TartanTimes TartanTimes - Tartan Fields Golf Club Community
TartanTimes TartanTimes - Tartan Fields Golf Club Community
The TartanTimes The official newsletter of Tartan Fields Homeowner’s Association April 2009 Mardi Gras Party The Tartan Times April April The Tartan Times TARTAN FIELDS BOARD OF DIREC TORS © 2009 Neighborhood Networks Publishing, Inc. Bill Kloss President [email protected] Don Griffin Treasurer [email protected] Teri Slick Architecture Review Board [email protected] Jon Fligner Vice President [email protected] Tartan Fields Property Manager NAI Ohio Equities, LLC 605 S. Front Street Columbus, OH 43054 Angel L. Gee, CMCA, AMS Manager 614-939-8600 [email protected] Jason Taggart [email protected] I M P O R TA N T P H O N E N U M B E R S SCHOOLS: 614-764-5913 Dublin city Schools 614-873-7377 Jerome High School 614-798-3569 Grizzell Middle School 614-798-3570 Eli Pinney Elementary 614-733-0012 Glacier Ridge Elementary LOCAL NUMBERS: 614-939-8600 NAI Ohio Equities LLC 740-833-2810 Delaware County Sheriff 937-645-4100 Union County Sheriff 614-368-1911 Fire Concord Township 614-722-2000 Children’s Hospital Main 614-554-8000 Dublin Methodist Hospital 614 889-1112 Dublin Police 614-760-1600 Nationwide Children’s Hospital Dublin UTILITIES: 740-833-2240 Del Co Water 800-633-4766 Ohio Edison Electric 800-344-4077 Columbia Gas 800-344-4077 SBC 614-833-9155 Waste Management 614-481-5320 Time Warner DISCLAIMER: The paid advertisements contained within this magazine are not endorsed or recommended by N2 Publishing. Therefore, this group may not be held liable or responsible for business practices of these companies. AREA DIRECTOR John E. Zimmerman [email protected] 614-207-3589 COLUMBUS AREA EDITOR Monika Torrence [email protected] CREATIVE TEAM Robb Hotchkiss Christie Joyce Erich Nickens PHOTOGRAPHY Adam Squier, Squier Photography NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times April Tartan Fields Neighborhood Watch On Thursday evening, January 26, The Glen of Tartan Fields held a meeting at the Tartan Fields Golf Club to see if there was enough interest in starting up a neighborhood watch program. Deputy Ron Vogal and Sheriff Walter Davis of the Delaware County Sheriff ’s Office came to the club and spoke to about 50 homeowners about home safety and a block watch program. The main idea of a block watch program is the reporting of anything suspicious in your neighborhood. Who is better qualified to decide what is unusual- the residents or a deputy who may drive through once a day? The phone call you make to report suspicious activity could be the dif- ference between preventing a robbery or your starting over from scratch. No block watch member is expected to patrol in the wee hours of the morning or intervene in a crime being committed. Your job is to simply report suspicious happenings as you go about your daily routine. If you have spare time and would like to join our program, we need a few more block captains. A block captain is a communication liaison in the community that will deliver information to other neighbors in the event of a crime. A block captain could be contacted by the Sheriff ’s Office and asked to check the W I Y T V H residents for information. If interested, please call the Sheriff ’s Office at 740833-2810. Involvement by all is encouraged. The national average of participation in successful watches is 60%. With spring just around the corner and everyone being outside more, more houses and garage doors will be open and unlocked, which is just an invitation to any stranger who may be driving by. When the economy is bad, crime increases. Let’s do our part in keeping the great neighborhood that we live in safe. Laura Tomko 6419 Old Avery Road .. www.hilliardsfurniture.com April The Tartan Times NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times Located in the Dublin Community Recreation Center, The Abbey Theater of Dublin will present The Rainbow Fish April Saturday, Apr. 18 – 1 p.m. Rainbow Fish With her lovely coloring and shimmering scales, the Rainbow Fish is used to being the most beautiful creature in the ocean. So when the other fish ask her for some silver scales, she refuses. How can she sacrifice the one thing that makes her so unique? Will some good advice from the wise old Octopus persuade the Rainbow Fish to share her gifts with those around her? ArtsPower has turned Marcus Pfister’s bestselling book into a delightful and touching musical about the value of sharing true friendship with others. Recommended for ages 5 & up, tickets: $7 adults, $5 children & seniors. Tickets are available at the door or in advance at the Dublin Community Recreation Center or by calling 614-4104550. Checks, cash and major credit cards are accepted. Dublin Arts Council - Please join us! DAC’s annual Garden Party fundraiser will be held Friday, April 3rd, 6:30 to 9:30pm in the OCLC Kilgour Building Atrium in Dublin, hosted by Honorary Chairpersons Carolyn and Jack Pigman. NBC 4 anchor, Colleen Marshall, will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Support Dublin Arts Council by shopping at the Garden Party’s silent auction, featuring Brittany, the CW star, and a variety of offerings including sports and entertainment packages, fine dining experiences, artworks and more. For details, please visit www.dublinarts.org/gardenparty/index. html Dublin Community Recreation Center - School’s Out Not sure what to do with your kids when school is out? Fill their day with arts and crafts, sports, games and swimming at the Dublin Community Rec Center! We maintain at least a 10 to 1 camper to staff ratio. Bring a sack lunch and pack a swimsuit and towel. An informational packet is available at http://www.dublin. oh.us/recreation/camps/index.php. An authorization form must be completed and returned to the DCRC two weeks prior to date of enrollment. Dublin Youth Athletics DYA is a community recreation and travel sports organization providing programs for over 3,300 youth participants in Dub- lin, Ohio. The organization is the joint effort of parent volunteers (including over 500 parent volunteer coaches), the City of Dublin Recreation Services Department, and the Dublin City Schools. For information on spring registration, please visit their website at www.dya.com Community Bike/Walking Path Information Its getting warmer and you’ll soon be pulling out the bikes or going for long walks. Take the whole family out on a path around beautiful Dublin. Extensive paths are available. For a map see http:// www.dublin.oh.us/recreation/bikepath/. April The Tartan Times The Tartan Times April NeighborhoodNews April The Tartan Times Resident Recipe Ravenous Bourbon Steak Marinade ¾ cup packed brown sugar 1 cup Jack Daniels 1 cup pineapple juice 2/3 cup soy sauce 4 cups water 1.Combine brown sugar and Jack Daniels, stirring until sugar is dissolved 2.Add remaining ingredients, stir together 3.Place steaks in a 9x13 inch baking pan. Pour marinade over steaks and let sit for at least 24 hours in refrigerator. 4.Grill steaks to desired temperature Great for London broils or beef tips for kabobs. You can use marinade as a basting sauce to help flavor foods. Have a recipe to share? Please send it to [email protected] Come see the difference a private school can make. Dublin Learning Academy Full-Day Kindergarten • Half-Day Kindergarten Enrichment Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten • Infant & Toddler • Curriculum-Based Program Summer Fun Camp • Large Indoor Muscle Room 614-761-1800 www.dublinlearningacademy.com 5900 Cromdale Drive · Dublin, Ohio 43017 “Private Events” Looking for the perfect place to host your upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, showers or wedding? At Tartan Fields Golf Club, we understand the importance of a well-executed event and we will assist you in every way to make sure that you and your guests are happy and have a memorable time. Contact Stacy Stevenson, Events Coordinator at 614-792-0900 x265 to inquire about availability! “Golf Tournaments” We still have a few dates remaining this season for your Corporate or Charity Golf Tournaments. Contact Stacy Stevenson at 614-792-0900 x265 today for more information. April Events at Tartan Fields Golf Club Wednesdays: Family Pizza Buffet Night 6pm-8pm Sunday, April 5th: Palm Sunday Brunch 10am-2pm Sunday, April 12th: Easter Brunch 10am-2pm Friday, April 17th: Wine Dinner 7pm Saturday, April 18th: Men’s Opening Day, Fashion Show and Event Drawing (Golf ) Sunday, April 19th: Ladies Opening Day (Golf ) Friday, April 24th: Party on the Patio Sunday, April 26th: Swim Team Kick-off and Apparel Day 4pm 10 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times April April The Tartan Times Council Meetings, ‘It’s Happening’ Now Streaming Online The City of Dublin is now offering its government access cable channel content online. additional functions, including the ability to link from the Council agenda directly to that portion of the meeting video. effective online formats, including blogs, interactive media and social networking sites. That means that City Council meetings and episodes of the “It’s Happening in Dublin” news magazine show are now available on demand on the City’s Web site, www.dublin.oh.us. Archives will be available of all shows starting in 2009. The video should run seamlessly and without delay via high-speed internet connections. “This allows us to offer the same program to everyone without significant additional cost,” Edwards said. “This also will allow people to access an archive of past meetings and shows, starting with 2009, from anywhere, any time,” Edwards said. Dublin Time Warner customers can still watch DTV content on channel 6 or 9, depending on their service. Council meetings are broadcast at 1 and 7 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. “It’s Happening in Dublin” and content from Dublin City School District airs from 1 to 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 11:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. “Until now, we’ve offered podcasts of the audio from Council meetings and segments of ‘It’s Happening’ on the Web site, but this is the first time we’ve had streaming video of the meetings,” said Bruce Edwards, City of Dublin Web Designer/Editor. Soon, the City will add Previously, DTV content was only available to Time Warner customers in Dublin. The new service is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to expand communications efforts into less expensive and more Programs for Early Education & Development Half & Full Day Programs for Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten • Child Care for Children Ages 6 Week through Age 12 • Caring, Knowledgeable and Experienced Staff • Small Class Sizes and Low Student/Teacher Ratios • Conveinently located near the Columbus Zoo • Transportation provided to Pinney Elementary Let us help your children reach their full potential Muirfield · Tartan Fields 6055 - 6065 Glick Road • 614-761-6400 11 12 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times April We have 2 things you need, one of them is FREE and the other saves you money instantly... es Tartan Tim The owne r’s n Fields Home etter of Tarta The offici al newsl April The Tartan Times Assoc iation April 2009 Mardi Gras Party hello Tartan Fields Residents! The Tartan Times is for you and about you and your Tartan Fields neighbors! If you have photos or other information you’d like published, please send it to Monika Torrence at [email protected] and we’ll be sure to get it in a future issue. We have several editorial templates available to make it easy to submit a story. Just fill in the blanks and we’ll turn it into a story! Here are some story ideas. Resident Recipe – submit a favorite recipe, one you get a lot of compliments on. These can be desserts, appetizers, specialty drinks, entrees or anything else you like to make! Business Beat – many of you own a business. Let us feature it and write about what you do and how you got into it. Your neighbors want to do business locally and the more they know about you the more likely they are to come to you. Athlete of the Month – a student or adult athlete is featured each month, any sport from football, baseball, lacrosse to figure skating, dancing or karate! Family Spotlight – this is a place to talk about your family or highlight a new family that has just moved into the neighborhood. KIDS 2 KIDS – if you’ve got a budding journalist we want to see what they can write! They can submit poems, stories, articles about friends, information about a cool new hobby, sport, school activity, etc. They can also interview other kids. Let them get published – they can build their resume for college! Now Offering FREE Upgrade to Dimensional Shingles! Last September, Hurricane Ike winds hit Central Ohio. Chances are you need a new roof. Allstate Contractors will work directly with your insurance company and get you the free roof you’re entitled to. Use this coupon and call today for a free estimate!.... FREE Living Spaces – the place to show off that new addition, remodel or house redecoration! Precious Pets – show us your dogs, cats, rabbits or other critters! Send a photo or two, tell us a bit about your friend and we’ll publish it! Upgrade to 614-349-4057 Dimensional Shingles Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Must Be Present At Time of Estimate. Limited Time Offer. FREE ROOF INSPECTION & ESTIMATE Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Must Be Present At Time of Estimate. Limited Time Offer. Get the FREE Roof You’re Entitled to! Tartan Fields Neighborhood Directory We are working to create a neighborhood directory for your convenience. It will list each neighbor by name, address, phone, email and kids names/ages (optional) so you may easily find new playmates. More information about the Tartan Fields Directory will be included in the May issue of The Tartan Times. You and your spouses’ first and last names Street address and street name Your phone number, cell phone number too if you like Email address Kids names and ages (ex. Emma 9, Sam 4) Make sure you’re included in the directory by sending an email to Monika Torrence at [email protected] with the following information: In the email subject line please specify: Tartan Fields Directory We will publish this by last name and also by address so you can easily find your neighbors! FREE Window and Door Weather Stripping - Installed! Allstate Contractors and the Pink Panther Can Save You Up To 30% On Your Energy Bill With The Owens Corning AttiCat Blown-In Insulation System. FREE FREE with attic insulation INSPECTION & ESTIMATE Window & Door Weather Stripping Installed Air leaks account on average 30-40% of the heat lost from your home Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Must Be Present At Time of Estimate. Limited Time Offer. ATTIC Not Valid With Any Other Offer. Must Be Present At Time of Estimate. Limited Time Offer. THE PINK PANTHER™ & © 1964-2008 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. © 2008 Owens Corning. 13 14 The Tartan Times April Spring Family Owned and Operated Since 1959 for a friendly service and professional detail call today! NeighborhoodNews April The Tartan Times 15 - the Season for Change in your Home custom window treatments & bedding blinds · shades · shutters · draperies bedding · motorization and more! free in home consultation 866.803.7442 · [email protected] http://kimpowers.v2k.com 1.800.528.9070 • direct 614.638.2268 After the holiday decorations were packed away, did you feel like your home was missing something? All the bright lights and colorful wrapping papers added a certain warmth and comfort to your home. So how do you accomplish these feelings in your home without the holiday decorations? As an Interior Designer, we achieve these same feelings of warmth and comfort with the finishing touches. These touches are pieces like accessories, artwork, accent pillows and window coverings. You can change the look of a room by adding colorful accent pillows to a sofa or a new window treatment that allows more natural light into your room, as well as adding more color to the walls. Selling your home this spring? How do you make a lasting impression that sets your home apart from others in your market? It is not an easy process for all home owners, the transition from home owner to home seller. You have to change your mind set when putting your home on the market. Your home now needs to be a showcase that a buyer can imagine themselves living in and raising their family. What is the best way to achieve the “Showcase” image? The home needs to feel and look like it is in brand new condition. This means freshly painted walls, clean carpets, and an overall less is more concept. Kitchen counters should have very little clutter and storage spaces should show that there is still room for more items to be added. Depersonalizing your home is a must. So you love these ideas but feel that it is too overwhelming to accomplish on your own. Will hiring an Interior Designer be too costly? With the time and effort you save from the advice and expertise of an Interior Designer it will be the best money you have invested in your home. Colours by Design offer both Interior Design services and home staging consultations. As part of the Tartan Fields Community, our company’s services are offered to friends and neighbors at very conservative rates. 16 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times April if a friend or relative needs financial help, do it the right way With consumer credit numbers and housing foreclosure rates at all time highs, there may indeed be someone close to you who needs financial help. It could be a tough decision. Perhaps that person has had a spotless credit record and has been hit by a perfect storm of events – a lost job or sudden medical bills can destroy a person’s financial future in a few short months. Of course, it could also be someone you love who has not had the best financial record and a simple jump in their monthly payment for their adjustable-rate mortgage might be all it takes to send them over the edge. way to give the lender a better deal than CD rates and a borrower a significantly better deal than a bank, but it involves a binding agreement and both sides being informed about the consequences of breaking it. Can you and your friend or relative discuss money honestly? There’s no more loaded a topic than money, and with some people, the mere suggestion of the topic can bring guilt, resentment and in some cases, anger. Discussing another’s money problems and offering help has to be planned, and to some degree, rehearsed. So here are some questions to ask yourself before you lend a hand: Will your attitude about this person change? Money is a big window into a person’s life – you may have been friends forever, but once you get a glimpse of a person’s financial circumstances, you might see them differently or possibly feel you know too much about them. Helping someone close with money can definitely change the balance of power in a relationship, and if you value the relationship, you really need to know if your perceptions will change about the person if you offer help. Can you afford this to be a gift? Anytime you help a friend or relative, it’s wise to consider the possibility of never being paid back. If you can’t face the possibility that you will never see this money again, don’t offer it. Talk to a trusted financial or tax adviser about your financial flexibility to assist someone in trouble. How does your spouse/partner feel about you offering help? In the best of relationships, couples sometimes fight over the help and support one might offer their friends or members of their family. It is always wise to discuss all of these issues with a spouse or partner before an offer of financial help is made. It might uncover financial needs at home you never knew you had. Is there some other help you can offer besides money? If a person has a sick relative and they can’t afford respite care or if their home has undergone damage due to a storm, can you donate elbow grease or some other relevant support besides cash? If you can offer help in a way that actually cuts a friend’s or relative’s costs and saves them time, that could be more relevant in the long run. What if the one in need of a bailout is a prospective spouse or partner? This can get really dicey, or it can be a sign of how strong the relationship is. It’s not uncommon for prospective spouses or partners to have credit trouble or face financial problems when losing a job or facing health issues. Couples need to set financial ground rules as part of starting a new relationship, and clearing the air about financial worries is a good step going in. Couples should exchange critical financial information and credit reports as a way of dedicating themselves to responsible financial behavior for a lifetime. So what do you do? It was Shakespeare who wrote, “Never a borrower nor a lender be,” and he definitely had a point. Money has a way of gumming up the works in a relationship, even when relatives and friends are scrupulous about paying back. Why? When you’re helping someone, you’re losing cash flow. Would you know how to structure a private loan? Private loans between friends or relatives require documentation and the advice of a financial expert such as a financial planning professional can be helpful in this case. Loans can be structured in a This article was provided by the Financial Planners Association of Central Ohio (FPA) www.fpacentralohio.org. April The Tartan Times 17 18 The Tartan Times April April The Tartan Times 19 20 NeighborhoodNews The Tartan Times April NeighborhoodNews April The Tartan Times Chili Cook-Off The Moberger Family Congratulations to Mark and Tracey Lechner for winning the Chili Cook-off this year!! (not pictured) Mardi Gras Party tartan fields country club News The Casto Family Joyce Bohl and Darlene Pape Tartan Parties & Dinners Tartan Valentine’s Day Dinner Michael and Mattie Lukemire Ana Hernandez and Renee Error William and Elizabeth Watts Steve and Julie Kambeitz Rosaleen Newcomb and Sarah Moore, Ana Hernandez and Renee Error 21 22 The Tartan Times ® April NeighborhoodNews April The Tartan Times of ARLINGTON-HILLIARD DUBLIN-POWELL-WORTHINGTON ® GLACIER RIDGE METRO PARK KEEPING LAWNS HEALTHY FOR LIFE.™ • Lawn Fertilization • Tree & Shrub • Disease & Insect Control • Weed Control • Perimeter Pest Control Owner: Dennis Imler 488-8424 Licensed $25 OFF first application 23 Glacier Ridge Metro Park 9801 Hyland Croy Road, Plain City, OH 43064 (Union County) Take I-270 toward Dublin. Take 33/161 west (exit 17B) toward Marysville. Follow 33/161 west to the 161/Plain City/Post Road exit. Turn right at the light and then immediately left on Hyland Croy Road. The Honda Wetland Education Area is one mile north on the left (7825 Hyland Croy Road). The park’s main entrance is two miles further north, at the roundabout, opposite Glacier Ridge Elementary School. Sunset Walk And Woof 10 Fri 8 p.m. Bring your canine friend on a 2.5-mile hike. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Woodcock Watch 17 Fri 8 p.m. Take a 1-mile hike and scan the fields for the aerial courtship display of the American woodcock. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Cavity Nesters Tram Ride 25 Sat 2 p.m. Enjoy a tram ride and look for bluebirds and other cavity nesting birds. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Amphibian Night Ride 25 Wed 8 p.m. Take a tram ride to the wetlands and listen for frogs and toads on a walk along the wetland boardwalk. Bring a flashlight. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Senior Tram Ride: Vernal Pool 29 Wed 11 a.m. Learn about vernal pools and the breeding habits of salamanders on a 45-minute tram ride. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Sunset Astronomy 26 Sun 8:30 p.m. Look at planets and stars using telescopes and binoculars, with astronomer Jay Young. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance Preschoolers: Spring Tram Ride 27 Mon 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Enjoy a tram ride and look for signs of spring. Meet at bulletin board near picnic shelter at mainpark entrance fo u n d upscale home accessories Tuesday - Thursday 10:00 - 5:00 Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 6:00 614.781.0000 21 w olentangy st • powell, oh 43065 www.foundat21.com 24 SoldProperties The Tartan Times SOLDProperties Featured properties may not be listed by the office/agent presenting this brochure. All information herein has not been verified and is not guaranteed. We would like to thank Tartan Fields Residents Jon & Pam Kirk for providing this information. Address Style SqFt Beds Full Bath Half Baths Parking Days on Mkt List Price Sold Price 7204 Rob Roy Dr 2 STORY 3740 5 2 2 3 CAR GAR 174 $439,900 $410,000 7230 Brodie Blvd 2 STORY 3870 4 3 1 3 CAR GAR 206 $499,900 $432,000 9914 Archer Ln 2 STORY 3701 4 3 1 3 CAR GAR 174 $494,900 $450,000 5362 Gordon Way 2 STORY 3582 5 2 1 3 CAR GAR 18 $524,900 $469,000 7778 Tillinghast Dr 2 STORY 3130 4 2 1 2 CAR GAR 518 $499,900 $500,000 7744 Tillinghast Dr 2 STORY 4782 4 4 1 2 CAR GAR 198 $549,900 $540,000 6701 Brodie Blvd 2 STORY 4 4 1 3 CAR GAR 4 $547,627 $566,305 7038 Rob Roy Dr 2 STORY 4000 4 3 1 3 CAR GAR 15 $595,000 $575,000 7703 Tartan Fields Dr 2 STORY 5100 5 4 1 3 CAR GAR 17 $662,500 $620,000 10076 Archer Ln 2 STORY 4354 4 3 2 3 CAR GAR 29 $659,000 $629,000 9177 Tartan Fields Dr 2 STORY 5300 5 5 0 3 CAR GAR 249 $735,000 $690,000 10309 Mackenzie Way 2 STORY 6109 5 5 1 3 CAR GAR 306 $1,000,000 $927,500 7020 Rob Roy Dr 2 STORY 6345 5 4 1 3 CAR GAR 127 $999,000 $955,000 8264 Tillinghast Dr 2 STORY 6268 4 4 3 4 CAR GAR 221 $1,075,000 $1,000,000 9016 Tartan Fields Dr 2 STORY 7200 5 4 2 3 CAR GAR 18 $1,260,000 $1,075,000 6940 MacNeil Dr 2 STORY 8624 5 5 2 4 CAR GAR 143 $1,550,000 $1,430,000 April April The Tartan Times SoldProperties 25 26 The Tartan Times April Resident BusinessGuide April The Tartan Times 27 Tartan Fields Resident Business Guide To find out how to get your business listed for FREE - email John at [email protected] Corporate Apparel & Promotional Products M! Specialty Advertising Inc. Ken Mlicki 614-435-1429 www.mspecialty.com Custom Murals “Painted Dreams” Custom Murals Larissa Swayne 614.783.6416 [email protected] DESIGNER JEWELRY Baubles Elaine Renaker [email protected] 614.792.7989 EQUESTRIAN Highmark Farm Ltd.-Equestrian Amber Mustafaga 614-395-7188 [email protected] creating style by using the colours of your world Financial Planning Pension Design Group Dave Schafer 614.789.9472 [email protected] Smith Barney – The Stewart Group Jeffrey L. Stewart 614-798-3212 [email protected] This Award winning interior design team can make building and relocating to a new home or office effortless. Specialising in turn-key Interior Design Color Consulting • Window Treatments Blinds • Furniture • Artwork Accessories • Wall Coverings www.coloursbydesign.com 614.496.0385 • 614.496.2801 Steinhaus Financial Group Richard J. Martin 614.431.4305 [email protected] FITNESS Fitness Spectrum Matthew Hickey 614-425-5016 www.FitnessSpectrum.com FITNESS & NUTRITION Individual Fitness Solutions Julie Schoch 614-390-7139 [email protected] HANDYMAN Benetti Woodworks Joe Benetti-owner 614.441.3497 [email protected] Home Decor Just So Home Susan Lehman 614-793-HOME www.JustSoHome.com INSURANCE Haughn & Associates, Inc. Michael Haughn, President 614-789-6800 www.haughn.com Whalen Insurance Agency, Inc. Tim Whalen [email protected] 614-764-0966 Interior Design Colours by Design Jodi Homsi 614.496.0385 www.ColoursbyDesign.com Lorraine Curley Interiors Lorraine Curley, ASID - Owner 614-791-0600 [email protected] REAL ESTATE Brad Yates Manor Homes (614) 841-1800 [email protected] Investments Ken McMahon A.G. Edwards 614-221-8371 [email protected] Carrie Klingel Coldwell Banker King Thompson 614-565-3284 [email protected] Runnymede Capital Advisors, Inc. James Arnold 614.457.6096 [email protected] Chryssa Gartner Dominion Homes 614.402.3269 [email protected] INVESTIGATION PROTECTION RECOVERY State of Ohio Licensed Investigators 614-878-8200 [email protected] www.belayusa.com Dee Ann Couche Coldwell Banker King Thompson 614-923-2700 [email protected] MEDICAL SPA Spa Medico 614.798.8990 www.spamedico.com Other Dublin Elite Martial Arts and Boxing Saul Hernandez, Owner 614-572-3020 www.dublinelite.com “Every Dog’s Day” Dogsitting Fran Call 614-761-2424 [email protected] Locker Soccer Academy Steve Locker 614-760-5522 www.lockersoccer.com Jon & Pam Kirk Remax Premier Choice Direct: 614.791.2011 Email: [email protected] Taggart Management & Real Estate Services LLC Jason Taggart 614-876-4848 [email protected] TRAVEL AGENT Creative Vacations Patty Frazier 614-792-0220 [email protected] Wine Tasting Parties Wine Shop At Home Barbara Humphrey [email protected] 614-799-9464 28 RestaurantGuide The Tartan Times April Ever wonder where to eat next? Wonder no more – here’s a great Dublin restaurant guide! Dublin Restaurant Guide AMERICAN BISTRO First Watch Restaurant 6768 Perimeter Loop Rd. 614-799-2774 La Chatelaine French Bakery & Bistro 65 W. Bridge St. 763-7151 Hoggy’s 7509 Sawmill Rd. 614-791-8661 LaScala Italian Bistro 4199 W. Dublin Granville Rd. 614-889-9431 Hyde Park Prime Steakhouse 6360 Frantz Rd. 614-717-2828 CAFÉ J. Liu’s Restaurant & Bar 50 West Bridge St 718-1818 Mary Kelley’s Restaurant 7148 Muirfield Dr. 614-760-7041 Matt the Miller’s Tavern, 6725 Avery-Muirfield Rd. 614-799-9100 Oscar’s 84 N. High St. 614-792-3354 Rusty Bucket Corner Tavern 6644 Perimeter Loop Rd. 614-889-2594 Stoney River Legendary Steaks 5000 Upper Metro Place 760-9811 The Turn Tavern & Grille 7383 Scioto Parkway, Powell 740-881-9082 Scioto Reserve Country Club Open to the Public Biddies Coach House 76 S. High St. 614-764-9359 Tucci’s 35 N. High St. 614-792-3466 Vincenzo’s Convenient Elegance 6393 Sawmill Rd. 614-792-1010 MEXICAN Vaquero’s Mexican Restaurant 6771 Dublin Center Dr. 614-659-0779 PIZZA Morgan House 5300 Glick Rd. 614-889-5703 Bridge Street Pizza 16 E. Bridge St. 614-761-3169 CHINESE Enrico’s Pizza & Restaurant 5788 Frantz Rd. 614-766-6900 Café China Inc. 6796 Perimeter Loop Rd 614-799-0855 P F Chang’s China Bistro 6135 Parkcenter Circle 614-726-0070 Shanghai Lily 6161 Glick Rd. 614-789-9330 Iacono’s Pizza & Restaurant 9303 Dublin Rd. 614-766-0444 Rotolo’s Pizza 6485 Perimeter Dr. 614-764-3750 PUB Windchimes Chinese Restaurant 5742 Frantz Rd. 614-792-0990 Brazenhead 56 N. High St. 614-792-3738 ITALIAN Digger & Finch 6720 Riverside Dr. 614-889-8585 Moretti’s 5849 Sawmill Rd. 614-717-0400 Sumeno’s 7400 Sawmill Rd. 614-791-0939 April The Tartan Times 29 30 The Tartan Times April 31 April The Tartan Times looking for a new career? N2 Publishing is currently expanding both locally and nationally. Part time and full time positions may be available in the following departments: &YQJSFT Publishing Assistant News Journalist Account Representative Assistant Advertising Account Representative College Internship Area Director (full time only) Nationally, we are opening offices across the country. For information on our Area Director position, please visit our website, www.n2pub.com, and click on our Careers tab. Or you can call our office at 910-202-0917 ext. 200 to speak with someone about learning more. 32 The Tartan Times April April The Tartan Times YoungLife GRAND OPENING Sundays, April 5, 12*, 19, 26 at 10am Eli Pinney Elementary School 9989 Concord Rd. Encounter the love of Jesus Christ through friendly people, fun kids programs, Biblically centered messages and a good cup of coffee! For more information please contact Pastor Sean at (740) 272-0102 or www.encounterchurchjerome.com We’re looking forward to meeting you and your family! *April 12 is EASTER Sunday 33 34 ClassifiedAds The Tartan Times April All Ads Are Free! and will run for 1 month To place a FREE classified, submit new listings to www.n2pub.com by the 28th of the month. Click on “Submit Information” then “Items for Sale” and fill out the required information. FOR SALE: 02 BMW 325i, silver, premium pkg, moonroof, excellent condition, $13,995. 740-815-8587 BABY SITTER NEEDED! We are looking for a sitter for our 16 month old daughter in our neighborhood or vicinity. 8-5 M-F in your home. Please call if you are interested! Dena 740 881-3256 FOR SALE: Two green pottery barn kids retro rockers for sale. Never been used. $50.00 each. Call 614-7981422 FOR RENT: Sanibel Island, FL house (Yellow Bird is her name) located on the quiet east end of the island (lighthouse end) for rent. Pool with hot tub, 2 bedrooms on first floor with an additional sofa sleeper. 614.738.9284. WANTED: Someone who loves kids and can be consistently available to babysit during meetings for mothers (every other Friday, Sept.-May, from 9:00a.m.-noon). Please contact Anne Spillman at 614-336-4203 FOR SALE: Whirlpool Microware-white. 6 years old..... works great...mounts over stove. $50...OBO. 740-9179437. FOR SALE: Decorative and functional copper accessories for the home and garden. Check out www.gooddirections.com for products. Call Tim at 614-789-0478 for questions and pricing. BABYSITTER: 13 year old St. Brendan School honor student with two years experience available for babysitting in Ballantrae neighborhood. References available. Please call Megan at 614-659-9320. WANTED: Looking for experienced full time nanny 5 days a week for 9 mo old son and 3 yr. old daughter. Exp with cpr, developmental delay. Comfort and experience giving meds with reliable trans. Please call 614-7981422. Jennifer Keener FOR SALE: Never-used Honda “mini” tiller for sale at $200. Call Jim Squeo at 562-2357 or 791-9312. 5729 Bonaly Ct coupon section DOG GONE WILDLIFE SOLUTIONS Skunks Raccoons Squirrels 20% off Services 614-778-8131 www.wildlifesolutions.com Moles Birds Bats Snow Removal Offered : Are you a Senior Citizen or someone needing help with snow removal? Call Jim Squeo (5729 Bonaly Ct) at 562-2357 or 791-9312. He will be glad to help out! BABYSITTER NEEDED: We are in need of a full-time sitter for our 3-month-old daughter beginning in March. Experience with infants a must. If interested, please call 614-507-0701. FOR HIRE: Summer Nanny! I am a freshman at Ohio State from Dublin. I am looking for a part-time summer nanny position. I love kids and have a lot of experience with every age. Please contact Maggie at 614-5306247. I hope to meet your family soon! FOR HIRE: OSU junior is interested in babysitting! I have a big heart for kids and lots of experience. I have weeknights, weekends, and some weekdays available. My rate is $10 an hour. Please contact Bethany at 561.578.1958. I look forward to meeting with your family! April The Tartan Times 35 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID WILMINGTON NC PERMIT NO. 40
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