NETRANewsletter20160.. - New England Trail Rider Association
NETRANewsletter20160.. - New England Trail Rider Association
News Season Results Legislative Update June 2016 CONNECT The NETRA News is a monthly publica on of the New England Trail Rider Associa on. This publica on is emailed to more than 3000 ac ve trail riders and racers: your customers. It’s also posted to Facebook, Twi er and Instagram increasing the readership beyond NETRA members. Ad rates are based on adver ser provided digital artwork. Ads in Adobe PDF format are preferred but other image types may be accepted. Annual Rate includes 11 issues, February-December. Deadline for ads is the 20th of the month prior to publica on. Mike DiMar no Rippin’ the ole iron around a muddy and fun track during the Nutmeg State Vintage Scrambles Photo Credit: Elaine DeFeo FOLLOW US! Adver sement Annual Rate Full Page $500 Facebook 1/2 Page $300 Twitter 1/4 Page $200 Instagram A en on NETRA members! Got a road trip you want to share? Do you have a legisla ve commentary you‘d like to post? Is there a picture you just have to show off? The content quality of this newsle er is up to you! THIS IS YOUR NETRA NEWS! Drop us a line via email [email protected] Visit the all new NETRA Forum! The latest on up-coming events Connect with riding buddies Latest legisla ve issues Classifieds: Bikes/Parts/Gear ...and so much more! 15% off with Free Shipping NETRA MEMBERS ly draw a line between the city riders In last month's message I signed off and us. by saying "You.Are.NETRA" and I ask So, it's up to each one of us to be an that you take that role seriously. We ambassador. Be sure that you're opshare a sport that we love, want to era ng responsibly/legally. Be sure sustain and want to see grow. How- to be respec ul of other trail users ever, it's no secret that, for decades, when you're on public lands. Be sure there has been a constant and orga- to thank the landowners who let us nized effort to shut down offroad rid- have events on their proper es. Be ing. This is where it's important to sure to take ac on on poli cal issues remember that all of your ac ons when you see a post on NETRA's while on a dirtbike are reflec ve of website or social media. the sport and of NETRA. We are different. We are a conglom- You're a NETRA Ambassador I'm not saying that we should never ride on our favorite "tolerated" riding area. What I am saying is that, like it or not, folks with poli cal power do not separate the good guys from the bad guys. Recently, we saw the viral video of dirtbikes being crushed by a bulldozer in NYC. In Connec cut there's a new law on the books that allows municipali es to seize dirtbikes found opera ng illegally. While these ac ons are mostly targeted at city residents who use dirtbikes and ATVs to ride the streets, the general populace does not readi- era on of clubs and lovers of the sport. We are not an owner/ operator company. This gives us a special challenge when it comes to public rela ons but it also gives us strength in numbers. You represent NETRA each me you get on your bike. Please represent us well. Tony Vintage Racing The NETRA Vintage Scrambles Series is in full swing with bar‐to‐bar ac on! These photos from Round 1—Nutmeg State are courtesy of Elaine DeFeo. Instagram, along with Facebook and Twi er have become the preferred communica on and marke ng vehicle for our events. Social media and “sharing” in general are a very effec ve in reaching a wider audience; an audience outside of our membership. To that end, NETRA is pleased to announce that Jordan Ar bani will volunteer his me to manage the NETRA Instagram account. Jordan can’t be at every event or work party so we are asking that club members help him out by snapping pictures or videos of your trail leading up to your event. We suggest clubs nominate a member to be the Social Media Director for this purpose. Email those pics/vids to so‐ [email protected] and Jordan will do his best to get them posted in a mely fashion. And oh yeah, follow @netra_org on Twi er and Instagram! Our Facebook page is h ps:// EMAIL PICS TO [email protected] Introducing The Scrambler Zowa Visor Goggles Expand Your Vision The Gen II scrambler offers a new look with all the features from Gen I including: Visor Goggles offer riders an en rely different experience, with a brand new feel and an unrestricted field‐of‐view. Lexan lens An -fog coa ng Mul -layer foam micro-fleece facial seal Over glasses compa ble Tear-off compa ble Plush strap with silicone strip Fits S—XL dirt bike helmets www.zowaop 802-238-3103 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE The 2016 Connec cut short legisla ve session is over, one which was dominated by budgetary issues. The Connec cut General Assembly is entering a period of transi on. In term of the State House of Representa ves, the Speaker of the House, Brendan Sharkey, announced he will not be seeking a third term as Speaker and will not be running for re-elec on. It is expected that the Majority leader, Joe Aresimowicz, will ascend to the Speaker’s office. There is a two person race in the Democra c Caucus to become the next Majority Leader; the contest is between Representa ve Toni Walker, from New Haven and current co-chair of the Appropriaons Commi ee, and Representa ve Ma hew Ri er from Har ord, co-chair of the Public Health Commi ee, and whose father served as Speaker of the House during the mid-1990’s. If you live in one of these persons’ districts, now is the me to reach out to them, introduce yourself, and talk about the needs of the off road riding community. This is the only way we can make inroads. These people represent the power base in Connec cut. During the 2016 Connec cut Session eight bills were tracked and one bill passed, SB 463, a bill which nega vely affects the off road riding community. There was a lot of support to block SB 463 but in the end it made no difference. The AMA rallied its Connec cut members and a number of NETRA members voiced their concerns about the Bill. A brief outline of the provisions of the Bill are as follows, but I would strongly suggest that you access a copy of the Bill and read it in its en rety. The Bill allows municipali es to regulate by ordinance the opera on and use of dirt bikes (including mini-dirt bikes/motorcycles) on public property by Jim Sherman, VP and impose s ff penal es for their improper use. The penal es include s ff fines ($1,000 for a first viola on, $1,500 for a second violaon, and $2,000 for subsequent viola ons) without any provision that there be a wri en warning. Under the Bill, municipali es may issue cita ons without first providing a wri en warning to individuals who violate the law. The Bill also authorizes municipali es with a popula on of 20,000 or more to enforce ordinances by confisca ng the vehicle used to violate the law. There are at least 80 Connec cut municipali es for which this ordinance would be applicable. Furthermore the Bill (1) establishes protec ons for lienholders and innocent owners and (2) requires municipali es to sell confiscated vehicles at a public auc on. In late April, 2016 John Bartley, NETRA’s Massachuse s lobbyist, and I met with the recently appointed DCR Commissioner, Leo Roy. We had an excellent mee ng with Commissioner Roy and both John and I walked away from the mee ng feeling that the Commissioner understands the needs of the off road riding community along with the needs other stakeholders. He understands all sides of the issues and is of the opinion that it is his job to make sure DCR is working to have land available for the recreaonal needs of the residents of the Commonwealth. There are follow up items which John and I are working to complete. It is our hope to meet again with the Commissioner and his staff to discuss next steps. It was refreshing to have a Commissioner that shows an interest in NETRA and our needs – and a Commissioner that recognizes that DCR is there to serve. It will be interes ng to work with the DCR in a new way. Input Needed on CT Green Plan By Russell MacIntyre A en on Trail Riders: Your input is requested on Connec cut’s Green Plan. Below is the request from the CT DEEP. CT DEEP is upda ng the Connec cut Comprehensive Open Space Acquisi on Strategy (Green Plan) through 2020 to best achieve statewide open space goals. The Green Plan is a document that intends to be a guide for land acquisi on that will meet the statewide open space protec on goal of conserving 21% of Connec cut's land base as open space by year 2023. Among other plan components, an ac on strategy is proposed for acquiring key lands iden fied as capable of providing certain benefits, for example buffers to climate change, wildlife habitat, and recreaƟonal trails. How can we improve your open space plan? Municipali es, land conserva on organiza ons, and the general public are encouraged to review and comment on the Green Plan. The new dra Green Plan, a previous version of the plan, and more can be found on DEEP's Green Plan webpage. Your comments can be submi ed to [email protected] or CT DEEP, Land Acquision and Management Unit, 79 Elm Street, Har ord, CT 06106. The comment period will close on June 1, 2016. the plan. Since 1985, the DEEP has ignored State Law and failed to provide a place for ORV recrea on on some of it's holdings. Sec. 23-26c. Availability of state land for use by persons opera ng all-terrain vehicles. The Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protec on shall evaluate the proper es under his jurisdic on and the jurisdic on of other state agencies for their use by persons opera ng all-terrain vehicles and shall make available some of such proper es for such use. In making such proper es available, the commissioner shall consider minimizing the impact of all-terrain vehicles on the environment. Before making any property available that is under the jurisdic on of another state agency, the commissioner shall consult with such agency. I would like to see ORV recrea on as a part of this plan. This is a legi mate use of state lands, as most states in the U.S.A. provide areas for their ci zens to use their vehicles. Please admit my comment into the official record. Respec ully submi ed, Russell MacIntyre Suffield, CT Be sure to men on the need for trails for ORV's. This is our opportunity to make our needs click the email address and send a comment be known. You do not have to live in CT to respond. sure to look at pages 115-119. This is what I sent, a er reviewing the plan: The full plan can be read here: h p:// Jamie: I would like to comment on the Green plan. Even Dra _Green_Plan_03-18-16.pdf though it appears in the 2005 and 2011 SCORP surveys, Off-road trail motorcycling areas are never men oned in >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2016 NETRA Schedule <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURO SERIES 5/29 6/5 6/26 7/30 8/7 10/2 10/16 11/6 Clarkie's King Philip Little Rhody CT State Closed Course Tom Noble Rocktoberfast Granville Cheese Grater Black & Blue Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA Exeter, RI Union, CT Berwick, ME Lee, MA Granville, MA Stafford, CT NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP JR ENDURO SERIES 6/4 6/18 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/13 8/20 10/22 10/29 NETRA CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES SERIES 5/1 5/8 5/15 6/19 7/3 7/17 7/24 7/31 8/14 8/21 9/4 9/18 10/9 10/23 Morningside Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Satan's Kingdom Flat Rock Farm Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley HS Martin's Mayhem Richardson's Farm Dam Good Stateline Hard Knox Barnes Way Woods-O-Cross Hurleyville, NY Eastford, CT Fish House, NY New Hartford, CT Sterling, CT Eastford, CT Weare, NH Union, CT Burrillville, RI Thomaston, CT Hoosick, NY Granville, MA Chepachet, RI Coventry, RI King Philip Satan's Kingdom / Sprint Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley Junior CT State Junior Boneyard Dam Good / Sprint Woods-O-Cross Jack Frost / Sprint Wrentham, MA New Hartford, CT Eastford, CT Weare, NH Union, CT Meriden, CT Thomaston, CT Conventry, RI Oxford, MA Loudon, NH Somers, CT N. Haverhill, NH 4/17 6/11-12 8/21 8/28 9/10-11 9/18 9/25 10/9 10/23 11/13 NETRA PEE WEE SERIES 4/30 5/7 5/14 5/28 6/4 6/25 7/2 7/23 8/13 9/3 9/17 9/24 10/8 10/15 10/22 Fun in the Sun Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Clarkie's King Philip Hard Knox Flat Rock Farms Merrimack Valley Peewee Boneyard Stateline Hard Knox Little Town Barnes Way Blue Slope Woods-O-Cross Hoot Owl Tri-State 100 New England Classic (Natl) Somers Fun Thrill & Chill Ammonoosuc River Triple B Tri State Extreme Fun Noble Woods King Philip PSTR Toy Run Putnam, CT Loudon, NH Somers, CT W. Greenwich, RI N. Haverhill, NH Tolland, MA Winchendon, MA Acton, ME Wrentham, MA Assonet, MA NETRA VINTAGE SERIES N. Smithfield, RI Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA S. Hampton, MA Sterling, CT Weare, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY Granville, MA Bethlehem, CT Chepachet, RI N. Franklin, CT Coventry, RI NETRA DUAL SPORT SERIES 6/11-12 New England Classic (Natl) 8/21 Somers Fun 9/10-11 Ammonoosuc NETRA TURKEY RUN SERIES BE SAFE AND ENJOY THE 2016 NETRA SEASON 5/7 5/14 5/28 6/4 6/25 7/16 7/23 8/13 9/3 10/8 10/15 10/22 Nutmeg State CATRA Black Fly Clarkie's King Philip Hard Knox Indian Ridge Merrimack Valley Vintage Boneyard Stateline Barnes Way Blue Slope Woods-O-Cross Eastford, CT Fish House, NY Assonet, MA Wrentham, MA S. Hampton, MA Eastford, CT Weare, NH Meriden, CT Hoosick, NY Chepachet, RI N. Franklin, CT Coventry, RI OTHER EVENTS 4/16-17 4/23 4/24 6/11-12 6/18 8/20 10/29 10/30 11/13 Rummel's Ride Camp Hare Scrambles 101 Dam Fun Ride Classic Charity Kids Ride Satan's Kingdom Sprint Enduro Dam Good Sprint Enduro Jack Frost Sprint Enduro Jack Frost Chili Fun Run PSTR Toy Run Stafford, CT Thomaston, CT Thomaston, CT Loudon, NH New Hartford, CT Thomaston, CT Oxford, MA Oxford, MA Assonet, MA Rev. 20160426 Presents The June 4, 2016 Start: Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093. Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham. No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day. Mini Enduro: Mini A / Mini B / Big Wheel / Girls Sign Up: 7:30 AM, Key Time: 9:00 AM (Bikes up to 85cc 2-Stroke/ 150cc four stroke, Wheels up to 19” front and 16” rear) Junior Enduro: Junior A / Junior B / Women Sign Up: 10:00 AM, Key Time: 11:30 AM (Full sized bikes 18” or 19” rear and 21” front) Entry: Entry Fee: $35. $5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center. Course: Approximate 6 mile course with 4 laps for Mini’s, 5 laps for Juniors. NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day) NETRA Sound Test rules will be enforced- 96 dB Limit! Info: Trail Boss: Joe McLaughlin, 508-930-0803, [email protected] Presents The June 4, 2016 Start: Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093. Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham. No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day. Vintage / Evolution / Retro Sign Up: 10:00 AM, Start time: 11:30 AM Entry: Entry Fee: $40. $5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center. Course: Legendary grass track with fast and fun woods section. NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day) Info: Trail Boss: Steve Lafaille, 617-678-2429, [email protected] Presents The June 4, 2016 Start: Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093. Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham. No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available all day. Pee Wee: 3 / 4 / 5 Sign Up: 1:00 PM, Key Time: 2:30 PM (Bikes 50cc-110cc automatic or semi-automatic trans/no clutch) Riders meeting @ 2:15 PM; Parade Lap only if time permits Pee Wee: 1 / 2 Sign Up: 1:00 PM, Key Time: 3:45 PM (85cc and 65cc manual trans/clutch) Riders Meeting @ 3:30 PM; No Parade Lap Entry: Entry Fee: $35. $5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center. Course: Spectator-friendly grass track and woods sections. NETRA Membership Required, One-Day Membership Available ($45/$25-one day) NETRA Sound Test rules will be enforced- 96 dB Limit! Info: Trail Boss: Jim Doustou, 508-561-2311, [email protected] Presents The A NETRA Championship Event June 5, 2016 Key Time 9:00am Start: Wrentham Development Center, 208 North Street, Wrentham MA 02093. Arrowed from the junction of I495 and Route 1A in Wrentham. No camping, fires, hookups or dogs. Food available at the start. Entry: Pre $40, Post $45. Make checks payable to KPTR. $5 Parking donation to benefit the Wrentham Development Center. Pre-entry accepted only on NETRA entry form. Drawing held on May 31, 2016. Mail Entries to; Phil Mealy, 31 Walnut Street Plainville, MA 02762 Course: Approximately 70 ground miles, Brand X Rules, Shortened course for C Riders, Gas on route, Gas truck available, NO GAS AT START. Sign Up: Sign up and tech inspection opens at 7:00am. Sound test in accordance NETRA rules, 96 db. Valid license, proof of insurance, plate/tag affixed to rear fender, Head/tail lights, USFS Approved spark arrestor. No Exceptions! Info: Trail Boss: Phil Mealy, 508-463-8323, [email protected] Ride NH’s Country Roads & Scenic Trails! June 11 & 12, 2016 New Hampshire Motor Speedway, Loudon, NH Rider Benefits Two-day Trail Ride with optional Hero Sections for street legal enduro & dual sport bikes. Includes the best trails and state parks! One–day Big Bike Rally for the adventure riding community on Saturday. Two-Day Kid's Classic. Free camping and showers at NHMS. Lunch both days and breakfast on Sunday. A Goodie Bag with a T-Shirt and Oil. Chance To Win A 2016 Suzuki DR-Z400! A Fun Weekend For Everyone...While Raising Money For A Cure! What is Cystic Fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and progressively limits the ability to breathe. In people with CF, a defective gene causes a thick, buildup of mucus in the lungs, pancreas and other organs. In the lungs, the mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria leading to infections, extensive lung damage and eventually, respiratory failure. In the pancreas, the mucus prevents the release of digestive enzymes that allow the body to break down food and absorb vital nutrients. SATAN'S SPRINT SPRINT & NETRA JUNIOR ENDURO Saturday June 18, 2016 Entry Fees $30 for your 1st class $20 each Additional class Start Times Minors must have a parent present or notarized Consent form at sign up. 9:00 ] Jr. Enduro: Mini A & B, Big Wheel, Girls Pee Wee 11:00 ] Jr. Enduro: Junior A & B, Women Under 40, 40+ 1:30 ] Pro, Open (any age, bike, or ability), Under 30, 30+ Sound Test for Jr. Enduro only Mini A & B, Big Wheel, Girls 7:00 to 10:00 Jr. Enduro Trail Boss: Colin Orlowski 860-307-3165 [email protected] Sprint Enduro Trail Boss: Bob Stadler 860-209-6786 [email protected] Location: 85 North Main Street - New Hartford, CT $10 Parking $20 Primitive Camping Available for the weekend NO Campfires or dogs Please Food And drink available both days Pipe Down - Sound Test Strictly Enforced 96 DB MAXIMUM - NO EXCUSES Sound Test Closes 10:00 PM Sharp Junior Enduro results will count toward end of year NETRA Championship COME OUT FOR THE WEEKEND - GO TUBING DOWN THE FARMINGTON RIVER ACROSS THE STREET New Section 1 Page 1 SATAN'S KINGDOM Hare Scramble NETRA Championship Points Series Sunday June 19, 2016 Entry Fees $30: Mini A & B, Big Wheel, Girls Minors must have a parent present or notarized Consent form at sign up. $45: Super Sr., Novice, Sportsman, Women, AA, A, B Sound Test & Sign Up 7AM -1PM 7:00 ] Mini A & B, Big Wheel, Girls 8:30 ] Super Sr., Novice, Sportsman, Women 10:30] AA, A, B New Section 1 Page 1 Hare Scramble start times 9:00 ] Mini A & B, Big Wheel, Girls 11:00 ] Super Sr., Novice, Sportsman, Women 1:30 ] AA, A, B Trail Boss: Mike Toth 860-938-1235 [email protected] Hard Knox PeeWee & Vintage Scramble Saturday June 25, 2016 Southampton, Massachusetts Fun Flowing Course, Always a favorite! $10 Parking Donation, Food Available Entry Fee: $30 Sign up starts at 8am PeeWee 3,4,5 10am Pee Wee 1,2 11:30am Vintage 1pm Arrowed from 10/202 in Southampton Nearest GPS Address: 69 Cold Spring rd. Southampton Riders meeting 15min prior to start. Parade lap for 3,4,5. Trail Boss : Robin Allsop 413-896-0783 PW Dave Dussault 413-427-0846 Vintage 2016 Little Rhody Enduro Sunday June 26th A NETRA Championship Event Start Location: Twisted Throttle 570 Nooseneck Hill Road Exeter, RI 02822 Arrowed from Rt. 95 N & S, Exit 5A Event Information: Traditional Brand X Format Sign-up & Tech @ 7:00am Key Time 9:00am NETRA membership required and available at sign up All riders must show proof of registration and motorcycle drivers’ license. Bikes must have a headlight, taillight, properly affixed license plate, and pass sound test. Pre- Entry $40.00: Deadline 6/20/2016, Post-Entry $45.00 Send Pre-Entry to: Ed Fox 21 North Pine Tree Lane Charlestown, RI 02813 Checks payable to Rhody Rovers MC Info before 9:00pm; Jacob Greene (401) 743-4066 3-Jun-2016 HARE SCRAMBLES Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Not Applied Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type KELLEY, JOHN 07/2016 IN SENECAL, JIM 06/2016 FA MARTI, NICK 04/2017 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2017 IN KIPP, TY 09/2016 IN GIESE, OWEN 04/2017 FA MURPHY, JAMES 05/2017 IN TOTH, ZACHARY 06/2016 FA LEVESQUE, SHAWN 04/2017 IN TOTH, JOSHUA 06/2016 IN WEIK, TYLER 01/2017 IN KELLEY, BENJAMIN 06/2016 IN ANTHONY, JEREMY 09/2016 FA NEUWIRTH, HUNTER 07/2016 IN CORCORAN, PATRICK 05/2017 IN FEDERICO, ANTHONY M. 07/2016 IN ZINS, ZACHAREY 05/2017 IN DANIELS, RON 05/2017 FA JOHNSON, SIMON 09/2017 IN WINANS, JEREMY 05/2017 FA VERDONE, STEVEN 02/2017 IN DEXTER, THOMAS 09/2016 IN MEDAS, GRAHAM 04/2017 IN STAPLES, JEFF 07/2016 IN CARBONARO JR., STEVE 08/2016 A. IN VENTOLA, SAMUEL 02/2016 IN ARTIBANI, JORDAN 03/2017 IN SLATER, DAN 05/2016 IN MORIN, CHARLES 05/2017 FA GROSS, ANDREW 05/2010 JR Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Bike KTM KTM T 70 60 52 KTM 47 KTM 46 KTM 32 YAM 31 KTM 29 KTM 27 KTM 25 KTM 24 KTM 22 KTM 20 18 YAM 18 KTM 14 KTM 14 KTM 12 ktm 11 KTM 11 YAM 11 KTM 10 10 KTM 9 7 KTM 7 KTM 6 6 4 4 AA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx A 200 Exp/Type KELLEY, JOHN 07/2016 IN SENECAL, JIM 06/2016 FA MARTI, NICK 04/2017 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2017 IN KIPP, TY 09/2016 IN ANTHONY, JEREMY 09/2016 FA LEVESQUE, SHAWN 04/2017 IN WEIK, TYLER 01/2017 IN DANIELS, RON 05/2017 FA MURPHY, JAMES 05/2017 IN TOTH, JOSHUA 06/2016 IN NEUWIRTH, HUNTER 07/2016 IN KELLEY, BENJAMIN 06/2016 IN FEDERICO, ANTHONY M. 07/2016 IN HEINS, JACOB 06/2016 IN Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM T 70 60 53 KTM 47 KTM 46 KTM 36 KTM 36 KTM 33 KTM 33 YAM 31 KTM 25 24 KTM 22 KTM 14 KTM 7 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 14 16 20 12 --15 11 --13 --18 --------8 --6 5 --10 9 --7 --3 --4 20 18 16 13 12 8 15 1 9 25 --22 2 3 10 14 5 4 11 --6 ------7 ----------- 25 20 22 18 14 12 16 13 7 --11 ----15 8 --9 ----5 --10 --------6 3 4 --- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 15 16 20 18 13 14 12 ------------- 20 18 16 13 12 8 11 6 10 15 25 9 22 14 7 25 20 22 18 14 10 12 13 11 16 --15 ------- Sata King 6/19 ------------------------------------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ------------------------------- Flat Rock 7/3 ------------------------------------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------------------------------- Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------------------------------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------------------------- Merr Vall 7/24 ------------------------------------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Stat 9/4 ------------------------------------------------------------Stat 9/4 ------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- 10/23 10/23 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type 05/2017 FA 04/2017 IN 05/2017 IN 06/2016 FA 09/2017 IN 06/2017 FA Club Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Bike KTM Exp/Type GIESE, OWEN 04/2017 FA TOTH, ZACHARY 06/2016 FA VERDONE, STEVEN 02/2017 IN ARTIBANI, JORDAN 03/2017 IN ZINS, ZACHAREY 05/2017 IN DUTLINGER JR, LAYNE 05/2016 IN MEDAS, GRAHAM 04/2017 IN DEXTER, THOMAS 09/2016 IN CHENKUS JR., BOBBY 06/2017 IN SOUCY, COLLIN 04/2017 IN CARBONARO JR., STEVE 08/2016 A. IN NARDI, ZACHARY 05/2016 IN VENTOLA, SAMUEL 02/2016 IN GROSS, ANDREW 05/2010 JR SULLIVAN, BRENDEN 05/2017 IN D'ASTOUS JR, TIMOTHY06/2016 IN LOWELL, ANDREW 05/2017 IN ALLSOP, ROBIN 03/2017 IN SCHREINER, HARRISON 08/2016 FA Club Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Bike KTM KTM YAM KTM KTM KTM PROUTY, NATHAN A. BRIGHAM, GLENN CORCORAN, PATRICK KNOTT, KEVIN JOHNSON, SIMON HENRICHON, CHRIS T 67 56 YAM 47 YAM 40 ktm 25 HUS 18 A 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx KTM HON YAM KTM KTM KTM YAM YAM KTM T 69 66 50 41 36 35 33 32 27 26 22 22 18 15 13 13 10 9 8 A Open Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx Exp/Type Club Bike HACKETT, JOSH 07/2016 FA No KTM MORIN, CHARLES 05/2017 FA Yes BERNARD, BRENDAN 05/2017 IN Yes KTM T 72 47 20 A Vet 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx NELSON, DAN NEWCOMB, BILL O'DELL, JEFF RICHARD, MARC MELO, GILIARDES Exp/Type 02/2017 IN 03/2017 IN 07/2016 IN 04/2017 FA 05/2017 IN Club Yes Yes No Yes Yes Bike Yam KTM KTM KTM T 72 60 25 22 20 A Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx WEIK, TODD TREPANIER, GILLES CORREIA, MAREILIO STAPLES, JEFF PACHECO, DEREK YORK, WAYNE BALDWIN, MIKE Exp/Type 08/2016 IN 01/2017 IN 05/2017 IN 07/2016 IN 05/2016 FA 09/2016 IN 04/2017 IN Club Yes Yes No Yes No No No Bike KTM KTM KTM KTM T 66 45 25 25 20 20 18 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 --20 ----- 20 18 22 --25 --- 22 16 25 20 --18 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 25 16 10 --11 20 12 --14 ----18 15 --13 --9 8 25 16 20 15 18 14 13 --12 --22 11 --------10 ----- 22 25 14 16 18 10 --20 15 12 --11 ----13 --------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 ----- 25 22 --- 22 25 20 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 ------- 22 18 25 --20 25 20 --22 --- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 20 --25 ------- 22 --25 --20 --18 22 25 ------20 --- Sata King 6/19 ------------Sata King 6/19 --------------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ------Sata King 6/19 ----------Sata King 6/19 --------------- Flat Rock 7/3 ------------Flat Rock 7/3 --------------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------Flat Rock 7/3 --------------- Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------Indi Ridg 7/17 --------------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------Indi Ridg 7/17 --------------- Merr Vall 7/24 ------------Merr Vall 7/24 --------------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------Merr Vall 7/24 --------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------- ------------- ------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------- ------- ------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------- ----------- ----------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --------------- --------------- --------------- Stat 9/4 ------------Stat 9/4 --------------------------------------Stat 9/4 ------Stat 9/4 ----------Stat 9/4 --------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------- ------------- ------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------- ------- ------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------- ----------- ----------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --------------- --------------- --------------- 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 8 xxxxx MCDOUGAL, JEFF 09/2016 FA Yes KTM 18 Super Senior A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type BAIN, RUSS 10/2016 FA CLAXTON, RICK 03/2017 IN MURDOUGH, HERBERT 05/2016 E IN KELLEY, DAVID 07/2016 IN MEARS, MARTY 07/2016 IN LAW, KENNY LIFE LF HARRIS, DAVID 03/2017 FA ANTONIOU, STEVE 05/2017 IN Club Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Bike HON YAM KTM KTM KTM SUZ KTM T 72 47 38 38 22 20 18 16 B 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type JOHNSTON, TAYLOR 07/2016 IN WINANS, JEREMY 05/2017 FA MCDOUGAL, JONATHAN 09/2016 FA MCCAHEY, KYLE 07/2016 JR DODGE, MATTHEW 05/2017 IN HENNE, WESLEY 02/2017 FA Club Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Bike KTM KTM KTM T 60 50 47 22 YAM 20 KTM 18 Exp/Type SLATER, DAN 05/2016 IN JARVIS, DREW 05/2017 IN ROCHE, CORY 09/2016 IN MACBURNIE, TY 05/2017 FA FARWELL, JUSTIN 06/2017 FA BUCK, CODY 04/2017 IN GIONTA, TYLER 05/2016 IN BROWN, RICHARD 09/2016 IN MARZELLO, SPENCER 12/2017 IN BARCSANSKY, STEPHEN 08/2016 IN DORSEY, CHAD 05/2017 IN MICHAUD, NATHANIEL 04/2017 IN SEBAS, CHRIS 08/2016 IN WINANS, TYLER 05/2017 FA DESMARAIS, ROBBIE 05/2017 FA ALLARD, JOHN 08/2015 IN HENSHAW, MASON 09/2016 IN BACON, JEFF 02/2017 FA BERNOSKEVICH, JUSTIN 04/2017 IN SENECAL, DAVE 01/2017 IN MARIN, TROY 02/2017 IN GRANT, JOSHUA 03/2017 FA MYERS, ETHAN 05/2017 IN RUTAN, COLE 06/2015 JR DESMARAIS, BOB 05/2017 FA GOVERNO, DAVID 03/2017 IN Club No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Bike B 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx T 72 KTM 65 KTM 51 YAM 47 KTM 46 43 KTM 29 27 KTM 25 KTM 23 KTM 22 KTM 22 bet 22 KTM 19 18 KTM 16 12 KTM 11 KTM 10 10 KTM 9 KTM 7 KTM 6 KTM 6 5 5 B Open Rider Exp/Type Club Bike T 18 --- --- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 25 18 20 --------- 25 ------22 20 18 16 25 22 20 18 --------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 20 25 22 ----18 18 --25 22 20 --- 22 25 --------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 20 9 18 16 13 15 7 12 10 22 14 6 8 ------11 --------------5 22 25 20 11 15 14 --12 13 ----8 7 --18 16 ----10 --9 ----6 5 --- 25 20 22 18 15 16 14 8 --13 ----9 11 ----12 ----10 --7 6 ------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 --Sata King 6/19 ----------------Sata King 6/19 ------------Sata King 6/19 ----------------------------------------------------Sata King 6/19 --Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------------------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 --Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------------------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 --Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------------------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 --- --- --- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------- ------------- ------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --Stat 9/4 ----------------Stat 9/4 ------------Stat 9/4 ----------------------------------------------------Stat 9/4 --- --- --- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------- ------------- ------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx LEWONIS, BRIAN 08/2016 IN HENNESSY, TREVOR 09/2016 IN MORIN, DAMON 05/2017 IN JUDSON, AARON 01/2017 IN DEMENTO JR., JOHN F.03/2017 FA CLARK, ELY 07/2016 JR CARTIER, JAKE 05/2017 IN SCIANNA, MIKE 05/2016 IN HENNESSY, CLAYTON 05/2017 IN BAZINET, JOE 05/2017 IN PHILLIPS, JEREMY 05/2016 IN Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes KTM KTM KTM hus KTM KTM 63 60 50 40 29 20 18 18 18 16 15 B Vet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type TAYLOR, JOE 03/2017 IN KNOX, CHRIS 04/2017 IN POWELL, MICHAEL 04/2018 IN MARSHALL, JEFF 03/2017 FA KUBRAN, DUSTIN 05/2017 IN NEAL, BEN 05/2017 IN ALLEN, MICHAEL 09/2016 IN DUFORT, SETH 05/2017 IN SYLVESTRE, RICHARD 09/2016 IN Club Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Bike T 72 KTM 56 YAM 47 Kaw 22 20 KTM 18 KTM 18 15 yam 14 B Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type STEVENS, IVOR 07/2016 FA WOOD, MICHAEL 05/2017 IN VANDERBOGART, RICH10/2016 IN BLAIS, JAMES 04/2017 FA ROWE, JON 08/2016 IN GREENE, BRAD 05/2017 IN VANDEBOGART JR., RICH 07/2012 IN TURNER, WILLIAM 05/2017 IN PALMER, CHRIS 05/2014 IN FUCHS, WILLIAM 07/2016 IN Club Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Bike KTM KTM T 67 42 41 HUS 31 25 KTM 22 ktm 20 YAM 18 18 HON 14 Super Senior B 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type Club Bike ANTHONY, ANDREW 09/2016 FA Yes KTM COUTURE, RICHARD 02/2017 IN Yes HUS ST. LAURENT, JAMES 05/2016 IN Yes KTM GASKELL, GREGORY 04/2017 IN Yes KTM HANAN, JEFF 08/2016 FA Yes YAM STADLER, BOB LIFE LF Yes KTM T 69 67 56 45 34 32 C 200 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type Club Bike BORGES, JARED 10/2016 IN No SENECAL, TANNER 04/2017 IN Yes MCGUIRE, MATTHEW 04/2017 FA Yes FLINT, JOSHUA 10/2016 JR Yes NIEMCZYK, DARIUSZ 03/2017 IN No KTM T 72 69 56 51 47 25 22 --20 14 ----18 --16 15 16 22 25 --15 20 18 --------- 22 16 25 20 --------18 ----- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 20 25 ------18 ----- 25 16 22 --20 18 --15 14 25 20 --22 ----------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 ----16 --22 20 --18 --- 22 20 25 --------------- 20 22 16 15 25 ----18 --14 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 25 18 20 16 --- 25 22 20 --18 16 22 20 18 25 --16 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 16 18 20 22 25 20 15 13 25 22 20 18 14 ----------------------Sata King 6/19 ------------------Sata King 6/19 --------------------Sata King 6/19 ------------Sata King 6/19 ----------- ----------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------------------Flat Rock 7/3 --------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------- ----------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 --------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------- ----------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------------------Merr Vall 7/24 --------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------- ------------- ------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------Stat 9/4 ------------------Stat 9/4 --------------------Stat 9/4 ------------Stat 9/4 ----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --------------------- --------------------- --------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------- ------------- ------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------- ----------- ----------- 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ST. LAURENT, MATTHEW LIFE LF STEVENS, MORGAN 07/2016 FA RECORD, COLBY 09/2016 FA ROBERY, GERALD V. 12/2016 JR LEBLANC, DANIEL 04/2017 FA LIS, CASSIE 07/2016 IN HALL, CHASE 07/2016 FA BLAIS, JASON 04/2017 FA PERO, SPENCER 05/2017 IN ALLARD, ROBERT 07/2016 IN POETZSCH, BRANDON 05/2017 FA BERNARD, TREVOR 05/2016 FA SULLIVAN, STEVE 04/2017 FA SANTORO, TONY 07/2015 JR VACCARO, NICK 08/2016 JR SUMNER, CODY 02/2017 FA Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes No Yes No Yes KTM KTM 44 31 30 KTM 28 YAM 24 KTM 20 KTM 18 KTM 17 16 12 11 SUZ 11 10 9 8 7 Exp/Type POTTER, MICHAEL 06/2016 JR RICHARDS III, GORDON03/2017 IN DREWNIAK, JUSTIN 08/2016 IN MCDANIEL, AUSTIN 05/2017 IN ORLOWSKI, CURRAN 01/2017 IN HOYLE, STEPHEN 04/2017 IN HODOH, MICHAEL 10/2016 IN IGNACHUCK, SCOTT 03/2017 FA PERKINS, JAMES 10/2016 IN DAIGNEAULT, RAYMOND 10/2016 IN MARTI, BEN 05/2016 FA DEMENTO, MEAGAN 03/2017 FA HOLLISTER, MATTHEW 04/2017 IN FLOKOS, ALEXANDER 04/2017 IN KAUFMANN III, KARL 05/2016 IN CLARKE, ALEX 05/2016 IN WELSH, BEN 08/2016 JR DAY, JUSTIN 05/2017 IN MORIN, GRAYSON 05/2017 FA TADDEO, THOMAS 04/2016 FA WURFBAUM, BRENDON05/2016 FA MERRIGAN, JOSEPH 05/2017 IN FITCH, EMERSON 07/2016 IN KRUKOFF, BRENDON 05/2017 IN PARKER, BRADLEY 05/2017 IN CARRIGAN, MICHAEL 10/2016 IN SHAW, ALEX 08/2017 JR KAPRIELIAN, KENNETH 05/2017 IN OSTBERG, KYLE 05/2017 IN KAPRIELIAN, JEFFREY 05/2017 IN Club No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Bike Hon KTM KTM C 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx HON YAM KTM HON KTM KTM HON T 63 56 51 42 42 33 32 29 25 24 24 21 18 16 14 13 12 12 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 6 5 4 C Open Rider 1 xxxxx MAZUR, MIKE Exp/Type Club Bike 08/2016 IN No T 66 14 13 12 15 ------9 ------11 10 ------- 14 7 6 --9 10 18 --16 12 11 ------8 --- 16 11 12 13 15 10 --8 ----------9 --7 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 20 18 25 --14 11 12 15 --22 16 10 ------13 ----------9 8 --7 ----------- 18 22 15 20 13 9 ----25 2 --11 --16 14 ----12 --10 ------8 --7 --6 5 4 25 16 11 22 15 13 20 14 ----8 --18 ------12 --10 --9 ----------7 ------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 22 22 --------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ------------------------------------------------------------Sata King 6/19 --- --------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------------------------------------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 --- --------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------------------------------------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 --- --------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------------------------------------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 --- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --- --- --- --------------------------------Stat 9/4 ------------------------------------------------------------Stat 9/4 --- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --- --- --- 10/23 10/23 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx ELMES SR., JAMES 04/2017 FA ORLOWSKI, COLIN 01/2017 IN GIGANDET, DANIEL 02/2017 IN ORCE, TIM 08/2016 IN TATRO, DAVE 09/2016 FA RAK, RAFAL 05/2016 IN ELMES, FRANK 04/2017 FA ZAMBRZYCKI, ROBERT 03/2017 IN BUSCEMI, CHRIS 05/2017 IN WARD, WYATT 01/2017 IN ESPOSITO JR., PAUL 05/2017 IN PEARSON, CODY 05/2017 IN ESPOSITO, MICHAEL 05/2017 IN WAGNER, MICHAEL 05/2017 IN Yes 58 Yes KAW 57 No 50 Yes KTM 47 No 44 No CHR 29 Yes 26 No 20 No 18 No 13 No 12 Yes 11 No 10 No 9 Exp/Type SERRARO JR, RICHARD05/2017 IN KILGORE, LAWRENCE R. 03/2017 FA BRIGGS, ZACH 12/2016 IN DAUBERT, JEFFREY 01/2017 FA NEAL, AARON 05/2017 IN KRAUSE, BRAD 05/2017 IN TETUAN, JOSHUA 10/2016 IN BAKER, JAMES 04/2017 FA BELLINI, DJ 04/2017 FA PLANTE, WARREN 06/2016 IN NEWMAN, DOUGLAS S. 06/2016 IN Club Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Bike KTM HUS Exp/Type POIROT, ERIC 02/2017 IN MORTON, TOM 08/2016 FA KOEHLER, CURT 08/2016 IN LARSON, KEITH 07/2016 IN WILLARD III, J. BARKER07/2016 FA EWASCHUK, MIKE 04/2017 IN LACERTE, TROY 04/2017 IN DORE, MICHAEL 05/2017 IN MCCOSKER, MATT 03/2017 FA PERSSON, KENT 04/2017 IN SMITH, DAVID 05/2017 FA MAURIAL, MIGUEL 03/2017 IN MARTIN, CHRISTOPHER05/2017 IN LACERTE, BRIAN 05/2017 FA ROWLAND, MICHAEL 04/2017 FA WILLIAMS, DENNIS 11/2016 IN TERRY, BRYAN 04/2017 IN MARLOWE, NEIL 05/2017 IN MISIASZEK, JAMES 05/2017 IN Club Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Bike C Vet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx T 75 62 51 42 HON 40 Kaw 28 22 18 16 15 KTM 14 C Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx T 62 KTM 60 KTM 38 25 HON 25 KTM 22 20 18 16 16 16 15 KTM 15 14 14 14 13 KTM 13 12 Super Senior C Rider Exp/Type Club Bike T 18 16 25 15 14 --12 20 --13 --------- 20 16 25 14 15 13 ----18 --12 11 10 9 20 25 --18 15 16 14 --------------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 18 16 20 ------------- 25 18 13 11 20 12 22 --16 15 14 25 22 20 15 --16 --18 ------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 20 --------18 16 ----15 ------14 ------- 15 18 ----25 22 20 ----16 ------14 ----13 --12 22 20 18 25 ------------16 --15 --14 ----13 --- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 ----------------------------Sata King 6/19 ----------------------Sata King 6/19 --------------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ----------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------------Flat Rock 7/3 --------------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 --------------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------------Merr Vall 7/24 --------------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------------------Stat 9/4 ----------------------Stat 9/4 --------------------------------------Stat 9/4 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood 10/23 10/23 10/23 1 2 3 4 5 6 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx NOLETTE, ROBERT 03/2017 FA SANFORD, RANDIE 05/2017 IN SULLIVAN, KEITH 04/2017 FA SMITH, GREG 06/2017 IN SAPANARO SR, JEFFREY 02/2015 B. FA ADENDORFF, STUART LIFE LF Yes KTM No No Yes HON No Yes KTM 75 36 22 22 20 18 Masters Rider 1 xxxxx 2 xxxxx 3 xxxxx LEVESQUE, TOM DELGROSSO, JOHN BLANCO, RUSSELL Exp/Type 04/2017 IN 08/2017 IN 04/2015 FA Club Bike T Yes KTM 47 No 25 Yes KAW 20 Junior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx FARWELL, DEREK SMITH, TRISTAN CANOVA, AUSTIN BAIN, COLE SHOREY, AUSTIN RICHARD, KATELYN WILL JR, CARY D. WITTY, PATRICK KILGORE, COLE MCCOSKER, PETER WAYSS, JACKSON HOVASAPIAN, ERIC GIRIONI, NICHOLAS MCGUIRE, CARL WINSLOW, LOGAN BLANCO, ZAC Exp/Type 06/2017 FA 05/2017 FA 03/2017 FA 10/2016 FA 07/2016 JR 04/2017 FA 03/2017 FA 09/2016 FA 03/2017 FA 03/2017 FA 02/2017 FA 03/2017 FA 08/2016 FA 04/2017 JR 04/2017 FA 10/2016 JR Club Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Bike KTM KAW KTM KTM KAW HON KAW T 65 60 54 50 49 40 36 28 26 21 15 13 13 13 12 11 Big Wheel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx GOODWIN, EVAN PREVE, PAYTON LEBLANC, DENNIS CARR, GREG MESSINA, KEVIN DANIEL, COLE KILMER, LOGAN SMITH, NATE Exp/Type 11/2016 JR 09/2016 FA 04/2017 FA 10/2016 FA 09/2016 JR 07/2016 JR 04/2017 FA 06/2017 FA Club Bike Yes Yes KAW Yes KAW Yes No Yes No No T 70 62 54 53 25 22 16 14 Mini 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx NOLETTE, BRAYDEN FLEMING, JOHNNY MORTON, HADLEY DANIELS, OLIN BAKER III, JIM BURNETT, ELIAS BACON, GAVIN MCCANN, NOAH Exp/Type 03/2017 FA 05/2017 JR 08/2016 FA 05/2017 FA 04/2017 FA 06/2017 FA 02/2017 FA 04/2017 FA Club Bike Yes HQV No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes T 75 66 51 46 35 34 34 33 25 16 22 --20 18 25 20 --22 ----- 25 ----------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 ------- 22 25 20 25 ----- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 20 18 --15 16 22 12 14 11 ------13 ----- 20 18 22 25 16 9 14 ----10 15 --13 --12 11 20 22 14 25 18 15 --16 12 ----13 --------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 20 18 ----16 --- 20 18 16 15 25 22 --14 25 22 18 20 --------- Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 22 16 18 20 --12 15 25 22 15 16 --18 11 --- 25 22 20 12 15 16 11 18 ------------Sata King 6/19 ------Sata King 6/19 --------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ----------------Sata King 6/19 ----------------- ------------Flat Rock 7/3 ------Flat Rock 7/3 --------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------------- ------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ------Indi Ridg 7/17 --------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------------- ------------Merr Vall 7/24 ------Merr Vall 7/24 --------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ------- ------- ------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ------------Stat 9/4 ------Stat 9/4 --------------------------------Stat 9/4 ----------------Stat 9/4 ----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ------- ------- ------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/23 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx GULICK, JASON 04/2017 FA PACHECO, ETHAN 05/2016 FA PACHECO, JACOB 05/2016 FA STRUCK, JACOB 05/2017 JR ROCHA, TYLER 04/2017 FA KAMINSKI, NICK 07/2016 FA OBERG, AIDEN 04/2017 JR FISCHER, ROBERT 05/2017 JR HAMILTON, LANDON 05/2017 JR KNOTT, KYLE 06/2016 FA CALLAHAN, PATRICK 08/2016 FA HEISSENBUTTEL, OWEN 03/2017 FA MARSHALL, JOHN 03/2017 FA HENRICHON, NICHOLAS 06/2017 FA DALEY, ETHAN 05/2016 JR No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No No 28 20 14 13 13 13 12 11 10 10 10 9 9 8 7 Women 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type DUSSAULT, STEPHANIE01/2017 FA BACON, KATE 02/2017 FA HERY, STACEY 10/2016 FA ANTHONY, LYNNE 09/2016 FA SENECAL, TYNA 06/2016 FA Club Bike Yes Yes Yes KAW Yes KTM No T 65 60 50 44 34 Mini Girls 1 2 3 4 5 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx RECORD, MAYA BAIN, ERICA SEYMOUR, SARAH TATRO, SIERRA MEDAS, KAYLEE Exp/Type 09/2016 FA 10/2016 FA 09/2016 FA 09/2016 FA 10/2016 JR Club Bike Yes Yes No No No T 75 64 62 36 18 14 ----13 ------11 10 ------------- --20 14 ----13 12 ------10 9 ------- 14 ------13 --------10 ----9 8 7 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 22 20 25 ----- 25 20 --22 18 18 20 25 22 16 Morn Nutm CATR 5/1 5/14 5/19 25 20 22 --18 25 22 20 18 --- 25 22 20 18 --- ------------------------------Sata King 6/19 ----------Sata King 6/19 ----------- ------------------------------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------Flat Rock 7/3 ----------- ------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------Indi Ridg 7/17 ----------- ------------------------------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------Merr Vall 7/24 ----------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------- ----------- ----------- Mart Mayh 7/31 Rich Farm 8/14 Dam Good 8/21 ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------------------------Stat 9/4 ----------Stat 9/4 ----------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------- ----------- ----------- Hard Knox 9/18 Barn Way 10/9 Wood ----------- ----------- ----------- 10/23 10/23 3-Jun-2016 VINTAGE Results | Top 30 | Work Rule: Not Applied Vintage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type HUBBARD, NATE 07/2016 IN DEMETRIUS, DANA 07/2016 IN GAVIN, DANIEL 06/2016 IN WILL, CARY D. 03/2017 FA RIDER, ANDREW 10/2016 IN HERY, MIKE 10/2016 FA BACON, JEFF 02/2017 FA HATHAWAY, CHARLES 07/2016 IN BAUER, JODI 03/2017 IN BRENNAN, GORDON 05/2017 IN YOUNG, BOB 05/2017 IN WASHBURN, THOMAS 08/2015 IN LOMBRA, JOEL 10/2016 IN BURTON, CHRIS LIFE LF MCGRATH, COLIN 04/2017 IN WHYMAN, JON 12/2016 IN Club Bike Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No T 67 60 45 36 29 28 25 22 16 16 16 15 15 13 12 11 Evolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type SEYMOUR, BRUCE 09/2016 FA ACCOMAZZO, THOMAS03/2017 FA HUBBARD, KEVIN 06/2017 IN MARZELLO, SPENCER 12/2017 IN DIMARTINO, MIKE 04/2017 FA SEEBECK, KURT 05/2017 IN DOUCET, PHILIPPE 03/2017 IN LINDEWALL, ERICK 05/2016 FA THERRIEN, MARC 08/2016 FA FLACHBART, KURT 04/2017 IN PATTERSON JR, LLOYD01/2018 IN VANRYSWOOD, PETER 10/2016 IN Club Bike No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No T 58 52 50 47 32 25 20 18 18 16 14 13 Retro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Rider xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Exp/Type SEMUSKIE, STEPHEN 04/2017 IN DUSSAULT, DAVE 01/2017 FA SZLACHETKA, DARRELL10/2016 IN HARRIS, DAVID 03/2017 FA BOURGEOIS, DONALD 07/2016 IN ROCHA JR., BRUCE E. 04/2017 FA CARR, DENNIS 10/2016 FA RICHARD, ZACH 04/2017 FA BUSHEY, MICHAEL 12/2016 IN DUSSAULT, BRIAN 01/2017 IN BURNETT, DAN 06/2017 FA SWANSON, GRANT 07/2016 FA HUBBARD, KEVIN 06/2017 IN ALVAREZ, CEFERINO 04/2017 IN NOLETTE, ROBERT 03/2017 FA PLOURDE, TRISTAN 09/2016 JR Club Bike Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No T 54 51 47 42 33 31 29 26 25 25 18 18 16 16 14 14 Nutm Stat 5/7 CATR Blac 5/14 20 22 25 18 14 --------16 ----15 13 12 11 22 18 20 --15 14 25 ------16 ----------- Nutm Stat 5/7 CATR Blac 5/14 22 15 --25 20 14 --18 --16 ----- 20 22 25 ------------------- Nutm Stat 5/7 CATR Blac 5/14 22 18 25 20 10 15 14 ----------16 ------- 20 13 22 --12 16 15 11 --25 18 --------14 Clar 5/28 25 20 --18 --14 --22 16 ----15 --------Clar 5/28 16 15 25 22 12 11 20 --18 --14 13 Clar 5/28 12 20 --22 11 ----15 25 ----18 --16 14 --- King Phil 6/4 --------------------------------King Phil 6/4 ------------------------King Phil 6/4 --------------------------------- Hard Knox 6/25 --------------------------------Hard Knox 6/25 ------------------------Hard Knox 6/25 --------------------------------- Indi Ridg 7/16 --------------------------------Indi Ridg 7/16 ------------------------Indi Ridg 7/16 --------------------------------- Merr Vall 7/23 --------------------------------Merr Vall 7/23 ------------------------Merr Vall 7/23 --------------------------------- Bone Stat 8/13 9/3 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Bone Stat 8/13 9/3 ------------------------- ------------------------- Bone Stat 8/13 9/3 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Barn Way 10/8 Blue Slop 10/15 Wood --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Barn Way 10/8 Blue Slop 10/15 Wood ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- Barn Way 10/8 Blue Slop 10/15 Wood --------------------------------- --------------------------------- --------------------------------- 10/22 10/22 10/22 17 18 19 20 21 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx THERRIEN, MARC LINDEWALL, ERICK LANGLOIS, KEVIN EASTMAN, THAYER RANDALL, RICHARD 08/2016 FA 05/2016 FA 04/2017 IN 05/2017 IN 04/2017 FA No No No Yes No 13 13 12 11 10 13 --12 11 --- ----------- --13 ----10 ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------