Activity 5.1.9 Workshop on improving quality of agricultural
Activity 5.1.9 Workshop on improving quality of agricultural
TWINNING CONTRACT Institutional Capacity Building for the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) and Developing the Legal Framework for Statistics in Egypt EG/07/AA/F106 MISSION REPORT on Workshop on improving quality of agricultural production statistics used in national account Component no 7/5.1.9 Mission carried out by Mads K. Dissing Henrik Bolding Pedersen Statistics Denmark Cairo, 21th - 25th of February 2010 Final version EE2010:09 Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics Statistics Denmark EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 2 of 28 PHARE 2005 Author’s name, address, e-mail (keep the relevant information) Mads K. Dissing Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Tel. +45 3917 3381 [email protected] Henrik B. Pedersen Sejrøgade 11 DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø Denmark Tel. +45 3917 3315 [email protected] 2 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 3 of 28 Table of contents 1. General comments............................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Assessment and results........................................................................................................................................ 4 3. Conclusions and recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 5 Annex 1. Terms of Reference ................................................................................................................................. 6 Annex 2. Persons met.............................................................................................................................................. 8 Annex 3. Presentation on Agricultural Statistics in Denmark................................................................................. 9 Annex 4. Presentation of National Account in Denmark ...................................................................................... 19 Annex 5. Danish EAA .......................................................................................................................................... 28 List of Abbreviations CAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics ToR STE NA EAA EU SNA93 Terms of Reference Short Term Expert National Account Economic Account for Agriculture European Union Standard for National Accounts 3 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 4 of 28 1. General comments This mission report was prepared within the Egyptian-Danish Twinning Project „Institutional capacity building for the central agency for public mobilisation and statistics”. It was the first mission to be devoted to agricultural within Component 5 of the project. The mission was aimed at defining a strategic plan forming the base of the further implementation of the project in this statistical area. The concrete objectives of the mission were: • A workshop with experts from CAPMAS and the Egypt Ministry for Agriculture with the aim of improving agricultural production statistics used in national accounts. • Proposals and recommendations for improving agricultural statistics. The STEs would like to express their thanks to all officials and individuals met for the kind support and valuable information which were received during the stay in Egypt, and which highly facilitated the work of the STEs. This views and observations stated in this report are those of the STE and do not necessarily correspond to the views of EU, CAPMAS or Statistics Denmark. 2. Assessment and results The mission started with presentation and discussion of Agricultural Statistics in Denmark, including the National Accounts. This was followed by presentations by CAPMAS and the agricultural ministry about the current state of agricultural statistics in Egypt. Agriculture in Egypt is divided in “Old land” around the Nile and “New land” further west of the Nile. Productivity is higher in Old land, due to better irrigation. In “Old land” there is a limit of how much land a farmer can hold. In general there is a lot of subsistence farming, since a little less than 50 per cent of all farms, only have an area of 1 feddan, which is equivalent to 0,42 hectare. In the latest census in 2005 there were registered 3.9 million holdings, which actually was an increase in number of holdings, compared to the census in 2000. The majority of the farms are producing mainly for own consumption. There is a structural census every 10 years, while another census based on a sample is also being conducted every 10 years. As for agricultural statistics “Old land” and “New land” are handled separately. The collecting of agricultural data is performed by the ministry. The responsibility of sampling, methods and compiling of statistics is also in the Ministry. Finalized statistics are transferred on paper to CAPMAS. In Egypt an earlier project funded by USAid established a national account for agriculture meeting the international SNA93 standard. The project was in the agricultural ministry and was related to 2005-06. As part of the project detailed information about economic issues were collected on the basis of a sample consisting of 4000 holdings. A similar survey for 2009-10 is under preparation. As for now, there are not yet established supply and use tables, but efforts are being made in doing so. Finally, Egyptian statistics on fishing activities, including both fishing and aquaculture, were presented and discussed. 4 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 5 of 28 During the mission the Danish Economic Account for Agriculture was discussed. The latest EAA was translated (Appendix 6). 3. Conclusions and recommendations At the final day of the workshop, recommendations divided in short, medium and long term perspective, was presented and discussed. The recommendations are: Short term: • Establish working group/committee between CAPMAS and Agricultural Ministry. Regular meetings on data needs and surveys. • Sample surveys on the informal sector should be improved regarding intermediate consumption and capital formation. It is recommended to be a survey on a continuous basis. • Agricultural bulletins should be coordinated between the Agricultural Ministry and CAPMAS. Compiling of statistical publications should be in CAPMAS. • A database for exchange and use of data between ministries of agriculture and fisheries and CAPMAS should be established. Medium term: • Regarding the large informal sector it is suggested to monitor a sample of “Model holdings” intensely. Keep diary/logbooks of the activities, in order to get detailed information on all economic activities, especially for subsistence farming. • The NA unit in CAPMAS should calculate an EAA. Economic Account for Agriculture. • Calculate agricultural capital, investment and depreciation on a regular basis, preferably annual. Long term: • Supply and Use table for agriculture and fishery. • License register in Fishery: With more information in the register the data could be used for calculating Capital formation in fishery. Database for fisheries should be administered by CAPMAS. • In a longer perspective compiling of statistics should be in CAPMAS and not in the ministry or any other political influenced institutions. Statistics should be independent from political decision makers. 5 EG/07/AA/F106 Annex 1. Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 6 of 28 Terms of Reference EG/07/AA/F106 Statistics Denmark, International Consulting POT/- Terms of Reference for a short-term mission to the Central Agency for Mobilisation and Statistics On Activity 5.1.9 Workshop on improving quality of agricultural production statistics used in national accounts Background CAPMAS and Statistics Denmark with partners have established a fruitful cooperation in the framework of Twinning. This twinning project is EG/07/AA/F106. This activity is part of component 5, Development of certain statistical areas in the subcomponent dealing with the Development of National Accounts. The objective for this component is development of National Accounts. This activity will contribute to this objective and especially to the benchmark set out in the contract: By the 18th month an action plan to improve the quality of agricultural production statistics completed and new methodology drafted. Purpose of the mission The mission is a workshop where the MS and BC experts will hold a workshop with the aim of improving agricultural production statistics used in national accounts. The MS and BC experts will develop new methodology to be used in practical applications. The MS expert team will consist of NA expert and one expert on agricultural production statistics. Expected Results An action plan to improve the quality of agricultural production statistics and proposals for improvements Activities A tentative schedule for the mission is: Sunday 21 February 2010 Introduction to CAPMAS and overall discussion on the activity with the RTA Meeting with component leader and the relevant staff within CAPMAS Determining the agenda for the mission Presentation of Agricultural statistics in Denmark Monday 22 February Data sources for Agricultural statistics in Egypt 6 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 7 of 28 Quality of data and validation Tuesday 23 February Production of agricultural statistics Wednesday 24 February Use of agricultural statistics in the national accounts Thursday 25 February Final discussions and clarifications jointly with CAPMAS and National accounts Presentation of preliminary results and findings Tasks to be done by CAPMAS to facilitate the mission The beneficiary will arrange meetings with the relevant staff in CAPMAS. Consultant and counterpart The mission will be carried out jointly by: Mr. Mads Kjeld Dissing, Statistics Denmark And Mr. Henrik Bolding Pedersen, Statistics Denmark The beneficiary’s counterpart will be: Ms. Awatef Hussein Emam Abou Gendy And Ms. Amani Khalil Timing The mission will be carried out during 21- 25 February 2010 in Cairo. Report A final report from the mission should be made available not later than two weeks after the termination of the mission. 7 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 8 of 28 Annex 2. Persons met Activity 5.1.9 Workshop on improving quality of agricultural production statistics used in national accounts 21-25/02/2010. Participants from CAPMAS 1 Name Ms. Amani Adel Khalil Title Senior Specialist, National accounts 2 3 Ms. Faysa Emam Ms. Suzan Aly Senior Specialist, National accounts General Manager, National accounts 4 Ms. Naglaa Hassan Third Statistician 5 Ms. Zeinab Mohamed El-Araby Third Specialist 6 Ms. Eman Abbas Second Specialist 7 Ms. Abdel Krim Ahmed First Specialist 8 Ms. Sameah Fahmey General manager of agriculture statistics 9 Ms. Omaema Omr General department of agriculture statistics 10 Ms. Susan Fuad General department of agriculture statistics 11 12 Ms. Ms. Ghana Ibrahim Mr. Mohamed Farid Third specialist Statistical Sector Participants from outside CAPMAS 1 2 3 Name Mr. Kamal El Araby Mr. Qutb Salem Ms. Amal Mahmoud Title U.N Advisor U.N Advisor Seiner specialist Side UN UN Ministry of Economic development 8 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 9 of 28 Annex 3. Presentation on Agricultural Statistics in Denmark 9 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 10 of 28 10 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 11 of 28 11 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 12 of 28 12 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 13 of 28 13 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 14 of 28 14 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 15 of 28 15 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 16 of 28 16 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 17 of 28 17 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 18 of 28 18 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 19 of 28 Annex 4. Presentation of National Account in Denmark 19 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 20 of 28 20 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 21 of 28 21 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 22 of 28 22 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 23 of 28 23 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 24 of 28 24 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 25 of 28 25 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 26 of 28 26 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 27 of 28 27 EG/07/AA/F106 Institutional capacity building for CAPMAS 28 of 28 Annex 5. Danish EAA Attached separately. 28