October_2015 - Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce
Wakulla Chamber and You: Partners For Success PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY October 2015 Wakulla County Chamber OUR PREMIER MEMBERS Preserving the Past…….Planning for the Future www.wakullacountychamber.com President’s Message Greetings Wakulla! I hope that you recall my message from late spring when I challenged you to write down your goals and ideas of how to achieve them. The next few weeks would be a great time to review this document if you haven’t already done so. Be honest with yourself when reviewing your accomplishments and your failures. Try to identify exactly what contributed to your accomplishments and failures, and adjust your plan for next year accordingly. If your business is seasonal, now is a good time to write down goals and plans for the winter season so that you can review your success next spring. As a brief update on the progress of the EDC strategic planning, we have written and accepted a new mission statement and vision plan. At the last meeting, all of the attendees were split into 3 groups, then went through all of the responses from the public surveys that were performed over the summer. Specifically, we were asked to identify the top 5 advantages and disadvantages of Wakulla County as it related to Economic Development. I was proud to see that each group’s abridged responses were almost exactly the same! Some of the top advantages (no particular order) include: strong / educated workforce, great environmental opportunities / outdoor recreation, great educational system (K-12 and TCC/WEI), and proximity to Capital and coast. We are uniquely situated for growth as the economy returns, and the current process of the EDC will guide the growth in the direction that is best for the County. I would like to personally thank all of the people who take time out of their busy schedule and work so hard to ensure this process is successful. I would also like to thank the lunch sponsors for these meetings. It certainly makes the meeting more enjoyable, and is a great advertising opportunity for your business. We have a few more opportunities for workshops before we hit the holiday season, please contact our office with suggestions of workshop topics. As always, please let us know how we can help! Respectfully, Member Spotlight Name of business: Frances Casey Lowe, P.A. and Guilday, Schwartz, Simpson, West, Hatch & Lowe, P.A. Name of owner: Frances Casey Lowe Tell us about your business (include unique facts and history): We are a merged Title Company and Law Office that has been actively supporting Wakulla County for 10 years. What services, products do you offer? Legal services relating to Commercial and Residential Real Estate, Probate, Estate Planning, Family Practice, Business Planning and Structure What sets your business apart from the competition? We offer services in the heart of Wakulla County so clients do not have to travel to Tallahassee for legal and real estate needs. We take pride in being able to have such a hands-on and intimate approach to matters that can often be overwhelming and uncomfortable. What should the community/customer expect when they visit your business? Our business strives to make our clients know they are not alone. Whether it be in relation to buying/selling a house, planning out their estate, administering the estate of a loved one, starting a business or any other legally trying issue someone may have in their life. We walk through the legal process with our clients step-by-step. We are available at any time to assist them, reassure them, and go above and beyond until they are satisfied. How long have you been a Chamber member? Ten years. Why did you join the Chamber? To actively participate in community affairs and connect with other local businesses to build strong and everlasting relationships. What Chamber services have you taken advantage of and/or will take advantage of in the near future? We continuously use the Chamber for the up to date valuable contact information of local businesses and community leaders. What’s your reason Wakulla residents should Shop Local? Our goal is to continuously promote local business relationships, as this helps our community grow and prosper while still maintaining its hospitable southern charm. If anyone is interested in your products/services, how do they contact you? We are available by phone Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm. If you call after hours, someone will follow-up your voicemail the next business day. Our office is available for appointments at this time as well, which can be made over the phone or in person. Additional Comments i.e. Community involvement: Past Director of Wakulla County Chamber of Commerce and Wakulla County Academic Boosters, as well as past Treasurer of Rotary Club of Wakulla County. Our office supports/sponsors many of the Wakulla High School sports teams as well as most of the local events and fundraisers. Address: 68 A Feli Way, Crawfordville, FL 32327 Phone Number: (850) 926-8245 2 Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening The chamber held a ribbon cutting and participated in the Grand Opening of our newest Realty office, Waypoint Properties, Thursday, September 24. We had an overwhelming crowd of roughly 100 family members, friends and chamber members in attendance to wish Josh Brown and Elaine Gary luck in their new endeavor. Waypoint Properties is a full service real estate company located at 3004 Crawfordville Highway in the front of the Wakulla Title building. In addition to listing and real estate, Waypoint Properties and its agents handle property management and tenant relations as well. Josh Brown is the broker for Waypoint Properties. Josh’s family roots run deep as he was born and raised at Alligator Point, graduated from Wakulla High and FSU. Josh enjoys all the beauty Wakulla County has to offer including fishing, both in the Gulf and rivers, hunting and golfing. Elaine Gary is the Managing Broker. Elaine and her husband moved to Wakulla County in 1992 due to their love of boating, fishing, and scalloping. Together Josh and Elaine have combined real estate experience excess of assisting buying homes, 25 in years customers and land selling and investment properties. Let Waypoint Properties help you “find your way home…” PHOTO COURTESY OF THE WAKULLA NEWS 3 Networking Luncheon at Outzs Too When you stop in at Ouzts Too Oyster Bar and Grill in Newport, either by chance or design, you will definitely experience a laid back atmosphere and Ms. Dorothy’s true Southern hospitality. Several times today we heard “Ms. Dorothy doesn’t mess around when it comes to food” as attendants of our networking luncheon walked away from the buffet, plates loaded with fresh grouper, fried shrimp, shrimp and rice, hush puppies, slaw, baked beans, smoked mullet dip, smoked mullet, oysters on the half shell, ribs, and peach cobbler. This luncheon was so well attended that we were seated in the outside area, and the weather was beautiful. Ouzts Too owner Dorothy White is a popular stop for several poker run fund raisers each year, along with other fundraisers held for community organizations. Coming to the luncheons is a great way to get to know other business owners, or their employees, as new faces and new members get introduced to our ever growing crowd. Tim Lawton, General Manager of Zaxby’s in Crawfordville was one of those first timers. Zaxby’s is another of many businesses in our county proud to give back to the community they do business in. Zaxby’s supports many local organizations like Relay for Life and sponsors a youth baseball team just to name a couple. Amanda Wright, formerly of Wakulla Realty shared her new position with Ameris Bank, and also introduced Karen Williams, new to Wakulla Realty. Commissioner Ralph Thomas had the pleasure of introducing Diane Bardy, new TDC director. Diane has lots of marketing experience and will be a valuable asset promoting our county. One of our board members, Dr. Rachel Sutz Pienta introduced one of her co-workers at American Cancer Society, Community Manager, Special Events Brittany Somerville, who is responsible for events such as the Cattle Baron’s Ball and Making Stride Against Breast Cancer. Rachel also invited William Hatfield – new Executive Editor in Chief of the Tallahassee Democrat, and also the Democrat’s regional news and events reporter, Ryan Dailey. If you are interested in getting your news published in the Tallahassee Democrat, give us a call. Chris Oglesby, manufacturing Director of the growing local company Residential Elevators introduced his plant manager Frank Panzirano, and shipping and logistics manager Matt Turner. Also present was Britt and Stacy Kent who recently joined the chamber with his company Kent’s Property Preservation, LLC. Another section of our luncheon is sharing of local events: Zoe Mansfield and Gail Gillman again shared the Stone Crab Festival in St Marks, October 24th, and invited everyone to dress up as a pirate and participate in the parade, and also encouraged ticket sales for the John Deere chance raffle. 4 Pictures courtesy of The Wakulla News Kevin Vaughn, Wakulla Insurance is doing a book drive for children age K – 12th Grade, and asked for donations, or donations of gently used books. They can be dropped off at the local office, 2190 Crawfordville Hwy. Charlean Lanier with Operation Santa advertised chance drawing tickets for some very nice packages to raise funds for Operation Santa, and also to encourage adopting a family for Christmas. Camp Gordon Johnston was represented by Tony Minichiello and Michael Horvath and invited attendants to the 9th Annual National Museum Day September 26 th, and also to Wakulla Springs Park November 11 th, to view their display for Veteran’s Day. Our new members were introduced as Waypoint Realty, Panacea Waterfronts Florida Partnership, Inc, Barn’s Sprits and joining on this day, Wakulla Springs Lodge. The $73 cash raffle was won by Ryan Dailey. We also had a record number of give- away items and want to thank the following for their contribution to this popular raffle: Olympus The Insurance Wakulla News, Company, RGVI Insurance, Super Lube, Gulf Winds Federal Credit Union, Capital City Bank, Kent’s Property Preservation, Tallahassee Democrat, American Cancer Society, City of St. Marks, Camp Gordon Johnston WWII Museum, Jo Ann Palmer, Charlean Lanier, Cook Insurance, and Petra Shuff. The spotlight for this month was on The UPS Store # 6044. The UPS Store # 6044 is a locally owned and operated, and cares about their customers. They have the knowledge and expertise to handle all of your mailbox, packing, shipping, and professional printing needs and are passionate about what they do! The store also offers notary service. One of the major Services Harry Bosman, owner, talked about was the USPS Every Door Direct Mail Retail service offered. Every Door Direct Mail service from the US Postal Service lets you reach every address in a neighborhood without needing names or street addresses. You save the cost of renting mailing lists and printing specific addresses. Every Door Direct Mail is great for sending coupons, announcing sales, and much more. Your local printer can help you get started and will help you design your mail piece to your specifications. Your routes will be selected to maximize your opportunity; choose by zip code or up to a 5 –mile radius. Your mail pieces will be printed at a low cost at the highest quality, and bundled as required by the Post Office. Your mailing manifest and bundle cover slips for your entire mailing will be completed as required. Your mailing pieces will be delivered or shipped to the appropriate Post Office(s) that will deliver your mailing. For more information, or to get started on your Every Door Direct Mailing, contact The UPS Store # 6044 today (850) 576-3333 5 2014 Welcome New Chamber Members Business Excellence Winners Start - Up Business Flying Papi ● Business Welcome Niraj Patel - Barn Enterprise Inc., DBA Barn’s Spirits – specializing in fine wines and other alcoholic beverages 1306 Coastal Hwy, Panacea, FL 32346 850.713.0181 Crawfordville Auto & Tire ● Welcome Josh Brown - Waypoint Properties – specializing in real estate Non - Profit Wakulla County Senior Center ● Environmental Stewardship Hydra Engineering and Construction, LLC ● PO Box 56/3004 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, FL 32326 850.926.9100 Welcome Gregory Cohen and Sarah Kelly - Wakulla Springs Lodge – specializing in hospitality and events The Lodge at Wakulla Springs, 550 Wakulla Park Drive, Wakulla Springs, FL 32327 (850) 421-2000 Welcome Mark Mitchell - Panacea Waterfronts Florida Partnership, Inc. – specializing in revitalization of the historical culture of Panacea – PO Box 212, Panacea, FL, 32346 [email protected] Member Janice Eakin ● Director Mary Wallace ● Wakulla Area Business Purrs and Waggs Healthy Pets Save the Date: Ribbon Cuttings: Panhandle Pizza - Under new ownership , 10 am, Monday, October 5, 2015 , 2698 - Crawfordville Hwy Harbor Point Realty & Vacation Rentals, 11:30 am, Tuesday, October 6, 2015 3038 - B Crawfordville Hwy., Crawfordville (Intersection of Hwy 319 & MLK Junior Memorial Rd) Business Excellence Awards Banquet: 6 pm, Thursday, November 19, 2015 at Wakulla Senior Center, 33 Michael Drive, Crawfordville 6
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