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District Basketball Playoffs Saturday Both the Mustangs and Lady Mustang will host Achille Saturday in the District tournament. Tip off time for the girls contest is 6:30 with the boys to follow. Next week the teams will be playing in the Regional tournament with first round game at Kiowa. ALLEN ADVOCATE Seth McLean and the Allen Powerlifting team took first place honors at a Muskogee Meet last week. Complete story page 14 VOLUME 65 NUMBER 18 ALLEN, PONTOTOC COUNTY , OKLAHOMA 1 SECTION (USPS 543600) 50¢ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 Allen Basketball Seniors are Honored more senior night pictures on pages 2 and 14 Friends and family were welcome to the AHS Senior Basketball Night 2012 Tuesday evening, February 7th, just prior to the Allen/New Lima games. Ten special seniors, who have been and continue to be dedicated to the Mustang basketball program, were honored for their contribution. The teams have enjoyed a lot of success over the past four years. Both the Lady Mustangs and the Mustangs won the Pontotoc Conference Tournament this year and the Coleman Classic Tournament the past two years. Both teams also won the Pontotoc Conference Titles this year. Those recognized were: Jocee Bailey, daughter of Kurtis and Sonya Bailey. She has attended Allen Schools since 2nd grade. Jocee wears the number 10 and has played forward for the Lady Mustangs for the past four years. Her most memorable moment was winning the Pontotoc Conference Tournament for the past 3 years. Morgan Beavert, daughter of Winston and Kelly Beavert. She has attended Allen Schools since 2nd grade. Morgan has been the statistician for both teams for four years. Her most memorable moments have been all of Coach Costner’s color commentary during the games. Brady Caldwell, son of Chris Caldwell and Vanessa Scroggins. He has attended Allen Schools since Pre-K. Brady has been a member of the basketball team for four years. He wears #22 and plays point guard for the Mustangs. His most memorable moment was winning 20 games his senior year. Amber Coody, daughter of Herman and Leigh Coody. She has attended Allen Schools her entire school career and played basketball all four years of high school. Amber wears the number 34 and plays forward and guard for the Lady Mustangs. Her most memorable moment was being named the Ada News Freshman of the Year. Meghan Dohlman, daughter of David and Stephanie Dohlman. She has attended Allen Schools for the past six years. Meghan wears the number 22 and has played guard for the Lady Mustangs for the past four years. Her most memorable moment was when Jessi Merriman fell out of nowhere at the Moss Tournament. Brett Edens, who was escorted by his mom and step-dad, Leah and Greg Chermack. Brett has attended Allen since Pre-K and has played basketball for the Mustangs for the past four years. He wears #40 and plays center. His most memorable moments have been all of the tournaments that they have won over the past four years. Kaitlyn Merriman, daughter of Bruce and Lori Merriman, has attended Allen Schools for the past eight years. She has played forward for the Lady Mustangs for two years and wears the number 13. Her most memorable moment was winning the Pontotoc Conference Tournament this year. Marissa Prentice, daughter of Paul and Shannon Prentice. She has attended Allen Schools since Pre-K and has played basketball all four years of high school. Marissa wears the number 20 and plays point guard for the Lady Mustangs. Her most memorable moment was winning the Pontotoc Conference Tournament this year. Australia Riddle was escorted Tuesday by her dad and sister, Glen and Caitlen Riddle. She wears number 24 and plays guard for the Lady Mustangs. Australia has attended Allen Public Schools most of her life and has played basketball for three years. Her most memorable moment was when the ref at the Moss Tourney dropped a bomb in our locker room before the Kiowa game. Grant Rowsey, son of Roger and Cheryl Rowsey. He has attended Allen since Pre-K and has played basketball all four years of high school. Grant plays forward for the Mustangs and wears #33. His most memorable moment was winning the Pontotoc Conference two years in a row. Alyssa Maloy and many other 4H members assisted in collecting “Change for Change” funds at Tuesday’s AHS basketball game. The 4Hers and their sponsors would like to thank all who donated. Allen fans are awesome!!! Senior Brett Edens is the son of Leah and Greg Chermack. Senior Jocee Bailey is the daughter of Kurtis and Sonya Bailey. Senior Brady Caldwell was escorted by his parents Chris Caldwell and Vanessa Scroggins. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012- PAGE 2 C ountry Comments by Bill Robinson, Publisher Over the years we have run many wedding announcements, but the most enjoyable one I have ever read appeared in the Chicago Tribune. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Society Wedding: A Swinging Social Soiree’ For too long, Berwyn-Cicero society has complained of receiving all too little attention vis-à-vis the North Shore, Barrington Hills, Oak Brook Flossmoor, and other local habitats of high society. We want to do something about this. The Berwyn-Cicero (B-C, as it is known in fashionable circles) social season opened last weekend with the celebrated nuptials of Mildred Annalee Kelton to Albert Michael Mortone at two o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, June 2, 1979, in the First Presbyterian Church, River Forest. Miss Kelton, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kelton of Berwyn, was lovely in a traditional white wedding gown. Her maid of honor, Phyllis Simmons of Cicero, wore a yellow lace gown, with her other attendants in blue lace. The groom, best man and ushers were resplen- dent in powder-blue tuxedos from Henry’s Formal Wear, Cicero. Miss Kelton, eighteen, attended Wheeling High School, Wheeling, Illinois, departing prior to completion of degree requirement, and is now, hopefully, between jobs. Mr. Mortone, twentyfive, said that he is legitimately unemployed, receiving compensation from the State of Illinois. Miss Kelton was given away in holy matrimony by her father in a traditional ceremony, highlighted by usher Frank Bascom of Cicero yelling, “Yahoo!” as the couple exchanged rings. The remaining ten minutes of the ceremony were omitted. The couple departed the church in a shower of rice in a late-model Chevrolet and were driven to a reception at the respected Berwyn Elks Club. About one hundred of B-C’s smart set attended the reception, dancing to the tuneful tunes of an unnamed guitar-accordion-drum band playing pleasurable polkas. Club manager and master of B-C Morgan Beavert is the daughter of Winston and Kelly Beavert. Senior Grant Rowsey escorted his parents Cheryl and Roger Rowsey during the senior night festivities. soirees, George Lundgren, chose tablecloths, but no centerpieces, for simple elegance. Lundgren sold whisky, gin, and setups were available. He said the band broke for dinner at 4:30 pm as guests dined buffet style on roast beef, broasted chicken, mostaccioli, macaroni salad, and various JellO molds. After dinner, ethnic dancing continued, and at about eight o’clock the traditional fighting commenced. While dancing with the groom’s sister, Simone, Mr. Bascom observed his wife touch dancing with the groom’s fifteenyear-old brother, Marty. Mr. Bascom subjected Marty Mortone to physical abuse and threatened severe violence. A check of the social register maintained by the Berwyn Department of Public Safety indicates our Mr. Bascom is a man of his word. The Mortones are a close, oldline Cicero family, and brother Jerome Mortone laid Mr. Bascom upside the head with a full champagne bottle, according to other prominent guests. At this point several others joined in the fisticuffs, including the groom. So many, in fact, that the uniformed Berwyn policeman on duty at the wedding reception instructed Mr. Lundgren to call for assistance. Local authorities say it is “customary” to have a policeman at Berwyn wedding receptions, where, “fights are quite common.” Two local gendarmes, respondent in dark-blue uniforms, arrived to join the festivities. “The entire place was up for grabs,” said one. S ocial-scene observers note that this was a truly superlative affair, attended, finally by ;the entire Saturday night shift of the Berwyn Police Department – the measure of any social occasion. Brandishing dark, solid-wood nightsticks (absolutely smashing accessories with the blue uniforms), police waded into the boisterous gathering of B-C society. “I couldn’t believe what I saw,” said one veteran policeman. “Glasses, champagne bottles and beer bottles were flying. Everyone in the place was fighting – like a Western movie barroom brawl. They didn’t even pay any attention to us.” (For the record – the bride and groom and their parents said it was a nice reception ruined by police intervention.) “ When we stepped between people fighting, they turned on us,” another policeman said. “It was frightening: a dozen of us against one hundred of them. They’d throw us to the floor, stomp us, and go back to fighting. We couldn’t arrest anybody; it was all we could do to hold on to our guns and nightsticks. They threw most of us back down the stairs. “The bride was getting in her licks, too. Her wedding gown was torn to pieces. The band members had extended their Happy Birthday Lea Ann! For Your Special Someone... Valentine’s Day is Tuesday February 14 Boxed Cards.... Plush Animals... Shirts, Bags & Purses... Bling, Jewelry & More Over 1500 items just $1 Everyday Allen Dollar & More Store 206 E Broadway • Allen 857-2739 VISA - MASTERCARD - EBA We Deliver!!! Depressed about turning 40? Look on the bright side, today you are younger than you’ll ever be again. microphone stands as far as they would go and were swinging them like baseball bats to protect themselves from the guests,” he said. Police from a local park district, Cicero, and other surrounding communities were called in, about forty- to forty-five officers in all. “We restored order, announced that the reception was over, and told the guests to disperse,” a police spokesman said. The crowd went outside, where fighting continued. Guns were drawn when one guest flattened two policeman with a table leg. Passersby reportedly joined in the fighting. The pugilism continued inside the two paddy wagons and in front of the Berwyn Police Department, where guests not yet under arrest met the police vehicles’ arrival. M ore than one dozen were dy n a C kets s a B Your family loves you Candy Baskets $10 to $35 Plush Animals Flowers Singing Plush Animals Order Early Deliveries will be made after school hours to homes within the Allen city limits. Plu Ani sh mal s Due to a change in the Allen School Policy, we are no longer allowed to deliver orders to Allen Schools for Valentine’s Day Customers outside city limits may pickup orders at Carolyn’s Flowers, 205 East Broadway, Allen until after 8:00 p.m. on February 14th, or deliveries will be made for a small additional charge. Carolyn’s Flowers TAG AGENT 205 East Broadway • Allen, OK 74825 (580)857-2477 Country Comments THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012- PAGE 3 hospitalized. Only twelve were arrested, according to authorities, “because we wanted to get out of there while we were still alive.” A local judge, resplendent in floor-length black robes, set bonds at $5,000 to $15,000 each. Neck braces and arm slings are the height of fashion this week at the Berwyn Police Department. A good time was had by all, at what is being called the most exciting B-C social event since last year’s Southwest Cook County Chapter 205 of the National Association of Women in Construction’s Candlelight Bowl. The couple is at home in Cicero following the groom’s release from Cook County Jail Tuesday evening. Honeymoon plans have been postponed ending trial. We wish the young couple all the best – in court, at future B-C welterweight wedding receptions, and in returning those armless, blood-spattered tuxedos to Henry’s Formal Wear. We anxiously await the wedding photos. —CC— And speaking of marriage, here is my favorite story of the week . .. Recently engaged, Dan Samolla asked his Aunt Jane, who has been married to his Uncle Bob for 34 years, what she thought was the key to the success of their long union. She began, “We try not to argue, and we respect each other’s privacy – At this point Uncle Bob interrupted. “She works days and I work nights,” he said. —CC— Last of all, if you are having problems in your marriage, maybe you need to buy a bird. The chirping may help you and your wife get along better. The birds have been a blessing to the folks living in Lancaster, California. Crime is down in this city on the desert fringe of Los Angeles County, and Mayor R. Rex Parris is sure he knows one reason: It’s the chirping. “Do you feel that?” he asked as he inched forward in his cowboy boots on a city sidewalk, anticipating a calming sensation from the faint sound of birds above his head. The chirps subconsciously discourage criminality, Mr. Parris says: “Everybody is now in a better mood, a better place.” Those chirps aren’t from here. The mayor bought them in recordings from England, and for the past 10 months he has had his city play them over 70 speakers along a half mile of Lancaster Boulevard, blended with mellow synthesizer tones, five hours a day. His claim: The bird song and music calm citizens by fine-tuning brain chemicals. Minor crimes in Lancaster fell about 15% last year, compared with 2010, says the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, this city being part of the county, and serious crimes fell about 6%. “We’re not seeing that impulse-control crime,” Mr. Parris says. “It has just been astonishing to us how the community has changed as a result of a one-half-mile stretch.” Some people are skeptical. Laura Dugan, an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Maryland, says public officials often claim their initiatives reduce crime, but without sufficient evidence for their assertions. “There’s also a drop in crime in every other major and minor city, so just because somebody tries something and you see a drop in crime, it doesn’t mean it necessarily caused it,” Ms. Dugan says of Lancaster’s piped-in birds. Lancaster was already seeing a multiyear decline in crime before the birds, says Robert Jonsen, captain of the Lancaster Sheriff Station. That’s because city officials worked more closely with police, increased public engagement and improved Lancaster Boulevard, he says. But the boulevard bird song is an important element in the effort to decrease crime, Mr. Jonsen says. It has also carried over into other parts of town, he says, as visitors bring the mellow vibes back to their neighborhoods. Many locals believe in the birds. Maria Elena Grado, who runs the Lemon Leaf Café near speakers playing the bird music, says the area was “crime infested” when she opened in 2006. The birds, and a broader upgrade of the area, have had a positive impact on the demeanor of customers, she says. “Everybody laughed at the idea, but people don’t even realize the things that make them tick.” Mr. Parris, who is also a practicing personal-injury attorney, says he got interested in ways to affect brain chemistry because he wanted to be more persuasive in court. “Once you recognize that all of this happens because of chemicals in the brain, you look at how do we affect those chemicals.” Mr. Parris saw a way to test tweets after he became the parttime mayor of Lancaster in 2008. The city has about 157,000 residents. Frank Zappa and Judy Garland both lived there at some point. Mr. Parris first recorded birds in his backyard, but decided in early 2011 to spend his own money commissioning a composition from Julian Treasure, a sound consultant based near London. Mr. Treasure used recorded chirps from Europe, blended with water sounds and what he calls “uplifting musical figures.” Mr. Treasure’s firm, The Sound Agency Ltd., previously had installed bird sounds in bathrooms of some BP PLC gas stations in Europe. A BP spokesman says the bird sounds resulted in compliments from customers. Bird sounds can reduce cortisol and adrenaline, which are produced by the human body in response to stress, Mr. Treasure says. Ever since early man had to worry about forest predators, he says, people found singing birds reassuring. “We’ve learned over hundreds of thousands of years it’s when they stop that we need to worry,” he says. It is plausible that Lancaster’s bird sounds would have their claimed effect on crime, says Daniel Levitin, a neuroscientist at McGill University, as long as an individual genuinely found that Friendly Service at Your Local Sears Hometown Store. sound pleasing and songbirds were used. “The obvious thing is it can’t be the sound of vultures ripping apart a bison or anything,” he says. Mr. Treasure says he isn’t certain what birds are on the recordings. Ben Sheldon, a University of Oxford field-ornithology professor, upon listening to a segment, says he detects male songbirds such as the robin, wren, blackbird and perhaps a bit of the Great Tit. Their message to females, he says: “I’m here, are you unattached?” There may be precedent. Doha, Qatar’s Aspire Park serenades visitors with recorded birds. Walid Bachir, section head-public domain at the park’s management agency, thinks the sounds do help modulate behavior. “Otherwise, we might have more fighting between visiting groups or kids,” he says. Mind control isn’t just for the birds. The London Underground plays classical music in some stations to create a more crime- free environment, says a spokeswoman for transport for London. U.K.-based Compound Security Systems Ltd. sells a device to repel loitering teens with a frequency adults can’t hear. It also appears not to bother dogs. Greg Budney, audio curator at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Macaulay Library, a renowned collection of recorded bird song, says he has had requests to use the collection for medical purposes but hasn’t heard of bird song being used to fight crime. Neither has Charles Sczuroski, a senior trainer at the National Crime Prevention Council. But broadcasting bird song meshes with the concept of crime prevention through environmental design, he says, in which cities might improve lighting or play cheerful music in public spaces. If chirping influences ne’er-dowells, “It really does not surprise me.” — John Letzing Wall Street Journal Chamber Banquet February 28th The Allen Chamber of Commerce has set the date of their annual Chamber Banquet for Tuesday, February 28th. As always the event will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the School Cafeteria. Cost of the meal is $8 per person. Tickets are available at The Allen Advocate, the Farmers State Bank or from Chamber members. Everyone is invited to attend. MONDAY, FEBRUARY SUNDAY PREVIEW FEBRUARY 12, 2012 13, 2012 ONLY FRIENDS& FAMILYSALE SHOP YOUR WAY REWARDSSM MEMBERS ENJOY EXTRA SAVINGS♦ JOIN TODAY. EARN TODAY. IT'S FREE! 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Not valid on commercial orders or with any other coupons or previous purchases. In the event of a return, savings may be deducted from refund. Online discount applies to items marked sold by Sears only. Online offers may vary. Shop Your Way Rewards Sunday Preview offer valid 2/12/12 only. Friends & Family offer valid Monday 2/13/12 only. ADA AVAILABLE AT THIS STORE LOCATION ONLY Owned and Operated by Steve and Bert Lynch 1101 Lonnie Abbott Blvd - Ada, OK 74820 • (580)332-8763 FEB WK 3 HTS F&F 0212 THRU 0213 ISH2 4C Now able avail Mechanic & Tire Machine at CSL Iron & MetaL Hwy 1 & County Line Road (old Peanut Company) Allen • (580)857-2455 or (580)320-8166 Maelyn Ga’Lei Goodman Arrives Dyllan Brown would like to announce the arrival of his little sister, Maelyn Ga’Lei Goodman. Maelyn was born November 1, 2011 at 10:44 a.m. in the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center, Ada. She weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 19 inches long. She is the daughter of Tasha Brown and Matt Goodman. Maternal grandma is Regina Brown of Allen; maternal greatgrandparents are the late Bessie Mae and Clifford Brown of Allen. Paternal grandparents are Paul and Mandy Goodman, Allen; paternal great-grandparents are Peggy Breger, Allen, and the late Bert Barnes, Allen. She also has a very special uncle, Derrick Brown of Allen. • New & Used Tires • Rotation • • Batteries • Oil Change • We buy scrap metal • cars John Cundiff • Craig Smith • Wally Lewis Threads of Life THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012- PAGE 4 -- The Computer -- by Cleo Emerson LeVally This week I was at the beauty shop and a mother came in with her two-year-old daughter and was also carrying a small baby in a carryall. While I was under the dryer, the two-year-old came and stood in front of me. She had an iphone (I think it was) and began to flash photos of the baby to me. I marveled as she would show one photo and then turn it around and punch three times on the iphone and then show another photo to me. This from a twoyear-old, using the iphone like a pro! When I told this story to a friend, she told me that computers and these new gadgets (with a lot of names) were now being used in kindergarten class at the schools. Forget cursive writing. This past Christmas I received many e-cards instead of Christmas cards. These are not things we can keep and read in years to come. Just weeks ago, we thought the computer was about the best we could have. Now technology is moving faster that we (or I-?) can keep up with it. A few years ago I began to abhor the fact that letter writing was a thing of the past. And I had not seen anything yet. The e-mails and iphone messages are not like the letters we used to receive. Recently I straightened up a drawer and found a letter written to me by Service Saturday for Harvey Bain Services for Richard Harvey Bain, 70, of Allen are 11:00 a.m. Saturday, February 11th, at the Allen First Baptist Church, Rev. Buddy Drake will officiate. Burial will follow at the Allen Cemetery. Friends and family may call at the Allen Chapel from 4:00 p.m. Friday until service time. Mr. Bain died Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at a Holdenville nursing home. He was born May 16, 1941 south of Allen, Oklahoma to George Lee and Cora Wanda Tipton Bain. He graduated from Allen High School and attended Murray State College in Tishomingo and East Central University in Ada. Mr. Bain was employed with Brockway Glass Company in Ada for 26 years. He then went to work for Pontotoc County, District 1, retiring after 11 years West Boys truck shop from Mild to Wild Full line of truck accessories 827 Lonnie Abbott Blvd • Ada, OK (580)436-7915 (580)399-7800 [email protected] Jack West Chuck West CALL A RIDE (580)332-7950 Mainstream of Oklahoma (866)997-9986 of service. Mr. Bain was a farmer and rancher. He served on the Pontotoc County Fair Board for 30 years, was given an Honorary State FFA degree from the Allen Future Farmers of America, and served on the Junior Livestock Show Board. Survivors include two sons, Lorne Bain and his wife Kellie of Choctaw and Brent Bain of Apache; one daughter, Gina Walden and her husband Gary of Tyler, Texas; a brother, Wayne Bain and his wife Audrey of Dickinson, Texas; two sisters, Wanda Gary of Pasadena, California, and Roberta Miller and her husband Dale of Stratford; his grandchildren, Dustin Bain, Jesse Bain, Jaylee Bain, D. J. Bain, Willie Bain and wife Stephanie, Starla Bain, Rachel Walden, Anna Walden, Joel Walden and Joshua Walden; two great grandchildren, Kallin Bain and Joselynn Bain; and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Pamela Ann Bain; a grandson, Micah Walden; and brothers and sisters, Leroy Bain, Peggy Young, Jean Jordan and George W. Bain. Bearers will be Gary Jacobs, Ronny Black, Kerry Caldwell, Stan Wallace, Gary Starns and Jess Rinehart. T he family says those who wish may make memorials to the American Cancer Society, Heartland Division, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., Kansas City, MO 64105. A rrangements are under the direction of Criswell Funeral Home, Ada. The Key to Your Future starts when you open the front door of this 3 bedroom/2 bath home on 1.97 acres M.O.L. Has a casual living room with carpeting, master suite with walk-in closet, separate shower, linen closet, dining room with built-in hutch. $134,900. MLS 48498. Exit Margaret Barton Realty Donald Woodell, Realtor 1230 E. Arlington • Ada OK 74820 580-559-1816 Cell 580-436-1800 Office [email protected] ATM Machine • Lottery Station 24 Hour Gas Pumps Drive-thru window Hot Deli Counter Allen Quick Pic Hwy 1 • Allen • (580)857-2459 my mother that she wrote in 1976. Just to see her handwriting was special. I have a card written to me by my son when he attended his first Boy Scout Camp. The card reads, ‘Dear Mom, they made us write home so this is my letter. Your son.’ I have letters from my daughter written when she was at a job in a far away state. She was lonely and the letter told how she was spending her day and trying to get acquainted with her new job. That would have been forgotten if I did not have the letter. I have a folder that contains all the love letters my husband wrote to me over the years. Some are written on yellow pages from a legal pad while he was at work and thinking about me. They are cherished memories. We lost a lot when we stopped writing letters. You cannot reread an I-phone message or an e-mail that has been deleted. Rites Friday for Mazie Knighten Graveside service for Mazie L. Knighten of Allen, will be 11:00 am Friday, February 10th, at Allen City Cemetery. Officiating will be Mr. Aaron Finney. Mrs. Knighten passed away Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at Woodland Hills Nursing Center in Allen at the age of 88. She was born March 29, 1923 south of Allen to C.B. Brooks and Jannette Spence Brooks. Mrs. Knighten attended Red Oak Public School near Allen while growing up. She married Robert Knighten on March 19, 1942 in Allen. Mr. Knighten passed away in January 1977. She worked at Wrangler for many years before retiring. She was a lifelong resident of Allen, was of the Holiness faith, loved gardening, flowers, and she loved her dogs. Mrs. Knighten is survived by one daughter, Brenda Fraizer of Allen; four grandchildren, Michelle Conley and her husband Todd of Allen, Stacy Frederick and her husband John of Allen, Scott Rinehart and his wife Linda of Ada, and Ken David Fraizer of Allen; eight great-grandchildren, Lisa Frederick, Bryan Smith, Holly Rinehart, Tyler Rinehart, Crystal Keeney, John W. Frederick, Courtney Frederick, and Zack Conley; and seven great-great-grandchildren, Kassidy, Mallory, and Chulainn Dewey Keeney, Cami and Cobi Frederick, and Cadence and Tayden Frederick. She was preceded in death by her husband Robert Knighten; one son, David Knighten; her parents, C.B. and Jannette Brooks; one son-in-law, Kennith Fraizer; four brothers; and three sisters. Bearers will be Ken David Fraizer, Scott Rinehart, John W. Frederick, Bryan Smith, Jearl Knighten, Hank Deaton and Zack Conley. Music will be provided by her granddaughter, Courtney Frederick. Services are under the direction of Smith-Phillips Funeral Home, Ada. Service Today for Rev. Jeff Frazier Funeral services for Rev. Jeff “Sonny” Frazier of Ada will be 2:00 pm Thursday, February 9th, at the Chickasaw Community Center in Ada. Interment will follow at Boiling Springs Cemetery near Lula. Officiating will be Rev. Osborne Roberts and assisting will be Rev. Jerry Imotichey. Wake service were 7:00 pm Wednesday, February 8th, at Smith-Phillips Funeral Home in Ada, OK. Officiating wake service was Stan Smith. Mr. Frazier passed away on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at his residence in Ada at the age of 65. He was born September 5, 1946 in Stonewall to Frank Frazier and Geraldine Alexander Frazier. Mr. Frazier graduated from Tupelo High School in 1964. He graduated from East Central University in Ada with a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling. He married Betty Billie on August 27, 1966 in Allen. He preached for many years at Boiling Springs United Methodist Church near Lula where he was also a member. The Boiling Springs Church was a very important part of his life. He served many churches as a pastoral minister for the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. He was also employed at the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center as a Chaplain for numerous years and the Director of Education for the Chickasaw Nation for many years. H e coached the Shades of Red Basketball and Softball teams and the Little Shades of Red Basketball team, he played American Legion baseball, and he umpired many baseball games. He loved many sports activities, was an OU fan, and loved playing fastpitch softball. Mr. Frazier is survived by his wife, Betty Frazier of the home; two sons, Ron Frazier of Ada and Carey Frazier and his wife Arlene of Winnipeg, Canada; one daughter, Lori Frazier of Ada; one brother, Irving Frazier of Allen; one sister, Mary Smith and her husband Stan of Ada; one aunt Geneva Holman of Ada; six grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Frank and Geraldine Frazier and three brothers, Franklin, Joe, and George Frazier. P allbearers are Craig Parnacher, Haskell Alexander, Truman Frazier, Warren Alexander, Michael Frazier, and Daniel Frazier. Honorary pallbearers are Governor Bill Anoatubby, Lt. Governor Jefferson Keel, Larry Larney, Joe Stick, Stewart Johnson, Tommy Orr, James Ross, and Tom Cooper. Services are under the direction of Smith-Phillips Funeral Home, Ada. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012, PAGE 5 One Pharmacist’s View A guy from Harden City, Oklahoma, Bobby Winters writes a guest column in the Ada Evening News once in a while, which I always make a point to read. Last week he wrote a story about Harden City and a little country store run by a couple named “McElroy” plus a delicious meat called “Baloney.” To speak of Harden City you also speak geographically of McLish School, the town of Fittstown, Franks and a nice picnic and swimming place called Lee’s Park. I won’t include Byrd’s Mill in this as it’s on down the road and you have to quit somewhere. In his story about Harden City, Winters remembers the excellent quality of the baloney (bologna) in McElroy’s store and their “Grape Cokes.” I lived in a more of a metrotype area called Stonewall at the time, but like the good professor, I had many an occasion to stop in at the McElroy’s for an ice-cold RC. The McElroy’s did some business over at Stonewall with my dad and on one occasion I delivered a new gadget to them: an item called a television set. I still remember sitting there quite a while enjoying a cold RC and watching the TV with them— making sure that the only channel we got, channel 4, would keep on coming in. Everyone was quite pleased that most of the time you could make out whose face was peering out through the abundant snow on the screen. Winter’s story of the McElroy store and their baloney caused me to remember a pair of Uncles I once had: Uncle Ezra and Uncle Matt. Ezra operated one of those country stores up near Graton, California that had real good baloney and cold pop while Matt was a farmer down south near Fresno. Matt was a dairy farmer who raised a few hogs and cured hams. Whenever Ezra and his family drove down for a visit Matt always gave him some home cured hams and other farm fresh items you just can’t buy at the store. Ezra in return brought baloney ends, lunch meats and “store goodies” to a hoard of kids that were far too numerous to be counted in the Mathis Ray Family. M y cousin, “Corky” Ray, one of those children, always laughed as he would tell me of how they thought they had cheated their Uncle Ezra. They had palmed off some common farm hams for meat delicacies called baloney and those other delicious store-bought goodies. One more thing I need to mention here: My Uncle Matt owned Arnold, the large Boar Hog which he loaned to Steve Spielberg and who starred in the movie “Thornburg’s” (Arnold not Steve). I wrote an article about Arnold a few years ago which my regular readers (you know who you are) will remember. It’s about as close as I ever got to being kin to anyone who starred in a movie. The rural roads and highways of America played host to a jillion of those little stores like McElroy’s and Uncle Ezra’s back then. As I drive the rural highways in America I can still spot these ruins and relics of America’s past and I still miss them. Several years ago I was riding with my older brother Gerald on US-270 between Stuart and McAlester and he slowed the car and pulled into the driveway of one of these tiny stores. “What are you doing?” I asked. “I’ve been going past this place all my life and I want to see who runs it.” So we did. About an hour later, finishing off a cold drink and a lot of good conversation, we Light from God’s Word Mark Legg, Allen church of Christ D avid J. Stewart wrote, “There is nothing in the Bible which requires a person to be baptized in order to be saved.” He argues that if people must be baptized to be saved, they are trying to be saved by works and he states, “A careful study of the Scriptures with an honest heart makes it quite clear that works CANNOT save a person.” It is certainly true that it is “not by works of righteousness which we have done” that we are saved. (Titus 3:5) However is baptism a work? If people believe they must be baptized to have their sins forgiven and to be saved, do they think that baptism is a work by which they earn salvation? W hen Naaman obey the command (2 Kings 5:10) to “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times” to be cured of leprosy, did he earn salvation from leprosy by the action of dipping seven time in Jordan? Of course not! Did dipping in the Jordan cure his leprosy? Was there some power in the waters of Jordan? Of course not! Could he have dipped six times in Jordan and been cured? No! Could he have dipped seven time in one of the rivers of Damascus (as he thought would be alright – 2 Kings 5:12) and been cured? No! W hat was the power that cured his leprosy? God cured him! But when did God cure him? All of us can see that it was when he obeyed? Did birthdays & anniversaries February 9 — Kaden Mills, Josheph Hopper, Grant Rowsey, Jearl Knighten, John Edens, Keri Jean Sanders, Rachel Reid, Kevin Cantwell, Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hopper*, Walter & Mary Jones*, February 10 — Mr. & Mrs. Carl Vinson*, Leota Williams, Amanda Rhoads, Gene Prentice** February 11 — Judy Smith February 12 — Mr. & Mrs. S.L. Wallace, Linda Lee February 13 — Amanda Davis Allgeier, Alvin Harden, Bill Spain, Ken Harris February 14 — Dakota Qualls February 15 — Kaylee Huffstutlar, Clayton Hackney February 16 — Jennah Barnhart February 17 — Harold Akins, Traci & Kevin Cantwell*, Charley Bob Evans February 18 — Gary Jones February 19 — Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Tatum* The Allen Advocate PO Box 465 - Allen OK 74825-0465 (580)857-2687 • e-mail [email protected] Dayna Robinson - Owner The Allen Advocate (USPS 543600) is published weekly each Thursday at 101 S Easton, Allen, OK 74825 POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Allen Advocate, PO Box 465, Allen, OK 74825 his obedience cure him? Of course not! God cured him, but when? It was only after he had expressed his faith in God in obeying the command given him. In the same way, baptism is not a work by which anyone can earn salvation, but it is the commanded expression of faith in our Savior, just as the dipping in the Jordan seven times was the means by which Naaman was commanded to express his faith in God to cure his leprosy. When one is baptized into Christ, he is expressing his faith in Christ to save him. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.” (Mark 16:16) New Emergency Line (580)857-9928 Line is answered 24 hours went on our way. The little store still sits there gradually falling apart but thanks to my brother I now have good memories of a fine old couple who seemingly were just sitting there waiting for someone to stop and buy a pop and talk a while. I hope all of you are enjoying the nice winter weather and the reminders that spring is close by. Be sure and go to church this Sunday. Wayne Bullard, Pharm. D. [email protected] Gary’s HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING See me for all your Heating and Air Conditioning needs! • Commercial Ice Machines • (580)467-3136 or (580)857-2239 we accept VISA, MasterCard and Discover! S FRIED PI ’ M ES KI C&C Country Store Gerty, Oklahoma (580)892-3706 otice ur n 4 ho orders on dozen 2 over Valentine’s Special Now through February 14th $20 per dozen or $2 each Mixed or Matched Flavors:Apple, Apricot, Cherry, Pineapple, Peach, Blueberry, Blackberry, Pecan, Chocolate, Chocolate Fudge, German Chocolate, Banana Cream, Coconut Cream, Lemon Cream Pies are available at the store everyday and can be ordered Monday - Saturday Allen Vet Clinic 1/4 Mile East of Allen Quick Pic - Hwy 1 (580)857-2991 Cell (580)421-5936 Open 8 to 5 Monday - Thursday • 9 to 1 Friday & Saturday February Special Call for Dog Spay Appointment & Neutering Discount Prices!!!! Tim Costner, D.V.M Business hour refill Phone (580)857-2492 Daily deliveries available. Deliveries depart 3:00 deadline to Ada area Questions or concerns you can select option #1, then #3 and speak to an associate for help! Sign Up for text or e-mail alerts and we will let you know when you presciption is ready! Allen 200 N Easton • Allen (580) 857-2492 Dave Campbell, Pharm. D. Community PharmaCy Allen Rural Family HealtH CliniC 200 N. Easton • Allen • (580)857-1300 New Office Hours beginning July 18: Monday 8 to 4 • Tuesday 9 to 4 • Wednesday 9 to 4 • Thursday 8 to 4 • Friday 8 to 12 Walk-ins Always Welcome!!! THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 6 Services held for Jason Tatum Services Held for Richard Rockey Richard Lee Rockey was born on July 23, 1950 in Stuart, Oklahoma to Mildred Louise “Polly” (McClendon) Rockey and Leslie Jennings Rockey Sr. Mr. Rockey passed away in Calvin, Oklahoma on February 3, 2012 at the age of 61. Richard married Vonettia Galye Kelley on July 26, 1968 in Stuart, Oklahoma. Richard was a Journeyman Insulator and an honorary member of Local 94 International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers. He enjoyed gambling, fishing and hunting, raising animals, farming, selling vegetables at local farmers markets, buying cars and salvaging, and was an avid collector of various interests. He loved spending time with his grandchildren. Richard was preceded in death by his wife, Vonettia Galye Rockey; sons Tracey Lee Rockey and Bryan Wade Rockey; his parents; and a brother, William Eugene (Bill) Rockey. Survivors include a son Brad Jennings Rockey and wife Michelle Dee Ann of Josephine, Texas; grandsons Chance Lee Rockey and Caleb Edward Rockey; sisters Linda Martin and husband Jim, and Barbara Ann Russell, both of Coweta, Oklahoma; brother L. J. Rockey Jr. and wife Donna of Arpelar, Oklahoma; numerous nieces and nephews; and a host of other family and friends. Funeral service was held Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 11:00 am at the Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home Chapel in Holdenville, with Jim Martin officiating. Interment followed at Pryor Cemetery in Stuart, Oklahoma. Pallbearers were Richard Rockey, Jim Bo Martin, J. T. Martin, Jason Russell, Nick Littledave, Clark Kelley. Honorary bearers were Rick Holloway, Keith Turpin, Jerry Don Vanciel, Jim Kelley, Roger Kelley, David Key. J ason Alan Tatum of Gerty, Oklahoma passed away in Holdenville, Oklahoma on Sunday, January 29, 2012, at the age of 35 years. J ason was the son of John Thomas Tatum, Jr. and Donna Jane (Buchanan) Tatum, born in Fort Smith, Arkansas on April 21, 1976. He was brought up in Oklahoma, in the Gerty community, and attended elementary schools in Calvin and high school in Allen. He married Amy Mayfield on April 20, 2001, in Allen. Jason worked in construction, concrete finishing, and foundation repair. He worked with his dad for a few years at the Pontotoc County Builders Supply in Allen. His interests were many and varied. He liked to cook. He liked planting and tending a garden, and especially enjoyed competing with his dad in growing the biggest and best tomatoes. He loved dogs. He enjoyed riding horses and 4-wheelers, hunting, and especially fishing. He loved to trap with his son, Brayden. Jason was preceded in death by his grandfather, John Thomas Tatum, Sr. H e is survived by his wife, Amy; his son, Brayden Tatum, and daughter, Brittany Graham; his parents, John and Donna Tatum of Gerty; his sister, Janet Woodell and finance’ Stephen Tahah, of Pauls Valley; paternal grandmother, Joella Tatum of Gerty, and maternal grandparents, Derrell and Betty Buchanan of Tulsa; one uncle, Joe Buchanan and wife Beverly, of Tulsa; two aunts, Jo ‘Tochie’ Cates and Rites held for Margaret Thetford Funeral services for Margaret Bell (Bunch) Thetford, 81 of Holdenville were held 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 8th, at the Hudson Phillips Funeral Home Chapel. Brother Mack Peercy and Brandon Thetford officiated. Pallbearers were Josh Thetford, Jake Thetford, Hayden LEGAL NOTICE PONTOTOC COUNTY ANNUAL SALARIES FOR 2011 BEARDEN, ELAINE L, COLLINS, CHARLES RAY, DIXON, JOE T., FLINN, ELDON, ISAACS, JOE KEITH, POGUE, JESSE DWAYNE, SUTTON, JUANITA F, TEACHEY, KIMBERLYN D, WARKASKE JR, STEVEN ALBERT, YOUNGBLOOD, ALFORD, ANDERSON, ROY DEAN, AVERY, TINA RENEA, BAKER, TAMI L, BALLARD, CASSANDRA K, BALLARD, JACOB LEE, BARRETT, SAMUEL I, BITTLE, CHRISTOPHER E, BLUE, ERWIN KIRK, BOLEN, VICTOR E, BOND-HOFFMAN, SHELDON LOYD, BOUDREAU, PATRICK EUGENE, BRANSCUM, CATHLEEN, BRAY, ALAN DWAYNE, BROWN, BRENDA KAY, BROWN, TAMMY, BRYANT, CARL G., BRYANT, CECIL WAYNE, BYNUM, SHANDY SHANAY, BYRD, DEBBIE L., CANNON, CHRISTOPHER C, CANTWELL, CORTNEE CHENEA, CARBAJAL, CRISTY LEE, CARTER, BETTY LYNN, CASS, TIMOTHY DREW, CASTLEBERRY, JACOB TYLER, CHEW, CLAUDIA K, CHRISTIAN, JOHN G., CHRISTIAN, MICHAEL W, CLABORN, JOHNNY L, COLE, JENNIFER RENEE, COLEY, DONNA ROSETTA, COMPTON, KERESSA ANN, COPELAND, KATHERINE J, COUNTS, CARLA ANGELEA, COZAD, JOHNNY, DAVIS, DANNY, DEAN, ROBERT GEORGE, DEBERG, MARYANNA CHRISTINE, DENSLOW, MARY H, DIAL, TRACY LYNN, DICKERSON, NANCY SUE, DOBBS, FRANK DEWAYNE, DUNNIGAN, KAREN L, DURANT, DARL, DURANT, DARRELL GENE, EAVES, CHELSEA JOLENE, ELKINS, WILLIAM, EPPERLY, JEFFERY DON, EPPERLY, MACHELLE, EPPERLY, RICKY DON, ESTES, RICKEY D, EUBANK, ERNESTINE, FURIMSKY, PATRICIA RENAE, GAINES, WENDALL RAY, GARDNER, HEATHER AMANDA, GOLDEN, JAMES DALE, GOLLIHARE, CHARLES, GOLLIHARE, GERALD L, GONDERMAN, GLENDA, GREENWOOD, BUSTER, GRIFFIN, BELINDA SUE, GRISSOM JR, CLEDES L, GUTIERREZ JR, ADOLFO L, GUTIERREZ, CORNELIO DEWISE, GUTIERREZ, GEORGE, HALE, BRITTANY DAWN, HALL, PAULA K, HARDCASTLE, RABECCA LEANN, HARRIS, DALE ALLEN, HARRISON, TIM, HAYDEN, WILLIAM RICHARD, HEATH II, ANTHONY JOE, HECK, KENNETH, HECK, KEVIN RICHARD, HERNANDEZ, ALECIA G, HICKERSON, LAURA GABRIELLA, HINKLE, JERAMEY ROBERT, $2,650.00 $23,400.00 $2,650.00 $2,650.00 $2,351.07 $5,960.71 $634.00 $1,276.00 $24,300.00 $25,950.00 $12,627.23 $11,541.56 $30,460.00 $24,600.00 $14,610.18 $271.98 $9,928.12 $6,950.00 $3,161.33 $15,206.25 $22,850.00 $27,811.32 $25,200.00 $23,400.00 $35,400.00 $9,300.00 $33,000.00 $27,900.00 $35,400.00 $11,741.12 $3,900.51 $21,975.00 $25,550.00 $22,050.00 $27,900.00 $11,810.04 $46,800.00 $26,700.00 $29,100.00 $13,900.00 $24,000.00 $26,000.00 $15,838.73 $31,500.00 $27,000.00 $46,800.00 $24,550.00 $11,975.00 $644.00 $22,645.80 $2,339.50 $1,600.00 $35,100.00 $23,650.00 $35,400.00 $17,700.00 $23,550.00 $21,900.00 $37,560.00 $22,100.00 $22,150.00 $46,800.00 $25,200.00 $21,900.00 $3,800.00 $24,000.00 $30,900.00 $27,850.00 $46,800.00 $29,100.00 $25,500.00 $3,862.55 $21,800.00 $13,073.20 $6,664.23 $15,075.00 $35,175.00 $9,175.00 $1,089.00 $28,200.00 $27,900.00 $27,900.00 $29,700.00 $4,500.00 $6,600.00 $10,000.00 $10,075.00 husband Bill, of Atwood, and Joyce Searcy and husband Jim, of Gerty; one niece, Rheagan Woodell, and three nephews, Logan Woodell, Donley Woodell, and Austin Woodell; special friends, Sarah Walton and Carys Walton; and numerous other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be Saturday, February 4, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Allen. Jason will be laid to rest in the Gerty Cemetery. Rev. Earl Scroggins and Rev. Buddy Drake are the officiating ministers. Pallbearers are Darryl Janda, Willis Rinehart, Brian Mayfield, Chad Nix, Juan Alan Tatum, and Alton Tatum. Honorary pallbearers are Kenny Nickell, Darryl Hanks, Bruce Woods, Shawn Wofford, Bradley Prentice, Jim Barlow, Frankie Bell, Wally Lewis, and Kenny Cundiff. Services are under direction of Fisher Funeral Home of Holdenville. HODGE, JOSHUA C, HOLLAND, RICKEY LEE, HUFFMAN, DIANE, HURLEY, MICHAEL BRANDON, ISAACS, DERRAL WADE, ISAACS, JUSTIN EDWARD, ISOM, CHRISTINA, JOHNSON, SETH AMOS, JONES, LANDON PAUL, JONES, STEPHEN FRANK, JONES, ZACHARY BRENTON, KAISER, DON C, KENNEDY, JAMES CURTIS, KING, WILLIE O, KIRK, CHERYL S, KLICKER, PAT R, LANCASTER, KYRA C, LANCASTER, PAULA JANE, LATHAM, DOLLY DELAYNE, LAWSON, MATTHEW DOUGLAS, LETELLIER, CHAD JAMES, MACKEY, TYLER WILLIAM, MANUEL, BRADLEY OREN, MAPLES JR, JIMMY P, MARION, MICHAEL DOYLE, MARRS JR., EUGENE, MARTIN, LOGAN TYLER, MARTIN, THOMAS WADE, MCCARN, MICHAEL W, MCDANIEL, MARILYN A., MCDONALD, KIMBERLY R, MCDONALD, TAYLOR D, MCFARLAND JR, JOSEPH LEE, NEWBERRY, TERRY W, ODOM, MARION JOE, OWENS, JAMES M, PEARCE JR, JIMMY LEE, PHILLIPS, DARRELL RAY, PIERCE, TERRI KAYE, POGUE, CHARLES A, RAMER, FREADA JOYCE, RANDELL, JAMES, REDMOND, CLAUDE J, RHOADS, BRENT, RHYNES, JAMES TRAVIS, RICE, ROBERT THOMAS, RICHARDSON, DESTRY PAYTON, ROBERTS, JUSTIN LEE, ROGERS, LAURA SUE, ROSS, CHARLES, SCHAFER II, ALLEN ALBERT, SCOTT, ARNOLD, SHARP II, JOEL BRUCE, SHERBERT, JOHN DAVID, SINNETT, CAYLON J, SINNETT, MICHAEL JOHN, SKILES, HOPE RENEE, SMITH, BRIAN L, SMITH, CHARISSA RENEE, SMITH, CONNIE, SNIDER, ROY D, SNIDER, SHELLEY L, SPARKS, TIMOTHY CHAD, STARNS, GARY, STARNS, KAREN S, STINGLEY, TRACEY ALLEN, STRINGER, JASON D, TODD, SHARI LYNN, TUCKER, STERLING RAY, VANSCHUYVER, JUSTIN RAY, WALKER, GREGORY MARK, WALKER, PAMELA A., WALSTON, BLAKE WAYNE, WARD, NEWMAN L, WELCH, BOBBY D, WHITE, KELLI MICHELL, WHITWELL, CHARLES, WILLOUGHBY, WAYNE, WILSON, DONNIE, WILSON, TRAVIS, WINGATE, BETH E, WOOD, KEVIN PATRICK, WOODS, MICHAEL BRYANT, WOODS, RANDI LEA, WRIGHT, JAMES EDWIN, YEAGER, DYLAN RICHARD, Total: $5,870.00 $25,075.00 $2,349.85 $17,468.56 $14,498.30 $5,400.00 $12,541.75 $21,161.82 $15,206.25 $24,600.00 $5,936.22 $6,169.76 $7,025.00 $23,400.00 $2,575.00 $75.00 $25,000.00 $24,900.00 $24,950.00 $3,800.00 $28,704.00 $24,600.00 $21,900.00 $1,840.00 $21,900.00 $29,650.00 $3,990.80 $9,863.82 $738.00 $30,901.44 $825.00 $3,844.32 $5,410.00 $4,868.75 $22,100.00 $35,400.00 $23,150.00 $9,990.00 $30,300.00 $26,400.00 $978.00 $25,350.00 $1,900.00 $27,900.00 $25,725.00 $5,504.63 $19,400.00 $46,800.00 $24,950.00 $23,400.00 $6,650.00 $35,400.00 $22,800.00 $23,400.00 $23,400.00 $27,900.00 $9,244.44 $28,200.00 $23,400.00 $30,300.00 $7,200.00 $28,250.00 $19,825.00 $46,800.00 $24,200.00 $21,900.00 $3,790.24 $46,800.00 $23,400.00 $22,800.00 $25,200.00 $46,800.00 $5,139.00 $28,200.00 $5,160.00 $125.29 $31,200.00 $35,400.00 $35,400.00 $27,900.00 $19,600.00 $27,900.00 $4,750.00 $4,728.47 $25,500.00 $24,000.00 $3,338,457.14 Stewart, Brad Keefer and Chad Goodson. Honorary bearers were Wayne Keefer, Wade Berry, Scott Tabares, Clester Wingo, Bill Bunch, Earl Cook, Shane Thetford. Interment followed at Holdenville Cemetery, Holdenville, Oklahoma under the direction of Hudson-Phillips Funeral Home. Ms. Thetford passed away on February 6th, 2012 in Holdenville, Oklahoma. She was born on March 7, 1930 to Roy Floyd Bunch and Ruby (Loftis) Bunch in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Ms. Thetford married Winford Thetford in 1948 in Mena, Arkansas. Ms. Thetford worked as a telephone operator for Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for three years. After this time she worked as an LPN for thirty years for Boyce Manor Nursing Home in Holdenville, Oklahoma. She was a member of the Capitol Heights Missionary Baptist Church since her baptism in 1950. Ms. Thetford served as a Sunday School teacher also for many years and was active in the Ladies Auxiliary. Preceding her in death are her parents; and two siblings, Floyd Bunch and Leslie Bunch. Survivors include her children, Steve Thetford and wife Jeri of Hutchinson, Kansas, Mitzi Berry and husband Wade of Holdenville, and Tim Thetford and wife Margaret of Seminole; grandchildren Fallon Goodson of Holdenville, Keisha and Chad Goodson of Allen, Hayden and Sierra Stewart of Ada, Brandon and Brandy Thetford of Moore, Scott and Hollye Tabares of Edmond, Josh and Keri Thetford of Hutchison, Kansas, Mike and Leah Rivers of Fayettville, North Carolina, Shane and Beth Thetford of Louisana, Jake Thetford of Hutchison, Kansas, and Caleb and Kimberly Thetford of Washington; greatgranchildren Hannah and Austin Goodson of Holdenville, Brogen and Khloe Goodson of Allen, Alex and Evan Thetford of Hutchison, Kansas, Mattison and Makenzie Thetford of Moore, Kyle, Liam and Blake of Fayetville, North Carolina, and Abel and Brayden Thetford of Louisana. She also leaves a special friend and caretaker, Kerry Berry. In lieu of flowers donations could be made to the American Cancer Society. Online condolences can be made at www.phillipsfuneralservice. com. THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 7 Lady Mustangs split final regular-season Allen girls rebound from Thursday loss to Davis by knocking of New Lima Falconettes ley and Kaitlin Merriman all with 6. “We were getting good shots early, but they just weren’t falling,” Coach Strong said. “Our defense did a heck of a job to slow up their best shooter. We overcame that slow start and came back to win this thing. That should give us a little lift going into the district tourna- Jocee Bailey 2, and Sandra Jocee Bailey 6, and Kaitlin Merriman 6. --Howshar 2. --Thursday vs Davis --Lady Mustangs schedule Davis 60, Allen 41 Tuesday vs New Lima Distict Tournament Dav - 26 - 15 - 10 - 9 - (60) Allen 49, New Lima 41 Saturday, 6:30 p.m. @ AlAll - 4 - 12 - 9 -16 - (41) NL - 11 - 11 - 12 - 7 - (41) Allen scoring: Marissa PrenAll - 6 - 12 - 15 - 16 - (49) len Allen vs Achille tice 13, Aussie Riddle 9, CheyAllen scoring: Amber Coody enne Nickell 4, Amber Coody 12, Marissa Prentice 11, Beyla 3, Kaitlin Merriman 3, Meghan Skelton 8, Aussie Riddle 6, Dohlman 3, Beyla Skelton 2, ment.” Mustangs eager to jump into playoffs Allen sweeps Davis and New Lima, now preps for district showdown Caldwell and Connor Johnson with 5 points each, Lane Mills with 3 and Joseph Hopper with 1. “I thought we played well in the first half,” Coach Mills said. “After that, I think we just finished the game. We got the big lead and sort of sputter on home. New Lima never got closer than 13. We just coasted on home to get the win.” Now that the playoffs are at hand, coasting will not be an option for the Mustangs. “We’ll have to come out and play much harder and with more intensity,” the coach said. “But, as I said earlier, I believe we’ll be ready to do that.” --Allen 73, Davis 42 Dav -11 - 7 - 16 - 8 - (42) All - 13 - 25 - 22 - 13 - (73) Allen scoring: Lane Mills 21, Grant Rowsey 17, Brady Caldwell 10, Zane Erickson 10, Connor Johnson 8, Brett Edens 6, and Logan Dennis 2, --Allen 53, New Lima 37 NL - 6 - 8 - 12 - 12 - (37) All - 17 - 17 - 10 - 10 - (53) Allen scoring: Grant Rowsey 22, Brett Edens 17, Brady Caldwell 5, Connor Johnson 5, Lane Mills 3, and Joseph Hopper 1. --District Tournament @ Allen, Saturday, 8 p.m. Allen vs Achille You will Love our New Vehicle inventory ‘12 SWB 4x4 ‘12 Chevy 1/2 ton Crew Cabs We Got ‘em $6500 Off 2&4 Wheel Drive ‘11 Chevy Equinox M.S.R.P. ‘12 GMC Acadia $2500 Off $4000 Off M.S.R.P. $4500 Off ‘12 Buick Enclave ‘11 Chevy Camaro M.S.R.P. 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Ne ne Ow By HERMAN BROWN Allen Mustang correspondent The Allen Mustangs open the Class A district playoffs this weekend at Allen High School. Coach Greg Mills’ Mustangs will host the Achille Eagles at 8 p.m. Saturday in a showdown for the district championship. “I feel good about our kids being ready to play,” Coach Mills said. “It is sometimes hard to be motivated for those regularseason games. That was the case Tuesday night when we played New Lima. But the kids are excited and ready for the playoffs to be here. We’ll be ready to go.” Allen will bring a 21-2 record into the district championship game. The Mustangs have a very competitive field of teams to face in the coming days. However, AHS is expected to battle Weleetka and Wright City for the two spots that will qualify for state in this area. “It all starts with Achille,” the AHS boss said. “We need to take care of business against them. They’ve got one player who averages 27 or 28 points a game. They ride him hard as far as their success. We’ll play our normal man-to-man defense against him. We are not going to start changing how we play opponents. We’ll keep doing the same things that have made us successful so far.” Last Thursday, Allen erupted for a 73-43 blowout victory over the visiting Davis Wolves. Four different Mustangs powered the 31-point win. Lane Mills was a force with a game-high 21 points. Grant Rowsey was also deadlyeffective on offense with 17 points. Brady Caldwell and Zane Erickson added 10 points each en route to the win. Connor Johnson didn’t miss double digit scoring by much. He pumped in 8 points for AHS. Brett Edens followed with 6 points and Logan Dennis added 2. Allen was locked into a tight 13-11 game in the first quarter. However, the Mustangs then exploded for 25 points in the second period to garner a 38-18 advantage. Allen went out to outscore the visitors 35-24 during the second have. That forced the 31-point margin of victory in the 73-42 final. “We played a really good team (Davis),” the coach said. “They were 11-5 and had just won the Healdton tournament. But we played an exceptional game and were hitting on all five cylinders.” On Tuesday, Allen collected its 21st win in 23 games. However, the Mustangs were not quite the same ‘well-oiled machine’ as they had been Thursday evening. Even so, they shot down the visiting New Lima Falcons 53-37 in the regular-season finale. Allen led 17-6 after one quarter and 34-14 at the half. However, they slowed down in the second half and were outscored 24-20 over the last two quarters. They were still able to secure the 16-point margin of victory at 53-37. Most of the scoring damage came from Grant Rowsey with 22 points and Brett Edens with 17. They were the only two Mustangs to score in double figures. The rest of the total included Brady *must qualify for financing of Holdenville (405)379-5424 3224 Hwy 48 - Holdenville,OK 74848 *Must qualify for all rebates. Must have ‘99 or newer GM product rade. ‘99 GM product must be GM employee to qualify for all rebates Pictures are for illustration purpose only.**Must meet certain qualifications Ow Ne n w e r! By HERMAN BROWN Allen correspondent The Allen Lady Mustangs stumbled in their Thursday game with the Davis Lady Wolves. However, Coach Jeremy Strong’s Lady Mustangs rebounded Tuesday with a win over the New Lima Falconettes. Both games were played at Allen High School, which will also be the site for this Saturday’s 2-team district basketball tournament. Allen will welcome the Achille Lady Eagles to town for the district title game. The two squads will hit the court at 6:30 p.m. Friday. “I don’t know a whole lot about Achille,” said Coach Strong. “But our approach is always more about us and what we need to focus on. We work on the things that will make us a better team. We’ll do that same thing against Achille. We’ll go out and do our best and hope that gets us the district championship.” Coach Strong praised his 19-4 Lady Mustangs for their efforts and success leading into the playoffs. “They have done a really good job,” he said. “I am so proud of them. We came into the season with the goal of making it to state. That’s what we are still aiming for now that the playoffs have arrived. Last year, we won the district championship and got to the first round of the area tournament. We want to play on this year and be in the state tournament. If we play hard and do the things we are capable of doing, we have as good a shot as anyone else.” On Thursday, Allen suffered a 60-41 loss to the visiting Davis Lady Wolves. The Lady Mustangs fell behind 26-4 in the first quarter. After that, they settled down and outscored Davis 37-34 over the final three quarters. But, to their dismay, the slow start spelled doom for their chances of winning. Marissa Prentice led the scoring parade with 13 points. Aussie Riddle was next with 9 points, just missing double digits for the Lady Mustangs. “Credit Davis for coming in here fired up to play,” said Coach Strong. “We were not ready to go when the game started. You can see how that worked out for us!” On Tuesday, Allen was hoping to get back in the win column in their regular-season finale. The Lady Mustangs accomplished that by outlasting the visiting New Lima Falconettes 49-41. Allen started off slow again. However, the Lady Mustangs erased the 11-6 deficit by outscoring New Lima in each of the final three quarters. They were still down 22-18 at halftime and 34-33 at the end of three quarters. But the Allen girls took control down the stretch. They outscored the Falconettes 16-7 in the fourth quarter to rally for the 49-41 victory Amber Coody led the way to victory with a team-high, 12-point scoring performance. Marissa Prentice was close behind with 11 points. The rest of the scoring list included Beyla Skelton with 8 points, and Aussie Riddle, Jocee Bai- THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 8 Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings January 2012 January 3, 2012 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on December 30, 2011 at 100 W. 13th, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Danny Davis, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests were in attendance: John Christian, Jr. Grissom, Christy Osborne, Maurisa Nelson, Justin Lofton, Kim Johnson, Marty Duncan, Chad Letellier, Randy McFarlin, and Marilyn McDaniel. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to approve December 28, 2011 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-45, authorizing Pontotoc County Treasurer to receive funds from various entities for deposit into the General Fund of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve appointing Justin Roberts as chairman of the Pontotoc County Board of Commissioners. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-46, disposal of equipment for the Agri-Plex, microwave serial #5B8081519. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-47, authorizing reimbursement to the County General for election expenses. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to table discussion with Bobby Jones and Uwe von Schamann with United Energy regarding electrical cost savings. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve completion of map and possible approval of contract with Ada News for map distribution. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to table the Chickasaw Nation’s request for approval of the final plat for a residential subdivision to be known as “Pickett Plains” located on the east side of CR 3490 south SH #19. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to table Liberty Marketing map endorsement agreement. All aye. Roberts submitted guidelines for Marketing and Tourism to be approved by the Board. Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to adopt Pontotoc County Tourism Association guidelines with noted corrections. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to adopt reimbursable allocations for Marketing and Tourism vendors with appropriate documentation. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to dissolve the current Marketing and Tourism committee with the responsibility of the Commissioners to contact Marketing and Tourism committee members of their specific district. All aye. Jr. Grissom stated that the Fire and Ice Bull Riding concessions did well. There were 536 entries with $75,000.00 in prize money. One hundred and fifty hotel rooms were utilized during the event. Approved claims. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve with corrections December 2011 monthly minutes for publication. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table Resolution #12-48, actual ballot wording for the Fire Departments, until the next Commissioners’ meeting with Chris Ross, D.A. approval. All aye. Approved blanket purchase orders: General 2914-2915 HWY 2916-2921 HWY 2926-2927 Approved purchase orders for payment: 841, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 291.61, SERVICE; 842, FURIMSKY, PATRICIA RENAE, 92.00, TRAVEL; 843, GRIFFIN, BELINDA SUE, 204.11, TRAVEL; 844, O G & E, 134.99, SERVICE; 845, OWENS, JAMES M, 132.65, TRAVEL; 846, PITNEY BOWES, 171.00, POSTAGE; 847, THYSSENKRUP, 555.00, SERVICE; 848, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE; 849, U S POSTMASTER, 192.00, POSTAGE; 850, W P S INC, 85.00, SERVICE; 851, W P S INC, 85.00, SERVICE; 852, WRIGHT, JAMES EDWIN, 198.69, TRAVEL; HIGHWAY: 1313, JOHNNYS QUALITY CONCRETE, 8630.00, SPLY; 1314, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1315, BRASSFIELD RADIATOR, 30.00, SPLY; 1316, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 1087.46, TIRES; 1317, FENTRESS OIL CO., 5639.50, FUEL; 1318, RED ROCK PIT, 179.43, SPLY; 1319, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1320, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT INC, 110.00, DRUG TEST; 1321, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 396.30, SPLY; 1322, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 23.73, SPLY; 1323, WARREN CAT, 974.23, SPLY; 1324, FRONTIER ELEVATOR INC, 1200.00, SERVICE; 1325, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 252, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 133.53, SPLY; HEALTH: 152, WELCH, STACI, 56.61, TRAVEL; 153, AM SAN, 282.78, SPLY; 154, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 26.94, SPLY;RESALE PROPERTY: 59, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 176.97, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 235, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 33.32, SERVICE; 236, J B LUMBER, 108.74, SPLY; 237, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 32.69, SPLY; 238, O G & E, 3540.74, SERVICE; 239, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 42.00, SPLY; 240, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 49.74, SPLY; 241, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE;” Christian stated that the cost of radios submitted were state contract prices, therefore will not have to be bid. Starns submitted a quote from Hydronic System Service for $950.00 for a maintenance agreement for both boiler and chiller. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to adjourn. All aye. January 9, 2012 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on January 6, 2012 at 100 W. 13th, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Danny Davis, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests were in attendance: JR Grissom, Maurisa Nelson, Rance Walker, Kim Johnson, Buzz McDonald, LeaAnn Mills, Chad Letellier, Ken Suess, Dan Asklund, Christy Osborne, Mike Welch, Bobby Jones, Uwe von Schamann, and Billie Floyd. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve January 3, 2012 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve RWD #8 CDBG 10 #14320 payment number 3 to Lone Hickory Cattle Company for $99,431.06. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-48, actual ballot wording for the Fire Departments. All aye. Discussion by Bobby Jones and Uwe von Schamann regarding savings for the Justice Center. Efficiency System for a cost of $7,750.00 with an annual energy savings of $5,045.64. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table until receipt of sole source letter. All aye. Discussion regarding contract with Ada News for printing of maps for County dispersal. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to approve agreement with Ada News to provide free maps to the public with a run of 3000. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve the final plat of Pickett Plains with County/City Clerk portion extracted. All aye. Discussion regarding Liberty Marketing map endorsement agreement. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to not approve. All aye. Discussion by Ada News regarding the Beef Expo and Farm Show. The event will be held February 10-11, 2012. There will be a meeting to discuss details. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table. All aye. Opened bid #14, Pontotoc County road graders. Bids were as follows: Warren Cat: 2012 Cat 12-M2 $219,900.00 lease purchase payment $1,643.79 - $137,000.00 guaranteed buy back option Warren Cat: 2012 120-M2 lease purchase $192,200.00 payment $1,512.42 $115,000.00 guaranteed buy back option 60 months 1.75% interest rate Warren Cat: 2012 140-M2 lease purchase $243,400.00 payment $1,749.89 $156,000.00 guaranteed buy back option 60 months $1.75% CL Boyd: 2012 John Deere 670 GP outright purchase $205,687.00 guaranteed buy back option $130,000.00 60 months or sooner guaranteed buy back 36 months $160,000.00 lease purchase $205,687.00 payment $1,778.45 36 mo. 3.25% CL Boyd: guaranteed buy back $130,000.00 60 months payment $1,725.90 2012 770 GP guaranteed $145,000.00 outright purchase and lease purchase $223,424.00 payment $1,873.63 36 months 3.25% CL Boyd: 60 months $1,816.63 guaranteed $145,000.00 3.25% 60 months or 5,000 hours CL Boyd: 84 months $3,002.97 payment guaranteed $145,000.00 3.25% 60 months or 5,000 hours CL Boyd: 2012 John Deere 670G payment 60 months $1,509.06 lease purchase $191,150.00 3.25% guaranteed 60 months $127,000.00 CL Boyd: 3 6 m o n t h s 3 . 2 5 % $1,697.45 payment guaranteed $147,000.00 CL Boyd: 84 months $2,569.03 outright purchase $191,150.00 3.25% CL Boyd: 2012 John Deere 770G lease purchase $211,643.00 guaranteed $137,000.00 $1,726.28 payment 60 months 3.25% CL Boyd: 36 months payment $1,793.85 guaranteed $160,000.00 3.25% CL Boyd: o u t r i g h t p u r c h a s e $211,643.00 payment $1,844.45 84 months 3.25% Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to table awarding bid #14, Pontotoc County road graders. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to correct advertisement for bid and re-let bid. All aye. Billie Floyd with the Marketing and Tourism Committee discussed the Coon Hunters Show. Floyd also submitted a report from the committee that discussed a budget for advertisement. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve the following: District #1Allen Butler City Billie Floyd County District #2Jamie Green County Karen Hudson City District #3Ray Ingram City Brandon Bolin County All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #12-49, Fair Board Election. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the Chickasaw Nation Division of Health and the Pontotoc County Emergency Management. All aye. JR Grissom submitted a rental agreement and rates for the Agri-Plex. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to accept the following rental agreement and rates with addition of non-refundable deposit. Small Animal Barn Building only $100.00 p/day 5x5 pens set up at $1.50 each Add $25.00 a day for heat Convention Center $450.00 p/day or $100.00 p/hr. with 3 hour minimum North room $100.00 p/day Outdoor Arena $175.00 p/day $25.00 extra to turn on lights Large Red Barn $750.00 p/day, second day $600.00 p/day or $100.00 p/hr. with 4 hour minimum Heat $100.00 p/day A/C $250.00 p/day Tan Show Barn Arena only $275.00 Indoor arena and both shed $550.00 for first day Second day $350.00 and third day $300.00 Heat $25.00 p/day Horse stall set up fee $2.00 each (when renting tan barn) Small pen set up fee $1.50 (when renting tan barn) Horse stall fee $7.50 each (when renting red barn) Tables $1.50 each Chairs $0.25 each RV Hook-ups $20.00 p/night Stalls $15.00 each if you aren’t renting any of the barns and just need a pen to hold your animals All aye. Grissom also discussed banners for the Agri-Plex. The Board asked Grissom to check with vendors for prices that were paid and specifications of current banners. Grissom related that he needed eight fronts to go with sides and backs of stalls that were at the Agri-Plex. Approved claims. Approved monthly reports. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 3003-3008 MD 3009-3014 Sheriff 3015-3025 Approved purchase orders for payment: 841, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 291.61, SERVICE; 842, FURIMSKY, PATRICIA RENAE, 92.00, TRAVEL; 843, GRIFFIN, BELINDA SUE, 204.11, TRAVEL; 844, O G & E, 134.99, SERVICE; 845, OWENS, JAMES M, 132.65, TRAVEL; 846, PITNEY BOWES, 171.00, POSTAGE; 847, THYSSENKRUP, 555.00, SERVICE; 848, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE; 849, U S POSTMASTER, 192.00, POSTAGE; 850, W P S INC, 85.00, SERVICE; 851, W P S INC, 85.00, SERVICE; 852, WRIGHT, JAMES EDWIN, 198.69, TRAVEL; HIGHWAY: 1313, JOHNNYS QUALITY CONCRETE, 8630.00, SPLY; 1314, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1315, BRASSFIELD RADIATOR, 30.00, SPLY; 1316, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 1087.46, TIRES; 1317, FENTRESS OIL CO., 5639.50, FUEL; 1318, RED ROCK PIT, 179.43, SPLY; 1319, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE; 1320, SABER TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT INC, 110.00, DRUG TEST; 1321, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 396.30, SPLY; 1322, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 23.73, SPLY; 1323, WARREN CAT, 974.23, SPLY; 1324, FRONTIER ELEVATOR INC, 1200.00, SERVICE; 1325, RSI COMMUNICATIONS, 75.00, SERVICE;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 252, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 133.53, SPLY;HEALTH: 152, WELCH, STACI, 56.61, TRAVEL; 153, AM SAN, 282.78, SPLY; 154, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 26.94, SPLY;RESALE PROPERTY: 59, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 176.97, SPLY; AGRI PLEX: 235, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 33.32, SERVICE; 236, J B LUMBER, 108.74, SPLY; 237, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 32.69, SPLY; 238, O G & E, 3540.74, SERVICE; 239, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 42.00, SPLY; 240, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 49.74, SPLY; 241, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE;” Pecan Grove subdivision, County Road 1584 .3 miles, County Road 1586 .4 miles, County Road 3564 .3 miles, present resolution next week to post 25 mph, no trucks, and children at play signs. District #2 Latta, at Simmons Road, and Silver Leaf Addition. Grissom submitted the following quotes for a power washer: Sears $549.99 Home Depot $799.00 Orschlen Farm and Home $999.99 Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table quotes submitted by Grissom for a power wash for the Agri-Plex. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve CBRI. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to adjourn. All aye. January 17, 2012 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on January 13, 2012 at 100 W. 13th, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Danny Davis, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests were in attendance: JR Grissom, Chad Letellier, and Steve Chamberlain. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve January 9, 2012 meeting minutes. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to rescind December 5, 2011 meeting minutes for future correction for Utility Relocation Agreements with Oklahoma Natural Gas Company, People’s Electric Company, and AT&T for District #2 Garr Corner Cutoff Bridge project #J2-5473(005) JP #25473(05). All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to table discussion with United Energy regarding electrical cost savings. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table discussion with Ada News regarding the Beef Expo and the Farm Show. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to let bid #16, construction of 1 (one) energy efficient home funded by FY 10 HOME Program (re-bid). All aye. Discussion regarding Certificate of Authorized Signatures form for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Board signed form for 2012. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #12-50, posting a 35 mph sign on County Road 3540, also known as Simmons Lane. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-51, posting a 25 mph sign on County Roads 1572 and 1573, also known as Keith Road. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #12-52, posting a 25 mph sign in the Silverleaf Addition located in Latta. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #12-53, posting a 25 mph sign on County Roads 3564, 1584, and 1586 located in the Pecan Grove Subdivision. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #12-54, posting a No Trucks Allowed sign on County Roads 3564, 1584, and 1586 located in the Pecan Grove Addition. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve payment to Central Land Survey out of CBRI monies for a bridge survey on Railroad Bridge in Francis, OK. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #12-55, disposal of equipment for the Treasurer’s office, Okidata printer serial #904A076144. All aye. Discussion regarding bid #14, Pontotoc County road graders. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to table bid #14, Pontotoc County road graders. All aye. Grissom discussed a power washer at Contractors Supply for $889.00 for a DeWalt with Honda Engine 3800 psi, 3.5 gal/minute; quotes from previous meeting were submitted again. Stall fronts were quoted at $395.25 each, needs eight. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to approve purchase of DeWalt power washer from Contractors Supply for $889.00. All aye. Grissom recommended that 25 permanent stalls be let for sealed bid before purchase of new stall fronts. Grissom stated that there are lights out in the big red barn; McGeehee has a lift truck and has been used for that purpose in the past. Commissioners discussed renting equipment to change bulbs. Great Plains quoted $175.00/day to rent scissor lift. Grissom will obtain quotes. Approved claims. Approved transfers: T2#1 to T1#1 $1,000.00 T3#2 to T2C#2 $5,000.00 Approved monthly reports. Approved blanket purchase orders: HWY 3125-3126 General 3127 Sheriff 3143-3151 Approved purchase orders for payment: 871, O S U COOP EXTENSION SERV, 5156.00, SAL; 872, ADA NEWS, 98.50, PUBLICATION; 873, CABLE ONE, 105.95, SERVICE; 874, RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES, 149.60, SPLY; 875, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 95.96, SPLY; 876, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 865.58, PUBLICATION; 877, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 193.51, SERVICE; 878, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 396.76, SERVICE; 879, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 267.32, SERVICE; 880, EASTERN OKLA YOUTH SERVICES, 2371.50, JUV DET; 881, LOCKE SUPPLY, 4.49, SPLY; 882, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 76.04, SPLY; 883, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 9.90, SERVICE;HIGHWAY: 1370, BARRETT S AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 161.80, SPLY; 1371, ENGEL SAND PIT, 120.00, SPLY; 1372, FENTRESS OIL CO., 6669.00, FUEL; 1373, FITTSTONE INC, 213.56, SPLY; 1374, FITTSTONE INC, 115.08, SPLY; 1375, HOOTEN OIL CO., 3465.25, FUEL; 1376, RED ROCK PIT, 131.68, SPLY; 1377, RED ROCK PIT, 404.45, SPLY; 1378, RED ROCK PIT, 293.55, SPLY; 1379, RED ROCK PIT, 304.18, SPLY; 1380, RED ROCK PIT, 457.42, SPLY; 1381, RUSTIN CONCRETE, 2833.25, SPLY; 1382, RUSTIN CONCRETE, 926.25, SPLY; 1383, RUSTIN CONCRETE, 3570.00, SPLY; 1384, RUSTIN CONCRETE, 219.38, SPLY; 1385, VISION BANK, 3753.08, LEASE; 1386, ADAY, CAROLYN, 486.00, SPLY; 1387, BARRETT S AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 176.40, SPLY; 1388, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 626.50, SERVICE; 1389, FENTRESS OIL CO., 5659.20, FUEL; 1390, FENTRESS OIL CO., 217.91, FUEL; 1391, LOCKE SUPPLY, 227.34, SPLY; 1392, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 144.75, SPLY; 1393, MERIDIAN TOOL, 688.33, SPLY; 1394, OKC/ATC FREIGHTLINER GROUP, 580.43, SPLY; 1395, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 317.25, SPLY; 1396, PRUITT COMPANY, 35.00, SPLY; 1397, SHERRELL STEEL L.L.C, 160.00, SPLY; 1398, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 274.65, SPLY; 1399, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 162.50, SPLY; 1400, TRUCK PARTS OF ADA, 636.14, SPLY; 1401, T & W TIRE, 125.95, TIRES; 1402, WARREN CAT, 771.70, SPLY; 1403, EMPIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC, 4500.00, LEASE; 1404, VISION BANK, 2792.06, LEASE; 1405, ADA ALIGNMENT, 199.63, SERVICE; 1406, BARRETT S AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS, 315.84, SPLY; 1407, BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES, 475.96, SPLY; 1408, BRUCKNER TRUCK SALES, 232.61, SPLY; 1409, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 42.50, SPLY; 1410, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 2138.10, SPLY; 1411, FITTSTONE INC, 3148.65, SPLY; 1412, FRED S TIRE & BATTERY, 968.00, TIRES; 1413, FREDS TIRE & BATTERY, 175.79, TIRES; 1414, GALETON, 464.98, SPLY; 1415, HALL S AUTO, 1073.79, SPLY; 1416, LOCKE SUPPLY, 21.00, SPLY; 1417, SOUTHERN OKLA TRUCK REPAIR, 139.11, SPLY; 1418, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 8.00, SERVICE; 1419, EMPIRE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC, 4500.00, LEASE; 1420, WELCH STATE BANK, 1618.04, LEASE;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 271, A C C O, 11861.00, INS PREM; 272, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 48.00, PUBLICATION; 273, SAUNDERS & ASSOC, 1998.00, SERVICE; 274, SUPER LUBE, 165.64, SERVICE; 275, ULTIMATE CAR WASH, 18.15, SERVICE; 276, U S POSTMASTER, 88.00, POSTAGE;HEALTH: 164, WELLINGTON, VIRGINIA KATHLEEN, 12.77, TRAVEL; 165, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 140.67, SERVICE; 166, MILLER OFFICE, 65.00, SPLY; 167, PITNEY BOWES, 136.18, SERVICE; 168, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 279.05, SPLY;SHERIFF FEES: 251, ARNOLD SCOTT, 60.00, TRANSP JUV; 252, JAMES KENNEDY, 54.00, TRANSP JUV; 253, TRAVIS WILSON, 36.00, TRANSP JUV; 254, TYLER MACKEY, 96.00, TRANSP JUV; 255, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 65.20, SERVICE; 256, CULLIGAN, 33.47, SERVICE; 257, G T DISTRIBUTORS, 1147.50, SPLY; 258, HOME DEPOT 3918, 68.00, SPLY; 259, LAW ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS, 369.20, SERVICE; 260, PAGE PLUS, 155.20, SERVICE; 261, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 341.81, SPLY; 262, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 1888.88, SERVICE;AGRI PLEX: 253, ADA CITY UTILITIES, 238.74, SERVICE; 254, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 35.44, SPLY; 255, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 638.98, SPLY; 256, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 1095.50, SERVICE; 257, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 15.50, SERVICE; 258, FRYE BROTHERS CONST, 345.00, SPLY; 259, LOCKE SUPPLY, 126.94, SPLY; 260, MEAD LUMBER DO-IT CENTER, 64.41, SPLY; 261, OK DISPOSAL & SANITATION, 999.00, SERVICE; 262, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 46.92, SPLY; 263, PRUITT CARE, 188.66, SPLY; 264, RAGLAND COMPANY, 225.00, SERVICE; 265, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 60.00, SERVICE;ZTAX: 15, HAUPT, MARY L TRUSTEE &, ELIZABETH ANN HOBSON, 74.00, TAX REF; 16, HOME TITLE, 1230.00, TAX REF; 17, HOME TITLE, 562.00, TAX REF; 18, HOME TITLE, 370.00, TAX REF; 19, HOME TITLE, 499.00, TAX REF; 20, HOME TITLE, 500.00, TAX REF; 21, HOME TITLE, 262.00, TAX REF; 22, HOME TITLE, 1914.00, TAX REF; 23, HOME TITLE, 3896.00, TAX REF; 24, SBC ADVANCED SOLUTIONS, C/O BRIAN MARLER, 934.00, TAX REF; 25, SBC ADVANCED SOLUTIONS, C/O BRIAN MARLER, 3.25, TAX REF; 26, SOUTHWESTERN BELL CO/SWBT, 40051.00, TAX REF; 27, SOUTHWESTERN BELL CO/SWBT, 436.00, TAX REF; 28, SOUTHWESTERN BELL, C/O BRIAN MARLER, 127.74, TAX REF;ZCOMMISSARY: 49, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 65.00, SERVICE;ZSALESTAX: 135, PONTOTOC COUNTY PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY, 272666.30, REMITTANCE;” Discussed need for an antenna at the Emergency Management office. The cost for an antenna is approximately $4,000.00, and installation will be approximately $4,000.00$5,000.00. SODA may have some emergency management funds to help with the cost of an antenna and installation. Motion by Roberts, second by Roberts, to table NACO prescription plan until ACCO can be consulted. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to adjourn. All aye. January 23, 2012 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on January 20, 2012 at 100 W. 13th, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Danny Davis, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests were in attendance: JR Grissom, Chad Letellier, John Christian, Millie Vance, Buck Cooper, Mike Welch, and Steve Chamberlain. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve January 23, 2012 meeting minutes. All aye. Discussion regarding bid #14, Pontotoc County Road graders. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to table due to financing. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to table discussion regarding electrical cost savings with United Energy until the District Attorney’s opinion is obtained. All aye. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to table discussion regarding the Beef Expo and the Farm Show with Ada News. All aye. In the past, food vendors have been there, need to check about concessions at the Agri-Plex being open. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to not participate in the NACO prescription plan. All aye. Roberts discussed meeting with Ada Jobs and Ada Chamber of Commerce regarding new procedures for marketing funds and new board members. Approved January 2012 payroll. Approved monthly reports. Approved transfer: T2#1 to T1#1 $5,200.00 Approved blanket purchase order: HWY 3226 Approved purchase orders for payment: 884, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 55.00, PUBLICATION; 885, CARTER HALL, 1410.00, JUV DET; 886, KELLPRO COMPUTER SOLUTIONS-TIM, 100.00, SERVICE; 887, YOUTH SERVICES OF BRYAN CO, 616.35, JUV DET; 888, HOME DEPOT 3918, 109.43, SPLY; 889, O S U/C L G T, 40.00, REGISTRATION; 890, O S U/C L G T, 80.00, REGISTRATION; 891, CABLE ONE, 114.88, SERVICE; 892, VERSATILE NETWORKS, 40.00, SERVICE;HIGHWAY: 1421, CIRCLE A PROPANE, 1368.00, PROPANE; 1422, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 129.59, TIRES; 1423, NAPA OF ADA, 197.22, SPLY; 1424, NAPA OF ADA, 52.23, SPLY; 1425, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 24.78, SPLY; 1426, RED ROCK PIT, 374.07, SPLY; 1427, RED ROCK PIT, 415.20, SPLY; 1428, RED ROCK PIT, 494.20, SPLY; 1429, RED ROCK PIT, 190.80, SPLY; 1430, RED ROCK PIT, 188.12, SPLY; 1431, ROBERTS TRUCK CENTER, 50.01, SPLY; 1432, ROBERTS TRUCK CENTER, 194.13, SPLY; 1433, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 90.55, SPLY; 1434, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 17.43, SPLY; 1435, U S CELLULAR, 115.03, SERVICE; 1436, RED ROCK PIT, 2467.02, SPLY; 1437, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1772.27, SPLY; 1438, U S CELLULAR, 96.27, SERVICE; 1439, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 90.70, SERVICE; 1440, DELCO DIESEL, 672.86, SPLY; 1441, FENTRESS OIL CO., 4717.50, FUEL; 1442, FREDS TIRE & BATTERY, 968.00, TIRES; 1443, GREAT PLAINS, 1333.00, LEASE; 1444, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1850.80, OIL; 1445, O G & E, 271.67, SERVICE; 1446, O T A PIKEPASS CTRGOVT ACCT, 4.20, PASS; 1447, RED ROCK PIT, 4575.17, SPLY; 1448, RED ROCK PIT, 1714.90, SPLY; 1449, U S CELLULAR, 102.22, SERVICE; 1450, CENTRAL LAND SURVEYING, 2700.00, SERVICE;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 277, CABLE ONE, 125.95, SERVICE; 278, FENTRESS OIL CO., 2645.00, FUEL; 279, OESC, 240.29, UNEMP PREM; 280, WAL MART COMMUNITY BRC, 173.88, SPLY;HEALTH: 169, OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH, 6436.03, REMITTANCE; 170, GRIFFIN, ELLEN, 69.93, TRAVEL; 171, LAYTON, RONNA, 81.03, TRAVEL; 172, A T & T, 753.01, SERVICE; 173, AVAYA COMMUNICATIONS, 627.98, SPLY; 174, CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC, 292.00, SERVICE; 175, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 589.20, SERVICE; 176, DEEP FORK ENTERPRISES LLC, 750.00, SERVICE; 177, O G & E, 982.72, SERVICE; 178, PITNEY BOWES INC, 800.00, POSTAGE; 179, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 408.23, SPLY; 180, TODD CHIROPRACTOR CENTER, 200.00, SERVICE; 181, U S CELLULAR, 205.45, SERVICE;SHERIFF FEES: 263, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 10.00, TIRES; 264, OK SHERIFFS ASSOC, 1200.00, DUES; 265, RAY ALLEN MFG, 1924.95, SERVICE; 266, ZACHARY S TINT SHOP, 320.00, SERVICE; 267, STOLZ TELECOM, 13402.90, SPLY; 268, ADA PAPER COMPANY, 4704.78, SPLY; 269, BABB ELECTRIC, 530.57, SERVICE; 270, GUDERIANS, 7657.55, SPLY; 271, HOME DEPOT 3918, 50.19, SPLY; 272, HOME DEPOT 3918, 281.89, SPLY; 273, I C S, 216.00, SERVICE; 274, MYERS ENTERPRISE INC, 990.00, SPLY; 275, NICHOLS DOLLAR SAVER, 713.00, SPLY; 276, SWEEPER, 1739.56, SERVICE; 277, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 3433.64, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 266, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 267.92, SPLY; 267, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 1097.38, SERVICE; 268, FENTRESS OIL CO., 87.29, FUEL;COUNTY ASSESSOR FEE REVOLVING FUND: 6, COUNTY RECORDS, 54.00, SERVICE;Z911: 1, CUSTOM PRODUCTS CORP, 139.21, SPLY;ZCOMMISSARY: 50, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 7557.92, SPLY;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 43, FENTRESS OIL CO., 189.77, FUEL; 44, STOLZ TELECOM, 104.48, SERVICE;” Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to recess until 1:00 pm. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to reconvene at the Courthouse in the Commissioners’ office, Room 133. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second Starns, to open Public Hearing. All aye. Pontotoc County Commissioners Proceedings Discussion by Millie Vance regarding FY 10 CDBG grant for a water line project for Rural Water District #8. Grant has been completed with two payments with a total of $224,999.00 from grant monies and a total of $225,001.00 from two matching payments from Rural Water District #8. Motion by Davis, second by Starns, to allow Rural Water District #7 to apply for next available CDBG grant for FY 12. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to approve final invoice from Lone Hickory Cattle Company for CDBG Grant #14320 CDBG 10 water line project for Pontotoc County Rural Water District #8 for $82,208.06, and accept completed project. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to adjourn. All aye. January 30, 2012 The Board of Pontotoc County Commissioners met for a regularly scheduled meeting in which the time, place, and agenda were duly posted 9:00 AM on January 27, 2012 at 100 W. 13th, Ada, Oklahoma. Gary Starns, Danny Davis, Justin Roberts, and Pam Walker were present for the meeting. The following guests were in attendance: JR Grissom, John Christian, Steve Chamberlain, Chad Lancaster, Buzz McDonald, Chad Letellier, Randy McFarlin, and Mike Southard. Motion by Starns, second by Davis, to rescind January 23, 2012 meeting minutes; Davis attended a meeting with SODA. The Chickasaw Nation is willing to match funds for a road project in 2012 in lieu of application approved in January 23, 2012 meeting for RWD #7. All aye. Chad Lancaster with Vision Bank, stated refinancing graders would cost approximately $8,200.00 a month, and with a down payment the monthly cost would be approximately $2,300.00 per grader. The original cost is $150,800.00 per grader at 3.25%. The Board will contact SA&I and District Attorney Chris Ross for an opinion regarding proper procedure to re-lease or refinance. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to table awarding bid #14, Pontotoc County road graders. All aye. Roberts discussed Chris Ross, District Attorney, opinion that United Energy was probably a sole source, but could not be guaranteed. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to let bid for electrical as best practice for the County. All aye. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to table discussion with Ada News regarding the Beef Expo and the Farm Show until a contract can be discussed for both events. All aye. Discussion by Roberts regarding Resolution #12-56, City of Ada to accept the following County Roads: · Intersection of Western Street and Main Street; to the intersection of Western Street and 14th Street. Approx. 0.2 mile · Intersection of 14th Street and Western Street; to the intersection of 14th Street and Latta Road. Approx. 0.2 mile · Intersection of Oak Street and Kings Road; to the intersection of Oak Street and 33rd Street. Approx. 0.3 mile · Intersection of 32nd Street and Oak Street; to the intersection of 32nd Street and Kerr Lab Road. Approx. 0.9 mile · Intersection of 32nd Street and Kerr Lab; to the intersection of 32nd Street and S.H. 99S. Approx. 0.7 mile · Intersection of 33rd Street and Oak Street; to the intersection of 33rd Street and Kerr Lab Road. Approx. 0.9 mile · Intersection of 33rd Street and Kerr Lab Road; to the conclusion of 33rd Street. Approx. 0.5 mile · Intersection of Kerr Lab Road and 33rd; extending thru the cross section of Kerr Lab Road and Street to Magnolia Drive. Approx. 0.4 mile · Intersection of 32nd Street and Blakeway Dr.; to the conclusion of Richardson Drive. Approx. 0.4 mile · Eastern portion Kerr Research Dr.; to the intersection of Kerr Research Drive and Stonecipher Boulevard. Approx. 0.7 mile Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to approve Resolution #12-56, City of Ada to accept County Roads. All aye. Discussion by Roberts regarding Resolution #12-57, posting school zone signage at 33rd and Oak Street, which is in front of the Early Childhood Center. Motion by Roberts, second by Starns, to approve Resolution #12-57, posting school zone signage at 33rd and Oak Street. All aye. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to approve Resolution #12-58, posting a 20 mph speed limit sign at 33rd and Oak Street. All aye. Ken Johnson, attorney, advised that Resolution #12-59, abatement of a section of 14th Street in Roff, should be voided, and generated through the Roff City Council. Motion by Roberts, second by Davis, to provide the City of Roff with verbiage to give a portion of 14th Street in Roff to the County. All aye. Davis discussed project at Garr Corner Cutoff; Kelly Hunt would not donate land for right-of-way. Davis has three appraisers with estimates for submission to Hunt, and if he will not accept, land will be condemned. JR Grissom submitted a quote for the Rock Show rental; that had been given by Gilstrap for three days in the convention center at the Agri-Plex for $600.00, due to double booking the year before. The show is March 30, 31, and April 1, 2012. There is not a contract in place for this show. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to honor price quoted of $600.00 by Gilstrap for this year’s contract only, with full price to be in effect for the following year. All aye. Grissom asked Board about disposal of twenty-five stall fronts, whether by sealed bid or auction. Motion by Starns, second by Roberts, to let bid by sealed bid in lots of five for stall fronts. All aye. Approved claims. Approved blanket purchase orders: General 3291-3292 SCT 3 2 9 3 3298 HWY 3 2 9 9 3300 Sheriff 3 3 0 5 3313 Approved purchase orders for payment: 893, A T & T, 121.41, PHONE; 894, A T & T, 64.25, PHONE; 895, A T & T, 83.72, PHONE; 896, A T & T, 129.63, SERVICE; 897, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 137.44, SPLY; 898, SUMMIT BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC, 485.01, SERVICE; 899, SUMMIT BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC, 830.00, SERVICE; 900, A T & T, 136.41, PHONE; 901, RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES, 106.52, SPLY; 902, A T & T, 52.65, PHONE; 903, ADA, CITY OF, 175.00, SERVICE; 904, A T & T, 999.72, PHONE; 905, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 721.19, SERVICE; 906, LOCKE SUPPLY, 10.76, SPLY; 907, O G & E, 126.84, SERVICE; 908, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE; 909, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE; 910, A T & T, 133.60, PHONE; 911, MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT, 17.50, SERVICE; 912, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 281.74, SPLY; 913, STAPLES CREDIT PLAN, 188.97, SPLY;HIGHWAY: 1451, A T & T, 136.58, PHONE; 1452, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 272.88, SERVICE; 1453, DUB ROSS COMPANY, 5971.56, SPLY; 1454, FENTRESS OIL CO., 3049.50, FUEL; 1455, HERCULES TIRE SALES INC, 742.74, TIRES; 1456, RED ROCK PIT, 530.47, SPLY; 1457, RED ROCK PIT, 306.18, SPLY; 1458, RED ROCK PIT, 186.35, SPLY; 1459, RED ROCK PIT, 65.00, SPLY; 1460, LINCOLN INN, 65.00, HOTEL; 1461, STARNS, GARY, 63.75, TRAVEL; 1462, ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, 111.50, SPLY; 1463, A T & T, 50.91, PHONE; 1464, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 200.41, SPLY; 1465, CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CO, 74.51, SPLY; 1466, FENTRESS OIL CO., 4694.25, FUEL; 1467, HOOTEN OIL CO., 1248.50, FUEL; 1468, INLAND TRUCK REPAIR, 2102.50, SERVICE; 1469, KEEFER SUPPLY, 23.70, SPLY; 1470, RED ROCK PIT, 843.38, SPLY; 1471, RED ROCK PIT, 635.95, SPLY; 1472, RED ROCK PIT, 469.27, SPLY; 1473, WARREN CAT, 976.50, SPLY; 1474, RENAISSANCE HOTEL, 81.00, HOTEL; 1475, ADA, CITY OF, 288.00, SERVICE; 1476, CIRCUIT ENGINEERING DIST #4, 55.66, SPLY; 1477, FENTRESS OIL CO., 4633.41, FUEL; 1478, FREDS TIRE & BATTERY, 868.16, TIRES; 1479, GRISSOM JOHN DEERE, 404.82, SPLY; 1480, LOCKE SUPPLY, 98.49, SPLY; 1481, SEAL MASTERS INC, 6181.78, SPLY; 1482, SEAL MASTERS INC, 1597.89, SPLY; 1483, T D S TELECOM, 121.56, SERVICE; 1484, T & W TIRE, 430.00, TIRES; 1485, RENAISSANCE HOTEL, 81.00, HOTEL; 1486, ROBERTS, JUSTIN, 110.37, TRAVEL; 1487, SKIDRIL WORLD OF SOLUTIONS, 3800.00, SPLY;SENIOR CITIZENS TRANS: 281, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 136.80, PUBLICATION; 282, ALLEN ADVOCATE, 24.45, PUBLICATION; 283, O REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC., 59.99, SPLY; 284, MEDICAL CENTER OF STRATFORD, 120.00, SERVICE; 285, MILLER OFFICE, 83.20, SERVICE; 286, SCRIVNER, JAMES R, 100.00, SERVICE; 287, SPRING HOUSE WATER CO, 62.50, SPLY; 288, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 35.00, SERVICE;HEALTH: 182, SOONER LEGENDS INNS & SUITES, 77.00, HOTEL; 183, TERRY S PEST CONTROL, 44.00, SERVICE;SHERIFF FEES: 278, ADA TIRE CENTER INC, 1416.17, TIRES; 279, DR MICHAEL WARREN, 70.00, SERVICE; 280, J P COOKE CO, 41.65, POSTAGE; 281, MCCOY, JUSTEN, 75.00, SERVICE; 282, SANDERS DISPOSAL, 80.00, SERVICE; 283, SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS, 127.42, SPLY; 284, SUPER LUBE, 248.46, SERVICE; 285, T & W TIRE, 123.10, TIRES; 286, XEROX CORPORATION, 934.48, SERVICE; 287, CENTERPOINT ENERGY - ARKLA, 2673.42, SERVICE; 288, GUDERIANS, 7573.41, SPLY; 289, I C S, 3536.85, SERVICE; 290, I C S, 829.87, SERVICE; 291, O G & E, 2783.50, SERVICE; 292, SWEEPER, 593.00, SERVICE; 293, ZEE MEDICAL, 358.60, SPLY;AGRI PLEX: 269, A T & T, 115.64, PHONE; 270, CINTAS CORPORATION LOC 618, 15.50, SPLY; 271, DAVE S MUSIC, 66.00, SERVICE; 272, O G & E, 24.18, SERVICE; 273, O G & E, 24.18, SERVICE; 274, O G & E, 3427.17, SERVICE; 275, NICKERSON PLUMBING, 71.89, PLUMBING; 276, U S ALERT LLC, 35.99, SERVICE;ZHOME: 8, ADA NEWS, 127.40, PUBLICATION;ZCDBG: 6, LONE HICKORY CATTLE LLC, WESLEY COLLINS, 82208.06, SERVICE;ZREAP: 6, ALPHA COMM TECH INC, 545.20, SERVICE; 7, CLINT LANCASTER PLUMBING, 960.00, SERVICE;ZTAX: 29, ARLINGTON CENTER LIMITED, 193.00, TAX REF; 30, HOMER & SANDRA FARRILL, 379.00, TAX REF; 31, MILLER, PEGGY, 46.00, TAX REF; 32, ALFRED BRITT JR, 160.00, TAX REF;ZCOURT: 118, LEXISNEXIS ACCURINT, 75.00, SERVICE; 119, TREAT S SOLUTIONS, 38.03, SPLY; 120, HOME DEPOT 3918, 73.10, SPLY; 121, J P COOKE CO, 40.50, SPLY; 122, TRAYLOR, PAMELA, 271.88, SERVICE;ZCOMMISSARY: 51, TIGER COMMISSARY SERVICES, 7674.56, SPLY;EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: 45, A T & T, 48.59, PHONE;” Chad Letellier with Emergency Management submitted the following dates for the emergency management schedule: February 7, 2012 - Table Top Exercise - 6:00 PM - Vo-Tech February 28, 2012 Functional Exercise - 8:303:00 - Emergency Operation Center March 10, 2012 - Countywide Full Scale Exercise 7:30-1:00 – Latta School, Carl Albert Indian Health Facility, Agri-Plex, Valley View Hospital, Chickasaw Nation Medical Center, and the Vo-Tech. Motion by Davis, second by Roberts, to adjourn. All aye. The foregoing are the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for the month of January, 2012 of the County Commissioners Journal No. 14. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PONTOTOC COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Justin Roberts, Chairman Gary Starns, Member Danny Davis, Member ATTEST: Pam Walker County Clerk (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 9, 2012) LEGAL NOTICE THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 9 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2012-16 RAMONA CATRILLAH GRAHAM, BENNIE EDWIN DAVIS, and DAVID LEE DAVIS, Plaintiffs, vs. SUZANNE DAVIS and SHELLIE DAVIS, (the sole living heirs of Jimmy Dwayne Davis); The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the unknown Successors of JIMMIE DWAYNE DAVIS, JACK DAVIS, and JACKIE MARTEL DAVIS, all deceased; State of Oklahoma ex rel. Oklahoma Tax Commission; and State of Oklahoma ex rel. Oklahoma Health Care Authority, Defendants. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, and the unknown successors of Jimmy Dwayne Davis, Jack Davis, and Jackie Martel Davis, all deceased. You the Defendants above named are hereby notified that you have been sued by the above named Plaintiffs in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiffs in said case on or before the 22nd day of March, 2012, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants above named in said action, quieting title to the following described real property in Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: South half of Block 73 Original Townsite, Ada, Oklahoma, according to the recorded plat thereof, judicially determining the respective deaths and heirships of Jimmy Dwayne Davis, Jack Davis, and Jackie Martel Davis, all deceased, and to have Jackie Martel Davis’ life estate interest terminated as a matter of law. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court this 3rd day of February, 2012. Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk By: s) P. Weaver Deputy Braly, Braly, Speed & Morris Bryan W. Morris, OBA#14591 201 W. 14th Street P.O. Box 2739 Ada, OK 74821-2739 580/436-0871 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 9, 16 and 23, 2012) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA FD-2012-17 In the Matter of the Dissolution of the Marriage of Carolyn Marie Jones, Petitioner And Junior Clarence Jones, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Junior Clarence Jones Take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court by the said Petitioner, Carolyn Marie Jones, for a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility. You must answer said Petition on or before March 23, 2012, or said Petition will be taken as true and a judgment will be rendered for Petitioner granting him/ her a decree of divorce. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court this February 7, 2012. Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk By: B. Myers IN THE DISTRICT COURT Deputy OF PONTOTOC COUNTY Carolyn Marie Jones STATE OF OKLAHOMA 720 Tower Road, Apt. 3 Case No. CV-2012-15 Ada, Oklahoma 74820 MARC J. DAVIS and TINA M. DAVIS, Plaintiff, 580-399-7735 vs. (Published in The Allen Advocate on The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the February 9, 16 and 23, 2012) Unknown Successors of ANNA ELNORA TRACY and ANDREW PAUL TRACY, both Deceased; and The State of Oklahoma, ex rel The Oklahoma Tax Commission; Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of ANNA ELNORA TRACY and ANDREW PAUL TRACY, both Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that you and each of you, have been sued by the above named IN THE DISTRICT COURT Plaintiffs in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of OF PONTOTOC COUNTY Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiffs in said cause on or STATE OF OKLAHOMA before the 19th day of March, 2012, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment Case No. PB-2011-93 rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants above named in said In the Matter of the Estate of ELASIE action, quieting title to the following described real property located in Pontotoc County, MAE HARJO, 5/8 Seminole/Creek, NE, Oklahoma: (MGM NB-171, MGF 7567, PGF 1393), The E/2 of SW/4 of SE/4 and S/2 of SE/4 of NW/4 of SE/4 and SE/4 of SW/4 of NW/4 Deceased. of SE/4 of Section 6, Township 3 North, Range 7 East, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma NOTICE TO CREDITORS and judicially determining the heirship of ANNA ELNORA TRACY and ANDREW All creditors having claims against PAUL TRACY, both deceased. Elasie Mae Harjo aka Elsie Mae Harjo, WITNESS my hand and seal this 31st day of January, 2012. deceased, are required to present the Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk same, with the necessary supporting Pontotoc County, Oklahoma document, to the undersigned attorney for By: s) B. Myers personal representative at the office of the Deputy attorney for the personal representative on (SEAL) th or before the 9 day of April, 2012, or the Barry G. Burkhart, OBA#14092 same will be forever barred. 120 South Broadway s) Nikki Lindsey Ada, Oklahoma 74820 Attorney for Personal Representative (580) 332-2800 s) Niki Lindsey, OBA#19344 (580) 332-2811 (fax) Oklahoma Indian Legal Services Inc. Attorney for Plaintiffs P.O. Box 2600 (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 2, 9 and 16, 2012) Ada, Oklahoma 74821-2600 T: (580) 272-0038 F: (580) 272-0665 IN THE DISTRICT COURT Attorney for Personal Representative WITHIN AND FOR (Published in The Allen Advocate on PONTOTOC COUNTY February 9 and 16, 2012) STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-2012-17 ANIBAL CARLOS and AMBER CARLOS, Plaintiffs, -vsIN THE DISTRICT COURT J.S. KELLOGG, also known as JOHN SIDNEY KELLOGG; et al, Defendants. IN AND FOR NOTICE BY PUBLICATION PONTOTOC COUNTY State of Oklahoma, To: STATE OF OKLAHOMA J.S. KELLOGG, also known as JOHN SIDNEY KELLOGG, RUTH KELLOGG, also D-2004-23 known as RUTH MARY KELLOGG, JERRY W. KELLOGG and his spouse, BILLIE In the Matter of the Dissolution of the KELLOGG, and, ELBERT L. KELLOGG and his spouse, JOAN KELLOGG, if living or Marriage of Celeste Nicole Haley-Nelson, dead, and if dead, their Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, Petitioner Successors and Assigns. and The said Defendants, and each of them above named, will take notice that the David Joshua Nelson, Respondent. Plaintiffs on the 8th day of February, 2012, filed a Petition in the District Court of PonNOTICE BY PUBLICATION totoc County, State of Oklahoma, against the said Petition herein on or before the 23rd THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: David day of March, 2012, or said Petition will be taken to be true and judgment rendered in Joshua Nelson said cause, quieting the Plaintiffs’ title in and to the following described real estate and Take notice that you have been sued premises, situated in Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: in the above named Court by the said The West 40-Feet of Lots 29, 30 and 31 in Block 10, Frisco Addition to the Town of Petitioner, Celeste Nicole Haley-Nelson, Francis, Oklahoma for a divorce on the grounds of incompatand further judicially determining the deaths and heirship and the names of all the ibility. You must answer said Petition on heirs of J.S. Kellogg, also known as John Sidney Kellogg and Ruth Kellogg, also known or before (45 days), or said Petition will as Ruth Mary Kellogg, both deceased, and judicially determine those persons who be taken as true and a judgment will be were entitled to take the hereinabove described real property by reason of the deaths rendered for Petitioner granting her a of J.S. Kellogg, also known as John Sidney Kellogg and Ruth Kellogg, also known as decree of divorce. Ruth Mary Kellogg, both deceased. Witness my hand and the seal of this Dated this the 8th day of February, 2012. Court this January 20, 2012. Court Clerk Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk By: s) B. Myers By: Brandy Myers Deputy Deputy (SEAL) Celeste Nicole Haley-Nelson Kenneth R. Johnson 38363 Sacred Heart Road 130 East 14th St/Drawer 1690 Konawa , Oklahoma 74849 Ada, OK 74820 405-380-3858 Attorney for Plaintiffs (Published in The Allen Advocate on (Published in The Allen Advocate on February 9, 16 and 23, 2012) January 26, February 2 and 9, 2012) LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA FD-2012-7 In the Matter of the Dissolution of the Marriage of Karen Patricia Israel, Petitioner And Lawrence David Israel, Respondent. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: Lawrence David Israel Take notice that you have been sued in the above named Court by the said Petitioner, Karen Patricia Israel, for a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility. You must answer said Petition on or before (45 days), or said Petition will be taken as true and a judgment will be rendered for Petitioner granting him/her a decree of divorce. Witness my hand and the seal of this Court this January 23, 2012. Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk By: Pat Weaver Deputy Karen Patricia Israel 603 W. Cottage Ada, OK74820 580-235-9323 (Published in The Allen Advocate on January 26, February 2 and 9, 2012) LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Case No. CV-12-08 NEXGEN PROPERTIES, LLC, Plaintiff, vs. The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of GLEN LEON LESLIE, Deceased; and The State of Oklahoma, ex. rel. The Oklahoma Tax Commission; Defendants. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees, and Assigns, and the Unknown Successors of GLEN LEON LESLIE, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that you and each of you, have been sued by the above named Plaintiff in the above entitled action in the District Court of Pontotoc County, State of Oklahoma, and that you must answer the Petition filed by Plaintiff in said cause on or before the 9th day of March, 2012, or said Petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendants above named in said action, quieting title to the following described real property located in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma: All of Lot 33 in Block 4 of Airport Heights Addition, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma and judicially determining the heirship of GLEN LEON LESLIE, deceased. WITNESS my hand and seal this 19 day of January, 2012. Ernestine Eubank, Court Clerk Pontotoc County, Oklahoma By: s) P. Weaver Deputy Barry G. Burkhart, OBA#14092 120 South Broadway Ada, Oklahoma 74820 (580) 332-2800 (580) 332-2811 (fax) Attorney for Plaintiff (Published in The Allen Advocate on January 26, February 2 and 9, 2012) THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 10 Classified Advertising - (580)857-2687 Carrie Gragert Inside & Warm now doing Flea Market Hair & Nails at Mary’s Beauty Shop Circle A Auction, Ada Next to Sherrill Steel Saturday, February 11th 7 am to 4 pm 1105 E. Gilmore – Allen 580-857-2624 or 580-2398877 Lots of Everything! JimLock Storage $10 set up fee Bring your own tables 3 sizes to choose from Mini Storage Units Container Clearance & More (405) 645-2457 Call for Space 580-436-1334 SPECIAL GOV’T PROGRAM — Own Land/Family Land ZERO Down! Instant Rebates up to $10,000 use toward Lower Price, Furniture, Land Improvements! Huge Savings. New and Repo homes available. EZ process and application by phone. WAC 866-888-2825 The Gun Store 100 N. Hinckley Holdenville (405) 379-3331 Cash for Gold & Silver Coins Buy - Sell – Trade ~ Avon Representative ~ Carrie Gragert 580-239-8877 cgragert in Ada is looking for a Satellite Installer, Contract Labor. Apply in person at 1500 Hoppe Blvd, Suite 4- Ada LOST REWARD — For information leading to the return of three missing heifers from the Atwood area. Marked with 2C brand; missing since early January. Call 580622-5186 or 580-618-2649 with information. (19) CARETAKER This caretaker position is for The Pork Group, Inc., in the East Central Oklahoma area. Successful candidates will be part of a group of Tyson Team Members who are committed to supplying costcompetitive, high-quality pork by taking care of people, achieving operational and environmental excellence, managing risks, and exceeding customer expectations. Duties Include: • Providing daily care-giving needs to animals • Feeding animals • Breeding and sorting animals • Processing and administering medication to animals Come in and try it out today st Loweces Pri able! l Avai after 90 days) • Excellent benefits package • Paid vacation • 401(k) • Stock Purchase Plan Contact: Darci Williams 1-405-379-4449 (2 X 5) (4”x5”) Caretaker Production Ad (Allen Advocate) Project # 11782449-0052 - Proof date 1/26/12 Spell Check Performed - JJ � NEW listing! 220 acres 1 mile W of Coalgate on Hwy 3. Good for hunting, cattle, with 2 large ponds and hwy frontage. WANTED TO RENT — 2 or 3 Bedroom house in or close to Allen. Call John at 580-320-5482 or Tim at 580-399-5149 (19) WANT TO BUY OR RENT — Lot for Mobile Home. Call 857-2137 or (580) 399-2035 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR RNs, LPNs & HOME HEALTH AIDES — Friendly work environment. Apply in person at Good Journey Home Health & Hospice, 208 East Broadway, Allen. FOR SALE — 1993 Ford Econoline Van. Good tires, well kept. $4,000 firm. (580) 8572114 100s OF REPOS on Land or 0 down with your Land. Up to $8000 credit on new homes! Call now! 1-866-764-3200 or 405631-3200 wac � NEW listing! 40 acres 2 miles N on Hwy 75 from Hwy 3 & 75 intersection. Priced $2,500 per acre ready for your home. Won’t Last Long!!! Call To Place Your Listing. Joel Coffee Sales Associate 580-927-2777 RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICE Is looking to hire qualified drivers in the Calvin area to drive at night. Yard is located south of Calvin on Highway 75. You must have a Class A CDL, be 21-years-old, and have at least one year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour Average 60 hours Benefits Available Scott McCornack Cell 580-310-4389 Sale Times West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Stockers & Feeder • Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Pairs, Cows & Bulls • Thursdays starting at 10:00 a.m. Is it time to review your current insurance? HUGE SALE! SAVE THOUSANDS! Own Land ZERO down. Turn Key. New and Repo Homes. Top dollar for your trade! 2500-dollar furniture allowance w/new home purchase. 405-6317600 or 405-635-4338. WAC 215 Broadway of America Holdenville, Oklahoma 405/379-6602 Office 580/310-8490 Cell J & S Logistics, Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer Commercial CDL Drivers Wanted ~ Regional ~ Cross-Country ~ $1,000 Sign On Bonus T&W Average pay $800 to $1,100 weekly Exceptional Home Time Medical - Vision Insurance Opportunities for Additional Bonuses Call Joe or Alisha (580)857-2000 • Alignment • Brake Repair • Shocks / Struts • 4-Wheel Alignment y r r e T y r Ma & Associates BEAUTIFUL 4 BED 2 BATH HOME — On 54+ acres. Has pond, creek, poecan trees & much more. In Stonewall! $288,000 MLS#49153 ***** 3 BED 2 BATH HOME — Nestled in the trees with lake access. Owners will consider a lease purchase. $164,000 MLS#48778 ***** GREAT 10 ACRE BUILDING SITE — Close to town. Additional land may be pourchased. $24,900 MLS#49111 ***** 40 ACRES EAST OF ADA — Nice building spot. $75,000 MLS#49109 ***** 6 ACRES - Great building site off Old Hwy 99-N. $38,000 MLS#48819 ***** 10.97 ACRES — On North Monte Vista in Ada. Nice pond. Great for building. $75,000 REDUCED TO $69,000 MLS#48860 ***** BEAUTIFUL 4 BED — 2 bath, 1917 sq ft home on 9.79 acres with a pond. Located on CR 3620 in Stonewall. $159,900 MLS#48981 ***** 4 BED 2 BATH HOME — On 304 acres with 8 ponds in Calvin. Just what you’re looking for! $342,000 MLS#49031 ***** (405)379-3331 100 N Hinckley - Holdenville James Welch, Broker- -(405)380-7988 (405 )379-7988 James Welch, Broker JoDawna Smith, Sales Associate (405)379-6413 Brenda Welch, Sales Associate 379-8044 - Cell (405)380-8188 - WANTED - Sellers of Rural Property All Types Needed. We now offer home warranties to our buyers and sellers. Tire • Front End Repair • AC - Heater Repair • Farm Service • Emergency Road Service “Simply The Best” If it’s Real Estate We Can Sell It! and Auction Service Give me a call, for all of your insurance needs. LaJuana Duncan Mary Terry - Owner/Broker ................................ 320-3165 Sherry Hickman- Bro/Asc .................................. 421-4881 Boogie Evans ...................................................... 399-4357 Welch Real Estate 4903 N. Union • East of Walmart Shawnee • 273-0655 No Interest 12 Months WAC Please call Matt at (580) 399-5608 - Acreages - Farms - Residential - Commercial MEGA STORE Mon-Sat 10-7 • Sun 12-5 Thank You for your patronage & support! WANTED For Sale An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F/D/V 12 MONTHS SAME AS CASH On approved credit. See Store for details. FREE DELIVERY SET UP & REMOVAL With a purchase of a Tempur-Pedic Sleep Systems. Positions Tyson Foods’ Benefits Include: • Competitive wages (Start at $9.00 per hour; earn $9.65 per hour � 120 Wooded acres great for Hunting, county road frontage, water and electric avail. 6 miles N.E. of Coalgate on Hwy 31 to Hwy 131 to Bill Ward Rd. turn N 1/4 mile to property. $96,000 For the best night sleep you ever had, try our Tempur-Ergo Fully adjustable massage system 500 East Main - Ada (580)332-5145 409 NW J.A. Richardson Loop Ada, OK (580) 332-8933 Scott Ward - Bro/Asc .......................................... 272-3343 Shelby Terry - Assoc. ......................................... 320-3780 3 BED 2 BATH HOME — On 100 acres! Home is very nice and has a barn on property. Creek runs through. Also approximately 400 Pecan Trees! $259,000 MLS#49034 ***** 8 ACRES — North Monte Vista in Ada. Great building site! Lot is 660x589. $67,500 MLS#49039 ***** CLOSE TO ALLEN! Beautiful 3 bed 2 bath, 2306 sq ft home on 19.25 acres. 1 barn, 1 workshop, 1 storage building and 1 arena. Great land with a pond. 25605 CR 1515. $330,000 REDUCED TO $319,900 MLS#48779 ***** NICE BRICK HOME ON 10 ACRES — 3 bedrooms, 2 bath home in Coalgate, 30x40 shop and pond. $99,500 MLS#48609 ***** GREAT BUILDING LOTS at Lake Hills, lake lots and other lots avaiable. $22,500 for not lake lots, $35,000 for lake lots, and one great lake lot for only $50,000. ***** 180 ACRES — Nice creeks running through. Lots of potential. $255,000 MLS48088 ***** 1.75 ACRE — Beautiful lot to build your new home. Great location, close to town. $50,000 MLS#43939 SOLD Call our Office for More Great Listings THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 11 Love is....According to the Allen Pre-K Remember when love was simple? It still is for the PreK students in Mrs. Mills’ and Mrs. Shire’s class at Allen Elementary. Here are their answers to the question “Love is . . .” Kaden Ashby – Valentine’s Day Colt Carlton – When someone is nice Caidence Cross – Mama & Daddy & my brothers Samuel Daniel – Mommy Tyler Raney – Like if you ers & sisters & Mom & Christie, Mandy, & I love my Papa love someone and tell them Dad C herish Woodward – Destini Webster – ValenJakob Roby – You gotta love people like your par- tines, my Mom, my Aunt Hearts, Mom & Nanaa ents Patricia Sanford – Hug- We Start the year with crystal clear vision: ging my Mom & Dad Eye care for the whole family! Cobin Smith – Hearts & presents for someone Elliott Tiler Stidmon – Sharing Vision Care Tylynn Taylor – Girlfriend Jeff Elliott, O.D. & your Mom Addysen Vincent – Broth1139 North Hills Centre Ada, OK (580)332-6000 Isaiah Files – Love each other K ellianne Finney – My Mom & Dad A lex Hill – Family & cousins Brendan Jasna – God R.J. Moorehead – Nice, happy & polite Cayser Nickell – Mama & my Dad Madison Prentice – family, Thanksgiving & Easter E Your Eyes Sale runs February 9 through February 15 • Movie Rental • We accept ACCESS Oklahoma Cards • Fidelity Express bill pay • WIC Approved Open Sundays 12 to 5 Allen Food Center • VISA • MasterCard • Amex • Discover Accepted • Money Orders • Senior Citizen Discount Wednesdays Downtown Allen • 857-2627 Fancy Fresh Lean Boneless New York Strip Steak 4 $ 99 Strawberries 2 4¢ $ $ 99 Lb 3 Boneless Pork Tenderloin Boneless Lean Rump Roast 3 Lb 6 $ Bacon Eggo Waffles 24 99 1 1/2 Lb Pkg 10 cnt box Louisianna Crunch Lemon or Chocolate Xtra Liquid 18 cnt carton 67-75 oz jug 7 $ 49 Towels Shurfine Can Lunchmeat 2 7 1 $ for 1 $ Burritos or Chimichangas Lou Ana Vegetable Oil 3 $ 49 2 ¢ 99 $ 29 32 oz Pkg 48 oz Bottle 10 count box 12 oz Pop Bar-S 89 ¢ Shurfine 24 oz loaf 2 Liter Bottle assorted varieties Meat Franks 12 oz Pkg US #1 Sweet Potatoes Premium 8 roll pkg 99 $ 29 Soda El Monterey each 99 Bounty Basic assorted varieties original or with marshmallows 6 $ 99 $ 99 Paper Eggs Hot Cocoa Mix 48 oz bottle Cakes $ Shurfine Grade ‘A’ Lb ¢ Bakery Fresh 2 $ 1 Tostitos or Ruffles 99 Laundry Detergent original - blueberry - cinnamon toast Shurfine 99 original only Wright’s Stack Pack Wheat Bread Roma Tomatoes Citrus Punch Lb TenderCrust Split Top Fancy Red Sunny Delight Tangy 19 $ 1 Lb Carton Saltine Crackers Lb 99 ¢ 89 $ 49 2 ¢ Lb original or unsalted tops 16 oz box - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, JANUARY 26, 2012 - PAGE 12 Atwood FBC Go Painlessly™ with THERA-GESIC. the rest of us. Breakfast at Church was begun on a trial basis, and it looks like it may very well be back by popular demand on the first Sunday of each month. We also enjoyed an after-church Super Bowl watch on Sunday evening. No betting on the game THG-11909 If it’s true that a good breakfast makes for better students, then this week’s Sunday School lesson should be one that we’ll remember. Some of the men prepared sausage, eggs, real made-fromscratch biscuits, and gravy that was enjoyed and appreciated by Allen School Menu Week of February 13th Monday Breakfast — Waffle Sticks, Choice of Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice Lunch – Frito Pie, Corn, Cheese, Fruit, Salad, Cookies, Milk Tuesday Breakfast – Biscuit & Ham & cheese, Choice of Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice Don't forget to download Lunch — Lasagna,your Peas,2x2 Fruit,ads Rolls, Salad, Milk Wednesday site this week. Breakfast Cream of Wheat, Toast, Choice of Cereal, Fruit, Milk, the Ad Name to –download. Juice r from OPS for the 2x2 ads.) Lunch — Chicken Fajitas, Refried Beans, Rice, Cinnamon Chips, here in Fruit, your Milk newspaper. Thursday Breakfast – Biscuit & Gravy, Choice of Cereal, Fruit, Milk, Juice EEK OF FEBRUARY 5, 2012. Lunch – Mac & Cheese, Little Smokies, Salad, Fruit, Vegetables, Roll, Milk Friday No School! OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED EXP. FLATBED DRIVERS: Regional opportunities now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800277-0212 or DRIVER – Hometime Choices: Weekly, 7/ON7/OFF, 14/ON-7/OFF. Daily or Weekly Pay. Late model trucks! CDL-A, 3 months recent experience required. Top Benefits! 800-414-9569. www. TOP PAY for RNs, LPNs/LVNs, CNAs, Med Aides. $2,000 Bonus – Free Gas, AACO Nursing Agency. Call 1-800-656-4414. WANTED: LIFE AGENTS • Earn $500 a Day • Great Agent Benefits • Commissions Paid Daily • Complete Training • Leads, Leads, Leads. NO LICENSE REQUIRED. Call 1-888-713-6020. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE MOBILE HOME with land, ready to move in, great value. Approx 1500 sq. ft., 3BR 2BA serious offers only, no renters. Call 918-895-9064. MISCELLANEOUS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-579-2843. AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. LIVESTOCK COW AND BULL SPECIAL SALE at McAlester Stockyards on Saturday, February 11th, at Noon! Selling 1,000 Herd of Bred Cows, Pairs, Bred Heifers & Bulls! 918-423-2834. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. Remaining 2011 Blow-Out! Lowest Prices Around! LOW Monthly payments. 4 left, Make Offer. 16x20, 20x26, 25x32, 30x40, 40x60. Call Now! 1-800-991-9251, Tara. LAND FOR SALE 20AC – Live on Land NOW!! Only $99/mo., $0 Down, Owner Financing. NO CREDIT CHECKS! Near El Paso, Texas. Beautiful Mountain Views! Free Color Brochure. 800-755-8953. s=s CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION ALLIED HEALTH career training – Attend college 100% online. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 800-481-9409. AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN020512 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Maximum strength was allowed, but there may have analgesic creme for temporary relieftaken from: on which was been a vote • Back pain the• Muscle best commercial. pain pain music during the •TArthritis he special • Joint pain morning worship service was “He Walked Every Mile for Me” and was sung by Tom Spillman. Tom was accompanied by James and Jake Hammonds and Wyatt Deaton on their guitars. If anyone had come in late during this song they would have thought we were enjoying an informal hymn jam session since everyone except Jake was sitting down, but that’s not the case. It just seemed to be the right place for all the musicians to be at the time, and Tom brought the message through loud and clear. Rev. Karch’s sermon was on the topic of accountability and was based in Ezekiel 33:1-12. He pointed out that watchmen are those who warn others if there is impending danger. If the watchman sounds the alarm and you don’t heed it, it is your own fault. If the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesn’t sound the alarm, then the loss of life is his fault. Preachers, missionaries, and other Christians are responsible for warning lost people around them. Every Christian can invite friends, neighbors, and relatives to church. Doing so is a witness that you find church important and that you are concerned for the soul of the person you invite. No one knows when the Lord will return, and there is no guarantee that we have next week, tomorrow, or even the rest of this day. Therefore, it is important that everyone be ready for the Lord’s return. The Bible tells us that we are to turn from sin and warn others to turn from their sin. God doesn’t want anyone, including the wicked, to die in their sin, and Jesus paid an extremely high price so that it doesn’t have to happen. THG-11909 Go Painlessly™ with THERA-GESIC. Maximum strength analgesic creme for temporary relief from: • Back pain • Muscle pain • Arthritis pain • Joint pain Atwood Nazarene News Since it was the first Sunday of the month we had our monthly breakfast. Everyone always enjoys this fellowship before church services. We had our Sunday School classes and worshiped God in prayer and song. Brenda and Jeremy sang our special “Mother Do Not Cry for Me.” This is a new song with a beautiful message. Bro Larry’s message was taken from Psalm 147:1-11 and entitled “How Good it is to Praise God.” We praise God because He is worthy. He is building His kingdom. He heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds. He has everything under control. He has created the universe and sustains it. He has all power over it. He knows how to help those who are humbly dependent upon Him. Those who have no strength left can count on the strength of God. We all have things for which we can be thankful, friends, family, and health. These and countless other blessings are reasons for us to sing with thanksgiving. We praise God because it is good for us. Praising God will build our faith. Praising God will help build the faith of those who are struggling. Praising God reminds us of how good God is. Praising God opens the windows to His love and blessings. We praise God because we can. He has opened our eyes to enable us to see Him. He has given us mouths in order to proclaim him. He trusts us to show him to the world. Sunday night we had a Superbowl party at Truby and Gary’s. Even for those of us who are not sports fans, we enjoyed the food and fellowship. Next Sunday night we will have our annual Valentine’s Banquet. We invite you to join us in church services Sunday. God will bless you. Harmony Missionary Baptist News The first Sunday in February at Harmony of Gerty began service with singing Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus, give of Your Best to the Master, and Great Is Thy Faith Fullness. Church trio sang Under His Wings and He’ll Understand and Say “Well Done.” Devotional Reading was “Divine Approval” John 12: 27-30. The adult lesson was “You Matter to Jesus” Mark 14: 3-9, Luke 7:24,28. Jesus knows your service and its value. Serve God faithfully, trusting Him to reward you. “God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints and do minister” Hebrews 6: 10. Youth lesson was “No Worries” Matthew 6: 25-38. When we turn everything over to God, He is quick to take care of our worries. We were thankful to have Hannah in class. He Touched Me and I’m Standing On the Solid Rock was sung before the morning message. Bro. David’s message was on Stephen, the first martyr of Christian Faith. Acts 7: 51-60. Verse 59: And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fill asleep. We were blessed with extra friends, neighbors, and family. We surprised Bro. Albert adding his 95th birthday to our monthly luncheon. We are blessed to still have him in our Family and Church. We also added his grandson, David’s 45th birthday and his great-granddaughter Kylee Tatum’s 18th birthday. David’s is February 4th, Albert’s, February 6th and Kylee’s is February 8th. We took pictures of Albert’s and David’s large cake and Kylee with her decorated cookie. We appreciate and thank you for making Albert’s 95th birthday special. There was enough cake and ice cream left to serve Albert and his neighbors at his retirement home Monday on his birthday. We pray you have a great week and May God Bless You! Allen Nutrition Site Week of February 13th Monday Pork Chop or Roast, Broccoli & Rice Casserole, Buttered Corn, Biscuit, Margarine, Fruit Cocktail, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Tuesday Turkey with Stuffing & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Green Beans, Whole Wheat Roll, Margarine, Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Topping, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Wednesday Beef Stroganoff over Rice, Spinach, White Dinner Roll, Margarine, Butterscotch Pudding, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea Thursday Cook’s Choice Friday Chili with Beans & Cheddar Cheese, Hominy, Coleslaw, Crackers or Cornbread, Margarine, Chopped Onions, Sliced Jalapenos, Applesauce Cake, 2% Milk, Coffee and/or Tea THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 13 “Jewelrytakespeoplesmind’s off your wrinkles!” Sonja Henie MATCH PLAY DiamonD StuD Hot SEatS EvEry Half Hour! Join Us February 14th From 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Diamond Stud Earrings from February 29th February 5th Leap On In Honey Do $29 Hot Seats $50 Hot Seats Every 29 min Every Half Hour between 2pm-9pm 3pm - 8 pm February Sunday 5 Honey Do Monday 6 3pm- 8pm MEN’S NIGHT Every Half Hour Hot Seats 6pm-10pm $50 HOT SEATS Tuesday Wednesday Thursday $10 RESTRICTED PLAY 13 $10 RESTRICTED PLAY 14 6pm-10pm 2pm- 5pm 7pm-11Pm Hot Seats $10 RESTRICTED PLAY Hot Seats 21 BLAZZIN 20 SENIOR’S DAY MEN’S NIGHT LADIES NIGHT 19 2pm- 5pm 6pm-10pm $10 RESTRICTED PLAY 26 6pm-10pm Hot Seats 27 Hot Seats 28 DAY $10 RESTRICTED PLAY $10 RESTRICTED PLAY Rivermist Casino Hwy 56 & Hwy 99 Hot Seats Wewoka Trading Post 36625 Hwy 270 16 EVERY HALF HOUR $25 RESTRICTED PLAY $ROLLIN $50’S 10FAST CASH 11 $25 MATCH 6pm-11pm 7pm-12am EVERY HALF HOUR EVERY HALF HOUR $50 Hot Seats $50 Hot Seats PLAY ALL DAY $25 RESTRICTED PLAY $ROLLIN $50’S 17FAST CASH 18 $25 MATCH 6pm-11pm 7pm-12am EVERY HALF HOUR EVERY HALF HOUR $50 Hot Seats $50 Hot Seats PLAY ALL DAY $25 RESTRICTED PLAY 22 23 24FAST CASH 25 $25 MATCH PLAYERS CLUB $ROLLIN $50’S 7pm-12am 6pm-11pm APPRECIATION PLAY ALL DAY $50 Hot Seats DAY $50 Hot Seats $25 RESTRICTED PLAY $10 RESTRICTED PLAY 29 BLAZZIN Leap on In SENIOR’S DAY MEN’S NIGHT LADIES NIGHT 2pm- 9pm 6pm-10pm 6pm-10pm 2pm- 5pm EVERY HALF HOUR 8 PLAYERS CLUB 9 LADIES NIGHT APPRECIATION 6pm-10pm DAY For The Love 15PLAYERS CLUB SENIOR’S DAY MEN’S NIGHT of Diamonds APPRECIATION 12 BLAZZIN Saturday Rivermist Casino Hwy 56 & Hwy 99 2 3 4 1 Visit$50’S one of our FAST locationsCASH for full promotion details PLAYERS CLUB $ROLLIN $25 MATCH APPRECIATION 7pm-12am 6pm-11pm PLAY ALL DAY DAY $50 Hot Seats $50 Hot Seats 7 Hot Seats Friday Seminole Nation Casino I-40 exit 200 & Hwy 99 Hot Seats $29 HOT SEATS Every 29 Min. Seminole Nation Casino I-40 exit 200 & Hwy 99 Visit one of our locations for full promotion details EVERY HALF HOUR $5FREE EVERY HALF HOUR PLAY REWARDS CLUB TODAY! NEW YEAR NEW PROMOTIONS! Wewoka Trading Post 36625 Hwy 270 THE ALLEN ADVOCATE, FEBRUARY 9, 2012 - PAGE 14 Australia Riddle was escorted at Senior Night by her dad and sister, Glen and Caitlen Riddle Meghan Dohlman is the daughter of David and Stephanie Dohlman. Allen Elementary Honor Roll 1st Semester Superintendent’s Roll st 1 Grade – Coyt Bell, Hunter Boyd, Clayton Dyer, Tagus Howard, Kassidy Keeney, Kaisen Manuel, Payton McWethy, Gary Raney, Brooklyn Sanders, Kinsey Smith, Maebrey Wallace, Jake Champ, Raney Clay, Quinn Corum, Kaylee Ford, Montana Griffith, Ansley Tollett, Keenan Walker, Quinton Walker, Beckett Wells, Maggie Yarbrough 2nd Grade – Carmen Alcaida, Jacob Beavert, Maycee Howard, William Kaminski, Cheyenne McCarn, Mandala Sanchez, Samuel Wallace, Brody Wallis, Maddox Wofford, Braxton Castillo, Matthew Christoffersen, Bradley Howard, Luke Maloy, Paige Mayfield, Saree Pegg, Brandon Riddle, Mason Riley, Ethan Roniss, Milani Rowsey, Davyn Wilson 3rd Grade – Rodey Arnold, Corey Knighten, Grant Stinson, Trent Fronterhouse, Brayden Griffith, A.J. Hill, Gehrig Strong, Braycee Wilson 4th Grade – Makenzie Butler, Kinlee Cundiff, Kasen Deaton, Nathan Hammonds, Alyssa Maloy, Kinsey Nix, Kaylyn Rowsey 5th Grade – Dawson Andrews, Stevi Caldwell, Meegan Costner, Kaden Mills, Jensen Peay, Chelsea Riley 6th Grade – Samantha Hammonds, Mikael Morrison, Michael Roniss, Grayson Stinson, Garrett Wallis, Tanner Wofford Principal’s Roll st 1 Grade – Braylee Chambers, Nicholas Boyles, Colton Cross, Heather Simpson, Desiree Files, Joy Grisby-Rinehart, Julie Johnson, Aubrey Scott 2nd Grade – Elizabeth Slosser, Parker Wright, Cheyenne Alexander, Kevin Dorward, Taylor Harrison 3rd Grade – Madison Dohlman, Gage Jimboy, McKenzie Laplante, Chad Milne, Caleb Moore, Emma Peay, Emily Sells, Jaden Wilson, Raven Frazier, Caden Howard, Saylee Nelson, Kylie Nemecek, Max Ross, Clayton Shackelford 4th Grade – Colton Dyer, Brayden Edwards, Sidney Fulsom, Christopher Holcomb, Payton James, Riley Koonce, Hunter McCarn, Makena Pegg, Jacob Reeves, Alex Roebuck, Dillon Royalty, Kason Smith, Nathan Smith, Abby Thompson, Taylor Tollett, Mika Walker, Alex Wofford 5th Grade – Samuel Brown, Aaron Dockrey, Allison Dougherty, Riley Flanagan, Autumn Hamilton, Wesley Harden, Sunzie Harrison, Chisum Lee, Tara Osborne, Payton Prentice, Brandon Roniss, Laramie Sanders, Raygan Wilmeth 6th Grade – Jacob Boyd, Braylee Dickerson, Meysa Dolman, Coleten Griffith, Cedrick Knighten, Hailey Masterson, Hannah Reeves, Kaitlynn Roby Allen Powerlifters Win Muskogee Meet Amber Coody was escorted by her parents, Herman and Leigh Coody Kaitlyn Merriman is the daughter of Bruce and Lori Merriman. Marissa Prentice is the daughter of Paul and Shannon Prentice. The Allen powerlifters brought home the championship trophy from last Friday’s meet at Muskogee with a total of 75 points. Known as the Pullman 360 Classic, the event was held in the Muskogee Civic Center. Coach Zack Sullivan was understandably proud of his team. “To win a meet against that many good teams is a testament to how hard our guys have been working. Most of the teams there were class A or 2A, so it was nice to see our kids compete so well against the larger schools.” Individual scores were: 132 lb class – Blake Fulton 7th, 660 total. 145 lb class – Seth McLean 2nd, 950 total; Adam Lively, 550 total. 168 lb class – Justin Moore, 545 total; Kyler Lawrence, 500 total. 181 lb class – Billy Thompson 5th, 1000 total. 198 lb class – Zack Conley 3rd, 1000 total; Michael Snider 4th, 970 total. 220 lb class – Aaron Manual 10th, 865 total; Cody Burnett, 635 total. 242 lb class – Jason Holcomb, 720 total. 275 lb class – Cody Lively 5th, 1055 total. HWT class – Cody Hopper 2nd, 1225 total; Hunter Harden 4th, 1160 total; Layne Cross 6th, 1015 total. Team Results are as follows: 1. Allen 75, Team Champions 2. Haskell 71 3. Chouteau 63 4. Quinton 61 5. Pocola 59 6. Heavener 57 7. Caddo 55 8. Savanna 54 9. Fairland 38 10. Quapaw 36
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