Golfbaan de Rottebergen - Golf Environment Organization
Golfbaan de Rottebergen - Golf Environment Organization
Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 About the programme GEO CertifiedTM is the symbol of great golf environments worldwide – an ecolabel credibly representing a golf club’s commitment, efforts and results around sustainability, having met practical criteria in the areas of nature, water, energy, supply chains, environmental quality, and communities. Widely endorsed by a growing number of golf organizations and people working in golf, GEO CertifiedTM is trusted as an effective and straightforward way for clubs to assess the work they’re doing, improve where needed, and focus on continually improving, in a way that meets modern-day expectations and standards. The ecolabel is administered by the Golf Environment Organization with funding and collaboration throughout the industry. The credibility of the ecolabel is assured through independent on-site verification every three years; transparency of criteria setting, evaluation processes, and reporting; an emphasis on continual improvement; and by working to a comprehensive definition of sustainability mapped specifically to golf. More in-depth information about GEO, credibility, transparency, governance, and ecolabel benefits can be found on This report is publicly available online and contains the information provided by Golfbaan de Rottenbergen as well as the independent verifiers report and recommendations – ensuring transparency in reporting as well as a way for members, visitors and the wider community to read about the good work being done by the golf club. About this Report Publication of this report indicates that Golfbaan de Rottebergen has been assessed against the GEO Certification Criteria and awarded GEO Certified™ status. Each section of this document covers a key area of environmentally sound golf facility management. As defined by the Golf Environment Organization, these are: Nature, Landscape & Heritage, Water, Turf, Waste, Energy, Education & Awareness and Management Planning. To maintain this award Golfbaan de Rottebergen will be re-certified by a GEOSA Accredited Verifier before October 21st 2012. Authors Joris Slooten Golfbaan de Rottebergen Lisa Noorland Golfbaan de Rottebergen Jacqueline Lambrechtse Golfbaan de Rottebergen Guido Hamelink GEO Sustainability Associate, Accredited Verifier Driving the Green ™ Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Facility Details Golfbaan de Rottebergen is a golf facility comprising: Courses • Golfbaan De Rottebergen (18 holes) Clubhouses • Golfclub De Hooge Bergsche Other • Pro Shop • Practice Facilities • On Course Toilet Facilities Nature The Golf Course is situated between the Higher and the Lower ‘Bergsche Bos’ (woods). These woods belong to a long-stretched recreational area in between the city of Rotterdam and several Town which collectively fall under the council of Lansingerland. This area is designed for recreational and nature enhancement and protection purposes. Since the number of inhabitants of the surrounding area has grown exponentially, since 2007 advanced plans have been made to extend the area with another 170 ha. As part of this extension the golf course would be enlarged from 18 to 27 holes. With this extension it is important that golf course is integrated with the existing landscape, and that the golf course keeps it public character by allowing for more footpaths and cycle paths. De golfbaan is gelegen in het Hoge- en Lage Bergsche Bos dat deel uitmaakt van een langgerekt recreatiegebied tussen de gemeenten Lansingerland en Rotterdam. Dit gebied heeft als bestemming recreatie en natuur. Vanwege de grote groei van het aantal inwoners in de omringende gemeenten, liggen er vanaf medio 2007 inmiddels ver gevorderde plannen om het gebied met nog eens 170 hectare uit te breiden. Hierbij is er ook ruimte gelaten voor een uitbreiding van de golfbaan van 18 naar 27 holes. Daarbij wordt gesteld dat de golfbaan in het bestaande landschap wordt ingepast, waarbij de golfbaan zijn openbare karakter zal behouden door het aanbrengen van (nog meer) wandel - en fietspaden door dit uit te breiden gedeelte. Designations Golfbaan de Rottebergen features areas that are designated or protected at the following levels: • Local Government 2 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Surveys The following ecological surveys have been undertaken: Title Author Date Botanical committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Birds committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Mammals committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Invertebrates committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Amphibians committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Fungi committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Butterflies committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Mosses committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Insects committee committed to green 2008-12-31 Habitats Estimated area of habitats at Golfbaan de Rottebergen: • Rough ‘ecological’ grassland: 20 ha; of Local Importance • Scrub and shrub vegetation: 5 ha; of Local Importance • Native woodland: 10 ha; of Local Importance • Open water features: 5 ha; of Local Importance 3 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Golfbaan de Rottebergen has undertaken the following activities to improve the landscape ecology of the site: • Increase the size of habitat patches • Connect internal habitat patches • Connect patches with external habitats • Create new habitat corridors • Improve and diversify habitat edges Species Rare, protected and notable species occurring at Golfbaan de Rottebergen [Latin names]: • Asterophora lycoperdoides (poederzwamgast) • Daldinia concentrica (Kogelhoutskoolzwam) • Argynnis paphia (Keizersmantel) • Anas Clypteata (Kneu) • Cuculus Canorus (Koekoek) • Picus viridus (Groene Specht) • Sterna Hirundo (Visdief) • Saxicola rubetra (Paapje) Consultation Golfbaan de Rottebergen consults with the following nature conservation organisations: • Natuur -en Vogelwacht Rotta 4 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Activities Golfbaan de Rottebergen has undertaken the following activities to enhance nature protection: Activity Description Enlarge variety Enlarge variety of animal and plant life of the smallest surface by expand the ecotopes (water, dumbs, reeds and banks). Minimize fertilizers All maintenance is environmentally friendly. Minimize and only if necessary fertilizers applied. During maintenance severely restricted use is made of fertilizers and other protective chemical substances Waste collect and recycle Waste products from maintenance are recycled into the growth areas of the golf course. Domestic waste found on the golf course (cans etc.) are collected, divided into different waste product groups and recycled or collected by a waste processing. Minimize water use Water used for watering different areas of the golf course is collected from near-by surface water and water use is kept to a minimum. Twice a year the fairways are aired and sanded to aid the drainage of water. Pesticides use only to combat Pesticides are only used to combat plant illness and only ever used as a last resort. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for maximizing its ecological value: • Enlarge variety of animal and plant life of the smallest surface by expand the ecotopes (water, dumbs, reeds and banks). Landscape & Heritage The area in which the Golf Course is situated, is part of the so-called ‘veenplassen’ (peat waters). The peat was dug out and dredged between the 13th and 18th century, until the fertile clay soil was exposed. The area flooded and was destroyed. The land of the peat waters was reclaimed between 1772 and 1785, which allowed for these areas to be cultivated and populated and become prosperous. Bergschenhoek, the town which the Golf Course is part of, was the first town to receive aid from the Dutch State at the time to fund the reclamation of the land. The reclamation of the land was executed by mills. From historical documentation it can be deduced that mills have stood on the sites of the current hole 5, 6 and 7 and around the 5 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 main entrance to the golf course. During the 1970s some of the area was used as a rubbish dump, which has again been reclaimed and currently numerous holes are constructed on top of it. The resulting landscape is hillier than the surrounding area which offers golf players a great challenge. Het gebied waarin de golfbaan gelegen is, maakt deel uit van de zogenaamde veenplassen. In de 13e tot de 18e eeuw is het aanwezige veenpakket afgegraven en weggebaggerd tot op de vruchtbare kleilaag, waardoor er een ondergelopen en door vervening verwoest gebied resteerde. Droogmaking van de veenplassen, die werd uitgevoerd in de jaren 1772 – 1785, heeft het mogelijk gemaakt om de gebieden weer bewoonbaar en welvarend te maken. Overigens was Bergschenhoek, de gemeente waaronder het grondgebied van de golfbaan valt, de eerste gemeente waar de drooglegging van de veenplassen werd bekostigd door de Nederlandse Staat. Het droogleggen van de veenplassen werd uitgevoerd met behulp van molengangen. Uit documentatie over het terrein zoals het in vroegere tijden was, kan worden opgemaakt dat er ter plaatse van de huidige holes 5, 6 en 7 en in de omgeving van de hoofdingang van de golfbaan molens hebben gestaan. Designations Golfbaan de Rottebergen features the following landscape designations: • Areas of Scenic Beauty • National Park Golfbaan de Rottebergen does not feature any cultural heritage designations or protected features. Surveys The following landscape assessments and appraisals been carried out at the site: Date Title 2009-02-19 Committed to Green Certificate No archaeological or heritage surveys have been carried out at this site. Consultation Golfbaan de Rottebergen does not consult with organisations responsible for landscape and cultural heritage issues. 6 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Activities Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following activities to enhance landscape and cultural heritage: Activity Description Create phsical space for plants and animals In the rough there is a lot of space for plants and herbs to develop, which is encouraged by a restricted maintenance. We aim to enhance bio diversity in both plant and animal life. Expand ecotopes We expand aim to expand the ecotopes ‘water and banks’ and ‘reedland’ by allowing more space for these eco topes to develop. No pesticides are ever used on the rough. Ecological management More grassland will be converted into rough with the accompanying ecological management. More physical space is given to the development of flora and fauna. The frequency of the maintenance of these areas is kept at a minimum, to allow for growth. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for conserving or enhancing its landscape and cultural heritage value: • Biodiversity and accompanying ecological management of flora and fauna Water Water is used for the watering of different areas of the golf course. The water needed for keeping the grass green, healthy and alive is limited by using a special type of grass for the greens and the tees (‘Roodzwenk grasses’), which are areas that typically demand the most water. By installing a computer controlled and very modern watering system, we can restrict the amount of water that is given by the water system. We can also ensure that the water is targeted to specific dry areas by being able to control all sprinklers individually. Furthermore our greenkeepers are committed to keeping the use of water to a minimum. The water we use to water the golf course is drawn from the surface water from the surrounding areas, for which we pay an annual fee to the local authority. Water is drained into the sewage system it is connected with. If water is polluted however, for example from cleaning machinery, then it is put into an oil and fat division device first, before being released into the sewage system. The resulting oil and fat waste is removed by a professional waste processing company. Door Exploitatie Mij. de Rottebergen zijn reeds bij de aanleg diverse stappen ondernomen om 7 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 het waterverbruik te beperken. In eerste instantie zijn er voor de oppervlaktes die het meeste water vragen (greens en tees) niet productieve grasmengsels gebruikt. (Roodzwenkgrassen) In tegenstelling tot de productieve grassen (bijvoorbeeld Engels Rai) is er veel minder water per dag per green nodig om deze groen en in leven te houden. Als tweede waterbeperkende maatregel is de gehele golfbaan inmiddels voorzien van een zeer moderne, gecomputeriseerd beregeningsysteem. Naast het gebruik van de juiste grasmengsels en het toepassen van een optimaal beregeningsysteem, zijn het zeker de greenkeepers die bijdragen aan het zorgvuldige verbruik van water. Door middel van voortdurend anticiperen op de droge en natte perioden in de baan. Consumption Water sources Primary Source Secondary Source (if used) Clubhouse Public / Potable N/A Golf Courses Recycled Drainage & Irrigation N/A Accommodation Public / Potable N/A Maintenance facility Recycled Drainage & Irrigation N/A Other Public / Potable N/A 8 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Water consumption (m3) 2006 2007 2008 Clubhouse 2728 3449 2442 Golf Courses 24372 12749 20866 Accommodation N/A N/A N/A Maintenance facility N/A N/A N/A Other N/A N/A N/A Irrigation The following areas are irrigated: Area name Approx. Hectarage Greens 1 ha Tees 1 ha Fairways 14 ha putting/chipping green 0.7 ha Golfbaan de Rottebergen irrigation system is Semi-automatic. This irrigation system is serviced every 12 months. This irrigation system is upgraded every 1 years. This irrigation system is calibrated every 1 years. Golfbaan de Rottebergen do not incorporate evapotranspiration rates and weather data into their irrigation programme. Golfbaan de Rottebergen does not monitor soil water content. 9 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Analysis Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes environmental monitoring of water quality. Chemical Biological Last Test Date Tester Inflow No No On-site No Yes 2008-02-12 E. Beckmann Outflow No Yes 2008-02-12 E. Beckmann The key findings of these tests were: From the water research shows that the ph values are high. The calcium and magnesium grade is nationwide high. Rich foods do affect aquatic life. Restrict pesticides near open water. Activities Golfbaan de Rottebergen has undertaken the following activities to conserve / reduce / minimise water consumption: • Minimise irrigated area • Irrigate in the evenings • De-compact the soil • Grass species selection • Regular inspections for irrigation system leaks • Soil moisture analysis • Use of wetting agents Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following activities to protect and enhance water quality: • Maintain vegetative buffers • No spray zones • Pest and disease tolerant grass selection • Informed selection of fertiliser type • Informed selection of pesticides (least toxic, least persistent) 10 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for conserving water quality and minimizing water consumption: • Fertilizer use and pesticides minimize near open water • Anticipate weather and use of correct grass mixtures Turf The characteristics of the grass, growing medium, location and intensity of play are all taken into account. Hierbij wordt gekeken naar de eigenschappen van het gras, groeimedium, locatie en intensiviteit van het spelen. Golfbaan de Rottebergen maintains the following turfgrass species: Greens • Fescue (Festuca rubra) • Browntop bent (Agrostis tenuis) Surrounds & Approaches • Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass / Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Tees • Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass / Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) Fairways • Smooth-stalked Meadow-grass / Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) • Fescue (Festuca rubra) Semi-rough • Fescue (Festuca rubra) 11 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Golfbaan de Rottebergen regularly undertakes the following practices to improve turf health: • Hollow Coring - 3 times per year • Top Dressing - 10 times per year • Micro Tining - 2 times per year • Scarification - 10 times per year • Verticutting - 2 times per year • Deep Anti Compaction - 2 times per year • Rolling - 22 times per year Nutrition The fertilizer program we use takes into consideration the needs of the desired grass species. Other factors that must be taken into account are the growing medium, location and intensity of play. The goal is to maintain the proper amounts of nutrients ensuring healthy, stress resistant turf avoiding excessive growth with all its accompanying problems. Bij het kiezen naar grassoort (meststof programma) kijken we naar de eigenschappen van het gras. Andere factoren die meespelen zijn groeimedium, locatie en de intensiteit van het spelen. The greenkeeping staff feed the following areas of the golf course: • Greens • Tees • Fairways The nutrition programme at Golfbaan de Rottebergen is informed by: • Soil Analysis • Visual Appearance • Sward Density Fertiliser use in 2008 Nitrogen (kg/year) Phosphate (kg/ year) Potassium (kg/year) Greens & surround 165 31 195 Tees 159 41 106 Fairways 62 8 34 12 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Fertiliser use in 2007 Nitrogen (kg/year) Phosphate (kg/ year) Potassium (kg/year) Greens & surround 170 35 205 Tees 160 40 100 Fairways 60 8 35 Fertiliser use in 2006 Nitrogen (kg/year) Phosphate (kg/ year) Potassium (kg/year) Greens & surround 170 35 205 Tees 160 40 100 Fairways 60 8 35 Pest & Disease Control Pest and disease control are implemented only when needed. Our approach is not preventive but curative in the earliest state of development. If a problem is identified cultural and biological practices are first looked at for a possible solution. Only as a last resort are pesticides brought into use. Pest en ziektebestrijding worden alleen uitgevoerd indien dit noodzakelijk is. Onze aanpak is niet preventief, maar curatief in vroege stadium. Er wordt eerst gekeken naar het probleem en de oplossingen zonder bestrijdingsmiddelen. Als laatste oplossing wordt hiervoor gekozen. Pesticide use: • Fungicides - If Necessary • Herbicides - If Necessary • Insecticides - Never • Lumbricides - Never • Growth Regulator - Never Golfbaan de Rottebergen keeps detailed records of pesticide application. 13 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Pesticide use in 2008 Fungicide Active ingredient Herbicide Insecticide kg Active ingredient kg Azoxystrobin 50% 1 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 2 Boscalid 26,7%, Pyraclostrobin 6,7% 6 5 Tees 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 30 Fairways 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 Greens & Surrounds Active ingredient kg 14 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Pesticide use in 2007 Fungicide Active ingredient Herbicide Insecticide kg Active ingredient kg Azoxystrobin 50% 1 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 1 Boscalid 26,7%, Pyraclostrobin 6,7% 9 7 Tees 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 20 Fairways 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 Greens & Surrounds Active ingredient kg 15 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Pesticide use in 2006 Fungicide Active ingredient Herbicide Insecticide kg Active ingredient kg 1 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 2 5 Tees 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 40 Fairways 2.4D 250 9/1, MCPA 166 9/1, Dicamba 50 9/1 Greens & Surrounds Azoxystrobin 50% Active ingredient kg Thresholds for using pesticides at Golfbaan de Rottebergen: On evidence of actual damage Golfbaan de Rottebergen selects pesticides with the following attributes: • Toxicity - Low • Persistence - Low • Solubility - Low • Specificty - High 16 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Scouting at Golfbaan de Rottebergen: Frequency / month Scout Greens 30 Superintendent Tees 10 Superintendent Fairways 10 Superintendent Semi Rough 10 Superintendent Activites Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following activities to minimise / reduce pesticide use: Activit y Description The fertiliz er progra m A management program with sound cultural practices is for us the best way to avoid over use of pesticides. - Careful use of fertilizers - Thatch management Dew (leaf wetness) control - Proper irrigation practices - Soil aeration Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for achieving high quality playing surfaces in an environmentally responsible manner: • A management program that is developed on sound cultural practices will be the most environmently friendly way to maintain quality turf. Waste Waste products are divided in different types of categories that are collected separately and recycled or reused where possible. If we are not able to recycle waste then it is collected by a special waste disposal company. We differentiate between waste from fruit and vegetables, paper, glass and plastics. Green organic waste, which is a by-product of the maintenance of the golf course, is collected and reused into the growth areas of the golf course. In the future we would like to be able to create our own compost on our premises. Waste that is dangerous to the environment such as oil, fats and lubricants or chemical substances that are used for the protection of plants, crops and grass are all stored separately in tanks and specially ventilated cupboards with water resistant flooring. When such waste is 17 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 released, for example as a result of cleaning machines, the waste water will be put through a device which separates these products, and the waste resulting from that process will be removes by a special waste disposal company. De afvalstromen zijn in verschillende categorieën verdeel en worden zoveel mogelijk gescheiden ingezameld en opgeslagen in de daarvoor bestemde containers of verzamelplaatsen. Van daaruit worden deze aan de afvalverwerkingsbedrijven aangeboden. Olie, vetten en smeermiddelen komen vrij bij het schoonmaken van machines, zodoende is daarvoor een speciale wasplaats aangewezen. Deze wasplaats is voorzien van een olie- en vetafscheider. Het afgescheiden materiaal wordt opgeslagen in een tank welke 1x per maand wordt leeggezogen door een afvalverwerkingsbedrijf. Na het gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen worden ook die machines gereinigd op genoemde wasplaats. Dit afvalwater wordt zo ook afgevoerd naar een erkend verwerkingsbedrijf. Management Waste streams for Golfbaan de Rottebergen Avoid Glass Plastic Aluminium Metal Paper Cardboard Electrical Grass Clippings Cores Reuse Recycle Landfill Incineration Registered Uplift 2009 Totals (kg) No No Yes No No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No No No No Yes 0 No No No Yes No No 0 No No No Yes No No 0 18 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Turf No No No Yes No No 0 No No No Yes No No 0 No No Yes No No No 0 No No No Yes No No 0 No No No No No Yes 0 No No No No No Yes 0 No No No No No Yes 0 Pesticide Containers No No No No No Yes 0 Fertiliser Bags No No No No No Yes 0 No No No No No Yes 0 No No No No No Yes 0 Sand Wood / Timber Leaves Detergents Cooking Oils Lubricants Oil Filters Batteries Golfbaan de Rottebergen has secure storage for hazardous material. Hazardous materials are in locked cabinet. Strored in separate storage with ventilation and container for any leakage. Outside storage of hazardous materials equipped with symbols. Surveys Golfbaan de Rottebergen has undertaken a waste audit: 2009-01-01 - E. Steehouwer 19 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Waste Water Golfbaan de Rottebergen manages its water as follows: Discharges to: Legally Compliant? Formal Discharge Agreement Clubhouse Mains Sewer Yes N/A Accommodation Mains Sewer Yes N/A Maintenance Facility Septic Tank Yes N/A Wash Pad Septic Tank Yes N/A Activities Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following activities to reduce resource consumption or minimise waste: Annual registration • Annual registration of gas, water and electricity use so we can read or modify waste by example by purchasing energy-saving light bulbs or shower faucets. Minimize grass waste • Restrictive use of fertilizers or chemical substances for the protection of grass Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for reducing, re-using and recycling waste, and minimizing resource consumption at source: • Electric, water and gas saving measures • grass green waste processing Energy We try to restrict the use of energy as much as possible. We take special care when buying machines for maintenance or other devices that they are environmentally friendly and use a minimal amount of energy. We are looking into collecting our own energy by installing solar panels, if technically possible. We use energy-saving light bulbs and a high efficiency boiler. Water-saving measures for the showers in the dressing rooms as well as for the catering area are being prepared. Energy use is annually registered and these numbers are observed and analyzed, as we are always looking for more ways to save energy. 20 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Wij proberen zoveel mogelijk aandacht te besteden aan besparende maatregelen voor bijvoorbeeld gas, elektra en waterverbruik. Voor zover bouwkundig mogelijk zullen zonnepanelen worden aangebracht. Waterbesparende maatregelen voor de douches in de kleedkamers, maar ook voor de horeca zijn in voorbereiding. HR ketels en energiezuinige lampen zullen dan een feit zijn. Het spreekt voor zich dat de ontwikkeling op de markt inzake energiebezuiniging en de mogelijke toepassing, als ook de wetgeving nauwgezet gevolgd worden. Consumption Energy and fuel use in 2009 • Electricity - 107724 Kwh • Gas - 19820 Cubic Metres • Diesel - 16000 Litres • Hydralic Oil - 1000 Litres Energy and fuel use in 2008 • Electricity - 111433 Kwh • Gas - 17183 Cubic Metres • Diesel - 13500 Litres • Hydralic Oil - 900 Litres Energy and fuel use in 2007 • Electricity - 100698 Kwh • Gas - 20390 Cubic Metres • Diesel - 12800 Litres • Hydralic Oil - 900 Litres Golfbaan de Rottebergen has taken the following measures to diversify energy and fuel supply: • Use of electric hybrid vehicles Surveys Golfbaan de Rottebergen has undertaken an Energy Audit: 2008-01-01 - E. Steehouwer Carbon Golfbaan de Rottebergen has not begun to carbon footprint its operations. 21 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Purchasing Policy and Sustainable Supply Chains Golfbaan de Rottebergen informs suppliers of its environmental preferences: Information on the golfclub website, Committed to Green website and information panels. Purchasing policy for Golfbaan de Rottebergen (1 = not important; 5 = very important) • Performance Quality - 5 • Price - 5 • Supplier Service - 5 • Durability - 5 • Energy Efficiency - 5 • Recycleability - 5 • Pollution Risk - 5 • Packaging - 5 • Disposability - 5 • Local Produce - 5 Activities Activities undertaken to record energy consumption: • Gas, water and electricity use are recorded annually Activities undertaken to reduce energy consumption: • Water-saving measures for the showers in the dressing rooms and the catering area • Annual collection and analysis of soil which can be used to reduce the amount fertilizers used Green purchasing activities undertaken: • High efficiency boiler • Energy saving lamps Departments involved in energy saving activities: • Management of the golf course • All employees of the golf course Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for reducing energy use and moving towards cleaner and renewable energy supplies: • according to the annual registration limit consumption 22 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Education & Awareness Knowledge Employees of Golfbaan de Rottebergen receive the following formal and informal environmental education: • Pesticide storage, application and disposal • Efficient water management • Emergencies / accident management • Habitat and vegetation management • Waste minimisation, separation and recycling • Health and safety • Energy Golfbaan de Rottebergen keeps formal staff training records for these departments: • Greenkeeping • Administrative • Catering • Accomodation Golfbaan de Rottebergen keeps the following record of accidents in the workplace: • Number • Type • Severity Response plans for accidents and emergency situations at Golfbaan de Rottebergen All employees are aware of emergency duties and have first aid certificate. All emergency numbers are known and clearly stated. Evaluated annually and all employees follow the refresher course. 23 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Communications Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following internal environmental communications: • Newsletters • Members evenings • Course walks • Displaying awards • Poster displays • Course guides / brochures • On-site interpretation panels • Eco tables • Magazine table The most successful internal communications project at Golfbaan de Rottebergen has been: Internal quarterly magazine with texts and pictures of Committee member. News is also available at the golfcourse site, newsletter, bulletin board and dutch 'Committed to Green' site. Golfbaan de Rottebergen undertakes the following external environmental communications: • Website • Course walks / Open days • Press releases • Attending community meetings • Brochures The most successful external communications project at Golfbaan de Rottebergen has been: All course information, flora and fauna, pictures and communication documents are visible on the 'Committed to Green' site at this link: 24 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Partnerships Golfbaan de Rottebergen works with the following external groups: • Local environmental groups • Neighbours • Media • Local government • Local community groups • Schools • Local businesses The most successful partnership project at Golfbaan de Rottebergen has been: The foundation 'ROTTA' (Nature and bird watch) handles all inventory, tour and information sessions (Neighbours!) The Committee provides planning, communication and evaluation committee. Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for educating and raising environmental awareness amongst staff and golfers: • Use of visible communication on site, magazine, sessions and tours Management Planning Environmental Management Plan Golfbaan de Rottebergen has an Environmental Management Plan covering: • Nature • Landscape & Culture • Water • Turf • Waste • Energy • Education & Awareness The Management plan was first introduced: 2009-02-19 Golfbaan de Rottebergen review the management plan every: • 12 Months • 1 Years 25 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Golfbaan de Rottebergen monitor the progress of the scheme as follows: Through the information of ROTTA and the 'Committed to Green' site ( Working Group Golfbaan de Rottebergen has an environmental working group, comprising the following individuals/organisations: • General Manager • Course Manager • Committee Members • Technical Specialist Accreditation Golfbaan de Rottebergen does not belong to any other accreditation or award schemes. Key national environmental legislation with which Golfbaan de Rottebergen complies: • Environmental Law • Environmental Law • Environmental Law • Environmental Law • Environmental Law Aims & Objectives Golfbaan de Rottebergen has the following key objectives for effectively planning its proactive and long-term environmental management: • Fleshing out the main ecological function zone intermediate structure • Providing more variety in animal and plant life • Preserve nature 26 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Verifier Report Overview of Report Golf course Rottebergen is located in the High and Low Bergsche forest that is part of an elongated recreation area between the municipalities Lansingerland and Rotterdam. At first sight, because the golf course is located on a rubble landfill, the facility has little potential for nature. However, we see a wide variety of plant and animal species including several red list species. By introducing dry grasses and a modern irrigation system the facility tries to minimize water consumption. Local environmental groups are involved in the maintenance off the golf course. The dialogue between the various parties, the enthusiasm for the project through various reports and reporting is sufficient basis for further certification and sustainable development. Guido Hamelink, GEO Accredited Verifier Local Translation Golfbaan De Rottebergen is gelegen in het Hoge- en Lage Bergsche bos dat deel uitmaakt van een langgerekt recreatiegebied tussen de gemeenten Lansingerland en Rotterdam. Op het eerste gezicht zou de golfbaan vanwege de ligging op een puinstort weinig potentie hebben voor natuurontwikkeling. Kijken we echter beter, dan zien we een grote verscheidenheid aan plant- en diersoorten met daaronder diverse rode lijstsoorten. Door het introduceren van droogteminnende grassoorten en een modern irrigatiesysteem wordt getracht de waterconsumptie te minimaliseren. Er is veel aandacht voor de golfbaan vanuit natuurverenigingen in de omgeving en er wordt ook de ruimte gegeven aan hen zich te mengen in het natuurbeheer. Door de samenspraak tussen de diverse partijen, de enthousiasme voor het project en verslaglegging via diverse rapportages is er genoeg basis voor certificering en een verdere duurzame ontwikkeling. Observations Nature In 2008 there were 86 birds and 21 species of butterflies observed. This diversity of species, plants and animals, is due to the variety of gradients and ecotopes. The golf course is an important link between two nature reserves therefore the course has the function as steppingstone. There is an extensive monitoring plan for the different groups of animal species, like birds, mammals, butterflies, insects and invertebrates. This diversity is achieved by including the different gradients and ecotopes as rough, water, forest and grassland. In the coming years there are various measures planed to expand the areas rough and reeds. Current treatment is purely from a raise of biodiversity. The facility might increase the results by choosing more specific target species to keep an eye on the desired effect. 27 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Landscape & Heritage The golf course is located in the peat lakes region, an area where in the past the peat was removed and subsequently drained (18th century). For the reclamation windmills were used. Mills that probably have been on the grounds of the golf course. The landscape has changed significantly in relation to a century ago by the construction of the landfill debris. Feeling with the present landscape is therefore limited. It would be good to get this relationship by referring to certain elements in the field. We think for example of the mills that have made possible the reclamation. Regarding the design of the golf course it is likely that the growth of poplar thickets and a part of the sight lines is lost. It would be an enrichment for the job when this attention. Water The surface on the golf course is located in connection with the water from areas that are close situated. Trough the introduction of dry grass species and a modern irrigation system the club is attempting to minimize water consumption. The water quality is under strong pressure by the intensive glasshouse crops and farming. Over recent decades, the water quality has been improved. Introduction of new techniques to recycle water, for example, the use of rainwater for sanitary, brings in new options. These techniques can be examined on usability, and be introduced n the club House renovation. Turf A consistent high quality of game elements is essential for the club. The desire to have a very constant playing quality greens makes it difficult to experiment with, for example, a reduction of fertilizers. On the other hand, there is at least made use of such additions, and there is a choice for grass species as Fescue and Browntop bent on the greens. The rough and semi rough are not being fertilized . By sufficient maintenance like aerating and sand dressing are diseases, and fungi being held as much as possible. Insecticides aren’t used at all. Pest and disease control are applied only in exceptional cases and only on an remedial base. Waste The golf course provides a separation of various waste streams. Recent years the greenkeeping changed from dumping green waste to the collection and partial removal of it. Branches and other remains are used for making shelters and natural secretions. The storing of hazardous products meets the environmental laws. There is an facility to clean machines and equipment provided with an oil and grease trap. Energy The golf course is trying to be energy efficient in so far as that is currently possible. The club’s building’s will be redeveloped in the near future. There are great ambitions for this renovation to implement sustainable measures such as solar panels. Up to that point will be placed HR boilers and low energy light bulbs are used. 28 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Education & Awareness For the operation of machinery and the use of materials the green keepers are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and certificates. With regard to the environment, knowledge is regularly brought through training, and also by the Commission that accompanied the certification. There is an reading on a regular basis on the natural environment on the golf course. There also is collaboration with local conservation groups and the local municipality. In addition, communicate about these issues occurs through newsletters, and other available means. The local conservation groups also provides educational trips on the golf course for people that are living in the area. Trough brochures, posters, smart boards and panels further information is available about sustainable management. Management planning There has been attention for sustainable management over a long time, in particular the nature conservation part. Which resulted in the Committed to Green certificate in the year 2008. In consultation with the management, the contractor and the Wildlife Working Group, there is being an constant examination held on how to realize the best way of nature conservation. The responsible contractor has both a ISO 9001 and 14001 certification, and sees the importance of good and lasting maintenance. The Commission consists of representatives of the owners organization, the Golf Club de Hooge Bergsche, the local bird conservation organization Natuur- en vogelwacht Rotta, and the contractor A.H.A. de Man. Documentation Reviewed • Environmental policy • Environmental management plan • Action plans & project proposals • Certification report • Minutes of meetings • Newsletters • External surveys and reports • Internal reports • Emergency incident plan • Environmental data • Register of accidents • Training log • Awareness raising materials 29 Golfbaan de Rottebergen GEO CertifiedTM Report 2009 Conclusions Golf course Rottebergen is located in the High and Low Bergsche forest that is part of an elongated recreation area between the municipalities Lansingerland and Rotterdam. At first sight, because the golf course is located on a rubble landfill, the facility has little potential for nature. However, we see a wide variety of plant and animal species including several red list species. By introducing dry grasses and a modern irrigation system the facility tries to minimize water consumption. Local environmental groups are involved in the maintenance off the golf course. The dialogue between the various parties, the enthusiasm for the project through various reports and reporting is sufficient basis for further certification and sustainable development. Recommendation I Guido Hamelink, Golf Environment Organization Accredited Verifier, recommend that be awarded GEO Certified status for excellence in environmental management. About this Report This report represents the opinion of an independent environmental professional accredited by the Golf Environment Organization. The environmental performance of was assessed against the GEO Certification criteria. 30