File - Bread of Life


File - Bread of Life
Monthly Newsletter of Bread of Life Lutheran Church
1415 17th Avenue Southwest, Minot ND 58701 (701) 838-3360
Web Site: ~~ Email: [email protected]
May 2016
Pastor Taryn Montgomery, Pastor Alex Hoops
Catch the Vision,
Share the Mission
Gratitude Bible Studies
Join Pastor Alex and Pastor Taryn for one of the Grateful Living Bible Studies below.
No biblical knowledge necessary – all are welcome!
May 1
May 3
May 4
May 7
May 15
May 19
Sunday, Bible Study between worships @ 10:00am
Tuesday, home of Dolly Ellis @ 7:00pm
Wednesday, in the fellowship hall @ 1:30pm
Saturday, Bible Study after worship @ 6:00pm
Sunday, Bible Study after 11:15 service
Thursday, BOL Playground @ 6:30pm - Bring the kids!!
Prayer Vigil – Saturday, May 21st
On Saturday, May 21st, you are encouraged to participate in an all-day prayer vigil at Bread of Life. The
building will be open from 9am-4pm. Please sign up for a 30-minute slot by calling the church office
or on the bulletin board in the narthex. There will be several interactive prayer stations in addition to a quiet
Please take time out of your busy schedule to stop by the church and offer your prayers to God. There is
something powerful about the Holy Spirit’s presence, and praying for it’s guidance, when in a quiet sanctuary
or gathered around the table in prayer. Children are welcome!
10 Days of Prayer
From May 1st-10th, you are invited to lift up Bread of Life, our ministry and mission, in daily prayer. You
should have received a prayer guide for these 10 Days of Prayer in the mail. If you would like a copy or
would like to receive the prayers via text message, please contact the church office. We will send a daily
email during these 10 days as well. Prayer is powerful, especially in this faith-filled journey we walk together.
Celebration Cookout on Commitment Sunday!
Everyone is invited to a “good old-fashioned church picnic” at 12:30pm on Sunday, May 22nd. We will
gather by the playground and enjoy delicious food, root beer floats, and games for all ages! The Capital
Campaign leadership team will provide pulled pork sandwiches and drinks, everyone is invited to bring a side
dish, salad or dessert to share. (Note that we will not have access to electricity for warm food items).
There will be some tables and chairs set up, but you are also invited to bring a few lawn chairs or blankets,
and enjoy the festivities. At this picnic, we will announce the total pledges that were made during
Commitment Weekend toward our goal of $600,000.
Dress casually, bring a Frisbee, and be prepared to get a little wet in the “remember-your-baptism”
water balloon toss!
A Slice of Bread
Catch The Vision, Share the Mission
Our Bread of Life “Catch the Vision, Share the Mission” capital
campaign has launched!!! Pastor Karen Soli from the ELCA Capital Campaign Consultant group kicked off the campaign with her sermons on April
16th and 17th. Over the next few weekends during worship, you will hear
from several congregants about their thoughts on the expansion and
enhancement mission, and their understanding of Christian stewardship.
Thanks to our youth for a great skit this past weekend! Pastor Soli will
again be with us on Commitment Weekend, May 21st and 22nd, when we
will be invited to make our financial pledge to the campaign.
The goal for this campaign is $600,000. Currently, we have $115,000 in reserves that is
specified for building expansion. In addition to what we hope to raise in this campaign, we will
likely need to obtain a loan to help cover the construction costs. We have been in contact with
representatives of the ELCA Mission Investment Fund (MIF), and they have very competitive rates
for projects like this. As an outreach/support arm of the ELCA, the MIF exists to provide ELCA
churches and related ministries loans for building project and land purchases.
You have heard from the Building Committee that ELCA Mission Builders will likely be involved as well. Mission Builders provide some of the labor (at minimum wage) for things like framing, roofing, decking, cabinet installation, insulation, and siding, to name a few areas of expertise.
However, using Mission Builders does not replace a local general contractor. We will still put out
bids for things like plumbing and electric. We will also depend on the time, energy, and gifts of
many BOL members and friends in this phase of the project. So be ready to swing a hammer!
There are several special events taking place as part of our “Catch the Vision, Share the
Mission” campaign. These are outlined elsewhere in the newsletter, but
please join us for the 10 Days of Prayer, one of the bible studies, the Prayer
Vigil on May 21st, and especially for our Celebration Cookout on Commitment Sunday at 12:30pm! It will be a great way to celebrate the pledges
that are made, as well as our children and youth in another great year of
Sunday School, Confirmation, and youth activities.
Should you have any questions about the campaign, please don’t
hesitate to call me at 701-500-4900 or email me at [email protected].
Erik Jacobson, Capital Campaign Committee Chair
Metigoshe Ministries
Ground breaking has happened and Metigoshe Ministries updates and expansion phase 1
is happening. They have partnered with Mission Builders and are now accepting
volunteers for the building projects this summer. There are multiple ways to volunteer
from helping build to cleaning up, prepping a meal, to sending a thank you note. There
are also many time slots to volunteer from joining for one day to coming up to camp with a
camper/trailer to help out for a week or a month. The opportunities are endless.
Volunteer registration forms are in the narthex if you would be interested in helping with this “Adventure
Anchored in Christ!”
A Slice of Bread
From Pastor Taryn
“I’m Grateful”
“Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home[a] and ate their
food with glad and generous[b] hearts.”
-Acts 2:46
When Pastor Karen Soli, our capital campaign consultant, was with us in worship a couple of weeks ago
she gave us a challenge. During the 5 weeks of our campaign, when someone asks, “How are you?” our
response should be “I’m grateful”.
So I tried it. One night last week I had a hankering for some Dairy Queen, only I arrived to a long drivethru line and it was minutes away from closing time. Knowing I didn’t stand a chance of making the cut,
I decided to swing through McDonalds instead. Hey, I had made it through a long night of meetings –
I earned it!
When I got to the window, the young man greeted me with the common question, “How are you tonight?”
I answered the usual, “Good, how are you?” And then I remembered Pastor Karen’s challenge. I changed
my answer.
I said to the friendly face beyond the window, “I’m supposed to answer that ‘I’m grateful’ when you ask
me that.” Without skipping a beat he replied, “You’re right, you should say that. So should I.” He smiled,
I thanked him, and we parted ways.
It was a simple 30-second exchange that not only ended with a delicious
shamrock shake, but also with a reminder of how important our words
really are. They have the power to shape and influence our attitude. That
night, this simple response led me to reflecting on the events and
blessings of the day, and the blessings I was going home to.
Taking Pastor Karen’s advice changed my perspective. It wasn’t just
another drive-thru moment, but a friendly exchange with my neighbor. It
wasn’t another rote response, “Good, how are you?” but an honest
reflection of the gratitude I feel for all God has given me.
In the coming weeks, you will be invited to consider how God is calling you to give generously to our
building expansion project at BOL. As you pray about how your gifts can grow our ministry and mission,
I hope you will think about gratitude. I hope you will ask how the Holy Spirit is moving you to dig deeper
and grow in your understanding of biblical stewardship. I hope you will answer, “I’m grateful”, and then be
opened to how these simple words can influence your life and your faith.
With gratitude for you,
Pastor Taryn
Centering Prayer ~
You are invited every 3rd Tuesday from 5:30-6:30pm at the
church. (Next meeting May 17) Explore different spiritual practices, largely through
Centering Prayer. This is a great way to unwind from the chaos of life, and find refreshment
and centering through prayer, meditation, and meaningful conversation with others. Any
questions, please see Pastor Taryn.
A Slice of Bread
Pastoral Act
Memorial Gifts
In memory of Henry Aipperspach from MaryAnn
Fitchner, Terry & Peggy Quinlen, Janice Hewitt,
Ray & Judy Mock, Stan & BettyLu Ralph, Joylea
Knutson, Kevin & Tracey Lawson, George & Jeanice
In memory of Myron Brandt from Jeanice & George
Officer, Arvid & Sheila Mugaas, Brent & Marsha Mugaas
Michael Snodgrass
Henry Aipperspach
Lillian Bonsness
In memory of Lillian Bonsness from Jeanice & George Officer, Friends
and Family of Lillian
In memory of Marie Gooch from Ray & Judy Mock, Kevin & Tracey Mock,
Lon & Sandy Drevecky, Larry & Holly Eidsness, Janice Hewitt, Craig &
Barbara Nathan, George & Jeanice Officer, Joylea Knutson, Mary Ann
Welcome New
Joey Caranicas
Chad Wallin and Lauren Dietrich
Adam & Jodie Dittus, Aiden, Jada, Josie
Kaela English, Zoe, Nora
Jared & Dayna Estenson, August*
Wesley and Dena Filler
Steven Hall & DiNell Polsfut
Rebecca Hanson, Olivia
Sharon Johnson
Meagan Myers, Brady, August*
Jerry & Konnie Nelson, Kirstin
Andrew and Kaycee Olson, Reya
Mackenzie Olson, Ada, Corbett
Jessa Rafferty, Spencer, Jovie
Ryan & Holly Sebo, Tucker
Michael Snodgrass and Brenda Novacek
Myrna Stromberg
Don Torgrimson
Ryan Vetter
Monday Lunch Bunch Bible Study ~
“Mother’s and Others
May 7th ~
Brunch at 9:30 am
Mom’s, daughters,
sisters, others - you are
Egg bakes will be provided and individuals can
bring potluck items such as muffins, coffee cake,
fruit, etc.
The program, will be “Savor the Flavor!” ~ Using
herbs and spices to add flavor to daily meals and
snacks. Ellen M Bjelland from the Ward County
Extension Service will be the presenter.
Remember Mother
on May 8
Come be a part!!!! The lunch bunch
bible study group continues to work their way through the Bible. Mondays at noon with
your lunch (or without) ~ be a part of the story!
A Slice of Bread
Wednesday Night Faith Formation for May
Wednesday May 4
Confirmation @6:30 pm
Wednesday May 11
Family & Faith Service Project
Wednesday May 18
Story Core @6:30 pm
High School Graduates
Best wishes are extended to those who are
graduating from colleges and high school. Bread of
Life High school graduates are:
Madison Belgarde
Ericka Bercier
Kaleb Burnham
Sydnie Hedstrand
Mikayla Lemere
Mara Roteliuk
to Samantha Redding
who was crowned “Miss
ND Teen USA”. The next
phase will be to compete
in the national competition
in August. Our prayers are with her as she
prepares and represents North Dakota and
her community.
Kasidi Scott
Seniors will be recognized at the 11:15 service
on May 15
Heart River Child Concert
Come hear Heart River Child
perform a variety of spirituals,
folk, bluegrass and traditional hymns at Bread of
Life Lutheran Church on
Saturday, May 14th at 5:00pm.
Heart River Child is composed
of 4 young adults, all members
of Heart River Lutheran
Church in Mandan, ND.
A free-will donation will be taken to benefit the Heart
River Lutheran Church Scholarship Fund. Bring a
friend, you won't want to miss it!
Eat Out
Have breakfast or supper with
friends. Want to meet some new
friends!? You are
invited to join Bread of
Life family when you
are able:
Sat, May 7, 8:30
Breakfast at Homesteaders
Sat, May 21, 8:30 Breakfast at Bread
of Life
Sat., April 23, 6:30 supper at the
BOL Book Club – meeting Monday, May 16th, 7 pm
at Sharon Johnson’s
home, The book to read is book is Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline.
A Slice of Bread
Pentecost Celebration
Creative People Needed
Pentecost weekend will be May 14/15. The parament colors for
Do you love playing games? Do you have a game
your family enjoys playing? The Faith Formation
team is teaming up with the carnival crew and
would love to hear about new ideas and some
new games for our Community Carnival! The
Carnival is on June 15th and we would love some
fresh ideas!
Pentecost are red and it is a day that we decorate
the sanctuary with red geraniums. The flowers are
then planted outside. If possible, please wear RED
to church on that day.
Cost per plant is $5.00 and payment must accompany an order form. (Following or can pick up in the
church narthex.) Please make checks payable to
Bread of Life. Orders must be turned in to the
church office no later than May 10.
Number of plants _____ at $5.00 each =______
In loving memory of dceased): _____________
In Honor of (living): ________________________
Or to the glory of God ____
Given by _______________________________
Thanks for all your support for the
High School Youth Trip to Haiti!
We have met our fundraising
goals and are so grateful for the
donations, prayers, and support
This trip intends to be transformative in the lives of our young adult
disciples and we hope you will
continue to pray for us as we prepare for our trip at the end of
(This is a painting done by one of
the Haitian Students we will meet
in Haiti. This will be on the backs
of our camp staff t shirts)
The idea is to have family’s
team up in running a game
during the carnival. If you
would like to help create/run
a game booth we would
LOVE to chat!
The carnival is an evening of games, food, music,
fellowship. It is a congregation event for the
community. Many planners and workers are
needed for a successful fun event. There are little jobs, and big ones. Be a part of this once a
year event. Volunteer by calling Doug Berg
(721-8729.) or talk to Pastor Alex.
FOR SURE ~ Put the date on the calendar and
spread the word.
A Slice of Bread
Celebrate The Baptism
Birth days are traditionally celebrated each
year. At each Bread of Life baptism a
candle is given to be used each year to
help celebrate the baptismal birth day. To
encourage remembering this special day,
individuals and their baptism date are
included in the newsletter. Make it a
special day in your household.
May Baptisms at BOL are:
1 Mel Diers, Josie Dittus, Reya Olson, MaryAnn Rowe, Briana Smith
2 Doug Bonsness
3 Hutson Schrum
4 Penny Belgarde, Lezlie Beuchler, Andee Hanson,
Camden Mosher, Konni Nelson, Chris Reuer
6 Renae Anderson, Dean Thompson, Kristine Walker
7 Whitney Shea
8 Laurie Honadel
9 Owen Hanson
10 Madison Belgarde, Kelsey Roos
13 Gavin Kirk, Merle Slade
14 Jordan Abrahamson, Justin Abrahamson
16 Kirstin Nelson
17 Marcell Johnson
18 Matthew Mackey, Alicia Braun
19 Natalie Mosser
20 Hunter Abrahamson, Kirk Abrahamson,
Brekken Neshem
21 Alex Emerson, Jana Nelson
22 Nickolas Flaten
23 Mildred Edwards
24 Desiree Nett
25 David Hovey
26 Lynn Lindbo
27 Justin Dupre’
28 Lucas Lauckner, Janice Renfandt
30 Ole Honadel
If a baptism at your house is not listed, please give
the office a call. Dates for everyone are not in the file.
1 Tom Probst, Tucker Sebo
3 Jacob Hanson, Darrell
Olson, Terrel Officer,
Betty Lu Ralph
4 Lindsay Lawson, Milo Sveet
5 Don Fricke, Taryn Warman
6 Arliss Radford
7 Kim Francis, Leslie Herslip-Stevens
8 Brynn Hanson, Lauren Dietrich
9 Justin Dupre’
10 Kara Haugenoe
11 Dillan Dahlien, Amanda Kreutzbender
12 Kim Flaten
13 Jordan Dupre’, Jocelyn Mosser
14 Brett Novlesky
15 Kaden Reiter
16 Jamie Myers
17 Evan Hanson, Lila Striefel, Corbett Olson
18 Adam Melom
19 LouAnn Getzlaff, Alan Henning,
Karen Erber
21 Nathan Branson, Renae Jesperson,
Malenius Klimpel
22 Rondel Roteliuk, Hunter Kreutzbender
Amelia Hoops
23 Kendra Bercier, Josh Weatherspoon,
Aubrey Fylling
24 Tina Boyce, David Hovey, Kaitlyn Reiter
25 Kaleb Burnham, Krista Harju
26 Mary Ann Fitchner
28 Jessica Kesler, Jerry Lawson
29 Janice Hewitt, DuWayne Glein, April
Wilber, Celina Mindt
30 Tifany Hiller, Clementine Fuller
3 Bill & Dawndi Kesler
4 Brad & Renee Harju
16 Alex & Emily Hoops
19 Daren & Renae Jesperson
20 Rick & Pam Pierson
21 Leone Bolinske & Max Hurdelbrink
25 Steve & Deanna Engstrom
27 Robert & Jane Shea
29 Verle & Sandra Anderson
Ladies - Bible Study and Fellowship Opportunities for you
Eve Circle - May 3, 7:00 pm at the home of Dolly Ellis.
Merry Circle - May 4, 1:30 pm in the fellowship hall.
Come and be a part of Fellowship and the Bible study (this month both
groups will be led by Pastor Taryn in the Reflection Bible Study.)
BOL Women will meet May 23, 7 pm at the church.
part Of happenings at Bread of Life.
Come, meet some new faces, and be a
A Slice of Bread
Worship Assistants ~ May 2016
May 1
Worship Assistant
Worship Assistant
Dale & Dolly Ellis
Mike & Carolyn Morey
Erna Eidmann, Mardell Poirier
Worship Assistant
Terry & Peggy Quinlen
Worship Assistant
Tammy Hamm
Wall Family
Worship Assistant
Kristi Schlecht
Worship Assistant
Linda Langmaack
Marcell Johnson
9:00 am
Worship Assistant
Dale & Dolly Ellis
Lila Striefel, Leone Bolinske
Worship Assistant
Aiden & McKade Wall
Risbrudt Family
Worship Assistant
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
If you cannot serve for some reason please find someone to take your place.
Your assistance in worship and fellowship is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If your household would like to help out, sign-up sheets for next month are in the narthex.
Just find a time that works for you.
Register Your youth Today
for summer camp at
Metigoshe or Camp of the Cross. You can get further
information on line or pick up a registration form in the narthex.
Register your youth, turn the scholarship form in to the office,
and a check will be sent to you by BOL Women for 1/2 of the
camp registration fee. Scholarship forms are in the
Day Camp
(at Bread of Life) - The dates for Day Camp at
Bread of Life with the Metigoshe staff are May 31– June 2 (9am– 3pm), June 3 (9am - Noon).
Thursday evening there will be a potluck supper at 6pm, followed by a presentation by youth and
Metigoshe staff. The congregation and friends are invited to come to the supper and be a part of
the camp excitement.
It will be an “Adventure in Christ” experience. Invite the friends and spread the word.
Registration forms are available in the narthex or by calling the church office 838-3360.
A Slice of Bread
Gospel Seeds… May 2016
A Monthly Update from the Western North Dakota Synod Office
Synod Assembly… Registration is now open for Synod Assembly. The event begins with the Preassembly Workshop
– Living in God’s Abundance: Gifted to Serve, which will utilize the LifeKeys process on June 9th at the Ramkota in
Bismarck. The LifeKeys process helps an individual discern their gifts. Come learn more about yourself, as a way to
see how God might need someone just like you to live and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. The workshop
will be led by Diaconal Ministers Beth Anderson and Anna Dykemann. Even if you are not attending Synod Assembly,
you can register to attend the Preassembly Workshop.
The Annual Mission Gala will take place the evening of June 9 at Lord of Life Lutheran Church. This event is open
to anyone and everyone so grab a few friends and come out for a night of good music, excellent food (prepped by the
Lord of Life chefs) and an amazing auction. All proceeds go toward the Synod Mission Endowment Fund to provide
seed money for creative Christ-centered ministry.
Assembly begins Friday morning with worship at 8:30am. Again worship is open to all. Our theme this year is
“Living in God’s Abundance,” focusing on Time and Talent. We have been gifted, blessed by God – so the question
becomes, “How do we use our Time and our Talents to bless others?” Join us as we explore that question.
Assembly is more of a faith-forming event than a business gathering. If it has been a long time since you have been
to assembly come and check it out. Congregations are allowed to register as many people as they would like. By the
way, childcare will be available again this year.
Tilling the Soil… Where is God’s Holy Spirit calling us? How do we, as clusters of congregations, work together to
live and be and speak the Gospel to those in our communities who are not in a life-giving relationship with Jesus? Are
we willing to push beyond our walls proclaiming God’s love, grace and mercy?
These are some of the questions that 75 dreamers engaged in April at “Tilling the Soil: Stirring our Christ-Centered
Imaginations”. The goal was to show how New Ministries are being started in the ELCA, hear some stories of these
ministries and get a better picture of how
congregations, synod and churchwide can partner on this work.
The event was a blessing. The next step is that community clusters would gather again to continue looking for places
to plant seeds.
Excellent event… Wow!!! I continue to be amazed at the gifted people within this synod. In March, 13 of them
(along with an Eastern North Dakotan and a South Dakotan) gathered for a discernment retreat. A time to worship,
pray and ponder what God was up to in each person’s life. This time away was led by Krista Lind from Luther
Seminary and Amy Current from Wartburg Seminary. They did not come to recruit but to help people prayerfully consider God’s call upon each person’s life.
The people who gathered are passionate about their faith. Their faith stories were rich, their questions honest and
their ability to build community was inspiring. Will they all end up in seminary – absolutely not but that was not the
point. For some there was affirmation that serving faithfully within the congregation doing supply preaching, Sunday
School teaching and a 1,001 different tasks is exactly where God is calling them. Others are still pondering and some
most certainly will be headed for theological studies.
I ask that you continue to pray that God would be at work in our midst through the power of the Holy Spirit stirring
people. We need faithful leaders – lay and clergy and diaconal.
Mission Builders… I am writing this as I return from a trip to be with the ELCA Mission Builders. These faithful
builders (of community – faith and structures) have a special place in my heart. These men and women have blessed
our synod by doing projects at Upper Missouri Ministries; Peace Lutheran, Burlington; Christ Lutheran, Minot; and
Camp of the Cross, Garrison over the past 5 years. This year crew members from around the country will be back.
They will spend several weeks at Camp of the Cross working on siding the new facility. They will spend late spring
and summer at Camp Metigoshe on the first phase of a building plan.
I ask that you keep them in prayer. At the same time, I encourage you to watch for opportunities to volunteer your
time with these crews. Your faith will grow, you will get a chance to laugh and you will be part of building something
extremely important – Christ’s Kingdom.
Blessing, Mark Narum Serving as Bishop of the WND Synod
MINOT ND 58701
1415 17TH AVE SW
MINOT ND 58701
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