Buckeye Bulletin - Cichlid Room Companion
Buckeye Bulletin - Cichlid Room Companion
Buckeye Bulletin May 2014 !! In this edition of The Buckeye Bulletin… ! BAP Updates ! ! “Breeding Synodontis Lucipinnis” ! EXCHANGE Article ! The Cunningham Corner! Lepidiolamprologus hecqui w/ eggs nd Next Meeting on May 2 , 2014 @ 8pm ! ! !! ! Buckeye'Bulletin'Staff' Jonathan'Dietrich' Editor! [email protected]!! Eric'Sorensen' Exchange!Editor! [email protected]!! The!Ohio!Cichlid!Associations! Buckeye!Bulletin!is!produced! monthly!by!the!Ohio!Cichlid! Association.!All!articles!and! photographs!contained!within!this! publication!are!being!used!with! consent!of!the!authors.! If!you!have!an!article,!photograph,! or!ad!to!submit!for!publication,! please!send!it!to! [email protected].! When!submitting!articles!for! publication!in!this!bulletin,!please! remember!to!include!any! photographs!or!art!for!the! article.!The!Ohio!Cichlid!Association! is!not!responsible!for!any!fact! checking!or!spelling!correction!in! submitted!material.! Articles!will!be!edited!for!space!and! content.! All!information!in!this!bulletin!is!for! the!sole!use!of!The!Ohio!Cichlid! Association!and!the!personal!use!of! its!members.! Articles,!photographs,!illustrations,! and!any!other!printed!material!may! not!be!used!in!any!way!without!the! written!consent!of!The!Ohio!Cichlid! Association.! For!membership!info!please! contact!Andrew!Subotnik:! [email protected]!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Shells!make!wonderful!additions!to!tanks,!creating!a! true!environment!for!your!Cichlids!and!Cats.! ! ! ! In!this!Issue!of!the!Buckeye!Bulletin…! ! Monthly!Features! President’s!Message! Editor’s!Message! Bowl!Show!Results! Cichlid!BAP!Results! Catfish!BAP!Results! Program!Preview! 2014!Program!Preview! This!Month!in!OCA!History! Exchange!Article! ! SAVE THE DATE ST ND RD NOVEMBER 21 -22 -23 2014 GET A ROOM NOW. STRONGSVILLE HOLIDAY INN 440-238-8800 ext 283 www.ohiocichlid.com/Extravaganza PNT Aquatics PNT Aquatics Caves, Driftwood, Supplies At Central Garden & Pet, we know that the home is the heart of activity. Central Garden & Pet brings you these fine brands Repashy Superfood www.pntaquatics.com [email protected] Hours by appointment only Your trusted source for the best in pet products since 1955. Hagen brings you these fine brands Aquarium Technology, Inc. Since 1991 the Hydro-Sponge has been the iconic product of ATI. With six different sizes, the Hydro-Sponge can biologically and mechanically clean nearly any tank! Willem Heijns’ DVDs Take an underwater look at stunning Central American Cichlids in their natural habitats. Both DVDs, Nicaragua and Mexico will amaze any level of hobbyist. http://www.atisponge.com/ Contact Willem Heijns directly at [email protected] President’s Message !! Don Danko ! eXXtravaganza!planning!is!in!full!gear!and!for!this,!our!20th!anniversary!show,!we!will!be!starting! earlier!and!offering!more!activities.!We’ll!be!kicking!off!the!festivities!Friday!morning!with!a! behind?the?scenes!side!trip!to!the!Greater!Cleveland!Aquarium! (www.greaterclevelandaquarium.com).!Gary!Mendez!is!in!the!final!stages!of!setting!up!this! activity.!We’ll!also!be!increasing!the!number!of!talks!from!five!to!seven!this!year!based!on! feedback!we!received!from!attendees!last!year.!We’ll!also!be!offering!a!raffle!of!a!package!for! two!to!attend!the!2015!American!Cichlid!Association!Convention!in!the!Boston!area.!We’ll!be! selling!tickets!throughout!the!year,!throughout!the!eXXtravaganza!weekend!and!will!be!pulling! the!winning!ticket!at!our!Awards!Ceremony.!Last!but!not!least,!the!Kids!Tank!Competition!returns! in!2014.!It’s!great!to!be!able!to!offer!this!opportunity!to!engage!our!youth!members!in!the! hobby!!Thanks!to!United!Pet!Group!and!RMS!Aquaculture!for!sponsoring!!!We’ll!be!announcing! much!more!and!also!loading!2014!info!on!our!website!shortly.!! In!May,!our!speaker!will!be!Steve!Edie.!Steve!is!President!of!the!Missouri!Aquarium!Society!and!is! an!experienced!Cichlid!keeper!and!all!around!great!guy.!Here’s!Steve’s!bio,!an!interesting!read:! “Steve!Edie!has!kept!fish!for!north!of!50!years,!and!has!kept!almost!every!kind!of!fish!available,! and!some!that!weren’t.!He!now!keeps!about!1,200!gallons!of!freshwater!aquariums,!with!a! preference!toward!Rift!Lake!Cichlids.!He!has!had!good!success!in!maintaining!many!different! species!and!moderate!success!at!breeding!them.!Steve!is!currently!the!President!and!BAP!Chair! of!the!Missouri!Aquarium!Society,!and!previously!served!on!the!BOT!of!the!American!Cichlid! Association.!He!has!attended!every!ACA!convention!since!1996.!He!believes!that!attending! conventions!(including!the!Northeast!Council,!the!All!Aquarium!Catfish!Convention,!the!OCA! Extravaganza,!and!the!GCCA!Cichlid!Classic!in!Chicago)!is!one!of!the!best!means!of!finding!friends,! information,!and!rare!species!of!fish.!He!once!kept!a!saltwater!tank!for!about!a!year,!but!has! promised!not!to!do!it!again.”! Stay!in!touch!with!OCA!announcements!and!coming!events!on!Facebook,!on!our!website!at! www.ohiocichlid.com!and!on!our!Forum!at! http://www.cichlidae.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=40.! Warm!regards,! ! Don! ! P.!melanurus!with!an!attitude!! !! Editor’s Message Jon Dietrich ! ! GREETING!FISH!GEEKS!! ! Well,!this!month!has!been!a!productive!one!in!the!fish!room.!I’m!super!impressed!with!my! Amphilophus!sp.!Red!Isletas!breeding!pair.!I!picked!up!5!fish!from!Bob,!an!attendee!from! Minnesota.!He!had!success!with!this!species!back!home!and!wanted!to!share!the!wealth.!Coming! off!my!success!with!Amphilophus!flaveolus!and!my!then!current!project!Amphilophus! Amphilophus!hogaboomorum,!I!was!eager!to!get!my!hands!on!these.!While!the!group!settled!in! and!picked!mates,!I!was!excited!to!see!similar!behavior!and!temperament!from!these!fish.! Initially!this!species!only!really!separated!itself!based!on!strong!red!color!on!its!head.!Really! gorgeous!coloration,!which!only!got!more!intense!during!breeding.!Last!month,!the!spawned!but! other!fish!in!the!tank!got!to!the!wigglers!before!I!had!a!chance!to!manage!the!situation.!I!put!a! DIY!divider!in!the!tank!and!found!myself!with!a!new!spawn!in!only!a!few!days.!They!spawned!in!a! drainage!pipe,!leaving!a!very!tiny!mess!of!wigglers.!Since!my!schedule!opened!this!month,!I!have! had!a!ton!of!time!to!spend!focusing!on!growth!through!feeding!and!water!changes.!The!parents! are!typical!of!the!Amphilophus!species!I!have!kept.!They!are!amazing.!This!species!is!definitely! more!aggressive!towards!other!fish!(on!the!other!side!of!the!divider)!and!me.!They!go!crazy! trying!to!defend!the!fry!when!my!finger!even!comes!close!to!the!tank,!especially!the!female.! They!are!currently!growing!in!a!125!gallon!which!gets!daily!water!changes!and!lots!of!feedings.!In! only!about!3!weeks,!I!have!the!fry!at!almost!¾”.!They!will!be!available!for!BAP!at!the!June! meeting.!If!you!are!super!eager!to!get!your!hands!on!this!species,!send!me!a!private!message.! Awesome!species!not!seen!around!here.! ! In!other!spawns,!my!N.!caudopuntatus!have!a!cloud!of!fry.!Also,!my!L.!hecqui!keep!spawning.!! ! There!are!only!a!few!more!months!until!the!Twentieth!Anniversary!of!the!OCA!Extravaganza!!You! know!what!that!means!–!PLAN!AHEAD!!This!will!be!the!biggest!OCA!event!in!history!and!you! don’t!want!to!miss!a!moment.!! ! Send!me!something,! ! Jon! ! A fine family of products committed to developing technologies and innovative solutions for pet owners and their pets. Brands you know. Brands you trust. United We Stand. Cichlid Breeders Awards Program April 4, 2014 Data calculated and stored by Mark Chaloupka ! Bryan&Davis& & &&&& Neolamprologus&sexfasciatus&“gold&Kipili”& &&&& Telmatochromis&temporalis& & & Dave&Esner& & &&&& Julidochromis&ornatus& & & & Gary&Mendez& & &&& &Labidochromis&sp.&“pearlmutt”&& & &&&& Pseudotropheus&sp.&“elongates&Chewere”& Dennis&Rozmus& & &&&& Melanochromis&dialeptos& & & Tyler&Toncler& & &&& &Tropheus&sp.&“red&Chimba”& & & Dave&Toth& & && &&Astatotilapia&sp.&35&“tomato”& & & Matt&Urbin& & &&& &Amatitlania&nigrofasciata&“black&convict”& Jeff&Yadlovsky& & &&&& Aulonocara&sp.&“eureka&red&albino”& & & & 20& 10& & 15& & & 10& 10& & 10& & 20& & 10& & 10& & 10& & Congratulations!& Gary&Mendez& ! For&reaching&the&700&Point&Level& Cichlid Breeders Awards Program th Through April 4 , 2014 Data calculated and stored by Mark Chaloupka ! BREEDER! 2014! TOTAL! ! MASTER!BREEDER!1000!POINT!LEVEL! ! Lew$Carbone$ Don$Danko$ Dan$Woodland$ Bill$Loudermilk$ Bryan$Davis$ Linda$Wallrath$ Rich$&$Maggie$Schoeffel$ Mark$Chaloupka$ John$Tesar$ 10$ 15$ 6$ 10$ 70$ 6$ 6$ 10$ 50$ 2615$ 2350$ 2050$ 1200$ 1185$ 1130$ 1065$ 1030$ 1000$ 6$ 6$ 965$ 905! 6$ 840! 45$ 40$ 715$ 715$ 6$ 15$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 690$ 625$ 625$ 615! 600$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 595$ 540$ 510! 30$ 6$ 80$ 10$ 6$ 495$ 495$ 490$ 465$ 455$ 900!POINT!LEVEL ! Dennis$Tomazin$ Tom$Swiderski$ ! 800!POINT!LEVEL! $ Dustin$Brummitt$ 700!POINT!LEVEL! ! Gary$Mendez$ Jeff$Yadlovsky$ ! 600!POINT!LEVEL! ! Jeff$Natterer$ Ken$&$Sue$Galaska$ Hilary$&$Antonio$Lacerda$ Charlie$&$Cathy$Suk$ Steve$Zarzeczny$ ! 500!POINT!LEVEL! ! Bill$Schwartz$ Tim$Craig$ Ron$Georgeone$ ! 400!POINT!LEVEL! ! Bob$Blazek$ Rick$Hallis$ Josh$Cunningham$ Jonathan$Strazinsky$ Phil$Hypes$ Bob$Bina$ Kyle$May$ George$Anagnostopoulos$ 6$ 10$ 30$ 415$ 415$ 405$ 40$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 390$ 335$ 325$ 320! 6$ 6$ 25$ 6$ 10$ 275$ 260$ 240$ 205! 200! 6$ 6$ 6$ 10$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 45$ 40$ 20$ 15$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 20$ 6$ 6$ 10$ 20$ 195$ 190$ 185$ 185$ 180$ 165$ 160$ 155$ 155$ 150$ 150$ 145$ 145$ 135$ 130$ 120$ 115$ 115$ 115$ 115$ 110$ BREEDER!LEVEL! ! Jonathan$Dietrich$ Mark$Huntington$ Denis$Rozmus$ Justin$Way$ Rick$Wood$ Pete$Gembka$ Bob$Tillman$ Dolores$Bacisin$ Chris$Jaskolka$ Carl$Olszewski$ John$Kahl$ Andrew$Schock$ Alex$Gorges$ Jim$Jensen$ Dave$Dimond$ John$Kaminski$ Ethan$Wiley$ Christopher$Sooy$ Tom$Tansey$ Jason$Gorges$ Paul$Hutnyak$ Nicholas$Zarzeczny$ Wayne$Corman$ Fred$Roberts$ Andy$Lacerda$ Scott$Meyers$ Bill$Sensor$ Matt$Urbin$ Ron$Drungil$ Ben$Jensen$ Mike$Trader$ ! 300!POINT!LEVEL! ! Tyler$Toncler$ David$Hale$ Gary$Zalewski$ Eric$&$Rhonda$Sorensen$ 200!POINT!LEVEL! ! James$Shakour$ Ken$&$Karen$Grimmett$ Dave$Esner$ Paul$Collander$ Greg$Senn$ 100!POINT!LEVEL ! Marc$&$Dawn$DeWerth$ Ozeal$Hunter$ Chuck$Carroll$ Tony$Poth$ Andrew$Subotnik$ Ken$Walker$ Frank$Mueller$ Bob$Evers$ Dennis$Kuehn$ Tom$&$Carolyn$Evers$ Steve$Heinbaugh$ David$Ayers$ Greg$Seith$ Bill$&$Janice$Bilski$ Jason$Mylnar$ Joe$Ring$ Dan$Ogrizek$ Peter$Nario6Redmond$ Aaron$Stevens$ David$Toth$ Raymond$Langer$ ! ! 6$ 6$ 10$ 10$ 6$ 35$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 20$ 6$ 10$ 6$ 20$ 10$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 15$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 6$ 10$ 6$ 10$ 6$ 95$ 95$ 80$ 80$ 75$ 70$ 70$ 60$ 55$ 55$ 50$ 50$ 45$ 45$ 40$ 40$ 40$ 35$ 35$ 30$ 30$ 30$ 25$ 25$ 20$ 20$ 20$ 20! 10$ 10$ 10$ ! The$points$list$for$the$Breeders$Award$ Program$has$been$updated$to$include$only$ current$members.$$If$you$are$a$current$ member$and$your$name$has$been$omitted,$ please$see$the$B.A.P.$Chairman$at$the$social$ meeting$so$we$can$correct$any$errors.! $ Please$remember:$You$may$only$turn$in$a$ species$or$strain$of$fish$for$B.A.P.$points$one$ time.$$If$you$need$a$list$of$what$you$have$ been$credited$with,$see$the$BAP$chairman$ Catfish Breeders Awards Program th April 4 , 2014 Data calculated and stored by Steve Heinbaugh ! Matt Urbin Ancistrus sp. "Calico" 10 Anthony Scranton Ancistrus sp. "Brown" 10 Jon Dietrich Ancistrus sp. "Albino Longfin" 10 Dan Ogriezek Synodontis polli 25 Steve Heinbaugh Ancistrus sp. "Brown Longifn" Corydoras ehrhardti 10 10! Breeder%% % Dan!Ogrizek! ! Steve!Heinbaugh! ! Don!&!Marilyn!Danko! Phil!Ayres! ! Dave!Ayres! ! Rick!Hallis! ! Dan!Woodland! ! Ken!Walker! ! Dustin!Brummitt! ! Linda!Wallrath! ! Eric!&!Rhonda!Sorensen! Charlie!&!Cathy!Suk!! Bob!Bina!! ! Bryan!Davis! ! Phil!Hypes! ! Hilary!Lacerda! ! Bob!Blazek! ! Jeff!Natterer! ! Dennis!Tomazin! ! Ken!Galaska! ! Tyler!Toncler! ! Matt!Urbin! ! John!Kaminski! ! Kyle!May!! ! Andrew!Schock! ! Justin!Way! ! 2014% 35! 30! 10! ! 10! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10! ! ! ! ! 20! ! ! ! ! % ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Total% 295! 280! 195! 190! 185! 115! 100! 90! 80! 75! 65! 65! 60! 60! 60! 60! 50! 50! 50! 45! 45! 40! 40! 40! 30! 30! Breeder%% % John!Kahl! ! George!Anagnostopoulos! Lew!Carbone! ! Gary!Mendez! ! John!Tesar! ! David!Toth! ! Karen!&!Ken!Grimmett! James!Shakour! ! Anthony!Scranton!! Jon!Dietrich! ! Richard!Shamray! ! William!Zarzeczny!! Tony!Poth! ! Wayne!Corman! ! Chuck!Caroll! ! Mark!Chaloupka! ! Bob!Evers! ! Jeff!Gorbach! ! David!Hale! ! Paul!Hutnyak! ! Denis!Rozmus! ! Kris!Sooy! ! Jonathan!Strazinsky! Bob!&!Jennifer!Tillman! Ethan!Wiley! ! 2014% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 10! 10! 10! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Total% 30! 20! 20! 20! 20! 20! 20! 20! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! 10! Dave’s Tropical Fish Mike’s Cichlids Family owned and operated, MIKE'S CICHLIDS specializes in providing top quality cichlids and rare tropical fish to retailers across the country. 386-426-0131 Omega One “Anyone can say natural. We live it.” Your aquarium is beautifully complex. We help you keep it that way. Nutrition – Sea Salt – Hardware 4602 Lewis Ave Toledo, OH 43612 419-478-3283 Davestropicalfish.com www.mikescichlids.com http://www.omegasea.net/ It doesn’t get any fresher than this! Greater Cleveland Aquarium 2000 Sycamore Street Cleveland, OH 44113 216-862-8803 Greaterclevelandaquarium.com Get your own advertisement on this page and join these wonderful companies who support local hobbyists like you! Virgil’s Chicken Ranch See Virgil at monthly OCA meetings, swap meets, auctions, and the Extravaganza. Bowl Show • Gary Mendez ! Congratulations,Denis,Rozmus,for,taking,1st, place,in,April,2014!!!, !! ! Coming up next… May Classes • A. Tanganyikan mouthbrooders -- exclude frontosa • B. South Americans over 6" • C. Loracariids under 6" ! June Classes • A. Mbuna - exclude Pseudo, Cyno and Melano • B. Discus, Uaru • C. Open catfish, limit 3 per participant (all cats eligible) ! April Winners B. Central Americans under 6" A. Peacocks C. Freshwater Crustaceans • 1st: • 2nd: • 3rd - • 1st • 2nd • 3rd - • 1st - Aulonocara korneliae • 2nd • 3rd: - Prizes!, Best!of!Show:!$20!Cash! ! Quarter!Champ:!$35!Pet!Shop!certificate! ! 2014!Champ:!55!gal.Aquarium!SetBup! ! 1st Standings Denis Rozmus 2rd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Apr. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quarter 2014 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Point System 1st place 10 nd 2 place 7 rd 3 place 5 Non-placing entries 1 Best of Show* 5 *Only awarded if two or more entries ! ! Support the 2014 Bowl Show ! Show your prize fish to other members!! Any Questions Please Contact: Gary Mendez [email protected] ! ! Bowl Show 2014 Schedule Meetings 2014 A B C Jan. 3 Tanganyikan Shelldwellers Central Americans under 6” Loracariids (Pleco types) over 6” Feb. 7 Victorian Basin Angelfish Synodontis and other Mochokids Mar. 7 Pseudotropheus, Cynotilapia, Melanochromis South Americans under 6”-- exclude Angels, Discus, Apistos Apr. 4 Peacocks Central Americans over 6” Catfish—exclude Callichthids, Loracariids, Mochokids (see other classes for explanations) Freshwater Crustaceans May. 2 Tanganyikan Mouthbrooders--exclude Frontosa Mbuna--exclude Pseudo, Cyno, Melano South Americans over 6” Loracariids under 6” Discus, Uaru Open Catfish, limit 3 per participant (all Cats eligible) June. 6 July Aug. 1 Sept. 5 No meeting Old World—exlude Rift Lakes and Victorian Basin Frontosa Open New World, limit 3 Open Tanganyika, limit 3 Open Old World, exclude Malawi, Tang. Corys and other Callichthyids Oct. 3 Nov. 7 Malawi “Haps” Apistos Female cichlids, limit Telmatochromis, 3 Chalinochromis Fish Photography Loaches and Botias Dec. 5 Tanganyikan “Lamps”—exclude Shell-dwellers Open Malawi, limit 3 ! ! Julidochromis 1 " Next Social Meeting – March 2, 2014 Old Oak Church, 7575 Old Oak Blvd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio Meeting"Starts"at:"" """"""8pm" " Directions:++ From+the+North+take+I371+South+" Take"exit"235"(Bagley"Rd.)."" Turn"Right"onto"Bagley."" Turn"left"onto"Old"Oak"Blvd."" Church"is"about"½"mile"on"left."" " From+the+South+take+I371+North+" Take"exit"234."" Turn"Right"onto"Pearl"Rd."(42)"" Turn"Left"onto"Fowles"Rd."" Turn"Right"onto"Old"Oak"Blvd."" Church"is"on"the"right"1/10"mile."" " Old+Oak+Church+" 7575+Old+Oak+Blvd.+" Middleburg+Heights,+Ohio" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Fun In April OCA Monthly Meeting April 4, 2014 Dan$Danko$inspects$a$fish$before$runner,$ Dave$Esner$takes$it$to$its$new$home.$ OCA$Board$members,$Eric$and$Rhonda,$ spend$the$last$half$of$the$meeting$taking$ care$of$BAP$payments.$ Bryan$Davis$finally$receives$his$HUGE$plaque$ recognizing$his$induction$into$a$small$group$of$ MASTER$BREEDERS!$ Above:$Mark$Chaloupka$thoroughly$enjoys$ handing$Dan$Ogrizek$his$BAP$100$Point$ Milestone.$ $ Right:$Lots$of$DeWerth$happiness$around$the$ raffle$table.$Where’s$Marc?$ $ Left:$George$Anahnostopoulos$ receives$many$accolades$for$his$ March$breeds.$ $ Right:$Ken$Galaska$holds$up$his$ certificate$for$another$wonderful$ spawn.$$ 30 Years! OCA$members$enjoyed$a$ delicious$cake$to$ commemorate$30$years$of$ meetings.$In$1984,$the$ first$meeting$was$held.$ With$a$dedication$to$ research,$education,$and$ conservation,$the$OCA$has$ thrived$through$the$next$ 30$years.$$President,$Dan$ Danko$had$the$ microphone$in$April$1984$ and$we$were$honored$ that$he$took$the$ microphone$again$in$April$ 2014.$$ $ Thanks$to$everyone$who$ has$kept$the$OCA$alive$for$ 30$years.$$ $ Here’s$to$another$30!$ Program Preview – May 2014 Steve Edie “Tank-ganyikan Cichlids” !! A"Texas"native,"Steve"Edie"was"born"in"Houston,"but,"as"he"says,"he"“got"over"it”."" At"an"early"age,"his"family"moved"to"Dallas,"where"he"spent"his"formative"years."" At"about"the"same"time"as"the"Sputnik"launch,"Steve"received"a"bowl"of"guppies" that"had"the"same"effect"on"his"lifeClong"interests"that"Sputnik"had"on"the"history" of"space"travel." " ! Steve"has"lived"in"St."Louis"for"the"past"25"years.""By"profession,"he"was"an" engineer"for"Boeing"and"is"now"retired.""His"current"fishroom"has"only"15"tanks," but"it’s"by"no"means"small;"he"loves"big"tanks.""His"average"tankCsize"is"80" gallons,"which"makes"for"a"1200Cgallon"fishroom.""He"says"that"he"has"“had"good" success"in"maintaining"many"different"species"and"moderate"success"in"breeding" them’.""His"favorite"fish"are"African"Rift"Lake"cichlids,"but"he"also"keeps" Geophagus,"along"with"various"cyprinids"and"catfish." " Steve"is"very"active"in"the"organized"hobby.""He"is"a"Past"President"of"the" Missouri"Aquarium"Society"and"is"its"current"BAP"Chair,"having"spent"a"total"of" over"15"years"on"its"Executive"Council.""He"is"also"a"member"of"the"North"Jersey" Aquarium"Society,"and"is"active"with"the"American"Cichlid"Association.""He"has" served"2"terms"on"the"ACA"Board"of"Trustees"and"has"attended"every"ACA" convention"since"1996.""He"believes"that"“attending"conventions"and"workshops" is"one"of"the"best"means"off"finding"friends,"information"and"rare"species"of" fish.”" " Steve"will"give"a"talk"he"calls"“TankCganyikan"Cichlids”,"which,"as"the"name" implies,"focuses"on"Tanganyikans"in"the"aquarium." June"2014"C"Next"month," barring"another"untimely" snowstorm,"Charley(Grimes" finally"makes"his"longCawaited" appearance." " Special"thanks"to"Lew"Carbone," the"OCA"Speaker"Chair,"for" arranging"these"AMAZING" OCA Social Meeting Program Preview 2014/2015 2014% !May%2!% Steve%Edie% “Tank!ganyikan%Cichlids”% % % !June%6!% Charley%Grimes% Topic%TBD% !August%1!% Klaus%Steinhaus% CARES%Program% % % !September%5!% TBD% ! % !October%3!% TBD% !November%7!% Pre:eXXtravaganza%Swap%Meeting% % % !December%5!% Christmas%Party% % 2015% % !January%2!% TBD% !February%6!% Mark%Sabaj%Perez% Catfish/Xingu%River% % !! Don’t miss a moment! Mike’s Wet Pets Imperial Tropicals One of Florida's leading tropical fish farms since 1970 Operated by Mike Drawdy Live Arrival Guarantee Visit Imperialtropicals.com 863.665.1673 Aquarium Plants & Fish in Lancaster, New York Family Owned and Operated for More than 10 Years! The Internet Cichlidae Information Center! Or Email [email protected] We carry Pleco caves, breeding caves, SERA fish food, Poret foam, driftwood, California Blackworms, OMEGA One food, cichlid caves, cichlid huts Visit http://cichlidnews.com/ Owned by JUAN MIGUEL ARTIGAS ASAZ Visit http://www.mikeswetpets.biz/ Plecocaves.com Cichlid News The Cichlidroom Companion RMS Aquaculture Over 25 years experience in both freshwater and saltwater aquarium sales! 6629 Engle Rd., Middleburg Hts., OH 44130 Visit plecocaves.com (216)433-1340 Or Email Visit [email protected] http://www.rmsaquaculture.com/ This Month in OCA History Lew Carbone, OCA Historian !! ! 1984:!!Because!the!club!and!its!BAP!are!new!things,!any!fish!that!were!born!in! members’!fishrooms,!whether!2!months!or!2!years!old,!can!be!turned!in!for! points.!Tony!and!Delores!Felix,!after!submitting!50!pointsCworth!of!fish!at!the! very!first!OCA!meeting!last!month,!turn!in!another!70!pointsCworth!this!month.!! They!become!the!first!person!or!family!to!reach!the!100Cpoint!mark.!! ! 1990:!!Dr.!Jay!Stauffer,!Ichthyology!Professor!at!Penn!State!University,!fails!to! appear!for!his!speaking!engagement!at!the!social!meeting.!!An!impromptu! roundCtable!discussion!is!held!instead.!!For$some$reason$that$is$still$a$mystery$ today.$Dr.$Stauffer$was$left$stranded$at$the$airport,$and$eventually$took$a$flight$ home.$$I$guess$everyone$thought$someone$else$was$going$to$pick$him$up.$$Luckily$ he$didn’t$hold$it$against$us$as$he$has$since$spoken$for$us$many$times,$at$both$ social$meetings$and$Extravaganzas.$$As$the$current$Program$Chair,$this$is$a$ horror$story$to$me.$ ! 1995:!!An!extensive!article!appears!in!the!Buckeye$Cichlid$Lovers$Bulletin$about! the!care!and!breeding!of!Tropheus$duboisi.!!It!is!written!by!that!great!authority! on!African!cichlids,!Mark!Chaloupka.! ! ! ! What!will!they!say! about!May!2014?! Something Fishy Inc. Cunningham Cichlids, LLC Breeder of Quality African Cichlids 9128 Lantern Way Sales-Setup-Service-Leasing Cobalt Aquatics The premier breeder and aquarium retailer specializing in African Cichlids in Northeast Ohio. 734-755-0295 Cobalt Aquatics will always strive to bring the highest quality products to market. [email protected] 624 Wilkerson Rd. 4764 State Road Cleveland, Ohio 44109 www.cunninghamcichlids.com Rock Hill, SC 29730 USA 216.635.1625 Facebook: Cunningham Cichlids 803-591-9500 www.Somethingfishyinc.net Newport, MI 48166 Visit www.cobaltaquatics.com/ Ohio Holey Rock Xtreme Aquatic Foods Professional Foods Each of our hormone free professional formulas are proudly made in the USA. Ohio Holey Rock North East Ohio Discus Nate & Bonnie Larson Providing the OCA and providing homes for your fish. 620 West Nimisila Rd, Akron, OH 44319 Phone: 330-882-5158 [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hours by Appointment only http://www.xtremeaquaticfoods .com/ Breeding Synodontis lucipinnis (aka petricola) Andrew Schock Synodontis lucipinnis vs. Synodontis petricola Synondontis lucipinnis was distinguished from Synodontis petricola in 2006, but both fish are often sold as Synodontis petricola. The two look very similar, however lucipinnis are distinguished by the lack of an axillary pore, larger, more irregular spots, and a light colored “window” at the base of rayed fins1. After I purchased my group (labeled Synodontis petricola) at the 2013 Ohio Cichlid Association Winter Auction, I posted photos of some of the fish on the Planetcatfish.com “What is my catfish?” forum. They were unanimously identified as Synodontis lucipinnis by multiple board members. A little research on Planetcatfish showed that most board members believe that lucipinnis are more common than petricola, however both species spawn in a similar fashion, so this report should work for either species. The Setup I spawned a group of six adults in a 20 gallon long aquarium. I kept the water at about 78 degrees and used a couple air driven sponges for filtration. The tank had a bare bottom and the only décor were two homemade breeding traps. I was only successful breeding these fish when they were the only species in the tank. I attempted to breed 1 Wright, J.J. and L.M. Page. 2006 Taxonomic revision of Lake Taganyikan Synodontis (Siluriformes: Mochokidae). Florida Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 46(4):99-154. them in a 120 unsuccessful. gallon aquarium with various mbuna, and was The traps consist of a PVC end cap, 5 inches in diameter, a piece of cross-stitching fabric, and a round Ziploc container. The PVC end cap has one small entrance drilled in the side and serves as a cave where the fish will spawn. The cross stitching fabric is placed between the cave and the dish, and acts as a false bottom, letting the fertilized eggs pass through it to the dish below. I place a good sized rock in the Ziploc container to weigh the trap down. Once the traps are in place, I simply wait for a spawn to occur. I have found that conditioning is not necessary, but high-protein foods such as frozen blood worms, or live black worms, do seem to trigger more frequent spawns. When a spawn occurs, the eggs are easily visible through the sides of the Ziploc container. At this point I simply remove the entire container and it in a fry box. The eggs can be transferred to the fry box using a pipette. Caring for Eggs and Rearing Fry I use a homemade fry box that consists of an old spinach container, a small sponge and a Hagen Elite sponge filter. I use the spinach container because it is 12” long, and fits perfectly inside a 20 gallon long aquarium, allowing the ends to hang on the front and back rim of the tank. First, I cut a hole in the container that is a little smaller than my sponge (the side works best, so that some water will stay in the box during water changes). I then plug the hole with the sponge, which will keep the fry in, but allow water to flow from the box to the tank. Finally, I set up the filter so that it pumps water into the box continually, while the sponge-filled hole allows excess water to return to the tank. We go through spinach pretty quickly at my house, so I usually only use the box once, and re-use the sponges. When re-using the boxes, I have found that they get very dirty, and don’t hold up well. Once eggs are laid, I carefully place the dish in the fry box, hanging in the parents’ breeding tank. I use a pipette to separate bad eggs from the good ones over the next 24 hours. The good eggs will be clear or honey colored, while bad eggs turn a milky white and start to fungus. I do not use an air stone or otherwise agitate the water, as it seems the hatch rate is better with the calm water. When I have used an airstone, I found that all the eggs will stick together, or settle against each other, making it easy for all of them to fungus. In as little as 24 hours, the eggs will begin forming tails and swimming sporadically around the box. Over the next few days, I continue to pull bad eggs and dead wrigglers from the box with the pipette. It is important to start feeding the fry within a few days. I feed baby brine shrimp and powdered pellet food right away. From here on out, all you have to do is keep them fed and keep the water clean. I try and feed 2-3 times a day and change about 30% of the water twice a week. You will have a lot of losses in the first few days, but after a couple weeks or so it is usually smooth sailing. In my experience, the fry have been somewhat slow growing, taking several months to grow the fry out to about an inch. I hope you have found this useful and good luck! 1 week from spawn: 2 weeks from spawn: Sera Foods Sera uses only first-class ingredients from sustainable sources as to achieve a high digestibility rate of 80% Deep Blue Professional Sera Foods are different – simply more natural! The highest quality products for far less than the competition. Aquariums and Aquatic Accessories Seachem Laboratories Just add water. We’ll do the rest. Check out the NEW HydroTote! www.sera.de http://www.seachem.com/ http://www.deepbluepr ofessional.com/ info@deepblueprofessio nal.com South Central Cichlids.com Kensfish.com DEDICATED TO PROVIDING YOU WITH THE BEST PRODUCTS, LOWEST PRICES AND QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE “Caves made so you will enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them!” -Will not leach chemicals -Won’t break down over time -Will not have sharp edges Good for the Hobby – Organizations – Industry Ray “Kingfish” Lucas Free shipping on orders for $75 Celebrating 24 years in the business (1989-2013 ) of participating at your events. 508-823-4043 Kingfishservices.net http://www.kensfish.com/ www.southcentralcichlids.com [email protected] The Cunningham Corner Josh Cunningham, OCA Board Cunningham Cichlids, LLC Thanks'for'your'monthly' contribution,'Josh!' ' Visit'Josh’s'website'at' www.cunninghamcichlids.com' ' !!
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