PageI of 10 NSASW N€wsletter 2OOa-O3-04 O9:36r05 c-o-N-N-E-C-T-r-O-N WlntGr 2008 Voluma 14, No. 1 is involvedln manyactivitiesbothwithin is the first edltlonfor 2008.TheAssociation Thtsissueof CONNECTION the organizatlon as wellas withlnthe broaderNovaScotiacommunlty.It ls our Intentlonto usethe CONNECTION of wherethey practicewill be well to informthe membe6hipofthese activitiesso that membersregardless lnformed. websltewhlchcan be prlntedfor thosewho preferto havea hard Thislssuecan alsobe foundon the Association's copy.Please9o to the NSASWWebpageClickHere Social Work Week Celebrations "SocialWorke6Advocatlngfor HumanRightsin a DlverseCommunity" Thlsis the themefor NationalSoclalWorkWeek,March2 - 8, 2008- a wonderful the strongsoclallustlceorientationof the socialwork profession, oppoftunltyto acknowledge recognlzlng SOCIALWORKWEEKIn NovaScotlasignedby Rodney Thefollowlngls the ofriclalproclamation Premierof NovaScotia. MacDonald, PROCLAMATION of SOCIALWORKWEEK2OO8 WHEREAS dedlcatedto creativeand positivechangeln our worlcl;and socialwork is a profession WHEREAS socinlworkersbelievein the Inherentdlgnityand worthof e6chindividualand are calleduponby thelr Codeof Ethicsto pursuesoclallustlce,includlngthe eliminationof poverty;and with whlchthey $,ork;and WHEREAS soclalworkerscelebratethe dlversltyof the communltles wHEREAS the advancement of humanrtghtsis an intrlnsicpad of socialwork; and WHEREAS the themefor this year'sSocialWorkWeekis "SocialworkersAdvocatingfor HumanRightsin a Dlverse Community"; Premlerof NovaScotla,do herebypro€laimthe weekof THEREFORE be lt resolvedthat I, RodneyMacDonald, March2nd - 8th, 2008,as SocialWorkWeekin the provinceof NovaScotia. order- pleaselet SusanNasserknowof othereventsthat are socialWorkweek eventsto date, in chronological plannedand she will add them to the iist: (1) PrivatePracticesupper- Monday.March3, 5:OO- 7:00 p.m., NSASWoffice.RSVPto Sus3nNasser. susan.nasser http://www.tbrcetontoolbox,com/newsletter.php/viewprinU5 I 3t4/2008 Page2 of l0 NSASWNewsleder (2) Valleyregion- Tuesday.March4, 1t00 - 4:00 p.m. A specialmeetingwill be heldin the Multipurpose Roomat the AddictionsCenterin SoldiersMemorialHospital. Middleton.GuestspeakerJeanneRokoshfrom to CapltalDistrictHealthAuthorityspeakingaboutideasand work behindthe PrideHealthProgramprovicted 6LBTIclientsin the Halifaxarea.TeaCoffeeand Snackswill be provided.PleaseRSVPto EmmaTheriaultTigerheartby emailEmmaTheriaultor by phoneat 825-4825 (3) SocialWorkweek reception,organized Jointlyby NSASWand the Schoolof soclalwork, Dalhousie unlversity- Tuesday.March4, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. room # 303 of the Studentunion Building6316University the Association of BlackSoclalWorkers.and the Schoolof SocialWork Avenue.Duringthe event,NSASW, presented. with and Gwen MacDonald Slippand JoanCummingswill be recognized Alumnibursarieswill be RSVPto MarllynMarcon- l'larilynMarconor 429:7799. HonouraryLifeMemberships. to ioin us (4) QEtl HealthSciences SocialWorkinvitesSociatWorkcolleagues Centre- The Department'of for a ContinentrlErcakfaston Tuesday,March4, 20088115a,m - 10:15a m in The Ballroom,19t Eloor Bethuneauilding,VGHsite. PleaseRSVPby February28, 2008473-5180. (5) SocjalWorkweek eventsat the IWK include:wednesdayl\4archsth 11:30_ 1r00 pm, RowanLeg.Room If you havetraveledand worked of InternationalSocialWorkExperiences. PottuckLunchn' LearnDiscussion your please experlences. Already confirmedare discussions internationally. loln us and feel welcometo share work in Kenya,Nepal,Srl Lanka,and Perul!' Pleasebringa potluckfooditem.Thesocial of international work weekcommltteeplansto bringsweetsfrom the countrieswe'vetraveledto. Room,a Panel (6) Alsoat the IWK on ThursdayMarch5th from 12:15- 1:30 pm at the ParkerReception from "SocialWorkersAdvocatingforlluman Rightsin a DlverseCommunity".Representatives Presentation: and MISAwllladdressthe socialworkweektheme DalhousieLegalAid,TheDisabledPersonsCommission, avallablell from a localperspective. Llghtsnacksand refreshments (7) Cumberland March5 - 12i00 - 2:00 p.m. Bella'sCaf€,117VictorlaStreet, Region- Wednesday, of the draft rcvlsedCodeof Ethicsand Standardsof Practlce.RSVPto Donna AmheBt.Lunchand discussion Fltzoatrlck- DonnaFitzoatrick-or 902-667-3879 (8) NorthShoreReglon- Thursday,March6, lunchtlme,Ivaritlmelnn, Antigonish- lunchand special9uest speakerKlmPateof the ElizabethFry Soclety.Klm'stopicwill be: "Womenare the fastestgrowingprison population:why shouldwe care?"- RSVPto NeldaArmour- NeldaArmour (9) FundyRegion- In celebrationof SocialWorkWeek2008,let's havelunch.Friday,7th of ltlarch2008,12 to 1.30pm at BostonPlzza,134Star6 RdYarmouth,742-5697.Eachof us paysfor his or her own lunch 902'749-7553. Reservations in mv name,Johnlloore NSASWFundvRepresentatlve (10) HalifaxRegion- Saturday,March8, 12:00- 2:00 p.m,, Saege,5883SpringGardenRoad,Annlal SocialWorkWeekBrunch- RSVPto LouigeGhiz- LoulseGhlz havetrouble Lastty,somejnformationaboutthe Socialwork Weekposter.Becauseso many listservsubscribers we will not attacha copyof the posterby e-mall.Youcanviewthe posteron the website_ with largeattachments, ClickHere- or vou cansendSusanNasseran e-mailand shewili sendthe posterto you as 6n attachment.To orderhardcoplesof the Socialwork Weekposter,pleasecontactExecutiveAssistantf4arilynMarcon_ i4arilyn Itlarconor call- 429-7799. PLEASE NOTE|Theelectronicversionwe haveof the posteris in a strangeformat,and on the websiteyou wlll only seethe middlepart of the poster.Thereis additionalwordingon boththe top and the bottomin the printed of SocialWorkers"and on the bottomis says:"Sp€akingolt version.On the top, it says"NovaScotiaAssociation abouthumanrightsand dignityfor all" and"Joiningwith othersto championa povertyreductionstrategythat puts peoplefi6t". Thlssecondmessagels a key messageofthe N,S.PovertyReductlonStrategyCoalition,of whichwe are a memb€r. 2008CASWDistinguishedSeryiceAward NSASWis delightedto present the 2008 CASWDistinguishedServiceAward to Mariorie l4acDonald,MSW, RSW,a http:,//www.tbrcetontoolbox.con/newsletter.php/viewprin/51 31412008 Page3 of l0 NSASW Newsletter trailblazerfor socialjustice for women. For over three decadesshe has recognized,exposed and acted on gender-basedinequitiesin the structures of o!r lives and consistentlygone the extra mile to change policies,practicesand to create opportunitiesto better women s Therewill be a receptionto honourlYarjorieandto presenther with the awardon Monday, Sydney 10, 2008.from 5:00 * 7:OOp.m. in the CabotRoom.at the DeltaSydney,300 Esplanade, I\4arch Bornin sydney,Marjoriehasbeena practlcingsocialworkerfor 37 years.Followinggraduationfrom Dalhousae universiti'slliiitimi schoolof sociatwork in 1970with an MSw,she initiallyworkedat a community-based and agencya;d as a therapistat AddictionServicesin Sydney,wheresheis still employed,Here.shespearheaded its first document of Addictions, the for Women with TreatmentStrategy c;-auihoredthe writingof the Provincial kind in the province.It wasadoptedby the provincialBoardof Directorsin 1997,and becamethe templatefor the as an issue. treatmentof womenwith addictionsthroughoutthe province,Beforeit was everwidelyrecognized that women'streatmentneedsweredifferentfrom lobbiedfor the educatlonof administrators Madoriecontinuously gachelorof tho;e of men and involvedthetrchildrenon manylevels.Marjoriealsotaught in the first decentalized and hasbeena feministcounselorin privatepractice. SocialWorkprogramfor Dalhousie that surroundMariorieand her work. she hasa It is difficuttin sucha shortspaceto captureall of the accolades A5 a teacherand growth and empowerment. of self-awareness, facilitate learning, abllity to exceptional uniqueand me;tor, her reputationin the ftetdis suchthat last spring,whenonestudentw6s meetingher for the first tjme, she sald,'IfeellikeI'm meetlngOprahl' as a feminlstand soclalworkerhaveresultedin maior Marjorie'soutstandingactionsand achievements as a wholeand to the worldat large Thisasan ordlnarywomanllvingan to the profession coniributions life who workstirelesslvto enablethe samefor others. extraordinarv Susan Pioneers in Social work FRANCES L, MONTGOI4ERY: was bornMay 19, 1908in Sawerville,QuebecShewas bornwith FrancesMontgomery cataractsin botheyesand,despitesurgery,was monocularthroughouther life.Thispresentedher with a llfe long challenge.Francesbeganher careerin socialwork in 1928,whenshe registeredas a part-timestudentat the I\4cGill schoolfor socialworkersIn Montreal. at The Women'sDirectoryof l!'lontreallt wasthere Whilestudyingat llccitt, sheworkedpart-timeas a caseworker was who the Diredorof the Women'sDlrectory'lane native of Nova Scotia, Wisdom, a that Francesmet Jsne Wisdombecamea major influencein Frances'life and her careerin socialwork. Francesherselfhassaid."tf Jane me, I wouldnot havebecomea soclalworker''' had not employedand encouraged Duringher courseof study,Francesalsoworkedat the old Brewerylqissioncommunitycentre and st. columbia House-, two settlementhousesin Montreal.As u/ellas workingin the houses,Franceslived in them.whichgaveher reducedrent. Francesobtainedher Diplolnain Socialwork ln 1932and her Bachelorof Arts Degreefrom Mccillin 1934' in Montreal.she soongaineda Followjng this shewentto workfull-timefor the FamilyWelfareAssoclation studentsfrom the she supervised well as carrying cases promotidnto Assistantin the NorthDistrictand, as , Association and retumed Welfare with the Family left her emptoyment In 1938 she of Sociat Work. i,tontrealSchool to the Women'sDirectoryas the Senlorcaseworker' wheresheearnedher Masterof Schoolof SocialWorkin Philadelphia, In 1942Francesattendedthe Pennsylvania joined new Montrealschoolof social the faculty of the lvontreal, she Returning to in 1944. socialwork degree UniversitySchoolof Socialwork, as an assistantprofessor' work. whichwauldlater becometh€ I\4cGill schoolof Socialwork (lvssw) in In 1947,she left Montrealto becomethe AssistantDirectorof the l\4aritime Hatifax.In orderto attractbothstudentsand staff,the MSsw neededto achieverecognition.Frances'experience 1 httD://uww.threetontoolbox.con/newsletter.php/vie*prinvs v4n008 NSASWNewslefier Page4 of 10 with the Americanbodiesresponsible for accreditation of schoolswas immenselyimportantIn helpingthe MSSW gaininternational recognition.Duringher twelveyearsas AssistantDirectorof the I\4SSW, Francestaughtsocial caseworkto bothfirst and secondyearstudentsand was,as well,Supervisofof FieldWork.Sheconcentrated on ShealsoEvisedthe curriculumto meetthe 9tandards,for accrcditation the diversification of field workresources. by the AmericanAssociation of Schoolsof SocialWork. FromJune,1949to July, 1950Franceswasthe ActingDirectorof the MSSW.Duringher tenureat the MSSW, Franceswasalsogivena one year leaveof absencefrom August,1957to August,1958to workwith the United Nationsas a socialwelfaretrainingexpertin the Departmentof Labourin lran, In 1959,Francesresignedfrom the Maritim€Schoolof SocialWorkand returnedto the Pennsylvania Schoolof Soclalwork whereshe receaved an AdvancedCurriculumCertlficatein Supervision in 1960.Followingthls she returnedto Canadaand in September, 1961joinedthe FederalGovemmentas the PersonalServicesOfficerof the Emergency welfareServicesDivisionof the Departmentof NatlonalHealthand Welfare.Sheremainedin this positionuntil lvay. 1973whenshe retired. Duringher careerFrancesmadesignlficantcontdbutlons to the McGillAlumniof the Schooiof SocialWorkand the Associatlon Canadlan of SocialWorkers,servingbothorganizations in varlouscapaclties. In her retirementFrancestraveledthe woild with journeysto Greece.Indiaand China.until 1988she livedin UnitarianHouse,a retjrementhomeIn Ottawa,whereshetook an actlverole in the management of the home.In lateryearsFrancessufferedfrom poorphysicalhealthand in 2004her healthdeterioratedfurtheras she approched the last stagesof terminalleukemia. womanwhosemlnd remainedsharpand continuedto takea keeninterestIn Shewasa determined,courageous life and In her chosenprofession of socialwork. FrancesMontgomery wasa true socialwork pioneerin Canadaand in NovaScotia.Shecameto the l{arltihe Schoolof SoclalWorkin the late 1940'sat a tlme whena Drofussional touchwasvery rnuchneededand helpedestabllsha flrm foundatlonfor the School.Shewasa wonderfulteacher, dedicatedto her studentsand to enhancingthe profession of gocialwork. Eventoday,thosestudents(oneof whom is HaroldCrowellof Halifax,NS)who hadthe goodfortuneto havecomeunderher guidancerememberher (Preparedby: BessleHarris,RSW) affectlonately, Professional DeveloDmena for Social Workers TheContinuin9EducationProgram,sponsoredby the DalhousieSchoolof SocialWork,is a rlch sourceof professional development for membeEof the NSASW. Theworkshopsand certificateprogramsfor the the winter,springand summerof 2008can be foundon thear websiteClickHere NSASW Annual Conference and AGM NSASW lEl!: The 2008 Annual Conventionand AGMwill be held on May 8th and 9th , 2008. at the Best WesternChocolatetake (formerly Keddy's)St. Margaret'sBay Road in Halifax. TheConference themeis: "It Keptme Upali Night- Exploring Ethical Struggles in SocialWork" DMFT AGENDAFORMAY8th 9:00- 9:15a.m.-Welcome 9i15 - 10;15a.m, -KeynotetDr. JeffKirby,Centr€for Bioethics,Facultyof MedicineDalhousle Unlversity Questions 10r15- 10:30a.m.- Nutrition Break in DiverseSocialWorkSettings4 ponellsts, 10:30a.m.- 12:00p.m. - It KeptMe Up All Night:EthicalChallenges 15 mlnuteseach,plustime for discussion and questions CameronMacDougallr to WarnOthe6" "LiberationEthicsand the Decisionto 8re6chConfidentiality http://www.threetontoolbox.conr/newsletter.php/viewprin/51 3/4D008 Page5 of l0 NSASWNewslefier JoanHockert:'Aqeismas an EthicalIssuein HealthCareSo€ialWork" Agencies MoniqueAuffrey:EthicalChallenges for SocialworkeG in Community-based in the Fieldof ChildWelfare To be decidediEthicalChallenges after lunch 12:00- 12:15p.m. - Morningwrap-upand explainationof detailsof the smallgroupdiscussions 1 2 : 1 5- l :1 5 D.m .- Lunch 1:15- 2:45p.m.- SmallGroupDiscussions WhatWeAre StrugglingWith - Collaborative blalnstormingon issueswe haveall stru99ledwith - buildingon anonymoussubmission of questlons,sltuatlons,dilemmasand triumphs Break 2:45- 3:00p.m.- Nutritlon Wilson,DiannaRobichaud Smith,14ichele Rigby:"Compassion Fatigue" 3:00- 3:30p,m.- Chrlstina 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. - StayingAllve:Self-Care,Supervislon, and Supportrwhat to Do To GetThrough and Solutionsfor EthicalStrug9les" MerllndaW€lnbergr"We?eAll in the SameBoat:Reasons AllceDean,JulieArsenault:"Self-Carefor SocialWorkers" 4:30 - 4:45 p.m.- Closing remarks On Fridaymorning,therewlll be the final opportunltyto dlscussthe Codeof Ethlcsand Standardsof Practice,prior to the AGM. Onefinal wordaboutthe convention.TheWorldHockeyChamplonshlps are takln9placeIn Hallfaxand Quebeccity durlngthe first two weeksof May.Hotelroomsare at a premium.we havereserveda blockof guestroomsat the BestWesternChocolateLake.Onceconventiondetailsare morefinalized,and you are in a positlonto reacha right we hlghlyrecommend that you makeyour hotelarrangements decislonaboutwhetheryou are participating, away.We wlll let yor.rknowwhenthe hotelwill be releasingthe blockof roomsreseruedfor NSASWso that you can reserveyour roombeforethen, t-_- Reviewof the NSASWStandardsof Practiceand the CASWCodeof Ethics NsAsWis requiredto revlewits standardsof Practiceon a regularbasis,and this time around,the Standardsand EthicsCommitteehascombinedthe reviewof standardswith a reviewof the 2005CASWcodeof Ethics.TheCodeof Ethicsand Standardsof Pradicehavebeenbroughttogether as possible. into one documentjn draft form in orderto havetheseimportantguidelinesas readilyaccessible €hlkb ShttdldS -J Nou/that the draft documentis done.we are readyfor the next phaseof this project,consultingwith NSAsw membersas requiredwhenchangesto the standardsare proposed.We ate organlzinga consultationprocesswhich hasseveralfacetsand whlchshouldprovidean opportunityfor everysocialworkerto be involvedin someway. Onestepwe havetakenis to preparea StudyGuidewhlchhighlightsthe sort of feedbackthat wouldbe really helpfulin arrivingat a final document.(PleaseNote:Thedraft documentwas mailedout to eachNSASWmember in December.If you did not receiveit , contactthe NsAsw offlce) Weencourageyou to participatein the consultationin whicheverway worksbestfor you, or in morethan one way. howthey applyto your pradicearc aspectsof professional Readingthe Codeand Standardsand considering develoDment and can be reportedas one of your actlvitiesin 2008, I http://urrw.theetontoolbox.com/newsletter.php/viewprint/5 3/4/2008 NSASWNewsletter Page6 of l0 Afterthe AGM.the documentwill be revised,edlted,and distributedto all membersfour weeksbeforea Special Meetlngin the Failof 2008(dateyet to be decided),againas requiredwhenstandardsof practiceare being revised.A vote to adoptthe newCodeof Ethicsand Standardsof Practicewill take placeat that time. A heartfeltthanksto thosewho haveworkedso longand hardto put this documenttogether.We lookforwardto hearingfrom a largenumberof socialworkers.Thanksl SusanNasser.ExecutlveDirector.NSASW The Roadto Licensure The roadto licensureof the professionhasits beginningsmanyyearsbeforethe Association wasformedin 1963,In factrthe profession has beenpreoccupied almostfrom the beginningof its existencein Canada.The nationalassociatjon, the Canadian Association of Socaal Worke6,followingthe examplesof regulationof the profession in other countriesand other professions. couldseethe benefitsof protectingthe public,the profession. and of raisingthe profileand the credibilltyof the Drofesslon in Canada, Thestoryof regulationIn socialwork hasits rootsin other professions that haveobtainedregulationof practice, Theflfteenthand sixteenthcenturiessawthe RoyalCollegeof Surgeonsin GreatBritaln.TheAmericanMedical Associatlon wasfoundedin 1847and the CanadianMedicalAssociation an1867.ln the flfteenthcenturybarrister's gulldswereformedIn GreatBritain.TheCanadianBarAssociation wasfoundedIn 1896. In contrastto lawand medlclne,socialwork as a professionhashad more recentbeginnings. In the UnltedStates, for example.the beginningof professional socialworkwas promptedby the taunchof the Schoolof ApDlted Phllanthropy in 1898whichlaterbecamethe NewYorkSchoolof SoclalWork.In Canadathe CanadianAssociation of SoclalWorke6wasfoundedan1926.The NatlonalAssoclatlon of SocialWorke6 In the UnitedStateswasformed in 1955from a groupof sevensimllarorganizations oneof whichwasthe formerAmericanAssociation of Soclal WorkeIs. Theroadto llcensurespanneda pedodof over40 yearsin NovaScotlawlth sedouseffortsextendedoverthe last 20 of those40 years.TheNSASWHistoryProtectis continuingto gatherinformatlonto recognize the effortsthat weremadeby a dedlcatedgroupof socialworke6 who freelyvolunteered their ttme and energyto lobbyfor this past. very importantaccompllshment in the Association's Youcanfind moreon the historyof licensureon the NSASWHistoryProiectwebpage:ClickHere National Social Work Conference i. j, t' ' - ' "F This year's NationalSocialWork Conference,May 22 - 25,2008, will be held in Toronto, Ontarloand will focuson humanrights.The Themeis: "HumanRightsin a Diverse Community" and the following excerpt is taken from the Ontario Associationof Social Worker'sconference website, "Humanrightsare an intrinsicpart of socialwork. SocialworkeEplaya largerole in the pursuitof equalityand equityfor marginalized and minorjtygroups.strugglesfor civil rightsand basicfreedoms,economicwell-being,and accessto healthcareand the necessities of life. Humanrightsand the needsof under-served or at-riskpopulations are prioritiesfor everyoneinvolvedin the broadfield of soclalwork. HumanRightsin a DiverseCommunltyprovidesa forumfor the discusslon ofthese issuesamonqsocialworkersin day-to-daypractice,admlnistrators, researchers, educatorsand policy-makers, from acrossCanada,Our goalis to bringthesegroupstogetherto shareideas,network,enhanceknowledge,integrateresearchtheoryand practice, and expandperspectives on nationaland globalissuesof relevance. CheckOut the KetnoteSpeakers http:,4$'ww.theetontoolbox.com/newsletter.php/viewprint/5 t 3/4/2008 NSASWNewslefter Page7 of 10 Congratulations to DarcyHarvey,JoyceHalpern,and SharonMurphy.all of whomhavehad abstractsacceptedfor the NationalSocialWorkConference. Joinus from Thur.lYay22 to Sun.May25, 2008,in the heartofToronto,at the MarriottTorontoDownto\,vn Eaton Centre". WhatAbout Povertv? As socialworkers we are professionallysituated in the heart of the problem of poverty, The professionalassociationhas a responsibilityto be part of the discussionand to work with othe6 to contriblte to the solution. As part of a community of helping professionals,have we donean adequatejob of bringingthis socialproblemto the attentionof the largercommunityin a way that will leadto progresstowardpovertyreduction,It's obviousthat no one profession or groupcan claimto havethe solutionsin a societywheretheaeare so manycompetingself-interests, The broadsectorsin our society,the public,the private,and voluntary/non-proflt secto6 all needto worktogetherto haveany concreteresults.What hasbeenthe progressto date?Canwe polntto any real progressin reducingor eliminatlngthis socialproblem?Do we haveany ide€sthat wtll add to the debateto reduceor ellminatepoverty?Do we havesomeusefulideasthat othe6 are not takingserlolslyor that are influencedby powedulself interests. Howlargeis the problem?- Accordingto the Departmentof CommunityServiceswebsite,basedon datafrom StatistlcsCanada:"In 2005,the mostrecentyearfor whichdata is avallable,81.000NovaScotians,or 8.9oloof the populatlon,werellvingin low-income sltuatlons(LICO;after-tax)."Againfrom the Departmentof Community Servicesinformationwebsite:"Thedepthof povertyrefersto howfar belowthe povertyllnea famlly'slncomefalls ln relatlonto the LowlncomeCutOff (LICO).It ls often referredto as the'low-income'or'povertygap'. Forall lowincomefamilyunits,the low-incomegap is $6,100(after-taxbase)." Whatls the communltysaylngaboutthe problem?- Communltyspokespeople are raisingthe issueand trying to bringit to the attentionof the community.A cursorylookat localmediaheadllnesoverthe pastfew months indicatesthat the communityis attemptingto ralsepublicconscientlousness on the effeds of poverty.Some headllneexamples:" Homelesshaveto exlt shelterfor hourseachday"; 'Tax changesboostfor rlch, palnfulfor poor";"Usefecleralsurplusto helppoor,N.S.expertsays";"Grltswouldwagewar on poverty";"Plightof poor, FirstNationsnationaldisgrace";"Criticsskeptlcaiof N.S.povertyplan";"ChlldCarepromlsenot realistic- Tories"; "Harshwordsfor anti-povertygroups". Whatstudlesare relevantto the p.oblem?- In additionto the mediareports,severalstudlesandformal presentations havebeenmadeto suggestwhatthe govemmentshoulddo to alleviatepoverty.A formal wasmadein the fall of 2006bv the Assoclatlon to the Houseof CommonsCommitteeon Human oresentatlon Resourc€s and SocialDev€lopment, and the Statusof Personswith Dlsabilitles. Recommeodations were: mlnimum wageincreases;broadenEmployment Insuranceeliglbility;tax measuresto supportthe workingpoor;strengthen programsfor all levels.The report childcare; nationalIncomesupportfor the disabled;and supporteducatlonal concllded:" Webellevethat there is a very importantrolefor governmentin influencing conditionsthat will enable Canadians to participatein the labourmarketso that they bothcontributeto the goodof the countryand are treatedfalrlyand compensated adequatelyso that they are ableto meetthe needsof themselvesand their famllies.Marketforcesalonecannotachievethesegoals.We believethe recommendations we havemadeare somesmallbut significantstepstowardsthat end." Anotherformalslbmisslonwasmadein September2006 by the Association to the Houseof CommonsStanding Committeeon Financeand wastitled: "Re-ordering Priorities:Howthe BudgetCanAddressPoverwIn a Meaningful Way".(Bothpresentations can be foundon the Association's webpage.Clickon Publications (summarized): This lattersubmission erpandedon the previousone and includedthe followingrecommendations makepovertyreductiona priorityin the shortterm and povertyeliminationin the longterm, developa povertyreductionstrategy,assumeleadership comprehensive in a strategyto reducepovertyand eventually eliminatepoverty,strengthenthe NationalChildBenefitprogram,broadeneligibilityfor Employment Insurance,tax measuresto benefitthe workingpoor,createa nationaldisabiljtysupportprogram.investin socialhousing,honour previouscommltmentsmadeby the previousgovernmentin earlychildhoodlearningand care,increasesupportfor postsecondary the social education,and supportinitiativesto improvethe healthof Canadians by addressing determinants of health. http://www.thrcetontoolbox.com/newsletter.php/viewprinvs I 3/4/2008 NSASWNewsleder Page8 of l0 Thissuiteof comprehensive recommendations is summedup by concludlng'Until we acknowledge that our Canadiansocletycannottoleratethe inequltyand injusticeof povertyand we reacha collectivedecisionto deploy our considerable nationalrcsourcestOaddressthe issuein a meaningfulway, then our counvywlll not prosper...." Bothpresentations requireda significantexpenditureof the Association's r€sources and are a creditto th€ staffand volunteerswho contributedto their input.As SusanNasser,ExecutiveDiredor of the Associ6tlon statedin her 2007AnnualReport:'Thls wasthe first time that we usedthis paitlcularavenueto communlcate our concernsand recommendations'. " We needto makeour voic€heardwheneverwe sce the opportunityto presentour social justicemessageof povertyreduction". The2007Annlal Reportof the SocialActionCommittee,Chaircdby MonlqueArffrey, statedpovertyeliminationas a maiorfocusby the committeeand lt participatedln forums,mediawatch,lettersto the editor,meetingswith pollticlansand others,etc. ThecurrentChairperson of the SocialAction/Social JusticeCommitte€,DarcyHaNey, RSW,ls alsoco-chairof the PovertyReduction StrategyCoalition,of whichNSASWis an activemember,Further infoand the publlcatlon,'A Framework for a PovertyReductionStrategyCoatltlon"can be locatedat: CllckHere Anotherstrategyfor worklngtowardthe reductionof povertymentlonedby the ExecutlveDirectorIn her last annualr€portwasthe nctworklngand partnershlps that the Association hasformedIn the communitythat promote goalsincludingpovertyreduction.Throughtheseconnectlons, like-mindedsoclalJustlce the Assoclation became involvedin severalsoclalJustlce actlvitlasthat dehonstratedthe Assoclatlon's concemaboutpovertysuchas: partlcipatlon In an anti-povertymarchmarklngthe InternatlonalDayfor the Elimination of Poverw,workwith the CommunityActlonon Homelessn€ss on a povertyreductionstratagyfor the provlnce,and p6rtlcipatlon In eventsto provldeinformationon the CanadaSoclalTransfer(CST)and the conceptof a Guaranteed LlvableWage. Strateglesfrcm other organlzatlons - TheCanadaSoclalTransfer(CST)ls slgnlficantwhenanalyztngthe broad soclalpollcywhicheffectspov€rtyin the countryand the provlnce.Thetransferof fundsthroughthe CSTmakeslt posslblefur provincesto havethe necessary financlalresources to supportthelr soclalprograms.Thereforeany changesto the CSTcan havea slgnlficantlmpacton resourcesavallableto flght poverty.A recommendation made by the CanadlanCouncllon SoclalDevelophent(CCSD)in thelr submlssion to the Houseof CommonsStandlng Committeeon FlnanceIn 2007 (CCSDBrlef)wasto increasefundlngthroughthe CSTto the 1994-95lev.ls as soon 65 possible.Theconcernof the CCSDw63that healthfundhg had beenInc.easing at a fasterratethan soclal fundlng,slncethe 1990's,creatlngtn everwldenlnggap betweenthe two fundhg programsand contribuflngto the sufferlngof manyCanadlanfamllies.TheCCSDpointedout that "Theevidencespeaksvolumes,Investmentin socialprogramsimproveshealthoutcomes,Theflagglnginvcstmentls fuellnga growlnggap.lt is a movein the wrongdlredlon". In December2007,the Canadlan Assoclatlon of SoclalWortkeG(CASW)presentedtheir briefto the Houseof CommonsStandlngCommttteeon Ftnancewhlchcan be foundat: (CASWBrlef), TheCASWfocusedon the tax systemas the drlvlngforcebehindsocialpollcyon povertyand can be summedup asi 'In general,we thlnk that coresoclaland healthservlcesas wellas incomesecurityshouldbe fundedprimarilythroughtaxeson Incomeand payroll;they are, or can be, progresslve In nature,Wealsorecommend that corpolationsbe taxedto supportsoclal programs,s they helpto reducetheir costsof productlon." In regardto personaltaxes the CASWstated:'It seemgthat the federalgovernmentand the provlncesare tryinC to competeagainsteachotherto cut taxes." As a result, the CASWrecommended: "In our ludgment,the continuouscuttlngof tares wlll not only havethe effectof reducingpubllcservicesbut also,th the longrun, jn whichskilledlabour,qualitypublicservices undermineour abilityto competewlth hlghperformingeconomies and environmental sustainabillty are priorities.We recommend, therefore,that the federalgovernmentre-assess its biasto cuttjngincometaxesand examinemorecloselythoseeconomies that maintainhighstandardsof publlc provisionalongwith highlevelsof economlcg.owthand productivity." TheNEtionalCouncllof welfare(NCW)(ViewReport)in their r€portof 2007,'SolvingPoverty:Fourcornerstones of a WorkableNationalStrategyfor Canada",mentions:"In Canada,we haveneverhad a natlonalantFpoverty strategy.Quebecand Newfoundland and [abrador,however;both haveprovincialsrategies,"'Quebec,soverall goaljs to achieveone of the lowestlevelsof povertyamongindustrialized societiesby 2013.Thisgoalis measurable and, as with EUcountrlesand NewZealand,allou,gcomparlson wlth other societies, The NCWthinks this ls a goodway to encourageleamingand sharlngto improveeveryone'ssuccessrates." In Newfoundland and Labrador,the strategywasbornout of an electionpromisein 2005whichstated:', The overallgoalof the province'sPovertyReduction Strategyis to transformitselfinto the provincewith the least povertyin the country.Thereare alsospecificgoals:lmprovedaccessand coordination ofservicesfor thosewith http://www.threetontoolbox.con/newsletter.php/viewprint/51 314/20f8 NSASWNewsleher Page9 of l0 low Incomes,a strongersoclalsafetynet, improvedearnedIncomes,improvedearlychildhooddevelopment, and a benereducatedooDulation." ln NovaScotlathe provinclalgovernmenthaspublishedthelr frameworkfor soclalprosperityentltled,"Weavingthe Threads- A LastingSocialFabric".Locatedat: Weavingthe ThreadsToutedas a strategyfor socialprosperity,lt providesa fEmeworkfor helpingto understandthe linkagebetweensoclal,economicand environmental prosperity.Theframeworkbeginswith soundsocialpolicyand st6tes:'Soclalpolicyis aboutthe values,strategies, plans,and actionsthat mostdirectlyeffectpeople- individuallyand in their relationships and networkswith their friends,families,and commuhities.' Thedocumentlistspoveftyreductlonas one of the prioritiesfor the comingyear.A pressreleaseby the governmentin Odober2007states:'The provincialgovernmentwill holda serlesof consultations this fall deslgned to get the community'sInputon howto besttacklepovertyin NovaScotla.Theconsuhations wlll be part of the government's development of a povertystrategyfor NovaScotla,The Initiativewlll be co-ledby the departmentsof CommunityServlcesand Environment and Labour", In December2007,the NovaScotlaleglslaturepassedlegislation(Chapter31 of the Actsof 2007)to establlsha povertyrcductionworkinggroup,Its purpose..."is to appolnta workinggrolp to makerecommendatlons concernlnq a strategyfor the reductlonof povertyin the Province." Althoughthe Assoclatlon ls not a memberof the \florkinggroup,it will striveto promotelts volceand erpertisewheneverpossible. Concluslon - It appeaFthat there ls conslderably moreattentionbelnggivento povertyreductlonand elimlnatlon than wasthe caseln the past by a brcaderconstltuency of the community.Povertyis now seennot Justas a povertybut al3oas a meansof promotinga strategyto makethe wholecommunlty solutlonfor thoseexperlenclng moreprosp€rous and sustalnable. The rh€torlchaschangedby Includlngthe word"social"u,henreferringto pollcy, sustalnablllty and prosperlty.Thlshas broadened the dlscusslon whlchpermltsgllsectorsto becomelnvolvedand to be part of the Solution.It i9 vltal that a dlologuetake placebetweenthe prlvate,public,and voluntary/non-profit sectorsso that the connectlons betweensocial,economlcand envlronmental Interestsc6n be comblned, Althoughsoclalworkerswouldwel@mea dlscusslon on soclalpollcywlth the broadercommunlty,it remainsto be seenif all the powerfulgelf-interests can be addressed so that povertyls actuallyreducedor eliminated.We need to be optlmlstlcand seethls changein strategyas an opportunityto ensurethat povertyr€ductlonls addrcssedln a way th.t wlll be measurable and undeGtoodto makellfe betterfor the Indlvldual6nd alsocontrlbuteto the prosperityand sustalnabillty of the communlty, - HaroldBeals,EdltorlalBoard {l f,..NJ'f '\t(;4"-hA AVH Addiction Discussion Groups Sfarfed FORIMMEDIATE RELEASE Annapolis ValleyHealth's(AVH)AddicllonServlcesis pleasedto announcethat a networkof AddictionDiscussion Groupsis now in placethroughoutthe AnnapolisValley. "Thegroupsprovldean easy-to-access opportunityfor Indivlduals- includingfamilymembelsand frlends- to discusssubstanceuseand gamblingproblems,saysJim Morton,MSW,RSW,AVHAddlctlonServicesDjstrict Manager.*Thegro!ps ar€ led by experlenced membeEof our prcfesslonal team" he said,"vehohelpfacilitate expertlnputand makeuseof the lncrediblepowerof the groupprocess." Thesegroupsare alwaysopento ne$,partlcipants and eachsesslonrunsfor aboutone hour.No Eppointment is necessary. Grouplocatlonsandtimesare llstedbelow: AnnapollsRoyalAnnapolis CHC,821 St. GeorgeStreetEducationRoomFrldays1:00pm MiddletonSoldlerslvemorlalHospital462 MalnStreetAddlctlonServlcesFamilyRoomWednesdays 2:00pm BerwickwKM HealthCentre,121OrchardStreetTuesday 1:00pm http://www.threetontoolbox,com/newsletter.php/viewprinVs 1 3/4t2008 NSASW Newsletter Pagel0 of l0 Kenwille Group Room-AVH Chipman, 15 Chipman Drive f'londays2:30pm Wednesdays10:30am EeyondProblemGambllng (for indlvidualswith gambling problems,family, friends) Group Room-AVH Chipman Wednesdays6:300m WolfullleEKMCommunityHealthCentre,23 Earnscliffe Avenue,CornercrouDRoomTuesdavs10:ooam Messagefrom the ExecutiveDirector I i- This is an extremely busy time of year at NSASWwith the registration renewal process, SusanNasser of Practice.It seemsas if there is barelytime to catchour breath,I reallyappreciatehaving suchdedlcatedsocialworkersas HaroldBealsand DominiqueKwanto take on the importanttask of editingand publishingConnection. A hugevote of thanksalsogoesto MarilynMarcon,ExecutiveAssistant,and Suzanne oesJardins, Administrative Assistant,who manageto respondcheerfullyto any and atl requestsevenwhile inundatedwith renewals, Belngpressedfo. tlme, I can'tposslblycoverall of the ltemsI wouldllketo in thls edltionof Connedion.so I will of Social lust say brleflythat it has beenhearteningto seethe enthuslasmpeoplehavebroughtto the organlzation WorkWeekactlvltlesand extrcmelyencouraging and insplrlngto hearthe thoughtfulfeedbackon the Codeand Standards.Moreon thls and othertopl6 In the next editlon... Meanwhile. havea wonderfulSoclalWorkWeek! SusanL. Nasser,MSW,RSW,MPH ExecutlveD{rector http://www.thrcetontoolbox.com/newsletter.php/vieuprint/5 I 3t4DO08