Rollit - Think wider, higher and in other directions!
Rollit - Think wider, higher and in other directions!
Rollit - Think wider, higher and in other directions! Rollit - Stand-mounted single-sided cassette Part no. 80100 80101 80101-1 80102 90 125 135 150 cm cm cm cm Rollit XL - single- or double-sided Part no. 80160 80161 80162 80163 Single-sided ” Double-sided ” 200 240 200 240 cm cm cm cm Rollit - Spotlight Part no. 80150 Parts 80101, 80101-1 and 80102 can be combined with adapter 11011-2 to increase height up to 300 cm (standard height is 225 cm). Rollit - Rolldown A roll-down display system in a cassette for wall or ceiling mounting. The system is available in aluminium or white and with a manual mechanism or a motor and remote control. Rollit – Rolldown comes in standard widths of 90, 125 and 150 cm and can also be ordered in any width up to 240 cm. Dealer: Swedish Design & Quality