Muskegon County Aerial Overlay Mapping


Muskegon County Aerial Overlay Mapping
Muskegon County Aerial
Overlay Mapping
City of Whitehall
Parcel Tax Mapping
Notice: THe information presented on this map has been compiled from various sources,
including recorded deeds, plats, tax descriptions and other public records. It is NOT a
legally recorded map survey. Data presented on this map is for information purposes
only and DOES NOT represent surveyed land boundaries. Users of this data are hereby
notified that the source information represented shoudl be consulted for verification.
Muskegon County and Muskegon County GIS makes no warranty, expressed or implied,
regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information presented.
Muskegon County assumes no responsibility for errors that arise from the use of this
information. If errors or discrepencies are found, please contact Muskegon County GIS.
Scale: 1 to 2,400
Map by Muskegon County GIS
141 E. Apple Ave, Muskegon, MI 49445
P: 231-724-4458 F: 231-724-1129
Map data: Muskegon County GIS
Projection: State Plane NAD 1983 Michigan
South Zone, International Feet
Printed from the Muskegon County GIS Tax Map Viewer
Map Printed 12/1/2014

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