Jun 2006 - The Clark County Education Association


Jun 2006 - The Clark County Education Association
Vol. 6, Issue 9
Important Dates
June 8, 2006
End of School Year for
9-Month Schools
June 13, 2006
CCEA Executive Board Meeting
June 14, 2006
Flag Day
June 18, 2006
Father’s Day
June 19 through July 21, 2006
Sizzlin’ Summer Savings
& Sweepstakes
Look in your mailbox
for more information about this
year’s Summer fun
June 30 through July 5, 2006
NEA Representative Assembly
Orlando, Florida
July 4, 2006
Independence Day
CCEA Office Closed
July 13, 2006
End of School Year for
12-Month Track 5
August 11, 2006
End of School Year for
12-Month Tracks 1, 2, 3 and 4
August 17, 18 & 21, 2006
New Hire Orientation
@ Cox Pavilion
Inside This Issue
Pg 2 • 2006 CCEA Scholarships Awarded
• 2006 CCEA Awards Recipients
Pg 3 • Legal Corner
• Super Lounge
Pg 4 • Discounted Circus Tickets
• Helicopter Tour Winners
• Discounted Tickets to Many
Attractions in the Valley and
Neighboring California
June 2006
A Foundation for Change
Working & Learning Conditions Survey
During the last round of
bargaining between the CCEA
and the district, recruitment
and retention of teachers was
a major issue. Both agreed
that far too many teachers are
leaving the district, but the two
sides had differing ideas as to
why. To gather relevant data,
focus groups and the Working
and Learning Conditions
Survey were conducted. More
than 50% of licensed personnel PREPARING THE FOUNDATION — Members participate in an
in the district participated in
intensive training to fulfill their mission.
the survey.
An interim report with key findings was presented to the
negotiations/contract maintenance teams in April. Members from those teams
have been in intensive training with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation
Services. After training, team members will visit school sites, their mission
there will be two fold. First they will learn about successful practices that might
be useful in other Clark County schools. Second, they will use a practice called
“Interest-Based Problem Solving” to address less effective practices.
“The Association and the district working to improve school climate
together is the right move,” stated Executive Board and Negotiations Team
member Vikki Courtney. “Empowering the entire staff and developing an
atmosphere of trust and mutual respect is the best way to improve school
climate for all involved—teachers, students, parents and administration.”
New Hire Orientation
Event Scheduled for August 17, 18 and 21
The Clark County School District will
hire more than 2,000 educators for
the 2006-2007 school year. The
employees will arrive from all parts of
the United States and even from
foreign countries. The unique needs
of the school district and its students
will be met by people of great
diversity and varied backgrounds.
The new employees will attend an
orientation to complete their
employment paper work, choose
health care coverage and, most
importantly, make a choice about
joining the Clark County Education
Association. The annual new hire
orientation, which over the years has
come to be known as the NHO, will
take place at the Cox Pavilion. The
2006 NHO will be August 17th, 18th,
and 21st.
The NHO is a massive undertaking
which is only successful because of
the cooperative efforts of CCEA,
CCSD, and the employees of the
Teachers Health Trust. Additionally,
the support of various CCEA-endorsed
vendors helps ensure a successful
However, without the participation
of CCEA members the event could
never thrive. If you would like to
volunteer to work at any or all of the
days of the 2006 NHO, please contact
CCEA Membership Specialist Michael
(continues on page 3)
2006 CCEA
& Awards
2006 CCEA Awards
Teacher Appreciation Week was celebrated with an
Awards Banquet co-hosted by the CCEA and the
The CCEA Scholarship Committee —
CCEA Community Foundation.
comprised of Co-chairpersons, Theo Small
More than 200 guests attended “Reach
and Doug Jydstrup, along with members
for the Stars” Saturday, May 13th at
Shelly Holt,
the Renaissance Hotel. Special guest
Lori Coleman,
speaker Congresswoman Shelley
Maria Wilburn,
Berkley spoke of her experiences as a
Ivy Rasmussen,
student in Clark County’s public
Ruby Caliendo,
schools and her ongoing commitment
Stan Lasker,
to public education.
Jack Smith
CCEA congratulates this year’s award
and Kristi
recipients and the CCEA Awards Committee
Ziegler — have
members on another successful event.
selected this
year’s CCEA
CATHLEEN WARD, pictured with Mr. and
Mrs. Parhamovich and Scholarship Co-chair
Theo Small, received the Parhamovich
They are:
Scholarship award.
Parhamovich Scholarship
Cathleen Ward – Boulder City HS
Education Major Category
Taree Chadwick – Liberty HS
Andrew Hafen – Boulder City HS
Traci Weatherman – Las Vegas HS
Laurie Wolff – Boulder City HS
Non Education Category
Joseph Badal – Green Valley HS
Kristin Beasley – Green Valley HS
Amber Eilers – Las Vegas Academy
Hannah Farmer – Centennial HS
Vance Jaeger – Shadow Ridge HS
Rhiann Jarvis – Boulder City HS
Taylor Knuth – Clark HS
Anjali Nigam – Silverado HS
Ryan Payne – Mojave HS
Amanda Pomeroy – Chaparral HS
Michelle Smith – Cheyenne HS
Diane Yost – Palo Verde HS
Minority Category
Anissa Bachelier – Rancho HS
Jennifer Bautista – Cimarron-Memorial HS
Jean-Carlo Rosero – Nevada State HS
Razilee Zehri – Rancho HS
Vocational Category
Kimberly Geary – Votech HS
Ann VanBeveren – Eldorado HS
The 2006 Above and Beyond the Call of Duty
Awards, sponsored by the CCEA Minority Affairs
Committee, were presented by CCEA Vice President
Ruben R. Murillo, Jr. to: Debra L. Parhamovich,
Lilliam J. Sifuentes, Kimberly F. Moody, Caprice R.
Houston-Bey, Deborah Whitt, Elizabeth M. Pesco and
LaDonna J. Henderson.
The 2006 CCEA Educator Awards
were awarded in five categories:
• Ruben R. Murrillo, Jr. accepted the
Steve Cozine Leadership Award.
• Nicole Vasquez, Sandie Grinnell
and Daniel Arellano, recipients of
the Star Educator Award.
• Marie Jones was awarded the Dedicated Service Award.
• Sharon Flick received the Service to CCEA Award.
• Patsy Taylor, pictured with CCEA President Mary
Ella Holloway, was honored with the President’s
Page 2 • CCEA Express
New Hire Orientation
(continued from front page)
Need Time Off?
Employees are eligible for various types of leaves that
are excused by the District, including personal, sick,
and universal. The appropriate procedures for each
of these leaves must be followed in order to avoid
being disciplined for failing to follow the procedure
although the leave may have been available. It is very important that
teachers keep track of how much time they have available. The District
does not allow any employee to be “off-status,” meaning that an employee
must always be on some type of approved
leave. The following provides different
options for leaves outside the traditional
personal, sick, and universal. Please be
advised that this is an overview and that
each District Regulation should be read in
its entirety for specific information.
Pursuant to the Family Medical Leave
of Act, (“FMLA”) an employee who has
worked for one year prior to needing the
leave may qualify for 12 weeks of approved
unpaid leave if the employee “has
identified and substantiated an eligible
personal qualifying event or condition.”
Significantly, FMLA is also available for
events and conditions of eligible family
members. The doctor will need to provide a certification to the District.
The requirements that need to be submitted as well as examples of
qualifying events and/or conditions are contained in District Regulation
Pursuant to District Regulation 4351 an employee may also qualify for a
Medical Leave of Absence without pay for “one twelve-month period when
the employee is unable to work due to personal illness or injury that makes
the employee unable to perform the essential functions of the assigned
position.” In order to apply for this leave, an employee must make such
request at least ten (10) days before accrued sick leave or family leave is
exhausted. The employee must also make the request to return to work 60
days prior to the date they wish to return.
District Regulation 4355 allows for Employee Necessity Leave. A shortterm absence without pay of no more than twenty (20) days may be
approved by the employee’s immediate administrative supervisor. If more
than twenty days is being requested, the request must be made to the
Human Resources Department, but it cannot be for more than one year.
An employee may also request a Leave of Absence for Professional
Leave pursuant to District Regulation 4353. This leave may not exceed one
year and must include an outline of the full-time planned approved program
at least thirty (30) days prior to the anticipated leave. The employee must
also provide at least sixty (60) days notice prior to the employee’s return date.
Other types of leave available are Political Leave of Absence
Regulation 4357; Leave for Instructional or Consultant Services Regulation
4356; and Military Leave Regulation 4352. The District provides various
types of leave of absences. If you need to take advantage of any of these,
ensure that you take the time to read the appropriate regulation and that
you follow the timelines.
Become informed
about the leaves
available to you. If
you have any
questions, contact
CCEA @ 733-3063
for more information.
D. Soden. You may e-mail him using Interact or
[email protected] or call 866-6170.
The pay is minimal and the hours are from
7:00 a.m. to roughly 11:30 a.m. each day, but the
opportunity to help the employees get started on
a path towards a successful career in the Clark
County School District is rewarding. CCEA is as
strong as its members are informed and active.
If you have worked at an NHO in the past, please
help again. If you have never experienced NHO
as a volunteer make 2006 the year you start!
Super Lounge
By Angie Sullivan, Executive Board Member
Knowledge is power. Knowledge can prevent
problems. Knowledge can help anyone to be
Sometimes knowledge is held by a few
and hoarded. Sometimes knowledge is
distributed to an entire staff and empowers
The teachers’ lounge can be the source of
knowledge, protection, and positive
activation. Many times while eating my
sandwich and chatting, I learned something
important that will improve my classroom.
Sometimes near the soda machine, I am
reminded of that mandated thing I had
forgotten to do.
While the staff lounge helps me plug into
my school, I have also needed help to tap into
the school district, the health insurance, and
the union. From personal experience I know
where to find those connections—in the
Super Lounge—otherwise known as the
CCEA Senate Meeting.
I can tell you that the Senate meetings
held in the Teachers Health Trust Building
every 4th Tuesday have helped me plug into
the knowledge that I need but will not receive
at my school building. The meetings helped
me network with teachers from across the
district. I am able to discuss any concern I
have with other teachers, CCEA staff, or
CCEA elected officials openly and without
fear of repercussion.
Empower yourself. Get involved. Become
your worksite’s CCEA representative. If you
need information about holding an election at
your school site, contact Mary Ella Holloway
or Ruben Murillo at 733-3063.
You are invited to participate in the Super
Lounge. You’ll be surprised what a little
knowledge can help you do.
CCEA Express • Page 3
Clark County Education Association
4230 McLeod Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Las Vegas, NV
Permit No. 57
The greatest show on Earth is
coming to the Orleans Arena!
Shows are Friday, June 23,
2006 @ 7:30 p.m. and
Saturday, June 24, 2006 @
11:30 a.m.
Tickets are
(Regular price of $18.00)
Don’t delay! Purchase your
discounted tickets by calling
CCEA @ 733-3063. Last day
to purchase tickets is Friday,
June 9, 2006 so hurry!
Members Win Sunset
Helicopter Tour of the
Grand Canyon
CCEA endorsed
partner Horace
Mann gave four
CCEA members
the ride of their
As a thank you
to members for
their dedication to
President Mary Ella
Holloway, accompanied by
Horace Mann’s Jim Lovat,
drawing for a
draws the lucky winners.
chance to win one
of four Sunset Helicopter Tours of the
Grand Canyon. The tour began with a
champagne toast at the VIP Terminal and
then it was off to Hidden Valley to see the
arches. The journey continued to
the Valley of Fire to see the
red rock formations before
heading off to the Grand
Canyon. Descending deep into
the canyon they landed on the canyon
floor just above the mighty Colorado
River. There, the winners enjoyed more
champagne and hors d’oeuvres before
their sunset return to Clark County.
The lucky winners included Cindy
Dinkel from Del Sol HS, Wesley Allison
from Brown MS, and Laura Griese from
Pittman ES.
Are you planning a
summer vacation?
Whether your plans include a visit to neighboring
California or a stay in town, CCEA can save you
considerably! The CCEA Member Benefits program
offers you discounted tickets to the following
Disneyland® Park
Universal Studios
SeaWorld® San Diego
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Wild Animal Park
Knott’s Berry Farm
Six Flags Magic Mountain
The Adventuredome Theme Park @ Circus Circus
Tournament of Kings @ Excalibur Hotel & Casino
And of course, the $5.00 “Premiere” Super Saver Movie
Tickets will be available from June 19 through July 21.
So don’t delay! Call CCEA @ 733-3063 and save time
and money as you prepare to start your summer
CCEA’s Member Benefits Program benefits CCEA’s members.
Page 4 • CCEA Express

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