Issue 10 - Oil Sands - Lockwood International


Issue 10 - Oil Sands - Lockwood International
~Frank A. Clark~
to the
“If you do nothing ridiculous, nothing unexpected happens.”
~Fay Weldon~
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but
also dream, not only plan, but also believe.”
~Anatole France~
‘Only the curious have, if they live, a tale worth telling at all.”
~ Alastair Reid~
From Mike Lockwood
To our recent graduates, well done! Your parents, teachers, family, and peers are all proud of
you. This is a time of celebration and reflection. A time of relief and gratitude. Also, it marks a time
to step forward and turn to a new chapter in your life’s journey.
You are beginning a wonderful experience full of life, love, and beauty. Take it all in. Enjoy it.
Become immersed in it. Cherish it. You are indeed gifted and talented so share yourself with the
people around you because service to others is your greatest gift.
To help you on your own personal path I would like to share with you some of the ideas that
have been shared with me. These ideas are not necessarily in vogue with our modern day culture;
however, they are fundamental in our country’s origins and history.
Be beyond ideology. Be post “liberal”; post “conservative”. Don’t be “liberal” and don’t be
“conservative,” instead be a woman or man of great faith and compassion and let that take you
down whatever road it takes you.
Mike Lockwood
Chief Executive Officer
Be a leader, an artist, a creative person trying to lead others forward. Lead without being an
elitist. Be a leader with empathy, compassion and imagination. Let your positive attitude embrace
others of all backgrounds and ensure that every kind of person is comfortable being around you.
Be for the marginalized without being marginalized yourself. Be known for your radical stance for the poor and
downtrodden. Be iconoclastic and pious at the same time. Don’t be afraid to smash idols and don’t be afraid to bow in
reverence. The problem is that the pious aren’t liberal and the liberal aren’t pious. Be both; one doesn’t work without the
other. Great hearts hold near contradictory principles, lesser ones do not.
Be thoroughly in the world, even as you are rooted elsewhere. Live in a tortured complexity. Carry the tension between
having a love for the world and a hopeless love for things beyond it. Know the world, love its beauty, let it take your breath
away, even as you root your heart in something deeper so that the revelation of faith also takes your breath away.
Ms. Dorothy Day wrote, “The greatest challenge of the day is how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution
which has to start within each one of us.”
As you ‘commence’ and follow your own direction, do so with passion, enthusiasm and humility. Create your own
revolution, your own personal story. You have a great opportunity. Honor it by exploring, not exploiting, all the wonders that
God has provided to you.
Congratulations to each of you and the graduating class of 2010.
Mike Lockwood
by June Yonkman
by Mark Lindsey
We have had a very busy first half of this year, and are
continuing to work on improving and growing our company in
several areas:
As a team, I believe it would be wise to continue
to expect the unexpected. Our economy is still fragile
and the industry in which we work remains uncertain.
We have no control over that. However, by planning and
preparing for the unexpected as best
we can we are better positioned to
come out stronger than ever before.
Our company will sustain and
grow. We have expanded our offering,
refined our expertise and shaved
expenses without sacrificing quality.
Our partnerships with our customers,
manufacturers, and associates
should lead the way to ongoing
Mark Lindsey
We need to remain focused
on teamwork and looking out
for each other as a company
and as individuals.
We have broadened our testing capabilities
with new equipment and are researching other
technical improvements.
We are getting closer to automating our
inventory processes and management.
We are exploring new software and/or system
We are expanding our facilities in Singapore.
We are researching other areas in Southeast
Asia for future growth in the region.
We are developing business strategies in
June Yonkman
Brazil and South America.
We are expanding the Upstream Division’s
inventory program to include transmission ball valves.
We are expanding TY Italy’s inventory program to include a wider range
of ball valves.
It is an exciting time for all of us to be part of an international
company growing into different areas and different parts of the
by Bobby Mauldin
Football teams, the stock market, fashion, seasons,
the economy all have at least one thing in common … they all
World Series Champions, both college and professional, Super
Bowl Champions and the top performing mutual funds find that last year’s
results carry little weight as the calendar cycles to the
succeeding year. Texas and LSU played for the national
baseball championship at the NCAA College World
Series in 2009. This year, Omaha (the site of the college
world series) was not on the Longhorns’ or Tigers’ travel
In order to continue to excel, athletic teams and
mutual funds must rebuild and adopt changing strategies
in order to repeat as champions.
Our team had a Super Bowl performance last
Bobby Mauldin year. Unfortunately in the game of “next year,” last
Sales Manager year is just that - last year. The business climate that
we operated in has changed. As a company and as
employees, we must change as well. You will see us move in new
directions and make some team position changes. Last year’s
successful offensive play calls are up against a new defense.
We’ll develop new plays. We’ll also call upon you …
maybe to play a new position, maybe to challenge
the goals you have set for yourself,
challenge your creativity, to find
new ways to win.
Our Past
Perar was born from two skilled laborers in 1962. Mr.
Pogliana Emilio and Mr. Alessandro Raimondi both from
Rescaldina, Italy, decided to become entrepreneurs using
their metalworking skills. Unfortunately, almost immediately
Mr. Pogliana had to retire for health reasons and my father-inlaw, Alessandro Raimondi, made the decision to forge ahead
on his own.
He was supported in this adventure by a person who
helped chisel Perar’s history with her attitude, wisdom, and
fighting spirit: his wife Mariangela Landonio. She is still an
active component of Perar as President, teaching and guiding
the next generation of employees.
In the 1960’s Perar’s clients were mainly companies
that produced valves, flanges and connectors but felt the
Mr. Alessandro Raimondi,
company hadn’t found their market niche yet. Finally, Mr.
founder of Perar.
Our Present
by Giuseppe Parravicini, Managing Director
Alessandro Raimondi was in contact with the right people - the
direct supply market with Gruppo Eni, Gruppo Montecatini and
various refineries in Italy that were owned and operated by
major end users.
In the mid-seventies, the firm entered the gas transmission/
distribution sector and by the middle to late eighties, Perar
opened up to the international marketplace, with representation
globally including Perar USA run by Paolo Zaffaroni, Canada,
France, Spain, Emirates, England, China and Russia.
In this whole history, the guiding thread has always been
the care towards the firm’s growth as an occasion for all
those involved to benefit not only from a personal economic
wellness, but most of all from personal involvement.
West-East Pipeline
Fast forward to the end of 2007, Perar received a
request from Petro-China Company Ltd., to bid on the
largest pipeline project in China’s history. The USD $17 B
West-East Pipeline Project is also one of the world’s largest
This gas transmission project will deliver natural gas
over a distance of 4,000 kilometers (approx. 1,700 miles)
starting from the deserts of western China’s Xinjiang Uygur
to Shanghai in eastern China and will deliver 12 billion cubic
meters per year.
Perar and their major competitors qualified to participate
and their high quality Fully Welded and Bolted Body designs
were the offering for the main line valves, including the
compressor stations.
In February of 2008 Perar was awarded the majority of
the valve package on both the main line and the compressor
stations. This award was based on Perar’s well designed
logistics scheduling, their superior ball valve designs, and
wrapped up by their competitive pricing.
Perar supplied a total of 148 valves on The East Trunk
with valve sizes ranging from 32” through 48”, in 600 and
900 pressure classes, totaling USD $27 M.
Based on Perar’s well planned production and logistics
scheduling all valves were delivered on time during January
and February 2009 as promised in their original bid.
In July 2009, Perar was awarded the West Trunk as well;
this phase was significantly larger than the East Trunk (4.5
times greater.)
The West Trunk valve package totaled
681 pieces, valued at well over USD $40 M
with ball valves ranging from 24” to 48” in 600
and 900 pressure classes. The valves have
been shipping out since March 2008, and will
continue through the end of 2010.
Not only is the quantity impressive on
these two Trunks, but all valves supplied by
Perar were actuated with electric or gas-overoil actuators. And all machining, assembly
and testing was done at Perar’s facility in
Rescaldina, Italy.
400 of these Fully Welded BW Ball valves were used on the West-East Pipeline, similar to what will
be used on The Alaska Pipeline.
Our Future
The Alaska Pipeline
Another possible project for Perar in coming years is The Alaska Pipeline, approximately 1,700 miles of
natural gas piped from the North Slope Prudhoe Bay through Alberta, Canada.
Projections are USD $32-41 B through the transport of 4.5 Bcf/d (billion cubic feet per day) of natural gas
The valves on this project will be similar to those supplied by Perar to the West-East Pipeline.
A host of contractors are already engaged with pre-FEED activities. However, with a lot of unknowns
(including the route) it’s truly open season on the natural gas reserve that Alaska has to offer.
One proposed route for The Alaska Pipeline
by John Egliht
Photos and information obtained via
Lockwood is heading down the home stretch towards the completion of the Motiva
project. Although project construction was delayed during the economic downturn things
are now ramping up and the refinery is scheduled to come online in 2012. Between now and
then somewhere between 5,000 and 6,000 people will be employed to complete the construction.
When it is finished it will be one of the top ten production refineries in the world.
To get an idea of the scope of the expansion following are some raw numbers for the materials
• 61,175 pilings for a total of 4,500,000 linear feet based on an average length of 75’ (852
miles) -- wider than Texas or nine times the distance from Port Arthur to Houston
• 285,000 cubic yards of concrete - enough to make a towering cube 170 feet high if you
poured it onto a football field
• 600 miles of pipe
• 5,600,000 linear feet of cable - enough to stretch from Port Arthur to the south edge of
• Almost 2,000 pieces of equipment - ranging from a crude column 284 feet high with a 30foot diameter (weighing two million pounds empty) to small vessels three feet high and two
feet in diameter
• 78,000 tons of structural steel
(156,000,000 pounds)
Here are some additional facts for an
idea of how Lockwood has contributed
to the project.
• 416 purchase orders received
• Over 85,000 valves sold
• Over 84,000 valves delivered
• 55,000 sq. ft. of warehouse leased
for two years and marshaling services provided by Lockwood
Lockwood’s Port Arthur facility
pictured above and left providing
marshaling for Motiva on this
massive project.
Excerpts from Sales Report from Rotork to Lockwood International
Rotork Fluid Systems and Lockwood
International have worked to create a
relationship of mutual benefit. Our latest
sales report from Rotork updates this current
As Lockwood further expands their abilities
into valve automation, their relationship with
Rotork should steadily grow to meet the
stringent requirements of their international
customers. Over the last several years the goal
has been to improve conversations on business
and to explore methods to improve Lockwood’s
use of Rotork products. This strategy has
included joint sales calls, “lunch and learns,”
training sessions with the Lockwood sales team
Submitted by David Page written by Charles Reaves to Leo Laborde,
General Sales Manager, Rotork
and roundtable discussions on how to best
approach customers and projects. Lockwood
has worked with Rotork on GoldenPass pipeline,
AmecParagon-Kizomba, Kindermorgan, Aker
Gulf LNG, Invista and several other projects.
Lockwood’s status of “Preferred OEM” status is
creating some very promising potential for both
Because of Lockwood’s International
customer base and shipping capabilities we
(both Rotork and Lockwood) are positioned to
remain successful through fluctuations in both
domestic and international business cycles.
We have numerous large projects that we are
working on with Lockwood for the future,
allowing for Lockwood’s expansion into the
gas transmission market and further allowing
Lockwood to gain sales growth in the valve
automation field in the very near future.
In conclusion, future business for both Rotork
and Lockwood ventures is very promising.
By having “Preferred OEM” status, Lockwood
is receiving the most aggressive pricing and
engineering offered. It must be noted that the
upcoming “high pressure” pipeline valve-actuator
acceptance testing offers exciting business
potential that could rival major traditional players
in the industry for years to come.
ACCOUNTING by Betty Allen
The audit of last fiscal year’s financials is complete. We finished
very strong. The first quarter of this fiscal year was also very strong.
Our sales force and management team is looking for opportunities
to grow our current business and to expand our product offerings to
serve and expand our markets.
We continue to look for cost savings and efficiencies while
maintaining high quality. We need for everyone to work efficiently and
continue their commitment to quality. This will enable us to propel
through the ever changing hazards of our industry.
Betty Allen
Chief Accounting Officer
Error & Omission
Mr. Tim Yon’s name failed to appear on some of last edition’s printed newsletters as author
for the Garyville Major Expansion Project Spotlight story. Tim, please accept our apologies.
MRO by Cindy Williams
While watching the news one night, a particular
story struck me. ABC pulled public records for
several major refining/chemical companies and
found that in a three year period the total number
of safety or procedural violations ranged from 760
at one company to a mere one at another. It was
put forth that the procedures or “rules” that the
companies have in place, the adherence to and
enforcement of such rules is what creates such a
Cindy Williams large difference in the numbers.
MRO Manager
We have been very busy in MRO – it is
the time of year for turn arounds; branches are
expanding their customer base and receiving new bids and orders –
and, as always in MRO, the pace is extremely fast. Considering the
number of orders we fulfill and the pace at which they are processed,
our MRO group has a very good record. And we are very aware that in
our industry, shipping the wrong item can not only cost time and money
but more importantly, it can cost lives.
by Donna Wells
Donna reports trying to demonstrate
teamwork in her department. “There is no way
to up our efficiency and reduce errors without
it,” says Donna. “If we treat every order and
request as critical, then everyone is getting more
work done. We strive for quick turn-arounds with
improved accuracy-every time.” Donna explains
that no request goes unanswered, whether from
a branch or an internal employee, much
Donna Wells
less a customer.
“We are expanding the racks to
make way for more cast inventory
as well as the new Upstream product line. We are still
investigating our options as far as bar coding and will keep
you posted on any updates.”
As we get busier and
the pace becomes faster the
procedures that we have in place
– additional inspections, internal
purchase orders and reports
Renee Roberts and Patricia Jeffery in
for PMI, review of orders by
Houston Corporate are still collecting
sales and management, vendor
good recipes for the Lockwood
questionnaires, etc. – are a major
Cookbook. If you haven’t submitted
factor that assist us in keeping
something please consider one of your
our supply error percentage
favorites to share.
below 1%. It is the fact that
we have these procedures
and follow them that allows our
customers to trust us and to trust
that we will supply their jobs with
the most reliable valves in the most efficient way. And it is that trust and
service that keeps the customers coming back to Lockwood.
MARKETING by Laura Fitzgerald
Los Angeles by Cliff Houk
Creativity. “The ability to create new
ideas or things using your imagination.”
Kids have great imaginations and
maybe it’s because they have little or no
experience from which to pull. Perhaps
our adult experience fools us when looking
at situations, perhaps we see what we
expect to see rather than what is actually
Laura Fitzgerald
there, based on our experience.
Marketing Manager
We’re all creative in one way or
another and if we practice looking at what is actually before
us, instead of what we expect to see, we might change
our perspective on everyday challenges and discover new
Practice using your imagination and find your creativity.
The LA branch went full throttle from the beginning of the year until
Memorial Day servicing Exxon Torrance in the largest turnaround in
their history. In total, 13 units went down. A large turnaround team at
Exxon worked 16-18 hours a day, 7 days a week, for about 90 straight
days. We are happy to report that Lockwood International was able to
keep up with their requests throughout the entire time, filling all their
needs timely, accurately and with very few buy outs. Our LA branch is
very thankful for the late in the day/evening support of all the branches
– especially Houston, which had to assist late in their day throughout
the process. Great teamwork!
Texas City
by Wilma Hand
by Matt Cassidy
As summer approaches, we are in the
midst of another good month. From several
shut-downs with Invista, LyondellBasell,
Calumet, Ineos, and all the shorts orders. It’s
been a VERY busy month.
Thanks to all our Lockwood family in
Houston, the Texas City Branch has broken
its all time sales record.
Summer is here and the Chicago office is in full swing with
opportunities throughout the Midwest Region. With current economic
development the Chicago office continues the hard charge on the
power industry and is entering several new arenas like natural gas
transmission and CCS (carbon capture and storage.) While other
suppliers are trying to wait out the down market we are moving
forward and are keeping communication open with everyone.
Wilma Hand and
Brad Arnold
by Tim Alexander
Lockwood’s IT Department has been given the go ahead to start researching software solutions to update
or possibly replace our current system. This is a huge decision that affects us all and the undertaking facing
Tim Alexander and his team right now is initial research and analysis. From his short list will come possible
solutions that all departments will need to analyze further. Tim Alexander explains the vision and some considerations
and requirements of the system, as well a commitment needed from our entire organization.
Vision: Our ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software must not only meet today’s
requirements but must be aligned with our organization’s global strategic goals for the future as well.
Currently we are researching the top distribution ERP systems to identify which might be put on a
short list for further analysis. We are entertaining all avenues - system upgrades and/or complete system replacement.
The ultimate goal of any change is improvement and people tend to resist change. Long before we can decide on any one solution we
need to look at our processes as a company. We must maintain focus of “the big picture” at all times, both short and long term needs of our
business (room for growth/expansion). Side stepping this important phase may lead to transference of today’s undesirable issues into our
Tim Alexander
new system.
Corp. I.T. Manager
Some key points to embrace regarding successful implementation of any new technology include:
• 100% Executive and Management involvement on how we can improve current and future business processes
• 100% commitment to these new process changes starting from the top levels of management
• Flexibility, cooperation and teamwork to review and refine current processes and to adopt new ones
• Commitment by our internal resources. No one knows our business better than our team. Successful change cannot occur without a huge commitment from
our people. We cannot outsource knowledge of our company. We have to be very involved and ‘hands on’ every step of the way, otherwise we will end up
getting only what we ask for but not what we need.
Considering all of the above, implementation of new technology systems is not an end point; our organization must continue refining business processes
on a path towards process excellence that aligns to our strategic goals. When this is accomplished it will build a stronger foundation for our future growth, and
translate into improved productivity and efficiencies that lead to a better bottom line.
Montreal Skyline
Montreal (Eastern Canada)
Cameron, Vanessa and Daniel all say….
Bienvenus à Montréal! Welcome to Montreal!
Lockwood Montreal, located in the east end of
town and in the heart of the refinery sector, opened
its doors in March 2006 to initially service the Oil &
Gas and Chemical plants. We’ve done this and more
making ourselves an invaluable market resource
to all major EPC houses head quartered here. We
are a small but very talented team consisting of our
Branch Manager/ Eastern Project Manager Cameron
Dawe, a walking valve encyclopedia and all around
nice guy, Vanessa Russo, Project Coordinator
‘extrordinaire’ and Daniel Rossman our Outside
Sales Representative a.k.a “Pitt Bull,” who have all
worked tirelessly in making this branch a success
story and permanent fixture here in Quebec! The
official language of Montreal is French, most spoken
in the city by 52.4% of the population, followed by
English at 12.5%. Montreal is the second largest
primarily French-speaking city in the world, after
by Daniel Rossman
Paris. Our fair city is rated as one of the world’s most
livable cities and is the second most populous with a
population of 1,906,811 in the city and metropolitan
area population of 3,814,000. Summer temperatures
in the 80s and 90s and high humidity may be a turnoff
to some, but our outdoor patios are a nice way to
while away the day or evening with a cool one.
But get your parka out in the winter, temperatures
can drop to a chilly -30C (-22F)! Montreal has a
European flair and sophistication that makes it one
of the most popular metropolitan centers in Canada.
Cobblestone streets, a café culture, and historic 17th
and 18th century architecture, Jazz Fest, Grand Prix
Racing, Just For Laughs Festival, Restaurants, and
our warm hospitably awaits you!
Venez à notre belle ville! Vous ne serez pas
déçus..translation? Come to our beautiful city, you
will not be disappointed!
Calgary by Susan Kretz
Lockwood Valves Canada
3rd Annual Customer Appreciation Golf Tournament
On Thursday June 17, Lockwood Valves Canada hosted our 3rd Annual
Customer Appreciation Golf Tournament. The weather was not in our favour
as a steady rain fell and the temperature did not rise above 8C all day.
Despite these conditions we had a great turnout with representation from all
major owners as well as many from the EPCs here in Calgary.
Lockwood International was
well represented with Tom
Lockwood, June Yonkman,
Terry Choi, John Yonkman
and Cliff Houk braving the
unseasonable weather to
interact with our customers.
It was very gratifying to
Mike Pawlenchuk, and Tom Lockwood tournament. I want to thank all
of the Houston people for being such good sports and braving the extreme
conditions. I know none of them were prepared to golf in that. Next time you
see any of them, ask them to describe how cold they really were.
Some of our Edmonton people were also present to golf and mingle
with the customers – David Kunnel, Mike Pawlenchuk, Kim Murton & Cam
Wowk joined Tara Metzger and myself. Everyone – customers and staff had a great time and new friendships were forged.
We already look forward to the 4th annual golf tournament.
left to right: David Kunnel, John Yonkman, Tom Lockwood,
June Yonkman, Mike Pawlenchuk and Cliff Houk.
VMS - Valve Modification Services
Pat Murphy, Operations Manager for Lockwood’s Upstream Division visited
VMS, a newly acquired modification shop by Lockwood International and shares his
Pat Murphy
were limited
Lockwood but now we can add
some capacity and capability that
has been hindering our ability
to service our customers to the
degree with which we wanted.”
My own observation is that the
partnership of our two companies
will be mutually beneficial. As
Pat Ferguson, President VMS
our industry continues to push the
vendor base to become more like a “one shop does all” entity, adding VMS has
helped differentiate Lockwood from our competitors.
Although VMS has their limitations, their desire to improve, grow and become
a key vendor for Lockwood seems limitless.
Pat Ferguson was commenting on all of the “hot” or “quick turnaround”
opportunities Lockwood has been giving VMS. Pat added, “In a new relationship
like we have with Lockwood, the best way to overcome any of the issues that
might crop up is through simple communication. If you have any problems, any
problems at all, just pick up the phone and give me a call. Together, we can solve
anything that might arise.”
As an outside observer, I see nothing but upside for our new relationship with
VMS. The upstream division has already begun to discuss ways in which VMS can
help us.
If you are in Houston, you need to make sure you get by and visit Pat and the
people at VMS. Be sure and welcome them to the Lockwood family and discuss
with them how we can help each other continue to be the best “valve connection
to the world”.
On my initial visit to VMS I was really impressed by the attitude of the
management and people working there. Having been recently acquired by
Lockwood International, the organization as a whole was really excited about
what the future might hold for their company, for our company.
President of VMS, Pat Ferguson, shared with me some of his vision for the
future of VMS’s association with Lockwood. “It’s common knowledge that we
will continue
source to the
v e n d o r s
“We at VMS
are ecstatic
all Lockwood
left to right: Francisco Martinez, Carlos Solera, Gilbert
Gutierez, Dagoverto Rivera, Stephen Rios, Shannon Conroy, brings to us as a
Pat Ferguson and Anna Vaughan
company. Our
Edmonton by David Kunnel
Blood Drive - Corp HQ: Friday, July 23, 2010
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Donor Coach
Contact Mary Arce 713.675.8186 Ext. 5652 for more information.
As the province of Alberta steadily drives the Canadian economy in
2010, our branch realizes that it will still take an ongoing effort focusing on
small cap projects and MRO opportunities to carry us through until the major
projects are in full swing. Under the dynamic regional leadership of Cam
Wowk, Regional Sales Manager, we are positioning ourselves to secure as
much of this business as we can.
A major focus of our energy over the past six months was directed toward
our partner Shell Canada. Lockwood recently supported Shell Canada’s
Scotford Oilsands Upgrader during their planned massive turnaround. As
you know, a turnaround is a planned, periodic shut down, that enables a
facility to continue operating safely, dependably and cost-effectively. The
turnaround activities typically include maintenance, overhaul and repair
operations, as well as inspection and testing of materials and equipment.
It involved more than 2,500 people from all across Canada and spanned
from March through June 2010. It took more than two years of careful
planning to ensure that the 155,000 barrels per day upgrader was down
for the shortest time possible. In the end, we supplied approximately 9,000
valves to Scotford for this “project-like” MRO opportunity. It took a concerted
effort from the entire branch, helping out in some manner or another. I
am especially proud to recognize that our Shell inside sales MRO team
consisting of Linda Honch & Carly Verstraete, along with Mike Pawlenchuk
(MRO Outside Sales Account Manager) really did an outstanding job in
supporting this important client. Our success could not have been achieved
without their dedication and hard work.
Let’s be honest folks, the recession is not over and it has affected all of
us in some way or another. However, I never underestimate the ability of the
human spirit to rise above adversity, and create a better situation for us all.
Till we meet again in the next newsletter, let’s continue to work smart and
hard, without losing sight of our goal to be the valve connection to the world.
QUALITY & SAFETY by Benny Howard
Lockwood was invited to participate
in the Key Supplier Workshop by
Sakhneftegas Engineering LLC in
June, 2010. All major contractors for the
Sakhalin 1 Arkutun-Dagi Project were
invited to Hilton Americas to present
their company’s philosophy on Quality
and Safety.
David Pickle, Lockwood’s Safety
Manager delivered the well received
presentation. Some of the other
companies in attendance were: Goulds
Pumps, Inc., Mitsubishi Corporation,
Loadmaster, NOV-California / Norway,
Solar, Sakhalin Machinery, Bardex,
Infratech, FL Smidth, ABB, Gutor,
Lockwood was well prepared and it
Sakhalin-1 Arkutun-Dagi Topsides Development
Photo provided by Worley Parsons
In other departmental news, our Quality Process is working;
measured by reduced internal errors which translates into
bottom line savings.
Our third party audit this year showed improvements
from last year across many areas. Through team work and
communication we can keep moving this bar higher.
Singapore is the first international branch to receive the
updated Quality Process & Procedures Manual, as well
as the newly completed Singapore specific HSE (Health,
Safety and Environment) Manual and subsequent training.
All branches will follow.
Benny Howard
Benny has been on a whirl wind working tour to Asia
Quality Manager
performing audits while David Pickle spent some time in
Canada with our Edmonton operations training our new
quality team member, Mike Dashwood.
Currently our accidents are down to an all time low moving into the summer
months. We’ve reached ‘Preferred Vendor” status with ISNET by achieving 100%
Please make a conscious effort to stay alert and proactive as safety is
everyone’s responsibility.
Baton Rouge by Tim Yon
replacement of handles or hand wheels broken in the field, requests
for drawings, catalogs, etc.
We are entering a period where it appears that branch roles will,
perhaps temporarily, become a more significant component (percentage wise) of our company’s business … increasing to 30 – 35%, possibly 40%. As grass roots projects become less frequent, it becomes
even more important that branch personnel generate sales in their
respective geographical regions. It is also important that support
disciplines recognize the changing face of the branches and assist
branch efforts when possible.
Our continued mutual success is contingent on our ability to adapt
to a changing market. Be flexible, be innovative, be supportive … be
Businesses and the characteristics of their trade have a tendency
to cycle. Historically, the lifeblood of our company has been projects
--- both domestic and international. Projects are generally choreographed through and from Houston and have accounted for up to
80% of invoiced sales, but that tendency is changing.
Branches, in addition to their own activity --- including MRO arrangements play a supporting role in the project side of the business.
Branches often take on a more active role at the conclusion of the
project when it becomes “crunch time” to achieve completion within a
prescribed deadline. Branches are also active in the field at project
sites or at the fabricator answering questions regarding valve interchangeability, sizing for chain wheel operators, lost or damaged tags,
FROM the Safety Committee - as we head into hurricane season please prepare. Lockwood has added an employee only emergency telephone
Hurricane Season in Texas runs from Jun 1 to Nov 30 and researchers are predicting 10 hurricanes. The time to prepare is now.
•Keep your vehicle gas tank at least half full at all times
•Keep drinking water on hand (one gallon per person for at least one week, plus pets)
•Fill bath tubs with water
•Food - a week’s supply nonperishable/canned
•First Aid kit
•Flashlight & radio (& extra batteries)
•Medications & Supplies (prescriptions with dr’s contact information, diapers, etc.)
•Toilet paper
•Important documents (birth certificates, insurance records, health insurance cards, bank accounts)
•Pet food
•Remove objects that can be carried away by high winds - secure the rest
•Evacuate when advised (earlier if traveling with elderly, young children or special needs people)
•Make a plan with your family on how to reunite if separated - You may dial 2-1-1 or 3-1-1 (answered 24/7) to register for evacuation assistance
The Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo has been an attraction in Houston for more than 78 years. So far
they have contributed $140 M in direct educational support according to their website, including proceeds
from the Calf Scramble, which first debuted in 1942.
Lockwood participated again this year and our winner was Miss Brianna Arriola, Cypress Falls FFA
(pictured below catching the calf).
So Brianna ran, fought, pushed and pulled the calf into the designated area to receive our donation. That
money will be used by her to purchase her own heifer to raise and bring for competition next year.
She took the time to write us a thank you note and send pictures. Thanks Brianna! Keep us posted on
your success!
Brianna Arriola (middle)
this year’s Lockwood Calf
Scramble Winner
pictured above with her best
friend and fellow competitor
Danna, and her Agriculture
Teacher, Lisa Hernandez on right.
by Katia Ricci
June 7, 2010 Lockwood Italy had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Donato Raimondi,
son of the founder of Raimondi Valves. We share with you the conversation with him
as he shares a glimpse into Raimondi’s history and the relationship with Lockwood
International over the years.
In the 1920’s, the young Mr. Carlo Raimondi (Mr. Donato Raimondi’s father) worked
as a technician for the waterworks of Rescaldina. Since he was a talented and hardworking man with entrepreneurial dreams, he decided to manufacture the valves used
by the waterworks himself. He began his dream in a small workplace along with two
other workers. Raimondi Valves was born!
During the course of the years he diversified his product line and his hard work paid
off as he became known worldwide for his valves. During that time and in this part of
the world Raimondi’s competitors were derived from occasional Raimondi employees
who left the company to
follow the same dreams
that Mr. Raimondi had to
form their own business.
Mr. Donato Raimondi
was born in 1933 in
Rescaldina and he after
college graduation, at
age 25 years old he
began to work in his
father’s company. He
started as an engineer
and worked his way up
to President. He has
devoted forty years of his
life to Raimondi Valves.
In the 1980’s he
became the President
top left to right: Nazareno Bargeri, Chiara Colombo,
Donato Raimondi, Katia Ricci, Dalila Colombo, Claudio of the C.E.I.R., the
European Committee for
the Valve Industry. During that time many European valve manufacturers who were
trying to impose their regulations on the valve market were under the risk of invasion
from Eastern Europe and the Far Eastern markets. As the President of C.E.I.R., Mr.
Raimondi’s efforts launched Raimondi Valves and other European Manufacturers into
the USA market with the cooperation of the American valve manufacturers, paving the
way for them to enter the very competitive American market.
During one of his business trips he met Mr. Frank Lockwood who was General
Manager of Gulf Supply at the time. This chance
meeting was an opportunity for both companies
Raimondi Valves and Gulf Supply to compete with each
other on a bid. Raimondi Valves lost out to Gulf Supply
but a friendship was made. After his victory, Mr. Frank
Lockwood organized a meeting with Mr. Raimondi and
together they recognized the potential in each other’s
assets and skills and as a result Mr. Lockwood and Mr.
Raimondi founded Lockwood International company.
Through the years of hard work both families became
extremely close friends. With strong cooperation and
vision they sought to expand the company into the
main world markets.
Mr. Donato Raimondi, son of
In 1998 the Raimondi family sold their business
to the Tyco Group and their quotes to Lockwood the founder of Raimondi Valves
Upon Mr. Frank Lockwood’s passing, Mr. Mike and
Mr. Tom Lockwood took the reins of Lockwood International firmly achieving wonderful
current success.
Mr. Donato Raimondi went on to become the Mayor of Rescaldina city and after ten
years of service retired.
We hope Mr. Donato’s shared memories about Raimondi’s past will help you learn
about your own company’s history. Valve manufacturing in central Italy grew from very
strong friendships.
bottom left to right: Giovanni Capasso, Aldo Bargeri
The Changing Face of Power
by Ed Maier
Since late 2008, our domestic view of Power has been challenged. Political
considerations combined with a near financial meltdown initiated the cancellation of billion
dollar fossil projects. The engineering community, for 32 years our company’s staple, took
a “time out” from planned grass roots, coal fired plant construction and unit additions and
began looking for new opportunities to replace these revenue streams. OEMs, who were
supplying Back End Technology (BET) for power plant compliance with EPA regulations,
had their business plans and order backlog shattered seemingly overnight.
Today, regardless of economic or political considerations, the generation of electricity
remains a core requirement in our personal and business lives. The EIA [Energy
Information Agency] continues to estimate increased U.S. demand and capacity additions
through 2035. Their most recent report cited: “With a growing electricity demand… 250
gigawatts of new generating capacity will be needed (by) 2035, an 18% increase over
2007 figures.”
30 ft. lighted display as seen in picture on right.
Responding to this demand and restricted by EPA emission mandates, both regulated
and non-regulated utilities are developing new generating sites using conventional fuels
[natural gas & nuclear] and renewables [wind, biomass and solar]. “Federal tax incentives,
State energy programs and rising prices for fossil fuels increase the competitiveness of
renewable and nuclear capacity.” For our company, the most promising of these emerging
scenarios are biomass, solar and natural gas and “carbon capture and storage” (CCS). All
three forms of generation require conventional boiler, turbine and generator manufacturing
as well water treatment facilities … core business platforms of our established E&Cs’
Lockwood’s Power Players: Gary Hart, Derek
Reavis, Matt Cassidy, Cameron Dawe, Cliff Houk and
Daniel Rossman.
In addition to the advances in large scale solar generation and the improvements to
conventional generation by biomass and natural gas, other technologies such as “carbon
capture and storage” offer exciting opportunities to extract CO2 [carbon dioxide] from
coal and other fossil-fuel fired plants. As with solar and “alternative fuels,” utilities and
developers have access to federal stimulus funds for CCS which reduce the financial risk
associated with these types of projects.
The E&Cs, responding to the incentives provided, have begun the FEED process
by supplying critical
engineering for these
development of new
metallurgy for valves, left to right: Cameron Dawe, Derek Reavis, Greg Ganz, Gary Hart
such as F92 for and Ed Maier.
higher temperatures.
In support, we are presently assisting our customers in the E&C and OEM community
both in the proposal process for requirements of small and large bore valves and by
investigating the availability of these new alloys with our core manufacturers.
While our domestic landscape is undergoing an exciting transformation, the
international demand for electricity is even greater. It is estimated that world net electricity
generation will increase by 87% by 2035 ! Already this demand for increased fossil and
renewable generation is being developed by our traditional E&C customers along the East
Coast and in the Midwest.
Lockwood International has long been the premier supplier of valves to the Energy
Sector. The Power market is steadily showing signs of recovery. Our historical relationships
within the E&C community, coupled with our growing presence in Indonesia, China, South
Korea and now Brazil, place us in an excellent position to capitalize on the opportunities
that are already budding forth. Our technical expertise and history of successful “Project
Execution” will enable Lockwood to remain at the forefront of power plant development,
nationally and internationally, for years to come.
Submitted on behalf of our “Power Team” [Gary Hart, Derek Reavis, Matt Cassidy,
Cameron Dawe, Cliff Houk and Daniel Rossman] … the Project Management of John
Yonkman and Terry Eads … and the quotation development of Greg Land.
Warehouse Workout
Who hasn’t heard the rumors of our own warehouse guys in Corporate
working out? Well, Marketing’s Steve Shubnell and Matthias Jung set
out to get that story for you, and came back with not just one, but two
fabulous stories.
First, let’s talk about the workouts - it’s absolutely true! A group of guys
ranging in ages from twenty-something to fifty-something adopted a
regimented and rigorous training schedule involving leg thrusts, crunches,
medicine balls, weight training, sprints and basketball on their “days off.”
They do this all within a forty five minute window during their lunch hour.
When asked why, they explained that after work was not a good time.
Between fatigue and family commitments they felt the lunch hour was
more ideal.
There are eight workout “stations” fashioned from items like recycled
crates to a collection of mostly used or team purchased workout
Chris Lloyd is the trainer for this group and he shared with us his
workout schedule that the guys follow. Right now they are into week 21 so top row - left to right: Chris Greene, Ray Kingsbury-‘Ray Ray’ , Rodney Owens,
Joel “Mac” McDonald and Chris Lloyd.
he is considering planning another session to start when this one ends.
bottom row - left to right: Jarrod Owens, Justin Stephenson, Fabian Quintanilla,
Chris says, “The guys have done such a great job and I can’t believe the
front and center: Mr. Chips and Dr. Pepper - Mike Owens.
improvements they’ve made in strength, conditioning, and weight loss.”
According to Chris, Justin Stephenson has made the most progress,
losing 35 pounds - going down four pant sizes. He also says Mike Owens amazes him since
his diet consists mostly of Dr. Pepper and potato chips. Chris says “Its so rewarding to share in
everyone’s success in this program.”
Way to go guys!
13th in the World
So, onto our second story. As rumors go, this one wasn’t exactly accurate, but this time it
was severely under exaggerated. Steve heard that Chris Lloyd (the Trainer in the above story)
“was good at track.” Turns out Chris Lloyd is in fact a two time Olympic track star participating
in 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing World Games. And ranked 13th in the world in 2008 for
The rabbit hole gets deeper. He has traveled the world visiting over 40 countries while
representing the country of Dominica in the 400m, 200m and 100m. Dominica is in the
Caribbean south of Guadeloupe and north of the island of Martinique; he has dual citizenship
in the U.S. and Dominica. He currently holds three national track records for the country of
Dominica, W.I. and carried their flag during the opening ceremonies in Athens during 2004. He
also won a bronze medal in the Pan American games in 2007. Chris worked with New Balance
to design a sprinters shoe (pictured at right) based on his personal preferences and style (be
sure to note his name on the shoe). Chris proudly did this all 100% drug free, in a world where
90% of his competitors could not say the same.
Chris retired from running in 2008. He is now married to Tremedia (Brice) Lloyd, a 200m
NCAA Division I Champion and a USA Olympic Trials semifinalist. They have a one year old
Chris Lloyd (#12) in Lillie, France
daughter and are expecting their second child, a son. Chris earned a full athletic scholarship
to Texas Southern University in 1999, then went on to earn a B.S. degree in Electronics
Engineering Technology in 2003. Tremedia and Chris met while both were attending TSU where he maintained 3.0/4.0 GPA.
The guy is personable, modest and humble. He finds himself at Lockwood by way of Monica Bazille-Turknett. She is friends with his wife
and recommended that he apply. Chris has a passion for electronics technology, computer repairs and says “there’s a reason God brought me
to Lockwood.”
Gladly, Lockwood can report that all the U.S. Military
personnel that we sent packages to in the first quarter
are no longer accepting mail (which means they are no longer stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.) However, we
can proudly report that a record 12 boxes of goodies was sent to new individuals - that translates to three
boxes each going to four people currently serving in Iraq. If you have someone serving active in Iraq or
Afghanistan please contact Margaret Graff. We want to include them in our next mail out.
As we gathered donations of candy and toiletry items
from Lockwood ...the story of one soldier got back to me.
He said the jolly rancher candies were especially good because the native children really loved them. They
would tell our soldiers where bombs were hidden. How remarkable such a small unsuspecting gift such as
candy could be saving our loved one’s lives.
The mere
thought conjures
up a thousand
memories, doesn’t
it? Whether its from our own childhood or through parenthood.
Maybe its through aunt hood or stepmother hood, etc. They are
the reason we get up in the morning and the reason we can’t
sleep at night. They go from runny noses to running their mouths,
and all along we shake our heads in amazement.
Remember chocolate covered faces and mud filled ears? Or heads stuck in
stair case rails and sticky icky hands? Throughout their life you can locate them by
the trail they leave behind, whether its muddy feet, dirty clothes, or food wrappers.
Kids are filled with never ending energy and intense curiosity. Kids are why we
smile and why we pull our hair out. They are the reason that we lose all reason,
and the reason we find reason (or the remote) in the most unlikeliest of places.
We’ve all been there, and for some of us, we’re still there. Being a kid or being a
kid at heart means living life in a state of bliss and innocence that holds life as a
constant adventure.
From that first grasp of their tiny hand around our finger we are forever
changed. They grow to discover giggle fits and secrets. They have sleep overs
that rarely involve sleep, and have new best friends each week. They keep frogs in
pockets and can’t pass a mud puddle without jumping smack in it. They have that
“big game” - Saturday after Saturday, sport after sport, season after season. They
love ‘roughing it” on camping trips (imagine) and always have a last minute school
project that’s a ‘major grade’ that they forgot to tell you about. They are the star
performers for us at recitals and programs. They lose everyone of their baby teeth
and inevitably lose the lost tooth. Then there’s those trips to the emergency room
for (insert your story here). The dreaded drivers license years and subsequent first
fender bender. Proms (and the dress shopping) and dates and finally graduation.
Yep, the good, the bad and the ugly of it. These special little people in our lives
make our hearts melt and our blood pressure go through the roof. As life happens
and the days roll by, in the blink of an eye years have passed. Then they are making
decisions for themselves, yes making mistakes too but overall we just couldn’t be
any prouder of them. Yes kids, this ones for you. Lockwood gives you a tip of our
hat. Oh, and let me give you some matter how hard you aren’t listening
to your parents, one day you will be hearing your parents’ owns words eerily come
out of your own mouth. Its generational destiny and completely unavoidable.
Class of 2010
Graduates of 2010. These people have reached a milestone in their lives. It’s the end of recess and having every summer off and
means the next phase of their lives - adulthood-is about to begin.
This generation holds the techno-savy geniuses of the world. Nothing intimidates them and it takes much to impress them. We
are proud of you and look forward to watching your continued success. Our sincere congratulations to each one of you!
Michael Land
2010 Graduate of Marist College
Son of Greg Land
(former Lockwood Summer Intern)
Victoria Lynn
2010 Graduate of Robert E. Lee H.S.
Daughter of Patricia & Mike Jeffery
Shelby Rodes
2010 Graduate of Dayton H.S.
Daughter of Barbara Rodes
Graduated top 8% of her class.
Plans to attend Arizona State Univ. to
study Aeronautical Engineering.
Ashley De La Garza
2010 Graduate of Deer Park H.S.
Parents: Joe & Karen De La Garza
Plans to attend Texas A&M, College Station
Jonathan Gutierrez
2010 Graduate Deer Park H.S.
Son of Kerri Ramos
Accepted to Blinn College in Brenham,
TX. “We are very proud of him.”
Justin M. Sweet
Terry Bratz’s son
2010 Graduate of Deer Park H.S.
U.S. Marine Recruit
Ian Terrance Choi
Son of Terry Choi
Grandchild of Thomas Baker
Corporate HQ
Avery & Owen
Grandchildren of Daniel Rossman
“Proud GrandPaw - They grow too fast! I can’t keep up!”
Pam Moore’s grand baby,
Jax Lee Moore
Abbey Marie, daughter of Jennifer Dillon
Shelby L. Braatz
Daughter of Terri Braatz
Shelby will start junior
high next year
Amber L. Bollinger will
start high school next
school season.
Niece of Terri Braatz
David, Meggan and Magnolia
David is son of Koleta Parsley - Corp. HQ.
Magnolia is Koleta’s first grandchild.
“We are very
proud of all of
Zoe Turknett, due Sept 17, 2010.
Parents: Damien Turknett & Monica
“We are so excited about our impending bundle of joy!”
David L. Bollinger
Nephew of Terri Braatz
David is a 2010 H.S. Graduate in Atlanta,
GA. He will be attending Devry University
to study computer programming.
Susan Toledo’s son Steven
(age 9) is a soccer player,
and daughter Janely (age
12), is a cheerleader. This
was taken during Steven’s
first communion.
Christopher Turknett.
Son of Damien Turknett.
“Christopher is a bright child who loves to
play basketball and is a part of a winning
little league football team. His father and
step-mother are very proud of him as he
will be in the 3rd grade next year.”
Dylan Patrick Pryor 21 years old
Son of Annette Engolio
“He’s not a kid anymore but he’s
still my baby.”
Ashlynn (13 yrs old) is entering 8th
grade, Jaycee (10 yrs old) is entering
5th grade, & Sydnie (7 yrs old) is
entering 2nd grade
Daughters of Shannon Baumbach
Nicki daughter of
Blaine Ferryman.
She is Blaine’s oldest
daughter and this
picture was taken at
her H.S. Graduation.
Daughter of Chris Lloyd, Brooke Lloyd
enjoying Houston’s snow last year.
16 year old Carleigh Fer-
Meet Audrianna, niece
ryman, daughter of Blaine
of Doris August…. “My
precious little adorable
niece. I’m not sure what
she’s doing :) this is at her
grandparents house at the
table from what I can tell...
She’s 5 and 1/2 now.”
Rylee Denise, Age 1 1/2 yrs old
Parents: Amanda & Michael Marksberry
And daughter
number 3 is
due 10/28/10
Kylee, Age 5
2010 Kindergarten Graduate
Parents: Amanda & Michael Marksberry
Ethan 12 yrs
old (9 years old when this was taken) is Blaine
Ferryman’s step son (sorry for the poor quality
Cristobal, son of Cesar
Malacara and Lisa Avilez.
Cristobal is 1 1/2 years old.
He’s very intelligent and is
a good and happy baby,
who loves to dance.
Carlie (11 yrs old), Cara (7 yrs old) & Holt (3 yrs old).
“God has blessed us with 3 beautiful children and we are so proud of what they
have become and look forward to what God has in store for
their lives. Children of Heath Juergens.
Hayden, Age 5 2010 Kindergarten Graduate - Son of
Laura Davis
Linda McKinzy’s first Grandchild
Bruce III (Trey)
Born, March 7, 2010
“Extremely Proud Grandmother” ()”
Jamal Sash, son of Patricia Sash earned
the President’s Education award for
Andrew (3 yrs old). Son of Kerri
Ramos. “He is getting ready to play
fall ball and can’t wait! He is truly a
blessing (and a handful.”)
Jayden (6 yrs old). Kindergarten
graduate 2010. Son of Kerri Ramos.
“Jayden made ALL STARS for the
second time. He plays 2nd base for
Deer Park Little League. We are very
proud of him.”
Children of David Pickle. Mason is 12 yrs
old. He is “honors student student council, a boy scout, classes, brown belt in tae
kwon do.”
Sydney is 8 honor student, incredible artist,
and a great girl
Through the generosity of the Lockwood family the Frank Lockwood Foundation
is actively responding to employee requests for donations. The ideal behind Gail,
Mike and Tom’s vision on this foundation was to honor their husband and father, our
founder, Mr. Frank Lockwood by donating to causes that are near and dear to our
employee’s hearts. In a tribute to children everywhere the Frank Lockwood Foundation will proudly donate to the following organizations. This list is comprised of
recommendations by our associates.
•Texas Children’s Hospital - Located in Houston’s world renowned Medical Center, it is one of the
largest pediatric hospitals in the U.S. and has received much recognition for their expertise and
breakthrough developments in treating cancer, diabetes, asthma, HIV, care for premature babies,
cardio and attention-related disorders.
•M.D. Anderson Arts Project - For over 35 years M.D. Anderson has sold holiday cards created by
children who are afflicted with cancer . Their vision is to “make life better for cancer patients and
their families...”
•Ronald McDonald House Charities - For nearly 35 years The Ronald McDonald House has been
providing a home away for home for families who are getting treatment for their seriously ill or injured
child. “ Their approach is “to think globally but act locally.”
•YMCA – “Volunteer founded and volunteer led,” the YMCA is one of largest volunteer organizations in the
world, serving more than 45 million people in 124 countries. Their simple goal is to “help children, families
and individuals strengthen their spiritual, mental and physical well being.”
•Bobbi Bear - South Africa. Bobbi Bear exists to help sexually abused children. Reported cases have
increased by 400% over the past eight or nine years in parts of SA. With eleven “official” languages in SA
the charges are difficult to prosecute due to this communication barrier.
•Camp C.O.P.E. (Courage, Optimism, Patience, Encourage) - C.O.P.E. travels across the nation to different military installations providing no cost camps to families. Their mission is “to help children of service
members cope with the transitions and/or trauma they are facing in response to the deployment or injuries sustained by their parents who are U.S. soldiers.”
•St. Jude’s Research Hospital - Named the number one children’s cancer hospital in the U.S. for 20102011. “All patients accepted for treatment at St. Jude are treated without regard to the family’s ability to
Children of
Kristie Boodell
Brooke (age 10),
Tori (age 2) &
Brynne (Age 11)
Ashley De La Garza
daughter of Joe & Karen De La
“Ashley is truly an amazing young
lady and we are very proud of her
and all of her accomplishments.
Claire & Fisher. Grandchildren of Darlene Garza. “I
get to play, learn and teach all while sharing the
warmest hugs ever!”
Shelby Rodes, daughter of
Barbara Rodes. We love her
very much and will miss her
Jayden Thomas
Hollingsworth (5 yrs
old) nephew of Peggy
Pre-k graduation picture.
“We predict he will be a
Quarterback someday as
he has quite an arm! “
Ryan (15 yrs old) & Rachael (13 yrs.
old). Children of Laura Fitzgerald. “I
do it all for my kids - they rock my
Jeremy Tyler
Bruss (16 yrs old)
nephew of Peggy
“Great kid - he’s
a bright young
man with a great personality who finds humor
in everything! I am so very proud of him for his
Yoon Su
10/2/2000 10 years
10/22/20019 years
10/22/20019 years
10/3/2006 4 years
10/9/2006 4 years
10/23/20064 years
10/15/20073 years
10/22/20073 years
10/22/20073 years
10/1/2008 2 year
10/6/2008 2 year
10/6/2008 2 year
10/24/2008 2 year
11/1/1997 13 years
Wallace Jr. 11/1/2006 4 years
Stephenson11/15/2006 4 years
11/30/2006 4 years
11/9/2007 3 years
11/26/2007 3 years
11/13/2008 2 year
11/10/2008 2 year
Chuck Brock
Heather Chelmick
Mike Dashwood
Karen De La Garza
Megan Barrett
Randy Wilson
12/5/2005 5 years
12/5/2005 5 years
12/14/20055 years
12/10/20073 years
12/3/2007 3 years
12/1/2008 2 year
12/31/2008 2 year
Baton Rouge
2010 N E W H I R E S
Dagoberto Rivera
Marian Dela Torre
Stephen Rios
Michael Comeau
Alexander Reyes
Bridget Rudicil
Cortni Browning
Celena Yoon
Carlos Salera
Ed Ferguson
Norman Cockrell
Francisco Martinez
David Bennett
Port Arthur
“Beau” Mallet
John Harlock
Jessica Braudway
We are glad to have you with us.
lists (hopefully) capture all July - December tenure anniversaries
and birthdays (highest seniority is listed first) of our people.
Those names bolded have 5+ years with us. Although much effort
is made to include everyone we may have accidentally omitted
someone. International branches in particular - not all records
are kept in Houston. Please notify us if this is the case and we’ll
publish in our next edition (published in July).
Printed on Recycled Paper
Kerri Ramos
Thomas Sievert
Giovanni Capasso
Matt Cassidy
Jose Garza
Alejandro Florex
Terry Choi
Vicente Perez
Denise Hampton
July Magalong
Donald Sexauer
Chris Greene
Jennifer Wilkinson
Ernest Gonzales, Jr.
Kathleen Corcoran
Joel ‘Mac” McDonald
Susan Toledo
Greg Ganz
Amanda Marksberry
Nicholas Chown
Taylor Clay
Chuck Brock
Rob Sokol
Kaye Jimmerson
Perry Henderson
David Page
Joann Thornton
Derek Reavis
Mike Dashwood
Cynthia Harmon
Cynthia Pantoja
Renee Roberts
Linda Honch
Patricia Sash
Kathy Bryant
John Egliht
Bobby Mauldin
Ed Sewell
Shannon Baumbach
Betty Allen
Cam Wowk
Monica Turknett
Pat Murphy
Kimberly Phillips
Chris Lloyd
John Yonkman
Danny Welch
Mary Roedahl
Luca Radrizzani
Joann Thornton
Damien Turknett
Kim Wooten
Richard King
Susan Toledo
Kristie Boodell
Amy Lee
Kimberly Phillips
9/29/2008 2 year
Baton Rouge
Texas City
June Yonkman
Paolo Zaffaroni
David Page
Perry Henderson
Anthony Anderson
Annette Engolio
Terry Gibb
Brad Arnold
Jimmy Kotch
John Egliht
Derek Reavis
Karen Marsh
Cesar Vargas
Peggy Hollingsworth
Donice Morace Jr.
Terry Choi
Vanessa Russo
Scot Fowler
Matthias Jung
Mikelyn Martin
8/1/1997 13 years Houston
8/20/2001 9 years Houston
8/20/2002 8 years Houston
7 years Sarnia
8/29/2005 5 years Houston
3 years Houston
8/20/2007 3 years Houston
8/27/2007 3 years Houston
8/18/2008 2 year
8/20/2008 2 year
Baton Rouge
16 years
11 years
10 years
9 years
8 years
8 years
7 years
6 years
6 years
5 years
5 years
3 years
3 years
3 years
2 year
2 year
2 year
2 year
2 year
2 year
Bill Licarione
Benny Howard
Kathy Evans
Rob Sokol
Donna Wells
Joel McDonald
Edward Sewell
Melissa Motal
James Elmore
Kenny Simoneaux
Kristie Foster
2 year
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge
7/1/1997 13 years
7/6/1999 11 years
9 years
9 years
9 years
8 years
7/22/2002 8 years
7/22/2002 8 years
7/26/2004 6 years
5 years
7/11/2005 5 years
7/10/2006 4 years
7/30/2007 3 years
7/30/2007 3 years
2 year
7/21/2008 2 year
Laura Davis
Cynthia Pantoja
Kerri Ramos
Louis Dixon Jr
Paula Crawford
Gary Hart Francis Zenon
Erick Del Angel
Bobby Mauldin
Kim Murton
Amanda Marksberry
Alejandro Flores
Ruth Boyling
Andrea Green
Rodney Owens
Greg Land
Efrem King
Thomas Baker
Cindy Williams
Mary Arce
Mary Roedahl
Tara Metzger
Koleta Parsley
Chris Lloyd
Albert James, Jr.
Tony Freeman
Sonny Wallace
Darlene Garza
Paula Crawford
Karen De La Garza
Damien Turknett
Alton Davis
Mike Owens
Justin Stephenson
Ed Maier
Vince Pittman
Yoon Su Lee
Roberta Marler
Bill Licarione
Johnny Occhiogrosso 17
Tim Yon
Daniel Rossman
June Yonkman
Cathy Erickson
Tim Ezell
Patricia Jeffery
Daniel Martinez
Kim Wooten
Rafael Danas
James Elmore
Mikelyn Martin
Cesar Malacara
William Sewell
Stephanie Nesbitt of Corporate announced
her marriage to John Charles on July 3, 2010.
John is in the U.S. Army and is scheduled to
deploy to Iraq in September. Congratulations
Darlene A. Garza, HR Manager successfully
completed her PHR (Professional HR)
Congratulations Darlene!
Paolo Zaffaroni welcomes his new baby,
Matteo Giuseppe Zaffaroni born on May 13,
2010. “Beautiful like the father” says Paolo.
A star.
In our Newsletter you will see it in every
edition. It is a remembrance to our lost
loved ones. They are forever a part of who
we are and will never be forgotten.
That’s all for this edition.
See you next year.
Baton Rouge
Charlotte, NC
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge
Charlotte, NC
Do you have a story or idea?
E-mail us at
[email protected]
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