The Dirt Digger - Pioneer Village School


The Dirt Digger - Pioneer Village School
Issue 7
5th July 2013
The Dirt Digger
The news from Year 3, dug up just for you!
Photographers: Hayden , Hudson and Bonnie.
Fantastic Firemen
On the 25th of June
an Armadale Fire
Truck came to the
school. The Firemen
came to tell us how
to be safe around fires.
They told us if there is a fire in your
house you have to crawl under the
smoke. Then meet at a meeting spot like
the letter box out the front of the house.
After they had spoken to us we got to
see their fire truck. Then we were able to
walk around the enormous Fire Truck!
They showed us how big the gigantic ladder is.
Next they showed use how much water
the big hose could hold, they said it
could hold 500 litres. After we return to
By Jyle and Mia
Healthy Health In Health we learned all
about stranger danger and blood safety.
We learnt facts about mosquitoes as
well. They kill over 180 million people a
year because of blood.
If someone knocks on your door when
your parents are out. Tell them your parents are busy. Never let them in though.
Unless your Mum and Dad say it is okay.
Another tip is if someone tries to grab
you, kick, scream and run!
If you see someone strange hanging
around you should go tell an adult. When
you are at a park never
pick up anything strange,
ask a parent or adult to
Painting like Monet By Ava and Imojen
Last week year 3P went outside to do art.
For art we were trying to paint like Monet.
We were allowed to paint whatever we
liked, but just as long as we did the “tache”
(touch) technique like Monet.
Most of the paintings were of water lilies
and haystacks, but some were different
paintings. Most people really enjoyed that
art lesson, but some people did not want to
get paint on themselves.
In this photo Ava and Noah are trying to
paint like Monet. We
asked Dannai what
she thought and she
said “it was amazing!”
3P hope we can do it
Monet in PVS On
Tuesday the 2nd of
July we had Art with
Mrs Peczka. Mrs Peczka showed us a clip
of a man who shows
you how to paint like Claude Monet.
After that Mrs Peczka handed out a work
sheet. We had to write about Claude Monet
and what he did. When finished we had to
put an apron on, grabbed a paint brush, got
a piece of paper and then sat down on the
Once everyone had finished Mrs Peczka
handed out the paint. Bridget got the first
lot of colours, green and blue. Bonnie also
got some pots and paints.
Bridget painted palms, mud and puddles.
Bonnie painted an apple. Most people tried
painting water lilies
By Bonnie and Bridget.
Claude Monet, an Excellent Artist
Last Wednesday we practised painting like Monet. If
you’re wondering, Monet is an impressionist artist.
When we were practising painting, wind came by
and our paintings flew away!
We did a technique that Monet used. It is little
strokes like Monet. Everyone didn’t want paint to
get on them. We went outside to paint.
Everyone loved it , so we did it again. But this time it Our Performance of Tiddalik the Frog
was for real. We had to choose out of haystacks or The Year 3P class performed at the hardwater lilies.
court for the assembly.
It was about a frog named Tiddalik. One
By Noah and Dannai
day when it was morning, Tiddalik was
thirsty. He drank his pond, then the river
Incursion by Indi and Nigella
and he was still thirsty so he drank the
billabong. After that, all the water in the
land was gone.
Tiddalik was soon the biggest frog in all
the land. All the animals had a meeting.
They thought was greedy. By Thomas and
The Armadale Fire Station came to 3P and 3S to
teach us about fire-safety. It was on the 24th of
The fire truck was down in the undercover area. M.
Parker thought that we were fantastic listeners, so
we got to see the fire engine.
The fire engine was huge. Inside there were bit scis- Fire Engine by Tobias and Braydon
sors, one of them is used to break glass apart. Peo- On this day we were lucky enough to get
the firemen to teach us about fire safety.
ple call it the jaws of life.
Fireman Michael said “you are the best
listeners we have had.” We were lucky
The ladder was really long and is used to climb tall
buildings if there is someone trapped upstairs. You enough to see the fire engine.
When we got to see the fire
go in from the window, not the door. In
engine we were really excitthe cabin there is a computer thing to
ed. The fire engine was big
tell you when there’s an emergency.
and cool. The fire engine
had an autobot sticker! We
We had a lot of fun!
had a good time.
Aboriginal Paintings by Hayden and Elise
A few weeks ago we did Aboriginal paintings. We
used lots of colours. We used brown, white, red,
yellow and orange. They were the colours that
Aboriginals used. In the painting we used Aboriginal symbols to tell a story.
There were lots of great fake stories to tell, these
stories were really good. There were great stories but we thought that Ava and Dannai’s were
the best. Mrs Peczka
took a photo of Dannai
and Ava’s stories.
Tiddalik By Hannah and Tayla
On Thursday the fourth of July we did
Tiddalik the frog for our assembly. We
did it because it was our turn. We did
it on the hard-court.
We all had to practise a lot. We all
made masks during art time. “It was
fun making mask because I love cutting out paper” said Hannah.
We are proud of our assembly, we
hope you loved it too!
It was fun learning Aboriginal culture. I wonder what we will learn
next term?
WINK! By Ben and Jay
In Year 3P in the afternoon we often play wink.
We play games inside our classroom because it
helps us with sportsmanship and teamwork
To play wink there has to be a detective. It is the
detective’s job to catch the murderer. The murderer is chose by Mrs Peczka and they have to
wink everyone out before they get chosen by the
The murderer has to be mysterious so he doesn’t
get caught by the detective. Some other games
we play are 1,2,3,4,5 and Heads Down, Thumbs
“It’s really fun to
play games” said
Ben, Jay agreed,
saying “it’s very,
very fun.” See
you soon, wink,
Matilda Puppets by Ryan and Oliver
At school we made puppets. Oliver
things they’re amazing. Ryan said
“they’re wicked.” A few weeks ago we
made the puppets because we read
Matilda. We made puppets because
we were interested in making them.
We made them in class and after we
finished we went to the puppet theatre.
We played in the puppet theatre and it
was really fun. We do love the story by
Roald Dahl, it’s called Matilda. We
read Matilda and there is a movie of
Matilda so
Painting like Monet by Odette and Molly R
Last week we did paintings like Monet. 3P sat I
the sun and practised painting like Monet. You
can see that Ava and Noah are just about to
start painting. We had a choice to paint haystacks or lily pads.
As you can see Ava and Noah are mixing colours and sharing a palate.
Ava was practising the lily pads. On the 3rd of
July we did
the real thing,
which was
Noah was doing haystacks
and we both
painted lily
Science lessons
This is us doing science.
Well not exactly. It is the
equipment we
used. We are
using thermometers, measuring cups and
water. We had to use the thermometers
to measure the temperature of the water
and test it. There was freezing water,
cold water, warm water and boiling water.
The lowest temperature was freezing water, second cold, third was warm and the
hottest was boiling water. Now we are
looking at particles and how they dissolve. We mixed sugar in the different
water to see how well it dissolved. The
ones that were not mixed still had sugar
in them. When we mixed them it disMatilda During
this term we have solved better. By Jett and Robbie
read the book Matilda. Josi liked the Fire Incursion
book better than
Last week a fire truck came to Pioneer
the movie. HowevVillage School. The fire truck was very
er, Grace liked the
large and red. It had a transformer sticker
movie better than
on the front of it.
the book. We
watched the movie on the SMART board. Miss We learnt three rules about fire safety. 1.
always have a meeting spot, like the letTrunchbull is a very stocky woman. She was
ter box. 2. Always crawl low under
gruesome and disgusting teacher.
Mr Seggie liked the book best but still enjoyed smoke. 3. call 000 once you are out of
the house.
the movie. By Grace and Josi.
Once the firemen had finished talking
about fire safety we all went outside to
Weathering and Ero- see the fire truck. While we outside we
sion Last week we
were allowed to look at all of their equiplearnt about weather- ment inside of the truck. W even got to
ing and erosion. It was
hold the end of the hose! It was really
fun. Some people didheavy.
n't get to do the experiWe all enjoyed the fir truck and firemen
ment because they
visiting the
were in dance troupe. Mr Seggie showed us
weathering by making a small hill. He washed it school.
away with water and wind. We loved it. We did By Mary and
an interesting activity where we had to read
some information and then find the answers.
The activity was all about what Mr Seggie
showed us in the fairy garden.
By Sophie and Nick
Flaming Firemen
On the 25th of June we had firemen come from
the Fire Department of Armadale City.
First they asked us, ‘okay kids what do you do
and not do when fires are around”? Most of us
got the answers right. Next they showed us pictures of people sleeping in fires and smoke
alarms. Fire Fighter Rob set off a smoke detector so we knew what it sounded like.
After that fire-fighter Dan got dressed up in a
real fire fighter suit. It looked really hot.
Then we went out to the towering fire truck. It
was really big compared
to a normal car. We got
to look inside and
around it. The fire hose
can spurt out 500lites
of water from the truck.
WOW! That is a lot.
By Ellie and Rhylee
The Best Weekly
Each assembly is
held in the under
cover area. This assembly was better
and more special
than ever. I’ll tell
you why…
Firstly we started of normally saying the
school creed. Then we herd that a special class was going to be telling the story
of Tiddalik the Frog. It was 3P!
It was a story about a frog named Tiddalik that drank all the water in the billabong. The animals tried to make him
laugh so he would cough up all the water
but he didn't even smile. Not one drop
came out of his mouth. Soon he laughed
from the eel because he got tied up in a
knot. This was Elise in the play. All the
water gushed out of his mouth back into
the billabong. That is the story of Tiddalik
For the last three weeks in
the frog.
writing, we have been
writing stories. Lilly wrote Then we sung the national anthem.
about the first day of
The School councillors then said “Thank
school and Declan wrote you for listening to our assembly”
about an angry polar bear who wanted to find a By Andrew and Hudson.
We wrote the description in the 3P and 3S writMoney and Mathematics
ing groups and did a description of a bad guy.
This term in
The other class wrote about what happened to
the polar bear. This was the plot.
we have been
It was important for us to have a happy ending
learning about
and make it entertaining. We made our story
money, money,
have full sentences with lots of describing
money. We had
to use as many
All of Mr Seggie’s class wrote about polar bears
different coins
and Mrs Peczka wrote their own.
to make $1,
We had to name our Polar bear character.
$10 and $100.
What is a main character polar bear without a
We learnt a few
things. DON’T
We made sure our stories we interesting. EveryDO DOLLARS
one likes an interesting story!
CENTS. This means to add the cents up
Declan liked the bit in his story when the
grumpy polar bear flew up in the air from the
I found it easy because Mr Seggie helped
us learn everything about money. By
Who knew a polar bear could fly?
By Declan and Lilly