010 Infertility Causes
010 Infertility Causes
BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Not everyone has the goal of becoming a parent, but for those who do, being unable to conceive a child is an exquisitely painful reality. Many of us spend a portion of our lives attempting to avoid unplanned pregnancies, and assume that once we are ready to conceive, it will happen with little difficulty. We tend to think that shifting gears from preventing pregnancy to planning conception and childbirth will proceed in a relatively smooth and orderly fashion. A failure to conceive, then, is a major life stressor, which can wreak havoc on otherwise well-adjusted couples. Even in today's society, we tend to assume that individuals in committed relationships have the goal of procreation. Woman are often identified with their ability to give birth. Both men and women are supposed to pass on their genetic and generational legacies. Failure by either party to "fulfill their end of the bargain" can be devastating, humiliating, and emotionally destructive. The continuing taboo against discussing the subject of infertility compounds these reactions. Even though tremendous strides have been made in treating this relatively common condition, infertility is typically not openly discussed. www.redbookmag.com/health-wellness/blogs/infertility Many video Stories: http://www.redbookmag.com/health-wellness/advice/infertility-video-series 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Infertility Inability to conceive a child after a year of frequent intercourse without the use of contraceptives SUBFERTILTY: Conception will occur but takes longer than usual Pregnancy Problems: chromosomal abnormalities, fetal death, premature birth, low-birth-weight babies 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith From the WHO: Normal sperm count, as defined by the World Health Organization, is characterized by: The concentration of spermatozoa should be at least 20 million per ml. The total volume of semen should be at least 2ml. The total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate should be at least 40 million. At least 75 per cent of the spermatozoa should be alive (it is normal for up to 25 per cent to be dead). At least 30 per cent of the spermatozoa should be of normal shape and form . At least 25 per cent of the spermatozoa should be swimming with rapid forward movement. At least 50 per cent of the spermatozoa should be swimming forward, even if only sluggishly. Sosurce: http://www.babyhopes.com/articles/normal-sperm-count.html 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Sperm of grade c and d are considered poor. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Briefly go over the normal hormone pathway Solution: Hormone injections 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Antisperm Antibodies. In many cases in which vasovasostomy fails, the reversal procedure reopens the tubes but fertility is impaired because of a process called autoimmunity. With this condition, important immune factors called antibodies attack the body's own cells, mistaking them for antigens (any foreign microinvader that the immune system perceives as a threat).In the case of vasectomy, the autoantibodies attack the sperm, and so are called antisperm antibodies. Such antibodies develop when sperm continue to be produced after vasectomy, but, instead of being confined to the reproductive passages, they leak out into the body. Once out of their natural habitat, the immune system perceives them as foreign invaders and develops antibodies to attack them. Solution: Injection of immune suppression drugs OR Sperm Washing 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Somewhat common: 10% of men In 20s to 30s No symptoms, harmless May cause pain or atrophy of the testicles or fertility problems- VERY HOT TESTES!!! Normally, blood flows to the testicles through an artery, and flows out via a network of tiny veins that drain into a long vein that goes up through the abdomen. The direction of blood flow in this vein should always be up, toward the heart. A series of one-way valves in the vein prevent the reverse flow of blood back to the testicles. These one-way valves sometimes fail. The reverse flow of blood stretches and enlarges the tiny veins around the testicle to cause a varicocele, a tangled network of blood vessels, or varicose vein Diagnosis: lumpy appearance, or X-rays or specialized ultrasounds to measure blood flow Solution: Surgical removal http://www.varicoceles.com/ 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Cocaine, marijuana, lead, arsenic, steroid, antibiotics, chemotherapy Solution: Stop Taking them 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith The prostate gland is one of the fluid producing organs in the male body. Its function is to produce seminal fluid (semen) that nourishes and transports the male gamete (sperm) through the female reproductive tract. Thus its proper and successful functioning is a key factor in male fertility. Needed for semen solutions, transport, An enlarged prostrate can block transport of semen Solution: May be surgery www.fertilityfacts.org/ male 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Can implant artificial testes but they won’t make sperm. Testicular cancer may necessitate testes removal Testicular torsion occurs when a testicle rotates on the spermatic cord, which provides blood flow to the testicle. This rotation cuts off the flow of blood and causes sudden, often severe pain and swelling. Testicular torsion is most common in males under 25, but it can occur at any age, including in newborns and infants.Testicular torsion requires emergency treatment. If it's treated within a few hours, the testicle can usually be saved. But waiting longer can cause permanent damage and may affect the ability to father children. When blood flow has been cut off for more than 12 hours, a testicle may become so badly damaged it has to be removed.Although doctors can sometimes untwist a testicle by pushing on the outside of the scrotum, surgery is needed to prevent testicular torsion from recurring. Solution? There may not be one or surgery. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Can implant artificial testes but they won’t make sperm. Testicular cancer may necessitate testes removal Cryptorchidism is the most common abnormality of the male genital tract, affecting 3 5% of full-term male infants and 30 32% of premature male infants. In most cases, the condition resolves during the first few months after delivery; only 0.8% of infants over three months of age still have undescended testicles. Because of the potentially serious consequences of cryptorchidism, however, doctors do not advise watchful waiting once the child is over six months old. Undescended testicles rarely come down into the scrotum of their own accord after that age. Solution?Surgery. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith There is only one Y chromosome; nothing to cover it up Compare to two X’s. Male factor infertility accounts for about half the cases of couple infertility. In more than 60 % of cases the origin of reduced testicular function is unknown but they may have an unidentified genetic anomaly. (BioScience) Large Deletions: no sperm made at all Small Deleltions: only make a small amount of sperm The diagnosis of Y chromosome infertility is suspected in otherwise healthy males with azoospermia or oligozoospermia and/or abnormal sperm morphology/motility for whom other causes of infertility have been eliminated. Routine cytogenetic testing reveals chromosome abnormalities in 5%-10% of these men. Molecular testing reveals microdeletions of the long arm of the Y chromosome in another 5%-10% of these males. Such molecular genetic testing is available clinically. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bookshelf/br.fcgi?book=gene&part=yci 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith If a man has low sperm counts, but normal sperm, he can donate his own sperm, keep several samples in cold storage, and pool together and then do artificial insemination 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Can’t move, can’t get to egg Missing or misshapen heads; broken tails, more than one flagella Solution: if tails can do intracytoplasmic sperm injection If heads, no solution 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Solution: Antioxidants are being researched as possible preventive 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Apoptosis normally kills abnormally shaped sperm 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Briefly review normal hormone pathways. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Ovulite operates on the principle that saliva when you are on the verge of ovulating - forms a ferning pattern when it dries. These fern-like patterns (which appear like frost on a windowpane) are easily observable through the Ovulite ocular lens which is capable of a 40X magnification. By observing changes in your saliva patterns, you can predict ovulation -with 98% accuracy. "Ferning" patterns (#3) indicate ovulation and peak fertility. Ovulite is FDA-registered and very easy to use. Ovulite consists of a small, cylindrical container about the size of a lipstick tube, a high-quality focalizable eyepiece, and a small slide where the saliva sample is placed and illuminated with an LED light when a button is pressed. Advantages of Ovulite include: Access to a toll-free helpline 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The only FDA-Registered Ferning Scope on the market! An unconditional money-back guarantee! A 98% accuracy! Easy-to-use with virtually no learning curve! Unlimited testing completely re-usable! Comes with a free carrying case and a detailed instruction book. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Cervical Mucus Method The cervical mucus method is based on another hormonal change that occurs during the menstrual cycle. The cycle begins with menstruation. During menstruation, the flow disguises the mucus signs. The menstrual period is usually followed by a few days when no mucus is present these are dry days. The dry days are nonfertile days. As an egg starts to ripen, mucus increases in the vagina and appears at the vaginal opening. It is generally yellow or white, and it is cloudy and sticky, or tacky. The greatest amount of cervical mucus usually occurs immediately before ovulation during the slippery days. The mucus takes on a clear and slippery quality that resembles raw egg whites. It also will stretch between your fingers. Fertilization is most likely to occur during this phase. You would abstain from vaginal intercourse or use a barrier contraceptive during this time to avoid pregnancy. After about four days of slippery days , the mucus may become cloudy and tacky, and decrease in amount. This is the return to nonfertile days. The fewest pregnancies occur when intercourse takes place only on the dry days after ovulation. adlercenter.com/ naturalfamilyplanning.html 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Measures the LH surge at ovulation. Can be measured just before ovulation. Cost: $2-$3 per test 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Ovary or pituitary or thyroid tumor If the ovaries produce too much androgen (hormones such as testosterone) a woman may develop male characteristics. This ovarian imbalance can be caused by tumors in the ovaries or adrenal glands, or polycystic ovarian disease. Virilization may include growth of excess body and facial hair, amenorrhea (loss of menstrual period) and changes in body contour. In PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome, increased androgen production produces high LH levels and low FSH levels, so that follicles are prevented from producing a mature egg. Without egg production, the follicles swell with fluid and form into cysts. Every time an egg is trapped within the follicle, another cyst forms, so the ovary swells, sometimes reaching the size of a grapefruit. Without ovulation, progesterone is no longer produced, whereas estrogen levels remain normal. adam.about.com/ reports/000101_2.htm Doctors in Ohio have removed a 66-pound tumor from a woman who said she now feels as if a long pregnancy is over. (2004) Solution: Surgery 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Cortisone increases male hormone output, decreases female hormone output, causes oversecretion of prolactin (milk production and suppresses ovulation Solution: Stop taking cortisone Could also be caused by eating disorders and starvation diets 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Oral drugs Modest results Stimulate release of FSH and LH Rates of pregnancy: 35-40% after 4-6 cycles Therapy beyond 6 cycles is not useful It also thickens the cervical mucus and thins the lining of the uterus which are two reasons why some do not get pregnant with this medication. Multiple pregnancy rate here is low, 7-10%, mostly twins 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Some have FSH and LH; some only LH Expensive - $500 - $1000/month Need 7 - 10 days worth of shots per month Prone to multiple births (15-20%) due to superovulation Pregnancy rates of 50% (cumulative) Produces better quality eggs and does not thin the uterine lining 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Birth Defect Surgery Missing ovaries can no longer make eggs! 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Ovary tissue first stored, frozen and reimplanted to a woman’s arm, restoring her menstrual cycles, by team led by Roger Gosden and Kutluk Oktay A segment of ovary from a 30-year-old American woman, Margaret Lloyd-Hart, which had been removed and frozen several years ago, was grafted back inside her in February by Dr Kutluk Oktay at New York Methodist Hospital. The grafts could be used to treat sterility caused by the onset of premature menopause and protect fertility in patients undergoing cancer treatment 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith BRUSSELS - A Belgian woman has given birth to the first baby born after an ovarian tissue transplant, a medical advance that gives hope to young cancer patients whose fertility may be damaged by chemotherapy.The baby, a healthy girl named Tamara, was born at 7:05 p.m. on Thursday in a hospital in Brussels and weighed 8.2 lb. Her mother is Ouarda Touirat, 32, a hospital spokeswoman said.The birth, announced by The Lancet medical journal, which is to publish the results of the procedure Friday, marks the first time fertility has been restored to a woman after doctors cut out and froze some of her ovarian tissue and transplanted it back into her body years later. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith An Alabama woman gave birth this week to a baby girl after undergoing the first known successful ovary transplant in the United States. Stephanie Yarber, 25, gave birth Monday night to a 7 pound, 15 ounce girl named Anna, said her identical twin sister, Melanie Morgan. It was the sister who donated the ovarian tissue that made Yarber fertile. "It's a wonderful thing," Morgan said Tuesday, characterizing the successful procedure as a "partnership with God, my sister and me." Dr. Sherman Silber, an infertility specialist in St. Louis, performed the transplant in April 2004, and Yarber became pregnant only five months later. Yarber became menopausal at age 14 and was unable to become pregnant without medical help. She had tried in vitro fertilization twice, using eggs donated by her sister, but nothing worked until the ovary transplant. "It's seemed like a wild thing to do, but after 40 years of animal research, it did exactly what we expected," Silber said. Silber said he has since performed the transplant surgery on two other sets of identical twins. He said he believes more infertile women will now seek out the procedure. The child was born at a hospital in Russellville, about 20 miles northwest of Montgomery. There have been similar procedures performed outside the United States. In Belgium, an ovary was transplanted in September not from another woman, but from the mother herself. Seven years beforehand, doctors removed and froze her ovarian tissue before she underwent chemotherapy. They transplanted the tissue back into her body when she was cleared of cancer. And more than a year ago, surgeons in China reported a successful whole ovary transplant between sisters. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith From The TimesAugust 2, 2007Ovary transplant success opens up new approach to restoring lost fertilityMark Henderson, Science EditorThe first ovary transplant between women who are not identical twins has been performed successfully in Belgium, offering a new route to fertility for women who lose it because of an early menopause or medical treatment.Teresa Alvaro, who is now 37, has started to menstruate again and has produced two eggs that have been fertilised with her husband s sperm after receiving grafts of ovary tissue donated by her sister, Sandra, 34.The revolutionary procedure, performed by Jacques Donnez, of the Catholic University of Louvain (Leuven), near Brussels, has given Teresa fresh hope of children. She became infertile aged 20 because of treatment for a rare blood disorder. It also opens a new approach to restoring the fertility and menstrual cycles of thousands of women who have suffered premature ovarian failure, usually as a result of chemotherapy for cancer or other diseases or an early menopause.While a handful of ovary transplants have been conducted before, and at least one woman has given birth after the operation, all these procedures have involved identical twins. As such twins share all their genes, there is no risk of tissue rejection. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Can result in Ectopic pregnancy Causes: birth defect, infection (pelvic inflammatory disease), endometriosis, IUDs, STDs Treatment: surgery Endometrium is the name given to the inside lining of the cavity of the uterus (the womb). But in a percentage of women, patches of endometrium-like tissue are found elsewhere in the pelvis or abdomen on the ovaries, uterus, bowel, bladder, ligaments (bands of tissue that hold the uterus in place) and in the Pouch of Douglas (the area between the uterus and bowel). Exactly why tissue that should normally be found in the uterus ends up at these other sites isn't known. One theory says that fragments of endometrium somehow migrate up through the fallopian tubes and then out into the pelvis through the space between the end of the fallopian tube and the ovary. Another says that the aberrant endometrium is laid down during early foetal life.Despite the fact that they aren't in the uterus, the fragments of tissue still act like uterine endometrium. They are influenced by the same sex hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) that cause the uterine endometrium to thicken in the first half of the menstrual cycle, and (if there's no pregnancy), to break down and bleed in the second half. But the unlike the endometrium in the uterus, which is passed through the cervix and vagina as a menstrual period, the pelvic endometrium has nowhere to go and bleeds directly onto the surface of the surrounding organs and tissues. This causes irritation which leads to inflammation, scarring and, sometimes, the development of adhesions (abnormal fibrous tissue growth) between organs.As the disease progresses, these areas of aberrant endometrium grow and they may eventually form cysts. These are usually small less than two or three centimetres in diameter but can grow as large as ten or more centimetres. Cysts on the ovary are known as 'chocolate cysts' or endometriomas.Endometriosis is a common condition, affecting about ten per cent of Australian women at some stage during their menstruating years. It can occur at any time between puberty and menopause. It's more common in women who have few pregnancies or none, who have pregnancies later in life, who don't breastfeed (or breastfeed for short periods) and/or have female relatives with the disease. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Uterine fibroids (also referred to as myoma, leiomyoma, leiomyomata, and fibromyoma) are benign (non-cancerous) tumors that grow within the muscle tissue of the uterus. Between 20-50% of women of childbearing age have uterine fibroids. While many women do not experience any problems, symptoms can be severe enough to require treatment.Fibroids range in size from very small (coin sized) to larger than a melon. A very large uterine fibroid can cause the uterus to expand to the size of a six or seven-month pregnancy. There can either be one dominant fibroid or a cluster of many small fibroids. Many women who have uterine problems may have no problems getting pregnant, but they may have difficulty in keeping the pregnancy as they tend to miscarry. Most women have no symptoms, some women will have scanty periods, and if the woman has no uterus she will have no periods, (but remember there are many causes of absent periods). Some patients may also complain of heavy periods (due to fibroids). 305 of women have some fibroids Fibroids are growing large enough to cause pressure on other organs, such as the bladder. Fibroids are growing rapidly Fibroids are causing abnormal bleeding Fibroids are causing problems with fertility Endometriosis - Excessive growth of the lining 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Mucus - Unusually thick, sticy, can be caused by infections, traps sperm \ Very acid or alkaline secretions can kill or weaken sperm Too little mucus - sperm can enter Treatments: rinse vagina with a buffered solution Treat too little mucus with estrogens Solution: Artificial Insemination to by-pass the mucus The cervical mucus is a jelly-like substance produced by minute glands in the cervical canal. It changes in consistency and composition with the menstrual cycle. Just before ovulation and under the effect of the hormone estrogen it becomes very watery and copious to allow the sperm to swim through it. After ovulation and under the effect of progesterone, the mucus becomes thick and sticky, which render it impenetrable to the sperm. Once the sperm are in the mucus, they can stay there for a few days. Thus the mucus acts as a sperm reservoir.Cervical mucus hostility is the inability of sperm to penetrate the cervical mucus. The significance of cervical mucus hostility is disputable among infertility specialists. Problems with cervical mucus usually cause no symptoms. The mucus is too sticky and thick (and there is not enough of it to allow sperm to swim through). This may be due to poor estrogen stimulation of the cervical glands (e.g. wrong timing of the test or lack of ovulation) or poor functioning cervical glands due to infection or damage caused by surgery, as may occur after cone biopsy. 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Solution: Artificial insemination 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Men can father children no matter their age, but there is some decline. The number of sperm, motility of sperm and percent normal sperm all decease slightly. Pregnancy rates decline, birth rates decline and miscarriage rates increase when the male is > 50 years old 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith Antibodies produced by the immune system against sperm. It adversely affects sperm function by inhibiting movement of sperm and fertilization. It can be present in males and females Antibodies can be detected Solution: Treatment with Steroids 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith With male fertility rates plummeting in Britain over the past 50 years and with one in six couples having problems conceiving, ITV1 has enlisted a team of Portsmouth pub footballers for an experiment to boost their sperm counts.For the Great Sperm Challenge, the team aged from early 20s to mid-30s swapped pints of lager and fast food for a healthy semen-enriching diet for three months. (May 2008) http://movie-tv-episode-database.com/News/Tonight-596408/season-1/episode-0/The-Great-SpermChallenge-598742/ I have not yet found the results which were aired in June 2008 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/humanbody/truthaboutfood/sexy/spermrace.shtml 2009 BioEthics Bahe & Smith 2009