth of Jesus was a catastrophic event in world history. It changed history forever, and it continues to shape our society.
Refugees in America
By Harley Daugherty
The way I see this whole refugee thing
is that it’s absolutely unfair. I don’t see why we
can house refugees from another country when
we can barely house honorably discharged veterans or retired veterans who actually fought
for our country. Our veterans are on the street
begging for money, sleeping in the cold and
even eating scraps off the ground. The one thing
I don’t understand about this is, why? Why
would you want a bunch of foreign people who
could possibly blow us all up, in our country to
They want to invite hundreds or thousands of refugees to live here but there are a
massive amount of homeless people still here.
Not even just veterans, there are just plain human beings who may have gotten fired and lost
their job, people whose families left them and
now they’re sitting on the streets sleeping under
benches and begging for food and money for
just even a warm blanket. Then there’s people
who have a home and have money, who ignore
them and let them suffer but yet can support all of these ridiculous refugees coming in.
I think the refugee thing should literally be thrown out of the window. No one needs them here and we are doing just fine
without them and all they are going to do is cause problems and make everyone miserable. No one in America needs these refugees
and I know I sure don’t want them here.
Legalize Marijuana?
By Rachael Doughty
Legalizing marijuana on a federI believe in the legalization
al level would provide economic
of marijuana, and for the first
benefits for the United States in
time in history, Americans are
the billions.
more in favor of legalizing maIt's not only the feds
rijuana than criminalizing it. 58
who would benefit; legalization
percent of Americans are in
would offer economic improvefavor allowing the plant to be
ments in local communities and
state funds.
The legalization started in
It would save local and
Colorado and Washington
state governments significant
when those states both passed
sums in currently wasted law
laws to decriminalize the drug.
enforcement dollars. Each year,
Ever since marijuana has
$1 trillion is spent on direct law
been known to mankind, not
enforcement initiatives to invesone single account of death
tigate suspected growers, traffrom overdose has been recordfickers, and dealers, the governed. However in only one year
ment could focus on more press25,692 people have died from
ing initiatives.
alcohol-related causes, so if
There is a large power
alcohol is legal, why can’t marirequirement associated with
juana be legal?
indoor growing, so supports
Forty percent of Americans
argue it's likely that the start in
have already admitted to using
marijuana cultivation could also
the drug at least once in their
inspire the alternative energy
lifetime. Since it appears there
industry as consumers push for
isn’t a way of stopping the drug
a more organic and ethical way
from being used whether it’s
of producing marijuana.
legal or not, they might as well legalize it.
By legalizing the use of marijuana we could save the economy
With legalization, those who choose to consume marijuana and and use the money for something more helpful for the US.
byproducts would at least be assured regulated, safe products.
Why I Relay
By Brandon Ranck
Have you thought about
joining a club but are not
sure which one best fits you?
You should definitely try out
Relay for Life! Not only is it
at our school, but it is also in
the community! We have a
Jersey Shore High School
branch, and a Jersey Shore
community branch. Both
run through our Williamsport office.
Relay for Life is an organization developed by the
American Cancer Society
that helps raise money to
battle cancer and provide
cancer patients with numerous things, such as: rides to
treatments, financial aid for
the treatments, and even a
place to stay while receiving
treatment. The money raised
will partially stay locally, and
some will go to the worldwide branch of Relay for
Relay for Life is organized
by two positions here at the
high school. We have a high
school advisor, and a student youth representative
who oversee the whole entire
operation. I just happen to
be that youth representative,
and I’m also the president of
the high school branch.
I decided to join Relay for
Life when my aunt unfortunately passed away to pancreatic cancer, and even before that, my second grade
teacher had also passed
away due to cancer. Therefore, this organization has
become near and dear to my
heart. This is why I try to get
as many students involved in
the wonderful organization
as I can.
So think… do you know
anyone who has or has had
cancer? It might be a family
member, or even your next
door neighbor. A very large
percentage of people in the
United States have cancer,
or will get cancer in the next
few years. Therefore, it is
important to grow this organization so that those people who do end up unfortunately getting cancer, have
help and supporters by them
at all times.
Joining Relay for Life is
as easy as talking to Mrs.
Derr or even contacting me
by email or when you see me
in the hallway! It is never too
late to join, and we always
have numerous volunteer
opportunities available!
So why not join today? It
is probably one of the best
choices I’ve ever made! So
step on up and make the
choice yourself! Trust me,
you will not regret it!
I’m So Over Keystones
By Elizabeth Johnson
There are many things to dread about
school… getting up early, gross food, mean
teachers, homework, and worst of all, Keystone testing. The Keystone tests are taken
towards the end of the school year, and
they’re intended to test what we have
learned. There are three we are required to
take and pass to graduate: algebra, literature, and biology.
I have taken, and failed the algebra one
and literature Keystone exams. Since I
failed them, I am forced into taking remediation courses that basically reteach everything I learned already. The classes are intended to help me pass the test, but I honestly feel as if the classes are a waste of my
time, just like the test. I have no more confidence in myself passing the Keystones with
or without the remediation courses. I honestly feel as if the Keystones are meant to
insult my intelligence.
In general, the Keystones are very stressful to think about. I mean, they are totally
worth stressing over, because me graduat-
ing depends on it. The environment for
these test is stressful, because everything is
so tense.
I signed up to take poetry the first half of
the year, and since I failed the Literature
Keystones I couldn’t take that class, and it
really upset me! I was really looking forward to taking poetry, and that completely
got blown out of the water! Ms. Long is the
teacher for my Keystone remediation class,
and even though Ms. Long is an amazing
teacher, I am sure that every person that is
in that class, dreads going to it, no matter
the day.
The thing I really want to know is WHY
are we forced to take the Keystones? Why
are they of any value to my education? They
aren’t! I passed my algebra and English
classes with flying colors. Is that not enough
to show my intelligence? It feels as if these
tests are made to make us feel bad about
ourselves and our intelligence! I feel as if
these test are doing no good, and should
just go away all together. If I can pass the
class, why should I have to pass a test too?
‘Out of my
Mind’ Is A
Great Read,
Great Lesson
By Dayna Beitz
Out if my Mind by Sharon M
Draper, was written in 2011. Melody
can’t walk or talk; she can’t communicate in anyway. People
think she can’t
what she
learns, but
actually she
has a photographic
memory. Melody overcomes
her obstacles
and goes to
school and
learns more.
Out of my
Mind is a
wonderful book. It is a very easy read
and I couldn’t put it down. I would stay
up late just to read it.
Melody has to overcome obstacles in
her life that we take for granted, like
walking, talking and even eating. Melody is in 5th grade, and knows so much
more than what we would have known
in that grade. Melody has been bullied
ever since she stared school and most
of us have been bullied, but when you
read about her being bullied, the times
you may have been bullied will look like
petty fights. She was called retarded
and more, and it wasn’t someone saying it to mess around.
In my opinion Out of my Mind is a
book I would read over and over again.
Melody knows things but can’t express
Even when a life changing event
happens she still pulls through and
does some pretty amazing things. This
is the only Sharon M. Draper book I
have ever read, but her work in this
book was very good and I would read
more of her work.
What if you couldn’t walk or talk?
What if you wanted something but
couldn’t ask for it, or get it yourself?
What is you had to spend your whole
life in a pink wheelchair?
FOB: Another Awesome Album
By Laura Jameson
Everyone has heard at least one of their songs whether
new or old. Some of you might even remember this band for their
super long song titles or their crazy music videos. Whatever you
remember them for Fall Out Boy has got to be one of the best
bands out there. Their music has changed over the years but
they’ve still managed to keep the same messages and fans.
On October 30 of this year Fall Out Boy created a remix
of their album American Beauty/American Psycho calling it Make
America Psycho Again. I was already a fan of the original and I
was not disappointed with the remix. In this album Fall Out Boy
recruited a lot of different hip hop artists such as ASAP Ferg,
Juicy J and Wiz Kalifa to make the songs something new.
Although they had the same lyrics overall I felt like each
song wasn’t just a remix and that it could stand on its own. They
all bring something new to the song and make it seem different.
Even the feel of the song was sometimes something that I didn’t
recognize, and trust me when I say I’d listen to the original album
on repeat a LOT over the past months since it had been released
earlier in the year.
I don’t really have just one favorite song on this album
but if I had to narrow it down I could probably manage to pick at
least 3 that are my favorites. The first one being Favorite Record
ft. I LOVE MAKKONEN. I really don’t know exactly how to explain it but the song, even though it can be portrayed as sad, really
makes me happy.
My second favorite would have to be American Beauty/
American Psycho ft. ASAP Ferg. Just like the first one there really
isn’t a really big reason as for why I like it. I think that the beat
that goes along with it and the faster pace than Favorite Record
makes it something that can wake me up and get me a little
pumped for my day.
The third, but definitely not final, favorite of mine is
Fourth of July ft. OG Maco. I absolutely loved the original of this
song and I loved the remix just as much. No, it’s not super patriotic or anything although the song may give you that impression,
but it is still a really good song.
Even though I picked these three as my favorites I still
love the entire album. Both the originals and remixes of the songs
were absolutely amazing and I still love listening to them. Every
album Fall Out Boy has come out with is always a favorite of mine
and I absolutely love them. I would highly recommend not only
these two albums but anything that Fall Out Boy has composed. If
you’re into pop punk then Fall Out Boy is the band for you.
Target Beats Out Walmart
By Jessica McClellan
There are many opinions about
Target and Walmart. Which is better,
you may ask. Well, I personally think
Target is better. Why? Well, it all comes
down to it, I feel Target has better quality of items.
There’s better selection, better service, better clothes, just everything.
And also, there is Starbucks inside,
which makes it a whole ton better. But, some people may disagree
that Walmart is better because the prices are lower. But, quality
wins over quantity I think.
Target has much more things to choose from and I feel
like they try harder to get people to come and
shop at the store. Also, they have a snack bar
inside in almost every one and they have a
dollar section and everything.
It’s amazing. Also, it’s cleaner
than Walmart, like the bathrooms and
the floors. Also, their customer service
is outrageously good and people seem
like they like their job instead of wanting to get out.
Also, they have a fantastic
return policy. So, in my opinion Target is better in many ways,
from the look of it, the service, the quality, and much more.
“You’re a Christmas baby!?”
By Sarah Ulsamer
My life has been defined by my birthday, and for some reason it
fascinates people that I was born on Christmas. “You’re a Christmas Baby!?” They always doubt me like I’m lying No seriously… December 25th
is my birthday. Do they need to see my license or birth certificate?
Just when I think the conversation is done and over with, they ask me
the most annoying question. “Does that mean you get double the presents?” It takes all of me to not respond with a nasty comeback but instead I have to explain something that seems common sense to me. I get
the same amount as you do all year mine is just all on one day. Or whenever I decide I want my birthday gifts either the week before or after. It
really doesn’t matter to me or anyone in my family.
Having a birthday on or near Christmas is pretty cool, because
everything is all nicely decorated, which makes it that more special. People genuinely care more about other people and people come together for Christmas. Having a birthday on it just tops it off.
I guess I never really understood what was so awesome and amazing about being born on Christmas, until I got older and
realized the true meaning of Christmas isn’t about the presents, even though most people still think it is. My family’s parties are just
more special to me, and makes me actually want to go.
So I guess being a Christmas baby isn’t as bad as most people would think. It is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year.
Dreams Really Can Come True
By Tiffani Burkhart
One of my favorite Christmas movies has to be A Princess for Christmas. I just happened to be scrolling through Netflix
looking for something to kill my boredom and I happened across
this wonderful movie. When a young woman by the name of Jules
Daly suddenly loses her sister and brother-in-law in a tragic car
accident she is left as the guardian of her nephew Milo and her
niece Maddie.
Jules is currently going through a rough patch; she got
laid off of work, the car has stopped working, and the kids’ behavior has scared off all of the nannies Jules had hired to watch them.
One night when Jules broke down crying because she didn’t know
what to do with the kids and the fact that she was unemployed,
there is a knock on the door. When Jules answers it she finds a
man named Paisley Winterbottom who happened to be the butler
of the children's grandfather. Paisley had arrived in Buffalo to
invite Jules and the children to spend the holidays at Castleberry
Hall. The children soon learn that their grandfather happens to be
a Duke.
Soon Jules finds herself dealing with a cold hearted
grandfather. Milo begins acting out in defiance. She must also
deal with prim and proper women and last but not least Milo and
Maddie’s extremely handsome Uncle Ashton who happens to be a
prince, a title he got from his mother’s side. Stuck in a world
where you stand out is not the easiest for Jules but soon she melts
the cold hearted grandfather and everyone is much happier and
Jules starts falling in love with Ashton and he also falls for her in
return. One day Jules overhears Ashton and his father Edward
talking about people who they were inviting to the ball and she
heard Edward describing someone as “Crass” and “Untitled.” She
believes that they are talking about her so she decides to go back
to the US, only telling the children of her plan.
But, because of some very determined servants Jules
finds herself not on a plane but at the ball. There Jules learns Ashton loves her and Edward stands up for Jules against Ashton’s ex
fiancé and soon at the end of the movie we see Ashton and Jules
being married. A Princess for Christmas is a great Christmas movie and also a wonderful romance.
Princess Jules with her Duke, Ashton dancing (above)
The happy couple on their wedding day (below)
Presents, Snow, and Basketball
By Trevor Rhinehart
The NBA on Christmas Day is something special. Christmas is about giving gifts, family, food and…basketball. Most kids nowadays
wake up early in the morning to see what Santa has laid for them under the tree, leaving cookies and milk on the table and carrots for
the reindeer, well some kids anyway. Other kids however, sleep in until 12 because they either grew out of the whole Christmas thing
or either they just like to sleep. Other people however are receiving gifts on Christmas such as, cross-overs, getting posturized, and
three point shots in their faces; not quite the gift that some people enjoy receiving. This season has a lot of marquee matchups for the
special day including the 2014 Finals rematch between the Warriors and the Cavaliers and a Texas showdown between the Spurs and
the Rockets.
To kick off the holiday slate features a pair of two squads who are having roster breakdowns, the Pelicans and the Miami Heat. Anthony Davis and company aren’t quite having the season they had hoped for in the preseason. Miami traded their point guard, Mario
Chalmers to the Grizzlies so they don’t have much depth on the bench. This should be a low scoring game between the two, but competitive however.
Next up is a matchup features an injury prone Derrick Rose and the Bulls against the dynamic duo of the Thunder in Kevin Durant
and Russell Westbrook. Both fan bases have things to worry about as Derrick Rose is always injured when he’s on the court and Kevin
Durant is a free agent at the end of the season and there is speculation that he might be coming home to the D.C area to join John Wall
and Bradley Beal and the Wizards.
The five o’clock ticket goes to Cleveland for the most anticipated game of the day as Steph Curry comes to town for a rematch of the
2014 NBA Finals when they square off with the Cavaliers. Kyrie Irving will be playing, unlike in the finals. LeBron and Kevin Love will
be looking for revenge, but Steph will continue to do what he does best.
The Spurs are looking to get back to the finals as they usually do with the addition of big man, LaMarcus Aldridge and veterans, Tim
Duncan and Tony Parker and rising star, Kawhi
Leonard. The Rockets are poised for a big season
as they get so close to the championship but can’t
finish things off, James Harden and Dwight Howard are looking to change that.
The night-capper of the day involves the
battle of the Staple’s Center with the two Los Angeles teams in the Clippers and the Lakers. CP3,
Blake Griffin, and Deandre Jordan and the Clippers are looking for bragging rights in the city
when they face off with Kobe and the struggling
Lakers. Kobe and company are definitely struggling as Kobe is coming to the end of what is an
extraordinary career.
Christmas just got 100 times better with
the schedule the NBA has produced for the holiday. NBA on Christmas is similar to the NFL on
Thanksgiving, but it’s all exciting in the long run.
Happy Holidays!
Girls’ Basketball; New Coach, New Attitude
By Trevor Rhinehart
To some players, the
coaches act like a role model
The high school girls are excited
and the teammates serve as
as the new basketball season is
brothers or in this case, sisfinally here. They are looking for
ters. These players have speimprovement in many areas this
cial bonds and Coach Bischof
year as well as coming together as
says, “I just try to be myself. I
a team and doing what they do
always try as hard as I can to
best. Coming off a disappointing
coach and teach the game.
season a year ago, finishing 4-18,
That effort will hopefully be
they are hoping to improve by a
reflected in their effort on the
court. Together we can
The season starts with the
achieve a lot during this seacoaches. Mr. Darrin Bischof and
Mrs. Patricia Hess. Mrs. Hess has
Senior Kati Palski
coached basketball from 1997(12) has been playing the
2001 at Montoursville where her
sport for a couple of years and
team went to the state championsince it’s her last year as a
ship game twice. She also coached
bulldog, she hopes to leave on
7th grade basketball team at Jersey
a high note. Her goals for this
Shore in 2007. She volunteered
season are just simply “that
with the high school last season so
everyone tries their best and
she has been coaching for a total of
that our efforts result in a
6 seasons. This is Mr. Bischof’s
winning season.” She also
first season coaching the girls’
added that her and the team
basketball team, but he also
improves on their record, but
coached four years at Penn College
mostly that we develop a betThis is Mr. Darrin Bischof’s first year coaching the girls’
with the women’s program in
ter understanding of how to
basketball team
which he said it was a great experiplay the game.
If there is one promise that the coaches can make to their playThey did however manage to get four wins as they beat Colum- ers, Mrs. Hess said, “It’s not about wins and losses. (Although I’m
bia Montour Vo-Tech twice, South Williamsport, and Central
a competitor and like the “W’s”) It’s about being a student of the
Mountain. Some of their losses were close however but just could- game. I promise to teach them the game. The better the players
n’t get the job done. Every team has goals and dreams for each
know the game, and develop their skill set, the more success we
season and Mrs. Hess’s goals for her team is “to help each player
will have as a team.”
develop to their full potential, on and off the court and to use a
The Bulldogs opened their season on December 4 with a nongame of basketball to learn life lessons.”
conference game against Troy.
Boys’ Basketball; Rebounding Back
By Tyler Fields
Finally, the 2015-16 season of Jersey Shore basketball is upon us. Last year the Bulldogs finished with a loss against Milton in the
District Championship game 54-52 finishing with an overall record of 18-6. Last year the team had an upset season opener against the
AA powerhouse Loyalsock.
River Haines (12) said, “Right now, I’m looking to improve on making the team better as a whole and I plan on winning a district
championship for this school for the first time in a long time.”
Collin Fulkrod (12) also said he wants to improve on his aggressiveness.
River explained the difference between having Coach Tag and Coach Munro. He said, “Scotty (Coach Munro) is completely different
than Tag in almost every personality aspect. Scotty has some patience in practice and talks to us calmly to help us stay loose and relaxed, Tag on the other hand was very experienced, but just didn’t have the patience at some points and was constantly having us do
something at a high pace.”
Collin said, “Tag was really strict and Munro has more patience with us.” He also liked to point out that Tag has a comb-over and
Munro is bald.
Considering the fact that both River and Collin are seniors I brought up about playing basketball at the college level, Rivers response was, “I do plan on playing for Lock Haven University’s basketball team, but I’m not sure exactly yet.”
Collin’s response was, “If the opportunity is presented to me then yes!”
The boys’ basketball team only has four returning seniors this year but they have high expectations on winning the district championship this year. Even with the loss of impact players Brody Smith and Eric Huling and the other six seniors the team has a lot of hype
and will have many supporters whether its family members or our very own student section.
The Bulldogs open their season with an away loss against North Penn-Mansfield December 4.
Come on out and support the Bulldogs’ on what is sure to be an awesome season!
Mr. Fox: PHAC Coach of the Year
By Trevor Rhinehart
the division title and the girls all running their personal bests that
day as well,” he added. “Sidney Trunzo finishing a dual meet at
You’ve seen him in the E-Wing standing outside of the math
Bloomsburg beating everyone by a minute BUT still sprinting to
room or you might have heard him announce at the football
the finish line and, of course, the Chayten Punch!”
games. You’ve seen him at some point or another and his name is
Coach Fox’s favorite thing about coaching cross country and
Robert Fox. Not only is he a math teacher but he is also the cross
track is “seeing the athletes grow and improve as well as their
country coach and he was awarded as the PHAC Cross Country
changes as individuals.” Coach Fox plans on coaching until he
Coach of the Year.
retires from being a teacher but added his son’s involvement in
Mr. Fox has been coaching track and field for 24 years and
activities could change that.
cross country for four years. He’s had some amazing moments
However, Coach Fox found it somewhat difficult balancing his
and also had some bitter-sweet ones as well. As some of you may
time between coaching and his personal life. He said, “Having Joe
know, Mr. Fox (Coach Fox) was named the Pennsylvania HeartHopkins (as all the kids know him as PJ) as an assistant coach
land Athletic Conference Coach of the Year.
helped A LOT this year. It is difficult though, I’ve missed countless
“It felt rewarding to know that the kids I helped coach allowed things of my own children.”
me to receive that award,” he said about it.
Coach Fox’s goals for next season are already planned out. He
So there had to be a reason why Coach Fox chose to coach track just simply wants “to have fun, have the runners get better and
and cross country. “Because of the kids,” he said. “It is an
perform to their full potential.” He also added that he hopes to
‘interesting’ group of boys and girls that make every day enjoyable “win more dual meets and take a team to the state cross country
at practice. They work real hard and are a close group.”
Coach Fox has had countless memories that he enjoyed during
Mr. Fox is very deserving of this award and congratulations to
his coaching career. Recently, he mentioned that his favorite
him on such an amazing season and more to come!
memories this season were, “The boys beating Williamsport for
Bulldogs Ready to Wrestle
By Brandon Barker
The 2015-2016 wrestling season is upon us. This Jersey Shore wrestling team is
entering its second season with Coach
Dave Herman after taking over the position for Coach Shawn Weaver last year.
The Bulldogs finished last year on a positive note by taking three kids to states:
Hunter Zondory, Jacob Huling, and
Haydn Swartwood.
Although the Bulldogs are missing the
leaders who graduated, the team is looking forward to this year’s class of seniors,
with hopes to send more than three wres-
tlers to states. Senior Austin Bouse said the
thing he’ll miss is “having fun and working
hard with all of my friends.”
Austin said that his goal for his
final high school wrestling season is to
place at state. “With it being my last year it
makes me want to be more serious and
work harder towards my goals,” he said.
Jersey Shore already started wrestling season with a huge victory in the Top
Hat Tournament in Williamsport. Jersey
Shore won first place in team overall points
with winners at 120, 152, and 160. Those
winners were Hunter Zondory, Haydn
Swartwood, and Seth Young.
Athlete of the Month
Swartwood Hitting The Mat
By Harley Daugherty
Hadyn Swartwood (12) has been in his wrestling
career for about 13 years now (including kindergarten). I have
never seen someone wrestle the way he does, and to prove
how accurate I am about that, Hadyn’s record is 90-30 and he
only needs 10 more wins to be in the 100 win club and only 31
more to break the school record!
Hadyn said his favorite memory throughout
wrestling was always watching Austin Bouse (12) and Seth
Young (12) fight and that his hardest competition was losing
his first match and then fighting to get back up to seventh
place. Oh! Did I forget to mention that he placed 7th in PIAA
States at 152 pounds. Outstanding!
When asked who his favorite coach was he said
simply that he didn’t have a favorite but that Coach Ty was
like a mentor to him since his freshman year and Coach Crock
had been there “since the beginning”. If you’re ever interested
in talking to Hadyn about wrestling, please do so. His word of
advice you underclassmen athletes is to always have fun with
no regrets. Hadyn is crazy talented and
there is no doubt in my mind that he will make it far in
life with his wrestling career.
Congratulations Hadyn Swartwood! You are December's Student Athlete of the Month!
Shadle Swimming to Victory
By Elle Miller
Amy Shadle is the female athlete of the month for December.
Amy’s sport is swimming and she has been doing it since she
was five years old. Some of her accomplishments have been
lettering and going to districts the past three years. Her favorite
memories from swimming are being a part of a team and gaining an extra family. Another highlight is having the opportunity
to go to districts with great friends.
Amy does not play any other sports but takes part in multiple
swim teams. She swims for the Lock Haven YMCA and of course
the Jersey Shore High School swim teams. Colt Coffman, Jenna
Brooks and Katie Steppe are her favorite coaches because they
push her and the whole team to be better and help them to succeed.
Some athletes she looks up to are Missy Franklin and Michael Phelps.
Amy would hopefully like to swim for Kings College in the
future because she would like to attend college there. Her amazing advice to the underclassmen is to appreciate time with
teammates because you can create great bonds and memories
with them. Also, she urges everyone to strive to be the best you
can be even if practices are hard.
You’ll never guess what I got!
What is it?
I got Santa’s naughty list...
Ironically, it’s almost identical to
my friends list...
 Whoever gets the gift from me that has scissors under
the wrapping paper, I'm going to need those back.
 Remember, children. The best way to get a puppy for
Christmas is to beg for a baby brother.
 So far my Christmas shopping has involved buying myself presents, so I’d say it’s been a success.
 Santa Claus probably regrets giving coal to naughty
kids now that global warming is threatening his habitat.
 Judging by all of the cologne and shower sets I get for
Christmas either people know I like to smell good or I
am failing at it.
 It only takes about 3 times of hearing the song "Frosty
the Snowman" before I wish someone would push him
into a hot tub.
 I don’t even bother filling out the "From" field on gift
tags during Christmas. One look at the wrap job, and
it’s VERY obvious.
 For Christmas I just want summer...
 Digging through a box in the closet, I found a picture of
me sitting on Santa's lap. Hard to believe that was almost a year ago.