L22 implementation in PALADIN system Introduction Versions Roadmap Functional and technical improvements Architecture Perimeter of L22’s implementation Integration and qualification HCI DCN range product Introduction DCN DCN CMS TDL at DCN CMS Me 2 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : context What Project for the benefit of French Government & French Navy What for (objectives) Evaluation of new TDL functions & Multilinks concepts in French Navy CMS Used by French navy operational personnel and government agencies Step to plan improvements of TDL on existing ships and new implementation (MONALISA / LINKS® ) Operational uses : TRIDENT d’OR 2005 : Deployment of 6 LINKS® systems (Built on PALADIN) in a real multi-national exercise Software Based on… GDL which implements TDL functions for SENIT8 (CV PACdG) and SENIT 68 (AAW Frigates Cassard and Jean Bart) 3 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : Versions Roadmap TDL prototype to validate concepts for future platforms (Ships, MPA, SSN) Phase 1 : July 2001- Sept 2004 : 2xL11, L16 UHF, J-SAT => PLD V1 Phase 2 : Sept 2004 – August 2006 : + L22 (1 SN, 4 NN) => PLD V2 COTS products (Linux, PC, Stanag 5602 « SIMPLE » tests oriented) Full multi-links prototype including TDL data-forwarding capabilities July 2001 January 2003 SSS, SSDD V1 Sept 2004 SSS, SSDD V2 SW Dev V1 STP/STD/STR EVAL PLD V1 July 2005 August 2006… SW Dev V2 STP/STD/STR EVAL PLD V2 Link 22 is now available and operating in PALADIN 4 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : functional improvements Multi-links capabilities extension Separated “receive only” Network with independent TN management Multi-TDL Data Forwarding L22 and J-sat integration L11 Tactical picture optimization Several correlation modes (algorithms, protocols) Standard ML 186 Multi-platforms (Innovative correlation algorithm issued from DCN R&D) L16 /J-sat PU PU PU L11 PU J U J U J U L16 J U J U Data registration to compensate errors from other units 5 PU European leader in naval defence L22 PALADIN : technical improvements PC / Linux based (upgraded from HP-RT) Separation of core TDL functions from external interfaces with TDL equipment (1553, NTDS, RSxxx, Simple, Ethernet…) with Graphical User Interface with other CMS functions with CMS data model TDL generic and scalable Unique internal language compatible with J-series messages Any number of instantiation for each type of Link TDL framework 6 Operator has access to a single information (whatever number and link origin) Tracks management C&C management DF module Operations network "Receive only" network Uniq ue In terna l Lan guag e link link Link 11 Link 16 European leader in naval defence link link Link 22 link Link 11 Link 16 PALADIN : L22’s implementation Approach to define boundaries and choices : Working groups to bring together French Navy Operational personnel, Representatives of French Government, and DCN Team Involvement in the link22 OIWG : Questions to link 22 community (Nile PMO and nations) Three DCLP have been proposed Correction of addressing rules Improvements of HUR protocol Addressing modes default values for Link 22 Messages French concept of use of MASN has been presented PALADIN : implements these DLCP (also DLCP to change EW link 22 messages with FJ messages) Implements the capability to choose for each object or category of objects addressing modes to use during the operation Enables the association between tactical filters and MASN (principle of French concept for the use of MASN) 7 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : Architecture Architecture of PALADIN DIS Added for L22 implementation L22 Gateway Environment Simulation (STR) Ethernet Prototype PALADIN V2 L22 Gateway L11-1 Gateway Tracking (TATIANA) L16-1 Gateway NTDS 1553 B Or simple/Jsat GDL PALADIN PALADIN Modified for L22 implementation Modified for L22 implementation 8 L11-2 Gateway Tactical network Ethernet HCI 1 HCI … L16-2 Gateway NTDS 1553 B Or simple/Jsat HCI 55 HCI Modified for L22 implementation European leader in naval defence Prototype PALADIN : L22’s implementation Interface implemented : SNC v8 Choice inferred by the state of the art of link 22 at this date : SNC v9 final documents not available Testing tool (MLST3) available in our premises currently implements SNCd v8 Just notice : Implementation completeness Technical & tactical interface (IDD DLP SNC V8) : Nearly 100% Limited effort to upgrade PALADIN to SN v9 Small step except messages and protocols based on Tactical Network Management Messages SNMU, NMU roles implemented Tactical messages implementation (5522 and 5616 vol II et III) : Big step semantics equivalent to the link 16’s PALADIN implementation (all services and type of objects are implemented) PALADIN V2 (SNC v8) PALADIN V1 9 European leader in naval defence PALADIN SNC v9 PALADIN : Integration and qualification MLST3 (Northrop Grumman tool) has been used Platform configuration used to validate all functionnalities For protocols compliance, For system to system compliance, Two PALADIN Systems (Host / DLPd) connected to the MLST3 inside a scenario including : 3 Nile Networks Several MASN 8 Nile Units (2 PALADIN and 6 simulated) Extra-network relays PALADIN takes the SNMU and NMU roles. 10 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : Integration and qualification View of laboratory Second PALADIN system First PALADIN system MLST3 system 11 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Planning Phase : XML files (Platform and Network) edited through specific HCI to configure the SNC and perform Nile Networks Configuration 12 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Initialization of the system : main actions / views Enter platform TN and block TN 13 Once planning data has been loaded and SNC is initialized European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Technical capabilities : SN view, SNMU capabilities SN Participants SN Connectivity Roles management MASN Management Address Management Status Management MASN, address, status SN Directory 14 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Technical capabilities : NN view, NMU capabilities Actions : - NN initialization, - NN reconfiguration, - LNE, - DTDMA activation OLM data View Selection: - network monitoring, - NN connectivity, - NCS view Alerts / information / actions recording 15 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Technical capabilities : NN view, network monitoring Bandwidth supervision (TS used for transmission and relay ) Surveillance of index congestion (weighted average by message priority) 16 Supervision of data error rate Supervision of DTDMA traffic (grants, requests and allocations) European leader in naval defence Prototype PALADIN : HCI Tactical capabilities \ Some L22 display items of tactical screen Action to activate L22 The hooked track is transmitted on link 22 L22 Broadcast Policy L22 is ON Link status : L22 is ON and belongs to the main logical network L22 gateway and Nile Communication Equipment are operative 17 Data-forwarding policy : Action to activate dataforwarding to L22 European leader in naval defence Reception links priority policy Prototype PALADIN : HCI Tactical capabilities \ L22 data filters HCI to create, manage, activate tactical filters including link 22 information 18 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Tactical capabilities : association of MASN and filters PALADIN (as a NU or NMU) is notified of the creation of a MASN The operator (if SNMU role is held) can create / modify/ delete) MASN The operator (whatever L22 role) can associate tactical filter with a MASN This point is issued from French MASN Concept (proposed and discussed during OIWG meeting) 19 European leader in naval defence PALADIN : HCI Tactical capabilities \ Choice for addressing modes Use of addressing modes is not specified by any standard document With Paladin, operator can select in real time addressing mode for every type of objects Default values are loaded at the starting Implementation issued from DLCP “Addressing modes default values for Link 22 Messages” written by DCN for OIWG french delegation 20 European leader in naval defence SENIT8-PALADIN-LINKS : an incremental process Based on the TDL operational feedback of the CVN Charles De Gaulle CMS called “SENIT8”,… ...DCN has developed the TDL prototype “Paladin” to validate new multi-links and multi-nets concepts… …before developing “LINKS”, the new open architecture TDL product. Mid term technical step Short term functional step L11 Senit 8 TDL L16 21 L16 sat L11 L22 European leader in naval defence SUMMARY PALADIN system : full multi-link system including data-forwarding capability to implement L22. Trials will be conducted at sea shortly. Prototype Design and Development Process is adapted to the integration of a new Tactical Data Link (New Concepts, new protocols) MLST3 contribution for the integration and validation steps PALADIN Project : successful (compliance to the requirements, in the budget and time frame allocated) Some concepts / doctrines should reach an agreement and/or be improved by the operational users community (to obtain the best interoperability) : MASN concept, FTC/SNMU/JICO roles, for example 22 European leader in naval defence