LAMJOL Newsletter
LAMJOL Newsletter
LAMJOL Newsletter L at in Amer ic a Jour na ls On line No. 2 August 2014 Journals on LAMJOL Since August 2012 there have been 8 new journals added to LAMJOL. There are now 21 journals on the site, including our first two El Salvadorian journals! Welcome to LAMJOL to the following new journals: Cultura de Paz (Nicaragua) La Revista de Derecho (Honduras) Paradigma: Revista de Investigación Educativa (Honduras) REICE: Revista Electrónica de Investigación en Ciencias Económicas (Nicaragua) Revista de Derecho (Nicaragua) Revista de Museología “Kóot” (El Salvador) Revista Perspectivas del Desarrollo (Honduras) Revista Policía y Seguridad Pública (El Salvador) Fig. 2: Visitors to LAMJOL by month - August 2012 to July 2014 Please let us know if you have any recommendations for new journals to be added to the site. Visitors to LAMJOL Fig. 1 shows visitors on a daily basis. The highest number of visitors peaked at 270 on Thursday 29th August 2013. The small-scale variations in the graph reflect the working week with a decline in usage over the weekends. There are also drops in visitor numbers in December to January each year. There have been 70,211 visits to the site between August 2012 and July 2014. As shown in Fig. 2, this number has gradually risen over the last two years, and reached 4,000 in a month for the first time in June 2014. As shown in Fig. 3, there was a significant increase in downloads in 2013/14. This peaked at over 80,000 in April to June 2014. The total number of downloads between July 2012 and June 2014 was 459,437. This represents an average of over 6.5 article downloads per visit. Fig. 3: Full text downloads on LAMJOL - July 2012 to June 2014 Google Analytics shows that there were visits from 118 countries. The distribution of these visitors is shown in Fig. 4. It is noticeable that the most frequent visitors are from the Americas or Spain. Fig. 5 shows the 15 most frequent visiting countries. At the top is Mexico with 11,990 visits, closely followed by Nicaragua with 11,676. Colombia is in third place with 6,843 visits and Honduras fourth with 5,463. El Salvador had 1,261 visits during the period, but we expect this to increase now that we have El Salvador journals on the website. Visitors from El Salvador represent the most active users, spending on average over five minutes on the site and visiting 5.88 pages, followed by Honduras with 2:33 minutes per visit and 3.86 pages, and Nicaragua wih 2:18 minutes and 2.94 pages. Fig. 1: Visitors to LAMJOL August 2012 to July 2014 Fig. 4: Global distribution of visitors to LAMJOL August 2012 to July 2014 Fig. 7: Central American visitors to LAMJOL Fig. 5: Visitors to LAMJOL - top 15 countries Fig. 6: Visitors to LAMJOL - top 10 cities Visitors to LAMJOL - continued... Fig. 6 shows the top ten cities to visit LAMJOL. The most frequent is Managua, Nicaragua with 8,497 visits, followed by Tegucigalpa, Honduras with 4,513. Third is Guatemala City with 2,957. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of visitors in Central America by country, whilst Fig. 8 shows visitors in Central America in each city/ town. Number of article views Fig. 9 shows number of full text downloads per journal between July 2012 and June 2014. The journals with the highest number of downloads were Ciencia e Interculturalidad (53,199), Wani (53,075), Revista de Derecho (51,786) and Nexo Revista Cientifica (50,939). Fig. 8: LAMJOL visitors from Central American cities and towns In Fig. 10 we also take into account the number of articles per journal, and the length of time each journal has been on LAMJOL. The barchart shows full text downloads per article per month. FHIA Programa de Hortalizas only has one issue, but has had 10,075 downloads for its 10 articles since July 2013, at 31.5 per month. In second place is Synapsis, which has had 11,828 downloads for 14 articles at 26.4 per month. In third place is Nexo Revista Cientifica, which has had 43,987 downloads of 55 articles at 25.3 per month, followed by Cieba with 16,358 downloads of articles at 24.9 per month. Top ten articles viewed from July 2012 to June 2014 Suheid Azucena Macías Cano (2001) La victima en el proceso penal nicaragüense Revista de Derecho D Escorcia, D Hernández, M Sánchez, M Benevente (2009) Diseño y montaje de una planta piloto para la extracción de quitina y proteínas Nexo Revista Científica Danilo Salamanca (2012) Las palabras del miskito: EI diccionario Español-Miskito, Miskito-Español, compilado por Dionisio Melgara Wani Isabel Lackwood Bustillo, Zoraida Ruiz Rivera, Verónica Valdivia (2008) Factores que influyen en el proceso de Enseñanza aprendizaje en el área español como segunda lengua, en quinto y sexto grado en la modalidad de multigrado en la escuela Bilingüe: “Enmanuel”. Año 2007 – 2008, Rosita, RAAN. Ciencia e Interculturalidad Rafael Enrique Corrales Andino (2009) Catalogo de firmas espectrales de especies florales, en la Ciudad Universitaria, Tegucigalpa, Fase 1 Ciencias Espaciales José María Gómez Vargas, Abelino Pitty, José María Miselem (2006) Efecto del pH del Agua en la Efectividad de los Herbicidas Glifosato, Fluazifopp-butil y Bentazon Ceiba A Martinez Gómez, I Sánchez Bazán, A Osorio-Mirón, et al. (2011) Caracterización reológica de soluciones azucaradas para el proceso de evaporación-cristalización Nexo Revista Científica 2 María Estela Vargas Tess, Nalia Rosales Cunningham, et al. (2008) La desintegración familiar y el aprendizaje en la niñez de iv grado Ciencia e Interculturalidad Juan Bautista Arríen Somarriba (2002) El procedimiento administrativo y el procedimiento contencioso administrativo en Nicaragua Revista de Derecho Javier Ruiz (2009) Ecología de dispersión y reclutamiento de bosques húmedos tropicales Wani LAMJOL Newsletter No.2 Aug 2014 Fig. 8: Total article views per journal - 21 August 2010 to 30 June 2012 Fig. 9: Full text downloads per journal, July 2012 to June 2014 Fig. 9: Average article views per journal - 21 August 2010 to 30 June 2012 Fig. 10: Full text downloads per article per month, July 2012 to June 2014 Site access by mobile phone Fig. 11 shows that the number of visitors using mobile devices has risen significantly since 2012 as the number of mobile users has increased worldwide. A total of 5,172 visitors used mobile devices in the last two years 3,850 using mobile phones and 1,322 using tablets. The most used phone was the Apple iPhone (729) and the most popular tablet was the Apple iPad (936). The number of mobile users to LAMJOL peaked at 438 visitors in July 2014. Fig. 11: Visits to LAMJOL from mobile devices August 2012 - July 2014 LAMJOL Newsletter No.2 Aug 2014 3 Fig. 12: LAMJOL journals with ISSNs and Online ISSNs Fig. 13: LAMJOL journals with Editorial Board affiliations eISSNs on LAMJOL Workshops in Honduras and Nicaragua It is now a recognised international standard for all journals to have an Online ISSN (e-ISSN) as well as a print ISSN. e-ISSNs help indexes, librarians and other users to distinguish between the print and online versions of a journal. As Fig. 12 shows, currently only 3 journals on LAMJOL have an e-ISSN. In March, a two day workshop was run at the Escuela Agricola Panamericana for journal editors in Honduras. It was facilitated by Dr. Raúl Hernán Zelaya Sabillón. Fig. 14 is a group photo from the workshop and Fig. 15 shows the participants working on LAMJOL. Editors are advised to register for an Online ISSN at the ISSN International Centre website: There are 3 journals on LAMJOL which do not yet have print ISSNs. Editors of these journals are advised to apply for an ISSN as soon as possible, as this affects both the international reputation and discoverability of the journal. In June a workshop run in CENIDA, Managua, Nicaragua was facilitated by Saray Córdoba and Jorge Polanco from the National University of Costa Rica. The workshop was in two parts, one part focussing on the LAMJOL OJS system and the second on journal quality and the Latindex portal. Fig. 16 shows the participants at the workshops. Editorial Board affiliations It’s very important for journals to list the institutional affiliations of all editorial board members to demonstrate the quality and transparency of their peer review process to an international audience. As shown on Fig. 13, only 9 journals currently list full affiliations. The other 11 journals on LAMJOL do not provide affiliations. So please provide us with this information as soon as convenient and we will add this to the website. Fig. 16: Nicaragua workshop participants at CENIDA 4 Fig. 14: Participants of the Honduras workshop Fig. 15: Honduras workshop on the OJS system LAMJOL Newsletter No.2 Aug 2014 Digital Object Identifiers Fig. 17 illustrates that the resolution of the LAMJOL DOIs continues to grow and there were spikes in activity in November and April. ‘Resolutions’ refers to the number of times a user has clicked on a hyperlinked DOI in a reference list in order to be taken to the full text of an article listed on LAMJOL. Editors are requested to include the DOIs for all references in their articles in order to enhance the user experience, but also to fulfil the agreement we have with CrossRef. For instructions on how to do this, please contact Sioux Cumming ([email protected]). Fig. 17: DOI Resolutions on LAMJOL Other JOL News Open Access logo Article views up to June 2013: We will soon be adding the Open Access logo (below) to the homepage of all open access journals on LAMJOL. This is the universally known logo that signifies Full Text Open Access content: BanglaJOL ( has had 11,672,813 article views. NepJOL ( has had 6,641,954 article views. MongoliaJOL ( has had 92,804 article views. SLJOL ( has had 4,311,841article views. Latin America Journals Online (LAMJOL) LAMJOL contains journals from Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador at this time. About the Journals Online The Journals Online (JOL) project provides advice to journals wishing to publish online, including resource guides and links to suitable technologies and hosting organisations. Focusing on a system developed for groups of journals to publish on community websites, the JOLs provide a cost-effective and secure forum for online journals, which gives them greatest online visibility and discovery. For more information on the JOLs, see ‘About Journals Online’. Journals Online Newsletters The Journals Online Newsletters are published twice annually and feature information on usage including total downloads, regional downloads and most viewed articles. The newsletters are available for download on the ‘JOLs Newsletters’ page. INASP 60 St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1ST T: +44 (0)1865 249 909 F: +44 (0)1865 251 060 [email protected] No parts of this publication may be reproduced for commercial use. Reproduction of articles for educational purposes is permtted only with acknowledgement of the source. The LAMJOL Newsletter is published for information purposes only and no liability is accepted for its contents by INASP or by any contributor to it. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information contained in the newsletter was correct at the time of compilation, it should not be regarded as definitive and no responsibility is accepted for the inclusion or omission of any particular item or for the views expressed therein. International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications is a charity and company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales. INASP Contact Company registration: 04919576 Registered charity number: 1106349 Mrs Sioux Cumming [email protected] © International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP), 2014