3 - Ville de Shediac
3 - Ville de Shediac
2 A Word from the Mayor Dear Citizens: This past winter has certainly been long and cold and it seems that it just doesn’t want to leave us. But cheer up! The fair weather is just on the horizon and summer is sure to arrive. At this time, it gives me great pleasure to unveil the many programs and events that will be taking place in Shediac this upcoming summer. The Summer Edition of the Good Times Guide is out and it will give you an overview of the many activities in store for you this summer. Peruse the Guide at your leisure or visit our new Website at www.shediac.ca. We will be posting new activities and upcoming events on a regular basis. We will also publicize programs and activities sponsored by our nonprofit organizations. I invite you to explore the possibility of volunteering your services to the variouscommittees set up in order to ensure that we provide our citizens with the best programs and services possible. In closing, I want to wish you a great summer and invite you to take part in the various programs and activities. Looking forward to seeing you out and about! Jacques LeBlanc Mayor Introduction The Good Times Guide is published and distributed by the Department of Community Services of the Town of Shediac. Its purpose is to keep citizens informed of what programs, facilities and other recreational activities that are available in our community. If you have any suggestions or ideas for any new activities or how we may improve current activities please contact the Community Services Department by phone at 532-7000 (ext. 225) or by e-mail at [email protected]. Table of Contents 2 2 3 5 8 10 11 11 12 A Word from the Mayor Introduction Summer Camps Programs Special Events Public Library Municipality Facilities Information Good Times Guide Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 3 Admission and transportation are included in the registration fee. The camps are held at the Multipurpose Centre from Monday to Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Supervision is provided from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Registrations will be held at the Shediac Town Hall at 290 Main Street from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on May 11th for Shediac residents and on May 12th for out-of-town residents. ADVENTURE CAMPS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 These camps are set up for the younger kids (boys and girls between the ages of 5 to 9 years old). The participants will explore different themes during the camps. Participants must have completed kindergarten to participate in the Adventure Camp program. Adventure Camp 1: June 29th to July 3rd $40 per person for Shediac residents $60 per person for out-of-town residents $56 per person for Shediac residents $84 per person for out-of-town residents Sports Camp 3: July 27th to 31st th $70 per person for Shediac residents $105 per person for out-of-town residents $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents Adventure Camp 4: July 20 to July 24 th Sports Camp 1: June 29th to July 3rd $70 per person for Shediac residents $105 per person for out-of-town residents $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents Adventure Camp 3: July 13 to 17 A week packed with sports. Come by yourself or join your friends to play various sports and activities. Compete in your very own mini-Olympics. These sports camps are for boys and girls 8 to 14 years old. Sports Camp 2: July 6th to 10th Adventure Camp 2: July 6th to 10th th SPORTS CAMP 1, 2, 3, 4 th $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents Sports Camp 4: August 4th to 7th $56 per person for Shediac residents $84 per person for out-of-town residents Adventure Camp 5: July 27th to July 31st ULTIMATE CAMPS 1, 2, 3, 4 Adventure Camp 6: August 4th to 7th $40 per person for Shediac residents $60 per person for out-of-town residents Ultimate Camps are available this summer in Shediac. These camps are more physical and are limited to kids between the ages of 10 to 14 years old. The Ultimate Camps include visits to TreeGo, Go Karting racing, tree climbing, Amusement & Theme Parks and more. Adventure Camp 7: August 10th to 14th Ultimate Camp 1: July 13th to 17th $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents Adventure Camp 8: August 17th to 21st $50 per person for Shediac residents $75 per person for out-of-town residents $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Ultimate Camp 2: July 20th to July 24th $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Ultimate Camp 3: August 10th to 14th $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Ultimate Camp 4: August 17th to 21st $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Good Times Guide Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 4 THEATRE CAMPS 1, 2, 3, 4 Two full weeks of creativity, friendship and fun awaits those who join our excellent Theatre Camps this summer. Choose your character, your costume and play a role with your friends. Plays will be staged at the conclusion of every theatre camp. A full day of activities at the Pays de la Sagouine theme park is planned for every camp. The theatre camps are for boys and girls aged 8 to 14 years old. Please note that each Theatre Camp is for the duration of two (2) weeks. Theatre Camp 1: June 29th to July 10th $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Theatre Camp 2: July 13th to 24th $100 per person for Shediac residents $150 per person for out-of-town residents VOLLEYBALL CAMP The 19th Annual Volleyball Camp will take place at MFB School in Shediac on July 27-28-29-30. Objectives of the camp: FUN - LEARNING - CHALLENGES SUCCESS and our mission is to encourage the development of good sportsmanship, camaraderie, cooperation and self-confidence. Within a pleasant and stimulating atmosphere, the participants are challenged regardless of their abilities. On the 3rd day of the camp the action moves to the sandy courts at Parlee Beach. For more information, please call the camp director; Robert Grandmaison at 506-735-8044 or send an e-mail to [email protected] or visit the Website at www.CAMPVOLLEY.ca. Theatre Camp 3: July 27th to August 7th $90 per person for Shediac residents $135 per person for out-of-town residents Theatre Camp 4: August 10th to 21st $100 per person for Shediac residents $150 per person for out-of-town residents Good Times Guide “Have fun while learning the game; now that’s exciting!” Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 5 SHEDIAC MINOR SOCCER Another winter has come and gone and the 2015 minor soccer season is fast approaching for kids between the ages of 3 and 18 years old. New this year; you will be able to register online at the website www.leaguelineup.com/shediacsoccer. You can pay the fees in person at the registration session or remit your payment by mail. Please visit our website for more details. Call for volunteers! Without volunteers we wouldn’t have a soccer program. We are calling on parents who wish to ensure a successful soccer season for their child to volunteer your time as coaches, assistant coaches and team managers or simply to help out during special events by contacting us by e-mail [email protected]. Call for referees! We will compensate youths to referee games for the 9-10 year olds (Tuesday/Thursday). If you are interested in volunteering or in refereeing, contact us at the above-mentioned e-mail. We are looking forward to seeing you on the soccer pitch this summer. GREATER SHEDIAC COMMUNITY GARDENS PROJECT Local volunteers, in partnership with the St. Joseph’s Parish, St. Martins-in-the-Woods Anglican Parish, Vestiaire St-Joseph Inc. food bank and the Town of Shediac, have established two community gardens in Shediac. One of these gardens is located on a parcel of land on the south side of Breaux Bridge Street and the other is situated at 3393 Rte. 134, Shediac Cape opposite St. Martin’s-in-the-Woods Church. Anyone interested in renting a garden plot for $15 per season and/or volunteering to help tend the Vestiaire food bank gardens at either location, please contact Lorraine at 531-0444 (e-mail: [email protected]) for the Breaux Bridge Street location, or Joyce at 858-8874 (e-mail: [email protected]) for the Shediac Cape location. NEW FOR 2015! BILINGUAL monthly workshops being held year round. Plus «Tuesdays Night at the Garden» workshops or other activities will take place during the months of July and August at the Shediac Breaux Bridge Street location. For schedule of events, go to http://shediacgarden.webs.com/ apps/calendar. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. SHEDIAC TENNIS CLUB The Shediac Tennis Club invites tennis enthusiasts from around the region, beginners as well as the more experienced players to come out and enjoy a variety of tennis activities in a fun atmosphere. On the menu this season: group lessons for juniors and adults, private lessons, wheelchair tennis, various leagues (open, women’s, seniors, juniors and doubles), tournaments for juniors and adults, social doubles on Sunday mornings… If you are interested in becoming a member of the biggest tennis club in the province, registrations (membership, lessons and leagues) will take place on Monday, May 11th and Tuesday, May 12th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Shediac Town Hall located at 290 Main Street.Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors and the Town of Shediac, the Shediac Tennis Club’s fees are very reasonable. Also, our «Tennis for All» Fund is available for families or individuals who might otherwise not be able to play the wonderful sport of tennis, a lifelong activity. For more details about the Club’s activities and fees, please visit the website at www.shediactennis.ca/English. htm or send an e-mail to info@ shediactennis.ca. Good Times Guide MAISON HISTORIQUE PASCAL POIRIER The program will be available shortly on the Town of Shediac’s website at www.shediac.ca. ABLE SAIL / HANDI-VOILE INC. Able Sail/Handi-Voile Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing sailing opportunities in Shediac Bay for persons with a disability in the Southeastern New Brunswick region. The sailing program operates from the last week of June to the end of August out of the Shediac Bay Marina located at 168 Pleasant Street. Two programs are available, either Recreational sailing or Learn to sail. Able Sail/Handy Voile Inc. owns two sailboats; each specially equipped to accommodate persons with a disability. Used for recreational sailing, the “Gordon McRae” is a Freedom Independence sailboat that features a cockpit equipped with two pivoting seats for helmsmen and one crew person and it has added stability due to the ballast ratio and vertical center. The “Michael Dunn” is a Martin 16 sailboat that allows sailors with a disability to learn to sail and if desired, to compete Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 6 equally with their able-bodied counterparts in various sailing events. Cost is $10 for the season. Go to www.ablesail.ca for additional details or call (506) 533-9750 during the summer months.»in various sailing events. For more information, please visit the website at www.ablesail.ca or call (506) 533-9750 during the summer months. YACHT RACING IN SHEDIAC BAY classes. Practicing yoga enhances muscle strength, flexibility, posture and reduces stress and anxiety. For more information, please call 866-4880. HEALTH NATURALLY! Rachelle Poirier, n.d., Nutrition consultant and GAPS practitioner (Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome) offers workshops on nutrition and health related subjects as well as offering Healing Touch and La Trame treatments. Discover tools that help prevent disease and support healing. For information, please call Rachelle at 532-5314. SHEDIAC BAY WATERSHED ASSOCIATION The Shediac Bay Yacht Racing Association offers a yacht racing program in Shediac Bay during the summer months. Racing is open to all sail boats in the area. Races take place on Wednesday evenings from mid-June to early September and start in front of the Pointe-du-Chêne Wharf. Those wishing to take part in the races can get additional information at www.sbyrabay.ca or contact Donald Boudreau at 532-8019 or 312-0776. KUNDALINI YOGA Yoga classes are offered mornings and evenings. Breathing exercises, movement, meditation and mantras help to promote awareness, flexibility, strength and harmony. Sign up to experience the power of Kundalini Yoga. For more information, please call Rachelle Poirier at 532-5314. NEW! YOGA WITH A CHAIR Perfect for seniors or for people with physical limitations or for anyone looking for a gentler type of yoga. Consists of breathing exercises, movement and relaxation. Everyone can participate! For more information, please call Rachelle Poirier at 532-5314. YOGA 4 YOU WITH ANNE BLINN Anne Blinn offers a wide variety of yoga classes at the Shediac Multipurpose Centre located at 58 Festival Street. These classes are tailored to suit every age and ability. Options include: Hatha Yoga, Chair Yoga, and also Private Good Times Guide The Shediac Bay Watershed Association is a local non-governmental charitable organization whose mandate is to inform the general public about local environmental issues. For 2015, we will be working on projects such as trout and salmon habitat restoration, water quality monitoring, common terns, freshwater mussels and presentations on the environment. We will be organizing beach clean ups, presentations and tree plantings during the spring. For more information on the activities or how to participate, please visit the website at www.shediacbaywatershed.com, Facebook page or our kiosk at the farmers market. TAE KWON DO Maurice Fougère offers an excellent Tae Kwon Do program every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at L.J.R High School. For more information, please call Maurice at 5322881 or by e-mail at [email protected]. SHEDIAC MOTORCYCLE CLUB The Shediac Motorcycle Club is a group of local motorcycle enthusiasts who support the Shediac Motorcycle Rally. The Club organizes various outings and runs during the summer. If you are interested in joining our outings from June to September, we meet on Wednesday evening at the Rotary Park (Giant lobster) at 6 p.m. for a 2 hour drive. Visit our Facebook page for weekend runs. Join us and enjoy the great scenery! For more information, please call 533 -9632. BINGO AT THE SHEDIAC MULTIPURPOSE CENTRE The Shediac Lions Club is proud to invite you to their Sunday night bingo held at the Multipurpose Centre located at 58 Festival Street. The doors open at 5:30 p.m. and “early bird”games start at 6:30 p.m., followed by the regular games at 7 p.m. For more information, call Bernice at 532-5116. Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 7 SWIMMING PROGRAMS GUITAR LESSONS WITH PAUL DUBÉ Seely’s Motel located at 21 Bellevue Heights in Shediac offers various swimming programs for people of all ages and abilities. Red Cross Water Safety Classes (Learn to swim): Learn to swim classes for all ages from parents & tots to adults. Spaces are limited. Aquafit: Water aerobics classes available at the pool. Early and mid-morning classes available as well as high intensity classes in the evening. Public Swim: Shediac and surrounding area residents are invited to participate in the public swimming at selected times during the day and evening. Personal Swim Fitness: Seely’s Motel offers Shediac and surrounding area residents the opportunity for personal swim times to meet your fitness and recreational needs. For more information or to register, please call 532-6193 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. HARPSYLON THERAPIES The power of music and sounds on health! Laurence Marie, Harp Therapist, offers various programs according to your needs. For more information, please contact Laurence Marie at 532-5616 or by e-mail at [email protected] or visit the Website at www.harpsylontherapies.com. Véronique Maillet, Dietitian at the Sobeys store in Shediac, invites you to attend nutrition classes on the following topics: diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, healthy weight, healthy cooking, recipes made easy and much more. These sessions will be held in the community room at the Sobeys store in Shediac. For more information or for the class schedule please call 854-0993 or e-mail at [email protected]. You may not need blood today but over half of all Canadians say they, or a family member, have needed blood or blood products. Help Canadian Blood Services meet the need for blood by donating in Shediac on the following dates: May 20, 2015 and July 29, 2015 at the Multipurpose Centre located at 58 Festival Street from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please call 1-888-2-DONATE or visit www.blood.ca to book your appointment. Walk-ins are welcome. Good Times Guide MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIR AND SETUP, MUSIC LESSONS OFFERED IN YOUR HOME 15 years of experience in teaching music at Moncton local music schools and private lessons. Lessons for guitar, bass, piano and drums. Experienced and trained in musical instrument repairs and setup including electronics technology. For more information, please contact Steven Arseneault, owner of “Your Home Music”at 961-5174 or by e-mail at yourhomemusic@ hotmail.com or visit the website at www.yourhomemusic.ca. SINGING LESSONS WITH ROSA LARICCHIUTA Singing Lessons for all ages and levels of singers! Have FUN discovering your own free Singing Voice as your singing becomes effortless and natural. Rosa offers coaching in all popular styles, including Pop, Rock, R&B, Country, etc. Ages 5 and up are welcome. For more information or singing lessons, please call 875-9878 or e-mail at [email protected]. PAINTING WITH SUSAN JARDINE NUTRITION CLASSES BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Paul Dubé, B.A in Music with over 20 years experience, offers guitar lessons in Shediac and Grande-Digue. For more information, please call 576-9830. Creative art workshops with Susan Jardine, painter, are held on a regular basis in Shediac. What better way to invigorate your artistic talent than by spending a fun day exploring your creative inner self. We will spend the day working with mixed media to learn painting techniques. The classes are from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. The classes are kept small at 5 participants to maximize your experience. A healthy lunch is provided. The fee is $80. For more information or booking, please call Susan at 532-0007 or e-mail at [email protected]. Private lessons are also available. COMMUNICATION AND HARMONY INTRODUCTORY Anne-Marie Collette, Certified Life Coach, offers an introductory course to help you develop a greater harmonious communication style with theory and practice. Regain inner peace (heart, mind and body), tranquility and confidence in expressing yourself with honesty, clarity and respect. For more information, please call at 312-3303 or e-mail at [email protected]. FABULOUS FITNESS CLASSES Certified instructor, Paulette LeBlanc, offers a variety of fitness exercises in the Shediac area. She would like to invite you to one of her many group sessions including: Bootcamp, Yoga/Pilates, Power Yoga/Pilates, Non-Impact aerobic fitness, senior fitness programs and One-on-One Personal Training. For more information, please call 531-0299 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 8 VILLAGE DES SOURCES The mission of “Village des Sources en Acadie” is to provide resourcing activities for young people that foster a better understanding of one’s inner self in order to help them improve their confidence. “Village des Sources en Acadie” is located at 22 Queen’s Wharf Road, Shediac Cape, NB, E4P 3C7. For more information, please call 532-3944 or e-mail at [email protected] or visit the website at www.villagedessources.com. ALBERT “BARR” LEBLANC MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Jimmy Dubroy and the LeBlanc family are looking forward to organizing the 16th Annual Albert “BARR’’ LeBlanc Memorial Golf Tournament. Over the past fifteen years, the tournament has raised over $75,000 that goes towards scholarships for the students of Louis J. Robichaud High School in Shediac. Again this year, we are hoping to reach the goal of $5,000 which will allow us to award 5 scholarships of $1,000 each to students of Louis J. Robichaud High School in the name of Albert ‘’Barr’’ LeBlanc. The tournament will be held on Saturday, June 6 at the Pine Needles Golf & Country Club in Haute-Aboujagane. We are always looking for your support and contribution in helping us achieve our goal. For more information, please call Margot LeBlanc at 871-8817 or e-mail at margot. [email protected]. Jimmy Dubroy and the LeBlanc family thank you in advance. MARKET IN THE PARK The place to be every Sunday this summer! Come join family and friends to discover treasures and gifts. Browse the stalls and meet artists, vendors, etc. You can sample tasty and exotic food while enjoying the performances on stage. The Market will be held every Sunday from June 7th to September 6th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Park. For more information, please call 1-800-371-9827 or visit the website at www.shediacparkmarket.com. YARD AND PERENNIAL PLANT SALE CO-OP BICYCLE RODEO The 5th annual Shediac Co-op Youth Bicycle Rodeo will be held on Saturday morning, June 6th at the Festival Arena. Come and learn the rules of the road, safety tips and you may win very nice prizes. For more information, please call Conrad at 5322623 or 531-0621. CHILDREN’S DAY The annual Children’s Day will be held on Saturday, June 13th from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Park. Lots of activities such as inflatable games, face painting, music, treats and a whole lot more will be available. For more details, please visit the website at www.shediac.ca or call 532-7000 (ext. 225). CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS Visitors, citizens of Shediac and the surrounding area are invited to celebrate Canada Day on July 1st at Rotary Park. Celebrations will begin around 6 p.m. with local musicians. A spectacular fireworks display will take place around 10 p.m. Come celebrate with us! LOBSTER FESTIVAL The 66th edition of the Shediac Lobster Festival will be held from July 8th to 12th at the Lobster Festival grounds. The dedicated volunteers of the Organizing Committee invite one and all to the various fun activities and special events. For more information, please visit the website at www. shediaclobsterfestival.ca. 66 ième th ARTISTS IN THE ALLEYS The volunteers of the Trinity United Church located at 379 Main Street invite one and all to the annual Yard and Perennial Plant Sale on Saturday, June 6th from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. For more information, please call 532-5404. Ombéline Alley will be resplendent with color and activities Friday nights from July 17th to August 28th. Ombéline Alley is located between 356 and 358 Main Street in downtown Shediac. Local artists and artisans will be on hand in the alley between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to show off their work and sell their products. RELAY FOR LIFE SHEDIAC JAZZ IN THE ALLEY The 12th Annual Relay for Life will be held on Saturday, June 13th from noon till midnight at Parlee Beach Provincial Park. The survivor’s luncheon will be held at the LJR High School at 11 a.m. The luncheon is free, but survivors must be registered. If you are a cancer survivor and wish to attend, but have not as yet registered, please call Carole Melanson at 532-6700 or Liane Gould at 961-6629. For more information about creating a team, please call Christine Thériault at 866-0074. To purchase luminaries, please call Ginette Bastarache at 532-5521. For more information about the Relay for Life, please call the president, Cheryl LeBlanc, at 312-0440. Good Times Guide Come to the Tait Alley Thursday nights from July 16th to August 27th between 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. to enjoy Jazz Music. Tait Alley is located in the downtown area between 334 and 338 Main Street. Local artists will perform Jazz numbers for your enjoyment and pleasure. FAMILY CONCERTS IN THE PARK Free outdoor family concerts will be held every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening from 7 p.m. until 9:15 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Park from July 16th to August 23rd. There is no entrance fee. Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca d nd s t ts own n6 7th ocal e. 9 MEGA CONCERT “LE GROS PIQUE-NIQUE À SHEDIAC” SHEDIAC MOTORCYCLE RALLY A concert featuring 1755, Cayouche, Jean-Marc Cormier & Mélanie Morgan with special guest performances by George Belliveau, Wilfred LeBouthillier, Jean Marc Couture, Maxime McGraw, Danny Boudreau, Shirley Albert and Victor Cormier will surely entertain the crowd on Saturday, July 18th at the Festival grounds. For more information, please call 3511351 or e-mail at [email protected]. Be part of the event! The 12th Annual Shediac Motorcycle Rally will be held from August 27th to 30th. This yearly event raises funds for local charities. Lots of entertainment, music, bike runs, lobster/steak supper, street party, draws, vendors, and much, much more! For more information, please visit the website at www.shediacmotorcyclerally.com or call 533-9632. ARTISTS VILLAGE MAURICE LÉGER FOUNDATION KICKBALL TOURNAMENT The 5th Annual Artists Village will be held at the Shediac Multipurpose Centre from Friday, July 24th to Sunday, July 26th. For more information, please call 532-4464. LOBSTER SUPPERS The traditional Lobster Suppers will be held at Trinity United Church, 379 Main St on Friday, July 24th and Saturday, July 25th from 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sit down meals and takeout are available. Come and support the dedicated volunteers of the Trinity United Church. For more information, please call 532-5404. The 8th Annual Maurice Léger KickBall Tournament will be held on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 at the Parlee Beach Provincial Park. We are looking for teams and volunteers. For more information on registering a team or volunteering your services, please visit the website at www.mauricelegerfoundation.com or call 532-2152. NEW BRUNSWICK DAY CELEBRATIONS The Town of Shediac will celebrate New Brunswick Day on Monday, August 3rd from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Park. Music, BBQ, games and more will be on the program. ACADIAN DAY CELEBRATIONS ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH #33 There are various activities throughout the week including dances with live bands on Saturdays nights from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and FREE Pool and Shuffleboard in the “BUNKER” every day. Everyone 19 years of age or older is welcome. For more information, please call 532-6900 or visit the website at www.shediac-legion.com. On August 15th, it’s time to bring out your old pots and pans and make noise during the traditional Acadian Day Tintamarre. The party begins at 6 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Historical House and continues from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Pascal Poirier Park with music, games, food and more. PARLEE BEACH GREATER SHEDIAC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOLF TOURNAMENT Gather your friends or meet new ones at the Trinity United Church located at 379 Main Street to play cards. The activities will be held on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. on the following dates: May 12th, June 9th, and September 8th. For more information, please call 532-5404. The 3rd Annual Greater Shediac Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament will be held on August 21st starting at 11:30 A.M. at the Pine Needles Golf and Country Club. For more information or to register, please call 532-7000 (Ext. 301). The staff at the Parlee Beach Provincial Park has a lot of fun events in store for you all summer long. For more information, please call 533-3363. LUNCHEON AND CARD GAMES irier Good Times Guide Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 10 How to become a member of the library: SCHEDULE Come to the library and provide proof of identification showing your current address. If you wish to have a membership card for your child, you must also present a piece of identification. There is no charge for membership! It’s that easy! You can borrow: adult, young adult, teen and children fiction and non-fiction books in English and in French. We also have the following: DVDs, CDs, Magazines, Easy Readers, Board books, Graphic novels, Audio books, Adult literacy books, Book Club in a Bag kits. With your card you may also borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks – Download a wide range of titles from Electronic Library New Brunswick (http://elnb-bnnb.lib.overdrive.com). The Library also provides free Internet access and Wi-Fi. We now have an adoptive work station. What’s new at your library? The NBPLS, through the generosity of the University of New Brunswick, has added a subscription to Nineteenth Century Collections Online to its collection of electronic resources. Nineteenth Century Collections Online provides full-text, fully searchable content from a broad range of primary sources from the 19th century, one of the most fascinating historical periods. It includes works in Western languages, such as French and English, as well as non-Western languages. The interface is in English. You can access it through the Electronic Resources page on the New Brunswick Public Library Service website (www.gnb.ca/publiclibraries ). New Brunswickers now have access to free online training and refresher courses. Visit the NBPLS site (www.gnb.ca/ publiclibraries ) and you’ll easily find a link to SkillsNB: New Brunswick’s elearning portal which includes courses, videos, interactive simulations, and full-text books in English and French. These resources cover a wide variety of subject areas such as business, IT, desktop, leadership, management and certifications. Participants in the SkillsNB program have access to targeted learning paths to allow them to prepare for a specific position or certification. The online content is available free-of-charge 24/7. Good Times Guide Here are the Library’s open hours for the summer (this schedule starts the third Monday in June): • Monday and Tuesday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. • Thursday: 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. • Friday: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. • Saturday and Sunday: Closed Our summer programs for children… We offer free programs for children all summer long. Our activities are entertaining and prepared in hopes of encouraging children to keep reading during the summer. We want to help them maintain the literacy skills acquired during the school year and even gain reading and writing skills. The library is a place to make new friends, discover hidden talents, learn new skills or improve on existing ones. Here is a sample of the activities children will enjoy… •Summer Reading Club • “I love Books Club” – a Read-to-me Program • Arts and Crafts • Educational Games • Science Workshops • Toddlers in the Library • Babies in the Library • Storytime with Crafts • Reading Challenges • Special Events such as...puppet shows Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 11 NEW CITIZEN You are a new citizen? Please contact us at 532-7000 extension 229 to learn more about our Welcome Baskets. TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGS The spring and summer schedule for the regular monthly meetings of Council is as follow: May 25th, June 29th, July 27th and August 24th. Meetings are held in Council Chambers at the Shediac Town Hall at 7 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend these meetings. FACEBOOK Please visit the Town of Shediac Facebook page and indicate that you like us in order to receive pertinent information on the municipality. SPRING SPECIAL GARBAGE PICK-UP The Spring Garbage Pick-Up will be held from May 11th to 15th on the regular garbage day in your neighborhood. Waste shall not be placed at curb side or by the roadside more than seven (7) days before the scheduled pick-up date. • A person who disposes of Household Construction Materials must ensure that such waste is placed on the side of the road and that the quantity of material is limited to what can be placed in the box of a ½ tonne truck or approximately 2.4 m (8 ft.) long by 1.8 m (6 ft.) wide by 1 m (3 ft.) high. • A person who disposes of Tree trunks and/or Branches must: - secure brush and branches in bundles. - have bundles no longer than 1.2 metres (4 ft.), and weigh no more than 20kg (approximately 44 lbs). - limit the quantity to what can be placed in the box of a ½ tonne truck or approximately 2.4 m (8 ft.) long by 1.8 m (6 ft.) wide by 1 m (3 ft.) high. * Excess material will not be picked up. The By-law relating to the collection and disposal of waste in the Town of Shediac can be viewed on the Town’s Website at http://shediac.ca/images/pdf/arretes/EN/By-Law_13-23.pdf. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL GARBAGE COLLECTION SCHEDULE - HOLIDAYS IN 2015 Regular Garbage Pick-up for Wednesday, November 11, 2015 (Remembrance Day) has been rescheduled to Saturday, November 14, 2015. For all other Holidays in 2015, garbage collection will take place the same day as the Holiday. Household Hazardous Waste disposal will be held on Wednesday, May 13th from noon to 7 p.m. at Rotary Park. MULTIPURPOSE CENTRE With the versatile rooms and specialized equipment, the Centre can accommodate a wide variety of activities. Community groups, business people, individuals and other organizations are invited to benefit from this facility. Whether it’s for meetings, conferences, weddings, shows, celebrations and a lot more, the Shediac Multipurpose Centre is there for you! For more information, please visit the website at www.centreshediac.ca or call 532-7700. Good Times Guide Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca 12 WELCOME TO THE SHEDIAC ARTS COUNCIL! GREATER SHEDIAC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Greater Shediac Chamber of Commerce represents the business community, serves as an advocate for its membership and is a network of businesses dedicated to facilitating economic growth. The Chamber is proactive by keeping current on hot topics and hosting events. Become a member, the Greater Shediac Chamber of Commerce offers a variety of benefits to its members. For more information, please call 532-7000 ext. 301 or e-mail at [email protected] or visit the website at www.greatershediacchamber.com. BECOME A MEMBER OF OUR TEAM Do you have knowledge of sports, arts, cultures, leisure services, etc.? If you have a hobby or have a special talent that you would like to share with others, you might consider teaching a course or offering your services via the Community Services Department. If you are interested, please call 5327000 (ext. 225) or e-mail at [email protected] for more details. Welcome aboard! REPORT VANDALISM Acts of vandalism in our parks and facilities are very costly to the Town and taxpayers. Please, if you see or notice any vandalism please call the local RCMP office at 533-5151 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS or at 1-800-222-8477 or the Town of Shediac at 532-7000 (ext. 221). Your cooperation is appreciated. JUMPSTART PROGRAM The Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program and the Maurice Léger Foundation provide funding which can be used to cover registration fees, equipment costs for children from low income families for sports and recreational activities. For more information, please call 532-7000 (ext. 225). Good Times Guide We are delighted to announce the creation of the Shediac Arts Council! We are a grassroots movement dedicated to positioning the Greater Shediac Area as a vibrant, year-round arts community in the heart of Atlantic Canada. Our goal is to enrich the intrinsic value of community life, and to strengthen the year-round economic viability of the Greater Shediac Area by fostering an appreciation for the arts in all its forms. The Shediac Arts Council has established a Central Registry of artists and supporters of the arts to assist artists in developing opportunities to showcase their talents, to plan events, share information and to provide a means for artists and their supporters to get to know one another. Artists and art lovers are invited to become part of this Central Registry. For more information, please e-mail Susan Jardine at susan2italy@ yahoo.ca or call 532-0007. SOCIÉTÉ HISTORIQUE DE LA MER ROUGE The “Société historique de la mer Rouge” (« Red Sea Historical Society”) was founded in 1980 as a group of citizens interested in history, especially the Acadian history of the Shediac–Cap-Pelé area. The “mer Rouge” (or Red Sea) was the name given to present day Northumberland Strait, at the time of French Acadia. Since its creation, the “Ssociety historique” has been instrumental in preserving heritage buildings, such as the Barachois Historic Church (c. 1825), the Historic School in CormierVillage, and the Pascal Poirier house in Shediac, the Barachois pioneer’s cemetery, and various monuments. Every year the “Societé” publishes its historic gazette, “Sur l’Empremier” (“The Old Days”), filled with articles on local and regional history, mostly written by local authors and amateur historians. Articles submitted in English may be published as such, or translated. The “Societé” also brings its moral and organisational support to other heritage projects and preservation efforts, and encourages historical knowledge in our communities to foster pride and solidarity. No need for a diploma in History. The “Societé” is always seeking new members and especially new articles for “Sur l’Empremier”. Please note that the “Societé” functions mainly in French, but is open to all. For more information, please contact Claude Léger at 532-5314. Summer 2015 www.shediac.ca