HAll COUNty - The Norton Agency
HAll COUNty - The Norton Agency
HOMES Volume LV FOR LIFE Northeast Georgia's Number Real Estate Services Company thenortonagency.com 1 Insurance • Real Estate • Management • Mortgage • Home Services Relocation • Consultation • Investments • REO • Research • Title n mil p. Ou y o s to c home d thos ee gen r f p om s Lif broad rofe mer or ap e relo e an f a ssio cial artm Sou d M mily bus nal ent t h e dic of se s s i hol ern i s d se Titl al In rvic stan ness , rvic e an sura es i din g es b d ou nce nclu usin r un , Gu de H As iqu aran om ess th . eH put e #1 om teed Me, Aut us t Rea o, ewo ow rk’s ortgag ork l Estat e Ho e, for use you Insura – ! nce firm We live in an outstanding region of the icountry; n thriving, energetic and positive, resilient toththe er pelting winds of a changing economic climate.egion North Georgia is blessed with a vibrant fabric of , Welcome To Norton County people, a rich community history and abundant national resources. Welc Georgia Welcome to Northeast ome to North east The Norton Agency is proud to have played an active part in building a better North Georgia region since 1928. Behind Norton stands a talented We family of professional, driven sales cris live, hardworking wo rk vist p air,unparalleled producers armedf with market as a cool and p or nd pur lay in e w century knowledge, sophisticated tools and era the fab fertile 21st ater a wo tion r i way nde c cati professional s ha of o green training. 1000’s of hourstoof marshal ng ve s ur r vall s, glo rfuWe l p i nto e e riou lace s our erved gion. yscreative a .property s r ass ingle f Intelligence, our Native Market e m ista oun Clear am area buyer For 8 wov n ily tain 0 y en to dy ce. O negotiating tog help pur from r s, sell skills exposure andreastrong e a to h r e e u c e elp r fam hases ntal h rs and s, thre ther Ou . the right ily guide our clients to tho e ge r com omes complete of tohome, nse Lif broad o p m r r r ofe apa elo-services. ea f insurance Scoverage ssio ercial home rtm out nd M amilyand responsive b s nal ent of Offi s is uefforts s i hol hern edthat er We are confidant collective d se Titl ical In sour stan ness , will ce rvic e an sura vices i din n g d e n clu new “home” process. s bu part o assist you in every ofc your ree Gainesville d AOffi sine ur uni e, GuGeorgia 400 Office s th ce ar e Ho t q s No rto Georg ia n R NortonwRegional Offices ww egi ona .the l nor forCircle, #1 O 305 f Green Street 4320 Heards have “the Power to Perform” fi tonyou.Suite 500, 01 434We ces Cumming, 432 Geo rgi 0 HGA 30501 ag30041 Gainesville, GA ear a 40 enc d 0 Cum s C O 770.536.1250 770.887.0053 y.co f min ircle fice , g S South Hall m d 770Offi,ceGA uite White County Office put Frank, Jr. Bob thenortonagency.com ue H ante me e s. om ed M , Aut us t R o, ewo o w eal E rk’s ortgag stat ork e e Ho for use , you Insura – ! nce firm in t he r egi on, 300 In 5 0 10 East Kytle Street .88 Road Wh Mill 4004 Mundy 7.0 Invest 41 0America! , ite 0 Co 305665Buy 10 GA Real Estate GA 30528 3 Oakwood, Cleveland, u Cle East K nty O vel 770.532.6366 706.865.5400 and ytle S ffice N t , r o G G e 70r6toCounty ain NoLumpkin ecet A 3Offi Norton Mountain Properties esv 4 Banks Crossing .8n6RegNorton Offices Gai r3t4oGr ille OGainesville 05w2Regional ww 434Corporate fficGreen nes neen 434 5 Street Green Street 5457 Mount Olive i e vi59 o . Stre . East Main Street 8 5 t lle, M 855 Washington Street n h 4 alceO Offi 400 Offi eGeorgia 787 GA oeu t Gainesville30501 0Street Gainesville, Gainesville, GAce30501 Commerce, GA 30529 nor Circle, 0 305 n 434 GA Sou 05.55 36. f Green 4320 Heards Suite 500, fice ton Ge30533 125 770.536.1250 tai4GA W 400 t Dahlonega, 770.532.0022 P.O. Box 979706.335.8009 o30501 rg 4 hH s Cumming, a0 01Gainesville, ag30041 GA n320PHGA Oak Mund all Of sh e r ia 40 enc ds C 0 O Cumrao y MP fice in 770.536.1250 wo 770.887.0053 gto minpg eircle, ffice White Clarkesville, C od il.lORo706.864.1035 GA 30523 Acreage Hall/Gwinnett Countyy.co Commercial 770la , GA South .ad Mundy ,ceG rt Suit SouthnHall White County Office .53rk 34004 770Offi A 3 ie e 5 10 S Road East Kytle Street m 434 Green Street 2.6 e 0566 B o .88 Road WMill t kin 0 0 4004 Mundy Mill 10 East Kytle Street x 3 r 0 0 h s s 7 6 4 , ee.t0053 1 Cleveland, 6v C 91GA Oakwood, 30566 30528 Gainesville, GA 30501 706.754.5700 ille Oakwood, Co 30566 ast ount 709EiteOffi GA Cleveland, GAGA 30528 un ce y O Corporate M , G C770.532.6366 770-532-0022 706.865.5400 770.297.4800 lev ast Ky ty Of ffi ega ain7S0 706.865.5400 elan fice tle , G tre6e . ce A Banks Crossing Office d, G Stre n64k. sA 3053 t 7434 7300 NoGreen Street ecet A Lumpkin County Offi 5 Norton Mountain Properties 6 r 3 . 4.Georgia 85 103 C 3 052 652. 400 Habersham/Rabun Barrow 316 5785t05o59n MEast 8 53 855 Washington5457 Street Mount Olive 4Street o nMain r4320 00 oss Settendown 4te5O7ffic5 Gainesville, Village Rd., 855 Washington 110 N. Broad Street taiGA Wa uGA 30501 0 Dahlonega, 30533 P.O. Box 979 Street n s h i e P ing 30041 Stre M ngClar P.O706.864.1035 rop Clarksville, GA 30523 GA 30680 Clarkesville,Commerce, GA 30523 et o Cumming, GAWinder, 30529 Box ton St ertie Okesfvfiil.lGA unt 770.887.0053 ree s mA 3e770.532.0022 050 706.754.5700 770.307.0087 979 Offi 706.754.5700 t 800.955.0022 Corporate ce service e 1 , 7 r c G BO 955 ce eA 305Street ankl 06.7434 Banks Crossing Office .00 , si C 54.5Green 23 22 G 700 GA 545 v reos 5457 Mount Olive706.335.8009 Gainesville, 30501 A s 7M 6e.r3c centers i Com m 3m0e770.532.0022 Commerce, GA 30529 ou ng Of 800.955.0022 Atlanta ia3 fice r5 c , nt OlivCommercial A 34 l 5 Acreage 706.335.8009 Group 706 e2 G9A e Gre c.r8 ea0 g .33 305 sp 5 vill en Str e0G9 Acreage Group e, G eet roup .8009 29 Commercial 434 Street A 434 GreenGreen Street 00 800 30501 Gainesville, GA 30501 Cover art: Margaret Vinson Cameron .95 5.0 Gainesville, GA 30501 022 800.955.0022 orto secret to our success...? All information in770.297.4800 this publication is believed to be accurate butThe is not warranted. It is subject to errors, omissions, price change, prior sale, and withdrawal without notice. nC olle ctio Ask any one of our associates! 770.297.4800 800.955.0022 n The secret to our success...? Insurance • Real Estate • ManagementAsk • Mortgage • Home Services any one of our associates! Relocation • Consultation • Investments • REO • Research • Title Wa nt to k now abo ut o ur s ucc ess Waterfront Properties 3978 PINE SHORE CIR - Gainesville Charming Cape Cod. Short walk to large swim dock. $199,000 MLS#3243910 Norman Moolenaar 770-539-1994 3642 BERT DRIVE-Gainesville Original Lake Lanier Cabin in perfect condition! $229,000 MLS#3251330 Susan / Norman 770-654-6661 3633 LOOPER LAKE PTE - Gainesville 6 acres, 6 car garage, gated lake estate. $3,499,950 MLS#3052695 Judi Renfroe 404-550-5644 4750 SPOUT SPRINGS RD - Buford Gated Estate, approx 8500 sqft, 4BR/4.5BA $1,199,500 MLS#2879819 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 3991 Mount Vernan Rd. - Gainesville Best Lake Views and Steps to Twin Slip Dock! Point Lot. 4BR/3.5BA N. Hall. $989,000 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 ● 5657 Point West Drive - Oakwood Stone/hardcoat stucco; 2 slip dock w/party decks, views! $989,000 MLS#7013649 Brad /Regina 770-297-4813 6200 Old Stringer Rd - Flowery Branch 4/4 Views from front & rear of home, deep water w/view $699,900 MLS# 3276575 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 9925 JERNIGAN DRIVE-Gainesville Craftsman, twin slip dock permit. SS in place. 3/4, close to water $639,000 MLS#3172346 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 8605 ANCHOR ON LANIER COURTGainesville Gorgeous all brick lake home; priv. dock, 3 fin. levels. $925,000 MLS#3259916 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 www.3314LittleCircle.com - Gainesville Lake view ! Easy walk to dock & great water! $189,900 MLS# 3165828 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 6519 ARBOR POINT - Flowery Branch 4BR/3BA deep water covered 2/S dock Views $799,000 MLS#3136715 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 3342 WILKERSON DRIVE - Gainesville Incredible views, deep water, gentle walk to SS dock. $725,000 MLS#3144507 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 6587 GARRETT ROAD - Buford View! View! View! Gentle slope, on South sailing water. $629,000 MLS# 3248051 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 9335 LONG HOLLOW RD - Gainesville Deep water Single Slip Dock, Fantastic Views!! $299,000 MLS#3151638 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 ● 6638 Club View Court - Flowery Branch ● 3230 Dunlap Drive - Gainesville Stunning Custom Lake Home w/5BR/6.5BA $2,150,000 MLS# 7005560 Shelia Davis 770-235-6907 6/8, Panoramic views! 5 car gar. Deep water, grass to shoreline $2,299,900 MLS#2378950 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty ● 562 Bayberry Crossing Dr - Gainesville ●● 8960 Browns Bridge Road - Gainesville Custom 5-ac. gated lake estate!Salt water pool, dock $1,975,000 MLS# 7019223 Norman/Jane 770-519-2333 Terrific buy! 5br/4ba, s/s dock, deep water, cart path $299,000 MLS# 3278301 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 214 Lake Pointe - Gainesville Elegant 6br/5ba, 2 half bath lakefront estate w/views! $999,900 MLS# 3284713 Shelia Davis 770-235-6907 ● 3195 Arrowhead Drive - Gainesville 3BR/2.5BA New England Cape Cod home on lake w/dock $449,900 MLS# 3269212 Susan / Norman 770-654-6661 Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com3 Waterfront Properties 2954 SKYLARK PLACE-Gainesville Deep water! S/s party dock! Open floor plan! $435,000 MLS#3236780 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 SOLD 5426 WATERWOOD DR - Gainesville Mobile home, lake community, many amenities! $59,900 MLS#3223318 Kathy Barrett 770-533-0572 1359 SAUTEE TRAIL - Sautee Nacoochee On lake!! Great Fishing & Canoeing! $329,000 MLS#3215452 Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 4230 TALL HICKORY TR-Gainesville Level grass to water lot, 6BR/4.5BA, Terrace level, mstr ste w/fp. $879,000 MLS#3213268 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 3929 COCHRAN RD-Gainesville Lot overlooks Lake Lanier, full unfin. bsmt. $254,000 MLS#3082901 Kelly Moore 770-654-5521 3345 WILKERSON DR-Gainesville 4BR/4.5BA, mini Callaway Gardens on Lake Lanier! $1,299,000 MLS#3216413 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 86 Instigator Cove - Dawsonville Very private, Hdwd floors, 3br,2ba single slip covered dock. $399,000 MLS# 3265081 Kelly Moore 770-654-5521 GA 400 Office 75 Elliott Road - Dawsonville, GA 770-887-0053 Residential Commercial Insurance Asset Management Thenortonagency.com 4 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Sheila DaviS Lake Lanier And Residential Properties www.LakeLaniersFinest.com The Norton Agency 434 Green St, Gainesville, GA 00 0,0 5 8 , $1 00 0,0 5 1 $ 2, 3230 Dunlap Drive $ 0 ,90 999 1787 Cleveland Hwy $ 214 Lake Pointe $ Vice President/Partner 770-235-6907 [email protected] 0 ,00 435 3342 Wilkerson Dr. $ 2954 Skylark Place 0 ,00 5 2 7 0 ,00 9 4 4 4913 Gair Loch Lane $ 0 ,00 5 2 9 $ 0 ,00 9 8 9 8605 Anchor on Lanier 3991 Mount Vernon Rd $ 0 ,00 599 SOLD 9030 Beaver Trail $ 0 ,00 289 3838 Alexandria $ 0 ,00 639 130 Holly Drive 0 ,00 349 0 ,00 539 $ 120 Holly Drive 9925 Jernigan Dr $ 0 ,50 8 9 9 $ 0 ,00 289 $ 3048 Clear Cove Way 636 Tommy Aaron Dr Recent “Solds” on Lanier! Let me help you buy or market your property 00 0,0 0 0 $ 1, 3940 Tamiami $ 0 ,50 611 3314 Harbour Pt $ 0 ,00 577 9375 Raldon Rd $ 0 ,00 453 946 Liberty Church $ 0 ,90 289 3545 Mill Lane Over $60 Million SOLD! Experience Sells... Waterfront Properties 4016 Chapman Drive - Gainesville Very spacious, deep water always, gentle slope, BIG views! $979,900 MLS#3194148 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 3048 CLEAR COVE WAY - Gainesville Nature lover’s delight on Lanier! Privacy galore! $349,000 MLS#3239149 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 6115 OLD FEDERAL RD-Flowery Branch Views!, close to water, cov Dock.5/3/1. Cust Built $899,900 MLS#3203297 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 ● 5269 LAUREL LANE - Gainesville Custom built, 3BR/3BA/2HBA, 2+ ac. 210ft on water. $529,900 MLS#3133129 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 5397PineForest.com - Gainesville Huge Reduction-Drive to lake; Permit for 32x32 dock; Year rounds views $550,000 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 4810 AMAL LANE – Gainesville 5BR/4BA on Lake Lanier! Private! $550,000 MLS#3215925 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 4200 TALL HICKORY TRL - Gainesville Panoramic view, 1.5 ac, penisula lot, dock $845,000 MLS#3041436 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 ● PointeSouthLakeLot.com; Best views on Lake Lanier; Almost an acre; Beautiful hardwoods and bldg. site. $299,900 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 INVEST IN AMERICA BUY REAL ESTATE! 6 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property we sell northeast georgia and all of lake lanier Call us to buy or sell a home search all properties at www.georgiahomegroup.com SuSan MoSS, RealtoR Associate VP 770.654.6661 [email protected] noRMan MoolenaaR, RealtoR Associate VP 770.539.1994 [email protected] PaMela M. Dye ReAltoR 404.849.5883 [email protected] GeorgiaHomeGroup.com Waterfront Properties 2519 CLUB DRIVE-Gainesville 1.9 ac+- lakefront lot, grass to water, master on main $1,900,000 MLS#3191813 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 1251 ANTIOCH CAMPGROUND RD Gainesville Nantucket inspsired estate on Lake Lanier! $980,000 MLS#3218236 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 8099 BEACHWOOD DR - Murrayville Wide open view, grassed to waters edge! $449,000 MLS#3227044 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 ● 4709 VIRGINIA ST - Oakwood Deep water! Party dock, 3 finished levels, 3FP, 2 kitchens $499,000 MLS#3108301 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 ● 3733 GRIFFIN DRIVE - Gainesville ● 6016 JIM CROW RD - Flowery Branch 1799 CLEVELAND HWY - Gainesville 4BR lake home, 9+ ac. Amazing development opportunity! $1,850,000 MLS#3239336 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 2619 Parker Trail - Gainesville Pristine 5br/4.5ba ranch w/Lake Lanier as your back yard. $695,000 MLS# 3275964 Regina 770-2974813 Brad 770-540-1548 State-of-the-art! 125ft on Lanier, 2/S dock $740,000 MLS#7016831 Tommy Howard 770-533-1449 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing 3.53 ac on lake Lanier, grassed to water. $750,000 MLS#3220490 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com7 Patsy Bailey Lake Specialist 770-540-7752 patsybailey.com • lakelanierproperty.com Four Seasons Executive Mansion stunning custom all brick Home! Panoramic Views Deep Water, Grassed to Shoreline Deep Water, South Lake, Seller will lease or lease purchase $2,299,900 $1,585,000 South Sailing Water Gated Grand Estate on Duncan Lake 8 acres - Salt Water Pool, Separate Carriage House $1,195,000 Beautiful VIEW & DEEP Water Just What you Have been looking For! Views front & rear of home Call Patsy. Call Patsy. Big Views & Grassed to Waters Edge $699,900 $629,000 REDUCED to $449,000 Four Seasons, Beautiful Sunsets & Views SOLD Call Patsy. $1,499,999 1335’ on Walnut river 13.22 Acres 770-536-1250 Lanier Acreage South Lake 3.5 Ac. Single Slip Dock. Spacious Home, Gated. Owner Financing $750,000 1.57 Acre Point Lot w/ 675’ of shoreline! Call Patsy. $845,000 south lake - right on Water! UnDearct contr D L O S Call Patsy. $429,000 rustic log Home on Lake Lanier Horse farm, barn w/ saloon, 8 stables, pasture, waterfall Rushing Creek, Dock, Waterfall, 1.53 Beautiful Wooded Acres REDUCED TO $599,000 $239,000 Beautiful View, has water now! REDUCED To $799,000 Call Patsy. Great South Lake Location LAKE LOTS! SOLD Deep Water, Dock, View REDUCED TO $399,900 $899,900 • .71 acres, 200’ on Corps. VIEW, deep water lake lot. $269,000 • New lot, South lake, very deep water dock. $295,000 • 15 wooded acres, Atlanta Hwy, Flowery Branch $15,000/acre o. er m p $ 795 $ 180 er 0p . mo $ 105 er 0p . mo Confused About The Short Sale Process? Call Norton. We Can Help Guide You Through The Maze. Banks/Barrow County 159 BUCKEYE TRAILS DR - Commerce Shows like new! 1.05 acre lot, Spacious LR. $144,900 MLS#2916952 Kristi Young 706-318-2164 ● 54 HOMER STREET - Maysville 3/2 ranch;newflrs,paint, new bath;great starter home $43,000 MLS# 98848 Brenda Duckett 706-499-7177 125ClassicOverlook.com - Homer Golfers paradise! View of golf course & lake $174,900 MLS#3236657 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 102 N Center Street - Winder 3BR/2BA Historic Home Completely Remodeled in City $134,900 MLS# 3238786 Alyson Wages 404-514-0837 2089 HIGHWAY 51 N.-Homer Gorgeous 36 acre horse farm, stocked lake $600,000 MLS# 3182184 Regina 770-297-4813 Carmine 770-728-5222 ● 346 Simeon - Statham 4BR/2BA Split Level home with bonus room $105,900 MLS# 3187091 Wesley Williams 404-452-0117 ● 1332 Smokerise Lane - Auburn 3br/2.5ba in quiet s/d, new carpet, newlinoleum in Kit. FP $99,500 MLS# 7010838 Judy Bevers 678-760-3534 More SALES Dawson County ● 357 Diane Circle - Dawsonville Recently remodeled with finished basement. 3/2 Bargain! $120,000 MLS# 7024927 Kim Tankersley 770-654-0203 ● 102 MAPLE RIDGE LAKE DR - Dawsonville Large manuf home on 1+AC;nice area;big back porch $55,900 MLS# 99095 Vivian Schoomaker 706-778-5428 113 JULIAN CREEK RD - Dawsonville All brick gated estate, pool at lakeside, 2 slip cov. dock. $845,000 MLS# 3249050 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 48 PARKSIDE CIRCLE - Dawsonville Highly motivated seller! Old wide pine flrs, chef’s kitc. $649,900 MLS# 3248606 Judi 404-550-5644, Norman 770-539-1994 ● www.273KeithEvansRoad - Dawsonville Can be a turnkey Alpaca farm sale w/or w/out Alpacas! $349,900 MLS# 3286870 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 55A Day Road - Dawsonville New house needs final completion. Great Price! $90,000 MLS# 7026123 Kim Tankersley 770-654-0203 ● 55B Day Road - Dawsonville Large fixer upper - bring your imagination $140,000 MLS# 7026158 Kim Tankersley 770-654-0204 ● 55C Day Road - Dawsonville Move-in ready, great value for size $115,000 MLS# 7026175 Kim Tankersley 770-654-0205 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com11 Dekalb/Franklin County 3491 SEXTON WOODS DR-Chamblee Gorgeous brick, many extras, sought-after n’hood. $305,000 MLS#3250799 Tommy Howard 770-533-1449 ● 510 GREENLEAF DR - Lavonia 3/2.5;HW flrs;finished bsmnt;screened porch $139,900 MLS# 98948 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 Catch Norton Yellow Fever! Forsyth/Gwinnett County ● 8635 WALDRIP CIRCLE - Gainesville 1.4 ac tract w/fixxer-upper. Prime commercial site $199,000 MLS# 3160915 Susan Moss 770-654-6661 8940 Mountain Ridge Circle - Cumming Awesome 1.55 acres + Beautiful 4/2 Home $240,000 MLS# 3073474 Cathy Daniel 678-772-9731 10285 Timberstone Road - Johns Creek Great family house w/many upgrades, 5br/3.5ba 1 owner. $289,900 MLS# 3266679 Marie Breed 770-718-5244 ● 5620 Shady Grove - Cumming Bank Owned.New Carpet,Paint,Cabinets. Best $/sf $149,000 MLS# 7011776 Kristie Myers 706-429-6800 Habersham County ● 281 BENT OAK DRIVE - Cornelia 3/2 Ranch on 2+ AC;New heat pump,carpet,paint $119,900 MLS# 99288 Joe Kenyon 706-499-7258 ● 5111 HWY 17 - Clarkesville 2 bedroom 1 bath on 8+ AC;2 car garage;large deck $108,900 MLS# 98853 Diane Brown 706-499-7339 12 thenortonagency.com ● 1268 BILL RAMSEY RD - Clarkesville 3/2 rustic cape cod home;2+AC;private yet close to town $79,900 MLS# 98936 Joe Kenyon 706-499-7258 ● 141 LEGACY DRIVE - Demorest 3/2 in Legacy Woods sub;great bkyd for kids;FP;HW flrs. $114,900 MLS# 98978 Zach Garvey 706-768-0575 Indicates New Listings ● 316 CHENOCETAH CT - Cornelia 3BR/ 2BA W/ Picture Perfect Setting! $134,900 MLS# 98449 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 ● 592 GIBSON ROAD - Clarksville Private, picturesque 195Ac N. Ga. Hunting retreat. $2,100,000 MLS#3193882 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 Indicates New Pricing ● 210 GOLDEN VALLEY - Demorest 2/2 ranch on 1+AC;full unfin bsmnt;lots of storage $84,900 MLS# 99109 Kelly Ausbun 706-499-2421 More Listings Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Habersham County 256 Young Dr - Clarkesville Gardeners Delight! 3/2 W/Split Floor Plan; Screened Porch $124,900 MLS#97870 Kelly Ausburn 706-499-2421 273 CHENOCETAH COURT-Cornelia NEW Stainless Steel Appliances! Roof 4 yrs old. $126,900 MLS#95459 Wallace Craven 706-499-5532 686 WASHINGTON ST - Clarkesville Go back in time in this 5BR/ 2BA Farm Home, 5.41ac $275,000 MLS# 98231 Diane Brown 706-499-7339 ● 199 MIRIAM DRIVE - Clarkesville 4/2 brick ranch;in ground pool;workshop;full bsmnt $165,000 MLS# 98798 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 ● 117 OAKWOOD PLACE - Mt. Airy ● 251 PIEDMONT COLLEGE CIR Demorest. Great inv. prop;large 4BR/1BA home;close to college $62,000 MLS# 99272 Diane Brown 706-499-7339 ● 379 ROCKY RIDGE TR - Cornelia ● 1076 WALL BRIDGE LOOP Clarkesville. Lg 3/2 ranch on 12AC; par. unfin. bsmt $250,000 MLS# 99334 Joe 706-499-7258 / Dee 706-499-5703 Spacious 4 bedroom 2bath;on corner lot; great loc. $59,900 MLS# 98541 Joe Kenyon 706-499-7258 Huge 5BA/3BA home;beautiful HW flrs;inground pool $298,000 MLS# 99028 Wallace Craven 706-499-5532 L eading Real Estate C ompanies ® of The World Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com13 habersham County 375 LAKEVIEW HEIGHTS CIR - Cornelia 3BR/ 2BA, Hardwood floor in living and BR’s $159,000 MLS#95974 Wallace Craven 706-499-5532 126 Silverwood Drive - Cornelia 3/3;Large lot;Hot tub;Inground pool $119,900 MLS# 96786 Kelly Ausbun 706-499-2421 384 GREENRIDGE RD - Cornelia 2/2 ON 3.97 Wooded ACS; Access to Chattahoochee $149,900 MLS#97967 Kelly Ausburn 706-499-2421 ● 316 CHENOCETAH DR-Cornelia 637 WHITE PINE CIR - Demorest 3/2.5 Nestled In The Woods; Full Unfin Bsmt $164,500 MLS#98025 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 114 DEMOREST MT AIRY HWY - Mount Airy 5/4, + apt over gar., storage bldg. Pool & pool house $350,000 MLS#95564 Wallace Craven 706-499-5532 3BR/ 2BA W/ Picture Perfect Setting! $134,900 MLS#98449 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 646 EDELWEISS DR-Mt Airy 5/3 On 5.78 tranquil acres w/ Mtn views. $249,000 MLS#97609 Kelly Ausburn 706-499-2421 SOLD INVEST IN AMERICA BUY REAL ESTATE! 14 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Hall County ● 3105 WINDING LAKE DR. - Gainesville Brick 6br/4full &3half baths, 2 master suites on main $349,900 MLS#7029053 Kelly Moore 770-654-5521 ● 3833 Alexandria Drive - Gainesville 4BR/2.5BA in a desirable area in North Hall, open floor plan $289,000 MLS# 7010629 Robert Bell 770-654-0507 1033 LAKEVIEW DR-Gainesville Great Investment, 3BR/1BA, close to town. $69,900 MLS#3019684 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ●● 741 Crestview Terrace - Gainesville 457 HOLLY DRIVE-Gainesville 3/2, full unfin. Bsmt. Lge master on main, granite c-tops $239,900 MLS#3259236 Amy Sutherland 678-936-9464 ●● 5120 Ash Circle - Gainesville 3br/2ba immaculate, spacious brick ranch $119,900 MLS# 3288084 Jane Fleming 770-519-2333 ● 2743 HIGH VISTA PT - Gainesville Panoramic views of Lake Lanier & Blue Ridge Mtns! $995,000 MLS#3241088 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 1189 RIVERSIDE DR - Gainesville Exceptional renovation! 2BR/2BA. A true original! $235,000 MLS#3119456 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 3830 ALEXANDRIA DR - Gainesville Beautiful 5/3.5 in sought after school district. $275,000 MLS#3214783 Amy Sutherland 678-936-9464 3476 MARINA CREST DR-Gainesville 4BR/3.5BA in The Overlook at Harbour Point $399,500 MLS# 3176791 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 4592 Highland Road - Gainesville Executive estate 3+ac, foothills of N. GA Mtns, $545,000 MLS# 3277491 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 6760 Capitola Farm Rd - Flowery Branch Story book home in prime location; 3/2 on cul-de-sac $219,000 MLS# 7001039 Pamela Dye 404-849-5883 3br/2ba home currently rented, additional 18ac available. $359,900 MLS# 7015526 Dave Casper 770-540-7560 THENORTONAGENCY.COM YOUR PROPERTY RETRIEVER Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com15 Hall County NORTH GEORGIA’S ● 3847 Covered Bridge Place - Gainesville Wonderful N Hall 4/3 home with bonus room $149,900 MLS# 7023623 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 ● 1015 Holly Drive - Gainesville 1 lvl condo at Wessell Park; 2/2 w/FP; all rms vaulted; covered parking. $129,900 FMLS #5090894 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 340 Dixon Drive - Gainesville Charming 4/4 Home on 1.6 acres in heart of city! $495,000 MLS# 7024097 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 4317 WILLOW OAK DR - Gainesville Stately Traditional in sought-after N. Hall neighborhood $259,000 MLS#3243907 Norman Moolenaar 770-539-1994 2901 CLUB PL - Gainesville Custom mstr. Suite on main. Heated pool. $459,000 MLS#2740661 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 510 Dixon Drive - Gainesville 4/4 all brick home w/sunroom and builtins $369,900 MLS# 3244268 Robert Bell 770-654-0507 ● 4913 GAIR LOCH LANE-Gainesville 4/3.5 well built on priv 1.5 ac. Upscale features and extras $449,000 MLS#2907176 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 1781 BLUE RIDGE DRIVE - Gainesville All brick, 6/5, MOM, in-law suite in full finished bsmt. $479,000 MLS#3106412 Regina Cochran 770-297-4813 210 Highland Terrace - Gainesville 3br/2ba updated city home on 3 lots! New roof,Hdwds. $86,000 MLS# 3271878 Susan Moss 770-654-6661 417 BRADFORD ST - Gainesville Great Investment property. Currently rented. $69,900 MLS#2857538 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 2858 CASCADE DRIVE-Gainesville 1+- ac lot. 3BR/2BA. All appliances stay with house. $104,900 MLS#3256452 Robin Ganyard 770-539-4310 ● 4575 BRIARWOOD DR-Oakwood Lovely 3/2 Brick, excellent condition, .36ac level lot $79,900 MLS#98619 Kelly Ausbun 706-499-2421 ●● 4737 Highland Circle - Gainesville 2736 INGLEWOOD DR-Gainesville Elegant custom built, lake & mtn views.4/3.5. $288,900 MLS#3021777 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 4871 Sherman Allen Rd - Gainesville Log, sep 3 car gar w/full apt. 8 stables, barn, $599,000 MLS#3031557 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 LARGEST, OLDEST AND MOST SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COMPANY 4br/3ba renovated home on 6+/- acres $259,900 MLS# 3283443 Kathy Barrett 770-533-0572 16 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Hall County ● 1001 Holly Drive #103 - Gainesville One level Condo in the City. 2BR/2BA. Movein Ready. $119,900 MLS# 7003086 Susan Moss 770-654-6661 2824 FLORENCE DRIVE-Gainesville 2BR/1.5BA townhome, mo. fee incl. pool, fitness facility. $67,900 MLS#3248487 Regina Edmondson 770-287-2120 3645EleanorsTrace.com - Gainesville Main level master, 5/4.5, fin. terrace lvl. Great yard. $314,900 MLS#3260444 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 3082 Lake Ranch Drive - Gainesville Meticulously cared for brick ranch in lake community $128,000 MLS# 3277411 Susan Moss 770-654-6661 ● 1283 Longview Drive - Gainesville 5BR/3BA. Including 1BR Apartment $209,900 MLS# 7003451 Sherry Myers 770-297-4832 510 DIXON DRIVE-Gainesville 4BR/4BA all brick 3 main floor living areas! $369,900 MLS#3244268 Robert Bell 770-654-0507 www.3202IndianHawthorneRidge.com Gainesville. Prime location in active adult comm on Lake $475,000 MLS#3236814 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 1215 REPTON PLACE-Gainesville New construction in prestigious “The Gardens” $299,500 MLS#3227239 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 3326 CAMPUS POINTE DR - Gainesville 3BR/3BA, Income Producing 100% Leased $55,000 MLS#3078854 Dave Casper 770-540-7560 ● 3433 Mill Creek Road - Gainesville 3br/2ba, Great buy! Mt. Vernon school district! $118,900 MLS# 3277979 Ricky Lewallen 770-654-7922 ● 4308 Post Oak Point - Gainesville with mtn. and lake views. Quality built 4br/3.5ba $399,900 MLS# 3280289 Robert Bell 770-654-0507 ● 1235 Riverside Drive D-2 - Gainesville Wonderful complex, 2br/1.5ba, Great Location $59,900 MLS# 3019499 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 4871 Sherman Allen Road - Gainesville 4654 WINDSOR DR - Flowery Branch 3BR/2BA, Royal Lakes #14 partial bsmt $325,000 MLS#3081615 Susan 770-654-6737 Pat 770-540-6731 ● 2510 North Oaks Place Well maintained, lg.kit., 3BR/2.5BA, hdwd & tile floors $164,900 MLS# 3271026 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 4BR/3.5BA with full daylight basement $599,000 MLS# 3031557 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property HOMES, CABINS, FARMS, ESTATES FROM LAKEFRONT TO MOUNTAIN TOP WE KNOW NORTH GEORGIA thenortonagency.com17 Selling North Georgia Since 1988 3608JoeChandlerRoad.com P e N d i N g $559,900 241MountainMeadows.com $749,900 S o l d 3435SundanceDrive.com $599,900 3663TraditionDrive.com Owner Financing Available 25 Acres • Barn/Out Bldng 4495BryantQuarterRoad.com 25 Acres • Barn/OutBldng $499,900 White County - 9 Acres 5BR/3.5 Bath, N. Hall $274,900 North Hall - 20 Acres 4601NBrowningBridgeRoad.com $995,000 Selling North Georgia Since 1988 Featured Properties South lake REDUCED! North lake City - North Lake REDUCED! 5397PineForest.com 3314LittleCircle.com 1348LakeshoreCircle.com 176SoaringHawkTrail.com North Hall North Hall - 2+ Acres $550,000 $189,900 REDUCED! 3645EleanorsTrace.com 3 Brand New Homes on Mount Yonah. Owner Financing Available $399,900 $599,900 $299,900 REDUCED! $314,900 5309InnisbrookLane.com 63JulianCreekRoad.com 3804HildaleRoad.com $199,900 Oakwood 88SoaringHawkTrail.com Lake Lot • Dawson Co $124,900 4432TallHickoryTrail.com 273KeithevansRoad.com $324,900 Dawson Co. Alpaca Farm $349,900 Hall County ● 5006 Valley Street - Oakwood 3br/1ba home convenient to everything! $99,000 MLS# 7021730 Amy Sutherland 678-936-9464 4555 FAWN PATH - Gainesville 5/3.5 Detailed furnished home, lge. Deck, full bsmt. $540,000 MLS#7021251 Susan 770-654-6737 Pat 770-540-6731 1110 BLOOMSBURY LN-Gainesville In City, 4/3, Dining seats 12, windows galore. Tenant in place. $519,900 MLS#3266911 Norman /Judi 770-539-1994 659 HILLCREST AVE-Gainesville Investment in city. 2BR/1BA, wooded lot $49,900 MLS#3019052 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 1619 FLOYD ROAD - Gainesville Must be sold w/1625 Floyd Road $49,900 MLS# 3173543 Norman 770-539-1994 3907 BARK CAMP PLC - Gainesville Totally renovated! 4/2 ranch, large lot! Tenant in place. $99,900 MLS#3217968 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 3319 GILLSVILLE HWY - Gainesville 3BR/2BA, totally redone, great backyard $74,900 MLS#3219988 Sherry Myers 770654-3232 705 CANDLER STREET - Gainesville Great Multi-family in the city! $144,900 MLS# 3173203 Amy Sutherland 678-936-9464 4681 MANOR DRIVE-Gainesville Gated Comm., all brick, 4/4.5, all brick, immaculate condition. $499,900 MLS#3207188 Sue Gross 770-540-4733 5775 NEWBERRY POINTE DRIVE Flowery Branch. Beautiful 3/2 ranch, lg. master, private yard $179,900 MLS#3232061 Ricky Lewallen 770-654-7922 ● 4729 HIAWATHA DRIVE - Gainesville ● 240 Overlook Drive - Gainesville Well designed home on .84ac, 3BR/2.5BA w/ MOM $269,900 MLS# 3274858 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 4BR/2.5BA, inground pool, great kitchen $158,500 MLS#3158126 Robin Ganyard 770-539-4310 Looking For More Properties? Just a click away & always online! TheNortonAgency.com Your Home Page 20 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Picture Your Property Here! Call And Find Out Why We Are Selling Real Estate EVERY DAY! 770.532.0022 thenortonagency.com Hall County CREDIT ISSUES? LET OUR HOME Counselors HELP FIND A HOME SOLUTION. 22 thenortonagency.com 713 STONINGTON CT-Gainesville 4br/4ba,prestigious location,1 level, pvt. master wing $495,000 MLS#3268890 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 1184 DIXON CIRCLE-Gainesville Updated w/Guest on Main, Pool, Snrm & Bsmt Apt. $419,900 MLS#3195920 Susan 770-654-6737 Pat 770-540-6731 780 PARK STREET - Gainesville Convenient to everything, 3BR/2BA, MOM. $179,000 MLS#2797448 Sue Gross 770-540-4733 1655 MEADOW LARK-Gainesville 2/1, Great Rental Property $74,900 MLS#3019915 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 1209 MORNINGSIDE DR-Gainesville Investment in city, Currently leased. $64,900 MLS#3019530 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 419 NORTHSIDE DR-Gainesville In City, great rental 2BR/1BA, wooded lot $79,900 MLS#3020686 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 3608JoeChandlerRoad.com - Gainesville Privately situated4br/3ba quality built home on 25 ac. $559,900 MLS# 3275649 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 3678 OLD IVEY LANE - Gainesville Stately 4/4.5 brick home in gated S/D $599,900 MLS#3207244 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 5609 MONK DRIVE - Oakwood Rustic Log home, 4/3/1, Rushing creek, wataerfall & dock. 1.53 ac. $239,900 MLS#3228174 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 1008 PARK STREET-Gainesville 5/2 1920’s home in Brenau area, FP, hardwood floors $239,900 MLS#3255060 Kelly Moore 770-654-5521 6137 GLEN OAK DR - Flowery Branch Lge. Open plan, 3/2, close to Mall of Ga. $139,900 MLS#3034963 Amy Sutherland 678-936-9464 ● 3838 Alexandria Drive - Gainesville Charming, spacious 6br/4.5ba home in North Hall $289,000 MLS# 3279388 Shelia Davis 770-235-6907 1760 Lakeview Circle - Gainesville Oasis in the city on 2 lots! All brick ranch! $229,900 MLS# 3272453 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 4305 Tall Hickory Trail - Gainesville 3BR/2.5BA, 4 sided brick in great N. Hall neighorhood $274,900 MLS# 3271713 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 ● 4204 Gillsville Highway - Gillsville Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Beautiful Country Manor home on 20 ac w/ river frontage. $550,000 MLS# 7005735 Judi/Robin 404-550-5644 Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Give A Gift Of North Georgia! Wonderful Opportunity To Buy Generational Investments! We have investment properties: commercial, land, lots and homes that can add to your portfolio. Pay pennies on the original dollar through REO opportunities. Call now to discuss the best opportunities for you. Norton Commercial 770.287.4800 The Power To Perform Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com23 Hall County ● 4423TallHickoryTrail.com - Gainesville 3BR/2.5BA, Master Ste, tall ceilings, Kitchen w/keeping rm $324,900 MLS# 7001802 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 6019 Terrace Lake Pt - Flowery Branch 2537 Bridgewater Drive - Gainesville Storybrook home. Picture perfect inside and out! $225,000 MLS# 3273373 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 135 North Avenue - Gainesville City charmer! 4br/3.5ba all brick, total renovation $305,000 MLS# 3272963 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 695 PIEDMONT ROAD - Gainesville 4/2/2 all brick in the city, 3.16+- acres. $299,000 MLS#3230197 Regina 770-297-4813 Brad 770-540-1548 ● 5609 Allington Court - Clermont Great Craftsmen style home in great N Hall S/D; club house $354,900 MLS# 7001522 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 ● 5043 Stephens Road - Gainesville Bank Owned Beauty, Wood Flrs, New Paint $104,900 MLS# 3267947 Kristie Myers 706-429-6800 ● 2248 Lake Ranch Court - Gainesville Must See! Well maintained 3BR/2.5BA home $127,400 MLS# 7014724 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 1235 RIVERSIDE DR-Gainesville 3 Condos, Great investment in city. $59,900 MLS#3019455 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 1373 WALKER ST-Gainesville Great Investment, Currently Leased. $74,900 MLS#3018888 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 5129 FOURTH COLONY DR - Gainesville Country farmhouse on 2 ac, 3br/2.5ba, outbuildings $199,900 MLS#3132412 Norman Moolenaar 770-539-1994 ● 2248 Boy Scout Camp Rd - Gainesville ● 1857 Blue Ridge Drive - Gainesville 4-sided brick home on 1.67+/-ac in city $367,000 MLS# 3285265 Regina Edmondson 770-287-2120 24 thenortonagency.com ● 5005 Timber Hills Drive - Oakwood Well maintained 2br/2.5ba condo in swimtennis comm $74,900 MLS# 3281877 Robin Ganyard 770-539-4310 Wonderful 4BR/2.5BA home, open floor plan, private $319,900 MLS# 7004470 Sherry Myers 770-297-4832 453 KING STREET-Clermont Move-in ready!4br/3ba, private back yard $124,900 MLS#3268426 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 1625 FLOYD ROAD - Gainesville Must be sold w/1619 Floyd Road $69,900 MLS# 3173474 Norman 770-539-1994 1883 Pine Tree Trail - Gainesville 3BR/2BA,chef’s kit. w/stainless app.,2+/- peaceful acres! $125,000 MLS# 3274589 Pamela Dye 404-849-5883 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing ● 3730 Timberwalk - Gainesville Amazing space! 3 finished levels with 7br/4.5ba! $399,900 MLS# 3281183 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 ● 2664 WATERS EDGE-Gainesville Bank Owned Beauty, Financing Available $234,900 MLS#3256370 Kristie Myers 706-429-6800 3/2 fixer upper, priced way below appraisal $54,900 MLS# 7024026 Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 More SALES Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Hall County ● 4224 WILLOW OAK DR - Gainesville 6BR/4BA classic brick on Lake Lanier $479,900 MLS#3233422 Judi 404-550-5644/Norman 770-539-1994 910 ROSEWOOD DR-Gainesville 3 homes, package deal for $199,900 $69,900 MLS#3019122 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 698 LAKESHORE DRIVE-Gainesville 4BR/2BA split BR plan, close to everything! $144,000 MLS#3251574 Ricky Lewallen 770-654-7922 5131DAYLILYDRIVE.COM – Braselton 4BR/#BA, new oak flooring, renovated kitchen!! $174,900 MLS# 3121863 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 43 HIGHLAND AVE-Gainesville 2BR/1BA Ranch. Great Investment property $39,900 MLS#3019149 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 636 TOMMY AARON DRIVEGainesville Move-in ready Chattahoochee Country Club, MOM. $289,000 MLS#3259658 Sheila 770-235-6907 1367 WALKER ST-Gainesville 2BR/1BA investment in the city. $74,900 MLS#3018855 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 5309InnisBrookLane.com - Gainesville Stunning! Unparalleled quality & finish! $299,900 MLS#3225559 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com25 Jackson/Lumpkin County ●● 28 Meadow Oak Court - Talmo Gorgous 5/4 wchef’s kit, keeping rm, hdwds throughout. $329,750 MLS# 7024373 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 770 JEFFERSON BOULEVARD - Jefferson Fantastic home! 4/3 + bonus room. $229,500 MLS#3219486 Brad 770-540-1548 Regina 770-297-4813 95 Virginia Way - Dawsonville 3/2 Open Flr Pln; Beautifully landscaped $45,000 MLS# 3262850 Cathy Daniel 678-772-9731 ●65 Cavendar Run NE - Dahlonega Beautiful home with green space. 4/3.5 in Achasta $422,500 MLS# 7006668 Cathy 678-772-9731, Linda 401-578-0011 ● 9808 HALE RIDGE ROAD - Dillard 3BR/2BA MH on 2AC;very clean; creek on prop. $49,000 MLS# 99302 Kelly Ausbun 706-499-2421 ● 480 SKY HIGH DR - Dillard 4/3 unique home;rock FP;beautiful views;must see $109,900 MLS# 98929 Kelly Ausbun 706-499-2421 Rabun County More Service ● 5 CEDAR LANE - Dillard 2 Homes in 1; 2Br/ 2BA Full Kit. On both levels $79,900 MLS# 98284 Diane Brown 706-499-7339 654 WESLEY CIR - Toccoa Great Neighborhood, 3/2; In-ground pool $179,900 MLS#93137 Dee 706-499-5703 Stephens County ● 91 PINEVIEW - Toccoa 2/1 ranchstyle home;workshop w/ elect.;quite area $34,900 MLS# 98967 Zach Garvey 706-768-0575 26 thenortonagency.com ● 348 PRESSLEY RD - Eastanollee 3BR, in the middle of remodel 1AC; quiet country living close to town $39,900 MLS# 99348 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 Indicates New Listings ● 142 SEVEN FORKS TRAIL - Martin 2BR/1BA chalet on 1AC;2 car garage w/ storage $265,000 MLS# 99222 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 Indicates New Pricing 775 SKYLINE DR - Toccoa “A REAL DEAL”! 3/2 Brick ranch on.52 ac. In town $74,000 MLS#96702 Kelly 706-499-2421 Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Stephens County 1430 Trestle Ridge Road - Toccoa 3/ 2.5 Master on main; Wet Bar; loft w/ 2/1 $144,900 MLS# 98183 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 545 S. POND ST. - Toccoa Investors don’t miss this! 2 BR/1BA $14,900 MLS# 96820 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 ● 100 BRADYS DR - Toccoa 3/2/2 W/ Full Unfin Bsmt.; Hdwd Floors $159,900 Mls#98144 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 320 S. HILL ST - Toccoa Great Opportunity with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath; $14,900 MLS# 96821 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 ● 1511 SWILLING RD - Eastanollee 3BR/2BA MH on 3AC;garden tub;good starter home $59,900 MLS# 99168 Vivian Schoomaker 706-778-5428 ● 26 THOMAS STREET - Toccoa ● 108 TRAVELERS POINT - Toccoa 3BR/2BA home;full unfin bsmnt;master on main $134,500 MLS# 99221 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 2254 HARBERT VALLEY-Toccoa Very nice 3/ 2 M.H. w/ Galmour bath $44,900 MLS#98442 Vivian 706-499-4531 / Steve 706-778-5428 Large 3BR/2BA ranch on 1+AC; FP;sunroom;new paint $84,000 MLS# 99340 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 INVEST IN AMERICA BUY REAL ESTATE! Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com27 Towns County ● 1206 LONG RIDGE RD - Hiawassee 2bd/2ba ranch home;2+AC;close to Lake Chatuge $49,900 MLS# 3280129 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 ● 351 LONGVIEW - Hiawassee Spacious 3/2 Cape cod;3 car garage; FP;Creek on prop. $158,000 MLS# 98603 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 ● 1693 SETTLEMENT RD - Young Harris More Listings 2/2 cabin getaway;out building;creek on property $84,900 MLS# 3287610 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 Union/Walton County ● 131 APRIL LANE - Blairsville Mtn. cabin w/beautiful views;FP;very cozy $89,900 MLS# 7009957 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 28 thenortonagency.com ● 158 CRAIG THOMPSON - Blairsville Mtn Cabin close to Lake Nottely! 2/2;/ New paint/ Carpet $81,000 MLS# 98546 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 Indicates New Listings ● 18 WILLIE HUTSON - Blairsville cute 2bd/2ba ranch w/mtn. view sep. building on lot $49,900 MLS# 7000182 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 Indicates New Pricing ● 820 CATTLE BARN RD - Monroe Spacious 4/2 MH on a 1 AC Lot; hanicapped ramp on front $45,900 MLS# 98750 Vivian Schoomaker 706-778-5428 Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property More listings more sales more service Catch The Fever! Let Us Sell You A Home Or Market Your Property Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com29 White County ● 132 CENTER GROVE DR - Cleveland nice private 1+AC lot;new paint & carpet; close to shopping $38,900 MLS# 99061 Joe Kenyon 706-499-7258 281 CADY LANE-Cleveland A Cozy 3/ 2 Ranch on 2.27 ac. $75,000 MLS#96423 Zach Garvey 706-768-0575 9 RIVERSIDE PLACE-Cleveland RV on 2 Lots w/ greenbelt on 2 sides; 1/ 1 $65,000 MLS#97568 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 HelenRiverCondo.com Unit 601 - Helen. Nice Riverfront condo, walking distant to Main St, Helen $80,800 MLS#3237021 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 7290 DUCAN BRIDGE - Cleveland Large 4BR/2BA MH on 1.84AC;great starter home $24,500 MLS# 99202 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 1310 BAHN INNSBRUCK-Helen 4/4.5 Overlooking the #11 Fairway at Innsbrucke $339,000 MLS#96905 Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 15 HUNTERCLIFF RIDGE-Cleveland Extraordinary 4/4; Cedar Home on 12 ac. $749,000 MLS#97716 Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 ●● 254 SWEETHEART LANE - Sautee Cute cabin on 1.18 AC;Wooded lot; FP;min. from Helen $49,900 MLS# 98631 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 142 NOB HILL RIDGE - Cleveland 2/1 Furnished in Gated Community. 12x23 BR $90,000 MLS# 98344 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 ● 392 GOLD VALLEY RD - Sautee 3BR/2BA A frame on 5+AC;beautiful surroundings $71,500 MLS# 99177 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 ● 221 GRANDVIEW DR - Cleveland Large 5/4 home;full fin.bsmnt;jetted tub;2 laundry rooms $174,900 MLS# 98549 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 ● 366 FARMETTE DR - Cleveland 4/3; Full fin Bsmnt;stone FP;HW flrs;beautiful view $339,000 MLS# 98711 Barbara Hatcher 706-865-5400 THENORTONAGENCY.COM YOUR PROPERTY RETRIEVER 30 thenortonagency.com Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property White County 1831 BAHN INNSBRUCK-White Home ajoins Unicoi State Park & in a Golf Community! $319,000 MLS# 97265 Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 ● www.88SoaringHawkTrail.com Cleveland. 3br/3ba home w/sectacular views and open floor plan. $399,900 MLS# 3288514 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 86 HOLLOW LOG PATH - Cleveland Across from 50 ac lake; 1BR,1BA RV w/ lg deck $30,000 MLS#90123 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 120 Hogan Road - Cleveland Unique 17.28 ac horse farm or great for vineyards $529,000 MLS# 3269699 Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 3522 HWY 115 - Cleveland 22acs- Ideal for horses;3BR Ranch $220,000 MLS#89469 Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 ● 32 RIVERSIDE PLACE - CLEVELAND 1/1 On The Chattahoochee River; Guest Cabin $89,900 Mls#97722 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 111 CANYON PASS - Cleveland Mtn Shadows- Shelter set up+ BR, LR & BA $59,900 MLS#95596 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 57 LAVISTA LN - Cleveland RV on corner lot; Mtn shadows; Screen porch $29,900 MLS#92814 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 272 Sweetwater Lane - Sautee 1 BR; Very private; Near Unicoi State Park $49,900 MLS# 98627 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 ● 92 Teel Mountain Lane - Cleveland 4br/3ba Craftsman style w/upgrades, FP, hdwd floors $334,900 MLS# 7012945 Sherry/Bobbie 770-297-4832 ● www.176SoaringHawkTrail.com Cleveland. Attention to detail! 3br/3ba home w/views from all sides $399,900 MLS# 3288367 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 ● 111 CANYON PASS - Cleveland gated comm w/pool,lake:RV space w/ attached BR,BA,LR $59,900 MLS# 95596 Bobby Elrod 706-639-4805 863 BLUE RIDGE - Sautee Nacoochee B’ful waterfall & stream in bk, 3/2.5 full fin. bsmt., hdwd flrs. $319,000 MLS#3210057 Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 67 DACHE BRUSKE GASSE - Helen Contemporary Home w/ 3/3 in Innsbruck Golf Comm $146,000 MLS# 98309 Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 731 WOODLAND - Sautee Nacoochee Fantastic view of mts! 3/3.5, Master on Main $405,000 MLS#3211482 Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 1354 DUNCAN BRIDGE RD-Sautee 1BR/1 BA Cabin on 22 acres w/ stcoked pond $200,000 MLS# 97023 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 770-718-5250 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Let Us Take Care Of Your Home Away From Home Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property 241MountainMeadow.com - Cleveland European design on almost 9 ac, Mt & pasture views $749,900 MLS# 3263926 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 thenortonagency.com31 Acreage & Land MLS Address 95211 0 Gulls Road - Hall MLS Address $149,000 PriceAcreage 0.64 3201533 740 Tom Miller Rd. - Barrow $580,000 PriceAcreage 29 95257 0 Jim Anderson Road - Lumpkin $51,900 10.39 3190521 4219 Whiporwill Rd. - Hall $773,870 81.46 71698 Lot 16 Wilfar Strasse - White $19,000 0.54 3255498 Owl Creek Road - Towns $40,350 5.38 87161 # 3 Villa Weg - White $23,000 1.00 3252757 1022 Auburn Road - Gwinnett $,2770,000 19 90430 Bern Vista Drive (2 lots avail.) - White $36,000 -/+ 1.71 3190564 4032 Ed Cobb Rd. - Hall $610,875 48.87 95145 0 Wauka Ridge Road - White $39,500 6.62 4319334 390 Harmony Church Rd. - Dawson $899,000 39.19 95889 Zeppelin Strasse - White $27,000 0.28 4320722 4845 Hwy 255 South - White $79,900 3.58 3114481 Luther Palmer Road - White $165,000 11.16 3235886 Owl Creek Road - Towns $810,000 108+/- 3271008 4935 Clarks Bridge Road - Hall $400,500 45+/- 3270983 5368 Clarks Bridge Road - Hall $495,000 4.14+/- $1,000,443 146.05+/- Barbara Hatcher 770-530-2342 95555 464 Cedar Hollow Road - White $125,000 3.27 David Stovall 770-595-0702 Bobbie Elrod 770-639-4805 3151005 Parker Road - Gilmer East Ridgeway - Banks 11422 Hwy 441 S - Jackson $150,000 Hwy 441 & Harmony CH RD - Banks $314,400 5.2 1849002 288 East Ridgeway - Banks $1,421,504 12.6 Dee 706-499-5703 1377271 302 East Ridgeway Rd - Banks $370,000 Highway 441 N NE - Banks $575,000 49.8 322884 3047871 $400,000 David Stovall 770-595-0702, Kim Waters 770-540-3788 Brenda Duckett 706-754-5700 3.26 748 Manning Gin Rd - Barrow $61,295 5.33 2210 Highway 11 - Walton $84,410 7.3 2618216 835 Atlanta Highway - Barrow 3035574 2312 Jones Ferry Road - Elbert $950,000 91.3 4008 Clarks Bridge Road-Hall $959,640 87.24 2614372 Nunnally Road - Barrow $861,900 86.0 4008 Clarks Bridge Rd. - Hall $959,640 87.2 3047871 11 Atlanta Ave - 3 Lots - Barrow $139,000 2999422 1070 Old Hog Mtn Rd - Barrow $210,000 9.6 3262955 5820 Center Hill Church Road - Walton $172,800 8.64 3103991 77 Ridge Creek Drive - Jackson $49,000 3 1454407 5342 Thompson Mill Road - Hall $626,850 3.1 1454362 5354 Thompson Mill Road - Hall $2,778,550 11.7 2648924 1047 Ben Johnson Road - Barrow $2,000,000 59.0 90444 Highway 441 & Midway Crossing - Habersham $2,725,000 15.0 96113 Sterling Meadows (4 lots avail.) - Habersham $19,900 ea. -/+ 1.00 96112 Sterling Meadows (2 lots avail.) - Habersham $25,000ea -/+ 1.03 96025 Hardy Road - Stephens 95814 Yonah Springs - White $136,080 13.00 96503 Mountain Ranch Rd-Clarkesville $133,000 34.53 96482 Main St-Habersham $100,000 28.04 96502 New Liberty Rd-Habersham $1,100,000 308.00 96504 HWY 123-Stephens $506,000 230.58 3178406 3178406 Brad 770-540-1548, Regina 770-294-4813 Sunnybrook Lane - Hart $596,700 80.0 Carmine Giorgio 770-718-5222 3201566 5476 Bryant Quarter Rd. - Hall $619,945 95.33 3268460 2650 & 2672 Gillsville Highway - Hall $370,000 -/+4.7 Carmine Giorgio 770-718-5222, Matt McCord 770-718-5102 Lot 18 Bern Vista Drive - White $25,000 1.12 Christy 706-969-3866 Kelly 706-499-2421 93153 $25,000 -/+.5 Wessell Road 2 lots avail. - Hall 95893 HWY 197-Rabun $85,000 2869561 3077745 96337 Hershel’s Way - Habersham $79,500 17.67 Cindy Black 706-499-6580 929 S. Fairview Road-Hall 3168075 1975 Lumpkin Campground Rd-Dawson $250,000 3168069 2011 Lumpkin Campground Rd-Dawson $625,000 7.75 4319423 117 Blue Ridge Overlook-Dawson $981,000 30.21 3263295 Castleberry Bridge Road - Lumpkin 4319334 390 Harmony Church Road-Dawson $899,000 39.19 3277572 Dicks Creek Road - White 3189644 5740 Frank Gilmer Road-Hall $753,250 60.26 Gina Johnson 404-512-0832 thenortonagency.com 141.61 1.00 53.0 Doug Garrison 678-866-1429 3165305 32 $1,005,431 $3,180,000 $94,770 16.68 Doyle Kirk 706-768-1205 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing $287,820 14.76 $35,000 1.25+/- Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property Acreage & Land MLS Address PriceAcreage MLS Address PriceAcreage 3278595 1655 Walker Street - Hall $65,000 .67 3055251 Old Easley Hwy & Old Bent Bridge - SC $70,000 6.7 3254796 3262 Hidden Valley Rd - Hall $10,000 1+/- 3055255 Old Easley Hwy & Old Bramlett - SC $70,000 7.0 $45,00 .68 Jane Fleming 770-519-2333 Matt McCord 770-718-5102 86840 Bahn Innsbruck - White $40,000 1.25 3242031 91335 LOT 17 Dach Brucke Gasse - White $5,000 0.32 Norman Moolenaar 770-539-1994 94168 141 Rosen Strasse - White $6,000 0.40 94305 LOT 11 International Village - White 94617 # 136 Rosen Strasse - White 2857493 #48 Dach Brucke Gasse-White $8,000 0.36 $12,900 0.34 $5,000 0.32 Joyce Voytek 706-892-7374 2566969 4323 Willow Oak Dr - Hall 3081010 3115 Winding Lake Drive - Hall $269,000 3249015 1734 Green Rd - Gwinnett $299,000 0.71 1 3121136 00 Atlanta Hwy. - Hall $233,205 15.64 $295,000 5.17 $299,500 1.48 $119,900 1.05 Patsy Bailey 770-540-7752 Pugh Street - Gwinnett $199,900 23.70 3210710 Kami Crawford 770-351-7084 2898 Dawsonville Hwy - Hall Patsy Davis 770-315-8866 3138153 3510 Cameron Circle-Hall $149,000 3.27 2887858 Kathy Barrett 770-533-0572 1685 Blue Ridge Drive - Hall Regina Cochran 770-297-4813 3250941 700 Laurel Circle - Lumpkin $34,900 2.5 3247101 Lot 2 Dry Hollow Rd - Lumpkin $27,500 1 3246866 380 Etowah Dr. - Lumpkin $30,000 2.9 3198625 2955 Antioch Church Road-Hall Robert Bell 770-654-0507 Kelly Moore 770-654-5521 3126328 Lot 59 Lakeview Heights-Habersham $11,000 0.49 3126371 Sawmill Rd-Rabun $39,950 1.96 Kelly 706-499-2421 or Christy 706-969-3866 2982073 2621 Waters Edge Drive - Hall $14,900 0.65 3275875 364 Shady Oak Trail - Hall $14,900 1.04 3246311 63 Julian Creek Road - Dawson $199,900 1.07 Kim Waters 770-540-3788 5089597 27 Shady Oaks NE - Dawson $250,000 1.34 Kristie Myers 770-905-5544 90941 9094 Lot 15 Habersham Shoals $89,900 Kristy Ivester 770-519-3631 3043015 244 Town Creek - Pickens $1,667,750 67 Lori Martin 404-353-9939 3194067 1005 1005 Bear Paw Ridge-Lumpkin $225,000 0.86 Linda 401-578-0011 Cathy 706-216-3127 2824057 Duncan Bridge Rd - White 3055241 Old Easley Hwy & Gesthemane Dr - SC Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing 3134344 6220 Providence Lake Drive-Forsyth $6,000 0.58 3144286 6135 Providence Lake Drive-Forsyth $6,000 .71 Robin Gravitt 770-361-0815 3208884 4047 Highway 441 - Rabun $550,000 1.21 3253082 437 Wayside St w/building - Habersham $149,000 0.21 3173820 198 Builders Pkwy w/bldg - Habersham $330,000 1.32 3236093 451 Roper Drive - Habersham $364,000 4.43 3219242 124 Clarkesville Plaza - Habersham $380,000 3170288 0 Washington Street - Habersham $600,000 1.25 97184 583 Grant Street w/building - Habersham$1,299,000 16.13 97732 210 Industrial Park Blvd. w/bldg - Habersham$1,390,0006.73 97277 5005 Industrial Blvd. w/building - Towns $485,000 2.756 97830 310 Big Sky w/building - Towns $495,000 .47 3234108 0 Highway 17 Tract A-1 - Franklin $3348,000 31.78 Ron 770-654-6006, Wade 706-968-8335 3108062 5260 Laurel Circle - Hall $249,000 1.00 3151868 9335A Long Hollow Road-Forsyth $299,000 1.25 3185611 1787 Cleveland Highway-Hall $1,850,000 9.35 Lot # 18 Long Hollow Road-Hall $249,000 .22 9275 A Long Hollow Road-Hall $499,000 .45 $3,272,000 176.5 3194087 $70,000 7.0 3194303 Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty Indicates Lake Property thenortonagency.com33 Acreage & Land MLS Address 3249015 1634 Green Rd - Gwinnett 3257174 3032 Hickory Hills Dr - Hall 3255930 Lot 24, Dunlap Dr. - Hall PriceAcreage MLS Address 1 2900322 Pilgrim Point Extension Lot 20 - Forsyth $209,000 $39,900 .62 2845077 Settles Brook Subd - 4 Lots - Gwinnett $388,700 $599,000 .5-1 2900013 Stone Haven 6 lots avail - Gwinnett 2844210 Whitaker Downs Subd - Jackson Pinnacle Pointe Subd - 23 Lots - Henry $299,000 Sheila Davis 770-235-6907 PriceAcreage $30,000 $44,000 $405,000 Ewing Chapel Estates Subd - 8 Lots - Gwinnett $207,600 $336,000 3025588 Bells Ferry Rd - Cobb $600,000 6-7 lots Sharps Vineyard Subd - 11 Lots - Bartow $60,500 3207069 Cambridge Farms - Jackson $1,175,000 47 Lots 3085487 Georgia Avenue - Douglas $34,000 3169448 John B. Brooks Rd. - Jackson $1,250,000 56 2944619 Triple Creek Subd - 96 Lots - Oconee $650,000 3229883 0 Pilgrim Mill Road - Forsyth $9,780,000 57 lots 3222917 136 Ozora Rd. - Gwinnett $899,000 70 lots 3304 Winterberry Court - Hall 3164628 4632 Quailwood Dr. - Hall $50,000 1.275+/- 7004362 3279488 Silk Tree Point - Jackson $1,675,000 67 Lots 7012798 3275412 Silver Ridge - Gwinnett $1,587,350 53 Lots Stephen 770-297-4807, Matt 770-718-5102 Wilkerson Mill Road - Fulton $1,285,000 81 Lots + 35ac 7006514 Patriots Point - Henry 7017022 Dorchester Drive - Newton 3055633 Rosebud Road - US 78 - Gwinnett 2936123 North Village Circle - 42 Lots - Bartow 2936084 $1,100,000 40.2 6.8 $340,000 56 Lots + 21.97ac $1,537,000 108 Lots Stephen Lovett 770-297-4807 3191245 Brightondale Subdivision - Paulding 2953601 Campground Rd - Forsyth 3148228 3187973 $440,000 8 Lots 7.695 Mag White Road - White $55,000 9.463+/- 855 Rainey Street - Hall $55,000 .42 $986,000 17.0 $1,785,300 32.4 Highway 17 & I-85 - Franklin 500 Grandis Heights - Habersham Low Gap Rd - Habersham Twin River Orchard - Habersham 17 lots 71 Lots The Colonies at Williamsburg - Henry $239,400 12 lots 3279505 Montreaux In-Towne - Gwinnett $310,700 13 lots Susan Godbee & Pat Harrell 770-297-4892 $6,500,000 163 Lots 83+/- $30,000 .66 3142333 Wade 706-968-8335/Ron 770-654-6006 2695929 5270 Jot em Down road - Forsyth 5734 Nix Bridge Road - Hall 3233480 5911 Wellington - Hall $20,000 .95 3104939 Brittany Park Subdivision - Dekalb $297,000 45 Lots 7009663 Heritage Point Subdivision - Newton $690,000 92+/- 7015111 Nimblewill Wag 4 Lots - Gwinnett $300,000 4 Lots 6.3 143.0 Wade Rhodes 706-968-8335 $339,150 $1,150,000 3233468 $91,600 $4,674,450 95853 4756 Upper Berkshire Stewart Cove-Habersham Boykin Road - Rabun $55,000 See Agent $30,000 5.0 $35,000 0.72 Wallace 706-449-5532 Tracey 706-319-3292 Stephen Lovett 770-297-4807, Gina Johnson 404-512-0832 94096 Legacy Woods Dr (4 lots avail.) - Habersham $12,000 2843514 Bear Creek Plantation Subd - 5 Lots - Jackson $25,000 ea. 94081 Camp Creek Road - Habersham $50,000 2932345 McCart Place Subd - 7 Lots - Gwinnett 3229081 0 Legacy Drive - Habersham $15,000 .11 $280,000 8.0 $3,501,060 152.0 $70,000 -/+ .11 2.00 Wallace Craven 706-449-5532 2899258 The Creeks Subd - 27 Lots - Barrow $234,000 36.3 2900722 5120 Daylily Drive - Hall $25,000 0.8 2900689 598 Dickens Road - Gwinnett $35,000 0.7 2900226 1764 Dunlap Ave - Fulton $15,000 2843410 1200 Edwards Mill Road - Cherokee $139,900 2899527 Ellis Estates Subd - 6 Lots - Dekalb $150,000 Highway 129 - Jackson 3199774 Enclave at Miller Pond Subd - 5 Lots - Cobb $132,000 Home Depot Outparcel - Hart $325,000 0.9 2900679 Hidden Falls Subd - Madison Hwy 129 & Wayne Poultry Rd - Jackson $9,240,000 88.0 $25,000 2889648 1751 Hog Mountain Road - Barrow Wesley Williams 678-866-1430 6.0 Will Cobb 770-718-5261 2850002 3342 Holly Glen Drive - 3 Lots - Gwinnett $25,000 ea. 2845963 Laurel Forest Subd - Lumpkin 2898331 Oconee Station Subd - 110 Lots - Jackson $380,000 93913 0 Hwy. 15 - Habersham 2842708 Olde Field Chase Subd - 5 Lots - Forsyth $209,000 94051 LOT 17 Middleton Place - Habersham 3009729 Patrick Circle - 5 Lots - Forsyth $400,000 95422 Soaring Hawk Trail - White 2900318 Pilgrim Point Extension Lot 19 - Forsyth $209,000 Zach Garvey 706-758-0575 34 thenortonagency.com $25,000 Indicates New Listings Indicates New Pricing Indicates Seller Paid Home Warranty $75,000 9.90 $6,500 1.00 $39,900 10.31 Indicates Lake Property best At its , real estate is a family business. Family owned and operated since 1928, The Norton Agency has been entrusted with the home ownership dreams of thousands of thousands of North Georgia familys - of every size and variety. As times have changed over the past 83 years, so have the expectations of our clients. Today’s consumer requires more from their real estate professional... and that is what we strive to deliver. That’s why we’ve created the Norton Agency Family of Services, offering complete onestep convenience, broad resources and uncompromising service for all your real estate needs - whether you’re buying, selling, financing or maintaining your home. We have the power to perform. Norton Family of Services Norton Real Estate Norton Insurance Norton Commercial Norton Property Management Norton Guaranteed Management Norton Home Works Norton Relocation Norton Consultation Norton Investments Norton REO Norton Research Norton Title Norton Development 770.536.1250 770.297.4825 770.297.4800 770.718.5250 404.310.0646 770.718.5250 770.718.5246 770.532.0022 770.532.0022 770.718.5204 770.532.0022 404.279.4080 770.297.4800 Proudly Participating In The American Dream Since 1928 THE POWER TO PERFORM TheNortonAgency.com
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