Namenlijst geslaagd P-diploma CT, December 2015 Namenlijst


Namenlijst geslaagd P-diploma CT, December 2015 Namenlijst
CE News is the official newsletter of the BSc and MSc Civil Engineering programmes. It contains important information for students
about changes to lectures and examinations, enrolling for practicals, excursions and so on. CE News may update information which has
previously appeared elsewhere, so it is very important that you read it.
Education and Student Affairs
Faculty of Civil Engineering and
CE News
7/1/2016– Number 19 - volume 51
Namenlijst geslaagd P-diploma CT, December 2015 ..................................................... 1
Namenlijst geslaagd BSc CT, december 2015 ............................................................... 1
Aanmelden CTB3000, periode 3, 2015/2016 ................................................................ 1
CIE5124 moved from quarter 3 to quarter 4 ................................................................ 2
Tokyo Tech Summer Program ..................................................................................... 2
Fasstrack Asia Summer School ................................................................................... 3
Safe travel training session 14 January 2016 ............................................................... 3
Shock Safe Nepal - Rebuilding Nepal earthquake safe .................................................. 4
Boeken- en bijlesplatform PS...................................................................................... 4
New pick-up point for readers as of 29 December ........................................................ 4
Data Examination Meetings ........................................................................................ 5
Agenda / student events ............................................................................................ 5
Namenlijst geslaagd P-diploma CT, December 2015
In de Examenuitslagvergadering van 14 december jl. is de uitslag vastgesteld van degenen die zich voor het Pdiploma Civiele Techniek hebben aangemeld. De volgende persoon is geslaagd verklaard:
J.E. Scheijmans
Het P-diploma kan vanaf week 6, 2016 worden afgehaald bij het Servicepunt CiTG, onder overlegging van een geldig
Namenlijst geslaagd BSc CT, december 2015
In de Examenuitslagvergadering van 14 december jl. is de uitslag vastgesteld van degenen die zich voor het examen
Bachelor Civiele Techniek hebben aangemeld. De volgende personen zijn geslaagd verklaard:
D.H. Hoekstra, D.L. Klusener, M. Reinders, M. Ruessink, J. Verkaik, R.P. Verlinde, H. Washian en R. Wesstein
De BSc CT diploma-uitreiking vindt plaats op vrijdag 12 februari 2016, 15.00 uur, zaal E.
Aanmelden CTB3000, periode 3, 2015/2016
Tot uiterlijk 27 januari 2016 kun je je aanmelden voor het BSc-eindwerk, periode 3. Het inschrijfformulier en
andere informatie, zoals handleiding, tijdschema, etc. is te vinden op Blackboard onder Course Information.
De startbijeenkomst is op maandag 8 februari 2016 van 10.45 uur tot 12.00 uur.
CE News
7/1/2016 – Number 19 – volume 51
WAT en WAM in zaal 2.62.
BE, SE en CME in zaal 6.75
T&P in zaal 2.72
Als je GEO of GRS gaat doen hoef je niet naar de startbijeenkomst. Je kunt je direct melden bij de coördinator GRS:
dhr. C. Tiberius of de coördinator GEO: dhr. W. Broere.
Let op: aan het bacheloreindwerk mag pas worden begonnen als je het propedeuse-examen of de propedeutische
fase hebt behaald en vakken met een totale studielast van 80 studiepunten uit het tweede en derde cursusjaar hebt
In afwachting van tentamenuitslagen van het voorgaande kwartiel mag een start worden gemaakt met het eindwerk.
Als na de nakijkperiode van 20 werkdagen blijkt dat je niet aan de toelatingseis voldoet dan word je met
onmiddellijke ingang uit het bacheloreindwerk verwijderd.
Zie ook de BSc eindwerk handleiding op BB, de OER/UR Hfdst 3, artikel 5 en 6 en de RRvE Examencommissie CT-TA
artikelen 27, 28, 29 op deze pagina
CIE5124 moved from quarter 3 to quarter 4
The course CIE 5124 Timber Structures 2 2015-2016 is moved from quarter 3 to quarter 4. This means that the
course will not start in February 2016, but in April 2016. The reason for this is change is that by doing this the study
load for Structural Engineering students following the track Steel-Timber-Composite will be more balanced over the
Coordinator: G. Ravenshorst
Tokyo Tech Summer Program
Here you find information about the Tokyo Tech Summer Program.
If you are interested, please contact the Central International Office, ms. Gerdien de Graaf, before 8 January
Emailaddres: [email protected], [email protected]
CE News
7/1/2016 – Number 19 – volume 51
Fasstrack Asia Summer School
Safe travel training session 14 January 2016
Delft University of Technology provides training sessions on travel safety to students who will be travelling abroad for
their studies. These sessions will initially be given in Dutch; however, they can also be provided in English if there is
sufficient demand. For students who are planning to go abroad, participation in this training is strongly
The next training session will be held on 14 January2016, 12.00 – 14.00 hrs in computer room 1.93 at CEG
During the training, students will learn about safety and security abroad and they will be given the opportunity to
draw up their own safety & security plan. This sets out, for example, what the risks are of travelling by public
transport and what precautions you can take.
Of course participation in the training session cannot guarantee no incidents will occur; however, after completing
the training the participants will be far more aware of the possible dangers and how to act in the vent that such
situations do arise.
You must register for participation by e-mail to [email protected], stating:
• your name, e-mail address, telephone number and faculty;
• information about your intended stay (travelling dates and destination);
• the language of instruction: English.
The Safety and Security Travel training sessions are provided free of charge and are organized by the department of
Safety & Security of the TU Delft.
CE News
7/1/2016 – Number 19 – volume 51
Shock Safe Nepal - Rebuilding Nepal earthquake safe
The recent earthquakes of April 25th and May 12th and the accompanying aftershocks in Nepal have left a trail of
destruction across the built environment. Historic parts of the capital Kathmandu and villages in the Kathmandu
valley are in ruins and families are left homeless.
In the 4th quarter of this year, a group of students is going to Nepal to do research on temporarily shelters to help
rebuild Nepal.
Are you interested in being part of this multidisciplinary project, and are you available in Q4? Then please send your
motivation and experiences (max 300 words) to [email protected]
Boeken- en bijlesplatform PS
Zoek jij voor de tentamens nog wat bijles, of heb je juist tijd over om bijles te geven? Zoek je voor de nieuwe
periode alvast goedkope tweedehands studieboeken, of wil je juist van je oude boeken af? Het Gezelschap
"Practische Studie" heeft dan precies wat je zoekt!
Het boeken- en bijlesplatform, te vinden op onze site, geeft studenten de kans om elkaar te
vinden op het gebied van bijles en studieboeken. Je kunt het vinden onder het kopje ‘Mijn PS’, waarvoor je ingelogd
dient te zijn.
Ben je nog geen lid van PS? Voor slechts €15,- ben je voor de rest van je studententijd lid van PS, waar nog veel
meer voordelen aan verbonden zijn!
Heb je nog vragen? Stel ze allemaal aan onze balie of mail de onderwijscommissarissen via [email protected]
en [email protected].
New pick-up point for readers as of 29 December
Dear student,
From 29 December, all ordered readers must be collected from the new pick-up point in the TU Delft Library
Downloading and ordering readers
The webshop at contains all of the TU Delft readers available, arranged per degree course
programme. Most readers can be downloaded free of charge. It is also possible to order printed copies.
More information about downloading and ordering readers.
Central pick-up point
From 29 December there will be one central pick-up
point for all readers: the information desk in the TU
Delft Library. From this date it will no longer be possible
to have readers delivered to the faculties. To pick up
your reader you will need the dispatch confirmation email and your campus card. Alternatively it will still be
possible to have your readers delivered to your home
address (against postal charges).
CE News
7/1/2016 – Number 19 – volume 51
Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES
11 January 2016, 8 February 2016, 14 March 2016, 11 April 2016, 9 May 2016, 13 June 2016, 11 July and 29
Meetings will take place at Mondays, 15.00 hrs. in room 2.72
Letters for the Board of Examiners have to be provided with study number, name, address and signature and shall be
handed in 12 days prior to the meeting.
Data Examination Meetings
Apply before
Meeting date
Graduation Ceremony
The data can also be found here.
Agenda / student events
14 January
Safe travel training session
18 January
Deadline handing in letters for Examination meeting 15 February
27 January
Deadline handing in letters for board of Examiners meeting 8 February
Useful websites:
Student Portal CEG
Board of Examiners
Student information A-Z
Board of Studies
Academic counsellors
In case you cannot find the information on the website, please visit the Education & Student Affairs department on
the 2nd floor, during our daily opening hours from 12.30 to 13.30 hrs.
For appointments with the academic counsellor, please contact the service desk [email protected] at the
main entrance of the building.
Editors: Education and Student Affairs CEG (e-mail: [email protected])
Copy to be delivered to: CE News appears weekly. The deadline for items is Wednesday morning before 10:00 AM.
Items should be e-mailed in Word and should be provided in English with a maximum of 150 words. Items specifically for
Bachelor students only have to be provided in Dutch.