March 2014 - Cape Coral Power Squadron


March 2014 - Cape Coral Power Squadron
March 2014
Issue No. 3-14
Cape Coral
Sail & Power Squadron
A Unit of the United States Power Squadron, Inc. – District 22
CCSAPS Headquarters, Phone (239) 549-9754, Fax (239) 549-9754, Hours Mon. – Sat. 0900-1200
Issue No. 3-14
Executive & Administrative Department Committees
March 2014
Bridge Officers:
Executive Department:
Administrative Department:
Cdr Steve Gustafson, P
Phone: (847) 622-8551
Email: [email protected]
Executive Officer:
P/C John Hodgkinson, N
Phone: (239) 458-3531
Email: [email protected]
Squadron Education Officer:
Lt/C Marguerite Maciag, JN
Phone: (239) 471-0101
Email: [email protected]
Administrative Officer:
Lt/C John Hurtt, S
Phone: (239) 540-9452
Email: [email protected]
Lt/C Michele Garrels, S
Phone: (239) 220-0311
Email: [email protected]
Lt/C Yoseph M. Tedros
Phone: (817) 703-6163
Email: [email protected]
XO Assistant:
Lt Carol Peterson
Email: [email protected]
Co-Op Charting
Lt Preston M. Banning, AP
Email: [email protected]
Events Coordinator:
Lt Theodore L. Blomquist, P
Email: [email protected]
CERT Coordinator:
P/C Randy Headrick, SN
Email: [email protected]
Public Relations: Website Arbiter
Lt Harold E. Garrels II, P
Email: [email protected]
Community Relations: Media Arbiter
Barry Woods
Email: [email protected]
Media Relations
Craig Sandquist
Email: clsandquist@yahoo .com
Radio Tech:
Lt David J. Lawrence, S
Email: [email protected]
Ship Store:
Lt Philip Buhner, AP
Email: [email protected]
Sea Scout Liaison:
Lt Lou Simmons, S
Email: [email protected]
Vessel Safety:
Lt Thomas Callanan, P
Email: [email protected]
Lt Peter J. Perry, S
Email: [email protected]
Lt Lou Simmons, S
[email protected]
P/C Peter Brandt, SN
Email,: [email protected]
Cruise & Rendezvous:
Lt Delores A. Buhner, S
Email: [email protected]
P/C Sudy Soltysiak, P
Email: [email protected]
Pat Tuller
Email: [email protected]
Lt Edi Pollaert, P
Email: [email protected]
Leadership Development:
P/C Laura B. Woodward, SN
Email: [email protected]
Member Involvement:
Lt. Jon Hale & Lt George Lunsford
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Week End Boaters
Doug Skoczek & 1st Lt John Farmer
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Fishing Group:
Bob Palmer
Email: [email protected]
Kayaking Group:
Delores M. Wilzoch
Email: [email protected]
Scuba Diving
Cdr Steve Gustafson, P
Email: [email protected]
Sailing Group:
Lt Lou Simmons, S
Email: [email protected]
Welcome Committee
Robert R Peterson, S
Email: [email protected]
Lt Detlef Rohleder, P
Email: [email protected]
Pantry Inventory Mgr:
Lt Loretta F. Instace
Email: [email protected]
Port Captain:
Lt Joseph C. Grippe
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Bridge Officers
Assistant Admin Officer:
1/Lt. John Farmer
Email: [email protected]
Assistant SEO:
P/C Raymond A. Wlodyka, SN
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Secretary:
1/Lt. Ann Parsons
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Treasurer:
1/Lt. William Gouge
Email: [email protected]
Commander’s Department
Special Projects:
Lt Lou Simmons, S
[email protected]
P/C Al Rubio
Email: [email protected]
Flag Lt:
1stLt Paul Moses
Email: [email protected]
Building & Rental Manager:
1stLt William Battistini, P
Phone: (239) 549-8609
Email: [email protected]
Rental Chair:
Lt/C John Hurtt, S
Email: [email protected]
Ken Clemens
Email: [email protected]
Housing Maintenance:
1stLt William Battistini, P (Acting)
Secretary’s Department:
BUOYS Advertising Mgr:
P/C Fred Van Slett, S
Email: [email protected]
BUOYS Editor:
Lt Chris Carroll, AP
Email: [email protected]
BUOYS Production & Circulation Mgr.:
Lt Art Coll
Email: [email protected]
Tech/Dbase/Squadron Directory:
Lt Detlef Rohleder, P
Email: [email protected]
P/C Raymond A. Wlodyka, SN
Email: [email protected]
Cape Coral Cape Mates:
Carole Hodgkinson
Email: [email protected]
This is the most important principle that will drive this coming year. It is not the
Commander’s Squadron nor is it the Bridge’s Squadron. It is everyone’s Squadron no
matter if you have been a member for a week or 25 years. Everyone has a say in what we
do. This then means that it everyone’s responsibility to be a part of the Squadron in some way. Take a
class, teach a class, go boating with either the C&R group or the weekenders, join the fun by kayaking,
learn to sail, help plan a party, attend a party, help with the building maintenance, attend group meetings
and the general monthly meetings, do vessel inspections, go on a coop charting run. These are just a
sample of the many fun and enjoyable activities we have. I have already heard from some of our
members about other activities that may be of interest to other members. Please bring me your ideas.
For those members that have not taken the Seamanship Class, please consider doing it this year. ABC
was a great beginning class, but Seamanship fills in the gaps. It is also the most fun class you will ever
take. Get your friends and take it together. Ask any of us that have taken this class. It’s a must even
though you may never venture past Sanibel Island.
Our retention of new members is not good to say the least. A lot of work has already been done to
analyze why this is true, and how to fix it. The biggest way to retain members is to get them involved
right away, and to feel part of our Squadron. If you see someone you do not know, please introduce
yourself to them.
Your new bridge is looking forward to a great year. P/C John Hodgkinson is our new Executive Officer,
Lt/C John Hurtt is the new Administrative Officer, and Lt/C Marge Maciag is the new Education Officer.
Continuing their services is Lt/C Michele Garrels as Secretary, and Lt/C Yoseph Tedros is our Treasurer.
Please plan on attending the next General Meeting on 13 March. I have asked each member of the Bridge
to prepare a short introduction.
See you on 13 March.
Cdr Steven Gustafson, P
Life Jacket Loaner Program
This program is a valuable public service.
Please pass the word among your boating friends that lifejackets are available to
borrow at the Squadron, at no cost, for visiting children or grandchildren.
THE BUOYS is published ten times a year, monthly, except for July and August, by the Cape Coral Sail & Power
Squadron, Inc. The Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron is a unit of District 22 of the United States Power Squadrons,
Inc. Opinions expressed by individual authors do not necessarily reflect USPS or Cape Coral Sail & Power Squadron
policy or endorsement.
Material for publication must be received by the editor no later than the 10th of the month prior to publication.
The editor reserves the right to modify materials submitted for publication. We appreciate your articles and inputs.
Please make sure the information submitted to THE BUOYS is correct. All articles will be edited to assure conformity
with USPS® regulations and guidelines.
The Editor
Executive Officer
Hello everyone,
Let me begin by thanking you, the membership, for having enough confidence
(however misplaced) to allow me to serve as your Executive Officer (XO) for the
coming watch year. I will do my best to meet your expectations and justify your
faith in my ability not to screw up any worse than last time.
Those of you to whom baseball is a religion will know of Yogi Berra, the New York Yankees catcher, who
had a unique way of destroying the English language. Under the circumstances I feel honor bound to use
one of his quotes or rather misquotes: “it’s just like déjà vu all over again.”
Six years ago I had the honor to serve as Dan Tuller’s XO and in all modesty I have to say that we made a
fair team (The British always understate and put comments in parentheses) and I am very much looking
forward to working as part of the team again with Steve Gustafson.
Having had some experience with Commanders both good and bad, let me say that Steve has demonstrated all the personal qualities one looks for in someone taking up this challenging position and it is
unfortunate that Lou Simmon’s plans did not allow him to serve on the team as XO this year.
So what does the XO actually do?
Officially his department is responsible for activities outside the Squadron, and, given the team I have
inherited that means letting them do what they know how to do well and basically keep out of the way.
Over the past month or so key members of the Executive department have had the opportunity to put
forward their ideas of how things could be improved within their committees in an attempt to create an
organization that pretty much runs itself without the need of constant oversight. This of course can only be
achieved if everyone understands the part they play within the system and great effort has been and will
be put into making sure that this does, in fact, happen.
Harold Garrells, the Public Relations (PR) chair, has taken a leading role in this effort and some of the most
obvious changes are associated with his committee. In addition to his activities as chairman he will also act
as the channel to the website, so if you want something posted or see a glitch, contact Harold and he will
handle it.
Communication links with outside organizations and agencies can, at times, can be fragile and need to be
carefully managed. To that end Barry Wood comes on board as chair of Community Relations subcommittee. All editorial matter going to the media will be channeled through him to Craig Sanquist who
comes on board to handle media relations. In addition Barry will act as the first link in the approval chain
for all new Squadron literature.
Lou Simmons, as before, will act as our channel to the city, county and federal agencies as well and will
continue as Sea Scout liaison.
Carol Peterson joins the Department as the XO’s assistant and will be responsible among many other
things for maintaining the New Member Database (NMD) that will prove critical in our future management
of new member activities.
I think that’s enough boring stuff for one month, sadly, I have no interesting stuff until next month (He
lied glibly) so you will just have to wait.
Seriously though, all this effort is designed to create a Squadron structure that will work smoothly and
endure great stress. As any engineer will tell you (given half the chance), “get the basic design right and
you can handle the details later, get it wrong and no amount of adjustment will make it work.”
Just look at Washington.
P/C John Hodgkinson, N
Squadron Education Officer
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Marge Maciag
and I have been a member of the Cape Coral Sail and Power Squadron for 5 years
and have recently been appointed as your Squadron Education Officer (SEO). I am
excited to serve in this role and look forward to working with our current and future
instructors, my assistants, and the youth and adults in our squadron and community.
I have spent my teaching career educating children with special needs. I am currently working at
Hancock Creek Elementary as a Life Skills teacher in third, fourth, and fifth grades. I LOVE teaching!
I feel that it is the teacher’s responsibility to present material in a manner that will allow each individual
to reach their maximum performance level. I hope that my enthusiasm for education inspires you to set
a goal for yourself this year. What will that be? If you would like to discuss this or have questions, give
me a call. I would be happy to speak with you! My home phone number is 471-0101.
In addition to our ABC courses, there will be 3 advanced courses offered during the 2014 winter/spring
session. Please refer to the chart below for more information.
1: Piloting – This is an advanced course and recommended for all new members. Why Piloting?
Because one of the principal goals of the Squadron is to be an organization of safe boaters. Our members
should lead by example and the skills learned in Piloting will go a long way in helping members become
knowledgeable and safe boaters.
2: Cruise Planning –This course has not been offered in our Squadron for some time and presents
an opportunity not only for members who want to strive for the SN grade, but also for members who do
some cruising. How much cruising? Any cruising – whether it is a trip with the C and R group or the
weekenders to those who will do extended cruising for weeks or more.
3: Sail – This is another elective course and also a requisite for achieving a full certificate. It is a
particularly useful course for all members who sail or would like familiarity with sailing. It starts with
basic sailboat designs and nomenclature, rigging, safety, and sail processes and then tackles the physical
aspects of sailing forces and techniques, sail applications, marlinespike, helmsmanship and handling of
more difficult sailing conditions, navigation rules, and an introduction to heavy weather sailing.
Each course will last approximately 10 – 12 weeks. It’s not too late to register. Use the coupon
below to sign up for any or all of these courses.
Cruise Planning
February 24
February 25
March 5
Please sign me/us ___________________________________________________________________
For: Cruise Planning - Piloting – Sail (circle those that apply)
Certificate Nos. ________________________ ----
Phone No.: (______) _______-________
Amount enclosed $______________________
Email: _________________________________________________
A $25 deposit per student per course is required for registration with the balance due when the course
Administrative Officer
In my first article for THE BUOYS, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce
myself. My name is John Hurtt and I moved to Cape Coral from California with my wife,
Kay in 2005. Most of my working career was spent in California, but I wasn’t raised there. Both Kay
and I are originally from Idaho. She is from Northern Idaho and I am from Southern Idaho. I grew up
in a little town west of Boise called Parma. There are probably more people in jail in Lee County than
live in Parma. I went to the University of Idaho in Moscow – yes, there is a Moscow, Idaho.
After graduation and a stint in the Army, I took a job in Northern California. In 1972 my company
transferred me to Tacoma, Washington. I spent 12 years there in the rainy, foggy, damp, weather.
Fortunately I had an opportunity to move back to California where I lived until I retired and moved to
Florida. I always get the same question: “Why move from the California paradise to the Florida
paradise?” The answer. Why not?
Lt/C John Hurtt, S
Cape Mates Auxiliary
The Change of Watch is over once again, and we start a new year with a new Squadron
The Cape Mates would like to congratulate the Commander upon his election and we wish him and his
Bridge Officers all the best for 2014-2015. I would also like to wish the very best to the Cape Mates new
Officers, who are:
Vice President: Helen Gustafson
Secretary: Barbara Magner
Treasurer: Shirley Wood
Also, I would like to thank the Cape Mates Nominating Committee and Membership for my appointment;
I just hope I can exceed their expectations, plus also a job well done to the retiring Cape Mates officers,
namely Joy Dawson who always managed to do an excellent job with the Minutes and Jan Roller who
worked tirelessly as Vice President; a lot of work and imagination went into all of our members efforts, and
hopefully I can rely on them in the future.
We have changed our meetings around a little, the Board Meeting will be on the second Thursday of the
Month, commencing at 1800 in Room 107, followed by the General Membership Meeting commencing at
1930. This way if any member wishes to attend the Squadron’s Lite Bites that night they can do so, and
this way also you can ride in with your spouse if they wish to attend the Squadron’s General Meeting.
Our membership is open to anyone who enjoys friendship, volunteering, and enjoyment. Our dues are only
$10.00 a year (that’s right ladies and gentlemen, only 83 cents a month). YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A
MEMBER OF THE SQUADRON TO JOIN THE CAPE MATES. We are always looking for new members with
fresh ideas for our fund raising efforts or even a dinner/theater matinee etc. etc. If you would like to
become a member of the Cape Mates, please call Mary Lou Battistini on 239-549-8609 (Membership
Our Awards Luncheon will be held on 15 March (at Fletchers); If you would like to attend please contact
Jody Garmon at 239-945-2661. Our Lunch Bunch will be on 18 March at Rum Runners and if you would
like to join us please call Joy Dawson on 471-2639.
Please keep all of our Cape Mates in your prayers, and God Bless our Troops for helping to keep us safe.
Dates to Remember:
13 March: Board Meeting: 1800 in room 107
General Meeting: 1930
15 March: Awards luncheon: 1200 noon at Fletchers
18 March: Lunch Bunch 1130 at Rum Runners
Carole Hodgkinson
The Cape Mates Auxiliary
Our Italian Night went over very well with 130 people attending, thank you thank you to
everyone who helped to make this night unforgettable. We had so many helpers it would
be impossible to name you all, but your efforts did not go unnoticed, and were very much appreciated.
We even managed to get entertainment that night provided by Chris Carroll’s brother who came all the
way from Germany just to play for us!!
Until next year!!
Carole Hodgkinson
THE BUOYS gang met on 31 January and as usual many hands make the job go quickly and make my job
easier. Just a reminder to update your e-mails, addresses and phone numbers as the directory will be
coming out shortly.
Remember the Sail and Power Squadron has something for everyone either social or boating education
My thanks, as always, go out to Lt. Detlef Rohleder for providing the mailing labels and to the following
team members for their assistance:
John Farmer
Connie Farmer
Janet Dudding
Geof Dudding
Rick(Ken) Clements
Armond Sikes
Carole Hodgkinson
P/C Bob Martin
Ron Pitt
P/C Fred Van Slett
Art Coll
Remember, Volunteers are always welcome. If you would like to join our team for approximately 2 hours
(most often less), please contact me at 239-673-9368 or e-mail me at [email protected]
CCSAPS is proud to announce that we now
have gift certificates for our
Boat Smart Class available.
Get them in the office at Squadron Harbor!
To Reserve a Room at the Squadron
Notice: John Hurt is our Rental Chairman. Send your notices to John to reserve the various rooms at the
Squadron. He will coordinate and determine if there are any conflicts. John maintains the Rental Book in
the Squadron Office and can be reached via email: [email protected]
Cruise and Rendezvous
Our planned activities for the coming months
are as follows:
Destination: ____________________
4 March, C&R Meeting 1030
14 March, Stone Claws or Ham
17-19 March, Pink Shell
Dates: _________________________
1 April, C&R Meeting 1030
4 April, Marina Town
7-9 April Naples Bay Resort
2 May, C&R Lunch TBA
6 May, C&R Meeting 1030
12-24 May, Partsch Trip
Email: _________________________________
Telephone: (cell)_________________________
Number attending:_______________________
3 June, C&R Meeting 1030
6 June, Lunch TBA
16-18 June, ‘Tween Waters
Credit Card #____________________________
Expiration Date:_________________________
14 November, Shrimp Boil
Boat name: ___________Draft:_____________
Please use the appropriate coupons in THE BUOYS
for sign up and payment instructions. Also, please
write separate checks for each activity.
Boat Length:___________Beam:____________
Lt Delores Ann Buhner
Power: 30 or 50 AMP:_____________________
Make & Model:___________________________
Mail Reservations to:
Delores Buhner
1343 SE 20th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33990
Please check Destinations planning to attend:
_____ Marina Town
Date: 4 April
Number attending: _____
By Boat __ Car __
_____ TBA
Date: 2 May
Number attending: _____
By Boat __ Car __
_____ TBA
Date: 6 June
Number attending: _____
By Boat __ Car __
Telephone: (cell)_________________________
Email: _________________________________
Room for Guests
Mail Reservations to:
Delores Buhner
1343 SE 20th Avenue
Cape Coral, FL 33990
Fishing Group
Business Items
 Welcome new members: David & Sue Ellen Sim and Roger Stewart
 Capt. Wayne Dutton of Cape Coral Tool & Tackle will be holding a general meeting on “Okeechobee
water release” March 22nd. He plans to have local State Representatives and Senators and representative from water quality agencies, and FW representatives. Mark your calendars. We need a good
turn out to demonstrate our concern of the impact of the high volume water releases. I will send out
further details as they become available. Rally your friends and neighbors for this event. SW FL has
not been as well represented at previous events as SE FL. Water releases to SE FL have been significantly less the SW FL releases. Their voices had results, unfavorable to SW FL.
 The Cape Coral Tarpon Hunters club will be holding their annual February Tarpon Seminar February 20
(7:00 pm) at the Yacht Club. This seminar is open to the general public as well as those that wish to
join their club. The seminar will cover a broad number of topics including rigs, bait, rods/reels, lines,
etc. This seminar is one of the most complete seminars you will find on Tarpon Fishing, and specifically
Tarpon fishing in this area.
 The Mariner HS Athletic Booster Club will be hosting an Open Bass Tournament at Lake Kennedy
March 30th. The proceeds of this tournament will support their goal of a full college scholarship. Entry
fee is $100.00 per boat. 1st prize is 1,000.00. I know that there are not a lot of bass fishermen in our
fishing group. But for the few, an opportunity to support a good cause.
 Top Spot Maps - All fishing group members are encouraged to bring their Top Spot maps to meetings
so they can ask and mark specific locations.
 All fishing group members are asked to give myself, Tom Callanan, or Harry Instase feed back on
speakers and speaker subject matter. We have had 6 really good speakers over the pass 6 months.
With a little help – I need some help - we will post the notes from these speaker presentations.
 Lastly, a cleaning product review. Capt. Steve Ware mentioned a hull cleaning product – Power One
– for cleaning hull stains. I know you, along with me, fight the stains we get from our waters. This
product is by far the best that I have tried, and it meets Dade County chemical discharge requirements. The only place that this product is available in the area (to my knowledge) is Ace Hardware.
It costs $20 a quart, $30 gallon. The catch is that Ace Hardware normally does not carry the gallon
size. However, they will order the gallon size upon request.
Guest Speaker
The speaker this month is one our own – Keith Copersmet. Keith, due to a shoulder issue, Keith can not
throw a cast net for bait. To compensate, he has refinded his “sabiki rig” technique to an art. The following
are the highlights of Keith’s and his friend “New York John” presentation on sabiki rigs and other topics:
 Throw away your “cheap” sabiki rigs and get the “Profession Quality Rig” from Bass Pro Shops. For
just a few $ more, but your increased bait catches will be significantly.
 Keith uses the Bass Pro sabiki rod from Bass Pro shops. This is an internal rod that stores the rig
within the pole. This set up eliminates the tangles you get with an exposed set up. The pole is ~$80
at Bass Pro Shops.
 Keith has added a Velcro stripe to cover the end of the rig in order to secure the weight and rig. During fishing time, the rig’s exposed lead leads to bad things.
 When you feel the 1st bite, do not jerk. Wait for multiple hook ups. Keith feels that he can catch a
many bait from his sabiki rig as others can catch from cast nets.
 Keith tips his sabiki hooks with squid pieces. It stays on the hook and really attracts the bait bites.
 Gag Grouper love pin fish (Keith reminded us this several times)
 It is best if 2 people unhook the bait. One holds the weight end, the other keeps the line tight and unhooks the bait.
 If the lure sticks in the rod, use a wire leader to free the rig.
 To make the sabiki rig work, you need good bait attractant
 For bait attractant, Keith uses Capt. Van’s Super Bait Attractor. Read the instructions. The end product looks like grits.
 Keith also utilizes ice cubes with a simple ice tray.
 His ice tray formula is: Capt. Van’s mix slightly over half full, 1 table spoon of bread crumbs, play
sand (very important), and water to fill the tray.
Continued on next page...
(The Weekenders)
The ‘Weekenders’ are members of the CCSAPS who take lunch trips by boat to various on-the-water
restaurants on Saturdays (for those who can’t go during the week).
Our ‘follow me’ trips are a great way to learn the local waters and practice safe boating.
The planning meetings on the Monday evening before the Saturday trips offer additional boating
instruction and great conversation. Come join us. Let’s talk!
Please look for our meeting dates on 'The Buoys' calendar.
John Farmer and Connie, [email protected] 239-549-5229
Doug Skoczek and Kim, [email protected] 239-314-6900
[email protected]
Fishing Group….continued…
Keep the frozen cubes in zip locks.
Chum for bait, and chum for target fish.
Chum, chum, chum. Also, chum with the bait you caught.
Chum, chum, chum.
If your chum does not attract the target fish (or bait), move to a different spot.
Keith uses the 15 minute rule. No fish or no bait, move.
Keith matches the sabiki rig with 6# mono or braid and a spinning reel. It does not need to be a
really good spinning reel.
Good spots
 Keith fishes mainly from Pineland Marina
 For bait, back side of Cayo Costa – Finger Sand Bar. Also, Pelican Bay and marker 71.
 Other bait spots – White Light House @ Boca Grande
 Gag group love large pin fish. Redfish love small pin fish.
Other fishing information
 Top Map give you coordinates
 Likes fishing for redfish on a popping cork
 Likes Redfish and Cayo Costa Passes
 Really likes Cotee jigs. Keith stated that he has been outfished too many time by someone fishing
the Cotee jig. What’s special – he does not know. It just works.
 Break off the head of a shrimp and attach to the Cotee jig
 Sometimes plastic gets the bites
 He likes Zman with superglue on the jigs. Also, superglue is great for small cuts. Keep in your
first aid kit.
 Likes Zman’s paddle tail
 Use Pro Cure as an attractant – really likes Pro Cure.
 Fishing spots – Burnt Store, Turtlebay, and Smoke House Bay.
 Be careful on the depth of Smoke House Bay.
 Chum, Chum, chum. If no bites, move in 15 minutes.
 Keith’s favorite shore fishing spot is Bowman Beach. He takes his wife to the beach and shore
fishes. How bad can this be. He fishes and his wife enjoys the beach.
The scuba group had a meeting on 10 February with 8 members present.
Keith Copersmet has offered to arrange diving trips for our members and their friends.
We will also use Scubavice Dive Shop for other dive trips.
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 5 March at 1900.
Please mark your calendar.
Please call Steve Gustafson at 847-622-8551 if you are interested in joining this group.
Steven Gustafson
Kayaking Group
CCSAPS Kayakers met at the home of Dee Wilzoch on 5 February and proceeded in
a group to Ponce De Leon park in Punta Gorda. There we launched twenty Kayaks
and found the most beautiful mangrove canals. After kayaking about two and a half
hours, all of us joined our kayaks in the middle of the waterway and had our lunches. As we returned in
a caravan of beautiful and bright color kayaks, even the giant blue herons stood in awe. We made quite
a spectacular sight. Some visitors at the park commented on how beautiful and colorful the kayaks
Hope to see you all at our next kayak expedition
Pat Zeidman – [email protected], 610-213-7080
Dee Wilzoch – [email protected], 239-282-1374
Save the Squadron money and see THE BUOYS in color, up to two
weeks earlier. First, go to and click
on ”Buoys Archive”. If you like what you see, send an email,
including your name, to [email protected].
You will get a monthly reminder with an embedded link to THE BUOYS.
Go Paperless with
Our Advertisers
support our Squadron
with their ads….
Please return the favor
and support our
JOIN US at the
Broadway Palm
Thirty members or friends of the Cape Mates/ Cape
Coral Sail and Power Squadron attended a dinner
and show in February. The seats were near the
stage and everyone had a great time. The dinner
and show was fantastic!
Our next group performance:
Team Casual
Golf shirt with
light brown or
khaki slacks/skirt
Date: Saturday, 26 April 2014
Dinner Seating: 5:30 p.m.
Show Begins: 7:30 p.m.
Cost: $55 ea. Includes tax and gratuity
**Meals are served to tables on Saturdays.
Buffet will be available.
***Tables of 4 have been reserved in Section A,
near stage.
Contact Marge Maciag @ 471-0101
or e-mail [email protected] by
12 April
-Marine Surveyor
-Captain for Hire
USCG License Masters
-ABYC Member
Standards Certified
Approved Surveyor
Charles Lopez
Lake City, MN (4/15-10/15)
Cape Coral, FL (10/16-4/14)
CCPS Member
[email protected]
CCSAPS Members & Guests Activities Calendar 2013/2014
March 2014
4th C&R Mtg 1030
Scuba Mtg 1900
5th ET Mtg 1000
6th CCSAPS Exec Mtg 1930
10th Weekenders Mtg 1900
MI Mtg 1030
11th Fishing Mtg 1900
12th Co-Op Charting Mtg 1000
ABC Begins 1830
13th CM Exec Mtg 1800
CM Gen Mtg 1930
LiteBites 1830
CCSAPS Genl Mtg 1930
14th C&R Stone Claws 1700
15th Weekenders Boating Event
CM Awards Luncheon
17-19 C&R Pink Shell
18th CM Lunch Bunch 1130
26th ABC Graduation 1900
29th Kayaking
1st CCSAPS Exec Mtg 1930
2nd C&R Lunch
6th C&R Mtg 1030
Scuba Mtg 1900
Fishing Mtg 1900
7th ET Mtg 1000
8th CM Exec Mtg 1800
CM Gen Mtg 1930
Lite Bites 1830
CCSAPS General Mtg 1930
12-24 Partsch Trip
12th Weekenders Mtg 1900
MI Mtg 1030
14th Co-Op Charting 1000
ABC Begins 1830
17th Weekenders Boating Event
20th CM Lunch Bunch 1130
23rd CM Dinner 1800
28th ABC Graduation 1900
31st Kayaking
1st C&R Mtg 1030
Scuba Mtg 1900
2nd ET Mtg 1000
3rd CCSAPS Exec Mtg 1930
4th C&R Marina Town
4-5th District 22 Meeting
7-9 C&R Naples Bay
8th Fishing Mtg 1900
9th Co-Op Charting Mtg 1000
ABC Begins 1830
10th CM Exec Mtg 1800
CM Gen Mtg 1930
Lite Bites1830
CCSAPS Genl Mtg 1930
14th Weekenders Mtg 1900
MI Mtg 1030
19th Weekenders Boating Event
23rd ABC Graduation 1900
25th ET Spring Fling Dinner 1800
26th Kayaking
3rd C&R Mtg 1030
Scuba Mtg 1900
Fishing Mtg 1900
4th ET Mtg 1000
5th CCSAPS Exec Mtg 1930
6th C&R Lunch
9th MI Mtg 1030
11th Co-Op Charting Mtg 1000
ABC Begins 1830
12th CM Exec Mtg 1800
CM Gen Mtg 1930
Lite Bites 1830
CCSAPS Gen Mtg 1930
16-18 C&R Tween Waters
16th Weekenders Mtg 1900
20th ET Dinner 1800
21st Weekenders Boating Event
25th ABC Graduation 1900
28th Kayaking
ET- Entertainment Committee
C&R- Cruise & Rendezvous
MI- Member Involvement
CM – Cape Mates
Raymond Kennedy
Philip Buhner
Marcia Cochran
Tyrone McLean
Peter Perry
10 Donae DeJaco
Charles Wilson
11 Clara Foucht
14 Keith Copersmet
Michael Goddard
Finn Jensen
Marguerite Maciag
Lorraine Trial
15 Armond Sikes Jr.
16 Donna Blouin
Fred Meyer
18 Ron Palmer
19 Philip Doolady
Richard Ziemba
20 Kay Hurtt
Dennis Lewerke
Carolyn Liddle
21 Ann Marie Patke
23 Susan Eckert
24 Delores Buhner
25 Dolores Wilzoch
26 Sandra Broderick
Garrett Kuhns
27 Joseph Capuozzo
28 Duane Keeler
29 Faith Gansheimer
30 Ronold Bassett
MARCH 2014
ET- Entertainment Committee
C&R- Cruise & Rendezvous
MI- Member Involvement
CM – Cape Mates
1030 MI Mtg
1030 C&R Mtg
1900 Scuba Mtg
1000 ET Mtg
1900 Weekenders 1900 Fishing Mtg
1000 Co-Op
Charting Mtg
1700 C&R
Stone Claws
Boating Event
ABC begins
CM Exec 1800
CM Gen 2000
1830 Lite Bites
1930 Gen Mtg
CM Awards
1130 CM
Lunch Bunch
@ Rum Runners
C & R Pink Shell
The USPS Mission:
To promote recreational boating safety
Through education and civic activities
While providing fellowship for our members
Kayak Outing

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