Xintek - XinNano Materials
Xintek - XinNano Materials
Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations CNTs CNTs FIELD EMISSION CATHODE CATALOG Xintek Xintek, tek, Inc. November, 2008 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 1 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. PRODUCT AT A GLANCE .......................................................... 3 2. INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 5 3. HOW TO READ CATALOG NUMNBER? ..................................... 7 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES ........................................................... 8 ◎ XTC-D01-SSD-R1x10 ............................................................. 8 ◎ XTC-D01-SSP-C10x10 ........................................................... 9 ◎ XTC-D01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 ....................................................... 12 ◎ XTC-D01-MOC-C2.5x2.5 ...................................................... 12 ◎ XTC-D01-MOC-C10x10 ........................................................ 13 ◎ XTC-D01-SSC-C10x10 ......................................................... 13 ◎ XTC-D01-MOR-R2x15 .......................................................... 14 ◎ XTC-D01-SSR-R2x15 ........................................................... 14 ◎ XTC-D01-GL2.8-E2x8 .......................................................... 16 ◎ XTC-D02-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 .................................................. 18 ◎ XTC-D13-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 .................................................. 20 ◎ XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15 ........................................................ 21 ◎ XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15-WS .................................................. 23 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES ....................................................... 24 ◎ XTC-T01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 ....................................................... 24 ◎ XTC-T01-MOC-C10x10 ........................................................ 25 ◎ XTC-T01-SSR-R3x10 ........................................................... 26 ◎ XTC-T01-SSC-R3x10 ........................................................... 27 ◎ XTC-T05-GL2.8-R2x15 ........................................................ 28 ◎ XTC-T03-MO-R2x15 ............................................................ 30 6. CUSTOMIZED CARBON NANOTUBE CATHODES ................... 32 7. PRIZE AND LEAD TIME INFORMATION.................................. 33 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 2 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 1. PRODUCT AT A GLANCE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 3 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations CATHODE INFORMATION CHART* Catalog number XTC-D01-SSDR1x10 XTC-D01-SSPC10x10 XTC-D01-SSCC2.5x2.5 XTC-D01-MOCC2.5x2.5 XTC-D01-MOCC10x10 XTC-D01-SSCC10x10 XTC-D01-MORR2x15 XTC-D01-SSRR2x15 XTC-D01-GL2.8E2x8 XTC-D02-GL2.8E0.5x2.35 Cathode type Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Pixel number 1 1 Substrate material Stainless steel 304 Stainless steel 304 Stainless steel 304 Molybdenum 1 Molybdenum 1 Stainless steel 304 Molybdenum XTC-D13-GL2.8E0.5x2.35 XTC-D05-GL2.8R2x15 XTC-D05-GL2.8R2x15-WS XTC-T01-SSCC2.5x2.5 XTC-T01-MOCC10x10 XTC-T01-SSRR3x10 XTC-T01-SSCR3x10 XTC-T05-GL2.8R2x15 XTC-T03-MORR2x15 Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Diode (w/o gate) Triode (with gate) Triode (with gate) Triode (with gate) Triode (with gate) Triode (with gate) Triode (with gate) 1 1 1 1 1 Stainless steel 304 Glass 2 Glass 13 Glass 5 Glass 5 Glass 1 Stainless steel 304 Molybdenum 1 1 5 Stainless steel 304 Stainless steel 304 Glass 3 Molybdenum 1 Emission area shape & size Rectangle 1mm×10mm Circle 10mm×10mm Circle 2.5mm×2.5mm Circle 2.5mm×2.5mm Circle 10mm×10mm Circle 10mm×10mm Rectangle 2mm×15mm Rectangle 1mm×10mm Ellipse 2mm×8mm Ellipse 0.5mm×2.35mm Current Build-in density Spacer 10mA/cm2 DC No 1A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC No 2A/cm2 Pulse 10mA/cm2 DC No 2A/cm2 Pulse 10mA/cm2 DC No 3A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC No 5A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC No 2A/cm2 Pulse 10mA/cm2 DC No 5A/cm2 Pulse 10mA/cm2 DC No 2A/cm2 Pulse 8mA/cm2 DC No 0.4A/cm2 Pulse 10mA/cm2 DC No 0.5A/cm2 Pulse Unit price $400 Ellipse 0.5mm×2.35mm Rectangle 2mm×15mm Rectangle 2mm×15mm Circle 2.5mm×2.5mm Circle 10mm×10mm Rectangle 3mm×10mm Rectangle 3mm×10mm Rectangle 2mm×15mm Rectangle 2mm×15mm 10mA/cm2 DC 0.5A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 1A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 1A/cm2 Pulse 25mA/cm2 DC 0.5A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 1.5A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 2A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 2A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 0.1A/cm2 Pulse 2mA/cm2 DC 3.5A/cm2 Pulse No Call No Call Yes Call Yes Call Yes Call Yes Call Yes Call Yes Call Yes Call $400 $500 Call Call Call Call Call Call Call * Please check section of each cathode for more detailed information! * The chart only listed our standard samples. Please contact us for information about non standard cathodes! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 4 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 2. INTRODUCTION ABOUT XINTEK: Xintek, Inc. is the world’s leading company in making high quality carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and CNTs based field emission electron sources for a wide variety of applications, including field emission x-ray tubes and field emission displays, etc. XINTEK’S CNT FIELD EMISSION CATHODE TECHNOLOGIES: Xintek’s CNTs based field emission cathodes are fabricated using its proprietary post deposition technologies [1]. The technologies allow using of preformed high quality CNTs as field emission materials for the cathodes. WHAT ARE UNIQUE ABOUT XINTEK’S CNT FIELD EMISSION CATHODES? What are unique about Xintek’s CNT field emission cathodes are their superior field emission performances. At Xintek, CNT materials are produced using its proprietary chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process and have superb graphitic structures [2]. It ensures enhanced performances of the CNT field emission materials, such as improved mechanical strength, improved electric conductivity, improved chemical and thermal stability, etc. Both of Xintek’s CNT materials and cathode fabrication process have been studied and optimized for years based on comprehensive research and development efforts. WHAT ARE FIELD EMISSION GRADE CARBON NANOTUBES (FWNTS)? The term “FIELD EMISSION GRADE CARBON NANOTUBES (FWNTs)” refers to a class of CNTs developed by Xintek and its collaborator at Duke University for field emission applications [2]. The FECNTs present superior field emission properties compared with other CNT materials, including lower turn on field, higher emission current and enhanced emission stability, etc. WHAT IS A DIODE CNT CATHODE? Anode CNT emitters eDiode CNT cathode Substrate A diode CNT cathode includes CNT field emitters deposited on a conducting substrate. The diode CNT cathode does not included a gate electrode. To extract electrons from the CNT cathode, a gate electrode or an anode needs be integrate with the diode CNT cathode. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 5 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations WHAT IS A TRIODE CNT CATHODE? REFERENCES: Anode Gate electrode e-1 Triode CNT cathode Substrate electrode. Electrons can be extracted from the cathode when a positive bias is applied between the gate and the cathode. CNT emitters A triode CNT cathode includes a diode CNT cathode and an integrated gate 1. “Fabrication and electron field emission properties of carbon nanotube films by electrophoretic deposition”, Bo Gao, Guozhen Yue, Qi Qiu, Yuan Cheng, Hideo Shimoda, Les Fleming and Otto Zhou, Advanced Materials, 2001, 13(23), 1770-1774. 2. “Method of synthesizing small-diameter carbon nanotubes with electron field emission properties”, J. Liu, C. S. Du, C. Qian, B. Gao, Q. Qiu, and O. Zhou, US Patent Application 20060055303, March 16, 2006. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 6 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 3. HOW TO READ CATALOG NUMNBER? Catalog Number = Cathode manufacturer + Type of cathode & Number of pixel + Substrate material & shape + Shape and size of the emission area + Optimal (with or without printed dielectric spacer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Company name: XTC (Xintek Cathode) Type of cathode: D (Diode Cathode) T (Triode Cathode) ## (Number of pixels Substrate material & shape: GL#.# (Glass substrate with #.#mm thickness) SSD (Stainless steel 304 disk substrate) SSP (Stainless steel 304 plate substrate) SSC (Stainless steel 304 cylinder substrate) MOC (molybdenum cylinder substrate) MOR (molybdenum rectangular prism substrate) Shape and size of the emission area: R#x# (Emission area is #mm x #mm rectangle) C#x# (Emission area is #mm in diameter circle) C#.#x#.# (Emission area is #.#mm in diameter circle) E#x# (Emission area is ellipse with #mm minor axis and #mm major axis) E#.#x#.# (Emission area is ellipse with #.#mm minor axis and #.#mm major axis) With or without printed dielectric spacer: WS (With printed dielectric spacer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For example: Catalog number “XTC-D01-SSD-R1x10” means: “Xintek Cathode – Diode cathode with single pixel – Stainless steel disk substrate – Emission area is of rectangular shape with area of 1mm x 10mm”. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 7 Xintek Substrate Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES CNTs • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-SSD-R1x10 Unit is in mm. CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: Low threshold field: Diode cathode Stainless steel 304 1 1mm x 12mm (standard)* 10mA/cm2 in DC mode Up to 1A/cm2 in diode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: Emission Current (mA) Cathode 1 Cathode 2 Cathode 3 Cathode 4 • • • • • • • Single pixel Low current test Diode mode Gap distance: 180um DC mode (100% duty) 15mA/cm2 @ <2V/um Good sample to sample consistency ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 8 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-SSP-C10x10 Units are in millimeters CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: Diode cathode Stainless steel 304 1 pixel 1cm and 1.27cm in diameter (standard)* 2mA/cm2 in diode mode and DC mode Up to 2A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode Low threshold field: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: • • • • • • • Single pixel Low current field emission image test Diode mode Pulse mode (10% duty) Current density: 8mA/cm2 Anode voltage: 1300V Cathode to anode gap: 1mm Emission Current Density (mA/cm 2) Emission Current Density versus Electric Field 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 • • • • 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Single pixel Low current test Diode mode Pulse mode (10% duty) 1.6 Electric Field (V/um) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 9 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations • • • • Single pixel High current test Diode mode Pulse mode (0.1% duty) • • • • • Single pixel Low current test Diode mode DC mode (100% duty) Constant current mode (the emission current of the cathode is kept as constant by adjusting the anode voltage) Excellent emission stability (anode voltage ramp up rate is only about 0.18V/hour to maintain the constant emission current density) Electric Field versus Time Electric Field (V/um) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2 Emission Current Density (mA/cm ) Time (hours) Emission Current Density versus Time • 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (hours) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 10 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations • • • • • • Single pixel High current test Diode mode Pulse mode (0.1% duty) Constant voltage mode (voltage between the cathode and anode remains the same during testing) Excellent emission stability (the emission current remains almost unchanged during the whole testing process) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 11 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations CNTs 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 • 3.16mm in diameter • 6.62mm in height • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-MOC-C2.5x2.5 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: Diode cathode Stainless steel 304 or Molybdenum 1 pixel 1mm or 2.5mm in diameter (standard)* 10mA/cm2 in diode and DC mode Up to 2A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode Low threshold field: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Emission Current Density (A/cm2) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: 35 30 25 • • • • 20 15 10 5 • 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Single pixel Low current test Diode mode Pulse mode (10% duty) Current density: 30mA/cm2 2 Electric Field (V/um) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 12 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-MOC-C10x10 • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-SSC-C10x10 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: Low threshold field: Diode cathode Molybdenum or Stainless steel 304 1 pixel 10mm in diameter (standard)* 2mA/cm2 in diode mode and DC mode Up to 5A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: For field emission performance of the cathodes, please refer to the triode CNT cathodes (catalog number: XTC-T01-MOC-C10x10) CNTs • 1/2inch in diameter • 1/2inch in height ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 13 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-MOR-R2x15 • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-SSR-R2x15 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: Low threshold field: Diode cathode Molybdenum or Stainless steel 304 1 pixel 2mm x 15mm or 1mm x 20mm (standard size)* 5mA/cm2 in diode mode and DC mode Up to 5A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) CNTs All units are in millimeters. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 14 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: 2 Emission Current Density (A/cm ) 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 • • • • • Single pixel Low current test Diode mode DC mode (100% duty) 3 different I-V cycles • • • • • Single pixel High current test Diode mode Pulse mode (0.1% duty) Constant current mode (anode voltage is adjusted to maintain the constant emission current) 5A/cm2 achieved with excellent stability 0.002 0.000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Electric Field (V/um) Electric Field vs Time Electric Field (V/um) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (hours) Current Density vs Time 2 Current Density (A/cm ) 6 4 • 2 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (hours) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 15 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D01-GL2.8-E2x8 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Diode cathode Ag electrode printed on glass 1 pixel 0.125cm2 (elliptical shape with axles of 2mm x 8mm) (standard)* 400mA/cm2 in diode & pulse mode 8mA/cm2 in diode & DC mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode Emmission current density**: Low threshold field: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Ag electrode CNTs All units are in millimeters. Glass ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 16 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: 2 Cathode Emission Current Density (A/cm ) 0.020 0.018 1st Run 2nd Run 3rd Run 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.008 • • • Low current test Diode mode DC mode (100% duty) • • • • High current test Diode mode Pulse mode 1Hz @ 10ms (1%) 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Electric Field (V/um) 60 Cathode Emission Current (mA) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Electric Field (V/um) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 17 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D02-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Diode cathode Ag electrode printed on glass 2 pixels (up to 3) (standard)* 0.009cm2 (elliptical shape with axles of 0.5mm x 2.35mm) for each pixel (standard)* Up to 500mA/cm2 in diode & pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode Emission current density**: Low threshold field: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Ag electrode CNTs • • • • • 14mm x 20mm glass substrate 2.8mm thick glass 4mm wide Ag lines 5mm pitch CNT pixels can be any where on the Ag lines Glass ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 18 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: • • • • • Multi-pixel cathode (different curve represent different pixel) High current test Diode mode DC mode (100% duty) Excellent pixel to pixel consistency Gate Voltage for 1 mA (V) 3000 2500 • 2000 • • • • 1500 1000 Multi-pixel cathode (the curve is collected from one of the pixels) High current test Triode mode Pulse mode Excellent emission stability 500 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (Day) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 19 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D13-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 All units are in millimeters 2mm wide Ag lines 2.5mm pitch CNT pixel can be any where on the Ag lines CHARACTERISTICS: Diode cathode Ag electrode printed on glass 13 (standard)* 0.009cm2 (elliptical shape with axles of 0.5mm x 2.35mm) for each pixel (standard)* Emission current (current density)**: Up to 500mA/cm2 in diode & pulse mode Low threshold field: <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: -4 5.5x10 • -4 Cathode Emission Current (A) 5.0x10 -4 4.5x10 • -4 4.0x10 -4 3.5x10 -4 3.0x10 • • • • • -4 2.5x10 -4 2.0x10 -4 1.5x10 -4 1.0x10 Cathode current versus anode voltage curve Multi-pixel cathode (different curves are collected from different pixels) High current test Diode mode 175um cathode to anode gap Pulse mode (1% duty) Good pixel to pixel consistency -5 5.0x10 0.0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Anode Voltage (V) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 20 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15 CHARACTERISTICS: • • • • • Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Emission current density**: • Low threshold field: Diode cathode Glass with printed Ag electrodes 5 pixels (standard)* 2mm x 15mm for each pixel (standard)* 2mA/cm2 in diode mode and DC mode Up to 1A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) • • • • All units are in millimeters 2.5mm wide Ag lines 3.6mm pitch CNT pixel can be any where on the Ag lines ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 21 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: Emission Current Density (mA/cm 2) Emission Current Density versus Electric Field Curve 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 • • • • 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Single pixel Low current test Diode mode DC mode (100% duty) 2.5 Electric Field (V/um) 12V/um 1A/cm2 Above: Anode voltage versus time curve (red) and emission current density versus time curve (white) of a single pixel cathode tested in the diode mode and pulse mode (0.1% duty). The cathode is operated in constant current mode in which anode voltage is adjusted to maintain the constant current. Emission current density of 1A/cm2 is achieved by the cathode at electric field of 12V/um. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 22 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 4. DIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15-WS CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Substrate: Pixel number: Emission area: Dielectric spacer thickness: Emission current density**: Low threshold field: Diode cathode Glass with printed Ag electrodes and dielectric spacers 5 pixels (standard)* 2mm x 15mm for each pixel (standard)* 200um ± 10um 2mA/cm2 in diode mode and DC mode Up to 1A/cm2 in diode mode and pulse mode <3V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in diode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) • • • • All units are in millimeters 2.5mm wide Ag lines 3.6mm pitch CNT pixel can be any where on the Ag lines The diode CNT cathode XNC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15-WS is an advanced version of the diode CNT cathode XNC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15 with printed dielectric spacer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 23 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current density**: Triode cathode All units are in inches. 1 pixel Molybdenum / Stainless steel Tungsten ~200um 1mm or 2.5mm in diameter (standard)* Up to 500mA/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode Up to 25mA/cm2 in triode mode and DC mode ~70% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: I H 0.025 2 Emission Current Density (A/cm ) 0.030 • • • • • 0.020 0.015 0.010 Single pixel Low current test Triode mode DC mode (100% duty) Electron transmission rate: 70% 0.005 0.000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Electric Field (V/um) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 24 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T01-MOC-C10x10 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current**: Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: Triode cathode 1 pixel Molybdenum / Stainless steel 1.5inch in diameter Tungsten 0.82inch in height ~200um 10mm in diameter (standard)* Up to 1.5A/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode ~60% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: Electric Field versus Time Electric Field (V/um) 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 • • • • • Emission Current Density (A/cm2) Time (hours) Emission Current Density versus Time 2.5 2.0 • 1.5 1.0 • 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 Single pixel High current test Triode mode Pulse mode (0.1% duty) Constant current mode (anode voltage is adjusted to maintain the constant emission current) 1.8A/cm2 achieved with excellent stability Electron transmission rate: ~60% 400 Time (hours) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 25 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T01-SSR-R3x10 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current density**: Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: Triode cathode Single pixel Molybdenum / Stainless steel Tungsten ~200um 2mm x 10mm (standard)* Up to 2A/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode ~70% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Mo/ Stainless steel 304 substrate Stainless steel 304 Cathode house All units are in inches. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 26 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T01-SSC-R3x10 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current density: Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: Triode cathode 1 pixel Molybdenum / Stainless steel Tungsten ~200um 2mm x 10mm (standard)* Up to 2A/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode ~70% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Mo/ Stainless steel 304 substrate Stainless steel 304 Cathode house All units are in inches. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 27 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T05-GL2.8-R2x15 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current density: Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: Triode cathode 5 pixels (standard)* Glass / Stainless steel Tungsten ~200um 2mm x 15mm or 1mm x 20mm (standard)* 100mA/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode ~70% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) Gate All units are in millimeters. Cathode ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 28 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: Gate Voltage versus Time 2000 • • • • 1900 Gate Voltage (V) 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 • 1100 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Time (hours) Emission Current versus Time 0.040 Emission Current (A) 0.035 • 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 • 0.010 0.005 0.000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Single pixel High current test Triode mode Pulse mode (2% duty) Constant current mode (anode voltage is adjusted to maintain the constant emission current) 100mA/cm2 achieved with excellent stability Electron transmission rate: ~70% Time (hours) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 29 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 5. TRIODE CNT CATHODES • CATALOG NUMBER: XTC-T03-MO-R2x15 CHARACTERISTICS: Cathode type: Pixel number: Cathode substrate & Body: Gate: Gate to cathode gap: Emission area: Emission current density**: Electron transmission rate: Low threshold field: Triode cathode 3 pixels (standard)* Molybdenum / Stainless steel Tungsten ~200um 2mm x 15mm or 1mm x 20mm (standard)* 3.5A/cm2 in triode mode and pulse mode ~70% <4V/um @ 10mA/cm2 in triode mode *Contact us for information about cathodes with non standard pixel number and emission area **Actual results depend strongly on the operating environments (10-8 torr or above vacuum is recommended for stable operation of the CNT cathodes) All units are in millimeters. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 30 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations FIELD EMISSION PROPERTIES: Gate Electric Field versus Time 20 Gate Electric Field (V/um) 18 16 14 • • • • • 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 Time (hours) Emission Current Density (A/cm2) Emission Current Density versus Time 7 • • 6 5 4 • 3 2 Single pixel High current test Triode mode Pulse mode (0.1% duty) Constant current mode (anode voltage is adjusted to maintain the constant emission current) After aging for 400 hours 3.5A/cm2 achieved with excellent stability Electron transmission rate: ~70% 1 0 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 Time (hours) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 31 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 6. CUSTOMIZED CARBON NANOTUBE CATHODES Besides standard CNT cathodes as described in the previous sections, Xintek also make customized CNT cathodes according to customers’ specifications. For detail, please contact Xintek at: In US: Xintek, Inc. P.O. Box 13788 7020 Kit Creek Road, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA Tel: 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 1-919-423-1832 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 Email: [email protected] [email protected] In Taiwan: XinNano, Materials, Inc. No.1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: 886-3-4731718 Fax: 886-3-4731760 Email: [email protected] [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 32 Xintek Nanotechnology Innovations 7. PRIZE AND LEAD TIME INFORMATION • DIODE CNT CATHDOES Catalog number: XTC-D01-SSD-R1x10 Catalog number: XTC-D01-SSP-C10x10 Catalog number: XTC-D01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 Catalog number: XTC-D01-SSC-C10x10 Catalog number: XTC-D01-MOC-C10x10 Catalog number: XTC-D01-SSR-R2x15 Catalog number: XTC-D01-MOR-R2x15 Catalog number: XTC-D01-GL2.8-E2x8 $400 / each* $400 / each* $500 / each* Call for information Call for information Call for information Call for information Call for information Catalog number: XTC-D02-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 Catalog number: XTC-D13-GL2.8-E0.5x2.35 Catalog number: XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15 Catalog number: XTC-D05-GL2.8-R2x15-WS Call for information Call for information Call for information Call for information • TRIODE CNT CATHODES Catalog number: XTC-T01-SSC-C2.5x2.5 Catalog number: XTC-T01-MOC-C10x10 Catalog number: XTC-T01-SSR-R3x10 Catalog number: XTC-T01-SSC-R3x10 $800 / each* Call for information Call for information Call for information Catalog number: XTC-T05-GL2.8-R2x15 Catalog number: XTC-T03-MOR-R2x15 Call for information Call for information LEAD TIME Typical lead time for our cathodes is two weeks after receiving purchase & order when all the cathode components are in stock**. *First time tooling fee may apply. *Minimum order of $1000 applies. *We offer discount for order of 10 cathodes or more. Please contact us for the discount rate! **Extra time will be required for machining the cathode components if they are not in stock. Please contact us for more information! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Xintek, Inc. XinNano Materials, Inc. P.O. BOX 13788, 7020 Kit Creek Doad, Suite 200 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1-919-423-1832 or 1-919-313-9638 ext 133 Fax: 1-919-313-9639 No. 1560, Sec. 1, Jhongshan Rd., Guanyin Township, Taoyuan Country 328, Taiwan Tel: +886-3-473-1718 Fax: +886-3-473-1760 33
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