Leasing Brochure - Planned Community Developers
Leasing Brochure - Planned Community Developers
3 5 ' ! 2 , ! . $ 4/7. 315!2% 7(%2% #/--%2#% !.$ #/--5.)49 #/-% 4/'%4(%2 Planned Community Developers, Ltd., the developer for the 9,700 acre community of First Colony, is proud to introduce it's mixed use and pedestrian friendly lifestyle center Sugar Land Town Square in Sugar Land,Texas. Location Southeast Northwest corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Sugar Land Town Square Amenities -32-acre mixed use “Town Square” -300 room full service Marriott Hotel & Conference Center -City Hall (82,000 s.f.) -167 mid-rise residential units -1.4-acre pedestrian plaza -Pedestrian friendly walkways to stores & restaurants -560,000 s.f. of office space -238,779 s.f. of retail space -24 hr. traffic counts @ US 59 N & SH6 approx. 182,000 -24 hr. traffic counts @ SH6 N & US 59 approx. 56,000 Restaurants Retailers -A Dog’s Life -Albert Luiz Salon & Spa -Ann Taylor Loft -AT&T -Charming Charlie -Christopher’s Vintage Shave -Cigar Cigar -Em & Lee -Eye Trends -Facelogic -Fred Astaire -JoAnn’s -Jos A. Bank -Kiss Kiss -Luggage & Leather -Motherhood Maternity -Fleet Feet Sports -Relax the Back -Strasburg Children -Sweet and Sassy -Swoozies -Z Gallerie Adjacent to First Colony Mall (1,000,000 s.f.) -1905 Pizza Bar -Amici’s -Baker Street Pub US 59 -Ben & Jerry’s -Cafe Express -Chipotle -Escalantes -Fish City Grill -Fuzziwig’s Candy -Jamba Juice -Japaneiro’s -Jimmy John’s Sandwiches -Loggia Food.Sports.Music -Olives Martini Bar & Grille -P. F. Chang’s -Perry’s Grille & Steakhouse -Shiva Indian Restaurant -Shogi Japanese Hibachi -Starbucks -Swirll -Taisho Japanese Grille & Bar -The Burning Pear -Vineyard on the Square 19.32% Demographics (US 59 @ State Highway 6) 3 Mile 5 Mile 482,411 13.36% 8 Mile Population: 94,021 266,707 853,133 Pop. Growth: 26.18% 27.95% 25.26% Median Age: 35.61 33.58 32.73 Income Avg: $94,792 $89,771@ 281.242.2000 $71,279 For more information contact: Don Janssen Median Housing: $177,086 $151,296 $133,931 or visit www.sugarland-properties.com w For more information contact Don Janssen (office space) or Charles Adams (retail space) @281.242.2000 or visit www.pcdltd.com N Planned Community Developers, Ltd., the developer for the 9,700 acre community of First Colony, is proud to introduce it's mixed use and pedestrian friendly lifestyle center Sugar Land Town Square in Sugar Land,Texas. Location Southeast corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Northwest corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Sugar Land Town Square Amenities -32-acre mixed-use “Town Square” -300-room full-service Marriott Hotel & Conference Center -City Hall (82,000 s.f.) -167 mid-rise residential units -1.4-acre pedestrian plaza -Pedestrian-friendly walkways to stores and restaurants -560,000 s.f. of office space -238,779 s.f. of retail space -24-hr. traffic counts at US 59 N of SH 6 - approx. 182,000 -24-hr.traffic counts at SH 6 W of US 59 - approx. 56,000 -Adjacent to First Colony Mall (1,000,000 s.f.) 2277 Plaza Drive Office Building US 59 -Six floors -135,000 s.f. of Class A office space -Structured parking with covered connection to office building -Roving patrol 24 hours per day -Lobby bank -Phone activated and zoned after-hours HVAC -Redundant power -Fiber optics available -Plaza view -25,000 s.f. floor plate Demographics (US 59 @ State Highway 6) 3 Mile Population: Pop. Growth: Median Age: Income Avg: Median Housing: 94,021 26.18% 35.61 $94,792 $177,086 5 Mile 266,707 27.95% 33.58 $89,771 $151,296 8 Mile 853,133 25.26% 32.73 $71,279 $133,931 contact: Don Janssen @ 281.242.2000 For Formore moreinformation information contact Don Janssen (office space) or or visit www.sugarland-properties.com w Charles Adams (retail space) @ 281-242-2000 or visit www.pcdltd.com US 59 N Planned P lanned C Community ommunity D Developers, evelopers, Ltd., Ltd., the developer for the 9,700 acre community of First Colony, is proud to introduce it's mixed use and pedestrian friendly lifestyle center Sugar Land Town Square in Sugar Land,Texas. Location Southeast corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Northwest corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Sugar Land Town Square Amenities -32-acre mixed-use “Town Square” -300-room full-service Marriott Hotel & Conference Center -City Hall (82,000 s.f.) -167 mid-rise residential units -1.4-acre pedestrian plaza -Pedestrian-friendly walkways to stores and restaurants -560,000 s.f. of office space -238,779 s.f. of retail space -24-hr. traffic counts at US 59 N of SH 6 - approx. 182,000 -24-hr.traffic counts at SH 6 W of US 59 - approx. 56,000 -Adjacent to First Colony Mall (1,000,000 s.f.) 2150 Town Square Place Office Building US 59 -Eight floors -185,000 s.f. of Class A office space -Structured parking with covered connection -Phone activated and zoned after-hours HVAC -Redundant power -Fiber optics available -Plaza view -25,000 s.f. floor plate -Freeway exposure -Adjacent to Marriott Hotel -First floor retail Demographics (US 59 @ State Highway 6) Population: Pop. Growth: Median Age: Income Avg: Median Housing: 94,021 26.18% 35.61 $94,792 $177,086 266,707 27.95% 33.58 $89,771 $151,296 853,133 25.26% 32.73 $71,279 $133,931 For formation contact: Don Janssen @ 281.242.2000 Formore moreininformation contact Don Janssen (office space) or or visitAdams www w.sugarland-properties.com Charles (retail space) @281-242-2000 or visit www.pcdltd.com First Colony all Ring 3 Mile 5 Mile 8 Mile _______________________ N Planned Community Developers, Ltd., the developer for the 9,700 acre community of First Colony, is proud to introduce it's mixed use and pedestrian friendly lifestyle center Sugar Land Town Square in Sugar Land,Texas. Location Southeast corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Northwest corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Sugar Land Town Square Amenities - 32-acre mixed-use “Town Square” 300-room full-service Marriott Hotel & Conference Center City Hall (82,000 s.f.) 167 mid-rise residential units 1.4-acre pedestrian plaza Pedestrian-friendly walkways to stores and restaurants 560,000 s.f. of office space 238,779 s.f. of retail space 24-hr. traffic counts at US 59 N of SH 6 – approx. 182,000 24 hr. traffic counts at SH 6 W of US 59 - approx. 56,000 Adjacent to First Colony Mall (1,000,000 s.f.) 2185 Texas Drive Retail Bldg. Demographics (US 59 @ State Highway 6) Population: Pop. Growth: Median Age: Income Avg: Median Housing: 94,021 26.18% 35.61 $94,792 $177,086 266,707 27.95% 33.58 $89,771 $151,296 853,133 25.26% 32.73 $71,279 $133,931 For Formore moreininformation formation contact: contactDon Don Janssen Janssen @ (office 281.242.2000 space) or Charles (retail space) @281-242-2000 or or visitAdams www w.sugarland-properties.com visit www.pcdltd.com First Colony 3_______________________ Mile 5 Mile 8 Mile N Planned P lanned C Community ommunity D Developers, evelopers, Ltd., Ltd., the developer for the 9,700 acre community of First Colony, is proud to introduce it's mixed use and pedestrian friendly lifestyle center Sugar Land Town Square in Sugar Land,Texas. Location Southeast corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Northwest corner of US 59 and State Highway 6 Sugar Land Town Square Amenities -32-acre mixed-use “Town Square” -300-room full-service Marriott Hotel & Conference Center -City Hall (82,000 s.f.) -The Minute Maid Company World Headquarters -167 mid-rise residential units -1.4-acre pedestrian plaza -Pedestrian-friendly walkways to stores and restaurants -560,000 s.f. of office space -238,779 s.f. of retail space -24-hr. traffic counts at US 59 N of SH 6 - approx. 182,000 -24-hr. traffic counts at SH 6 W of US 59 - approx. 56,000 -Adjacent to First Colony Mall (1,000,000 s.f.) 2245 Texas Drive Office Building (Opening March 2010) -Six floors -166,000 s.f. of Class A office space -Structured parking with level 2 skywalk -Roving patrol 24 hours per day -Phone activated and zoned after-hours HVAC -Redundant power -Fiber optics available -25,000 s.f. floor plate -Freeway exposure Demographics (US 59 @ State Highway 6) Population: Pop. Growth: Median Age: Income Avg: Median Housing: 94,021 26.18% 35.61 $94,792 $177,086 266,707 27.95% 33.58 $89,771 $151,296 853,133 25.26% 32.73 $71,279 $133,931 For formation contact: Don Janssen @ 281.242.2000 Formore moreininformation contact Don Janssen (office space) or or visit www w .sugarland-properties.com Charles Adams (retail space) @281-242-2000 or visit www.sugarlandtownsquare.com First Colony 3 Mile 5 Mile 8 Mile _______________________ N MAI N S TR E ET C ONC E PT A c onc ept tha t ha s been enor mous l y s uc c es s ful i n other a r ea s i s a r ea l i ty i n S outhwes t Hous ton. B y combi ni ng s ome of the nati on's mos t s ucces s ful r eta i l er s , bus i nes s es , a fi r s t-c l a s s hotel a nd c onferenc e c enter, S uga r L a nd Town S qua r e br i ngs s ever a l el ements wi thi n one 3 2 -a c r e pa c k a ge tha t don't exi s t a nywher e el s e i n the r egi on: Main S treet R etailing A pedestr ian-or iented main-street city center and a centr al business dis tr ict that is within walking dis tance of s tores , s er vices , res taur ants , s idewalk cafes , enter tainment and a hotel and conference center. Community Gather ing P lace F es tivals and impor tant events take place in the center piece of S ugar L and Town S quare: an active, 1. 4-acre plaza. Clas s A Office E nvironment A profes s ional place to s howcas e a company where the technology and acces s to function efficiently is s ur rounded by an inviting mix of conveniences that make doing business a pleas ure. RETAIL OPTIONS 853,000 people live within the 8-mile tr ade ar ea. The av erage household income is $118,955 in a 3-mile radius. MAIN S TR E E T R E TAIL 210,000 square feet of stores on thr ee pedestrian-focused streets US 59 -So uthwes t Freeway 3 City Hall 5 Plaza Drive City Walk 7 Office Town Center Boulevard 9 PGaarrkaigneg for Town Square 5, 7 & 9 Retail y6 Lone Star Drive 8 hwa 1 6 Marriott Hotel Hig 2 4 Of f ic e Parking for ToG wanraSgqeuare 6&8 Texas Drive Parking for TowGnarSaqgueare 1, 2 & 4 Town Square Place Brazos Drive Office Over Retail Office SUGAR LAND TOWN SQUARE Class A Office 2277 Plaza Drive 135,000 Square Foot, 6-Story Office on the Plaza Space Available Class A Office Space with all of the Amenities of a True Town Center: 560,000 square-feet of Class A office space Easy access and structured parking 24-hour roving security Monitored call boxes State-of-the-art telecommunication options OFFICE OPTIONS 560,000 Square Feet of Class A Office Space 2277 Plaza Drive 15999 City Walk 2150 Town Square Place 15958 and 16190 City Walk 2185 Texas Drive 2245 Texas Drive US 59 Southwest Freeway HOTEL: 300-room Marriott with a grand Brazos Drive ballroom that seats 1,350 SECURITY: 24-hr. roving security, video surveillance, call boxes PARKING: Structured parking Garage City Walk City Hall 2185 Texas Drive 15958 City Walk Plaza Drive ACCESS: Easy ingress and egress from Highway 6 and US 59 Square Town Place 16190 City Walk Square N Lone Star Drive RESTAURANTS: Sidewalk cafes to formal dining Marriott Hotel 2150 Town 15999 City Walk 2277 Plaza Drive Garage 6 way High RETAIL: 250,000 square feet of stores and restaurants Texas Drive Garage CONFERENCE CENTER: 55,000 s.f. 2245 Texas Drive RESIDENTIAL: 167 mid-rise units Town Center Boulevard MARRIOTT HOTEL 300-Room Marriott with a Grand Ballroom that seats 1,350 55,000-square-foot Conference Center TOWN SQUARE RESIDENTIAL City Plaza 167 Mid-Rise, Luxury Condominiums Three floors of residential units sit atop one level of street-level retail, while adjoining wings of four-story residential space overlook the Town Square Plaza and new City Hall. This residential component enhances the vision of Sugar Land Town Square as a true lifestyle center that integrates office, retail and community elements in a downtown setting. SUGAR LAND TOWN SQUARE Retail Leasing Plan Southwest Freeway U.S. 59 Southwest Freeway Feeder Road Brazos Drive Available Tenants Open Texas Drive 3,643 sf 3,300 sf 1,198 sf 2,028 sf 2,846 sf Lease Executed City Walk Parking Garage ay 6 2,100 sf Shiva Indian Restaurant Conference Center hw Phase III Town Square Place Lone Star Parking Garage Lease under Negotiation Hig 2,150 sf Office Lease 2,900 sf 5,000 sf 6,399 sf 4,000 sf Mall Ring Road City Walk 2,711 sf RR Fuqua Homes Lone Star Drive 3,012 sf Pl aza D ri ve 4,411 sf 7,943 sf 1905 Pizza Bar Texas Parking Garage City Hall 5,500 sf 3,175 sf The Plaza 5,366 sf food.sports.music Office Lease CityPlaza Condominiums Town Center Boulevard May 10, 2010 U.S. Highway 59 - Southwest Freeway Phase I , II , III & IV Open Sta Brazos Drive Retail Marriott Hotel Office over Retail Office over Retail Office over Retail 2277 Plaza Drive City Hall Office Texas Garage R etail City Plaza Midrise Living Plaza Plaza Drive Residential over Retail Retail 2185 Texas Drive City Walk Retail Lone Star Drive First Colony Mall Ring Road Office over Retail Sugar Land Conference Center Texas Drive 2150 Town Square Place City Walk Garage 6 Office over Retail way Lone Star Garage igh 2101 Lone Star Drive Town Square Place te H Retail/Garage The Texas Drive Bldg. 2245 Texas Drive Town Center Boulevard North Illustrative Site Plan Developed by Planned Community Developers, Ltd. Developers of First Colony Sugar Land, Texas September 2009 S U G A R L A ND TOWN SQUARE SLA Studio Land, Inc. Urban Planners/Landscape Architects Ambrose, McEnany and House, Architects Architects This drawing is for general purposes only and all information hereon is subject to modification without notice. No information hereon should be relied upon by any party and no representations or warranties are hereby given or intended by the delivery of this exhibit.