UNIVERSITÀ CA’ FOSCARI DI VENEZIA CORSO DI PERFEZIONAMENTO IN DIDATTICA DELLE LINGUE MODERNE INDIRIZZO: APPRENDIMENTO IN LS (CLIL) TESINA “PICTURE YOURSELF IN A BOAT ON A RIVER” An integrated technical-cultural-linguistic experience in Modern Music History Tutor: PROF.SSA C. M. COONAN Docente: Anno Accademico 2010/2011 prof. Giulio Cestari Indice Mappa Pag. 3 Introduzione pag. 4 Guida del docente / Lezioni pag. 5 Guida dello studente pag. 35 Bibliografia pag. 37 Testi canzoni pag. 37 …………………………………………………………………… 2 "Picture yourself" Clil activity map brainstorming 1st step pre-reading movie showing questions, scrambled notices translation reading 2nd step reading questions quesito 3^ prova (final exams type) songs reading 3rd step lyrics analysis lyrics analysis grid conversation on topics songs listening 4th step music analysis music piece analysis grid conversation on topics songs listening 5th step music analysis 2 music piece analysis grid conversation on topics music-techni research 6th step foreign school partnership research and production about society and music 3 1.1 Breve introduzione del contesto, premesse e motivazioni di carattere generale L’idea di riuscire a coniare un prodotto spendibile, come docente/i, comprendente diverse discipline dai contenuti e dalle esperienze veicolati in lingua inglese sembra da tempo essere qualcosa che in ambito scolastico, sin dalla scuola media, sia possibile realizzare. Il docente di lingua straniera a volte si cimenta in esperienze che vedono la produzione musicale (vocale) come supporto al coinvolgimento e alla seguente motivazione linguistica. Ma spesso alla esecuzione vocale (in genere di gruppo classe) segue solo una traduzione del testo o una breve contestualizzazione canzone/autore, o nulla più. Nella società attuale ove tutto risulta essere così veloce -anche un singolo successo commerciale di cantanti o il ricordo di una canzone- spesso non ci si rende conto del valore di un motivo musicale o quanto lo stesso abbia contribuito a determinare un cambiamento sociale, o ne è stato testimone. Insomma ha fatto moda, o storia, personale o collettiva. Ma soprattutto spesso non si realizza che al di là di un grande successo di marketing può capitare di registrare –prendendone nota!- anche un valore poetico, esistenziale umano, tecnico-musicale. E allora accanto ai grandi della storia della musica e della letteratura mondiale ci sono alcuni autori che con la loro semplicità hanno saputo produrre, lasciare traccia della propria esperienza di vita, esempio di scrittura, di composizione e di esecuzione, di cui possiamo rendere gli alunni partecipi. L’esperienza che qui si propone richiede quindi questo elemento iniziale di condivisione tra docenti operatori insieme ad una nuova importante idea di acculturazione e di apprendimento che vede la conduzione degli insegnanti e la partecipazione degli studenti esclusivamente in lingua inglese, come prevedono oggi le linee guida della nuova riforma della scuola superiore. E’ facile, in modo spontaneo, cadere nella considerazione che ciò che si sta per leggere in questa tesina sia il solito prodotto di un docente fan del gruppo inglese. Non è vero! Personalmente non ho mai amato i Beatles ma ho solo apprezzato alcune delle loro canzoni la cui melodia mi …incantava. Il resto lo ha fatto, invece, la mia curiosità verso la lingua e la cultura. Pertanto questo mio lavoro non vuole essere una celebrazione del fenomeno Beatles ma semplicemente l’esecuzione di una consegna alimentata dallo spirito di condivisione, di integrazione, di sperimentazione che ancora anima la mia docenza. Nel convincimento personale che il mio mandato in qualità di insegnante di lingua straniera (non di un liceo musicale!) è quello di favorire la conoscenza e l’uso della lingua straniera come espressione e strumento di una cultura straniera, trovo il pretesto discorsivo “The Beatles” una buona opportunità per assicurare un apprendimento integrato come proposta formativa. Ma soprattutto mi auguro che uno schema come quello proposto a seguire possa risultare per qualche docente e alunno la rappresentazione concreta di un piccolo impegno che può rendere l’esperienza scolastica, nelle sue finalità, più reale e interessante, nonché funzionale e perfino bella. p.s. - Questa tesina è stata concepita e realizzata durante i riots di Londra, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Birmingham dell’Agosto 2011. …”There beneath the blue suburban sky.” (Penny Lane) 4 1.2 Guida del docente La presente attività di docenza in apprendimento integrato viene proposta ad alunni della classe Quinta di un liceo musicale la cui competenza nella lingua inglese viene già collocato su un livello B2.2. Pertanto gli alunni non mostrano difficoltà nelle abilità linguistiche su livelli ben accettabili tanto da poter essere coinvolti in modo diretto e fluente in una serie di proposte operative secondo l’uso esclusivo della lingua straniera. Per quanto riguarda le competenze nelle discipline di indirizzo gli alunni sono in grado di assicurare un livello consolidato. L’attività viene, infatti, proposta nel secondo quadrimestre a conoscenze ed abilità già ben acquisite nel campo, ad esempio, della storia della musica, tecnica e generi musicali. Le attività di reading e writing vengono proposte in apertura dell’esperienza Clil; quelle di speaking e listening vengono assicurate in modo più efficace nelle esperienze di coinvolgimento internazionale che chiudono la proposta modulare. Tutte le attività vengono volte in lingua inglese dagli operatori e dagli studenti. Scelta dei brani musicali. Le canzoni sono state selezionate secondo le esigenze tecnico-musicali ma preservano un filo conduttore tematico che facilitano l’operato del docente di L2 in ambito letterario. Infatti tutti i brani presentano tematiche socio-esistenziali e costituiscono una testimonianza della socialità dell’uomo in una collocazione moderna. Gli operatori (docenti) si distinguono in attivi e passivi. I primi sono gli insegnanti presenti alle attività con gli studenti per tutte le esperienze di didattica frontale e a distanza, diretti interlocutori dell’utenza, e a loro propongono materiale e iniziative operative condividendone volta per volta i processi e i risultati. Inoltre costoro possono aver affrontato/affrontare moduli inerenti alle tematiche in oggetto per il presente progetto nel corso della propria ordinaria programmazione di disciplina, o in altre esperienze di apprendimento integrato. Ad esempio il docente di L2 potrebbe riprendere con il collega di Italiano alcuni dei testi di canzoni contenute nel presente lavoro e proporre agli studenti un lavoro sull’esistenzialismo provando a confrontare alcuni prodotti dei Beatles con produzioni poetiche di poeti italiani e stranieri (es.:Foscolo, Leopardi, ..) Per quanto riguarda l’attività diretta di docenza si prevede per questa proposta la presenza, in alcune occasioni, di due insegnanti con il gruppo classe, nonostante la normativa gestionale scolastica attuale non preveda soluzioni del genere. Ciò viene comunque previsto in quanto si vuole dare agli alunni una precisa idea della efficacia comunicativa operativa, anche tra docenti, in L2 come esempio di reale ambito lavorativo futuro in un contesto internazionale, e in quanto si vuole finalizzare la presente proposta anche rispetto alla considerazione visibile che non esistono singole esperienze formative settoriale ma uniche finalità e proposte formative realmente condivise. Si prevede, inoltre, l’operato di un docente supervisore (di disciplina con competenze linguistiche B2/C1) per la osservazione e la valutazione sempre presente a turno tra i docenti Gli operatori passivi, invece, sono i docenti che contribuiscono, dietro le quinte, all’attività di programmazione, osservazione, verifica, valutazione. Nel caso specifico sono docenti di discipline tecniche di indirizzo che fungono da esperti in riferimento alle competenze specifiche in campo musicale. Inoltre costoro possono aver affrontato/affrontare moduli inerenti alcune delle tematiche in oggetto per il presente progetto nel corso della propria ordinaria programmazione di disciplina. 5 I docenti “passivi” costituiscono con il proprio contributo, in questo caso, un completamento del valore formativo globale dell’esperienza sul piano tecnico non solo nella fase di formazione tradizionale in presenza ma anche in quella a distanza. Si prevede, inoltre, che essi siano presenti comunque alle attività nel ruolo di osservatori/auditori. PROGRAMMAZIONE La programmazione viene realizzata alla presenza di tutti i docenti (attivi e passivi). Essa si basa sulla condivisione di finalità e obiettivi (generali e specifici), contenuti (canzoni dei Beatles, tematiche e stile poetico, elementi e tecnica di composizione esecuzione registrazione musicali , proposte (ascolto, comprensione scritta, produzione scritta e orale, produzione musicale, esecuzione musicale), modalità (proposte di operatività in presenza, on line, in gruppo, individuale), strumenti (osservazione sistematica e continuativa, video-riprese di attività didattica; recording studio, uso di strumenti musicali acustici ed elettronici), valutazione. OSSERVAZIONE L’osservazione viene proposta come strumento di verifica e di valutazione e viene operata da un docente terzo rispetto agli insegnanti coinvolti nell’attività in presenza. Il docente osservatore può essere presente in occasione di alcune attività –in questo caso seguendo una libera annotazione di manifestazioni ed eventi personali degli alunni- o pianifica e predispone apparecchiature per la videoripresa. Questa tecnica di registrazione è comunque prevista in occasione di ciascuna attività e costituisce possibilità di raccolta di materiale per una valutazione delle esperienze sul piano linguistico e su quello psico-sociale. VALUTAZIONE Per quanto riguarda la lingua straniera non è prevista la somministrazione di un test in entrata e in uscita sulle conoscenze linguistiche considerato il livello di preparazione dei ragazzi nonchè gli obiettivi di questo progetto che prevede un’attenzione rivolta su tematiche culturali e tecniche. Sarà nel corso delle singole attività, e relativa modalità di valutazione, che verranno considerate le competenze e le abilità mostrate da ciascun alunno e dal singolo gruppo interattivo. Verranno altresì somministrati dei test sui contenuti sviluppati, questionari per l’analisi di fattori psico-sociali come la motivazione allo studio in lingua, l’autostima, la percezione delle proprie competenze. I test di valutazione avranno la caratteristica di un unicum rispetto alle diverse discipline in campo e permetteranno di misurare/valutare i livelli di apprendimento/coinvolgimento rispetto al progetto e non alla singola disciplina. 6 SCHEDA TECNICA DEL MODULO DENOMINAZIONE DEL PROGETTO FINALITA’ OBIETTIVI GENERALI “Picture yourself in a boat on a river” Favorire l’uso della lingua straniera come espressione e strumento culturale - Sviluppare la disponibilità all’acquisizione di competenze specifiche in lingua straniera in discipline di indirizzo - Aprire la scuola ad esperienze di plurilinguismo per formare dei cittadini europei. - Veicolare contenuti musicali e culturali in lingua Inglese - Migliorare la fluency in L2 in ambito tecnico-musicale. - Sviluppare negli alunni una disponibilità e una capacità di ricerca-azione in L2. Decodificare materiale autentico in ambito tecnicomusicale OBIETTIVI SPECIFICI / TRASVERSALI - Approfondire la conoscenza della dimensione culturale del gruppo musicale The Beatles. Lo studente saprà riconoscere e utilizzare, anche in lingua straniera, tecniche e strumentazioni riferite a un genere musicale specifico, dando prova di possedere le necessarie conoscenze storiche e stilistiche, nonché di aver compreso le poetiche del gruppo presentato. 7 Lo studente sarà in grado di elaborare e realizzare un progetto con una forte vocazione multidisciplinare condivisibile. Nell’accostarsi alle canzoni dei Beatles amplierà le proprie conoscenze rispetto alla musica e all’arte pop europea come evoluzione storico-estetica di un fenomeno culturale. TIPOLOGIA ISTITUTO SCOLASTICO RESPONSABILI DEL PROGETTO AMBITO LINGUA VEICOLARE DISCIPLINE ANNO DI CORSO DESTINATARI OPERATORI Liceo Musicale Docenti di lingua Inglese e di Storia della Musica Didattica di indirizzo formativo Inglese Tecnologie Musicali, Lingua Inglese Teoria Analisi e Composizione 5° Alunni Didattica attiva:docente di lingua inglese, docente di tecnologie musicali, docente di teoria analisi e composizione. Didattica passiva: docente di storia della musica, docente di esecuzione e interpretazione. Osservatori: docenti responsabili del progetto. Tecnici di laboratorio informatico e musicale. TIPOLOGIA DI ATTIVITA’ DIDATTICA Frontale, laboratoriale interattiva, in presenza e online, ricerca e consultazione di documenti. TEMPI 6 ore + extra time per attività di cooperazione 2° quadrimestre Aula di classe, laboratori di musica e di informatica Pc workstation, proiettore, LUOGHI STRUMENTI 8 PREREQUISITI VALUTAZIONE musical home studio equipment, internet, strumenti musicali Studenti Lingua Inglese: liv. B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo Discipline musicali: possesso di strumenti critici (analitici, storico-sociali ed estetici) della musica. Docenti Lingua Inglese: liv. B2 Ambito musicale (per il docente L2): competenze e conoscenze accettabili nell’ambito della musica (storia e strumentazioni) e un personale interesse nei confronti della musica pop come fenomeno culturale. In itinere (singola esperienza laboratoriale) e sommativa. In particolare somministrazione di test per il monitoraggio di conoscenze e competenze linguistiche, di apprendimento sui contenuti proposti e sviluppati, di analisi di fattori psico-pedagogici. 9 Lezione 1. 1h Docenti in presenza: L2, teoria analisi e composizione. Docente osservatore: storia della musica (il docente annota anche reazioni verbali e non che gli alunni manifestano durante la proiezione del filmato, o che lo stesso evince con i colleghi dall’analisi dalla registrazione video) Brainstorming 1. Docente Teoria: (Eg.)”Do you know The Beatles?”, “ Have you ever heard any of their songs?”, “What were you struck by, technically speaking?” Listening (intro). Proiezione di un video sulla storia dei Beatles della durata di 7’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAmKN7H1L4g (American English) Brainstorming2. Docente L2: “How do you feel the kind of The Beatles’ music/songs?”, “Do you have the perception that the songs are old or do they still sound actual?” …….. “Even The Beatles’ songs may be classified and analysed as a literary work ,ballad or sonnet for example. But let’s start up with reading activities” Pre-reading activity Pre-reading activity - lesson 1 The following original Beatles notices are scrambled. Put them in the right time sequence using the first chart below. Then complete the second chart dealing with musical devices. At the end of your work, share your answers with teachers and mates Time: 30 mins 10 2 1 4 3 11 5 6 7 12 8 9 10 13 11 12 14 13 15 14 15 16 16 17 Event Date First Three Top Groups concert The Beatles live in the Church Hall Royal performance Capitol’s desire to record live The sixth annual back to school show “That means a lot” recording “Yesterday” recording instruction Official track list for “Rubber soul” LP “Yellow submarine” recording sheet “Songwriters extraordinary”BBC radio track list “Sgt. Pepper’s” production budget Beatles session payment at Trident studios George Martin producer confirmation “Stormy weather” recording instruction “Across the universe” recording instruction Paul McCartney fans leaving English Echo Off for pizzicato Compressed Middle Riff Tambourine Voices up Slow fade Overdubbing Track Gig Cello Session Tape Conductor Orchestration Treble Italian I due docenti coinvolgono gli alunni nell’attività iniziale ricercando la massima disponibilità nella produzione orale in L2 e nell’interesse verso uno dei gruppi più significativi nella produzione musicale leggera internazionale. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 Lezione 2. 1h Docenti in presenza: teoria analisi e composizione. Docente osservatore: L2 Reading activity: The history of the Beatles Reading activity - lesson 2 This activity starts up with the checking of the pre-reading charts as a group work for all students. Then “The Beatles’ history” will be “discovered” as a full-reading activity. Time: 20 mins. Read the whole history and then answer the questions READING ACTIVITY “THE BEATLES’ HISTORY” FEATURING JOHN LENNON, PAUL MC CARTNEY, GEORGE HARRISON, RINGO STARR 19 Introduction “I have never seen anything like it. Nor heard any noise to approximate the ceaseless, frantic, hysterical scream which met the Beatles when they took the stage after what seemed a hundred years of earlier acts. All very good, all marking time, because no one had come for anything other than the Beatles... Then the theatre went wild. First aid men and police – men in the stalls, women mainly in the balcony – taut and anxious, patrolled the aisles, one to every three rows. Many girls fainted. Thirty were gently carried out, protesting in their hysteria, forlorn and wretched in an unrequited love for four lads who might have lived next door. The stalls were like a nightmare March Fair. No one could remain seated. Clutching each other, hurling jelly babies at the stage, beating their brows, the youth of Britain’s second city surrendered themselves totally.” Derek Taylor (From his book “Fifty Years Adrift)” 1957-1962 “The story began in Harold Macmillan’s “never had it so good” ’50s Britain. It should be fiction: four teenagers with no more than eight O’Levels between them, running and biking and busing and busking all over Liverpool in search of new chords and old guitars and half-decent drum kit and any gig at all. 1963 “They’ve got something! From Liverpool, I hear, of all places.” “From Liverpool uber alles!” They leave their Cavern Club and within months they take the ascendancy in the British pop world, and start to live the life of Riley in London. They play the Palladium, the Royal Albert Hall, The Royal Variety Show, sing Moonlight Bay with Morecombe and Wise, give a spare hit to the Rolling Stones, play hundreds of concerts in Britain, nip over to Sweden, invent Beatlemania, record I Want to Hold Your Hand (their 4th British number one in a year) and, as if in a dream – while their conquering Paris – the record goes to Number One in America three weeks before the Ed Sullivan Show in New York. 1965 These were the years of dash and daring. Sweeping out of the final (and wonderfully old-fashioned) 1964 family Christmas Shows into the wider world of 1965, The Beatles would soon find themselves figureheads of a movement far beyond “pop” where a counter-culture / alternative society was made flesh. National boundaries were presumed to be doomed. Millions of minds were to become expanded and many trousers would soon be spandex. 20 1966 In the studio years (1966 onwards), supported by the steady hand of the great George Martin, they would produce songs which would be forever fresh and which still set the standards against the newcomers have to test themselves. 1968 It was the great glory of The Beatles that they could absorb and transmute so much, first in those tiny houses in Liverpool, listening to eclectic 1940s wireless, then to r’n’r and r&b and to Dylan and the poets and soon to music and messages from India. Unafraid of growth, dogged individuals with a powerful devotion to the group ethic, the Beatles accepted each other’s offerings and really “cooked” to make each record a feast that left us breathless with admiration. They never stood still. The Beatles started their own company, Apple Corps with five creative divisions – records, films etc – and then went public with an offer that anyone with an artistic need could come to them and get help. Is there, even now, a machine to count such numbers? The promise was that all sincere supplicants would be given encouragement, succour, a contract and maybe an envelope full of money. At the same time, the Beatles flew to foothills of the Himalayas to learn meditation. There, between sessions with the Maharishi, they wrote songs for what would become The ‘White’ Album. When recording started, the songs had come in such profusion that, famously, The White Album had thirty of them – enough for two high-class musicals. They sped from one track to another, content that the unity of the album would transcend the disparity in the style and content of the tracks. It was always their strength that they wrote bewitching singles. New songs were written to suit themselves; sometimes written alone. This new work could virtually be recorded solo, spontaneously, simply 21 1969 Following the White Album(and the magnificent Hey Jude) they made Let It Be and with the final regal glory of Abbey Road they left their grieving fans a legacy that will never be matched. In the inevitable breaking down of old liaisons, there was room for growth. John met and married Yoko; Paul met and married Linda. George matured far beyond his years, settled into his spiritual space and expressed himself writing classic songs; Ringo was now writing his own numbers and was widely acknowledged as a supreme drummer and a very good actor. To everything there is a season. That the rift between The Beatles, evolved with much public angst was a pity but this is not a perfect world is it? Relationships anyway, were repaired long ago. And in the end, the equation between the love they took and the love they made was intact into infinity. They still represent the twentieth century’s greatest romance. www.thebeatles.com/history QUESTIONS 1. Where did The Beatles’ career begin? 2. What were the four teenagers in search for in the first years? 3. Where did The Beatles play when reached London for the first time? 4. What did The Beatles soon find themselves in 1965? 5. What kind of songs did The Beatles write, thanks to the producer George Martin? 6. What original characteristic elements did The White Album have? 7. What did The Beatles leave their grieving fans at the end of their career? You will share your answers with your teacher and mates. 22 Verifica attività di reading: un quesito modello terza prova (tipo B) “The history of the Beatles seems to be a story of very great success(fame, money, women, etc.) though many of their songs deal with important serious themes(eg.: love, friendship, family). For example, what is the content of the song HELP (1965)and is it, in your opinion, a contemporary subject? - 70 words Help, I need somebody, Help, not just anybody, Help, you know I need someone, help. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured, Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors. Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being round. Help me, get my feet back on the ground, Won't you please, please help me. And now my life has changed in oh so many ways, My independence seems to vanish in the haze. But every now and then I feel so insecure, I know that I just need you like I've never done before. Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being round. Help me, get my feet back on the ground, Won't you please, please help me. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's help in any way. But now these daya are gone, I'm not so self assured, Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors. Help me if you can, I'm feeling down And I do appreciate you being round. Help me, get my feet back on the ground, Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh. Il docente in presenza presenta (ad libitum) i Beatles anticipando brevemente alcuni particolari / curiosità sulle semplici tecniche compositive e sui modelli di ispirazione delle stesse. Segue la proposta dell’attività di reading, come da scheda precedente, al termine della quale l’insegnante socializza con gli alunni le risposte. Il docente in presenza concede infine 15 minuti per la stesura della risposta al quesito modello terza prova che il docente di L2 provvederà a verificare a mezzo della seguente griglia definita solo per il rilevamento di competenze linguistiche e capacità di rielaborazione. Non è previsto un rilevamento delle conoscenze/contenuti in quanto la natura del quesito richiede un contributo dell’alunno su elementi di considerazione personale. 23 “THE BEATLES” CLIL LAB NOME…………………………………………………………. Reading activity Griglia di valutazione quesito finale competenze Competenza nell’uso degli operatori linguistici livelli Punti Forma espositiva fluida ed efficace, lessico 5 ricercato, discorso efficace (fino a 3 errori) Forma espositiva chiara e scorrevole, lessico 4 adeguato, discorso coerente (tra 4 e 8 errori) Forma espositiva semplice, lessico generico, 3 discorso nel complesso coerente (tra 9 e 12 errori) Forma espositiva confusa, lessico impreciso, 2 discorso parzialmente coerente (13 e 16 errori) 1 Forma espositiva confusa, lessico scorretto, discorso non coerente (tra 17 e 20 errori) Non rivela alcuna competenza linguistica (oltre 20 0 errori) Capacità critica e di rielaborazione Originale e personale, con citazioni/collegamenti 5 Sicura e personale 4 Adeguata 3 Superficiale 2 Parziale 1 Inadeguata 0 TOTALE 24 SCHEDA RILEVAMENTO L2 (OSSERVAZIONE) lezione 2 e altri contesti in cui l’osservatore è anche il docente di L2 (es. monitoraggio video) Alunno L’alunno si esprime in L2 in modo La comunicazione è Lessico. L’alunno … Interazione/cooperazione L’interazione è assicurata/gestita dall’alunno in L2 in modo fluente e autonomo appropriato con difficoltà pienamente efficace (l’interlocutore comprende appieno il messaggio e viceversa) soddisfacente carente è assicurata in modo poco efficace usa singoli fonemi e fraseologia in modo più che idoneo e costruttivo usa singoli fonemi ed espressioni in modo corretto usa singoli termini non sempre corretti e perifrasi usa singoli termini con difficoltà nella elaborazione di una affermazione autonomo spontaneo costruttivo propositivo impacciato forzato in modo non apprezzabile ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25 Lezione 3. 1h Docenti in presenza: Lingua Inglese e teoria analisi e composizione. Docente osservatore: storia della musica Attività: “Outline of a song text” OUTLINE OF A SONG TEXT Lyrics Pair work Names…………………………………………. You will read four Beatles’ songs texts and then complete the chart (one chart for each song) . Then mind the instructions for use at the bottom side of this sheet! Getting better A day in the life Lucy in the sky with diamonds Mother nature’s son Time: 30 mins Title Author(s) (Words/Music) Year of issue Album Features Title Content Lay out Poetic form Lyrics / Language Rhyme Rhythm Prominence to Relevant to meaning Addresser/Addressee Setting in time and place Traditional / experimental Number of stanzas and lines per stanza Ballad, dramatic poem, free verse, sonnet Yes / No Yes / No Regular, irregular, musical, deaf Slow, fast, smooth, hammering, flowing Alliteration, assonance, repetition, onomatopoeia, quality of sound (harsh, smooth, soft, gentle, grunge similes metaphors symbols Equal footing for 26 Style The message The context “Your choice”: preferred line or word(s) Key-words Turning points / climax Tone Dealings music and words Clear, straightforward, detailed, imaginative, colloquial Neutral, ironic, tragic, commetted, regretful, humorous, bitter, melanchonic Global, existential, social, moral, psychological, utopic Main theme Personal response “Picture yourself”: guess a well-known Italian literature poem which might be related to one of the songs. …………………………………………………………………………………… Now listen to each song! Which is your preferred one? Why did you like it literary speaking? Tell your mates! Guida alle canzoni (note per il docente per l’approfondimento in classe) Getting better A very good example about the way Mc Cartney and Lennon melted when working together: the positive refrain was made by Paul and the image of the rebel student was made by John. Actually the title means that things couldn’t be worse. A day in the life Two different fragments of songs assembled together. Paul’s section was inspired by the news from Blackburn town and the problem of holes on the streets. Lucy in the sky with diamonds Lennon’s son, Julian, when an infant child, went home one day with a drawning about one of his schoolmates, Lucy. She was portrayed with many diamonds in a sky.. A song as a love of Lennon for surrealism, word games and L. Carrol’s works. Mother nature’s son A song based upon Maharishi’s words during a lesson to Paul and George about the harmony of man with nature. I docenti leggono i testi delle canzoni selezionate a turno. Poi il docente L2 si sofferma sulla metrica e sulla onomatopeia tipica di alcune parole in lingua inglese e sul “peso” delle stesse nella frase musicale. Il docente di composizione offre esempi di corrispondenza suono/parola e di metrica nello stesso genere musicale e in altri (lirica, ecc.). In seguito propongono il lavoro agli alunni come da scheda precedente. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 Lezione 4. 1h Docenti in presenza: teoria analisi e composizione. Docente osservatore: tecnologie musicali Attività: “Music outline 1” MUSIC OUTLINE 1 Song Pair work Names…………………………………………. You will listen to four Beatles’ songs. Then mind the instructions for use at the bottom side of this sheet! When I’m sixty-four There’s a place Get back Tomorrow never knows Time: 30 mins Title Author(s) Year of issue Album Form Ballad Lullaby Carol Song Lay out Intro Refrain Bridge Hook Strain Coda Genres / influences Big Band swing Dance song Country Spiritual Beat Rock Heavy rock psychedelic pop 28 Folk Oriental Music hall Blues Instruments Strings Percussions (snare drums, cymbals, ethnics, Indian tabla,etc) Drums (acoustic/electronic/vynil/vintage/mellow/loop/analog drums set kit, etc.) Keyboards (piano, harmonium, working station, Hammond, etc.) Winds and brasses (saxophone, tuba, trumpet, flute, etc.) Guitars (guitar, bass, mandolin, etc.) Techniques riff, shot, rim shot, pizzicato,arpeggio, solo, accompaniment, suite, orchestration etc. (choose more than one or add new ones if recognised) Surf the net and search for the information about the song (author, …). Then listen to the song more times and complete the chart. While / soon after listening the song, tick the appropriate element or write your word(s) (eg.: instrument = guitar or piano) on the corresponding line in the right column, only! You will share the right answers with your teachers and mates at the end of the activity Personal response: which is your preferred song? Why did you like it literary speaking? Tell your mates! Guida alle canzoni When I’m sixty-four A tune composed by Paul when he was 15. a cabaret song as a gift to 20s and 30s music which his father used to play when he was young. The song layout is similar to a letter which was sent to an unknown lady by a young man with problems about living his own life in the society. The formal lay out depicts a portrait of a perfect gentleman. There’s a place Searching for shelter and consolation in the own thoughts, dreams and recollections. John faces his own life pains setting himself inside the certainty that his remote thoughts can afford him. Get back A satirical anti-racist song. The first song live. Tomorrow never knows An attempt made by John to tell about the LSD experience. The lyrics were borrowed by The Psychedelic Experience (1964) by Timothy Leary which was already the meaning of the ancient Tibetan “The Book of Dead Men”: “Your ego is dying, not your body!” The sound, consisting in 16 tape loops is an example of John’s experiments in recording. Il docente propone in apertura della lezione l’ascolto di quattro brani dei Beatles dopo una breve introduzione (ripresa) di alcune generi musicali popolari e delle principali caratteristiche distintive nella composizione ed esecuzione. In seguito propone la scheda di lavoro al termine del quale socializza con gli alunni le risposte curandone gli approfondimenti. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29 Lezione 5. 1h Docenti in presenza: tecnologie musicali. Docente osservatore: teoria analisi e composizione Attività: “Music outline 2” MUSIC Pair work OUTLINE 2 Song Names ……………………… You will listen to four Beatles’ songs. Then mind the instructions for use at the bottom side of this sheet! Revolution number nine The fool on the hill Penny Lane Eleanor Rigby Time: 30 mins Title Author/s Album Year of issue Time (minutes) Audio Vocals Instruments Single voice Chorus Background voice Effects acoustic electrical / electronic traditional /ethnic effects echo reverber delay octaver flange pitch More … …………. …………. …………. feedback booster flanger overdrive vibrato wah compressor chorus metal 30 Effects environment Recording Insert/remove silence Fading in/out Echo Wave inversion Mute Channel exchange Volume up/down Left-right pan Right-left pan fuzz phaser distortion tremolo echo delay reverber sustainer shifter octaver church theater auditorium arena studio Surf the net and search for the information about the song (author, …). Then listen to the song more times and complete the chart. While / soon after listening the song, tick the appropriate element or write your word(s) (eg.: instrument = guitar or piano) on the corresponding line in the right column, only! You will share the right answers with your teachers and mates at the end of the activity Personal response: which is your preferred song? Why did you like it literary speaking? Tell your mates! Guida alle canzoni Revolution number nine It is not a song. It is a mixing production which was made by John and his wife Yoko Ono. As there were not sophisticated recording units, multi tracks, all the three Abbey Road studios had to be involved in, and the mixing desks connected all together in an extraordinary way. The tape loops set up by pencils. The fool on the hill The song tells about an idiot savant, a wise fool. It suddenly appeared to John during a walking on a hill at dawn. Penny Lane One of Liverpool streets. The song is the symbol of a bright infant innocence. It is both reality and nostalgic recollection. Eleanor Rigby unreal names of people, true life experiences. Il docente di tecnologia propone l’ascolto di quattro brani dei Beatles. In seguito propone la scheda di lavoro al termine del quale favorisce la socializzazione delle risposte degli alunni, ed enfatizza la differenza/corrispondenza nell’uso di strumentazioni e tecnologie tra il vicino passato musicale e le attuali disponibilità tecniche/tecnologiche. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31 Lezione 6. 1h Docenti in presenza: tecnologie musicali. Docente osservatore: teoria analisi e composizione Attività: Ricerca- Azione con scuola partner Durata: 2 ore di lezione frontale. Il resto del tempo sarà gestito dagli alunni a mezzo di social network con una scadenza per la consegna del prodotto finale in 1 mese. La presente attività rientra in un progetto di cooperazione tra due scuole (italiana e straniera europea) il cui fine è quello di favorire la collaborazione internazionale a distanza tra due classi di alunni come simulazione di una futura attività lavorativa in ambito musicale di ricerca, composizione, esecuzione. Al tempo stesso viene affermata la finalità di ulteriore sviluppo ed affermazione di competenze linguistiche grazie al canale interattivo live che sarà necessario attivare da parte dei due gruppi classe per rendere operativo e concreto il proprio lavoro a distanza. Pertanto saranno adoperati/favoriti nell’uso strumenti ed ambiti per la comunicazione a distanza a garanzia sia delle esperienze di comunicazione live in simultanea da strutture scolastiche (es: videoconferenza per group activity o face book per attività individuali o di coppia), sia delle attività di comunicazione sociale extrascolastica per alimentare il flusso di informazioni e materiali nella relazione anche a due (face book, twitter, skype). I docenti (italiani e stranieri) saranno inseriti nelle liste dei social network del progetto ai fini di controllo, osservazione, collaborazione diretta con studenti e docenti, valutazione. Internet searching (small groups) activity -partnership cooperation allowed- First step The Beatles ’ technical happenings This is an inter-school cooperation lab. Your are allowed to use social networks (facebook, twitter, msn), as your teachers will be. In 4 groups of students -each group composed by mixed-up mates from the two schools- search information and news about the following technical sound happenings. - LIVE SHOWS RECORDING GIGS MIXING AND MASTERING GIGS MIXING NOTES LIVE OR RECORDED RADIO BROADCASTS LIVE OR RECORDED TV BROADCASTS OFFICIAL AUDIO/VIDEO CHECK WITH TV TECHNICIANS SHOOTING AND POST-PRODUCTION ACTIVITY FOR A SHORT MOVIE OR A TRAILER Each group/piece of information will be inserted into a chart whose lay out each staff will set up. At the end of the activity all the charts will be delivered to the students representatives in chief (Italian and …) who will manage the collection of information to be published on line on this project schools site together with a shared history of The Beatles, a preferred Beatles’ top songs chart, and the results for the following audio activities as in the following steps. Time: one week 32 Second step MUSICAL PRODUCTION and CONTEST This is the last step for the whole international project. The two international students classes will be mixed up and three new groups will be constituted owing to each student’s interests and abilities. Each group will make a research/production which will be published on the schools sites and performed live on the schools exchange experience on exhibitions and live gigs. 1. ARTS: “The contemporary arts of The Beatles”. Which were the arts styles at the time of The Beatles? 2. HISTORY OF CUSTOMS: “The contemporary customs of society of The Beatles”. Which were the public and private habits at the time of The Beatles? 3. SONG COMPOSITION: Write a song (lyrics and music) in a literary style and sound similar to the Beatles’ one. Musical scores will have to be delivered to Musical Theory and Composition teachers before recordings. Time: 3 weeks. 33 Per la presente ultima attività viene condivisa tra docenti italiani e stranieri la seguente griglia per il monitoraggio/osservazione degli studenti: Observation evaluation form Evaluation of qualities (chart suitable for the present activity and for each non-linguistic experience observation evaluation and/or for the final results recording. The chart may be considered as for one of the two sections separately owing to a single need) Candidate / group…………………………. Date / Lesson / Lab …………………………….. 1. (scores) Rate the candidate / groups on the following qualities (5) excellent (4) good (3) average (2) satisfactory (1) poor Ability (judgement, clear thinking, reliability ,discretion) Industry (initiative, self-reliance, interest in work. Perseverance, use of time and opportunity) Personality (disposition, manners, neatness, tact, ability to cooperate) Skills (quality of performance) 2. (yes/no) Language and context The student has developed knowledge into The student has developed abilities into socio-cultural context events musical technical devices musical technical procedures music history language semantic language phonetics musical technical devices musical technical procedures speaking and reading (setting up easy strategies setting) general communication strategies (success, cooperation, guessing) specific musical technical strategies (setting up music composition and production) Name of Reference (teacher) …………………………………………….. 34 1.3 GUIDA STUDENTE STUDENT’S GUIDE Dear student You are being involved in a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) activity. It consists of a learning activity which will make you as a protagonist of six lessons concerning a musical subject in English language only. Lingua Inglese, Teoria Analisi e Composizione, Tecnologie Musicali will be the school subjects and their teachers will take turn in sharing activities with you and your classmates. You will be suggested activities for listening, reading, lyrics and music analysis, music research, and international cooperation with a foreign school in order to set up a musical production. For each class you will be requested to fill in charts which will be useful for your teachers to evaluate the experience, and for you in order to make the learning as granted. You will probably be shot (video) because that will be one of your teachers’ means for the evaluation of the work. The general purpose is improving your English language inside a real international and operational context as you might happen to meet in your next future at the university or at work. The music of The Beatles is the subject shared by your teachers and by the foreign ones. At the end of the last activity you will be given an evaluation form to be delivered to your teacher. Thanks and have a positive experience! Your teachers 35 Student’s Guide EVALUATION FORM Make evaluation by placing a tick in the allotted space (5) Superior (4) Above Average (3) Average (2) Below Average (1) Unsatisfactory (0) Not Applicable The activity You have appreciated the project generally speaking the presentation of the subject matter by teachers the managing of the project by teachers the work planning the international relationship managing You have improved your English language You could communicate to your Italian mates in a clear concise manner You could communicate to your foreign mates in a clear concise manner You have learned new words / expressions in general You have learned new technical words / expressions You have chosen words skilfully and have organized ideas effectively You have learned to use new devices Your working Attitude to work: you have accepted challenges in a cooperative way Response to cooperation: you have accepted suggestions from your mates Response to cooperation: you have gained profits from help by your mates Personal qualities: cooperation confidence and respect, assumed responsibilities, taken appropriate action on your own Success or probable success as a group member Attitude to work in an international contest Comments [email protected] 2011. all rights reserved © 36 1.4 Bibliografia - S. Turner, “La storia dietro ogni canzone dei Beatles”, Tarab ediz M. Lewison, “La grande storia dei Beatles”, Giunti Mehisto, Marsh, Frigols, “Uncovering CLIL”, MacMillan C.Coonan, “La lingua straniera veicolare”, Utet APPENDICE I TESTI DELLE CANZONI Getting better It's getting better all the time I used to get mad in my school (No, I can't complain) The teachers that taught me weren't cool (No, I can't complain) Holding me down, turning me round, Filling me up with your rules I've got to admit it's getting better, A little better all the time (can't get no worse) To admit it's getting better, It's getting better since you've been mine. Me used to be angry young man Me hiding me head in the sand You gave me the word I finally heard I'm doing the best that I can. To admit it's getting better, A little better all the time To admit it's getting better, It's getting better since you've been mine. Getting so much better all the time It's getting better all the time Better, better, better, It's getting better all the time. Better, better, better I used to be cruel to my woman I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved Man I was mean but I'm changing my scene And I'm doing the best that I can. I admit it's getting better, A little better all the time (can't get no worse) Yes, I admit it's getting better, It's getting better since you've been mine. Getting so much better all the time It's getting better all the time Better, better, better, It's getting better all the time. Better, better, better, Getting so much better all the time. 37 A day in the life I read the news today oh, boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad Well I just had to laugh and I saw the photograph He blew his mind out in a car He didn’t notice that the lights had changed A crowd of people stood and stared They’d seen his face before, Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords I saw a film today oh, boy The english army had just won the war A crowd of people turned away But I just had a look Having read the book, I’d love to turn you on Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, And looking up I noticed I was late Found my coat and grabbed my hat Made the bus in seconds flat Found my way upstairs and had a smoke, Somebody spoke and I went into a dream I read the news today oh boy Four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire And though the holes were rather small They had to count them all, Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall I’d love to turn you on Lucy in the sky with diamonds Picture yourself in a boat on a river, With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly, A girl with kaleidoscope eyes Cellophane flowers of yellow and green, Towering over your head Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes, And she’s gone Lucy in the sky with diamonds Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies, Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers, That grow so incredibly high Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, Waiting to take you away Climb in the back with your head in the clouds, And you’re gone Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Picture yourself on a train in a station, With plasticine porters with looking glass ties, Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle, The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes 38 Mother nature’s son Born a poor young country boy, mother nature’s son All day long I’m sitting singing songs for everyone Sit beside a mountain stream, see her waters rise Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Doo doo doo Find me in my field of grass, mother nature’s son Swaying daises sing a lazy song beneath the sun When I’m sixty-four When i get older losing my hair, Many years from now Will you still be sending me a valentine Birthday greetings bottle of wine If i'd been out till quarter to three Would you lock the door, Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When i'm sixty-four You'll be older too, And it you say the word, I could stay with you I could be handy, mending a fuse When your lights have gone You can knit a sweater by the fireside Sunday mornings go for a ride, Doing the garden, digging the weeds, Who could ask for more Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When i'm sixty-four Every summer we can rent a cottage, In the isle of wight, if it's not too dear We shall scrimp and save Grandchildren on your knee Vera chuck & dave Send me a postcard, drop me a line, Stating point of view Indicate precisely what you mean to say Yours sincerely, wasting away Give me your answer, fill in a form Mine for evermore Will you still need me, will you still feed me, When i'm sixty-four There’s a place There is place Where I can go When I feel low When I feel blue And it's my mind And there's no time when I'm alone I think of you And things you do Go 'round my head The things you said Like "I love only you" 39 In my mind there's no sorrow Don't you know that it's so There'll be no sad tomorrow Don't you know that it's so There is place Where I can go When I feel low When I feel blue And it's my mind And there's no time when I'm alone There's a place... There's a place... There's a place... There's a place... Get back Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner But he knew it wouldn't last. Jojo left his home in Tucson, Arizona For some California grass. Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back Jojo. Go home Get back, get back. Back to where you once belonged Get back, get back. Back to where you once belonged. Get back Jo. Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman But she was another man All the girls around her say she's got it coming But she gets it while she can Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back Loretta. Go home Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged. Get back Loretta Your mother's waiting for you Wearing her high-heel shoes And her low-neck sweater Get on home Loretta Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged Tomorrow never knows Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream, It is not dying, it is not dying Lay down al thoughts, surrender to the void, It is shining, it is shining 40 Yet you may see the meaning of within It is being, it is being Love is all and love is everyone It is knowing, it is knowing And ignorance and hate mourn the dead It is believing, it is believing But listen to the colour of your dreams It is not leaving, it is not leaving So play the game "existence" to the end Of the beginning, of the beginning Revolution number nine No lyrics The fool on the hill Day after day alone on the hill The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still But nobody wants to know him They can see that he's just a fool And he never gives an answer But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head See the world spinning round Well on the way, his head in a cloud The man of a thousand voices is talking perfectly loud But nobody ever hears him Or the sound he appears to make And he never seems to notice But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head See the world spinning round Oh, round, round, round, round, round And nobody seems to like him they can tell what he wants to do And he never shows his feelings But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head See the world spinning round Oh, round, round, round, round, round And he never listen to them He knows that they're the fools But they don't like him The fool on the hill sees the sun going down And the eyes in his head See the world spinning round Oh, round, round, round, round, round oh 41 Penny Lane One of Liverpool streets. The song is the symbol of a bright infant innocence. It is both reality and nostalgic recollection. In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs Of every head he's had the pleasure to know. And all the people that come and go Stop and say hello. On the corner is a banker with a motorcar, The little children laugh at him behind his back. And the banker never wears a mack In the pouring rain, very strange. Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes. There beneath the blue suburban skies I sit, and meanwhile back In penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass And in his pocket is a portrait of the Queen. He likes to keep his fire engine clean, It's a clean machine. Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes. A four of fish and finger pies In summer, meanwhile back Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout The pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray And tho' she feels as if she's in a play She is anyway. In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer, We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim. And then the fireman rushes in From the pouring rain, very strange. Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes. There beneath the blue suburban skies I sit, and meanwhile back. Penny lane is in my ears and in my eyes. There beneath the blue suburban skies, Penny Lane. Eleanor Rigby unreal names of people, true life experiences. Ah! Look at all the lonely people Ah! Look at all the lonely people Eleanor Rigby, picks up the rice in a church where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door Who is it for? All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? Father McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear No one comes near Look at him working, darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there What does he care? All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? Ah! Look at all the lonely people Ah! Look at all the lonely people Eleanor Rigby, died in the church 42 and was buried along with her name Nobody came Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave No one was saved All the lonely people, where do they all come from? All the lonely people, where do they all belong? 43