Facility Analysis Sacopee Valley High School Harriman, Architects


Facility Analysis Sacopee Valley High School Harriman, Architects
Facility Analysis
Sacopee Valley
High School
Harriman, Architects and Engineers, of Auburn has been retained by SAD #55
to prepare a facility analysis of the existing Sacopee Valley High School. The
intent of the analysis is to evaluate the condition of the existing building
components and systems and to identify possible upgrades or replacement of
those various components or systems. The analysis was prepared by Jeff Larimer,
Architect, with the assistance of Keith Brenner, Structural Engineer; Norm
Varney, Mechanical Designer; Richard Marchessault, Plumbing Designer; and
Peter Arnold, Electrical Designer. Also assisting with the review was Sylvia
Pease, Superintendent, and Mark Howland, Facilities Director.
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Facility Analysis
History of the Building
The existing Sacopee Valley High School was opened in the fall of 1967 on a
41± acre site situated along South Hiram Road in the southern portion of the
town of Hiram. This location is central to the five towns that comprise SAD #55
- Baldwin, Cornish, Hiram, Parsonsfield and Porter. The original building was
designed for about 500 students in grades 7 through 12.
Key Plan
The high school is about 68,000 sf and consists of three parts. Part A is a single
story classroom wing of about 5,200 sf and was originally designated as the junior
high. Part B is a two-story wing of about 32,000 sf that houses the administrative
offices and most of the classrooms. Part C is a three-story wing of about 30,800
sf that houses the cafeteria, kitchen and industrial tech rooms on the first floor,
the gym and locker rooms on the second floor and the art and music rooms on
the third floor. The floors of Part A and Part B align, but the floors of Part C are
at different levels than Part B making access and circulation between the
buildings challenging as there are no elevators in the building.
Refer to Tab 3 for prints of the existing floor plans.
In the early 1970s, the site was expanded to approximately 80 acres with the
acquisition of additional land to the east of the high school. In the mid 1980s the
South Hiram Elementary School was constructed on the eastern portion of the
expanded site. At that time, the district’s 7th grade students were relocated from
the high school to the new elementary school. In 2007, a new middle school was
opened on the site between the high school and the elementary school. The 7th
grade students from the elementary school and the 8th grade students from the
high school were relocated to the new middle school.
The current high school houses approximately 400 students in grades 9 through
12. Enrolment has been declining in recent years and may continue to decline in
the foreseeable future due to the existing economic environment. However, the
expectation is that enrolment should remain relatively stable with the potential
for some future growth.
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Facility Analysis
A VFA report prepared by Northeast Building Consultants in July 2006 provides
a broad analysis of the building systems (structural, mechanical, plumbing,
electrical and interior and exterior finishes), building structure and other code
compliance deficiencies. Briefly summarizing the report, some of the critical or
potentially critical items that have been identified are attributable to the age and
intense use of the building. Some of the items include asbestos flooring and
ceiling tile, lack of emergency lighting, inadequate power and technology, poor
ventilation contributable to old mechanical systems such as unit ventilators, old
steam piping, worn out plumbing fixtures and piping, lack of a fire protection
system, multiple building levels with limited or no handicap access, toilet rooms
that are not accessible, and interior and exterior building finishes that are beyond
their rated life.
Refer to Tab 3 for a copy of the VFA Report.
On the following pages an analysis has been prepared that provides a general
overview of the existing architectural components, structural systems, fire
protection and plumbing systems, mechanical systems and electrical systems.
Building Exterior
The exterior of the building is predominately of brick and curtainwall
construction. A major feature for a majority of the building facade, which was
typical for schools of this era, is the curtainwall system that runs from floor to
roof. The existing curtainwall system consists of a non-thermal break aluminum
frame that is infilled with single-glazed windows or insulating panels.
The curtainwall system was considered to be a less expensive alternative to full
masonry walls with punched window openings; it was quick to install and offered
plenty of natural light. However, energy costs were not as much of a
consideration then as they are today. While some small sections of the
curtainwall windows have been replaced with insulated double-hung windows,
overall, the curtainwall remains as an inefficient exterior wall system. In addition,
the insulating panels have been noted to contain asbestos and should to be
Typical curtainwall system
Three-story curtainwall system
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Facility Analysis
The remaining portions of the original building not covered by the curtainwall
system are primarily of masonry construction – typically brick with concrete
block backup – that is usually un-insulated.
The exterior aluminum or metal doors and hardware are original to the building
and should be reviewed for possible replacement, to not only improve building
security but to improve energy-efficiency with new weather seals and insulated
glass. Refer to the electrical section of this analysis for additional information on
the existing intrusion detection systems installed in the building.
Aluminum Entry Doors at Main Lobby
Aluminum Egress Doors at Classroom Wing
Two of the exits from the gymnasium are to elevated concrete stairs that have
deteriorated from weather exposure and the use of ice melt. In addition, the
stairs are lacking proper guardrails on the open side. Consideration should be
given to repairing the concrete and upgrading the handrails to meet current code
Concrete Stairs at Gym
Concrete Stairs at Gym (Underside)
The roof over the entire building was originally a built-up tar-and-gravel roof,
over a layer of urethane foam insulation, over poured gypsum, over a layer of
formboard. The only exception to this was the roof on Area ‘A’, which had a
built-up tar-and-gravel roof, over rigid insulation, over a concrete deck.
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The school has been reroofed at various times since the building was originally
constructed. It appears that when reroofing did occur, the original roof materials
were not fully removed. Apparently, after removing any loose gravel, a new layer
of rigid insulation was installed over the original roofing and then a new EPDM
membrane was installed over the new rigid insulation. This may have been a less
expensive solution at the time, based on the type of roof that was originally
installed and it may have also been intended as a way of increasing the overall
insulating value of the roof. While installing the new roof over the existing roof
may have increased the insulating value, it also increased the loading on the
original structure, which is not adequate to meet current code requirements. The
increased insulating value, which reduced heat loss through the roof, also had the
potential of reducing the amount snow melt during the winter months thus
adding more load to the roof.
It also appears that the original roof structure was designed to be flat with little
or no pitch that would allow rain and melting snow to drain to the roof drains.
The roof is drained internally to roof drains with some drains having been added
during one of the earlier reroofing projects. Because the roof is generally flat,
water tends to pond on the roof which adds extra load to the roof. Any reroofing
should include the addition of tapered roof insulation to improve roof drainage.
Building Interior
In general, the interior of the building is in suitable condition and consists of
walls of concrete masonry or plaster on metal studs, flooring of vinyl tile, ceramic
tile, carpeting or exposed concrete floors, doors of wood or metal, and ceilings
of either suspended acoustical tile or exposed construction.
However, based on the most current re-inspection report from 2008, asbestoscontaining materials still exist throughout many parts of the building. This
includes vinyl floor tile, acoustical ceiling tile, the exterior windowall panels, and
some pipe insulation. Although some asbestos-containing materials have been
abated or removed over the years, many of the original materials are still in place.
The removal of the remaining asbestos-containing materials still needs to be
addressed. MSAD #55 has recently obtained proposals for the abatement of the
remaining asbestos-containing ceiling and flooring tiles that includes installation
of new ceiling and flooring materials.
Refer to Tab 5 for plans identifying locations of asbestos-containing materials.
In general, the existing high school does not meet the requirements of ADA for
handicap accessibility. The high school consists of multiple sections on one, two
or three floors and was originally constructed without any elevators. Part ‘A’ is a
single-story classroom wing and Part ‘B’ is a two-story classroom wing. Part ‘C’ is
a combination of two and three stories. The first floor of Part ‘A’ and ‘B’ are at
the same level. The floors of Part ‘C’ do not align with those of Part ‘B’ by a half
flight of stairs. The cafeteria and shops are a half flight below the first floor of
Part ‘B’ and the gym and locker rooms are a half flight above the first floor of
Part ‘B’. The third floor of Part ‘C’ is located above the locker rooms and is not
directly accessible from the main lobby of Part ‘B’.
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Facility Analysis
To provide some means of access between the various floors, lifts have been
added to three of the six stairs – the central stairs in Part ‘B’, the half flight of
stairs from the main lobby to the lower level of Part ‘C’ and the northwest stairs
of Part ‘C’. It has been reported that the stair lifts are unreliable and are not
considered safe to use.
Handicap lift at three-story stairs
Handicap lift to Cafeteria
The main entrance to the building is one step up from the sidewalk and is
currently not accessible. The second set of lobby doors opposite the main
entrance doors is the only first floor entrance that has a paved ramp up to it but
this requires a person in a wheelchair to go around the entire building to enter
the main lobby. The exterior entrance to the cafeteria on the lower level does
have a grade level entrance but it must be accessed by a downward sloping
sidewalk that does not meet the requirements of a ramp.
Non-Accessible Main Entrance (Step) Non-Compliant Cafeteria Entrance Ramp
Once in the main lobby, the gym is not accessible since it is a half flight of stairs
up from the main lobby and the stairs are not equipped with a lift. The only
means of handicap accessibility to the gym is using the stair lift in the northwest
stair tower which must be accessed from the exterior on the lower level.
Access to Gym from Main Lobby
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Access to the art and music programs, which are located on the third floor and
remote from the main level, is extremely difficult and requires using the stair lift
in the main lobby to access the lower level of Part ‘C’, traveling through a
winding corridor and then using the stair lift to go up three floors in the
northwest stair tower.
None of the existing toilet rooms meet current accessibility requirements or
fixture mounting heights. The science classrooms lack a handicap-accessible lab
station. Doors in the building generally do not have hardware that meets proper
grasping requirements and none of the exterior doors have automatic entrances.
Access to some interior rooms is restricted due to lack of proper clearances at
the doors.
The high school is located on an 80 acre campus along South Hiram Road that
also includes the Sacopee Valley Middle School and the South Hiram Elementary
School. The high school portion of the site includes an entry drive/loop, parking,
a varsity athletic field and track, baseball and softball fields, practice fields and
tennis courts. The existing septic field is located under the practice field in the
lower right corner of the site.
There is a paved loop at the front of the building that was originally used for
both bus drop off and parent drop off. With the addition of the new middle
school, a new shared bus loop was added between the schools to remove the
buses from the front of the high school reducing congestion and conflict with
other vehicles. (Note: The following aerial photo from Google Maps predates
the construction of the new middle school so the new shared bus loop to the
right of the high school is not shown.)
SVHS Site showing current entry drive, parking and athletic fields
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There is some paved parking to the front and side of the high school but it is
insufficient to handle the needs of staff, students and visitors. Many vehicles park
in non-paved areas. Currently, there are approximately 40 spaces that are paved
and marked for staff use, yet there are approximately 75 staff vehicles on site on
any given day. Students park wherever they can find a space. Based on current
needs, there should be a minimum of 85 spaces for staff and 125 spaces for
students, which is significantly greater than accommodated today. There should
also be dedicated visitor and handicap parking near the main entrance.
On-site circulation also needs to address the delivery of food, kitchen and school
supplies which must access the rear of the building through the existing parking
areas. With the development of the middle school, circulation through the site
was minimized.
Existing athletic fields and a portion of the unpaved parking
A few areas of concern related to compliance with the current building code have
to do with the exit stairs, the lack of a sprinkler system, the lack of an elevator or
elevators and the allowable building area for a non-sprinklered building. Refer to
the Plumbing section of this analysis for additional information on fire
Exit stairs are required by current code to be fully enclosed with a one-hour rated
enclosure, in non-sprinklered buildings, that exit directly to the exterior. Interior
doors opening into the exit stairs must have one-hour rated doors. In addition,
no door openings are permitted in a rated stair enclosure except those required
for exit access to the enclosure and to the exterior.
The original construction documents do not indicate whether or not the walls
enclosing any of the exit stairs are rated. The doors to the stairs in the two-story
classroom wing are indicated to have a 1 ½-hour rating, which exceeds current
requirements. There is no indication of any rating for the walls or doors for the
stairs in the three-story section. The three-story stairs also have multiple
openings into them for accessing (and egressing) various program spaces that
would not be permitted under current codes. The handrails in the stairs are noncompliant for height and spacing and they are lacking appropriate guardrails.
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Non-compliant handrails
No guardrails & wide spacing of pickets
The center stairs in the two-story classroom wing is not required for exiting
purposes and therefore is not required to meet the requirements for exit
enclosures. However, the doors at the second floor level should swing into the
stairs, not into the corridor, as doors are required to swing in the direction of
Structural System
The building is essentially a steel-framed structure, with both masonry bearing
walls and steel columns. Some portions of the building contain wood framing,
and some have precast concrete elements. A detailed description of each area of
the building follows.
Area A
Area ‘A’ is a one story structure that has 14”-18” open web steel joists spaced at
2’-0” on-center for the roof structure. These joists bear on interior and exterior
masonry bearing walls. At the location of the window wall, the joists are
supported by wide flange steel beams and steel tube columns. The roof consists
of a 1½” metal roof deck with a concrete topping above the joists.
The foundations for Area ‘A’ consist of conventional strip and spread concrete
footings bearing on soil. There is a concrete slab-on-grade, and a concrete utility
trench that lines most of the perimeter.
Area B
(Classroom Wing)
Area ‘B’ is a two-story structure. The floor framing consists of a 2½” concrete
slab on open web steel joists spaced at 2’-0” on center. The joists are 16”-18”
deep, and are supported by a combination of masonry bearing walls and steel
framing. The roof consists of poured gypsum over a formboard.
The foundations for Area ‘B’ also consist of conventional strip and spread
concrete footings bearing on soil. There is a concrete slab on grade, and a
concrete utility trench that lines most of the perimeter.
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Area C
Area ‘C’ has multiple structural systems. The floor framing above the cafeteria
consists of 18” deep precast concrete double tees with a 2” concrete topping.
These members are supported by two interior bearing lines of steel, and
perimeter masonry walls. The roof framing above the gymnasium consists of
44” deep glued laminated wood beams at 8’-0” on center. There is a poured
gypsum decking and bulb tee system that spans to these members. The beams
span 83 feet, and bear on masonry walls.
The area to the south of the gym is a three-story structure. The second floor is
framed with 18” precast concrete double tees with a 2” concrete topping. The
concrete tees are supported by a masonry bearing wall on the interior and steel
beams and columns on the exterior. The third floor framing consists of a 2 ½”
concrete slab on 24” open web steel joists that span 40 feet. These joists are
bearing on an interior masonry wall and steel beams and columns on the
perimeter. The roof framing consists of 21” deep glued laminated wood beams
spanning 40 feet. These beams are spaced at 8’-0” on center and have the same
poured gypsum decking system that exists over the gym. The beams are bearing
on steel columns on the exterior, and are hung off the ends of the gym girders.
There is also a low roof shop area that is framed with 24” open web steel joists at
4’-0” on center. These joists bear on masonry walls and exterior steel framing.
The roof over the single story shop wing consists of poured gypsum over a
The foundations in Area C also consist of concrete walls and footings bearing on
soil. The slabs at the lowest level are concrete slabs on grade.
Structural Findings
Floor Framing Capacity
The floor framing design loads are indicated on the original construction
drawings. Some limited analysis was performed to verify these capacities. In
general, the design live loads in the classrooms (60 psf), and the corridors/stairs
(100 psf) meet the current code requirements for these occupancies. The design
live load of 100 psf in the gymnasium also meets current code requirements.
It should be noted that a portion of the existing 18” floor joists in the library area
do not meet current code requirements. While the reading areas are acceptable,
the stack areas were not designed to the higher live load capacity. The current
code required live load for stack areas is 150 psf. Depending on the height and
spacing of the shelving, the actual loading in the library might be less. If
additional book storage is proposed in the existing library, reinforcing of this area
should be considered.
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Facility Analysis
Roof Framing Capacity
The design roof snow load is listed as 40 psf, which was a common value used in
the 1960s. The current required flat roof snow load for schools in this area of
Maine is currently 70 psf (75% higher). Therefore, the existing roof framing
does not meet current code requirements. The only exception to this is the
gymnasium which underwent a structural reinforcing upgrade in 2008. The
upgrade was prompted by a failure of one of the glulam wood beams during the
winter. This project, performed by Harriman, provided new steel beams to
reinforce the roof to meet current snow load requirements. No other areas of
the building were reinforced at this time.
If a reroofing project is undertaken or any major renovations to the school are to
be performed, the remaining existing roofs will need to be reinforced. State of
Maine Bureau of General Services requires that roof structures be analyzed and
reinforced to meet current standards any time a reroofing project is undertaken.
Some areas of roof framing are more susceptible to roof overloads and possible
failure. These areas include long-span structures and low roofs that are adjacent
to higher structures. These areas accumulate snow drifts that can greatly exceed
the design capacity. There are several roof areas that are susceptible to snow
drifting; the low roof area above the shop wing, the lobby roof between the
classroom and the gymnasium, and the canopy roof at the main entrance. We
recommend that these areas be analyzed and reinforced to meet the drifting
snow requirements.
2nd Floor Addition
It is our understanding that the single-story classroom wing (Area ‘A’) was
designed for the addition of a future second floor. Although there is no specific
indication of this on the drawings, based on the joist size and spacing and the
added concrete slab, it appears as though the roof framing was designed to
support a future second floor. Some analysis was performed and it was
confirmed that the framing would be capable of supporting a future second floor
with a live load consistent for classroom use.
However, the addition of a second story would also increase the wind and
seismic loads applied to the structure. Since the original building was not
designed to sustain these forces, some additional lateral bracing would need to be
added. In addition, the existing masonry walls would need to be reinforced as
they are likely unreinforced. Basically the addition of another floor would require
that the entire structure would need to be analyzed and upgraded to meet current
code requirements.
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Facility Analysis
Fire Protection
Fire Protection
System Summary
The existing building currently does not have a fire protection sprinkler system in
any part of the building which is required to meet current code requirements.
Although not required at the time the high school was originally constructed,
new schools are required to be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system. In
order to install a system, a location for the sprinkler entrance would need to be
determined. Typically this would be in a similar location as the water entrance
into the building.
Plumbing System
Plumbing System
The original school was built in 1967 and has much of the original piping
systems intact.
The plumbing system consists of cast-iron storm and sewer drainage piping and
insulated copper supply piping. The pipe insulation is pre-formed fiberglass pipe
insulation with a reinforced vapor retardant paper jacket. Pipe elbows and other
pipe fittings have asbestos fiber insulation. The hot water storage tank is also
covered with asbestos fiber insulation. The majority of the piping systems are
original to the building. Upgrades have been made to the domestic water
entrance including the water meter and reduced pressure zone backflow
preventer. The plumbing system in general appears to operate as designed.
Storm System
The building was designed with a separate storm piping system. Roof drainage is
collected through multiple roof drains with cast iron roof leaders dropping into
the floor at several locations. The roof drainage connects to the sewer piping
within the building. The storm water exits the building through three separate
lines (each line is 8” in size).
Sewer System
The sewer drainage system is collected through cast iron drainage piping. The
system exits the building through an 8” line on the south face of the building.
The 8” line drains to a duplex sewage pump station next to the storage building.
The pumps in the pump house were replaced within the last five years. The
pump station equipment appears to be in good condition with no visible
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Facility Analysis
Sewage Pump station pit and piping
Pump control panel
The discharge from the sewage pumps drains to the leach field. The leach field is
claimed to be the same age as the building at 40+ years. Darker shaded lines in
the grass appear in the field where the trenches exist in the leach system.
Although the septic system is still operational; it has approached the end of its
useable life and should be replaced with a modern system.
Domestic Hot Water
The original elevated domestic hot water storage tank installed with the building
is still in use during the winter season. Hot water generation for summer seasons
is generated through a stand-alone Bock oil fired water heater. The steam boiler
heats hydronic water in the winter seasons and is circulated through an indirect
heating coil inside an 865 gallon storage tank. The tank is covered with asbestos
insulation and the tank is at end of its useable life.
865 Gallon Hot Water Storage Tank
Oil fired water heater
Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Domestic hot water recirculation pump
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Hot water is blended through a thermostatic mixing valve above the large tank
prior to delivery to the building. The valve is corroded and is not easily accessed.
Domestic Cold Water
Cold water enters the building through a 4” ductile iron water main entering the
central storage room near the cafeteria. Water is served by town water supply.
The water entrance has a 3” water meter with remote reader. The backflow
preventer appears to be maintained and meets current code. The iron body
valves that surround the water entrance should be investigated for corrosion and
whether they are need of repair or replacement.
3” Water Meter
Domestic Water Entrance
4” Reduced Pressure Zone Backflow Preventer (left and right view)
Compressed Air
Compressed air is generated in the storage room between the finishing room and
shop room and piped to the work rooms. The compressor is located in a cabinet
and the age and condition of the unit was not evaluated.
Air compressor enclosure
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Liquid Propane Gas
There are two liquid propane tanks located to serve the main school building.
One buried tank (estimated to be 1,000 gallons in size) is located in the grass
banking near the corner of the boiler room. The buried cylinder serves the
kitchen equipment, gas pilot for the steam boiler, incinerator and the science
rooms. One of the regulators controls the gas pressure to the science rooms.
The second regulator serves the kitchen and boiler room. Pressure is reduced to
11” water column on the exterior wall of the boiler room. A second upright
cylinder (100 gallon capacity) is located outside the Jr. High Shop room and
serves the shop gas connections in both shop spaces. A third tank is on site but
serves the stand-alone building for the ROTC program.
Buried 1,000 gallon tank & dome
Pressure regulators on Boiler wall
L.P Cylinder outside shop rooms
Plumbing Fixtures
Toilets: Vitreous china wall hung, flushometer valve with flow rates of
approximately five gallons per flush. All toilets should be replaced.
Urinals: Vitreous china wall hung, flushometer valve with flow rate
approximately 1-1/2” gallons per flush.
Lavatories: Vitreous china, manually operated faucets.
Showers: The shower rooms were originally designed as gang showers. Within
the past few years, partitions have been added to provide privacy. Floor drains
are shared between several showers. The shower valves that are mounted inside
surface mounted stainless steel enclosures are in good condition. The shower
heads have a flow rate of 2.75 gallons per minute. It is reported that the showers
get very little to no use currently. At a minimum, the shower heads should be
replaced with 1.75 gpm units.
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Typical lavatories
Typical Water closets
Typical Urinals
Typical Showers
Sinks General: Stainless steel with manual faucets.
Sinks Science Rooms: Two science rooms are original to the school and two
were converted to science at a later date. The original rooms have enameled cast
iron bowls, chrome plated gooseneck cold water faucet with two gas turrets and
no vacuum breakers. The other converted rooms have epoxy sinks, gooseneck
cold water faucets with two gas turrets and vacuum breakers on the gooseneck
There is only one emergency shower and emergency eyewash located in one of
the four science rooms (emergency shower pictured below left). The emergency
eyewash and shower do not have tempered water serving them as is now
required by ANSI code. The acid-resistant piping shows signs of exterior
corrosion and the piping should be investigated for the interior condition of the
Original Chemistry Room
Newer science room
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The kitchen has a manually operated gas shut-down valve (code-compliant) for
the grease hood. There are two floor-mounted grease interceptors connected
with steel piping under all of the sinks in the kitchen. The interior condition of
the grease interceptors is unknown but it appears they are original to the
building. The grease interceptors should be replaced with current units or an
external grease interceptor tank should be added outside the building. The
external grease tank would eliminate the need to open grease interceptors inside
the building which can be odorous. Steel piping located under the sinks has a
history to become corroded on the interior of the pipe over time. All of the
exposed piping under the sinks and equipment should be replaced with either
PVC or copper pipe depending on the temperature of the waste discharge. The
kitchen equipment appears to be in good condition and well-maintained.
Grease interceptor under sink
Grease interceptor under dishwasher
Radon venting systems have been added to the lowest level of the building
including the kitchen cafeteria and shop rooms. Several stacks constructed of
PVC pipe are scattered throughout the ground level areas with one exhaust fan
located above the shop area. The system is operating as designed with a constant
negative pressure placed on the vent piping.
In-line Radon exhaust fan on roof (at base of white PVC pipe)
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Plumbing System Recommendations
Sanitary Drainage
The existing underfloor sanitary drainage systems within the building, especially
in the kitchen, should be camera surveyed to reveal the interior condition of the
cast iron piping for corrosion and grease build-up.
The piping should be evaluated after the camera survey to consider its condition
for continued use.
Piping Systems
The hot water, hot water return and cold water copper supply system appears to
be intact and have held up well. Piping insulation is a combination of fiberglass
and with asbestos formed elbows and fittings. The domestic copper water piping
system was assembled using 50/50 tin/lead solder which contains 50% lead.
Current soldered copper piping systems (since 1988) utilize 95/5 (tin/antimony)
solder and do not contain lead. Non-solder crimp type copper systems are
available to replace soldered joints and fittings. Non-metallic piping systems
utilizing CPVC and PEX tubing are also available as an alternative to using
copper. Non-metallic piping is less prone to corrosion and bacteria over time
and can save money on the initial installation.
Complete removal of the domestic water piping system should be considered to
remove the potential for lead from leaching into the building potable water
supply from the existing soldered fittings. Steps can be taken to lessen the
potential for lead consumption. Flushing the water from each fixture used for
food preparation or human consumption prior to use can lower the exposure to
the lead in the system.
Related note: Water coolers produced prior to 1988 also contained small
amounts of lead internal to the waterways and tank of the unit and should be
Hot Water
The existing 865 gallon hot water storage tank and associated components are
near the end of their life and should be replaced.
The hot water demand within the building should be re-evaluated to the actual
demand. Low flow fixtures should be considered when sizing the hot water
system. The size of the domestic hot water storage tanks could be reduced to
better meet the demand load. It is estimated that the system may be oversized
based on the current demand since the seventeen showers are reportedly not
used. Showers usually constitute the largest hot water demand when used. The
oil fired “summer” water heater is approximately 10 years old and should be
replaced or updated.
A high-efficiency gas fired domestic water heating boiler and properly sized
storage tank system similar to the Middle School could replace the existing
system to serve the building.
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Temperature maintenance cable should be considered to maintain hot water in
the piping to replace the need for hot water recirculation piping, circulating
pumps and flow control valves that all require maintenance. Temperature
maintenance cable is currently in service at the Middle School.
Compressed Air
The compressed air system serving the shop rooms should be evaluated by an
expert to determine required repairs or replacement of the air compressor.
Gas Service
The L.P. gas piping within the building may be maintained and extended as
needed with little modifications to the existing system in the kitchen and boiler
room. If a gas fired water heater is placed in service, it may require a second
buried L.P. tank to provide the necessary draw-off capacity for the additional
connected load.
The gas piping serving the two original science rooms are served by single shutoff valve located in the corner of the Chemistry room. There was no master
shut-off valve found for the other two science rooms.
There is currently no provision for emergency shut-off for the gas in each of the
rooms. Gas piping located in trenches under the floor of the two original science
rooms does not meet current code for addressing a possible gas leak, which
needs to be vented to the outside.
Gas piping serving the shop rooms has no provisions for emergency gas shut-off
in each room. An electronic valve with emergency push-button and alarm panel
should be employed for the science rooms and the shop rooms.
Plumbing Fixtures
All of the original plumbing fixtures within the building should be replaced with
water saving fixtures in all locations. Accessible fixtures shall be installed as
required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Accessible fixtures of
each type shall be provided throughout the building.
The toilets should be replaced to flush with 1.28 gallons per flush. Note that
toilets must be matched to the flow volume of the flushometer valve. Both
fixture and flushometer must be replaced at the same time to reduce the flow.
Lavatory faucets should be changed to produce a flow between 1.5 gpm and 0.5
At a minimum, the shower heads should be replaced with 1.75 gpm units.
Controls for faucets and flushometers should be replaced with electronic battery
powered self generating type units that assure proper washing/flushing and
provide a more sanitary environment.
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Facility Analysis
Mechanical System
The mechanical system currently serving the high school is a system that would
be typically found in a school built in the early 1960s and energy was not the
concern that it is today. The system is quite simple in its approach to heat and
ventilate the facility. Yet it is quite inefficient as illustrated by the 2008-2009 oil
energy numbers of 0.357 gallons of oil per square foot per year. Numbers in new
schools that utilize oil typically see numbers ranging from 0.23 to 0.28 gallons per
square foot per year depending on systems being implemented in the school
design and the operational profile of the facility.
Systems Descriptions
The school was opened in 1967 and most of the original mechanical equipment
is still in use. The main boiler plant consists of one Weil McLain model 94 boiler
recently equipped with a new Webster Cyclomatic model JB20 oil fired burner;
installed in January 2009 reportedly due to a mechanical failure of the previous
Webster unit. The steel insulated breaching at the back of the boiler appears to
be intact. Combustion air for the burner is provided through two door-mounted
louvers and does not meet current code requirements which require the
combustion air to be either provided by mechanical or natural means. A natural
method of boiler room ventilation would require significantly larger louvers to be
installed in the exterior wall. The boiler produces low pressure steam which is
distributed throughout the entire facility. The boiler shows minimal evidence of
leakage and appears to have been well maintained and in good shape for roughly
42 years of service. The boiler specialties appear to be maintained and replaced
as needed.
The steam supply distribution system and condensate return piping systems
show their age and experience numerous failures. Particularly in the condensate
return piping system associated with the original condensate receiver and pump
system which is scheduled for replacement this year.
The #2 fuel oil is supplied from an underground 10,000 gallon storage tank,
located directly outside the boiler room, to the boiler though a single fuel pump
system in the boiler room. The underground tank has been regularly inspected
and has been outfitted with a new cover and leak detection and monitoring
Webster Burner
Underground Oil Tank Cover
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Facility Analysis
Fuel Oil Pump and Piping
The original pneumatic automatic temperature control system appears to remain
in service throughout the building. The original controls compressor and air
dryer are still in operation. The pneumatic temperature controls in the facility
may not provide consistent temperature control or ventilation causing some
areas to be warm and others cool. Although pneumatic control systems were
virtually the only control option available when the school was originally built,
these systems have proven over time to be quite inefficient and difficult to
control. A Barber-Colman Network 8000 Direct Digital Control system was
installed in 2001 to replace a previously installed system. The system provides
for a level of monitoring and control in the boiler room and monitoring and
day/night control of various spaces throughout the school. A second control
panel is located in the Main Office. The system has a dial-up connection to the
Invensys Signal graphic software package operating on the same P/C graphic
computer located at the new middle school.
Boiler DDC Controller
ATC Pneumatic Air Compressor
The primary heating and ventilating in each of the classrooms is handled by the
original unit ventilators, making them approximately 42 years old. The unit
ventilators are equipped with a steam coil, integral dampers controlling outside
air quantities and pneumatic action for valves and dampers. The overall
condition of the unit ventilators varies throughout the school. The outside air
damper control has gone through a number of changes. It was reported that,
under a previous contract, the linkage for the outside air dampers were
disconnected as an energy savings measure. Since that time, damper control has
been manually positioned on a seasonal basis.
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Facility Analysis
The systems that relieve/exhaust air out of the building are more centralized
systems with natural pressure relief from areas like classrooms and powered
exhaust from the bathrooms and janitor closets. Centralized, non-integrated
relief systems such as these typically do not provide satisfactory ventilation
effectiveness in all spaces. Although these units still provide heat and marginal
ventilation effectiveness to the classrooms, it must be understood that these units
are well past their life expectancy and should, at a minimum, be considered for
Classroom Unit Ventilator
Common spaces like stairways, vestibules and entryways are being heated by
convectors or fan powered cabinet unit heaters.
Vestibule Convector
Vestibule Cabinet Unit Heater
The gymnasium space is conditioned by two heating and ventilating units located
at each end of the gym. The connected supply duct system located along the
respective ends and the unit returns are located below each unit. Each unit is
equipped with outside and return air mixing dampers and a steam coil. One unit
was shut down and the outside and return air dampers were observed to remain
in the partially open position. Space temperature is controlled through the
original pneumatic control system. The control chains for the original roof
relief vents were reportedly removed under a previous contract, as an energysavings measure. Current operation is unknown.
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Facility Analysis
Gymnasium Supply Ventilation
Gymnasium Relief Vents
The cafeteria and kitchen areas are served by a single heating and ventilating unit
located above the ceiling space and could not be accessed at the time of review.
The supply air appears to be provided through wall diffusers around the cafeteria
with the return air being drawn from the adjacent corridor spaces. The cafeteria
unit is also equipped with a steam heating coil and return and outside air mixing
dampers. At the time of review the unit was off and the mixing dampers were
inaccessible. The exhaust systems for the kitchen hoods and dishwasher hood
appear to have been recently replaced. Based on the apparent duct configuration,
the make-up for the kitchen exhaust appears to be provided through the heating
and ventilating unit. The configuration may not meet the requirements of the
current mechanical codes that require the makeup air system to be electrically
interlocked with the kitchen exhaust system.
Range Hood
Dishwasher Hood
Oven Hood
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Facility Analysis
Mechanical System Recommendations
Remove the existing cast iron steam boiler, all steam supply and condensate
return piping, condensate receiver and boiler feed systems, steam system
accessories, passive combustion air system, breeching and all of its associated
hydronic accessories and all associated controls. Reuse the existing burner if
possible. Provide new cast iron hot water sectional boiler, insulated hot water
supply and return system within boiler room sized to feed entire facility. Provide
new mechanical forced-air combustion air system and new insulated breeching to
bring the boiler room up to current codes. Provide two 100% capacity end
suction pumps with variable speed drives and all required hydronic accessories.
Pump variable speed drives would be controlled by differential pressure between
the supply and return mains out in the system. New equipment and piping
distribution systems would be sized for future expansion capability.
Steam Supply and
Condensate Return Piping
Remove all existing insulated and un-insulated steam supply and condensate
return piping throughout the facility and all associated accessories and controls.
Provide insulated hot water supply and return piping distribution system to run
throughout the entire facility that will be connected to all replaced terminal units.
This section shall also include the replacement of all steam baseboard radiation,
convectors, and cabinet unit heaters. Hot water supply and return temperatures
shall be reset to meet heating requirements of spaces based on outside air
Classroom Unit
Remove all existing steam unit ventilators and associated controls, branch piping
and intake louvers. Provide hot water unit ventilators that would be mounted in
same area of classrooms. UVs would be provided with mixed air and face &
bypass dampers, adaptor backs and insulated piping channels. Any hot water
supply and return branch piping that cannot be concealed would be run in empty
cabinet work.
Air Handling Units
Remove all existing heating and ventilating units serving the gym and cafeteria
areas and all existing steam piping, controls and associated accessories. Provide
replacement modular air handlers with variable speed fans, hot water coils,
economizer cooling capacity, filter sections and mixing sections. Existing duct
distribution systems may be modified and/or replaced to accommodate
installation of AHUs. All new AHUs shall be controlled through the expanded
DDC system.
Remove all existing pneumatic controls throughout the entire facility. This shall
include tubing, controllers, sensors, control panels compressor and all associated
accessories. Provide Direct Digital Control (DDC) system for the automatic
temperature control of the entire facility. The new DDC system shall tie back to
the existing head end located in the new middle school.
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Facility Analysis
Electrical Service and
Distribution Systems
Power is supplied overhead to the site and then underground to the building to a
power company owned pad mounted transformer (Central Maine Power). The
pad transformer is a 150 kVa transformer and is located near the boiler
room/kitchen area. The system voltage is 120/208V three phase. According to
the existing drawings, four sets of secondary conductors feed a main switch
board with a 1400 amp main circuit breaker. The existing main switch board is a
GE AV Line 1600 amp, 120/208 volt, three-phase, four-wire braced at 50,000
AIC distribution section with a main breaker. (The main breaker rating is a
maximum of 2000 amps. The setting of the trip unit was not observed on the
face of the breaker.) This is the original switchboard when the building was built
in the late 1960s.
The JROTC building has a separate service from a pole mounted 25 kVa
transformer with its own meter. The building is served from an exterior
mounted panelboard.
The Alternative Education building and the sports field lighting is fed from a
pole mounted 112.5 kVa transformer. Each service has a separate meter.
Building Power Demand
The power demand of the High School building has been reported to be close to
the rating of the transformer based on data received from Central Maine Power.
The kitchen has been upgraded with some gas cooking appliances which have
reduced the electrical demand of the building, although technology increases
have added electrical demand and will continue to do so. In order to add a
panelboard on the second floor classroom wing, a 70 amp three-pole circuit
breaker that was made spare in the kitchen panel (by the changing of electrical
appliance to a gas appliance) was used. (The new electrical panelboard on the
second floor serves computers and air conditioning units).
The building will require an upgrade of the pad mounted transformer due to an
increase in power demand for educational programming and technology. The
main service distribution board should also be updated with a new switchboard.
The electrical distribution should include additional panelboards and the
associated feeders to allow for increased technology, additional receptacles in the
classrooms, power for ceiling projectors, and similar loads.
Emergency Power
The building currently does not have an emergency generator. Consideration
should be given to add an emergency generator (100kW) which would allow
operation of the general building heating, kitchen refrigeration loads, partial
lighting throughout the corridors, cafeteria, gymnasium, and select other
electrical loads during times of power interruption.
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Facility Analysis
Branch Circuits
The classrooms have limited power/receptacles available to meet current needs.
To accommodate increased demand, the typical solution has been to run
extension cords around the room from the few receptacles that exist. This
compromises the circuits and creates an unsafe condition. Additional receptacles
and branch circuits have been added to the computer classrooms.
The basic building lighting fixture consists of surface mounted wraparounds.
This lighting meets/exceeds the IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) of north
America’s recommendations for lighting levels in a general classroom. Wrap
around light fixtures are not the best for computer rooms due to the amount of
glare from the light fixture. A better fixture would be an indirect fixture or a
fixture that directs the light, such as a parabolic light with the appropriate IES
The general, classrooms are controlled with wall-mounted light switches.
Occupancy sensors were not observed. Classrooms have a variety of lighting
control including multiple switching. Other classrooms have one switch per
room while some classrooms have a switch for two rows of light fixtures and a
switch for the remaining row of light fixtures.
The wraparound light fixtures appear to be in serviceable condition however,
under a major renovation, replacement should be considered with the addition of
energy saving measures (occupancy sensors, high lumen lamp and ballast
combination, etc).
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Facility Analysis
The parking lot lighting is minimal and consists of floodlights on wood poles
(some of which are the utility poles). The lighting coverage for the parking areas
appears uneven with dark areas.
The building entrance lighting is comprised of wall-mounted fixtures at the
auxiliary entrances and surface mounted fixtures under the main entrance
canopy. The coverage for entrance area appears adequately lit.
The gymnasium has been recently renovated with four-lamp high bay T5
fluorescent lamp fixtures (there are a few 6 lamp fixtures). A low voltage relay
panel controls the gym lighting.
Emergency Lighting and
Exit Signage
Emergency lighting is accomplished with emergency battery units located
throughout the facility corridors and in the gymnasium. Exit lights are generally
showing their age. The typical exit signs were originally incandescent type
fixtures but have been retrofitted with an LED strip. Some of the signs are not
evenly lit. The exits are marked per code with exit signs. The egress emergency
lighting does not appear to be spaced to achieve the one foot candle average
throughout the path of egress required by code.
Fire Alarm System
The building is equipped with a Silent Knight model 5204, conventional fire
alarm system, located in the Admin area near the front entrance vestibule. It is a
four zone system. The Silent Knight 5204 fire alarm control panel has been
All four zones have been utilized and are as follows:
1. First Floor Classrooms
2. Second Floor Classrooms
3. Shops, Lockers, Music
4. Cafeteria, Gym, Boiler room
The fire alarm control panel appears to be serving the needs of the facility. If an
addition or renovation project such as a sprinkler installation is anticipated than
additional zones would be required, which would involve changing out the fire
alarm control panel with a panel with more capability.
The classrooms are equipped with a fire alarm notification visual appliance
(strobe). The corridors have audible and visual notification appliances. It appears
the fire alarm system was upgraded to meet ADA requirements with visible
appliances located in corridors and meeting rooms, etc. There are a few areas
that are lacking an appliance. The existing appliances meet the NFPA code for
height of between 80" and 96" above finished floor, but not the current ADA
mounting requirement of 80" above finished floor.
The building telecommunications system headend is located in the
Administration area. However, the cable infrastructure is older technology
including Category 5 wiring and below. The system does not have the bandwidth
to make IP (Internet Protocol) phones a viable option for the school.
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Facility Analysis
The building does have cable TV (CATV) throughout. The system is expected to
be replaced due to the advance in technology with classrooms being upgraded to
include ceiling mounted projectors and interactive white boards such as the
Polyvison Eno board or Smart Board.
Low resolution security cameras are currently located on the exterior of the high
school. However, the coverage is lacking in some areas.
There is an intrusion detection system, FBI XL31, with indication of outside
monitoring by Centra-larm or Maine State Security. In addition, motion detectors
are located throughout the building to monitor different portions of the building.
Based on information obtained on-site, the motion detector zones are as follows:
1. Lobby and Offices
2. Computer room
3. South wing rooms 101-102
4. West wing
5. South east wing and room 109
6. North wing
7. Northeast wing
8. Single story classroom wing
9. Industrial Technology and Cafeteria
Intercom/ Program Bell
The buildings two-way intercom system is a Dukane intercom system
(MCS350/48-25-1). There are call buttons in the classrooms which are used to
communicate with the main office. The clock/bell system is an Alfa 1 master
time clock system. The program bell system does not functioning correctly as
there are phantom codes that cause problems. The call button system is an older
technology that should be replaced with a system that utilizes hand sets and has
telephone capability.
There is a data system throughout the building consisting of category 5 cable and
other cables of varying levels, although the data system is lacking bandwidth.
There is a wireless network system throughout the building which was originally
an Apple product and is being replaced with a new Cisco system.
The first floor data closet next to Admin area lacks air conditioning and is
Fiber Optic
There is a fiber optic line between the high school and the new middle school.
The fiber optic cable terminates in a second floor classroom closet. There is no
fiber optic cable run within the school.
Sports Field Lighting
The existing athletic field, track and tennis courts have lighting. The athletic
field/track lighting is owned by Light-the-Night and must be rented for a
nighttime activity. The tennis courts are lit with a timer system that requires
cash/coins to operate. This system has been reported to be non-operational.
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Facility Analysis
Electrical System Recommendations
Building Power Demand
The existing pad-mounted transformer should be upgraded to a larger
transformer to meet current and future demands. The existing switchboard
should be replaced. Additional panelboards should be added throughout the
school to support the increased power needs.
Emergency Power
Consideration should be given to add a generator to provide emergency power
for the school to cover those areas previously described.
Branch Circuits
Additional circuits and receptacles should be added in the classrooms to support
the increase in educational programming and use of technology. With the
introduction of laptops into the high school this year, the upgrade should include
dedicated circuits and receptacles for laptop charging carts/stations.
Maintain the existing light fixtures under a minor renovation. However, under a
major renovation, occupancy sensors and new lighting fixtures with energy
saving products should be considered.
Add pole lights to light parking areas not currently lit or are under lit.
Emergency Lighting &
Exit Signage
Maintain the existing emergency lighting and fill in where required to achieve the
one foot candle average required by code.
Fire Alarm System
If minor renovations are a consideration, the existing system could be expanded.
However, if major renovations or building additions are undertaken, then the
entire fire alarm system would need to be replaced.
A new phone system should be installed that interfaces with an intercom system.
A new system would provide a phone for each learning space. Voice over IP
should also be considered.
Security System
A new security surveillance camera system should be installed with high
resolution to capture facial features of perpetrators.
The current data system should be upgraded to Category 6 cable. Fiber optic
cable should also be provided between the MDF (main distribution frame or the
main data/technology room) and the IDF’s (intermediate distribution frame
rooms or satellite rooms).
Refer to Tab 6 for the technology departments considerations for a 5 year
building plan.
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Facility Analysis
Sacopee Valley High School is a little more than 40 years old. It has served the
residents of the School District well over the years. But many of the systems in
the building have reached the end of their usable life. In addition, replacement
parts and components to repair the various building systems increasingly become
more difficult to find. By today’s standards, and in consideration of today’s
higher cost of energy, the existing building and its systems are significantly less
energy efficient.
Several code deficiencies have also been identified. It is assumed that the building
was designed and constructed to be compliant with the building codes that were
in effect at the time. The code deficiencies noted do not necessarily suggest that
the building is unsafe or should not be occupied, but just an indication that the
building does not meet current codes if it were to be constructed new today.
Despite its deficiencies and shortcomings, the existing facility can continue to be
used for many years to come with the appropriate renovations and upgrades to
the various systems and components. Properly planned and phased over a period
of several years, the building could be upgraded to meet today’s standards and
continue to serve the community. Refer to Tab 2 for an Opinion of Estimated
Costs for some of the recommended renovations and upgrades.
When evaluating and prioritizing the renovations and upgrades, the district also
needs to consider the educational and programming deficiencies that have been
identified in a separate Program Analysis. As the current building does not
necessarily provide the type, size and number of spaces that are required to
educate today’s students, the potential exists for further renovation and
expansion of the existing building to address the educational and programming
deficiencies Any proposed additions or renovations to expand or reorganize the
learning environment may be in lieu of to or in addition to the renovations and
upgrades needed to simply update the structure.
It is recommended that the district fully evaluate both the renovations required
to upgrade the building and the renovations need to enhance the educational
needs before proceeding forward with any renovation project.
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