ANNUAL REPORT / 2011-12 TR AIN IN G ADVOCACY and OUTREACH POST LICENSING TRAINING CLASSES CAFAP offers training and skill building taught b y a wide variety of experts to help foster, adopti ve and relati ve caregivers to be fully prepared to nurture the children in the care of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF). OPEN ADOPTION ADVOCACY Licensed individuals considering open adoptions of children in the custody of the Connecticut department of Children and Families (DCF) can obtain an attorney through CAFAP at no cost. The attorney will help explain the open adoption process and provide an agreement when appropriate. CPR CLASSES A current CPR Certification is required for foster parents caring for children with medically complex needs. Classes are offered statewide and fees are reimbursed by CAFAP. CONFERENCE SERIES CAFAP offers four yearly conferences, ranging from one-day training sessions to the two-day Annual Conference. These events draw on skilled, experienced child welfare experts and offer unique opportunities for networking and learning. SUPPORT AREA LIAISONS Positioned in DCF area offices, Area Liaisons guide, teach and support families in their efforts to become self-advocates. CAFAP Liaisons provide insight, offer resource referrals, and coordinate community support groups. BUDDY SYSTEM Experienced foster, adop ti ve parents, or relati ve caregivers provide support for newly licensed parents. Buddies are paired with their families for a minimum of six months or until families are comfortable with their level of knowledge and experience. 24 HOUR HELPLINE CAFAP’s toll-free, confidential peer support helpline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Foster and adopti ve parents may ask questions or just talk with someone who understands the unique challenges they face. Individuals may reach the Helpline by calling 1.888.223.2780. SUPPORT GROUPS In partnership with DCF, we offer support groups in both the English and the Spanish languages with babysitting services throughout the state, COMMUNICATION Our website and quarterly newsletter contain information about programs, support groups, services, training schedules, community resources and conferences. In addition to our quarterly newsletter, the Association offers two e-newsletters; one for the foster and adoptive community and another for families engaged in the process of becoming licensed. PUBLIC POLICY CAFAP tracks bills and advocates for legislation and issues relevant to foster, adopti ve and relati ve caregivers. The Association works with a committee of interested families each year to develop a legislati ve agenda, as well as training families to learn how they can become invol ved in the legislati ve process. OUTREACH EVENTS C AF AP o ffe rs e ve n ts s pec i fi cal l y des igned to b u i ld , cele b ra te a nd s uppo rt o u r com mun i ty, as we l l as e ve n ts th a t p ro vi d e a we lc ome to th o s e wh o ha ve b egun th e jo u rne y to b ecom ing a l icens ed fam il y. CHILDREN’S HOPE FUND Al l c h ild ren des er ve a b ri gh t fu tu re . Wi th th i s i n m ind , C AF AP h as de ve l o ped a Chi ld ren ’s Ho p e Fu nd th a t a l lo ws th e commun i ty a n d s uppo rte rs to h e lp s pons or th e wis hes and d reams fo r Connec ti c u t’s fos te r a nd ad op ti ve c hi ld ren . CAFAP is privileged to have numerous outstanding partners supporting our mission. Below is a sample from 2011-12. Boy Scouts | The Believe Team | Bushnell Theater | Meg Cavanaugh | The Children’s Museum | Citizen’s Bank | Connecticut Association of Nonprofits | Connecticut Department of Children and Families | Connecticut Women’s Journal | The Dinosaur Place | Foster Adoptive Mission | Rita Ghizzoni | Girl Scouts of Connecticut | Hearts, Hands and Homes | Home Builders Association of Greater Hartford | Mary Jones Show | New Britain Rock Cats | Nutmeg State Federal Credit Union | Pearl Ballroom | Sarah Radl | Raymour and Flanigan | Rocky Hill Chamber of Commerce | Salon Alexander | Sticks and Stones Farm | Stonington High School | SuperCuts | Wadsworth Atheneum Our Mission The mission of the Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents is to strengthen foster, adoptive and relative caregiver families through support, training and advocacy with the aim of nurturing child safety, well being, and stability in partnership with child welfare professionals and the entire community. Our Vision CAFAP’s vision is that the citizens of Connecticut recognize that family life is a necessity for all children. The family creates the optimum environment for appropriate responses to a child’s developmental and specialized needs. We also envision that foster and adoptive families are of an adequate number, skill and cultural diversity to assure high quality care for all children who need out-of-home placement. This knowledge, skill and attitude will be transmitted through peer to peer empowerment. Lastly, CAFAP strives to help develop communities that are engaged in meeting the unique needs of foster and adoptive children and in supporting their resource families. How Can You Help? Learn More Consider becoming a foster or adoptive family. Become inspired and learn more about the rewards of fostering and adopting by can watching our video “Families Are a Work of Art” located on our website, or you can call 1.888.KID.HERO to learn more. Donate Now Make a donation to our Children’s Hope Fund. The Children’s Hope fund directly helps to support foster and adoptive youth and their families. Please make a difference for a child. Take Action Get involved with our Hope Project Toolkit. CAFAP ‘s Toolkit which includes all the materials necessary to host a supply drive or community service project within your organization, school or civic group. Download it from our website at Spread the Word Once you have shown your support to Connecticut’s youth, you can share the mission with friends and family. Please become our Facebook Fan and stay in tune with CAFAP happenings. We have frequent events in which you and your friends can become involved. Help build even more hope for the upcoming year. Volunteer CAFAP has opportunities in which you can provide your time and effort to benefit our mission. We are looking for Board members and active committee members. To learn more, please contact us at 860.258.3400. A special thank you to the benefactors who make our work possible… A Bead of Roses Ae tna Giving Program The Annie M. Ciarrocchi Revocable Trust Anonymous Anthony L. Fiorito, Inc. Associated Builders & Contractors Ilona Bencze Nicole Bernie Ka thy Brady Richard E. Brokaw Mark Busa and Mary Rose Meade Michelle M. Byam Casey Charitable Matching Program CAFAP Employees: Blue Jeans Campaign Robert and Doris Cerasani Connecticut Forensic Laboratory Gael Curtin Ca therine and Michael Doyle Andre (Paul) and Lisa Dubreuil Darlene Dunbar and Carol Bozena Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Fiorito Jean Fiorito Martin and Janine Fiorito Michael and Lori E. Garrity Roberta L. Gaston Kinion Thomas and Deborah Gilman Pat Gra y Greater Hartford Area Combined Federal Campaign Jessica Greer Sandra Hamal Drew R. and Ka thy A. Hund Sharon A. Hunt Huntington Financial, Inc. Lillian A. Jackson Irvin R. Jennings, MD and Eileen O'Brien Jennings, MD Melissa Jordan Ka therine L. W. & Winthrop Crane Charitable Foundation Am y and Clifford Kennedy Kaitlynn Kennedy Geralyn Kogut Tom and Jodi Lagassie Danielle and Rachelle Le vasseur Thomas A. Loto Deborah I. Malette Brian E. and Donna M. Mattiello MBI, Inc. Craig R. McGarrah Joseph Mercer Kyle, Ka ti and Rebecca Mitchell New Britain Rock Cats Over the Hill Gang Eastern Chapter Marion Paris Mark and Deborah Pasquale Pharmco Diane Pisker Ted Provencher, Jr. Sarah H. Radl Leonard Rodriguez Melissa and Charles Schaffrick Vic toria Schopflin Elise A. Schreier Lisa C. Seethaler Howard Sparks Andrew and Luana Stanulonis Derith M. and William H. Stumpf TAUCK Gretchen Test Am y Vecchiarino June M. and Paul J. Wiehn IN KIND DONORS Be tty Ann Atkinson Backstreet Restaurant Jana Baird Bally's Total Fitness Stacy Barbar Miranda Barilla BJ's Wholesale Carol Blake Bob's Discount Furniture Bogey's Restaurant Bon Appétit Shelly Brodsky Brookdale Foundation Caban-Hernandez Family Canvas on Demand Carbone's Market Jeffrey Cardona Dan and Kaheta Carlquist Carmen Anthony Restaurant Dawn Carr Carriage House Day Care Celeste Champion Cheshire Women's Club Chili's Restaurant Citizen's Bank Sherry Clements Co-Co Key Wa ter Resort Community Health Ne twork Connecticut Department of Social Services Connecticut Department of Children and Families Wa terbury FASU Connecticut Region IV DOT Connecticut Science Center Connecticut Sta te Police Troop I Costco Sue Crawford Dolce LLC Dollar General Peg Donovan Doolittle School, Cheshire Stacey Driggers April Dudley Dunkin Donuts Lisa Dupre Lillian Echevarria Myra Emrick Courtney Ennis Factory Bedding and Furniture Fairy Tales Formal Wear Family Options, Inc. Maria Ferrazzi Theresa Fitol Foundation for Life Ministry Four Seasons Lawn Care Brigid Frey Girl Scout Troop 66232 Girl Scouts of CT Girls, Inc. Liz Gleason Megan Graham Marie Greco Jan Handi Holiday Angel Daisy Holpes Ida's Bridal Shop Interim Health Care Ellen Jackson Donna Jacobs Eileen Jenetopulos Lori Johnson Ive tte Juarbe Cotton Kenny KidCity Museum Laurie Kirck Ken and Teresa Kramer LA Styles Melissa LaPila Laser Planet La ticrete International Inc. Annette LeBoeuf Lego Sys tems, Inc. Christine Links Maria Lopez Macie Grace Foundation Donna Maitland Joe Mancini Maple Self-Storage Maples Restaurant Mario's Restaurant Maribel Martinez Christina McClintock Meadow Street Automotive First United Methodist Church Michael's Jewelers Milford Recreation Department Tammy Moe Moody School, Middletown Ashley Moriarty Kallena Nelson No Eye Has Seen Photography Jennifer Norwich Diane Orlando Sandra Paholski Pajama Program Pediatric Dental Association of Southbury LLC Ayanna Pierce Meg Pitchette Maura Provencher AnnMary Puskarz Qualidigm Quassy Amusement Park Lesa Raven Ra ymour and Flanagan Furniture Rocky Hill Congregational Church RJ Health Systems Julie Roach Megan Roche Pilcher New Britain Rock Cats Heidi Ross Rumsey Hall Genieve Russo Roxanne and Phil Ryan Sa ve the Kid Stop and Shop Supermarket, Torrington Phyllis Silverman Sistas Spa and Salon Somerset Capitol Group, Milford ST. Joseph College Sta te of Connecticut Juvenile Court Storage America Subway Sandwich Lisa Sullivan Target Stores Daniel and Isabel Tenney Cheryl Thomas Timeless Trends Tower Grill Treadwell Corporation Tuga Construction United Storage Wa terbury Hospital Ka thleen Wawrzyniak Webb White Flower Farm Stephanie Wright Michelle Young Every effort has been made to ensure that this report of giving is accurate and complete. Please accept our apology for any er rors or omissions. We ask that you report them to the Office of Fund Development so that we may correct our records. This listing reflects all gifts received between July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. C A F AP S t a f f Jean Fiorito Executive Director Pat Gray Program Director of Pre-Licensing Retention Diane Orlando Program Director of Liaisons and Peer Network Maura Provencher Program Director of Outreach Recruitment and Retention Vanessa Williamson Program Director of Training Jennifer Bellamy Torrington Area Liaison Angie Hinkel Middletown Area Liaison Sheree Breeden Bridgeport Area Liaison Deborah Jones Manchester Area Liaison Debra Candelora Meriden Area Liaison Caitlin Kavanaugh Danbury Area Liaison Margaret Carter New Haven Area Liaison Heather LaCasse Outreach Coordinator Yecenia Casiano Hartford Area Liaison Lucinda McPherson Willimantic Area Liaison Doris Cerasani Kid Hero Administrative Assistant Sandy Paholski New Britain Area Liaison Emily Clark Norwich Area Liaison Hector Ramos Kid Hero Program Assistant Jinnel D’Hereaux Training Program Assistant Jennifer Rivera Kid Hero Program Assistant Mary Eckerson Pre-Licensing Program Assistant Wendy Sander Peer Network/Careline Program Assistant Schelita Fleming Norwalk/Stamford Area Liaison Melissa Schaffrick Executive Administrative Assistant Julie Garceau Statewide Foster Parent Retention Liaison Christine Surel Milford Area Liaison Carolyn Goodridge Outreach Social Worker Jacqueline Vidal Waterbury Area Liaison C onn e c t ic ut As s oc ia t i o n of Fos t e r a n d Ad o pt i ve P ar e nt s , I nc . STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES for the year ended June 30, 2012 SUPPORT & REVENUE Government Grants and Contracts: State Contributions and other income $2 ,002,248 $ 345,853 TOTAL SUPORT & REVENUE $2 ,348,101 EXPENSES Program Services Regional Liaisons Recruitment PRIDE Buddy S ystem Conference Open Adoptions Newsletter Helpline Kids Fund Retention Casey Foundation Supporting Services Fund Raising Management and general TOTAL EXPENSES Change in Net Assets Net Assets, beginning of year Net Assets, end of year $586,791 $506,227 $333,879 $135,234 $135,505 $110,700 $6,852 $56,167 $7,121 $15,112 $12 ,490 $1,906,078 $752 $363,857 $2,270,687 $77,414 $54,267 $131,681 Message from the Board President 2011-2012 marks the Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents seventeenth year of service to Connecticut’s foster, adoptive and relative caregiver families. As a foster and adoptive parent myself, I know firsthand how important our organization is to the parents we serve. Fulfilling the organization’s mission of training, supporting and advocating for foster, adoptive and relative caregiver families, leads us in both our daily work and our evolving goals as we aspire to continually improve our impact. Our organization and by extension, our families, relies on the charitable support of our community partners, donors and volunteers to meet our goals. The Board would like to thank you for your generosity, time and powerful belief in the work that we do. The staff at CAFAP works tirelessly while exhibiting a keen understanding of the challenges our families face throughout the year. On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I offer our sincere gratitude for the dedication of our staff for they are what make the organization great. We know that each new year brings change in the foster and adoptive care community’s needs, policies and landscape. CAFAP welcomes this change and is energized to adapt while continuing its long history of providing outstanding service to Connecticut’s families. Sincerely, Amy Kennedy Board President CAFAP Board of Directors A my K e nne d y P re s i d e n t B ar b a r a R u h e Tr e a s u r e r C at h y G e n t i l e - D o y l e S e c r e ta r y G l y n i s C as s i s D i r e c to r G er a l y n K o g u t D i r e c to r The New Brllllln Rock Cats Baseball Team is one our many valued Community Partners. providmg consistent support throughout the year. Volunteers from Community Health Netwrk and RJ Health Systems dehr Illy donations for the hohllays to be cLstnbuted by CAFAP Slllff CAFAP Stall SOI1 gtnerOUS donations for oil" alllllill ·- of llramJ event tare miSsion in Connecticut. Connecticut Association of Foster and Adoptive Parents, Inc. 2189 Silas Deane Highway, Suite 2 Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06067 860.258.3400 phone 860.258.3410 fax
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