aut pol tho licie rize es an ed c nd p usto prog ome gram er ms
aut pol tho licie rize es an ed c nd p usto prog ome gram er ms
AUT THORIZE ED CUSTO OME ER POL LICIE ES AN ND P PROG GRAM MS ALL SALES ARE SUBJ JECT TO NAVICO’S STANDARD TER ERMS AND CONDI TIONS OF SALE. NAVICO RESER RVES THE RIGHT T TO AMEND POLIICIES UNPUBLISH HED IN THIS DOCU UMENT WITHOUT T NOTICE. PRICES AN ND TERMS ARE SU UBJECT TO CHAN NGE WITHOUT NO OTICE. Document #600 Page 1 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Click on any section/page number below to be brought directly to that page.) LETTER .................................................................................................................................................. 3 CUSTOMER INFORMATION SHEET/CREDIT APPLICATION .............................................................. 4 UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE ...................................................................................... 5 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS.................................................................................................................. 10 CONTACT LIST ..................................................................................................................................... 11 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ............................................................................ 13 CO-OP ADVERTISING PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 15 RETAIL POP DISPLAY PROGRAM ...................................................................................................... 17 SHOWROOM & DEMO BOAT PROGRAM ........................................................................................... 20 ASSET BANK RESOURCES & LOGIN CREDENTIALS ....................................................................... 22 SYSTEM BUILDER PROGRAM ............................................................................................................ 23 SYSTEM BUILDER APPLICATION ....................................................................................................... 25 ON-LINE PRICE BOOK ......................................................................................................................... 26 PRICE PROTECTION PROGRAM ........................................................................................................ 28 CONSUMER TRANSDUCER DISCOUNT PROGRAM......................................................................... 29 PRODUCT RETURN PROCEDURE .................................................................................................... 30 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUBSIDY (SIS) PROGRAM-LOWRANCE ................................................. 32 SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUBSIDY (SIS) CLAIM FORM .................................................................... 33 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) ............................................................................................. 34 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) REIMBURSEMENT ............................................................. 36 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) SYSTEM EVALUATION/ORIENTATION ............................. 37 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) CLAIM FORM ...................................................................... 38 WARRANTY POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 39 Document #600 Page 2 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 D Dear Valued Navico Cus stomer, I want to thank you ag gain for the opportunity y to work w with you and d your custo omers during a very rrewarding 20 015. Navico and our cus stomers have e enjoyed go ood growth tthis year witth continued d success in the marke et place. Th hat success was driven by innovatiive Navico p products bro ought to ma arket with yyour hard wo ork and colla aboration! We W see conttinued signs for an even n stronger ye ear in 2016 and we’ll ccontinue to innovate with new pro oducts to maximize wh at the econ nomy has to o offer. Na avico will ccontinue to work w hard to o serve you with improv ved process es and bette er support tto ensure ou ur mutual b businesses are a successfful in 2016. ease our W We look forw ward to worrking with yo ou in the co oming month hs to ensure e that we m mutually incre ssales and prrofitability by y providing you y and you ur customerss with outsta anding quality and value e in each o of the Navico o product se egments. If you have questions or o need ass sistance witth the Electrronic Copy of our Sale es Programss, please ccontact Com mmercial Ope erations via email e at com [email protected]. W We genuinely appreciatte your conttinued supp port as we m make even stronger effforts to incre ease our b brand aware eness and co onsumer dem mand for ourr mutual sale es success. R Respectfully yours, L Louis Chemii E Executive Vice-Presiden nt and Manag ging D Director lo ouis.chemi@ m Document #600 Page 3 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 CUSTOMER INFORMATION SHEET/CREDIT APPLICATION (NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY - SIGNATURE REQUIRED - MUST BE RETURNED TO NAVICO) CUSTOMER INFORMATION Customer Billing Name: Contact Name: Telephone #: Address: City, State, ZIP: Fax #: E-mail Address: PROPRIETOR, PARTNERS, OR OFFICERS Name: Title: Parent Company: Corporation D & B # (If Applicable): Subsidiary or Division: Limited Partnership General Partnership SS#: Other (Please explain): Sole Proprietorship EIN: TYPE OF BUSINESS Years Company In Business Years Under Present Ownership Annual Sales Volume $ Fiscal Year Ends On Current Financial Statement Attached (May be Sent Under Separate Cover) BANK REFERENCE Name: Banking Officer: Telephone #: Address: City, State, ZIP: Fax #: Account #: TRADE REFERENCES (Please list five with ALL information complete) Company: Address, City, State, ZIP: Telephone #: Fax #: APPROVALS The information and statements in this application are true and complete. Navico is hereby authorized to obtain any information it considers necessary from any source concerning the statements in this application. In consideration of, and in order to induce Navico to sell goods based on the foregoing application, the undersigned promises to pay for all purchases in accordance with Navico’s terms of sale as stated on the original invoice. If, at any time, for any reason, the undersigned is unable to pay for said purchases when due, the undersigned agrees to pay and authorizes Navico to bill the PURCHASER'S account a service charge of 18% per annum on the unpaid balance due. In the event it becomes necessary for Navico to incur collection costs by a third party collection agency or institute suit to collect any amount due under this agreement, the undersigned promises to pay such additional collection costs, charges, and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees, if the account is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Signature (Corporate Officer, Partner, Proprietor): Printed Name: Title: Date: Credit Limit Requested: Comments: FOR NAVICO USE ONLY Approved By: Credit Limit Approved: Date: Comments: Document #600 Page 4 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE (NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY WITH SHIP TO ADDRESSES LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES OR THE CANADIAN PROVINCES OF BC, MB OR SK (please provide a copy of your provincial tax certificate) – SIGNATURE REQUIRED – MUST BE RETURNED TO NAVICO) MULTIJURISDICTION Each new customer is required to submit their sales tax exemption or resale certificate number. This exemption is exclusively for the Navico customer. The issuer and the recipient have the responsibility of determining the proper use of this certificate under applicable laws in each state, as these may change from time to time. Issued to Seller: Navico, 4500 S 129th E Ave, Ste 200, Tulsa OK 74134-5885 I certify that: _________________________________ is engaged as a registered: Wholesaler Customer Name (Buyer) Retailer Manufacturer Address: Seller (California) Lessor __________________________________ (see notes on pages 2-4) Other (please specify) and is registered with the below listed states and cities within which your firm would deliver purchases to us and that any such purchases are for wholesale, resale, ingredients or components of a new product or service to be resold, leased, or rented in the normal course of business. We are in the business of wholesaling, retailing, manufacturing, leasing (renting) the following: Description of Business: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ General description of tangible property or taxable services to be purchased from the seller: _________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ STATE State Registration, Seller’s Permit, STATE State Registration, Seller’s Permit, or ID Number of Purchaser or ID Number of Purchaser 1 AL AR 2 AZ 3 CA 4 CO 5 CT 6 DC 7 FL 8 GA 4,9 HI ID 4,10 IL IA KS 11 KY 12 ME 13 MD 14 MI 15 MN ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Document #600 Page 5 of 39 16 MO 17 NE NV NJ 4,18 NM 19 NC ND 20 OH 21 OK 22 PA 23 RI SC 24 SD TN 25 TX UT VT 26 WA 27 WI _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Rev B - 01/01/16 I further certify that if any property so purchased tax free is used or consumed by the firm as to make it subject to a Sales or Use Tax we will pay the tax due directly to the proper taxing authority when state law so provides or inform the seller for added tax billing. This certificate shall be a part of each order which we may hereafter give to you, unless otherwise specified, and shall be valid until cancelled by us in writing or revoked by the city or state. Under penalties of perjury, I swear or affirm that the information of this form is true and correct as to every material matter. Authorized Signature: (Owner, Partner or Corporate Officer) Title: Date: INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING UNIFORM SALES & USE TAX CERTIFICATE To Seller's Customers In order to comply with the majority of state and local sales tax law requirements, the seller must have in its files a properly executed exemption certificate from all of its customers who claim a sales tax exemption. If the seller does not have this certificate, it is obliged to collect the tax for the state in which the property or service is delivered. If the buyer is entitled to sales tax exemption, the buyer should complete the certificate and send it to the seller at its earliest convenience. If the buyer purchases tax free for a reason for which this form does not provide, the buyer should send the seller its special certificate or statement. Caution to Seller In order for the certificate to be accepted in good faith by the seller, seller must exercise care that the property being sold is of a type normally sold wholesale, resold, leased, rented or incorporated as an ingredient or component part of a product manufactured by buyer and then resold in the usual course of its business. A seller failing to exercise due care could be held liable for the sales tax due in some states or cities. Misuse of this certificate by seller, lessee, or the representative thereof may be punishable by fine, imprisonment or loss of right to issue certificate in some states or cities. Notes 1. Alabama: Each retailer shall be responsible for determining the validity of a purchaser’s claim for exemption. 2. Arizona: This certificate may be used only when making purchases of tangible personal property for resale in the ordinary course of business, and not for any other statutory deduction or exemption. It is valid as a resale certificate only if it contains the purchaser’s name, address, signature, and Arizona transaction privilege tax (or other state sales tax) license number, as required by Arizona Revised Statutes § 42-5022, Burden of proving sales not at retail. 3. California: A. This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. Its use is limited to use as a resale certificate subject to the provisions of Title 18, California Code of Regulations, Section 1668 (Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1668, Resale Certificate). B. By use of this certificate, the purchaser certifies that the property is purchased for resale in the regular course of business in the form of tangible personal property, which includes property incorporated as an ingredient or component part of an item manufactured for resale in the regular course of business. C. When the applicable tax would be sales tax, it is the seller who owes that tax unless the seller takes a timely and valid resale certificate in good faith. D. A valid resale certificate is effective until the issuer revokes the certificate. 4. The state of Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, and New Mexico do not permit the use of this certificate to claim a resale exemption for the purchase of a taxable service for resale. Document #600 Page 6 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 5. Connecticut: This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. Its use is limited to use as a resale certificate subject to Conn. Gen. State §§12-410(5) and 12-411(14) regulations and administrative pronouncements pertaining to resale certificates. 6. District of Columbia: This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. It is not valid as a resale certificate unless it contains the purchaser’s D.C. sales and use tax registration number. 7. Florida: The Department will allow purchasers to use the Multistate Tax Commission’s Uniform Sales and Use Tax Certificate-Multijurisdiction. However, the use of this uniform certificate must be used in conjunction with the telephonic or electronic authorization number method described in paragraph (3)(b) or (c) of rule SUT FAC 12A-1.039 8. Georgia: The purchaser’s state of registration number will be accepted in lieu of Georgia’s registration number when the purchaser is located outside Georgia, does not have nexus with Georgia, and the tangible personal property is delivered by drop shipment to the purchaser’s customer located in Georgia. 9. Hawaii allows this certificate to be used by the seller to claim a lower general excise tax rate or no general excise tax, rather than the buyer claiming an exemption. The no tax situation occurs when the purchaser of imported goods certifies to the seller, who originally imported the goods into Hawaii, that the purchaser will resell the imported goods at wholesale. If the lower rate or no tax does not in fact apply to the sale, the purchaser is liable to pay the seller the additional tax imposed. See Hawaii Dept. of Taxation Tax Information Release No. 93-5, November 10, 1993, and Tax Information Release No. 98-8, October 30, 1998. 10. Use of this certificate in Illinois is subject to the provisions of 86 Ill. Adm. Code CH.I, Sec. 130.1405. Illinois does not have an exemption on sales of property for subsequent ease or rental, nor does the use of this certificate for claiming resale purchases of services have any application in Illinois. The registration number to be supplied next to Illinois on page 1 of this certificate must be the Illinois registration or resale number; no other state’s registration number is acceptable. “Good faith” is not the standard of care to be exercised by a retailer in Illinois. A retailer in Illinois is not required to determine if the purchaser actually intends to resell the item. Instead, a retailer must confirm that the purchaser has a valid registration or resale number at the time of purchase. If a purchaser fails to provide a certificate of resale at the time of sale in Illinois, the seller must charge the purchaser tax. While there is no statutory requirement that blanket certificates of resale be renewed at certain intervals, blanket certificates should be updated periodically, and no less frequently than every three (3) years. 11. Kentucky: 1. Kentucky does not permit the use of this certificate to claim a resale exclusion for the purchase of a taxable service. 2. This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. Its use is limited to use as a resale certificate subject to the provisions of Kentucky Revised Statute 139.270 (Good Faith). 3. The use of this certificate by the purchaser constitutes the issuance of a blanket certificate in accordance with Kentucky Administrative Regulation 103 KAR 31:111. 12. Maine does not have an exemption on sales of property for subsequent lease or rental. 13. Maryland: This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. However, vendors may accept resale certificates that bear the exemption number issued to a religious organization. Exemption certifications issued to religious organizations consist of eight (8) digits, the first two of which are always “29”. Maryland registration, exemption and direct pay numbers may be verified on the website of the Comptroller of the Treasury at 14. Michigan: Effective for a period of three (3) years unless a lesser period is mutually agreed to and stated on this certificate. Covers all exempt transfers when accepted by the seller in “good faith” as defined by Michigan statute. Document #600 Page 7 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 15. Minnesota: a. Does not allow a resale certificate for purchases of taxable services for resale in most situations. b. Allows an exemption for items used only once during production and not used again. 16. Missouri: A. Purchasers who improperly purchase property or services sales tax free using this certificate may be required to pay the tax, interest, additions to tax or penalty. B. Even if property is delivered outside Missouri, facts and circumstances may subject it to Missouri tax, contrary to the second sentence of the first paragraph of the above instructions. 17. Nebraska: A blanket certificate is valid three (3) years from the date of issuance. 18. New Mexico: For transactions occurring on or after July 1, 1998, New Mexico will accept this certificate in lieu of a New Mexico nontaxable transaction certificate and as evidence of the deductibility of a sale tangible personal property provided: a. this certificate was not issued by the State of New Mexico; b. the buyer is not required to be registered in New Mexico; and c. the buyer is purchasing tangible personal property for resale or incorporations as an ingredient or component part into a manufactured product. 19. North Carolina: This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate or if signed by a person such as a contractor who intends to use the property. Its use is subject to G.S. 105-164.28 and any administrative rules or directives pertaining to resale certificates. 20. Ohio: A. The buyer must specify which one of the reasons for exemption on the certificate applies. This may be done by circling or underlining the appropriate reason or writing it on the form above the state registration section. Failure to specify the exemption reason will, on audit, result in disallowance of the certificate. B. In order to be valid, the buyer must sign and deliver the certificate to the seller before or during the period for filing the return. 21. Oklahoma would allow this certificate in lieu of a copy of the purchaser’s sales tax permit as one of the elements of “properly completed documents” which is one of the three requirements which must be met prior to the vendor being relieved of liability. The other two requirements are that the vendor must have the certificate in his possession at the time the sale is made and must accept the documentation in good faith. The specific documentation required under OAC 710-:65-7-6 is: A. Sales tax permit information may consist of: i. A copy of the purchaser’s sales tax permit; or ii. In lieu of a copy of the permit, obtain the following: a. Sales tax permit number; and b. The name and address of the purchaser; B. A statement that the purchaser is engaged in the business of reselling the articles purchased; C. A statement that the articles purchased are purchased for resale; D. The signature of the purchaser or a person authorized to legally bind the purchaser; and E. Certification on the face of the invoice, bill or sales slip or on separate letter that said purchaser is engaged in reselling the articles purchased. Absent strict compliance with these requirements, Oklahoma holds a seller liable for sales tax due on sales where the claimed exemption is found to be invalid, for whatever reason, unless the Tax Commission determines that purchaser should be pursued for collection of the tax resulting from improper presentation of a certificate. Document #600 Page 8 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 22. Pennsylvania: This certificate is not valid as an exemption certificate. It is valid as a resale certificate only if it contains the purchaser’s Pennsylvania Sales and Use Tax eight-digit license number, subject to the provisions of 61 PA Code §32.3. 23. Rhode Island allows this certificate to be used to claim a resale exemption only when the item will be resold in the same form. They do not permit this certificate to be used to claim any other type of exemption. 24. South Dakota: Services which are purchased by a service provider and delivered to a current customer in conjunction with the services contracted to be provided to the customer are claimed to be for resale. Receipts from the sale of a service for resale by the purchaser are not subject to sales tax if the purchaser furnishes a resale certificate which the seller accepts in good faith. In order for the transaction to be a sale for resale, the following conditions must be present: 1. The service is purchased for or on behalf of a current customer; 2. The purchaser of the service does not use the service in any manner; and 3. The service is delivered or resold to the customer without any alteration or change. 25. Texas: Items purchased for resale must be for resale within the geographical limits of the United States, its territories and possessions 26. Washington: Resale certificates will be replaced by reseller permits issued by Department of Revenue, effective January 1, 2010. 27. Wisconsin allows this certificate to be used to claim a resale exemption only. It does not permit this certificate to be used to claim any other type of exemption. Document #600 Page 9 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS Orders are shipped on a first-come, first-served basis and we encourage you to place advanced order schedules with your Navico Sales Representative. These schedules may be adjusted at any time up to thirty (30) days prior to shipment. This is an excellent way to ensure that product is available when you need it. BANK INSTRUCTIONS (PAYMENTS ONLY) PAYMENTS SENT BY CHECK: Navico, Inc. Dept 3285 PO Box 123285 Dallas, TX 75312-3285 PAYMENTS SENT BY CHECK OVERNIGHT: Navico, Inc. Lbx # 893285 1501 North Plano Rd, Ste 100 Richardson, TX 75081 US DOLLAR FUNDS TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THE UNITED STATES: Intermediary Bank: Bank of New York Mellon, NY ABA # 021000018 101 Barclay Street, New York, NY 10286 Beneficiary Bank: DNB Bank ASA, New York account number 8026001499 OR swift DNBAUS33 Beneficiary: Navico, Inc Account #: 17624002 US DOLLAR FUND TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: Intermediary Bank: Bank of New York Mellon, NY Swift code IRVTUS3N 101 Barclay Street, New York, NY 10286 Beneficiary Bank: DNB Bank ASA, New York account number 8026001499 OR swift code DNBAUS33 Beneficiary: Navico, Inc. Account #: 17624002 ACH (AUTOMATED CLEARING HOUSE): Bank of New York Mellon, NY ABA 021000018 Account Number # 56100110017624002 Account Name: Navico, Inc. FOR WIRE TRANSFERS, E-MAIL REMITTANCE INFORMATION [email protected] Document #600 Page 10 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 CONTACT LIST AUTHORIZED RESELLER, DEALER, DISTRIBUTOR, OEM-BOAT BUILDER, NATIONAL RETAIL PHONE SUPPORT Lowrance, Simrad, B&G 800-324-4737 Simrad Professional Series 918-438-8668 International Dealers and Distributors 918-438-8627 EMAIL SUPPORT Co-op [email protected] Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)/Minimum Retail Price (MRP) [email protected] Orders: Lowrance, Simrad, B&G [email protected] Orders: National Retail [email protected] Orders: OEM-Boat Builder [email protected] Orders: International [email protected] Price Book Credentials and Inquiries [email protected] RMA (repair/return): Lowrance, Simrad, B&G [email protected] SIS [email protected] Owners Support Program (OSP) System Builder [email protected] [email protected] Technical Support: Simrad [email protected] Technical Support: B&G [email protected] Technical Support: Lowrance [email protected] Technical Support: Simrad Professional Series [email protected] [email protected] FAX Customer Satisfaction Representative 603-324-2049 CREDIT DEPARTMENT Credit Analyst 918-437-6881 Option 4 Fax 918-234-1714 Email [email protected] MARKETING DEPARTMENT Main Number 800-324-4781 Fax 918-234-1703 E-mail [email protected] Document #600 Page 11 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 SALES ADMINISTRATION Main Number 918-438-8773 Fax 918-234-1703 E-mail [email protected] CONSUMER PHONE SUPPORT Navico US Customer Support Toll-Free 800-628-4487 Navico Canada Customer Support Toll-Free 855-361-1564 EMAIL SUPPORT Consumer Parts & Accessories [email protected] Simrad Repair/RMA and General Inquiries [email protected] B&G Repair/RMA and General Inquiries [email protected] Lowrance Repair/RMA and General Inquiries [email protected] Lowrance Canada Repair/RMA and General Inquiries [email protected] CUSTOMER SERVICE ESCALATION CONTACTS (Dealer and Distributor only) Jason Walker Customer Satisfaction Team Manager (Order Management) Lowrance, Simrad, B&G 603-324-2059 [email protected] Greg Hunter Technical Services Manager (Customer Service) Lowrance, Technical & Repair Escalation 918-438-8715 [email protected] Janet Funkhouser Vice President – Technical Customer Service Lowrance, Simrad and B&G Technical & Repair Escalation 918-438-8687 [email protected] Eric Turnquist Technical Services Manager Simrad, B&G Technical & Repair Escalation 603-324-2055 [email protected] [email protected] 603-324-2058 [email protected] Submit Warranty Claims To Brian Gifford National Warranty Manager Document #600 Page 12 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Navico’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale are incorporated in these Customer Policies & Procedures and are applicable to all Customers. Customers are required to notify purchasers of Navico equipment that all such sales are subject to Navico’s Standard Terms and Conditions of sale and Customer has an affirmative duty to provide a copy of such Terms and Conditions of Sale at purchaser’s request. Section 1 - Credit Policies/Terms of Sale Navico requires a hard copy purchase order (or a fax signed by the Customer’s authorized buyer) on all orders in excess of $1,000. Verbal orders may be accepted at Navico’s discretion, but we kindly ask the Customer to follow up with a written order. Terms of sale are cash in advance, unless Customer obtains credit approval from Navico’s Credit Department prior to the time of shipment. Navico reserves the right to restrict the terms of payment or to require payment prior to the date of shipment if, in Navico’s opinion, Customer’s financial condition or other circumstances so warrant. Customers with account balances that exceed their approved credit limits due to past due invoices will be placed on cash in advance terms, plus a minimum of 20% of the order value to be added to each cash in advance shipment. The extra amounts added to cash in advance orders will be applied to the oldest delinquent invoice(s), and the Customer will not be entitled to prompt pay discounts until their account is returned to good standing. The lesser of the maximum interest rate permitted by law or a 1.5% service charge per month may be charged on any unpaid balance computed from the date the indebtedness becomes past due and until it is satisfied; however, in no event shall a service charge be assessed in excess of the maximum permitted law. In the event of the filing of any petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization by or against Customer, or the appointment of a receiver of Customer’s insolvency, Navico may refuse to make further deliveries and all terms of sale shall become immediately due and payable. Customer hereby waives all notice and demand and consents that all terms of sale shall become immediately due and payable upon the happening of such events. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, Customers whose accounts are current and in good standing with Navico will be eligible to qualify for prompt pay discount based on prior year sales. See Customer Classification page of the current program book for the appropriate level for your customer type. A Customer will be considered to be in “good standing” when in substantial compliance with all terms and conditions of its Customer Agreement with Navico and is substantially in compliance with the Navico Customer Policies & Procedures. Some sales promotions and incentive programs may modify the terms of payment on particular orders. Refer to the details of such promotions for more information. Additionally, “freight only” invoices and PCB exchange boards are not eligible for volume discounts or prompt pay/terms of payment discounts or any other promotional discounts, including event discounts. Terms of sale on exchange items will be cash in advance; or Net 30 Days for accounts in good standing. Section 2 – Cancellation Policy Navico is unable to accept cancellation requests within the 3 days prior to the requested ship date of the order. If you have an issue with a specific order, please contact your Customer Satisfaction Representative (CSR) who will discuss available options and request cancellation approval from your TM/KAM and the Navico Logistics team. Depending on the status of the order in the shipment process, we may or may not be able to accommodate your cancellation request. Section 3 - Shipping Policies & Cut Off Times Shipping terms are EXW Navico Warehouse. Navico, at our sole discretion and without notice, may choose to self- insure such shipments or insure them via the carrier’s insurance program. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to notify Navico in writing for exclusion of insurance coverage. Reasonable efforts will be made to ship orders received before 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the same day (dependent upon availability of stock). Orders requesting overnight delivery may not ship same day if received after 3:00 p.m. EST. Credit card and cash in advance orders may not ship until the following business day. Document #600 Page 13 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 Section 4 - Sales Taxes Resale/Exempt certificates are required for all Customers who are exempt from paying sales tax. If we do not have a resale/exempt certificate on file, we are required by law to charge and collect sales tax. In addition to the above, there are several states that require resale/exempt certificates for “drop shipments”. We require a resale/exempt certificate on file for both states involved, either a resale/exempt certificate from the Customer “bill to” for both states involved or one from the Customer “bill to” and one from the “ship to” recipient. We are required by law to charge and collect sales tax if both resale/exempt certificates cannot be provided. Please contact Navico’s Credit Department at 918-437-6881, Option 4 or fax to 918-234-1714 for additional information. Section 5 - Restock Fees A 15% restock fee ($25 minimum fee) will be charged on all returned products, except for exchanges, Navico’s error, and defective warranty items. This fee will be deducted from your credit for the returned items. A larger restock fee may be deducted from the Customer’s credit if “New and Unused” item(s) are not returned in their original box/packaging or if the original box/packaging is damaged. The Customer should not issue a full refund to the end user until the value of the credit has been determined by Navico. Section 6 - Drop Shipments Drop shipments are available for accounts in good standing, subject to a $30 order drop ship fee for all nonwarranty or component trouble-shooting orders. Shipments may not be split between different addresses on the same Purchase Order. Drop shipped orders are shipped EXW Navico’s warehouse. Navico will not be responsible for lost drop shipped packages and requires a hard copy purchase order (or a fax signed by the Customer’s authorized buyer) authorizing each drop ship order. Additionally, to comply with state laws, Customer’s location of record must provide Navico with a completed sales tax resale certificate that lists a valid registration or identification number for the state to which the shipment is being made. If such certificate cannot be produced, Navico will add the appropriate sales tax to the invoice (please refer to the Sales Taxes section above for more information). Section 7 - Refurbished Product Customers are prohibited from misrepresenting and/or selling refurbished Product as new and further Customer has an affirmative duty to clearly designate refurbished product as “refurbished”. Refurbished products are warranted for a period of twelve (12) months on parts and labor from date of purchase/install. Document #600 Page 14 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 CO-OP ADVERTISING PROGRAM This program is only available to approved Direct accounts as indicated in the Customer Classifications. Authorized Resellers are not eligible for Co-op. The Navico Co-op Advertising Program was developed to help effectively advertise our product brands in the marketplace. We feel our program is very competitive, offering 100% reimbursement of "qualified expenses" up to a maximum of 3% of net purchases of Navico products. PURCHASES FROM AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS: Direct Dealers and Authorized Resellers are not allowed co-op accrual for indirect purchases of Navico products made through authorized Navico distributors. Requests for co-op reimbursement for those indirect purchases should be submitted directly to the distributor. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PROGRAM ARE: Reimbursement for qualified expenses. To ensure you receive and qualify for 100% of your advertising expense, please get prior approval from the Navico Sales Representative. Time frame to submit claims is ninety (90) days from date of advertisement, mailing, etc. Payment will be issued in the form of a credit memo. Your business can benefit from well-planned advertising and promotions, and we want to help you in this respect by ensuring that you take full advantage of the co-op funds available to you. Your Navico Sales Representative will be happy to assist you with planning your ads and promotions. Also, to help you in planning and designing your advertising, brand line art and radio scripts are available on request. Please read the following carefully before preparing your ads DEFINITIONS: Qualified Expenses - Those expenses incurred through "authorized advertising media". Authorized Advertising Media - Publications such as local newspaper, magazine, direct-mail and retail flyers. Television and radio are not considered "authorized media" unless pre-approved in writing by your Navico Sales Representative. Ads in free circulation publications must be approved in advance by the Sales Director. Co-op Fund Balance - The amount of co-op funds available for reimbursement equal to a maximum of 3% of net purchases of Navico products for the current year (January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016) less any previously paid claims. NOTE: Any credits issued to your account will be included in Net purchases and will therefore affect your co-op fund balance. Co-op Fund Accrual Period – January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. METHOD OF CALCULATION FOR 100% CO-OP CLAIMS: Single Page or Smaller Ad: Total ad cost = Cost per page (enter in Col. 1) Navico ad size (sq. in.) full ad size (sq. in.) Navico % of page x cost per page = = Navico % of page Co-op reimbursement (enter in Col. 2) (enter in Col. 3) Document #600 Page 15 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 Multiple Page Ad: Total cost # of pages = Cost per page (enter in Col. 1) Navico ad size (sq. in.) page size (sq. in.) Navico % of page x cost per page = = Navico % of page Co-op reimbursement (enter in Col. 2) (enter in Col. 3) CLAIM SUBMITTAL/REQUIREMENTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT: No special claim form needed - information can be submitted in your format. Please provide at a minimum the following: Description of advertising/claim – include company and/or advertisement Date of Ad Total Cost of Ad, Portion Eligible (%), Amount Claimed Proof of purchase including copy of invoice from vendor and sample of ad, mailing, flyer, etc. Newspapers & Magazines - Requires submittal of copies of tear sheets and invoices showing date of advertisement, space used, net rate and total cost. Direct Mail & Flyers - Requires submittal of copies of item produced and invoice showing production charges for literature. Radio & TV - Requires pre-approval from your Navico Sales Representative and an invoice must be submitted. Invoices must include dates, times, length of advertisement(s), and amounts, and include a notarized script from the radio or TV station. Ipads for use with System Builder. Expenses incurred for the purchase of Navico branded clothing from Hi-Corp Retain a copy for your file. Claims not submitted within ninety (90) days of ad publication date or March 31, 2017, whichever comes first, will be denied. st Co-op funds not activated by December 31 of the program year will be deemed voluntarily surrendered as of that date. Co-op claims for the 2016 program year will not be accepted after March 31, 2017. MAIL: Navico Attn: Co-op 10 Al Paul Lane, Ste 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 INQUIRIES: Phone: 603-324-2042 Fax: 603-324-2043 Email: [email protected] PAYMENT METHODS: Payment will be in form of a credit memo. Deductions from remittances are not allowed. If the current available co-op fund balance is less than the amount of the qualified claim, a partial credit may be issued up to the amount of earned co-op funds available and subsequent credits issued as additional funds are earned. If no funds are available, the claim will be held until sufficient funds have been earned. If sufficient co-op funds are not available by December 31, 2016, to cover qualified claims, a credit will be issued in the amount of the earned co-op funds available at that time and the claim will be considered closed and no additional credits will be issued. Special Note: Your entire co-op earned advertising credit is contingent upon on-going compliance with our Minimum Advertised Pricing (MAP)/Minimum Retail (MRP) Policy and/or Wholesale Minimum Advertised Pricing (WMAP) Policy – whichever is applicable to you. Please be sure to read the MAP/MRP Policy included in the program book addendum to avoid any unexpected loss of co-op advertising funds. Document #600 Page 16 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 RETA AIL POP DISPLAY D PROGRA AM A Authorized customers can order selected s prroducts for d display in th heir showro oom at redu uced or ffree pricing as shown below. b The e displays are a availablle for Lowra ance, Simra ad and B&G G. The ffollowing rules apply: P POP SIGNA AGE, DISP PLAYS AND D PRINTED D COLLATE ERAL PRO OGRAM: T The following g are recommended point-of-purcha ase support a and display items for ne ew and existing a accounts. All A items are sold s at cost with the exc ception of the e Starter Kitt which is fre ee. POP purrchases ccan be subm mitted agains st co-op cred dit. L LOWRANC CE STARTE ER KIT: • • • • Lowrance e Authorized d Dealer stattic cling - Ite em # 42-1-L7 701 Lowrance e Wall Sign – 3’ wide x 1’ 1 tall x 4” deep full colo or plastic sign – Item # 42 2-1-L712 Lowrance e Banner – 6’ 6 wide x 2’ tall t white log go on blue ba 1-L713 ackground - Item # 42-1 Lowrance e “12 Reaso ons Why” Po oster – 11” x 17” poster - Item # 42-1 1-L718 S SIMRAD ST TARTER KIT: K • • • Simrad Authorized A Dealer D static cling - Item # 42-1-S703 3 Simrad Banner B – 3’ wide w x 18” ta all white logo o on red bacckground - Ittem # 42-1-S S721 Simrad “12 Reasons s Why” Poste er – 11” wide e x 17” tall - Item # 42-1-S716 B B&G STAR RTER KIT: (all ( three item ms included)) – Item #42- 1-BG727 B&G Autthorized Dea aler Static cliing B&G Wall Sign – 3’ wide w x 18” ta all full color metal m sign B&G Floo or Mat – 20”” height x 30 0” width mold ded rubber – custom dessign A AVAILABLE LIVE PR RODUCT DIISPLAYS: Lowrance e Live Displa ay – 28” wid de x 6’ tall x 26” 2 deep witth power sup pply; Item #LO OW6FTSHELF – Price $325.00 $ Simrad Yachting Y Live e Display – 28” 2 wide x 6’ tall x 26” de eep with pow wer supply – Blank Pane el; Item #SIM M6FTBLANK – Price $3 325.00 B&G 6’ Live L Display – 28” wide x 6’ tall x 26”” deep with p power supply – Blank P Panel; Item # #BG718 – Price $325.00 $ A AVAILABLE COUNTE ERTOP DIS SPLAY: 0” tall – Item Lowrance e Countertop Display – 20” wide x 14” deep x 20 m # 42-1-L72 22 Simrad GO7 G Countertop Display y – 20” wide x 14” deep x 20” Tall – IItem # 42-1--S723 Document #600 Page 17 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 A AVAILABLE POINT-O OF-PURCH HASE (POP)) DISPLAY M MATERIALS S: • • • • • • Lowrance e Wall Sign – 3’ wide x 1’ 1 tall x 4” de eep full colorr plastic sign n - Item # 42 2-1-L712 Lowrance e Banner – 6’ 6 wide x 2’ tall t white log go on blue ba ackground - Item # 42-1-L713 Lowrance e “12 Reaso ons Why” Po oster – 11” wide w x 17” talll - Item #42--1-L718 Simrad Authorized A Dealer D static cling - Item # 42-1-S703 3 Simrad Banner B – 3’ wide w x 18” ta all white logo o on red bacckground - Ite S721 em # 42-1-S Simrad “12 Reasons s Why” Poste er – 11” wide e x 17” tall - Item # 42-1--S716 A AVAILABLE LITERAT TURE: • • Lowrance e annual pro oduct guide (available as s single, bun ndle of 25, b box of 100) English – (2015) 985-10950 0-001 5) 985-10920 0-001 French – (2015 15) 985-10921-001 Spanish – (201 Simrad annual a produ uct catalog (a available as single, bund dle of 25, bo ox of 100) English – (2015) 985-10922 2-001 15) 985-10923-001 Spanish – (201 French – (2015 5) 985-10924 4-001 • B&G ann nual product catalog (ava ailable as single, bundle e of 25, box of 100) English - (2015 5) 985-10925-001 15) 985-10926-001 Spanish – (201 5) 985-10927 7-001 French – (2015 • Note: Lite erature mate erials ship from Navico DC D - order th hrough your CSR. • New prod duct and/or service s broc chures GO7 G Brochurre 08-001 Simrad S Halo Radar Produ uct Brochure e – 985-1100 Simrad S Auto Pilot Guide – 985-10798 8-001 HDS H Gen3 Brochure – 98 85-11006-00 01 Elite E CHIRP Series S Broch hure – 985-1 10790-001 B BOAT DEA ALER SUPP PORT ITEM MS: • • • • • • HDS Gen n3 dash cling set - Item # 42-1-L719 9 HDS Gen n2 Touch cling set - Item m # 42-1-L70 06 Simrad NSS N evo2 da ash cling sett - Item # 42--1-S717 Lowrance e Banners - Item # 42-1-L713 Simrad Banners B - Ite em # 42-1-S7 721 B&G Ban nners - Item # 42-1-BG7 720 Document #600 Page 18 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 LIVE POP DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS: Live POP displays must be prominently displayed in the customer’s showroom or retail store with power, all ancillary parts connected, and ready for immediate demonstration. The equipment must be running live or in demo mode throughout normal store hours. POP SIGNAGE, BANNERS AND POSTERS: POP signage and support materials should be prominently displayed and kept in good order. Signage and materials should be regularly checked to ensure they are relevant to current product offerings, match current branding standards, and are in good, clean condition. Should a sign or other supporting material become torn, frayed or otherwise left in poor condition, it is the responsibility of the dealer or retailer to contact their Navico Customer Satisfaction Representative or Navico Sales Representative to discuss possible replacement of the material in question. ORDERING: Starter Kit orders must be placed with your Navico Sales Representative who will be responsible for confirming eligibility for free starter kit and compliance with the program. New Dealers/Distributors must submit Product Display orders within thirty (30) days of signing an agreement with Navico. No special order forms required; Use your own purchase order. One PO per each location Purchase Order Number must be 2016 Product Display Orders must be placed through Navico’s Marketing [email protected] Department by email to: All other items can be ordered at any time through the regular ordering process. Marketing materials are housed at an external warehouse so please allow extra time (4-6 weeks) for processing and delivery. PAYMENT TERMS: Retail POP displays will be invoiced with terms of Net 150 Days for Direct Accounts and Credit Card for Authorized Resellers Late payments may disqualify eligibility for future orders under this program. Demo program orders do not increase a customer’s credit limit. Please contact your Navico Sales Representative or Customer Satisfaction Representative if you have any questions regarding this program. Document #600 Page 19 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 SHOWROOM & DEMO BOAT PROGRAM Authorized Direct Accounts and Resellers can order units for display in their showrooms and/or on demo boats at a 50% discount off the current list price. The following guidelines apply: ELIGIBILITY New dealers/reseller must submit showroom unit request to their Navico Sales Representative Will be eligible for a mix of displays (maximum, one of each size) of the following product families: Elite Product HDS Gen 3 Product NSS Product Zeus Product Simrad Go Product B&G Vulcan Product B&G Triton Product . Current Dealer/reseller: Upon New Product introduction allowed once per year to order one of each New Product for Showroom display New Product unit will be display head only New Product for display PO must be placed within 60 days of product being released Second stations/displays, radar antennas, transducers, accessories, and sub-assembly parts are not included as part of the basic system and are not eligible Showroom Program orders cannot be combined with any other order. All ineligible equipment must be placed on a separate purchase order. Must have the approval of the Navico Sales Representative and Sales Director. For additional products, contact your Navico Sales Representative for approval. SHOWROOM DISPLAY REQUIREMENTS Equipment must remain on display and in working order for a minimum of one year. Any demo program equipment sold before the year ends must be replaced immediately at the standard direct dealer pricing and terms for direct dealers or at the authorized reseller standard purchase method. If the direct dealer does not comply, the eligibility for the program will be at risk. Equipment must be prominently displayed in the dealer’s showroom with power, all ancillary parts connected, and ready for immediate demonstration. The equipment must be running live or in demo mode throughout normal store hours. A photo of the display must be provided to the Navico Sales Representative within thirty (30) days of receipt of product. Orders must be forwarded to Navico Sales Representative for approval and who will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the program. End of Life (EOL) products exception, once a product has been announced as EOL it may be sold at any time. Document #600 Page 20 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 DEMO BOAT Dealer must provide a written request for a Demo Boat Package discount This should include; the vessel details, owner details, and details of the show/event in which the vessel will be used. Lowrance demo boat orders are limited to one (1) order per year with a maximum annual value of $7,500. Simrad and B&G demo boat orders are limited to one (1) order per year with a maximum annual value of $20,000. Orders must be forwarded to Navico Sales Representative for approval and who will be responsible for monitoring compliance with the program. A photo of the demo vessel helm must be provided to the Navico Sales Representative within sixty (60) days. ORDERING All orders require the approval of the Navico Sales Representative and the Sales Director No special order forms required; Use your own purchase order. Purchase Order Number must be 2016 NEW SHOWROOM or 2016 NPI SHOWROOM or 2016 DEMO BOAT depending what you are ordering Send purchase orders to [email protected] PAYMENT TERMS Showroom and Demo Program products will be invoiced at Net 150 Day terms for Direct Accounts and Credit Card for Authorized Resellers Late payments may disqualify eligibility for future orders under this program. Demo Program orders do not increase a customer’s credit limit. OTHER CONDITIONS Showroom Program products may not be used for warranty replacements Showroom Program products cannot be returned for credit – replacement only Showroom and Demo Boat products are not eligible for Price Protection The warranty period begins when Navico sells the equipment to the Authorized Direct Dealer for showroom and/or demo boat display purposes. Purchaser is prohibited from representing the Demo Program equipment as “new” and must clearly designate in writing to the end-user purchasing it that the equipment is “showroom” or “demo” equipment. Demo Program participation and eligibility is to be determined at Navico’s sole discretion and may be terminated or modified at any time without notice. Please contact your Navico Sales Representative if you have any questions regarding this program. Document #600 Page 21 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 NAVICO ASSETBANK RESOURCES & LOGIN CREDENTIALS Navico AssetBank is a 24/7 online resource providing access to a variety of product images, lifestyle images, advertisement files, literature files and other marketing support assets. This media bank is available by visiting Select marketing assets may not be available publicly (without log-in) before they are officially launched. In order to make sure you have access to all published marketing assets, you can acquire a Navico AssetBank username and log-in by contacting your sales manager. Downloadable resources include: Product Images – product and accessory photos for supporting catalog, web, and print. Available in JPG, TIFF, BMP file formats. Product Packaging - images of mapping cards and other items in the finished retail packaging Lifestyle Images – Supporting lifestyle photos of products in actual use in a variety of Onthe-Water and Outdoor/Off-road scenarios. Brand Identity – access to brand logos, product logos, tech icons and the Navico Brand Identity Manual (BIM) Advertising – copies of full page, half page, and banner ads for all brands Print Literature – PDF copies of annual catalogs, brochures, flyers, posters and other supporting pieces for all brands Screenshots – collection of the best screenshots for all products Video – Collection of promotion and tutorial videos for top products Document #600 Page 22 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 SYSTEM BUILDER PROGRAM Navico is very pleased to announce the release of the System Builder for Apple iPad. Designed by Navico the System Builder enables Dealers and installers to quickly and efficiently put together the components of a System within minutes, while also having the ability to create sales wiring diagrams and quotations. The System Builder intuitively determines the components required for a particular system and provides the Dealer with a sales Schematic and a Quotation. System builders are now available for Simrad and Lowrance. The way the system builder works is the same across all brands just with a different skin and of course different products. REGISTERING YOUR iPAD: The system will only work on iPads that have been registered with Navico. Although the app can be installed, it will not be operational until registration is complete. In order to register your iPad, Navico requires the 40 digit hardware identification number of your iPad. This is called the UDID number (unique device identifier). This number is stored on a secure server and when the app opens, your iPad is authenticated. When running the app for the fist time, the iPad needs to be connected to the Internet. The app can run off-line for a maximum of 21 days after which time you must connect to the internet and run the app. This is to ensure you have the most up-to-date products and pricing. BEFORE STARTING: Make sure your iPad has the latest operating system and your PC has the latest version of iTunes installed. LOCATING THE UDID NUMBER: Connect the iPad to your computer. Wait for the synchronization process to finish. Click on the device icon on the top right. The ipad’s device information page will be displayed. Click on the serial number so that the UDID number is displayed. If by mistake you clicked again, continue clicking until the UDID number is displayed. It will cycle between the device information numbers. Document #600 Page 23 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 Once the UDID is displayed, RIGHT click and select COPY IDENTIFIIER (UDID). Select the iPad when it appears in the left column. Click the “summary” tab. The number will display as shown. Paste the 40 digit UDID number into the System Builder Application form Once the application is received by Navico, you will be sent the System Builder User Guide via email. Document #600 Page 24 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 SYSTEM BUILDER APPLICATION This information will appear on your quotes. CUSTOMER INFORMATION Company Name, Pro-Staff Name, or Navico Employee Name: Store # (if applicable): Navico Customer #: Street Address: City: State/Providence: Zip/Postal Code: Contact Person (First and Last Name): Country: Telephone #: CATEGORY Authorized Reseller Boat Builder/OEM Canada Direct Dealer Large Retail Latin America Navico Employee Pro-Staff Distributor UDID INFORMATION (Refer to attached instructions to submit the UDID) UDID (copy and paste the 40 digit UDID): Email Address: Name (first and last): UDID 1 UDID 2 UDID 3 UDID 4 UDID 5 UDID 6 UDID 7 UDID 8 UDID 9 UDID 10 Please complete this form and return it to your Sales Representative or AMER System Builder Administrator - [email protected] NOTE: Applications must be emailed in Excel or PDF format. Faxed copies will not be accepted. Document #600 Page 25 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 ON-LINE PRICE BOOK Navico is providing published pricing information via a web based application. The benefits are as follows: Live and current pricing specific to region/country according to your login follows: Ability to view Customer Buy Price as well as Recommended Retail Price (RRP), Minimum Advertised (MAP) and Minimum Retail Price (MRP), where applicable Intuitive layout and design (same Interface as the System builder) Live search making it easier to find specific product CREDENTIALS: Send an email to [email protected] to request log-in credentials. Be sure to reference “Price Book Credentials” in the subject. After you receive your credentials, proceed as follows. GETTING STARTED: To view the Price Book, it is essential to use the browser Google Chrome on a PC. The Price Book will NOT run correctly on Microsoft Internet Explorer. To download Chrome, click here: Download Google Chrome for Windows If operating an Apple MAC computer, the price book will work on Safari. The price book will also run on Mozilla Firefox. Do not use Microsoft Internet Explorer. PRICE BOOK ACCESS: Open Google Chrome Customers can view products and new features at BASIC WALKTHROUGH: Customers will log in using their Navico credentials. Document #600 Page 26 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 The “home” page allows you to select the brand you are authorized to view. The “settings” page displays the current user’s options which alter how and what the Price Book and downloads display. You have the ability to: View the following year’s prices Select a language Change the region If you are having issues with online price book or the data appearing, please send an email to [email protected] with specifics and your issue will be addressed. Document #600 Page 27 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 PRICE PROTECTION PROGRAM PROGRAM OVERVIEW: This program is only available to approved Direct accounts. Authorized Resellers are not eligible for Price Protection. Navico offers the Price Protection Program to preserve the value of your inventory in the event that we lower list prices or raise discounts on any current model finished products. The program applies to all Navico main parts listed in 2016 price lists published January 1, 2016 (excluding transducers, accessories and sub-assembly parts). Eligibility for this program is contingent on a Direct customer being in good standing and compliant with the Responsibilities Section of your Agreement/Addendum. NOTE: If Navico temporarily suspends MRP or MAP, the affected products are not eligible for price protection. Upon receipt and approval of a claim, Navico will issue a credit memo to your company reimbursing you for the calculated price difference which will appear on your next monthly statement. Price protection credits cannot be deducted from normal payments to Navico in advance of receiving our credit memo. Navico reserves the right to have a company representative visit your store or warehouse location(s) to confirm the validity of claims submitted under this program. QUALIFICATIONS: Only Products purchased within sixty (60) days are eligible for price protection and customer must submit an off-setting purchase order for the same or higher value of the credit to be issued once confirmed by Navico. Serial numbers and invoice numbers must be provided on the claim form. If serial numbers are not provided, credit will equal the lowest price paid for this item, including any discounts applied. Demo program products do not qualify for price protection. Customer must submit an inventory report every month to Navico to qualify for price protection. PRICE PROTECTION CLAIM PROCEDURE: No special claim forms required; Provide the following information in Excel format; NOTE: Please list each serial number on a separate line Navico Item Number Item Serial Number – NOTE: If no serial number is provided, credit will equal the lowest price paid for this item for purchases within the past twelve (12) months. Item Description Navico Invoice # and Date, or Customer Order # or Your Purchase Order # Current Price Amount Claimed Claim must be submitted within thirty (30) days of a price change to be reviewed; Claims received after thirty (30) days of the price change will not be accepted. The Excel file must contain all of the requested information or claim will be denied. Customer can provide an inventory report/screen shot of ERP as additional proof. Please e-mail, fax or mail your Price Protection Claim to: Navico Attn: Price Protection 10 Al Paul Lane, Ste 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 Fax #: 603-324-2043 E-mail: [email protected] Document #600 Page 28 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 CONSUMER TRANSDUCER DISCOUNT PROGRAM A transducer discount program for new products has been introduced to help consumers (endusers) in the U.S. and Canada to acquire the correct transducer to meet their boat installation needs. Consumers are not required to return the transducer packed with their new system. PROGRAM DETAILS: 1) Consumers may purchase a discounted replacement transducer of his choice. Consumers need to contact Technical Support or a local Dealer to obtain the “TDXTRADE” promotional code. This code facilitates the discounted purchase. The promotional code enables the consumer to purchase a new transducer from the on-line store at 50% off retail without returning the original transducer. To purchase a discounted replacement transducer: a. Visit the Navico e-Commerce site: b. Select the replacement transducer, add to your cart and proceed with checkout c. Enter the promotional code. d. Enter the unit’s serial number in the “notes” field to finalize the transaction. e. Shipping charges apply. Replacement transducers must be purchased within thirty (30) days of the product purchase. The purchased transducer, providing stock on hand, will be shipped to the consumer’s designated address. In addition to keeping the original transducer, consumers should expect prompt delivery of purchased transducer. 2) 3) 4) 5) Below is the final order page the consumer will complete when purchasing a transducer at: B A C E D Document #600 Page 29 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 PRODUCT RETURN PROCEDURE The unit doesn’t work; now what? Does a consumer own the unit? If the unit is owned by a consumer, the consumer should call 1-800-628-4487 in the U.S. and 855-361-1564 in Canada to obtain a return authorization number. Dealers returning units for repair on behalf of the consumer. Please have the following information available. Do not return case, knobs, brackets or accessories. INSTRUCT THE CUSTOMER TO REMOVE THEIR CHART CARD BEFORE SENDING IN THE UNIT. NAVICO IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST CARDS. Date consumer purchased unit (verified by proof of purchase) Consumer’s name Consumer’s address Consumer’s telephone number Serial number of unit Return authorization number Payment method for non-warranty services A description of problem with unit The Call Center is open Monday-Friday B&G/Simrad Brands 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Lowrance Brand 8:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m. (Central Standard Time) Note: Refer to the Navico warranty policy online for specific warranty information. Lowrance Brand Phone: 800-324-4737 Fax: 918-234-1746 Email: [email protected] B&G/Simrad Brands 800-324-4737 603-324-2043 [email protected] If the unit is not owned by a consumer, the Dealer should call the Dealer Returns line to obtain a return authorization number. 100% credit will be issued directly to your account (for all serialized units) when the following applies: The unit was sold by Navico directly to you the dealer The proof of purchase confirms the consumer has had the unit less than thirty (30) days prior to return. If Dealer accepts return both proof of purchase and proof of return should is required. Upon receipt of the returned unit, a no-charge replacement will be issued on all serialized units purchased through distribution for all authorized dealers meeting the above requirements. If products received do not qualify for warranty, the unit will be scrapped or returned to the customer at customer’s expense. PRODUCT RETURNED FOR CREDIT: Proof of purchase must confirm the consumer returned the product within thirty (30) days of the purchase date. Store information: phone #, store #, claim/RTV # (One R.A. per RTF/Debit Memo #) Model and Serial Number of the unit (taken from the warranty voided if removed label) Reason for return (nature of defect) Note: Product received but not authorized for return and units with damaged or missing serial numbers will be destroyed at the factory with no credit issued. If products received do not qualify for warranty credit, the units will be scrapped or returned at customer’s expense. Document #600 Page 30 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 INSTRUCTIONS TO RETURN PRODUCT: Return only the product authorized. Do not return product without a pre-authorized RMA. Do not add a handling charge. Handling charges/service fees will not be allowed. The return authorization number must be clearly marked on the outside of the shipping container. Shipments must be sent freight PREPAID. Collect freight shipments will be refused. If Defective product being returned, mail unit to: Navico Repair-Returns, C/O Norman Krieger, Inc., 9654 Siempre Viva Rd, Ste 5, San Diego, CA 92154 USA If New product being returned, please follow the instructions provided at time of RMA issuance. Failure to follow ship to instructions will result in a delay in credit being issued. The serial number must be taken from the “warranty voided if removed” label on the unit. Do not take the serial number from the carrying case, box, or plastic wrappers. REFER CONSUMERS WITH INQUIRIES TO: U.S. Customer Service: 800-628-4487 Canadian Customer Service: 855-361-1564 Web sites: B&G: Lowrance: Simrad: Document #600 Page 31 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 LOWRANCE SYSTEM INSTALLATION SUBSIDY (SIS) PROGRAM The Lowrance SIS program is designed to ensure the customer experience is trouble free from day one. Compensation will be provided where requirements are met in accordance with the SIS program. QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify the Lowrance partner must satisfy the requirements listed below: A regular part of your business must include installation of marine electronics, as well as the sale of boats; OR You must have demonstrated sufficient expertise in marine electronics installation (with sufficient knowledge of boat construction to ensure correct installation of Navico products), and installation of marine electronics products must be a regular part of your business. You must be set up/approved as a Navico Authorized Reseller if not already a direct account. SIS COMPENSATION: Compensation amounts are based on the specific product installed. The maximum amount payable per boat is $400. Direct Accounts – if you are set up with a direct account with Navico, payments will be made in the form of a credit to your account. Navico is unable to issue checks for Direct Accounts. Indirect Accounts – if you do not have a direct account with Navico, payments will be made in the form of a check. NOTES: This program applies to Lowrance branded products only. The SIS program is subject to change at Navico’s discretion. Thirty (30) days’ notice will be provided prior to any change taking effect. CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT REQUIREMENTS: To apply for the SIS Program, Dealers must: 1. Have a current Direct Account/Authorized Reseller Agreement on file 2. Complete the SIS Claim Form - Note: Only one claim per vessel is required. 3. Submit all forms within sixty (60) days of installation. NOTE: Claims received after sixty (60) days will be denied. 4. Submit the SIS Claim form to: Email: [email protected] (this is the preferred method) Fax: 603-324-2043 Mail: Navico Attn: Lowrance SIS 10 Al Paul Lane, Ste 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 Document #600 Page 32 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 S.I.S. CLAIM FORM - LOWRANCE MAXIMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE PER BOAT IS $400.00 DEALER INFORMATION Dealer Name Dealer # Telephone #: Address City, State, ZIP E-mail Address CUSTOMER/CONSUMER INFORMATION Consumer Name Telephone #: Address City, State, ZIP E-mail Address Type of Boat Length UNIT INSTALLED Serial #s - Enter Below (Note: Please use S/N of the main unit ) Date Installed: Enter the Quantity of the Units Installed on the Box next to the Item 3G / 4G BROADBAND RADAR ($50) HDS-12 G2 TOUCH / HDS-12 G3 ($50) NAC-1 OUTBOARD PILOT ($90) GOFREE WIFI1 MODULE ($20) HDS-12 G2 TOUCH LSS BD ($50) NAIS-400 ($20) ELITE-4M / 5M HD ($20) HDS-12 G3 LSS / 3D BNDL ($90) NEP-2 ($40) ELITE-7M ($40) HOOK/ELITE-4 CHIRP ($20) POINT-1 GPS ANTENNA ($20) ELITE-5 Ti ($20) HOOK/ELITE-5 CHIRP ($20) RC42N - RATE COMPASS ($20) ELITE-7 Ti ($50) HOOK/ELITE-7 CHIRP ($50) RI-10 RADAR INTERFACE ($25) ELITE-9X CHIRP ($50) HOOK/ELITE-9 CHIRP ($50) SIRIUS WEATHER MOD ($20) HDS-7 G3 LSS / 3D BNDL ($90) HOOK/ELITE-4X CHIRP ($20) SONARHUB ($40) HDS-7 G2 TOUCH / HDS-7 G3 ($50) HOOK/ELITE-5X CHIRP ($20) SONICHUB ($20) HDS-7 G2 TOUCH LSS BD ($50) HOOK/ELITE-7X CHIRP ($50) SPOTLIGHT SCAN ($40) HDS-9 G2 TOUCH / HDS-9 G3 ($50) HOOK/ELITE-9 CHIRP ($50) STRUCTURESCAN 3D ($80) HDS-9 G2 TOUCH LSS BD ($50) LINK-5 / LINK-8 VHF ($20) STRUCTURESCAN HD +XD ($40) HDS-9 G3 LSS / 3D BNDL ($90) MARK-4/MARK-5 ($20) WM-3 SIRIUS WEATHER ($20) CLAIM PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. 4. Make a copy of your files before submitting to Navico. Claim form must be legible and complete to qualify. All forms must be submitted within 60 days of installation. Refer to the most current SIS program for more information. CAUTION: Customer information is required for subsidy payment. Customer may be contacted for confirmation of installation services. All paid subsidies are subject to such confirmation. Document #600 Page 33 of 39 Submit claim forms and questions to: Email: [email protected] Mail: Navico Attn: SIS Coordinator 10 Al Paul Ln. Suite 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 Fax: 603-324-2043 Rev B - 01/01/16 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) The Owners Support Program (OSP) is designed to ensure the customer experience is trouble free from day one. In cooperation with our industry partners, Navico systems are inspected, tested, and the customer participates in orientation on product use. This ensures a smooth delivery of the vessel minimizing call backs, punch lists, and issues. The result is an overall reduction in vessel delivery costs combined with the customer’s heightened sense of security and satisfaction in working with Navico partners. This opportunity for the Navico partner to establish a relationship with the new vessel owner establishes the partner as the first point of contact, further developing long-term repeat business. Compensation will be provided where requirements are met in accordance with the OSP. QUALIFICATIONS: To qualify, the Navico partner must: Be Navico Support Certified by meeting the next two requirements in this list. Be approved by the Navico Sales Representative. Be approved by the Director of Technical Services. A customer satisfaction rating of ninety (90) or higher must be maintained. NOTE: Navico reserves the right to survey consumers regarding their satisfaction. Where applicable, be in current and good standing with the credit department. Forms must be submitted within thirty (30) days of orientation or system audit. Forms must be completed in full including owner’s information, all signatures and product details, including serial number. OSP COMPENSATION: Compensation amounts are based on system complexity and are comprised of two separate portions of the program: Where a system has been installed by a Navico authorized Boat Builder, both the system inspection and test, combined with owner orientation, is payable per the attached schedule. Where the system has been installed by a Certified Support installer, only the customer orientation is payable per the attached schedule. In all instances, the maximum amount payable per vessel shall be $400. Refer to the Owners Support Program (OSP) Reimbursement schedule for additional information. NOTES: This program applies to B&G and Simrad products only. The OSP is subject to change at Navico’s discretion. Thirty (30) days notice will be provided prior to any change taking effect. Document #600 Page 34 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 CLAIM SUBMITTAL: Only one claim per vessel is required. Both the System Audit and the Owner Orientation form may be submitted on the same claim. For Boat Builder installed systems: To submit a claim for Orientation only (systems you have installed) Perform a system audit, checking items as audited on the OSP System Evaluation/Orientation Form Complete the claim form listing each item installed and audited Submit claim to Navico Complete orientation with the owner or the owners representative completing orientation per the OSP check list Complete the OSP Claim Form listing each item where orientation was provided to the owner or owner’s agent Obtain the signature acknowledging orientation has been performed Submit claim to Navico Claims can be sent to: Email: [email protected] Fax: 603-324-2043 Mail: Navico Attn: Owners Support Program 10 Al Paul Lane, Ste 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 All forms must be submitted within thirty (30) days of completion. Document #600 Page 35 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM (OSP) REIMBURSEMENT SYSTEM AUDIT MFD RADAR SOUNDER PILOTS INSTRUMENTATION VHF SONIC HUB AIS ORIENTATION $30.00 NSS/EVO2 ZEUS TOUCH $45.00 NSE/ZEUS ZEUS 2 $75.00 $25.00 $15.00 $50.00 $20.00 $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 DOME $50.00 $20.00 $100.00 $30.00 $15.00 $15.00 $25.00 ARRAY $75.00 NSO/ GLASS HELM $95.00 MAXIMUM PER VESSEL $400 Email: [email protected] Fax: 603-324-2043 Mail: Navico Attn: Owners Support Program 10 Al Paul Lane, Ste 101 Merrimack, NH 03054 All forms must be submitted within thirty (30) days of completion. Document #600 Page 36 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 OSP SYSTEM EVALUATION/ORIENTATION SYSTEM AUDIT ORIENTATION INSPECT/TEST THE FOLLOWING MFD WIRING/CABLING INSPECTED SYSTEM POWERED UP ACQUIRED GPS FIX CHART POSITION VERIFIED PROPERLY IDENTIFIES ATTACHED PERIPHERALS PAGE FUNCTIONS OPERATIONAL DEMONSTRATE THE FOLLOWING PAGE NAVIGATION POWER CYCLE OPTIONS BRIGHTNESS CONTROL GPS DATA PAGE PAGES FUNCTION BOAT POSITION CHART OPERATION HEADING MODE WAYPOINT FUNCTION INPUT OF WAYPOINT NAVIGATION TO WAYPOINT TRACK FUNCTION ALARMS ACTIVATION/DEACTIVATION SETTINGS SPLIT SCREEN OPERATION SOUNDER Including Structure, Forward , & Chirp SYSTEM POWERED UP TRANSDUCER IS RECOGNIZED OBTAINS BOTTOM POWER CYCLE OPTIONS OBTAINED BOTTOM HELD BOTTOM DURING TRIALS RANGE OPERATION ALARMS DEPTH OFFSET SETTINGS SPLIT SCREEN OPERATION RADAR POWER CYCLE OPTIONS TARGET IDENTIFICATION RANGE OPERATION HEADING MODE OPTIONS RADAR/CHART OVERLAY POWERS UP DETECTS TARGETS OPERATES THROUGH RANGES HEADING ALIGNED FOR PROPER OVERLAY POWER CYCLE OPTIONS HOW TO ENGAGE/DISENGAGE PILOT SEA TRIAL POINT AND SHOOT OPERATION NAV MODE WIND MODE PILOTS POWERS UP DOCKSIDE CALIBRATION PERFORMED SEA TRIAL WIND INPUT RECOGNIZED INSTRUMENTATION POWERS UP RECOGNIZES ALL INSTALLED TRANSDUCERS PAGE NAVIGATION OPERATIONAL POWER CYCLE OPTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY TRANSDUCERS/SOURCES PAGE/CHAPTER NAVIGATION CALIBRATION SETTINGS AS REQUIRED VHF POWER CYCLE OPTIONS HOW TO IDENTIFY POSITION SOURCES PAGE/CHAPTER NAVIGATION MMSI PROGRAMMED VERIFY DSC OPERATION VOLUME/SQUELCH OPERATION WEATHER CHANNEL ACTIVATION UNIT POWERS UP TRANSMIT RECEIVE VERIFY POSITION DATA PRESENT SONIC HUB POWERS ON RECOGNIZED AND CONTROLLED BY MFD POWER ON CYCLES IDENTIFY AND ACTIVATE INPUTS AIS POWERS ON ACQUIRES FIX DATA INPUT COMPLETE AND ACCURATE MSSI INPUT VERIFY TX IF APPLICABLE INTERPRET AND FILTER TARGETS STEPS TO DISABLE/ENABLE AIS DATA The undersigned acknowledge training and/or system evaluation has been provided per the terms of the Owners Support Program. TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION # OWNER/AGENT SIGNATURE Document #600 DATE Page 37 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16 OWNERS SUPPORT PROGRAM CLAIM FORM Account # Certification # Customer Name Address City, State, Zip Owner Vessel Cert # Address Make City Model State Length Zip Hull ID# Phone Length Email SERIAL # PART # DESCRIPTION BB AUDIT ORIENTATION (select value from drop down) (select value from drop down) TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL: $0.00 The undersigned acknowledge training and/or system evaluation has been provided per the terms of the Owners Support Program. TECHNICIAN SIGNATURE Document #600 CERTIFICATION # COPY OF BOAT DEALER'S BILL OF SALE/INVOICE MUST BE ATTACHED; BOAT OWNER INFORMATION (REQUIRED FOR CREDIT) Page 38 of 39 DATE Rev B - 01/01/16 WARRANTY POLICY Navico Professional Warranty Policy: Navico Recreational Warranty Policy: Document #600 Page 39 of 39 Rev B - 01/01/16