Communic~8 July 2013 - Toastmasters District 11
Communic~8 July 2013 - Toastmasters District 11
The Spokesman News from Toastmasters District 11 WWW.TOASTMASTERSD11.ORG Volume 71 Issue 2 October/November/December 2014 A Few Highlights from the Fall Conference What’s Inside This Issue: District Governor Message 2 LGET Message 3 LGM Message 4 Awards 5 LGM Message cont. 6 Help Wanted—Conference Education Awards 9/13/14—12/5/14 7-8 Important Dates 9 TLI Agenda 10 TLI Saturday, Jan. 24th @ Lilly Conference Center Volume 71 Issue 2 Page 2 The Spokesman District 11 A Message from the Governor Meg Claxton, DTM EMAIL: District 11 Governor [email protected] 317-379-4311 My goal is to provide every one of our members with a quality Toastmasters experience. In order to do that, we need to have great meetings – with agendas, themes, manual speeches, evaluations and Table Topics. I’ve sent an email to all the Presidents and VP Educations to give them ideas about some fun themed meetings. (These are available on the District 11 websites under ‘Public Downloads’ with the file named ‘2014sample agendas’ in case you want to have a look. Let me know if you have others that we should add to that file). Great meetings not only provide our members with wonderful learning opportunities but also are very welcoming to guests. But guests first need to find us! I’ve sent another couple of emails on how to get publicity (the media as well as each club’s own website) and how to hold an Open House. It’s not only important for guests to find us but it’s important to each club to have guests. Each new person brings a different prospective – and often have some exciting suggestions to enhance the club meetings. There are two important activities coming up – officer training (1/2 of each training session should include networking time so officers can use their peers to help solve issues or provide better experiences for the clubs); and contests (the Evaluation and International Speech contest should be held between January 2 nd – February 7th). If you attend the Toastmasters Leadership Training at Eli Lilly on January 24th, you will be able to use your credit card to pay the registration fee or make purchases at the Supply Store (which will be holding a 50% off sale!). You will also be able to pay a reduced Club Registration fee for the Spring Conference – instead of $60 – you can pay 1/2 half $30!! This discount applies to club registrations only and only on January 24th. I hope you have all made significant progress on your goals for this year – and are beginning to think about what will be your goal for next year. Enjoy! Meg Claxton, DTM, PDG District 11 Governor ☼ Page 3 Volume 71 Issue 2 The Spokesman District 11 A Message from the LGET Lucy Nicksin, DTM Lt. Governor Education & Training EMAIL: [email protected] 317-679-6722 Speaking of: The Fall Conference. I hope you were able to attend. If you weren’t at Lake Wawasee on October 24/25, you missed a lot. What a great conference. Kudos to the conference team and their fearless leaders, JoEllen Eisenhour and Sondra Resen! From the Friday evening murder mystery to the Saturday night humorous speech contest, it was a weekend to remember. What a beautiful fall setting on Lake Wawasee. The education sessions were outstanding. We were able to celebrate an increased number of education awards; it’s great to see so many reaching their goals. Thanks to everyone who was a part of the weekend. The Spring Conference will be April 24-25, 2015 at The Clarion Inn on Crawfordsville Rd. in Indianapolis. Speaking of: Club officer training. Did your club have 7 of 7 officers trained during the summer training session? If you did and again have 7 of 7 trained for the winter session (December 1 – February 28), your club will receive a $50 gift certificate to the Toastmasters International store. If you didn’t hit the mark during the summer, your club can still receive a $25 certificate if all 7 attend districtsponsored training this session. Officer training is for all members! Besides training on the seven officer positions, there will be general education sessions for all members. Toastmasters Leadership Institute will be held on Saturday, January 24 at Eli Lilly in Indianapolis. This is the gold standard of training sessions. Watch for updates on the District 11 website for TLI and division make-up training. All officers are required to attend training twice a year. This is truly what helps you help your club. Policies and procedures change; you are faced with new challenges and opportunities. Sharing your experience and benefiting from the experience of others is what the 2nd half training is all about. Speaking of: Contests. For the spring contest season we will have two contests: an Evaluation Contest and the International Speech Contest. Brush up your evaluation skills and go head-to-head with others in your club, continuing on through area, division and then to the district contest on April 24. Get to work penning a great speech for the International contest. The winner of the district International speech contest on April 25 will go on to compete in Las Vegas at the convention in August. Club contests start January 1 and run through February 27. Start planning these contests. Someone from your club can be at the Spring Conference in the District level contest. Could that someone be YOU? Speaking of: Goals. The Toastmasters year is nearly half over. Are you on track to reach your goals? Take them out, dust them off, and see how you are doing. Are you ahead of schedule? Maybe you need to revise and shoot for a loftier goal. Are you, on the other hand, further away than you expected to be at this point in time? Do you need to step it up? Put together a plan to get to that next education level. Speaking of: Looking ahead. What would you like to do next Toastmasters’ year? Would you like to take on the challenge of a club office? Are you working toward a DTM (or a second DTM) and wish to step up to a district position, i.e. area governor, division governor or another position within the district? Talk to your club president, your area or division governor, or give me a call. Any one of us would be pleased to give you information on what is involved and how you can move toward that goal. And lastly, speaking of: Topics on which you would like some training. Give me a call or drop me a line if you have ideas on training that would benefit you and others. I’d be pleased to hear from you; that’s why I’m here – to make District 11 training the best it can be. Lucy Nicksin, DTM LGET Volume 71 Issue 2 Page 4 The Spokesman District 11 A Message From the LGM District Mission: “We build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence.” Congratulations to the District 11 Clubs that Won the Smedley Award!!! Bob McIntyre, DTM Lieutenant Governor Marketing EMAIL: [email protected] 317-697-5750 Program Dates: August 1 – September 30 In honor of Ralph Smedley, these clubs added five or more new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1 and September 30. By doing so they qualified to receive a "Smedley Award" ribbon to display on their clubs’ banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10percent off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.) Club 03646738 A 12 Notre Dame Toastmasters Club 03750006 E 54 Fueled Speakers Club 00003506 F 62 Crescent City Toastmasters Club 00000485 G 71 Tecumseh Club Club 00000517 H 81 Broad Ripple Toastmasters Club 00001183 H 86 Nora Toastmasters Club Talk Up Toastmasters! Program Dates: February 1 – March 31 Toastmasters love to talk, so take advantage of it. During the "Talk Up Toastmasters" membership contest, you can encourage your members to invite guests to a special meeting where regular procedures are augmented by a discussion of Toastmasters' many benefits. Add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31 to receive a special "Talk up Toastmasters" ribbon to display on your club’s banner. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs earn a special discount code for 10-percent off their next club order. District 11 Continues the Strong and Healthy Incentive “Getting Strong and Healthy” rewards clubs that were either not distinguished the prior year, 2013-2014, or were distinguished but had fewer than 20 members and becomes distinguished during the current Toastmasters year, 2014-2015. The club will receive a certificate for a recognition event worth up to $75.00 from the District. “Staying Strong and Healthy” rewards clubs that were distinguished and at charter strength during 2013-2014 and are distinguished again in 2014-2015. The club will receive a gift certificate for $25.00 for the Toastmasters International Store. The District Currently has Four Club Coaches Club # 640243 Cooperative Communicators Club Jeffrey W. Bishop, ACS, ALB Club #1845527 Westfield Toastmasters Club Dayna M. Flynn, CC, ALB Club #1845527 Westfield Toastmasters Club Scott McPheeters, CC, CL Club #1250069 TROVEmasteRs Club Carrie M. Schaaf, ACG, ALB (Continued on page 6) Page 5 Volume 71 Issue 2 The Spokesman District 11 Congratulations! 2013-2014 award winners Division Governor of the Year Ed Barrett, DTM — Division E Area Governor of the Year Cara Sweeney, DTM — Area 62 Toastmaster of the Year David Palmer, ACS, ALB MasterBrand Speakers 2654176 and DC Speaks 3039751 Clubs Golden Spirit Award Lucy Nicksin, DTM Bloomington Good Morning 482 and Leadership Outreach 9049 Clubs Sustained Impact Award Marlen Purdy, DTM, PDG Bob Leiman Toastmasters 666 and Advanced Speakers 1811475 Clubs Mentor of the Year Award Chris Lang, DTM Woodman Toastmasters 681 and Columbus 2481 Clubs Club Coaches New DTMs This year’s successful Club Coaches were recognized. They are listed with the clubs they coached: Ed Barrett – Vineyard Toastmasters Div E Louann Clark – Riverbend Toastmasters Div F David Croy – MISO Cornerstones Div H Jason Hamilton - Woodman Toastmasters Div E Ginger Harrington – Twin Bridges Div E Robert McIntyre – 7 Up Div C Fran Schmidt – Tippecanoe Talkers Div G Cara Sweeney – Cresent City Div F Nancy Vesely – Bosma Div H Roy Brammer, DTM Business and Community Leaders 1216, Select Distinguished Bob McIntyre, DTM 7 Up Club 3016, Presidents Distinguished Carmen Cass-McKee, ACS, ALS and Fran Schmidt, DTM Hanna Center Club 5212, Distinguished Gil Michelini, ACS, ALB Westfield Toastmasters Club1845527, Select Distinguished 7 of 7 District 11 Humorous Speech Contest Winners 1st Place Jeannie Rapstad Division A 2nd Place Chuck Lewis Division C 3rd Place Berniece Wilkins Division B Congratulations to the following clubs who had 7 of 7 officers trained in the first round! Division A Division E Club 4741 — The Great Communicators of Northwest IN Club 6136 — Toasters III Toastmasters Club Club 9642 — Maple City Toastmasters Club Club 714485 — Wythougan Club Club 4081 — Greater Greenwood Club Club 1109991 — Vineyard Toastmasters Club 1588093 — Power Speakers Club 3923993 — High Horse Power Speakers Division B Division F Club 521 — Anthony Wayne Toastmasters Club Club 6741 — New Haven Toastmasters Club Club 1811475 — Advanced Speakers and Leaders Club 8307 — Gilded Tongues Club Club 1052439 — Correctly Speaking Club 3039751 — DC Speaks Division C Division G Club 7614 — Raytheon Indy Club 9049 — Leadership Outreach Club Club 999241 — Rolls Royce Club 3996334 — Scientific Toasters at IUSM Club 1127 — Lafayette Toastmasters Club Club 5233 — Kokomo Community Club Club 3746774 — Outspeak/Outspoken Page 6 The Spokesman District 11 Volume 71 Issue 2 (Continued from page 4) There are additional opportunities to serve as a Club Coach, contact Bob McIntyre [email protected] if you would like to serve as a Club Coach. Membership Growth for Existing Clubs Training There will be a second Membership Team Training March 7, 2015. This workshop will focus on membership retention and gaining new members for existing clubs. March 7, 2015 - Registration at 9:00 AM - Training 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM Brown Mackie College 1200 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204 (Northwest corner of Meridian & 12th St. enter parking lot A from 12th St. We meet in room 423 A/B) Light lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Bob McIntyre at [email protected] Bob McIntyre, DTM Lt. Governor Marketing Spring Conference Committee Help Needed! District 11’s Spring Conference, slated for April 24—25, 2015, at the Clarion Hotel, 2930 Parkway, West Drive in Indy, needs several people to make this event happen. A chair person is needed for the Publicity/Meal Tickets committee and more are needed to volunteer their help on any of the following committees: Conference Chair: Mike La Bonne Conference Co-Chair: Joe Phillips Registration Chair: Pat Moore —Seeking assistants Facilities Chair: Crista Hassett — Seeking assistants Finance Chair: Ted Korupp Welcome Packets Chair: Kelly Means Kahn — Seeking assistants Programs/Meal Tickets Chair — Chair needed — Seeking assistants Credentials Chair: Keith Hood Parliamentarian: David Wilkins Contact Mike La Bonne if interested in helping or for more information. Email: [email protected] Volume 71 Issue 2 Page 7 The Spokesman District 11 District 11 Education Awards September 13, 2014—December 5, 2014 Division A Liu, Jinzhong—CC Division E Notre Dame Toastmasters Dynamic Club Bloomington Good Morning Club Chapple, Michael J.—CC Jackson, Linda S.—CC The Great Communicators of Northwest Indiana Golden Gavel Club Ryan, James T.—CC Bradsky, Charles J—CL Bristol, Samuel V.—CL Valparaiso Club Indy Free Speakers Toastmasters Club Witte, Edward W.—LDREXC Johnston, Ralph E.—CC Jacson, Keith R.—CC Heyn, Howard E—ALB Division B Tate, Tuesday—CC Tate, Tuesday—CL McClure, Russell—ACS Leadership Outreach Club Phillips, Joseph C.—CC American Red Cross Club Phillips, Joseph C.—ALB Kelty, John C—CL Kirchgessner, Ron—CC Rumschlag, Patricia A.– CC Million, Randall—CL Anthony Wayne Toastmasters Club Lilly Corp. Center Club Haller, Thomas R.—CC Peck, Elizabeth M.—CC Haller, Thomas R.—CL Claxton, Meg—CC Boyd, Robert—CL Claxton, Meg—CL Wilkins, Berniece E.—LDREXC Pioneer Club Bob Leiman Toastmasters Club Hamilton, Jason M.—CL Osborn, Dennis R.—CL Raytheon Indy Club Purdy, Marlene A.—ACB Brammer, Roy S.—CL Summit City Toastmasters Boyd, Yorle—CL Rorick, Mitchell A—CC Stines, Patrick J.—CL Horine, Steve L.—ALB Brammer, Roy S.—ACB Heffley, Kristal A.—ACG Brammer, Roy S.—LDREXC Kiess, Jeffrey A.—CC Roadmasters Division C Trammell, Scott T.—ACB 7 Up Club Campoll, Christina R.—CC Ameritalk Club Viater, Jay A—CC Beacon Advanced Communicators Club Nicoson, Andrew S.—CL Rolls-Royce Porter, Ronald—LDREXC Porter, Ronald—ALS Porter, Ronald—DTM Nicksin, Lucy—CC Columbus Club Pulipaka, Ravi Kanth—CC Greater Greenwood Club 4081 Knowles, Anita M—CL Stephenson, James Matthew—CC Stephenson, James Matthew—CL Reddick, David B.—CC Beeson, John Philip—ACB Miller, Joe B—CC Kirchgessner, Ron—CC Power Speakers Li, Liuliu—CC Burchett, William R—CL Oruganti, Prashanth Sharma—CL Toastmasters of Morgan County Club Reddick, David B—ACB Twin Bridges Club Weliver, Maranda KD—CL Ranganathan, Sathish K—CC Porter, Kenneth T.—ALB Vineyard Toastmasters Barrett, Edward L.—CC Barrett, Edward L.—CL Shaner, Alan W.—CL Woodman Toastmasters Club Lang, Christopher M.—CL Hamilton, Jason M.—ALS Hamilton, Jason M.—DTM Hamilton, Jason M.—LDREXC Sanders, Randal J—CC Daugherty, Thomas—LDREXC (Continued on page 8) Page 8 (Continued from page 7) Heldman, Gregory E—CC Division F Volume 71 Issue 2 The Spokesman District 11 Fakhoorian, Tamra—ACB Matlock, Ronald J.—CC Fakhoorian, Tamra—CL Neighborly Talk Club Riverbend Toastmasters Emmet, Honor Caitlin—CC Clark, Louann W.—DTM Nora Toastmasters Club Best Side Toastmasters Priest, Nibby—CC McMahon, John A.—CL Deig, Nancy J—ALB St. Matthews/Lyndon Toastmasters Sallie Mae Fishers Club Townsend, Stefanee J.—CC Bullock, Kirsten M.—CC File, Angie M.—CL Agashe, Rujuta S.—CC Branchville Pros Stewart, James Tyrone—CC Harris, Tya—CC Stewart, James Tyrone—CL Statistically Speaking Communicators Club Sibray, Holly—CC Meiman, Carol M—CL Division G Morris, Mary Colleen—CC Cooperative Communicators Club Turner, Kimberly M.—CC Correctly Speaking Tett, Corine Andrea—CC Cox, Kerri—CC Wilkinson, Jessica D.—CC Lock, Tammie Ann—CL Kokomo Community Club Chorrushi, Emma G—CC Sharma, Amit M—ACG Logansport Toastmasters Club Newell, Brian Kent—CC Marion Community Club Breedlove, Theresa E.—ACS Brickey, Stefanie Ann—CL Breedlove, Theresa E.—LDREXC Crescent City Toastmasters Tecumseh Club Deig, Nancy J.—LDREXC Harris, Constance A.—CC Rozewski, Janet W—CC Tippecanoe Talkers Club Rozewski, Janet W—CL Schenke, James—ACB DC Speaks Top of the Morning Club Hopf, Edward E.—CC Wells, E. Lloyd—CC Englert, Elliot James—CL Division H Hicklin, Jennifer—CC Kentuckiana Toastmasters Holt, Alan W—ACB Legendary Toasters Ruby, Ashley B.—CC MasterBrand Speakers Palmer, David P.—ACG Palmer, David P.—LDREXC New Albany Toastmaster Club Collins, Vanessa—CC Paducah Toastmasters Sam Sloan Chapter Associated Speechmasters Toastmasters Club Yazell, Thomas Scott—CL Yazell, Thomas Scott—ACB Border Talk Brown-Doerner, Joe Anna—ACB Castleton Toastmasters Pereira, Edson Faria—CC Dow Agro Sciences Club Hentz, Margaret B.—CC MISO Cornerstones Willis, Veneita L.—ALB Toastmasters Anonymous Rice, Lawrence Barry—ACS Begbaaji, Tola A—CC Toastmasters Club of Fishers Hunter, Timothy D.—CL Toastmasters with Attitude Club Miller, Terri—CC Carpenter, Vera A—CC Moore, Pat—ACB Moore, Pat—ALS Moore, Pat—CC Moore, Pat—DTM Turning Point Toastmasters Club Bristol, Samuel V.—CC Jordan, La Tonya—ACB Bristol, Samuel V.—CL Westfield Toastmasters Club Fornefield, Mark A.—ACS Vesely, Edward Thomas—CC Vesely, Nancy C.—CL Vesely, Nancy C.—CC Fornefield, Mark A.—ALB # Volume 71 Issue 2 Page 9 The Spokesman District 11 Important Dates Toastmasters Leadership Institute (Club Officer Training) Sat Jan 24 @9:00 Eli Lilly and Company, Alabama & Merrill, Indianapolis Division Club Officer Training Thu Jan 22 Div A @ 6:30 p.m. Kosciusko County Community Foundation—102 E Market ST., Warsaw, IN Tue Jan 27 Div A @ 6:30 p.m. St Joseph County Public Library—304 South Main Street, South Bend, IN Sat Feb 7 Div A @ 9:30 a.m. (CST) BP Merrillville Training Ctr 8240 Whitcomb St, Merrillville, IN Wed Feb 11 Div B @ 6:30 p.m. Allen County Library – downtown 900 Webster St., Ft. Wayne, IN Sat Feb 21 Div B @ 9:15 a.m. Allen County Library – downtown 900 Webster St., Ft. Wayne, IN Thu Feb 26 Div C @ 6:30 p.m. United Way of Central Indiana 3901 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis Sat Feb 14 Div E @ 10:00 a.m. Bartholomew County Library 536 5th St., Columbus, IN Sat Feb 7 Div F @ 9:00 a.m. Kentucky Farm Bureau—9201 Bunsen Parkway, Louisville, KY Sat Feb 7 Div F @ 9:00 a.m. University of Southern Indiana—Evansville, IN Thu Feb 19 Div F @ 6:30 p.m. Kentucky Farm Bureau—9201 Bunsen Parkway, Louisville, KY Sat Jan 10 Div G @ 9:30 a.m. Kokomo South Library—1755 E. Center Rd., Kokomo, IN Sat Feb 28 Div G @ noon Klondike Branch Tippecanoe Cty Library—3062 Lindberg Rd. West Lafayette, IN Wed Dec 17 Div H @ 6:30 p.m. United Way of Central Indiana—3901 N. Meridian Street., Indianapolis Evaluation and International Contests Time Frames Clubs Jan 1 – Feb 8 Areas Feb 16 – Mar 15 Division Mar 23 – Apr 12 District 11 Spring Conference Apr 24 - 25 Spring Conference, Clarion Hotel, 2930 Waterfront Pkwy West Drive, IN (317) 299 - 8400 Register at Area Governors Visits Area Governors are required to visit each of their clubs twice during the year and complete a Club Visit Report. They will be visiting between January 1 and April 30. Be sure to ask them for any help that your club needs to make it a truly inviting, exciting place -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= District 11 Leadership District Governor Meg Claxton, DTM, PDG tmmeg (317) 379-4311 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Lt. Gov Education & Training Lucy Nicksin, DTM [email protected] (317) 679-6722 Lt. Gov Marketing Bob McIntyre, DTM [email protected] (317) 697-5750 DISTRICT 11 TOASTMASTERS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Lilly Conference Center January 24, 2015 Need Info? Lucy Nicksin Lt. Gov Educ./Training [email protected] 317.679.6722 This training is offered to all Toastmasters who desire to learn more about leadership. Club Officers who attend will earn club credit for the Distinguished Club Program, which requires at least 4 officers from the club be trained twice a year. 7:30 a.m.–8:30 a.m. Leadership Outreach Toastmasters Club Meeting A club devoted to leadership training – visitors are welcome THEME: “Hold People (and Yourself) Accountable” 8:15 a.m.–9:00 a.m. Registration - $5 Registration Fee - coffee, juice and pastries available 9:00 a.m.–9:25 a.m. General Session – AUDITORIUM Call to Order by District Sgt. Arms Presentations by District Governor, Lt. Governor Education & Training, Lt. Governor Marketing and Spring Conference Chair. Breakout session I President PURDUE ROOM VP Education MARIAN ROOM VP Public Relations BALL STATE ROOM Secretary WABASH ROOM General Educational Session #1 INDIANA ROOM 9:30 a.m.–10:25 a.m. PURDUE ROOM LOBBY “Prepare your Club for Long-term Success (how to get new members and keep them)” General Educational Session #2 AUDITORIUM “The Secret to Award Winning Speeches” 10:25 a.m.–10:40 a.m. 10:40 a.m.-11:35 a.m. Break-Networking, Refreshments Breakout session II VP Membership Treasurer Sgt at Arms General Educational Session #3 PURDUE ROOM BALL STATE ROOM WABASH ROOM INDIANA ROOM “Is the Role of Area Governor in Your Future? (find out what it takes)” General Educational Session #4 AUDITORIUM “Get Ready for the Upcoming Evaluation Contest (and ensure your club members provide evaluations that help)” 11:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. General Session - Wrap Up, Questions/Answers, Announcements Drawing for Door Prizes! You must be present to win! 12:15 p.m.– 1:30 p.m. AUDITORIUM Thank You for Attending DEC Meeting (for Division and Area Governors) AUDITORIUM Box lunches with beverages are available for $10.00 ea. Selections include Beef, Turkey, Ham and Veggie. Please notify Lucy Nicksin if you want to have a Box Lunch reserved for you at: [email protected] or (317) 679-6722 Reservations must be made (including sandwich selection) by January 17 or we cannot guarantee that there will be a lunch available. Driving Directions: The Lilly Corporate Center is located at the corner of Merrill and Alabama Streets in Indianapolis – south of the intersection of Alabama and South and three blocks east of Meridian Street (US 31). Take Exit 79B (Meridian) off I-70 and go north to South Street. Turn right (east) and go to Alabama – turn right (south). Parking is available on north side of building.