Room Five`s Poems - Good Shepherd School
Room Five`s Poems - Good Shepherd School
GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL * Hello * Kia Ora * Malo e Lelei * Namaste * Cead Mile Failte * Talofa Lava * * Kia Orana * Zdravo * Dzien Dobry * Apa Kabar * Guten Tag * An Nyung Ha Se Yo * * Privet * Kwaziwai * Mabuhay Kayo * Kon Nichi Wa * Hola * Ola * Salaam * Fakalofa Atu Update Notice 7 April 2016 Parish and School Mass Sunday 10 April at 9.30 a.m. at Good Shepherd Church We are a parish school and once a term we gather with the parish community to celebrate Mass. This will be an opportunity for you to meet our new parish priest, Fr Philip Sullivan, and assistant priest, Fr Lito, who will be accompanying our singing. The school is responsible for the singing at this Mass and we ask that you please support the children by joining in with the singing during the service. Because our own special feast day, the Feast of the Good Shepherd, is on the Sunday after the end of term, we will also be using this occasion to honour Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Good Shepherd Awards This week we congratulate Aisling Byrne from Room 2 and Xavier Setefano from Room 6 for winning the Good Shepherd Awards. Aisling and Xavier are great role models for our values of care, respect and honesty. All Good Shepherd children must wear school uniform and will be sitting with their families on this special occasion. Thank you for your commitment to your school and its Catholic special character. A message from the Good Shepherd School Caring Committee Thank you to all the people who have volunteered to be a part of the GSS Caring Committee for 2016. If you haven’t already volunteered and would like to, could you please send an email to [email protected] and state how you would like to help - meals, baking, extra lunches, transporting children, etc. We hope to only call on each committee member once throughout the year. As most of you are aware the Caring Committee has in the past collected can and packet items on the first Tuesday of every month. These items then go to the Good Shepherd Parish and are distributed to those in need. To make this process easier we have decided to ask all school families to bring along a can or packet item to our Parish Family Masses. Our first Parish Family Mass is this Sunday, 10th April. Please drop your items into the plastic bins located in the church foyer on your way into Mass on Sunday. We will also like to have a can collection once a term for the wider community. These items will be collected on the last day of every term. The cans would be stored and go towards the Auckland Catholic schools initiative called ‘Cans for Christmas’. We welcome Malia DeLacey as the new Caring Committee Co-ordinator from the start of Term 2, 2016. Please don’t hesitate to contact Malia if you feel there is a need in the school community. Malia can be contacted on [email protected] Thank you so much for your continuing support. Clare Fala SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DUES SPONSORSHIP SCHEME The Attendance Dues Sponsorship Scheme - has been created to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of attendance dues, for students attending Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese, both primary and secondary. The purpose of the sponsorship scheme is to allow parents or caregivers facing financial hardship another option to seek relief where they may be reluctant to approach their school for help. The existing financial hardship scheme – operated by your school – is also available to parents or caregivers facing hardship and we do encourage families facing financial difficulties to please contact your school office. Application forms are available from school and parish offices, or can be down-loaded from the Catholic Schools Office Website: (go to Property and Finance / Finance / Attendance Dues) If you have any queries or require assistance with the payment of attendance dues under the sponsorship scheme, you are invited to phone in confidence, Carol Krebs (Ph. 360 3069) at the Auckland Diocese office. Applications to the sponsorship scheme for 2016 attendance dues will be accepted by the Auckland Common Fund Ltd up to November 2016. Enrolments at Good Shepherd School If you have any pre-schoolers at home or know of anyone who is interested in enrolling their child at Good Shepherd School, please enquire at the office for a pre-enrolment form. Swimming Pool Hire Keys A reminder to families who hired a GSS swimming pool key for the season that keys need to be returned to the school office by tomorrow, Friday 8th April 2016. Incorporated in the key hire charge is a bond of $30.00. This bond is refundable if the key is returned to the school office by 8th April 2016. If the key is not returned by this date, you will lose your bond. Whole school prayer Room 6 will be leading our whole school prayer next Monday at 8.55am. Three Way Conferences Thank you all for your attendance at the Three Way Conferences this week. This triangular partnership between student, parent and teacher is immensely important for us to be successful in supporting your children to reach their potential. It is a busy time for teachers but one that they find very rewarding as they meet and talk to you and your child about his or her learning. The priority given by parents and caregivers at Good Shepherd to this process is obvious in that we have almost 100% attendance. Remember, though, that you do not have to wait for these formal occasions to talk to your child’s teacher about his or her learning. If you have any questions or concerns about any aspect of classroom programs please contact your child’s teacher who will be happy to listen and discuss these with you. Walking School Bus On Wednesday morning, Happy Feet made a surprise visit into school to thank the Walking School Bus children for doing their part and walking to school. Happy Feet brought along some muffins for the children and stayed to take some photos with them! We are so happy that there is a new Walking School Bus that has just started up! Thank you to all the wonderful parents who help out! To join a Walking School Bus, check out our school website for the routes. Keep up the great walking! School Uniform Just a reminder that the children change to winter uniform for terms 2 and 3. Long sleeve polos, skivvies and jerseys are available from the uniform shop on Thursday mornings between 8.30am and 9.00am. Please note the school does not sell black socks or shoes. We have a limited stock of boys’ winter shorts however, Schooltex brand winter school shorts are available at The Warehouse. Safety in the car park Thank you to those parents and caregivers who take extra care when driving down Telford Avenue, and Volcanic and Pine Streets when dropping off and picking up children. We are all responsible for the safety of all our children and we ask that everybody respect the limit of 40km/hour during those crucial before school and after school times. Please avoid driving your cars up to the school entrance in Telford Avenue any time before or after school, even if the chain is not up, as there are many children walking in this area in front of the church at these times. Imaginary Play for Year 5 and 6 students Once again our Year 5 and 6 students are invited to participate in Imaginary Play sessions at lunchtimes on Fridays. This is one of those great parent-run initiatives that encourages children to play cooperatively and in ways that may be different from the usual form of play they engage in, using different, non-routine equipment. Part of this approach is to encourage children to take acceptable risk in their play, and although we do not normally allow children to climb trees during the school day, they are allowed to do so during the Imaginary Play sessions. As always, our first consideration is the safety and well-being of our students and we believe that by encouraging them to judge what is acceptable in terms of risk will equip them with skills to make good judgements in the future. If you do not want your child to participate in this particular activity, please communicate this to the school office in writing. We thank Julie McKenzie for organizing these sessions for our senior students. Board of Trustees Meeting The next meeting of our Board of Trustees is Tuesday 12th April 2016 at 7.00 p.m. in the Meeting Room. PTA Movie Night this Friday 8 April Movie: Hotel Transylvania 2 Venue: School hall Doors open 5.30pm – movie starts at 6pm $10 for family pass / $5 individual pass Free popcorn/sweets School Holiday Prize Pack Raffle $2 per ticket, 6 major prizes to be won! – also spot prizes on the night! To be drawn at the end of the movie. Dress up as your favourite movie character or come in your PJ’s. NB: Parents please be reminded that this is not a “drop and run” event. Children attending the movie must have one adult supervisor with them. PTA CORNER SUSHI ORDERS A reminder to put the following details on the order envelope: Child’s name / Room number / what sushi the child is ordering (how much – 4, 6 or 8 pieces or T/C on Rice). It really helps the sushi volunteers if you have the correct amount in the envelope. Speaking of volunteers – have you thought of becoming a sushi volunteer? If yes, please contact: [email protected] The PTA AGM is occurring soon - keep your eyes and ears open for the date - anyone can attend, the more the merrier! PTA Fall Ball on Saturday 7 May. This is the first weekend after the start of term 2. It’s a great night out for the adults of our community and an opportunity for us to get to know each other better in an informal setting. Please book your babysitters and your tickets as soon as possible. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time for the various fundraisers and PTA events this term, it is very much appreciated and it helps our school immensely! Holey Fathers/PTA Working Bee This Saturday, April 9th from 1pm... This is our first working bee for the year with the aim to have a general weeding and tidy up of all the school gardens and play ground area. The school is due to have a visit from the Catholic Schools office early term 2 and we would like the school to look at its best. Many thanks to the Holey Fathers for their assistance. Everyone is welcome to come and help, it is a great opportunity for the children to help maintain the school grounds. BYO gloves and garden tools (brooms, rakes, spades, etc.) VENUE CHANGE: Unfortunately KISS KISS will not be ready to open on Friday 15th. New Details below: Date: Friday 15th April Time: from 6.30pm VENUE: The Clare Inn, 278 Dominion Road, Mt Eden. Any questions or if you would like more information on Good Shepherd Mother Superiors please contact Catherine – 0274948603 or [email protected] If you are able to contribute toward afternoon tea for the workers all donations are gratefully received. Please contact Lisa on [email protected] Reminder: Parish Family Mass 9.30 am Sunday 10th April, celebrating the Feast of the Good Shepherd. Students are to come to mass in their school uniform prior to 9.15am. We encourage families to sit together and towards the front of the church, leaving space for those that may arrive a little late. Please also support our students by singing, we sound a lot better if we all sing together as a community. Good luck to the flippaball teams who are playing in the finals this week. End of Term 1 Term 1 finishes on Friday 8th April 2016 at 3pm. Term 2 commences at 8.50am on Monday 2nd May. Dine By Donation at Meredith’s Restaurant Please refer to the following flyer regarding dining at Meredith’s Restaurant in Mt Eden on a Tuesday evening between 5th April and 31st May 2016 in support of fundraising for Felix Taito, for future combined Microtia and Atresia surgery in the US.
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Room Five`s Poems - Good Shepherd School
* Hello * Kia Ora * Malo e Lelei * Namaste * Cead M ile Failte * Talofa Lava *
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