Production Resume PDF


Production Resume PDF
D O C U M E N T A R I E S “The Brain’s Way of Healing” “Tough Choices: Beyond Disaster” (“The Nature of Things”-CBC 2016-In Production)
(CITY TV 2011)
“Reefer Riches” “Customer (Dis) Service” (“First Hand”-CBC 2015)
(“Doc Zone”-CBC 2011)
“It Takes Guts” “Execution Under Fire” (“The Nature of Things”-CBC 2015)
(Global 2011)
“Imagining Canada” “A Mother’s Ordeal” (“Doc Zone”-CBC 2015-In Production)
(Global 2011)
“When Elephants Were Young” “We Will Remember Them” (Theatrical Film Feature Documentary-Elee Productions Inc. 2015)
(CBC 2010)
“The Hunt for Franklin’s Lost Ships” “Apocalypse 2012” (“The Nature of Things”-CBC 2015)
(“Doc Zone”-CBC 2010)
“State of Incarceration” “Changing Your Mind” (“Doc Zone”-CBC 2014)
(“The Nature of Things”-CBC 2010)
“Two of a Kind” “Revealed: No Country for Animals” (“Doc Zone” & Nature Of Things”-CBC 2014)
(Global 2010)
“Out of Mind, Out of Sight” “Revealed: Missing the Target” (NFB/TVO 2014-Best in Hot Docs 2014)
(Global 2010)
“Bipolarized” “Tattoo Odyssey” (Shaw 2013)
(Smithsonian/Bravo/CBC 2010)
“Wind Rush” “The Four Seasons of Isadore Sharp” (“Doc Zone”-CBC 2013)
(Rogers 2010)
“Tough Choices: The Next Chapter” “Away From Home” (CITY TV 2013)
(TSN/CTV 2010)
“Not Criminally Responsible” “Life With Murder” (NFB/CBC 2013)
(NFB/CTV 2010-2011 Emmy Award)
“The Norse: An Arctic Mystery” “Nature Conservancy of Canada” (“Doc Zone”-CBC 2012)
(CTV 2009)
“Tough Choices: Gridlock” “Plan Canada-­‐A Plan for Children” (CITY TV 2012)
(CTV 2009)
“Sick Kids: Where Courage Lives” “The Outcasts” (CTV 2012)
(Omni 2009)
“The Stone Thrower” “Revealed: Hip 2B Holy” (Engraved on a Nation-TSN 2012)
(Global 2009)
“The Greatest Team That Never Won” “The Adventurers” (Engraved on a Nation-TSN 2012)
(4 Part Documentary Series for “The Nature of Things”-CBC 2008)
“The Real Dirt on Gossip” “The Brain That Changes Itself” (“Doc Zone”-CBC 2012)
(“The Nature of Things”-CBC 2008)
“The Underground Railroad: The William Still Story” “Rude: Where Are Our Manners” (PBS 2012)
“Tough Choices: Labour’s Pain” (CITY TV 2011)
(CBC 2008)
D O C U M E N T A R I E S “The Sky’s The Limit” (CBC 2007)
(CBC 2008)
“A Window Opens-­‐Margaret & Sophie Trudeau in Ethiopia” “Mall Santa” (CTV 2007)
(Global 2008)
“Faith Without Fear (The Trouble with Islam)” “Revealed: The Path to War” (PBS & Global 2007)
(Global 2008)
“Light at the Edge of the World” “The Heart of a Child” (4 Part Documentary Series-National Geographic 2006)
(CTV 2008)
“Sharkwater” “Sinner in Paradise” (CTV 2007)
(Additional music for the Theatrical Feature Documentary
- Alliance Atlantis 2006)
“Monster in the Family Part II” “Monster in the Family” (CTV 2007)
“Bravo Company: Kandahar” “Life & Times-­‐“Moses Znaimer” (History Television 2007)
“Welcome to Canadaville” “Life & Times-­‐“Peter C. Newman” (CTV 2007)
“The Crazy Eights-­‐Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan” “Return to Dog River-­‐Story of Corner Gas” (CTV-2005)
“The Secret Mulroney Tapes” (CBC 2005)
“They Built the Railway” (4 Part Documentary Series-The History Channel-2004)
“Rage Against the Darkness” (3 Part Documentary Series-CBC-2004-Hot Docs Best Feature)
“Balance” (9 Part Documentary Series-CTV-2002-2004)
Life & Times-­‐“John Kenneth Galbraith” (CBC-2004)
Witness-­‐“The Season” (CBC-2003)
T E L E V I S I O N S E R I E S “CTV and CTV2” Network ID World Junior Hockey Championships (2011-2013)
(TSN 1991-2013)
“On the Fly” “The Discovery Channel Mars ID” (NHL Network Daily Series-2008/2013)
(Network ID-2007)
“The NHL Network Branding” Sportsdesk -­‐Theme and Bumpers (Network IDs and all broadcast branding elements-2008-2013)
for daily magazine series “Valerie Pringle Has Left The Building” (TSN-1994-2001)
(10 Part Series-CTV-2005)
The Sports Network On Air Graphics “The Discovery Channel Network Branding” (TSN-1994-2001)
(Network IDs and all broadcast branding elements-2005-2008)
TSN Blue Jays/Expos Baseball-­‐ “CTV Network Branding” Themes and Bumpers for all baseball games (Network IDs and all broadcast branding elements-2004-2011)
“Monster By Mistake” (Cambium Productions/Catapult Animated Series YTV & Buena Vista-19992008)
Report on Business Television-­‐Network IDs and most show Themes & Bumpers (2002-2013)
The Fifth Estate-­‐Series Theme (CBC-1995-2011)
Off the Record-­‐Series Theme and Bumpers for daily magazine show (TSN-1997-2013)
CFL Football on TSN-­‐ Theme and Bumpers for all CFL football games (TSN-1993-2007)
The Giller Prize (Bravo, CTV, CBC 1995-2006)
Pontiac World of Skiing (TSN 2007)
F I L M S A N D F E A T U R E S Sharkwater” “Rescue Me” (Additional music-Theatrical Documentary Film 2005)
(Lovesong Television Films-Television Feature Film)
“First Degree” “Lonely Knights” (Norstar Theatrical Feature Film Starring Rob Lowe 1995)
(Lovesong Television Films-Television Feature Film)
“Betrayal of Silence” “Uncut Gem” (Telestories Entertainment-Television Feature Film)
(Telestories Entertainment-Television Feature Film)
“Final Judgment” “Pictures on Water” (Telestories Entertainment-Television Feature Film)
(Shaftesbury Films Featuring Liona Boyd)
“Nahanni-­‐River of Gold” (Henry Less Productions)
“Camilla” (Miramax 1994-Theatrical Feature Film-Music Editor)
A L B U M S Rebecca Timmons-­‐“The Turing Event” (1998) Producer/Player
Liona Boyd-­‐”Paddle to the Sea” (CBS Records 1990) Producer and Special Effects
The Jitters-­‐”The Jitters” (Capitol Records 1988) Player
Pink Floyd World Tour 1987 Synthesizer Programmer

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