File - Rope Parish Council
File - Rope Parish Council
1 Introduction Gresty Oaks AS u sta in a ble U rb a n E x io te ns Welcome n • HIMOR is a North West-based land and property investment company • This exhibition provides information about Gresty Oaks, our proposals for a sustainable urban extension to the south of Crewe, and to seek feedback that can inform a future planning application • Gresty Oaks would be a ‘garden suburb’ community of around 1000 new homes within a landscape setting • Together with Basford East and Basford West, Gresty Oaks could form part of a new ‘Strategic Southern Gateway’ to Crewe Background • We have been promoting Gresty Oaks since the site was identified in a Draft Crewe Town Strategy as one option for accommodating some of the 6,000-7,000 new homes that Cheshire East had identified will be required in Crewe • Gresty Oaks was not identified as a preferred strategic site in a Borough-wide Draft Development Strategy (DDS), but we believe it to be more appropriate than the Council’s preferred options, which currently include include two new villages at Stowford and Barthomley and the continued growth of Shavington • HIMOR prefer to work to establish the principle of development through the development plan process, but we are contemplating the submission of a planning application in advance of the next stage of the development plan process because of the number of other applications that we expected to be submitted over the coming months 0m 100m 200m 300m 400m Key Project Site Boundary Wider Masterplan Boundary 500m Scale 1:10,000 (@A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Site Location Feedback A series of boards provide information on our development proposals and representatives of the development team are on hand to answer any questions you may have. We would welcome your views on the proposals, which will be taken in to account in refining the masterplan. There are a number of ways to have your say: • Fill in a questionnaire and drop it in the comments box on your way out or return to the address provided. • View the plans and comment at • Email any comments to [email protected] e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s The need for new homes 2 Planning Context • The Government is committed to boosting the supply of housing • Local authorities need to maintain a deliverable five year supply of housing and to have up-to-date Local Plans that will meet long term needs • The draft DDS identifies a need to provide at least 20,000 new jobs and 27,000 new homes by 2030 • The majority of this growth is to be focussed towards Crewe and Macclesfield Where should new homes be located? • The draft DDS again proposes 6,000-7,000 new homes for Crewe. • 2,700 homes already have planning permission, which leaves a requirement of at least 3,300. • The DDS proposes that 2,000 homes could be provided at Stowford and Barthomley, with a further 300 at Shavington (in addition to the 400 new homes approved at the Shavington Triangle site). Leighton West Mixed Use Scholar Green Housing Mixed Use West Street/ Dunwoody Way Crewe Town Centre Haslington Crewe Alsager Crewe Green Golf Course Crewe Hall Gresty Oaks Mixed Use Mixed Use Basford Shavington Housing The Triangle Radway Green Phase 2 “Area of search Village B” “Village A” Weston Phase 3 Phase 1 Barthomley Englesea-brook East Shavington Hough Kidsgrove Oakhanger Basford West Basford East Housing Mow Cop Golf Course Tunstall Audley Wychwood Golf Course Wybunbury Key Existing Urban Areas (Towns, Villages, Hamlets & Golf Courses etc.) Gresty Oaks Location Betley Alsagers Bank 0m Cheshire East Draft Strategic Sites (DDS) 500m 2km 1km 3km Scale 1:50,000 (@A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Silverdale Draft Development Strategy - Proposed Sites The Case for Gresty Oaks We strongly believe that Gresty Oaks represents a more sustainable and suitable option for accommodating a large proportion of Crewe’s housing needs than the sites that the Council is presently supporting: • The site lies immediately adjacent to the town’s boundary • The site is well served by existing infrastructure (transport, education and social facilities) • The site is well related to proposed employment areas at Basford East and West • The A500 corridor, greenspace and fields beyond can ensure that separation from Shavington is maintained e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s 3 A Garden Suburb What is a Garden Suburb? The sustainable urban extension at Gresty Oaks can be developed in accordance with established Garden City principles, in order to sympathetically integrate the development into the landscape. Such principles are longstanding (dating back to the early 1900s) but are being rediscovered and updated, with the Government supporting this approach. Garden City Design Principles: • • • • • • • • • • strong leadership and community engagement; land value capture for the benefit of the community; community ownership of land and long-term stewardship of assets; mixed tenure homes that are affordable for ordinary people; a strong local jobs offer in the Garden City itself, with a variety of employment opportunities within easy commuting distance of homes; high-quality imaginative design (including homes and gardens), combining the very best of town and country living to create healthy homes in vibrant communities; generous green space linked to the wider natural environment, including a mix of public and private networks of well managed, high-quality gardens, tree lined streets and open spaces; opportunities for residents to grow their own food, including generous allotments; access to strong local cultural, recreational and shopping facilities in walkable neighbourhoods; and integrated and accessible transport systems. e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s 4 Opportunities & Constraints Growth and Investment in Crewe: A Strategic Southern Gateway • The ‘All Change for Crewe’ Vision seeks significant growth in housing and jobs to enhance the town as a place to live and work • Alongside the Basford employment locations, Gresty Oaks offers the most appropriate location for accommodating this growth. • These sites can create a new Strategic Southern Gateway, providing an opportunity to sustainably deliver jobs, new homes, support good transport links, make A New Strategic Southern Gateway better use of underutilised sites and create a high quality environment. Carlisle, Glasgow & Edinbrugh The North Inter - al Region Railway Homes (A ay ( M ain Homes gion al M oto rw M T e - Re Inte r of Exis Cre he w Jobs Homes 4) 53 ad Ro 6) Homes Chester & Holyhead Manchester t Jobs in g To w n Homes New Jobs New Jobs Cr e H ntr u Road (A 500) al Region Co Main Inter - Shrewsbury & Cardiff Stoke-on-Trent & Derby New omes hern Gateway Sout w w s e e N me N Ho ’s Country e w y Shavington Railway Birmingham & London The South The Site • Gresty Oaks is just 1.5 miles from Crewe Town Centre and 3 Miles from Nantwich • It is a coherent and well defined parcel of land that can be masterplanned on a comprehensive basis • A new primary school close to Shavington High School, Shavington Leisure Centre and the Rope Lane Medical Centre would add to what Site Location & Town Context is already a focus for community facilities • At the other end of the site, provision is made for new outdoor pitches for the Alexandra Soccer & Community Association Sandbach Key Site Boundary Wheelock Town Centre A530 Coppenhall Moss Employment Leighton B5074 A534 Leisure M6 Coppenhall Community, Health & Education Wheelock Heath Sydney A532 Residential Haslington Railway Alsager Crewe A530 A51 Station A5020 B5077 A532 Wistaston Motorway A534 Crewe Hall Primary Roads Nantwich A51 A5020 Willaston A500 Jct16 A500 Weston A531 Shavington M6 Gorsty Hill B5071 Hough Wybunbury A51 A530 0m 500m 2km 1km 3km A531 A529 Scale 1:50,000 (@A3) A51 Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 The Green Gap • The site is within a designated Green Gap in the former Crewe & Nantwich Local Plan • Gresty Oaks can maintain a green gap south of the A500 at a similar width to that which will exist between Basford East and Basford West and Shavington, Basford and Weston. • Our studies suggest that the Local Context & The Green Gap development can remain distinctly separate from Shavington, both physically and visually, and have a distinctly different character. Key BS Site Boundary BS Green Gap Creen Infrastructure BS BS Agricultural Land BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS 0m 100m 200m 300m 400m BS BS 500m Scale 1:10,000 (@A3) BS Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 BS e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s 5 Opportunities & Constraints Masterplan Influences Key Key Comprhensive Masterplan Boundary Gresty Green Mature Trees Woodland Comprhensive Masterplan Boundary Views (in & out of site) Flood Zone 3 v Ro ad Tree Nursery Topography: >46m AOD >47m AOD e Topography: >48m AOD >49m AOD an yL est Areas of Ecological Value m fro s use ho of we ed ter Fil Wet Flush s iew ms oo dr be Overhead Powerlines (33kV) (High Voltage) Flood Zone 2 Cre Ditches r rea Gr ou pp er st Ponds e an yL est Wells Green Garden Centre Lon gd ista nce vie wt Watercourses ore ys of Ra il H ous e Mobile Phone Mast Hedgerows Gr Topography: >50m AOD >51m AOD Alexandra Soccer Centre Site Access Points Medical View to A500 Sw ill s from o Br Rope Green Medical Centre Topography: >52m AOD >53m AOD Centre ne e La Rop ok View Green Farm w to 0 A50 Topography: >54m AOD >55m AOD Topography: >56m AOD >57m AOD ouse mH Far Vie 00 Shavington Hign School 0m 50m 200m 100m A5 Crewe Road Vi m ro sf ew Shavington Leisure Centre A500 300m Ro p Scale 1:5,000 (@A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 eL Shavington an e Masterplan Influences - Site Opportunities Key Comprhensive Masterplan Boundary Gresty Green Primary Green Infrastructure Primary Nodes Wells Green Gateways y est Structural Spine Garden Centre ne La Gr Basford West Cou e an yL est Gr ntry Cre we Countryside & Agricultural Landscape side Ro ad Primary Connections (Existing & Proposed Infrastructure) e Rop e Lan Alexandra Soccer Centre A500 ill Sw Br Rope Green Medical Centre k oo A500 unt Co Shavington Leisure Centre Shavington Hign School 0m 50m 200m 100m e sid try un Co Crewe Road ide rys Green Farm A500 300m Ro p Scale 1:5,000 (@A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 eL Shavington an e Masterplan Influences - Using the Opportunities to Create a Structure Key Comprhensive Masterplan Boundary Gresty Green Gateways us irc ndary G co Garden Street ne Garden Centre La Garden Square teway Ga Community Hall Cre Circus we Garden Primary School rcus Ci Garden Square teway Ga Garden Lanes ne La ondary ec ty res Gatewa S Homes Basford West ircus yC Alexandra Soccer Centre G us rc G en ard Ci Garden Square A500 Sw ill Gatew Br oo A500 k e Lan Circus ay e Rop Rope Green Medical Centre C den ir cus Gar nda eco ry cus Cir S Local Centre ty es Gr Ro ad Wells Green Green & Blue Infrastructure Network Se wa ate y C Primary Nodes Crewe Road Green Farm Shavington Leisure Centre 0m 50m 100m 200m Scale 1:5,000 (@A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 on Sec da Gatewa ry ircus yC Shavington Hign School A500 300m Ro p eL an e Shavington Masterplan Influences - Developing the Design Principles • Working with the gently rolling landscape and the watercourses that flowing from the south to the north. • Limited flooding potential in the area around Swill Brook and a small area of low lying land adjoining Gresty Lane • The need to create a sustainable urban drainage system that ensures no impact on the flooding in the surrounding areas • Creating wetland habitats for wildlife • Maintaining trees and hedgerows The technical work that we have done to date demonstrates that Gresty Oaks is free of major constraints and is considered to be suitable for residential-led mix use development. e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s The Vision An illustrative masterplan has been prepared to demonstrate how the site could be developed in accordance with our vision: “Gresty Oaks shall take all that is good about Crewe and the surrounding villages and distil it, to create a place with character, a strong community and quality of life that all the people of Crewe deserve.” Key Comprehensive Masterplan Boundary Homes Existing Trees & Hedgerows ay ew Green Infrastructure at ay ew Blue Infrastructure (SUDs) Front Gardens Third Party Development Area Ga t Rear Gardens Third Party Development Area Village Street Square Village Lane Community Allotments Park lage Vil Potential Village Hall Site y ewa at Park Cr ew e y ewa at d G Ro ad Playing Field Community Allotments Park Park Alexandra Soccer Centre Park Park Alexandra Soccer Centre ill Sw Playing Field k oo Br Village Wood Sw ill ay ew Rope Green Medical Centre Br G Wood e Rop ay tew ka oo Park G e Lan y ewa at Park ge Circ illa G Square Park Rope Green Medical Centre Community Allotments Circus ge Square Garden Square Potential Public House Site Potential Public House Site Ro a den Circ ar Square Garden Square Villa ay ew Gard Village Green Potential Circus en Park Primary School Site Potential Local Retail Park G Garden Square Community Allotments Ga t Gat Village Green Park Park Park V Park Third Party Development Area Park Third Party Potential Development Food Store Area Site rden Ga wa ate y us Park escen Cr t us Potential Local Retail escent Cr G Park Cr ew e wa ate y Village Square/Mews Square G Park Village Drive Community Allotments e Rop Lan 00 A5 00 A5 e Shavington Leisure Centre Shavington Leisure Centre e*S Community Hall Community Allotments Primary School Site u r b Gate Shavington High School School Playing Fields Shavington High School G Project Title y wa m Masterplan 6 Crewe’s So eway at e*SCAPE Job N Park 012-019 Client HIMOR Lt Park Drawing Numb 0m 20m 40m 60m 80m 100m Scale 1:2500 Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 60m 80m 100m 012-019-P Drawing Title Illustrative Masterplan Illustrative Scale © Crown copyright 2011. . Licence number LIG1024 1:2,500 @ Key Features • A network of green spaces, wildlife corridors and habitats and recreational footpaths and cycleways linking the site to local facilities, wider settlements and the countryside. • A village street and series of village greens and squares, enclosed by homes, shops and community facilities. • A primary school is proposed close to Rope Lane to provide additional primary school places. • Circa 830 homes on the land controlled by HIMOR • Circa 170 homes that might be developed by a third party in accordance with the Gresty Oaks framework • Around 17.5 ha can be provided as open space, including allotments, for the benefit of the wider community • Higher housing densities at the heart of the development and lower densities on the fringes • Legible routes to allow visitors to find their way around • An accessible landscape and public realm that will create a development of quality and character “A Design Code shall be developed in close consultation with Cheshire East’s Design Officers to ensure the masterplan is delivered to the highest of standards.” e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s Accessibility 7 Our masterplan has been developed with sustainable access and movement at its heart, as set-out below: • Our studies have demonstrated that in comparison to other proposed residential sites in Crewe, Gresty Oaks will not create significant impacts on the highway network • Vehicle access to the site is proposed via Rope Lane and Crewe Road • A network of pedestrian and cycle routes are proposed, with footpaths connecting to existing bus stops • Subject to discussions with local bus operators, existing bus routes can be extended through the site. The masterplan includes a number of road safety improvements and measures, including: • Upgrading the pedestrian crossing facilities outside Shavington High School • Reducing speed limits on Rope Lane. • Traffic calming measures within the street layout and a design to ensure vehicle speeds are kept to a minimum. • Reducing the use of Gresty Lane, Vine Tree and Chestnut Avenue as a short cut to the A500 • Offering traffic improvements to Crewe Road residents as part of the wider delivery of the Strategic Southern Gateway Potential Access & Traffic Improvements Key Facts & Benefits The masterplanning exercise and technical work to support it has identified that the residential development on HIMOR controlled land at Gresty Oaks might create the following benefits: £60million Construction Spend 230 Construction Jobs 1,190 Working Age People 1,901 Additional People 830 New Homes Increased Local Incomes Just under £10m Additional Spending Power Council Tax Revenues £13.5m over 10yrs Other Benefits New Homes Bonus £8.7m over 6yrs The commercial elements of the proposed development at Gresty Oaks could create as many as 83 jobs (gross).” What Happens Next? We will review all of the responses that are received as a result of today’s exhibition, as well as the feedback from the Council and other interested parties that have received. This will inform the next draft of the Gresty Oaks masterplan and we anticipate being in a position to make a formal application to Cheshire East Council by July 2013. e*SCAPE u r b a n i s t s