September, 2016 - Wood County Committee on Aging
September, 2016 - Wood County Committee on Aging
Your County Connection The Official Newsletter of the Wood County Committee on Aging Enjoy, Enrich, Explore This Season of Life September, 2016 Visit us on the web at Medicare Check-Up Day 2016 Learn Ways to Stay informed… Stay healthy… Save money A FREE service brought to you by the Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIIP) at the Ohio Department of Insurance. Wednesday, September 28 at 1:00 p.m. Wood County Senior Center, 305 N. Main Street, Bowling Green, OH 43402 Please note: This event is an educational presentation on Medicare. Learn about recent changes to Medicare Find out how the Oct.15–Dec.7 Medicare Annual Coordinated Election Period can work for you Get tips on how to enroll for 2016 coverage in a Medicare prescription drug plan (Part D) and/or a Medicare health plan See if you qualify to SAVE an average of $3,900 on your prescription drug costs Visit or call 1-800-686-1578 to learn more about this event and Medicare. Are You Aging Well? The spotlighted dimension this month is Vocational/Financial Wellness. Friday, September 9 at 11 a.m. at the Wood County Senior Center. Financial wellness is not centered on specific financial products, but on solutions. Financial planning extends beyond investments and should include all factors that can impact your financial situation. A thorough financial plan needs to consider a variety of issues. Explore the checkpoints of financial wellness from Jeff Bucher, by considering the impact of your financial decisions across all of these areas, to help remove any unnecessary risk, prevent costly mistakes, and help you efficiently reach your goals. Jeff Bucher co-founded Citizen Advisory Group, an investment firm specializing in retirement. Currently, Jeff is a top 5 national finalist for Advisor of the Year for Retirement Advisor Magazine. Jeff is a lifelong resident of northwest Ohio, is married with 2 children and resides in Perrysburg. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 2 Services Home Delivered Meals Monday – Friday A hot, nutritious meal is available for homebound seniors in Wood County who are unable to prepare a meal for themselves. Frozen meals are available upon request for the weekend. If eligible, a suggested donation of $2 is requested. Call Social Services at 419.353.5661. Lunch Monday – Friday at 12 p.m. A hot lunch at all sites in Wood County. Reservations are not needed. Suggested donation: $2 for 60+ or $5 fee for those under 60. Senior Legal A representative from Legal Aid of NWO is able to discuss decision-making topics such as legal wills, power of attorneys, health care power of attorney with you. Contact them at 1.888.534.1432 or fill out the intake form online at They will contact you directly. The Christian Legal Services is available at the Perrysburg and Bowling Green sites on a quarterly basis. For appointment times in Bowling Green call 419.353.5661 and in Perrysburg call 419.874.0847 Medical Escort Wood County Committee on Aging will assist non-driving Wood County seniors, age 60 and over, to medical appointments such as physician, dental, or eye appointments up to three times per month per individual. WCCOA has two medical transportation drivers. Our drivers are able to travel as far south as Findlay and as far north as Toledo/Sylvania. Transportation to appointments is available between the hours of 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. To register for this service, please call the following numbers: If you are in the northern part of the county call 419.666.8494 and in the southern part of the county call 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935. Dinner Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. Wood County Senior Center in Bowling Green Call in your reservation to 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935 by 2 p.m. on the day you wish to attend a meal. Suggested donation: $4 for 60+ or $7 fee for those under 60. Grocery Shopping North Baltimore Northeast 2nd & 4th Wednesday Pemberville Wednesday Perrysburg Call for appointment Rossford 1st & 3rd Wednesday Wayne Tuesday Bowling Green Every Wednesday Gift Shop (Operated by the Wood County Seniors Club and staffed with senior volunteers) Reservations required 419.257.3306 567.249.4921 419.287.4109 419.874.0847 419.666.8494 419.288.2896 Open daily from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wood County Senior Center, 305 North Main St., Bowling Green For donations, consignment or volunteering opportunities call 419.353.5661 Newsletter Collation Friday, September 9 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Volunteers always needed to help collate! 419.353.5661 Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Trips & Tours Overnight Excursions JeanE Waggoner is offering to help our WCCOA Endowment Fund when 16 or more people sign up for a trip. It takes 30 people to make a trip happen and trips are not limited to residents of Wood County. Please notify your friends, relatives or anyone else you may know who are able to travel on these great trips. A $75 deposit will hold your place and is completely refundable if the trip does not take place. The following are the current trip offerings: Washington D.C. — Our Nation’s Capital September 30-October 3, 2016 3 Day Trips Presenting STAR TOURS OF OHIO day trips! Participate in one of these fun and exciting day trips. Mention the WCCOA and the agency will receive special rebates for the kitchen fund! Exciting trip opportunities are available by calling 419.287.4388 or visit their website at: Star Tours of Ohio is a division of Star Enterprises of Pemberville, Inc. Owner and tour promoter, James R. Opelt, began escorting tours to New York City in 1978 soon after he began teaching school. An award-winning high school educator for 26 years, Mr. Opelt formed Star Tours of Ohio in 1998 as a Christian run business-escorting day, extended day and week long tours throughout the East and Midwest. Holmes County Amish Trip includes motorcoach transportation; three nights of lodging; six meals, including three breakfasts and three dinners; tours of WWII Memorial, Capitol Hill, Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial, the Smithsonian, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and more! Two full-day guided tours of D.C. Cost: $449 per person based on double occupancy. Add $120 for single. JeanE Waggoner, 205 Meadow Lane Walbridge, Ohio 43465 Motorcoach pick-up will be at: Quality Inn, Route 20 10621 Fremont Pike Rd, Perrysburg AND Northeast Area Senior Center 705 North Main St., Walbridge NOTE: Be sure to mention that you received this information from this newsletter or WCCOA so the agency can receive special rebates! Call for a FREE color brochure… 419.666.1860 For more pictures, video and information visit: Friday, October 14 Cost: $112 Back by demand tour the Amish with stops for baskets, hardware, bakery and bulk food. Lunch and dinner in Amish homes included. New stops this year! The Legendary Brenda Lee Friday, December 16 Cost: $122 Ms. Lee will bring her Christmas Show, including her hit, ―Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree‖ to the Bearcreek Memories Dinner Theater. Don’t miss this once –in-a-life concert. MAKING A STAR TOURS RESERVATION: 1. You can call or mail in your reservations. Please include the name of each person in your party and a complete mailing address. 2. Deposits may be mailed at anytime. For tours less than $100, please mail the entire amount for each person. For tours over $100, you may mail a $100 deposit per person and make payments for the remaining balance. All tours must be paid-infull at least 30 days before departure. 3. You will be mailed an itinerary and times for departure and return. This letter will be mailed at least 7-10 days before departure. 4. Reservations should be mailed to: Star Tours P.O. Box 761, Pemberville, Ohio 43450. Contact Star Tours of Ohio at 419.287.4388 Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Special Events/Classes 4 Guiding Pathways A program for those with early stage memory loss. A Collaboration of Interim Health Care, First Christian Church and WCCOA Fridays, September 2 & 16 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Snacks & Lunch Included First Christian Church 875 Haskins Rd., BG Cost: $10 Each Day Participation will aim to foster fellowship, promote the exploration of the arts, dance, painting, drawing, music, and movement. The program fee is $10 per session. This group is designed for individuals with early-to-moderate memory loss diagnosed by a physician. To register call the WCCOA at 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935 or email [email protected] or Interim HealthCare at 419.419.0038 no later than the Wednesday before the program. Finding your P.L.A.C.E Partnered Learning Activities & Connected Experiences This project connects multiple generations in a Montessori School Environment and is designed for those with mild to moderate memory loss. Participants involved in the project include Bowling Green State University Students, Upper Grade Montessori School Students, and Community Members. Call for dates and times in September. Engagement includes group movement exercises, classroom exploration and opportunities to reflect and share. Participants will be matched according to their interests and activity kits will be developed for participants to use at home. Cost: $10 per session. Space limited to 5 participants. Call 419.353.5661 or email [email protected] Mystery Trip… ????? Friday, September 30 at 11 a.m. Are you up to try something different with friends from the senior center? Sign up for a women’s theme day trip on Friday, September 30. Meet at Elder Beerman at 11 a.m., and will return by 3:30 p.m. Cost: $19 per person (includes transportation and meal cost) Limited seating, reservations required by Friday, September 23. Register by calling 419.353.5661 or 800.367.4935 or email programs at [email protected] Wednesday, September 28 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bowling Green Community Center 1245 W. Newton Rd., Bowling Green An event promoting an active physical and cognitive lifestyle by challenging the minds and bodies of older adults in Wood County. Gather between 5 & 10 team members to be part of friendly competitions with other older adults in the area! Register your team by creating a spirit/training video on YouTube of your team practicing and gearing up for the event! Videos will be posted on WCCOA’s blog. Get the most views and likes on your video and your team will win a prize! Event sponsored by Woodhaven Health Care, Aetna Better Health of Ohio, St. Clare Commons, & Humana. To register, fill out the application form and return it to the Wood County Committee on Aging, 305 N. Main St., Bowling Green. For more information call 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935 or email [email protected] NOTE: Refer to the website or visit your local Senior Center to view the cancellation and refund procedures for events, programs and trips. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Special Countywide Events/Classes Events 55 Tablet / Smart Phone Classes BGSU School of Media and Communication and the WCCOA are partnering up again, and we want you to participate in a free, collaborative technology learning experience! These classes will provide YOU and BGSU students an opportunity to learn from each other. Attain skills to adequately use your tablet and also help students gain experiences on how to create an effective group-learning environment. Tuesdays starting September 27 - November 22 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Wood County Senior Center We encourage your full participation in all sessions for us to capture the program’s success. Learn these skills for vocational purposes, to connect with family and friends, or to prove to yourself that you can conquer your fear of technology. We need YOU! The PRE and POST assessment dates are September 20 and November 29. Register today by contacting the Programs Department at 419.353.5661 or 800.367.4935. September 7 to October 19, 2016 9 - 11 a.m. Pemberville Area Senior Center Sponsored by: During this class participants will learn to: View falls as controllable Set goals for increasing activity Make changes to reduce fall risk at home Exercise to increase strength and balance You will receive a manual for training purposes and a certificate upon completion of the course. Cost: $16 To register call the Pemberville Area Senior Center at 419.287.4109 or for more information contact the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. at 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935 or email the Program Department at [email protected] Wii Bowling Tournament Friday, September 16 from 11 a.m.—3 p.m. Perrysburg Area Senior Center Care Compass Project ―Navigating the Caregiving Continuum‖ Planning for the now and the future! Wednesday, October 26, 2016 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. First Christian Church, 805 E. Poe Rd, Bowling Green This new quarterly educational series is designed for those who are seeking training to learn about best practices in caregiving and those who realize the caregiving journey is inevitable and want to plan ahead. Sessions are to assist the caregiver and care recipient. Lunch by Brookdale of Bowling Green. Event sponsored by Interim Healthcare, WCCOA, Brookdale of BG. Navigation packets will be handed out to assist you in creating a caregiving portfolio to use as a resource, reference for family, friends and to be a tool to assist in making the journey of caregiving burden and barrier free. Registration is limited. Call 419.353.5661 to register today! 2015 Champions The Perrysburg Area Senior Center” This is an invitation to all seven of the Wood County Senior Centers and Wood County Clubs to battle for the title of Wii Bowling Champions. This double elimination tournament is fun, challenging, and enjoyable. Cheer on your team by attending this great event! Each center will need a team of 5 people. Teams need to be formed by Friday, September 9. For more information or to register your center’s team, contact the Program Department at 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 6 North Baltimore Classes or Programs held at the NORTH BALTIMORE Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bold face registration required and call 419.257.3306. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Program dates and times subject to change call site to verify CLASS: Movin’ & Groovin’… Tuesdays, September 20 to October 25 at 10:15 a.m. Cost: $15/6wks. Certified Instructor: Deb Widman. Registration required. Minimum of 6. Conversation & Coffee…Fridays, September 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 at 8:30 a.m. Participate in a new topic of conversation each week. Sponsored by Briar Hill Health Campus Bible Study… Mondays, September 12, 19, and 26 at 12:45 p.m. Bring your bible. Facilitated by Judy Kline and Dianne Shuke. Wii Games… Fridays at 12:45 p.m. Play different games like bowling, tennis, and baseball with your peers. All are welcome! Shop at Great Scot… Friday, September 2 and 16. Leave center at 1:30 p.m. return by 3:30 p.m. Registration required. (For those who do not drive.) Clinic: Podiatry… Wednesday, September 14 by appointment. Facilitated by Maumee Bay Foot Specialists. Appointments required call 419.691.1599. NOTE: It is patients’ responsibility to contact their insurance company about coverage and frequency of coverage. Seasonal Prep Tips… Wednesday, September 7 at 12:15 p.m. Zachary Hoffman, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. Participants will learn about seasonal assistance programs, energy conservation and efficiency tips, and the different kinds of tax rebate programs that Ohioans can take advantage of. Legacy Binder… Thursday, September 8 at Menu Talk… Monday, September 12 at 12:15 p.m. Angie Bradford, Director of Food Service, WCCOA. Levy Presentation… Tuesday, September 13 at 12:15 p.m. Denise Niese, Executive Director, WCCOA. TRIP: Supper Getaway…Tuesday, September 13. Leave center at 4:30 p.m. return by 7 p.m. Cost: $2 (Meal on own) To learn more, call Site Manager. Registration required. Flu Shot Clinic… Wed, September 14, 11 a.m.1 p.m. Meijer Pharmacy. Medicare and insurances billed. Please bring your insurance card. Clinic open to the public. Birthday Card Making… Tuesday, September 20 at 12:45 p.m. Supplies provided! Community Outreach with Briar Hill… Tuesday, September 20 at 2:30 p.m. Take a trip to Briar Hill Health Campus and help fellow community members as we spend time crafting. Registration required by Monday, September 19. Birthday Celebration… Wednesday, September 21at 12 p.m. Register by September 20 if your birthday is this month. Sponsored by Briar Hill Health Campus Each One, Teach One… Thursday, September 22 at 1 p.m. Phyllis Petrovich. State of the County… Tuesday, September 27 at 12:15 p.m. Wood County Commissioners. Movie Day… Tuesday, September 27 at 1 p.m. 10:30 a.m. Holly Griggs, Program Specialist, WCCOA. A binder will be provided and each month a new page and new chapter of your life will be documented. Registration encouraged. Feature: The Intern Synopsis: 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker has discovered that retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be. He becomes a senior intern at an online fashion site, founded and run by Jules Ostin. Vaccines… Thursday, September 8 at 12:15 p.m. Champions Cup… Wednesday, September 28 Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA Did you know there are 9 recommended vaccines? What to get and when - clearing up the confusion. . Jigsaw Puzzle Club… Thursday, September 29 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the BG Community Center. See pg. 4. at 12:45 p.m. Puzzle will be provided. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Northeast 7 Classes or Programs held at the NORTHEAST Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bold face registration required and call 567.249.4921. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Program dates and times subject to change call site to verify Yoga for Arthritis… Monday & Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. This exercise video is presented by The Arthritis Foundation. Join us for this free low-impact exercise class. Fitness Friday… Friday, September 2 at 10:30 Pokeno… Monday, September 19 at 12:30 p.m. Prizes sponsored by Perrysburg Commons. If you don’t know how to play, we will teach you! Legacy Binders… Monday, September 19 at a.m. Jim Berger, Personal Trainer, Heartland Rehabilitation Services, Heartland of Oregon. This group session will work on stretching, strengthening, and toning of muscles. 12:30 p.m. Facilitated by Rita Betz, Technology Specialist, WCCOA. A binder will be provided and each month a new page, new chapter of your life will be documented. Registration encouraged. Cost: $2 Sit and Be Fit 2… Tuesdays and Fridays at 10:30 Birthday Celebration… Wednesday, September a.m. (No Class Friday, September 2) Mary Ann Wilson RN. is the host of this creative way to exercise. Join us for this morning class. Tai Chi… Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Certified 21 at 12 p.m. Sponsored by Witzler Shank Funeral Home. Register if it is your birthday month. Vaccines… Wednesday, September 21 at 12:30 Instructors: Taoist Tai Chi Society– USA. Payment coordinated with Taoist Tai Chi Society. Registration required. Time subject to change. p.m. Did you know there are 9 recommended vaccines? What to get and when - clearing up the confusion. Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. Donuts and Cup of Joe… Fridays, September Levy Presentation… Friday, September 23 at 9, 16, 23, and 30 at 9:30 a.m. Bring your mug and we will enjoy fresh Don’s Donuts and a cup of Joe. Kings in the Corner or 3/13 card game will follow. Ohio Made… Monday, September 12 at 12:30 p.m. Sandy Hart, WCCOA. Discovering new products and bringing awareness to our ―Buckeye State.‖ This month’s topic is going to be Brillo Pads. TRIP: Toledo Zoo… Tuesday, September 13 at 9 a.m. Tuesday is Senior Day at the Toledo Zoo. Games in the Lodge at 10:30 will host a zoo ―Bingo‖ with a twist. Lunch at the zoo will follow (on your own) and we will explore and discover our adopted friends. You must be able to walk on your own. Registration required & car pooling optional. Cost: $2 donation Bingo… Friday, September 16 at 12 p.m. Lori Stitely, Admission Coordinator, Otterbein Portage Valley. Lori will present the topic of insurance & Medicare when going from a hospital into a facility. 12:30 p.m. Denise Niese, Executive Director, WCCOA. Levy Information for this November election. A question and answer time will follow. TRIP: Breakfast Club… Tuesday, September 27 at 9:30 a.m. The Skillet, 101 South Main St.,Walbridge. Meet at The Skillet to enjoy breakfast and great conversations. Host: Ruth Mudryk. Registration required. Wii Bowling versus Genesis… Wednesday, September 28 at 12:45 p.m. We will be traveling to ―Genesis‖ for a friendly bowling challenge. America’s Natural Disasters… Thursday, September 29 at 12:45 p.m. ―The Great New England Hurricane of 1938.‖ Sandy Hart, WCCOA. Destruction from this storm had a cost of $620 million in 1938 dollars, in today’s dollars it would total $41 billion dollars. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 8 Perrysburg Classes or Programs held at the PERRYSBURG Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bold face registration required and call 419.874.0847. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Program dates and times subject to change call site to verify CLASS: YMCA Fitness… Mondays, Jingo… Monday, September 12 at 12:45 p.m. Wednesdays, and Fridays in September from 9-9:45 a.m. Cost: $2/class. Light weights available. Sponsored by Perrysburg Commons. CLASS: Cardio/Strength Silver Sneakers /Flex… Mondays & Fridays at 10 1 p.m. Play a friendly game of Pinochle. Cost: $1. a.m. Cert. Instructor Deb Wagner. Free for Silver Sneakers card holders. $1/class for nonmembers. CLASS: Zumba Gold… Thursdays, September 8 to October 27 at 9:00 a.m. 8 week class for $24. Cert. Instructor Dana Andrews. Registration required. Bike Riders of Perrysburg… Mondays in September. Meet at 7 p.m. Riders of all ages welcome for a community ride. Call 419.874.0847 for more information. Pinochle Tournament… Monday, September 12 at Alzheimer’s Chat by appointment… Tuesday, September 13 from 12:45-2 p.m. Appointments required. Alzheimer’s Association, Northwest Ohio. Legacy Binders… Tuesday, September 13 at 12:30 p.m. Share and display your legacy with friends, family and community members. Registration is encouraged. Clare Commons. Vaccines…Wednesday, September 14 at 12:30 p.m. Did you know there are 9 recommended vaccines? What to get and when - clearing up the confusion. Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. TRIP: Breakfast at McDonalds… Tuesday, Countywide Wii Bowling Tournament… September 6 at 9 a.m. Meet at McDonalds on Route 20 for a fun time with Perrysburg Commons playing Bingo and a chance to win some prize coupons. Cost on own. Friday, September 16 from 11-3 p.m. See page 5. Trivia … Monday, September 19 at 12:45 p.m. Jam Session… Wednesdays from 1-3 p.m. Tai Chi… Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. & Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament… Monday, Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Taught by Don Low. Bunco Tournament… Friday, Sept. 2 at 1 p.m. Cost: $1. Register by August 30th. Sponsored by The Manor of Perrysburg. September 19 at 1 p.m. Cost: $2 (Goes towards prizes.) Tech Talk: Healthy Apps… Tuesday, September 20 at 12:45 p.m. Rita Betz, Tech. Specialist, WCCOA. Birthday Celebration… Wednesday, September Play a monopoly game based on the city of Perrysburg. Sponsored by Perrysburg Commons. 21 at 12 p.m. Register if you have a Birthday this month. Cake sponsored by Right at Home Health Care and The Manor of Perrysburg. Birthday treat bags sponsored by Otterbein Monclova/Perrysburg. Karaoke/Lip Singing… Tuesday, Sept. 6 at TRIP: Great Lakes Museum… Friday, Perrysburg Opoly… Friday, Sept. 2 at 1 p.m. 1 p.m. A fun afternoon of sing a long fun! Euchre Tournament… Thurs, Sept. 8 at 1 p.m. Cost: $1. Register by Sept. 6th. Evening Dance… Thursday, September 8 from 6-9 p.m. $4 per person. The Music Man and Lady. Adult Coloring… Friday, September 9 at 1 p.m. September 23. Leave site at 9:30 a.m. Lunch on own. Reservation required; Cost: $3 due with reservation additional fees vary on preference: $7 Museum, $11 Museum & Ship (contains stairs). Hand & Foot Canasta… Monday, September 26 at 1 p.m. Jingo… Monday, September 26 at 12:45 p.m. Prizes courtesy of Kingston of Perrysburg. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Rossford 9 Classes or Programs held at the ROSSFORD Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bolded registration required and call 419.666.8494. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Program dates and times subject to change call site to verify Pickleball Sessions: Rossford Community Recreation Center & WCCOA Tuesdays & Thursdays (year-round) 12-3 p.m. Register by calling 419.666.8494. CLASS: Body Recall… Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. No class on third Friday of every month, held Thursday instead. Certified Instructor: Pat Sloan Cost: $51 for 10 weeks or $3 per class. Body Recall is a pioneer in designing and teaching fitness and flexibility training programs for older adults. Register today! Senior Spotlight… Tuesday, September 6 at 12:30 p.m. As a tribute to our older adults, and a great way to get to know each other better, each month we will be spotlighting a different person. Learn more about your friends at the Center. Legacy Binders…Wednesday, September 7 at 12:30 p.m. Share and display your legacy with friends, family and community members. A binder has been provided and each month a new page and new chapter of your life will be documented. Presented by St. Clare Commons. TRIP: The Historic Carter Farm… Friday, September 9. Leave center at 10:30 a.m. Cost: $2. Van available for 6 people others may car pool behind. The Carter historic farm is a depression-era living history museum. Life and farming in the 1930’s is re-created through interactive programming and displays. Bingo…Thursday, September 15 at 12:45 p.m. Prizes sponsored by Perrysburg Commons. TRIP: Breakfast Bunch… Tuesday, September 20 at 9 a.m. Denny’s on Buck Road. Start the day right with a great breakfast and good friends. Host: Mary Tebbe, WCCOA. Trivia … Tuesday, September 20 at 12:30 p.m. Barbara, The Manor at Perrysburg. Birthday Celebration… Wednesday, September 21 at 12 p.m. Gift bags courtesy of Arbors of Oregon and The Willows. Please let us know if you have a birthday this month. Call 419.666.8494. Men’s Western Roundup… Wednesday, September 21 at 1 p.m. Gentlemen, put on your western best and join us for a classic western movie along with snacks and drinks. Registration encouraged. Call 419.666.8494. Fall Bingo…Thursday, September 22 at 12:30 p.m. Prizes courtesy of Arbors at Oregon. Vaccines…Tuesday, September 27 at 12:30 p.m. Did you know there are 9 recommended vaccines? What to get and when - clearing up the confusion. Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. International Cuisines… Wednesday, September 28 at 12:30p.m. Today we explore the foods from New Zealand. Mary Tebbe, WCCOA. Funday Monday… Monday, September 12 at 12:30 p.m. Courtney Green, Genesis Healthcare. Join us for some surprise fun and games. Program Scholarship Fund A Day in the Life of… Tuesday, September 13 Would you like to participate in programs/classes or events but do not have the resources to do so? The WCCOA Inc., Program Scholarship Fund can assist you! Fill out the application form 30 days prior to an event/class or program to be considered for a scholarship. Call 419.353.5661 or 800.367.4935 email [email protected] at 12:30 p.m. Rossford Police Chief Glenn Goss. Why You Need a Power of Attorney?… Wednesday, September 14 at 12:30 p.m. W. Alex Smith, esq. Discuss the importance of both a financial or durable power of attorney and a healthcare power of attorney. Learn what they are, how they work, and why they are so important. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 10 Wood County Classes or Programs held at the WOOD COUNTY Senior Center require registration. Look for the bolded registration required and call 419.353.5661 OR 1.800.367.4935. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Program dates and times subject to change call site to verify Yoga Classes Instructor: Caroline Dawson Registration required. Minimum of 9 for class to run. CLASS: Intermediate/Advanced Yoga… Mondays, June 27 to September 10 at 10 a.m. Cost: $28/8 weeks. (No Class July 4, July 25, August 1, September 5) Advanced flow movements and breath work. CLASS: Medium Yoga… Tuesdays, August 16 to October 4 at 5 p.m. Cost $28/8 weeks. Intermediate flow movements, stretch, & relaxation. CLASS: Gentle Yoga…Wednesdays, July 13 to September 14 at 2:30 p.m. Cost: $28/8 weeks. Gentle flow movements. CLASS: Intermediate/Advanced Yoga… Thursdays, June 30 to September 8 at 10 a.m. Cost: $28/8 weeks. Advanced flow movements and breath work. CLASS: Club F.I.T… Sponsored by BG Care Center. Tuesdays in September from 10-11 a.m. A Fitness Interactive Program that provides you with strengthening, stretching tips, and exercises to keep you actively independent. Taught by local certified therapists. This program is FREE. Register today! CLASS: Delay the Disease … Tuesdays, Water Fitness Classes New class times to be announced. Call 419.353.5661 or 800.367.4935 for more information and to be put on call list. CLASS: Move… Tuesdays, September 13 and 27 at 11 a.m. Cost: $2 per class. Move is a 60-minute movement class to engage individuals with mild-tomoderate dementia. The class uses the body in tasks for strength, balance, coordination, and movement exploration for a non-language based way to engage physically and socially. Join us the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Sponsored by Bowling Green Manor and BG Care Center. Registration required. CLASS: Tai Chi… Fridays, August 5 to October 28 from 1-2:30 p.m. Certified Instructors: Taoist Tai Chi Society- USA. This class is a sequence of movements that improve the health of body, mind, and spirit. Designed to reduce tension, improve circulation and balance, and increase strength and flexibility. Payment coordinated with Taoist Tai Chi Society. Registration required. CLASS: Writers’ Group...Thursdays from 10 – 11:30 a.m. Gain tips on how to publish your work! August 30 to November 15 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Cost: $30/12 weeks. Certified Instructor: Tammy Starr. An evidence-based fitness program designed to empower people with Parkinson’s Disease by optimizing their physical functions and helping delay the progression of symptoms. Registration required. Minimum of 3. CLASS: Watercolor… Fridays at 10 a.m. Bring CLASS: Healthy Ways… Wednesdays, September 1 and 15 at 3:30 p.m. Registration required. August 10 to September 14 from 10-11 a.m. Cost: $15 for 6 weeks. Certified Instructor: Jim Berger, Heartland Rehabilitation. This session combines aerobic, strength training, flexibility, and balance moves for a total body workout. Registration required. Minimum of 6. your own supplies. List of supplies available. Private Watercolor instruction available on Fridays at 10 a.m. Appts. with Nancy Leetch are available. Schedule with the Programs Department. TRIP: Farmers Market… Thursdays, Watching T.V. on a Budget… Friday, September 2 at 11:15 a.m. Find out what options are available to watch your favorite shows and movies. Rita Betz, Technology Specialist, WCCOA. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Wood County Breakfast Club… Tuesday, September 6 at 9 a.m. Scrambler Marie’s, 25690 N. Dixie Hwy., Perrysburg. Carpooling encouraged, meet at Elder Beerman Parking Lot at 8:15 a.m. Host: Jack Klein. Registration required. Readers Café… Tuesdays in September at 4:30 11 Clinic: Podiatry… Wednesday, September 14 by appointment. Facilitated by Maumee Bay Foot Specialists. Appointments required, call 419.691.1599. NOTE: It is patients’ responsibility to contact their insurance company about coverage and frequency of coverage. p.m. Featured book: ―A Hologram for the King‖ by Dave Eggers. Synopsis: A struggling businessman heads to Saudi Arabia for a fight to save his finances, hoping to steer clear of foreclosure and pay for his daughter’s college tuition, starring Tom Hanks. Register for book. Dominoes and Euchre Tournament… Trivia… Thursday, September 8 at 11:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. Learn which foods give energy and how we can start to build an intuition about nutrition. John Mark Rankins, Certified Health Coach & Trainer. Prizes sponsored by Briar Hill Health Campus. Christian Legal Clinic… Thursday, September Saturday, September 17. Lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Games begin at 12:30 p.m. Prizes Sponsored by WellsBrooke Home Health Care. Registration required. Energy Experiment… Monday, September 19 at 8 from 4-6 p.m. Appointments required. Breakfast Edition: Memory for Life… Legacy Binders… Friday, September 9 from Tuesday, September 20 at 9 a.m. Sponsored by Brookdale of Bowling Green. A cognitive stimulation class. Register by Friday, September 16. Max 20. 10-11 a.m. Share and display your legacy with friends, family, and community members. A binder will be provided and each month a new page and a new chapter of your life will be documented. No writing experience is necessary. Light refreshments will be provided. Registration is required. Sponsored by St. Clare Commons. Fraud Prevention… Monday, September 12 at 11:30 a.m. Fraud and scams are a growing threat to older adults. Find out about recent fraud/scams in our community and how to protect yourself. Brian Houser, BG Police Detective. TRIP: Mystery Restaurant… Monday, September 12 at 4 p.m. Cost: $2 and dinner cost on own, $15-20. Registration begins Monday, August 22 at 8:30 a.m. and ends Friday, September 9 at 11 a.m. Registration required. NOTE: Cancellations required if you are unable to attend. Fruit & Veggie Bingo… Tuesday, September 13 at 11:15 a.m. Susan Miklovic, OSU Ext. Office. Birthday Dinner… Tuesday, September 13 at 5:30 p.m. Registration for dinner by 2 p.m. Manicure Day… Tuesday, September 20 from 10 to 11:45 a.m. Sponsored by Wood Haven Health Care. Birthday Lunch Celebration… Wednesday, September 21 at 11:15 a.m. Register if it is your birthday month. Entertainment: Singer John Pickle. Sponsored by WellsBrooke Home Health Care and Meijer. Flu shots available from 11 to 1 p.m. Please bring your insurance card. BG Knitter Guild...Wednesday, September 21 at 6 p.m. Host: Jackie Instone. A Day in the Life… Thursday, September 22 at 11:15 a.m. Dr. Wendy Watson, BGSU Associate Professor and Researcher, Gerontology Program. Immunizations… Friday, September 23 at 11:30 a.m. Learn the 9 recommended vaccines and when to get them. Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. Trivia… Tuesday, September 27 at 11:15 a.m. Prizes sponsored by Bridge Home Health & Hospice. Movie Day… Tuesday September 27 at 1 and 6 p.m. Feature: ―My Big Fat Greek Wedding II‖ Synopsis: Toula finds her extended family rocked by 11:15 a.m. Matthew Snow, Housing the revelation that her mother and father were never Rehabilitation Specialist, City of Bowling Green. really married in this romantic comedy. Sponsored by Family Video of Bowling Green. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Fair Housing… Wednesday, September 14 at 12 Wayne Classes or Programs held at the WAYNE Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bolded registration required sign and call 419.288.2896. Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Legacy Binders… Tuesday, August 2 at 1 p.m. Facilitated by Danielle Brogley, Director of Programs, WCCOA. Cost: $2 Clinic: Podiatry… Wednesday, September 7 by appointment. Facilitated by Maumee Bay Foot Specialists. Appt. required, call 419.691.1599. NOTE: It is patient’s responsibility to contact their insurance company about coverage and frequency of coverage. Pemberville Classes or Programs held at the PEMBERVILLE Area Senior Center require registration. Look for the bolded registration required sign and call 419.287.4109 Deadline for registration is three (3) days prior to classes. Football Pick’em… Mondays, Sept. – Nov. at 11:45 a.m. Mark your ballot for your winning teams! Video Exercise… Fridays in Sept. at 11:00 a.m. Wednesdays With Wes… Each week, 12:45 p.m. Knifty Knitting… Mondays, Sept. 12, 19, & 26 at 10:45 a.m. Flu Shot Clinic… Thurs., Sept. 1, 10:30-1:30 p.m. Meijer Pharmacy. Medicare and insurances billed. Better Pictures with your Device… Legacy Binders… Thursday, September 1 at Wednesday, September 7 at 12:30 p.m. Rita Betz, Tech. Specialist, WCCOA. Make sure to bring your phone and/or tablet to practice these tips and tricks! 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by St. Clair Commons. Luckey Happenings… Tuesday, September 6 at Picnic in the Park… Thursday, September 8 at Picnic in the Park…Thurs., Sept. 8 from 10-2 p.m. Long Term Care Planning… Monday, 10:00 a.m. at the Wayne City Park. Come join us and the Pemberville site for lunch, games and a day of fun! Sponsored by Otterbein Portage Valley. 12:30 p.m. Mayor Belinda Brooks. September 12 at 12:30 p.m. Attorney Alex Smith. TRIP: Mystery Supper… Thursday, Minutes With the Mayor… Tuesday, September September 8 at 4:45 p.m. Cost: $2 and dinner on own. Carpoolers welcome. Registration required. Clinic: Podiatry… Wed., Sept. 14 at 11 a.m. Share a Bear… Fri, Sept. 9 at 11:30 a.m. Bring your favorite bear or teddy bear shirt! Birthday Lunch… Wednesday, September 21 at 12 p.m. A celebration of September birthdays! Please sign up if your birthday is this month. Entertainment will be provided by the Fulton County Senior Choir. Our cake and gifts are sponsored by Otterbein Portage Valley. Exercise by Video… Mon, Sept. 22 at 11 a.m. TRIP: Independence House… Monday, September 26 at 2:30 p.m. Come with us to Independence House in Fostoria to visit some of our friends and play some games! Cost: $2 Vaccines… Tuesday, September 27 at 12:30 p.m. 13 at 12:30 p.m. Mayor Gordon Bowman. Facilitated by Maumee Bay Foot Specialists. Appointments required, call 419.691.1599. Experiment of the Month… Wed., Sept. 14 at 11:45 a.m. Make your pennies shine! Arthritis… Thurs., Sept. 15 at 12:30 p.m. Christina Stearns, R.N., Woodhaven Health Care. Treasure Hunt!… Week of Sept. 19 at 11:45 a.m. Vaccines… Tuesday, September 20 at 11:30 a.m. Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. Birthday Celebration… Wed., Sept. 21 at 12 p.m. Cake and gifts sponsored by Otterbein / Portage Valley. Register if you have a September Birthday. TRIP: Mystery Supper… Thursday, Sept. 22. Depart at 4:30 p.m. Cost: $2 per person, dinner on own. Carpoolers welcome. Registration required. Did you know there are 9 recommended vaccines? What to get and when - clearing up the confusion. Fruit & Veggie Bingo… Tues., Sept. 27 at 12:30 Denise Kaminski, R.N., WCCOA. p.m. Susan Miklavic, OSU Extension Office. Flu Shot Clinic… Wednesday, Sept. 28 from 10 Handwashing & Your Safety… Thurs., Sept. 29 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sponsored by Meijer Pharmacy. 12:30 p.m. Angie Bradford, Director of Food Please bring your insurance card. Clinic open to Service, WCCOA. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center the public. Health and Wellness DAY TIME LOCATION 13 COST MONDAY Get Fit YMCA Exercise Body Recall Silver Sneaker Flex Intermediate/Adv. Yoga Yoga by Video 9 – 10 a.m. 9 – 9:45 a.m. 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. 10-11 a.m. 10-11 a.m. 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Wood County Perrysburg Rossford Perrysburg Wood County Northeast Video $20/8weeks or $2 per session Call Rossford Sr. Ctr. Free for members, $1 non-members $28/8 weeks Free TUESDAY Club F.I.T. Fitness Forever Movin’ and Groovin’ Sit and Be Fit 2 Move! Chair Dancing Exercise by Video Delay the Disease Medium Yoga 10-11 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m.. (3/8 & 3/22) 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 1:30-2:30 p.m. 5 p.m. Wood County Rossford North Baltimore Northeast Wood County Pemberville Wayne Wood County Wood County Free Free $15/6 weeks Free $2 per class Free Free $30/12 weeks $28/8 weeks WEDNESDAY YMCA Exercise Body Recall Tai Chi Chair Dance Exercise Healthy Ways Tai Chi Gentle Yoga 9 – 9:45 a.m. 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10-11 a.m. 10-11 a.m. 10 a.m. 2:30-3:30 p.m. Perrysburg Rossford Northeast Perrysburg Wood County Perrysburg Wood County $20/8 weeks or $2 per session Call Rossford Sr. Ctr. Call Northeast Sr. Ctr. Free $15/6 weeks Free $28/8 weeks THURSDAY Intermediate/Adv. Yoga Fitness Forever Tai Chi Yoga by Video 10-11 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Wood County Rossford Perrysburg Northeast $28/8 weeks Free Free Free FRIDAY Get Fit YMCA Exercise Body Recall Silver Sneaker Flex Sit and Be Fit 2 Exercise Video Tai Chi 9 – 10 a.m. 9 – 9:45 a.m. 9:30 –10:30 a.m. 10-11 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 1-2:30 p.m. Wood County Perrysburg Rossford Perrysburg Northeast Pemberville Wood County Video $20/8 weeks or $2 per session Call Rossford Sr. Ctr. Free for members, $1 non-members Free Free Call Wood County Sr. Cr Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 14 Social Services Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Group Wood County Senior Center 305 N. Main St. Bowling Green, Ohio Monday, September 12 at 2:30 p.m. Northeast Senior Center 705 N. Main St., Walbridge, Ohio Tuesday, September 13 at 10:30 a.m. Perrysburg Way Public Library, 101 E. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg, Ohio Tuesday, September 13 at 7:00 p.m. Contact: Lynn Ritter, 419.537.1999. Respite is provided at the Bowling Green Site during group. Call Mary Clayton, LISW-S at 419.353.5661 for more info. Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Brookdale of Bowling Green, 121 North Wintergarden Rd., Bowling Green, Ohio. Meeting is Thursday, September 15 at 6 p.m. For more information contact Jessi Chapman at 419.354.5300 Diabetes Interest Group Wood County Hospital, 950 W. Wooster St., BG The Diabetes Interest Group is open to all who are interested. Thursday, September 8 at 12 p.m. in the meeting room area at Wood County Hospital. Direct questions to the Diabetes Education Program at the Wood County Hospital 419.354.8863 Grief Support Groups For those persons having had a loss of a family member or friend close to them. For more information on individual or group grief support groups, contact: Bridge Home Health and Hospice at 419.352.9808. Hospice of Northwest Ohio at 419.661.4001. Transitions Group Wood County Senior Center 305 N. Main St., Bowling Green For individuals with early stage memory loss; will meet Tuesday, September 13 at 1 p.m. Topic: Memory Boxes by Jessica Chapman, Clare Bridge Collaboration of WCCOA, Clare Bridge & Alzheimer’s Association of Northwest Ohio. To register call WCCOA at 419.353.5661 or email [email protected]. Suicide Survivors Group NAMI Wood County, 541 W. Wooster St., 2nd Floor Wednesday, September 14 at 7 p.m. For family & friends of those who have attempted or completed suicide. Questions? Contact Monika at 419.350.3208. Parkinson’s Support Group Zoar Lutheran Church 314 E. Indiana Ave., Perrysburg, Ohio Thursday, September 1 at 2:30 p.m. For more information call Kristen Schuchmann, UTMC at 419.383.6737. Parkinson Project of NW Ohio Wednesday, September 14 at 7:00 p.m. (Young On-Set Group) Kingston of Perrysburg Rehabilitation Center. For more information call Toni or Bob at 419.385.4330. National Alliance on Mental Illness Family Support Group 541 W. Wooster St, Floor 2 BG Wednesday, September 28 at 7 p.m. This group is for family members with a loved one whom suffers from a mental illness. For questions, call NAMI at 419.352.0626. NAMI Connections Recovery Support Group NAMI Wood County Office, 541 W. Wooster St, Floor 2 Weekly support group for individuals with mental illness. Wednesdays from 12-1:30 p.m. You are encouraged to bring a lunch. Questions can be directed to NAMI at 419.352.0626. Blood Pressure Screenings No charge for blood pressure screenings. SMD Self Monitoring Device Site Date Time North Baltimore September 8 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Wayne September 9 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Bowling Green September 13 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Perrysburg September 14 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Pemberville September 20 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Northeast September 21 10 a.m.—12p.m. Rossford September 27 10 a.m.—12 p.m. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Social Services 15 Preparing for Flu Season 2016 Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months and older. Flu vaccination can reduce flu illness, doctors’ visits and missed work and school, as well as prevent flu-related hospitalizations. According to CDC and NIH (National Institute of Health) people 65 and older account for more than 60% of all reported hospitalizations and 90% of deaths related to the flu. Signs & Symptoms Fever* or feeling feverish/chills Cough Sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Muscle or body aches Headaches Vomiting or diarrhea, more common in children than adults. *It’s important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever! Flu Etiquette and Tips: Get your flu shot! Available at your doctor’s office, local pharmacy and health department. Sneeze or cough into your elbow, sleeve or a tissue - not your hand. If using a tissue, THROW it away after using it. A stored tissue will keep germs alive for 2 hours. Wash or sanitize your hands frequently - even though colds and flu are viral it is crucial to avoid getting sick. Stay away from work and social functions - think of all the people that you could infect & the loss of productivity that it could entail. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth - also excuse yourself from shaking hands if you’re sick or just getting over the flu. Clean & disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school - especially when someone is ill! Sources: NIH, CDC, Medline Plus, Mayo Clinic, Flu Shot Clinics at the Senior Centers North Baltimore Area Senior Center … Wednesday, September 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Meijer Pharmacy. Medicare and insurances billed. Please bring your insurance card. Clinic open to the public. Wood County Senior Center… Wednesday, September 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Meijer Pharmacy. Medicare and insurances billed. Please bring your insurance card. Clinic open to the public. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 16 Weekly Cards, Games & Bingo BINGO BINGO - Card BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO Tuesday Tuesday, Sept. 6 & 20 Tuesday, Sept. 13 Mondays Thursday, Sept. 15 Thursday, Sept. 1 & 15 9:30 a.m. 12:40 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 12:45 p.m. BINGO BUNCO Thursday, Sept. 15 Wednesday 6 p.m. 12:45 p.m. Perrysburg Free Northeast Free Pemberville Sponsored by Bridge Hospice Wayne Sponsored by BG Manor Rossford Sponsored by Perrysburg Commons North Baltimore Sponsored by Bridge Hospice /Oak Grove Wood County Sponsored by BG Manor Wayne Free BRIDGE – Contract BRIDGE – Duplicate BRIDGE – Duplicate BRIDGE – Duplicate BRIDGE Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday (1st & 3rd) Thursday 1 - 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 9 a.m. Wood County Perrysburg Wood County Wood County Pemberville $0.25 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 DOMINOES Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 6 p.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Wood County Wayne Pemberville Free Free Northeast Free DOMINOES Dominoes-Chicken Ft Tuesday, Sept 13 & 27 12:30 p.m. EUCHRE EUCHRE EUCHRE Progressive EUCHRE EUCHRE Progressive Monday Tuesday, Sept. 6 & 27 Friday Wednesday 2nd Thursday 1 - 4 p.m. Wood County 1 p.m. Wayne 12:40 p.m. Northeast 10:30 a.m. & 12:30 p.m. Pemberville 1 p.m. Perrysburg $0.50 Free Free Free $1 PINOCHLE Thursday 1 - 4 p.m. Wood County $0.50 Northeast Perrysburg Wood County Wood County Wood County Free $3.00 TEXAS HOLD’EM Last Monday POKER Monday thru Friday 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. MAH JONGG CRIBBAGE HAND & FOOT YAHTZEE Wednesdays Wednesdays Fridays Monday, Sept. 19 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 10 a.m. 12:45 p.m. Free Free Free Free Pemberville Daily: Billiards, Dominoes & Shuffleboard BILLIARDS SHUFFLEBOARD DOMINOES Wood County Perrysburg Perrysburg Free Free Free Meetings Rossford Senior Club 2nd & 4th Tuesday 12 p.m. Rossford Senior Center Wood County Seniors Club WCCOA Governing Board 2nd Quarterly Wednesday 2 p.m. 1:15 p.m. Wood County Sr. Center Wood County Sr. Center Timeless Treasures (Bradner) 1st Thursday 11:30 a.m. Legion Hall Ageless Wonders Questions - Marcie Hundsrucker at 419-836-3811 Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Agency Programs 17 Wood County Saturday, October 1 Doors open at 11 a.m. Penta Career Center, 9301 Buck Rd, Perrysburg Five Chefs from area senior centers, assisted living facilities, retirement communities and long term care facilities will challenge each other to a 3-course food throwdown. This event will feature: Entertainment Critique all food samples by voting on your favorite appetizers/starters served at 11:30 a.m., main course served at 12:30 p.m. and dessert served at 1:30 p.m. Vote to crown the People’s Choice Award for appetizers/starters, the main course, and dessert. Celebrity judges will vote to announce the ―Wood County Throwdown Champion!‖ Register for this great event by calling the WCCOA Program Department at 419.353.5661 or 1.800.367.4935 or email [email protected]. Tickets cost $5 per person Available at all Senior Centers! Volunteer Views Another Wood County Fair is in the record books; the Black Swamp Arts Festival is looming; and we are looking for volunteers in North Baltimore, Wayne, Pemberville, Rossford, Walbridge, Perrysburg, and Bowling Green! By the end of this month, we will be inundated with requests from students, but there is more need for the Seniors, themselves, to volunteer. Your wealth of experience can help each of our Senior Center sites flourish. Don’t be afraid to set up a jigsaw puzzle corner at your site. Great conversations can take place while great friends – or new friends – try to find that special puzzle piece! Like to knit or crochet? Find others and create a day and time where you can all make ―chemo caps‖ or ―preemie hats‖ and donate them! Need more ideas? Give me a call! See, you don’t have to just deliver meals or be a Governing Board member! If you have time that you would like to put to use helping, participating, being a friend to others, we can find an opportunity to put your skills to use. Contact me and let’s talk! If you have any questions, please give Jackie Metz, Volunteer Coordinator, a call at 419.353.5661, or 1.800.367.4935, or e-mail her at [email protected] . You will be glad you did! Friends of WCCOA Friends of the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. are reminded that for many years the WCCOA has been the recipient of gifts to honor and memorialize friends and relatives. WCCOA welcomes gifts to Friends of WCCOA, Inc. to memorialize family members and to honor people involved in the WCCOA network, programs and services. Donations Kitchen Fund Walbridge VFW #9963 $1 per ticket or 6 for $5 Tickets available at the gift shop or ask staff. Drawing will be held November 16, 2016 at the BG Senior Center during the Birthday Lunch. Throw is on display at the BG senior center gift shop. Do Not Need to be Present to Win! Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center 18 Luncheon Menu Served at 12:00 p.m., Noon, Monday through Friday. No reservations necessary. No person over 60 shall be denied nutrition services because of failure to contribute all or part of the cost of such service. Participants shall determine for themselves what they are able to contribute toward the cost of the service. There is a $2 suggested donation for those 60 and over and a $5 fee for those under 60. Nutrition and Ingredient Information is Available Upon Request. THURSDAY, September 1 Hamburger Pie OR Chicken Wings, mixed vegetables, glazed bananas & strawberries, Betty’s Salad, wheat pound cake. FRIDAY, September 2 Baked Ham OR Shrimp Poppers, cauliflower, mandarin oranges & grapes, celery w/peanut butter, pudding. MONDAY, September 5 All Sites CLOSED for Labor Day! TUESDAY, September 6 Stuffed Pepper OR Almost Fish, Riviera blend vegetables, citrus sections, apple, Greek pasta salad, cookies. WEDNESDAY, September 7 Beef Stroganoff OR Chicken Nuggets, tomato & zucchini blend, pears, tossed salad, buttered noodles. THURSDAY, September 8 Chipped Ham OR Chicken Salad, 3-bean salad, pineapple w/cottage cheese, cauliflower & peanut salad, whole wheat bun, ice cream. FRIDAY, September 9 Goulash OR Salmon Loaf, far east blend, grape juice, peaches & cream, granola. MONDAY, September 12 Bratwurst OR Fish Sandwich, mashed potatoes, mandarin orange salad, sauerkraut, Rice Krispy treat. TUESDAY, September 13 King Ranch Chicken Casserole OR Beef Lasagna, lima beans, plum, Caesar salad, pineapple pie. WEDNESDAY, September 14 Turkey Stew or Ham & Bean Soup, rosy applesauce, broccoli salad, cherry crunch, cornbread. THURSDAY, September 15 Chicken Paprikash OR Meatloaf, mixed vegetables, peaches, coleslaw, noodles. FRIDAY, September 16 Scalloped Potatoes & Ham OR Lemon Pepper Tilapia, Kyoto blend vegetables, pineapple juice, Texas caviar salad, bread pudding. MONDAY, September 19 Country Fried Steak OR Chicken Lasagna, mixed vegetables, orange, frosted pineapple gelatin salad, pasta salad. TUESDAY, September 20 Salad day! Tuna Salad OR Diced Ham w/Cheddar & Egg, lettuce blend, diced tomatoes & green peppers, melon salad, banana nut muffin. WEDNESDAY, September 21 Birthday Celebration! Pork Chop, baked potato, apricots, marinated vegetable salad, cake & ice cream. THURSDAY, September 22 Spaghetti with Meatsauce OR Grilled Chicken Breast, corn, grape juice, peach crisp, noodles. FRIDAY, September 23 Pepper Steak OR Cornmeal Breaded Catfish, broccoli, pineapple, citrus coleslaw, wild rice, pie. MONDAY, September 26 Sweet & Sour Chicken OR Pork Cutlet, oriental vegetables, tropical fruit, mandarin oranges in orange jell-o, wild rice. TUESDAY, September 27 Oven Fried Chicken OR Vegetable Lasagna, winter blend vegetables, strawberries & blueberries, pickled beets, biscuit. WEDNESDAY, September 28 Turkey OR Liver & Onions, au gratin potatoes, orange sections, apple crisp, wheat roll. THURSDAY, September 29 Hot Dog w/Shredded Cheese OR Hamburger, baked beans, melon, Heritage coleslaw, éclair cake. FRIDAY, September 30 Chipped Beef OR Creamed Chicken, Midori blend vegetables, grapes, mashed potatoes, biscuit, pie. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center Dinner Menu 19 Dinners are served at 5:30 p.m. at the Wood County Senior Center Reservations required by 2 p.m. that day. (Menu is subject to change.) No person over 60 shall be denied nutrition services because of failure to contribute all or part of the cost of such service. Participants shall determine for themselves what they are able to contribute toward the cost of the service. There is a $4 suggested donation those over 60 and $7 fee for those under 60 years of age. Nutrition and Ingredient Information is Available Upon Request. When making your reservation a chicken breast can be requested instead of the listed entrée. THURSDAY, September 1 Reuben Sandwich, German potato salad, grape juice, banana, lush. TUESDAY, September 6 Liver & Onions, mashed potatoes, peas, strawberries, biscuit. 4:30 p.m. Readers Café 6 p.m. Dominoes WEDNESDAY, September 7 Fish Sandwich w/ Cheese, French fries, Waldorf salad, blueberry crisp. THURSDAY, September 8 Roast Pork, brussel sprouts, cheesy potato bake, fruited Jell-O cup, pumpkin pecan cake. TUESDAY, September 13 Birthday Celebration! Ham Loaf, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, juice, cake & ice cream. 4:30 p.m. Readers Café 6 p.m. Dominoes TUESDAY, September 27 Grilled Ham & Cheese, sweet potato fries, banana, orange sections, ice cream cake. 4:30 p.m. Readers Café 6 p.m. Dominoes 6 p.m. Movie: “My Big Fat Greek Wedding II” Sponsored by Family Video of Bowling Green WEDNESDAY, September 28 Chicken Caesar Salad, melon, cauliflower peanut salad, bran muffin, cookies. THURSDAY, September 29 BBQ Pork Chop, baked potato, green beans, pears in lime jell-o, gingerbread trifle. Community Outreach: Paper Products Collection WEDNESDAY, September 14 Chicken Cordon Bleu, broccoli, rosy applesauce, corn relish, rice. THURSDAY, September 15 Turkey Pot Roast Stew, fresh fruit, cherry crisp, pasta salad, cheese biscuit. 6 p.m. Bingo Sponsored by Bowling Green Manor & Bowling Green Care Center TUESDAY, September 20 Hot Dog w/Shredded Cheddar, baked beans, broccoli salad, apricots, snickerdoodle cake. 4:30 p.m. Readers Café 6 p.m. Dominoes WEDNESDAY, September 21 Roast Beef, scalloped potatoes, succotash, mandarin orange salad, chocolate pudding. THURSDAY, September 22 Teriyaki Chicken, winter blend vegetables, tossed salad, tropical fruit, cherry pie. Help the Pemberville Area Senior Center 220 Cedar Street, Pemberville, Ohio 43450 Items collected thru September 30. We will be collecting paper products for the church Food Pantry. Paper towels, napkins, toilet paper and more… share with those in need. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 45 Wood County Committee on Aging BOWLING GREEN, OH 305 North Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 Tel: 1.800.367.4935 Local: 419.353.5661 Fax: 419.352.7448 E-mail: [email protected] Enjoy, Enrich and Explore Life. We’re on the Web! Like us on Facebook! Get up to the minute information about new and upcoming classes, trips and special events, or check out photos from our past events! Like us now! —if you’re already on Facebook, just search for Wood County Committee on Aging and click ―Like.‖ Center Locations: North Baltimore Area Senior Center, 514 West Water Street, North Baltimore, Ohio 45872 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 419.257.3306 Northeast Area Senior Center, 705 North Main Street, Walbridge, Ohio 43465 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 567.249.4921 Pemberville Area Senior Center, 220 Cedar Street, Pemberville, Ohio 43450 Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 419.287.4109 Perrysburg Area Senior Center, 140 West Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 419.874.0847 Rossford Area Senior Center, 400 Dixie Highway, Rossford, Ohio 43460 Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 419.666.8494 Wayne Area Senior Center, 202 East Main Street, Wayne, Ohio 43466 Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 419.288.2896 Wood County Senior Center, 305 North Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 419.353.5661 800.367.4935 Monday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. , Wednesday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. , Thursday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ohio’s First Nationally Accredited Senior Center
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