Tokens - Holabird Americana


Tokens - Holabird Americana
Lot # 6591 Nevada , Tonopah City
Bakery, Tonopah Two pieces. 1)
Tonopah / City Bakery // GF / 1 / Loaf
/ of / Bread. BR. NCS. 2) City Bakery /
Tonopah // GF / One / Loaf Bread. BR.
NCS. Est. $100 ~ $200 FHWAC# 3117
Lot # 6592 Nevada , Tonopah Desert
Club, Tonopah 1908 Desert Club /
Tonopah / Nev. // 25c in Circle. BR.
NCS. Est. $260 ~ $420 FHWAC# 31170
Lot # 6593 Nevada , Tonopah Desert
Club, Tonopah c1908 Desert Club /
Tonopah / Nev. // 12 1/2c in circle.
BR. NCS. Est. $260 ~ $420 FHWAC#
Lot # 6594 Nevada , Tonopah Hub
Saloon Token (Tonopah, Nevada)
c1905 HUB / SALOON // GF / 12 1/2
/ cts / IT. AL. NCS Est. $50 ~ $100
FHWAC# 23619
Lot # 6595 Nevada , Tonopah Monte
Carlo Saloon Token (Tonopah,
Nevada) c1905 Monte Carlo / Saloon
/ Tonapah(sic), Nev. // GF / One /
Drink. BR. NCS. Est. $100 ~ $200
FHWAC# 23627
Lot # 6600 Nevada , Verdi Western
Saloon, Verdi Western / Saloon //
GF / 5c / IT. BR. Est. $200 ~ $300
FHWAC# 31128
Lot # 6601 Nevada , Virginia City Carney Bros. Tokens (3) (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1915 3 Pieces. Carney Bros. /
Virginia City / Nev. GF / 5c / It. Also 25c
IT, 23mm, and 25c IT, 24mm. all BR. Est.
$100 ~ $200 FHWAC# 23672
Lot # 6602 Nevada , Virginia City
Comstock 49 Camp Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) 1921 Comstock 49
Camp / Labor Day / 100 / Sept. 3-4-5 /
1921 // Same as obverse. AL Est. $50
~ $100 FHWAC# 23674
Lot # 6603 Nevada , Virginia City
Gem Saloon Token (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1915 Gem / Saloon / Virginia City, Nev. // GF / 5c / IT. BR. Est.
$150 ~ $300 FHWAC# 23678
Lot # 6596 Nevada , Tonopah Palace
Hotel & Palace Bar, Tonopah Two T.
Balder / Prop // GF / One / Drink. AL.
NCS / Tonopah / Nev. // GF / 12.5 / IT.
Br. NCS. 2] Palace Bar / Tonopah Est.
$120 ~ $200 FHWAC# 31175
Lot # 6604 Nevada , Virginia City
Gilcrest, J. G. Token (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1900 J. G. Gilgrest / Virginia
/ City, Nev. // GF / 1 / Drink. BR. Est.
$100 ~ $150 FHWAC# 23647
Lot # 6597 Nevada , Tonopah
Tonopah Collection Five Good For
Tokes from Tonopah. Chris Sorensen,
Grocery Store, Mammoth Cluc, Historic Tonopah Club, and Faust Cigar
Stang. All NCS. Est. $100 ~ $200
Lot # 6605 Nevada , Virginia City S. J.
Grondono Token (Virginia City, Nevada) S. J. Grondono // GF / 1 / Large
Loaf / at the / City Bakery. AL Est. $70
~ $120 FHWAC# 23677
FHWAC# 31174
Lot # 6598 Nevada , Tonopah
Tonopah Collection. Six Pieces.
Big Casino, Belmont Bar, King’s Ice
Cream Parlor, Model Cigar Store, A. H.
Rounsvell, and Cobweb Liquor. Est.
$100 ~ $200 FHWAC# 31176
Lot # 6599 Nevada , Verdi Verdi
Nevada Collection Three pieces. 1)
Kane & Hectot / Country / Club /
Verdi // 10. BR. 2) Hotel Verdi / Verdi
/ Nevada / O’Conner & Bony // GF /
5c / IT. BR. 3) The Western / Verdi,
Nev. // GF / 5c / Drink. AL. All NCS.
Est. $700 ~ $1,000 FHWAC# 31151
Lot # 6606 Nevada , Virginia City
Haffey Bros. Token (Virginia City,
Nevada) Haffey / Bros. // GF / 10c
/ IT. BR. Est. $400 ~ $800 FHWAC#
Million Dollar Auction~ September 25, 26, 27 & October 2, 3, 4, 2015
Lot # 6607 Nevada , Virginia City
International Saloon Token (Virginia City, Nevada) International /
Saloon / Desiderio & Co. // GF / 5c
/ IT. BR. Est. $110 ~ $150 FHWAC#
Lot # 6614 Nevada , Virginia City
The Reception Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) 1907 The Reception
/ T. F. Short / Prop // GF / 12 1/2
/ cts / Drink. BR Est. $40 ~ $80
Lot # 6608 Nevada , Virginia City
S. Mariani Token (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1914 S. Mariani / Virginia
City // GF / 5c / IT. BR. Est. $50 ~
$100 FHWAC# 23667
Lot # 6615 Nevada , Virginia City
The Smokery Token Trio (Virginia City, Nevada) 1910 3 pieces.
1] GF / 5c / Smokery / in / Trade //
The Brunswick Balke / Collender
/ Company / Pool Table Pictorial /
Check. AL. 2&3] The / Smokery //
GF / 5c / IT. BR. Est. $120 ~ $250
Lot # 6609 Nevada , Virginia City
G. Moscardini Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) G. Moscardini / Virginia / Nevada / 1879 // Blank.
BR. Id tag Est. $40 ~ $60 FHWAC#
Lot # 6610 Nevada , Virginia City
Ryan & Stenson Tokens (7) (Virginia City, Nevada) 1890 Collection
of Seven Pieces. Ryan & Stenson /
Premiums / For Cash Only // 5, 25,
1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00, all Six Brass.
Ryan & Stenson / Virginia / City /
Nev. // GF / 25 / IM. AL. Est. $240
~ $600 FHWAC# 23639
Lot # 6611 Nevada , Virginia City
Senate Saloon, John Laity, Token
(Virginia City, Nevada) 1892 John
Laity / GF 1 Drink / Senate Saloon.
// Blank. BR. Est. $240 ~ $500
FHWAC# 23679
Lot # 6612 Nevada , Virginia City
The Crystal Saloon Token (Virginia City, Nevada) 1895 Brunswick
Balke / Collender / Copm. / Pool
Table Pictorial / Check // GF / 1 /
Drink / The Crystal / Con.A.Ahern.
AL Est. $70 ~ $150 FHWAC# 23676
Lot # 6613 Nevada , Virginia City
The Northern Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) The / Northern /
Virginia City, Nev. // GF / 12 1/2c /
IT. Two pieces. BR. Est. $80 ~ $150
FHWAC# 23636
FHWAC# 23646
FHWAC# 23638
Lot # 6616 Nevada , Virginia City
The Terrace Token (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1910 The Terrace / No.1 /
D Street / Virginia City, Nev. 5c. BR.
Est. $60 ~ $100 FHWAC# 23648
Lot # 6617 Nevada , Virginia City
V. T. P. Token Pair (Virginia City,
Nevada) 1908 - 1910 2 pieces. 1)
V.T.P. / No. 1 / d street // 5c. 2)
V.T.P. / No. 1 d street / Virginia City
/ Nev. // 5c. BR Est. $120 ~ $250
FHWAC# 23673
Lot # 6618 Nevada , Virginia City
V. L. McBride, Senate Club Token
(Virginia City, Nevada) V. L. McBride / Senate Club / Virginia City
/ Nevada / If found drop into any
mail box. AL. ID Tag. Est. $50 ~ $80
FHWAC# 23669
Lot # 6619 Nevada , Virginia City
Virginia Saloon Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) Virginia / Saloon //
GF / 10c / IT. Hole punched. BR.
Est. $80 ~ $200 FHWAC# 23612
Lot # 6620 Nevada , Virginia City
Virginia Saloon Token (Virginia
City, Nevada) Virginia / Saloon //
GF / 10c / IT. BR. Est. $80 ~ $200
FHWAC# 23649
Bid online at or call 775-851-1859
Lot # 6621 Nevada , Virginia City
Virginia Winery Tokens (2) (Virginia City, Nevada) 1910 Good For
/ 25c / Virginia / Winery / in trade
// 25c. Second piece included is
same only 5c. both BR. Est. $200 ~
$400 FHWAC# 23668
Lot # 6622 Nevada , Wellington
Wellington Saloon Token (Wellington, Nevada) c1908 Wellington
/ Saloon // GF / 12 1/2c / IT. BR.
NGC. Est. $120 ~ $250 FHWAC#
Lot # 6623 Nevada , Wells Geo.
Allen, Wells Nevada c1908 Geo.
Allen / Wells, Nevada // GF / One /
Drink. AL. NCS. Est. $150 ~ $250
FHWAC# 31149
Lot # 6624 Nevada , Wells Arcade
Saloon Token (Wells, Nevada)
c1905 Arcade Saloon // GF 2 1/2c
/ IT. Heart shaped Brass. NCS Est.
$300 ~ $600 FHWAC# 23610
Lot # 6625 Nevada , Wells Digrazia Bros., Wells Nevada 1910 Two
pieces. Digrazia Bros / Wells \/
Nev. // GF / 5c / IT. Second piece GF
12.5c. Both BR. ,NCS. Est. $200 ~
$300 FHWAC# 31154
Lot # 6628 Nevada , Wells Palace
Saloon, Wells, Nevada token AU
Palace Saloon slabbed token. D.
Quilici Bros. / Wells / Nev. // GF /
12 1/2c / IT / Palace Saloon. Brass.
Est. $500 ~ $1,000 FHWAC# 31958
Lot # 6629 Nevada , Wells Quilici
Bros (Palace Saloon) Token
(Wells, Nevada) D. Quilici Bros. /
Wells / Nev. // GF 12 1/2c / IT /
Palace Saloon. BR. NCS Est. $400 ~
$1,000 FHWAC# 23632
Lot # 6630 Nevada , Wells Quillici,
C., Wells c1908 C. Quillici / Wells
/ Nev. // GF / 5c / Trade. BR. NCS.
Est. $120 ~ $200 FHWAC# 31155
Lot # 6631 Nevada , Wells Wells
Hotel, & Reno Club, Wells c1908
Two pieces. 1) Wells Hotel & Café
// GF / 12.5c / IT. Hole punched.
2) Reno Cluc / Wells / Nev. // GF /
12.5c / IT. Both BR., NCS, NGC. Est.
$200 ~ $300 FHWAC# 31152
Lot # 6632 Nevada , Wells
Western Hardware, Wells Nevada
Three pieces. Western Hardware /
& / Lumber / Co. / Wells, Nev. // GF
/ 5c / in / Merchandise / at retail.
Also 10c, and 25c. All BR., NCS. Est.
$300 ~ $500 FHWAC# 31150
Lot # 6626 Nevada , Wells E.
Edwards, Wells Nevada Two
pieces. E. Edwards / Wells / Nevada
// GF / 5c / IT. Second piece GF 25c.
Both BR., NCS. Est. $150 ~ $250
FHWAC# 31153
Lot # 6627 Nevada , Wells Geo.
Allen Token (Wells, Nevada) Geo.
Allen / Wells, Nevada // GF / One /
Drink. AL. NCS. Est. $400 ~ $800
FHWAC# 23630
Lot # 6633 Nevada , Yerington Yerington GF Token Collection (11)
(Yerington, Nevada) A collection of eleven Good For Tokens from Yerington Nevada. All eleven are cased. Est. $220 ~ $400 FHWAC# 23651
Million Dollar Auction~ September 25, 26, 27 & October 2, 3, 4, 2015
Lot # 6634 Nevada , Saloon Tokens of Nevada 1885, 1900, 1908
Three pieces. 1] Nevada / Saloon
/ Manhattan, Nev. // GF/ 25c / IT.
AL. 2] Morning Star / S. F. / Saloon
// GF / 1 / Drink. 3] Turf Saloon /
Millers / Nev. // GF / 6.25c / IT. BR.
All NCS. Est. $200 ~ $350 FHWAC#
Lot # 6635 New Jersey , Camden Pepeta’s Saloon Token (Camden,
New Jersey) c 1910 Pepeta’s Saloon / Camden, N. J. // 5 Est. $40 ~
$80 FHWAC# 22850 (photo online)
Lot # 6636 New Jersey , Trenton
Artic Ice Cream Co. Advertising
Mirror “Insist Upon Getting ARTIC
Ice Cream Co.’s Pure, Wholesome,
Real Ice Cream” mirror token. Mirror side is worn on lower half. Dark
Green oval with bowl of ice cream.
2.75” x 1.75”. Est. $100 ~ $150
FHWAC# 26275
Lot # 6637 New Mexico , Las Cruces Majestic Saloon Potty Token
1905 The all-time classic encased cent (1905, uncirc), from the Majestic Saloon run by S.F. Bean. We sold one from the Schilling Collection
and one other that came out of the woodwork over the past twenty
years. Listed in Schilling’s New mexico book because it is technically a
one cent token, it is not in Kiser’s book. The Majestic also made a coffin
shaped token, again one of the all time great American tokens. This
piece has a history. It was originally obtained by Charles “Jake” Davis
(1872-1955), perhaps from the Majestic saloon itself in 1905. Davis
fought in the Spanish War in 1899. After the war he lived in Colorado,
then to Truth or Consequences.The token has been in his family since
(Conn Davis Collection). Davis enjoyed collecting coins from the US
and from the Philippines when he served there. Est. $800 ~ $1,500
Lot # 6639 New York , Buffalo Pan
American Expo Souvenir Coin
(Buffalo, N. Y.) 1901 Pan-American
/ Exposition / Buffalo N. Y., U. S. A.
/ 1901 // H. A. Meldrum Co. / Buffalo N. Y. Round. Possible gold plate
or gold colored brass. 21mm. Est.
$100 ~ $200 FHWAC# 28965
Lot # 6640 New York , Buffalo Pan-American Exposition Souvenir Award Token 1901 Token for the “Gold Medal Awarded To John
LaBatt - London, Canada for Best Ale & Porter.” Nice example, in very
good condition, shows minor wear. Unusual. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC#
28453 (photo online)
Lot # 6641 New York , New York
E Lyon Merchant Token 1850’s
US Merchant Token 1850’s E Lyon
New York Magnetic Powder Pills for
Insects & Rats. Image of woman’s
head on front. Image of eagle on
reverse. 424 Broadway / New York
// Magnetic Powder & Pills / For
Insects & Rats. Round. Brass. 21mm.
Est. $100 ~ $300 FHWAC# 28962
Lot # 6642 Ohio , Cincinnati
Kiefer’s Saloon, Billiard Token
GF / 5c/ H. Kiefer’s / Saloon / in /
Trade // National Billiard Manufacturing Co. Cin. O. We are not
sure of the exact location of Keifer’s
Saloon. Brass. Est. $100 ~ $300
FHWAC# 31962
Lot # 6643 Oklahoma , Tecumseh
Pictorial, diamond Oklahoma
Territory token c1900 H. J. S. Saloon / 12 1/2c // [picture of bull].
Brass. 25mm. Est. $200 ~ $400
FHWAC# 31956
FHWAC# 27841
Lot # 6638 New York
, Brooklyn Cal Gold
Brooklyn Bridge
Token 1883 Brooklyn
Bridge / 1936 // “Our
Father...” (prayer).
Round. Gold. 13mm.
UNC. Est. $100 ~
$300 FHWAC# 28964
Lot # 6644 Pennsylvania , Greentree Oriole Motor Coach Lines
Transportation Tokens (Restrikes) 76 brass transportation restrike
GOOD FOR / (ORIOLE) / ONE FARE. Circulated condition. 24mm diameter. Atwood-Coffee 425-restrike. Est. $100 ~ $200 FHWAC# 28632
Bid online at or call 775-851-1859
Lot # 6645 Pennsylvania , Philadelphia Philadelphia International
Expo Token 1877 Bronze token, with scroll surround, and minute
die-struck lettering that reads “Struck in the Main Building of the International Exposition Phila on the First Steam Coining Press Used by
the US Mint.” The reverse has the Lord’s Prayer in full. There is a small
hole at the top of the token. The amount of minuscule lettering on this
small token is amazing. Very good condition. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC#
Lot # 6653 Canada , New Brunswick New Brunswick Token Group
Twelve tokens from 1843. NB 1A1,
2, 2A (Cross Numbers). Varying
condition, please inspect. Est. $130
~ $200 FHWAC# 33332
28465 (photo online)
Lot # 6646 Pennsylvania , Philadelphia Ulysses S. Grant Token
December 16, 1879 Commemorative U.S. Grant token, struck and
distributed by the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia for the “Municipal Parade,
1879” There is a drilled hole in the top of the token, otherwise it is
in very good condition. Very ornate, rare. Est. $70 ~ $140 FHWAC#
28446 (photo online)
Lot # 6647 US & Canada , Miscellaneous US & Canada Tokens
Group c. 1800’s Lot of 14: various tokens from all walks and locations.
Souvenir token from Tombstone, AZ “Helldorado Days,” reads “Shootin-Lynchin-Hangin” on the reverse. A “Good Luck Token” from the
Gross Photo Supply Co. An aluminum token from the Chas. Desjardins
& CIE from Montreal. There is also a mirror top from “Cavitt’s System
Regulator” stomach and kidney tonic jar. There is a brass token from
Gifford’s Cigar Store on State St. and many more. A very eclectic group.
Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28462 (photo online)
Lot # 6648 Various , Freemasons Union Tokens Quartet 18551922 Lot of 4: Copper “One Penny” chapter tokens from various chapters of the Royal Arch Freemasons (R.A.M.) around the country. These
nearly identical tokens are from Dearbon, MI, Charleston, SC, Albany,
NY and Kenosha, WI. Approx. 30mm, overall good condition. Est. $60
~ $100 FHWAC# 28469 (photo online)
Lot # 6649 Washington , Kennewick
Merchant Saloon Good For Mirror
c1910 Good-for mirror, 12.5 cents,
lady with exposed breast. Encased in
NGC holder for protection Excellent
condition. Extremely Rare. This was
a discovery piece at the Reno Bottle
Show about a decade ago. Est. $1,500
~ $2,200 FHWAC# 33200
Lot # 6650 Washington , Puget Sound-Port Angeles Washington
Maverick Tokens Group 1917 Lot of 3: “P.A. Mill & Timber Co.”
bi-metallic (brass & aluminum) tokens. P.A. stood for Port Angeles, a
lumber operation out of Puget Sound. The (2) larger tokens (30mm)
read “Good For 50c in Merchandise Only” on the reverse, while the
lone smaller token is good for 25c. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28467
(photo online)
Lot # 6651 Washington , Seattle AYPE Store Token “The Lotus”
1909 Obv.: The Lotus / (flower) / 305 Pike St.; Rev.: Alaska-YukonPacific Exposition / pictorial / Seattle 1909; Rd., Br., 32mm, holed. Est.
$50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28475 (photo online)
Lot # 6652 Canada , Montreal
Bank of Montreal Token Lot Large
group pf Bank of Montreal tokens,
varieties. 38 small tokens, and six
of the larger tokens. Please inspect.
Varying conditions, some vf+ Est.
$450 ~ $900 FHWAC# 33328
Lot # 6654 Canada , New Brunswick New Brunswick Tokens Nice
group of New Brunswick tokens. NB
1A (5); NB1B (4, 1 is xf+); NB 2A1,
5 others (poss 1A). 15 tokens Est.
$200 ~ $450 FHWAC# 33278
Lot # 6655 Canada , Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Token Collection Nice
group of Nova Scotia tokens in varying condition. NS 1A5, 1B2, 1C2,
2B2, 1F3, 1F5, 1D2, 2A3, 1D3, 2C1,
23B, 19A1, 1B1, 5A1, 1E, 1D3. and
others Est. $300 ~ $600 FHWAC#
Lot # 6656 Canada , Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Token Group Nice
group of early Nova scotia tokens.
NS 1E2, 10B1, 23A2, 18C1, 1C2,
1A3. Eight pieces. Est. $120 ~
$250 FHWAC# 33277
Lot # 6657 Canada , Prince Edward
Island Nice XF Prince Edward Island Token Extremely fine example
of 1857 PE7C5. Est. $100 ~ $250
FHWAC# 33276
Lot # 6658 Canada , Prince Edward
Island Prince Edward Island Tokens Nice group of Prince Edward
Island tokens. PE5A, 7B1; 7C1; 5B.
11 tokens. Please inspect. Est. $200
~ $350 FHWAC# 33279
Lot # 6659 Canada , Prince Edward
Island Prince Edward Island
Tokens Group of six tokens, PE10.
A bit more rare than others. VF Est.
$300 ~ $600 FHWAC# 33331
Lot # 6660 Canada , Province Du
Canada Bank of Montreal Tokens Breton 526-529, 532 tokens.
Includes Cross PC 1B1,Pc 3, 1B6,,
4, 2B, 1B5, 13B. 24 pieces, varying condition, please inspect. Most
are VF minus, but there might be a
goodie in here. Est. $300 ~ $600
FHWAC# 33272
Million Dollar Auction~ September 25, 26, 27 & October 2, 3, 4, 2015
Lot # 6661 Canada , Bank of Upper Canada Token Lot Forty one of
the large sized tokens, mostly 1832.
Varying condition, some VF+. Please
inspect. Est. $360 ~ $700 FHWAC#
Lot # 6667 Canada , Ships,
Colonies Tokens Fine to XF. (2 Vf,
1 XF, 1XF cleaned) Est. $80 ~ $150
FHWAC# 33336
Lot # 6662 Canada , Bank of Upper Canada Tokens 64 tokens from
the upper Bank of Canada. Various
dates in the 1800’s. 1850 (15);
1852 (15); 1854 (15); 1857 (14);
1832 (1);1833 (2); 1820 (2). Mostly
vf minus. Est. $500 ~ $1,000 FH-
WAC# 33334
Lot # 6663 Canada , Canadian
Tokens, Misc. group of Early Pieces
Tokens from Quebec (10), Nova
Scotia (NS 23A1, 23A2, 23A?[3]),
New brunswick, Wellington (7);
Victorio Nobles (1); Breton 527 (1),
884 (3)879 (1), 561 (1)915 (1),907
(1),969 (1); PC4; WE 2A1; 12 misc
other pieces. Please inspect. Most are
fine minus. a few are VF +/-. About
42 pieces Est. $400 ~ $800 FHWAC#
Lot # 6664 Canada , Lower
Canada Token Group 25 tokens.
1837. Cross reference numbers
LC21; 9C2; 9A; 8B1; 60F; 57;15A3;
60E1; 49; 12; 88-1; 51A2; 13B; 14B.
Varying condition, mostly vf minus.
Est. $300 ~ $600 FHWAC# 33333
Lot # 6668 zEngland , Large Group of 18th and 19th Century British Tokens, including Condors. 24 British pennies, various dates, all
early. 5 halfpennies; 25 Condor tokens, all VF but slightly cleaned. 5
other 19th century tokens. Nice collection for any interested student
of British numismatics. Fascinating early copper coins. Est. $400 ~
$800 FHWAC# 33337
Lot # 6669 zMexico , Mexican
Token Obverse: Santiago C. Lohse
/ Comisionista / portrait; reverse:
Calle de D. Juan Manuel No. 4 / vapor economica / Mexico. Br., 28mm.
Est. $100 ~ $300 FHWAC# 28548
Lot # 6670 zMexico , Mexican tokens Lot of five small, gold or gold
plated tokens believed to be from
Mexico. One 1865 piece in a plastic
holder labeled “Auguri di felice anno
nuovo”. Est. $100 ~ $200 FHWAC#
Lot # 6665 Canada , Lower
Canada Tokens LC 56B1,
LC1, 54C1, 53A, 31A2, 37, as
described in Cross “Canadian
Colonial Tokens”. 12 pieces.
Some look vf/xf. Please
inspect. Est. $100 ~ $250
FHWAC# 33275
Lot # 6666 Canada , Province Du Bas
Canada Token Group 26 small, 13 large
tokens. 1837. Varying condition, please
inspect. Est. $400 ~ $800 FHWAC# 33335
Lot # 6671 zMexico , Mexican Tokens Group c.1894-1915 Lot of
4: brass tokens from Guatimoc, one with a maltese cross. (1) token is
aluminum. Likely Mexican plantation tokens. In very good condition,
quite unusual. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28450 (photo online)
Lot # 6672 , “Keep Your Pants
On” Advertising Pin Keep Your
Pants On. Round pin showing standing woman with her skirt flying
up and her panties and garters
exposed. Very good condition.
2.25” diameter. Est. $100 ~ $250
FHWAC# 28219
Lot # 6673 , “Meet Me at Jack’s
Place” Advertising Pin Meet Me At
Jack’s Place. Round bawdy token for
Jack’s Place shows woman in black
gloves. Good condition. 1.75” diameter. Est. $100 ~ $300 FHWAC#
Bid online at or call 775-851-1859
Lot # 6674 , Anillo Restrike and Union Pacific Aluminum Tokens
Two Maverick Aluminum pieces. 1] Anillo Restrike of Riviera goof for
one free play. 2] Union Pacific Streamliner commutative token. Est.
$40 ~ $80 FHWAC# 23606 (photo online)
Lot # 6675 , Anillo Restrile
Archive A once-in-a-lifetime
chance at an original Anillo
holding. This archive has nearly
5500 pieces. These tokens are
all “uniface” with only one side
struck. They include obverses and
reverses. Anillo got control of the
LA Rubber Stamp company dies
and made these as an example of
what was made by that historic
southern California die sinker.
We know today that they made
tokens and medals for Arizona,
Nevada, California businesses and
events. A scattered look shows
Boy Scout, trade tokens, high
school tokens, card rooms, dairies, saloons from San Jose to Beaumont
to Phoenix. A number of these tokens have never been seen other than
in the Anillo form. Est. $2,500 ~ $4,500 FHWAC# 30802
Lot # 6676 , Fake Whorehouse
Tokens Nearly 140 brass tokens
(with duplicates). This set will
be good for a laugh! Fake brothel
tokens from places like the Barbary
Coast (San Francisco), Carson City,
Yuma, El Paso, Tuscon, Los Angeles,
Drytown, Poverty Hill, Virginia City,
Jackson, Tombstone, etc. Most have
been aged to look older or dug.
Largest is 1.75” in diameter. Est.
$300 ~ $500 FHWAC# 28615
Lot # 6677 , Fake Whorehouse
Tokens 2 Lot of 75. Another fun
group of fake brass brothel tokens.
Includes: Goldfield (NV), Virginia
City, Prescott, Los Angeles, El Paso,
Yuma, Folsom, San Francisco, Drytown, etc. Most are worn to appear
older. Largest is 1.75” Est. $200 ~
$300 FHWAC# 28620
Lot # 6678 , Large Lot of Bawdy
House Tokens A large lot of tokens,
probably several thousand pieces.
Obverse: “Once a king, always a
king”, reverse “Once a knight is
enough”. Dollar sized, aluminum.
They will need to be rinsed off with
water. Great opportunity to hand
them out to friends. Est. $800 ~
$1,500 FHWAC# 33271
Lot # 6679 , Love Tokens Duo 1861-1863 A pair of small “Love”
tokens, both with tiny holes at the tops of the coins. Very small round
pieces, 18mm and 15mm respectively. Interesting obverse and reverse
sides, both showing wear. Please inspect. Est. $100 ~ $200 FHWAC#
Lot # 6680 , Masonic Token Silver Masonic with gold inlay. Overall
good condition, with some wear. Rare. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28456
(photo online)
Lot # 6681 , Miscellaneous Token Group c.1932-1991 Lot of 9:
various tokens from the nation, and from very different locations. The
1932 Stewart-Warner token marked the end of the Depression, and
reads “Stop Crying and Start Buying.” There is a railroad token that
commemorates the fist bridge over the Mississippi for the Rock Island
Line in 1922. An older brass token reads “Good for 2 Packs of Cigarettes,” while another indicates “Heintz Bros Fine Ring Makers Buffalo
NY.” Please inspect for the others. Est. $50 ~ $100 FHWAC# 28443
(photo online)
Lot # 6682 , Unlisted American Maverick Tokens Pair c.1880 Pair
of pre-1900 Tokens, previously unlisted. First is the “S. Rooney Good
For 15c At Bar,” round bronze. The reverse is worn and not readable.
Second is the “Moore & Fluno,” the “Armijo House.” Round brass, in excellent condition. Unknown origins, please inspect. Est. $50 ~ $100
FHWAC# 28449 (photo online)
Lot # 6683 , Transportation
Token Lot Hundreds of tokens
including one way fares on the Hibbing Heartland Express, D.A.T.A. 1
dollar and 75 cent fares, Beaumont
City Lines, Los Angeles Railway,
Muskegan, and more. Mixed plastic
and metal tokens. Est. $120 ~
$200 FHWAC# 33537
Lot # 6684 , Various Tokens 2
Susanville, CA; 4 Grantsville, CT; 2
Miami, AZ; 3 Southern Cal. Dollar
size store; 5 early Canadian (fair
only); 1 NY Civil War token. Est.
$120 ~ $200 FHWAC# 33119
Lot # 6685 , Wooden Nickels Collection Over a thousand wooden
nickels that are primarily from western states, but also branch from all
over the U.S. Sambo’s etc. Est. $150 ~ $250 FHWAC# 32969
Million Dollar Auction~ September 25, 26, 27 & October 2, 3, 4, 2015

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