APDs VFP-1000 Series
APDs VFP-1000 Series
Siletz™ VFP-1000 Series Submounted APD Die SILETZ™ Submounted APD Die High-Gain, Low Excess-Noise NIR Single Carrier Features ▪ High-gain NIR I n G a A s s i n g l e carrier- multiplic a t i i o n A P D (SCM-APD) ▪ 950–1700nm re s p o n s e ▪ High responsivit y ▪ Low excess nois e a n d h i g h gain combine fo r s u p e r i o r sensitivity not a c h i e v e d w i t h conventional AP Ds ▪ Provides high-ga i n w i t h l o w noise, leading t h e i n d u s t r y i n solid-state NIR d e t e c t i o n ▪ Custom devices a v ai l a b l e u p o n request Multiplication APDs (SCM-APDs) VFP-1000 Series Back-illuminated, high-gain, ultra-low-excess-noise SCM-APDs combine the industry’s highest gain and lowest excess noise, providing unsurpassed Applications sensitivity in the near infrared spectral range from 950 to 1700nm. Voxtel’s single-carrier multiplication APDs (SCM-APDs) are photodetectors ▪ Free-space opti c a l communications ▪ Laser range find i n g ▪ Optical time dom a i n reflectometry APDs achieve high responsivity through internal current gain, but the use- ▪ Optical coheren c e t o m o g r a p h y fulness of this gain is undermined by the accompanying avalanche noise. ▪ Fluorescence me as u r e m e n t s , spectroscopy, c h r o m a t o g r a p h y and electrophor e s i s that exceed the capabilities of conventional APDs in both gain and noise performance. This allows for active optical systems with better sensitivity, longer range, and lower laser power. Voxtel’s SCM-APDs can be operated at high gain with low noise, providing a significant advantage. The Siletz series of SCM-APDs has a low effective ratio of ionization coefficients (keff ~.02), and can be operated with low excess noise: F(M)<2 up to M=10, and F(M)<3 up to M~40, with maximum usable linearmode gain of Siletz SCM-APDs at typically M=50. Standard telecom NIR APDs are not useful above M=15, and carry a much greater noise penalty (k=0.4; F(M)>7 at M=15). With high gain, low noise and high quantum efficiency, Voxtel’s SCM-APDs are ideal for low-light-level detection, or other applications that call for industry-leading sensitivity in the 900–1700 nm spectral band. Coupling the SCM-APD to a low-noise amplifier produces a receiver with high gain, superior noise equivalent power, and better sensitivity. Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. Submounted APD Die Siletz™ VFP-1000 Series Silet z™ Series APD Photoreceivers Voxtel SCM-APD Responsivity Responsivity [A/W] 1.0 2 100 Voxtel SCM-APD QE 0.8 80 0.6 60 0.4 40 0.2 20 0.0 0 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 Wavelength [nm] 10-5 T dark 10-6 225 250 275 300 325 Temperature [K] 350 Breakdown Voltage [V] Dark Current [A] Spectral responsivity curve and quantum efficiency @ gain M=1, T=295K, 200µm SCM-APD 76 74 72 225 250 275 300 Temperature [K] Effects of temperature on dark current and breakdown voltage of a 200µm SCM-APD @ M=50 ± 2 Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. 325 350 Siletz™ Submounted APD Die VFP-1000 Series V F P -10 0 0 S e r i e s N e a r -I n f r a r e d S C M - A P D M o d e l V F P1- E B Z B 30µm, 4.0GHz Specifications Parameter Min Typical Max Units Spectral Range, λ 950 1000–1600 1750 nm Active Diameter 30 μm Bandwidth 4.0 GHz APD Operating Gain, M Responsivity at M=1 1 20 40 .66 .73 .78 .91 1.01 1.04 A/W λ=1064nm λ=1550nm 2.0 M=10 2.9 M=40 Noise Spectral Density @ M=10 .78 pA/Hz 1/2 Dark Current @ M=1i 6.6 nA 35 pF Excess Noise Factor, F(M,k) Total Capacitance ii Breakdown Voltage, V BR iii 70 74 ΔV BR /ΔT 29 Temperature Sensing Diode Voltage and 80 ∆V/K iv mV/K 0.50 0.48 -2.18 mV/K 0.51 V 125 µW Maximum Instantaneous Input Power V i Unity referenced from M=10, T=298K M>3 iii T = 2 9 8 K , I dark> 0 . 1 m A iv S o u r c i n g 1 0 µ A , T = 2 9 8 K v 10ns, 1064nm signal at a 20Hz PRF with an APD multiplication gain of M=10 ii 370 µm 1520 µm TEMP SENSE APD B E C E CATHODE V ANODE CATHODE Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. 3 Submounted APD Die Siletz™ VFP-1000 Series V F P -10 0 0 S e r i e s N e a r -I n f r a r e d S C M - A P D M o d e l V F P1-J B Z B 75µm, 2.3GHz Specifications Parameter Min Typical Max Units Spectral Range, λ 950 1000–1600 1750 nm 75 Bandwidth 2.3 2.7 1 20 40 .66 .73 .78 .91 1.01 1.04 APD Operating Gain, M Responsivity at M=1 Excess Noise Factor, F(M,k) 4 μm Active Diameter Noise Spectral Density @ M=10 Dark Current @ M=1i 12 Breakdown Voltage, V BR 70 Voltage and M=40 1.46 pA/Hz1/2 28 ∆V/K iv 80 -2.18 mV/K Maximum Instantaneous Input Power V i Unity referenced from M=10, T=298K M>3 iii T = 2 9 8 K , I dark> 0 . 1 m A iv S o u r c i n g 1 0 µ A , T = 2 9 8 K v 10ns, 1064nm signal at a 20Hz PRF with an APD multiplication gain of M=10 ii 370 µm 1520 µm TEMP SENSE APD B E C E CATHODE V mV/K 0.50 0.48 nA pF 29 Temperature Sensing Diode λ=1550nm 2.9 74 ΔV BR /ΔT λ=1064nm M=10 0.23 iii A/W 2.0 23 Total Capacitance ii GHz ANODE CATHODE Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. 0.51 V 1 µW Siletz™ Submounted APD Die VFP-1000 Series V F P -10 0 0 S e r i e s N e a r -I n f r a r e d S C M - A P D M o d e l V F P1- N B Z B 200µm, 350MHz Specifications Parameter Min Typical Max Units Spectral Range, λ 950 1000–1600 1750 nm Active Diameter Bandwidth APD Operating Gain, M Responsivity at M=1 300 350 400 1 20 40 .66 .73 .78 .91 1.01 1.04 Excess Noise Factor, F(M,k) Noise Spectral Density @ M=10 Dark Current @ M=1i 90 70 Voltage and ∆V/K iv 3.92 pA/Hz 1/2 200 80 Maximum Instantaneous Input Power V i ii 370 µm 1520 µm TEMP SENSE APD B E C E CATHODE V mV/K -2.18 mV/K Unity referenced from M=10, T=298K M>3 iii T = 2 9 8 K , I dark> 0 . 1 m A iv S o u r c i n g 1 0 µ A , T = 2 9 8 K v 10ns, 1064nm signal at a 20Hz PRF with an APD multiplication gain of M=10 nA pF 0.50 0.48 λ=1550nm M=40 29 Temperature Sensing Diode λ=1064nm 2.9 74 ΔV BR /ΔT A/W M=10 1.47 iii MHz 2.0 165 Total Capacitance ii Breakdown Voltage, V BR μm 200 ANODE CATHODE Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice. 0.51 V 5 µW 5 Submounted APD Die Siletz™ VFP-1000 Series O r d e r i n g I n f o r m a t i o n F o r V F P -10 0 0 S e r i e s A P D P r o d u c t s V F Device Device Type V=APD F=Linear mode P 1 Detector P=Siletz 1=Single SCM APD Element - B Z B Diameter Package Window Revision E=30µm B=Ceramic Z=None J=75µm Submount N=200µm Not all combinations of product features are available. Please contact Voxtel for specific ordering information and parts availability. 6 Caution During APD Operation If an APD is operated above its breakdown voltage without some form of current protection, it can draw enough current to destroy itself. To guard against this, the user can add either a protective resistor to the bias circuit or a current-limiting circuit in the suppor ting electronics. The breakdown voltage of an APD is dependent upon its temperature: the breakdown voltage decreases when the APD is cooled. Consequently, a reverse bias operating point that is safe at room temperature may put the APD into breakdown at low temperature. The approximate temperature dependence of the breakdown voltage is published in the spec sheet for the par t, but caution should be exercised when an APD is cooled. Low-noise readout circuits usually have high impedance, and an unusually strong current pulse from the APD could generate a momentary excessive volt- age that is higher than the readout’s supply voltage, possibly damaging the input to the amplifier. To prevent this, a protective circuit should be connected to divert excessive voltage at the inputs to a power supply voltage line. As noted in the specification, another consideration is that the APD gain changes depending on temperature. When an APD is used over a wide temperature range, it is necessary to use some kind of temperature compensation to obtain operation at a stable gain. This can be implemented as either regulation of the applied reverse bias according to temperature, feedback temperature control using a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) or other refrigerator, or both. Upon request, Voxtel will gladly assist customers in implementing the proper controls to ensure safe and reliable operation of APDs in their system. Voxtel, Inc., 15985 NW Schendel Avenue, #200, Beaverton, OR 97006, www.voxtel-inc.com, T 971.223.5646, F 503.296.2862 Voxtel Literature No. VFP1-xBZB, Version date: 06/2012 © Voxtel makes no warranty or representation regarding its products’ specific application suitability and may make changes to the products described without notice.
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