austin -
austin -
·~ • p ••• LATE LUNCH? WE'RE OPEN! ~~~TI~~~~ Serving continuously from 2113 Manor Road 11:00 AM -1 0:00 PM 4 blocks east of 1-35 Monday through Saturday 476-5858 Welcoming all of Texas to the March on Austin • • t' II _ I' \ ~~30' ••• ..., MARCH ON AUSTIN '?tvt~ ~ 11·11 MON·SAT 1·7 SUNDAYS 512 ~. II> austin • 47f-K35f © 1989 BY TWT MAGAZINE. THIS MAP MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED WHOLLY OR IN PART WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHER. AUSTIN ~ 1'--1,,,, "II( • ~ o{ ..;,!;;Q • >E"EP~K ALLGO (Austin Latino/a Lesbian & Gay Organization) Request The Pleasure Of Your Company For Our Tejano Dance Saturday, April 29 9:30pm To 2:00am Texas Ballroom Hyatt Regency Hotel 208 Barton Springs Road Live Music By Bandango Special Guest Performance By Sweet Savage, Miss Gay Texas For Information Call A March On Austin Event (512) 280-6107 Cash Bar $10.00 At The Door "--"u' " G \ \ \ , \~ II \, \ \ TRAVEL MarchonAustinMap 19 NEWS March on Austin this Sunday, April 30 33 COVER FEATURE March on Austin Schedule of Events 36 HIGHLIGHT The AIDS Memorial Quilt Comes to Austin 39 COMMENT letters to the Editor 49 VIEWPOINT Do We Need a Switchboard? by Ron Mohring 53 BOOKS Tangled Up In Blue Reviewed by Bob Dineen 55 BACKSTAGE AI Hirschfeld, Geoffrey Ballet, Susan Lucci 10 by Dona/evan 59 CLASSIC TWT 65 HOT TEA Austin Welcomes Maines 6 Years Ago This Week in Texas by Dona/evan Maines Texas & Nation to Historic March SNAPSHOTS Mr. Texas 1989 Pageant SPORTS Houston Winter Season Bowling Results by80bbyMlller 79 STARSCOPE Your May Starscope by Milton von Stern 83 CALEN DAR Special One-Time Only and Nonprofit Community 84 CLASSIFIED Want Ads and Notices 92 GUIDE Texas Business I Club Directory 73 75 Events TWT(This Week in Texas) ispubiished by Texas Weekly Publishing Co 3900 Lemmon Ave. In Dallas. Texas 75219 and 811Westheimer in Houston, Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its stott. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization In articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: 569 per yeer, 555 per half year. Back issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompcny all orders. Copyright © 1989 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, orticle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT Is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • PAGE 13 \\WI - ONCE AGAIN A Bar for the Women & Men of Arlington •-~=B !. Circulation: DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521·0622 BRITCHES • BLOOMERS 809 North Collins Arlington 860-8717 V Join in our monthlong Welcome Home Celebration --------- - Coming: May 23 - MR. GAYARLINGTON @ ~o~~:}~r~:~::~~J ,~~tf",",,,,~ an official preliminary to Mr. Texas All-American I ""':'.::~::\ PAGE 16 ASSOCIATE Richord Bong e~?~l'-Q FllJ~S' (713) 527·9111 ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Donalevan Aranha Maines Patrick SPORTS EDITOR Bobby Miller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 0. Flores Alvarez. Mitch Bartlow. Brian Keever. Donalevan Maines. David Meunier. Milton von Stern. Phil Johnson. w.w. Wells III TYPOGRAPHERS Richard Hebert. Bobby Miller DISTRIBUTION Shane Ruff STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Corl Davis. Julie Hollingsworth. G.w. King. Michael McKinney. Roger Rutherford. Chris Zimmerman SALES EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER Jim Veteto Advertising rates ore available on request by tele· phoning the salesperson in your nearest city. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday. one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Com pian and Chris Zimmerman . (512) 443·1971 DALLAS Alan Gellman . (214) 521·0.622 FORT WORTH Steve Miles (214) 521·0.622 HOUSTON Jim Veteto . ~YUQJlVJ(s stilll tile ~ilRft . ~serVjce vv. • I ART DIRECTORS I Kent Edson Smith NEWS EDITOR Chuck Bobby ~~l\r~b Patrick GRAPHIC ARTISTS Porro Hector Barrientos. Craig William ~u ~~"iclV{j includes' eJJl8€JllG~IlS . Hours: 9 a.m.-S p.rn. Weekdays Closed Saturday 811Westheimer. Suite 106 Houston. Texas 77006 Houston Fax Line (713)S27-930S • & llow Hours: 11am.-S prn. Closed Thursday and Sunday 3900 Lemmon Ave .. Suite 220 Dallas. Texas 7S219 Dallas Fax Line (214)S21-0638 HOUSTON OFFICE OUr lVcfJ; ~ 712ND.~"A •• 20,000 PUBLISHER Chuck • J::t~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly (713) 527·9111 SAN ANTONIO / CORPUS CHRISTI Joe Virjan . (512) 828·70.72 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Arby Burnett TWT MAGAZINE © Texas Weekly Publishing Co. Owner-James D. Cagle TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 C a,ven Ent - ~Ob'n' erpl'/ses' e . 11} n€Olirages !'tiIlCJt Orv J\!JS1},y ~'7'l1oneto atte"d Ih s ~eekend;' e. NEWS San Francisco City Supervisor Harry Britt will keynote the banquet at the Hyatt Hotel. It's scheduled for 7:30 p.m. this Saturday night. Scott Lago of the Names Project will be at Palmer Auditorium where the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be unfurled this Saturday evening at 6 p.m. ceremonies. The quilt will remain on display all day Sunday. See HIGHLIGHT feature. Rev. Jesse Jackson has been invited to keynote rally at statehouse following this Sunday's noon march up congress Ave. to State Capitol. MARCH ON AUSTIN THIS WEEKEND March to Capitol, Quilt, Candlelight Walk, Rally, Banquet, Concerts & Dances Highlight Historic Weekend. AUSTIN - The long awaited March on Austin weekend has arrived. The four-day and night affair begins this Friday, April 28 with open house at the Driskill Hotel and continues through next Monday's AIDS action demonstration on Lobby Day at the State Capitol. Never before in the history of Texas have so many gathered in one place to march and rally for lesbian and gay rights. Thousands are expected. Harry Brill of San Francisco keynotes this Saturday's benquet at the Hyatt Regency. TWT NEWS photo. Some very big names are in Austin for the weekend's activities. Rev. Jesse Jackson has been invited to be the keynote speaker for this Sunday's rally on the State House steps. Confirmation was pending at press time, TWT NEWS learned. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • Nat'l tour dIrector Scott Lago in Austin for quilt showing at Palmer AuditorIum. TWT NEWS photo. Teresa Trull and Dianne Davidson will be in concert Friday night at the Austin Crest. Bandango entertains at this Saturday night's Tejano Dance at the Hyatt Ballroom. Sunday is the big day for the march up Congress Avenue to the State Capitol. It begins at high noon, followed by a rally on the statehouse steps. Then it's off to Waterloo Park for an outdoor festival from 2 to 6 p.m. Following the festival, participants will light candles at dusk for an AIDS Memorial Walk back to Palmer Auditorium where closing ceremonies at 8 p.m. will cap the historic day. Founder of the Nat'l Names Project, Cleve Jones, welcomes all . Texans to see the quilt this weekend. TWT NEWS photo. Monday, May 1, gives new meaning to May Day with an AIDS Action Demonstration at the State Capitol. It will coincide with Lobby Day. For an up-to-date schedule of events, see this week's COVER STORY. PAGE 19 JOB SEARCH WORKSHOP MCCDALLAS HOSTS AUTHOR OLCS Invites Public to Hear Career Consultant Help Polish Employment Resumes. Father McNeill Brings His Controversial Message about Gays To Dallas Church This Weekend. DAllAS - Internationally known author and lecturer Father John McNeill brings his message of "furthering the Gospel's objective of true human liberation" to Dallas this weekend, April30-May 1. He will be speaking and autographing his books at the Metropolitian Community Church of Dallas, 2701 Reagan. Father McNeill will be a pulpit guest at MCC-Dallas' regularly scheduled 7:15 p.m. service this Sunday. Then on Monday, May 1, at 7:15 p.m., Father McNeill will be the quest of Dignity-a support group for Catholic gays and lesbians. Both appearances will be at MCC-Dallas. McNeill said he'll autograph copies of his books The Church and the Homosexual and his newest book Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians and' Their Lovers, Familys and Friends, following each program. Copies of both books will be available at the MCCDallas bookstore. "In all cultures and in every period of history, a certain percentage of men and women develop as gays and lesbians. These individuals should be considered as part of God's creative plan," McNeill wrote. "Their sexual orlentatlon has no necessary connection with sin, sickness, or failure; rather it is a gift from God to be accepted and lived out with gratitude. God does not despise anything that God has created," McNeill has written. Father McNeill describes Taking a Chance on God as a personal book havi ng drawn heavily on his experience. He challanges traditional church positions on human sexuality. He holds that sexual fulfillment is not the exclusive right of heterosexuals, that human beings do not choose their sexual orientation, they discover it; and that "the only healthy and holy Christian response to a lesbian or gay orientation is to learn to accept it and live out in a way that is consonant with Christian values." Prior to this visit to MCC-Dallas, Father McNeill will be a featured speaker at this weekend's March on Austin. PAGE 20 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 Zacharias (r) of Hermann Trust presents grant money to Janet Cohen (I), director of AFH development TWTNEWSphoto by Karl Dunajski. Lee AFH RECEIVES $13,395 FUNDING Hermann Trust & Broadway Cares Make Double Donation for PWA Transportation Expenses. HOUSTON - AIDS Foundation Houston [AFH] has been awarded $13,395 in transportation funds for clients to travel to and from medical service appointments. The total came from two donations$10,895 from Hermann Trust Charitable Care Endowment and $2,500 from Broadway Cares, an AIDS support and resource organization of the New York theatrical community. "These funds will provide about 1,440 one-way trips via taxi at an average cost of $9.30 pertrip," said Janet Cohen, director of development. "It's important for clients to be able to ride by taxi because of the amount of time this saves in emergency situations, compared to using public transportation," she said. "Transportation is an ever increasing need among people with AIDS because generally they are living longer and now are needing more outpatient medical attention. "These new funds will go a long way to restoring some dignity in providing a doorto-door delivery for clients to necessary medical attention," said Cohen. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • DALLAS - Oak lawn Community Services [OlCS] has advised TWT NEWS that it is conducting two one-day workshops to give all the answers. George Anderson, career consultant, will address important issues such as finding ajob fast, learning to network, boosting your self-confidence and how to start looking. The next job search process workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, reported Gary Swisher of OlCS. "Once you've mastered the job search, you may need help in polishing up your resume writing and interviewing skills," he said. "Come by on May 6, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., when Anderson will help you learn what to include in a resume and how to put your best foot forward in an interview." To enroll in the programs contact the OlCS offices at (214)520-8108. AUSTIN ROOMMATE REFERRAL SERVICE Gay Student Network Formed In Capital City to Help Gay & Bisexual Apt. Dwellers. AUSTIN - The Capital City has a new roommate referral service, called the Gay Student Network [GSN]. It began operation on April 1. A spokesperson explained that it's a roommate referral service for people who are gay or bisexual or who are wi IIing to live with someone gay or bisexual. The service said it was accepting listings for any location in the state. Persons wishing to be listed were asked to send the information requested on the registration cards or call (512)462-0305. Those who would like to obtain a copy of the service's "Have Housing" or "Need Housing" listings were asked to send $2 to P.O. Box 2585, Austin, TX 78768. Specify which list you want and for what city, and be sure to include a complete return address, said GSN. Registering to get listed is free and registrants are not required to order a list. PAGE 21 First Annual Houston Conference On AIDS In America Conference Director Conference co- Director Conference Coordinator DALLAS CANDIDATES FORUM TUESDAY Adan Rios, M.D. Gordon Crofoot, M.D. Lynne K. Tiras, CMP This year AIDS as it relates to the workplace, with its associated impact on the overall economy as well as the future of legislative efforts designed to help in the solution of this tragic problem in Texas, forms the core of the First Houston Conference on AIDS in America. There has been no limitation in our effort in bringing together a distinguished faculty for this event. ~ Hyatt Regency Houston Houston, Texas May 11-12, 1989 Keynote Speaker Luc Montagnier, M.D., Head of the Viral Oncology Unit, Department of Virology. Institut Pasteur, Paris, France The conference is open to health care workers, employers, and employees. In addltlon, it is also open for registration to any member of the general public who may have Interest in learning more about this rather Important issue. Program Thursday, May 11, 1989 7:30 a.m. Registration Continental Breakfast 8:30 Welcome Adan Rios, M.D., Houston, Texas 8:50 Announcements 9:00 9:45 10:00 10:45 11:00 11:45 The Evolution of Human Immunodeficiency Viruses and Their Role with the Pathogenesis of AIDS Luc Montagnier, M.D., Paris, France Break Confronting AIDS: The San Francisco Experience Paul Volberding, M.D., SanFrancisco, California Questions and Answers Special Discount for nurses. The Texas Legislative Task Force on AIDS: A Look to the Future The Reverend Chris C. Steele, Houston, Texas Questions and Answers For further information contact: International Meeting Managers, Inc. 4550 Post Oak Place,Suite 248 Houston, Texas77027 (713) 965-0566 12:00 p.m. Lunch Break 1:00 1:45 AIDS In the Workplace Alan Emery, Ph.D., San Francisco, California Substance Abuse Eugene Degner, M.D., Houston, Texas 2:30 Break 2:45 The Medical Care of the AIDS Patient Gordon Crofoot, M.D., Houston, Texas 3:30 Panel Discussion Moderator: R. Palmer Beasley,M.D., Dr. Degner, Dr. Emery. Dr. Montagnier, Dr. Volberding Overview Adan Rios, M.D., Houston, Texas 4:30 Fees The $275.00 registration fee includes tuition. syllabus, continental breakfasts, coffee breaks. and the Thursday evening dinner. Written notification of cancellation must be received prior to May 4, 1989to obtain partial refund of fee (a $25.00 administrative fee is retained); thereafter no refunds will be made. We reserve the right to limit registration and cancel the course no less than one week prior to the course should circumstances make this necessary. Tuition in full will then be refunded. 7:30 p.m. First Annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner Friday, May 12. 1989 7:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:00 Announcements Introduction of Morning Topics Adan Rios, M.D .• Houston. Texas 8:30 The Economic Impact of AIDS Anne A. Scitovsky, Palo Alto. California 9:15 Health Screening Professor Mark A. Rothstein. Houston. Texas 10:00 Break 10:15 AiDS and Minorities Juan Ramos. Ph.D .• Rockville, Maryland 11:00 Panel Discussion Juan Ramos, Ph.D., Rockville, Maryland Professor Mark. A. Rothstein, Houston, Texas Anne A. Scitovsky, Palo Alto. California 12:00 p.m. Conference is adjourned Special Event Hyatt RegencyBallroom. Thursday. May 11. 7:30 p.m, The First Annual Humanitarian Awards Dinner honoring The Honorable William P. Hobby Lieutenant Governor, State of Texas I I I II I I I II - - - - --;;:~istra~;:- - - - --I I First Annual Houston Conference On AIDS In America May 11-12. 1989 Please print or type to assure accuracy for your name badge Name Texans Among 1,600 at Largest Ever Lesbian and Gay Health Conference. _ Address ------------------------------City Telephone No. ( DALLAS -- Everyone is invited to the Candidates Forum next Tuesday, May 2, at 6:45 p.m. at the Oak Lawn United Methodist Church, corner of Oak Lawn Ave. and Cedar Springs. There's ample parking in the rear, stated Mark Shekterof the Oak Lawn Committee. Meet the candidates for mayor and city council Places 2 and 5 which include Oak Lawn, as well as Place 9 and 10 At Large. They'll all be there, TWT NEWS was advised. Each candidate will present their position in opening remarks, then the audience will have the opportunity to ask questions. Sponsors for this Forum are the Oak Lawn Committee and the Oak Lawn Forum. Both are community organizations working for a prosperous future in which the quality of life is only improved for the citizens in Oak Lawn. "At this late point in the campaign, there should be some lively exchanges between candidates," stated Shekter. "And, Oak Lawners will be putting the tough questions to those who seek to represent them." There will be reserved seating, and plenty of coffee, he told TWT NEWS. NAT'L HEALTH CONFERENCE The Honorable Gibson D. (Gib) Lewis Speaker, Texas House of Representatives The ReverendChris C. Steele Chair. Legislative Task Force on AIDS State of Texas I I Meet the Meyoriel & City Council Candidates in a Lively Debate and Q & A. State ) Co. Name Check One 0 Institutional 0 Corporation Zip Degree Affiliation 0 Other _ _ Title 0 Private Practice FEE: US (Check Payable to First Annual Conference on AIDS In America) S275,()()-Participants A special rate of $100.00 will apply to students, upon verification of student status. Return this form and check to: First Annual Houston Conference on AIDS In America c/o International Meeting Managers, Inc. 4550 Post Oak Place, Suite 248 ~U,::.Texas7702~(713)965'05~ _. __ I SAN FRANCISCO -- Many prominent Texans were among the 1,600 lesbian and gay health officials who attended the early April National Lesbian & Gay Health Foundation Conference. "It was the largest ever," reported Houston's Bill Scott, who is president of NLGHF. Counselor Robert Williams called it "a powerful conference." Ann Robinson, executive director of the Montrose Counseling Center, said she felt the best thing to come out of the conference was "good networking. People from Houston counselor Bill ScoHproudly unfurls the Texas flag at the recent national Gay & Lesbian Health Conference in San Francisco. TWTNEWSstaff photo. all over the country had the opportunity to get together and share ideas," she told TWT NEWS. Houston attorney Patricia O'Kane said the keynote speech was delivered by Dr. Mervyn Silverman, director of the American Federation of AIDS Research [AM-FAR]. The conference attracted prominent persons working with AIDS-related issues such as politics, research, counseling, legal, insurance, employment and medical. "When the best and brightest come together it can only be for the good," observed Bea Roman, director of the National Gay & Lesbian Health Foundation. After a decade, the eleventh annual conference finally succeeded in becoming what it always wanted to be--a national gathering of gay and lesbian health workers. But the conference was dogged by a stormy snafu at the hands of the Immigration and Naturalization Service [INS] when Hans Paul Verhoef, a Dutch PWA, was detained at the shores of the United States. For a while it looked like the INS wouldn't let him in the country because he has AI DS. But, after some quick maneuvering, the PWA was allowed entry into America; but only after the affair had turned into a circus sideshow, almost overshadowing in the media the importance of the national conference. There were complaints that the conference was unorganized and that the $170 cost per registrant was too high. "Some 1 TWT APRIL28 - MAY 4 1989 • PAGE 23 Jim Smith, D.O., is a family practice physician who has been involved in AIDSrelated projects in both Tarrant and Dallas counties. Rounding out the slate of new boardmembers is Angela King, M.S.W., who works as director of Mental Retardation Services for Volunteers of America. These four board members take office as the center enters its fourth year. The Community Outreach Center was formerly the Fort Worth Counseling Center until a year ago April, when it changed its name and structure. It is located at 1125 W. Peter Smith at South Henderson. Thomas Bruner is executive director. Houston NLGHF. attorney Patricia O'Kane, boardmember of TWT NEWS photo. persons with AIDS were bumped out," reported Judith Stevenson, new director of Operation Concern. The quote of the conference, all agreed, came from Carmen Vazquez, director of San Francisco's Lesbian & Gay Health Services. "America Isn't Doing Shit" is the new acronym for this disease, AIDS, remarked Vazquez. 4 BOARD MEMBERS ARE ELECTED Community Outreach Center Of Fort Worth Names Urwin, Brownlie, Smith & King. FORT WORTH - The Community Outreach Center has announced the election of four new members to its board of directors. All fou r wi II serve a two-year term of office. Among the new members is Charlene Urwin, Ph.D., currently serving as director of the Social Work Program at TCU. She comes to the board after several years of working with the center in numerous volunteer capacities. Peter Brownlie, executive director of Planned Parenthood of North Texas, has worked closely with the AIDS Coordinating Council of Tarrant County. He currently serves as chairof that organization's Task Force. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • HIV EDUCATOR LOPEZ HIRED AIDS Services of Austin Says Sylvia Lopez Joins Staff at New Position. AUSTIN - Sylvia Lopez has joined the ASA education staff in the newly-created position of HIV educator, the result of a grant from the Texas Department of Health. Her responsibilities will include working on efforts focused on wellness programs for HIV-positive persons. She will also assist with the safer sex workshops, which are designed to educate people about the transmission of the AIDS virus, reported ASA's Lew Aldridge. Born and raised in EI Paso, Lopez has lived in Austin forthe past six years. With a BA from UT-Austin and an MS in health care administration from the University of Northern Colorado, she has spent all of her professional life in health care. She comes to ASA from the AustinTravis County Health Department, where she was acounselor in the HIV screening program, first as a volunteer and then as a staff member. Prior to that she was a departmental manager at St. Mary's Hospital and then at an HMO, both in Tucson. Lopez said she views her new job as a natural progression from her previous ATCHD post. She said that's where she became aware of a gap in services between the time a person was informed of his or her HIV-positive status and the time the person needed the medical and support services of ASA. PAGE 25 HOTZE ATTACKS AIDS FUNDING GET Rev. Chris Steele and Glen Maxey Come to Quick Defense of State Budget. III NATIONWIDE ~ AUSTIN - Dr. Steven Hotze was up to his old tricks again last week in the Texas Legislature when he pulled out some of his badly wom fundamentalist cards out of his homophobic bag of tricks. Hotze, long-time enemy of the state's large gay community, appeared before the House Public Health Committee saying that "the so-called AIDS epidemic has really been overblown." Hotze conjured up some unsettling statistics that showed that more people in Texas had died of heart attacks and tumors than of AIDS. "Why then this preoccupation with AIDS?" he asked. LGRL lobbyist Glen Maxey had some quick answers. But most of all, Maxey labeled Hotze "a sick man." Maxey was quick to point out that AIDS is not solely a gay male disease. An outraged Maxey debunked Hotze's diatribe. CONFERENCE ... with up to 8 uninhibited 121 ~ f3l l.:,.I f4l I..;;.,J 151 l.:,.I ~f~~n!~on~AN connection with the next caller; ~!~st~~!£!-AI they want. Leave your answer for them in complete privacy anytime. R~o~!~!ide VOIC, Retrieve your replies anytime from your private mailbox. She was quick to tell the facts. Lingering erroneous fears that AIDS can be spread casually are medically false, she stated. Her remarks were made after Hotze told lawmakers, "The way to eliminate the disease is to isolate and find out who has the disease and deal with them accordingly." Rev. Chris Steele says Dr. Hotze doesn't have his facts right about how AIDS can and cannot be spread. TWTNEWSphoto. Houston's gay community unfondly remembers Hotze for kicking up all kinds of untruths about gays in the campaign to defeat Houston's gay rights referendum four years ago. Austin's gay community also unfondly remembers Hotze, especially for kicking up other untruths about gays prior to capital city voters passing a fair housing ordinance in the early 80s. ~~~r!t~~od~!-1 connections. YOUNG ADULT Lobbyist Glen Maxey is outraged over Dr. Hotze's unnumenitsrian statements. "Hotzeisas;ckman said Maxey. •, II TWTNEWSphoto. Also quick to come to the community's defense was Rev. Chris Steele, an Episcopal minister from Houston who headed Lieutenant Govemor William Hobby's Task Force on AIDS. She accused Hotze of not knowing what he was talking about when it came to AIDS and gays. "It's one thing for individuals in the general population to have a less than adequate understanding, but we have people [like Hotze] making decisions based on inadequate information," Steele charged. Steele also said she was concemed about some lawmakers' plans to pass bills that would prosecute anyone with AIDS who intentionally spreads the disease. "'"" 9 Only 95e ~.r. 'No charges a . - no operaton ;G~: in the U.S. V ".~"0,.,£ ",'"'" billed by Pho ' . PAGE 26 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 APPOINTMENTS Nat'l Gay Alliance for Young Adults in Dallas Seeking to Expand Board of Directors. DALLAS - The National Gay Alliance for Young Adults, Inc. [NGAYA] has advised TWT NEWS that it is seeking individuals to expand its Board of Directors. There are no age restrictions [above 18] to serve on the board, and these individuals can take pride in helping the future leaders of the gay community as well as helping those who support the gay community from outside. The board said it was seeking general participants as well as individuals with experience in accounting and bookkeeping, data management and computer programming, fund-raising, public relations, law interpretation and organizational development. PAGE 27 WILK&FLINT ..Your lawyers jor • Personal Injury • Job-Related Injuries • All Insurance Cases • Criminal Cases as low as $150 FREE CONSULTATION 14th Floor 3710 Rawlins. 522-4878 No specializalion implied • Dallas, Texas BIG CITY NEWS &VIDEO 10105 GULF FREEWAY (exit Edgebrook) HOUSTON, TX 947·8999 - NEW LOW VIDEO RENTAL PRICES IN EFFECT 7 DAYS A WEEK -WE CARRY YOUR FAVORITE MONTHLY PUBLICATIONS PLAYGIRL -ADVOCATE -IN TOUCH eEl -. ~ - PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED STADIUM BOOKSTORE 4629 W. 34th (exit W. 34th & Mangum) HOUSTON, TX 683·1886 PAGE. 28 Although board positions are generally two-year terms, some of the upcoming appointments will be to complete the remaining year of terms. The terms will begin in July. The board meets regularly fourtimes a year and requires that at least one meeting be attended in person. The remaining meetings may optionally be attended through teleconferencing. Board members may reside in any city, but must be a member of NGA VA. All interested individuals were asked to call (214)701-3455, or write to Board of Directors, NGAYA, P.O. Box 190426. RA~zzi-E -----DAZZLE DALLAS ~ Texas AIDS Network Meets This Friday & Saturday at Austin Crest. AUSTIN - The first networking conference sponsored by. the newly organized Texas AIDS Network [TAN] is scheduled for this weekend, April 28-29. To be held at the Austin Crest Hotel, the conference will be an informal session centering on meeting others involved in AIDS work and sharing ideas to promote a more comprehensive statewide approach to this disease, reported Paul Clover. The Friday morning session will focus on accessing national and statewide services and funding in presentations by June Hornerof Health Resources and Services Administration of the Centers for Disease Control; Christie Reed, director of the AIDS Division of Texas Department of Health [TDH]; Emily Untermeyer, former director of the Legislative Task Force on AIDS; and Dr. Robert Bernstein, Commissioner of Health for the state of Texas. Rev. Chris Steele, chair of the Legislative Task Force, will present the keynote address, Clover announced. Friday afternoon and Saturday morning will focus on roundtable discussions about services, education and administration. The conference will conclude this Saturday morning with a plenary session with current boardmembers on the future of Texas AIDS Network, Clover reported. The networking conference is being given with assistance byTDH. Questions can be addressed to Clover at (512)472-2273. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 _ Send to: R.D.D.·ag, P.O. Box 224562, Dallas, TX 75222-4562 Please send me: _ Advance Tickets at $12.95 each _ DiscountTickets(10 ormore)at$10.00 each - _ T-Shirts (Assorted Colors) 1 9 8 9 Saturday, June 24th _Sm. 8:00 pm _Med. _Lg. _X-Lg. at$8.00 each= _ . .......J<-Lg. at$8.00 each= _ Tank Tops (Assorted Colors) _Sm. fair Park Tower Building/Grand AUSTIN TAN CONFERENCE J _Med. _Lg Postage and Handling = ~ Place Total Enclosed = Air Conditioned Payment by Free Bus Shuttle Country Western Dancing Disco __ Check __ Mastercard Card No. __ Exp. Date _ VISA _ Signature Live Entertainment and Finals for the 1989 Mr, Miss,Ms Razzle Dazzle Dallas Contest • )------- --.,...--------Mojor CNer 50 Community Information Booths TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 Daytime Phone Number ( Beneficiaries: AIDS Resource Center, Oak Lawn Community PWA Coalition. Services, PAGE 29 ASHBURN'S fort Worth's Only B.Y.O.B. 1st ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - ALL WEEKLONG- MAY2nd-MAY 7th $2.50 BEER BUST 2PM-IIPM DAILY -PLUS- $1 CAN & BOTTLE BEER Opening-Closing Every Day Your Hosts George /l( Ronnie PAGE 30 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 EXTRA MILE AWARD BANQUET Ten Dallas Women Are Proudly Honored for Exemplary Service At April Ceremonies at Hilton. DAllAS - The second annual "Extra Mile Award" banquet was held April 8 at the Dallas Hilton Inn, honoring women who have given exemplary service to the community. Organized by lory HuittMasters, Molly Behannon, Suzie Fagg and Lavern Brooks of the Extra Mile Committee, the event recognized ten women for "going the extra mile in 1988". The event was hosted by the committee and last year's honorees. John Thomas, Executive Director of the AIDS Resource Center was the featured speaker. Entertainment forthe evening was provided by Sue Parker, and DJ Candy Cave furnished after-banquet music. Nancy Cheyne was recognized forfounding the PWA Supper Club, which provides hot meals to residents of the PWA Coalition's residence. Barbra Murrell was honored for "setting the stage" for numerous fundraising events, such as "The Magic of Peter Pan", "The Queen's Birthday Ball" and "The Sweetheart Prom". Lydian Allen and Stefanie Held, founders of Bryan's House, providing direct and respite care for children affected by AIDS, were recognized. Joanna Kessler, OlCS board member, was honored for her involvement in numerous fund raising efforts for the community and especially for her involvement in the initial grant that created the AIDS ARMS Network. Four women-Linda lee, Susan Venner, Bonnie West and Stephanie Spexarth-received joint recognition for their efforts in bringing about the "That's What Friends Are For" fundraiserto assist a friend with medical bills. Elinor "Tigie" lancaster was recognized for her "Guiding Role" as a therapist at OlCS, forencouraging participation by women on the OlCS board of directors, and for her early awareness and assistance to persons with AIDS. A special surprise award was presented to lory Huitt-Masters for her overall involvement in the community, especially for fundraising activities and her membership on many community boards.'w.f TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 II"- T ~~~e~;~~~c~~e~~~~A~) Your Personal • • • Physician for ... GENERAL MEDICINE IMMUNE AND SEXUAllY TRANSMITTEDDISEASES DISCREET,PERSONALIZED CONFIDENTIAL ATTENTION 3906 Lemmon Ave., Suite 210 (Located above La MadeleIne French Bakery at Reagan) Dallas, Texas 75219 (214) 520-7200 Answered 24 hours Visa & Mastercard Accepted PAGE 31 doesn't mean ~~THE MARCHON AUSTIN ,···;······.."',,,,""Jib,414 msii,,, ',' ,," ',",_""" .. J, T ~ e Bo -a you have to do it alone ... We've got workshops where you'll come just for the hanework! his week's cover story is this weekend's March on Austin. Shown on our cover is the banner which will be the official standard leading the march up Congress Avenue this Sunday, April 30. Step off time: high noon. The volunteers shown holding the official March on Austin banner are (I-r)Dennis Hatch, who is March Co-Chair; Dara Gray, who is Female Co-Chair; Mike Alfaro, who is People of Color Co-Chair; Diane Russel/, who is Treasurer for the March; and Rich Bailey, who is the March Organizer. Not shown is Delma Gomez, who is the other People of Color Co-Chair. These six Austinites are just a few of the many volunteers who have been working tirelessly to organize what is certain to go down in history as the Texas gay and lesbian community's finest hour. Printed here, in this cover story feature, is an up-to-date schedule of events as provided by the March on Austin Committee. w~ ~ FRIDAY, APRIL 28 To register or for further information, call one of the numbers below AIDS Foundation Houston (713) 623-6796 AIDS Services of Austin (512) 472-2273 Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation (512) 883-5815 Community Outreach Center Ft Worth (817) 335-1994 Oak Lawn Community Svcs Dallas (214) 520-8108 OASIS(Midland/Odessa) (915) 332-0738 Galveston AIDS Program (409) 765-2514 Southwest AIDS Committee EIPaso (915) 533-5003 TriangleAIDS Network Beaumont (409) 832-8338 Valley AIDS Council (512) 428-9322 San Antonio AIDS Foundation (512) 821-6128 PanhandleAIDS Support Org Amarillo (806) 358-2853 Welcome to Austin Open House The March Headquarters at the Driskill Hotel opens at 4 p.m. Friday. Come by to visit, pick up your Schedule of Events, buy buttons, posters and T-shirts or sign up to TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 be a volunteer at one of the weekend events. Cash bar. Trull and Davidson in Concert Begin the weekend with a bang! Come hear Dianne Davidson, Olivia Records' hottest new artist, play her full-band boogie blues. Teresa Trull will follow with her beltem-out rock and blues to keep you dancin' till midnight. Concert begins at 9 p.m. Friday at the Austin Crest. Sponsor: Live Wire Productions Lambda Students Reception A student mixer on Friday night 7-11 p.m. at the Driskill Hotel as a prelude to SaturPAGE 33 day's community college. Tickets at the door. Cash bar. Sponsor: San Antonio Lambda Students Alliance ~ \l SATURDAY, APRIL 29 Blood Sister Blood Drive Blood donations will be collected all day Saturday for the benefit of those persons at risk for AIDS. Information will be distributed on the how-to's of organizing similar drives in your community. Sponsor: Blood Sister/AIDS at Risk Donor Program. Gay Atheist Awakening Lesbian and Gay Atheists will awaken to Saturday Brunch from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Driskill Hotel. Guest speakers: Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair and Don Sanders, of American Gay Atheists. Sponsor: American Gay Atheists. Lesbian Sex by JoAnn Loulan Learn to identify and begin to change behaviors and beliefs that undermine sex and satisfaction. 10 a.m. until4 p.m. at the Crystal Ballroom, Driskill Hotel. Sponsor: Among Friends Dallas. Citizens' Tribunal A mock citizens' tribunal will be held at 4 p.m. on the steps of the Texas Supreme Court Bldg. (north of the Capitol) with state and national leaders and governmental agencies on trial for their inaction on AIDS and gay/lesbian civil rights issues. Everyone is invited to join as jurors! Sponsor: State ACT UP Chapters and GUTS [Gay Urban Truth Squad of Dallas]. Community College A continuing education opportunity on gayllesbian issues. Workshops, trainings, seminars, etc. are scheduled at the Hyatt on Saturday 1-6 p.m. and during the Festival on Sunday. All are free of charge. Interpreting services will be provided upon request. Names Project Quilt The Names Project Quilt is an international memorial of 3 ' x 6 ' fabric panels for persons who have died of AIDS. The quilt will be displayed at Palmer Auditorium beginning Saturday at 6 p.m. and all day Sunday 9a.m. untilB p.m. in its only Texas appearance this year. Sponsor: The Austin Names Project. PAGE 34 Tending the Flame Reception and gathering featuring guest speakers and dignitaries at the Hyatt courtyard from 7:30 to 10 p.m. No admission price. Cash bar. Sponsor: People of Color Caucus. March on Austin Banquet The March Organizing Committee invites you to attend a banquet featuring Harry Britt, President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom from 7:30-9:30 p.m. with Sponsors' Reception preceding. Tickets, sponsorships and tables available. Tickets $50. Tejano Dance Come celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the lesbian/gay Hispanic community with live music by the Tejano Music Award nominee Bandango. As an added attraction the nationally acclaimed Ballet Folklorico de Texas will perform in traditional costumes of period, Rounding off the entertainment will be none other than Miss Gay Texas, Sweet Savage. Festivities begin at 9:30 p.m. in the Texas Ballroom of the Hyatt. Tickets at the door $1O. Sponsor: ALLGO [Austin Latino/a Lesbian & Gay Organization]. w SUNDAY, APRIL 30 Ecumenical Religious Service Ecumenical worship services will be held at the Hyatt Ballroom on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. prior to the march. Featured speaker will be nationally known writer and lecturer, Father John McNeil, author of The Church and Homosexuality. Sponsor: Texas' Metropolitan Community Churches and other religious groups. March To State Capitol We'll begin gathering at 10 a.m. at Disch Field at the Austin Coliseum. Bring your signs and banners, your friends and your organizations! The march begins at high noon and will proceed up Congress Avenue to the Texas Capitol. Rally for Equal Rights Marchers will gather at the south entrance of the Capitol to hear from prominent speakers. The Rev. Jesse Jackson is among those who have been invited to speak, in addition to national political TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 leaders, statewide elected officials, national and state lesbian/gay leaders and Texas legislative officials. Festival at Waterloo Park Following the rally, enjoy live entertainment, arts, crafts and information booths including food and drink 2-7 p.m. at Waterloo Park, between Red River and Trinity, between 12th and 15th Street. Candlelight AIDS Walk The memorial walk begins at dusk [7:30 p.m.] from Waterloo Park to Palmer Auditorium for the B p.m. closing ceremonies of the Names Project Quilt. Sponsor: The Austin Names Project. MONDAY, MAY 1 LGRL Lobby Day at the Capitol Visit your State Senator and Re.presentative to discuss our legislative program. .LGRL will hold training sessions at various times during the weekend and on Monday morning. Prior appointments with Legislators helpful, call LGRL at (512)474-5475 for information. Sponsor: Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas. Capitol AIDS Action Demonstration Concerned citizens will demonstrate at the Capitol. Legislators will receive representations of each Texan who has died of AIDS and those who will be diagnosed by the end of the biennium. All participants are urged to attend the ACT UP training session on Saturday during the Gay/Lesbian Community College. Sponsor: State ACT UP Chapters and Dallas GUTS [Gay Urban Truth Squad]. w_ GOALS OF THE MARCH ON AUSTIN FOR LESBIAN/GAY EQUAL RIGHTS As partlctpants in the March on Austin for Lesbian/Gay Equal Rights we call for: • Adoption of laws to provide for protection of the equal civil rights of gays and lesbians and specific laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. • Legal recognition of lesbian and gay relationships, including parental rights and adoption. • Support for the right of lesbians and gays to serve without discrimination in the Armed Forces, National and State Guard, including local law enforcement agencies throughout the state. • Passage and enforcement of hate crimes legislation to end violence and harassment based on prejudice and hatred, especially as it applies to lesbians and gays. • Repeal of Section 21.06 of the Texas Penal Code which criminalizes lesbians and gays for adult consensual homosexual conduct. • Beproductlve freedom and the right to control our own bodies. • An end to discrimination against per- TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 •• sons living with HIV, ARC AIDS. • Substantial increases in funding for and easier access to effective AIDS prevention education, funding and expansion for research and a major revision of the Texas health care delivery system, especially for the indigent. • Access to and funding for new therapies, treatments and drugs for HIV disease. • An end to all social, economic, judicial and legal oppression of lesbians and gays, and people of every race, gender, ability, class, ethnicity, ideology, transgenderal orientation and sexual orientation. • An understanding that the struggles of gays and lesbians are affected by the racism and sexism which oppress people of color and women. Our liberation is intricately linked to the struggle against racism, sexism and discrimination on the basis of ethnicity. We call for an end to these problems on all levels within the lesbian and gay community as well as in the larger society, and support the right of self-determination for all people. \\&11 PAGE 35 IGHLIGHT (L-r)DaniBIHardy and Mary Gottwald of the Austin Names Project join national tour director Scott Lago during visit to the capital city. TWT NEWS photos by Chris Zimmerman. Palmer Auditorium on the shores of Austin's Town Lake-where the quilt is on display this Saturday evening and all day Sunday. he AIDS Memorial Quilt is in Austin this weekend-its only Texas stop on T its only tour of the country this year. Although admission is free, donations are accepted. "I first saw the AIDS Memorial Quilt in Washington, D.C. in 1987 and again in 1988," recalled Daniel Hardy, co-chairman of the Austin Names Project. "Like many others, I've lost close friends to AIDS. Seeing the quilt is overpowering and empowering at the same time. It was the most moving experience of my life." Statistics can tell a story, but numbers are impersonal. No matter how horrifying statistics are, people forget the human impact the numbers represent. "The quilt had and has so much meaning for me," stated Hardy, "I knew it would have meaning for many others. That's just one reason why we're bringing it to Austin this weekend." The Austin Names project, led by Hardy and Mary Gottwald, is a local chapter of the nonprofit Names Project Foundation of San Francisco, which started the quilt in 1987. A portion of the 9,000-panel quilt is being shown at Palmer Auditorium this Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and 30, to raise much needed funds for local organizations here in Texas that provide direct services to persons with AIDS. PAGE 36 The quilt is a response by lesbians, gay men, their friends and families to the devastation of AIDS. It vividly illustrates the human toll of the disease. The quilt consists of individual 3 ' x 6' panels [the size of a grave], each of which remembers the life of a person who has died of AIDS-and for each panel, four other men and women in the U.S. are also dead from the disease. Memorial panels have been received from thousands of individuals and groups from all 50 states and 13 foreign countries. "We have had workshops in Austin where people who've been touched by AI DS can make panels for their friends and loved ones," explains Mary Gottwald. There have also been sewing workshops this spring in Dallas and Houston. "Like Daniel, I saw the quilt in Washington and experienced what the quilt means to so many people. The panels we've made are now being displayed at Palmer Auditorium and then incorporated in the national quilt." According to Hardy, the Austin Names Project had three goals for the April 29 and 30 weekend. "Viewing the panels surrounding for as far as you can see shows the impact of this disease. Each panel was a human being. People must understand and be reminded of that. "The quilt helps people with their grievTWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 ing and the loss of their lovers, children and friends. And most importantly, we want to raise money for Austin-area groups that provide direct services for people with AIDS," he explained. M aterials in the quilt range from leather to silk and vinyl to lame. Personal mementos such as jeans, photographs and stuffed animals are some of the ways families and friends have remembered their loved ones. The statistics for the quilt in its complete form are numbing: It weighs 16 tons; has 60 miles of seams; nearly 12 miles of canvas edging; and five miles of walkway fabric. The logistical and financial touring cost for even a portion of the quilt is staggering. The quilt is an ongoing memorial to the human tragedy of AIDS. Cleve Jones, a government activist living in San Francisco who helped found the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, conceived the idea for the quilt in November 1985. Jones began it one year later with the help of Mike Smith. Today, Jones is executive director of the Names Project Foundation and Smith is general manager. Tour director is Scott Lago, who is in Austin for this weekend's Showing. First displayed October 11,1987 on the Capito! Mall in Washington, D.C., the quilt TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 covered a space larger than two football fields and at that time included 1,920 panels. Over half a million people saw the quilt that first weekend and listened as lovers, family and friends read the names of those memorialized by the panels. The overwhelming response led to a four-month, 20-city national tour in 1988, raising almost $500,000 for AIDS directcare services for local organizations in the tour cities. This year's tour takes the quilt to 19 cities here in the United States and in Canada. Prior to Austin, the quilt was in Birmingham, Alabama. After Austin, the quilt moves on to Oklahoma City on May 5-7; then to Philadelphia and other points on the eastern seaboard. The tour began in Salt Lake City last March. The quilt-now in Austin-is on display at Palmer Auditorium, 4302 Marathon Blvd. on the shores of Town Lake. It opens this Saturday at 6 p.m. with the reading of all the names continuing until 10 p.m. Viewing of the quilt continues all day Sunday, beginning at 9 a.m., TWT NEWS was advised. Following Sunday's march to the State Capitol, there will be a candlelight memorial walk beginning at dusk [7:30 p.m.] in Waterloo Park; participants will walk back to Palmer Auditorium where closing ceremonies will be held at 8 p.m. '-11I.1 PAGE 37 NT: L;, \Y11I1ME V I ((JO InThisColumnReadersExchangeIdeasWithOtherReadersand Our EditorIn a PublicForum.AddressAll Lettersto: Comment. TWT.811 Westhelmer.Suite106.Houston.Texas77006.AllLetters Becomethe Propertyof TWTand MustBeSignedto BePublished.To Avoid Editing.Keep LettersShort. TWTDoes Not Print Letters Sent to Other Gay lit Lesbian Publlcatlons- Reasons to March And desires. whatever else your mood "Voice Personals" from Gay Selections ™ allow you to meet other men who share your lifestyle. 1..900 ..963 ..3700 Simply call and leave your own message describing yourself or listen to messages left by others. C.llY .;C)NNI~.;'I'IC)NDI 'I'III~ Dear TWT: We can read, more often than we care to, that gays are to blame for the spread of AIDS. However an AIDS expert, Thomas C. Quinn of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said of Latin America, "Once it becomes an established heterosexual epidemic in those countries it has a potential for rapidly increasing in sheer numbers." [NYT 4/13] The fear is that AIDS in Latin America will become as prevalent as it is in Africa now. The entire U.S. population has benefited from gay people's epidemic, illness and death. The country has benefited from the message lesbians and gays have given to the tragedy-The Names Project Quilt, for example. Because thousands of gay men have borne the cost, heterosexuals have the risk-free opportunity to learn about AIDS. Gay responsibility and education prevent the spread of AIDS more than if any other segment of the country had been infected as early. Gay lives are paving the health and sexual route which all Americans will travel for decades to come. If AIDS had not attacked gay men first, the virus would have had "a potential for rapidly increasing in sheer numbers." If AIDS had not attacked gay men first, government response to the dilemma would have been immediate, monumental and useless. If AIDS had not attacked gay men first, heterosexual reaction would have [and has] been characterized by chaos, corruption, vindictivness, witchhunts, violence and repression. In contrast, lesbian and gay community response, though not always perfect, has demonstrated creativity, compassion and effectiveness, practiced through constant heterosexual-inflicted adversity. Rather than blame, gays deserve gratitude for their sacrifice which gives the country time and information to save the lifes of everyone who changes behavior. But no. Our legislators want to spend time and energy to prevent repealing TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 PAGE 38 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 • Editor. 21.06, and to discuss quarantines, and to prevent enacting anti-discriminatlon measures. Our lawmakers want to enact laws to imprision those who allegedly infect others with AIDS. They will never realize that key to prevention is the concept that through risky behavior one infects oneself. So lesbians and gays should march on Austin on this Sunday, April 30. To honor the fallen who deserve better. To advance our own situation. We demand better. And to advance education. Thanks to our comrades and our sacrifice, the rest of America has it better. Michael Jones Dallas, TX Stop Pro-Abortionists Dear TWT: I am very much interested in working toward equal rights for gays and lesbians. I participate in most rallies, demonstrations, and other forms of support for the rights of homosexual citizens. It greatly disturbs me when I have to also show support for a cause that I do not believe in, one that has no relation to gay rights. Every time the homosexual community plans an event, the abortion groups jump on for a free ride and we are forced to appear to be supporting them too. I am sure that a lot of gays and lesbians believe that women have the right to kill their babies but not all of us share that belief. Those of us who want to work for gay and lesbian rights should not be forced to also fight for a cause that we believe is wrong. I am planning to attend this Sunday's March on Austin and participate as much as possible. My participation will probably be limited because I will also be trying to avoid any possibility that my presence might be seen as support for any proabortion group. I wish that I could participate with total and complete involvement but I cannot support a cause that I so strongly oppose. Don Campbell Dallas, TX PAGE 39 20 / 20 Hindsight THE ROYAL, SOVEREIGN and IMPERIAL COURT of the SINGLE STAR OF HOUSTON wishes to thank the many dedicated entertainers and the generosity of Printex Plus, Travel Trends of Houston, Pace Theatrical Group, H. S. Beckett and All Nursing Services. A special thanks to Miss TGRA '89 Loretta Bell, the Texas Lovin' Cloggers and those great people at the Brazos River Bottom. Through your efforts and the generosity of the community we raised over $2000.00 in support of the March on Austin. [erissa Tom Browning Empress V Emperor V ARE YOU SAD? could it be your ... ~ .#' POPVLI1JUTy ~i D~lJvG G~~ 10 lG~i. ~~ DRUGS 'IJ o 4'\'\~ PARENTS ~ -.\S'0-· <5,.\0\'" l>~ ~\.~ s.i>~ ~ CALL US-We can help!! §ltaron §tont & Associatts 3935 Westheimer, Suite 306 Houston, Texas (713) 623-6081 PAGE 40 DearTWT: Hindsight is always 20/20, unless you never bother to look back. It's time now to look at the decision made last year about scheduling the long overdue March on Austin to be held April 30. This rally should have been scheduled sometime in the first half of the month as opposed to the last day. The reason for this is probably becoming clear by now to the original planners. This session of the Legislature is wrestling with many issues that concern us, most notably AIDS legislation. As the session will be coming to an end at the end of May, legislation that is not acted upon soon will be a lot tougher to pass. What this means now is that it will take a lot more force to change some unfavorable opinions that are already taking hold in Austin. The political momentum that could have resulted by a well attended march will now require a really strong show of support from the masses. I have immense respect for our leaders who had the imagination, energy and skill to put the march together. There is much enthusiasm in the community for it, and hopefully, everyone will do whatever helshe can to help it succeed. This letter is not meant to demean the vast efforts that have been put into organizing this event. I do hope, however, that we learn and reprioritize what we view as more important. The scheduling decision was made so as not to interfere with our partying. As TWT reported, the intention was that it not conflict with either Fiesta or Splash Day events. The right to live and live freely should precede partying and making a buck. Hopefully, with events like the march, we will be free, healthy, happy and able to party. By the way, partying and marching are not mutually exclusive. O.E. Gaytan Austin, TX Scheduling the march between Fiesta and Splash Dayha'dnothing whatsoever to do with making a buck. It had to do with picking a date when we could have the biggest turnout. The date was picked so as not to conflict with two of Texas' biggest travel events because, quite simply, no one can be in two places at the same time. See you in Austin -Editor TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 SA PWAs: Give 'em Hell DearTWT: For several weeks I have been reading letters, and hearing discussions regarding the PWA show set for May 9, at the Noo Zoo in San Antonio. For years Jerry Lewis has showed us the devastation caused by the crippling illness with a parade of young children in wheelchairs, and because of the bravery of these young people the funds required for direct patient care and research have increased yearly. Our people are parading their creativity, talent and courage, not their disabilities. I say "bravo, bravo." I stand proud of my association with SAAF because you will not allow this illness or negative garbage being dumped on you to stop you from going on with life. If anyone truly wants to help, stop trying to force our PWAs to help them to stand up and fight, to shout and yes, sing and dance. I say, "Give 'em hell, guys, I love each and every one of you." Fran Mendez San Antonio, TX Oral Sex at Low Risk Dear TWT: I do not question the considerable credentials of the author of two recent COMMENT letters of "Oral Sex Risky" and "Rest of the Story" ["M.S., R.N., C"], but I do question the writer's logic. According to the first of his COMMENT letters, oral sex is risky because a client of his who indulged only in anal sex with a condom and oral sex without one became HIV positive. But, as everyone knows, condoms are not foolproof, and thus this client may have become positive from his anal activities. In that case his oral activities might have been totally riskfree or, at least, safer. According to the second of his letters, oral sex is risky because prostitutes have been known to transmit "sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, etc." to those on whom they performed orally. But AIDS, though a sexually transmitted disease, is not transmitted in the same way as these other STD's, but requires the direct passage of the semen or blood of one person into the blood of the other. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • Thus, while oral sexualists risk getting these other diseases, they may be at no risk or little of getting AIDS. In dealing with AIDS, there are two things to be avoided-the reality of it and the irrational fear of it. I do now know if oral sex is risk-free-to those without open wounds in the mouth-but I do know that you have completely failed to prove that there is any risk in it. His anecdotal evidence and faulty logic only add to the irrational fear of the disease so prevalent in the straight world around us. His intentions may be good, but his paranoia is dangerous. Carlos Hernandez, Ph.D. San Antonio, TX 1 ,000 Points of Light DearTWT: "A thousand points of light..." was an expression used by President Bush in his inaugural speech. So isn't it ironic that in the U.S. a thousand points of living lights are being extinguished each week by the AIDS virus and federal government indifference. Peter Black Houston, TX AFH Board Concerns DearTWT: I am writing about Mr. A. Boyd's article in VIEWPOINT [Vol. 15, No.5], which was in reference to the lack of PWAs on the AFH Board and their problems. I have been living in Houston about two months, and have heard mostly negative comments about Houston's AIDS Foundation Board and AFH operations in general, from the Houston community. It seems to me, and to many other people, that the foundation has some serious problems that will take many long hours to correct. These problems could have been avoided if AFH had a substantial number of PWAs [HIV-positive persons] on their board to help do the planning, rather than some members who care more about getting their names in the press than providing the leadership and planning for the future. I believe if we get some competent people who know what they are doing, the foundation may be able to turn around. PAGE 41 But AFH has a lot of proving to the public and governmental agencies before they become a believable and respectable agency. True, AFH has done many good things in the past, but it hasn't done nor gone far enough to be the leader it claims to be. I encourage everyone to seriously consider all the facts before contributing to AFH's upcoming pledge drive. AFH must show that they are deserving of our gay dollars. I understand there are many other AIDS·related service organizations that are doing a better job and could surely put our money to good use. In closing, I would say bravo to Mr. Boyd and his letter; it should have been said a long time ago. I encourage others to voice their opinions; that is the only way AFH will know the community is serious about the changes Mr. Boyd and I have mentioned. The power of the pen, to press and politicians, is all important in issues you believe in. I do hope these serious problems are solved. But we will have to watch and see what happens. ij~~K~~" Come try your luck aboard the casino ship Le Mistral, sailing the Gulf daily-10 min. from Lyle's Deck ~ Write or call for brochure. 120 E. AloiSI. P.O. Box 2326 South Padre Island, Texas 78597 (512) 761·LYLE RD. Marshall Houston, TX Wheaties & Greg Louganis The fol/owing letter, made available to TWT concerns the recent controversy of Greg Louganis not being shown on aI/ boxes of Wheaties-Editor. COMMENT, CH'A1'£'AUX 'DIJON 5331 BEVERLY HILL LANE 626-3660 HOUSTON SPACIOUS .LIVING ALL BILLS PAID ~-- ~ l1tO~ ~"l.tltl t \lEUlt~"1\OM~1~ 1.~£D\l: '"' l1tO~ S61.() '3 \\ljD1tOO}.~.L' '-~ • Free Basic Cable • Located in tile Galleria Area • Door·to-Door Trasb Pick.up PAGE 42 06 Pools • Covered Parking • 3 Laundry Rooms DearTWT: This letter is intended to correct misinformation appearing in the media regarding Olympic champion Greg Louganis and one of the General Mills' breakfast cereals, Wheaties. Recently the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [GLAAD] urged readers of its monthly bulletin to protest Mr. Louganis' absence from the front of the Wheaties package, an athletic recognition that has been awarded to only a select number of Olympians in the 65-year-old history of the cereal. GLAAD also quoted a sports marketing executive to the effect that Mr. Louganis wasn't "macho." Many readers have erroneously assumed that the executive who made the "macho" statement is from General Mills. He is not-nor does he have any association with General Mills or Wheaties. Mr. Louganis and other outstanding American athletes who participated in the TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1988 Summer Olympics were not selected to appear on the Wheaties package because at the time the cereal was negotiating a long-term contract with basketball star Michael Jordan. Wheaties is proud of the accomplishments of all of the athletes who represented the United States in the 1988 Summer Olympics. RC. Shulstad Director of Media and Financial Relations General Mills, Inc. Minneapolis, MN From Tommie Ross DearTWT: I personally would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the official Miss Gay USA 89 pageant. To all the promoters, sponsors, contestants and new-found friends throughout the gay community that I have met during my travels across the United States as Miss USA 88, a sincere thanks is given to each of you for all the love and warmth that has been shown to me, for it has truly been overwhelming. I would like to commend Mr. Jerry M. Bird, president of USA Pageantry, for the flawless and phenomenal 1989 Miss Gay USA pageant held in St. Louis, Missouri April 5-9. Continued success and endless growth. Tommie Ross Miss Gay USA 88 Houston, TX Guttman never attended a meeting other than the one [in which] he was elected treasurer. Mr. Guttman never attended a demonstration. There was no ploy, no one pulled the organization out from under anyone. Certainly not David Fowler, who never attended a demonstration for ACT UP except the one he organized. The DBAs for "AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power" and "AIDS Coalition To Network, Organize and Win" were filed in Harris County with Harris County Clerk Anita Rodeheaver, September 13, 1988, by Leslie Perez as agent. Ever since that date there was no purpose, no bank account, no structure. ACT UP was not formed to complement [any] other group and will not cater to the whims of a few that may be media-hungry or for self-qain. The state charter for AIDS Coalition To Unleash PowerlAIDS Coalition to Network, Organize and Win [ACT UP, ACT NOW] was applied for and granted to give structure. Six months was a long enough wait. I will tell you now that ACT UP will be a peoples' organization. We mean business. We will not tolerate [any] game playing. We are going to pray for deceased friends. We are going to work like hell to save the living. ACT UP is not a branch of any caucus. ACT UP is and will always be for a cure for the AIDS epidemic. We of ACT UP open up our arms to you. You may call us at (713)433-2924.P.O. Box 66275, Houston, TX 77266. ACT UP. Fight Back. Fight AIDS. Leslie Perez Houston, TX ACT UP Speaks Up Dear TWT: Reference:Vol. 15, No.2, "ACT UP Breakup; Houston Forms GUTS Chapter." Since December and David Fowler's "diein," ACT UP has laid dormant. The die-in was the only ACT UP demonstration Fowler ever participated in. Don't be hoodwinked into believing the so-called ACT UP membership was deceived by the reorganizing true believers of ACT UPIACT NOW. Why should Mr. Norman Guttman be informed of the intentions to reorganize? Back in September of 1988, he was elected to be ACT UP treasurer. Mr. Guttman opened up an ACT UP bank account where? A treasurer of what? Mr. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • Raising a Few Concerns DearTWT: The First Annual Houston Conference on AIDS in America scheduled for May 11 and 12 seems like an important and possibly historic conference. I have a few concerns I wish to raise. Why is there no panel discussion scheduled on the impact of AIDS in the gay community? Seventy-seven percent of the AIDS caseload in Texas is comprised of gay men, nationally AIDS hit the gay community first and I think those are reasons enough to have a panel discussion on this topic. PAGE 43 LEGAL SERVICES AT AFFORDABLE PRICES LAW OFFICE OAK LAWN ALL CRIMINAL MISDEMEANORS $ 90 down (214) 526·9699 REASONABLE FEES BEGIN AT: • PERSONAlINJURV ••• • WORKERS COMPENSATION ,. 'DIVORCE IromS65 'OWl. S90 'LICENSESUSP. $90 'OCCUPAnDNAL lie. $90 ·OR\..KiCASES $90 -WIllS $50 • PUBliC lEWDNES.C; $90 • FELONIES Irom $350 down • PAYMENT PlANS AVAILABLE JOHN KOWALSKI 3210 Oak Lawn· DALLAS Why are no publicly identified people with AIDS, AIDS-Related Complex or HIVpositives on any of the panels? Don't the organizers know that the people actually infected with AIDS, ARC or HIV have more important things to say than all of the AIDS "experts?" After all, who knows more about living with this disease on a day-to-day basis? Why is there no discount for people with AIDS, ARC or HIV? There is a special rate for students but no reduced fee for people who may actually learn something to keep them alive longer or add valuable insight as people with AIDS, ARC or HIV. My overriding concern is that the attendees will not hear the powerful voices of publicly identified gays, people with AIDS, ARC or HIV. And those voices must be heard along with the other esteemed speakers and attendees. Michael Petrelis Austin, TX SUNDAY BRUNCH Noon-3pm • $8.95 ~AJESDAY·~N: 1HURSDAY LICENSED BY THE SUPREME C()J~, OF TeXAS FOR PRACTICE IN AlL STAlE COORTS BY NOT CfRJIFIED AS TO ANY LEGAL SPEOALl2AJION OPEN SATURDAYS AND EVENINGS "EAT,DRINK and be MERRY" Westheimer Art Festival DearTWT: On behalf of the Westheimer Colony Art Festival, I want to thank TWT and all of the organizations who contributed for the 1989 spring festival. The festival was a great success, even though the weather Sunday was a bit balmy. Because of the continued support of the Westheimer Colony Art Festival, we can continue to support such organizations as the Montrose Clinic, DIFFA and the AIDS Foundation of Houston. The dollar donation that we request at the gates helps us support other organizations such as the High School for Performing and Visual Arts, Montrose Library, Delia Stewart Dance Company and others. These community organizations are so vital to the quality of life in Montrose. The contributions by TWT and the businesses who were responsible cannot be minimized. It was a tremendous gesture and I want all of you to know how much it was appreciated. 99¢ Well & Draft 8pm-2am WEDNESDAY 99¢ Spinners & Frozen Margaritas VJ/OJ VJ/OJ Ronnie Bruno Jimmy Bartlett Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays & Saturdays Gayle A. Mueller Festival Director Houston, TX Thank you for your kind comments. Together we can join in making the semiannual arts festival one of Texas' biggest events and travel ho/idays.-Editor PAGE 44 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 3810 CONGRESS AT OAK LAWN • DALLAS • 52·CELEB (BETWEEN MAPLE & CEDAR SPRINGS) TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 •• PAGE 45 Public Health Diatribe Printed below is a copy of two letters that were sent to Dr. Robert Feldtman and Dr. Steven F. Hotze, who were the two key people to testify for the opposition to the recently introduced antidiscrimination bill before the Texas Public Health Committee in the Texas Legislature. See related TWT NEWS story. -Editor Dear Dr. Robert Feldtman and Dr. Steven F. Hotze: How it is possible to live in a city that has such a large gay population and practice such outright homophobia is beyond my comprehension. Furthermore, how can someone ignore the virtual wealth of information that has been published in the medical field about homosexuality and AIDS? What rock did you two crawl out from under? How long did the opposition of the recent AIDS antidiscrimination bill have to search in order to find someone who would call themselves doctor, and advocate such outright discrimination and lies in the same breath? I'm sure that it wasn't easy to find someone such as yourselves in the medical profession; someone that is able to ignore truth, in order to attempt to give some validity to the homophobia and ignorance that the opposition of the gay rights movement has sown for long. Surely, you two are a disgrace to your peers and the medical profession in general. Being a former resident of Houston and planning to return very soon, I am understandably concerned. It's time that people like yourselves took responsibility for the lies that you breed. You deal with more homosexuals and lesbians every day than you would like to believe, and it is my wish that they expose you for what you are. Houston doesn't need the business of any socially ignorant and intolerant people such as yourselves, much less the business of homophobics that call themselves doctors. Kenneth Foster Dallas, TX TWT readers who wish to write a protest letter were advised of the following addresses. -Editor Dr. Steven F. Hotze Dr. Robert Feldtman 5330 North Freeway 909 Frostwood Houston, TX 77022 Houston, TX 77024 ,\II? PAGE 47 VIEWPOINT presents on opportunity for readers to express on in-depth\1!EW Mr. Splash Day at the DO WE REALLY NEED A GAY AND LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD? New Kon Tiki Club by Ron Mohring GALVESTON ISLAND STRIP OFF Friday, May 5 GLSH Training Coordinator Winner & First Runner Up - Big Cash Prizes For more information and applications, contact The New Kon Tiki Club, 315 Tremont - Galveston, Texas 77550, (409) 763-6264 PAGE 48 PO INT aersanol opinion on a wide range of subjects from various perspectives. All guest editorials must be signed. Opinions expressed in Viewpoint are those of the Individual guest writers, and not of TWTmagazine, its editors or stott, Furthermore, TWTis not liable or responsible for the content of Viewpoint. Send your opinion to TWTViewpoint, 811Westheimer, Suite 106, Houston, Texas 77006. THE OFFICIAL USA PAGEANTRY, INC 3rd Annual TWT APRIL28 - MAY 4 I n December of 1981, a group of volunteers began a special service to the Houston community, a service that has operated continuously for almost eight years. This organization is staffed entirely by trained VOlunteers, and accomplishes an incredible amount of outreach, support and commun ity education on an unbelievably small operating budget. It's the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard Houston [GLSH), The time has come for Houston's lesbian and gay people to decide whether such a service is indeed a necessary part of our community, Before this question can be addressed, it's important to explain just what the switchboard does. The GLSH has nonprofit 501(c)(3) status, which means that contributions to the organization are taxdeductible, Its primary function is to provide information and referrals to Houston's lesbian and gay community. It operates a TDDfTTY service for the hearing-impaired. Volunteers are trained in crisis intervention, GLSH also operates as an AIDS hotline, offering information and referrals and, most importantly, telephone counseling. This is what sets the switchboard apart from many other AIDS service providersthey listen. It's what they do best. All this sounds pretty good, right? Here is a group of totally dedicated VOlunteers, operating phone lines seven days a week, ready to direct out-of-towners to the appropriate clubs, listen to a distraught parent talk about his or her child's coming out, TWT APRIL28 - MAY 4 1989 and give out March on Austin information, This service is just a phone call away. A lot of folks have heard about the switchboard; last year they logged about 10,000 calls. Best of all, it doesn't cost a thing. And here, friends, is where the misconception lies. While it is true that the GLSH manages to operate on a minuscule budget, the fact remains that it takes money to keep the phones open. Primary expenses consist of monthly office rent and telephone bills, and the overwhelming source for these funds is private donations. GLSH has no paid staff-all work is done by group volunteers. People who train to work the phone lines are asked to give three hours a week. The average amount of volunteer time, money and energy put into the organization goes far beyond that. s o what's the pitch? How does all this affect Houston's gays and lesbians? What does the switchboard want from the community? Simply this-support. Maybe you've never had a reason to call the switchboard before. Call them, Find out what they're about. You'd be surprised at the things that our community has to offer, and the switchboard keeps you in touch with it all. Perhaps you've been wanting to get more involved in the community, felt a need to "give something back." Do it. Maybe you can be a phone volunteer. Call PAGE 49 and find out about the GLSH training classes. A lot of organizations are asking for your money: support for social services, for AIDS services, community improvement. If you have to give, then give it. Supporting the GLSH is supporting all of the above. And consider that if each person who called the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard last year gave one dollar or more, GLSH's operation could be totally funded. There are countless businesses and individuals in the community who have, over the years, given their support to the switchboard. They know what a valuable service the GLSH provides, and their contributions are gratefully appreciated. Oh, about that original question"Does Houston need a Gay and Lesbian Switchboard?" Please. Can you imagine not having one? Think about it. The Gay and Lesbian Switchboard Houston has announced its upcoming volunteer training classes. They will be held May 5, 6 and 7 and May 13 and 14. The next available class after that is scheduled for August 11, 12 and 13and August 19and 20. For information or to sign up for either class, phone GLSH at (713)529-3211. Phone staff volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, and need to undergo 30 hours of training.-Editor "II" WHEN IN AUSTIN CONN ECTAT AUSTIN 6 - 521 THOM PSON LAN E AUSTIN • 512/385-5329 24 HOUR FULL SERVICE -VIDEOS -MAGAZINES -THEATER -NOVELTIES, ETC ... PAGE 50 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 ric~ tea, and Johnny Simons' new play Young Dowds premieres at Hip Pocket Theatre in Fort Worth, and The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas starts tonight at Theatre Midland, which will hold auditions at 7:30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday for Orphans. As part of the activities surrounding this weekend's March on Austin and the display of The NAMES Project Quilt, Teresa Trull and Dianne Davidson will perform at 9 tonight at the Austin Crest Hotel, 111 E. First St.; Liberty Books at 1014-B N. Lamar will host an open house 4-6 p.m. Saturday; and Different Stages' production of Charles me, • • • '@ Eryk Markham, in drag as Mother Nurdiger, and Lana Dieterich 8S Roxanne in The Artificial Jungle. ne Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest opens tonight (April 28) at the Actors Workshop in Houston. The anti-establishment play about a charming rogue who contrives to serve a short sentence in a mental institution rather than a work farm is directed by Bill Roberts, who plays the gay hairdresser in Shear Madness at the Tower Theater in Montrose. In Dallas, A Girl's Guide to Chaos returns to Pegasus Theatre, and The Haunting of Hill House begins at Callier Theater of the Deaf. O 2401 SAN JACINTO iWr APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 Ben Vereen. PAGE 55 Ludlam's The Artificial Jungle will play through Saturday at the Acting Studio. Tony Award winner Ben Vereen will perform at 8 tonight at San Antonio's Municipal Auditorium and Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Grand in Galveston, and Montgomery, Plant & Stritch play through May 14 at Stages in Houston. Heywood "Woody" McGriff, Tina Marsh, Diana Prechter and the Farrell Dyde Dance Theatre from Houston will join the Sharir Dance Company for the Second Texas New Dance Festival tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. at Capitol City Playhouse in Austin; and the Joffrey Ballet will perform its colorful Diaghilev program at 8 tonight at Jones Hall in Houston, followed by a set of all-American works-including the Eugene Loring classic Billy the Kid-at 8 p.m. Saturday and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. The 11th annual Houston International Film Festival continues through Sunday. On Saturday, master caricaturist AI Hirschfeld will be presented the HIFF Gold Lone Star award at the Grand Awards Gala. Call (713)965-9955 for details. AI Hirschfeld's inimitable celebrity caricatures have been featured in the New York Times and other publications for 60 years. The number at the end of his signature tells how many times his daughter's name, Nina, appears camouflaged in the drawing. Thus, Nina's name is hidden seven times in HIFF's commemorative drawing entitled "There's No Business Like Show Business!, "which captures 20 legendary performers including Louie Armstrong, Fred Astaire, Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Yul Brynner, Charlie Chaplin, James Dean, Henry Fonda, Judy Garland, Clark Gable, Susan Hayward, Alfred Hitchcock, John Lennon, Grace Kelly, Vivien Leigh, Steve McQueen, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, John Wayne and Natalie Wood. PAGE 56 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY A Jerel Hilding dances the title role of Billy the Kid. TWT APRIL 28 - MAYA 1989 • ..hifiJ '. Susan Lucci (with Cincinnati Bengal quarterback Boomer Esiason, who had to turn down Erica's offer to be a spokesperson for her new cosmetics line). Susan Lucci (Erica on All My Children) will appear at the Houston Family Food Festival today through Sunday at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Tickets, Please! and Twins will be presented by the University of Houston's opera theatre at 8 tonight and 2 p.m. Sunday at UH's Cullen Performance Hall, and four staged readings by minority playwrights will be featured in "Voices Unsilenced" Saturday and Sunday at Theatre Three in Dallas. The Dallas Chamber Orchestra will perform its season finale at 7 p.m. Sunday at SMU's Carruth Auditorium. And Miss Reardon Drinks a Little will play at 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday at UH's Houston Room before opening Thursday at the Jewish Community Center. Also on Monday, a half-hour exercise program Everyday Workout hosted by Miss Canada 1984 Cynthia Kereluk, will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Lifetime. Organist Mireille Lagace from Montreal will perform at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday at University Park Methodist Church in Dallas. And on Thursday, Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest opens at Mesquite Community Theatre; Godspell begins at Stratford High School in Houston; and the 19th annual TeleAuction begins bidding on Houston's Channel 8. '-\II.t PAGE 57 CLASSIC rrwT BY DONALEVAN MAINES ®6®6@ years ago this week in Texas In Fort Worth, Agape Metropolitan Community Church held Sunday services at its new home on SW Loop 820 at the Anglin Drive exit, while in Abilene, the Exodus MCC was asked to vacate its meeting place after media coverage of the church set the city "on its heels," reported TWT NEWS. Marion Pantzer and Walter Strickler were selected as grand marshals of Houston's 1983 gay pride parade. On the cover: Chuck Johnson Westerfield. (standing) and Steve ELI GUKICH M ayor Kathy Whitmire said, "I am committed to making sure that our city is one of the leaders in the fight against AIDS," as 600 Houstonians carrying candies gathered at City Hall to memorialize recent AIDS victims and urge government funding for research into the disease. Still others called President Reagan at (202) 456-7639 to plead for public assistance. Mark Spaeth was elected to the Austin City Council. (L'r) Charlie Colella, Mr. Splash Day Cliff Ashford, Mike Kea. GAEG HA\lICAN Cliff Ashford from Vermont won the annual Mr. Splash Day title over17 other contestants at the Copa in Houston. Charlie Colella of Illinois and Mike Kea from North Carolina were the runners-up. Dirty Sally's Apartment and the Boathouse co-sponsored Austin's Splash Day on Lake Travis. The San Antonio Country's tenth anniversary party was held at the Bonham Exchange, where "the legend," Lisa King, and Angelique Dior, Monica Layne, Marissa Marlowe and Syreeta Monroe Mark Spaeth. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • PAGE 59 MARCH ~ ON ~ AUSTIN staged "the new Thursday tradition" in the Ballroom. ENCORE ,VIDEO INC. Sunday~April 30th 8546 BROADWAY "It could be one of the single most empowering moments of your life." (on Cheever @ Broadway) San Antonio, TX 78127-6351 512 / 821-5345 BETA&VHS Marissa. Angelique. Lisa. Syreeta. Monica. OPEN "Naomi Sims has reportedly bought stock in Greyhound Lines, Inc.," stirred M-F llAM-9PM Sat. llAM-9PM HOT TEA. Manager Steve Gilbert converted Studz of Houston into the state's first computerized adult video arcade. And "always on top," the Drum on the hot end of Westheimer celebrated its third anniversary with three fantasy nights: western, leather and uniform, this week in Texas 1983. '\&I' Closed Sunday SUNDAY SUPER SHOW DONNA DAY I ~ Special Guest _~isSunday -pril30 u ...; ~ f FRIDAYS S 1.50 Gold Margaritas We invite you to enjoy Hors d'oeuvres from 5:30 until 7:130. The Pacific Coast Dancers perform non-stop from 6 p.m. until closing. Plus, Happy Hour is extended until 10 pm. 6 pm Steak Night 2303 Richmond· We promise that you'll find the friendliest and most attractive people in Houston meet at JR's. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • Houston' (713) 522-7616 PAGE 61 SUPERNUTRITION FOR SUPERIMMUNITY Nutrients for a Strong Immune System we now carry THE DE VERAS ALOE VERA 10lCE • • • • Organic Shiitake Mushrooms H-N-L-E-L Lipid Egg Lecithin Coenzyme Q 10 De Veras Aloe Vera Beverage Supplements of the future- Here Today. For more information on our supplements and fitness programs call Michael K. Wilson today. SUGGESTED READING FROM OUR BOOKSTORE -Healing AIDS NaturallyDr. Laurence Badgley M.D. Love, Medicine and Miracles- We Are Now Open 7 Days a Week Dr. Bernie Siegel M.D. You Can Heal Your LifeLouise L. Hay This is Montgomery, Plant & Stritch's first and only Texas appearance in 3 years! Don't miss them! PERFORMANCES Thursdays-8 PM Fridays & Saturdays-9:30 PM & 11 PM Sundays-8 PM PAGE 62 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 HOTrI1&:1 Charlie's Angels: Charlie's was giving away fifty-dollar bills last Sunday in honor of their fifth anniversary blowout. Among Charlie's Angels on hand was the nicest angel of them all, Steve Higgenbotham a AFTER BEACH COOL DOWN! SATURDAV MAV 4-9 pm Happy Hour $1 Pitchers of Beer $1 Well Drinks $1.50 Frozen Margaritas $33-in-1 11 pm Bubba McNeely and his Delicious Dolls Donna Day and Stallion OPEN FOR AFTER HOURS! SUNDAVMAV7 Beginning at 4 pm AFTER SPLASH BASH! with Texas' Top Dancers Eric ~~Captain ~Stallion Kurt Falcon 4-9 pm $1 Well Drinks • $1 Pitchers of Beer $3 3-in-1 • $1.50 Frozen Margaritas Male Dancers throughout the entire evening with Donna Day & Bubba McNeely ~. .... ;.;;: ..:.~,.G's is open Tues thru Sun 4 pm-2 am ''0,.':; « After Hours Dancing Fri & Sat 2214 MECHANIC GALVESTON, TEXAS •••like nowhere else. THIS WEEK IN DRAG - Trishan Victoria (c) has won the annual Miss Travis County Pageant, held at the Boathouse in Austin. In this CRUISE CAMERA photo are first runner-up Penny Landers (I) and second runner-up Donna Christine (r) with pageant owners Tamara Fox and Bri Alexander in the top row, middle. Penny also won Miss Congeniality. Congratulations from HOT TEA. AUSTINteaCIOUS - Here's the latest gossip THIS WEEK IN AUSTIN from Capital City HOT TEA: Well, no sooner has Austin recovered from last weekend's Gamma Mu fly-in, than here comes anther big weekend for the Capital City. And, from the looks of this week's TWT, the long-awaited March on Austin weekend has arrived. See our cover story for everything you need to know and our travel map so you can find it. You'll find all of Austin's nightclubs ready to entertain you in proud fashion .... Party Place: The party animal hosts have cranked up 404 Colorado this weekend and next weekend for dancing, romancing, drinking and cruising. The doors open at 9 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 404 Colorado? Yes, where Hall's and Tex's Colorado Street Bar used to be. The party spot rocks all night. ... Across the street at the Boathouse, the dance-till-you-drop atmosphere will keep visitors ripped with wall-to-wall mayhem as always. And there's a T-dance Sunday after the march with Boathouse ice cold free beer for all. ... TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • (see CRUISE CAMERA photo).-Ail smiles, as usual. By the way, Charlie's is the home bar this weekend for all of the Dallas Crossroad bars who are in town to march to the Capitol. And, Charlie's is conveniently located right next door to the big house .... A great place to be this March on Austin weekend is the inviting patio (see CRUISE CAMERA photo) at the 505 Club. As always, this colorful spot will be packed with colorful people. It's the kind of patio that Dallas and Houston men can fall in love with .... PAGE 65 '-. ~ z ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,....... ~ ~u ~~ ~ ~= ~ riIiI~ riIiI~ riIiI~ ~~ <riIiI ~u riIiI~ ~riIiI ~= .~ riIiI~ z ~ ~ riIiI = ~ ~~ o==~ ~ ~~ ~ t ~ t~ ~ ~ .. I'll I'll: ~== /)I) •• =-' :s:s ••• I'll 0< (J ~ == = ~o I'll.:: ~(J ~ ~ ~ ••••• ;. ~ ~~ CI.l~ 0-= -'== .~ t: ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ •..= •• ••• e~ ~~ =.:: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5'0 =~ ==~ u~ ~ ~\e ~QO ~~ oot? .= ~QO ~~ Q~ ~~ u~ a ~ ~ Over at Buckles, Michael (see CRUISE CAMERA photo) is the deejay in the sound booth playing all that great danceable music. And doing a little boot scooting on his own, we hear. Everyone agrees that Buckles is a hell of a beautiful country and western club .... The Crossing starts and ends the March on Austin weekend on a high note. Friday there's free drinks for an hour. Sunday there's an After the March T-Dance with drink specials. By the way, the Crossing hosted another annual Pet Parade this month and the winner of "Best of Show" was Tuffy the Captain, shown in the CRUISE CAMERA photo below with his proud groomer. It looks like Fred and Roy bought a trophy that was bigger than any of their dogs, or their owners! Yes, the Crossing spares no expense to bring you things no one else would dare! ... , - Iv ~ _ Sally's Apartment has a guest book for you to sign while you're in Austin this weekend. All out-of-towners are invited to come by. After the march, hundreds will come to chill out at Austin's oldest bar with their traditional Sunday blowout. ... TGRA Carnival: The Austin TGRA chapter has some food, fun and games for you this March on Austin weekend. Yes, it's "carnival time" this Saturday on Snuffy's back patio from 3-6 p.m., and then it moves over to P!,s big patio from 6-10 p.m. Prizes and excitement is promised, said TGRNs Dave Miller. TARRANT TEA - Here's what's happening THIS WEEK IN FORT WORTH AND ARLINGTON from HOT TEA: We send get well wishes to Darlene, owner of D.J.'s Bar and Restauranton St. Louis. Get well soon .... Ashburn's on E. Rosedale will be celebrating their first anniversary with a weeklong beer bust daily, 2-11 p.m., from Tuesday to Sunday, May 2-7. Congratulate George and Ronnie at Fort Worth's only gay BYOB club .... Partners on Park Place hosts the Lesbian Gay Rights Lobby Weekend benefit show Saturday night. Don't miss out on all the great fun .... The Copa hosts an LGRL weekend benefit show Sunday which is sponsored by the Imperial Court of the Rainbow Friendship. Their last benefit netted $200 for the Alpha House. Come out and enjoy a sensational show .... Tonight at Arlington 651 the LGRL weekend benefit show is at 10:30 with a liquor bust. Come out and support our freedom fighters. James and Danny have gotten the permit for the parade on June 4. If you'd like to volunteer or participate contact them at (817)275-9138. Out of town entries are welcome, too. SCANDALOUS TEA - Miss Monier and Viv of Dallas' Crews Inn jetted off to Las Vegas last weekend with Howard Okon of the Wave for the premiere of Breck Wall's new show at the Sahara, which was SRO. Everyone is back except for Viv, who stayed behind for some unknown reason. When asked why Viv wasn't back, Gary told HOT TEA, "She was never interested in going to Las Vegas until she found out that all the cocktails were free!" PAGE 67 Miss Gay America Naomi Sims. She came in second last week! Yes, you're reading correctly: Miss Gay America Naomi Sims entered-and lost-a talent night. 'Nuff said.... ALICE DOES DALLAS - Here's what's going on THIS WEEK IN DALLAS from Big D HOT TEA: Dallas' favorite watering hole, JR's, is sporting a new look for spring, and the CRUISE CAMERA photo above is your last look at the old paint job. By the time you read this, the old colors will be gone and the new green-and-white color scheme will be gracing the corner of the Crossroads. Also new at JR's is the new upstairs bar-cruisier than ever .... You know that summer is near when Razzle Dazzle rolls around and it's nearly that time. Order your tickets now by clipping the handy order form on page 29 of this week's TWT .... JRT Productions presents the Miss Hippodrome pageant on Thursday, May 11 with the winner going on to the official Miss Gay Texas contest. This week's special guest is indeed special, because it's the phenomenal Lisa King direct from Atlanta. She's a Texas favorite and rightfully so. She gives 110% and shouldn't be missed by any fan of drag .... Tom Davis tells HOT TEA that the Mr. Round-Up Leather contest has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 17. The winner will be sponsored to the Mr. International Leather contest, which will be held in Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend. The prize includes air fare and hotel accommodations. The current Mr. International Leather, Michael Pereyra will be the special guest at the Dallas contest. Round-Up's C&W dance lessons are free and you, too, can learn to scoot a boot every Sunday at 8:30 and every PAGE 68 Tuesday at 10:30. You'll definitely see doorman Terry Little (see above) on the dance floor of the #1 C&W bar in Texas. Join him .... We told you last week about Club Diamantes, Dallas' only gay Hispanic club. Their grand opening has been scheduled for next Tuesday, May 2 with a gala fiesta beer bust from 10 p.m. 'til midnight. Don't miss their three-day Cinco de Mayo celebration next weekend .... Remember humpy Ken Wimberly (see above)? He's at the Wave now so drop by and say hello. Monday is a good night to visit the Wave because their "Calling All Stars" talent night attracts a huge crowd and lots of famous and familiar facessome of them cracked-like that of former TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 Photo of the Week: Ever wonder why we refer to Kathy Jack as "Mr." Kathy? One look at the CRUISE CAMERA photo above tells the whole story-what little story there is to tell. Actually, Kathy Jack was only proving that she's just one of the guys, and showing how little it takes to keep Lisa happy! See them, and it, at Sue Ellen's-the #1 women's club in Texas.... Beautiful Rachel Masters (see below) is back at the Village Station and you can see her hosting the Headliner Hunt every Monday night between now and June 18, when the finals will be held. This contest is a big one and so is the next guest that the Station has scheduled: Capitol Records superstar Hazell Dean makes her only Dallas appearance on her North American tour on Saturday, May 13. Advance tickets are now on sale, or get them at the door. Either way, don't miss this super show .... Feast you r eyes on Celebrities bartender Roger Motley (see CRUISE CAMERA photo at right), who will be featured on the cover of TWT soon. Can't wait to get a closer look? Then here's a timely tip: Hurry on down to Celebs and check out their new format, which will include cabaret entertainment and blackjack tables, along with their fine food and super music. ... Speaking of great food, Hunky's is just the spot for a quick lunch on their seeand-be-seen cruisy patio. Their burgers are excellent. Tuesday is a specially good time to eat-that's when you can enjoy a complete meal for under $3 .... The Oak Lawn Committee presents a City Council candidate forum next Tuesday, May 2 at the United Methodist Church, Oak Lawn at Cedar Springs, beginning at 6:45 p.m. The candidates for Places 2, 5, 9 and 10, as well as mayor, will all be there, HOT TEA learned. For additional information call (214)520-2020 .... Finally, we would like to encourage all of you to attend the March on Austin this weekend. Buses depart from the Crossroads at 5:30 a.m. Sunday morning. Round-trip fare is only $25 and there will be free beer on the return trip. Transportation provided by Caven Enterprises. Get up early or, better yet, stay up late and show your support. PAGE 69 TEXAS TELETYPE - Texas entertainer LaWanda Jackson (see above) has added another notch to her smoking gun of victories. She's on a roll, sweeping through Texas, picking up titles. She just won Miss Gay Black Texas at the Hippodrome in Dallas. She adds that title to her previously won Miss Black Gay Houston title and her Miss Southwest Texas/USA title which was won at Charlie's Angels in Corpus Christi. And now she's off to vie for Miss Gay Texas/USA. MarisSA's TEA party - Here's the latest gossip THIS WEEK IN SAN ANTONIO from Alamo City HOT TEA: Of course, the big item is that Fiesta is over, but the memories and hangovers continue to hang over as this town tries to get back to normal. Yes, there is life in San Antonio after Fiesta. Here are some memos from our Fiesta diary .... Bonham Exchange packed out as usual with a hot crowd of guys in tank tops soaking up the heat beat of Bonham's great deejays. Saturday night after the Flambeau parade made Bonham look like New Year's Eve.... Also downtown, the Crew and EI Jardin were traditional cruise spots for Fiesta visitors. To many out-of-towners, Fiesta would not be complete without a visit to these two longstanding hot spots .... Over at Ab's Westernaire, visitors got to meet Bruce, our TWT Fiesta cover boy, in person. Of course, they also got to meet a PAGE 70 lot of hot cowboys too, in from all over Texas.... Up on Main Street, Paper Moon was rockin' with its stellar shows and latenight dancing, while next door at the Silver Dollar, folks were spending their silver dollars to cool down with refreshing cocktails and do some country dancing .... Over on San Pedro, the long-awaited opening of Kolors came to pass with big crowds. It's a very "kolorful" club and everyone loves it. And everyone also loves the new show cast of entertainers .... Up the street at 2015 Place, the male strippers on Sunday were a steamy hit. And the "thank you party" on Saturday for the Tejas MC and River City Outlaws was most festive .... Henry Morales said he was happy to see so many Fiesta goers come out to his new club, Poco Loco. Bringing a touch of downtown to the other side of town was the Poco Loco happening .... Out at Memories, folks got into the party mood quickly. The kickoff buffet on Sunday was very tasty. We're talking a mountain of Mexican food. The entertainment by Jerry and Hanna was a top act. ... Lollie, Pam and the gang at the Noo Zoo rolled out the Fiesta carpet and lots of cash money for the Dash for Cash. And who could forget that Fiesta Punch! Wow .... A great place to chill down with a cool one during Fiesta was the One-a-Six. There was food, too, with an outside barbecue on Sunday. Everyone who went to the One-a-Six agreed that it's the kind of bar you want to always go back to .... The Pump House was geared to the max during Fiesta. Lots of excitement and a great cast of bartenders to serve thirsty Fiesta visitors. Now in its second year, the Pump House continues to pump out its nonstop party atmosphere .... And, during Fiesta there was a grand opening as the Blue Angel welcomed its new customers and friends from out of town. And, Saturday night's TGRA dance was a hell raiser. They say a picture is worth 10,000 words. That being the case, see next week's TWT for all our CRUISE CAMERA pictures from Fiesta '89. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 HOUSTON HOTtealiNE - Here's the latest going on THIS WEEK IN HOUSTON from this city's original gossip column, HOT TEA: First, we take you to see the presentation of this year's winner of the gay pride logo contest. Shown receiving his $300 and black & gold plaque from Brian Keever is artist Carlos Olivares (r). Congratulations! His winning slogan: "Stonewall 20-A Generation of Pride." ... Momma's Money now has male dancers every single night of the week-even on Sunday! Yes, this Westheimer nightspot is fast becoming the Westheimer hotspot. Even better than Michael's in its heyday. 'Course that's now a vacant lot. ... Jim Salter is now cooking up the barbecue at EJ'son Sundays. He stokes up the fire at 4 p.m. Great food, promise Ed and Jeff.... Mother's never ceases to remodel and expand to handle its big crowds. When you visit Mother's, you're now walking on two floors of new carpeting. Feels good .... Cultural Night: There's a meeting next Tuesday night, May 2, at 7:30 p.m. at Parkway Athletic Club for all artists, musicians and culinary artists to plan Cultural Night, which is scheduled on the pride week calendar for June 21 at the VentureN's Far Side. "We need help organizing this event and welcome any and all input," said the committee .... Strip Finals: The last ten weekly winners of male strip contests will be on stage at the Galleon this Monday to compete for the Spring series finals. Come early for a good view as the Galleon always packs out for this beefy event. .. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 Customer Appreciation Month at We Deliver Videos ends with popular Mike Gregory on hand this Saturday, 2-7 p.m. as you're invited to "Come Meet the Stars" of adult video. See you there. Mike's waiting to meet you .... The third annual Mr. & Ms. Baile pageant will be held at Rich's on Friday, May 12. That's when Felix Garcia and Pamela Aguilar will give up their crowns to the new Hispanic winners. See you there .... 800 Pacific: JR's is now a year older, having celebrated its seventh anniversary last Thursday with two hours of wall-towall trendies soaking up free drinks. Next door, work continues at a hectic pace for the soon-to-open Santa Fe Trading Company. HOT TEA will sneak in soon to sneak to you some sneak preview photos. All aboard. TEA BY THE SEA - Dateline Galveston: Splash Day on Stewart Beach is just one weekend away, coming on Sunday, May 7. To kick off the weekend of sand and surf, the Kon Tiki holds the Mr. Splash Day contest next Friday night. By the way, club owner Ron Burgess has emptied out his purse to spend some big bucks on remodeling. What a deal it's turning out to be. Meanwhile, at Garbo's, they're getting ready for Splash Day too. Next Friday the Terrific Three-Donna, Tasha and Naomi-star in a special presplash show. Then on May 7, it's Stallion, Eric and Capt. Kurt on stage sporting their Stewart Beach tans. MR. TEXAS '89 - Three former TWT cover boys swept the top three at last Sunday's sixteenth annual Mr. Texas contest, held at Heaven in Houston. Winning the state title was Billy Quercia, who succeeds last year's winner, Chris Starr-also a TWT cover boy. Louis Bradford and Lex Harral placed as first and second runnerups with Lex naturally and deservedly winning Mr. Body Beautiful. The fastest emcee in Texas, Randy lobe, kept the contest going at rocket speed with "Miss Gay Everything," Naomi Sims, and former "Mr. Gay·USA," beefy Mark Ambrosy, on stage entertaining the packed house at Heaven. For SNAPSHOTS from Mr. Texas 1989, see page 73. So turn the page. 'WI PAGE 71 MONDAYS The Shady Show Beer Bust 9 pm-l am Muska\ Chairs with sidekkk Channel White 1430 N. MAIN ~ SAN ANTONIO (512)225-7330 ?~ Jr.I, TheTopTwo:Billy Qu~~ who won, \;::; and Louis Bradford first runner-en ~ t " ';! Coming Miss Gay Iexos At large May 19th PAGE 72 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! BY BOBBY MillER League champions for the Montrose Monday Night Men's League are Big Judy & Her Boys. (I'r) Tom O'Dell, Steve Stepleton and Sterling Tinsley. (not pictured) Gene (Big Judy) Basco who was off looking for more boys. League Champions for the Montrose Monday Night League were Big Judy & Her Boys and the Thursday night champions were the Head Hunters. High male average for the Monday and Thursday leagues was Sterling Tinsley who bowled up a tissy with a 182 & TX SOFTBALL SCORES OAK LAWN SOFTBALL League champions for the Houston Thursday Mixed League are the Head Hunters. (t-t) Steven Bradley, Mace Adams, Tom O'Dell and Sterling Tinsley. (not pictured) Rubin Allan. BOWLING AWARDS HOUSTON - The Montrose Monday Night Men's League and the Houston Thursday Nite Mixed League got together last sunday, April 22 at Chutes and handed out there awards for the winter bowling season. Steve "Stella" Stepleton the mistress of ceremonies began the awards with all the last place teams and individuals from Thursday night receiving "booby" prizes for there hard efforts. He then quickly moved on to the "real" awards with over done red faced Jim "Prissy" Buck at his side passing out checks and trophies to the winners. Recreational Division: Hunky's Buddies Club Body Center MCC Competitive Division: John L's Dallas Voice The Wave JR's Round-Up MONTROSE 4·0 2·2 2·0 0·4 3·0 2·1 2-1 1-3 0-3 SOFTBALL Recreational Division: Barn JR's Miss Camp Mother's Competitive Division: BRB Fitness Mine Voice Mother's V2'0 V2-0 0-1 1-0 2-0 1-0 0-1 0-1 0-1 TEXAS BOWLING SCORES MONTROSE MONDAY NIGHT Steve Stepleton (713)699·3732 11th ANNIVERSARY SALE At Fitness Exchange you'll find an exclusive health club with rows of Nautilus, Free Weights, Universal, Liferowers and soon Stairmasters. Available also are dynamic aerobics classes, Suntana tanning salon, wet & dry saunas, whirlpools, personalized training, all in an immaculate, non·intimidating atmosphere. So if you're looking for more than just glitz, come to Fitness Exchange! 3930 KIRBY,#300 at S.W.FRWY Free Parking, Enter 3rd Level (713) 524·9932 I§)fITrrrie'5fS ~xaHrRfi6e SUMMER LEAGUE BEGINS MAY 1 NEW TEAMS NOW FORMING HOUSTON THURSDAY MIXED Steve Stepleton (713)699·3732 SUMMER LEAGUE BEGINS MAY 4 NEW TEAMS NOW FORMING AUSTIN GAMBLERS Cap'ltol Bowl 8:30 Tues. Ph.1 (512)834·1677 1. Idn't Oat Special 2. Lost Boys 3. Handi Kap Zones FT. WORTH LONGHORN BOWLING Joan Hunter (817)624·2151 SEASON FINAL 1. Who We Be (87.41) 2. DQ & The Lucky Dogs (76.52) 3. IVBalisNIlSpiits (76·52) Male Game: Von Dyess Male Series: Von Dyess Female Game/Series: Jan Hodges OAK LAWN BOWLING ASSN. Barn-Barn (Metro 817)267·8533 Grey Division: 1. Four Reasons Unknown (40·12) 2. Three Hits and a Ms. (39V,·12V,) 3. Family Jewels (37V,·14V,) Male Game: James Pressly Male Series: James Pressly Female Game/Series: Sharon Haas DALLAS THURS. LAMBDA John (214)337.5479/436.1381 1 MEN (52.8) 2: U.S.-D.A. Prime (36.24) 3. Easy Pickups (36.24) 4. Bunkhouse Bunburners (34.26) 5. The Hustlers (33V,.26V,) Male Game/Series: Wayne Royal Female Game/Series: Glenda Horton Mauve Division: 1. Hippodrome (41·11) 2. A Pac·O·Lips Now (38·14) 3. 976·BOWL (34V,·17V,) Male Ga'!le. Chns Gross Male Senes: (tie) . Female Game:. Jack.~ Baker Female Series. Cacltla Carr FT. WORTH LONE STAR BOWLING Jerry (817)336·6925 SEASON FINAL 1. Alley Katz 2. No Balls 3. Arlington 651 Male Game: John Niemeyer Male Series: George Humphreys Female Game: Katie Morgan Female Series: Katie Morgan HOUSTON TWT APRIL28 - MAY 4 1989 PAGE 75 187 average. High female average forThursday was Helen Neumann with a 164. Summer leagues are now forming for both the Monday men's league and the mixed Thursday night league. For more information, call Steve Stepleton at (713)699-3732. THE LAZY J SUPER SHOWS Saturday April 29, 10:30 p.m. starring I SPECIAL GUEST Todd Smith Ir) presents check for $913.56 to Mark Rogers II) and Phil Morrow (c) of the PWA Coalition of Dallas from recent funderaiser held by the Trinity River Aquatic Club. AQUATIC Sunday April 30, 8:30 p.m. Amateur Talent Night Contest Me's Peaches & Amy 25¢ Pool IOAM·MIDNIGHT Tables MON·TH\lRS Always Op.n IOAM·2AM FRI & SAT 312 TUAM' HOUSTON,TX' 528·9343 Serving Lubbock and West Texas MS 150 BIKE TOUR I Lady Channel, Gina Malone Lady Charmaine (Miss Oldie but Goodie), Lady Dee plus surprised everyone connected with the predominantly gay swim club which is barely one year old. The club currently sponsors a Friday night swimming hour to help members get in shape for the summer season. Anyone interested in swimming for exercise or competition is invited to join. To find out location and times call Charles at (214)368-8281. FUNDRAISER DALLAS - The Trinity River Aquatic Club (TRAG) raised almost $1,400 in its first fundraiser which benefited the AIDS Resource Center and the PWA Coalition of Dallas. Six TRAC swimmers solicited pledges for each lap, or in some cases, miles, they swam on a recent Saturday morning. The resulting totals in distance swam and money collected HOUSTON - About 3,200 bicyclists from across Texas and the U.S. pledged more that $900,000to fight multiple sclerosis during the fifth annual Houston to Austin MS 150 Bike Tour, held April 8-9. "We're very exicted about this year's bike tour results," said Barbara Henshaw, development coordinator. "Last year's event raised just over $800,000, and we added at least $100,000to that with this year's tour. We truly thank all the bicyclists, sponsor's and volunteer groups who made it happen." Funds raised during the MS 150 will be used for research, education and services for those with MS. The Southeast Texas Chapter serves more than 7,500people affected by MS in its 65-county service area. '-\11.1 Cust01'l1.erAppreciation The Beach Salutes all our Gay Brothers and Sisters in Austin this weekend. We are with you in spirit if not in person. Come Play at The Beach and see what everyone is talking about! Open 7 Days a Week 8 pm -2 am 11 TH & SLIDE RD. • LUBBOCK (806) 792·4783 at: z NO"" ON SUNDAYS! SUPER STRIP CONTEST, 5PM MC: MAYA $PRIZES$ .-:w WE DELIVER VIDEOS "~.' ~ For more information .... _...·f IVIONDA.'V-SA.TURDA.'V MOMMA'S MALE DANCERS 5prn-8prn plus 10prn-rnidnight WATCH FOR OUR NEW HAPPY HOUR SPECIALS lVIe>n_-Thurs_9prn-rnidnight ~fFFICIA( GRAN D OPENIN(rCe-[EBR~T10-IifMAY 25 534 Westheimer. PAGE 76 Houston. 522·0045 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1109HYDE PARK. HOUSTON, TX· 77006 522-4485. call: II AM-IO PM DAILY Mike Gregory Saturday, April 29 2 PM-7 PM I~IN1~1 ..."TI~I~I'I~NI»! "All General Release Titles 99¢ "Daily Specials on Select Adult Titles 50¢ "Door Prizes "Friendly Service "Over 2,000 Titles "Greeting Card Closeout "New Membership Discounts $5 to $10 OFF plus 1st RENTAL FREE TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 PAGE 77 HOUSTON!!I DALLAS!!! Checkout th~ ~ersonals on'Man-To-Man and join the 100s of guys who trave connected. V· Join the tens 0) thousands of gvys who have made the switch to (2141,976-0690. • (FW) (FW) FRIDAY APRIL 28 Agape MCC: Prayer Serv., 7:30p COC: Dealing With AIDS Support Group, 7:30p • (DA) (DA) (HO) (HO) (HO) SATURDAY APRIL 29 Cal, Grace Chur.: Family Fellowship, Dallas Gay Youth: 1p CCF: Serv., 6:30p COR: Coffeehouse, 8p Dignity: Mass, 7:30p 7:30p • SUNDAY APRIL 30 March on Austin (AR) Mid·Cities MCC: Serv., 11a & 7:30p (AU) Oasis: Serv., 7p (DA) Church of Metaphysics: Serv., 11a (DA) Grace Fellowship: Serv., 11a (DA) Holy Trinity Com. Church: Serv., 11a (DA) KNON·FM: Gay Radio 89.3, 1p (DA) MCCD: Serv., 10:30a, 7:15p (DA) O.L. Christian Cntr: Serv., 10:45a (FW) Agape MCC: Serv., 10:30a & 7p (GA) MCCG: Serv., 11a (HO) Bering Mem. Church: Serv., 10:50a (HO) Church of Rock: Serv., 10:30a (HO) Com. Gospel Church: Serv., 11a & 6:30p (HO) Kingdom Comm. Church: Serv., 11a & 6:30p (HO) MCCR: Serv., 10:45p & 7:15p (HO) Mission Church: Serv., 10:30a (HO) New Freedom Christ. Church: Servo 11a & 6p (Midland/Odessa) Holy Trin. Comm. Chrch: Serv., 11a (SA) MCCA: Serv., 10:45a (SA) Rei. Science Center: Serv., 11a (SA) River City Church: Serv., 11a fYVA) MCC Waco: Serv., 11a Dial (214) 761.0075/FREE to hdok into the network. ~f it's busy someone is ~~iting to talk to yo~! Immedi~tely call (214) 91~-OO90. Dial (214)l761-6021iFREE to leave your own personal ad. TWO SIZZLING HOURS FOR $3 TWO SIZZLING HOURS FOR $3 INOWIN SAN ANTONIO-We now offer our personal information line in the Alamo City.To leaveyour most intimat thoughts, call FREE(5121224-5959. To hear the most intimate thoughts of others, call (5121976-3100. f!.tn . ,;jf. &, A'>n ; .. . ,..,,~~ • (DA) (FW) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) MONDAY MAY 1 O.L.C.S.: Stonewall Narcotics Anon., 6p COC: Sex Addicts Annon., 7p Dignity: Mtg., 7:15p Fathers First: Mtg., 8p Gay Fathers: Dignity Cntr, Mtg., 8p MCCR: Lone Star Band Rehearsal, 7:30p • (DA) (DA) (DA) (DA) (DA) (FW) (HO) (HO) TUESDAY MAY 2 ARC Visitation: 7p FAR.: Mtg., 7:30p MCCD: Oak Land Band Rehearsal, 7p Oak Lawn Co. Cntr: AiDS Support Group 6p OLCC/DCHD: HiV Group, 6:30p COC: Adult Children of Alcoholics, 8:30p MCCR: Empowerment for Living, 6p Positive Positives: ARC Support, 6p • (AR) (AU) (AU) (DA) (DA) (FW) (HO) (HO) (HO) (HO) (SA) WEDNESDAY MAY 3 Mid·Cities MCC: Serv., 7:30p MCC: Serv., 7:30p Oasis: Serv., 7:30p MCCD: Serv., 7:15p Oak Lawn Co. Cntr: ARC Support, 6p COC: HIV Impacted Women, 1p Church of Relig. Science: Healing Serv., 7:30 GLPC: Mtg., 7:30p MCCR: Serv., 7:15p New Freedom Christ Church: Serv., 7:30p MCCSA: Serv., 7:30p • (FW) (HO) (HO) THURSDAY MAY 4 COC: Men in Transition, 7p Bering Ch.: HIV Neg. Support Group, Mtg., 8p Comm. Gospel Church: Serv., 7:30p TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 . ~/ _l~\ I- CLUB DIAMANTES 5727NASHSTREET,DALLAS (2141350·9814 TUESDAY, MAY 2 GRAND OPENING PARTY INAUGURACION FIESTA GRATIS CERVEZA CON COMIDA Y ESPECTACULO 10 P.M.-12 A.M. 3 DAY FIESTA BLAST CINCO DE MAYO CELEBRACION VIERNES, MAYO 5, 8 P.M. CINCO DE MAYO KICK·OFF SHOW SABADO, MAYO 6, 2 P.M. INAUGURACION DEL PATIO NUEVO CON MARIACHIS, CERVEZA, COMIDA, ESPECTACULO DOMINGO, MAYO 7, 2 P.M. EN EL PATIO NUEVO IVIARIACHIS c:: E Fl." EZ:~ c::::: C> IV! • I:>~ ESPECTACULO VOTO PARA MISS CINCO DE MAYO ~ PAGE 83 Houston. Houston. Same Day Moving Co. Serving Montrose Dallas/Fort for 9 years. (713) 974-MOVE Worth. The Original Master Plumber Dependable licensed plumber, residential and commercial repairs, remodel, new installations. Free estimates. Larry (713)524'{)460. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Houston. Gay IIO,TIUlS since (214/817) Scott and the boys Full Service, Satisfying Sisters Statewide for over a decade Dallas. Houston. (713)928·3061 (713)523 ·9363 Dallas. UCAN have your dreams. (214)601-UCAN. Dallas. Cleaning FISSURES Anorectal warts, fissures, moles, other. Comfortconvenience-quick healing with in-office laser surgery. Worth the trip. Insurance covers many. Dr. Trowbridge, near Intercontinental Airport. Info: (713) 540-2DAY. Houston. J.v. Porro and Assoc. Sports Massage, state reg. Hydroenterology, colon detoxification. (713)528-3010. CONSTRUCTION qual- Excellent cleaning: free quotes. Sewing/alterations-Lisa-(713)864-2233. Houston. Cleaning - Bill-(713)864-2233. Houston. Tax returns, Air audits. conditioning, refrigeration. Call Larry 1701 W. GRAY Houston. River Oaks Antiques Center 2119 Westheimer. (713)520-8238, 7 days, 10-6. We buy, sell, consign antiques and quality collectibles, furniture, china, crystal, silver, paintings, rugs, etc. Complete household and estate sales. Worth. Since 1979 The Original Gay MOVER and the boys Scott (214/817) 263-7007 (metro) Satisfying Sisters Statewide housework? Let Lavelle. HIU/S l'llI~l' IIO,TIUlS Large Truck - Low Rates is Dallas. VCR REPAIR SPECIALISTS OMNI VIDEO (214) 559-3009 In Home VCR Hook-Up $24" TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 ATTENTION: ARTISTS Here's your chance to display your work! For infonnation: Contact Mr. Kuykendall (214)559-4190 Sizzling California Phone Sex! We're twenty of LA's hottest models, centerfolds and most versatile men. Totally built! Totally tan! Totally hung! Call 24 hrs.lday (we're always horny!) 1-800-548-7827 "L.Ao's SHOOTING STARS" MasterCardlVlSA/Amer. Express Low rates • MOVEMASTERS! GET WELL SOON! A+R Austin. A luxurious new bed & breakfast with private pool is now open. Unique architecture, impeccable service, only three minutes from downtown. (512) 474-2042. National. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 CHOOSE TRAVEL NIF, Carolyn Ed Buza Houston. TOTAL PLUMBING / REMODELING Residential & commercial. Licensed and insured. Work guaranteed. (713)520-5484. County. Dallas. BOB COHEN Plano. Lynette, Just wanted you to know ... I love you! (214) 328-0818 Mel Mitchell (214)691·1728 in Fayette Houston. Defining the Beat 7 Nights a Week Celebrities Video Bar & Grill 3810 Congress at Oak Lawn (214) 52-CELEB (713) Dallas. Dallas. COMPUTER TUTOR One-on-One Personalized Instruction PC-DOS, Lotus & Wordstar (214) 941-9347 Jeff Hate the people you'd like to meet La Grange. GWM seeks others Phone (409)968-6188. Houston. VIDEO SYNCRASY Jimmy Bartlett's Idiosyncrasy MICHAEL McKINNEY PHOTOGRAPHY (214) 526-7402 Houston. 529-0228. PERSONALS Dallas. Dallas. DISCREET PERSONAL INTRODUCTIONS HIV? The Dallas Buyer's Club is presently taking apptlcations for memberships in conjunction with altemative therapies. For information: Call (214)526-5068. Intro Offer $13.00 By Hank. Good Prices, Refs. Call Worth. Dallas. 14 Years Experience (214) 941·4384 Houston. Professional cleaning by Maid Up. Residential & commercial, free estimates. Call (713) 759-9154. Bonded & insured. PAGE 88 TAX 8l BOOKKEEPING SERVICES Tom Nast, Jr. _ Licensed Tax Practitioner Dallas. Cleaning (214)526-7249. Houston. Hot bottoms available for hung young tops. Daytime, safe, photo, phone. Box 86151, Hou., TX 77266. LIFE-MATE HAIR PLUS BY DON (713) Houston. Looking to buy large aquarium. 70 + gallon capacity. Need not be watertight. Will be used as cage for ferrets. Call (713)527-9111 and ask for Will. Select Dallas. (713) 526·HAIR Austin. Dear Austin, especially everyone at SalIy's-thanks for a great winter. Take care, keep smiling and happy trails. Love, Bruce Dallas/Fort WE DELIVER VIDEOS 1109 HYDE PARK (713) 522-4485 Head and Tails Above the Rest! Houston. G.W. King/Photography, portraits, model composites, TWT cover photographer. New! Discreet processing 35mm color or XPI-B&W only. Call for prices. Call (713)522-2037. (713)468-6199. Houston. Home repairs and remodeling. (713)863-9129. Dallas/Fort CHOOSE MOVEMASTERS! Houston. Houston. Houston. 528-6034. (713) (713) 981'{)706 Houston. Houston. Residential/Commercial - Custom Kitchens & Bathrooms - Room additions - Roofs - Thermal windows - Vinyl Siding - Creative Landscaping - Plus More Insured ... Call David (713)923-8632 Service Plus A quality cleaning svc. residential-comm. Jeff Cunningham (713) 522-3451 MONTROSE MOVERS $491 hr. Most Recommended PEOPLE LIKE YOU "Can you afford to send $10, right now?" Get an envelope, stamp, checkbook, pen, write $10 check (or more?) & send to: F.H.U., P.O. Box 190712, Dallas, TX 75219. Mail it today! "Now, wasn't that easy?" Foundation for Human Understanding funds 26 different projects. Thanks to people who do carelike you! Austin. Safe, fun times BIM and W/M. (512)441-4720. French's Visa, Mastercard, American Express welcome. Box outlet: 1925 Westheimer. (713)630-6555. Storage too! Houston. Houston. Houston. Personnel for cleaning service. Must have phone, tran.sportation, references. (713)62HJ615. by Casey (214)601-1724. Texas. Dallas. Swim wear + Undergear Catalog-thongs, bikinis and more-Send $3-Swimwear, P.O. Box 191188, Dallas, TX 75219. (214)521-7601. T.S.T. & CO. Chuck Houston. Houston. 960-9632. Staff Jimmy-John R.S.R. Custom Kitchens & Baths Interior Remodeling No Job Too Small (214) 528-9536 or 229-2071 D.P.B. Houston. Have your portrait painted. Museum ity. Call (713)521-1133 for free estimate. New Trucks, Friendly, Careful Local and Long Distance (21Lt) 521-(jIl25 For Entire House Contents Estate liquidations - all or part, antiques, period furniture, silver, jewelry, china, everything 263-7007 (METRO) Dallas. IIIIJ}S IIO,TIN(, SIUlV"~I~ TOP CASH PAID 1979 Dallas. KLEANING BY KURT-The best professional cleaning service. Commercial & residential. Weekly and bi-weekly only. Free estimates. References. (214)520-7248. Texas. Puerto ValiartalVilia Buganvilia. Magnificient tri-Ievel, Spanish Colonial villa, overlooking Bandera Bay,3 bedroom, 3V2 baths, maid, cook, pool. Reasonable weekly rates. Metro (817)572·7545. Austin. La Prelle Place Bed & Breakfast. Luxurious accommodations at moderate rates with private baths. Hot tub. (512)441-2204. New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS GUEST HOUSE 3 blocks to Bourbon Street. Private bath. Free parking. 1118 Ursulines St., New Orleans, LA 70116. (504)566-1177, (800)654-4092. PAGE 89 Houston. Direct Cremation $595 COMPLETE Cremation Service International 5601 Arlington Houston, TX 77066 (713) 523-1111 ANNOUNCEMENTS In Loving Memory of Mark B. Bovay July 27, 1945 - March 30, 1988 "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." • You live on, sir, in all of us with whom you shared a portion of your life in this world. Jim. Dallas. Transsexual support group: There is now a transsexual support group meeting every Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Dallas at the DGA, 3920 Cedar Springs Road. The group offers support and information on services for transsexuals and their families and friends. You can call Susan at (214) 331-1706 or the DGA at (214)528-4233for more information. Fort Worth. Gay Alliance (817)336-8242. Fort Worth. The COMMUNITY OUTREACHCENTER (formerly the Fort Worth Counseling Center) is needing volunteers for the Buddy Project, office work, hospital visitation, etc. For information, call (817)335-1994Monday-Friday between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Charles Henry Perkes III (above) Born July 13, 1957 in Dallas Died April 6, 1989 in Houston Buried at McAllen Chip was a fine musician, possessing a rich baritone voice that was equally comfortable with the repertoire from the Art Song to Musical Theatre. An incredibly brave warrior, he won many battles with a host of painful and finally, fatal, diseases; who looked for the best in others, and gave the best he had. He leaves behind Chuck and Pat, Bud and Edwin, Joey, Greg, lifemate Lynn and many wonderful friends. In Memoriam This is the true measure of love. When we believe that we alone can love, that no one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one will ever love in the same way after us. Houston. Free exercise and stress reduction classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30p.m. to 2 p.m. These classes are specifically designed for people living with AIDS, ARC or who are HIV positive. Working with healing the mind, the body and the spirit. These classes offer valuable tools to assist you in your own self-healing process. 1505 Nevada St. For more information call Michael K. Wilson at (713)523-4241or 526-5683. OBITUARIES James Donald Chumley, director of Dallas' Mossl Chumley Gallery, passed away March 19, 1989 at Baylor Hospital. Son of Otis Hughie Chumley and Gladys Pauline Bozer, bom on July 16, 1938,Owensboro, Kentucky. He spent his childhood at the Woodson Home until his graduation from Sherman High School. In 1956, Mr. Chumley entered Texas Tech University, studying architecture, painting and advertising art. He was an active member of the Kappa Sigma Social Fratemity and the Saddle Tramps service organization. Jim returned to Dallas in 1975 and opened his own frame shop, Nimbus, In 1980, Frank Moss joined Nimbus as a partner. The Moss/Chumley Gallery opened its first exhibition at the Crescent in the fall of 1986. Nimbus Gallery was closed in 1987, but Moss/Chumley continued and relocated to the Quadrangle late in 1988. Frank Moss closed the gallery in late March due to his own ill health. Jim Chumley was a founding member of the Dallas Art Dealers Association and served on the board of the Texas Sculpture Association until his failing health forced him to resign. James is survived by his brothers Billy Chumley of Spring, Texas; Bobby Chumley of Wills Point, Texas; and his sister JoNell Wiggins of Denver, Colorado. A memorial service for Mr. Chumley was held at the Dallas Museum of Art in the Main Auditorium on April 16. The Jim Chumley Memorial Fund has been established to recognize a deserving artist working in the visual arts on an annual basis. Contributions may be sent to: Meadows Museum of Art, Southem Methodist University, Dallas 75275. PAGE 90 John Steven Slyke (above) 11/2/56 - 4/13/89 John died at home with his lover Jamie Bowman after a long battle with AIDS. He left behind his lover and his world's two best friends, Liz Bucher and Peggy Johnson. John, I'll keep your memory near my heart, my brilliant, beautiful guiding star, till long life is over, I too depart to the infinite night where I know you are. Love, Jamie TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 Rodney Allen Rutledge (above) June 11, 1957 - April 15, 198~ Lovin' You Always, Ricky Former Houstonian, passed away in Ohio with his family. TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 Randy Lohse (above), 28, passed away Friday, April 21, 1989 at Breckenridge Hospital in Austin with his mother at his side. Survivors include mother Lorene, father Charles, sister Teresa and niece Jessica Randi of Houston, and lifetime companion Paul Chavis of Austin. Randy was a volunteer with his mother at the Names Project in May 1988. He will be missed by his family and friends. He was an inspiration to all who knew him. Randy fought hard to hold onto life and those who loved him know he did not lose by dying. Donations may be made to the Omega House in his memory. Randy M. Baker (above) September 18, 1952 - February 25, 1989 Randy entered peacefully into the Lord's house on February 25. He is survived by his parents Myrtle and Leslie, sister Anne and brothers Gene, Joe, Bobby and Ron. Randy returned home to Kentucky where he rests in eternal peace. Randy was dearly loved by all who were blessed with knowing him. So until we walk through eternal paradise together, sleep peacefully my brother and remember, you will always be in our hearts. With love always, Ron & Jim PAGE 91 GUIDE POLICY: 1) Non-profit groups & organizations are listed free. 2) Only those commercial businesses-nightclubs. cafes, retail stores and providers of professional services-which choose to support TWT by advertising on a regular monthly basis are listed In the TWT Guide and become eligible to receive magazines for distribution. TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS AIDS Legal Assistance 1-800-828-6417 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN (Area Code: 512) B.O.A.T 720 Brazos SI. #602178701 472-3333 Gay & Lesbian Tejanos . _ . P.O. 13501178711 280-6107 Gay Student Network ... _ . P.O. 2585178768 462-0305 Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby ... P.O. 2505/78768_ .. 474-5475 People of Color Caucus-MOA _ 227 Congress Ave ... __ .............. #250/78701 _ 473-8335 Texas Association of Nudists .. _ P.O. 49636/78765 T.H.R.F ..... 2201 N. Lamar #203/78705 1-800-826-6417 Texas Les./Gay Stu. Org. Co. P.O. 275, UT Union Bldg.l78712 Texas Republican All. Comm .. P.O. 1077/78767 .453-5028 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN DALLAS (Area Code: 214) Lesbian/Gay Democrats of TX P.O. 190993/75219 522-3507 NGAYA (Nat'l Gay Alliance for Young Adults) P.O. 190426/ ..... - .. 75219-0426 701-3455 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc ... P.O. 191202/75219 .. 520-TGRA TEXAS BULLETIN BOARDS Computer BBS (modem required) Aunt Jayne's HotHouse _ __ 713-522-3838 Back Alley ... __ ..... (AGS) __ __ .. .713-522-1404 Cruisin' Central .. .. _ . _ .. __ _602-275-8784 Isle of Lucy _. __ (AGS) _ .. _ _ .713-868-3140 Neartown Express _(AGS) _ _ .713-522-2269 NETWORK/HOUSTON. _ ... __ .. __ 713-621-3655 Oak Lawn Online __ ... _. 214-358-5192 OtherSide . _. _ .... 817-654-0065 RBBS Confidential _ .. (AGS) . _ 713-498-6574 Sally's Hippie Hollow .... _ .. __ _512-474-6868 Special Delivery __(AGS) . _ . _ . _ .713-933-7920 Stables ._ _ __ . __ 713-621-7081 ABILENE ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) AIDS Hotline __ ... _. _ ... __ . _ .. . 677-AIDS Exodus MCC . 904 Walnutl79607 672-7922 AMARILLO CLUB (Area Code: 806) Hooters _ .... . __401 S. Taylor. . _ .... 374-7300 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Positive Image __ .... _ .... _. _ ... _ .. P.O. 2352179105 ARLINGTON CHURCHES Area Code: 817) Mid-Cities MCC __ .. _ .401 Lillard . __ ... (metro)265-5484 ARLINGTON CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Arlington 651 1851 W. Division 275-9138 Bloomers. _ __ 918 W. Division. _. 275-1693 Britches __ 916 W. Division __861-6055 Rage _ .. .. _. _ .809N. Collins. __ .. 860-8717 ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES(Area Code: 817) Alpha House, Inc .. __ .. _ . _ P_O. 2031/76004-2031 LambdaAA .. - _ _ _ _861-9948 Tarrant County Gay Alliance . . _. . _ .. _ ... P.0.11044/Ft. Worth 76109 _ .336-8242 UTA Gay/Lesbian Assoc ... P.O. 19348-77/76019 . .794-5140 ARLINGTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 817) Rage. _ __ 809 N. Collins __ 860-8717 AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) Austin 6 _ _521 Thompson Lane _ _ .385-5329 Mr. Video-UT _ ... 1910 Guadalupe .. 473-0407 AUSTIN ATTORNEY (Area Code: 512) CliCk, Allen Lee .. _ . _ .. 701 Brazos #500 .. _ . _ .. 320-9099 AUSTIN BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code: 512) Forbidden Fruit 512 Neches. _ _478-8358 Leather by Boots _ at Chain Drive 469-0610 Liberty Books _ . 1014B N. Lamar Blvd 495-9737 TWT Magazine _ _. _ 443-1971 AUSTIN CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Affirmation (Methodist) _. .. 451-2329 Affirmation (Mormon) _ .. _ . P.O. 4102178765 ..... 458-8608 Austin Gay/Lesbian Friends (Quakers) .. _ .. .452-6311 DignitY/Austin _ . P.O. 2866178768 _452-1186 First Unitarian Church .. _ _. _ _ 452-6168 Integrity/Episc. __P.O. 180272178718 __ 339-0811/478-2494 MCCA 1100 Springdale Rd .929-3660 Oasis Ministry5555 N. Lamar Bldg. L#101441-9191/452-8664 AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Backstreet. __ ... __ .... 611 E. 7th .. _. ..... 482-8518 PAGE 92 Boathouse _407 Colorado _ _ 474-9667 Buckle's Saloon .. _ _115 San Jacinto. _ _478-5837 Chain Drive __ 504 Willow _ 480-9017 Charlie's _. _ .. 1301 Lavaca .. __ _474-6481 Crossing. _ .. __ .. _ .. 611 Red River __ _ 476-3611 505 Club _. _ .. 505 East 3rd _. __ . _ _479-5050 Nexus _ .401 East 2nd .495-9553 Petticoat Junction _ ... 401 E.2nd _. __ 472-2199 Sally's Apt.. _ 2828 Rio Grande _ .478-8782 Snuffy's Saloon _113 San Jacinto 479-8965 AUSTIN COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) Johnson, Toby Ph.D at Liberty Books. __ .. 495-9737 Waterloo Co. Center _507 Powell/78703 .... 322-9654 AUSTIN DENTIST (Area Code: 512) Branch, Ralph J., D.D.S .. _ . _2907 Duval St. .... 472-5633 AUSTIN DOCTORS (Area Code: 512) Austin Medical Arts Clinic. #7 Medical Arts Sq. _472-0223 .. Richardson, Phillip C., MD . _ . _ 472-0223 _ _ Smith, Thomas H., MD 472-0223 AUSTIN MEN'S PHONE SERVICE (Area Code: 512) Action Line .... _ .. __ _. _ .... 1-800-777-6338 Guys Nationwide _ .. _1-800-727-4897 Men Across America __ 1-800-888-MALE AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 512) Adventuring Outdoors Club .. P.O. 43918178745 _ .445-7216 AIDS Services of Austin _ ... P.O_ 4874/78765 __ .. 472-2273 ALGPC _. _ P.O. 822178767 .. _ .. __ 462-9888 ALLGO __ P.O. 13501178711 _ .. _ _ .280-6107 ASA Information Line _ _ . .472-AIDS Austin ACT-UP ... _ ... _ 1118 W_ 6th SI. #C-103l78703 Austin Gay Nudists .. _ __ P.O. 49636/78765 Austin Healing Alliance Center _ _ .. _ 327-5711 Austin Immune Health Clinic _ __ _ 472-2753 Austin Names Project .. 4302 Marathon/78756 __452-1083 Austin PWA Coalition ... _P.O. 50255/78763 __ .. 477-2502 Austin VD Screening & Clinic __ .. 15 Waller .. __469-2070 Austin Waves (Volleyball) .. __ . _ ... .. 444-4723 Breakaway (Gay Cycling Club) .. .. __ _ .443-2733 Capital City Riders MC __ . __ ... _ .. 447-7325 CARE Unit HIV Testing 1643 E. 2nd _ .473-CARE Centex Rainbow Society of Deaf _ . (VoicemY) . _389-1810 Classic Chassis Car Club .... __ ... __ .. P.O. 12553178711 Couples-Austin-Texas (CAD. P.O. 180122178718 .458-8956 Ebony Connection. _ P.O. 1428178767 478-3786 Family & Friends of Lesbians & Gays _ 328-3830 Gamblers (Bowling) ... .... __ __ _ .328-8503 Gayline __ _ .P_O. 8559/78712 . _. _. _ 477-6699 Gay Fathers of Austin _ .. _ _ .. 451-5835 Gay and Lesbian Stu. Assoc. _. P_O_275/78713 .. 471-4387 Gay Student Network. _ ... P.O. 2585/78768 .... .462-0305 Informe Sida (Informacion de AIDS en espanol) .. 472-2001 Law Students for Gay & Lesbian Concerns .... _ .. _ .... .. U.T. School of Law .. 727 E. 26th/78705 . .472-7470 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas ... . _ .... _328-8503 LeSbian/Gay Political Caucus. _P.O. 822/78767 .. 462-9888 Lesbian/Gay Rts. Lobby of TX . P.O. 2505/78768 _474-5475 Live and Let Live (AA) _ .. 4405 Medical Pkwy _ . _323-9833 March on Austin _ . _ ... _P.O. 2395/78768 _ _474-5475 People's Community Clinic. _. _ .... _ _ 478-1746 Project Transition .. 2525 Wallingwood #705N .. 327-2326 PWA Coalition __ _ _ _ .. 472-3792 Republican Alternatives .. __P.O. 1077/78767 _ 453-5028 Tennis Network _ .. _ .... __ . Vince .. __ . _ _447-6549 Texas AIDS Network Austin _ Paul C. 472-2273 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc .. _ _ __ 462-9419 Third Thursday (Health Care ProfeSSionals) __ 442-5229 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) AIDS Servo of So. East Texas .. P.O_ 5650/77702 .. 842-5438 Lambda Group AA . 6300 College/77707 .. __899-9239 Triangle AIDS Network (TAN.) .2525 Calder #117/77702 . ... _ _ .. -_ - - - .. 832-8167,832-8338 Trinity Group _ __ __ _ .. 832-6529 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CLUB (Area Code: 409) Club 222 __ 222 N. Main __ __ .779-7039 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLlNES (Area Code: 409) AIDS HELPLINE ... _ .... _ _ _.. . .. 690-AIDS Brazos Valley AIDS Foundation _P.O. 9209 .. College St.l77842-o209 _. . .. 690-2437 Caritas MCC __ .. 401 E.31st(Bryan) 775-7219 Gay Student Services ... MCS-Student Service Center. ........ TAMU #789177843-1237 _ 693-5845 Lambda AA . _ . . . 846-2787 CONROE ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Gay/Lesbian Encounter/Support Group 539-9083 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation .. P.O. 331416" . 883-CARE Lambda AA . _ 1230 S. Brownlee. : 991-4506 MCC .. . 1230 S. Brownlee 882-8255 DALLAS ACCOMMODATIONS (Area Code: 214) Plantation Inn. .. . _ 520-3131 DALLAS ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 214) La Cage _ .1812 W. Mockingbird 630-7071 DALLAS APARTMENT COMMUNITIES (Area Code: 214) Beverly Manor Apts. . 4406 Bowser 528-9832 Findlt (ApI. Locators) 3002 Wycliff 520-2300 The Hub Apts. . 3136 Hudnall. . 528-3311 DALLAS ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 214) Birdwell, Jerry R __ 357-3311 Flint, Bruce. .. __3710 Rawlins #911 522-4878 Kowalski, John 3210 Oak Lawn" 526-9699 Manasco, Randy 714 Jackson SI. #200 __ .. 939-9822 Nelson, M. William .. 3102 Oak Lawn/P.O. 113 .. 526-9861 Solomon, King . _ .. 2911 Turtle Creek #300 522-4522 Stewart, Charles L. 3500 Oak Lawn #400 521-3804 Wilk, David _ 3710 Rawlins #911 522-4878 Wright, David L. (24-Hours) _ 269-4642 DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 214) Abacus Printing. .3810 Congress #123 ..... 528-1332 Care Line (Home Infusions) 1499 Regal Row #514951-9691 Casey Housecleaning . __ 946-3551 Chelsea Hair 3136 Routh #106 _ 651-9296 Crossroads Market3930 Cedar Spr.1-800-992-6404/521-8919 Curious Times Bookstore 4008'0' Cedar Springs 528-4087 Ewings & Assoc. (Insurance) _ . .... _ 2540 Walnut Hill Ln. #240 350-1323 Flowers by Bill _ . __ .4304 Lemmon 526-8338 Foster, Tim ... C.P.A 5956 Sherry Ln. #504 324-5800 Leather by Boots 2515 Inwood #245 902-8139 Life Mate (Introductions) 691-1728 Michael McKinney .... TWT Photographer 526-7402 Nast, Tom (Lic_ Tax Accountant) .... _ ..... __ .. 941-4384 Nature's Best Way ... 13644 Brookgreen Dr. ... 783-7658 Norma Kristie Inc. _ .3900 Lemmon Ave. #220-0 .. 521-0638 Omni VCR Repair. _ 3910 Cedar Springs _ 559-3009 Oak Lawn Records 3810 Congress #121 521-0350 Today's Hair Replacement 254-HAIR/1-800-972-1036 TWT Magazine .... 3900 Lemmon Ave. #220 521-0622 Union Jack .. _ .. _3928 Cedar Springs 528-9600 DALLAS CHURCHES & RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 214) A Course in Miracles P.O. 35833/75235 521-6069 Affirmation (Methodist) _948-1546 Beth EI Binah (Jewish) P.O. 64460/75206 526-2085 Bethany Presbyterian Church . _ ..... _. _ __ .528-4084 DignitylDalias __ . _ . P.O. 190133/75219-0133 226-4101 Emergence (Christian Scientist) P_0.2878175221 522-3086 Evangelicals Concerned (D/FW chapter) . P.O. 532332 .. ....... Grand Prairie/75053 642-3185 First Church of Divine Metaphysics .. _P.O. 683/75221 ... . __ __ . .. _ 826-7110 ext. 301 First Unitarian Church of Dallas _ _ 4015 Normandy GALA (Reorganized Members of Latter Day Saints) .. _ ...... _ __ _ 530-7658 Grace Fellowship _ 2727 Oak Lawn Ave. _ 528-2811 Holy Trinity Community Church _4402 Roseland. 827-5088 Integrity (Episcopal) __ .. P.O. 190351/75219 .... 739-5899 Lutherans Concerned (D/FW Chapter) .. c/o Kent Naasz _ . ... __1805 Caddo Dr.llrving/75060 (214)251-1800 MCC-Dallas __ .... _ ... 2701 Reagan. _526-6221 DALLAS CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Barracks _ 2615 Inwood _ _ 351-5622 Big Daddy's __ .3913 Cedar Springs. _ 528-4098 Buddies .. _ 3415 Mahanna_ .. _ _526-8720 Celebrities Video Bar & Grill .. 3810 Congress .. 52-CELEB Club Diamantes _ .5727 Nash _ .350-9814 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 • Cove __4020 Maple Ave. _ 522-4814 Crews Inn. . .3215 N. Fitzhugh 526-9510 Dallas Exchange 2555 Inwood #143 _ .. 358-3557 Eighth Day 2509 N. Fitzhugh 827-3765 Hartford's. . 3905 Cedar Springs 526-4448 Hideaway _ __ . _4144 Buena Vista" 559-2966 Hidden Door 5025 Bowser ." _ 526-9211 High Country 3121 Inwood 351-2278 Hippodrome. .. _ .. 5029 Lemmon Ave 520-2336 John L's _ .. 2525 Wycliff 520-2525 JR's _ 3923 Cedar Springs 528-1004 Jugs 3414 Kings Rd 521-3474 No Name Bar 2513 N. Fitzhugh"" 826-3200 North Forty Saloon 6316 Denton Dr. 350-6327 Ripcord. . 2515 Inwood 353-9992 Round-Up Saloon _ 4117 Maple Ave. . .. 522-9611 Sue Ellen's 3903 Cedar Springs 380-3386 Throckmorton Mining Co .. 3014 Throckmorton .521-4205 Village Station 3911 Cedar Springs 949-2398 Wave, The __ .4025 Maple Ave 559-4360 Zippers 3333 N. Fitzhugh 526-9519 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) Oak Lawn Comm. Servo .3000 Turtle Creek #204 .520-8108 DALLAS DOCTORS/DENTISTS (Area Code: 214) King, Karen K., D.O. .. .9709 Bruton Rd. #6 216-9184 Noss, Michael, D.O _4140 Lemmon #267 522-6922 Watson, Terry R., D.O 3906 Lemmon #210 520-7200 DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 214) Club Body Center 2616 Swiss 821-1990 Fitness Exchange 2525 Inwood #233 956-8311 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 214) AIDS ARMS/Network ... 2727 Oak Lawn #222 ... 521-5191 AIDS Clinic/Parkland Hospital .. 5201 Harry Hines Blvd. .............. #6B/75235 .. .. 590-5632 AIDS Hotlines. . 351-4335, (T.D.D.)521-3118 AIDS Interfaith Network .. 6525 Inwood/75209 .. 358-4724 AIDS Mastery Seminar .... P.O. 36125/75235 .... 855-7140 AIDS Prevo Proj., Testing & Counseling/Dal. Co. Health Dept. ....... __1936 Amelia Ct _ 920-7900 AIDS Resource Center/DGA & FHU . . . .. _ .. 4012-B Cedar Springs Rd.l75219 521-5124 AIDS Services/OLCS .. 3000 Turtle Creek #110 .. 520-8108 Alcoholics Anonymous (Dallas Lambda AA) 487-7667 Beth EI Binah (Jewish) ... _P.O. 64460/75206 526-2085 Big Red (Redhaired Men) P.0.190174/75219 Branding Iron Club ..... P.O. 190471175219 ..... 357-4730 Couples (Metro Dallas) ... _ .... _ .. P.O. 227217/75222 D/FW MAN. (Metro Area Nudists) .. _ . P.O. 565633/75356 Daire Center (Adult Day Care for PWAs) .. .. __ .522-4365 Dallas County Deaf AIDS Task Force _. _ . _ . . . _ ..... ... 800 N. Lancaster/75203 ... 941-0523 (voicefTDD) Dallas Gay Alliance .... P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 Dallas Gay Historic Archives _ .. . 528-4233 Dallas Gay Youth Group .. P.O. 190426/75219 .. 521-3125 D.I.C.T.B.O. (Oal, Invil. Columbus Day Tourn. Bowling Organ.) ... _ P.O. 140213 .. _ 526-8060 Dallas Legal Hospice .. 4012-B Cedar Springs .. 522-8064 Dallas On Tap (Dance Group) P.O. 190973/75219 960-1927 Dallas Tavern Guild 3900 Lemmon #220 521-0638 Dallas Women Chorus P.O. 190973/75219 960-1927 Deaf Action Center. ... .. . __ . . 521-0407 Exp. Weekend ... 12262 Inwood #1206/75234 521-1046 Friends & Relatives of Gays. _ .. . _(metro)(817)469-7055 Friends, Assoc. & Relating (FAR.) _ 520-2309 Gay Community Center. 4012-B Cedar Springs. 528-4233 Gay/Lesbian Hispanics of Dallas ... P.O. 35023/75235 .. _ __ .. .. _ .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . 337-8784 Gay/~esbian Parents of Dallas __ 467-2038 Gay/Lesbian Unitarians . 528-3990 Gay/Lesbian Young Adults 4012-B Cedar Springs 528-4233 Gayline (Comm. Res. Cntr.) . P.O. 190835/75219 .368-6283 G.U.T.S. (Gay Urban Truth Squad) _ 528-4233 Lambda Bowling (John) 337-5479/436-1381 Lambda Weekly (Radio Program of DGA) _ .... _ .... __P.O. 64743175206 . .. .. __ 823-7490 Lesbian/Gay Democrats ... P.O. 190933/75219 522-3507 Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus of Dallas P.O. 224424/75222 __ _ _ _. _. _ 828-9882 Lesbian Information _ 528-2426 Lesbian Visionaries .. _ . P.O. 191443/75219 _ 528-2426 March on Austin (Organ. Cornm.) _2850 Lucas #146/75219 .. 522-4538 PAGE 93 Men of All Colors Together P.O. 190611/75219 Metro Gay Mensa P.O. 35822175235 522-3867 Metroplex Republicans P.O. 191033/75219 941-8114 Narcotics Anonymous 24 hours 699-9306 National Gay Alliance for Young Adults . · P.O. 190426/75219 701-3455 North Tex. Assoc. of Physicians for Human Rights . ..... 12222 Coit Rd 233-3100 Oak Lawn Bowling Association (817)267-8533 Oak Lawn Community Services (OLCS) . ....... 3000 Turtle Creek PI. #110 520-8108 Oak Lawn Online Computer BBS 358-5192 Oak Lawn Ski Club P.O. 772/75221 358-0427 Oak Lawn Symphonic Band 526-8609 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc P.O. 11232 739-2726 Oak Lawn Volleyball 526-6433 OASIS Recovery Program/OLCS .3000 Turtle Creek #110 . ......................... 520-8108 Okinawan Karate Club. . 247-8122 PWA Coalition of Dallas/NAPWA P.O. 4338175208 · 941-0523 Police Harassment Reporting 528-4233 Presbyterians for Lesbian/Gay Concerns 823-2317 Razzle-Dazzle Dallas, Inc P.O. 224562/75222-4562 Stonewall Group (Narcotics Anonymous) 699-9306 Suicide & Crisis Center 828-1000 Texas AIDS Network/Dallas Gary S 520-8108 Texas Fathers for Equal Rights P.O. 50052 . ...... One Main PI. Stal.l75250 934-3885 T.G.R.A.lDalias . .. 520-7137 THRF (Texas Human Rights Foundation)P.O. 191312/75219 T.R.U.S.T. (Teens Relating Unique Situations Together) .. ·.... . 528-9191 T.v. Haven .. P.O. 293182/Lewisville/75029 .. (214)315-1323 Texas Sidekicks (cloggers) 330-0100 Trinity River Aquatic Club 368-8281/821-1653 Turtle Creek Chorale .... P.O. 190806/75219 .... 939-1520 United Court of the Lone Star Empire .. P.O. 215013/75221 Violence Against Gays NGTF Hotline 1-800-221-7044 W.I.L. Power (Women In Leather) 699-7806 Womyn Together ..... P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 Young Adult Positive Support (HIV/ARC) 521-3125 DALLAS MEN'S PHONE SERVICES (Area Code: 214) ABC Phone Service . 976-4242 Action Line 1-800-777-6338 ComQuest (Gay Computer MatChing) 1-800-633-6969 Guys Nationwide. ......... . 1-800-727-4897 Man to Man. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976-0690 Men Across America. . .. l-BOO-888-MALE DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) Celebrities Video Bar & Grill •. 3810 Congress .. 52-CELEB Crackers Restaurant ..... 2621 McKinney ..... 871-7268 DALLAS LIVE/LEGITIMATE THEATRE (Area Code: 214) Theatre Gemini 521-6331 DENTON ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 817) Harvest MCC 387-81BO EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533-6055 San Antonio Mining Company8oo E. San Antoni0534-9090 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) MCC EI Paso 2201 Mills, P.O. 3121 542-1227 Parents FLAG 833-4256 Southwest AIDS Comm .. 916 E. Yandell. 79902 .533-5003 FORT WORTH ACCOMMODATIONS (Area Code: 817) Quality Inn South 4201 S. Frwy 923-8281 FORT WORTH ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 817) Wright, David L. 877-1231 FORT WORTH BUSINESS (Area Code: 817) R&R Travel (metro)(817)572-7545 FORT WORTH CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Affirmation (Methodist)lTarrant Co ... P.O. 18414/76118 .. .......... . 656-B056 Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 535-5002 Circle of Glory Church. 3900 College Ave.l76110. 927-1821 Dignity/Ft. Worth .... 4503 Bridge SI.I76103 283-8588 Evangelicals Concerned (D/FW chapter) . ... P.O. 532332 Grand Prairie/75053 (214)642-3185 Fellowship of Love Outreach1215 Co. Club Ln. #100/76112 ............................... . .. 451-9307 FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Across the Street 700 S. Jennings 332-0192 Ashburn's 3012 E. Rosedale 534-6630 PAGE 94 Copa 2ooA N. Vacek 334-0407 D.J.'s. . 1308 St. Louis 927-7321 Partner's 1612 Park Place. . . . . .. 924-2519 The 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332-0745 FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code: 817) Community Outreach Center. 1125 W. Peter Smith/76104. .................................. 335-1994 Cowtown Symphonic Band ..... Jay (214)960-1927 Crisis/Suicide Intervention (24-hour help) 927-5544 FW/GPW Assoc. . . . . . . . P.O. 2165/76113 Imperial Privy Council P.O. 365/76101 Legal Defense Fund 336-8242 Lambda AA 921-2871 Lone Star Bowling League Jerry 336-6925 Longhorn Bowling Assoc Joan 624-2151 Other Side (Computer BBS) 654-0066 Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays 834-8943 Tarrant Co. Gay Alliance P.O. 11044/76110 336-8242 Tarrant Co. Parents Group P.O. 18414 656-B056 Texas Gay Rodeo Association P.O. 786/76101 V.D. Clinic 1800 University 870-7223 FORT WORTH RESTAURANT (Area Code: 817) D.J.'s Restaurant 1308 St. Louis 927-7321 GALVESTON CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Garbo's 2214 Mechanic 763-5922 Kon-Tiki 315 23rd (Tremont) .763-9031 Mary's II 2502 QV, St. 763-9435 Robert's LaFitte 25th & Q SI. 765-9092 The Steel Door 211 22nd SI. 763-9585 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Community Care for AIDS, Inc.-UTMB . . 12th & Mechanic RI. J-28/77550 .938-2202/761-3038 Dawn of Faith Metropolitan Community Church . ......... P.O. -2623177553-2623 765-7626 Galveston Co. Health Depl. (Gal. AIDS Program) .765-2514 Galveston Tennis Network Jerry 765-5071 Lambda AA 935-6319 Lesbian/Gay Parents Support. P.O. 241 . Galveston 77553. · 762-1464 HARLINGEN ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Valley AIDS Council .. 209 N. 1st St. #1/78550 .. 428-9322 HOUSTON ADULTIVIDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) Big City News 10105 Gulf Frwy 947-8999 Gaslite News 3519 Bellaire Stadium Bookstore 4629 W. 34th 683-1886 HOUSTON ADULT THEATRE (Area Code: 713) French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527-0782 HOUSTON APARTMENT COMMUNITIES (Area Code: 713) Chateaux Dijon .... 5331 Beverly Hill Lane 626-3660 Greenway Place Apts 3333 Cummins 623-2034 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 713) Barnich, John Paul ..... 2100 Travis #1214 739-0202 Frye, Phyllis 5707 Firenza .... (24 hours) 723-8368 Green, Bill (24 hours) 266-1004 Levy, Ben G 3400 Montrose #210 528-2728 Martin-Simon, Elsie .811 West. #107 .(24 hrs.) .521-3168 O'Kane, Patricia Anne. 3212 Smith #102 (24 hrs.). 526-7911 HOUSTON BUSINESSES/SERVICES (Area Code: 713) A-I Key & Lock 1612 Westheimer 520-5061 A Moveable Feast 2202 W. Alabama 528-3585 Advance Travel 10700 N.w. Frwy 682-2002 AI's Formal Wear 5524 Weslayan 666-2249 Apollo/Chambers (Hair Replacement Cntr.) . ........ 3843 N. Braeswood 669-0031 Basic Brothers 1232 Westheimer 522-1626 Beat, The 2129 W. Alabama 523-8348 Dramatika 3224 Yoakum 528-5457 Earthman Funeral Home (Stan Ford) 659-3000 Eurotan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Falcon Leather 1732 Westheimer 528-8211 G.w. King Photography (TWT photographer) 522-2037 Gingiss Formal Wear . · Baybrook Mall 488-9096 · Almeda Mall 943-3721 · Town & Country Mall 464-6020 Hair Plus by Don 1701 W. Gray 526-HAIR I.W. Marks 3841 Bellaire Blvd _ 668-5000 Kwik-Kopy 3317 Montrose 522-1896 Leather By Boots. . 711 Fairview 526-2668 Leather By Boots. ' at the Ripcord 526-0444 Movemasters 1925 Westheimer 630-6555 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 Muscles in Action c/o C.J. Harrington 932-9770 RMS Automotive 1759Westheimer 529-5855 Royal Limousine 7120 Hemlock 928-5544 Rutherford, Roger (TWT photographer) 622-8440 Specs Unlimited 4709 Richmond 961-9705 TNT Shirts 2400 Taft 522-0986 TWT Graphics (Art, Design, Typsetting) 527-9111 TWT Magazine 811 Westheimer #106 527-9111 Union Jack 1521 Westheimer 528-9600 U.S.A. Pageantry, Inc 523-5293 We Deliver Videos 1109 Hyde Park 522-4485 HOUSTON CHURCHES & RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 713) . Bering Memorial UMC 1440 Harold 526-1017 Church of Religious Science .. 1505 Nevada .. 526-LOVE Church of the Resurrection (S.E. Houston) 489-0167 Church of the Rock ... 7018 Long Pointl77055 591-1342 Community Gospel Church ... 5309 Feagan 863-8846 Congregation Aytz Chayim .5BOO Lumberdale #2 . 688-8997 Dawn of Faith MCC (Pearland, TX) ... P.O. 2373177581 ... ..................................... 922-1184 Dignity (Gay Catholics) ... P.O. 66821/77266 528-0111 Emergence P.O. 613/Bellaire/77401 665-2642 First Unitarian Church 5210 Fannin St. 526-1571 Gay & Lesbian Mormons 528-4176 Gay People in Christian Science. P.O. 613/Bellaire/77401 . ............. (Emergence) 665-2842 Houston Interfaith Alliance 688-8997 Houston LOS Family Sacrament Meeting 528-4176 Houston Mission Church ..... 3217 Fannin 529-8225 Impact Church of Christ .401 Studewood #200 .864-5667 Integrity (Episcopalian) . P.O. 66008177266-6008 .660-8719 Kingdom Community Church 614 E. 19th ... 880-3527 Lutherans Concerned 623-8633/686-4931 MCCR 1919 Decatur 861-9149 MCC New Freedom in Christ .. 829 Yale/77008 .. 863-8377 Pentecostal Family of Mont. ... 5309 Feagan 863-8846 Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Ctr.) 41 Oakdale ........... .. .. 526-2585 Rothko Chapel 1409 Sui Ross 524-9839 St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 1805 W. Alabama Unitarian Men's Group. . .. _ 528-1571 Weslayan Fellowship 864-8899 HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Bacchus 523 Lovett 523-3396 Barn 710 Pacific 523-0213 Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Briar Patch 2294 Greenbriar. . . .665-9678 Chutes 1732 Westheimer 523-2213 Club Romeo 903 Richmond 528-9110 Cousins 817 Fairview 528-9204 E/J's. . . . . 2517 Ralph 527-9071 Exit 109 Tuam 528-8623 Galleon 2303 Richmond 522-7616 Heaven Pacific at Grant 521-9123 JR's B08 Pacific 521-2519 Kindred Spirits 4902 Richmond .. 623-6135 Lazy J 312 Tuam .528-9343 Mary's 1022 Westheimer . . . 527-9669 Momma's Money 534 Westheimer ... .522-0045 Montrose Mining Co B05 Pacific 529-7488 Mother's 402 Lovett. .. .. . 520-7935 Outpost 2818 Richmond 528-8318 Ranch. . 9150 So. Main 666-3464 Rich's 2401 San Jacinto 759-9606 Ripcord 715 Fairview 521-2792 Rock 'N' Horse. .... . .. 1220 Taft 520-9910 Rubio's 202 Tuam . .. . . . . . .. 522-1207 Scandals. . 1419 Richmond 528-8903 Studio 13 1318 Westheimer 521-9030 The 611 Hyde Park at Stanford. .. . .. 526-7070 20/20 Club 3611 Fondren 975-6956 Venture-N 2923 S. Main 522-0000 HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) Edd, Nicholas, Dr., Psy. D ..... 2128 Welch .... 527-86BO .. Mem. City Prof. #1, 902 Frostwood #269 .. 465-2377 Montrose Counseling Ctr. ... 900 Lovett #203 ... 529-0037 Stone, Sharon ..... 3935 Westheimer #306. . .. 623-6081 Treese, Gary, M.S.w .. 4200 Montrose Blvd. #4BO .522-9816 HOUSTON MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: HOUSTON CHIROPRACTORS (Area Code: 713) Fletch~", Dr. Richard ..... 1245 Vale & 13th. . .. 862-3897 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 Dr. Jerry .. 3233 Weslayan #191 .. 963-00BO, ext. 1 HOUSTON DENTISTS (Area Code: 713) Ron, D.D.S 427 Westheimer. .. .524-0538 Bruce W., D.D.S 1006 Missouri .... 529-4364 HOUSTON DOCTORS (Area Code: 713) Hinkle, David, M.D. .4200 Montrose Blvd. #4BO .522-9816 Martinez, Steve, M.D 4126 S.w. Frwy #1000 .. 621-7771 Montrose Clinic 1200 Richmond info-528-5531 · business 528-5535 Strauss, Gerald Z., M.D, .4242 S.w. Frwy, #300 .877-8805 HOUSTON OPTOMETRIST (Area Code: 713) Johnson, Dr. Thomas ..... 4709 Richmond ..... 961-9705 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (Area Code: 713) Club Body Center 2205 Fannin 659-4998 Fitness Exchange .. 3930 Kirby Corp. Sq. #300 .. 524-9932 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (Area Code: 713) ACLU 1236 W. Gray. . . . .. .. .. .524-5925 ACT UP Houston P.O. 66275177266 433-2924 AIDS Dental Referrals . 529-4364 AIDS Foundation 3927 Essex Lane/77027 623-6796 AIDS Holline (9 a.m.-9 p.m.) 524-AIDS AIDS Interfaith Council of Houston. P.O. 20392 .887-5627 AIDS Legal Hotline. ................... . .528-7702 American Gay Atheists ..... P.O. 66711/77266-6711 ..... ........ (Dial-A-Gay-Atheist) 880-4242 AMIGA P.O. Box 9BOI34/77098 520-5667 A Place in the Sun 522-7695 Astro Rainbow So. of the Deaf (6-9 p.m.) 437-B056 Bering Care Center (Adult AIDS Day Care Center) . ........... 1440 Harold 520-7070 Bering Dental Clinic (Indigent Care) 1440 Harold .... ............ . 524-7933 Body Positive 3415V, Graustark 524-2374 Center for Positive Lifestyle 1505 Nevadal77006 526-LOVE CH E (Citizens for Human Equality)P.O. 3045/77253862-1338 Colt 45's 528-9192 Colt 45's AIDS Trouble Fund. P.O. 66804177266 .526-6077 Community Alliance of Hou .. P.O. 272086/77277 .227-6518 Comm. for Public Health Awareness .... P.O. 3045/77253 ..................................... 522-5084 Crisis Hotline ··· 228-1505 Diana Foundation P.O. 66523/77266-6523 D.I.F.F.A.lPWA Assistance Fund 2615 Riverside Dr.l77oo4 · 529-4788 Dignity Center 3217 Fannin 528-0111 Drug Abuse Hotline l-BO0-662-HELP Family Connection (youth shelter) .523-6825 Fathers First 931-B036 FrontRunners (runners, joggers) P.O. 66371/77266 ... · 663-7761/522-0899 GALA (Gay/Les. Assoc.) of Ft. Bend Co, P.O. 291 . · Fulshear, TXl77441 . Gay Fathers of Houston P.O. 981053 77098 . · 522-6766/861-6495 Gay & Les. Hispanics Unidos4101 San Jacinto #202177004 · 520-GLHU (4548) Gay & Lesbian Parents Coalition P.O. 981053/77098 ... ·............................ . 666-1616 Gay & Lesbian People in Medicine 529-3211 Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus P.O. 88884/77288 ................ . 521-1000 Gay & Lesbian Switchboard . P.O. 66591/77288 .529-3211 Gays & Lesbians of Rice UniversityP.O. 1892177251527-8101 Gay/Lesbian Student Assoc. Univ. of Houston , .. .... P.O. 314 4BOOCalhoun/77oo4 749-1253 Gay Men's Network 529-3211 Gay Mensa 529-7006 Gay Parents Support 666-1616 Gays Around You 1220 Taftl77019 520-5154 Greater Hou. Pocket Billiards League . PJ Ford .863-8482 Greater Mont. Bus. Guild ... P.O. 66051/77266 528-1111 Guardian Angels P.O. 66156/77266 523-8352 Gulf Coast Transvestite Chapter P.O. 90335/77090 G.U.T.S.(Gay Urban Truth Squad)P.O. 66563/77266529-0100 HAGLES-Ho. Area Gay & Lesbian Eng. & set. 664-6459 Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline 666-3856 Houston Bar Owners Assn. (HOBO) 522-5523 Houston Center for Attitudinal Healing 688-1734 Houston No. Prof ... P.O. 3840 Humble/77347 .. 821-7126 Houston Outdoor Group ·· .521-3641 Houston Tennis Club Rich 524-2151 Hou-Tex Tennis Club Tim. . . . . . .. .880-0045 Martin, Butler, Smith, PAGE 95 Houston Thursday Nite Mixed Bowling League . ................ Steve 699·3732 Houston Women's Softball League Betty John. ........ 11514 Mulholland/77477 495·1159 Imperial Court of the Single Star .. P.O. 980444/77098-0444 Krewe of Hydra 1406 Richmond #138 523·2953 KPFT Radio 419 Lovett 526-4000 Lambda Alanon 521·9772 Lambda Center For Alcoholics .. 1214 Joanne .. 521·9772 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas .... 520·5126 & 527·9143 Lesbian/Gay Pride Week. P.O. 66684/77266-6684 .529-1223 Lesbian/Gay Students .. . . U of H Clear Lake . ..... . 2700 Bay Areal77058 LOAFF (Lesbians Over Age 50) P.O. 980601177098·0601 ..................................... 661·1482 Lone Star Nudist Group P.O. 740572177274 Lone Star Sym. Band .. P.O. 66613177266-6613 .. 528·4346 Lone Star Volleyball Assn .... Kenny Rodgers ... 522·4374 March on Austin/Ho. chap. P.O. 66973 #1055/77006523-6109 Medius Assn. Inc P.O. 66908177266 Miss Camp America P.O. 142 Bellaire, TXJ77042 Montrose Branch Library 4100 Montrose .... 520·5487 Montrose City Councilman Vince Ryan P.O. 15261 ... ................... . 247·2004 Montrose Co. Cloggers 987·TAPS Montrose Monday Night Men's BOWling League . ............... Tommy 699-8160 Montrose Singers .... (a gay men's chorus) 526·8715 Montrose Softball League P.O. 22272177227·2272 522·4529 Montrose Tennis Club Rich 524·2151 Montrose Writers Guild . P.O. 27084/77227·7084 .461·3008 NAMES Project Houston 1120 Fugate/77oo9 Omega Residence Hospice 523·1139 Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (FLAG) .890·8148 Presidents Club (GPC past, pres.)P.O. 66844/77266523-6024 PWA Coalition 800 Rosine 2nd Floor 522·5428 Sex Addicts Anon 684-6174 Stone Soup (AIDS Foundation) 623-6796 Texas AIDS Network (T.A.N.)/Houston 522·5428 Texas Heartbeat (Couples Nat'l) P.O. 70884/77270-0884 Texas Human Rights Found P.O. 66574/77266-6574 T.G.A.A. Houston P.O. 66973 #1194177006 Transsexual Helpline-Houston 522-4526 Visiting Nurses Assoc 520·8115 Womynspace P.O. 980601/77098 880·9517 HOUSTON MEN'S PHONE SERVICES (Area Code: 713) Action Line 1·800·777-6338 ComQuest (Gay Computer Matching) 1·800-633-6969 Guys Nationwide 1·800·727·4897 Man to Man. . . . . . . . . . . 976-0690 Mancomm 976·0077 Men Across America 1·800·668·MALE HOUSTON'S RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) Arriba Cantina 1100 Westheimer 524·4800 Baba Yega 2607 Grant St 522-0042 Charlie's Restaurant 1102 Westheimer 522·3332 Chapultepec 813 Richmond 522·2365 House of Pies 3112 Kirby 528·3816 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Alley Theatre 615 Texas 228·8421 Chocolate Bayou Theatre ... 4205 San Felipe 528-0119 Greenway III Hwy. 59 @ Buffalo Spdwy 626-0402 River Oaks W. Gray & Shepherd 524·2175 Stages 3201 Allen Parkway 52·STAGE The "Group" (Theatre Workshop) 522·2204 HUNTSVILLE ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 409) Sam Houston Gay Stud. Assoc .... SHSU Box 2959/77341 KEY WEST, FLORIDA BUSINESS (Area Code: 305) Key West Business Guild (information) . P.O. 4640·S/33041 LONGVIEW CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Choices 1016 E. Marshall 753·1052 Jamz 1023 Hwy Sf-South .758·0046 LONGVIEW ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 214) American Red Cross/AIDS Support Group 753·2091 Church With A Vision 2801 Bill Owens Pkwy #189759·9940 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) The Beach 520611th St .792·4783 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Community Outreach Center ... 102 Ave. S .... 762·1019 Gay/Lesbian Student Assoc. .. P.O. 4310 S.O.S. office .. ............. Box 8179410 798-2344 Integrity West Texas 762-0605 Lambda AA 828-3316/798-2903 PAGE 96 L.UG.A P.O. 64746/79463 791·4499 MCC Lubbock 5501 34th SI. 747·1027 West Tex. AIDS Fund. P.O. 93120 .1220 Broadway #1005. ................................... 747·AIDS McALLEN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) P.B.D.'s Lounge ..... Ware Rd. @ Daffodil ..... 682·8019 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915) Holy Trinity Community Church 1607 So. Main. ..... Midland/79701 683·8566 MCC 3201 W. Wall, Midland, P.O. 1152179702 NEW ORLEANS ACCOMMODATION (Area Code: 504) New Orleans Guest House .1118 Ursulines St .. 566·1177 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AIDS Action Council 2033 M. St. NW.!801/ . .. wasn., DC 20036 .. (202)293·2886/fax (202)296·1292 AIDS Information recording. . 1·800·342·AIDS American Foundation for AIDS Research . .1515 Broadway #3601 . .- . N.Y., NY 10036·8901 . ............... (212)719-OO33/fax (212)719·0712 American Gay Atheists, Nat'l Headquarters . . P.O. 66711/Ho. TXJ77266-6711 .... (713)880·4242/ .............................. (718)899·1737 Brethren/Mennonite Council for Les. & Gay Concerns · .. P.O. 65724 ... DC/20035 ... (202)462·2595 Emergence International 2804 P. SI. NW . . Washington, DC/2ooo7 (202)944-4360 Federation of Parents & Friends of Les. & Gays Inc . · . P.O. 27605 .. WaSh., DC/2oo38-7605 .. (202)638-4200 Fund for Human Dignity .... 666 Broadway Suite 410. ........ New York, NY 10012 (212)529·1600 Gay & Lesbian Assoc. of Choruses . ....... 4016 SW. 57th Ave Portland, OR/97221 Gay & Lesbian Democrats of America . · 1742 Mass. Ave. SE, Washington, DC 20003 . · (202)547·31 04 Gay & Lesbian Parents Coalition Internat P.O. 50360 .. · Wash., DC/20004 (703)548-3238 Gay Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, "A Common Bond" . .. P.O. 405 .. Ellwood City, PAl16117 .. (412)758-0704 Gay Rights National Lobby P.O. 1892, wasn., DC 20013 · (202)546·1801 Hispanic United Gays Liberado 561914th Ave. #1·C .......................... Brooklyn, NY 11219 Human Rights Campaign Fund . · . P.O. 1396, WaShington, DC 20013 .. (202)628-4160 Lambda Legal Defense 132 W. 43rd NYC 10039 ................................ (212)944·9488 Media Fund for Human Rights .. P.O. 'A' Old Chelsea Sta. .......... N.Y., NY/10011 (212)989-6622 National AIDS Network ... 2033 'M' SI. N.W., Suite 800. · WaSh., DC/20036 (202)293·2437 National Assoc. of Business Councils P.O. 15145 .. · San Francisco, CA 94115 (415)885-6363 National Assoc. of People W/AIDS . ... 20251 SI. N.W., Wash., DC 20006 (202)429·2856 National Gay Alliance for Young Adults (NGAYA) . · .P.0.190426, Dallas, TX 75219-0426 .. (214)307·7203 National Gay Health Education Foundation .. P.O. 784 . .......... N.Y., NY 10036 (212)563-6313 National Gay Rights Advocates 540 Castro . ...... San Francisco, CA 94114 (415)863·3624 National Gay/Lesbian Crisisline 1·800·221·7044 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force .. 1517 U SI. N.W ... · WaShington, DC/2ooo9 (202)332-6483 National Organization for Women 1000 16th SI. N.Y. #700 · WaSh., DC/20036·5705 (202)331-0066 National Public Health Services AIDS HotiineHlOO-342·AIDS North American Transvestite·Transsexual Hotline. ..... 600 E. Pine St Seattle, WA 198122 . · (206)329· TVTS (8266) ODESSA CLUB (Area Code: 915) Nlte Spot 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 S.R.O 6202 W. County Rd 366·0478 ODESSA ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 915) Permian Basin Chapt of SW. AIDS Committee (OASIS) .. · P.O. 13371/79768 367·4900/332-0738 PORT ARANSAS ACCOMMODATIONS (Area Code: 512) Sea Horse Inn 142311th S1./78373 749·5221 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Bexar Florist 602 Montana ... 271·364311·800·722·3927 Encore Video 8546 Broadway 821·5345 Oscar Mendiola Photography 227·1976 TWT Magazine (512)828-7072 or (713)527·9111 wasn., Kevin Wagner Cards & Gifts .. 1900 San Pedro .. 733-3555 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Community of SI. Francis 332 Wilcox 923-2266 Dignity (Catholic Gays) P.O. 12484178212 349-3632 Friends for Lesbian & Gay Concerns (Quakers) .. 534·3543 Integrity P.0.15006 684-4920 MCCSA 1136 W. Woodlawn 734-0048 Religious Science Center of Positive Living . ........... 5223 McCullough 822-4422 River City Living MCC ... 202 Holland/78212 822·1121 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Ab's Westernaire 622 Roosevelt 533·9928 Blue Angel 1812 N. Main 733-6958 Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271·3811 Crew 309 W. Market. .... . 223·0333 EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223·7177 Kolors 820 San Pedro 229·1305 Memories 6402 Callaghan 340·1241 Noo Zoo 10127 Coachlight 341-4778 One·O-Six Off Broadway ..... 106 Pershing 820-0906 Paper Moon 1430 No. Main 225·7330 Poco Loco 208 West Ave .733-5660 Pump House 2022 McCullough 733·3995 Silver Dollar Saloon 1418 N. Main 227·2623 2015 2015 San Pedro 733·3365 SAN ANTONIO MEN'S PHONE SERVICES (Area Code: 512) Action Line 1-800·777-6338 Guys Nationwide 1-800·727-4897 Men Across America 1·800·888-MALE SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) AIDS Information 821-6218 Alamo City Men's Chorale P.O. 120243/78212 Alamo City Volleyball 684·2434 Alamo Human Rights Committee 820-3053 Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR 421 6th SI. .225-4227 Classic Chassis Car Club P.O. 33654 342·5230 Crisis Hotline (24 hours) 227-4357 Detoxification Center 622 Dolorosa 225·5481 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa SI. 533·9156 Fiesta Run P.O. 169672178280·3272 Gay Fathers 2839 NW. Military Hwy. #508178231 342-8696 Gay Switchboard Bar Info 734·2833 Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) 225-4066 Integrity P.O. 15006/78212 .....•.... 684-4920 Lambda AA 111 W. LaureL 225·5611 LGDT/San Antonio 680·3723 Lutherans Concerned P.O. 290008178520696-0307/734-0759 Names Project P.O. 120123/78212 .737·2701 Parents of Gays 736-6847 River City Stompers 732·5649 Runaways (Youth Service Project) 299-7660 SAT.G.A.F 821-6218 San Antonio Gay Pride Week Committee P.O. 12063/78212 SA Gay Switchboard. P.O. 120402178212·9602 .733·7300 San Antonio NOW P.O. 33213178265 ..... 673·8600 San Antonio Volleyball 923·3909/684·2434 Tejas Motorcycle Club 679-7471 The Bridge (youth shelter) .. 606 Wilson Blvd. ..734·9532 SAN MARCOS ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 512) SWT Lesbian/Gay Alliance ... P.O. 823/78667 ... 353-3747 SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ACCOM. (Area Code: 512) Lyle's Deck (guesthouse) ... 120 E. Atol SI. ... 761·L YLE TEXARKANA ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 214) Amer. Red Cross Tri-State Living with AIDS Support Group ........... 821 Spruce/75503 793·5602 TYLER ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 214) East Texas Alliance P.O. 8094/75702·8094 Dragin Productions P.O. 6693/75711 ..... 581·1956 UVALDE ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 512) Uvalde Organization P.O. 1124, Uvalde, TX 78802 WACO CHURCH (Area Code: 817) MCC 1518 Austin Ave 752·5331 WACO CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Tallulah's 507 Jefferson #5th 753·9189 Texas Rose 608 Austin Ave 753·9725 WACO ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 817) Waco Lambda Student Assoc ..... P.O. 23254/76702·3254 WICHITA FALLS ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 817) PWA Life Coalition of No. Tex. & So. Okla . ..... 2006 Bluffl74307 ..... 767·7800/1·800-252·5010 Wichita Falls Lesbian/Gay Alliance P.O. 8063/76307 Wichita Falls MCC P.O. 8094/76301 696·2668 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Owners & Management ~ 1 & 2 Bedroom ~ totally renovated Apartments & Townhomes ~ ~ ~ o ; ..., ~ Comfortable Environment Free Cable Pool Laundry Covered Parking Large Closets Ceiling Fans ~ini-13linds New Carpets Designer Colors Available Bath.$395 + 2 Bdrm12 Bath.from $495 + 1 Bdrm/l Looking for that unique living space? AlL (JJJJL./IWf M:.. 'l'.amt For more details, call today (713) 522-7857 3700 Wakeforest· Houston Transwester n Property s 77098 Company PAGE 97 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4 1989 CALL FOR QUICKREUEF SPLASH DAY AUSTIN 1989 I NOON • SUNDAY MAY 7 41 AT HIPPIE HOLLOW Your Austin Hosts • BOATHOUSE • 'BOUT TIME • BUCKLES • • CHARLIE'S • CROSSING • 505 CLUB • NEXUS/PETTICOAT JUNCTION · RUPERT'S • • SALLY'S APT. • SNUFFY'S SALOON • Bring ID for Free Beer « Bring $ for Parking PAGE 98 TWT APRIL 28 - MAY 4