2nd Quarter - The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club


2nd Quarter - The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club
2nd Quarter 2015
Editor: Detta Andreana
Associate Editor: Sandy Clark
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.-www.sleepyhollowgspclub.com
In This Issue…
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club is a “not for profit” Breed
Specific Dog Club. We were founded in 1988 by a small unit of very dedicated GSP
people. Throughout the years, we have grown to expand our horizons as we continue to
promote the health and welfare of the Versatile GSP.
The Sleepy Hollow GSPC, is an American Kennel Club Sanctioned Specialty Breed
Club. SHGSPC is also a member club of the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of
America. We promote the responsible breeding of the purebred GSP. We urge members
and breeders to accept the standard of the breed approved by the American Kennel Club,
as the only standard of excellence. The SHGSP Club conducts Sanctioned Specialty
Breed Shows, Obedience Trials, and Field Events held under the Rules and Regulations
of the American Kennel Club.
Our Club is about… Good Sportsmanship - Our members, their enjoyment of the
sport and willingness of their dogs. Education - Learning through the exchange of
knowledge within the membership.
Club News:
President's Message................2
Upcoming Events................... 2
New Officers & Directors.......2
Brags...................................... 4
Services.................................. 6
Specialty Show Results.......... 3
SHGSPC Certificate of Merit. 5
Harvest Awards Dinner...........5
Help Wanted........................... 5
Litter Announcement.............. 6
Directions to Gander Mountain Meeting location, in Middletown NY, 10940:
From the East – Take Rt. 17 West to exit 120. Make a right at light onto Rt.
211 East. Go to light and turn right onto N.Galleria Dr. Turn right into parking
From the West – Take Rt. 17 East to Exit 120, East (towards Montgomery)
merge onto Rt. 211 East, continue as above.
From Newburgh and CT – Take I-84 West (toward Middletown) to Rt. 17
West then follow as above directions.
From PA and Northern NJ – Take I-84 East to NY Exit 4-West. Onto Rt.17
West then follow as above directions.
The meeting room is located to the rear of the store in the Lodge. Once in the
store proceed to the rear left of the building. Turn Left down the Hallway...
Right into Lodge Meeting Room. Gander Mountain phone: 845-692-5600
Our meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of
the month at Gander Mountain in Middletown
unless otherwise indicated.
Aug 15 –
Meeting/Pot Luck Lunch/Fun Field Day
Oct 21 –
Regular meeting night
Nov 7 –
Harvest Awards Dinner/Meeting
Dec 16 – TBA
East Mountain Gun Dog Training
Training Year Round - Individual Classes By The Hour - Group Classes
2 Day "Weekend" Seminars "Dates To Be Announced"
Trained Retrieve
Proper Use Of Electric Collars
Private Seminars For Individuals Or Clubs
All Training By Appointment Only
Call Michael @ 203-984-5983 Or
Email @ [email protected]
Join us on Saturday, August 15th for a special Pot Luck Meeting &
Educational Field Program!
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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These are some busy times for SHGSPC! We so far have had 2 consecutive monthly meetings with another coming in June. And
not your average, run of the mill meetings either thanks to our Education Committee! At the April meeting we had a very
informative talk on structure given by our own Jane Rae. Jane, a very talented teacher, is often stepping up to the plate and
sharing her wealth of knowledge with the membership. At the May meeting, Vice President Sandy Clark, who is the driving force
of the Education Committee, taught us about obedience and even brought along her sweet Ellie to demonstrate, putting many of us
in awe. We also enjoyed celebrating members Barbara VanBlarcum and Ray Scarth, and their lovely girl Diamond’s huge Best of
Breed win at the National Specialty Show in Denver, CO.
Looking toward the very near future, we have a June meeting for finalizing the officers for the upcoming year and of course, our
concurrent Specialty Show on June 20th at the New Paltz Fairgrounds. Diane Prohaska and the Show Committee have been
working diligently to ensure yet another successful show. It is always a lovely day with great dogs, great camaraderie and great
hospitality, if you haven’t attended in the past, please try to come out and at least join us for lunch.
Plans are also in full swing for the September 12th Hunting Test to be held at East Mountain Shooting Preserve in Dover Plains,
NY. This has also been a most enjoyable event, usually with beautiful late summer weather and good times by dogs and people
alike in a beautiful setting. Jane Rae is the chair for this event.
There is much going on within the general business of the club, as well, as new committees have been formed. We now have a
By-Laws Committee looking over the current club rules, especially in the area of membership as it relates to meeting quorums.
The other new committee formed is the Awards Committee and they will be looking at ways to reward members and their
accomplishments throughout the year. Treasurer Charley Mallory is working on reviving our club apparel sales. Our Show, Hunt
Test and Education Committees are always busy planning the next event. And, I would be remiss if I did not mention the work
Detta and Sandy do with this very newsletter and the website, keep in mind they are always looking for content suggestions.
The points I am trying to make here is that we are looking to make membership within the SHGSPC a rewarding experience, and
also that there are plenty of ways to be involved even if you cannot attend meetings. The true fact of the matter is that Dog Clubs
and events are having a very difficult time surviving. Thankfully, we are not at that point, but we certainly do not want to head in
that direction. No matter how much time you have to offer, even a little would be helpful. Keep in mind that in these days of
social networking, there are so many ways to get on board even if you cannot attend meetings. (YES there are ways you can
participate from the comfort of your own home!) Please, please, PLEASE reach out to myself or anyone of the Officers or
Committee members and see how you can be involved or feel free to make suggestions for some activities or direction you would
like to see the club go in.
Club Members that have attained the following AKC Titles during 2015:
Breed/Show, Field, Hunt Tests, Obedience, Rally, Tracking or Agility Titles.
Those members are eligible for Title Award Certificates in these areas of achievement.
Deadline: October 1, 2015
Send your information with details to: Sue Prohaska, 840 Mill Road, Napanoch NY 12458 (845) 647-4886 [email protected]
Saturday, August 15, 2015 Fun Field Day/ Pot Luck Lunch/
Meeting East Mtn. Preserve, Dover Plains NY - Sandy Clark
(845) 496-9409 [email protected]
Saturday, September 12, 2015 – (2) AKC Hunt Tests – In
one day! East Mtn. Preserve Dover Plains NY
Hunt Test Secretary: Barbara Van Blarcum [email protected]
Saturday November 7th – Harvest Awards Dinner Event
Club Members &Friends ~ Delancey’ s Restaurant, Goshen NY 10924
Chairperson: Charley Mallory (845) 783-2058 [email protected]
The following members were voted in and took office as of the June meeting for the 2015/2016 term.
President - Denise Avery
June Burns
Susan Prohaska
Vice President - Sandra Clark
Jane Rae
Treasurer- Charles Mallory
John Tierney
Recording Secretary – Anne Marie Tierney
Barbara Van Blarcum
Corresponding Secretary - Dolores Mallory
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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The June 2015 Sleepy Hollow GSPC Specialty Show is in the books and despite some soggy weather, it followed suit as yet
another first class affair. Diane Prohaska chose beautiful stained glass trophies that were much appreciated by the winners.
Members and non-members alike contributed to both the abundant luncheon coordinated by Barbara Van Blarcum and the raffle
that was very well managed by Ray Scarth. The Tierneys and Mallorys were instrumental in set up and clean up as was Jane Rae
who thankfully houses and transports club supplies such as tables, the tent and paper goods. On behalf of our club, I thank each
one of you for your dedication. Kudos as well to those who cooked or contributed to the luncheon and raffle.
We managed to get through the morning supported entry, the luncheon, the raffle and even the clean up before the rain came.
Unfortunately, the Sweepstakes judging endured the worst of the it with a bit of a downpour at times. Regular class judging,
however, was dry for the most part.
Both judges (Alessandra Folz for Sweeps and Ruth Ann Freer-Godfrey for regular classes) had a challenging job in choosing their
winners, but they did so carefully and in my personal opinion, did a great job. They seemed to truly enjoy the task at hand. Many
Thanks to June Burns our Steward and her assistant Anne Marie Tierney for a job well done!
To see full results, please visit: http://www.infodog.com
Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes - Ms. Kay Ames
Best in Sweepstakes
HHH Top Gun
Breeder/Owner – Cheryl Thrall & Robert Kapitan
Best of Opposite Sex
Ch Buck Hollow’s Dancing Queen, JH
Breeder/Owners – Sunnie & Lynn Fair & Julia Carroll
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes
Ch Windheim’s Bolt of Lightening
Best of Opposite Sex
GCH Panamint’s Freckled Stars for Lucia JH CGC
Owner – Barbara VanBlarcum
Owners – Leslie Javarone, Diane Stendahl & Dennis Miller
Regular Classes Judge – Ruth Ann Freer-Godfrey
Best of Breed
GCH Rose Mountain’s Stelor Royal Diamond JH
Breeders/Owners – Barbara VanBlarcum & Raymond Scarth
Best of Winners
DeLombardie LaDolce Vita
Best of Opposite Sex
GCH Homesteader’s Reaching for the Stars
Breeder/Owner – Lise Cere
Owners – Linda Caputo & Nancy Campbell
Select Dog
GCH CRK On the Double
Select Bitch
Ch Buck Hollow’s Dancing Queen, JH
Breeder/Owners – Margaret & William Farone
Breeder/Owners – Sunnie & Lynn Fair & Julia Carroll
Awards of Merit
GCH Hideaway & Windheim’s Vintage Moonshine
Owners – Diane & Sue Prohaska
GCH Claddagh’s Wild Knights at Wood Hafen RN JH
Owner – Catherine Iacopelli
Winner's Dog
VJK-MYST New York Bound to Panamint,
Owner – Diane Stendahl
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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New Champion – "Crosby", CH. VJK-MYST New York Bound to
At the June 2015 SHGSPC Specialty, Crosby went Winners Dog for a 5pt
major under respected GSP Breeder Judge Ruthann Freer-Godfrey.
Breeders - Valerie Nunes Atkinson & Yvonne Hassler Deterding,
Owner - Diane J Stendahl
“Brew”, GCH/UKC BIS CH Windheim ‘N Hideaway’s Home Brewed JH
Brew has been a busy boy this spring! We traveled to Denver, CO for the
GSPCA Nationals where he qualified for 2 legs in both Rally Advanced and
Beginner Novice Obedience with three 1st’s and one 2nd placement. He also won the Hunting Dog class at the GSPC of CO
Specialty the day before the Nationals.
Back home, we attended the Delaware Valley GWPC Hunt Test on the weekend of 5/30, where he earned back to back Senior
Hunter legs. The following weekend he completed both his Rally Advanced and Beginner Novice titles at the Syracuse Obedience
Training Club Trial with a 4th and a 3rd placement, and finally on 6/13 he earned a 3rd Senior Hunter leg at the Nutmeg GSPC
Hunt Test. We are excitedly anticipating his first litter of puppies on July 30th! Brew has been breeder/owner trained and handled
to all titles.
Breeder/Owner - Denise Avery, co-breeder Diane Prohaska, co-owner Jim Avery
“Diamond”, Bronze GCH Rose Mountain's Stelor Royal Diamond JH
Pictured at right, Diamond, Best of Breed winner at the GSPCA
National Specialty Show under Judge, Mr. Daniel B. Mack. We
are all so proud of Barbara and Diamond!
Diamond also won Best of Breed at the SHGSPC Specialty Show
on June 20th under Judge, Ruth Ann Freer-Godfrey. This was her
second year to win BOB at our Specialty Show and a Group 1 at
the Friday show.
“The new numbers came out and Diamond is # 5 GSP breed
points, # 2 Bitch. The girl is on a roll.” - Barbara
Breeders/Owners – Barbara Van Blarcum & Ray Scarth
“Blitz”, Ch. Windheim’s Bolt of Lightning JH CGC
Blitz was Best Veteran in Sweeps at the SHGSPC Specialty Show.
Breeders – Denise and Jim Avery, Owner – Barbara Van Blarcum
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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All Club Members that have earned AKC Titles during 2015
are eligible to apply for:
The Sleepy Hollow GSP Club Certificate Award of Merit
Presented at
Please consider getting involved in one of the following areas,
meeting attendance is not required to participate on committees
and there is so much that is done behind the scenes. Pay is the
satisfaction knowing you are an active member of the Sleepy
Hollow GSP Club!
SHGSPC Harvest Awards Dinner Event
Raffle Coordinator at the Hunt Test – involves collecting items
to be raffled at the hunt test and selling tickets the day of the
Saturday November 7, 2015.
Contact Sue Prohaska as soon as possible with your title(s)
information prior to: OCTOBER 1, 2015 - DEADLINE!
ByLaws Committee – review current by-laws and suggest
changes, for more info contact current members Denise Avery,
Sandy Clark or Sue Prohaska
Here is how it’s done…
Snail Mail: Via US Mail > Make a photo copy of your title
and mail that copy to Sue.
Awards Committee – develop a system for awards to be given,
find appropriate item to be awarded. Contact current members
Denise Avery, Deb Brooks or Sue Prohaska
Email: Scan a copy of your title and email it to Sue.
Email: Send typed information (All details as listed on your
AKC Title).
Show Committee – join several others that coordinate our 2
fabulous Specialty Shows, our shows are considered to be some
of the few prestigious GSP Specialties on the east coast. There
is a ton of work that goes on behind the scenes all year long!
Please contact Show Committee Chair, Diane Prohaska
If you need more information or have questions contact:
Mail: Sue Prohaska, 830 Mill Road, Napanoch NY 12458
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 845) 647-4886
Thank you again for helping us to make this upcoming event
a success!
Sandy Clark
SHGSPC – Vice President
Education Chairperson
Hunt Test – we will need bird planters, marshals and help in the
clubhouse with the kitchen and raffle. Please contact Jane Rae,
Chair or Denise Avery
Education Committee – Sandy Clark works diligently to
coordinate meeting presentations that fulfill our education
requirements for the AKC and make meetings very interesting,
please contact her if you would like to assist her with this or
have a presentation idea.
40 Park Place, Goshen NY 10924
Pasta ~ Seafood ~ Steak
On June 17, 2015 at our SHGSPC Annual Meeting, Charley Mallory wearing his hat as “Dinner – Chairperson” presented
multiple Restaurant options for the Harvest Awards Dinner Event. The selected vote was for Delancey’s in the lovely historic
village of Goshen NY!
Located in a Historical Building – previously a Tavern and Inn, the building has recently been totally renovated. The Main Dining
Room’s back wall is windows. Those that stop by for lunch…might be lucky enough to see the Trotters working out on the track!
My family and I enjoyed Delancey’s for “Father’s Day Dinner”. We all had a wonderful time! The food and service was great!
There is a large Dining Room, two available Bars and The Banquet Room. This room is private, secluded and spacious it can hold
80 people. They offer large round tables that can sit up to nine. In my opinion, this is the nicest Restaurant the club has ever
offered the membership. Check out the Delancey’s link above for photos!
The Club has committed to a minimum of THIRTY attendees additionally a $200 deposit to bring us all together on a Saturday
night! Please!! Spread the word and bring a friend (s). This should be a great time for us all to see each other and enjoy a fun
event! – Sandy Clark, SHGSPC Vice-President
DELANCEY’S BANQUET MENU - $40.00 per person - Family Style: Brucetta / Penne Ala Vodka / House Garden Mixed Salad
ENTRÉE SELECTION: Chicken Francese, Black Angus Prime Rib, Grilled Atlantic Salmon, Dessert – Small Cannoli &
Cheesecake, Includes: Coffee, Tea & Soda, Bread & Butter
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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Club Members
Place your ad here and on the club's
web site by sending your business card
in digital format to Detta Andreana.
The Sleepy Hollow German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
2nd Quarter 2015
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