Etienne LEHMANN: Curriculum Vitae


Etienne LEHMANN: Curriculum Vitae
CRED (TEPP) University Panthéon-Assas Paris 2.
Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address: 12 Place du Panthéon, 75 231, Paris Cedex 05, France.
Physical Address: 21 rue Valette, 75 005, Paris, France.
Last updated: September 5, 2016.
Born on November 9, 1972, in Lille, France.
Married with Emmanuelle TAUGOURDEAU
3 kids (Joséphine born in 2000, Valentine born in 2003 and Victor born in 2006)
Current Position
Professor in Economics, University Panthéon–Assas Paris II, aggrégé des universités.
Deputy Director of CRED (Centre de Recherches en Economie et Droit, Paris Center in Law and
Economics – Université Panthéon–Assas Paris II).
Junior member of Institut Universitaire de France (2012 – 2017).
External member of IRES, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Associate Research fellow at IZA, Bonn, Germany.
Research fellow at CESifo, Munich, Germany.
Research Fellow in the Public Economics Program of CEPR, London, UK (2016-...).
Member of the Conseil des Prélèvements Obligatoires, Paris, France (2014–2018).
Ph’D in Economics, University Paris 1, 1998 (Pierre CAHUC (supervisor), Louis-André GERARDVARET (chair), Bruno VAN DER LINDEN (referee), Jean-Louis RULLIERE (referee) Michel SOLLOGHOUB).
M.A. Economics (DEA Macroéconomie, Modélisation et Conjoncture), University Paris 1, 1995,
(Pierre CAHUC supervisor).
ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistiques et des Etudes Economiques - MA in Economics and
Statistics), Malakoff, 1992–1995.
Preparatory classes in Mathematics and Physiques (Mathématiques Supérieures et Spéciales), Lyçée
Saint Louis, Paris 6eme (1990-1992).
Baccalauréat C (High school degree in Mathematics and Physics), Lyçée Fénélon, Lille, 1990.
Professional Experiences
University Panthéon-Assas Paris 2 (Professor) 2002-2006 and 2012–...
Visiting scholar (Fulbright grant) University of California Berkeley (January–August 2014)
CREST (On leave full research position) 2006–2012.
University Jean Monnet of Saint Etienne (Professor) 2000 – 2002.
University Panthéon Assas Paris 2 (Maître de conférences - Lecturer) 1999–2000.
Journal Articles
1. A la recherche des incitations perdues : Pour une fusion de la prime d’activité, de la CSG, des
cotisations sociales et de l’impôt sur le revenu, Revue Française d’Économie, XXXI, 153–185, 2016.
2. Beyond the Labour Income Tax Wedge: The Unemployment-Reducing Effect of Tax Progressivity, with Claudio LUCIFORA, Simone MORICONI and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, International
Tax and Public Finance, 23:3, 454–489, 2016.
3. Inefficient equilibrium unemployment in a duocentric economy with matching frictions, with
Paola L. MONTERO LEDEZMA and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, Journal of Urban Economics, 91,
26–44, 2016.
4. Tax Me If You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax between Competing Governments, with
Laurent SIMULA and Alain TRANNOY, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129:4, 1995–2030,
5. “Renforcer la progressivité des prélèvements sociaux", with Yannick L’HORTY, Revue Française
d’Économie, XXIX, 25–61, 2014.
6. Optimal income taxation with Kalai wage bargaining and endogenous participation, with Laurence JACQUET and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, Social Choice and Welfare, 42(2), 381–402, 2014.
7. A la recherche d’une fiscalité optimale des revenus, Revue Française d’Économie, XXVII(4), 159–
204, 2013.
8. The Optimal Marginal Tax Rates with both Extensive and Intensive Responses, with Laurence
JACQUET and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, Journal of Economic Theory, 148(5), 1770–1805, 2013.
9. Labor earnings respond differently to income tax and payroll tax reforms, with François MARICAL and Laurence RIOUX, Journal of Public Economics, 99(1), 66–84, 2013.
10. Wage Rigidity or Fiscal Redistribution: The credibility issue, with Manon DOMINGUES DOS
SANTOS, Economics Bulletin, 32(4), 2801–2807, 2012. link
11. A Search Model of Unemployment and Inflation, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), 245–
266, 2012.
12. Optimal income taxation with endogenous participation and search unemployment, with Alexis
PARMENTIER and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, Journal of Public Economics, 95(11–12), 1523–37,
13. A Simple Theory of Optimal Redistributive Taxation with Equilibrium Unemployment, with
Publique, 22–23, pp. 203–218.
14. Credit constraints and the persistence of unemployment, with Elie KOLAKEZ and Nicolas L
DROMEL, Labour Economics, 17(5), 823–34, 2010.
15. Search Frictions on Product and Labor markets: Money in the Matching Function, with Bruno
VAN DER LINDEN, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 14(1), 56–92, 2010.
16. On the Optimality of A Minimum Wage: New Insights from Optimal Tax Theory, with Mathias
HUNGERBÜHLER, Journal of Public Economics, 93(3–4), 464–481, 2009.
17. Minimum Wage or Negative Income Tax: Why Skilled Workers May Favor Wage Rigidities,
with Maya BACACHE-BEAUVALLET, Spanish Economic Review, 10(1), pp. 63–81, 2008.
18. On the optimality of search matching equilibrium when workers are risk averse, with Bruno
VAN DER LINDEN, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 9(5), 867–884, 2007.
19. Optimal Income Taxation and the shape of average tax rates, with Jean HINDRICKS and Alexis
PARMENTIER, Economics Bulletin, 8(2), 1–6, 2006, link
20. Optimal Redistributive Taxation in a Search Equilibrium Model, with Mathias HUNGERBÜHLER, Alexis PARMENTIER and Bruno VAN DER LINDEN, Review of Economic Studies, 73(3),
715–739, 2006.
21. Why will technical change not be permanently skill-biased?, with Patricia CRIFO, Review of
Economic Dynamics, 7(1), 157–180, 2004.
22. Strategic Interactions on structural reform between integrated countries: What lessons for the
EU?, with Emmanuelle TAUGOURDEAU, Journal of Economic Integration, 19(1), 46–53, 2004.
23. Evaluation de la mise en place d’un système d’allocation universelle en présence de qualifications hétérogènes : le rôle institutionnel du chômage et du salaire minimum", Economie et
prévision, 157, 2003-1, 31–50.
24. Faut-il inciter l’offre ou la demande de travail peu qualifié ?, with Pierre CAHUC, Revue Economique,
53(6), 1305–1327, 2002.
25. Should Unemployment Benefits decrease with unemployment spell?, with Pierre CAHUC,
Journal of Public Economics, 77(1), 135–153, 2000.
26. L’impact de l’assurance chômage et de l’assistance chômage sur le chômage d’équilibre, Annales
d’Economie et de Statistiques, 53, 31–42, 1999.
27. L’indemnisation du chômage : les enseignements de la théorie économique, Revue Française
d’Économie, XIV-4, 159–187, 1999.
28. Quel est le niveau optimal des allocations chômage dans les modèles de négociations salariales
?, Recherches Economiques de Louvain/Louvain Economic Review, 63(4), 389–419, 1997.
Contributions to Collective books
29. Laisser faire ou régulation ? Une synthèse des théories économiques, dans Régulation économique
et démocratie, coordonné par Martine Lombard, collection thèmes et commentaires, Editions
Dalloz, 2006.
30. Réduction de la durée du travail, chômage et croissance dans un modèle de négociations salariales avec détermination centralisée des allocations chômage, chapitre 9 in Cahuc, P. et P. Granier
éditeurs, La réduction du temps de travail une solution pour l’emploi ?, Economica, 1997.
Unpublished Working papers
31. Optimal Income Taxation with Unemployment and Wage Responses: A Sufficient Statistics Approach" with Kory KROFT, Kavan KUCKO and Johannes SCHMIEDER, NBER Working Paper
21757, 2015.
32. Optimal Income Taxation when Skills and Behavioral Elasticities are Heterogeneous, with Laurence JACQUET, CESifo Working Paper 5265, 2015 (preceding version Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with Multidimensional Types: The Case with Heterogeneous Behavioral Responses, THEMA working paper 2014-01, 2014)
33. A Median Voter Theorem for Postelections politics, with Dhammika DHARMAPALA University of Connecticut, Department of Economics, Working Papers 2003-47.
Contributions in Media
34. L’amendement Ayrault sur la fiscalité ne doit pas être repoussé, le, 9 décembre 2015,
with Olivier BARGAIN and Alain TRANNOY.
35. IR: en finir avec l’impôt qui cache la forêt !, Telos, October 6th 2015 , with Laurence JACQUET.
36. Aujourd’hui, les citoyens ne comprennent plus vraiment ce qu’ils paient, interview in Les Echos,
September 29th 2015, interviewed by Ingrid FEUERSTEIN.
37. Prélèvement à la source : l’année blanche en 2016 pour éviter un quinquennat noir, a Olivier
BARGAIN and Alain TRANNOY le, 17 juin 2015.
38. Réductions de charges : priorité aux bas salaires, tribune cosignée avec 35 collègues, parue dans
le Monde du 6 fevrier 2014.
39. Le chômage devrait baisser d’ici à 2017, avec Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, Marc Ferracci,
Olivier Galland, Jean-Olivier Hairault, Francis Kramarz, Franck Malherbet et André Zylberberg, paru dans Le Monde 10 avril 2013.
40. Compétitivité : le piège des baisses de cotisations mal ciblées, avec Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Carcillo, Marc Ferracci, Jean-Olivier Hairault, Francis Kramarz et André Zylberberg, parue dans
Les Echos, 24 octobre 2012.
41. Combiner la théorie du chômage et celle de la fiscalité pour améliorer la redistribution, parue
dans Le Monde Economie, mardi 24 mai 2011.
42. Pourquoi la politique d’allègement des charges sur les bas salaires est justifiée, Telos, 26 septembre 2006
43. Baisse des cotisations patronales ou incitations au travail ?, avec Pierre CAHUC, parue dans
Les Echos, le 29 mai 2000.
Nominated for the prize of best young French économistes - Le cercle des economistes - Le monde
Economie, May 23rd 2011
Professional responsabilities
Deputy director of CRED - Université Panthéon - Assas Paris 2 (2013 –...)
Editorial responsibilities
Associate Editor to Journal of Public Economic Theory (2016–...).
Associate Editor to Annals of Economics and Statistics (2010–...).
Guest Editor for the special issue of Annals of Economics and Statistics on the Economics of taxation,
113–114, 2014, with Emmanuelle Taugourdeau and Robin Boadway.
Associate Editor to Economics Bulletin (2008–2013).
Associate Editor to Louvain Economic Review (-2014).
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Econometrica, Economics
Bulletin, Economic Journal, European Economic Review, European Journal of Law and Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, Finanzarchiv, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Integration, Journal of Economic Interaction and
Coordination, Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Journal
of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Labour, Labour Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Mathematical and Social Science, Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics,
Review of Economic Dynamics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Income and Wealth, Scandinavian
Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal.
Annales d’Économie et de Statistiques, Revue Française d’Économie, Économie et Statistiques, Economie
et Prévision, Revue d’Économie Politique, Revue Économique, Recherches Économiques de Louvain.
Workshop organization
12eme Conference annuelle de Fédération TEPP (Travail Emploi Politique Publiques), Paris II
September 21st − 22nd 2015.
Workshop Economics of Taxation at ENS Cachan, GENES, ERMES University Paris 2, ENS Cachan
and ADRES), with Emmanuelle Taugourdeau and Robin Boadway, July 1st − 2nd 2013.
IZA Workshop The Economics of Labor Income Taxation, Bonn, with Pierre Cahuc, Stéphane Gauthier, Guy Laroque and Konstantinos Tatsiramos, September 12th − 13th 2008.
Scientific committee of the 56th annual congress of AFSE (French Association of Economic Science)
2007 and 2009.
Workshop Search-Matching models of money and labor, ERMES - Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas,
December 11th 2002.
Member of the local organization committee of the 14th EALE meeting (European Association of
Labour Economists), Paris 1, 2002.
Member of the local organization committee of the 3th congress of the Association of Public Economic Theory, Paris 1, July 2002.
Workshop Recent advances in political economics, EUREQua (Paris 1) - ENS - T2M - Fédération
Jourdan May 13th and 14th 2002.