July-Aug. 2016 - Umatilla County Special Library District


July-Aug. 2016 - Umatilla County Special Library District
July-August 2016
Library Happenings
Adams 541.566.3038
Jul 7 - Free Dog Show
Aug 20 - Music in the Park
Athena 541.566.2470
Jul 6 - Puppeteer: "Ready, Set, Shine!"
Aug 3 - Motion/Commotion/Sensory
Echo 541.376.8411
Jul 1 - Storytime and Fun
Helix 541.457.6130
Jul 6 - Tweens & Teens Art Class
Aug 1 - NEW Early Childhood Program
Hermiston 541.567.2882
Jul 12 - Photography Club
Jul 13 - Beaver Search
Milton-Freewater 541.938.8247
Jul 5 - Evening Storytime
Pendleton 541.966.0380
Jul 5 - Crafternoon
Aug 8 - Lord of the Rings Marathon
Pilot Rock 541.443.3285
Library Directors Retirements
Marie Baldo, Hermiston Public Library
Director, and Susan Hillard, Pilot Rock Public
Library Director, checked out their last library
materials to patrons as of
June 30. On August 31,
Sherri Contreras, Ukiah
Library Director, will
follow them into
As a teenager, Marie
Baldo had two goals –
Marie Baldo
one was to be a librarian
the other was to become a WAC (the
Women’s Army Corp). After high school she
obtained her library degree. However, due to
a recession and lack of
librarian positions, she
joined the Army. During
her time in the Army she
handled nuclear and
chemical weapons.
She finished her career
Susan Hilliard
in the Army as the
commander of the Umatilla Chemical depot in
the late 1990s. Soon afterwards she became
Jul 5 - Penny’s Puppets
Stanfield 541.449.1254
Jul 7 - Healthy Hero Helpers
Jul 27 - Summer Reading Party
Ukiah 541.427.3735
Jul 6 - Penny’s Puppets
Umatilla 541.922.5704
Ju1 1 - Summer Reading Kick-off
Jul 16 - Penny’s Puppets
Weston 541.566.2378
Jul 8 - STEM
Jul 15 - Nursery Rhyme Relays
These and more programs are available. For
specifics contact the local library, contact
information on the last page.
Volume 5, Issue 1
the Umatilla Public Library’s
Director. During her tenure in
Umatilla, the process of
automating the library was
In 2004 she became the
Director at the Hermiston Public
Sherri Contreras Library. The staff will miss her.
“Marie is the kind of boss one
always hopes to have and seldom does,” wrote
Kelly Martinez, a Hermiston staff member. “She
has been a supportive supervisor who valued staff
members, their ideas, and their suggestions,” Kelly
The Pilot Rock Public Library has been under the
care of Susan Hilliard since 1989.
Susan remembers when the library was located
in what is now the Pilot Rock Senior Center. The
library was very small, so she was very happy
when it relocated to its current location. When
asked what is the most memorable moment, she
said, when the library became automated, making
it easier to check out and keep track of books.
Also, the McNaughton Collection leasing program
(See Retirements on page 2)
KEVA Planks come to the libraries
KEVA Planks are now available at all 12
public libraries in Umatilla County. LEO
(Libraries of Eastern Oregon) purchased the
planks for the libraries with grant funds
provided by the Wildhorse Foundation and
the Community Outreach Committee of Cayuse
Each set of KEVA (Knowledge, Exploration,
Visual, Arts) Planks come in a wooden bin with
handles/wheels and 1,000 maple planks 5 x
1½. The planks are designed for stacking and
layering in endless formations – from simple
play for young children to complex towering
structures by students and adults without using
glue or connectors, just gravity and
KEVA planks transform libraries into
engaging, interactive, community learning
places. The planks serve as a gateway to
math, science, and physics and can be used by
any age. The planks provide an innovative
approach to connect and energize young
persons and encourage interest in science,
math, and open-reasoning.
Directors are
reporting a
response to
the addition
of the planks.
Ukiah Library
when the
planks were
two boys
began using
Ukiah Library Director Sherri
them. “They
Contreras inspects a building
were having a project using the newly arrived
ball and being KEVA planks.
(See KEVA on page 4)
UCSLD Newsletter
Page 2
Pendleton Friends of the
Library Celebrated
Mayor Phillip Houk, officially set aside
May 4 as Pendleton Friends of the Library
Day. The announcement was made at the
May 3 Pendleton City Council meeting.
With this proclamation, the City
recognized the outstanding work the
Friends’ 350 members accomplish with their
wide variety of fundraising efforts, which
contribute approximately $15,000 to the
hours of
throughout the year sorting and preparing
donations for the sale. The Adopt-AMagazine program raises funds to offset
the high cost of magazines which are made
available to patrons to read in the Library,
as well as to check out to read at home.
The Reading Is Fundamental program
raises funds, purchases books, and
distributes a free book of the child’s
choosing to the public elementary schools in
The Little Re(a)d Bookshelves around
Pendleton are stocked with books donated
to the Friends. And that is the short list!
The great bookmarks handed out all
year are the result of a contest the Friends
host each spring. Children from the
elementary schools plus homeschoolers are
encouraged to submit a design.
Memorials and gifts add to the Library’s
collections and provide funding for the
wide variety of children’s and adult
programs the Library offers, as well as
purchasing physical items needed by the
Library. The Friends frequently provide
funding for author visits and program
presenters’ lodging in Pendleton.
“I would be remiss if I did not mention the
Friends greatest gift to the Library,” said
Mary Finney, the Pendleton Public Library
Director. “They are our community
ambassadors, getting the word out about
what the Library has to offer as well as
bringing suggestions to the Library staff of
the community’s desires and needs.”
Director Retirements
(Continued from Directors... page 1)
made many more books available to the
public. Asked what she will miss the most,
she quickly stated, “the people – all the
patrons and fellow workers in City Hall.”
Susan and her husband Tom, will have
time to do the traveling that has been on
their bucket list for so long.
Sherri Contreras grew up in Ohio and
earned a B.A. in Christian Education from
Bob Jones University in Greenville, S.C.,
where she met her husband, Ray. Before
coming to Ukiah in 1994, she worked at
public libraries in South Carolina and
Multnomah County.
"I was a voracious reader as a child,"
Sherri says. "The thing that encouraged me
to keep reading was the Laura Ingalls
Wilder Little House books. Once I read
through that whole series I asked, what
else is there? So I headed to my school
library and went for it."
And she hasn't stopped. Sherri's favorite
books today are young adult novels,
Christian fiction, and mysteries.
In her 20-plus years at the Ukiah
Library, which serves both Ukiah School
and the public, Sherri has updated the
collection, added computers and a video
section, won grants for new materials and
run a summer reading program. One of
her specialties is delivering books to
patrons' front doors.
After she retires this summer, Sherri
plans to continue working with people. "I’m
not too old to still help others," she said.
"Babies, perhaps, or the elderly." She
also plans to continue reading.
"Reading is so beneficial. It keeps your
mind active. Now that I'm old I do less
housework and way more reading," she
Editor’s Note: Special thanks to Pilot Rock’s
Teri Porter for writing about Susan Hilliard
and Ukiah’s Lee Farren for writing the
Sherri Contreras portion of this article.
New Pilot Rock Library
Director Announced
The City of Pilot Rock has announced the
hiring of Susan Price as its new Library
Director. She has been working with
Susan Hilliard to create a smooth transition
into her new position.
C.S. Jackson Fund
Historical Materials
Historical materials purchased with
C.S. Jackson Memorial Library Fund
monies are now available at your
library. The materials are “books and
memorabilia pertinent to the history of
Umatilla County.”
This is a small sample of the titles
purchased this year:
• Taste of Oregon
• Living with thunder
• Cáw Pawá Láakni / They are Not
• Forest Dreams, Forest Nightmares
• Sandal & The Cave
• Honey in the Horn
• Murder & Mayhem in Portland,
Here’s a sample of the new materials:
A TASTE OF OREGON -- This timeless
treasure of recipes has sprinkled
throughout its pages charming and
informative notes on the history of
Oregon. Through these, one can truly
experience A Taste of Oregon. A
Winner of the Southern Living Hall of
Fame Award. Inducted into the
McIlhenny Hall of Fame.
Check with your library for the
current availability of this or any of the
new historical materials.
You know you’re a rural librarian if…
...families see you out in public and ask
you why you’re not at the library.
UCSLD Newsletter
Page 3
The third annual Friends of the Pendleton
Library Adult Prom was held on May 14
to benefit the Pendleton Public Library.
On June 17, Echo Public
Library opened their
Summer Reading Program
with their opening
ceremonies. Kids were
stationed around the City
Hall/Library block for the
torch run. It started at the
Old VFW building and the
torch was passed from child
to the next child until
participants went around the
whole block and ended at
the place it started.
The Take Off!
Early Literacy
Program recently
wrapped up the
2015-2016 school
year. As the year
came to a close
received their own
The Stanfield Public
Library teamed up with
local Head Start, fire
department, police
department, public works
department, farmers,
Home Depot and the
program, to end the
school year with a little
bit of fun – Trucks & Tikes
Under the Tower. It turned
out to be a lot of fun,
reading a story, making
a stepping stone, having
hotdogs and checking out
(playing on) equipment,
police cars and fire
A participant from the audience uses a story stick to
conjure up another tale from storyteller, Chris Leebrick, at
the Weston Public Library.
KEVA Plank Projects
(See the story on page 1)
Exploring KEVA planks at the Umatilla and Stanfield Public Libraries.
KEVA Planks
(Continued from KEVA Planks... page 1)
about as noisy as the library ever gets,”
Contreras said. “Others had to come in
to see what they were doing. It was fun
to watch, but the parents came to see
what the holdup on going home was.”
The mission of LEO is to create and
deliver 21st century public library
services for 50 libraries in eastern
Oregon. LEO is governed by an 8member board of directors. The
organization has a long track record of
bringing exemplary community
programs to rural communities and in
assisting libraries with their internal
needs such as database services,
collection development and
Libraries are integral parts of the
infrastructure and critical to the
livability and economic development
of the region. The District is an
essential partner with local
governments to ensure the libraries of
Umatilla County provide 21st century
programs and services to their
Board Approves
2016-2017 Budget
The Board approved the 2016-2017
budget at its June 16 meeting. The new
budget took effect on July 1. The
budget continues the practice of sending
80% of tax revenue directly to the 12
public libraries in the County.
The major change for the new fiscal
year is the District will no longer pay the
entire cost of Ancestry, Heritage Quest,
Auto Repair Center, and Mango
Languages. The District has offered to
pay 25% of the cost for these online
resources. Each of the libraries will
determine whether to continue offering
these resources in its community.
Library2Go will continue to be offered
through all 12 libraries in the County.
Mango Language will no longer be
provided by the District, the number of
users did not justify the cost.
The property tax rate remains the
same as last year, at 36.82¢ per
$1,000 of assessed value.
Independence Day
Check with your library for
possible additional days
Umatilla County Special Library
District’s mission is to ensure the
continuation and growth of public
libraries in Umatilla County; by
supporting our libraries’ ability to
provide services, programs and
continuing education opportunities
for all. We believe libraries
strengthen communities through
individual, family, economic and
community development.
Do you have friends or family who
would be interested in receiving the
UCSLD Newsletter? We would like
to send them a copy. Ask them to
send their email to: [email protected]
If you no longer wish to receive the UCSLD Newsletter, please send your email address to: [email protected]
UCSLD — City Libraries
Jennifer Davison, Director
190 N Main St.
Phone: 541-566-3038
Darlene Herbert, Director
119 Columbia St.
Phone: 541-457-6130
Carrie Bremer, Director
418 E Main St.
Phone: 541-566-2470
Vacant, Director
235 E Gladys Ave.
Phone: 541-567-2882
Diane Berry, Director
20 S Bonanza St.
Phone: 541-376-8411
Erin Wells, Director
8 SW 8th Ave.
Phone: 541-938-8247
Mary Finney, Director
502 SW Dorion Ave.
Phone: 541-966-0380
Susan Price, Director
144 N Alder Pl.
Phone: 541-443-3285
Cecili Longhorn, Director
180 W Coe Ave.
Phone: 541-449-1254
Sherri Contreras, Director
201 Hill St.
Phone: 541-427-3735
Kellie Lamoreaux, Director
700 6th St.
Phone: 541-922-5704
Kathleen Schmidtgall,
108 E Main St.
Phone: 541-566-2378
Umatilla County Special Library District, 17 SW Frazer Ave., #360, PO Box 1689, Pendleton, OR 97801 ~ 541.276.6449 ~ www.ucsld.org ~ [email protected]
Board Members: Deborah Fritts - President, Deniece Derbyshire - Vice-President, Heidi Anderson, Janie Cuellar, Michelle Munro
Staff: Marsha Richmond, Coordinator ~ Monica Hoffman, Take-Off! Program Manager ~ Dea Nowell, Technical Services Manager ~ Dan Feil, Administrative Assistant
Take Off! Social Media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/takeoffprogram Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/takeoffprogram