Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc


Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
June 2016
(Inc No. 31898)
Ph. 0419 662 632; [email protected]
Ph. 0422 509 776; [email protected]
Ph. 0412 691 651; [email protected]
Ph. 0402 939 132; [email protected]
Ph. 0412 691 651; [email protected]
RIDE CO-ORDINATORS: ERIC & MERILYNE LEAH Ph. 07/3800 3946; [email protected]
Ph. 0402 939 132; [email protected]
Ph. 0404 033 544; [email protected]
Ph. 0423 976 001; [email protected]
Ph. 0422 509 776; [email protected]
Ph. 0403 460 040; [email protected]
Ph. 07/3288 9493; [email protected]
E-MAIL CORRESPONDENCE: [email protected]; or
(Please indicate the message recipient in subject line, ie. Mal; Owen, Ben, John, Ross, Alex, Roger, Phil)
“To provide social activities for its members to promote the restoration of CB750/4 SOHC motorcycles and to assist
members in restoration of their Honda CB750/4 SOHC motorcycles”
JUNE 2016 to Jan. 2017
Club Meetings:- Monthly meetings held on the first Sunday of each month at the
Belmont Tavern, Belmont Road, Brisbane – starting at 10:00am. Plenty of parking, food
and drinks are available at the Tavern or at the adjacent shops.
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
G’day everyone.
Jeez it’s hard to believe we are almost 6 months into 2016.
Where has the year gone? It has been a rather patchy 6
months from the club’s perspective due in part to the
extended hot weather we have been experiencing but the
weather is definitely on the improve and the days are just
perfect for riding. So, everyone should be getting their bikes
out of the shed and taking them for a lap.
Chris and I have unfortunately not been able to attend many
club events as we have had other things on or have been
grounded for whatever reason which seemed to clash with
the club’s rides. We also have been to Western Australia
and back during February/March this year – more on that
Of particular note was the long weekend ride to Inverell for
the Inverell Motorcycle Restorer’s Rally. Five Honda 4s
from the club attended the meeting as well as John and me
on our ST1100s, and Eric & Merilyne on their little Hondas.
It was a great weekend and very well organized by the
Inverell crew who are to be congratulated for putting on
such a wonderful weekend of events, great food and good
friendship. There were over 200 bikes in attendance at the
rally covering bikes from all makes and ages. Of particular
note was a shed built bike using a stationary engine mounted
in a home-made frame of welded steel pipes. It was
certainly an interesting bike. It was actually running and he
rode it around the grounds, although I don’t think I would
like to have ridden it. Unfortunately, John had some trouble
on the way down, firstly with a fuel leak on his K7, thus
ending up on his ST. Then he picked up a puncture and slow
leak in his rear tyre but made it home after multiple stops to
pump up the tyre. Inverell has some excellent riding roads
and I recommend attending the event next year if you can.
As I noted above, Chris and I rode to WA in late February
and March with fellow club member Dave Brown. Dave
rode his ST1300 and Chris and I rode our BMW R1200 RT.
It was an excellent ride taking us 13 days to reach the
OZSTOC rally site at Swan Valley, north of Perth.
However, Mr Unlucky’s BMW broke down or more
precisely refused to go about 230 km east of Norseman on
the Nullarbor, thus finishing the ride on the back of a truck –
a rather expensive episode. Dave completed the ride on his
ST but Chris and I hired a car in Kalgoorlie for the rest of
the holiday which I might add was a good thing as the
temperature rose to 39 and 40 deg C over much of the time
we spent in WA. Dave flew back home and Chris and I
caught the Indian Pacific train back across the Nullarbor to
Adelaide and flew home from there. Both bikes were
trucked home in the following weeks. Apart from the
breakdown it was a great holiday with around 65 bikes
arriving at the rally from all over Australia. The problem
with the BMW turned out to be a faulty electronic fuel
June 2016
sender Unit which tells the fuel pump when to operate – no
fuel pump, no go! It’s now fixed and I am assured it is a
permanent fix – time will tell!
The only other ride Chris and I have been on was to the Red
Rattler at Murwillumbah on Sunday 15th May. This was a
combined ride with the VJMC and I think around 15 or so
bikes attended. It was a great day as we rode down through
Coomera and Nerang (off the Highway) over Numinbah
Valley to the morning tea stop at the Red Rattler and then
back over the same roads to the Twin Pines Café at
Numinbah for lunch. Unfortunately the ride home turned to
shit for Chris and I as a 4WD ran into the back of us at
Yatala after not stopping in time sending both of us spearing
in the dirt and writing-off our ST1100 in the process. We
both got multiple bruising but luckily no fractures but won’t
be riding for a while!
Unfortunately I couldn’t attend the Ray Owens Bike Show
at Canungra Showgrounds on Sunday 22ndMay but I am told
a number of members made the effort to get there and from
all reports it was an excellent show with many beautiful
bikes to admire. I have attached a few photos.
If you went on a club run, or even your own ride, and you
would like to tell everyone about it you can email me details
with a few photos and I will email it out to club members.
It’s always good to have feedback about the club runs so
that members can keep abreast of the club’s activities.
Anything emailed to me can also be put up on the club’s
website for everyone to read, however you will need to let
me know if you don’t want that to happen.
Anyway, enough of me, Eric and John have once again
come up with a full ride calendar for the remainder of the
year so there should be something for everyone to attend
and hopefully if you cannot attend most events, make sure
you are able to come to your club’s “Living in the 70’s Bike
Show” which is scheduled for Saturday September 10 at
Team Moto, Moss Street, Springwood. Previous years have
been excellent events to showcase our old Honda 4s as well
as a range of fabulous bikes from the 70s and 80s (Flyer
Of course, as I have said previously, it is difficult to
confidently schedule events for the next six months and
there may be some amendments as we get closer to those
events so any changes to the ride calendar will be notified to
members as they come to hand. Once again, there is a mix
of rides to both the north, south and west sides of Brisbane
and rides scheduled by the Honda CB750/4 Club and the
VJMC which should ensure a good turn-out for each ride.
For those wishing to get away for a long weekend, there is a
suggestion that the club organize a ride to the Wide Bay
area through Childers/Mundubbera with the return leg
through Dalby over the long weekend in October. Other
proposed routes could be to Rockhampton via Biloela. This
proposal will be discussed at the September meeting and if
there is enough interest, a route will be planned out and
accommodation organized. If you can’t be at the club’s
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
September meeting and are interested in going on this ride
you could either let Eric, John or me know in advance.
Please note the club is having a social night on Saturday
night 9th July at the Belmont Tavern, starting at 6:30 pm.
This will be a fairly laid back affair and simply a chance for
club members and their wives/partners to get together for a
chin-way over a good meal and a couple of drinks. Also
note that there is early planning for the club’s Christmas
party which is again scheduled for the Belmont Tavern in
early December. More details will be provided about this
event as we get closer to the date.
I keep harping on but once again nobody has taken on the
Newsletter Editor’s position so if anybody wishes to put
something in future editions of this reduced version of the
Club’s newsletter or just wants to have something sent out
to club members, please email me the details. Please also
note that the newsletter will only be emailed out to members
– there is no hard copy being prepared and as a result, last
year the membership fees were reduced to $25.00 per year
which started with the 2015/16 financial year. As usual,
membership fees are due at the end of June each year and
details are provided below in the “Membership Update”
I hope you enjoy reading this issue of the abridged version
of “The InFourmer”.
There have been no new members during the last few
Please Note:- Membership fees for the 2016/17 year are due
on 30 June 2016. Fees are pegged at $25.00 for the year.
Please mail your cheque or money order to the Club’s PO
Box 1465 Browns Plains, Qld 4118. Alternatively, you can
pay directly (cash, cheque or money order) at the regular
club meetings at the Belmont Tavern, or you can make a
direct deposit into the Club’s Credit Union Australia
Account as follows:Bank:- Credit Union Australia (CUA)
BSB:- 814-282
Account Number:- 30387684
Account Name:- Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc
Note: Please ensure you include your name in the payment
details so that your membership status can be updated by the
Club’s Membership Officer.
As discussed in previous newsletters, Ian O’Keefe has set up
As discussed in previous newsletters, Ian O’Keefe has set up
a facebook page for the club which can be accessed by
anyone in the club by signing up to Facebook and becoming
Ian’s “friend”. Ian has included a lot of information and
photos, etc on the page to keep club members informed.
June 2016
You can contact Ian O’Keefe on Ph 07/3333 1933 or mobile
0419 727 744 for advice on how to access this page.
The Club’s page on the Shannons website has now been up
and running for some time now. Owen Finter is the Club’s
webmaster and responsible (with help from everyone) for
keeping the website up to date.
To get to the Club’s website, log onto the Shannons website
at, then click on “Club” and “Car
Clubs” in the drop down menus. Click the “Filter” icon and
type in “Honda” in the “Keywords” search space, then select
“Filter” again. “Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.” will be
included in the list of clubs so then click on the club’s name
which then takes you to the club’s website.
You can register as a member on the Shannons website at, then visit our
website as above.
Many thanks go to Owen Finter for continuing to be our
web-master even though he has taken a break from riding
his CB550 which is off road being rebuilt. He has uploaded
the Club’s “Events Calendar”, some photos, videos, and
interesting articles about Honda CB750/4s as well as other
information about the Club which will be updated as each
newsletter is published or other information comes to hand.
Please help Owen out by providing photos, information, etc
to be put up for everyone to see. Owen can be contacted on
0422 509 776 or [email protected].
r Sale: Honda CB750 40th Anniversary Badges and Patches.
numbers free plus postage;
non-members:$1.00 each or 7 for $5.00, plus postage. Phone Ben Thurecht
for availability on 0412 691 651 or email him at
To give away: Honda CB750 40th Anniversary Badges and
Patches available at no cost – plus postage. Phone Ben
Thurecht on 0412691651 or [email protected].
For Sale: Honda CB750 stickers (“My Other Vehicle is a
CB750” and Club Logo stickers) available at $4.60 each
(including postage) from Ben Thurecht on 0412691651 or
email [email protected].
For Sale: Alex Long, our spare parts man has spark plugs
and oil filters for CB750/4s for sale at very reasonable
prices. Contact Alex Long on 0423976001.
For Sale: The Club has polo-neck T-shirts, caps and bucket
hats for sale. The t-shirts are black hi-vis material and have
either the Club’s logo embroidered on the front and screen
printed on the back, or the club’s logo embroidered on the
front only.
The price for the shirts embroidered on the front and screen
printed on the back is $36.00 (plus postage), and for the
shirts embroidered on the front only is $26.00. The price for
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
the caps is $15.00 and for bucket hats is $18.00 (all plus
The club also has some limited stocks of cotton round neck
T-shirts which have screen prints on the front of the Honda
4 motor. The cost of these T-shirts is $16.00.
These prices are very reasonable and only cover our costs of
production (payment by cash, cheque, money order, or
direct deposit as detailed above in “Membership Update”).
You can check on availability of shirts, caps and bucket hats
and make a purchase by contacting Ben Thurecht on
0412691651 or email [email protected].
As discussed in previous newsletters, Ian O’Keefe has set up
Honda 4 Line-up: Inverell
OZSTOC Rally – ST1300 & R1200RT on Nullarbor
OZSTOC Rally – R1200RT at end of 90 Mile Straight (This
is as far as the RT got!!!)
Home Built: Inverell
A nice example of a CB750/4 K1
June 2016
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
June 2016
Canungra - Killer machine!!
Canungra - Smooth as silk!!
Note:- The monthly Club meetings are held at the
Belmont Tavern in Belmont Shopping Centre, Cnr
Belmont Road and Burstall Ave, Belmont. Meetings are
scheduled for the first Sunday each month and start at
10:00am when the Tavern opens up for business. The
Tavern has excellent coffee and cake deals and of course
plenty of cold drinks - beer, wine, spirits, etc and pokies
(if that’s your vice). It’s an excellent venue with plenty
of free parking within sight of the meeting location. So,
please make an effort to come along and take part in
your Club’s activities. For those interested, a club ride
can be organized following the meeting. The ride
destination will be determined on the day.
Regular Weekend Rides:- For those members who want to
go for a ride on the weekend, regular rides can be arranged,
leaving from designated starting points on both Saturday
and Sunday each weekend. Anyone interested in going for a
ride, please arrange a time to meet with others at the
following designated start points (Note: ride destinations
will be determined on the day):Northside – Caltex garage, Gympie Road, Carseldine.
Southside – BP Roadhouse, Yatala North, M1 Exit 38.
Westside – Yamanto Caltex garage next to Maccas on
Warwick Rd, Yamanto.
Any Saturday morning - meet at Tony's Cafe for breakfast.
The cafe is at Springwood Suzuki on Kingston- Beenleigh
Rd Underwood. Meet there from 9am.
Regular Weekday Rides:- For members who want to go
for a ride during the week, regular rides can be arranged on
any weekday. Anyone interested in going for a ride, please
arrange a time to meet with others at the same designated
start points (Note: ride destinations will be determined on
the day:Suggested ride destinations are as follows: Canungra for Southside members;
 Mt Glorious for Northside members; and
 Esk for Westside members.
Monthly Harry’s Diner Bike Nights:For those interested:
First Wednesday of every month:
Harry’s Diner Bike Night, 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm,
104 Newmarket Road, Windsor
Canungra - I had one of these – great motor shit frame!
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
SOHC Club Ride Calendar June 2016 to January 2017
JUNE 2016:Sunday June 5: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Sunday June 12: Toogoolawah Hotel
Lunch at a Toogoolawah Hotel
Meet at: Carseldine Caltex
Start: 7.30 for 8.00 am departure
Going via Mt Mee & Kilcoy
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
Sunday June 19: Bike Display, Aviation Heritage
Centre, Amberley RAAF Base
5th Anniversary of the Aviation Heritage Centre
Sausage sizzle, ice cream and coffee vans on site
Meet at: See attached flyer
Start: 8.30 to 3:00 pm
Display organized by HMCCQ
Saturday/Sunday June 25/26: Pine Rivers Swap Meet
Samford Soccer Grounds
Show and Shine Sunday morning (see attached flyer)
Meet at: Venue
Start: various
JULY 2016:Sunday July 3: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Saturday July 9: Club Social Night/Dinner
More details in Newsletter
Belmont Tavern
Start: 6:30 pm
Sunday July 17: Laverda Concours Cleveland
SOHC Display at Laverda Concours.
Bring your bikes.
Final details to be discussed at July 3 Meeting
Sunday July 31: Mulgowie Hotel
Lunch at the hotel
Meet at: Blacksoil Caltex
Start: 8.30 am Departure 9.00 am
Ride via Grantham
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
AUGUST 2016:Sunday August 7: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Sunday August 21: Mt Alford Hotel
Meet at: Browns Plains BP Beaudesert Road
Start: 8.00 am Departure 8.30 am
Via Beaudesert and Rathdowney
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
June 2016
Sunday August 28: Toogoolawah Festival of Flight
Meet at: Blacksoil Caltex
Start: 7.30 am Departure 8am
Via Esk
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
SEPTEMBER 2016:Sunday September 4: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Saturday September 10: Living in the 70’s Motorcycle
Run by our Club
Team Moto, Moss Street, Springwood
Please support
Start: 8.00am
Friday/Saturday/Sunday September 16, 17 & 18:
Northern Rivers Classic Motorcycle Rally
Rally Central: North Coast Holiday Park 02/66824212
Meet at: To be Discussed
Start: TBC
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
Friday September 23, 24 & 25: Lakeside Lord of the
Lake Historic Race Meet
Meet at: See attached Flyer
For those interested: Saturday 24 September
Kilcoy on Wheels:
Sunday September 25: Pit Stop Café Mt Mee
Meet at: Carseldine Caltex
Start: 8.30 am Departure 9.00 am
Via Zillmans Crossing & Campbells Pocket Road
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
OCTOBER 2016:Saturday October 1st to Sunday 3rd (Proposed Long
Weekend Ride to north of Brisbane)
Proposals include ride to Wide Bay Burnett via Childers and
Mundubbera with return leg through Dalby; or to
Rockhampton via Biloela
Details to be discussed at September meeting.
Sunday October 2: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Saturday October 9: Night Ride Wellington Point Coffee
Club Dinner
Meet at: Belmont Hotel
Start: 4.30pm Departure 5.00pm
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
Sunday October 23: Ride to Toorbul
Meet at: Carseldine Caltex
Start: 7.00 am Departure 7.30 am
Going via Zillmans Crossing Wamuran
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
For those interested:
Australian GP: Phillip Island
NOVEMBER 2016:Sunday November 6: Meeting
Belmont Tavern
Start: 10.00 am
Sunday November 13: Mapleton Hotel
Meet at: Carseldine Caltex
Start: 7.30 am Departure 8.00 am
Via D’guilar, Woodford, Postman’s Track
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
Sunday November 20: Phil Irvine Concours Tramway
Museum Samford
All details including if it is on to be confirmed.
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
Sunday November 27: Springbrook
Meet at: Yatala BP Exit 38 M1
Start: 7.00 am Departure 7.30 am
Via Coomera & Maudsland
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
DECEMBER 2016:Sunday December 4: Club Meeting followed by
SOHC Owners Christmas Party
Belmont Tavern
Combined event with VJMC Christmas Party
Start 11am
Sunday December 11: Gowrie Pub Lunch
Meet at: Kenmore Caltex 888 Moggill Road
Start: 7.00 am Departure 7.30 am
Combined Ride with VJMC Club
(These will need to be confirmed)
 Sunday January 8, 2017
HMCCQ Combined Breakfast Run at Mount Glorious,
 Saturday January 21, 2017
Twilight Bike Show Harry’s Diner, TBC
 Saturday February 18, 2017
VJMC Motorcycle Show
Olivers Motorcycles, TBC
The following are some suggested rides/events that have not
been scheduled at this stage and could be discussed at a
future club meeting. If anyone is interested in hosting one of
these rides, please contact or email the proposed details
(date, meeting time/place, etc) to Eric and Merilyne or John
for inclusion in the next ride calendar: Ride to Queensland Air Museum, Caloundra Airport.
 Breakfast BBQ at a suitable location.
 Weekend Ride to Drake in Northern NSW;
 Breakfast at Redcliffe Jetty Café;
June 2016
Ride to Bull and Barley Pub at Cambooya’
Ride to The Barn at Flagstone Creek Road then home
via Toowoomba, Hampton and Esk.
The Gold Coast Motorcycle Enthusiasts Club (GCMEC) has
rides scheduled that we are invited to attend if we wish. Log
onto their web site at for ride information.
The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club (VJMC) also has
regular events which we are able to attend if we wish.
Contact John McNair for details. You can also log onto their
website at
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The In-Fourmer – Official Newsletter of the Honda CB750/4 SOHC Club Inc.
June 2016