Space Magazine - Bath Spa University


Space Magazine - Bath Spa University
Bath Spa University’s monthly magazine
Front cover: Graduation - Ben Langdon Photography ff
My student experience...
Graduation 2013
Fran de Garis, BA (Hons) English Literature
Front cover: Graduation - Ben Langdon Photography ff
Spotlight on...
Nic Jeune,
Senior Lecturer: Creative Media Practice
Talking point
Do female graduates settle for second class careers?
Front cover: Graduation - Ben Langdon Photography ff
Check out our new Reviews section
06 Update from the Vice-Chancellor
08 Newton Park Campus Development
Talking point: Do female graduates
settle for second class careers?
My student experience...Fran de Garis
BA (Hons) English Literature
10 Thank you Jennifer Skellett
Winning Consortium
12 Busy and Bustling Campuses
14 Spotlight on… Nic Jeune,
Senior Lecturer: Creative Media Practice
Science Matters!
SPACE magazine is published every month and is aimed at staff and
Alumni News
members of the Bath Spa community. Want to get involved? Contact Jane
students of Bath Spa University. SPACE welcomes contributions from all
Wakefield - [email protected]
Jane Wakefield
Features Writer
Rob Breckon
Fran de Garis
Top Novel
BSU: in the news
Life 2
What’s On
Design and Layout
Sampath Karunaratne
Matthew Lochrie
Staff News
Front cover
Love, Sex and…Couple Therapy
The Legacy of Opera
Stuart Nelson
David Bailey
Update from the Vice-Chancellor
We have had a most clement autumn and the various campuses of the university have been looking
their best. The construction at Newton Park is moving well. Some may have seen the light boxes illuminated. They were designed by a team of artists and designers from across the University. The group used
close-up photographic studies of leaves, branches and barks depicting the species of trees on the Newton
Park estate. Inspiration for the photographic techniques used came from the early photographs of W. Fox
Talbot, a pioneering scientist who developed some of the first photographs.
This month we have focussed on developing new international partnerships and developing the relationships we already have with our alumni.
We began the month with a visit from Ambassador Estivill of Mexico who joined myself and the senior
team. During his visit we discussed the University’s vision and strategy, he met our international team and
had a tour of the new developments. We are developing a range of new relationships with Latin America. I
am pleased to report that new agreements have been signed with partners in Chile, Mexico and Columbia
this month. You will be hearing a lot more on these over the coming months.
I was also able to visit Boston very briefly. We discussed the future of the new joint venture, Bath Spa
Global. I also signed an agreement with Middlesex Community College and Northern Essex Community
College both in Lowell which will bring a number of students from Massachusetts to Bath Spa.
Professor Christina Slade, Vice-Chancellor
Finally we ended the month with reunions for students of the teacher training college which was established here at Newton Park. It is a great pleasure to invite former students to the campus and to hear their
stories. Many of those stories have been captured by the University’s archive team.
Newton park campus development update
Residential development
Academic Building
The exterior of ‘Commons’ had one of its most unique features installed this month,
Some of the new student residential ‘houses’ now have their roofs, bathrooms pods
have been installed in each of the bedrooms and exterior cladding work has begun
on some of the ‘blocks’. The contractors Miller are also working with the University
on a number of initiatives. These include a charity netball tournament to celebrate
the opening of the netball court, a site visit for children at Oak Tree Day Nursery and
working with the Students’ Union and student volunteers to improve Oldfield Park
train station.
the lightboxes on the outside curve of the digital studio wing. The project to design
the lightboxes was led by a team of artists and designers from across the University.
In particular, students studying visual arts, design and environmental science worked
together to develop the subject and imagery.
Inspiration for the design was taken from the natural landscape at Newton Park and
the grounds which were designed by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown in 1761.The group
used close-up photographic studies of leaves, branches and barks depicting the species
of trees on the Newton Park estate. The lightboxes will be programmed to gradually
change the colour and tone of the images allowing them to shift over days and nights
and across the seasons.
You can follow progress of both developments via the webcams which are available
If you have any questions or queries about any of the developments, please email the
team: [email protected]
Staff and students also had an opportunity to look around the inside of the building on 1
November when all work was stopped and the building was opened for viewings.
Work is progressing on schedule and the building will be complete and ready for use
by next spring.
If you haven’t been able to visit the building on any of the open site days, you can
continue to follow progress via the webcams which are available here
A close up of a light box
Installation of the panels
thank you
In the June issue we announced the University had established two awards for alumni of the Department of
Music courtesy of a generous donation from Jennifer Skellett. The first two awards have now been made to Tom
Davis and Kirsty Folan.
Tom and Kirsty were both awarded £500 to put towards further study or entrepreneurial ventures. Commenting
on receiving her award, Kirsty said: “I am very grateful to have been chosen for the Jennifer Skellett Award. I
intend to put the funding towards my tuition fees, travel to Corsham Court and gigs, equipment such as guitar
strings, and perhaps even a ukelele!”
There are two awards available to alumni of the Department of Music. The Jennifer Skellett Postgraduate
Bursary is awarded annually to an outstanding student from the Department to support them in undertaking
a postgraduate degree at Bath Spa. The Jennifer Skellett Junior Fellowship will be awarded to an alumni a year
after they have graduated to support their continued professional development through short courses and
summer schools. More information about the Awards is available here
Bath Spa is joined by seven other universities - Aberystwyth, Bath, Bristol, Cardiff, Exeter, Reading and South-
ampton in receiving £14.2 million of funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) over the next
five years to deliver postgraduate supervision, training and skills development from 2014.
The Consortium is one of 11 new Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) and seven Centres for Doctoral Training
(CDTs) to have been awarded a total of £164 million funding from the AHRC.
The South, West and Wales Consortium will offer postgraduate studentships and training across the full range of
the AHRC’s disciplines, with a strong emphasis on collaboration between the members of the consortium and 19
partner organisations including English Heritage, the National Trust, the BBC, Cadw and the Welsh National Opera.
The funding, which equates to 200 new studentships, will allow for innovative postgraduate support, including the
development of broader skills such as partnership working and language skills, and experience in working outside
academia through industry and international placements.
Kirsty Folan performance
Busy and
During October we held three open days for
prospective students and their parents and supporters.
Despite the sometimes wet weather, the open days
were very successful with over 600 visitors on each
occasion. Students visited both Newton Park and
Sion Hill campuses and had the opportunity to speak
with academic staff, take a tour of the campus and
speak with our Student Ambassadors about the Bath
Spa student experience. Social media was abuzz with
comments about the beautiful campuses and friendly
staff and students.
On Saturday 26 October, as well as open day visitors,
Newton Park campus welcomed 35 Newton Park
College alumni from the 1970s, celebrating 40 years
since their studies. This was our largest reunion group
yet and it was a lot of fun, especially as they reenacted the 1970s sit-in on the window sills of Main
House! The Archive team were delighted to see the
many photographs that the group brought along from
their time at Newton Park and to hear some wonderful
Our guests enjoyed being here on Open Day. The
presence of both prospective students and alumni on
campus, along with staff and current students, was a
lovely demonstration of the breadth of the University’s
alumni community. Some prospective students
stopped by and were quite surprised to think they
could be back in 2053 celebrating their own 40 year
Bath Spa University Spartans
One guest was Marion Donaldson who attended
Newton Park College from 1973-76. She had this to
say about the day: “Thank you to all the people who
worked so hard to get us all together and provide us
with such a lovely opportunity to catch up and for
some to re-establish old friendships. There were some
amongst us who were always trouble, so you got off
quite lightly with the clambering up onto a window
sill to re-create a photo from the 70’s. It was just an
opportunity for us to show that being nearly 60 is the
new 40!”
Re-creating the 70’s
Pic: Vintage cars
Nic Jeune,
Senior Lecturer: Creative Media Practice
Nic Jeune
Nic Jeune talks to Rob Breckon about why Sixteen is different from any other
University produced film
spotlight on...
Bath Spa made film Sixteen was recently shortlisted
Scene from Sixteen
“What makes this film special is its journey and background,
from the initial idea right through to the finished film on the
big screen. “
for not one, but two awards at the prestigious British
Film Institute London Film Festival 2013. It was shown
on the big screen for the first time at VUE Cinema in
Leicester Square on Saturday 19 October.
What makes this film special is its journey and
background, from the initial idea right through to the
finished film on the big screen. The University’s role in
making this happen has been very significant in more
ways than one, as Nic described.
Sixteen was produced by Nic Jeune, Senior Lecturer:
Creative Media Practice and directed by Media Practice Lecturer, Robert Brown. Rob was nominated for
Best British Newcomer and the film was nominated
for the Sutherland Award, given since 1958 in recognition of the best first feature film at the Festival.
“I believe we were the only film to have been
shortlisted that was made by a university. Rob and
I obviously work for Bath Spa, so it was great to not
only receive the backing of the University itself, but
also to involve some of our students in the making of
the film.
It’s been an exciting and busy time as Nic explains:
“We are very proud of how far Sixteen has come already. We didn’t win either of the two awards, but to
be selected and then nominated at BFI London Film
Festival was a fantastic achievement in itself. All of the
films we were up against had much larger budgets..
“Following an audition process, a handful of the
students from the BA (Hons) Creative Media Practice
course were awarded places on the film’s production
team. The experience they had doing this has stood
them in such good stead for the future and they took
as much out of the experience of making a genuine
feature film as possible.”
“For the film to rub shoulders with and be seen in the
same light as some of other award nominees was a
very proud feeling for us.”
So what now for Sixteen?
Nic explains: “We are and will be entering into a number of different international film festivals over the next 18
months and are very much looking forward to attending those. The film is being screened as part of Bath Film
Festival in December and we hope to host our own screening for staff and students on campus soon.”
The film will also be used for future Creative Media Practice and MA Feature Filmmaking students who will be
able to learn about the film and study its production as part of their course. Something which Nic feels will be of
great value to them.
“It seems to me that far too many film making courses in colleges, universities or similar institutions ask their
students to create films without doing anything with them. The great thing about Sixteen is that it is proof that
a university can significantly contributing to the film making market and it demonstrates to students that there
isn’t as big a gap as assumed between studying this discipline and making it in the real world.
“This year is our first ever cohort on the MA Feature Filmmaking course so we are really excited to work with
them and set them the task of creating the next Sixteen!”
If you would like to recommend a fellow student or colleague to be interviewed for ‘Spotlight on’ please let us
know by emailing Rob Breckon [email protected]
spotlight on...
You rate our teaching at
Bath Spa University
National Student Survey 2013
Scene from Sixteen
Do female graduates settle for
second class careers?
A recent article in The Times (Female
talking point
graduates prepared to accept second-best jobs
26 September) highlighted new statistics which
show that 25 per cent of female graduates
are working in lower or middle skilled jobs
compared to just 12.5 per cent of male
graduates. The article discussed the possible
reasons for this considering that women
outnumber men at university and achieve higher
A Level results.
This is an interesting issue, especially for us at
Bath Spa, because we have a higher proportion
of female students and graduates. Over
93 per cent of Bath Spa graduates were in
employment or further study within six months
of graduation in 2012 – a higher employability
rate than a number of elite universities including
Manchester, Oxford, Warwick and Birmingham.
Whilst this figure does not indicate graduate
level employment, it is certainly the case that
many of our graduates are highly successful in
their careers.
In recent years, our graduates have gone
to work for a number of large international
organisations including Dyson, Danone,
Agusta Westland, Disney, Jones Lang Lasalle
and McGraw-Hill as well as leading creative
and cultural industry organisations including
Atlantic Records, English Heritage, Future
Publishing, National Trust, Sony Entertainment
and Universal Music.
As well as securing positions in companies
around the world, a high proportion of Bath
Spa graduates are successful entrepreneurs.
Rosanna Mead graduated in 2010 and since
then has launched and expanded her business
Musica which provides interactive music
workshops to benefit the health and
well-being of older adults, particularly those
with dementia. The business began in Dorset,
but has now expanded across the South-West
and employees an increasing number of Bath
Spa graduates.
“93 per cent of Bath Spa graduates
were in employment or further study
within six months of graduation in
2012 – a higher employability rate
than a number of elite universities
including Manchester, Oxford,
Warwick and Birmingham.”
As is often the case with statistics, it may
be that entrepreneurial and self-employed
graduates were not counted in the survey
quoted in The Times. Also, the parameters of
what is classed as a ‘lower or middle skilled job’
can be difficult to determine when considering
the creative arts and practice based careers. 8.2
per cent of our graduates are freelance, selfemployed or have their own business compared
to 5.8 per cent nationally.
The number of our Creative Writing graduates
securing lucrative publishing deals has continued
to increase over the 20 years the course has
been running. Most recently, Anna Freeman has
agreed terms with Weidenfeld & Nicholson for
two novels to be published, the first being The
Fair Fight which won the Tibor Jones Pageturner
Prize earlier this year.
The University supports the continued career
development of graduates through work
placements, internships and working in
partnership with a wide range of commercial
organisations. Many of our degree programmes
are industry focused and students often work
closely with experts and practitioners.
So, according to statistics, women are not as
high achieving as men. Bath Spa graduates have
strong cause to disagree.
The number of women CEOs in FTSE 100
companies may be small, but that doesn’t mean
there aren’t women in positions of influence
and power. Angela Ahrendts of Apple, Sheryl
Sandberg of Facebook, Marissa Mayer of Yahoo
and Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde all spring to
mind when we think of organisations being run
by senior female executives.
In the creative industries we also find a large
proportion of high achieving women, many of
whom are listed by Forbes as being in the top
100 most powerful women in the world. This
includes author J.K Rowling, media entrepreneur
Arianna Huffington, fashion designer Miuccia
Prada and Amy Pascal of Sony Pictures
Graduation Day
my student
Fran de Garis,
BA (Hons) English Literature
University. I was clueless about going as I had no idea what to expect and what all the fuss was
my student experience
about when people talked about the incredible social side of things. I was therefore moulded into
thinking about a rather generic, cliché situation that didn’t impress me all that much. I envisioned
meeting people. I met people. I envisioned parties. There were parties. I envisioned liberality. There
was liberality. But my time so far has been so unlike the majority of students that dance their way
down the exhilarating uni brick road. Mine has been a fascinating rigmarole…
I was so unaware of what going to university was actually about that the first time I applied,
originally with the intention of going to Kingston, I cancelled the application at the last minute
when I found out an old chum was taking a year out. I followed suit and vetoed my application
when I should have deferred. It boggles me to think that in all sincerity the main reason I applied in
the first place was because that’s what everyone else was doing at my sixth form. That and I enjoy
the comfort and shelter of education – procrastination into the real world and I know I am not
alone in this.
However, English had always been a subject I was fond of, second to drama, and this was my
chance to create for myself the perfect course with the perfect award. Like a Hovis loaf of bread I
had the ‘best of both’ and it was a beautiful blend. But not for long, as after the first year I decided
to drop drama when I sadly realised my commitment and passion to it was no longer there. This is
not uncommon for students undertaking a joint award degree and I was not discouraged to focus
solely on English Literature.
As much as I’d heard about student life being unforgettably, undeniably, most definitely the most
amazing, epic-est time of your life ever I wasn’t convinced. Nor did that opinion change drastically
when it finally happened: going through Freshers, getting by on little food/money and scraping
grades to pass. However, I’m not all damning about the situation and I will allow myself a small
cliché here: first year whizzed by and it was the time of my life. Perhaps not in the same way as
some of my fellow students, I preferred jaunts to a mate’s house and jollies to Bristol as opposed
to the frequent, scheduled student night at Po-Na-Na.
Relaxing by the lake
my student experience
And then ‘year two take two’ arrived and I was facing
4ft hurdles. This included trying to find somewhere
decent to live and after experiencing flooded
bathrooms and unusable kitchens for a time, I finally
found somewhere I am fairly happy.
Whilst experiencing this tricky endurance test
I applied for a transfer to London Metropolitan
University ready to say so long to Bath Spa. My grades
were not improving and I was horribly dismayed. But
here I am, writing this in the Bath Spa Library, safe
in the knowledge I have lovely landlords and live in
a lovely house. I am now settled, content and able
to concentrate at the real task in hand: university.
No more anxieties, no more woes, no more partying
so hard I don’t go to my classes; it is now all about
blessed academia and I’m prepared and excited for
the grapple to get my rolled-up scroll at the finish
Top novel
“And then ‘year two take
two’ arrived and I was
facing 4ft hurdles.”
Unfortunately it all went a little Pete Tong when
I started my second year still in the mind set of
being fresh and first year. Still fuelled by the exciting
freedom of uni life, my first term back did not
consist of the heavy load of reading I should have
been getting through, but was instead taken up with
more hopping and bopping about Bath. By January
I found myself ‘intercalating’ and seeking full time
employment. It sounds more depressing than it is. I
did it for my own benefit with the good intention of
returning and lo and behold I did return.
Almond’s Skellig in
children’s top 100
reading list
David Almond
Congratulations to Professor of Creative Writing and highly acclaimed author, David Almond whose novel Skellig
has been selected in the top 100 children’s novels to read by age 14.
The novel follows the life of Michael, a young boy whose life is seemingly lonely and uncertain following a
simultaneous move to a new house and his baby sister’s illness. However, as Michael explores his new home and
its ramshackle garage he and his new friend Mina, discover something magical. A strange creature - part owl, part
angel, a being who needs Michael’s help if he is to survive. With Mina’s help, Michael nourishes Skellig back to
health. The creature is ill-mannered, with questionable personal hygiene, but persevering in their kindness towards
him, Michael and Mina find a bond forms between them that will change their lives forever.
This unusual and captivating novel won both the Carnegie Medal and the Whitbread Children’s Book Award.
Professor Almond has written many novels, stories and plays including The Savage, Clay, My Name Is Mina, My
Dad’s a Birdman and Slog’s Dad amongst many more. His books are translated into almost 40 languages and are
widely adapted for stage and screen.
He has received widespread recognition for his writing and won numerous awards including the Carnegie Medal,
two Whitbread Children’s Book Awards and Le Prix Sorcieres. In 2010 he also gained the Hans Christian Andersen
Award, the highest international prize for children’s authors.
School of Education Teaching
Fellow Jim Crawley has been
part of a research team helping
Love, Sex and...
Couple Therapy
teachers integrate life skills into
vocational training.
For the last two years Jim has
been involved with the ‘key
competences in life skills’ project known as LIFE 2, an innovative and
highly successful European project aimed at helping learners to be ready
for work and building links with employers.
The LIFE 2 project has been supported by the European Commission and
made up of a specialist team from vocational education organisations
from Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, Romania, Spain and the UK with
Norton Radstock College as lead partner and the University as the internal
project evaluator of which Jim is leading.
The team has updated the ‘Train the Trainers’ pack which was developed in a previous project
aimed at helping teachers integrate life skills into vocational learning. Following the team’s
extensive research, the pack has now been updated with a series of resources, activities and
guidance to develop the skills which employers are asking for, such as problem-solving, creativity,
teamwork and presentation, as well as job seeking skills.
Following the project’s final meeting in Copenhagen, Jim commented on the success of project:
“This two year project has been a really good example of how collaboration between educational
professionals from a number of countries can yield high quality results, and help vocational
teachers to use them in their teaching. The work of this project has now been featured as good
Graduate and former lecturer on the MA
Creative Writing course, Barbara Bloomfield has
published the world’s first graphic novel about
counselling. Barbara’s book Couple Therapy:
Dramas of Love and Sex takes readers into the
private world of the counselling room and
follows three sets of couples as they try to save
their troubled relationships.
“It is a comic strip type graphic novel which
highlights relationship issues in an exciting, easy
and highly readable way. A ‘must’ read.”
The book is available to buy from The Guardian
bookshop here
Commenting on the book, Barbara said: “Genrebusting is very fashionable these days and I
wanted to do something different and original,
to show the secrets of the process of therapy
through pictures. I find younger people relate
very well to visual storytelling and Chris Radley’s
illustrations are really exciting.”
As well as writing books, Barbara works as a
Counselling Supervisor for RELATE’s Bath and
Exeter offices.
The book has already received glowing reviews
including support from distinguished Professor
of Organisational Psychology and Health at
Lancaster University and President of RELATE,
Cary Cooper CBE who said: “Couple Therapy:
Dramas of Love and Sex is a very innovative
book exploring the private worlds of two
fictional couples (plus one family) going through
Barbara Bloomfield’s book Couple Therapy: Dramas of Love and Sex
practice across a number of European countries and deservedly so.”
The Legacy of
Back in July a book jointly developed and
edited by Dr Pamela Karantonis, Senior Lecturer
in Voice (Acting) had an international launch at
the Institute del Teatre in Barcelona. It marked
the inaugural publication of the Music Theatre
Working Group of the International Federation
for Theatre Research (IFTR), with the title
The Legacy of Opera: Reading Music Theatre as
Experience and Performance.
Contributors to the book made the project truly
international with participants from Australia,
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Korea,
Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and
United States. The content of the book considers the relevance of opera in the 21 st Century, the ontology of
opera today and at its historical origins, vocal performance,
affect, audiences, media, technology, cinema and the meaning
of opera in the face of the popularisation of music-theatrical
Pamela Karantonis
The book also constitutes Volume 7 in the Rodopi Series Themes
in Theatre – Collective Approaches to Theatre and Performance, with
Series Editor, Professor Peter Eversmann of the IFTR’s Executive.
This book is the culmination of fruitful discussions that took
place over a number of years, at Working Group sessions, during
which Dr Karantonis was voted as one of the group’s convenors
in a four-year post. The group look forward to two further
publication launches in the near future.
The University has recently been awarded a significant grant to lead the way in helping teachers accurately
assess children’s scientific knowledge and understanding. The Centre for Research in Early Scientific Learning
(CRESL) in the School of Education, has been successful in its bid to become a Primary Science Teaching Trust
(PSTT) Regional Hub.
CRESL is one of seven national PSTT hubs and
will receive a grant of £150,000 over three years
from the Primary Science Teaching Trust which
provides financial assistance to help improve the
learning and teaching of science in the UK.
This three-year research project will aim to
develop new approaches to teacher assessment
in primary school science education.
The Bath Spa-based hub will work intensively with 12 primary schools across the South West region. The team will
work closely with teachers in piloting new and different models of assessment that will enable teachers to better
gauge how their pupils are progressing in science.
Science was heralded as a ‘core’ subject when the National Curriculum was introduced in 1989 and there was a
steep rise in the science attainment of pupils between 1995 and 2000. Since then, science attainment levels have
remained stable.
There has been a long-running debate about the effectiveness of using SATs as an indicator of teaching quality
long before their abolition for Science in 2010. Some teachers have admitted to feeling pressured to ‘teach the
test’ rather than being encouraged to enable their pupils to understand the science they are learning.
Professor Dan Davies, Head of Research and Graduate Affairs in the School of Education is one of the six
researchers. He said: “Assessment refers to more than just grading a piece of written work. Much can be learned
from the way a child approaches a practical project or their reasoning behind their ideas.
“Assessment is an essential part of the teaching process. Without careful and accurate assessment, it can be very
difficult for a teacher to gauge their children’s progress and plan the next steps in their learning.”
It is hoped at the end of this extensive research project that a new approach to science assessment will have been
created drawing upon the best practice of teachers across the country.
The new Primary National Curriculum is part of the 2010 National Education Act and will be implemented by
schools from 2014. This project intends to support teachers in meeting the expectations of the new curriculum
through training and sharing best practice.
Jack Crossing design
Alumni News
Davina Kemble (FdA Applied Art and Design 2012)
Davina Kemble’s decision to make her own unique pebble-shaped coffin
Charlie Fowler
Barbara Bloomfield’s new guide
Here is a small selection of recent alumni successes. If you have a story to
share, contact Ruth Russell at [email protected].
has been so popular she is turning it into a business.
After graduating Davina spoke to David Crampton, director of Vic Fearn and
Company Ltd, a Nottingham-based firm which specialises in bespoke coffins, who helped her make her designs a
reality. Her coffin was unveiled as a prototype at the Good Funeral Awards ceremony in Bournemouth in September
and can now be ordered and made to order.
Davina was the recipient of a Merit Award in BSU’s 2013 Business Plan Competition and is now studying for an MA in
fine art. She said: “All of it was never going to go any further, but I’ve been overwhelmed by the response. The pebble
for me represents a final gift for someone who was in touch with art and nature.”
Jack Crossing (BA Hons Graphic Design 2008)
Davina Kemble
Davina was diagnosed with cancer after a routine check-up last year. Since
then doctors have given her the all-clear, but Davina’s illness got her
thinking about her own mortality. She said “Being an artist you are more in
touch with your mortality than other people… I came across an article
about bones found curled up during an archaeology dig in Kazakhstan and I
thought, that’s it. This is going back in history - this is how people used to be
buried, curled up.”
Jack was named as one of ‘25 graphic designers to follow
on Behance in Creative Bloq’s recent feature. Behance
showcases and discovers the latest work from top online
portfolios by creative professionals. Jack has spent six
years working as a graphic designer at EMPIRE Design in
London. His innovative approach to graphic design has
gained him much appreciation from among the Behance
Barbara Bloomfield (MA Creative Writing 2002)
Barbara has published the world’s first graphic novel
about counselling. Couple Therapy: Dramas of Love and
Sex takes readers into the private world of the counselling
room and follows three sets of couples as they try to save
their troubled relationships. The book has already
received glowing reviews. Bath-based journalist and
broadcaster, Bel Mooney praised the book saying it is:
“An original and creative way of unpicking relationship
problems, worth revisiting again and again for more
See full story on page 25
Charlie Fowler (BA Hons Commercial Music
Charlie is the new double bass player in the X Factor
band. He started this month, and can be seen here
playing “Every Breath You Take” with X Factor contestant
Luke Friend. In addition, Charlie is writing the music for a
new Hollywood film The Swimmer with his band
Circumnavigate and developing a successful career as a
live and studio session player in London which this month
includes working with Guy Chambers on a song for CeeLo
“A hand drumming performance
kicked off the evening and was
followed by two dances
choreographed especially for the
Bethlehem Links
22 October, Burdall’s Yard, Bath
Drumming performance
Burdall’s Yard hosted a party for 59 young people
visiting Bath from the Ghirass Centre in Bethlehem.
They were joined by over 50 pupils from local schools for
an evening of dance, music and song. It was wet and
windy outside, but vibrant, warm and fun inside. By
7:30pm the venue was completely full and had all the
ingredients for a great party. The team from Bath Spa
Live ensured everything ran smoothly and kept up a
steady supply of drinks, snacks and coffee, which was
Bethleham students
especially well received by parents!
A hand drumming performance kicked off the evening
and was followed by two dances choreographed
especially for the party. The Bethlehem students
performed a traditional Palestinian dance and were
followed by the Bath students who performed a
modern, contemporary dance routine based on
Pupils from six schools in Bath were involved in the visit,
communicating without speaking. The audience was
including Ralph Allen, St Gregory’s, Beechen Cliff,
enthralled and the applause loud!
Hayesfield, the Royal High School and Writhlington
School. There are plans for the Bath pupils to visit the
Bethlehem Links is a charitable venture organised by
Ghirass Centre in spring next year.
event he said: “Thank you to my whole team for
Bethlehem Links involved a week-long visit by students
organising such a wonderful event. I would also like to
from the Ghirass Centre. The aims of the charity are to
especially thank Bath Spa University for hosting this
promote cross-cultural knowledge, understanding,
party tonight and Vice-Chancellor Christina Slade who
friendship and respect. The students took part in a full
has been wonderfully supportive. Burdall’s Yard is an
week of activities that revolved around sport and was
amazing venue and perfect for our event this evening.”
based on the Olympic and Paralympic values of
friendship, respect, excellence, determination,
inspiration, courage and equality.
Peter Downey. In a speech to welcome everyone to the
Georgian Style
9 October, University Theatre
of Professorial Lectures at Bath Spa. Advertising and
Literature in Late Georgian England, 1785-1840
demonstrated the skilful application of poetry to
advertising, especially in Bath. Professor Strachan
talked about the incorrect perception that the roots of
advertising only began in Victorian England, when in
fact the origins of modern advertising are to be found in
Georgian times and earlier.
Murray to promote his poem Don Juan prior to its
publication in 1819.
The lecture was informative as well as very interesting
and provoked a thoughtful discussion at the end.
The Professorial Lecture series will
present one lecture a month to
share the expertise of new and
established Professors at Bath Spa.
They are open to everyone and details of forthcoming
Lectures can be found here
Party time
Witty examples of riddles and poems used to satirise
products, politicians and events had the captivated
audience chuckling. The famous assertion by romantic
poet of the time Lord Bryon, that he ‘one day awoke and
found myself to be famous’ was disputed by Professor
Strachan who provided evidence that Bryon in fact
worked closely with notable advertiser/publisher John
Georgian advertising
Professor John Strachan gave the first in a new series
24 – 26 October, Bristol
Professor Joseph Hyde’s long term arts/science,
Tickets: Full price £8, Concessions £6, BSU Students £5, free for Bath Spa Live members.
These Beautiful Things 5
Tues 12 Nov, 7:30pm, Burdall’s Yard
Hear emerging music industry talent perform their favourite music, broken down, remixed and reimagined for this
regular ‘live lounge’ night. Featuring acoustic music by performers from Bath Spa University’s Commercial Music
and Song Writing courses including: Guernica, Alfie and the Owl and SouthDown.
Tickets: Full price £3 on the door. Free for BSU Students.
Iain Ballamy & Gareth Williams
Wed 13 Nov, 7:30pm, Michael Tippett Centre
Two musicians who have an international reputation and share a musical empathy that can only be achieved
through many years of playing together. Their repertoire is wide-ranging from personal interpretations of classic
jazz standards and songs through to original pieces by both players. But whatever they play, there is a common
thread running throughout – a profound appreciation of beautiful melody and harmony with a deep love and
respect for the tradition.
Tickets: Full price £10, Concessions £8, BSU Students &U16s £5, free for Bath Spa Live members.
danceroom Spectroscopy
danceroom Spectroscopy (dS), recently had a very
special airing in Bristol. The Watershed hosted the dS
festival in Brunel’s Old Station Passenger Shed by
Temple Meads. The dS system was installed in a
Comedy Cavern Feat. Matt Price
Thurs 7 Nov, 7:30pm, Burdall’s Yard
Join a host of hilarious comedians and experience ‘10 in 10 minutes’, where 10 student comedians take to the
stage for their first minute of stand-up comedy. Featuring Jack Toop, Joshua Ross, Tash Barlett and Matt Price.
Compere: Larry Dean.
21-metre 360-degree immersive projection dome,
where visitors were able to interact with a scientificallyaccurate and stunningly beautiful simulation of
hundreds of thousands of particles. The weekend also
included multiple education events, and performances
of the Hidden Fields dance piece based on the system.
My Gay Best Friend
Thurs 14 Nov, 7:30pm, University Theatre
Racquell (Louise Jameson – ‘Doctor Who’, ‘Eastenders’) is a 50-something would-be diva who works in Boots and
is about to make her stage debut. However she’s locked herself in the ladies, furious because her gay best friend
Gavin (Nigel Fairs) isn’t there to support her. He’s sitting in a walk-in wardrobe, about to become a father with a
lesbian couple and a turkey baster...This show has universal appeal with adult content – you’ll laugh, cry and think.
Tickets: Full price £10, Concessions £8, BSU Students &U16s £5, free for Bath Spa Live members.
BSU: in the news
staff news
Professor Iftikhar Malik
Starters and Leavers
Senior lecturer in History, Professor Iftikhar Malik has recently appeared numerous times on BBC World Service
In October we welcomed…
discussing a range of different international issues including: the Syrian civil war; US-Russian tensions over the
use of chemical gases in Damascus; the UN role in the on-going Syrian crisis. Professor Malik also commented on
factors behind the radicalisation of some younger Muslims in the West within the context of terrorist attacks by
Somalia’s Al-Shabaab militants at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya.
Dr Julia Paulson
Lecturer in Education Studies, Dr Julia Paulson recently featured in a New York Times article about education
provision for refugees and the concept of bringing higher education to these students. The full article is available
Dr Cliff Williamson
Lecturer in History, Dr Cliff Williamson was interviewed by the Daily Mail about the bubonic plague returning to
Glasgow in 1900. He discussed the possible cause of the disease returning after hundreds of years and how the
work of one doctor helped contain the spread.
what’s on
Hilary Mantel in Conversation with Professor Fay Weldon
Thurs 14 Nov, 6:30pm, Bath Assembly Rooms
The second in the University’s series of Professorial Lectures will see double Booker Prize winner Hilary Mantel in
conversation with much loved author and screenwriter Professor Fay Weldon. The lecture is free and open to all, but is fully
booked. To put your name on the waiting list for tickets, please email [email protected]
Luke Emmett, Events Assistant/Duty Manager, School of Music and Performing Arts
Ieva Lakute, International Relations Assistant, International Relations
Sebina Zisa-Davies, Laboratory Assistant, School of Society, Enterprise and Environment
Helena Dingle, Placements Administrator, Enterprise and Local Partnerships
Helen Fisher, Retention Advisor, Student Services
April George, Art Shop Assistant, Bath School of Art and Design
Paula Bahadur, Catering and Hospitality Supervisor, Catering
Jennifer Laurenson, Research Publications Librarian, Library and Learning Services
Louise Maythorne, Knowledge Exchange Officer, Corsham Centre
Elaine Wainwright, Senior Lecturer in Applied Psychology, School of Society, Enterprise and Environment
Helen Jacobs, Deputy Registrar & Head of Applicant and Student Administration, Student Services
Aimee Holmes, Performing Arts Administrator, School of Music and Performing Arts
Amy O’Leary, Disability Advisor, Student Services
James Jeffers, Lecturer in Human Geography, School of Society, Enterprise and Environment
We also said farewell to…
Greg Garrard, Reader in English Literature, School of Humanities and Cultural Industries
Heather Brunt, Administrative Assistant, Student Services
Jonathan Tamam, Senior Lecturer in Nutrition, School of Society, Enterprise and Environment
Katy Nicholson, Library Assistant, Library and Learning Services
Linda Hansard, Cleaner, Domestic Services
Esther Williams, Deputy Registrar and Head of Applicant and Student Admissions, Student Services
The camera always lies: painting people in British Post War art
Thurs 14 Nov, 7:30pm, The Holburne Museum, Bath
Professor of Art and Design, and leading contemporary artist, Dexter Dalwood casts his ever inquisitive and thoughtful eye
on post-war portraiture and the very different ways in which artists responded to the challenge, support and omnipresence
of the photograph.
Tickets: £10/£8, Free for Holburne Contemporaries.
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