“THE PREVENTION OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY PROJECT in schoolchildren in Barcelona HOW DO WE EAT? A questionnaire for 9 to 10-year-olds (part I) The questions in this questionnaire ask about the food items eaten by girls and boys of your age. Your responses will help us to know more about schoolchildren in the city of Barcelona. Read each question very carefully. This is not an exam, and there are no good or bad answers. All you have to do is give us your opinion, but it’s very important that you say what you think and are not influenced by your classmates’ answers or by the answers you think would please your teachers. NI # ______________ To begin with, some questions about you: 1. Are you a girl or a boy? Put a cross in the correct box: Boy Girl 2. What is your date of birth? Day: ___ Month: ___________ Year: ____ 3. How old are you? _____ years 4. How many people live in your home? (count yourself as well). Number of people: ________ 5. Who lives in your home? Put a cross in the boxes next to each of the people living in your home. Mother Father Grandmother Grandfather My mother’s partner ....... My father’s partner Adoptive mother and/or adoptive father Brother (brothers) Sister (sisters) Others. Say who: _______________________________ 6. Does your family have a car, van or lorry? Mark your response: No Yes, one Yes, two or more 7. Do you have a room to yourself? Mark your response: No Yes 8. In the last 12 months, how many times have you gone on holiday with your family? Mark your response: Never Once Twice More than twice 9. How many computers does your family have? Mark your response: None 1 2 More than 2 The following questions ask about what you eat. Read each question carefully before answering: FREQUENCY OF MEALS 10. Which of the following meals do you have every day or nearly every day? You can mark more than one answer: Breakfast before classes start (at home or at school) Mid-morning snack (break time) Lunch Mid-afternoon snack Dinner DURING MEALS 11-0 Do you have breakfast? Yes No Who do you eat with on week days (from Monday to Friday)? You can mark more than one answer: 11. Breakfast (before starting classes, both if you have breakfast at home and if you have it at school) Mother Father Brother/sister Grandmother/grandfather Schoolmates Nobody Others, say who: __________ 12. Lunch Mother Father Brother/sister Grandmother/grandfather Friends Other children in the dining hall Nobody Others, say who: __________ 13. Dinner Mother Father Brother/sister Grandmother/grandfather Friends Nobody Others, say who: __________ 14. During DINNER, do you watch television or are you in front of a screen? (computer, Nintendo®, PlayStation®, Xbox®, GameBoy®, Nintendo DS®, etc.). Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always Yes, always BREAKFAST 15. Do you have breakfast seated at a table before starting classes? Mark a response: Never / practically never Sometimes Almost every day Yes, always If you have answered “I never have breakfast before starting classes”, go to question 17. 16. Mark with a cross the foods you eat for breakfast before starting classes. You can mark more than one response: Milk (alone, with cocoa,...), milkshakes (Cacaolat®, Colacao Energy®, etc.), yoghurt, Actimel®, Dan-Up®, Danonino®, etc. Cereals Sandwich or toast Pastries (biscuits, croissants, buns, Donuts®, Bollycao®, cupcakes, etc.) Piece of fruit (apple, pear, orange, mandarins, banana, etc.) Fruit juice Water Soft drinks (Coca-cola®, Pepsi®, Fanta®, Seven up®, Sunny Delight®, Nestea®, etc). Others, say which: ______________ 17. Mark with a cross the foods you eat as a snack during the mid-morning break. You can mark more than one response: Milk (alone, with cocoa,...), milkshakes (Cacaolat®, Colacao Energy®, etc.), yoghurt, Actimel®, Dan-Up®, Danonino®, etc. Cereals Sandwich or toast Confectionary (biscuits, croissants, buns, Donuts®, Bollycao®, cupcakes, etc.) Piece of fruit (apple, pear, orange, mandarins, banana, etc.) Fruit juice Water Soft drinks (Coca-cola®, Pepsi®, Fanta®, Seven up®, Sunny Delight®, Nestea®, etc). Others, say which: ______________ Nothing HOW OFTEN DO YOU EAT THESE FOODS? DO YOU LIKE THESE FOODS? 18. Do you usually drink water during meals (lunch, dinner, etc.)? Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always 19. How often do you eat bread? (breadstick, sliced white bread like pan Bimbo®, pitta bread, Arabic bread, Mexican flatbread, toast, etc.). Mark a response: Less than once Between 1 and Between 1 and a month 3 times a month 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 20. Do you like bread? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 21. How often do you eat potatoes (baked or boiled), yuca or plantain banana? (don’t include potato chips or crisps). Mark a response: Less than once Between 1 and Between 1 and a month 3 times a month 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 22. Do you like potatoes (baked or boiled potatoes), yuca and plantain banana? (Don´t include potato chips or crisps). Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 23. How often do you eat rice? Mark a response: Less than once Between 1 and Between 1 and a month 3 times a month 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 24. Do you like rice? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 25. How often do you eat pasta? (macaroni, spaghetti, noodles in soup, etc. etc.). Mark a response: Less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week 26. Do you like pasta? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot or a lot Once a day 2 or more times a day 27. How often do you eat cereals? (breakfast cereals, couscous, corn, etc.). Mark a response: Less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 28. Do you like cereals? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 29. How often do you eat cooked vegetables (spinach, aubergine, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, etc.), raw vegetables or salads (lettuce, tomato, carrot, green and red pepper, onion, etc.) or vegetable puree, creamed vegetables or vegetable omelette? Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 3 times a week Between 4 and 6 times a week Once a day Twice a day 3 or more times a day 30. Do you like vegetables? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 31. How often do you eat fruit? (apple, pear, orange, banana, melon, papaya fruit, dates, apricots, fruit salad, etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 3 times a week Between 4 and 6 times a week 32. Do you like fruit? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot Once a day Twice a day 3 or more times a day 33. How often do you drink fruit juice? Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 3 times a week Between 4 and 6 times a week Once a day Twice a day 3 or more times a day 34. Do you like fruit juices? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 35. How often do you have dairy products? Milk alone, milk with cocoa, milk with cereals, milk shakes (Cacaolat®, Colacao Energy®, etc.), yoghurt, Danonino®, Actimel®, Dan-Up®, cheese (Babybel®, Vaca que ríe®, grated cheese, etc.), etc. Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 3 times a week Between 4 and 6 times a week Once a day Twice a day 3 or more times a day 36. Do you like dairy products? Mark a response: Not much or not at all A little Quite a lot or a lot 37. How often do you eat legumes? (white beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, frijoles, dhal, etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 or more times a week 38. Do you like legumes? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 39. How often do you eat meat? (chicken, turkey, rabbit, pork, beef, sausages, hamburgers, boiled ham, cured ham etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 or more times a week 40. Do you like meat? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 41. How often do you eat fish? (hake, cod, sardines, prawns, salmon, cuttlefish, anchovies, canned tuna, canned sardines, etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 or more times a week 42. Do you like fish? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 43. How often do you eat eggs? (omelette, fried egg, boiled egg, etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 or more times a week 44. Do you like eggs? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 45. How often do you eat nuts? (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, peanuts etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week 46. Do you like nuts? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot Twice a week 3 or more times a week DO YOU EAT OR DRINK ANY OF THESE OTHER FOODS OR DRINKS? 47. How often do you drink soft drinks? (Coca-cola®, Fanta®, Aquarius®, Nestea®, etc.). Mark a response: Never/ less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 48. Do you like soft drinks? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 49. How often do you eat potato crisps? Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 50. Do you like potato crisps? Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 51. How often do you eat corn sticks, popcorn, corn puffs, etc.? Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 52. Do you like corn sticks, popcorn, corn puffs, etc.? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 53. How often do you eat milk desserts (flan, custard, caramel cream, ice cream, etc.)? Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 54. Do you like milk desserts? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 55. How often do you eat pastries? (biscuits, croissants, buns, Donuts®, Bollycao®, cupcakes, milk bread, etc.). Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Between 1 and 6 times a week Once a day 2 or more times a day 56. Do you like pastries? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 57. How often do you eat sweets? Sweets, chewing gum, jellies, chocolate (chocolates, Nutella®, etc.), ice lollies, flig-flags, etc. Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 or more times a week 58. Do you like sweets? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot 59. How often do you eat cold meat? (longaniza sausage, salami, mortadella sausage, bacon, etc.). Don’t include boiled ham or cured ham. Mark a response: Never / less than once a month Between 1 and 3 times a month Once a week Twice a week 3 to 6 times a week Every day 60. Do you like cold meat? Mark a response: Not much / not at all A little Quite a lot / a lot DO YOU EAT OUT ? 61. How often do you go to fast-food restaurants? (McDonalds®, Burger King®, Kentucky®, Telepizza®, doner kebab, frankfurt, etc.) Mark a response: Never Sometimes 1 or more times a week 62. How often do you go to restaurants? Don’t include fast-food restaurants. Mark a response: Never Sometimes 1 or more times a week WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE FOLLOWING FOODS... 63. Which of these food groups should you have the most servings of per day? Mark a response: Bread, cereals, rice, pasta Dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) Confectionary (Biscuits, croissants, etc.), sweets Fruits Meat, fish, eggs, nuts Vegetables Don’t know 64. Which of these food groups should you have the least servings of per day? Mark a response: Bread, cereals, rice pasta Dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.) Confectionary (biscuits, croissants, etc.), sweets Fruits Meat, fish, eggs, nuts Vegetables Don’t know 65. How many times a day should you eat fruit and vegetables? Mark a response: Never Once Twice 3 times 4 times 5 times Don’t know 66. Can what you eat make you ill when you’re older (heart disease, cancer etc.)? Mark a response: Yes No Don’t know 67. Do people who weigh more than they should have more health problems than other people? Mark a response: Yes No Don’t know WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ? 68. What I eat and drink at the moment is good for my health. Mark a response: Yes, always Yes, sometimes No 69. When you skip breakfast, does it make it more difficult to follow your classes and understand the teachers’ explanations? Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always 70. Do you like to try new food? Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always 71. Do you have lunch at school? Every day On certain days of the week Sometimes Never 72. Special situations. Mark a response if any of the following statements are true of you. If not, leave blank: I’m vegetarian Gluten allergy Lactose allergy Nut allergy Diabetes Others, specify: ______________________ If you eat at school, answer the next 3 questions. If you don’t eat at school, leave questions 73, 74 and 75 blank, and you have finished the questionnaire. 73. Do you finish what you are given as school lunch? Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always 74. Is the school lunch good for you ? Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always 75. Do you like the school lunch? Mark a response: Almost never / never Sometimes Almost always / always THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR HELP !