The Lake Guardian - Lake Charlevoix Association


The Lake Guardian - Lake Charlevoix Association
The Lake Guardian
Spring 2015
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Pine River Bridge #2 /Sketches courtesy of Charlevoix Historical Society
Pine River’s Earliest Bridges
by Joel VanRoekel
the posted speed limit. Waiting for the bridge to go down when you are in a hurry can take considerably longer. The Pine River crossing has been an issue since settlers made their way here in the
1850’s. Back then, the river was narrower, curvier, and in spots, faster flowing than it is today.
Trees lined the stream, hung over its surface, and fell into the
water among rocks and other obstacles. It was impossible to
float from Lake Michigan to Round Lake without hoisting your
boat over or around these natural blockades.
Using shovels and horse drawn scrapers, the townsfolk
gradually cleared the channel enough to permit travel all the
way in from Lake Michigan or out from Round Lake. Somewhere around 1859 there is mention of the first bridge to span
the river. Being about four feet wide and two feet above the
water, it was for pedestrians only. Hand-driven pilings supported wooden planks on stringers except at the very center of the
channel. At that point, planks were just laid across the middle
of the river and left there until a boat needed to pass through.
Sailors would reach up from the deck of their vessel, slide the
planks off to one side, pull themselves through, and then reset
the planks for the pedestrian traffic. Anything big or heavy was
floated across by ferry rafts, scows, or pulled with horse-drawn
wagons. The trip was fairly easy as the river was only about
two feet deep and around 60 feet wide.
Five years later, the log bridge was replaced by a “jackknife” affair built on pilings. It was wide enough for a single
cart and stood a towering 16 feet above the water. A log tripod
securing a 30-foot pole stood on the south side. A rope led
from a winch, up the pole and down to the north end of the
draw. When lifted, the opening would allow a sailboat to pass
Spring 2015
2 - From the President
3 - Neighborhoods on Guard
3 - Boater Safety
through. While this seemed to be a more elegant solution than
sliding planks away from the opening, the draw or trap was so
heavy that David Nettleton, town pioneer, said, “It took nearly
the entire available population of the town to manipulate the
draw.” The bridge was later rebuilt with two traps requiring
men on each side of the channel to be available if both traps
needed to be raised.
Pencil sketch of first bridge in 1859
3 - Recovering a Natural Shoreline
4-6 - Members List
7 - Membership Figures/Memorials
continued page 9
8 - Lake Levels
8 - Septic Study
10 - LCA Ambassadors/News Bites
Mike Dow
It’s been a busy winter
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Presidential Meanders
. . . . . . . .
for your LCA Board. We are
excited to announce that the
Inland Seas Sailing Ship will
again this year be providing
our members and local officials
with educational sailing trips
on June 29 and 30. Funding
for this event comes from a
watershed grant and from LCA
member dues. The sessions
on the boat will include water
quality study by the Inland
Seas staff, observations and
discussions about the benefits
and funcWe are excited to
quality greenbelts, and what we can all do
announce a new,
to protect the Lake. This event was very
easier to attain,
well received in 2014. Seats are limited for
the 2015 trips and will fill quickly, so watch category of Lake
Guardian. Anyone
your email for announcements about signing up. As noted below, anyone that agrees
that signs on to
to work toward improving their greenbelt
begin improving
will have priority. Watch your email for
their greenbelt can
sign up information.
be part of the Lake
We were flattered when the Glen Lake
Association, GLA, contacted us to ask us to Guardian Program.
work with them to develop their own Lake
Guardian Program. We have since learned
that others are looking at similar initiatives. This fact gives us
confidence that we are on the right track with our Lake Guardian Program, but we really would like more participation, SO…
We are excited to announce a new, easier to attain, category
LCA Board
of Trustees
Dan Mishler - President
Paul Weston - 1st Vice President
Joel VanRoekel - 2nd Vice President
Mike Dow - Treasurer
of Lake Guardian. The name for this new level of participation
in protecting the Lake is yet to be determined, but in effect,
anyone that signs on to begin improving their greenbelt can
be part of the Lake Guardian Program. As a perk for doing
this, folks that sign up will have first shot at the boat trip on
the Inland Seas in June. We will also be offering “waterfront
gardening” workshops this summer to help folks plan their
projects. Please let us know if you are interested in participating and adding natural beauty to your greenbelt.
We have also begun work on a major project to write, produce and publish a book highlighting the beauty and wonder
of Lake Charlevoix. The plan is for this keepsake book to be
a whole lot of “feel good” with some science mixed in. Stay
tuned for updates and options for obtaining your copy.
Also on our plate:
• We are still hoping more people will “Adopt a Reef” for
their area. Please contact us if you would like to head up
a team.
• Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, TOMWC, recently
completed a study of tributary input to Lake Charlevoix.
That revealing data will be published and addressed soon.
• As part of our watershed grant with TOMWC, LIAA (a
community planning organization from Traverse City)
has been working with local, township and city officials
to develop ordinance suggestions aimed at protecting the
Lake. Their very useful data is available at
• Three LCA board members sit on a county-wide committee looking at septic issues around the Lake. It is our hope
that this committee will soon make a recommendation for
improving septic management in Charlevoix County.
Whew! Is it summer yet? We are working to protect what we
all love. We do sincerely hope you will join us. If you would
like to help, or would like to be added to our email list, please
email us at [email protected].
Sherry Pursel - Secretary
Chris Heroy - Director
Joe Kimmell - Director
Larry Levengood - Director
Paul Witting - Director
Dan Mishler, LCA President
Like us on Facebook!
Members List continued
MEC Family Investments, LLC
and Martha Condit
Jeff & Carol MacFarlane
A Mahorski and Lore/Bernie
Paul & Kimberley Maise
Howard & Suzanne Majors
Gary Malone
Thomas Manning
Charlie & Nan Marr
Jeffrey & Christine Mason
Roger & Cheryl Mathews
Robert & Lynn Maxwell
Bill & Bettty Mayes
John & Brenda McCarthy
Carol McCarus
Joseph & M Kathryn McCulloch
Roland & Elizabeth McElroy
Dennis & Freya McGinty
George & Kay McKnight
James & Francoise McMurtrie
Kim & Cindy McPheeters
Paul & Anne Menke
Peggy Midener and Wendy
Bruce & Miriam Milen
Duane & Nancy Miller
Ron & Trish Miller
Thomas & Barbara Miller
Daniel & Martha Mishler
Thomas Molen
Donna Moll
Pierre & Amy Moncion
Skip & Nancy Moore
Patrick & Sharon Moran
Charles & Carol Morris
Gregg & Amy Motter
Glen & Kirsten Mottershead
Robert & Cassandra Mudloff
Bob & Joyce Mueller
Muir Family, LLC
NWM Properties, LLC and Doug
Emil & Pat Nelson
Charles & Kathleen Nemes
Daniel & Anne Nemes
Terry & Marilyn Nielsen
Bill & Deb Noblett
H Austin & Karen Olmstead
Charles & Margaret Ondrick
Ralph & Carol Opper
Gerhard Osterbeck
James & Rayma Ott
Randy & Karen Parker
Tony & Joyce Parker
Joe & Helen Pascucci
Kenneth & Dorothy Patterson
Richard & Penny Persiani
Doug & Karen Peters
Greg & Ginny Peters
Charles & Claudia Phillips
Douglas & Arlene Pierce
Richard & Connie Pierce
Brian & Joan Platt
Jack & Danielle Poindexter
Elizabeth Proulx
Matt & Becky Purvis
Peter & Nancy Quigley
Carol Raitzer
Edward & Ann Rebman
Mary Redman
Paul & Paulette Regula
George & Irene Reich
Craig & Terri Reynolds
Fish Richard
Rock & Nancy Ringold
Rick & Cheryl Robrahn
John Root and Wendy/Barbara
Rex & Janice Rosenhaus
Daniel & Alice Ross
Henry & Carol Ross
Jim & Betty Ryan
Bill & Jan Salisbury
Connie Saltonstall
Bruce & Katy Sanderson
Bruce & Ruth Sanderson
Jim & Nancy Sanderson
Richard Sands
Richard & Betty Jo Sarchet
Robert & Paula Schenck
Fred & Deborah Schira
Gary & Patricia Schleif
Edward Schreiber
Lawrence & Elizabeth Schwartz
Peter & Elizabeth Seaver
David & Lynn Seeber
Ed & Dorothy Segowski
Matthew & Nancy Simon
Fritz & Cathy Simons and James
& Margo Parker
David & Sharon Sinclair
Mark & Ann Sinclair
David & Judy Smith
Dick & Donna Smith
Thomas & Lesley Smith
William Snell
Thomas & Kathy Snow
Richard & Christine Sobak
Richard & Linda Southby
Joseph & Patricia Springer
Larry & Lynn Sroka
John Stevens and Jane Diller
Bill & Betsy Stewart
John & Karen Stewart
Richard & Barbara Stone
Chuck & Ellen Story
Sidney & Olga Stott and
Stephanie Nelson
B Thomas & Sarah Stover
Charlie & Julie Stratton
Gerald & Marcia Strausbaugh
Ed & Diane Strzelinski
Randal & Barbara Swiech
Virginia Swisher
Richard & Katherine Tangeman
David & Jeanne Tennent
Thomas & Patricia Terry
Paul & Deborah Theriault
Victor & Arlene Thomas
George & Ruth Thompson
Charles & Mary Thornton, IV
Donald & Kathlyn Tuckey
Norlin & Judy Tymes
John & Wilma Tysse
George & Betsy Valentine
Gordon & Susan Van Wieren
Peter & Eleanor Vance
Lee & Suzanne Veldboom
Leon Vercruysse and Andrea
Dean & Susan Vincent
Kenneth & Nancy Visser
John & Susan Vrondran
Bill & Janet Vuillemot
David & Darlene Wade
Larry & Alice Wallie
John & Vickie Walters
Lester & Katherine Warner
Bob & Laurie Watson
Eugene Weber, Jr and Lawrence
& Elaine Weber
Paul & Lesley Weber
Jeff Wellman
Allen & Noreen Welsby
William & Danielle
Wentworth, Jr
Mike & Maureen Whitehead
Patricia & Mary Wickowski
Don & Sue Wierenga
Michael & Kimberly Wiersema
Jeffrey & Alison Williams
Christine Willis
Mary Jane Wilson and Robert &
Catherine Wilson
Robert & Leona Winchester
Daniel & Connie Wollschlager
Frederick & Diana Woodbridge
Arch & Trish Wright, Jr
Lonny & Sandy Zietz
- Chris Christensen
- Karen Colburn
- Richard Fish
- Tammy Hutchinson
- Marty Moody
- Mary Moore
- Mike Webster
Martha Mishler, Realtor
North By Nature Landscapes
Park of the Pines Campground/
Roger Elkins
RE/MAX of Charlevoix
- Steve Andreae
- Greg Bryan
- Kevin Roush
- Joseph & Christie Vogelheim
RE/MAX Resort Properties
- Keisha Veryser
Shindorff Builders
Site Planning Development
Swan Valley Marina
Van Dam Custom Boats
Vidosh North
Viridis Living, Inc
Ye Nyne Olde Holles Golf Club, LLC
Ace Hardware - Charlevoix
Armstrong Environmental, LLC
Bingham Insurance Services
Boyne Co-Op True Value
Bulmann Dock & Lift
Dan Wood Co
Green Room Landscape
Harborage Park Association
Huff Pharmacy
Inspired Living/Leslie Neilson
Catt Development
Korthase Flinn Insurance &
Financial Services
Lynda’s Real Estate Service
- Bill Christensen
- Lynda Christensen
e thank you very
much for your support.
This newsletter and many
other educational efforts
are made possible through
LCA member
Joe Kimmell
Neighborhoods on Guard
Recovering A Natural Shoreline and Greenbelt
Joe Kimmell
You may have seen our green pennants flying
around the Lake last summer. These pennants signify property
owners who have taken the Lake Guardian pledge to manage their property and greenbelt to protect the Lake against
harmful runoff and erosion. This spring and summer, our Lake
Guardian Program will expand its focus to include recognition
of specific projects that are aimed at improving shorelines and
greenbelts. While some properties may not be able to qualify
as a Lake Guardian Property, encouraging commitments to
improve these shorelines may have an even greater impact on
water quality than recognizing properties that already qualify.
Therefore, we will be seeking property owners who are willing to commit to Lake Guardian Projects that are aimed at
developing more natural shorelines and protective greenbelt
Each owner can propose his or her improvement plan,
and the project will be recognized by appropriate signage as
a “Lake Guardian Project” in progress. We will reach out to
owners to seek participants, but if you would like to commit to
an improvement project, please contact us at For those who have already signed
on as Lake Guardians, thank you and please
n our Fall newsletter, we highlighted the Harborage Park
Association for becoming the LCA’s first “Lake Guardian
Community”. Please check out the photo of their new sign
accompanying this article. We are actively seeking additional
neighborhood associations that would commit to help protect
Lake Charlevoix.
Your association can sign up to be a part of our Lake
Guardian Program in either of 2 ways: (1) A Guardian Community, like Harborage Park, works with LCA to develop a
comprehensive property
plan, adopting lake
to property
and shoreline
and greenbelt
and restoration, or (2)
A neighborhood can institute a more limited approach by proposing a
“Lake Guardian Project”, which would address some poor existing conditions, thereby improving the ability of the property
to reduce harmful runoff to the Lake.
We will be reaching out to neighborhoods around the Lake
in an effort to recruit associations to become Lake Guardian
Communities, or to develop Lake Guardian Projects. If you are
a member of a neighborhood that manages common property
on our Lake, please consider joining us.
Contact us at
Julie Stratton
Randy Goss
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Who Needs to Take a Boater Safety Course?
New Rules: Michigan has toughened the legal threshold
for boater intoxication. The blood alcohol limit was
lowered slightly from .10 to .08.
If you were born on or after 7-1-96, a Boating Safety
restrictions for anyone under twelve operating a boat
may be found at
Boater Safety Certificate by Sherry Pursel
As spring arrives and boats and personal watercraft (PWC) are
put in the water, safety questions may arise. Here are some
things you should know:
• ABoatingSafetyCertificateislegallyrequiredtooperate
a PWC if you were born after 12-31-78. If you are under 14
years of age, you may not legally operate a PWC. The ages
along with close adult supervision.
PWC operators are required by state law to wear a U.S.
Coastguard approved Personal Floatation Device (PFD)
(“life jacket”).
• MichiganconservationofficersandMichigancounty
sheriffs encourage all persons operating boats in
Michigan to enroll in a boating safety class.
online at or More
information may be found at and
at Boat safely and have a great
Members List as of March 14, 2015
Bill & Jane Allen
Bruce & Shirley Barton
William Brewster
Christopher & Sara Connor
Rollin Dart
Sandy Dauch
Hal & Ann Davis
Robert Denherder
Douglas & Maria Devos
Mike & Rhea Dow
James & Janice Eckman
Phillip & Sylvia Frederickson
Reed & Janet Freidinger
Michael & Christine Heroy
Bob & Marissa Kagle
Joseph & Karen Kimmell
Ken & Pam Lester
Forrest Page
Preston & Bess Parish
Robert & Sheryl Pursel, Jr
WS & Elaine Retherford
Paul & Linda Weston
Paul & Joan Witting
Darrell & Ann Zavitz
David & Mary Anderson
Kollleen, Millard, & Dan Ashcraft
James & Barbara Axelson
June Balkema
Arnold & Shirley Bauer
Sylvia Bellairs
John & Sharon Benson
Noel & Melanie Bergeron
Mark Berman
Thomas & Martha Bernardin
David & Paula Berry
Lowell & Sharon Blossom
Frazer Buntin
Jeffrey & Varina Buntin
David & Linda Burnham
Norma Camp
Michael & Patricia Carland
Steve & Fran Cheyne
Jeffrey & Paulette Clee
Avern Cohen
Richard & Francis Corrington
Mike Costa
Brian & Lynne Coughlin
Jack & Ann Craig
John & Barbara Danly
Rick & Connie Dexter
David Dilworth &
Susan Godell
Chuck & Julia Eisendrath
Tom & Debra Erickson
Charles & Sally Ervin, III
Michael & Marcy Etienne
Robert & Jan Evans
Jonathan & Lynn Friendly
Jim & Patty Gunn
Donald & Grace Guthrie
Chip & Laura Hansen
Steve & Jessica Hansen & Elmer
& Verla Hansen
William & Nancy Harrison
Karl & Elenore Herkommer
Dennis & Nancy Herrick
Ken Hinton & Nancy Devon
Ken & Dawn Hixson, II &
Kenneth & Sondra Hixson
C Roger Hodney
Donald & Paulette Hodney
John & Barbara Hoffman
Hugh & Joan Hoyt
Brian & Mary Hunt
Thomas & Elizabeth Irwin
Adrienne Ives
Roger & Pat Jacobson
Frank & Julie Janosz, II
Mark & Heidi Johnson
David & Alice Joseph
Steven & Bonnie Katz
David & Ellen Kendall
Richard & Mary Kinkle
Michael & Gaia Klass
Gregory & Judy Krueger
Jeff and Beth Krum &
John and Carolyn Krum
Susan & Jere L’Heureux
Frederick & Catherine Lavery, Jr
Tim & Robbi Leroy
Gudrun & Ilija Letica
Frank Macher
Joe & Nancy Malloure
John & Fran Marschner
John & Janice Marshall
Patrick & Carolyn McNamara
Richard & Lynette Merillat
John & Sally Mescher
Victor & Wilhelmine Miller
Thomas Mueller
Gerald & Linda Nielsen
Robert & Linda Noll
Paul & Joan Nowak
Patrick & Jane O’Brien
Edward Ososki
James & Frances Paris
Preston & Barbara Parish
Randall & Mary Jane Pasko
Gail Piltz
Frank & Jean Popoff
Tad & Laura Richards
Stanley & Ann Robinson
Rosenthal Family Trust
William Rudolph, Jr
Sheryl Ryan
Tim & Kathy Shaw
Mary Ellen Sheets
Andrew & Jo Ann Sherwood
Jeffrey & Ceila Sinclair
Brice & Catherine Smith
Kelley & Molly Smith
Thomas & Jill Smith
Enrique & Irene Sosa
Linda Stafford
Deborah Stephens
Daniel & Amie Stern
David & Linda Stone
Raymond & Teri Stout
Jerry & Donna Swift
Peter & Martha Trantow
James & Helen Truchan
Martin & Suzanne Tuck
Jerry & Sharon Vankuiken
William & Barbara Vogel
Jim Ward
Richard & Joan Webster
John & Susan Welker
Jim & Linda Wernig, Jr
Bill & Mary Whitlock
Janna Winn
Rex & Nan Winter
Richard & Ellen Wolfe
John Woollam
Boris & Barbara Yakima
Al & Karen Zehnder
George & Cindy Abel
David Adler
Raechel Alberts
Donald & Carol Anderson
Ron & Kay Archer
Jean Louise Azar
Alan & Janet Ballew
Charles Barber
Dale & Carla Bauer
Nancy Berger
Rick & Nancy Bergman, III
Kurt & Linda Beuthin
Trip & Emily Beynon
Patricia Bloom
John & Janet Boyles
Gerald & Mary Breen
Bob & Georgia Britt
Gregory & Christine Brogan
Richard & Christine Brown
Louis & Sally Cannon
Jim & Kathe Carter
Glen & Gwen Catt
Edward & Barbara Church
William & Mona Cline
Norton Cohen
David & Francis Colton
Hugh Conklin and Susan
Anthony Coppa
Coseo Family Trust and Chris &
Brenda Coseo
Edwin & Judy Crook
Philip Crooks
Bob & Jan D’Alcorn
Jerry & Vickie Danhof
Dean & Joyce Davenport
Terry & Betty Desmond
Nancy Devon
Joe & Mary Dickinson
John, Cristy, & Lynn Dimartino
David & Elizabeth Domann
David & Marilyn Drake
Janet Kohler Dueweke
Kelly & Barbara Duff
John & Barbara Duiven
Kent & Sandra Dupont
Frederick & Eugenia
Edmiston, III
Ramsay Elder
William & Marlene Emerson
Clint & Audrey Etienne
Jack & Ginny Ewing
James & Linda Felton
Charles & Donna Feucht
David & Elizabeth Florence
George & Gail Foster, III
James Freeman
Helen Gallaher and Dana Vance
Thomas & Lucille Gerdes
Kerry Gigot and Ronald &
Maria Hewson
Francis Gingras & Jacqueline Merta
Rick & Joyce Golding
Al & Liz Gooch
Gary & Janice Gray
Paul & Ann Gregor
Tom & Jillian Gunn
Robert Haessler
Charles & Helen Hall
William Hall and Patricia Danly
David & Carol Harris
Gordon & Sharon Hassing
Kem & Mary Hawkins
David & Jean Heatherly
Robert & Judy Heidenreich
David & Dawn Hessell
Leland & Patricia Hickox
Paul & Sally Hoelderle
James & Evelyn Howell
John & Kathleen Hoyt
Bill Jamnick
William & Diane Jerome
RC Johnson
Robert & Laura Jury
Guy & Susan Kenny
Curt & Sue Kime
Fred & Julianne Klippert
Paul & Donna Klose
Janice Komer
Hugh Larsen
Lawton Charlevoix, LLC
Rod Lemmer and Mary Foucard
James & Sarah Leonard
Richard & Virginia Lepman and
Robert Lepman
Jack & Joyce Letts
Larry Levengood
Little Traverse Conservancy
Stephen Little and Barbara Wotila
John & Susan Logie
Bill Lorne
Craig & Julie Love
David & Penny Loving
Joe Lubinski
Marty & Cheri Luchtefeld
Jack & Carol MacKenzie
Joseph & Jeanne Maguire
Kevin & Jennifer Markham
Claire & Frances Martin
William & Eleanor Martin
Robert & Carol May
Drayton & Carol McClelland
Bernard, Mary, & James Meany
Stuart & Adele Megdall
Werner & Jeanette Meyer
Marilyn Morehead and John Royal
Michael & Pamela Morris
Thad & Rachelle Naquin
William & Carol Nason
Ronald & Luellen Newmann
Mark & Lindsey Noffsinger
John & Carol Nyland
Andrew & Catherine O’Gawa
Kevin & Tamzon O’Malley
Edward & Geraldine Parks
Gary & Ann Pasek
William & Karen Pawlick
Susan Plaine
DJ & Merry Lu Prior
Susan Pyke
Eric & Cindy Quakenbush
Charles & Norma Randolph
Louis Rauh
Christine Redman
Brian & Lynn Reuter
Carl & Barb Roehling
Robert & Debbie Rogerson and
Charles & Claudia Phillips
Kim Rotermund and Sharon
Eric & Carol Roy
Robert & Joannie Ruhstorfer
Betty Salzer
Mike & Denise Schlitt
Robert Schrock
Daniel Schultze
Erwin & Jean Schulze
Cliff & Bev Seeger
Bud & Nancy Shear
Brian & Joanne Shenstone and
Kenneth & Sheryl Shenstone
Keith & Monique Shorr
Richard & Kimberly Skalnek
Jay & Janice Smith
Jay & Peggy Smith
Jean Smith and Douglas Spence
Judith Smith
Howard Soldan and
Howard Soldan, II
Gerard & Colleen Spencer
Eugene & Barbara Steele
Sheryl Stephens and Daniel
John Sullivan
Kermit & Jenny Sutton
Richard & Margaret Tanghe
David & Elaine Tanski
Ronald & Pat Terrill
David & Peggy Thompson
Ken & Marijane Van Der Wende
Joel & Nancy Van Roekel
Donald Van Suilichem
Donald & Mary Van Tongaren
Douglas & Kathy Vance
Charles & Louise Vanderlaan
Robert & Yolande Waldie
Frank & Sandi Wangeman
Betty Zelle Washburn
Marjory Whelan and Jill Whelan
Sam & Cass Williamson
David Wilson
Gordon & April Wilson
Dave & Nancy Wind
Bob & Sally Winter
Norman & Marilyn Wise
David & Carol Woodward and
Mark & Diane Drane
Robert & Sue Woudstra
Steven & Celeste Yager
Doreen Yobst
Vasco & Joan Zucchiatti
Stephen & Debra Zynda
John & Judy Abar
Gary & Chris Abbott
Bruce & Jenny Abel
Jim & Patti Aiken
Richard & Pat Allen
William & Sue Allen
Alvin Amschler
Steve & Pat Anderson
Edward & Janice Anesi
Robert & Cherri Anthony
Bart & Kathy Arrigo
Daniel & Mary Backus
Edward & Jane Ann Bahr
William & Thomas Baiocchi and
Diane Murg
Don & Elona Baum
Brian Beck
Louis & Patty Beck
Carl & Karen Bekofske
Berg Family Limited Partnership
Michael & Mona Bergeon
Larry & Linda Bernhardt
Gerald Biebuyck
Douglas & Susan Bierer
Roy & Monique Bierwirth
David & Marie Blum
Ellis Boal and LuAnne Kozma
Stewart & Sue Boal, Jr
John & Lindsay Bogdasarian
Karen Boike
John & Lois Bolhouse
Don & Janet Boos
Steve Boothe
Robert Bordeaux
William & Nancy Borland
William & Rosemary Boruta
Thomas & Colette Bouwhuis
Derek & Jennifer Boyer
Jeffery & Julie Bradford
Steve & Astrid Bradley
Virginia Brandt
Robert & Sharon Branton
Bill & Bonnie Braun, II
Paul Brendtro and Mary Senger
Marjorie Brinkman
John & Jeanne Broad
William & Barbara Bryant
John & Bonnie Buist
Jeffrey Buntin, Jr
Van & Sally Burmeister
David & Janet Burnett
Kristine Busk
Michael Buttigieg
Clifford & Bethel Bye
William & Mona Cameron
Bernard & Ruth Cannan
James & Carole Carroll
Patrick & Geraldine Carroll
Joseph & Helen Caruso
Tim & Nancy Cash
Mike & Linda Castiglione
Brian & Rosaline Chamberlain
Bill & Linda Chase
John & Polly Cheney
Roger & Sheila Christensen
Tracy & Jerry Christopherson
Michael & Eileen Chrzanowski
Allan & Pam Cislo
Sarah Clark and Mary Sue
Jack & Heide Clausnitzer
Russell & Susan Cockerill
Susan Codere
Gary & Sylvia Cofer
Larry & Cathy Cohen
Joel & Karen Cohn
Howard & Pat Colthurst
Donald & Gloria Conn
Richard & Katherine Copeland
and Kelly Copeland
Andy & Jennifer Cormier
Paul & Mary Jane Croissant
Paul & Patricia D’Angelo
DJP Holdings, LLC
Ronald & Joanne Danczak
May is Renewal Month Please Renew
your 2015 Membership or Join today!
Bill & Dea Danly
Mary Lou David
Nicole Davis
Mark & Katie DeGoede
Theodore & Colleen Degenhardt, III and Thomas Kelly
Tom & Sharon Derda
Lori Derusha
Arch & Elaine Dettman
John Dionne and Marie Yettaw
Harold & Karen Dittrich and
Shawn & Mary Dittrich
James & Susan Douglas
Allen & Barbara Dowty
Brian & Cheryl Doyle
Dee & Madeline Drake
Mark & Diane Drane
Lloyd & Diana Dutcheshen
Wanda Dziadzio
John & Margaret Eckhold
John Eckhold, Jr
Mike & Diane Edwards
Lee & Mary Ekstrom
Robert & Rita Elliott, Jr
George & Barbara Ellwanger
Cornelius & Susan Eringaard
Lynn & Jan Evans
Nickki Faller and Ron Bridges
Jerry & Norene Fettig
David & Darcy Fischer, Jr
Gordon & Hanna Fishman
Pasquale & Gina Forletta
Kim & Marcia Forster
Timothy & Julie Fortier
Anthony & Julie Foust
Andrea Fron and Marylou
Russell, Katharina, & Miriam
Mary Ellen Furseth
John & Marge Fye
Ralph & Kathleen Galbraith
Bernard & Rita Gallin
Larry Gardner
Jack & Mary Gergel
David and Ann Germond
Tom Gleason
James & Patricia Glinski
Philip & Marlene Glotfelty
Charles & Barbara Glueck
Robert & Carol Goodenough
John & Mary Gorte
Roger & Marsie Gowdy
Jim & Nancy Gowell
Peter & Ruth Grass
Lee & Susan Haddix
Richard & Judy Haldeman
Robert & Janet Halderman
Heinz & Marlis Haller
Art & Jane Halloran and
M Anderson
Steve & Anne Hansen
Lyle & Florine Harper
Ronald & Donna Harrington
John & Charlotte Hawke
Joe & Linda Heiermann
Ronald Henning
John & Kathy Henricks
Bruce & Joyce Herbert
Todd Hickox and Carmen
Kathryn Hills and Elizabeth Hill
Robert & Kristie Hohn
Donald Homan and Bonnie Miller
David & Anne Hornak
James & Karen Huesing
Gordon & Dorothy Hughes
Lawrence & Ruth Hughes
Russell & Kay Hughes
Dan & Mary Hunt
Michael Husman
Ralph & Susanne Huston
Arthur & Mary Irish
Paul & Judith Ivan
Michael & Mary Ann Jablonski
Mike & Judy Jackson
Roberta Jackson
Lawrence & Pat Jacob
Edwin & Suzanne Jakeway
Carl & Vicki Janssens
Charles & Dianne Jaskolski
Gil & Mary Lou Jenkins
Darrell & Pamela Jerden
Chris & Julie Johnson
David & Kathleen Johnson
Larry Judkins
Don & Nancy Kaegi
Gary, Beth, David, & Judith Karp
Terry & Kathy Kasiborski
Stan & Lee Katlein
Harold & Laurie Kaufman
Anton & Rosalinde Kaufmann
Kevin & Fay Keane
Bill & Barb Keating
James & Laurie Keller
Charles & Eileen Kelly
William & Kirsten Kelly
Todd & Lynda Kennedy
William & Mary Kerscher, III
Mike & Colleen King
Richard & Theresa King
Charles Kinnaird
Larry Kish
David & Karen Kittredge
Dirk & Katherine Kjolhede
Marie Kjolhede
David & Anna Klamer
Steve & Debra Klein
John & Janice Kopera
Thomas & Oksana Kujan
Martha Landis
William & Catherine Lawson
William & Phyllis Ledeen and
Linda Schwartz
Charles & Elizabeth Lee, Jr
Helen Leitz
Alan Letson
Jeff & Alene Lipshaw
Charles & Carlene Long
Karl Lothschutz
William Lovelace
Ron & Susan Ludgin
Bob & Carol Lyons and
Courtney Lyons
Mike Dow
Our Lake Levels Keep Going Up
Mike Schlitt
Last summer from May through August,
we saw a major rise of 8”, a large spring/summer
increase. This year, a similar increase can be expected,
BUT, the big story is that this increase will be on top of
a barely discernable decrease this winter. The bottom
line (maybe “top line”?) is we all should expect next
summer lake levels to be as much as 11” higher than
levels seen last year.
As 2014 water levels crept above their long-term
averages, 2015 began with the full year expected to
continue above long-term averages. However, this
is still about two feet below those very high levels
reached in 1986-1987. Enjoy our high water; there will
very likely be a low water time again somewhere in our
future. Our Great Lakes do have their ups and downs.
Lake Charlevoix Association Participates in Septic Study
by Larry Levengood
adequate and effective. Additionally, the Committee
will identify any problem areas that exist and examine
potential ways to solve them. Educational efforts will
also be looked at in terms of ways to better educate the
public about septic system maintenance and upkeep.
The Committee will also create a final report of their
findings and present any recommendations to decisionmakers and other interested parties.
For further information or to provide any input into
the process, please contact Grenetta Thomassey at the
Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council at (231)347-1181,
extension 118, or [email protected].
Mike Dow
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
any of the properties in the Lake Charlevoix
Watershed are not serviced by municipal sanitary
sewers. These properties are typically serviced by
individual, on-site septic systems that are privately owned
and operated. But are the current practices and controls for
these systems adequate to protect the water quality of Lake
This is the question that Tip of The Mitt Watershed
Council is seeking to answer
“But are the
in their current Lake Charlevoix Septic Question Project.
current practices
This effort is being funded by and controls for
the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality with a these systems
adequate to protect
Section 319 Grant in support of the Lake Charlevoix
the water quality
Management Plan. To assist
of Lake
in the project, an Advisory
Committee has been established of interested partners.
These include the County of Charlevoix, township officials,
the Lake Charlevoix Association, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the Health Department of
Northwest Michigan, Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council,
WATCH, private contractors, and several business representatives.
The initial objectives are to review what septic policies
and practices are in place now, and to determine if they are
Little Traverse Conservancy
Enjoy the Little Traverse Conservancy’s “The Hill” preserve which includes views of Lake Charlevoix. A mix of pines and
hardwoods offer a diversity of habitats. Apple trees are remnants of an old farmstead.
continued from cover
ridge #2 worked fairly well until the first major dredging of the channel took place in 1873. The river was
deepened to 12 feet with a channel width of 35 feet.
In order to complete this project, the old bridge pilings had to
be removed. This was done in July but no consideration had
been given for replacing them or the bridge. It wasn’t until
August that the county Board of Supervisors met to discuss a
new bridge where they concluded they needed to study it for a
In the interim, a moveable scow bridge was used for pedestrian traffic, while small boats toted the heavier cargo. The
scow bridge was not only inconvenient, it could be dangerous.
In September, prominent businessman, Amos Fox, nearly died
when he fell off the upstream side of the scow. Hanging on
until fatigue forced him to let go, Fox swam under the hull of
the scow. He floated across the channel and finally made it to
shore. Fox was so exhausted that he had to be helped home by
some townsfolk who found him on the bank.
With its study completed, the
Board of Supervisors drafted a tax plan
Next issue:
a new metal bridge in October. To
Charlevoix’s for
pay for it, they decided to place half the
first metal
tax burden on the residents of Charlevoix Township and the remainder on the
county. The township voters didn’t think
that was very fair and promptly voted it down. Things remained unchanged until the Board (perhaps hoping the voters
had short memories) decided to float the very same tax scheme
again in February. The voters were as consistent as the Board
and rejected it this time as well.
With the shipping season looming, Amos Fox told the
Board that he would build a new wooden bridge for $400.
Seeing the writing on the wall, the Board quickly approved
his offer and by late May a new double trap bridge was ready
for traffic. The problem of manpower to lift the trap was still
an issue. According to Willard Smith, a prominent citizen, “A
force of six men is necessary to raise it every time a vessel
passes through.”
In 1877, in order to better organize this process, Joseph
Clark (a lawyer) and S.S. Liscomb (a jeweler) were hired as
official bridge tenders. They were chosen primarily because
their businesses were located near the bridge. For $15 a month
each, they were required to find able-bodied men to form a
six-man winch gang whenever a vessel entered the channel.
It turns out, the quickest way to do this was to go to the only
saloon in town, round up its customers, and form the winch
detail. This became a common routine as the commerce in the
channel increased.
September of that year meant the demise of Bridge #2.
The schooner Hinkley struck the bridge causing only slight
damage, but two weeks later, the Hunter collided with and
collapsed one side of the bridge. The crash also pulled some
of the bridge pilings out into the channel. The bridge was gone
but the owners of the Hunter graciously offered eleven dollars
to cover the damages their vessel caused.
For the next eight months, Charlevoix was back to using rafts and scows to cross the Pine River Channel passing
right next to the destroyed remains of their not-so-beloved
bridge. This signaled the end of the wooden era for Pine River
bridges. There was pressure to build a modern metal bridge
and plans were put into the works. It took only a month for the
County Board of Supervisors to draft a tax formula that was
deemed acceptable by the township and the rest of the county.
The county would foot $3,500 of the costs with the township
coming up with the remaining third. So, in February of 1878,
the contract was offered to the Smith Bridge Company of
Toledo, Ohio. The mild winter meant that construction could
start in April, none too soon for the people of Charlevoix
county. Next issue - Charlevoix’s first metal bridge.
The author wishes to thank Mr. David Miles and the Charlevoix
Historical Society for offering their time and archives without which
this article could not have been written. For a comprehensive history
of this topic, pick up a copy of Charlevoix’s Channel Bridges at the
Charlevoix Historical Society.
Positive LCA
Julie Stratton
Paul Witting, LCA Board Member
oday, our membership totals 686
and for that, we are most grateful.
Within that figure are 24 businesses and 24 lifetime members. The balance
of 638, are folks that renewed or became
members this year by choosing any one
of three annual membership levels…
Regular $25, Patron $50 and Benefactor
Interestingly, within those 638 mem-
berships, almost half of the time, 46% to
be exact, individuals, on their own, chose
to be a member at the Patron or Benefactor levels. And certainly, we very much
appreciate the added funds these membership categories generate.
So, a heartfelt “thank you” to all
of our members. And, for those of you
reading this Newsletter that are not LCA
members, a sincere request…please
join us using the enclosed membership envelope or, you may join via our
website Any
non-member joining now, will have their
membership extended to the end of our
2015-16 fiscal year, May 31, 2016.
There’s only one Lake Charlevoix…
let’s do the best we can to protect it and
keep it beautiful!
Lake Charlevoix Association Honoraries and Memorials
In Honor of Jonathon Friendly’s Birthday
Stephen Little and Barbara Wotila
In Memory of Bill Harrison
Todd & Lynda Kennedy
In memory of Bill & Anne Olstrom
by Charles & Louise Vanderlaan
In Honor of William and Barbara McKinstry
Bruce & Jenny Abel
In Memory of John Hoyt
John & Kathleen Hoyt
In Memory of Dorothy Perry
Helen Gallaher and Dana Vance
In memory of Carl Bloom
by Patricia Bloom
In Memory of Sue Klingbell
William & Nancy Harrison
In memory of Tom Pyke
by Susan Pyke
In memory of Mildred Darnton
by Jeff & Susan Bellefleur
In memory of Louis (Bud) Kohler
by Janet Kohler Dueweke
In memory of Richard Dauch
by Sandy Dauch
In Memory of Nancy Krueger
Gregory & Judy Krueger
In Memory of Ann Rosenthal
Ronald & Luellen Newmann
Rosenthal Family Trust
In Memory of Chuck and Marg Duerr
John & Susan Logie
In memory of Bud Matthews
by Marjory Whelan and Jill Whelan
In memory of James & Phyllis Elliott
by Bob & Sally Winter
In Memory of Marjorie Mohnke Lothschutz
Karl Lothschutz
In memory of Richard Salzer
by Betty Salzer
In memory of Robert Scherer
by Eugene & Barbara Steele
In memory of Charles Winn
by Janna Winn
Dick Webster
Lake Charlevoix Association
Box 294
Cyan U
MI 49720
[email protected]
We Thank Our
Lake Charlevoix
Mike Dow
Join now!
LCA ambassadors play an important role
in assisting our organization with fulfilling its mission. They are a great resource
in that they are always ready and willing
to jump in and help. They are a great
group of volunteers and we thank them
for their support.
Steven Boothe
Jim & Carol Carroll
Gary Gray
Chip Hansen
Todd & Lynda Kennedy
Jack Mackenzie
Tony Parker
Bob Pursel
Hank Ross
Pete Trantow
Nancy Van Roekel
Paul Weston
Maureen Whitehead
Julie Stratton
News Bites...
The LCA Annual Meeting will be held on July 9th at Charlevoix
Public Library at 10am. Please join us and receive a “Native Plant
Starter Kit”.
Students Experience Lake Charlevoix: Boat excursion will be held
May 19 & 20, 2015. Thank you to all the volunteers who signed up.
The LCA recognizes Tip of the Mitt and Beaver Island Boat Co. for
their extensive help and contributions with this project.
Ice Melt Contest 2015: Discover this year’s winners on the LCA
website - Thank you participants!
New Use for Phragmites - Roof Thatching: It looks great on an
Earl Young home, but did raise concerns for those of us working
so hard to control phragmites in our area. After looking into it,
the Department of Agriculture says this shipment from Turkey was
heat treated to ensure the seeds are not viable.
Inland Seas Sailing Ship will be providing our members and local
officials with educational sailing trips on June 29 and 30. Those
who agree to work toward improving their greenbelt will have
priority. Watch your email for sign up information.
If you do not receive emails from LCA and would like to, please
send an email to [email protected] to request being added
to our list.