St. Anthony`s Parish
St. Anthony`s Parish
St. Anthony’s Parish 38 Oakes Street Everett, MA 02149 July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church 46 Oakes Street.............. Tel. Rectory 38 Oakes Street ............. Tel. Fax. School 54 Oakes Street Fax. Rev. Jairo Alfonso, C.S., Administrator Rev. Carlos Barbosa, C.S., Vicar Rev. Thomas Marchant, Deacon 617-387-0310 617-387-0310 617-387-1229 617-389-2448 617-389-3769 617-387-0310 617-387-0310 617-387-0310 Mrs. Maria Giggie, School Principal Mrs. Ersilia Matarazzo, Secretary Bob & Andrea DeSario R.E. Coordinators (English) Mrs. Maybell Montano, R.E. Coordinator (Spanish) Mrs. Sandra Moraes, R.E. Coordinator (Portuguese) Mrs. Janice Filippi, Music Director and Organist Office Hours: .................. Mon. to Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday: .................................... Closed Sick Calls: ..................................................... Anytime Sunday Masses Saturday ................................................ 4:00 pm .............................................................. 7:00 pm Sunday ................................................. 7:30 am .............................................................. 9:15 am ............................................................ 10:30 am ............................................................ 12:30 pm .............................................................. 7:00 pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday ................................. 7:30 am Tuesday ................................................. 7:00 pm Thursday .............................................. 7:00 pm Friday .................................................... 7:00 pm (Eng) (Spa) (Por) (Eng) (Ita) (Spa) (Por) (Eng) (Ita) (Spa) (Por) Holy Days .............................................As Announced Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Saint Anthony Novena: Tuesday at 7:30am (Eng) Tuesday at 7:00pm (Ita) Thursday at 7:00pm(Spa) Scripture Workshop: Mon. at 2:30 pm: (Deacon T. Marchant) Bible Study Group (Italian): On Thur sday at 7:00 pm Confessions Saturday: .......... 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Friday: ................................. 7:30 pm and upon request Baptisms (Previous Registration and Instruction Required) 1st Sunday (Portuguese at 6:00 pm) 2nd Saturday (English at 2:00 pm) Last Sunday (Spanish at 1:45 pm) Marriages Engaged couples should make an appointment at least six months before the wedding date. Religious Education: Grades 1 to 10: ................................. Sunday at 9:15 am Spanish Classes: ............................ Saturday at 5:30 pm Portuguese Classes: ..........................Sunday at 5:00 pm Centro Comunitario: Brasileiros & Hispanos: 63 Oakes Street - Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Sister Elisete: (617-387-1393) Secretaria/Oficina: 63 Oakes Street (617-387-1393) Monday to Friday: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Vanusa Silva) Reunião do Conselho Pastoral: Terceira 3a Feira: 7:30 Reunión del Consejo Pastoral:1er Lunes del mes: 7:00 St. Anthony of Padua Everett, MA Scripture for the week of July 24, 2016 Saturday, July 23- St. Bridget 4:00pm Charles Rock by wife & children 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Familias July 24- Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos 9:15am Mary, James & James Jr. Colarusso by Louise & family 10:30am Frank Safina by wife & children 12:30pm Por las benditas almas del purgatorio 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos Monday, July 25- St. James 7:30am Nicholas DiTullio by Doris Tuesday, July 26- Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary 7:30am In honor of St. Anna by Maria Trodella Wednesday, July 27- Weekday 7:30am Antonia Nasuti by daughter Irene Fosco Thursday, July 28– Weekday 7:30pm Antonio & Concetta Pinto by Grandaughter Yolanda 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Familias Friday, July 29- St. Martha 7:30am Rosaria, Vincenzo, Bella & Phyllis Mancuso by Charles Radosta 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos Saturday, July 30- St. Peter Chysologus 4:00pm Joseph, Rose, Gilda & Emilio Cardello by Emilia Cardello 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Familias July 31- Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30am Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos 9:15am Anthony Lucibello by family 10:30am Arminio DiPierro by children 12:30pm Por las benditas almas del purgatorio 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN Gn 18:20-32/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13 2 Cor 4:7-15/Mt 20:20-28 Jer 14:17-22/Mt 13:36-43 Jer 15:10, 16-21/Mt 13:44-46 Jer 18:1-6/Mt 13:47-53 Jer 26:1-9/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Jer 26:11-16, 24/Mt 14:1-12 Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Second Collection on July 30 and 31 On the weekend of July 30 and 31, 2016 there will be a second collection for the Missionary Cooperative Plan. Rev. Jude Osunkwo, form the Diocese of Orlu, Nigeria, will visit our parish and explain the purpose of this special mission appeal. During the year each parish in the Archdiocese of Boston is visited by a preacher for a targeted mission. We look forward to welcoming Fr. Osunkwo to our parish. Financial Report (2nd week) The following is a copy of the FY2015 Annual Report as submitted to the Archdioceses of Boston for publication on the RCAB website. FY-2015 Church Report July 01, 2014 to June 30, 2015 (Including Brazilian Community) Revenue Dollars Offertory, Masses & Sacramental Services 283,255 Donations for Building Fund 13,838 Dizimo (Brazilian Donations) 115,052 Fundraising 45,260 Other 52,876 TOTAL REVENUE $510,281 Ordinary Expenses Wages, Stipends, & Benefits 205,173 Offices, Rectory, & Church Supplies 36,003 Buildings (Utilities, Maintenance, Repairs) 117,166 Charitable, Pastoral, & Liturgical 63,276 Contribution to RCAB (Tithe) 10,543 Transfer, St. Anthony School (Brazilian) 27,447 Fundraising Expenses 19,674 Other 3,764 TOTAL ORDINARY EXPENSES $483,046 NET (Savings= Revenue – Expenses) $27,235 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Repairs and Maintenance As you may have noticed and a lot of work is being done at our parish. Please consider making an extra donation to help with these out of the ordinary expenses. Thank you in advance. Here is a brief summary: • Two steps replaced at St. Padre Pio Statue, by Giuseppe Cataldo who donated material and labor. • The church roof has been repaired. The Pr ofessional Roofing Company had to replace ~ 235 tile at a cost of $12,550. • The rectory garage rubber roof has been installed by the same company at a cost of $12,076 . The original tar and gravel roof has lasted more than fifty years. • A new storm drain system has been installed around the church by the Meola Construction Company at a cost of $67,800. In addition to the church gutters, two new roof drains from the school, discharge into this new drain. An oil separator (Stormceptor) has been installed at the edge of the property, behind the rectory, and five catch basins have been installed to prevent storm rain water from spilling over the new park (under construction by the city of Everett). As part of this project, a concrete platform is being built this week for the school gymnasium air conditioning (AC). This year the area is still accessible with heavy machinery from the park side. The AC system will be installed most likely next year. • Church stained glass windows and doors ar e being repaired. ο Two windows at the right side have repaired, restored, and sealed by Burnham & LaRoche Associates at a cost of $3,375. (Some of the center glass panels were broken - each window consists of stained glass in the interior, a weather tight glass panel in the center, and protective Lexan on the exterior. The balance of the windows require re-sealing - it will be done in the future. ο Seven stained glass door panels have been repaired by the same company at a cost of $3,550. ο Additional work is underway on some operable windows and will be completed this summer. • The school maintenance and renovation project is underway. Working on replacing eight radiator consoles. Details will follow later in the summer. AVVISI PARROCCHIALI Orario d’Estate Durante il mese di luglio e d’agosto, la messa del martedì sera è sospesa. July 24, 2017 AVISOS PARROQUIALES ASAMBLEA DE ORACIÓN: los esper amos todos los domingos desde las 4:00 p.m. hasta las 5:30 p.m. Venga, participe y alabe al Señor. BAUTISMOS: los Bautismos son el último domingo de cada mes, después de la misa de las 12:30 del día. El curso para padres y padrinos es el jueves anterior al día del bautismo en el “Basement” de la casa parroquial 38 Oakes St, Los padres y padrinos deben participar en la misa de las 7:00 p.m. y acto seguido en el curso. Es indispensable inscribirse previamente en el despacho parroquial en horas de oficina. Se debe traer una copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño. No está permitido inscribir a los niños en la misma noche del curso. Los padrinos de bautismos deben ser católicos y mayores de 16 años. PASTORAL PRO-VIDA: la pastor al de provida invita a la comunidad a participar todos los segundos sábados de cada mes para ir a las clínicas de aborto y rezar el Santo Rosario en favor de la vida. Se sale al frente de la iglesia a las 8:30 a.m. AVISO: los bautizos en español dur ante este mes de julio y agosto serán el último domingo pero a partir de septiembre serán los últimos sábados de cada mes. La hora está por ser confirmada. ~~~~~~~~ ANUNCIOS COMUNITÁRIOS COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA DE EVERETT BALANCETE DO DI ZIMO DO MÊS DE JUNHO 2016 SALDO ANTERIOR DEVOLUÇÕES NOVO SALDO 1,177.71 9,926.00 11,103.71 Apostolado Brasileiro 400.00 50% Dízimo Paróquia 4,763.00 Dim. Social – Centro Comunitario Scalabrini 700.00 Dim. Social – Ajuda Pastoral de Rua 176.40 Dim. Social – Ajuda 700.00 Dim. Rel. - Água 58.37 Dim. Rel. – Comcast 131.01 Dim. Rel. – Limpeza Centro Scalabrini 400.00 Dim. Rel. – Despesas Cafezinho 184.33 Dim. Rel. – Despesas Reuniao do Conselho 45.00 Dim. Rel. – Despesa Formacao Coordenatores 82.46 Dim. Rel. – Despesas Material Religioso 16.49 Dim. Miss. Noviciado Religiosa Scalab.Chicago 500.00 Dim. Miss. Ajuda Padre Armando 2,500.00 TOTAL DESPESAS 10,657.06 SALDO ATUAL 446.65 Messinger Insurance Messinger Insurance Subscribe to Agency, Agency, Inc. Inc. Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Words of wisdom from Pope Francis ■ Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese CARR * HENDERSON ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ 617-387-4180 331 Main St, Everett 14 BROADWAY SOMERVILLE 617-666-3830 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 SUNDAY BRUNCH 9:30–2:30 $8.00 OFF/PERSON With this Coupon (Up to 8 guests) Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info 617-387-1110 781-776-4444 - SINCE 1921 ~ SINCE 1921 ~ 617 387 2700 Words of wisdom from Pope Francis 419 771Broadway Salem St. 617-387-2700 475 Broadway • Full Everett, MA 02149 local coverage of news Lynnfield, and events throughout Everett, MA MA02149 01940the archdiocese ■ 475 Broadway • Everett, MA ■ National and International Church-related news ■ ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Hablamos Español - Falamos Portugués Member FDIC/Member SIF NMLS #443050 ■ B&S Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors Barrett■&Stories Scibelli, llc about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Certified Public Accountants Accounting and Tax Services Filomena Scibelli, CPA 8 Winchester Place, # 201 Winchester, MA 01890 781-570-2273 Subscribe: 617-779 617-387-6285 620 Broadway . 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Words of wisdom from Pope Francis Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news ■ Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ ■ Subscribe: 617-779-3792 For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Pilot Bulletins Saint Anthony, Everett, MA 972