Spring 1958 - Graduation at UBC - University of British Columbia
Spring 1958 - Graduation at UBC - University of British Columbia
THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION FOR THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES TUESDAY, MAY TWENTIETH AND WEDNESDAY, MAY TWENTY-FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT After the Congregation Ceremony on both days, tea will be served in the Brock Memoria’ Building. O CANADA O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, 0 Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! o Canada, we stand on guard for thee! 2 MUSICAL PROGRAMME by Professor Leslie G. R. Crouch 3 Programme of Ceremony on May 20 O CANADA by INVOCATION THE REVEREND JOHN A. Ross REMARKS by ALBERT EDWAItD GRAUER Chancellor of the University of British Columbia CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES by THE CHANCELLOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS WALTER HENRY GAGE ALBERT EDwAIW GRAUER. EVELYN STORY LKrr JOHN EWAIT WALLACE STERLING INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGREGATION SPEAKER by NORMAN A. M. MACKENZIE President of the University of British Columbia CONGREGATION ADDRESS by Jom. EWAItT WALLACE STERLING CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by THE CHANCELLOR PRESENTATION OF THE GOVERNOR GENERAL’S MEDAL GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in Brock Hall. 4 THE UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA BRITISH OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY All, Mohamed Ather, B.Sc. Presidency College, (University of Madras) Zoology India M.Sc. Zoology Laboratory, (University of Madras), Thesis: “The Ocular Structure, Retinomotor arid Photo-Behavioural Responses of Juvenile Pacific Salmon.” Biology and Botany Saskatchewan Florian, Svatopluk, Fred, B.S.A., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The Effects of 8 Azaguanine on the Mitotic Cycle and Cell Growth in Vicia Fabo Roots.” Friedman, Gerhart Bruno, B.Sc., M.A. Vancouver (University of Madras), Thesis: Physics “The Relative Intensities of the Polarized Components of the Sym metric Raman Line of Calcite.” Phillips, Gilbert James, BSc. (Manitoba), M.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The Reaction Li I OC , Ontario ) B and States of Baron 11”. Sheppe, Walter Alvin, B.A. (William and Mary), Virginia M.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: Zoology “Systematic and Ecological Relations of Peromyscus Oreas and P. Maniculatus.” Alberta Stark, Ronald William, B.Sc.F., M.A. (Toronto), Thesis: Physics Forest Entomology “Population Dynamics of the Lodgepole Needle Miner, Recurvoria Starki Free. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks.” Vancouver Swanson, Max Lynn, B.A., M.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Metallurgy Thesis: “The Construction of on Adiabatic Calorimeter and Measuring Specific Heats.” Wesemeyer, Harald Heinrich Kurt, Cand. Phys., Ontario Diplom-Physiker (Hamburg), Its Use in Physics Thesis: “Experiments on Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Crystals at Low Temperatures.” THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Political Science Vancouver Adams, Audrey Marilyn, B.A. (Brit. Cot.), Thesis: “A Study of the Use of Plebiscites and Referendums by the Province of British Columbia.” Sociology New Westminster Thesis: “A Comparative Study Between the Degree of Assimilation and the Self Image.” Adams, Mrs. Margaret Belle, B.A. Writ. Col.), Bennett, Edward Bertram, B.A. (Brit. Cot.), Nanaimo Physics Thesis: “Some Oceanographic Features of the Northwest Pacific Ocean during August 1955.’ China Chow, Jih-ou, B.A. (Taiwan Normal University), Mathematics Thesis: “Pairs of Matrices with Property L” Ontario Darknell, Francis Alan, B.A. (Brit. CoI.), Thesis: “The Social Organization of Dietetics.” Francis, George Reid, B.A. (Toronto), Sociology Zoology Ontario Thesis: “Ecological Studies of Marten (Martes Americana) Park Ontatio.” 5 in Algonquin Zoology Geen, Glen Howard, B.A. (Brit. CoL), New Westminster Thesis: “Reproduction of Three Species of Suckers (Cotostomidoe) in British Columbia.” Greenaway, George Jomes, B.A. (Manitoba), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Education South Burnoby Thesis: “An Experimental Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Group Instruction Use of Certain Manipulative Materials in Contributing to an Understanding of Decimal Concepts.” Economics Harmankayo, Nejat Cemil, Diploma (Istanbul), Turkey Thesis: “Monetary and Banking System of Turkey.” Political Science Jeyaratnam, Kanagaratnam, B.A. (Malaya), Malaya Thesis: “Racial Factors in the Political Development of the Federation of Malaya.” Jolicoeur, Joseph-Marie Pierre, B.A. (Seminaire de Philosophie), Zoology B.Sc. (Montreal), Quebec Thesis: “Geographical Variations in Wolves (Canis Lupus L.) of North western North America.” History Kiassen, Herbert Cornelius, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Clearbrook Thesis: Some Aspects of the Teaching of Hans Hut Cc. 1490-1527). A Study of their Origins in South Germany and their Influence on the Anabaptist Movement 1526-1531.” Slavonic Studies Vancouver Koerner, Nicholas Thomas, B.A. (Brit. Cal.), Thesis: “Some Cultural Influences Contributing to the Dissolution of the Dual Monarchy.” International Studies Vancouver Krosby, Hans Peter, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Finland’s Relations with the Soviet Union, 1940-1952.” Botany Trinidad Madhosingh, Clarence, B.S.A. (Brit. Cal.), Thesis: “A Study of the Physiology and Strains of Ophiostoma Fimbriatum (E and H) Nann.” Criminology Vancouver Matheson, Malcolm Angus, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “A Survey of the British Columbia Penitentiary.” Physiology Vancouver Mensen, Esther Doris, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Plasma Calcium Regulation Associated with Induced Hypocalcemia and Hypercalcemia.” English Vancouver Thesis: “The Theme of Isolation in the Work of Joseph Conrad.” McConnell, Ruth Ethel, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Zoology Alberta Robertson, Georgina Beth, B.A. Writ. Col.), Thesis: Temperature Resistance and Thyroid Activity in Goldfish Maintained under Controlled Photoperiods.” Robertson, Lyle Purmal, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The 0 Physics Ontario 16 F Reaction.” (p, ) Psychology Vancouver Ross, Dorothea Mary, B.A. (Brit. Cal.), Thesis: “The Effect of Different Interpolated Activities on Retroaction in a Verbal Learning Experiment.” Psychology Vancouver Ross, Sheila Anne, B.A. (Brit. Cal.), Thesis: “An Investigation of the Relationship between Masculinity-Femininity Scores and Interest Scores.” Psychology Vancouver Shanahan, Mrs. Eileen Marie, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Positive Transfer as a Function of the Degree of Inter-List Stimulus Similarity and Initial List Learning.” 6 Botany Vancouver Shrimpton, Douglas Malcolm, BA. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The Effect of Frost Defoliation upon the Respiratory Rate of the Sugar Beet Root and the Oxidases Present in the Beet Root.” Physiology Vancouver Suiker, Alice Petronella, B.A. (Brigham Young), Thesis: “The Effects of Severe Phosphorus Deficiency on Calcium Meta bolism in the Rot.” History Vancouver Webster, James Bertin, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The Growth of Political Awareness in Nigeria.” THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF FORESTRY Bolotin, Moshe, B.S.F. (Washington), Israel Thesis: “Polyploidy and its Application in Forestry and a Preliminary Study of Aberrant Douglas-Fir Seedlings.” Alberta Kun, Stephen Frank Peter, B.S.F. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “An Analysis of Forest Fire—Control Standards.” England Newnham, Robert Montague, B.Sc. (Wales), Thesis: “A Study of Form and Taper of Stems, of Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, and Western Red Cedar on the University Research Forest, Haney, British Columbia.” THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK Vancouver Bryenton, Joy, B.A., B.S.W., Thesis: “Communication with Children.” Vancouver Fawler, Douglas Weatherbee, B.A., Thesis: “The Unemployment Assistance Act (1956).” Burnaby Holloway, Mrs. Shirley Kathleen, B.A., B.S.W., Thesis: “Emotional Responses of Young Surgery.” Moir, Ward Washington, B.A., B.S.W., Children to Hospitalization and North Vancouver Thesis: “Fee-Charging in a Family Service Agency.” Morrison, Archibald Oscar, B.A., B.S.W., Thesis: New Westminster “Same Patterns of Dependency.” New Westminster Nordman, Iris, B.A. (Pacific Lutheran), B.S.W., Thesis: “A Joint Family Services Project.” North Vancouver Ross, Robert MacGregor, B.A., B.S.W., Thesis: “A Volunteer Program for the Patients of a Mental Hospital.” Tuckey, Elizabeth Ursula, B.A., Vancouver Thesis: “Family Influences an Child Protection Cases at the Paint of Ap prehension and in Later Foster Care.” 7 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SOCIAL WORK Barberie, Dorothy Joan, B.A., Vancouver (2) Bjarnason, Orion Don, B.A., Cranbrook (2) Brown, Jacolyn Marie, B.A., Vancouver (2) Coady, Patricia Anne, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta (2) Coltis, Madelyn, B.A., Victoria (2) Dofoe, Ethel Erlene Ruth, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan (2) Dafoe, Eunice Luverna, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan (1) Davis, Dorothy Diane, B.A., Vancouver (2) Doxsee, Harold Robertson, B.A. Alberta (Manitoba), (2) Finlay, Ann Hunter, B.A., Vancouver (2) Fromson, Etta Elaine, B.A., Vancouver (2) Fuchs, Grete Renate, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta (2) Gentleman, Glenda Elaine, B.A., Alberta (2) Goodwin, Harold George, B.A. (Mt. Allison), Vancouver (2) Hogerman, Goldie Jeune, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Vancouver (2) Hansen, Joy Kristine, B.A., Vancouver (2) Hinkel, Shirlee Ann, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta (1) Jellis, Jennifer-Anne, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta (2) Joasalu, Hilda, (Tartu), Vancouver (2) Kern, George Herman, B.A. (Alberta), United States Lammer, Harvey Sheldon, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Lindsay, Ellis George, B.A., Penticton Mah, Bess Jane, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta Moore, Mrs. Janet Gordon, B.A., Vancouver McCormick, Lindsay Laurier, B.A., Vancouver Macdonald, Janet Mary, B.A. (Queen’s), Saskatchewan Paling, Freda Helen Mary, B.A., Vancouver Pierce, Donald Andrew, B.A. (Alberta), Alberta Prokop, William, B.A., Salmon Arm Smith, Roger Madison, B.A. (Washington), United States Turner, Margaret Joan, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan Vaughan, Jack Stephen, B.A., Vancouver Watson, Eunice Lenore, B.A., (Lewis and Clark College), United States Welsh, Gordon William, B.A. (Alberta), Vancouver Wong, Carole Anne, B.A., Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS HONOURS Abrams, Mrs. Mabel Helen, Anderson, Percy Milton, Donald Noel, Boone, John Arthur, Coleman, Ann, First Class l-lonours in English Literature and Language Duncan Second Class T-lonours in International Studies and History Vancouver Second Class Horiours in Zoology Oliver Carlsen, Sigurd Camillo, Chant, John Fulton, Second Class Honours in Gealogy Alberta Auchinachie, Gerald Muir, Baker, Second Class Honours in English Literature and Language Vancouver Second Class Honours in Political Science Ontario First Class Honours in Economics Vancouver Victoria Drent, Rudolf Herman, Easton, Patrick Warren, First Class Honours in English Literature and Language First Class Honours in Zoology Vancouver Second Class Honours in Psychology Vancouver 8 Girard, Charlotte Sylvia Marie, First Class Honours in History and French Nanaimo First Class Honours in Sociology Victoria Gittins, John Ramsay, Harris, Marcia Sarah Olivia, Hinchcliffe, Peter Michael Dominic, Hubble, Sidney Wayne, Kelowna Irvine, Lance Laverne, Vancouver Johnston, Marguerite Anne, Vancouver Second Class Honours in English Literature and Language First Class Honours in History and Economics Second Class Hanours in Philosophy First Class Honours in French Vancouver First Class Honours in Political Science Vancouver Kymlicka, Bohuslav Bohumil, Lotham, Curtis Fraser, First Class Honours in English Literature and Language Vancouver Second Class Honours in Psychology Vancouver Low, Alan Greenwell, Vancouver Second Class Honours in Mathematics Moor, Donald Robert, Lumby Second Class Honours in Philosophy McArravy, Gwyneth Mary, First Class Honours in English Literature and Language Nanaimo Second Class Honours in Psychology Macdonald, Neil William, New Westminster First Class Honours in Mathematics Victoria Schulzer, Michael, Seigneuret, Jean-Charles Bernard Gilbert, Soligo, Ronald, Vancouver First Class Honaurs in Mathematics and Economics Trail Toren, Eleanor Ruberta, Second Class Honours in French Second Class Honours in Political Science Vancouver Watson, Richard Alan Rosen, Second Class Honours in English Literature and Language Chilliwack CLASSIFICATION: (H) (1) (2) (P) (C) Honours. First Class. Second Class. Passed. Completed for B.A. in combined course with Law. 9 BACHELOR OF ARTS GENERAL COURSE Vancouver Agnew, Pauline, Nanaimo Alexander, Kenneth Grey, Trinidad All, Samadh, Port Kells Allison, Barbara Rose, Vancouver Anthony, Thomas Murray, Mission City Anton, Douglas Percival, Alberta Aylwin, Allan Leroy, Cranbrook Bahrey, Steven, Trinidad Bailey, Eyvolle Pearl, Bain, Wendy Elizabeth, West Vancouver Victoria Baxter, Nan Lawrence, Trinidad Bayne, Sylvester Clarence, Bermuda Bell, Michael David, Vancouver Bell, William, Robert, Jr., West Vancouver Berryman, Janet Louise, Alberta Blair, Hugh MacLean, North Vancouver Book, Anne Mary, North Vancouver Bowles, James Keith, Vancouver Brett, Robert Burton, Vancouver Brockington, Peter Michael, Vancouver Brown, Jeremy John Fisher, Vancouver Buckingham, Robert Reay, Vancouver Burr, Lawrence Herbert, Burnaby Burton, William Donald, Vancouver Butterfield, John Sebastian, Vancouver Campbell, Kathleen Rose, Victoria Cannon, William Roger, Vancouver Carefoot, Viola Mabel, Carrington, Eleanor Ruth Kemp, Richmond Vancouver Chambers, Michae’ Philip, Sechelt Christie, Marion Edith, Vancouver Clinton, Alfred, Coe, Ngaire Elizabeth, North Vancouver Ontario Cohen, Arnold Ralph, Collingwood, Thomas Arthur, LL.B., Vancouver Westview Coutts, Dorothy Mae, Trail Craig, Ronald Sheldon, Cresswell, John George, Grantham’s Landing New Westminster Croker, Sheila Stuart, Vancouver Cromie, Maureen Ann, Vancouver Currie, Ian Douglas, Vancouver Cynk, Jean Shirley, Vancouver Daly, Eleanor Joy, South Burnaby Davies, Robert Keith, Vancouver Davis, Murdoch Richardson, Victoria Dawe, Peter Gerald, Vancouver Delbridge, Sallye Bernice, Vancouver Dey, William George, Vancouver Diamond, Charles, Vancouver Dickinson, Paul George, Victoria Diespecker, Eugene Newman, Komloops Dohm, Patrick Donald, Dowden, Victor Boyd, Vancouver (2) Vancouver Drent, Jan Janz, (P) Trinidad Durity, Felix Augustus, (1) Manitoba EIder, Thomasine Ada, (2) Eliuk, Selvester Douglas, New Westminster (P) Elliott, Valerie Joy, North Burnaby (2) Vancouver Elstyne, Mrs. Harriet, (2) Emery, Arnold William, Vancouver (2) Vancouver Fans, Donald Leonard, (2) Floch, Wolfgang, Vancouver (2) Fraser, Derek Russell Thurlow, Rossland (2) Vancouver Gale, Edward Scott, (2) Gamble, Denzil Delbert William, North Burnaby (P) Gauthier, Jocelyn Mary, Ontario (2) Gillespie, Malcolm Jackson, Vancouver (2) Vancouver Gniewotta, Harold George, (2) Goetting, Mrs. Eleanor Louise, Trail (2) Gogel, Albert, Kelowna (2) Ontario Grant, John Lendrum, (2) Greenberg, Debbie, Vancouver (2) Ladner (C) Guichon, Terrence Kelly, LL.B., West Vancouver (P) Guns, Thomas Brian, Victoria Hale, Hilary Joan, (2) Chilliwack Hanford, Donald Borne, (2) Harper, Mrs. Jeanne Beatrice Currat, Vancouver (2) Harrison, Donna Manian, Vancouver (2) Fort Nelson (P) Harrison, Richard Terrence, Harvie, Elizabeth Gay, Vancouver (2) Hawkes, Barbara Mary, Victoria (2) Creston Hawkey, Thora Elizabeth, (2) Hecker, Stanley James, North Burnaby (2) Hemingson, Betty Louise, Victoria (2) Henderson, Norman McCarthy, Vancouver (2) Saskatchewan Heshka, William, (2) Hosein, Towfeak, Ladner (P) Howell, Frederick George William Granville, South Burnaby (2) Victoria H umber, Sandra Sydney, (2) Hunter, lain Campbell, Victoria (I’) Kelowna Irwin, John Richard, (2) Janzen, Erwin Jacob, Vancouver (2) Johnson, Charles Manlius Fitchew, Sidney (2) Johnston, David McCfary, Beaverdell (2) Kalns, Mrs. Ilga Drosme, Vancouver (P) Vancouver Karpowicz, Jadwigo, (2) Youbou Kier, Digby Robin, (2) Matsqui Konrad, Abram Gerhard, (2) Lamont, Gwendy Kortright, Kelowna (2) Powell River (2) Lomperson, George Walter, Lander, Barbara Ann, Kelowna (2) Leatherdale, Barbara Gene, Vancouver (2) Lefroy, Donald Arthur Langlois, Vernon (2) Nelson Leslie, Barbara Joyce, (P) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (p) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (p) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (C) (1) (C) (2) (P) (1) (2) (I’) (P) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (C) (2) (2) (2) 10 Alberta Saucier, Mary Dubois, Victoria Savage, Lauren William Clive, Vancouver Schooley, Jennie Grace, Kelowna Schram, Richard Ronald, Vancouver Shallard, Meryn Ann, Nelson Shorthouse, Sylvia Anne, Trinidad Sieuchand, Alexander Carlyle, Vancouver Simon, Linda Jane, Vancouver Sinclair, Sharon Sue, Ganges Skelding, Susan Arminella, Alberta Skoko, Norman Mark, Vancouver Sloan, Frances Davida, Lake Cowichan Smith, Patrick John, Vancouver Smith, William Thomas, Vancouver SteizI, Edward Stanley, Vancouver Stephen, Isobel Marie, Vancouver Stephens, Sharon Jane, Chilliwack Stick, Mrs. Edna, Victoria Storm, Steven, Abbotsford Sudermon, Erno Susan, Victoria Sullivan, Dorothy Margaret, Vancouver Summers, Norma lsabelle, Sundquist, Sven lngwaldson, Port Alberni Vancouver Sutherland, Hugh Roy, Vancouver Swortz, Mrs. Eva, Alberta Tallon, George Bernard, Vancouver Taylor, James Andrew Fair, Saskatchewan Tesbrey, Vera Agnes, South Burnoby Thompson, Joan Ann, Vancouver Taft, Bernard Leon, Ladysmith Tomlinson, Frederick George, North Surrey Tongue, Thomas Eric, Penticton Tribe, Jonathan Harold, LJllond, Mrs. Lillian Olive, New Westminster Penticton Unwin, Wilma Maureen, Vancouver Van Allen, Margaret Louise, Vancouver Warren, Patricia Ann, Victoria Warren, Robert Irving, Vancouver Watson, Paul Alan, Weston, William Charles Percy, Vancouver Victoria Westwood, Patricia Maud, Burnaby Wiebe, Walter Willie, Victoria Williams, Edmond Cloud, West Vancouver Wylie, Marion, North Burnaby Yorston, Barbara Sue, Nanaimo Young, Emily Adwena, Vancouver Youngson, Loretta Ruth, North Surrey Zoklan, George Leonard, Fernie Zinovich, Lido Tanya, (2) Nova Scotia Little, Jennifer Anne, (2) Victoria Little, Margaret Elizabeth, (2) Cultus Lake Little, William Francis, Salmon Arm (2) Lloyd, Gwenda Katherine, Low, John Cunningham, (2) North Vancouver (2) Alberta Lowe, Penelope Mary, (2) Fort Steele Lum, Lorno Kate, (2) New Westminster Lytle, Clive Barry, Vancouver (2) Molkin, Mrs. Mary Frances, Marchok, Mrs. Maureen Patricia, (2) Vancouver Mann, Joseph, B.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Michigan), (C) United States (2) Victoria Marrs, Ronald Robertson, (P) Vancouver Mawhinney, Anne Marie, Miller, Gertrude Yvonne, (P) North Vancouver Mitchell, Margaret Kathleen, (2) New Westminster (2) Victoria Moore, Robert James, Saskatchewan (P) Morrison, Nancy Elizabeth, (P) Vancouver Munday, Lennard Ray, (2) Sidney Murphy, Archie William, (P) North Burnaby McCallum, James, McEown, Donald Cranston, (P) North Vancouver (2) Vancouver McLennan, Glen Elizabeth, (p) Sordis MacLead, Flora Margaret, (2) Vancouver MacMillan, Alexander Ian, (2) Saskatchewan MacRoe, Donald Keith, McRae, Joan Frances Katherine, (2) Vancouver (2) Vancouver Nachtrieb, Sheila Ann, Vancouver (2) Newhouse, Gordon Herbert, (2) Vancouver Newton, Shirley Lorraine, (2) Alberta Okazaki, Amy Emiko, (2) Victoria Orr, Allan Donald, (P) Victoria Pearce, Richard Mott, (P) Victoria Peormoin, Robert Dan, (P) Vancouver Pizarski, Ted Anthony, (2) Mission City Planidin, Paul, Portsmouth, Joan Katherine Marie, (I) Alert Bay (P) Chilliwack Prentice, Douglas Bruce, (P) Vancouver Purdy, John Willard, (P) Victoria Putland, Peter John, (2) Hatzic Island Richards, Leo Baldwin, (2) Victoria Robinson, Raymond Michael, (1) Vancouver Runge, Britta Maria Ruth, (P) Manitoba Safruk, Bernice Helen, (2) Vancouver Salmon, John William, 11 (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (1) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) (p) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS Eisenstein, Abraham Percy, Elliott, Peter Wayne, Vancouver Second Class Honours in Biochemistry North Vancouver Second Class Honours in Chemistry Hayward, John Stanley, First Class Honours in Zoology Vancouver Holsworth, William Norton, Alberta Secand Class Hanaurs in Zoology Hutchinson, Douglas Allen, Vancouver First Class Honours in Chemistry and Physics Johannes, Robert Earl, Ontario Jordan, Werner Hans Georg, Leung, Franklin Chuen, Motz, Detlef, Second, Class Horiours in Zoology Second Class Honours in Chemistry Vancouver Second Class Honours in Bacteriology and Immunology Hong Kong First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Vancouver Morgan, Frederick John, Second Class Hanours in Physics and Mathematics West Vancçiuver McGoran, Mary Theresa, Merritt Second Class Honours in Physiology MacLeod, John Cameron, Ontario Second Class Honours in Zoology McMillan, James Malcolm, Vancouver First Class 1-lonours in Physics and Mathematics Needler, George Treglohon, Nonaimo First Class Honours in Physics and Mathematics Pearson, Arthur MacDonald, Rieckhoff, Klaus Ekkehard, Sawotzky, Erich, Stott, Gael Harling, Second Class Hanours in Zoology Manitoba First Class Hanours in Physics and Mathematics Vancouver Manitoba Second Class Honours in Physics Victoria First Class Honours in Biochemistry and Zoology THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE GENERAL COURSE Kamloops Arnott, David Alexander, Victoria Atkinson, Glenford Thomas, Trinidad Bideshi, Ralph Roland, Alberta Brigden, Ernest George, New Westminster Butler, Richard Keith, Campbell, Charles Cohn Robin, Vancouver Vancouver Chen, Larry Truman, Sooke Conder, David Walter, Trinidad Crichlow, Eugene Chin-Loy, (P) (P) (2) (P) (P) Davies, Ifor Morris Phillip, Vancouver Diemert, Albert George Henry Joseph, North Surrey Drugge, Nels Leonard, Salmo Easter, Calvin Bruce, Prince George Eckstein, Lois Kathleen, Alberni Egert, Eugene, Vernon Gamble, Leonard James, Abbotsford Geddes, Margaret Ann, Vancouver (2) (2) (P) (2) 12 (P) (2) (P) (P) (2) (1) (2) (2) Goudie, Carol Eileen Elizabeth, Notch Hill Trinidad Haqq, Tennyson Aziz, Vancouver Husbands, Laurence Ewart, Victoria Jewell, Thomas Ross, South Burnaby Johnson, Arthur William, Squamish Johnson, George Allison, Karas, George Nestor, Vancouver Kore, Runjeet, Vancouver Hong Kong Lee, Antonio Chun Hung, Hong Kong Lee, Shang Key Luke, Lorz, Harold William, Vancouver Lum, Patricia Phyllis, Vancouver Vancouver Mathus, Arnold Peter, Morris, Stephen Charles, Victoria Muenster, Lothar Joachim, Vancouver Murakami, Lily Mariko, Vancouver McHardy, Robert Alexander, Vancouver Creston McKelvey, Shirley-Ann, McLaren, William David, North Vancouver Vancouver Ng, Peter Raymond, Nichols, Vern Melwyn, Vancouver England Nicolls, Oliver Worburton, Norman-Martin, Charles Gerald Morris, New Westminster Peterson, Melvin William, Vancouver Piro, Katherine Anne, Vancouver Rose, Michael Frederick, Vancouver Sangha, Tara Singh, Victoria Singh, (Gill) Sucha, Vancouver Sparrow, David Murray, West Vancouver Sperrings, Karen Lenore, South Burnoby Tabata, Sachiko, Vancouver Wong, Tom Laung Quong, Vancouver Wonnacott, Jane Constance, Kam loops Yorosh, Walter, Richmond (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (P) (P) (P) (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF HOME ECONOMICS Vancouver Altwasser, Lynda Mae, Salmon Arm Aten, Edwina Mary, Berry, Joan Natalie, Vancouver Victoria Biddle, Ann Dorotheci, Alberta Calder, Joan Sheila, Vancouver Chong, Shirley Shu ing, Alberta Christie, Donna Marie, Fernie Ciriani, Eda Marie, Cohen, Sandra, White Rock Pioneer Mine Conn, Joan Marilyn, Craig, Anita Evelyn, Vancouver Dunn, Marie •Esther, Ontario Enjo, Ritsu, West Vancouver Etherington, Sandra Ann, Vancouver Fall, Josephine Margaret, Cobble Hill Fichtner, Avis Joy, Alberta Grocock, Elizabeth Diane, New Westminster (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Haahti, Mirjan Helena Elisabet, Stewart Heslop, Anna Marion, Trail Hrehorka, Annette June, Sinclair Mills Hulme, Patricia Ethel, Wyndel Ledgerwood, Patricia Jean, Vancouver Lindsay, Eleanor Mae, Vancouver Martin, Lois Patricia, Vancouver Matson, Lorraine Anita Kathleen, Vancouver Minshall, Marilyn Jeonnette, West Vancouver Potter, Jean Margaret, Saskatchewan Ritchie, Ann-Louise, West Vancouver Ontario Routliffe, Janice Anne, Seter, Lorna Ann, North Surrey Thom, Diana Rebecca, Vancouver Yuan, Josephine Chueh, Vancouver (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Crosswell, Shirley Jeanette, Langley Dean, Elizabeth Agnes Isabel, Fawn Douglas, Marion Joyce, Manitoba Karras, Edward Herbert, Grindrod Keith-Murray, Marnie, North Vancouver Kelsey, Ian Bruce, Vancouver Victoria Mann, John Reith Montgomery, Vancouver MacKay, Graeme Morrison, MacKay, Malcolm Campbell, Vancouver Nunney, Derek Normond, Vancouver Trail Russell, James Wallace, Princeton Sarich, George, Fernie Wright, Arthur Joseph, (2) (2) (1) (2) (P) (1) (P) 13 (2) (2) (B (2) (2) (P) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMACY Anderson, Paul Roy, Vancouver Bruce, Patricia Anne, Richmond Burnstein, Mitchell, Vancouver Bye, Noel Hindley, Vancouver CaIdwell, Ian Carl, Richmond Cepuran, John Joseph, North Surrey De Bourcier, David John Gavey, Victoria Dezell, Clifford Garvin, Prince George Emsley, Marilyn Doris, Vancouver Fevang, Leroy Conrad, Vancouver Foster, Richard Edward, South Burnaby Friesen, Abram Jacob David, Vancouver Graham, Jean Elizabeth, North Vancouver Hossan, Mervyn Leslie, Vancouver Hornosty, Roy Walter, Vancouver Inries, George Charles, Creston Kembel, John Maxwell, Vancouver Konkin, Kenneth, Vancouver Kornitsky, Joseph Ronald, Vernon Kuhn, Charles Richard, Vernon (P) (P) (P) (P) (1) (P) (P) (P) (P) (2) (2) (1) Kuss, William Fredrick, Vancouver Langille, Donald Laverne, Matsqui Mitchell, James Garth, BA.Sc., Vancouver Macdonald, Bruce Wentworth, Vancouver McDonald, John Thomson, Campbell River McMillan, Donald Bruce, West Vancouver Oberson, Bruce, Vancouver Ratzlaff, Elmer Harry, Abbotsford Rock, Clifford Arthur, New Westminster Ross, Donald William, Vancouver Simonson, Eric John, Vancouver Swanson, James Donald, Duncan Terry, Philip George, South Burnaby Thompson, Douglas Llewellyn, Victoria Warkentin, Ruth Margaret, Aldergrove Westcott, Michael Robert Dawson, South Burnaby (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (P) (1) (2) (P) (P) (2) (P) (P) (P) (P) THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Allan, Barbara Muir, Vancouver Andreen, Peggy Lou Erlandson, Vancouver Banno, Masakazu Patrick, B.A., Vancouver Bennett, Richard Bedford, Oliver Biely, George Gordon, B.A., Vancouver Brown, William Theophlus, B.A. (McGill), Vancouver Brumwell, Charles Alexander, B.S.A., Victoria Burgoyne, Bud Robert, Vancouver Burton, Jeffrey Douglas, Naramata Chan, Eugene John, Vancouver Coopland, Ashley Taylor, North Vancouver Cunningham, Warren John, Vancouver Enta, Tommy, B.Sc. (McGill), Quebec Farquhar, Donald James, Vancouver Forseng, Evan Gerald, Vancouver Goodall, Roger Geoffrey Arden, B.A., Vancouver Grantham, Peter Robert, B.A., Vancouver Halak, Joseph, Vancouver Hastings, David Eric, Vancouver Hibberd, John Cyril, Vancouver Hunt, John Egerton, Vancouver Janz, Leslie Blake, Langley Johnson, John Eric Randolph, Vancouver Johnston, John Dallas Howard, United States Kong, Glen Paul We Lim, B.A. (Wash.), Vancouver (2) Konrad, Daniel Benjamin, B.A., Abbotsford (2) Marits, Maldus, Vancouver (2) Meeker, Henry Clemons, B.A., Vancouver (2) Middleton, Arthur Gilman, Vancouver (2) Mitarewski, Walter William, B.A., Vancouver (2) McGeer, Patrick Lucey, B.A., Ph.D. (Princeton), Vancouver (2) Macgregor, Arthur Joseph, Vancouver (2) Nnubia, Anadu, B.Sc. (McGill), Nigeria (2) Ravoris, Charles Lewis, A.B. (Boston), United States (2) Ryan, Donald William, B.Sc. (McGill), United States (2) Sherrin, Darrell Alexander, Vancouver (2) Smith, Verne Paterson, B.A., Vancouver (2) So, Van Po, Hong Kong (2) Sogo, Kenichi Kenneth, B.A., (Toronto), Vancouver (I’) Sookochoff, Michael William, B.A., Vancouver (2) Stewart-Burton, Margery Ann, Masset (2) Tupling, George Donald, B.A., Vancouver (2) Webber, William Alexander, Vancouver (1) Weeden, Donald Richard Peter, Chilliwack (2) Woodward, John Burnett, B.A., Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) 14 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY Atkinson, Ronald Bruce, South Burnaby Chase Brooke, Robert Charles, Golden Hansen, Norman William, Victoria Howard, Edmonci William, Sidney Joy, Kerry Robert Ludlow, Vancouver Little, David Bell, Manitoba Martin, William Frank, Manitoba Nagle, George Shorten, Trail Nichol, John, Victoria Oakley, Philip, Peterson, Everett Bruce, Saskatchewan England Phillips, John, Renshaw, Leslie Francis, North Vancouver Richmond, Anthony Eaton, New Westminster Lodner Robertson, John Keith, Victoria Sharp, Peter McKenzie, Stromberg, Ronald Jolmer, New Westminster Vancouver Welsford, Walter Duthie, (2) (H) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FORESTRY—SOPRON DIVISION Vancouver Andody, Edith, Vancouver Bajzak, Denes, Voncouver Bella, Imre, Vancouver Benko, Geza, Vancouver Csopo, lmre, Vancouver Gyongy Erzsebet, Vancouver Hejjas, Jozsef, Vancouver Hirczy, Bela, Vancouver Juhasz, Gyula, Vancouver Kassay, Victor, Vancouver Kovats, Mrs. Morta, Vancouver Kovots, Miklos, Lesko, Mrs. Anna, Vancouver Vancouver Lesko, Gyorgy, (2) (2) (1) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (P) (P) (2) (1) Vancouver Nemeth, Lajos, Vancouver Nemeth, Zoltan, Vancouver Orloci, Laszlo, Vancouver Orloci, Mrs. Marto, Vancouver Palkovics, Jonas, Vancouver Pandak, Laszlo, Vancouver Paszner, Laszlo, Vancouver Szalomin, Gabar, Vancouver Szasz, lstvan, Vancouver Szosz, Mrs. Julia, Vancouver Tokoro, Laszla Pal, Vancouver Treso, Ferenc, Vancouver Viszlai, Mrs. Eva, Vancouver Viszlai, Janos, 15 (2) (2) (1) (P) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (1) Programme of Ceremony on May 21 O CANADA by INVOCATION THE REVEREND JoHN A. Ross REMARKS by ALBERT EDWARD GRAUER Chancellor of the University of British Columbia CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES by Thn CHANCELLOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS JOSEPH BADENOCH CLEARIHUE ARTHUR EDWARD Loam RALPH CA1u PYBus CHARLES JOSEPH THOMPSON THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE FRcIs RENAULT JOUBIN INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGREGATION SPEAKER by NORMAN A. M. MACKENZIE President of the University of British Columbia CONGREGATION ADDRESS by FaMcIs RENAULT JoUBIN CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by Ti* CHANcELLOR GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in Brock Hall. 16 THE OF UNIVERSITY BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Physics Vancouver Gaibraith, Donald Stewart, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Signal and Noise Characteristics of Photovoltaic Diodes.” Physics Vancouver Gutman, Francis, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Spark Spectra of Zinc.” P-N Junction Planning India Johal, Darshan Singh, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “An Approach to Planning for Small Communities in British Columbia.” Geology Ontario Lee, Randolph, B.A., B.Sc. (Western Ontario), Thesis: “Geology of the Strachan Creek Area, British Columbia.” Planning Vancouver Loney, Thomas William, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Climatic ond Geomorphic Techniques and Their Application to Regional Resource Planning.” Biochemistry Vancouver Mitchell, Constance Ann Lorna, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “The Effect of Streptamycin on the Induction of Penicillinose in Bacillus Cereus.” Planning North Ireland McConnell, Robert Shean, M.A. (Cambridge), Thesis: “An Evaluation and Analysis of the Neighbourhood Unit Concept.” McGovern, Peter David, B.Sc. (London School of Economics), Vancouver Thesis: Planning “A Method for Measuring Satellite Status in Metropolitan Regions.” Agricultural Microbiology Vancouver MacQuillan, Anthony Mullens, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Transamination in Pseudomonos Aeruginosa.” Biochemistry Richmond Nixon, John Charles, M.D., C.M. (Queen’s), Thesis: “The Incorporation of Formate-C14 Into the Nucleic Acids of Rots with Regenerating Liver and Novikoff Hepatoma.” Papafingos, Pandelis Nicolas, Diplome d’lngenieur Chimiste (Caen), Thesis: Washington Chemistry “A Study of the Organic Matter in Sea Water.” Planning India Thesis: “Traffic Generation in the North Arm Industrial Area.” Pendakur, Venkatachalo Setty, B.E. (Mysore), Chemistry Vancouver Quitswater, Jacques Marie Raymond, B.A. (Brit. CoT.), Thesis: “The Influence of Water Sorption on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Nylon 6-6 and the Plasticising Effect of Water.” Sheng, Cheng-Chun, B.Sc. (Peking), Geology Taiwan Thesis: “The Geology of Amco Lake, Burnet Creek and Wreck Lake, Coppermine River Area, N.W.T.” Bacteriology & Immunology Vancouver Thesis: “The Antigenic Properties of Clostridum Botulinum Type E Toxoids.” Strosdine, George Alfred, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Chemistry Vancouver Taylor, Mrs. Sandra Margaret, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: “Kinetics of the Reaction between Formic Acid and Permangonate in Aqueous Acid Solution.” Wieler, Verner Jacob, B.A. (Brit. Coli, Vancouver Planning Thesis: “Heliports: Their Locotiors in the Central Business District.” Williams, Robert Arthur, B.A. (Brit. Cal.), Vancouver Planning Thesis: “The Social Effects of Subdivision Design: A Study in Micro-Ecology.” 17 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE Finlayson, Malcolm John, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: Fjarlie, Earl John, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: Washington “Isothermal Transformations in Eutectoid Zirconium-Niobium Alloys.” Quebec “A New Method for Switching off a Mercury Arc.” Koroch, Pablo Fabian, md. Chem. (Catalico de Chile), Thesis: Chile “Hydrogenation of Western Hemlock Tannin Extracts.” Larsen, Raymond Sverre, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: “An Integrator For a Pulse-Position-Modulation Analogue Computer.” McKay, Donald Roderick, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Quebec Thesis: “A Kinetic Study of the Oxidation of Pyrite in Aqueous Suspension.” Padgham, William Albert, B.A.SC. Writ. Col.), Thesis: Vancouver “The Geology of the Ecstall-Quaal Rivers Area, British Columbia.” Park, William John, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Thesis: “Arithmetic Circuitry for a Time-Sequential Pulse-Position-Modulation Analogue Computer.” Peters, Bruno Frank, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: Stacey, John Sydney, B.Sc. (Durham), Thesis: Esquimalt “A Vapour-Pressure Study of the Alloys.” Phase in Copper.Manganese Vancouver “A Function Generator for a Time Sequential Analogue Computer.” Turnbull, John Douglas Shand, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Thesis: “The Electrochemical Oxidation and Combustion of Carbon.” Watts, Donald George, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Creston Thesis: “A Reproduceable Noise Generator.” Whitmore, Bruce Cecil, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), New Jersey Thesis: “The Zirconium-Rich Corner Constitutional Diagram.” of the Zirconium-Titanium-Niobium THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Ayre, Gordon Leonard, B.S.A. (Brit. Cal.), Ontario Thesis: “A Study of Some Aspects of the Breeding Behaviour of Portulaca Grandiflora Hook.” Combret, Robert Jules Louis, B.A. (Paris), B.S.A. (Montreal), France Thesis: “Bulk-handling Compared with the Use of Field Boxes with Reference to the Post-harvest Physiology of Apples.” McGibbon, Maxwell, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Thesis: West Summerland “The Effect of Certain Fertilizer Treatments on the Composition of B.C. Interior Field Tomatoes with Special Reference to Watersoluble Pectin as an Indicator of Tomato Fruit Quality.” Swierstra, Ernest Emke, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Pitt Meadows Thesis: “The Estrogen-Like Substances in Various Legumes and Grasses, and the Effect of These Compounds on the Reproduction and Growth of Certain Laboratory Animals.” 18 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION Muttart, Merrill Edmund, B.Sc. (Carnegie Inst. of Technology), Sidney New Westminster McVea, John Morrison, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Wilkinson, John Bowman, BA. (Queen’s), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Mimes Landing CLASSIFICATION: (H) (1) (2) (P) (C) Honours. First Class. Second Class. Passed. Completed for B.Com. in combined course with Law. 19 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Beare, John Wallace, Manitoba Caswell, Bruce, Brazil Claggett, Freddie Gene, Kelowna Clark, William Craig, Vancouver Duerksen, John Hugo, Langley Hahn, Philipp Leon Konstantin, Vancouver Hawrelak, Dick Alan, Fernie Heller, David Henry, Nanaimo Kilburn, Douglas George, Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) Kyllo, Martin A., Fort St. John Martin, John Edward, Hope MacKay, Edward Leonard, Chemainus Ratushny, Frederick Michael, Vancouver Reid, Lorne James, Vancouver Rion, William David, Vancouver Sydneysmith, Sam, Vancouver Wakabayashi, Henry Hiroshi, Kamloops Wilcox, Gordon Leonard, North Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) CIVIL ENGINEERING Babb, Alan Frederick, West Vancouver Balgaroo, Rudolph Joseph, Trinidad Borch, Vincent Gylding, Nelson Davison, Donald Morse, Enderby Dinsmore, Norman Henry, Vancouver Dolphin, Robert Leslie, Vancouver Selma Park Heskin, Bernard Anthony, Hibbert, Paul DeLancey, Mission City Jefferies, Raymond Francis, Ontario King, David Cornwall, Vancouver Lee, David Manuel, Vancouver Miltimore, Alan Ross, Salmon Am, (H) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P) (P) Nielsen, George Oliver, Osoyoos Norrish, Harold Ernest, Vancouver Parmley, Leslie James, Pentictan Plunkett, Patrick David William, Vancouver Powlan, Frank, Vancouver Rogers, Robert John Leslie, Yukon Territory Rothwell, James Todd, Vancouver Thorburn, Herbert James, Vernon Wigmore, John Richard, Vancouver Wood, Neal Arthur, Revelstoke (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Allison, Roy William, Vancouver (P) Archibald, Dennis Jackson, Trail (2) Arismunandar, Raden Artono, Indonesia (H) Arnason, Norman Gisli, Vancouver (2) Brookman, Ronald Roy, United States (2) Butt, Chak Ying, Hong Kong (H) Crowson, Donald Beattie, Vancouver (2) Dial, Nirmal Singh, Nanaimo (2) Dill, Herbert James, Vancouver (2) Forbes, Jack Marshall, Salmon Arm (2) Frazer, Edward Joseph, Vancouver (2) Friend, Raymond Chester, Nanaimo (2) Garrison, Garry Jack, Bralorne (2) Grier, Brian Patterson, Victoria (2) Salmon Arm Hayne, George Stephen, (P) Crarthrook Irvine, George William, (2) Irwin, Robert Laurie, Alberta (2) Johnson, Donald George, Vancouver (2) Karso, Ketut, Indonesia (H) Kemle, David, Vancouver (2) Legg, John Frederick, Vancouver (P) LeNeveu, Gordon Philip, West Vancouver (2) Liebelt, Alvin, Richmond (P) Middlemass, Robert Alexander, West Vancouver (2) Nightingale, George Russell, Cloverdale (H) Nordstrand, Ronald Bert, New Westminster (1) Nordstrom, Thomas Alfred, Armstrong (H) Pearson, George Edward, Vancouver (2) Pitre, John Albert, Richmond (2) Rusk, William Elgin, Manitoba (2) Russell, Paul Henry, Yukon (P) Saito, Yoshihisa, Vancouver (2) Savord, James Frederic, Kitimat (2) Schrack, Fred Gunther, Vancouver (2) Shiu, Samuel Do Wing, New Westminster (2) Skelding, James Alexander, Vancouver (P) Smith, Bryan Robert, Vancouver (2) Smith, Ronald Blair, Victoria (2) Solonecki, William Joseph, Terrace (2) Stevens, Robert Michael, Vancouver (2) Sun joto, Indonesia (2) Sykes, Rendall Frank, New Westminster (P) Yuan, John Tsong, Hong Kong (2) 20 FOREST ENGINEERING Victoria Ram, Bhcigat, Stringer, Terence Neil, (2) (2) (2) Summerland Dent, Alan Gerald, Ruskin Graholm, Eric, Ontario Jarvis, Paul Elliott, Vancouver (2) (2) GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Craig, Douglas Bennell, Hankinson, John Delray, Loveseth, George Edward, Chemainus Vancouver Duncan Patsch, Benno Joseph George, Black Creek Kamlops Spencer, Bruce Everton, (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Britannia Beach Atkin, Albert James, Alberta Baker, Cohn McKechnie, Vancouver Baker, Victor Thomas, Vancouver Bayne, Allen Rowan, Beilmont, Frederick Kasper, South Burnaby Vancouver Berto, Benjamin Bruce, Boulanger, Thomas Bernard, North Surrey Brady, Edward Clarabut, New Westminster Alberta Brooks, Fred Jackson, Vancouver Brooks, Peter Noel Hamilton, Vancouver Brown, Gary Winter, Vancouver Budd, William Lorne, Chappell, Marcus Stanley, North Vancouver Alberta Coulter, Donald Mervin, Victoria Devenyi, Denes, Indonesia Djwa, Dung Kioe, Manitoba Drummond, Thomas George, Vancouver Duprey, Donald Fagerhoim, Vancouver Fawsitt, Thomas Edward, Vancouver Fraser, Russell Gordon, Garrett, Todd W., Vancouver Kelowna Gibbard, Glen Arthur, Alberta Gordon, John Robert Meehan, Duncan Gray, Daryl Herbert, Abbotsford Hildebrand, Daniel Gerald, Johnson, Ronald Walter, New Westminster Vancouver Kania, Richard Joseph, Vancouver Keech, Roderick George, Vancouver Laird, Allan David, North Vancouver Manhas, Karm Singh, Alberta Miller, Ronald Daniel, Vancouver Minielly, Keith Alexander, Alberta Morrow, D’Arcy James, Port Alberni Moul, Douglas William, Vancouver McAllister, Ian Ross, Vancouver McDonald, James Woodbury, Vancouver Neild, Peter John, Vancouver Neilson, John Thomas, Vancouver Oliver, James Edward, Victoria Potter, Gary William, Trail Read, Denis CoHn, Alberta Reader, Philip Joseph, Alberta Roggeveen, Roland Charles, Ontario Russell, William Neil, Show, Glenwood Douglas, Vancouver North Surrey Suzuki, Toshio, Swoboda, Philip Donald, Vancouver Thompson, John David, Vancouver Rosedale Tweddle, Blake Alexander, Vancouver Woodhouse, Gary Owen, South Burnaby Ziegler, Joseph, (1) (2) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (P) (2) (1) (2) (2) (I) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (H) (H) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Vancouver Dilworth, Louis Rivet, Sardis Fraser, Michael John, Vernon Fulton, Clarence William, Vancouver Gunning, Donald Fitts, Hahn, Edmund Alexander Joachim, Vancouver Penticton Kluck, John Frank, Trail Melenka, Roy, Vancouver Mills, William Edward, Vancouver Olesen, Niels Jorgen Qvist, (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) MINING ENGINEERING Gunn, John David, Wells (2) 21 (1) (2) (2) (P) ENGINEERING PHYSICS Bryan, Patrick Robert, Quesnel Causey, Allan Robert, Vancouver Costanzo, Ronald Albert Joseph, Vancouver Fowler, Alvin George Jenkins, Sardis Gri, Norman Joseph, Kelowna Hafe , Rodney Arnold, Royal Oak Haldeman, Alfred Samuel, Royal Oak Hassell, Denis John, North Surrey Huntley, Christopher Ryland, Brentwood Bay Irwin, John Charles, Langley Jeffery, Arthur Charles, North Kamloops Jones, Edward Peter, Trail Miller, Gerald Stuart, Nanaimo Moore, Zelma Esther, West Vancouver McKimm, Terence Frederick, Vancouver MacNaughton, Robert Gordon, Kitimat Rantz, Robert Donald, Victoria Rasmussen, Walter Ronald, South Burnaby Roger, Robert Stewart, Penticton Saimoto, Shigeo, Vancouver Tateishi, George, Kamloops Tolley, Lamont Clement, Alberta Winestock, Alvin Gerald, Saskatchewan (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (H) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (H) (H) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE Barnes, Arthur George, Vancouver Dietze, Siegfried Helmut, Alberta Douglas, Martin, Vancouver Kleyn, Lodewyk Boudewyn, Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (P) Roberts, Dennis Gough, Victoria Skjelvik, Toralv, Vancouver Thiersch, Wolfgang Bruno, Vancouver (2) (2) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE HONOURS Dent, William John, Squamish (2) Groves, Tom David Douglas, Westholme (1) Kirwan, Sidney Calvin, Antiguo (2) GENERAL Aylard, Kenneth William, Sidney Barber, Dorothy Merle, Chilliwack Vancouver Bergis, Imants, Case, Vernon Wesley, Port Coquitlam Clemson, Jan, Armstrong Davidson, Wendy Georgina, Vancouver Davis, William Lyon, Ontario Dummett, John Alistair, British Guiana Vancouver Edwards, Alfred John, Kaldeen Farmer, Joanna Margaret, Frederick, Rexingford Albert, St. Kitts Abbotsford Janzen, Adolph Jacob, Kennedy, Patricia Dawn, Wellington Kovacs, Audrey Irene, Abbotsford Kreutziger, George Oscar, Merville Kroll, Victora Arnold, Alberta Moyer, Rudy Henry, Vancouver McCurrach, John Alexander, New Westminster Osborne, James Robert, Montserrat Osborne, Vincent Earl Edmead, Montserrat Ostrovsky, Daniel, South Burnaby Patterson, Alan Noel, Sidney Peto, Howard Robertson, West Vancouver Richter, Waltraud-Marie, North Vancouver Windt, Thomas Alan, Quesnel (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Vancouver Au, Keng Ton, B.A., Alberta Babie, Theodore Lawrence, Beomish, William Randolph, B.A., Burnaby Beck, Stanley Martin David, B.A., Vancouver Becker, Alec Joseph, Vancouver Brammoll, Harcourt Robin, Vancouver Browner, Kenneth LeRoy, B.A., Summerlond Bruk-Bosnic, John, B.Com., Vancouver Burke, Kenneth Lloyd, B.A., White Rock (P) (P) (P) (2) 22 (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) Bush, Patrick George Seymour, Vancouver Corbett, Peter Gerald, B.A., United States Corbould, Brian Bernard, B.Com., South Burnaby Victoria Cox, Kenneth Bruce, B.A., Rossland Delmas, Constance Gwendolyn, Vancouver Diamond, Charles, Drozdzik, Charles Anthony, B.Com., Vancouver Edwards, Jack Lesgor Thomson, B.Corn., North Vancouver Vancouver Erickson, Johan, B.A., Vancouver Fashoway, Joseph, Foy, Frederic Cumberland, B.A.,, North Vancouver Vancouver Freeman, Laurence Aser, Aldergrove Friesen, Nick, B.A.Sc., Vancouver Fyfe, William George, B.Com., Vancouver Gallinori, Lucian Amerigo, Trail Geronazzo, Daniel Dominic, B.A., Gilchrist, Alum Greaves Franklin, Vancouver Vancouver Green, John William, Groberman, Herbert Samuel, B.A., Vancouver Groves, Jack Cunningham, South Burnaby Hallatt, Halet Francis, B.A., (McMaster), Ontario Horsey, Edward Francis, B.Com., Victoria Huberman, Samuel Morris, B.A., Vancouver Vancouver Jabour, Donald Essey, B.A., Johnson, Kasper Marvin, B.A., New Westminster Vancouver Jones, George Fordham, Vancouver Jonsson, Carl Roland, Kemp, Marvin Gerald, B.Com., Vancouver Kenney, James Harold, B.A., Vancouver Kirchner, David Courtenay, B.A., Victoria Kroll, Gustav Reinhold Richard, Vancouver Kueber, Philip Thomas, B. Corn., Duncan (P) (2) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (2) (P) (P) (2) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) (P) 23 Lornbert, Clement Bartholomew, B.Comm., Vancouver (Ottawa), Lambert, John Douglas, B.A. (Queen’s), North Vancouver Lazenby, Geoffrey John, B.A., North Vancouver Leckie, Walter Merrill, B.Com., Vancouver Vancouver Long, Ralph Harry, B.Com., Longstaffe, John Ronald, B.A., Vancouver Loomer, Herbert Myer, B.Corn., Vancouver Alberta Millar, Hugh Alfred, Deep Core Miller, David Miles, B.Corn., Vancouver Montaine, Lame Albert, Kamloops Morelli, Rudolph, B.A., Alberta Mackintosh, Murray Fraser, B.A., Nuttall, David Stanley Clegg, North Vancouver Paget, James Francis Noel, B.Com., Vancouver Petrasuk, Peter, B.Sc. (Alberta), Alberta Puhach, Michael Stephen, B.Com., Vancouver Pyrgos, Nicolas, LL.B. (Athens), Vancouver Reed, George Walter, Vancouver Robertshaw, Corinne Flett, B.A., Vancouver Rosborough, Frank Smutney, B.A. Vancouver (Manitoba), Alberta Ross, James Douglas, B.A., Shrum, Gordon Baillie, A.B. (California), Vancouver Vancouver Strombeck, Kristine, Vancouver Suiker, Heber Moroni, Thackray, Allan Douglas, B.Com., Vancouver Topham, Lawrence White, B.A., Vancouver Trent, Marion Jean, Vancouver Verchère, Arthur William, B.Com., Ladysmith Whelen, George Edward, B.Corn., Victoria Williams, Bryan, B.Com., Cornox Wooster, Anthony King, B.Com., Vancouver (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P) (2) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (P) (P) (P) (P) (P) (2) (P) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION GRADUATE PROGRAMME Allan, John Rodger, B.A., West Vancouver Anderson, Russell Lee, B.A., New Westminster Ardiel, Vernon Glanville, B.A., Port Kells Banner, Boyce William, B.A. (Saskatchewan), North Surrey Biehl, Norman Leslie, B.A., Vancouver Bowering, Ewart Harry, B.A. (McMaster), Oliver Brown, William MacBeth, B.A., Vancouver Burns, Alexander, B.A., Vancouver Colder, John, B.A., Vancouver CaIdwell, Isabella Frances, B.A., Chilliwack Campbell, David Henry, B.A., Kelowna Campbell, Mrs. Mary Eileen, B.A., Vancouver Cannon, George Harry, B.A., M.Sc., Vancouver Cardinall, Eric Rhys, B.P.E., Vancouver Christie, Donald Alexander, B.A., Chilliwack Clark, John Joseph, B.A., New Westminster Clarke, Charles Robert, B.A., North Vancouver Cooper, George Ashtead, BA. Gibsons (Saskatchewan), Covey, Elliott John, B.P.E., Cultus Lake Creamer, William Samuel, B.A., Courtenay Croll, Alan Scott, B.A., West Vancouver Davies, Elved Vaughan, B.A., Victoria Davies, Kenneth William, B.A., Sardis Dawson, Horace Richard, B.A., Victoria Dunbar, Allan, B.Sc. (Glasgow), Courtenay Duncan, Marjorie Evelyn, B.A., Vancouver Epp, Henry, B.A., Chilliwack Farina, Norah, B.A., Vancouver Farr, Herbert Charles, B.Sc. (London), Merritt Ferguson, John Clealand, B.A., Chilliwack Freeland, Gertrude Lydia, B.A., Vancouver French, Frederick Charles, B.A., Victoria Gognon, James Hubert, B.A., Rossland Gilbert, John Ralph, B.P.E., Port Alberni Goode, Eric Stanley, B.A., North Vancouver Goodship, Geoffrey Lawrence, B.P.E., New Westminster Greig, Jane Margaret, B.A., Vancouver (P) Harrison, Patrick Thomas, B.A., South Burnaby (1) Hawkes, Zia, B.A. (Sheffield), Vancouver (1) Hawthorne, Mrs. Catherine Isabel, B.A. (Saskatchewan), Vancouver (1) Henderson, Alexander, B.A., Burnaby (2) Hollins, Frank Edward, B.A., Sardis (1) Holt, Gerald Anthony, B.A., White Rock (2) Irving, Donald Humphrey, B.A. (McMaster), Oliver (2) Jenks, Robert, B.A., Campbell River (2) Johnston, Howard Earl, B.A., Vancouver (2) Jones, Harvey Gordon, B.A., Vancouver (2) Killip, Bessie Helene, B.A., Vancouver (2) Kitley, Walter John, B.A., Victoria (1) Kope, Jacob Frank, Chilliwack (2) MagIlo, Eugene Anthony, B.Com., Kimberley (2) Mallory, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, B.A., South Burnaby (2) Maxwell, Ernest David Wesley, B.A., Vancouver (2) Mitchell, Evelyn Jean, M.A. (Aberdeen), North Surrey (2) Montador, Peter Alexander, B.A., Vancouver (P) Moore, Sheila Geraldine, B.A., Vancouver (2) Moran, Frances Marion, B.A., Trail (1) Morley, Mrs. Kathleen, B.Sc. (Wales), Abbotsford (1) Morley, William John, B.Sc. (Reading), Abbotsford (1) Macaulay, Johnina Margaret, B.A., Vancouver (2) McDougal, Mary, B.A., Vancouver (P) MacLead, lan Norman, B.A., Terrace (2) McMahon, James Patrick, B.A., Mission City (2) McNair, John William, B.A., Victoria (2) McNamara, James Michael, B.A., Vancouver (2) MacSween, Angus, B.A., North Vancouver (2) Niven, James Stanley, B.A., Vancouver (2) Novak, Mrs. Nellie Elaine, B.A., New Westminster (2) Pavelich, Mrs. Joan Lena, B.A., Vancouver (2) Pettit, Wayne Allison Burns, B.A., Vancouver (2) Pincatt, Clifford Earl, B.A., Vancouver (2) Primrose, Neil, B.A., White Rock (2) Redekop, John Harold, B.A., Clearbrook (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) 24 Richardson, John Rhys, B.Sc. (London), Vancouver Rossetti, Hector Armand, B.A., North Vancouver Rusler, George William, B.A., Vancouver Russell, Kenneth Gordon, B.A., Vancouver Oliver Shannon, Robert Jomes, B.A., Schellinck, Henry Edward, B.A., Courtenay Slade, George Raymond, B.A., Vancouver Smyth, Mrs. Agnes Campbell, B.A., Vancouver Stevenson, John Harold, B.A., Vancouver Kelowna Tait, John Michael, B.A., Tatroff, Daniel Peter, B.A., Vancouver Taylor, John Aylmer, B.A., South Burnoby Toochin, Donald, B.A., Burnaby Van Home, Harold Bircham, B.S.A., Chi I iwock Waldie, William Herbert, B.A., New Westminster White, Michael, B.P.E., Vernon Wilkinson, Percival Edward, B.A., Victoria Woodhouse, Mrs. June Cameron, B.A., West Vancouver York, Larrie B., B.A., Vancouver (2) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) SECONDARY PROGRAMME Hansen, Edward James, Royal Oak Vancouver Hattrick, Andrew James, Jr., Jory, William Mervin, Vancouver Lloyd, Gordon Furness, New Westminster Matheson, Erling Walter, North Vancouver Rosse, Louis Arthur, Vancouver Sharp, Thelma Lillian, Vancouver Shilling, George Laverne, Vancouver Sparks, William Francis, Vancouver Stamhuis, Arend Jan, Vancouver Stanley, Constance Louise, North Vancouver Thrower, Joyce Adair, Vancouver Turner, Frederick Samuel, New Westminster Whitelaw, Hadden Gilmour, Vancouver (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) ELEMENTARY PROGRAMME Alden, Alisen, Vancouver Anderson, Beverly Enolia, Vancouver Arden, Sharel, Vancouver Babcock, Mrs. Margaret Olive, Vancouver Chilcott, Margaret Elizabeth, North Vancouver Clark, Mrs. Mary Louise, Vancouver Kaleden Coss, Vera Elsie May, Davidson, Joan Alexandra, Vancouver Vancouver Dill, June Arlene, Garritty, Bernward Charles, B.A. (Ottawa), Saskatchewan Griffin, Barbara Cecilia, Vancouver Heal, Marjory Ethel, Victoria Meyers, Marilyn Lois, Vancouver Minto, Henry, Vancouver Mortimer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Vancouver (2) (P) (P) (2) McCormick, Margaret Ursula, Kelowna MacKillop, Katherine Rae, Vancouver McLauchlan, Robert Edward, Vancouver Pankratz, Frank, Mission City Parsons, Sidney James, Langley Pym, John Douglas, United States Richmond, Virginia Braddock, United States Ryder, Lorna Maria, Trail Seed, Nancy Helena, Vancouver Teel, Beverley Irene, Campbell River Thomas, Margaret Joan, Vancouver Toynbee, William Manson, West Vancouver Whiteley, Patricia Sophia, Vancouver Willard, Hazel Grace, Saskatchewan (2) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF COMMERCE Albert, Henry Allan, Vancouver Allan, Derek Victor, Victoria Anderson, Gerald Herbert, Vancouver Armitage, Ronald Harvey Owen, Vancouver Armstrong, William Spencer, Vancouver (2) (C) (P) Audet, Gerald Wilfrid Michael, Vancouver Bailey, Roger James Derwent, Victoria Bice, William Charles, Alert Bay Bishop, Robert John Winslow, Vancouver Borg, Ronald Peter, Vancouver (2) (C) 25 (2) (P) (2) (2) (C) Vancouver Carlson, Laurence James, Vancouver Castle, Gary Charles, Clasby, Ralph William, South Burnaby Sechelt Clayton, John Edric, Vancouver Condie, Kinley Elwin, Vancouver Connell, John Gavin, Richmond Cooper, Robert Gordon, Victoria Corbett, Gary Edward, Victoria Cox, Donald Frederick, D’Arcy Goldrick, Michael Kevin, Vanco iver Yukon Territory Davis, Arthur Maurice, Alberta Davis, John Chester, Vancouver Dewhirst, Gordon Hedley, Dickerson, Robert Warren Vincent, Vancouver Dixon, John Clapham, Vancouver South Burnaby Downing, Charles Janus, Dunlop, Keith Robert, Vancouver Eagle, Bruce Gerald, Vancouver Elsener, Leonard Frank, Vancouver Farac, Dusan, Vancouver Vancouver Fitzpatrick, David Ross, Fournier, John Robson, New Westminster Garnett, Donald Gilbert, Vancouver Giles, Jack Michael, Victoria Godfrey, Peter Thompson, Nelson Grauer, George Gustav, Vancouver Hansen, Walter Harold Bruce, New Westminster Heather, John Robin, Vancouver Hughes, Ronald Pontifex, Victoria Hunnings, Glenn Brian, Victoria Hurst, John Norquay, Cloverdale Husband, Bryan Eric, West Vancouver Jascolt, Igor Boris, Vancouver Johnston, Edgar Palmer, Vancouver Johnston, Norma Bernadine, Vancouver Johnston, Robert Laurence, Vancouver Johnston, Ronald Marvyn, Vancouver Jones, Stephen Randle, Victoria Kirkland, Phi lip James, Vancouver Krahn, Jacob Abram, Abbotsford Lavallee, Bernard Charles, Vancouver Lazzarotto, Ernie Edwin, Vancouver Lindsay, Thomas Barrie, Vancouver Linton, Gordon Stanley, Nelson Lloyd, Edgar Raymond, North Burnaby Lochhead, lan Murray, Vancouver Logan, Donald Hugh MacLennan, North Burnoby Jamaica Loshusan, Keith Archibald, Lys, Roslow Peter, Alberta Vancouver Mahon, Kenneth William, Meissner, Martin, Vancouver Vancouver Merrick, Neil Victor, Vancouver Mitchell, Donald Hector, Ontario Moggridge, Clarke Irvin, Morfitt, George Lyell, West Vancouver Muir, James Douglas, Vancouver Vancouver McAllister, William Beckford, Vancouver McAteer, Kenneth Davidson, McBurney, James Terrence, Saskatchewan Burnaby McCourt, William Kenneth, Vancouver McEachran, David Jeremy, Vancouver Mackay, John Rayner, Vancouver MocTaggart, Alfred Frank, Alberta Nagler, George Irwin, Vancouver Paulson, Gordon Robert, Penticton Pellicano, Marie Rose, Vancouver Peters, John Ross, Vancouver Peterson, Carl Harold, Richmond Racich, John, Victoria Rovers, Gerald John, Alberta Schumacher, Stanley Stanford, Victoria Shearing, Roderick William, Vancouver Smith, James Thomas, Victoria Smith, Melvin Henry, Vancouver Sommers, Montrose Sheldon, Vancouver Stewart, John Neil, Ontario Stowe, David Howard Ross, Alberta Sutherland, Thomas Patrick, Hixon Swanky, Oscar Edward, Ganges Toynbee, Thomas Arthur, Vancouver Treasurer, Roy Bernard, Alberta Valentine, Charles Peter, Vancouver Wallace, Fraser Gill, New Westminster Walsh, William David, Warren, Charlotte Louisa Verney, Vancouver Wasylik, Joseph Walter, Vancouver Vancouver Watts, Stuart Bradley, Kamloops Webber, Eric Sidney, Webster, John Lindsay Kenneth, Richmond Vancouver Wild, Leonard Edwin John, Williams, John Crawford, Vancouver Vancouver Wolfe, Isidor Morris, Vernon Woods, David Campbell, (P) (C) (P) (2) (P) (C) (1) (1) (1) (2) (C) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (2) (C) (2) (P) (1) (C) (2) (2) (1) (C) (2) (2) (C) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (C) (P) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) 26 (P) (P) (2) (1) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (C) (2) (2) (2) (2) (C) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (P) (C) (2) (2) (C) (1) (P) (2) (2) (2) (2) (P) (2) (1) (1) (P) (P) (2) (P) (2) (2) (2) (C) (2) MEDALS, FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND PRIZES (Note: this list contains awards won by graduates and members of the graduat ing classes only. Undergraduate and additional graduate awards will be announced in later lists. HEADS OF THE GRADUATING CLASSES The Governor General’s Gold Medal (head of the graduating classes in Arts and Science, B.A. or B.Sc. degree): Gael Harling Stott (Victoria). The Wilfrid Sadler Memorial Gold Medal (head of the graduating class for the B.S.A. degree): Tom David Douglas Groves (Westholme). The Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal (head of the graduating class for the B.A.Sc. degree): Thomas Alfred Nordstrom (Armstrong): with honourable mention for Todd W. Garrett (Vancouver). The Kiwanis Club Gold Medal and Prize, $75 (head of the graduating class for the B.Com. degree): Donald Frederick Cox (Victoria). The University Medal for Arts and Science (head of the humanities and social sciences groups in the graduating class far the B.A. degree): John Ramsay Gittins (Victor!a). The Law Society Gold Medal and Prize (Call and Admission fee) (head of the graduating class for the LL.B. degree): Gordon Baillie Shrum (Vancouver). The Hamber Gold Medal and Prize, $250 (head of the graduating class for the M.D. degree): William Alexander Webber (Vancouver). The Homer Gold Medal for Pharmacy (head of the graduating class far the B.S.P. degree): Ian Carl Caldwell (Richmond). The Home Economics Graduation Prize, $100 (head of the graduating class for the B.H.E. degree): Fda Marie Ciriani (Fernie). The Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Prize (best overall record in the graduating class for the B.P.E. degree): Ian Bruce Kelsey (Vancouver). The Canadian Institute of Forestry Medal (most outstanding all-round record in Forestry, B.A.Sc. or B.S.F. course): Everett Bruce Peterson (Saskatchewan). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forestry, $100 (head of the graduating class for the B.S.F. degree): Robert Charles Brooke (Chase). The Dr. Maxwell A Cameron Memorial Medals and Prizes, $50 each (heads of the graduating classes for the B.Ed. degree): (a) in the elementary teaching field— Vera Elsie May Coss (Kaleden) with honaurable mention for Nancy H. Seed (Vancouver). (b) in the secondary teaching field— Hadden Gilmour Whitelaw (Vancouver). Moe and Leah Chetkow Memorial Prize, $100 (head of the graduating class for the M.S.W. degree): Iris Nordman (New Westminster). Special Prize, $50 (head of the graduating class far the B.S.W. degree): (Mrs.) Janet Gordon Moore (Vancouver). The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Medal (outstanding achievement in the course far the B.Arch. degree): Wolfgang Thiersch (Vancouver). Special Prizes $50 each (head of the graduating class, Sopran Division of the Faculty of Forestry): Gyula Juhasz (Vancouver). Gyorgy Lesko (Vancouver). THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Sidney Wayne Hubble (Kelowno) POSTGRADUATE AWARDS IN MEDICINE Burroughs Weilcome Fellowship in Anaesthesiology and Applied Pharmacology, $1000 (postgraduate study and research): Dr. Floyd G. Williams (Vancouver). The Canadian Life Insurance Officers Association Fellowship, $3600 (research): Dr. W. B. Chung (Vancouver). The Pauleric Fellowship in Applied Physiology, $500 (postgraduate study and research): Dr. Floyd George Williams (Vancouver). Savage Shoes Limited Fellowship, $1500 (study and research on problems of childrens’ foot health) (renewal): Dr. A. M. Inglis (Vancouver). 27 AWARDS FOR GRADUATE STUDY AND RESEARCH The Ahepa Prize, $100 (proficiency in Greek): John Greenway Hall (Vancouver). The Anne Wesbrook Scholarship, $200 (for graduate study and research): Patricia Phyllis Lum (Vancouver). The British Columbia Electric Company Limited Graduate Scholarships, $250 each (for graduate study): Ian Douglas Currie (Vancouver). (Mrs.) Doris E. Gibson (Ontario). June Margaret M. Smith (Vancouver). The British Columbia Electric Company Limited Fellowship in Agriculture, $800 (far graduate study and research): Gioachino Guccione (Vancouver). The British Columbia Electric Company Limited Graduate Scholarship in Engineering, $500 (for graduate study and research): Noel Peter Hamilton Brooks (Vancouver). The British Columbia Sugar Refining Company Limited Scholarships (for graduate study and research in science fields): Pascarapathy Canagaratnam (Ceylon)—$300. Vinod Kumar Camar (lndia)—$350. George Gordon Gibson (Ontario)—$350. James Thomas Pennell (England)—$350. George Alfred Strasdine (Vancouver)—$350. (Mrs.) Sandra Margaret Taylor (Vancouver)—$450. Richard Antony John Warren (England)—$350. The British Columbia Telephone Company Scholarships in Engineering and Physics (for graduate study and research): Chak Ying Butt (Hong Kong)—$600. Christopher Ryland Huntley (Brentwood Bay)—$600. Ronald Bert Norstrand (New Westminster)—$700. The Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, British Columbia Division, Fellowships, $500 each (for graduate study and research in the field of forestry): Marcus Arthur M. Bell (Victoria). David Bell Little (Vancouver). The California Standard Company Graduate Fellowship, $1000 (far graduate study and research in geology): Claude Hubert (Montreal). The Canadian Industries Limited Fellowship, $2000 (for graduate study and research in chemical engineering): Donald James Whittle (Burnaby). The Canadian Kodak Co. Limited Fellowship, $1600 (graduate study and research in physics): Donald Herbert Hall (Vancouver). The Cominco Fellowship, $1000 (for graduate study and research in metallurgy): Robert Thomson McAndrew (Ontario). The Don Bucklond Memorial Scholarship in Forest Pathology, $65 (for further study): (Mrs.) Robena Claire Robinson (New Brunswick). The Dr. F. J. Nicholson Scholarship, Chemistry, $5Q0 (for graduate study and research): Keith Yates (Vancouver). The Edith Ashton Memorial Scholarship, $250 (study and research in botany and biology): Thomas Benjamin Widdowson (Read Island). The Gault Brothers Limited Graduate Scholarship in Commerce, $700 (graduate study in field of business administration): Donald Frederick Cax (Victoria). The John and Annie Southcott Memorial Scholarship, $100 (for research in B.C. history): John Neil Sutherland (Vancouver). The Lefevre Gold Medal and Scholarship, $125 (proficiency in chemistry, continuing in graduate studies): Douglas Allen Hutchinson (Vancouver). The New York Life Insurance Company Award, $550 (research in field of life insurance): Robert Laurence Johnston (North Vancouver). The Richard Claxton Palmer Memorial Scholarship, $240 (for graduate study and research in agriculture): William Woodbury (Victoria). Scholarships for French Canada Studies, $500 each (for graduate studies in French Canada field): Jocelyn Gauthier (Vancouver). Melva Jean Dwyer (Vancouver). Shell Oil Fellowship for Research, $1200 (for graduate study and research in chemistry): Ronald Van der Linden (Vancouver). The Standard Oil Company of British Columbia $950 (for graduate study and research in chemical engineering): William Craig Clark (Vancouver). University Graduate Scholarship, $200 (for graduate study and research): John Frank Kiuck (Penticton). The Vancouver B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation Scholarships, $125 each (for graduate study): Todd W. Garrett (Vancouver)—Engineering. June Margaret M. Smith (Vancouver)—Arts and Science. The Vancouver Women’s Canadian Club Scholarship, $100 (highest standing in Canadian History, proceeding to graduate studies): Richard Colebrook Harris (Vancouver). The Warner-Lambert Research Fellowship (Pharmacy), $1200 (for graduate study and research): Abram Jacob D. Friesen (Vancouver). AWARDS FOR STUDENTS IN THE FINAL UNDERGRADUATE YEAR GENERAL The Canadian Association of Geographers Richard Colebrook Harris (Vancouver). 28 Book Prize (proficiency in Geography): The CKNW Scholarship in Television, $500 (for summer study in radio and television): Alfred John Edwards (Vancouver). The German Government Book Prizes (proficiency in German): Eugene Egert (Vernon). Arend Jan Stamhuis (Vancouver). Stephen Storm (Victoria). The Gilbert Tucker Memorial Prize, $25 (leading student in History 404): Charlotte Sylvia Girord (Nanaimo). The Morris Belkin Prize, $100 (best essay in the field of Freudian psychology): Stanley S. Blank (Vancouver). The Macmillan Company of Canada Prizes in Creative Writing, $50 each: (a) best original short story, Olive Claire Sanford (United States). (b) best original poem, Richard Alan R. Watson (Chilliwack). The United Nations Prize, $50 (achievement in United Notions work on campus): Richard Colebrook Harris (Vancouver). The University Essay Prize, $25 (best essay in courses given by the Department of English): Erna Suse Sudermon (Abbotsford). The Victoria Daily Times Prize, $100 (best piece of writing in moss-media field): John Sebastian Butterfield (Vancouver). . ARCHITECTURE British Columbia Lumber Manufacturers Association Prize in Architecture, $100 (special design project involving use of wood): Martin Douglas (Vancouver). Northwest Plaster Bureau Scholarship Prize, $250 (outstanding in progress toward profession of architecture): Martin Douglas (Vancouver). Powell River Company Prize, $25 (proficiency in field of planning): Wolfgang Thiersch (Vancouver). ARTS AND SCIENCE The David Bolocan Memorial Prize, $25 (outstanding in psychology): Neil William Macdonald (New Westminster). The Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire Scott Memorial Scholarship, $100 (high standing in Biology 332): Felix A. Durity (British West Indies). The Slavonic Studies Graduation Prize, $100 (highest standing in Slavonic Studies): Joan Katherine Marie Portsmouth (Alert Bay). The Vancouver Natural History Society Prize, book (best student in Botany): Karen Lenore Sperrings (Haney). ENGINEERING The Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Prizes, $100 each (general proficiency in forest engineering): Terence Neil Stringer (Vancouver). Alan Gerald Dent (Summerland). Engineering Institute of Conoda (Vancouver Branch) Walter Moberly Memorial Prize, books, $25 (best engineering essay): Ray Chester Friend (Nonoimo). Engineering Prize, $25 (best thesis in Final Year): William Craig Clark (Vancouver). The Heavy Construction Association of British Columbia Graduation Prize, $50 (highest standing in field of highway engineering): James Todd Rothwell (Vancouver). The H. R. MacMillan Prize in Forest Engineering, $100 (highest standing in Forest Engineering): Terence Neil Stringer (Vancouver). Machine Design Prize, $25 (best design in course M.E. 463): Mark Stanley Choppell (North Vancouver). The Timber Preservers Limited Prizes (best plans and specifications of a structure of treated timber): First Prize, $75—James Todd Rothwell (Vancouver). Second Prize $50—John Alexonder Watson (Vancouver). Third Prize, 30—Herbert James Thorburn (Vernon). Merit Awards, $15 each— Raymond Francis Jefferies (Ontario). Leslie James Parmley (Penticton). Richard Arnold Grainger (Ontario). HOME ECONOMICS The B.C.D.A. Scholarship in Dietetics, $100 (for dietetic interneship) Lois Patricia Martin (Vancouver). The B.C. Electric Company Service Award in Home Economics $1200 (special training programme in the B.C. Electric Company Home Service entre): Lorna Ann Seter (North Surrey). 29 The British Columbia Parent-Teacher Federation Scholarship, $100 (highest standing, proceeding to teacher training): Patricia Ethel Hulme (Wynndel). The Lillian Mae Westcott Prize, $60 (outstanding in the field of clothing and textiles): Joan Natalie Berry (Vancouver). The Singer Sewing Machine Co. Prize (portable electric Singer Sewing Machine) (proficiency in field of clothing; entering teaching field): Patricia Jean Ledgerwood (Vancouver). LAW The Allan S. Gregory Memorial Prize, books $50 (merit in moot court work): Corinne Flett Robertshaw (Vancouver). The Canada Law Book Company Prize, books (high standing in the subject of Conflict of Laws): Gordon Baillie Shrum (Vancouver). Alan Douglas Thackray (Vancouver). The Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation Prize, $50 (highest standing in course on Mortgages): Samuel Morris Huberman (Vancouver). The Carswell Company Limited Prize, books (highest standing in Third Year): Gordon Baillie Shrum (Vancouver). The Nathan Nemet Prize, $50 (proficiency): Peter Gerald Corbett (United States). Prize for Proficiency (anonymous), $50: Samuel Morris Huberman (Vancouver). MEDICINE The Ayerst McKenna & Harrison Limited Prize, $100 (highest standing, Final Year, in the combined subjects of Obstetrics and Gynaecology): David Eric Hastings (Vancouver). The C. V. Mosby Company Prizes (books) (promise in medical study): Peter Robert Grantham (Vancouver). George D. Tupling (Vancouver). The Dean M. M. Weaver Medal (outstanding record throughout medical course): David Eric Hastings (Vancouver). The Dr. A. B. Schinbein Memorial Scholarship, $250 (highest standing in subject of surgery): David Eric Hastings (Vancouver). The Dr. Frank Porter Patterson Memorial Scholarship, $150 (special merit and interest in orthopaedic surgery): Arthur Joseph Macgregor (Vancouver). The Dr. Walter Stewart Baird Memorial Prize, $50 (best graduation dissertion): Peggy Lou E. Andreen (Vancouver). The Dr. W. A. Whitelaw Scholarship, $200 (general proficiency and promise): George Gordon Biely (Vancouver). The Hamber Scholarship in Medicine, $750 (proficiency, proceeding to interrieship): William Alexander Webber (Vancouver). The Health Officers’ Prize in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, $100 (proficiency and promise in the field): Arthur Joseph Macgregor (Vancouver). The Homer Gold Medal and Prize ($100 and Gold Medal) (highest aggregate standing in subject of medicine): William Alexander Webber (Vancouver). The Ingram & Bell Limited Prize (for overall standing, interest, participation in student affairs): William T. Brown (Vancouver). Mead Johnson of Canada Ltd. Prize in Paediatrics, $50 (highest standing in Paediatrics): Charles Alexander Brumwell (Victoria). The Myron M. Weaver Scholarship, $200 (overall standing with special interest in the humanities): Charles Alexander Brumwell (Victoria). The Richard and Mary Legh Trophy (undergraduate class in medicine making the most outstanding contributions during the year): award won by Fourth Year Class. The Samuel and Rebecca Nemetz Memorial Scholarship, $100 (special aptitude for research): William Alexander Webber (Vancouver). PHARMACY The Civil Defence Prize (expense-paid course at Civil Defence College, Arnprior, Ontario): Kenneth Konkin (Vancouver). The Cunningham Prize in Pharmacy, $50 (outstanding record in all years of course): lan Carl Caldwell (Richmond). The H. C. LePatourel Fellowship in Hospital Pharmacy (for hospital pharmacy interne ship), $500: Charles Richard Kuhn (Vernon). The Dean E. L. Woods Memorial Prize (donated by the Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of British Columbia), $50 (proficiency in both the practical and theqretical parts of the pharmaceutical subjects): Donald Laverne Langille (Matsqui). The Merck Awards, books (highest standing in pharmaceutical chemistry): John Thomson McDonald (Campbell River). Elmer Harry Ratzlaff (Abbotsford). The Pharmacy Alumni Book Prize (outstanding all-round potential pharmacist): Douglas Llewellyn Thompson (Victoria). The Poulenc Gold Medal (highest standing in the pharmacology course): Abram Jacob David Friesen (Vancouver). 30 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Special Prize, $50 (proficiency in Final Year): Derek Normand Nunney (Vancouver). SOCIAL WORK Canadian Association of Social Workers (Greater Vancouver Area Branch) Prize, books $25 (all-round professional promise and activity, Master of Social Work Programme): Iris Nordman (New Westminster). Junior League of Vancouver Scholarship, $500 (for further study in Social Work): Gardon William Welsh (Alberta). Laura Holland Scholarship $265 (outstanding record, proceeding to next year of course): (Mrs.) Janet Gordon voore (Vancouver). Mary Isabel Buckerfield Scholarship, $250 (high standing, proceeding to next year of course): Margaret Joan Turner (Saskatchewan). Social Work Alumni Prize, $25 (best thesis for Master of Social Work degree): Jay Gertrude Bryenton (Vancouver). AWARDS MADE BY OTHER INS11TUTIONS The Athlone Scholarships (United Kingdom Government) (fare, maintenance and tuition for engineering study in the United Kingdom): John Hugo Duerksen (Langley). Alvin G. Fowler (Sardis). Thomas A. Nordstrom (Armstrong). Robert S. Roger (Penticton). Canada CounciT Awards (pre-dactoral awards—announced in April): Dorothea Mary Ross (Vancouver). Sheila Ann Ross (Vancouver). International Nickel Graduate Research Fellowships, $1500 each (announced in April, 1958): renewaT—C. Donald Cax (Vancouver). new award—Keith Gordon Davis (Vancouver). Law Undergraduate Society Prize, $50 (best contribution to Legal Notes; awarded in March, 1958): Edward Horsey (Victoria). National Research Council Awards: (a) Special Scholarship, $2000— Pierre J. M. Jolicoeur (Repentigny, Quebec). (b) Studentships, $1200 each— William J. Bloamberg (Vancouver). Thomas M. Cannor (England). Philip C. Eastman (Vancouver). Herman J. Fink (Burnaby). Robert G. Greggs (Vancouver). David J. Huntley (Brentwaod Bay). Albert T. lsaacs (Halifax). Michael Jackson (Vancouver). Garth Jones (Vancouver). Charles J. Krebs (United States). Woa-Pok Lay (Vancouver). Louis F. Monier (Montreal). Dharum B. Mullick (India) William F. Munson (Vancouver). Miles T. Myres (Vancouver). Frank A. Payne (Vancouver). John R. G. Pritchard (Victoria). Dolibar J. Ruzicka (Norway). Harvey R. Schneider (Medicine Hat). Prithe P. Singh (India). Richard B. Smith (Vernon). Mary Todd (Esquimalt). Donald G. Watts (Crestori). Keith Yates (Vancouver). (c) Bursaries, $1000 each— Rudolph Drenf (Vancauver). Todd W. Garrett (Vancouver). Tom D. D. Groves (Westhalme). Gerard H. Gubbels (Victoria). Jacob Hildebrandt (Sardis). Douglas A. Hutchinsan (Vancouver). Gyorgy Lesko (Vancouver). Detlef Matz (Vancouver). James M. McMillari (Vancouver). George T. Needler (Nanaima). Walter R. Rasmussen (Burnaby). Klaus E. Rieckhoff (Vancouver). Michael Schulzer (Victoria). Goel Harling Stoft (Victoria). John T. Yuan (Hong-Kong). 31 Woodrow Wilson Foundation ($1400 and tuition fees): John F. Chant (Vancouver). Rudolph H. Drent (Vancouver). Charlotte S. M. Girard (Nonoimo). John R. Gittins (Victoria). Bohuslov Kymlicko (Vancouver). Goel Honing Stott (Victoria). 32
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