Diver Positioning System - My FIT
Diver Positioning System - My FIT
Development and Testing of an Acoustic Based Underwater Positioning System By Douglas Palmer Bowlus Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering Ohio University 2005 A thesis submitted to Florida Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Ocean Engineering Melbourne, Florida May, 2008 The undersigned committee hereby recommends that the attached document be accepted as fulfilling in part the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Ocean Engineering. Development and Testing of an Acoustic Based Underwater Positioning System by Douglas Palmer Bowlus George Maul, Ph.D. Program Chair, Ocean Engineering Stephen Wood, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor, Ocean Engineering – Major Advisor Lee Harris, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor, Ocean Engineering – Committee Member Hector Gutierrez, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering – Outside Committee Member Abstract Development and Testing of an Acoustic Based Underwater Positioning System Author: Douglas Palmer Bowlus Advisor: Stephen Wood, Ph.D., P.E. The locating of objects on the seafloor is a common problem among SCUBA divers today. Above the ocean’s surface, today’s GPS technology allows for reasonably accurate positioning of a boat, but, unless conditions are near perfect, divers still have difficulty finding small objects underwater. Conditions such as poor visibility, strong currents and inaccurate coordinates compound the difficulty of this task. The work contained in this thesis develops an aid to help divers navigate to underwater objects i.e., an “underwater GPS” system. Unlike traditional methods of underwater location which involve rope and local landmarks, this system uses an un-tethered acoustic transponder operating at frequencies of 35 kHz and 45 kHz to reference the diver’s position to absolute GPS coordinates. A surface buoy uses super-short baseline navigation and positioning technology to link the diver and the GPS satellites. iii This paper discusses the design, construction and testing of the “underwater GPS” prototype known as “BADNeS” (Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System). Many current technologies make up the BADNeS and are described. The design of the BADNeS, including buoy orientation sensors, acoustic processor, and transponder along with the results of the prototype testing are presented. iv Table of Contents List of Figures ....................................................................................................... viii List of Tables ............................................................................................................x List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................. xi Acknowledgements ................................................................................................ xii 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................1 1.1 Objectives ...................................................................................................3 1.2 Scope of Work............................................................................................3 1.3 Background ................................................................................................4 1.3.1 Long Baseline (LBL) .........................................................................5 1.3.2 Short Baseline (SBL) .........................................................................7 1.3.3 Super Short Base Line (SSBL) ..........................................................8 1.3.4 Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) ...........................................................10 1.4 Commercially Available Products ...........................................................11 1.4.1 SOSI DiverGPS-30 ..........................................................................11 2 1.4.2 RJE DLS-1 .......................................................................................12 1.4.3 XIOS EyeSea (USBL)......................................................................13 The BADNeS Design ......................................................................................13 2.1 BADNeS System Description ..................................................................14 2.2 Prototype Functionality ............................................................................16 2.3 Potential Applications ..............................................................................16 2.4 System Accuracy......................................................................................17 2.4.1 GPS Accuracy ..................................................................................18 2.4.2 Acoustic Positioning System Accuracy ...........................................19 2.5 Electronics ................................................................................................24 2.5.1 Buoy .................................................................................................24 2.5.2 Diver Carried Transponder ..............................................................41 v 2.6 Microcontroller Software .........................................................................43 2.7 Transducers ..............................................................................................48 2.7.1 Environmental Factors Affecting Transducer Design......................48 2.7.2 Transducer Design Parameters .........................................................53 2.7.3 Transducer Design ...........................................................................54 2.7.4 Array Design ....................................................................................58 3 Construction ...................................................................................................61 3.1 Electronics ................................................................................................61 3.2 Transducers ..............................................................................................65 3.3 Buoy .........................................................................................................70 3.4 Diver Unit ................................................................................................74 4 Calibration ......................................................................................................75 4.1 Offsets ......................................................................................................75 4.2 Tilt ............................................................................................................76 4.3 Heading ....................................................................................................76 4.4 Electronic Delay .......................................................................................80 5 Post Processing ...............................................................................................81 6 System Performance ......................................................................................86 6.1 GPS Receiver ...........................................................................................86 6.1.1 Data Collection.................................................................................87 6.1.2 Data Processing ................................................................................89 6.2 Magnetometer ..........................................................................................91 6.2.1 Data Collection.................................................................................92 6.2.2 Data Processing ................................................................................93 6.3 Tilt Sensor ................................................................................................95 6.3.1 Data Collection.................................................................................96 6.3.2 Data Processing ................................................................................96 6.4 Super Short Base Line..............................................................................99 6.5 Overall System Performance..................................................................100 7 Conclusion.....................................................................................................103 vi References .............................................................................................................105 Appendix A: Circuit Diagrams ...........................................................................108 Appendix B: PCB Layout ....................................................................................112 Appendix C: PIC Assembly Code.......................................................................122 Appendix D: MATLAB Code .............................................................................217 Appendix E: Supporting Test Documents .........................................................227 vii List of Figures Figure 1 – Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System in Action .................................4 Figure 2 - An Example of a Long Base Line System. ...............................................5 Figure 3 - An Example of a Short Base Line System With 4 Receiving Elements. ..7 Figure 4 - An Example of a Super Short Base Line System ......................................8 Figure 5 – An Example of an Ultra Short Base Line System. .................................10 Figure 6 – SOSI DiverGPS-30 (Sound Ocean Systems, 2006) ...............................11 Figure 7 – RJE DLS-1 (RJE, 2002) .........................................................................12 Figure 8 – XIOS EyeSea (Divernet, 2002) ..............................................................13 Figure 9 - BADNeS System Diagram ......................................................................14 Figure 10 - Range Error Estimate ............................................................................20 Figure 11 - Tilt Error Estimate .................................................................................22 Figure 12 - Heading Error Estimate .........................................................................23 Figure 13 – GPS Circuit ...........................................................................................26 Figure 14 – Magnetometer Circuit ...........................................................................27 Figure 15 – Tilt Sensor Circuit ................................................................................28 Figure 16 – Transducer Driving Circuit ...................................................................30 Figure 17 – First Stage Buffer / Amplifier ...............................................................32 Figure 18 – 8th Order Filter Circuit ..........................................................................33 Figure 19 - 35 kHz Filter Response .........................................................................34 Figure 20 – Post Gain Amplifier Circuit ..................................................................35 Figure 21 – Tone Decoder Circuit ...........................................................................36 Figure 22 – Acoustic Processor Circuitry ................................................................37 Figure 23 – Data Logger Circuit ..............................................................................38 Figure 24 – Bluetooth Circuit ..................................................................................39 Figure 25 – RS232 Circuit .......................................................................................40 Figure 26 - 45 kHz Band Pass Filter Response ........................................................42 Figure 27 - Main Buoy Processor Flow Chart .........................................................46 Figure 28 - Acoustic Processor Flow Chart .............................................................47 Figure 29 - Transponder Flow Chart ........................................................................48 Figure 30 - Background Noise Levels (Waite, 2002) ..............................................50 Figure 31 - Noise Due to Rain (Waite, 2002) ..........................................................51 Figure 32 - Basic Transducer Design (NDT Resource Center, 2008) .....................55 Figure 33 - Single Transducer Array .......................................................................58 Figure 34 - Two Transducer Array ..........................................................................59 Figure 35 - Three Transducer Array ........................................................................60 Figure 36 – Transponder Board With Solder Paste .................................................63 Figure 37 – Transponder Board After Component Placement ................................63 viii Figure 38 – Finished Transponder Board.................................................................64 Figure 39 - Drill Template .......................................................................................66 Figure 40 - Drilling Screw Hole ..............................................................................66 Figure 41 - Hole for Wire.........................................................................................67 Figure 42 - Soldering Wires to Piezo Element.........................................................67 Figure 43 - Screw in Cap .........................................................................................68 Figure 44 - Piezo Element Glued to Washer............................................................69 Figure 45 - Measuring Piezo Height ........................................................................69 Figure 46 - After the Resin Pour ..............................................................................70 Figure 47 – Buoy With Electronics Box ..................................................................72 Figure 48 – The Acoustic Array Mount ...................................................................73 Figure 49 – Final Constructed Buoy ........................................................................73 Figure 50 - Diver Carried Transponder ....................................................................74 Figure 51 – Offsets Required to Reference Transponder Position to Buoy Position ..........................................................................................................................75 Figure 52 – Example calibration data (PNI Corporation, 2004) ..............................77 Figure 53 – Data after offsets are applied (PNI Corporation, 2004) ........................78 Figure 54 - Calibrated Magnetometer Output ..........................................................79 Figure 55 - Wave Propagation Over the Acoustic Array (Frey, 2003) ....................83 Figure 56 - Tripod with Tribrach Set Over Point 6 ..................................................88 Figure 57 - Tripod with Tribrach Used to Position GPS Receiver Over Point 6 .....88 Figure 58 - Magnetometer Testing Setup.................................................................92 Figure 59 - Sample Heading Data ............................................................................93 Figure 60 - Plot of Heading Error ............................................................................94 Figure 61 - Plot of Standard Deviation ....................................................................95 Figure 62 - Tilt Sensor Testing With CodaOctopus F180 .......................................96 Figure 63 - Sample Tilt Data....................................................................................97 Figure 64 - Mean Tilt Error......................................................................................98 Figure 65 - Tilt Standard Deviation .........................................................................98 ix List of Tables Table 1 - Approximate Coefficients for Speed of Sound (Waite, 2002) .................20 Table 2 – GPS Receiver Testing Results .................................................................91 Table 3 - Computed Offsets .....................................................................................92 Table 4 - Overall Heading Statistics ........................................................................95 Table 5 - Overall Tilt Sensor Statistics ....................................................................99 Table 6 - Overall System Performance Estimate ...................................................102 x List of Abbreviations ADC AGC BADNeS DSP FAT FIT GPS HDOP HDTP IC I2C I/O LBL LED MIPS NGS PC PCB PPS PPT PVC RMS RS232 RTK SBL SCUBA SD SMD SPI SPS SPST SVP SSBL USBL WAAS WGS84 Analog to Digital Converter Auto Gain Control Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System Digital Signal Processor File Allocation Table Florida Institute of Technology Global Positioning System Horizontal Dilution of Precision Horizontal Time Dependant Positioning Integrated Circuit Inter-Integrated Circuit Input - Output Long Base Line Light Emitting Diode Millions of Instructions Per Second National Geodetic Survey Personal Computer Printed Circuit Board Pulse Per Second Parts Per Thousand Polyvinyl Chloride Root Mean Square Recommended Standard 232 Real Time Kinematic Short Base Line Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Secure Digital Surface Mount Device Serial Peripheral Interface Standard Positioning Service Single-Pole Single-Throw Sound Velocity Profile Super Short Base Line Ultra Short Base Line Wide Area Augmentation System World Geodetic System 84 xi Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people: My family for always being there for me. I wouldn’t have made it this far without them. My friends for their support, encouragement and fun times. Specifically I’d like to mention: Ashley Naimaster for always putting up with me and keeping me informed of the latest gossip. Adam Priest for always putting a smile on my face and teaching me to surf. John O’Connell for teaching that all the people from Miami aren’t from South Beach. Maila Sepri for engaging in nerd talk with me and always having a good technical joke to share. Missy Aycock for encouraging me and immersing me in the NOLA culture so I could get a glimpse at what I might otherwise never have seen… The TNA girls for their great cooking, endless excitement and support. Ruth Sharp for her willingness to listen no matter how boring I was and her endless supply of bad jokes that sometimes make me laugh. Evan Hughes for helping me to relax every once in a while by watching movies that should’ve never been made. My professors for instilling their knowledge in me. Specifically I’d like to mention: Tim Bambeck for all the help and advice he has given me over the years. He has gone beyond his duties as a professor to help me and for that I cannot thank him enough. Dr. Harris for providing me work at Florida Tech and other great locations along the coast. Dr. Swain for loaning me his first surfboard so I could take a break every once in a while. Dr. Wood for his excitement about my project and his help in getting it finished. Dr. Gutierrez for his input as my outside committee member. My co-workers at Fugro for helping me gain a better understanding of all aspects of my project and making me feel welcome at my new home in California. I’d specifically like to thank those I work with on a daily basis: Annick Tardif, Chris Ham, Cindi Knight, Cindy Pratt, Eddie Stutts, Gilbert Suarez, Herb Tovar, Jeff Carothers, Robin Villa and Trisha Mouton. ASR Ltd. for giving me an experience and friends I’ll never forget. Lastly, I’d like to thank Seaworld for all the good times I had there. xii 1 1 Introduction A problem facing divers today is knowing their precise position underwater. Most scuba divers carry compasses, however, compasses only approximate positions when their bearings references a landmark and the diver estimates the distance to the landmark. If adverse conditions such as strong currents or low visibility arise the landmark can easily be lost. The traditional methods of circumventing this use lines that can either be laid out between landmarks or attached to a weight in order to swim circular search patterns. Although these methods work, they require the diver to be tethered and only provide a position relative to local objects. The work contained in this thesis develops an aid to help divers navigate to underwater objects i.e., an “underwater GPS” system. This paper discusses the design, construction and testing of the “underwater GPS” prototype known as “BADNeS” (Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System). Several solutions to the problem of underwater positioning have already been designed and are discussed in detail in section 1.3: Long Base Line (LBL), Short Base Line (SBL), Super Short Base Line (SSBL) and Ultra Short Base Line (USBL). Many of these solutions use sound coupled with computer processing to determine position though the scale of each solution is widely varies and has its own pros and cons. 2 While these solutions may all work, they are not easily adapted into a small unit that a diver can carry. For example, Long Base Line requires a network of equipment spanning vast distances to accurately determine the position an underwater object. This is not practical for diving given that it requires a large amount of time deploying equipment for each location. Short Base Line requires that hydrophones be placed at different points on a boat, which is also not very conducive to recreational diving. Super Short Base Line (SSBL) and Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) are the two acoustic positioning techniques available with a small footprint. These require only a small array of hydrophones, and reference objects with respect to the position of the array. These features make SSBL and USBL very suitable for a recreational diver’s positioning system. The small array size allows for easy deployment while the reference method makes transformation to an absolute positioning system such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) straightforward. The technology required for an underwater positioning system already exists, however, the cost of off the shelf system components is prohibitively high for personal use. For example, LinkQuest Inc. sells their lowest grade USBL navigation system starting at $15,000 USD (TrackLink Models, 2005). This price does not include the GPS, motion sensors and laptop required for a fully functioning positioning system. In addition to the high cost, the system portability is less than ideal as each component is housed separately and must be reassembled 3 in a known orientation each time it is to be used. By building all the required components into a single unit, the portability and cost of an underwater positioning could become feasible for personal use. 1.1 Objectives The objective of this project was to develop a portable, low-cost prototype system capable of providing a diver’s absolute position to a fair degree of accuracy. The prototype system is known as the “BADNES” (Buoy Assissted Diver Navigation System). The portability of the BADNES was to be such that it can be carried by one person and fit on a standard dive boat. The total cost of system components was to be $1,500 or less for the proto-type unit making the cost of a mass-produced unit substantially less. The system was desired to have a working range of 100m (diver to buoy) and an overall horizontal positioning accuracy better than 10 meters Root Mean Square (RMS). 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of the project included designing, building, and testing the conceived proto-type underwater positioning system as depicted in Figure 1. A board level design was devised based on GPS and acoustic positioning technology. The proto-type unit was then constructed. Finally, the system functionality was determined empirically through testing of the proto-type unit. 4 Figure 1 – Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System in Action 1.3 Background As mentioned earlier there are currently four popular techniques utilized to position objects underwater via acoustics: Long Base Line, Short Base Line, Ultra Short Base Line and Super Short Base Line. These technologies are similar in that they use the travel time of sound in water, but differ in their spatial requirements and accuracies. 5 1.3.1 Long Baseline (LBL) Figure 2 - An Example of a Long Base Line System. In a long baseline system as seen in Figure 2, three (3) or more beacons are placed in known locations and used to compute the diver’s position. The beacons can be mounted in fixed locations or placed on floating buoys which encode their GPS coordinates in the beacon’s signal. The time it takes sound to travel from the beacons to the diver is measured. Using the travel time, the range of the diver from each beacon is computed by assuming a fixed speed of sound in water. By drawing a circle centered at each beacon with a radius equal to the range to the diver, the diver’s position is given by the intersection of the three circles. This is essentially the same principle that GPS (Global Positioning System) uses. 6 The system is termed “long” baseline because the distance between the beacons for this technique are large and encompass the entire region where positioning is to be done. Long baselines have more accuracy than other techniques due to the larger distances and hence longer signal travel times. A typical accuracy for a long baseline system after calibration would be one (1) meter (Lurton, 2002). This accuracy can be improved in more advanced systems which utilize methods such as coded wide band signals (Austin, 1994). Major disadvantages of the long baseline technique are time and money. Larger, more expensive transmitters are required to cover the large distances necessary for accurate positioning. In addition, each transmitter must be set in location and their coordinates determined before a target position can be found. For these reasons long baseline is economical for jobs of short duration or noncommercial use. 7 1.3.2 Short Baseline (SBL) Figure 3 - An Example of a Short Base Line System With 4 Receiving Elements. Short baseline systems use multiple receiving elements to determine the distance and bearing of a single transmitter. The bearing is computed by comparing the difference in arrival time of the transmitter’s signal between receiving elements. For this to work, the orientation of the receiving elements must be known. The range is then determined by applying an estimate of the speed of sound in water to the roundtrip travel time of the signal. 8 Unlike a LBL system, the reference frame is not necessarily fixed. In the system illustrated in Figure 3, the receiving elements are mounted at different positions on the bottom of a ship. After a transmitter’s signal is received, the SBL system will determine a distance and a bearing to the transmitter. Since the SBL system is attached to the ship, any movement of the ship must be taken into account to compute the exact position of the transmitter. A major disadvantage of a SBL system is its setup. The receiving elements must be mounted and surveyed on each vessel so their orientation relative to each other is known. The extra time spent mobilizing and demobilizing the SBL system may not be worth it for a casual diver. 1.3.3 Super Short Base Line (SSBL) Figure 4 - An Example of a Super Short Base Line System 9 Super short base line (see Figure 4) is the same as short base line except that the receiving elements are mounted closer together. The difference in arrival time between the elements is still used to compute the bearing as in SBL, however, these arrival time differences are much smaller. The advantages of a SSBL system over a SBL system include easier setup and smaller space requirement. Instead of mounting and surveying multiple receiving elements, the elements can be fixed to a small frame. Fixing all the elements to a frame makes it easy to change vessels since only one point on the frame needs to be known in reference to the vessel along with the heading of the frame. Although SSBL has several advantages, the accuracy is slightly compromised. Due to the fact that the receiving elements are closer together than in SBL systems, the resolution of the time of arrival measurements becomes very important and has a large impact on system accuracy. 10 1.3.4 Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) Figure 5 – An Example of an Ultra Short Base Line System. Similar to a SBL system, an ultra short baseline system (shown in Figure 5) has multiple receiving elements. The difference is that the elements in an USBL system are contained in one housing with very close spacing. The spacing of each element is within a wavelength of the others. This allows the phase differences of the incoming signals between the different receiving elements to be used in order to find the bearing (as opposed to the arrival time). The range is found the same as with SBL. As with SSBL, the main disadvantage of USBL is that of accuracy. A typical USBL system has positioning accuracies of approximately 10 meters 11 (Lurton, 2002). This accuracy can be improved through the use of advanced techniques which utilize coded, wide band signals instead of conventional tone bursts (Austin, 1994). 1.4 Commercially Available Products A large number of commercially available underwater navigation units were researched and reviewed. Many similar products to those listed exist but were not listed to avoid redundancy. Also note that LBL commercial products were omitted due to their high cost and long mobilization times. 1.4.1 SOSI DiverGPS-30 Figure 6 – SOSI DiverGPS-30 (Sound Ocean Systems, 2006) The SOSI DiverGPS-30 (shown in Figure 6) is essentially a waterproofed GPS unit whose antenna is attached to a buoy with a cable. 12 Manufacturer: Sound Ocean Systems, Inc. http://www.soundocean.com/ Price: Estimated < $1000 USD Pros: -Simple design -Full featured mapping -Portability Cons: -Tethered antenna -Positioning is based on antenna location not diver location 1.4.2 RJE DLS-1 Figure 7 – RJE DLS-1 (RJE, 2002) The RJE DLS-1 (shown in Figure 7) is used to find an underwater transmitter. Range and bearing are found by listening for a change in tone while pointing the device and turning in a circle. While absolute bearing could be obtained by a diver using a compass, this unit doesn’t lend itself to an automated diver location system. Manufacturer: RJE International http://www.rjeint.com/ Price: Estimated $5000 USD Pros: -Portability Cons: -No direct range and bearing information -No absolute positioning information 13 1.4.3 XIOS EyeSea (USBL) Figure 8 – XIOS EyeSea (Divernet, 2002) After attaching a transmitter to an object underwater, the wrist worn receiver (shown in Figure 8) gives the diver distance and bearing information to the transmitter. Manufacturer: XIOS Price: $700 USD Pros: -Portability -Provides range and bearing information Cons: -No longer available -No GPS integration 2 The BADNeS Design The design of the “BADNeS” (Buoy Assisted Diver Navigation System) prototype incorporated the good qualities of the systems described above. The functionality, accuracy, hardware and software considerations pertaining to the design of the BADNeS are described in this section. 14 2.1 BADNeS System Description Figure 9 - BADNeS System Diagram By combining the technologies used in the above mentioned commercially available products, a better diver positioning system was designed. More specifically, a range and bearing system similar to the XIOS EyeSea unit was combined with the absolute positioning power of a floating GPS system resembling the SOSI DiverGPS-30. The BADNeS positioning system acts as an underwater GPS and consists of two parts, a buoy and a waterproof transponder (see Figure 9). The buoy holds a standard GPS unit, orientation sensors (tilt and heading), an acoustic array and a 15 processing unit. The waterproof transponder responds to signals sent from the surface unit and is carried with the diver or object to be located. The BADNeS operates in the following basic manner. First, the absolute position of the buoy is determined via the GPS unit. The acoustic array is then used to find the transponder’s distance and bearing from the buoy. This is accomplished by transmitting a signal from the buoy to the transponder which then responds with a similar signal. Using the roundtrip travel time and an estimate of the speed of sound in water, the range is determined. The acoustic array also uses the signal from the transponder to determine the azimuth and elevation bearings of the transponder relative to the buoy with the super-short baseline technique. The range and bearing estimate of transponder position is then referenced to the GPS position using the orientation sensors. The heading sensor is used to reference the bearing of the transponder to north. The tilt sensors are used to remove any effects of the buoy’s tilt on the transponder’s position. This process is repeated to constantly update the transponder’s position. More functionality can be added to the BADNeS prototype in the future by incorporating a few extra components. The incorporation of an acoustic modem into the buoy and transponder enables many possibilities. By adding a depth sensor to the transponder, the acoustic modems will enable the transponder to send a depth measurement to the surface unit. The depth measurement can be used to improve the accuracy of the acoustic positioning calculations. The addition of the modem 16 would also allow the surface unit to send the latest position estimate to the diver unit for display on a screen if real-time processing were done on the buoy. 2.2 Prototype Functionality The purpose of the prototype unit was to determine the feasibility of a diver positioning system as described above and if possible determine the accuracy and precision of the various components. The prototype design contains all the sensing capabilities of the system described above: GPS, heading and tilt orientation sensors, and a super-short baseline acoustic positioning system. The prototype logs data from the sensors and requires post-processing performed on a PC to determine the diver position. Real-time processing wasn’t implemented on the prototype to allow for a quicker design time and more flexibility in the data processing. 2.3 Potential Applications There are many immediate applications for which the BADNeS could be used. The ability for a diver to know his absolute position underwater allows for uses such as: • Marking the position of an underwater instrument / artifact / hazard (very useful in underwater monitoring applications such as for artificial reefs) • Finding an underwater instrument / artifact / hazard 17 • Following a course underwater (this would be very useful in search and rescue operations) • Finding your way to an exit in ice covered areas • Avoiding potential hazards • Underwater archeology If BADNeS units were then networked together with real time data transfer, diver and object positions could be shared instantly. This would provide for even more applications such as: • Locating a lost dive buddy • Locating a surface vessel • Performing large coordinated searches • Alerting others of potential hazards • Sharing sightings of artifacts and exotic sea creatures • Coordinating underwater efforts such as coral transplantation 2.4 System Accuracy The performance of the GPS and acoustic positioning system determine the accuracy of the BADNeS. The accuracy of GPS and the components comprising the acoustic positioning system are detailed in this section. 18 2.4.1 GPS Accuracy The positioning accuracy of raw GPS measurements is approximately 10-20 meters (Lekkerkerk, 2007, Vol. 1); this accuracy can be increased by using Differential GPS (DGPS). Standard DGPS works by setting up a GPS receiver at a known location to act as a reference station. The reference station measures pseudo ranges to the satellites while at the same time calculating theoretical pseudo ranges using its known location. By comparing the theoretical ranges to the measured ranges the reference station is able to compute a number of corrections. In a DGPS system, these corrections are transmitted to other nearby GPS receivers allowing them to calculate their position to within 2 meters (Lekkerkerk, 2007, Vol. 1). More complicated DGPS systems exist, namely Real Time Kinematic (RTK), which can provide centimeter level accuracy (Lekkerkerk, 2007, Vol. 1), however, these systems are prohibitively expensive for the BADNeS. The Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is a type of DGPS system comprised of a number of ground based reference stations and a number of geostationary satellites. In this particular system, the corrections are sent out using the geostationary satellites allowing corrections to be received by any GPS receivers within view of one of the satellites. The accuracy of a standard off the shelf GPS unit is 5m with WAAS enabled (406 GPS Receiver Engine Board, 2006). 19 It is not feasible for a recreational diver to own and setup a base station, however, many DGPS reference networks, like WAAS, exist that can be used. Depending on the company running the reference network, special equipment may be needed, a service fee may apply and the service area may be limited. The prototype unit has the capability to accept DGPS corrections, though none other than WAAS were used as it required no additional hardware and is freely available in the United States of America. 2.4.2 Acoustic Positioning System Accuracy The accuracy of the acoustic positioning systems is affected by many error sources. Error sources include: sound velocity, tilt angle, heading, sampling and false detections. The sources of these errors as well as their consequences are described below in Sections - Sound Velocity Error Sound velocity in water is determined by temperature, salinity and depth. The relative effect of each factor can be seen in Table 1. Given that these factors vary from one place to another in the ocean, the speed of sound also varies. It is impossible to know the speed of sound at every point in the ocean so an assumption is made. In practice the speed of sound is typically assumed to be constant in all locations or varying only with depth. The latter case makes use of a sound velocity profile (SVP), a plot of sound speed versus depth. 20 Table 1 - Approximate Coefficients for Speed of Sound (Waite, 2002) Temperature +3.4 m/s per °C Salinity +1.2 m/s per ppt Depth +1.7 m/s per 100m The assumption about sound velocity leads directly to errors in the acoustic positioning system. Range estimate error is error caused by using the assumed sound velocity to turn the round distance travel time of sound, from the buoy to the transponder and back, into a distance. The amount of this error is: Range Estimate Error = TRT × (c r − c a ) 2 [1] Where: Range Estimate Error is given in meters TRT = Round trip travel time in seconds cr ca = Real average sound velocity in meters per second = Assumed average sound velocity in meters per second Figure 10 - Range Error Estimate 21 As can be seen from Figure 10, range error at 100 meters becomes significant if a proper sound velocity is not assumed. Refraction error is the other error source due to an assumed sound velocity though its affects can be reduced if an SVP is available. Refraction is the bending of sound waves due to changes in the speed of sound as the waves propagate. If speed of sound is relatively constant in a location then refraction will not be a problem, however, if a thermocline or halocline is present refraction can become a significant error source. A SVP can be used to calculated and remove the effects of refraction from the calculated position estimate. Tilt Angle Error Tilt error is the difference between the actual tilt of the SSBL array and the measurement returned by the tilt sensor. Since any position determined by the acoustic positioning system is in reference to the acoustic array, the tilt measurement must be used in order to compute the position in an absolute coordinate system. Tilt error is introduced by both roll and pitch measurements. The effect tilt error has on the position estimate increases with range so that at large ranges it becomes a major source of error (see Figure 11). 22 Figure 11 - Tilt Error Estimate Heading Error Heading error is the difference between the SSBL array’s actual heading and that derived from the magnetometer readings. The heading, like tilt, is used to reference the position of the transponder determined by the SSBL to an absolute coordinate system such as WGS84, the geodetic datum used by GPS. The effect of heading error on the position estimate is dependant on the transponder’s range from the buoy and the elevation bearing as shown in Figure 12. 23 Figure 12 - Heading Error Estimate Sampling Error Sampling error affects both the range and bearing estimates. This is because the range and bearing estimates are determined by detecting time differences between several transducers. The processor samples the signal received from the transducer a finite number of times per second. The gap in time between the transducer receiving a signal and the processor sampling this signal is sampling error. The higher the sampling rate, the lower the sampling error will be. The sampling rate must be chosen such that the effect it has on the range and bearings is within the desired tolerance. 24 False Detection Signals from sources other than the transponder can be falsely detected as the response pulse from the transducer. This occurs when a sound source of the right frequency is loud enough to be detected and arrives in the interval between the transmission of the interrogation pulse and the reception of the response pulse. Unless there is a constant source of noise at the reception frequency, false detection error is unlikely. If false detection does occur, it is likely the position reported will be far enough from other measurements to warrant suspicion. 2.5 Electronics This section describes how the electronics designed for this project came to be. This includes information on component selection and circuit design for the buoy and diver carried transponder. 2.5.1 Buoy The buoy electronics were designed to accomplish five tasks: determine the position and orientation of the buoy, determine the position of the diver relative to the buoy, save any data collected and provide an interface for the user. 25 Determining Position of the Buoy The position of the buoy was determined utilizing GPS. A variety of GPS modules were available to choose from; two of them were incorporated in the design of the buoy electronics. Originally the EM-406 by the GlobalSat Technology Corporation was to be used and was tested on a prototype board. The EM-406 was selected from Sparkfun Electronics’ available devices for two reasons. At the time it had the SiRF III chipset, the newest GPS chipset of the available modules (406 GPS Receiver Engine Board, 2006). It was also the only module with this chipset that came with a built-in antenna. This rid of the need to match an antenna to the GPS module and therefore simplified the design. The second GPS module which can be connected to the main circuit board is the EB-85A by Etek Navigation, Inc. It was introduced after the EM-406 was prototyped but before the main circuit board design was finished. While the EM406 specifications list 10 meter 2D RMS error (no WAAS), the EB-85A datasheet claims 3.3 meter CEP error (un-aided). 2D RMS error is approximately 1.2 times the CEP error (Misra, 2004) which means the EB-85A has approximately 4 meter 2D RMS error. The EB-85A also features a Pulse Per Second (PPS) output which allows for precise timekeeping and an update rate of up to 5 Hz. The EM-406 has no PPS output on its connector and only updates at a maximum rate of 1 Hz. The 26 circuitry for both GPS units was included on the final circuit board but the EB-85A was used because of the PPS output and lower 2D RMS error. The circuitry required for the GPS modules (shown in Figure 13) is relatively basic. The 5 Volt power going to each GPS module is controlled via an Analog Devices ADG801 digitally controlled SPST switch. This provides the ability to save power by turning off the GPS module when not in use. The GPS modules communicate via RS-232 which requires a two-wire interface to the host microcontroller. The 1PPS output of the EB-85A is connected to an interrupt line on the host microcontroller and the battery backup line is connected via a jumper to a 3V lithium coin cell battery. Figure 13 – GPS Circuit 27 Determining the Orientation of the Buoy The orientation of the buoy consists of its heading, pitch, and roll. The heading can be determined by measuring the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field while the pitch and roll can be measured using the Earth’s gravitational field. A 3-axis magnetometer (MicroMag3) measures the strength of earth’s magnetic field to determine the buoy’s heading. This sensor provides a high resolution magnetic field measurement in three axes. The MicroMag3 interfaces with a microcontroller via an SPI interface and only requires one external decoupling capacitor (see Figure 14). This device is capable of measuring ± 1100 μT with a resolution of 0.015 μT (PNI Corporation, 2006). This range is sufficient since the Earth’s magnetic field strength ranges from approximately 20 μT to 65 μT (National GeoSpatial-Intelligence Agency, 2005). Figure 14 – Magnetometer Circuit 28 An Analog Devices ADIS16201 dual-axis inclinometer measures the buoy’s tilt. This sensor uses Earth’s gravitational pull to determine the angle of the sensor in two dimensions with an accuracy of ± 0.25 degrees for small tilt angles (Analog Devices, 2006). The ADIS16201 outputs tilt and acceleration data via SPI when instructed by the host processor. An onboard filter can be adjusted to decrease the effect of buoy accelerations on the tilt measurement. The sensor can’t differentiate between static acceleration due to gravity and dynamic acceleration due to other forces, therefore, a low pass filter is used to minimize this effect. The ADIS16201 incorporates its own decoupling capacitors so no external components were required (as shown in Figure 15). Figure 15 – Tilt Sensor Circuit Determining the Diver’s Relative Position In order to ascertain the diver’s position relative to the buoy, the super short baseline technique is used. This technique requires that an interrogation signal is 29 sent to the transponder and the time of arrival of the response pulse is recorded for each transducer in the receiving array. The transducer driver sends the interrogation pulse using an Allegro A3950 full bridge motor driver. The A3950 provides a simple method of providing a maximum of 2.8 amps at up to 36 volts to the transducer as well as ability to reverse current direction quickly. By reversing current direction, as opposed to turning the current to the transducer on and off, the effective voltage delivered to the transducer is doubled. The transducer has high input impedance, therefore, every bit of voltage helps to deliver a suitable amount of acoustic energy through the water. A basic 3.3 volt digital interface is required to control the A3950 full bridge motor driver. An enable line turns the current to the transducer on when driven high. A phase line controls the current direction. The interrogation transmit pulse is generated by toggling the phase line at 45kHz, the interrogation pulse frequency, while setting the enable line high for the desired pulse length. The typical application circuit from the A3950 datasheet was used as it detailed all the required external components. These components provide for digital line pull-ups, voltage regulation and charge pump capacitance as seen in Figure 16. 30 Figure 16 – Transducer Driving Circuit A series of circuits is required to measure the time of arrival of the response pulse from the transducer array. Since the output of a transducer is high impedance and low voltage, the first circuit needed is an amplifying buffer circuit. Next a filter is used to reduce noise and pass only the response pulse frequency. After the filter, another amplifier with programmable gain is used to boost the voltage to a suitable level for the next circuit, the tone decoder. The tone decoder circuit detects a single frequency and sets a digital output alerting the microcontroller if a tone is detected. The microcontroller then captures the time at which the response pulse is received. 31 The amplifying buffer circuit incorporates an ultra low-noise Analog Devices AD745 op-amp as well as a Maxim 5436 digital potentiometer for programmable gain. The recommended hydrophone circuit given in the AD745 datasheet was used. This circuit provides balanced inputs to the op-amp, an extremely high input impedance and low output impedance. The Maxim 5436 digital potentiometer is used to vary the feedback current from the output of the opamp to the input. This effectively controls the gain of the first stage amplifier. The 5436 digital potentiometer has a range of approximately 2-52kΏ. The gain for the first stage amplifier is given by Equation 2. Gain = Feedback Resistance / R63 [2] With resistor R63 (shown in Figure 17) set to 100Ώ, this gives a range of amplification of approximately 20-520 in steps of 40. The step size is due to the 128 finite values the digital potentiometer can take on. This value is set by the microcontroller via an SPI interface. 32 Figure 17 – First Stage Buffer / Amplifier A Maxim MAX274 active filter IC is used to implement an 8th order band pass filter. This IC was chosen because of its ability to implement high order filters with different center frequencies and bandwidths. Using a software program, released by Maxim, it’s just a matter of selecting the filter response desired and the software calculates the 16 external resistors required (see Figure 18). Since this same circuit was to be used in the diver transponder which uses a different frequency, this was a major plus. Size was another reason this IC was chosen. It 33 comes in a small surface mount package and even with all the external resistors, it doesn’t take up much board space. By design the filter has a bandwidth of approximately 1 kHz and a center frequency of 35 kHz as shown in Figure 19. This attenuates the 45 kHz interrogation pulse while allowing the 35 kHz response pulse through without much loss. Figure 18 – 8th Order Filter Circuit 34 Figure 19 - 35 kHz Filter Response As with the front-end amplifier circuit, an op-amp and digital potentiometer is used for the post gain amplifier (see Figure 20). A Maxim Max412 op-amp was used for the post-amp. This op-amp is low-noise and contains two op-amps. One op-amp is used for the amplifier, the other for a voltage converter which is discussed later. The same 5436 digital potentiometer is used in a manner identical to the first stage amplifier. This circuit also has the same gain capabilities given that resistor R7 is the same value as R63 from previous. 35 Figure 20 – Post Gain Amplifier Circuit A LM567 IC is utilized to perform the tone decoding. This chip accepts an AC input signal and connects the output terminal to ground when a tone of the set frequency is detected. The typical application circuit from the datasheet was used with only a few value changes to set the detection frequency and bandwidth (see Figure 21). R134 is a manually adjusted potentiometer that is used to fine tune the peak detected frequency. C76 sets the bandwidth. The value of C76 was chosen such that the bandwidth of detection was set to approximately 10% of the center 36 frequency. This results in a bandwidth of approximately 3.5 kHz. An LED was added to provide a visual indication when valid signals are received. Figure 21 – Tone Decoder Circuit Lastly, the microcontroller is used to detect the differences in the time of arrival of the response pulse from the 3 transducers in the array. The microcontroller used for this application is a Microchip dsPIC 33FJ128GP306 (shown in Figure 22). This microcontroller was chosen for its speed (up top 40 MIPS), abundance of on-board peripherals and digital signal processing capability. The fast instruction cycle time, 25ns, provides the necessary time resolution needed to discern small changes in the diver’s position. The on-board peripherals such as SPI and ADCs allow for communication with other circuit boards and the ability to add Auto Gain Control (AGC) respectively. Being that this microcontroller is in 37 fact a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) as well, it has the capability to provide signal filtering and data processing which will be useful in future revisions of this device. Figure 22 – Acoustic Processor Circuitry Saving the Captured Data In order to save data collected from various sensors for post processing, a Secure Digital (SD) card data logger was used. The Logomatic V1.0 from Spark Fun Electronics was chosen for its ease of integration, FAT16 file format and low cost. Data is sent to the Logomatic via an asynchronous serial interface similar to 38 that used by a computer’s serial port. The data sent is stored in a computer readable text file which can be downloaded to a PC via a card reader. The schematic for the Logomatic (shown in Figure 23) has a few mentionable devices in it. The ADG801 is an electronic switch that allows the microcontroller to switch power to the Logomatic on and off. This can be used to save power when the Logomatic is not in use. Two transistors are also used to electronically activate the pushbuttons on the Logomatic. One button stops the logging and closes the created data file. The other pushbutton resets the Logomatic. This is used to begin logging data after it has previously been stopped. Figure 23 – Data Logger Circuit User Interface Three methods of user interface were designed into the buoy electronics. These include Bluetooth, RS-232 and I2C. A Bluetooth connection provides the 39 most efficient interface because it is fast and wireless. The Bluetooth interface allows for a quick method of obtaining and setting various system parameters without opening the casing of the buoy electronics. The RS-232 interface is the same as the Bluetooth interface except that it requires a 9-pin serial cable between the buoy electronics and the computer. The I2C interface was designed to connect to a separate user interface circuit board. This board would be fitted with an LCD, a few LEDs and some pushbuttons. This interface would require the user to be at the buoy and would not be as efficient as the other two interfaces, however, no computer would be required. The design of the Bluetooth interface incorporates a module purchased from Spark Fun Electronics. An LED was added to visually indicate an active Bluetooth connection. A pull-up resistor was used on the reset line while a pull-down resistor was used on PIO4 (as shown in Figure 24) as per the datasheet. Figure 24 – Bluetooth Circuit 40 The RS-232 interface (shown in Figure 25) uses a standard 9-pin connector and a MAX3233E. The MAX3233E IC translates the voltage levels between the microcontroller and the computer. The resistors in the circuit limit the amount of current in the event of a short circuit. Several jumpers are also installed in the RS232 circuit. These are used to direct communication with the computer between the microcontroller and the GPS unit. These jumpers are generally installed to allow communication with the microcontroller but can be switched to allow for differential corrections to be sent to the GPS. Figure 25 – RS232 Circuit Two ADG804 multiplexers are used to route serial data transmissions to and from the microcontroller. These are necessary since the microcontroller only provides two serial interface ports. One of the two ports was dedicated to GPS communications, leaving one available port to be shared by the data logger, Bluetooth communication and RS-232 communication. Since only the RS-232 or 41 Bluetooth communications are used at any single time, the RS-232 communication is connected unless an active Bluetooth connection exists. The data logger connects only when the microcontroller is sending data for logging, resulting in no loss of function with minimal hardware and software. 2.5.2 Diver Carried Transponder Transponder electronics were designed to accomplish two tasks: determining when a signal from the buoy is received and sending out a response pulse. The circuits used to accomplish these tasks are almost mirror copies of those from the buoy electronics with a few exceptions. Detecting a Interrogation Pulse The interrogation pulse detection circuitry varies slightly from the response pulse detection circuitry described in Section The primary difference is frequency. The interrogation pulse has a frequency of 45 kHz as opposed to the 35 kHz response pulse. Detection of the interrogation pulse requires that the band pass filter’s center frequency as well as the tone decoder’s detection frequency be 45 kHz. Both of these changes were implemented with simple component value changes which were calculated with formulas provided by the component’s datasheet. The response of the band pass filter is shown in Figure 26. The microcontroller used on the transponder is a dsPIC33FJ12GP202. This 42 microcontroller is in the same family as the one used on the buoy electronics, however, it is cheaper as it has fewer features and I/O pins. Figure 26 - 45 kHz Band Pass Filter Response Sending a Response Pulse The transmit circuitry for the response pulse generator is essentially the same as the interrogation pulse generator, however, the frequency of the response pulse is 35 kHz. This frequency is controlled by a software delay on the microcontroller and required no hardware change although a cheaper microcontroller is used. This is the same microcontroller used to detect the interrogation pulse. 43 2.6 Microcontroller Software The BADNeS is comprised of three separate circuit boards, each containing its own microcontroller. These microcontrollers do their part to determine the diver position by running individual software. The main processor and the acoustic board processor are located on the surface buoy while the transponder processor is in the handheld diver unit. The purpose of the main processor is to control all the sensors and store the data. As shown in Figure 27, the microcontroller waits for the PPS pulse output from the GPS before collecting data from the sensors. This provides a consistent time base for the measurements and also ensures that data is only collected when the GPS has positioning capability. After receiving the PPS pulse, the microcontroller communicates with each sensor via several standard communication protocols such as RS232, I2C and SPI. The sensors are instructed to collect a measurement and when the data is ready the measurements are read into the microcontroller. A time-stamp is collected prior to each measurement so that latency can be examined. After all sensor measurements have been collected the data is stored on an SD card for post-processing. This cycle starts again upon reception of the next PPS pulse. The acoustic processor handles the underwater acoustic tasks of the surface buoy unit. The flow chart representation of the acoustic processor software is 44 shown in Figure 28. After initialization, the acoustic processor sits idle until it receives a command from the main processor. The flow chart shows two such commands. The “set parameter” command allows the user to change calibration values. The “get measurement command” is used to obtain the range and bearing of the diver unit. When this command is issued, the acoustic processor sends out an interrogation pulse and starts a timer. If no response pulse is heard within the specified “big timeout” period then the processor will return an error condition to the main board and await another command. The timeout detection prevents the processor from locking up when no transponder is within range. If a response signal is received at any one of the transducers then a “small timeout” is set. The “small timeout” setting ensures that the processor will not lock up when only one or two of the transducers detect the response pulse. As with the “big timeout”, an error is sent to the main processor and the acoustic processor await another command. If all the transducers receive the response pulse, the data collected is sent to the main processor. The acoustic processor then awaits another command. The processor in the diver carried transponder carries out a basic function as diagrammed in Figure 29. Upon reception of an interrogation pulse, the transponder responds with a response pulse and then waits for the next interrogation pulse. The software was written and programmed into the microcontrollers using the manufacturer’s development tools. The dsPIC series of microcontrollers made 45 by Microchip Technology Inc. were used as mentioned in Section 2.6. The software was programmed in assembly language, compiled and uploaded using the MPLAB IDE v7.60 development suite in conjunction with the ICD2 development tool. MPLAB IDE was available for free from Microchip’s website (http://www.microchip.com), while the ICD2 was purchased from Microchip. 46 Main Buoy Processor Initialize Everything No New PPS Received? Yes Time Stamp AP_STIME Send Get Measurement Command to Acoustic Processor (AP) Time Stamp MAG_TIME Collect Magnetometer Reading Time Stamp TILT_TIME Collect Tilt Readings Read AP Measurement When Ready Time Stamp AP_ETIME No User Request Data Collection? Yes Store Readings on SD Memory Card Figure 27 - Main Buoy Processor Flow Chart 47 Acoustic Processor Initialize Everything Has a command been received? Yes No Get Measurement Command? No Set Parameters Command? Yes Setup Big Timeout Set the received parameters Send Interrogation Pulse No Yes Has Response Pulse Arrived Yet? Has Big Timeout Occurred? Set Small Timeout Have All Transducers Received Response? No Yes No Yes Has Small Timeout Occurred? Yes Send Partial Signal Return Condition to Main Board Send Data back to Main Board Perform No Signal Return to Main Board Figure 28 - Acoustic Processor Flow Chart No 48 Transponder Processor Initialize Everything Has an Interrogation Pulse Been Received? No Yes Send a Response Pulse Figure 29 - Transponder Flow Chart 2.7 Transducers An important part of the SSBL system is the acoustic array which is formed by multiple transducers. Several factors influenced the design of the transducers and the acoustic array. These factors are discussed as well as the procedures used to build the array. 2.7.1 Environmental Factors Affecting Transducer Design Several environmental factors affect the transmission of sound through water. The factors which were found to be pertinent at the operating frequency 49 range of 35 – 45 kHz were examined prior to designing the transducer and are discussed in this section. Background Noise Several factors in the ocean environment contribute to background noise which must be taken into consideration for the underwater acoustic system design. For a frequency range of 35 – 45 kHz, the following noise sources are relevant: surface noise, noise from rain and noise from marine mammals. Surface noise is noise induced by wave action at the surface. Figure 30 shows a plot of surface noise for various sea states plotted versus frequency. Assuming recreational diving would not be common in sea states greater than 4 (approximately 1.2 meter waves), then the surface noise will be 42 dB (Waite, 2002) maximum. 50 Figure 30 - Background Noise Levels (Waite, 2002) Rain, although intermittent, can dominate as the lead source of noise given heavy rain conditions. Figure 31 shows a plot of rain induced noise versus frequency for several different rainfall rates. At a rain range of 30 to 100 mm/hr, the rain induced noise level is approximately 60 dB. When rain induced noise is combined with surface noise using incoherent addition, the overall noise level is still approximately 60 dB. Thus, when a heavy rain occurs, the background noise will be at its greatest, 18 dB greater than when it is not raining. 51 Figure 31 - Noise Due to Rain (Waite, 2002) The last source of background noise is echolocation from marine mammals such as dolphins. Typical echolocation frequencies range between 50 – 200 kHz. Although these sounds are outside the range of interest, echolocation clicks can reach levels as high as 200 dB (Lurton, 2002). At these high levels, there is a chance that some lower frequency energy will affect the super short base line measurements. For this project it will be assumed that marine mammals are not contributing to the background noise affecting the BADNeS. 52 Reverberation Reverberation is the return of sound back to the source from anything other than the transponder (Lurton, 2002). Reverberation was considered during the design of the BADNeS so it would not cause a problem. Two possible consequences of reverberation are 1) picking up the interrogation signal on the buoy’s receivers rather than picking up the response signal and 2) picking up multipath reflections of the signal. In the first case, the receivers are set to listen too soon causing them to pickup the interrogation signal. This problem can be solved by a simple delay, or in the case of the BADNeS, separate interrogation and response frequencies can be used. The second problem is solved by the use of two different frequencies as well. If a single frequency was used, a reflection of the interrogation signal could bounce off a nearby object and reach the buoy’s receivers well before the response pulse. This would effectively make the diver appear to be located at the object causing the reflection. Since two separate frequencies are used, the first signal to reach the transponder will be the original interrogation pulse since reflected signals will incur longer travel times. The transponder will not respond to signals picked up shortly after the original interrogation pulse as it will be transmitting a response pulse. The same logic applies to the returned response pulse. Thus reverberation should not be a problem. 53 2.7.2 Transducer Design Parameters The transducer design parameters were derived from the desired functionality of the BADNeS system. The design parameters established were frequency, bandwidth, beam pattern and power output / sensitivity. Two different frequencies were used for the interrogation and response pulses for reasons discussed in Section The use of two separate frequencies was recommended by Lee Frey, a Florida Institute of Technology master’s degree graduate, after his experience with an acoustic compass. The two frequencies chosen were 35 kHz and 45 kHz. These were chosen because they are not heard by divers, have relatively low loss over short distances and are different enough in frequency to be discerned from one another. For a narrowband application such as this, the bandwidth should be the reciprocal of the transmit pulse length (Waite, 2002). Assuming a pulse length of 1 millisecond, a 1 kHz bandwidth would be appropriate. The ideal beam pattern for this application is a hemi-spherical beam pattern. This would allow the buoy and transponder to communicate regardless of the diver’s position in reference to the buoy. The only restriction being that the diver must be at or below the depth of the transducers on the buoy. The required transducer power output / sensitivity was calculated by predicting spreading and absorption loss then adding the predicted background 54 noise. Assuming a 45 kHz maximum frequency and a maximum distance from the buoy to the diver of 100 meters the losses were calculated to be: Spherical Spreading Loss = 20 × log(r ) = 20 × log(100) = 40.0dB ( Absorption Loss = α × D = (0.05 × f 1.4 )× D = 0.05 × (45) 1.4 [3] 100 )× 1000 = 1.0dB [4] Propagation Loss = Spreading Loss + Absorption Loss = 40.0 + 1.0 = 41.0dB [5] (Waite, 2002) Where: r α D f = Radius in meters = Absorption coefficient approximation in dB per km (sea water) = Distance of travel in km = Frequency of sound in kHz Adding the propagation loss to the background noise gives an approximate minimum figure for transducer power output. For this system the minimum required power output varies from 83 – 101 dB depending on rain condition. In practice, however, the transmitted power level should be greater than this figure so that the signal to noise ratio is greater than 1. 2.7.3 Transducer Design At the inception of this project, commercially available transducers with the design parameters previously described were to be used for the prototype. However, after researching the available transducers, none were found that suited the application. In addition, the commercially available transducers found that matched the design specifications the closest were prohibitively expensive (greater 55 than $1,000 each). Since the prototype unit requires six (6) transducers, cost alone was a limiting factor. Therefore, the transducers had to be constructed in an economical fashion. A future revision of the prototype should incorporate properly designed transducers which when mass produced would become economical. In order to construct six (6) transducers in a short period of time with a small budget, only very basic design principles were utilized in the design. The NonDestructive Testing (NDT) Resource Center was found to contain the basic design formula needed for the task. A transducer has the following basic parts: a backing, an active element and a matching layer (NDT Resource Center, 2008). These parts are shown in Figure 32 along with the ideal thicknesses of both the active element and the matching layer. Figure 32 - Basic Transducer Design (NDT Resource Center, 2008) The active element should be a half-wavelength thick for maximum energy transfer. The matching layer provides an acoustic impedance match between the active element and the water. In order to provide this, the matching layer should be 56 comprised of a material with acoustic impedance between that of the active element and water. It should also be a quarter-wavelength thick in order to keep any reflected waves in phase. The backing layer affects the bandwidth of the transducer. Choosing a backing layer with similar acoustic impedance as the active element produces a transducer with a wide bandwidth. A mismatch in the acoustic impedance causes the bandwidth to narrow. Since this application requires narrow bandwidth and no exact equations for calculating the bandwidth versus acoustic impedance mismatch were given, the selection of the backing layer was deemed not critical. Ultimately, stainless steel was used for a backing layer. Off the shelf piezo elements were used for the active element. A large supply of extremely low-cost piezo elements were found by a previous Florida Institute of Technology graduate student, Mischa Dembicki. Although these elements weren’t ideal, they were used in the interest of saving time. By using non-ideal piezo elements, efficiency is lost in the transfer from electrical energy to acoustic energy and vice-versa. The matching layer was designed to be a quarter-wavelength thick and have acoustic impedance between water and the active element. Assuming a speed of sound in seawater of 1500 m/s, the wavelength of a 40 kHz signal (mean of 35 kHz and 45 kHz) is calculated to be: 57 λ= c 1500m / s = = 0.0375m f 40000 Hz [6] Where: λ c f = Wavelength in meters = Assumed speed of sound in water in meters per second = Frequency of sound in Hz Dividing this result by four, results in a matching layer 9.4mm thick. The acoustic impedance (Z) of a material is calculated by the following formula: Z = pV [7] Where: Z p V = Acoustic impedance in Pascal seconds per meters = Material density in kilograms per meters cubed = Velocity of sound through the material in meters per second Since the acoustic impedances of most materials are not published (as well as the velocity of sound through them), the following logic was used to determine the matching layer material. If it is assumed that the acoustic impedance of a material is determined by density, then a material with a density between water and the piezo element should suffice. The density of seawater is known to be approximately 1,035 kg/m3. The density of a piezo-ceramic element is approximately 7,600 kg/m3 (APC International Ltd., 2006). Since the transducer had to be potted anyways, epoxy resin makes a practical matching layer. For West System Epoxy Resin type 106/206, the density is 1180 kg/m3 (Gougeon Brothers, Inc., 2007). This density may not provide for the best matching layer but it is within the acceptable limits according to the basic design. 58 Ideally the transducer design would be tested for its power output / sensitivity by simulation or prototype testing. Both of these methods require extremely specialized software / equipment not readily available, therefore, the actual power output / sensitivity of the transducers remains unknown. 2.7.4 Array Design An array of transducers is needed to determine the azimuth and heading of the transponder from the buoy. An incremental approach was taken to determine the number of transducers required in the array. If the array is constructed with only one transducer, no directional information could be ascertained as shown in Figure 33. Water Surface Transducer Possible Transducer Transponder Positions Bottom View Side View Figure 33 - Single Transducer Array If an array consisting of two transducers oriented in a line is used, directional information would be available, however, some ambiguity would still 59 exist. Figure 34 shows two pairs of transducer positions that would appear identical to the array processor. The black circles represent one set of identical looking positions while the grey circles represent another possibility. Possible Transponder Positions Water Surface Transducers Bottom View Transducers Side View Figure 34 - Two Transducer Array If an array consisting of three transducers arranged in an equilateral triangular is used, no directional ambiguity will exist as shown in Figure 35. This arrangement places the water surface above the array. Without this boundary, an ambiguity as to whether the signal arrived above or below the array would exist. 60 Water Surface Transducers Transducers Side View Bottom View Figure 35 - Three Transducer Array More transducers can be added to the array to increase the accuracy, however, this also increases the complexity and cost. It is for these reasons that the three transducer array design was chosen. For the three transducer array to work the transducers must be arranged in an equilateral triangle. This requires that the transducers are arranged at 120 degrees angles from one another at the same distance from a central point. The actual distance from the central point isn’t critical so long as the distance is sufficiently large to produce a noticeable time difference for small changes in transponder position. Matlab was used to simulate the time of arrival differences between the three receiving elements. The angle at which the transponder was offset from the transducer array was changed by one degree and the difference in relative arrival times was noted. With a central point to transducer distance of 0.254 meters and a detection time of 25 nanoseconds, a 0.1 degree resolution is 61 achievable in an ideal world. With the transponder at a distance of 60 meters from the buoy this translates into a linear distance error of less than 0.2 meters. This is more than sufficient given the accuracy of the GPS position. Therefore, the central point to transducer distance specification for the prototype was set at 0.25 meters or greater. 3 Construction Many pieces were custom fabricated for this prototype. Methods used to create the components making up the final prototype are discussed in the following sections. It should be noted that in a mass produced version, different construction techniques would be employed. 3.1 Electronics The construction of the electronics presented a few challenges, mainly due to the small size and close proximity of the components. The first challenge was to build the required circuit boards with extremely tight tolerances. Solder paste then had to be placed on all the pads and the respective SMD components positioned on top. The board then had to be heated so that the SMD connections were soldered. Finally, the thru-hole components were soldered using standard techniques. A professional board house was used in order to obtain circuit boards with the required tolerances. The company Advanced Circuits was chosen as the 62 supplier because of customer recommendations, their more then sufficient capabilities and the great student discount. The CAD files for each of the circuit boards were uploaded via Advanced Circuits website. Two weeks later the boards arrived as designed and for only $45 per board (including shipping). The next task was to cover all the SMD component pads with a thin layer of solder paste. Zephpaste by Zephyrtronics was used as the solder paste. This paste dispensed out the tip of a needle mounted to a syringe when pressure was placed on the syringe’s plunger. A variety of needle sizes were tested until one was found that produced a small dot of solder paste without an extraordinary amount of applied pressure. Normally stencils would be used to apply the paste to the required areas; however, getting a stencil made for each board isn’t economical for just one board. Instead of stencils, steady hands, patience and a little trick was used. The paste was carefully placed by a stead hand on each individual pad (see Figure 36). For the pads which were too small and too close together to place individual beads of paste, a trick was devised. Each row of small, tightly spaced pads was coated with one single bead of solder paste. A soldering iron was then run over the pads. This melted the paste and forced it to split itself up among the pads. These pads were then inspected for solder bridges which were removed if found. 63 Figure 36 – Transponder Board With Solder Paste With the solder paste placed, the SMD components then had to be placed. The trick to this was a good pair of tweezers. Each component was identified, checked for orientation and then placed gently on top of its pads (see Figure 37). The board was sitting on top of a turn table which helped during this step. Figure 37 – Transponder Board After Component Placement The last SMD step was to heat the solder paste until it reflowed, electrically and physically bonding the SMD components to the circuit board. An ingenious method for doing exactly this was outlined on Spark Fun Electronics Website 64 (Sparkfun Electronics, 2006). This method involved pre-heating a store bought skillet to its maximum temperature of 400 °F. The circuit board was then placed (component side up) on the hot skillet using small bits of wire tied to the corners of the board. The board was allowed to sit until the reflow of the solder paste was observed. It was required that the board was moved around in order to get all the components to reflow. The wires were then again used to gently lift the board off the skillet and place it on the ground to cool. The thru-hole components were soldered to the circuit board using traditional techniques. This involved first placing the components. Next, a soldering iron was used to heat the component lead, pad and a bit of solder. The soldering iron was then removed when the solder had flowed between the component lead and pad. Finally, any protruding component leads were trimmed. The final board is pictured in Figure 38. Figure 38 – Finished Transponder Board 65 3.2 Transducers The transducers were constructed according to the design outlined in Section 2.6.3 and a few other considerations. The design requires that a measured thickness of resin be over top the piezo element and a piece of metal be directly behind the piezo element. Mounting considerations require that a screw thread come out the back of the transducer and common sense requires that all the electrical connections be waterproof. The sensors should also be small so as to not require much resin. The following steps were taken in building each transducer: Note: Since this unit was constructed in the U.S.A, items and tools were used which were sized according to standard units. In order to avoid confusion in the event these instructions are used, the measurements have not been converted to metric. 1. A template was used to mark the center of a 1 inch PVC pipe cap (see Figure 39). A sharp pointed tool was then used to make an indentation on the plastic cap. 66 Figure 39 - Drill Template 2. A drill was used to make a quarter inch hole in the center of the pipe cap (where the mark was placed) as shown in Figure 40. It was discovered that a pre-drill step with a small bit was required prior to using the quarter inch drill bit to accurately position the hole. Figure 40 - Drilling Screw Hole 67 3. A hole was drilled in the side of the plastic cap towards the bottom (see Figure 41). This hole is the entry point for the wire and was drilled so as to be just large enough. Pre-drilling would also be advised for this step. Figure 41 - Hole for Wire 4. The wire was fed through the side hole and soldered to the piezo element. The soldered connections were covered with heat shrink tubing to avoid a short circuit (see Figure 42). Figure 42 - Soldering Wires to Piezo Element 68 5. A quarter inch stainless steel screw with a nut threaded on it was placed into the hold in the bottom of the cap. The nut and head of the screw were installed inside of the cap as shown in Figure 43. Figure 43 - Screw in Cap 6. A stainless steel washer was placed on top of the screw head and the piezo element was glued to the center of this washer (see Figure 44). A quick setting super glue was used for this step. The orientation of the piezo element was such that the metal surface was in contact with the washer while the actual piezo material was facing upwards. 69 Figure 44 - Piezo Element Glued to Washer 7. The height of the piezo element from the top of the cap was adjusted such that it conformed to the design. The depth measurement portion of a dial caliper was used to make the measurement as shown in Figure 45. Adjustments were made by turning the screw while pressing the nut against the cap bottom. Figure 45 - Measuring Piezo Height 8. The assembly was prepared for pouring. The wire was glued so that only insulation was showing on the outside. The washer was placed at an angle on top of the screw head so as to allow resin to first flow to the bottom of the cap. The screw protruding from the bottom of the cap was used to secure the whole assembly to a rigid base. A second nut was then threaded on to lock the assembly into place. 70 9. The epoxy resin was prepared. The resin used was a two part West System epoxy resin: type 105 resin and type 206 hardener. The resin and hardener were measured according to the directions and mixed thoroughly. 10. The resin was poured into the caps. Once enough resin was poured such that the area below the washer was full, the washer was rested on the screw head. More resin was poured until it reached the top of the cap (see Figure 46). As the resin set up the caps were monitored. Any air bubbles were removed using a toothpick to bring them to the surface. Figure 46 - After the Resin Pour 3.3 Buoy The buoy was required for two purposes, to float the GPS unit and to mount the transducers. The GPS unit has to be above the surface of the water and have an unobstructed view of the sky. The transducers have to be mounted so that they are submerged and have an unobstructed view of the transponder. They also have to be 71 mounted in such a way as to meet the acoustic array design criteria specified in Section 2.6.4. The base of the buoy was constructed from an inner tube and some wood. The inner tube was picked up from a local tire shop and selected such that its outer diameter was approximately 0.6 meters. This size was selected because it is slightly bigger than the acoustic array so as to provide protection and still be small enough to fit easily on a dive boat. A bit of plywood was cut into a circle roughly the size of the inner tube. A few 2 by 4’s were then screwed into the plywood and cut such that a pelican case could be secured. The pelican case was used to house the buoy electronics including the GPS unit. A series of holes were drilled around the outside of the wooden base. The majority of holes were made to secure the base to the inner tube. The other two holes were made for transducer wires to run through to the center of the buoy. After the wooden base was finished, it was coated in epoxy resin in order to waterproof it. The base was then painted and secured to the inner tube with bungee cord as shown in Figure 47. 72 Figure 47 – Buoy With Electronics Box The transducer mount was constructed out of aluminum. Aluminum was chosen for three key factors: strength, rigidity and being non-ferrous. Strength is required since the entire weight of the buoy rests on the mount when it isn’t in the water. Rigidity is required to keep the transducers from moving relative to the GPS antenna and one another. The mount needs to be non-ferrous so as to not interfere with the magnetometer mounted atop the buoy. The mount was built by welding some bits of flat aluminum stock to a central aluminum tube. The flat aluminum pieces were cut and welded so as to adhere to the transducer array design calculations. After welding these it was discovered that the flat bar could bend rather easily so a few supporting members were added. A mounting plate was then welded to the opposite end of the central tube. Finally, four holes were drilled into the mounting plate. The finished mount is pictured in Figure 48. 73 Figure 48 – The Acoustic Array Mount The transducer array mount was attached to the underside of the wooden base. This was accomplished by using screws to secure the mounting plate on the transducer array to the underside of the wooden base. The array was mounted in the center of the wooden base with an arbitrary orientation. The orientation doesn’t matter so long as it is known. The final constructed buoy is shown in Figure 49. Figure 49 – Final Constructed Buoy 74 3.4 Diver Unit Figure 50 - Diver Carried Transponder The diver carried transponder (shown in Figure 50) was constructed out of a 3250 Series Otter Box. This polycarbonate housing has ample space for the batteries, electronics and transducers and is also rated to 30 meter (100 foot) water depth (Otter Products, LLC., 2008). The batteries and electronic circuit board were secured by use of double-sided adhesive strips. The transducers for the transponder were molded to the top of the housing. Steps similar to that described in Section 3.2 were used to accomplish this. Instead of West System Epoxy Resin, a 3M Marine Adhesive Sealant (type 5200) was used. 3M 5200 Sealant was used because it doesn’t generate a lot of heat like the West System Resin. Excessive heat could warp the polycarbonate housing and compromise its structural integrity. 75 4 Calibration Before the BADNeS could be used some calibration parameters had to be measured. These calibration parameters are required to correct the raw measurements and calculate the diver’s absolute location. 4.1 Offsets Several offsets must be known to reference the transponder position to the GPS datum, WGS84. Figure 50 shows the required offsets. Offset A and D are the GPS antenna’s center offset from the center of the SSBL array. Offset B is the vertical offset of the GPS antenna from the SSBL array. Offset C is the distance of the SSBL transducers from the center of the array. The offset angle of the acoustic array and the magnetometer is also required. A Interrogation Transducer C GPS Antenna A B D C C GPS Antenna Receiving Transducers Transducer C Top View C Side View Bottom View Figure 51 – Offsets Required to Reference Transponder Position to Buoy Position 76 4.2 Tilt The tilt sensor must be calibrated before use to remove any tilt angle present in the sensor mounting. The calibration procedure requires that the SSBL array is level in both the pitch and roll axes. The sensor calibration command is then sent to the tilt sensor. This command instructs the sensor to measure the tilt and save it as an offset. Every raw measurement following the calibration will have this offset subtracted from it. 4.3 Heading By performing a simple calibration, the direction of magnetic north and thus the buoy’s heading, can be deduced. The calibration procedure described in PNI Corporation’s multipoint calibration application note requires that data from the magnetometer be collected while it is rotated slowly a full 360 degrees. An example of this collected data is shown in Figure 51. 77 Figure 52 – Example calibration data (PNI Corporation, 2004) From the data collected the maximum and minimum X and Y values are determined. Two offsets and two gains are then calculated via the following formulas: Xoffset = ( Xmax + Xmin ) / 2 Yoffset = ( Ymax + Ymin ) / 2 Xrange = ( Xmax – Xmin ) Yrange = ( Ymax – Ymin ) [8] [9] [10] [11] The offsets and gains are applied to the raw data by the following method (see Figure 52): 1) Subtract the offsets. Xvalue = Xraw – Xoffset Yvalue = Yraw – Yoffset 2) Scale the data. If Xrange > Yrange Then, [12] [13] 78 Yvalue = ( Yvalue * Xrange ) / Yrange Else, Xvalue = ( Xvalue * Yrange ) / Xrange [14] [15] Figure 53 – Data after offsets are applied (PNI Corporation, 2004) 79 Figure 54 - Calibrated Magnetometer Output Figure 53 depicts the expected magnetometer output after calibration for various values of heading with respect to magnetic north. The heading is computed from the calibrated X and Y values by the following method: 1) Calculate A in degrees. A = arctan( Xvalue / Yvalue) [16] 2) Find the heading based upon the quadrant. If X >= 0 & Y >= 0 Then, Heading = Angle + 270 If X < 0 & Y >= 0 Then, Heading = Angle + 270 If X < 0 & Y < 0 Then, Heading = Angle + 90 If X >= 0 & Y < 0 Then, Heading = Angle + 90 [17] [18] [19] [20] 80 While only two-axes are needed to determine heading, data from the third axis could be used for additional heading correction when roll and pitch are severe. 4.4 Electronic Delay Electronic delay affects both the range and bearing measurements of the acoustic processor by increasing the time of arrival at the transducers. The delay originates from a propagation delay in the electronic filter and amplifiers. This is present in both the transponder electronics and the acoustic processor electronics. To find out the electronic delay present in the path of each receiving transducer, the transponder is placed at a known depth directly below and in the center of the SSBL array. The acoustic processor is issued a get measurement command and the arrival times at each transducer recorded. An accurate speed of sound measurement should be taken shortly before or after this measurement is taken. Post-processing is then performed to find the delay present in the arrival time of each transducer’s measurement by subtracting the estimated roundtrip travel time from each arrival time. These calculated delays are the electronic propagation delays and should be subtracted from the arrival times on all subsequent measurements. It should be noted that each transducer will experience a unique propagation delay. While all the circuitry is the same for each receiving element, tolerances in component values affect signal propagation causing unique delays. 81 5 Post Processing Post processing is used in order to calculate the final position of the transponder given raw measurements from the GPS, orientation sensors and acoustic array. The following steps are taken during the post-processing: 1) Compute the Range (R) of the transponder from acoustic array. The range is computed using the roundtrip travel time of sound from the buoy to the transponder and back. The following formula is used: T R = RT − Delay × C avg 2 [21] Where: Range = Distance from transducer to buoy in meters = Round trip travel time in seconds TRT Delay = Calibration coefficient to make up for any delays in travel time Cavg measurement given in units of seconds. = Measured or assumed average velocity of sound in water given in units of meters per second. 2) Compute the Elevation Angle ( β ) and Heading Angle ( α ) of the transponder from the acoustic array. The elevation and heading angles are computed using the difference in arrival time between the three transducers making up the acoustic array. These are computed with the following formulas (see the corresponding diagram in Figure 54): ∆T α = bc × 60° + A ∆Tac [22] 82 For odd-numbered zones (1,3,5) ∆T × 60° + A α = ab ∆Tac [23] For even-numbered zones (2,4,6) ∆Tac ∆ T ac max β = cos −1 [24] Where ∆Tab = Time difference between the first and second transducers to detect the ∆Tbc signal. = Time difference between the second and last transducers to detect the ∆Tac signal. = Time difference between the first and last transducers to detect the signal. ∆Tac max = Maximum time difference between the first and last transducers to A detect the signal. = Lower angle limit of the zone (e.g. for Zone 5, A = 240) (Frey, 2003) 83 Figure 55 - Wave Propagation Over the Acoustic Array (Frey, 2003) 84 3) Using the orientation sensors and measured offsets, determine the offset of the transponder from the buoy in Cartesian coordinates. 4) Convert the GPS coordinates of the buoy to Cartesian coordinates. The conversion from GPS coordinates to Cartesian coordinates is performed with the following formulas: X GPS = (v + h ) × cos(φ ) × cos(λ ) [25] YGPS = (v + h ) × cos(φ ) × sin(λ ) [26] ( ) Z GPS = (v × 1 − e 2 + h ) × sin(φ ) [27] (Misra, 2004) Where: X GPS = X Cartesian coordinate of GPS position in meters YGPS = Y Cartesian coordinate of GPS position in meters Z GPS = Z Cartesian coordinate of GPS position in meters φ λ h = GPS latitude in degrees = GPS longitude in degrees = GPS height above the ellipsoid in meters v = (1 − e a 2 ) × sin 2 (φ ) 1/ 2 [28] = WGS84 ellipsoid semi major axis = 6,378,137.0 meters a 2 e = WGS84 first ellipsoid eccentricity squared = 0.00669437999013 5) Add the offset of the transponder from the buoy to the GPS coordinates. 85 X T = X GPS + X TB [29] YT = YGPS + YTB [30] Z T = Z GPS + Z TB [31] Where: XT YT ZT X TB YTB Z TB = X Cartesian coordinate of the transponder (diver) in meters = Y Cartesian coordinate transponder (diver) in meters = Z Cartesian coordinate transponder (diver) in meter = X Cartesian coordinate of the transponder offset in meters = Y Cartesian coordinate transponder offset in meters = Z Cartesian coordinate transponder offset in meter 6) Convert the transponder’s coordinates back to the WGS-84 coordinate system. The conversion from Cartesian Coordinates to WGS-84 is performed with the following formulas: YT XT λT = tan −1 hT = [32] p − vT cos(φT ) Z φT = tan T p −1 vT 1 − e 2 v +h T T [33] −1 [34] (Misra, 2004) Where: φT λT = Transponder longitude in degrees hT = Transponder height above the ellipsoid in meters = Transponder latitude in degrees 86 vT = p= (1 − e a 2 × sin 2 (φT ))1 / 2 X T2 + YT2 [35] [36] Note: Iterations are required to find latitude and height to the required precision. 6 System Performance The proto-type unit was tested to get an estimate of the overall system’s positioning accuracy and precision. The system performance estimate was obtained by finding the contribution of each sensor to the overall positioning error. In order to do this, each sensor’s accuracy and precision had to be tested individually. The testing procedure and results are described below along with the final overall system performance estimate. 6.1 GPS Receiver The GPS receiver was tested by placing its antenna at a known location and logging its computed positions. The logged data was post-processed in MATLAB to determine the accuracy and standard deviation of the GPS receiver in terms of 2D RMS positioning error. Since the accuracy of the GPS receiver depends on the orientation of the GPS Satellites which vary with time and location, the GPS receiver was tested at nine (9) different times and at two locations. 87 6.1.1 Data Collection The GPS data was collected at two locations with known coordinates. The first location was in the parking lot of Fugro West, Inc., a survey company in Ventura, California. The location, known to Fugro West as “point 6”, was marked by a nail head embedded in asphalt. The coordinates of point 6 were provided by Fugro West, Inc. The provided coordinates were referenced to the original GPS datum (original WGS 84) which differs slightly from the reference now used by the GPS, WGS 84 (ITRF00). In order to transform the coordinates to the new reference, the Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning (HTDP) utility available in the Geodetic Tool Kit on the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Website (http://geodesy.noaa.gov/) was used. The second location was found using the datasheets search on the NGS website. This search provided a list of known points in the local area for which the NGS had datasheets. RINCON (PID: EW7931) was chosen as a second test location due to its proximity to the ocean and its recently noted good condition. The RINCON datasheet (see Appendix E) listed its coordinates in the current WGS 84 epoch so no transformation was required. The GPS receiver was positioned over the known location with a tripod equipped with a tribrach. First the tripod was positioned over the known landmark and roughly leveled. The tribrach was then adjusted to make it level and its optical plummet positioned directly over the landmark as shown in Figure 53. 88 Figure 56 - Tripod with Tribrach Set Over Point 6 Figure 57 - Tripod with Tribrach Used to Position GPS Receiver Over Point 6 89 The GPS receiver’s antenna was then positioned directly over the known location using the target on the tribrach’s optical plummet as shown in Figure 54. With the GPS in place, the box containing the GPS was taped in place and the tripod removed. Data logging was performed by switching on the power switch to the buoy electronics. The buoy electronics logged the GPS data to an SD card for postprocessing in MATLAB. 6.1.2 Data Processing The data collected from the GPS receiver was imported into MATLAB and compared against the coordinates of the known point to find the precision and accuracy of the GPS receiver. The following steps were taken for each of the data sets: 1) Both the known and logged GPS coordinates were converted from latitudes and longitudes to Cartesian Coordinates (see Section 5 for this formula). An elevation of 0.0 meters was used for the height. 2) The distance between each of the logged positions and the known position was calculated using the distance formula. This distance is also the 2D RMS positioning error. 2 D _ RMS _ Error = (X K − X L ) + (YK − YL ) + (Z K − Z L ) 2 2 3) The average 2D RMS Error was computed and recorded. 2 [37] 90 4) The maximum 2D RMS Error was found and recorded. 5) The standard deviation of the 2D RMS Error was computed and recorded. 6) The fix type was recorded. The Standard Positioning Service (SPS) fix type indicates a regular GPS position. The Differential fix type indicates the use of a WAAS satellite to obtain differential corrections. 7) The duration of the data collected was also recorded. 8) Trimble Planning Software version 2.74 was used to obtain a predicted Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP). The HDOP is a unit-less measure of GPS data quality based on the orientation of the GPS satellites. Lower HDOP values indicate better satellite orientations and position estimates. By entering the date, time, position and obstruction information into the Trimble Planning Software, a list of HDOP values were output (see Appendix E). The results of the GPS Receiver testing are shown in Table 2. 91 Table 2 – GPS Receiver Testing Results Location Fugro Point 6 Fugro Point 6 Fugro Point 6 Fugro Point 6 Fugro Point 6 Fugro Point 6 RINCO N RINCO N RINCON Date/Time (P.S.T.) 12/26/2007 5:23 PM 12/26/2007 5:33 PM 12/27/2007 1:48 PM 12/27/2007 2:00 PM 12/28/2007 7:48 AM 12/28/2007 7:58 AM 12/29/2007 9:57 AM 12/29/2007 10:35 AM 12/29/2007 11:08 AM Mean 2DRMS Error (m) Max 2DRMS Error (m) Standard Deviation (m) Predicted HDOP Fix Type Record Length (min) 3.95 8.99 0.83 1.62 SPS Fix 10 4.69 6.78 0.58 1.58 SPS Fix 8 24.35 33.71 3.46 2.57 SPS Fix 11 13.78 18.63 1.65 2.35 Diff 9 5.16 8.33 1.77 1.36 SPS Fix 9 4.87 8.89 1.97 1.41 SPS Fix 7 2.86 4.27 0.86 1.05 Diff 32 3.92 4.59 0.31 1.44 Diff 32 5.88 18.23 3.61 3.21 SPS Fix 28 6.2 Magnetometer Accuracy of the magnetometer was tested and verified with an S.G. Brown TSS Meridian Surveyor Gyro. The devices were mounted on a fiberglass cart, to prevent disrupting the magnetometer, as shown in Figure 55. This setup allowed both devices to be rotated simultaneously. This ensured that the gyro and magnetometer maintained a constant heading offset from one another. The gyro has a listed accuracy of ±0.05 degrees (S G Brown, 2003) and outputs headings referenced to true north. For this reason, the gyro’s heading was assumed to be the actual heading. 92 Figure 58 - Magnetometer Testing Setup 6.2.1 Data Collection Before a heading could be determined from the magnetometer output, a magnetometer calibration had to be done as described in Section 4.3. Three calibrations were performed to ensure that the results obtained could be reproduced. The gyro heading was recorded at the start of each calibration in order to obtain the heading offset between the gyro and the magnetometer. The offset was computed by subtracting the magnetometer heading at the start of the calibration from the gyro heading. The offsets computed for each of the three (3) calibrations are listed in Table 3. Table 3 - Computed Offsets Calibration Offset Number (degrees) 1 -12.9 2 -10.6 3 -37.6 93 After the magnetometer calibrations, data was collected at 24 degree increments. Approximately ten (10) seconds of data from the magnetometer was logged to an SD card at each heading while the gyro heading, which remained constant, was read from its display and recorded. A sample of the data recorded from the magnetometer is shown in Figure 56. Figure 59 - Sample Heading Data 6.2.2 Data Processing MATLAB was used to process the collected data. The heading error was computed by subtracting the average magnetometer heading from the gyro heading for each of the fifteen (15) data records. The heading error was computed using the 94 calibration parameters from each of the calibrations. The results are plotted in Figure 57. The standard deviations were also calculated and found to vary only slightly among the different calibrations. For this reason, only the standard deviation values obtained using calibration two were plotted (see Figure 58). Table 4 shows the average statistics for each of the calibrations. Figure 60 - Plot of Heading Error 95 Figure 61 - Plot of Standard Deviation Table 4 - Overall Heading Statistics Mean Heading Error (degrees) Mean Standard Deviation (degrees) Calibration Calibration Calibration 1 2 3 -0.17 -0.53 0.16 0.12 0.13 0.13 6.3 Tilt Sensor Accuracy of the tilt sensor was tested and verified with a CodaOctopus F180 Attitude and Positioning System. The devices were mounted to a sheet of plywood so that the change in tilt was the same for both devices as shown in Figure 96 61. The F180 was assumed to be the actual tilt as its listed accuracy is better than 0.025 degrees (CodaOctopus, 2008). Figure 62 - Tilt Sensor Testing With CodaOctopus F180 6.3.1 Data Collection Tilt sensor data was logged to an SD card and F180 data was read from a computer display and recorded for various tilt angles. Small wood pieces were placed under different areas of the plywood on which the tilt sensor and F180 were mounted to create the various tilt angles. 6.3.2 Data Processing MATLAB was used to process the collected data tilt sensor data (see Figure 59 for a sample tilt record). First, the X and Y tilt offsets between the tilt sensor and the F180 were calculated. These offsets were then added to all of the tilt sensor 97 measurements. The X and Y tilt errors were computed by subtracting the average tilt sensor readings from the F180’s roll and pitch readings for each of the various tilt angles. The results are plotted in Figure 60. The standard deviations were also calculated and plotted in Figure 61. Table 5 shows the average statistics for each of the calibrations. Figure 63 - Sample Tilt Data 98 Figure 64 - Mean Tilt Error Figure 65 - Tilt Standard Deviation 99 Table 5 - Overall Tilt Sensor Statistics X Tilt Y Tilt Mean Tilt Error (degrees) Mean Tilt Standard Deviation (degrees) 0.05 0.00 0.30 0.29 6.4 Super Short Base Line The SSBL portion of the BADNeS prototype was unable to be tested for accuracy and precision due to a hardware problem discovered in the acoustic processor. While tuning the three (3) tone decoders on the acoustic processor, a coupling effect between the tone decoders was found. The problem was shown to Mike Barth and Larry of Subsea Systems, both experts in underwater acoustics. After some probing, noise coupling through the power supply was suspected to be the likely cause. This can be fixed by running each receiver circuit from separate voltage regulators and isolating the ground planes of each receiver. The ground planes still need to be connected to one another but only at a single point to prevent unwanted current loops. While these issues can be fixed, they will require a new acoustic processor to be constructed. The working distance of the acoustic system was tested in a limited manner due to the problem in the receivers. With the inputs to two of the three receivers grounded, it was discovered that the third receiver could be used with the pre and post-amp gains set to their minimums. One transducer was connected to the 100 working receiver while another was connected to the output of the transponder board. Both transducers were placed in a body of salt water with the face of each transducer facing one another With the transponder board programmed to send out a 1 millisecond pulse approximately 3 times per second, the receiving transducer was moved further away until no signal was showing on the receiver’s LED. This distance turned out to be approximately two (2) meters. A few things can be done to improve the working distance of the BADNeS proto-type. Amplifying the received signal more then the minimum amount will help to increase the detection distance of the BADNeS. This can be done once the noise-coupling issue between the receivers is solved. Increasing the voltage used to drive the transducer will also increase the working distance. This can be accomplished with the use of a properly designed transformer or a new transducer driving circuit capable of higher voltages. The transducer could also be changed to increase the working distance. A professionally designed and tested transducer made specifically to suit this application would be ideal. These options should be further pursued in future revisions of the BADNeS. 6.5 Overall System Performance Since the overall performance of the BADNeS prototype couldn’t be directly tested, the overall performance was estimated. The performance estimate was calculated by summing up the expected positioning error of each error source. 101 The magnitude of the error sources were calculated if testing data was available, or estimated in the case of sound velocity and sampling error. If test data was available, the mean error and standard deviation of the measurements was added to estimate an average maximum expected error. The error estimates were converted into induced horizontal positioning errors using the plots in Section 2.3.2. Worst case errors were assumed where the error depended on more than one factor. The induced positioning errors from each error source were summed to produce the overall system performance estimate. All the error estimates as well as the overall system performance estimate are shown in Table 6. 102 Table 6 - Overall System Performance Estimate Error Source Estimated Horizontal Position Mean Standard Error Error Error Deviation Estimate (meters) GPS 3.92m 0.31m 4.23m 4.2 Sound Velocity 10m/s 0 0.7m 0.7 Heading -0.53° 0.13° 1.2° 2.4 X Tilt 0.05° 0.3° 0.85° 1.6 Y Tilt 0.00° 0.29° 0.79° 1.5 Total: 10.4 Notes The error statistics of the median differential fix GPS test were used. Mean error is an assumed value. The estimated position error was found using Figure 10. Position Error estimate based on an assumed 0° elevation bearing. Error estimate includes a 0.5° sampling error. Figure 12 was used to find estimated position error. Error estimate based on an assumed 0° elevation bearing. Error estimate includes a 0.5° sampling error. Figure 11 was used to find estimated position error. Error estimate includes a 0.5° sampling error. Figure 11 was used to find estimated position error. 103 7 Conclusion The goal of this project was to develop and test a low-cost underwater positioning system suitable for recreational and scientific diving. It was desired that the developed prototype unit cost less than $1,500, be easily transportable and have a horizontal positioning accuracy of better than 10 meters. It is believed that these goals have been met even though the first prototype, known as BADNeS, was not fully functional. The prototype was constructed for approximately $800, substantially less than current commercial systems which start at $15,000. The prototype is also small in size allowing for easy transport on board small vessels. Due to noise coupling in the receiver circuits, the prototype could not be directly tested to determine its accuracy. Instead, each sensor that made up the prototype was individually tested using survey grade equipment. Based on the test results, a worst-case horizontal positioning error was estimated to be 10.4 meters based on a GPS accuracy of 4.2 meters. On average the positions should be more accurate than the worst case estimate making the desired 10 meter accuracy achievable. In conclusion, the BADNeS prototype showed that an underwater positioning system with all necessary components integrated is feasible for personal use. The use of new board level sensor technology allowed for accurate measurements at a fraction of the cost and size of commercially available sensors. The cost of the prototype system was nearly 20 times cheaper than that of a 104 commercially available system. In addition, the developed prototype system could be easily carried with one hand and fit in a circle of diameter just over a half meter. Although this prototype was not fully functional, problems were identified and their likely causes determined such that a future revision of the prototype will be completely operational. Overall, the project was a success and the desired goals were achieved. 105 References "Acoustic Positioning Techniques." 2006. Sonardyne International Ltd. 11 Sept. 2006 <http://www.sonardyne.co.uk/Support/PositioningTechniques/index.html>. Allegro MicroSystems Inc. A3950 DMOS Full-Bridge Motor Driver Datasheet. 2006. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.allegromicro.com/en/Products/Part_Numbers/ 3950/3950.pdf>. Analog Devices. ADIS16201 Programmable Dual-Axis Inclinometer / Accelerometer Data Sheet. June 2006. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/ADIS16201.pdf>. APC International Ltd. Properties of APC Materials. 2006. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.americanpiezo.com/materials/apc_properties.html>. Austin, T.C. “The Application of Spread Spectrum Signaling Techniques to Underwater Acoustic Navigation,” Proceedings, A W ‘94, IEEE Conference on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Cambridge MA, July, 1994. CodaOctopus Products Ltd. CodaOctopus F180 Technical Brief. 11 Feb. 2008 <http://www.codaoctopus.com/motion/f180/techspec.asp>. "Diver Hand-held GPS System." . 2006. Sound Ocean Systems, Inc.. 11 Sept. 2006 <http://www.soundocean.com/diverGPS-30.htm>. "DLS-1 Diver Locator Sonar." . 2002. RJE International, Inc.. 11 Sept. 2006 <http://www.rjeint.com/pdf/DLS1.pdf>. "EM-406 GPS Receiver Engine Board." 27 MAR 2006. GlobalSat Technology Corp.. 15 Nov 2006 <http://www.usglobalsat.com/downloads/engineboards/EM406.pdf>. Etek Navigation, Inc. Smart GPS Reciever Model: EB-85A. 10 Feb. 2008 <http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/GPS/EB-85A_Catalog.pdf>. Frey, C.L.; Wood, S.L., "Development of an autonomous underwater vehicle for sub-ice environmental monitoring in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska," OCEANS 2003. Proceedings , vol.2, no., pp. 1161-1173 Vol.2, 22-26 Sept. 2003 106 "Gear Tests." . Mar. 2002. Divernet. 11 Sept. 2006 <http://www.divernet.com/equipment/0302divertests.htm>. Gougeon Brothers, Inc. Typical Physical Properties. 25 Sept. 2007. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.westsystem.com/frames/tier2/productinfo/typicalphysical properties.htm>. Lekkerkerk, Huibert-Jan, et al. Handbook of Offshore Surveying: Volume 1 (Preparation and Positioning). London: Oilfield Publications Limited, 2007. Lekkerkerk, Huibert-Jan, et al. Handbook of Offshore Surveying: Volume 2 (Acquisition & Processing). London: Oilfield Publications Limited, 2007. Lurton, Xavier. An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics. Chichester: Praxis Publishing, 2002. Misra, Pratap, and Per Enge. Global Positioning System Signals, Measurements, and Performance. Lincoln: Ganga-Jamuna Press, 2004. National GeoSpatial-Intelligence Agency. Magnetic Total Intensity at 2005.0 from the World Magnetic Model 2005. 3 Nov. 2005. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/WMM/data/wmm-F05.pdf>. "Navigation and Positioning ." AUV DesignInfo Page. 2001. International Submarine Engineering Ltd.. 15 Nov 2006 <http://www.ise.bc.ca/WADEnavandpos.html>. NDT Resource Center Characteristics of Piezoelectric Transducers. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/Ultrasonics/ EquipmentTrans/characteristicspt.htm>. Otter Products, LLC. OtterBox.Com Knowledge Base. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.otterbox.com/knowledge_base/questions/39/To+what+depth+are+ OtterBox+waterproof+to%3F>. 107 PNI Corporation. Application Note: Multipoint Calibration Primer. 13 Jan. 2004. 27 Jan. 2008 <https://www.pnicorp.com/downloadResource/c40c/manuals/53/ Ap+Note+Multipoint+Calibration+Primer+%28APNOTE+-+1001766++R01%29.pdf>. PNI Corporation. MicroMag3 Data Sheet. PNICorp.com. June 2006. 27 Jan. 2008 <https://www.pnicorp.com/downloadResource/c40c/manuals/110/ MicroMag3+3-Axis+Sensor+Module_June+2006.pdf>. S G Brown, ed. Meridian Surveyor System Manual. Issue 2.6 ed. 2003. Sparkfun Electronics. Reflow Skillet. 2006. 27 Jan. 2008 <http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/present.php?p=Reflow%20Skillet>. "TrackLink Models." May 2005. LinkQuest Inc.. 01 Dec 2006 <http://www.link-quest.com/html/models2.htm>. Waite, A. D. SONAR for Practising Engineers. 3rd ed. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Limited, 2002. 108 Appendix A: Circuit Diagrams (Note: Larger printouts included in the envelope attached to the back cover.) 109 110 111 112 Appendix B: PCB Layout 113 Main Board – Top Layer 114 Main Board – Bottom Layer 115 Main Board – Silk Screen 116 Acoustic Processor – Top Layer 117 Acoustic Processor – Bottom Layer 118 Acoustic Processor – Silk Screen 119 Transponder – Top Layer 120 Transponder – Bottom Layer 121 Transponder – Silk Screen 122 Appendix C: PIC Assembly Code 123 ;********************************************************************************** ;************************* MAIN BOARD MICROCONTROLLER CODE ************************ ;********************************************************************************** .equ __33FJ128GP306, 1 .include "p33FJ128GP306.inc" ;.............................................................................. ;Configuration bits: ;.............................................................................. config __FOSC, FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_EC ;Turn off clock switching and ;fail-safe clock monitoring and ;use the External Clock as the ;system clock config __FWDT, FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF;Turn off Watchdog Timer config __FPOR, FPWRT_PWR128 ;Set Power on Timer 128 mSec config __FOSCSEL, FNOSC_PRIPLL & IESO_OFF & TEMP_OFF ;Setup Oscillator (w/PLL) config __FGS, GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF ;Disable Code protect config __FSS, RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF ;No security config __FBS, RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF ; ;.............................................................................. ;Program Specific Constants (literals used in code) ;.............................................................................. ;----DATALOGGER .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ EQUATES--------------------------DL_PORT,PORTC ; DL_TRIS,TRISC ; DL_RST,1 ;RESET LINE DL_STOP,14 ;STOP LINE DL_ENABLE,13 ;ENABLE LINE ;----GPS (UART 1) EQUATES------------------------.equ GPS_PORT,PORTF ; .equ GPS_TRIS,TRISF ; .equ GPS_ENABLE,6 ; .equ .equ .equ BAUD_NUM1,51 ;Baud Rate Number (51=9600baud,103=4800) ;19200=25,38400=12 U1MODE_C,0b1000000000000000 ;U1MODE Init Value - BRGH = 0 U1STA_C,0b0000000000000000 ;U1STA Init Value ;----DATALOG,COMPUTER,BLUETOOTH (UART 2) EQUATES-.equ BAUD_NUM2,12 ;Baud Rate Number (51=9600baud,103=4800) ;19200=25,38400=12 .equ U2MODE_C,0b1000000000000000 ;U2MODE Init Value - BRGH = 0 .equ U2STA_C,0b0000000000000000 ;U2STA Init Value ;----MISC INTERRUPT EQUATES----------------------.equ INT_PORT,PORTD ; .equ INT_TRIS,TRISD ; .equ GPS_INT,11 ;GPS 1PPS OUTPUT .equ BT_PIO5,0 ;BLUETOOTH AUX IO .equ BT_CONN,10 ;BLUETOOTH CONNECTION ACTIVE .equ RTC_INT,9 ;RTC INTERRUPT PIN 124 .equ .equ .equ .equ UI_AIO2,8 UI_AIO3,5 UI_PORT,PORTC UI_AIO1,15 ;USER INTERFACE AUX IO ; ; ;USER INTERFACE AUX IO ;----UART 2 SOURCE SELECT EQUATES----------------.equ U2SS_PORT,PORTD ; .equ U2SS_TRIS,TRISD ; .equ RXSS0,1 ;RECIEVE SOURCE SELECT 0 .equ RXSS1,2 ;RECIEVE SOURCE SELECT 1 .equ TXSS0,3 ;TRANSMIT SOURCE SELECT 0 .equ TXSS1,4 ;TRANSMIT SOURCE SELECT 1 ;----USER INTERFACE EQUATES----------------------;----I2C EQUATES (RTC, UI)-----------------------.equ I2C_PORT,PORTG ; .equ I2C_SCL,2 ; .equ I2C_SDA,3 ; ;----TILT SENSOR EQUATES-------------------------.equ XL_PORT,PORTB ; .equ XL_TRIS,TRISB ; .equ XL_SCLK,12 ; .equ XL_DOUT,13 ; .equ XL_DIN,14 ; .equ XL_CS,15 ; .equ XL_DIO0,11 ; ;----ACOUSTIC PROCESSOR EQUATES------------------.equ AP_PORT,PORTG ; .equ AP_TRIS,TRISG ; .equ AP_SS,9 ; .equ AP_SDO,7 ; .equ AP_SCK,6 ; .equ AP_SDI,8 ; .equ AP_APORT,PORTC ; .equ AP_AIO1,2 ; ;----AUX CONNECTION EQUATES----------------------.equ AUX_PORT,PORTG ; .equ AUX_1,0 ; .equ AUX_2,14 ; .equ AUX_3,12 ; .equ AUX_4,13 ; .equ AUX_5,15 ; ;----MAGNETOMETER SPI EQUATES--------------------.equ MSSPORT,PORTB ;Magnetometer SS Port .equ MSSTRIS,TRISB ;Tris .equ MSSPIN,3 ;pin .equ .equ .equ MRESPORT,PORTB MRESTRIS,TRISB MRESPIN,5 ;Magnetometer Reset Port ;Tris ;pin .equ .equ .equ MDRDYPORT,PORTB MDRDYTRIS,TRISB MDRDYPIN,4 ;Magnetometer DRDY Port ;Tris ;pin .equ .equ .equ MSCLKPORT,PORTB MSCLKTRIS,TRISB MSCLKPIN,0 ;Magnetometer SCLK Port ;Tris ;pin 125 .equ .equ .equ MMOSIPORT,PORTB MMOSITRIS,TRISB MMOSIPIN,2 ;Magnetometer MOSI Port ;Tris ;pin .equ .equ .equ MMISOPORT,PORTB MMISOTRIS,TRISB MMISOPIN,1 ;Magnetometer MISO Port ;Tris ;pin ;.............................................................................. ;Global Declarations: ;.............................................................................. ; .global __reset .global _main ;The label for the first line of code. ;required to invoke data initialization .global .global .global .global .global ;Declare UART 2 Interrupt ;Declare UART 1 Interrupt ; ; ; __U2RXInterrupt __U1RXInterrupt __SPI2Interrupt __SPI2ErrInterrupt __INT4Interrupt ;.global __T1Interrupt ;Declare Timer 1 ISR name global ;.............................................................................. ;Constants stored in Program space ;.............................................................................. ; .section .myconstbuffer, code ; .palign 2 ;Align next word stored in Program space to an ; ;address that is a multiple of 2 ;ps_coeff: ; .hword 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0005, 0x000A ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in X-space in data memory ;.............................................................................. .section .xbss, bss, xmemory GPSMSG1: .space 80 ;First GPS Message Buffer GPSMSG2: .space 80 ;Second GPS Message Buffer GPSBUF1CNT: .space 2 ;Buffer 1 Byte Count GPSBUF2CNT: .space 2 ;Buffer 2 Byte Count GPSFLAGS: .space 2 ;GPS Flags ;bit 0: 1 = Message in progress , 0 = Message not in progress ;bit 1: 1 = Buffer Full Error , 0 = No Buffer Full Error ;bit 2: 1 = buffer 1 is full , 0 = buffer 1 is available ;bit 3: 1 = buffer 1 requires writing , 0 = buffer 1 does not require writing ;bit 4: 1 = buffer 2 is full , 0 = buffer 2 is available ;bit 5: 1 = buffer 2 requires writing , 0 = buffer 2 does not require writing ;bit 6: 1 = using buffer 1, 0 = using buffer 2 ;bit 7: 1 = GPS Data Written, 0 = No GPS Data Written U1RECEIVE: .space 2 ;received byte storage XMAG: .space 2 ;X-axis magnetometer measurement YMAG: .space 2 ;Y-axis magnetometer measurement ZMAG: .space 2 ;Z-axis magnetometer measurement TEMP: .space 2 ; XTilt: .space 2 ; YTilt: .space 2 ; XAccel: .space 2 ; YAccel: .space 2 ;t SPIRNUM: .space 2 ;Number of Bytes Received via SPI SPITNUM: .space 2 ;Number of Bytes to transmit via SPI 126 SPIFLAGS: .space 2 ;SPI Flags SPITRANSMIT: .space 30 ;SPI Transmit Buffer SPIRECEIVE: .space 20 ;SPI Receive Buffer AP_COMMAND: .space 2 ; AP_RANGEH: .space 2 ; AP_RANGEL: .space 2 ; AP_TRANS1: .space 2 ; AP_TRANS2: .space 2 ; AP_TRANS3: .space 2 ; AP_TRANSORDER: .space 2 ; AP_TPNC: .space 2 ;default #45 (1ms) AP_PRE1: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_PRE2: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_PRE3: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_POST1: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_POST2: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_POST3: .space 2 ;default 0x007F AP_BIGTOH: .space 2 ;default 0x0131 AP_BIGTOL: .space 2 ;default 0x2D00 AP_SMALLTOH: .space 2 ;default 0x0000 AP_SMALLTOL: .space 2 ;default 0x4E20 MAIN_FLAGS: .space 2 ;bit 0: 1 = 1PPS Has Occurred 0 = 1PPS Hasn't Occurred Yet ;bit 1: 1 = Debug Mode, 0 = Not Debug Mode ;bit 2: 1 = Debug Mode (Don't Wait for PPS), 0 = Wait for PPS ;bit 3: 1 = Record Data, 0 = Don't Record Data ;bit 4: 1 = Send Data out to Computer on Store, 0 = Don't send data out ;bit 5: 1 = Echo RS232 Characters, 0 = Don't Echo ;bit 6: 1 = GPS COM MODE, 0 = Not GPS COM MODE ;bit 7: 1 = Read Incoming GPS Data, 0 = Do NOT read incoming gps data ;bit 8: 1 = Datalog COM Mode, 0 = Not Datalog COM Mode ;bit 9: 1 = Bluetooth Connected, 0 = Bluetooth Not Connected AP_STIMEH: .space 2 ; AP_STIMEL: .space 2 ; AP_ETIMEH: .space 2 ; AP_ETIMEL: .space 2 ; TILT_TIMEH: .space 2 ; TILT_TIMEL: .space 2 ; MAG_TIMEH: .space 2 ; MAG_TIMEL: .space 2 ; MAG_CSV: TILT_CSV: AP_CSV: TIME_CSV: UI2NUMT: .space .space .space .space 30 40 40 50 .space 10 U2RECEIVE: .space 30 U2RNUM: .space 2 U2FLAGS: .space 2 ; ; ; ; ; ;UART 2 Received words ;UART 2 Received Number of words ;UART 2 FLAGS ;bit 0 - Interrupt Occured Flag? 1= No, 0= Yes ;bit 1: 1 = Last data sent to datalogger, 0 = Last ;data sent to computer TESTH: .space 2 TESTL: .space 2 ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Y-space in data memory ;.............................................................................. ; ;y_input: .section .ybss, bss, ymemory .space 2*SAMPLES 127 ;.............................................................................. ;Initialized variables in data memory ;.............................................................................. ;----Debug Display Constants-----------------------------.section .data DEBUG_MAG: .asciz "MAG X Y Z " DEBUG_MAGT: .asciz " MAGTIME: " DEBUG_TILT: .ascii "TILT X Y " DEBUG_TILTT: .ascii " TILTTIME: " DEBUG_A1: .ascii "AP - RANGE: " DEBUG_A2: .ascii " ORDER: " DEBUG_A3: .ascii " TRAN1: " DEBUG_A4: .ascii " TRAN2: " DEBUG_A5: .ascii " TRAN3: " DEBUG_A6: .ascii " STIME: " DEBUG_A7: .ascii " ETIME: " DEBUG_CMD: .ascii "'q' - Exit Debug Mode 's' - Setup Parameters 'g' - GPS COM Mode 'l' - Loopback Mode 'o' - Datalog Mode 'm' - OS DL " MAIN_CMD: .ascii "'r' - RECORDPAUSE 's' - STARTSTOP Debug Out 'd' - Debug Mode " UI2NUMR: .ascii "Please Enter a 00 digit number. " UI2NUMERR: .ascii "Number is too large, try again" VALDISP1: .ascii "1 AP_PRE1: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP2: .ascii "2 AP_PRE2: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP3: .ascii "3 AP_PRE3: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP4: .ascii "4 AP_POST1: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP5: .ascii "5 AP_POST2: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP6: .ascii "6 AP_POST3: XXX [MAX: 127]" VALDISP7: .ascii "7 AP_TPNC: XXXXX [65535]" VALDISP8: .ascii "8 AP_BIGTO: XXXXXXXXXX [MAX]" VALDISP9: .ascii "9 AP_SMLTO: XXXXXXXXXX[FFFF]" DISPVAL_INS: .ascii "'q' - Exit (1-9) - Change Parameter " GPSBUFFULL: .ascii "ERROR: GPS BUFFER FULL" GPSDATAERR: .ascii "ERROR: GPS RX DATA" GPSPPS: .ascii "[PPS]" U1ORERR: .ascii "ERROR: U1OR " U1FRERR: .ascii "ERROR: U1FE " U2ORERR: .ascii "ERROR: U2OR " U2FRERR: .ascii "ERROR: U2FE " ;GPSSETRATE: .ascii "$PSRF103,00,00,01,01*25",<0xd>,<0xa> ; ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Near data memory (Lower 8Kb of RAM) ;.............................................................................. ; .section .nbss, bss, near .section vars,bss,address(0x900) ;.............................................................................. ;Code Section in Program Memory ;.............................................................................. .text ;Start of Code section __reset: MOV #__SP_init, W15 ;Initalize the Stack Pointer MOV #__SPLIM_init, W0 ;Initialize the Stack Pointer Limit Register MOV W0, SPLIM ; NOP ;Add NOP to follow SPLIM initialization _main: ;Initialize PLL to proper frequency ;PLL will work on startup if 4mHz<Fin<8mHz ;(it was checked that PLL settings will within ;limits during this PLL update process) mov #0x00C0,W0 ;PLLPRE=2,PLLPOST=8 (IC = 8mhz) mov W0,CLKDIV ; 128 mov mov #0x003E,W0 W0,PLLFBD ;Set PLL Multiplier=64 (IC = 8mhz) ; ;Disable all modules mov #0xFFFF,W0 mov W0,PMD1 mov W0,PMD2 mov W0,PMD3 ; ; ; ; ;Disable all open-drains mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ODCD mov W0,ODCF mov W0,ODCG ; ;Port D ;Port F ;Port G ;Disable Analog Function of I/O Pins mov #0xFFFF,W0 ; mov W0,AD1PCFGH ; mov W0,AD1PCFGL ; call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call main_init bt_receive_check bt_transmit_check UART1_Init UART2_Init gps_init gps_enable data_init data_enable AP_INIT SPI_INIT Magnetometer_Init Tilt_init Tilt_Setup Timer23_init OnePPS_init ;Initialize UART2 Select pins ;Selects Bluetooth / Computer Reception ;Selects Bluetooth / Computer Transmission ;Initialize GPS ;Initialize RS232 / Bluetooth ;Initialize GPS Enable pins ;Enable GPS ;Initialize Datalogger Pins ;Enable Data Logger ; ; ;Initialize Magnetometer ;Initialize Tilt Sensor ;Setup the tilt sensor ;Initialize 32-bit timer ;Initialize 1PPS Functionality clr clr clr clr clr clr clr mov mov mov mov mov mov mov mov clr clr clr clr clr clr clr TEMP MAIN_FLAGS AP_RANGEH AP_RANGEL AP_TRANS1 AP_TRANS2 AP_TRANS3 #0x0001,W0 W0,AP_STIMEH #0x0001,W0 W0,AP_STIMEL #0x0001,W0 W0,AP_ETIMEH #0x0001,W0 W0,AP_ETIMEL TILT_TIMEH TILT_TIMEL MAG_TIMEH MAG_TIMEL U2FLAGS U2RNUM GPSFLAGS ;Used for GPS/Magnetometer Flag ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; call call delay100ms delay100ms ; ; 129 call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms delay100ms ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** main_loop: ;Ensure bluetooth data can come through call bt_receive ;Selects Bluetooth Reception call bt_conn_check ;Check if Bluetooth Connection Is Active, set flag ;accordingly ;Computer Mode or Datalog Mode? btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#9 goto main_comloop ;Check if bluetooth connection is active ;yes, connection is active, computer mode ;no active bluetooth connection, Datalog Mode ;:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE: ;Datalog Mode call data_enable ;enable datalogger call data_settx ;Select datalogger as TX device ; ;Collect Readings? btss MAIN_FLAGS,#0 ;Wait for 1PPS Pulse (Indicates GPS Fix) goto main_loop ;No 1PPS yet, loop again ;1PPS has occurred, Get sensor data bset MAIN_FLAGS,#7 ;Read Incoming GPS data call FIND_POSITION ;Get Sensor Data ;Store Readings call sensor_data_write ;record Sensor call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call gps_data_write ;record GPS data mov call mov call #0x000D,W0 U2_Transmit #0x000A,W0 U2_Transmit ;<cr> <lf> ; ; ; bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#0 ;Reset 1PPS Flag-Wait for another GPS Reading goto main_loop ; ;:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE:DATALOG MODE: ;:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER main_comloop: call data_stop ;Stop Data Logger call delay1s ;delay call data_disable ;Disable Data Logger call bt_settx ;Select bluetooth as TX device 130 call mode_check btsc goto MAIN_FLAGS,#2 main_debug ;Collect Readings? btss MAIN_FLAGS,#0 goto main_loop bset MAIN_FLAGS,#7 call FIND_POSITION ;Store Readings call sensor_data_write call delay100ms call delay100ms call gps_data_write mov call mov call nop bclr goto ;:COMPUTER ;Check ;Debug ;Check ;enter for change of modes Mode? for debug mode debug mode ;Wait for 1PPS Pulse (Indicates GPS Fix) ;No 1PPS yet, loop again ;1PPS has occurred, Get sensor data ;Read Incoming GPS data ;Get Sensor Data ;record Sensor ; ; ;record GPS data #0x000D,W0 U2_Transmit #0x000A,W0 U2_Transmit ;<cr> <lf> ; ; ; ;store other data MAIN_FLAGS,#0 ;Reset 1PPS Flag - Wait for another GPS Reading main_loop ; MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER MODE:COMPUTER ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: main_sdo: call HOME_DISPLAY ;Reset Cursor Position call ODEBUG_DISPLAY ;Display Orientation Data call ADEBUG_DISPLAY ;Display Acoustic Data call OT_DISPLAY ;Display Orientation Time return ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode_check: cp0 U2RNUM ;Check if any commands received bra NZ,mode_check_cmd ; return ;no, command, return mode_check_cmd: clr U2RNUM ;Clear receive byte count mov cp.b bra #0X0064,W0 U2RECEIVE Z,mode_check_dbg ;'d' - Debug ; ;Debug Command Received mov cp.b bra #0X0072,W0 U2RECEIVE Z,mode_check_rec ;'r' - record ; ;record Command Received mov cp.b bra #0X0073,W0 U2RECEIVE Z,mode_check_sd ;'s' - Send out debug data ; ;Send out Debug Data Command Received ;Invalid Command, send out instructions MAIN_CMD_SO: call CLEAR_DISPLAY ; mov mov #MAIN_CMD,W2 #6,W1 ;Send out Instruction line ;"'r' - " 131 call STRING_DISPLAY ; btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#3 ;RECORDING? mov #MAIN_CMD+#12,W2 ;yes, display "PAUSE " instead of "RECORD" mov #6,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov #MAIN_CMD+#17,W2 ;" 's' - " mov #7,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#1 ;Sending Data out? mov #MAIN_CMD+#29,W2 ;yes, display "STOP " instead of "START" mov #5,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov #MAIN_CMD+#33,W2 ;" Data Out 'd' - Debug Mode" mov #27,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov #0x0001,W1 ;New line call NEWLINE_DISPLAY ; return ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode_check_dbg: bset MAIN_FLAGS,#2 ;set debug mode flag return ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode_check_rec: btg MAIN_FLAGS,#3 ;set record mode flag call MAIN_CMD_SO ;update display return ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: mode_check_sd: btg MAIN_FLAGS,#1 ;set send data mode flag call MAIN_CMD_SO ;update display return ; ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** main_debug: call CLEAR_DISPLAY ; bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#7 ;Don't store GPS data bclr IEC0,#U1RXIE ;Clear U1 Recieve Interrupt bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#1 ;Turn off [PPS] Message Output main_debugloop: call bt_receive_check ;Selects Bluetooth / Computer Reception call FIND_POSITION ;Get Sensor Data call call call call HOME_DISPLAY ODEBUG_DISPLAY ADEBUG_DISPLAY OT_DISPLAY ;Reset Cursor Position ;Display Orientation Data ;Display Acoustic Data ;Display Orientation Time mov call #0x0002,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_CMD,W2 #114,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Instruction line ; ; cp0 bra U2RNUM NZ,debug_command ;Check if any commands received ; 132 goto main_debugloop ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: debug_command: clr U2RNUM ;Clear receive byte count mov cp.b bra #0X0071,W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmdquitdebug ;'q' - Quit ; ;Quit Command Received mov cp.b bra #'s',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddispval ;'s' - display setup values for editing ; ;Display Values Command mov cp.b bra #'g',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmdgpscom ;'g' - Enter GPS communication mode ;(can only exit by restarting microcontroller) ;GPS COM Mode Command mov cp.b bra #'l',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmdlpbcom ;'l' - Enter Loopback Mode ;(can only exit by restarting microcontroller) ;Loopback COM Mode Command mov cp.b bra #'o',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddlcom ;'o' - Enter Datalog Mode ;(can only exit by restarting microcontroller) ;Datalog Mode Command mov cp.b bra #'m',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmdosdlcom ;'m' - Enter Orientation Sensor Datalog Mode ; ;Orientation Sensor Datalog Mode Command goto main_debug ;Not a valid command ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmdosdlcom: bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Turn off character echo call data_enable ;enable datalogger call delay1s ;Allow time for the datalogger to turn on cmdosdlcom_loop: call delay100ms ;Delay to lower sample rate call delay100ms ;to approximately 3 Hz ;Get Time call Timer23_read ;Time Stamp mov W1,MAG_TIMEH ; mov W0,MAG_TIMEL ; ; call Mag_Read_XYZ ;Read Heading Information call Tilt_Read ;Read Tilt Information call Tilt_Data_Mask ; call MAG_DF ;Store magnetometer CSV data call TILT_DF ;Store Tilt CSV data call TIME_DF ;Store Time CSV data call data_settx ;Select datalogger as TX device ;Send out Orientation Sensor Data mov #0x0024,W0 ;'$ORSEN' call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x004F,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0052,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0053,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; 133 mov call mov call #0x0045,W0 U2_Transmit #0x004E,W0 U2_Transmit ; ; ; ; mov call mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; mov mov call #TIME_CSV+#36,W2 #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Time Stamp ; ; mov call mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; mov mov call #MAG_CSV,W2 #22,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Mag Data ; ; mov call mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; mov mov call #TILT_CSV,W2 #14,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Data ; ; mov call mov call #0x000D,W0 U2_Transmit #0x000A,W0 U2_Transmit ;CR, LF ; ; ; ;Done sending out data cp0 U2RNUM bra NZ,cmdosdlcom_exit goto cmdosdlcom_loop ;Check if any key has been pressed ;yes, exit this loop.. but first save data ;no, repeat procedure cmdosdlcom_exit: clr U2RNUM ;clear recieved byte call delay100ms ; call data_stop ;Stop Data Logger call delay1s ;delay call data_disable ;Disable Data Logger call bt_settx ;Select bluetooth as TX device goto main_debug ;Go back to debug mode ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmdgpscom: bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Turn off character echo nop ; bset MAIN_FLAGS,#6 ;Turn on GPS COM MODE clr U2RNUM ; bset IEC0,#U1RXIE ;Turn On U1 Recieve Interrupt goto cmdgpscom ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmdlpbcom: bset MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Turn on character echo clr U2RNUM ; 134 goto cmdlpbcom ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddlcom: bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Turn off character echo call data_enable ;enable datalogger call delay1s ;Allow datalogger time to turn on bset MAIN_FLAGS,#8 ;Turn on datalog mode clr U2RNUM ; goto cmddlcom ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddispval: clr U2RNUM ;clear received bytes count call CLEAR_DISPLAY ; call VAL_DISPLAY ;Display values mov call #0x0002,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DISPVAL_INS,W2 #36,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Instruction line ; ; bset MAIN_FLAGS,#5 cmddispval_wait: cp0 U2RNUM bra Z,cmddispval_wait ;Echo Characters clr U2RNUM ;Check if any commands received ; ;New byte received ;Clear receive byte count mov cp.b bra #'q',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_quit ;'q' - Quit ; ;Quit Command Received, back to debug mov cp.b bra #'1',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op1 ;'1' - AP_PRE1 ; ;Option 1 Selected mov cp.b bra #'2',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op2 ;'2' - AP_PRE2 ; ;Option 2 Selected mov cp.b bra #'3',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op3 ;'3' - AP_PRE3 ; ;Option 3 Selected mov cp.b bra #'4',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op4 ;'4' - AP_POST1 ; ;Option 4 Selected mov cp.b bra #'5',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op5 ;'5' - AP_POST2 ; ;Option 5 Selected mov cp.b bra #'6',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op6 ;'6' - AP_POST3 ; ;Option 6 Selected mov cp.b bra #'7',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op7 ;'7' - AP_TPNC ; ;Option 7 Selected mov cp.b #'8',W0 U2RECEIVE ;'8' - AP_BIGTO ; 135 bra Z,cmddisp_op8 ;Option 8 Selected mov cp.b bra #'9',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_op9 ;'9' - AP_SMALLTO ; ;Option 9 Selected mov cp.b bra #'g',W0 U2RECEIVE Z,cmddisp_opg ;'g' ; ; goto cmddispval ;No valid command received, wait some more ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_quit: ; call AP_SP ;Send out acoustic board parameters call delay100ms ;give slight delay for acoustic processor goto main_debug ;return to debug menu ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_opg: call AP_SP ; 'g' Save parameters to Acoustic Board goto cmddispval ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op1: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_PRE1 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op2: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_PRE2 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op3: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_PRE3 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op4: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_POST1 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op5: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_POST2 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op6: mov #3,W0 ;3-Digits requested 136 mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #127,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_POST3 ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op7: mov #5,W0 ;5-Digits requested mov #0,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #0xFFFF,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_TPNC ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op8: mov #10,W0 ;10-Digits requested mov #0xFFFF,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #0xFFFF,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_BIGTOL ;store new value mov W1,AP_BIGTOH ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmddisp_op9: mov #10,W0 ;10-Digits requested mov #0xFFFF,W2 ;Max Allowable Value (MSW) mov #0xFFFF,W1 ;Max Allowable Value (LSW) call UI2NUM ;Collect new user value mov W0,AP_SMALLTOL ;store new value mov W1,AP_SMALLTOH ;store new value goto cmddispval ;display new value ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cmdquitdebug: bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#2 ;clear debug mode flag bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Turn off character echo bset IEC0,#U1RXIE ;Turn On U1 Recieve Interrupt call MAIN_CMD_SO ;Send out Main CMD goto main_loop ; ;****************************************************************************** ;****************************************************************************** ;********************************************************* ;FIND_POSITION Find Position Routine ; ;Requests reading from acoustic processor, reads all ;orientation sensors, formats orientation and acoustic ;processor readings as CSVs in data memory. All data ;is time stamped with a count since the last 1PPS. Clears ;1PPS flag before returning. ;********************************************************* FIND_POSITION: call mov mov call Timer23_read W1,AP_STIMEH W0,AP_STIMEL AP_GM ;Time Stamp ; ; ;Request Range and Bearing from AP Board call mov mov call Timer23_read W1,MAG_TIMEH W0,MAG_TIMEL Mag_Read_XYZ ;Time Stamp ; ; ;Read Heading Information call Timer23_read ;Time Stamp 137 mov mov call call call call W1,TILT_TIMEH W0,TILT_TIMEL Tilt_Read Tilt_Data_Mask MAG_DF TILT_DF ; ; ;Read Tilt Information ; ;Store magnetometer CSV data ;Store Tilt CSV data call call mov mov AP_GM_READ Timer23_read W1,AP_ETIMEH W0,AP_ETIMEL ;Wait for then collect AP Measurements ;Time Stamp ; ; call AP_DF ;Store AP CSV data call TIME_DF ;Store Time CSV data return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;UI2NUM User Input to Number ; ;Given the number of digits to request and a maximum ;allowable value this function will prompt the user for ;input and then convert the ASCII BCD to a binary number. ;Inputs: W0 - Number of digits to request ; W1 - Maximum allowable value (LSW) ; W2 - Maximum allowable value (MSW) ;Output: W0 - binary number (16-bit Word, LSW if 32-bit) ; W1 - binary number (MSW if 32-bit) ;********************************************************* UI2NUM: ;Make request for proper number of digits push W1 ;Save inputs push W2 ; push W0 ; clr U2RNUM ;clear received byte counter call num2ascii ;Convert # of digits to ASCII mov #UI2NUMR+#15,W3 ;Prepare output phrase mov.b W2,[W3++] ;Place tens digit mov.b W1,[W3++] ;Place Ones digit mov call #0x0002,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;2 New lines ; mov mov call mov call #UI2NUMR,W2 #31,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0002,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out request to user ; ; ;2 New lines ; pop push W0 W0 ;Restore number of digits ;save number of digits once again bset MAIN_FLAGS,#5 UI2NUM_wait: cp U2RNUM bra LTU,UI2NUM_wait ;Echo Characters to User ;Wait for requested number of digits ; ;not enough bytes yet, wait bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#5 ;Stop Echoing Characters to User mov sub #10,W2 W2,W0,W2 ;10 = Max number of digits ;10 - number of digits => W2 ;Fill UI2NUMT with 10 digit string (fill in missing digits with 0x00) 138 mov #UI2NUMT,W3 UI2NUM_FC: cp0 W2 bra NZ,UI2NUM_SF ; pop W2 push W2 mov #U2RECEIVE,W4 UI2NUM_DC: cp0 W2 bra NZ,UI2NUM_DF ;restore number of digits ; ; ;Fill digits in array ;Check if there are still digits ;yes, fill one ;Check if there are still missing digits ;yes, fill one clr U2RNUM ; bclr SR,#15 ;Clear OA bit ;Should now have a string of 10 BCD digits in UI2NUMT mov #UI2NUMT,W3 ; clr A ;Clear accumulator ;Billions digit mov #0x3B9A,W0 ;(1,000,000,000 in hex) mov W0,ACCBH ; mov #0xCA00,W0 ; mov W0,ACCBL ; mov.b [W3++],W0 ; UI2NUM_BDT: ; cp0.b W0 ;Check for Billions bra Z,UI2NUM_HMD ;no,billions, check hundred millions add A ;add one billion dec.b W0,W0 ; bra UI2NUM_BDT ; UI2NUM_HMD: mov #0x05F5,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0xE100,W0 mov W0,ACCBL mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_HMT: cp0.b W0 bra Z,UI2NUM_TMD add A dec.b W0,W0 bra UI2NUM_HMT ;Hundred Millions Digit ;(100,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for Billions ;no hundred millions, check ten millions ;add one hundred million ; ; UI2NUM_TMD: mov #0x0098,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x9680,W0 mov W0,ACCBL mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_TMT: cp0.b W0 bra Z,UI2NUM_MD add A dec.b W0,W0 bra UI2NUM_TMT ;Ten Millions Digit ;(10,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for Ten Millions ;no ten millions, check millions ;add one ten million ; ; UI2NUM_MD: mov #0x000F,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x4240,W0 mov W0,ACCBL mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_MT: ;Millions Digit ;(1,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; 139 cp0.b bra add dec.b bra W0 Z,UI2NUM_HTD A W0,W0 UI2NUM_MT ;Check for Millions ;no millions, check hundred thousands ;add one million ; ; UI2NUM_HTD: mov #0x0001,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x86A0,W0 mov W0,ACCBL mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_HTT: cp0.b W0 bra Z,UI2NUM_TTD add A dec.b W0,W0 bra UI2NUM_HTT ;Hundred Thousands Digit ;(100,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for Hundred Thousands ;no hundred thousands, check tens of thousands ;add one hundred thousand ; ; UI2NUM_TTD: mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x2710,W0 mov W0,ACCBL mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_TTT: cp0.b W0 bra Z,UI2NUM_TD add A dec.b W0,W0 bra UI2NUM_TTT ;Ten Thousands Digit ;(10,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for ten Thousands ;no ten thousands, check thousands ;add ten thousand ; ; UI2NUM_TD: mov mov mov mov mov.b UI2NUM_TT: cp0.b bra add dec.b bra ;Thousands Digit ;(1,000 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for Thousands ;no thousands, check hundreds ;add thousand ; ; UI2NUM_HD: mov mov mov mov mov.b UI2NUM_HT: cp0.b bra add dec.b bra #0x0000,W0 W0,ACCBH #0x03E8,W0 W0,ACCBL [W3++],W0 W0 Z,UI2NUM_HD A W0,W0 UI2NUM_TT #0x0000,W0 W0,ACCBH #0x0064,W0 W0,ACCBL [W3++],W0 W0 Z,UI2NUM_TEND A W0,W0 UI2NUM_HT UI2NUM_TEND: mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x00A,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Hundreds Digit ;(100 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for hundreds ;no hundreds, check tens ;add hundred ; ; ;Tens Digit ;(10 in hex) ; ; ; 140 mov.b [W3++],W0 UI2NUM_TENT: cp0.b W0 bra Z,UI2NUM_OD add A dec.b W0,W0 bra UI2NUM_TENT ; ; ;Check for tens ;no tens, check ones ;add ten ; ; UI2NUM_OD: mov mov mov mov mov.b UI2NUM_OT: cp0.b bra add dec.b bra ;Ones Digit ;(1 in hex) ; ; ; ; ; ;Check for ones ;no ones, check number ;add one ; ; #0x0000,W0 W0,ACCBH #0x0001,W0 W0,ACCBL [W3++],W0 W0 Z,UI2NUM_CHECK A W0,W0 UI2NUM_OT UI2NUM_CHECK: pop W0 pop W3 pop W2 push W2 push W3 push W0 ;Check that number is under max ;num digits ;restore max allowable value (MSW) ;(LSW) ;re-save everything ;in case of error ; ;Check for ACC A overflow bra OA,UI2NUM_ERR ;overflow occurred... number too large mov mov ACCAH,W1 ACCAL,W0 ;UI Number (MSW) ;UI Number (LSW) cp bra W1,W3 GEU,UI2NUM_CHK2 ;UIH < MAXH? ;no, keep checking UI2NUM_FIN: pop W3 pop W3 pop W3 return UI2NUM_CHK2: cpseq W1,W3 bra UI2NUM_ERR cp bra W0,W2 LEU,UI2NUM_FIN UI2NUM_ERR: mov #0x0002,W1 call NEWLINE_DISPLAY mov mov call #UI2NUMERR,W2 #30,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;User Input is fine, number returned in W1,W0 ;Restore stack ; ; ; ;UIH == MAXH? ;UI > MAX... issue an error and restart ;UIH == MAXH, Check low bytes ;UIL > MAXL? ;no, everything is good ;UI > MAX... issue an error and restart ;2 New lines ; ;Send out error message ; ; bclr SR,#15 ;Clear OA bit pop pop W0 W2 ;Restore original values ; 141 pop W1 goto UI2NUM ;---------UI2NUM_SF: Mov #0x0000,W0 mov.b W0,[W3++] dec W2,W2 bra UI2NUM_FC ; ;rinse and repeat ;0's left to fill ;Fill one digit ; ;decrement 0 fill counter ;check if more filling required UI2NUM_DF: ;Digits left to fill mov.b [W4++],W0 ;Retrieve one digit sub.b #0x30,W0 ;Get rid of ASCII coding mov.b W0,[W3++] ;place digit into string dec W2,W2 ;decrement digit fill counter bra UI2NUM_DC ;check if more filling required ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;ODEBUG_DISPLAY Orientation Debug Display Routine ; ;Displays sensor data in easy to read format that is ;output via the UART port. ;********************************************************* ODEBUG_DISPLAY: mov #DEBUG_MAG,W2 ;Send out Mag Identifier mov #0x001C,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov call #0x0006,W1 SPACE_DISPLAY ;Spaces ; mov mov call #MAG_CSV,W2 #0x0016,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Mag Data ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_TILT,W2 #0x001C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Identifier ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov call #0x0006,W1 SPACE_DISPLAY ;Spaces ; mov mov call #TILT_CSV,W2 #0x000E,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Data ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;ADEBUG_DISPLAY Acoustic Debug Display Routine ; ;Displays acoustic data in easy to read format that is 142 ;output via the UART port. ;********************************************************* ADEBUG_DISPLAY: mov #DEBUG_A1,W2 ;Send out Range Identifier mov #0x000C,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov mov call #AP_CSV,W2 #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Range Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A2,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Order Identifier ; ; mov mov call #AP_CSV+#0xC,W2 #0x0001,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Order Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A3,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran1 Identifier ; ; mov mov call #AP_CSV+#0xF,W2 #0x0005,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran1 Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A4,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran2 Identifier ; ; mov mov call #AP_CSV+#0x16,W2 #0x0005,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran2 Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A5,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran3 Identifier ; ; mov mov call #AP_CSV+#0x1D,W2 #0x0005,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tran3 Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A6,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Stime Identifier ; ; mov #TIME_CSV,W2 ;Send out Stime Information 143 mov call #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_A7,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Etime Identifier ; ; mov mov call #TIME_CSV+#0x0C,W2 #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Etime Information ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;OT_DISPLAY Orientation Time Display Routine ; ;Displays sensor time data in easy to read format that is ;output via the UART port. ;********************************************************* OT_DISPLAY: mov #DEBUG_MAGT,W2 ;Send out Mag Time Identifier mov #0x000C,W1 ; call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov mov call #TIME_CSV+#36,W2 #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Mag Time Data ; ; mov call #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;New line ; mov mov call #DEBUG_TILTT,W2 #0x000C,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Time Identifier ; ; mov mov call #TIME_CSV+#24,W2 #0x000A,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Time Data ; ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;VAL_DISPLAY Setup Values Display Routine ; ;Displays setup values in easy to read format that is ;output via the UART port. ;********************************************************* VAL_DISPLAY: call VAL_DF ;Update display strings with current values mov mov call mov call #VALDISP1,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out first line ; ; ;New line ; mov #VALDISP2,W2 ;Send out next line 144 mov call mov call mov mov call mov call #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY #VALDISP3,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ; ; ;New line ; ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP4,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP5,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP6,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP7,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP8,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out next line ; ; ;New line ; mov mov call mov call #VALDISP9,W2 #28,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x0002,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY ;Send out last line ; ; ;New line ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;VAL_DF Setup Values Data Format ; ;Updates setup value display strings with the current ;values of the setup parameters. ;********************************************************* VAL_DF: mov #VALDISP1+#12,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location mov AP_PRE1,W0 ;Retrieve current value call num2ascii ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array mov.b W3,[W13++] ;Insert current value into display string mov.b W2,[W13++] ; mov.b W1,[W13++] ; mov #VALDISP2+#12,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location 145 mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b AP_PRE2,W0 num2ascii W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;Retrieve current value ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP3+#12,W13 AP_PRE3,W0 num2ascii W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current value ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP4+#12,W13 AP_POST1,W0 num2ascii W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current value ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP5+#12,W13 AP_POST2,W0 num2ascii W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current value ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP6+#12,W13 AP_POST3,W0 num2ascii W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current value ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP7+#12,W13 AP_TPNC,W0 num2ascii W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; ; ; mov mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b #VALDISP8+#12,W13 AP_BIGTOH,W1 AP_BIGTOL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current reading ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; mov mov mov call mov.b #VALDISP9+#12,W13 AP_SMALLTOH,W1 AP_SMALLTOL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] ;load W13 starting memory location ;Retrieve current reading ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;Insert current value into display string 146 mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;STRING_DISPLAY String Display Routine ; ;Sends a string out the UART. The string starting ;location is passed in W2, the number of charactors to ;send out is passed in W1. ;********************************************************* STRING_DISPLAY: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,SD_SENDOUT ;characters left to send return ;no SD_SENDOUT: ;Characters left to send out mov.b [W2++],W0 ;Send character out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra STRING_DISPLAY ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;SPACE_DISPLAY Space Display Routine ; ;Sends a specified number of space characters out through ;UART2. The number of spaces is passed through W1. ;********************************************************* SPACE_DISPLAY: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,SPD_SENDOUT ;spaces left to send return ;no SPD_SENDOUT: ;Spaces left to send out mov #0x0020,W0 ;Send space out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra SPACE_DISPLAY ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;CLEAR_DISPLAY Clear Display Routine ; ;Sends out the Clear display ANSI command <ESC>[2J ;********************************************************* CLEAR_DISPLAY: mov #0x001B,W0 ;Send ESC out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x005B,W0 ;Send [ out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0032,W0 ;Send 2 out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x004A,W0 ;Send J out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; return ;no ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;NEWLINE_DISPLAY New Line Display Routine 147 ; ;Sends a specified number of new Line characters out through ;UART2. The number of new lines is passed through W1. ;********************************************************* NEWLINE_DISPLAY: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,NL_SENDOUT ;new lines left to send return ;no NL_SENDOUT: ;new lines left to send out mov #0x000D,W0 ;CR call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x000A,W0 ;LF call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra NEWLINE_DISPLAY ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;HOME_DISPLAY Put Cursor to Home Position Routine ; ;Sends out the Home ANSI command ESC[#;#H ;********************************************************* HOME_DISPLAY: mov #0x001B,W0 ;Send ESC out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x005B,W0 ;Send [ out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0030,W0 ;Send 0 out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x003B,W0 ;Send ; out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0030,W0 ;Send 0 out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0048,W0 ;Send H out UART2 call U2_Transmit ; return ;no ;********************************************************* ;********Data Format Routines********************************* ;********************************************************* ;MAG_DF Magnetometer Data Format ; ;Converts magnetometer data into an ASCII Character Array ;and stores the readings as CSVs in data memory ;********************************************************* MAG_DF: mov #MAG_CSV,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov XMAG,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve X-axis reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov call mov.b YMAG,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] ;Retrieve Y-axis reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; 148 mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov ZMAG,W0 ;Retrieve Z-axis reading call snum2ascii ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array mov.b W6,[W13++] ; mov.b W5,[W13++] ; mov.b W4,[W13++] ; mov.b W3,[W13++] ; mov.b W2,[W13++] ; mov.b W1,[W13++] ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TILT_DF Tilt Data Format ; ;Converts tilt data into an ASCII Character Array and ;stores the readings as CSVs in data memory ;********************************************************* TILT_DF: mov #TILT_CSV,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov XTilt,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve X-tilt reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov YTilt,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve Y-Tilt reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov XAccel,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve X-Accel reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov call mov.b YAccel,W0 snum2ascii W6,[W13++] ;Retrieve Y-Accel reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; 149 mov.b W5,[W13++] ; mov.b W4,[W13++] ; mov.b W3,[W13++] ; mov.b W2,[W13++] ; mov.b W1,[W13++] ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_DF Acoustic Processor Data Format ; ;Converts AP data into an ASCII Character Array and ;stores the readings as CSVs in data memory ;********************************************************* AP_DF: mov #AP_CSV,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov AP_RANGEH,W1 AP_RANGEL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve Range reading ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov call mov.b mov mov.b mov mov.b AP_TRANSORDER,W0 num2ascii W1,[W13++] #0x002C,W0 W0,[W13++] #0x0020,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve TRANSORDER reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ;(0-7 are only possible values) ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov.b mov mov.b AP_TRANS1,W0 num2ascii W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x002C,W0 W0,[W13++] #0x0020,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve Trans1 reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov.b mov mov.b AP_TRANS2,W0 num2ascii W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x002C,W0 W0,[W13++] #0x0020,W0 W0,[W13++] ;Retrieve Trans2 reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; 150 mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b AP_TRANS3,W0 num2ascii W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] ;Retrieve Trans3 reading ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TIME_DF TIME Data Format ; ;Converts TIME data into an ASCII Character Array and ;stores the readings as CSVs in data memory ;********************************************************* TIME_DF: mov #TIME_CSV,W13 ;load W13 starting memory location mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov AP_STIMEH,W1 AP_STIMEL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ; ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov mov AP_ETIMEH,W1 AP_ETIMEL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ; ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov mov call mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b mov.b TILT_TIMEH,W1 TILT_TIMEL,W0 bnum2ascii W10,[W13++] W9,[W13++] W8,[W13++] W7,[W13++] W6,[W13++] W5,[W13++] W4,[W13++] W3,[W13++] ; ; ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 151 mov.b mov.b mov mov W2,[W13++] W1,[W13++] #0x202C,W0 W0,[W13++] ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; mov MAG_TIMEH,W1 ; mov MAG_TIMEL,W0 ; call bnum2ascii ;Convert Number to ASCII Character Array mov.b W10,[W13++] ; mov.b W9,[W13++] ; mov.b W8,[W13++] ; mov.b W7,[W13++] ; mov.b W6,[W13++] ; mov.b W5,[W13++] ; mov.b W4,[W13++] ; mov.b W3,[W13++] ; mov.b W2,[W13++] ; mov.b W1,[W13++] ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;sensor_data_write SENSOR DATA WRITE ; ;Sends out all the sensor data in a comma delimited string ;out the UART2 port ;********************************************************* sensor_data_write: mov #0x0024,W0 ;'$UWGPS' call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0055,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0057,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0047,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0050,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0053,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; mov call mov call mov mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit #MAG_CSV,W2 #22,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; ;Send out Mag Data ; ; mov call mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; mov mov call #TILT_CSV,W2 #14,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out Tilt Data ; ; mov call mov call #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; 152 mov mov call mov call mov call mov mov call #AP_CSV,W2 #34,W1 STRING_DISPLAY #0x002C,W0 U2_Transmit #0x0020,W0 U2_Transmit #TIME_CSV,W2 #46,W1 STRING_DISPLAY ;Send out AP Data ; ; ;', ' (Comma,Space) ; ; ; ;Send out Time Data ; ; mov #0x002C,W0 ;', ' (Comma,Space) call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0020,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********SPI Routines***************************************** ;********************************************************* ;SPI_INIT SPI Initialization ;********************************************************* SPI_INIT: clr SPIRNUM ;Clear Counters clr SPITNUM ; clr SPIFLAGS ;Clear Flags bset AP_TRIS,#AP_SS ;Use SS pin to find out if ;data is ready bclr PMD1,#SPI2MD ;Make sure module isn't disabled clr SPI2BUF ;Clear SPIxBUF register ;if using interrupts: ; bclr IFS2,#SPI2IF ; nop bclr IFS2,#SPI2EIF ; nop ; bset IEC2,#SPI2IE ; nop ; bset IEC2,#SPI2EIE ; bset IPC8,#9 ;Set Interrupt Priority 3 nop ; bclr IPC8,#10 ; nop ; bset IPC8,#8 ; ; mov #0x043F,W0 ;Setup 1st SPI Control Register 1:1 Clock mov #0x043D,W0 ;Setup 1st SPI Control Register 1:16 clock mov W0,SPI2CON1 ;Master Mode, mov #0x0000,W0 ;Setup 2nd SPI Control Register mov W0,SPI2CON2 ;No framed SPI support bclr SPI2STAT,#SPIROV ;Clear SPIROV bit nop ; bset SPI2STAT,#SPIEN ;Enable SPI Operation return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;__SPI2Interrupt SPI Interrupt Routine ;********************************************************* __SPI2Interrupt: push W0 ; push W1 ; push W2 ; 153 bclr bclr IFS2,#SPI2IF SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Clear Interrupt Flag ;Clear SPI Interrupt Occurred? Flag cp0 bra SPITNUM NZ,SPIINTTRANSMIT ;Check if any data to be transmitted ; rlnc mov add SPIRNUM,WREG #SPIRECEIVE,W1 W0,W1,W2 ;Load Address Location ; ; mov mov SPI2BUF,W0 W0,[W2++] ;Retrieve word ;Save received word inc SPIRNUM SPIINTRETURN: pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 retfie ;Increment Received Word Count ; ; ; ; SPIINTTRANSMIT: dec SPITNUM ;decrement Transmit Counter mov SPI2BUF,W0 ;Read data out to prevent overflow goto SPIINTRETURN ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;__SPI1ErrInterrupt SPI ERROR Interrupt ; ;If an SPI overflow occurs, overflow flag must be cleared ;to re-enable reception ;********************************************************* __SPI2ErrInterrupt: bclr IFS2,#SPI2EIF ;Clear interrupt flag bclr SPI2STAT,#SPIROV ;Clear SPIROV bit retfie ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;SPI_WRITE SPI Word Write ; ;Data to be written is to be stored at location SPITRANSMIT ;Number of words to be written stored in SPITNUM ;********************************************************* SPI_WRITE: mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Load start address SPI_REWRITE: cp0 SPITNUM ;Check if any data to be transmitted bra NZ,SPI_WRITEWORD ; return ;no data to send SPI_WRITEWORD: bset SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Set interrupt check flag mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,SPI2BUF ;Send Received word out nop ; SPI_WRITE_WAIT: btsc SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Transfer occur yet? goto SPI_WRITE_WAIT ;no goto SPI_REWRITE ;yes ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;SPI_READ SPI Word READ ; ;Waits until slave has data to read, it then reads all of ;it 154 ;********************************************************* SPI_READ: nop btss AP_PORT,#AP_SS ;Check if any data needs to be read goto SPI_READ ;no data to read yet, wait SPI_READWORD: bset SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Set interrupt check flag mov 0x0000,W0 ;Send blank word mov W0,SPI2BUF ;in order to initiate transfer nop ; SPI_READ_WAIT: btsc SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Transfer occur yet? goto SPI_READ_WAIT ;no nop ;Give slave a little nop ;time to clear data nop ;ready flag nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; btss AP_PORT,#AP_SS ;Check if any more data needs to be read return ;no, finished goto SPI_READWORD ;yes ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_INIT Acoustic Processor Initialization ; ;Setup default values for AP components ;********************************************************* AP_INIT: mov #45,W0 ;Transmit Number of Cycles mov W0,AP_TPNC ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Pre-Amp 1 Gain mov W0,AP_PRE1 ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Pre-Amp 2 Gain mov W0,AP_PRE2 ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Pre-Amp 3 Gain mov W0,AP_PRE3 ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Post-Amp 1 Gain mov W0,AP_POST1 ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Post-Amp 2 Gain mov W0,AP_POST2 ; mov #0x007F,W0 ;Post-Amp 3 Gain mov W0,AP_POST3 ; mov #0x0131,W0 ;Big Timeout High Word mov W0,AP_BIGTOH ; mov #0x2D00,W0 ;Big Timeout Low Word mov W0,AP_BIGTOL ; mov #0x0000,W0 ;Small Timeout High Word mov W0,AP_SMALLTOH ; mov #0x4E20,W0 ;Small Timeout Low Word mov W0,AP_SMALLTOL ; clr AP_COMMAND ;Error occurred, clr AP_RANGEH ;clear all data clr AP_RANGEL ; clr AP_TRANS1 ; clr AP_TRANS2 ; clr AP_TRANS3 ; clr AP_TRANSORDER ; return ;done ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* 155 ;AP_GM Acoustic Processor Get Measurement ; ;Request that the AP start getting a range and bearing ;measurement. It should then signal the AP_SS line when ;data is ready. ;********************************************************* AP_GM: mov #0X474D,W0 ;'GM' - Command mov W0,SPITRANSMIT ; mov #0x0001,W0 ;Set Number of bytes mov W0,SPITNUM ;to send out call SPI_WRITE ;Send Command return ;done ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_GM_READ Acoustic Processor Get Measurement Read ; ;Wait for AP data to be ready, then retrieve it and parse ;it into data memory ;********************************************************* AP_GM_READ: call SPI_READ ;Wait, then read in AP data mov #0x0007,W0 ;Check that at least 7 words cp SPIRNUM ;were received bra LTU,APGMREAD_ERROR ;if not, error ;enough data received, parse data out mov #SPIRECEIVE,W2 ;Load start address mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_COMMAND ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_RANGEH ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_RANGEL ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANSORDER ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS1 ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS2 ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS3 ; clr SPIRNUM ;Clear receive buffer count return ;done APGMREAD_ERROR: clr AP_COMMAND ;Error occurred, clr AP_RANGEH ;clear all data clr AP_RANGEL ; clr AP_TRANS1 ; clr AP_TRANS2 ; clr AP_TRANS3 ; clr AP_TRANSORDER ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_GB Acoustic Processor Get Bearing ; ;Request that the AP start getting a bearing ;measurement. It should then signal the AP_SS line when ;data is ready. ;********************************************************* AP_GB: mov #0X4742,W0 ;'GB' - Command mov W0,SPITRANSMIT ; 156 mov #0x0001,W0 ;Set Number of bytes mov W0,SPITNUM ;to send out call SPI_WRITE ;Send Command return ;done ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_GB_READ Acoustic Processor Get Bearing Read ; ;Wait for AP data to be ready, then retrieve it and parse ;it into data memory ;********************************************************* AP_GB_READ: call SPI_READ ;Wait, then read in AP data mov #0x0005,W0 ;Check that at least 5 words cp SPIRNUM ;were received bra LTU,APGBREAD_ERROR ;if not, error ;enough data received, parse data out mov #SPIRECEIVE,W2 ;Load start address mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_COMMAND ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANSORDER ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS1 ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS2 ; mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,AP_TRANS3 ; clr AP_RANGEH ;clear range (not used) clr AP_RANGEL ; clr SPIRNUM ;Clear receive buffer count return ;done APGBREAD_ERROR: clr AP_COMMAND ;Error occurred, clr AP_RANGEH ;clear all data clr AP_RANGEL ; clr AP_TRANS1 ; clr AP_TRANS2 ; clr AP_TRANS3 ; clr AP_TRANSORDER ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_TP Acoustic Processor Transmit Pulse ; ;Request that the AP transmit a pulse of length determined ;by AP_TPNC. ;********************************************************* AP_TP: mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Set Message Address mov #0X5450,W0 ;'TP' - Command mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_TPNC,W0 ;Number of Transmit Cycles mov W0,[W2++] ; mov #0x0002,W0 ;Set Number of bytes mov W0,SPITNUM ;to send out call SPI_WRITE ;Send Command return ;done ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;AP_SP Acoustic Processor Set Parameters ; ;Send out new parameters to acoustic board 157 ;********************************************************* AP_SP: mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Set Message Address mov #0X5350,W0 ;'SP' - Command mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_TPNC,W0 ;Number of Transmit Cycles mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_PRE1,W0 ;Pre-Amp 1 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_PRE2,W0 ;Pre-Amp 2 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_PRE3,W0 ;Pre-Amp 3 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_POST1,W0 ;Post-Amp 1 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_POST2,W0 ;Post-Amp 2 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_POST3,W0 ;Post-Amp 3 Gain mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_BIGTOH,W0 ;Big Timeout High Word mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_BIGTOL,W0 ;Big Timeout Low Word mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_SMALLTOH,W0 ;Small Timeout High Word mov W0,[W2++] ; mov AP_SMALLTOL,W0 ;Small Timeout Low Word mov W0,[W2++] ; mov #0x000C,W0 ;Set Number of bytes mov W0,SPITNUM ;to send out call SPI_WRITE ;Send Command return ;done ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Timer Routines*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;Timer23_init - Timers 2/3 Init (use as a 32-bit timer) ; ;Setup Timer 2/3 to operated as a single 32-bit timer ;********************************************************* Timer23_init: bclr PMD1,#12 ;Enable Timer 2/3 Modules bclr PMD1,#13 ; clr T2CON ; clr T3CON ; mov #0xFFFF,W0 ;Allow for Maximum Count mov W0,PR3 ; mov W0,PR2 ; ;mov #0x0038,W0 ;Setup 32-bit timer (1:256 prescaler) mov #0x0008,W0 ;Setup 32-bit timer (1:1 prescaler) mov W0,T2CON ;(Timer 2/3) ;Not setting up any interrupts nop bset T2CON,#15 ;start timer return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;Timer23_clear - Timers 2/3 Clear ; ;Clear 32-bit timer (Start at 0x00000000) ;********************************************************* Timer23_clear: ; 158 mov #0x0000,W0 ;Write 0x0000 to MSW mov W0,TMR3HLD ;(Timer 2/3) mov W0,TMR2 ;(Timer 2/3) return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;Timer23_read - Timers 2/3 Read ; ;Read the 32-bit timer ;********************************************************* Timer23_read: mov TMR2,W0 ;Transfer the LSW into W0 mov TMR3HLD, W1 ;Transfer the MSW from the ;holding register to W1 return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;OnePPS_init - 1PPS Init (INT4) ; ;Setup 1PPS pin as input and interrupt used to clear timer ;********************************************************* OnePPS_init: bset INT_TRIS,#GPS_INT ;Set 1PPS pin as an input ;Setup INT4 interrupt bclr INTCON2,#INT4EP ;Interrupt on positive edge bset IPC13,#9 ;Set interrupt priority ;to level 6 (default level 4) bclr INTCON1,#NSTDIS ;Enable nested interrupts bclr IFS3,#INT4IF ;Clear interrupt flag bset IEC3,#INT4IE ;Enable INT4 interrupt return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;__INT4Interrupt - INT4 Interrupt Routine (1PPS) ; ;Clears Timer2/3 when 1PPS interrupt is received ;********************************************************* __INT4Interrupt: ;Save context push W0 ;Save W0 push W1 ; push W2 ; ;Clear Timer 2/3 value mov #0x0000,W0 ;Write 0x0000 to MSW mov W0,TMR3HLD ;(Timer 2/3) mov W0,TMR2 ;(Timer 2/3) bset MAIN_FLAGS,#0 ;Set 1PPS Flag btss MAIN_FLAGS,#1 ;Send out Debug "[PPS]"? goto int4_exit ;no mov #GPSPPS,W2 ;yes, Send out PPS message mov #5,W1 ;"[PPS]" call STRING_DISPLAY ; mov #0x0001,W1 ;New line call NEWLINE_DISPLAY ; int4_exit: ;Restore context pop W2 ; pop W1 ; pop W0 ;Restore W0 bclr IFS3,#INT4IF ;Clear interrupt flag retfie ;return ;********************************************************* 159 ;************************************************************* ;********Tilt Sensor Routines********************************* ;********************************************************* ;tilt_init - Tilt Init Routine ; ;Initialize tilt sensor pins ;********************************************************* Tilt_init: ;SCLK bclr XL_TRIS,#XL_SCLK ;Set inputs and outputs bset XL_PORT,#XL_SCLK ; ;DIN bclr XL_TRIS,#XL_DIN ; bclr XL_PORT,#XL_DIN ; ;DOUT bset XL_TRIS,#XL_DOUT ; nop ;CS(Bar) bclr XL_TRIS,#XL_CS ; bset XL_PORT,#XL_CS ; ;AUX DIO0 bset XL_TRIS,#XL_DIO0 ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;****Tilt Sensor Setup************************** Tilt_Setup: mov #0xB804,W0 ;Set AVG_CNT filter to 16 taps call Tilt_RW ; mov #0xB684,W0 ;Set Sample Period to ~15ms call Tilt_RW ;equates to about 0.25sec measurement ;with 16 taps window average mov #0xB406,W0 ;Set DIO0 line to be active high Data call Tilt_RW ;Ready Line return ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Sensor Zero*************************** Tilt_Zero: mov #0xBE01,W0 ;Tell Sensor to zero its offsets call Tilt_RW ; return ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Data Mask***************************** Tilt_Data_Mask: ;Tilt Values should only be 12-bits mov #0x0FFF,W0 ;Mask off 12 bit value for Tilt and XTilt ; and YTilt ; mov #0xF000,W0 ;Extend Sign bit if present btsc XTilt,#11 ; ior XTilt ; btsc YTilt,#11 ; ior YTilt ; ;Acceleration Values should be 14-bits mov #0x3FFF,W0 ;Mask off 14 bit value and XAccel ; and YAccel ; mov #0xC000,W0 ;Extend Sign bit if present btsc XAccel,#13 ; ior XAccel ; btsc YAccel,#13 ; ior YAccel ; 160 return ; ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Sensor Read Data********************** Tilt_Read: mov #0x0D00,W0 ;Send out read command call Tilt_RW ; mov #0x0F00,W0 ;Send out read command call Tilt_RW ; mov W1,XTilt ;Retrieve X-Tilt mov #0x0500,W0 ;Send out read command call Tilt_RW ; mov W1,YTilt ;Retrieve Y-Tilt mov #0x0700,W0 ;Send out read command call Tilt_RW ; mov W1,XAccel ;Retrieve X-Accel mov #0x0B00,W0 ;Send out read command collected) call Tilt_RW ; mov W1,YAccel ;Retrieve Y-Accel return ; ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Read Write**************************** ;W0 includes Command Word (chooses register to read) Tilt_RW: bclr XL_PORT,#XL_CS ;CSbar low ;W0 should have COMMAND BYTE call Tilt_Shift ;Shift out Command Word ;Receive Data Word in W1 bset XL_PORT,#XL_CS ;CSbar high call delay71us ;delay to satisfy timing return ;Return with Data in W1 ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Clock Pulse*************************** Tilt_Clock_Pulse: bclr XL_PORT,#XL_SCLK ;Clock Pin Low nop ; nop ; bset XL_PORT,#XL_SCLK ;Clock Pin High return ; ;*********************************************** ;****Tilt Shift********************************* Tilt_Shift: ;Clear output variable W1 clr W1 ; ;Begin Shifting Data bclr XL_PORT,#XL_DIN ;Assume Bit Clear btsc W0,#15 ;Send out MSB bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN ;Bit Set call Tilt_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through btsc XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT ;Read in MSB bset W1,#15 ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#14 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#14 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #14 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#13 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #13 for X-Tilt for Y-Tilt for X-Accel for Y-Accel for Temp (never 161 bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#13 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#12 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#12 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #12 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#11 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#11 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #11 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#10 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#10 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #10 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#9 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#9 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #9 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#8 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#8 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #8 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#7 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#7 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #7 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#6 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#6 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #6 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#5 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#5 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #5 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#4 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #4 162 bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#4 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#3 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#3 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #3 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#2 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#2 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #2 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr btsc bset call btsc bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN W0,#1 XL_PORT,#XL_DIN Tilt_Clock_Pulse XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT W1,#1 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit #1 ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Read in bit ; bclr XL_PORT,#XL_DIN ;Assume Bit Clear btsc W0,#0 ;Send out bit #0 bset XL_PORT,#XL_DIN ;Bit Set call Tilt_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through btsc XL_PORT,#XL_DOUT ;Read in bit bset W1,#0 ; return ; ;*********************************************** ;************************************************************* ;********GPS Routines***************************************** ;********************************************************* ;gps_init - GPS Init Routine ; ;Initialize GPS pins ;********************************************************* gps_init: bclr GPS_TRIS,#GPS_ENABLE ; bclr GPS_PORT,#GPS_ENABLE ; clr GPSFLAGS ; clr GPSBUF1CNT ; clr GPSBUF2CNT ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_enable - GPS Enable Routine ; ;Provides power to GPS module ;********************************************************* gps_enable: bset GPS_PORT,#GPS_ENABLE ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_disable - GPS Disable Routine 163 ; ;Removes power from GPS module ;********************************************************* gps_disable: bclr GPS_PORT,#GPS_ENABLE ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_rxdata - GPS Recieve Data Byte Routine ; ;This routine looks for GPS messages and stores them to ;a buffer in RAM such that they can be stored. ;********************************************************* gps_rxdata: btsc GPSFLAGS,#0 ;Check if Message is in progress goto gps_rxdata_mip ;message in progress, deal with it ;no message in progress mov #0x0024,W0 cp.b U1RECEIVE bra Z,gps_rxdata_nm return ;Check for start of new message ('$') ; ;Start of new message, write data ;not a new message, done gps_rxdata_mip: btsc GPSFLAGS,#6 goto gps_rxdata_mipw1 goto gps_rxdata_mipw2 ;Check which buffer is being used ;Buffer 1 ;Buffer 2 gps_rxdata_nm: btss GPSFLAGS,#2 goto gps_rxdata_w1 btss GPSFLAGS,#4 goto gps_rxdata_w2 bset GPSFLAGS,#1 mov #GPSBUFFULL,W2 mov #22,W1 call STRING_DISPLAY mov #0x0001,W1 call NEWLINE_DISPLAY return gps_rxdata_w1: bset GPSFLAGS,#0 bset GPSFLAGS,#6 clr GPSBUF1CNT gps_rxdata_mipw1: mov #GPSMSG1,W0 add GPSBUF1CNT,WREG mov U1RECEIVE,W1 mov.b W1,[W0] inc GPSBUF1CNT ;Check for end of message mov #0x000A,W0 cp.b U1RECEIVE bra Z,gps_rxdata_eom1 return gps_rxdata_eom1: bclr GPSFLAGS,#0 bset GPSFLAGS,#2 bset GPSFLAGS,#3 return gps_rxdata_w2: ;Check if buffer 1 is available ;yes it is, choose buffer 1 ;Check if buffer 2 is available ;yes it is, choose buffer 2 ;both buffers full, set error flag ;Send out error message ;"ERROR: GPS BUFFER FULL" ; ;New line ; ;return ;Set message in progress flag ;Set use buffer 1 flag ;clear byte counter ;load buffer address ;add byte count to buffer address ; ;place received character in next buffer location ;increment counter ;Check for end of message ('LF') ; ;End of message.. perform additional tasks ;not the end of the message, done ;Clear MIP Flag ;Set Buffer 1 Full Flag ;Set Buffer 1 Requires Writing Flag ;done 164 bset GPSFLAGS,#0 ;Set message in progress flag bclr GPSFLAGS,#6 ;indicate use of buffer 2 clr GPSBUF2CNT ;clear byte counter gps_rxdata_mipw2: mov #GPSMSG2,W0 ;load buffer address add GPSBUF2CNT,WREG ;add byte count to buffer address mov U1RECEIVE,W1 ; mov.b W1,[W0] ;place received character in next buffer location inc GPSBUF2CNT ;increment counter ;Check for end of message mov #0x000A,W0 ;Check for end of message ('LF') cp.b U1RECEIVE ; bra Z,gps_rxdata_eom2 ;End of message.. perform additional tasks return ;not the end of the message, done gps_rxdata_eom2: bclr GPSFLAGS,#0 ;Clear MIP Flag bset GPSFLAGS,#4 ;Set Buffer 2 Full Flag bset GPSFLAGS,#5 ;Set Buffer 2 Requires Writing Flag return ;done ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_rxdata_err GPS Receive Data Error ; ;This routine is called when a GPS Data Receive Error ;occurs. It clears any pending message in progress so as ;to prevent incomplete data messages from being recorded. ;********************************************************* gps_rxdata_err: bclr GPSFLAGS,#0 ;Clear any message in progress return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_data_write GPS Data Write ; ;This routine will check for any messeges in the two GPS ;RX Data Buffers. If there is a full message waiting to ;be written, it will write it. ;********************************************************* gps_data_write: bclr GPSFLAGS,#7 ;Clear GPS Data Written Flag nop btsc GPSFLAGS,#3 ;Check if buffer 1 requires writing goto gps_data_write_1 ;yes it does, must check first for 2 messages btsc call GPSFLAGS,#5 gps_data_write2 btss GPSFLAGS,#7 call gps_empty_write return gps_data_write_1: btsc GPSFLAGS,#5 goto gps_data_write_2 no message call gps_data_write1 return gps_data_write_2: bclr GPSFLAGS,#2 nop bclr GPSFLAGS,#3 nop ;Check if buffer 2 requires writing ;yes it does, write it ;Check if some GPS data written? ;no, write empty record ;All buffers written if needed, done ;Check if buffer 2 contains a message ;yes, two messages in buffer.. clear buffer, write ;no, write buffer 1 record ;clear "buffer full" flag ;clear "buffer requires writing" flag 165 bclr GPSFLAGS,#4 ;clear "buffer full" flag nop bclr GPSFLAGS,#5 ;clear "buffer requires writing" flag call gps_empty_write ;write empty record return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_data_write1 GPS WRITE BUFFER 1 DATA ; ;Writes out data in GPS RX Data 1 Buffer to SD Card. ;Assumes GPSBUF1CNT number of bytes in message beginning ;at GPS1BUFF memory location. ;********************************************************* gps_data_write1: bset GPSFLAGS,#7 ;Indicate GPS Data Written mov #GPSMSG1,W2 ;load buffer address mov GPSBUF1CNT,W1 ;load number of characters dec W1,W1 ;rid of <CR> <LF> dec W1,W1 ; gps_data_write1l: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,gps_data_write1so ;characters left to send bra gps_data_write1end ;no gps_data_write1so: ;Characters left to send out mov.b [W2++],W0 ;Send character out UART2 to datalogger call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra gps_data_write1l ; gps_data_write1end: bclr GPSFLAGS,#2 ;clear "buffer full" flag nop bclr GPSFLAGS,#3 ;clear "buffer requires writing" flag return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_data_write2 GPS WRITE BUFFER 2 DATA ; ;Writes out data in GPS RX Data 2 Buffer to SD Card. ;Assumes GPSBUF2CNT number of bytes in message beginning ;at GPS2BUFF memory location. ;********************************************************* gps_data_write2: bset GPSFLAGS,#7 ;Indicate GPS Data Written mov #GPSMSG2,W2 ;load buffer address mov GPSBUF2CNT,W1 ;load number of characters dec W1,W1 ;rid of <CR> <LF> dec W1,W1 ; gps_data_write2l: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,gps_data_write2so ;characters left to send bra gps_data_write2end ;no gps_data_write2so: ;Characters left to send out mov.b [W2++],W0 ;Send character out UART2 to datalogger call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra gps_data_write2l ; gps_data_write2end: bclr GPSFLAGS,#4 ;clear "buffer full" flag nop bclr GPSFLAGS,#5 ;clear "buffer requires writing" flag return ; 166 ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;gps_empty_write GPS EMPTY RECORD WRITE ; ;Writes an empty gps record to UART2 ;********************************************************* gps_empty_write: mov #14,W1 ;load number comma, spaces gps_empty_writel: cp0 W1 ;Check if there are still bra NZ,gps_empty_writeso ;characters left to send bra gps_empty_writeend ;no gps_empty_writeso: ;Characters left to send out mov #0x002C,W0 ;', ' (Comma,Space) call U2_Transmit ; mov #0x0020,W0 ; call U2_Transmit ; dec W1,W1 ; bra gps_empty_writel ; gps_empty_writeend: return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********UART 1 ROUTINES************************************** ;****UART 1 Initialization*********************** UART1_Init: ;Make sure module isn't disabled bclr PMD1,#U1MD ;Enable UART1 ;Setup UART Regisiters mov #BAUD_NUM1,W0 ;Setup Bard Rate mov W0,U1BRG ; mov #U1STA_C,W0 ;Setup interrupts, etc mov W0,U1STA ; mov #U1MODE_C,W0 ;Setup Baud rate High Reg, etc mov W0,U1MODE ; bset U1STA,#UTXEN ;set transmit enabled ;Setup UART Interrupts bset INTCON1,#NSTDIS ;Disable Interrupt Nesting bclr IFS0,#U1RXIF ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag bset IEC0,#U1RXIE ;Enable Recieve Interrupt return ;done ;************************************************ ;*****UART 1 Transmit Routine******************** U1_Transmit: bset U1STA,#UTXEN ;set transmit enabled mov W0,U1TXREG ;send out W0 U1_TransWait: nop btsc U1STA,#UTXBF ;Check if transmit buffer is full goto U1_TransWait ;buffer full, wait return ;buffer has room for more, return ;************************************************ ;*****UART 1 Disable Transmit Routine************ U1_TransmitDisable: btss U1STA,#TRMT ;Check that last byte has been sent out goto U1_TransmitDisable ;no, wait bclr U1STA,#UTXEN ;last byte out, disable transmit return ; ;************************************************ 167 ;*****UART 1 Recieve Interrupt Routine*********** __U1RXInterrupt: ;Save context push W0 ;Save W0 push W1 ;Save W1 push W2 ; btsc goto U1STA,#OERR U1OverrunError ;Check for overrun error ;overrun error occurred btsc goto U1STA,#FERR U1FramingError ;Check for framing error ;framing error detected U1ReadByte: ;Byte(s) are ready to be read mov U1RXREG,W0 ; mov W0,U1RECEIVE ; ;Call function to deal with recieved byte btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#6 ;Check for GPS COM MODE call bt_transmit ;GPS COM MODE (send GPS data to computer) btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#7 ;Check for GPS Data Storage Mode call gps_rxdata ;GPS DATA STORAGE MODE ;Byte has been dealt with btsc U1STA,#URXDA ;Check if another byte is available goto U1ReadByte ;yes, read it ;Restore context pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 bclr IFS0,#U1RXIF retfie U1OverrunError: mov #U1ORERR,W2 mov #11,W1 call STRING_DISPLAY mov #0x0001,W1 call NEWLINE_DISPLAY call gps_rxdata_err ;Restore context pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 bclr U1STA,#OERR bclr IFS0,#U1RXIF retfie U1FramingError: mov #U1FRERR,W2 mov #11,W1 call STRING_DISPLAY mov #0x0001,W1 call NEWLINE_DISPLAY call gps_rxdata_err ;Restore context pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 bclr U1STA,#FERR ; ;Restore W1 ;Restore W0 ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag ;return ;Send out error message ; ; ;New line ; ;Clear MIP ; ;Restore W1 ;Restore W0 ;Clear error ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag ; ;Send out error message ; ; ;New line ; ;Clear MIP ; ;Restore W1 ;Restore W0 ;Clear error 168 bclr IFS0,#U1RXIF ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag retfie ; ;************************************************ ;************************************************************* ;********Datalogger Routines********************************** ;********************************************************* ;data_init - Datalogger Init Routine ; ;Initializes all the datalogger pins ;********************************************************* data_init: bclr DL_TRIS,#DL_ENABLE ;Datalogger disabled bclr DL_PORT,#DL_ENABLE ; bclr DL_TRIS,#DL_STOP ;Stop pin bclr DL_PORT,#DL_STOP ; bclr DL_TRIS,#DL_RST ;Reset pin bclr DL_PORT,#DL_RST ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_enable - Datalogger Enable Routine ; ;Provides power to Datalogger module ;********************************************************* data_enable: bclr DL_TRIS,#DL_ENABLE ; bset DL_PORT,#DL_ENABLE ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_disable - Datalogger Disable Routine ; ;Removes power to Datalogger module ;********************************************************* data_disable: bclr DL_TRIS,#DL_ENABLE ; bclr DL_PORT,#DL_ENABLE ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_stop - Datalogger Stop Routine ; ;Stops logging data ;********************************************************* data_stop: bset DL_PORT,#DL_STOP ; call delay100ms ; bclr DL_PORT,#DL_STOP ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_reset - Datalogger Reset Routine ; ;Resets the datalogger to reenable data logging ;********************************************************* data_reset: bset DL_PORT,#DL_RST ; call delay100ms ; 169 bclr DL_PORT,#DL_RST ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_trans - Datalogger Simple Transmit Routine ; ;Selects data logger, then sends byte in W0 out ;********************************************************* data_trans: bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop ; bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the Datalogger RX call U2_Transmit ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_settx - Set Datalogger as TX device ; ;Selects data logger as TX device ;********************************************************* data_settx: bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop ; bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the Datalogger RX return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;data_transmit - Datalogger Transmit Routine ; ;Sends value in W0 out to the datalogger ;********************************************************* data_transmit: push SR ;Save Current status register push W1 ; mov #0x00E0,W1 ;Disable Interrupts mov W1,SR ; btss U2FLAGS,#1 ;Last byte sent out to datalogger? goto data_transmit_set ;no, reset multiplexor call U2_Transmit ;yes, send byte out bset U2FLAGS,#1 ;Indicate byte sent to datalogger pop W1 ; pop SR ;Restore SR, enable interrupts return ; data_transmit_set: btss U2STA,#TRMT ;Byte still being transmitted? goto data_transmit_set ;yes, wait for completion ;all previous bytes transmitted bset U2FLAGS,#1 ;Indicate byte sent to datalogger bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the Datalogger RX nop ; call U2_Transmit ; pop W1 ; pop SR ;Restore SR, enable interrupts return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* 170 ;********Conversion Routines********************************** ;********************************************************* ;SNUM2ASCII - Signed Number to ASCII ;Converts Signed 16-bit value in W0 to 5 ASCII characters plus ;a sign character. ;The ASCII values are stored in ;W6 - Sign (' ' or '-') ;W5 - ten thousands ;W4 - thousands ;W3 - hundreds ;W2 - tens ;W1 - ones ;********************************************************* snum2ascii: btss W0,#15 ;Check the sign bit goto snum2asciipos ;Positive Number ;negative number, must reverse the ;2's complement procedure before calling num2bcd mov #0xFFFF,W6 ;Invert all the bits xor W0,W6,W0 ; inc W0,W0 ;add 1 call num2bcd ; mov #0x002D,W6 ;Set Sign character add #0x30,W1 ;Convert BCD to ASCII add #0x30,W2 ; add #0x30,W3 ; add #0x30,W4 ; add #0x30,W5 ; return ; snum2asciipos: mov #0x0020,W6 ;Set Sign character call num2bcd ;Convert digits add #0x30,W1 ;Convert BCD to ASCII add #0x30,W2 ; add #0x30,W3 ; add #0x30,W4 ; add #0x30,W5 ; return ; ;*********************************************** ;********************************************************* ;NUM2ASCII - Number to ASCII ;Converts 16-bit value in W0 to 5 ASCII characters ;The BCD values are stored in ;W5 - ten thousands ;W4 - thousands ;W3 - hundreds ;W2 - tens ;W1 - ones ;********************************************************* num2ascii: call num2bcd ;convert to BCD add #0x30,W1 ;Convert BCD to ASCII add #0x30,W2 ; add #0x30,W3 ; add #0x30,W4 ; add #0x30,W5 ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;NUM2BCD - Number to BCD ;Converts 16-bit value in W0 to 5 BCD digits ;The BCD values are stored in 171 ;W5 - ten thousands ;W4 - thousands ;W3 - hundreds ;W2 - tens ;W1 - ones ;********************************************************* num2bcd: clr W5 ;Clear the variables to be stored clr W4 ; clr W3 ; clr W2 ; clr W1 ; tenthoutest: mov #0x2710,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,thoutest sub inc.b bra thoutest: mov cp bra sub inc.b bra hundtest: mov cp bra sub inc.b bra tentest: mov cp bra sub inc.b bra W0,W1,W0 W5,W5 tenthoutest #0x03E8,W1 W0,W1 ltu,hundtest W0,W1,W0 W4,W4 thoutest #0x0064,W1 W0,W1 ltu,tentest W0,W1,W0 W3,W3 hundtest #0x000A,W1 W0,W1 ltu,onetest W0,W1,W0 W2,W2 tentest ;(10,000 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 10,000 ;it is ;Subtract 10,000 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(1,000 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 1,000 ;it is ;Subtract 1,000 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(100 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 100 ;it is ;Subtract 100 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(10 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 10 ;it is ;Subtract 10 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat onetest: ;Rest are ones currently stored in W0 mov W0,W1 ; return ;*********************************************** ;done ;********************************************************* ;BNUM2ASCII - Big Number to ASCII Character Array ;Converts 32-bit value in W1,W0 to 10 ASCII digits ;The ASCII values are stored in ;W10 - billions ;W9 - hundred millions ;W8 - ten millions ;W7 - millions 172 ;W6 - hundred thousands ;W5 - ten thousands ;W4 - thousands ;W3 - hundreds ;W2 - tens ;W1 - ones ;********************************************************* bnum2ascii: clr W10 ;Clear the variables to be stored clr W9 ; clr W8 ; clr W7 ; clr W6 ; clr W5 ; clr W4 ; clr W3 ; clr W2 ; clr ACCAU mov W1,ACCAH mov W0,ACCAL bbilliontest: mov #0x3B9A,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0xCA00,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bhundmilltest bra gtu,bbilliongt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bhundmilltest bbilliongt: SUB A inc.b W10,W10 bra bbilliontest bhundmilltest: mov #0x05F5,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0xE100,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,btenmilltest bra gtu,bhundmillgt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,btenmilltest bhundmillgt: SUB A inc.b W9,W9 bra bhundmilltest ;Move 32-bit value to Accumulator ; ; ;(1,000,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no billions ;definetly some billions ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no billions ;Subtract a billion from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(100,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no hundred millions ;definetly some hundred millions ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no hundred millions ;Subtract a hundred million from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat 173 btenmilltest: mov #0x0098,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x9680,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bmilltest bra gtu,btenmillgt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bmilltest btenmillgt: SUB A inc.b W8,W8 bra btenmilltest bmilltest: mov mov mov mov #0x000F,W0 W0,ACCBH #0x4240,W0 W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bhundthoutest bra gtu,bmillgt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bhundthoutest bmillgt: SUB A inc.b W7,W7 bra bmilltest bhundthoutest: mov #0x0001,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x86A0,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,btenthoutest bra gtu,bhundthougt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,btenthoutest bhundthougt: SUB A inc.b W6,W6 bra bhundthoutest ;(10,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no ten millions ;definetly some ten millions ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no tens of millions ;Subtract ten million from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(1,000,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no millions ;definetly some millions ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no millions ;Subtract a million from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(100,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no hundred thousands ;definetly some hundred thousands ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no hundred thousands ;Subtract a million from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat 174 btenthoutest: mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ACCBH mov #0x2710,W0 mov W0,ACCBL ;Check if ACCA is > than ACCB mov ACCAH,W0 mov ACCBH,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bthoutestr bra gtu,btenthougt mov ACCAL,W0 mov ACCBL,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bthoutestr btenthougt: SUB A inc.b W5,W5 bra btenthoutest bthoutestr: mov ACCAL,W0 bthoutest: mov #0x03E8,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,bhundtest sub inc.b bra W0,W1,W0 W4,W4 bthoutest bhundtest: mov #0x0064,W1 cp W0,W1 bra ltu,btentest sub inc.b bra btentest: mov cp bra sub inc.b bra W0,W1,W0 W3,W3 bhundtest #0x000A,W1 W0,W1 ltu,bonetest W0,W1,W0 W2,W2 btentest ;(10,000 in hex) ; ; ; ;;First Check if ACCAH >= ACCBH ; ; ;no, no ten thousands ;definetly some ten thousands ;ACCAH = ACCBH ;Check LSBs ; ;no tens of thousands ;Subtract a million from incoming number ;increment BCD digit ;repeat ;No need for a 32-bit accumulator anymore ;(1,000 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 1,000 ;it is ;Subtract 1,000 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(100 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 100 ;it is ;Subtract 100 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat ;(10 in hex) ; ;Check if W0 >= 10 ;it is ;Subtract 10 from Incoming number ;Increment BCD digit ;repeat bonetest: ;Rest are ones currently stored in W0 mov W0,W1 ; add add add add add add add add add #0x30,W1 #0x30,W2 #0x30,W3 #0x30,W4 #0x30,W5 #0x30,W6 #0x30,W7 #0x30,W8 #0x30,W9 ;Convert BCD to ASCII ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 175 add #0x30,W10 ; return ;done ;*********************************************** ;************************************************************* ;********Magnetometer ROUTINES******************************** ;****Magnetometer Init************************** Magnetometer_Init: ;Setup Pins as required ;SSbar bclr MSSTRIS,#MSSPIN ;SSbar an output bset MSSPORT,#MSSPIN ;SSbar high ;Reset bclr MRESTRIS,#MRESPIN ;Reset an output bclr MRESPORT,#MRESPIN ;Reset low ;SCLK bclr MSCLKTRIS,#MSCLKPIN ;SCLK an output bclr MSCLKPORT,#MSCLKPIN ;SCLK low ;MOSI bclr MMOSITRIS,#MMOSIPIN ;MOSI an output bclr MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN ;MOSI low ;MISO bset MMISOTRIS,#MMISOPIN ;MISO an input nop ; ;DRDY bset MDRDYTRIS,#MDRDYPIN ;DRDY an input clr XMAG ;Clear storage variables clr YMAG ; clr ZMAG ; return ;done with init ;*********************************************** ;********************************************************* ;Mag_Read_XYZ - Read all Magnetometer axes ; ;Reads all axes of magnetometer data and stores the results ;in XMAG,YMAG, and ZMAG respectively. ;********************************************************* Mag_Read_XYZ: mov #0x0061,W0 ;X-Axis call Magnetometer_Read ;Get Reading mov W0,XMAG ;Store Reading mov call mov #0x0062,W0 Magnetometer_Read W0,YMAG ;Y-Axis ;Get Reading ;Store Reading mov call mov #0x0063,W0 Magnetometer_Read W0,ZMAG ;Z-Axis ;Get Reading ;Store Reading return ;********************************************************* ;****Magnetometer Read************************** ;W0 includes COMMAND BYTE (choose axis) Magnetometer_Read: bclr MSSPORT,#MSSPIN ;SSbar low nop ; nop ; bset MRESPORT,#MRESPIN ;Reset line high nop ; nop ; nop ; bclr MRESPORT,#MRESPIN ;Reset line low 176 nop ; nop ; ;W0 should have COMMAND BYTE call Mag_Shift_Out ;Shift out Command Byte Mag_wait: btss MDRDYPORT,#MDRDYPIN ;Wait till Data is Ready goto Mag_wait ; ;Data Ready, Shift in 16 bits clr W0 ;All bits clear to start call Mag_Shift_In ;shift in highest 8 bits swap W0 ;swap low for high byte call Mag_Shift_In ;shift in lowest 8 bits bset MSSPORT,#MSSPIN ;SSbar high return ;*********************************************** ;****Magnetometer Clock Pulse******************* Mag_Clock_Pulse: bset MSCLKPORT,#MSCLKPIN ;Clock Pin High nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bclr MSCLKPORT,#MSCLKPIN ;Clock Pin Low return ; ;*********************************************** ;****Magnetometer Shift In********************** Mag_Shift_In: ;Low byte of W0 assumed clear btsc MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in MSB bset W0,#7 ; call Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc bset call ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #6 W0,#6 ; Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc bset call ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #5 W0,#5 ; Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc bset call ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #4 W0,#4 ; Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc bset call ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #3 W0,#3 ; Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc bset call ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #2 W0,#2 ; Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop btsc ; MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #1 177 bset call W0,#1 Mag_Clock_Pulse ; ;Clock bit through nop ; btsc MMISOPORT,#MMISOPIN ;Read in #0 bset W0,#0 ; call Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through return ; ;*********************************************** ;****Magnetometer Shift Out********************* Mag_Shift_Out: bclr MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN ;Assume Bit Clear btsc W0,#7 ;Send out MSB (#7) bset MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN ;Bit Set call Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#6 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#6) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#5 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#5) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#4 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#4) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#3 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#3) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#2 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#2) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#1 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#1) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset call MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN W0,#0 MMOSIPORT,#MMOSIPIN Mag_Clock_Pulse ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out MSB (#0) ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through return ; ;*********************************************** ;************************************************************* ;********UART 2 ROUTINES************************************** ;****UART 2 Initialization*********************** UART2_Init: ;Make sure module isn't disabled bclr PMD1,#U2MD ;Enable UART2 ;Setup the port pins 178 ;Setup UART Regisiters mov #BAUD_NUM2,W0 mov W0,U2BRG mov #U2STA_C,W0 mov W0,U2STA mov #U2MODE_C,W0 mov W0,U2MODE bset U2STA,#UTXEN ;Setup Baud Rate ; ;Setup interrupts, etc ; ;Setup Baud rate High Reg, etc ; ;set transmit enabled ;Setup UART Interrupts bset INTCON1,#NSTDIS ;Disable Interrupt Nesting bclr IFS1,#U2RXIF ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag bset IEC1,#U2RXIE ;Enable Recieve Interrupt return ;done ;************************************************ ;*****Computer Transmit Routine****************** computer_transmit: push SR ;Save Current status register push W1 ; mov #0x00E0,W1 ;Disable Interrupts mov W1,SR ; btsc U2FLAGS,#1 ;Last byte sent out to computer? goto computer_transmit_set ;no, reset multiplexor call bt_transmit_check ;yes, send byte out call U2_Transmit ;still have to select bt or rs-232 though bclr U2FLAGS,#1 ;Indicate byte sent to computer pop W1 ; pop SR ;Restore SR, enable interrupts return ; computer_transmit_set: btss U2STA,#TRMT ;Byte still being transmitted? goto computer_transmit_set ;yes, wait for completion ;all previous bytes transmitted bclr U2FLAGS,#1 ;Indicate byte sent to computer call bt_transmit_check ;Select Bluetooth or RS-232 call U2_Transmit ; pop W1 ; pop SR ;Restore SR, enable interrupts return ; ;************************************************ ;*****UART 2 Transmit Routine******************** U2_Transmit: bset U2STA,#UTXEN ;set transmit enabled mov W0,U2TXREG ;send out W0 U2_TransWait: nop btsc U2STA,#UTXBF ;Check if transmit buffer is full goto U2_TransWait ;buffer full, wait return ;buffer has room for more, return ;************************************************ ;*****UART 2 Disable Transmit Routine************ U2_TransmitDisable: btss U2STA,#TRMT ;Check that last byte has been sent out goto U2_TransmitDisable ;no, wait bclr U2STA,#UTXEN ;last byte out, disable transmit return ; ;************************************************ ;*****UART 2 Recieve Interrupt Routine*********** __U2RXInterrupt: ;Save context push W0 ;Save W0 179 push push W1 W2 ; ; btsc goto U2STA,#OERR U2OverrunError ;Check for overrun error ;overrun error occurred btsc goto U2STA,#FERR U2FramingError ;Check for framing error ;framing error detected clr W0 U2ReadByte: ;Byte(s) are ready to be read bclr U2FLAGS,#0 mov mov add U2RNUM,WREG #U2RECEIVE,W1 W0,W1,W2 ;Clear UART2 Interrupt Occurred? Flag ;Load Address Location ; ; mov mov.b U2RXREG, W0 W0,[W2++] ; ;Save received word btsc call btsc call btsc MAIN_FLAGS,#6 U1_Transmit MAIN_FLAGS,#5 bt_transmit MAIN_FLAGS,#8 call data_trans ;GPS COM MODE? ;yes, send character out to GPS unit ;Echo Character? ;yes ;Datalog Mode? ;(Logs all incoming characters to data logger) ;yes inc mov cp bra U2RNUM #30,W0 U2RNUM GEU,u2rxint_clr ;Increment Received Word Count ;Check if byte count too high ; ;byte count >= 30, clear buffer ;Byte has been dealt with btsc U2STA,#URXDA goto U2ReadByte ;Check if another byte is available ;yes, read it ;Restore context pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 bclr IFS1,#U2RXIF retfie ; ; ;Restore W0 ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag ;return U2OverrunError: mov #U2ORERR,W2 mov #11,W1 call STRING_DISPLAY mov #0x0001,W1 call NEWLINE_DISPLAY pop pop pop bclr bclr retfie W2 W1 W0 U2STA,#OERR IFS1,#U2RXIF U2FramingError: mov #U2FRERR,W2 mov #11,W1 ;Send out error message ; ; ;New line ; ; ; ;Restore W0 ;Clear error ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag ; ;Send out error message ; 180 call mov call pop pop pop bclr bclr retfie STRING_DISPLAY #0x0001,W1 NEWLINE_DISPLAY W2 W1 W0 U2STA,#FERR IFS1,#U2RXIF ; ;New line ; ; ; ;Restore W0 ;Clear error ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag ; u2rxint_clr: clr U2RNUM ;too many bytes, clear buffer pop W2 ; pop W1 ; pop W0 ;Restore W0 bclr IFS1,#U2RXIF ;Clear Recieve Interrupt Flag retfie ; ;************************************************ ;************************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;com_transmit - Computer Transmit Routine ; ;Sends value in W0 out to the Computer ;********************************************************* com_transmit: bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the Computer RX call U2_Transmit ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;bt_transmit - Bluetooth Transmit Routine ; ;Sends value in W0 out via Bluetooth ;********************************************************* bt_transmit: bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the BT RX call U2_Transmit ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;bt_settx - Set Bluetooth to TX Device ; ;Selects bluetooth as TX device ;********************************************************* bt_settx: bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the BT RX return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;bt_receive - Bluetooth Receive Mode ; ;Forces UART 2 to recieve from the bluetooth module ;regardless of whether there is an active connection. ;********************************************************* bt_receive: bset U2SS_PORT,#RXSS0 ;Connect UART2 RX to the ; 181 nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#RXSS1 ;Bluetooth TX return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;bt_conn_check - Bluetooth Connection Check ; ;Forces UART 2 to recieve from the bluetooth module ;regardless of whether there is an active connection. ;********************************************************* bt_conn_check: btsc INT_PORT,#BT_CONN ;Check for bluetooth connection bset MAIN_FLAGS,#9 ;Bluetooth connected, set flag btss INT_PORT,#BT_CONN ;Check for bt connection bclr MAIN_FLAGS,#9 ;Bluetooth not connected, clear flag return ; ;********************************************************* ;********MAIN ROUTINES*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;bt_receive_check - Bluetooth Receive Check ; ;Check whether bluetooth connection is active, if so set ;UART 2 to receive from the bluetooth module. If ;bluetooth is not active, set UART 2 to receive from the ;computer. ;********************************************************* bt_receive_check: btsc INT_PORT,#BT_CONN ;Check for bluetooth connection goto bt_connected ;Bluetooth connected bt_unconnected: bclr U2SS_PORT,#RXSS0 ;Connect UART2 RX to the nop bset U2SS_PORT,#RXSS1 ;Computer TX return ; bt_connected: bset U2SS_PORT,#RXSS0 ;Connect UART2 RX to the nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#RXSS1 ;Bluetooth TX return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;bt_transmit_check - Bluetooth Transmit Check ; ;Check whether bluetooth connection is active, if so set ;UART 2 to transmit to the bluetooth module. If ;bluetooth is not active, set UART 2 to transmit to the ;computer. ;********************************************************* bt_transmit_check: btsc INT_PORT,#BT_CONN ;Check for bluetooth connection goto btt_connected ;Bluetooth connected btt_unconnected: bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop ; bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the Computer RX return ; btt_connected: bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;Connect UART2 TX to nop ; bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ;the BT RX return ; 182 ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;main_init - Main Init Routine ; ;Initializes all pins which wouldn't be initialized ;otherwise ;********************************************************* main_init: bclr U2SS_TRIS,#RXSS0 ;UART2 Source Select nop bclr U2SS_TRIS,#RXSS1 ;Pins Outputs nop bclr U2SS_TRIS,#TXSS0 ; nop bclr U2SS_TRIS,#TXSS1 ; nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#RXSS0 ;UART2 Default Source nop bset U2SS_PORT,#RXSS1 ;RX - COMPUTER nop bclr U2SS_PORT,#TXSS0 ;TX - COMPUTER nop bset U2SS_PORT,#TXSS1 ; nop bset INT_TRIS,#GPS_INT ;GPS 1PPS, INPUT nop bset INT_TRIS,#BT_CONN ;BT CONN, INPUT return ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********DELAY ROUTINES*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;delay1s ; ;Delays ~ 1 second ;********************************************************* delay1s: call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ; return ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay100ms ; ;Delays 100ms ;********************************************************* delay100ms: mov #20,W4 ;delay ~100ms delayloop100ms: call delay5ms ; dec W4,W4 ; bra NZ,delayloop100ms ; return ; ; 183 delay5ms: mov #40,W2 ;load counter delayloop: call delay125us ;delay 125us dec W2,W2 ;Delayed 5ms? bra NZ,delayloop ; return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay125us ; ;Delays 125us ;********************************************************* delay125us: mov #0x014B,W3 ;load counter (0x014B for Fcyl=8MHz) delayloop2: ; dec W3,W3 ; bra NZ,delayloop2 ;Delayed 125us? nop nop return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay71us ; ;Delays 71us ;********************************************************* delay71us: mov #0x00BB,W3 ;load counter (0x014B for Fcyl=8MHz) delayloop271: ; dec W3,W3 ; bra NZ,delayloop271 ;Delayed 71us? nop nop return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* .end 184 ;********************************************************************************** ;******************* ACOUSTIC PROCESSOR MICROCONTROLLER CODE ********************** ;********************************************************************************** .equ __33FJ128GP306, 1 .include "p33FJ128GP306.inc" ;.............................................................................. ;Configuration bits: ;.............................................................................. config __FOSC, FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_EC ;Turn off clock switching and ;fail-safe clock monitoring and ;use the External Clock as the ;system clock config __FWDT, FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF;Turn off Watchdog Timer config __FPOR, FPWRT_PWR128 ;Set Power on Timer 128 mSec config __FOSCSEL, FNOSC_PRIPLL & IESO_OFF & TEMP_OFF ;Setup Oscillator (w/PLL) config __FGS, GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF ;Disable Code protect config __FSS, RSS_NO_RAM & SSS_NO_FLASH & SWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF ;No security config __FBS, RBS_NO_RAM & BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF ; ;.............................................................................. ;Program Specific Constants (literals used in code) ;.............................................................................. ;----ACOUSTIC PROCESSOR EQUATES------------------.equ AP_PORT,PORTG ; .equ AP_TRIS,TRISG ; .equ AP_SS,9 ; .equ AP_SDO,8 ; .equ AP_SCK,6 ; .equ AP_SDI,7 ; .equ AP_APORT,PORTC ; .equ AP_AIO1,2 ; ;----DIGITAL POTENTIOMETER EQUATES-------------.equ DP_CPORT,PORTG ;Control Line Port .equ DP_CTRIS,TRISG ; .equ DP_CS_PRE,0 ; .equ DP_CS_PST,14 ; .equ DP_SCLK_PRE,12 ; .equ DP_SCLK_PST,13 ; .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ ;----TRANSDUCER .equ .equ DP_DPORT,PORTD ;Data Line Port DP_DTRIS,TRISD ; DP_DIN1_PRE,2 ;Pre-Amp Digital Pot Line DP_DIN1_PST,3 ;Post-Amp Digital Pot Line DP_DIN2_PRE,4 ;Pre-Amp Digital Pot Line DP_DIN2_PST,5 ;Post-Amp Digital Pot Line DP_DIN3_PRE,6 ;Pre-Amp Digital Pot Line DP_DIN3_PST,7 ;Post-Amp Digital Pot Line DRIVER EQUATES-----------------TDC_PORT,PORTD ; TDC_TRIS,TRISD ; 185 .equ .equ TDC_PHASE,1 TDC_ENABLE,0 ; ; .equ .equ .equ .equ TDC_EPORT,PORTC TDC_ETRIS,TRISC TDC_MODE,14 TDC_NFLT,13 ; ; ; ; ;----TONE DECODER EQUATES----------------------.equ TD_PORT,PORTD ; .equ TD_TRIS,TRISD ; .equ TD_OUT1,8 ; .equ TD_OUT2,9 ; .equ TD_OUT3,10 ; ;----ANALOG INPUT EQUATES----------------------.equ AI_PORT,PORTB ; .equ AI_TRIS,TRISB ; .equ AI_PRE1,4 ; .equ AI_POST1,0 ; .equ AI_PRE2,1 ; .equ AI_POST2,2 ; .equ AI_PRE3,5 ; .equ AI_POST3,3 ; ;----LED EQUATES-------------------------------.equ LED_PORT,PORTF ; .equ LED_TRIS,TRISF ; .equ LED1,6 ; .equ LED2,2 ; .equ LED3,3 ; ;.............................................................................. ;Global Declarations: ;.............................................................................. .global .global .global ;.global __reset __SPI2Interrupt __SPI2ErrInterrupt __T1Interrupt ;The label for the first line of code. ; ; ;Declare Timer 1 ISR name global ;.............................................................................. ;Constants stored in Program space ;.............................................................................. ; .section .myconstbuffer, code ; .palign 2 ;Align next word stored in Program space to an ; ;address that is a multiple of 2 ;ps_coeff: ; .hword 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0005, 0x000A ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables ;.............................................................................. TEMP: PRE1: PRE2: PRE3: POST1: POST2: .section vars,bss,address(0x900) .space 2 .space 2 ;default 0x00FF .space 2 ;default 0x00FF .space 2 ;default 0x00FF .space 2 ;default 0x00FF .space 2 ;default 0x00FF 186 POST3: .space 2 ;default 0x00FF BIGTOH: .space 2 ;default 0x0131 BIGTOL: .space 2 ;default 0x2D00 SMALLTOH: .space 2 ;default 0x0000 SMALLTOL: .space 2 ;default 0x4E20 TDC_DLYVAL: .space 2 ;default #145 = 45khz @ 40 MIPS TDC_NUMCYC: .space 2 ;default #45 (1ms) SPITRANSMIT: .space 20 SPIRECEIVE: .space 50 SPIRNUM: .space 2 SPITNUM: .space 2 SPIFLAGS: .space 2 RANGETIMEH: .space 2 RANGETIMEL: .space 2 TRANSTIME1: .space 2 TRANSTIME2: .space 2 TRANSTIME3: .space 2 TRANSORDER: .space 2 ;0,0,0 = No Returned Signal Timeout ;0,0,1 = 1,2,3 ;0,1,0 = 1,3,2 ;0,1,1 = 2,1,3 ;1,0,0 = 2,3,1 ;1,0,1 = 3,1,2 ;1,1,0 = 3,2,1 ;1,1,1 = Not All Returned Timeout ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Y-space in data memory ;.............................................................................. ; ;y_input: .section .ybss, bss, ymemory .space 2*SAMPLES ;.............................................................................. ;Initialized variables in data memory ;.............................................................................. ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Near data memory (Lower 8Kb of RAM) ;.............................................................................. ; .section .nbss, bss, near .section vars,bss,address(0x900) ;.............................................................................. ;Code Section in Program Memory ;.............................................................................. .text __reset: mov #__SP_init, W15 mov #__SPLIM_init, W0 mov W0, SPLIM nop ;Start of Code section ;Initalize the Stack Pointer ;Initialize the Stack Pointer Limit Register ;Add NOP to follow SPLIM initialization main: ;Initialize PLL to proper frequency ;PLL will work on startup if 4mHz<Fin<8mHz ;(it was checked that PLL settings will within ;limits during this PLL update process) mov #0x0000,W0 ;PLLPRE=2,PLLPOST=2 (for 40MIPS) mov W0,CLKDIV ; 187 mov mov #0x004E,W0 W0,PLLFBD ;Set PLL Multiplier=80 (for 40MIPS) ; ;Disable all modules mov #0xFFFF,W0 mov W0,PMD1 mov W0,PMD2 mov W0,PMD3 ; ; ; ; ;Disable all open-drains mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ODCD mov W0,ODCF mov W0,ODCG ; ;Port D ;Port F ;Port G ;Disable Analog Function of I/O Pins mov #0xFFFF,W0 ; mov W0,AD1PCFGH ; mov W0,AD1PCFGL ; ;Initialize call call call call call call call Everything DP_INIT TD_INIT TDC_INIT LED_INIT Timer45_init SPI_INIT IC_INIT ;Initialize ;Initialize ;Initialize ;Initialize ;Initialize ;Initialize ;Initialize Digital Potentiometers Tone Decoder Transducer Driver Circuit LEDs Timer SPI Input Capture main_loop: nop bset LED_PORT,#LED1 ; cp0 SPIRNUM ;Wait for a command to be received bra Z,main_loop ; ;Byte Received, Check for a command bclr LED_PORT,#LED1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov #0X474D,W0 ;'GM' cp SPIRECEIVE ; bra Z,GMCMD ;Get Measurement Command Received mov cp bra #0X4742,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,GBCMD ;'GB' ; ;Get Bearing Command Received mov cp bra #0X5352,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,SRCMD ;'SR' ; ;Send Reading Command Received mov cp bra #0X5152,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,QRCMD ;'QR' ; ;Quit Reading Command Received mov cp bra #0X5450,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,TPCMD ;'TP' ; ;Transmit Pulse Command Received mov cp bra #0X5350,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,SPCMD ;'SP' ; ;Set Parameters Command Received 188 mov cp bra #0X5241,W0 SPIRECEIVE Z,SPCMD ;'RA' ; ;Read ADC Command Received ;No recognized command received, clear it clr SPIRNUM ; goto main_loop ; ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GMCMD: ;GET MEASUREMENT COMMAND bset LED_PORT,#LED3 ; clr RANGETIMEH ;Clear variables clr RANGETIMEL ; clr TRANSTIME1 ; clr TRANSTIME2 ; clr TRANSTIME3 ; clr TRANSORDER ; call call TDC_TOUT IC_START ;Transmit Pulse, start big timeout ;Capture Ping mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Formulate Message in memory mov mov #0X474D,W0 W0,[W2++] ;1 'GM' ; mov mov RANGETIMEH,W0 W0,[W2++] ;2 ; mov mov RANGETIMEL,W0 W0,[W2++] ;3 ; mov mov TRANSORDER,W0 W0,[W2++] ;4 ; mov mov TRANSTIME1,W0 W0,[W2++] ;5 ; mov mov TRANSTIME2,W0 W0,[W2++] ;6 ; mov mov TRANSTIME3,W0 W0,[W2++] ;7 ; mov mov #0x0007,W0 W0,SPITNUM ; ; call SPI_WRITE ;Send data out bclr LED_PORT,#LED3 ; clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ GBCMD: ;GET BEARING COMMAND bset LED_PORT,#LED2 ; clr TRANSTIME1 ; clr TRANSTIME2 ; clr TRANSTIME3 ; clr TRANSORDER ; bclr bclr T4CON,#15 IFS1,#T5IF ;Ensure timer is stopped ;Clear interrupt flag call IC_START ; 189 mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Formulate Message in memory mov mov #0X4742,W0 W0,[W2++] ;1 'GB' ; mov mov TRANSORDER,W0 W0,[W2++] ;4 ; mov mov TRANSTIME1,W0 W0,[W2++] ;5 ; mov mov TRANSTIME2,W0 W0,[W2++] ;6 ; mov mov TRANSTIME3,W0 W0,[W2++] ;7 ; mov mov #0x0005,W0 W0,SPITNUM ; ; call SPI_WRITE ;Send data out clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count bclr LED_PORT,#LED2 ; goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SRCMD: ;Send Readings Command nop ;Not yet implemented clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ QRCMD: ;Quit Readings Command nop ;not yet implemented clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TPCMD: ;Transmit Pulse Command mov #0x0002,W0 ;Check that at least 2 bytes are waiting cp SPIRNUM ; bra LTU,TPCMD ;not enough bytes yet, wait ; ; ; ; ; mov mov #SPIRECEIVE,W2 [++W2],W0 ;Retrieve Pulse length ; mov mov call mov TDC_NUMCYC,W5 W0,TDC_NUMCYC TDC_TOUT W5,TDC_NUMCYC ;Store previous number of cycles ;replace cycle count with that from command ;send out requested pulse ;Restore cycle count mov mov mov mov call #0X5450,W0 W0,SPITRANSMIT #0x0001,W0 W0,SPITNUM SPI_WRITE ;Send out 'TP' ; ; ; ;Send data out clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPCMD: ;Set Parameters mov #0x000C,W0 ;Check that at least 12 bytes are waiting cp SPIRNUM ; bra LTU,SPCMD ;not enough bytes yet, wait 190 ; ; ; ; ; mov mov mov #SPIRECEIVE,W2 [++W2],W0 W0,TDC_NUMCYC ; ;Retrieve number of transmit cycles ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,PRE1 ;Retrieve Pre-Amp 1 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,PRE2 ;Retrieve Pre-Amp 2 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,PRE3 ;Retrieve Pre-Amp 3 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,POST1 ;Retrieve Post-Amp 1 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,POST2 ;Retrieve Post-Amp 2 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,POST3 ;Retrieve Post-Amp 3 Gain ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,BIGTOH ;Retrieve Big Timeout High Word ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,BIGTOL ;Retrieve Big Timeout Low Word ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,SMALLTOH ;Retrieve Small Timeout High Word ; mov mov [++W2],W0 W0,SMALLTOL ;Retrieve Small Timeout Low Word ; mov mov mov mov call #0X5350,W0 W0,SPITRANSMIT #0x0001,W0 W0,SPITNUM SPI_WRITE ;Send out 'SP' ; ; ; ;Send data out clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count mov mov mov call mov mov mov call PRE1,W0 PRE2,W1 PRE3,W2 DP_SET_PRE POST1,W0 POST2,W1 POST3,W2 DP_SET_PST ;Set Pre-Amp Gain ; ; ; ;Set Post-Amp Gain ; ; ; goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RACMD: ;Read ADC Command nop ;not yet implemented clr SPIRNUM ;clear byte count goto main_loop ;return to main loop ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 191 ;********SPI Routines***************************************** ;********************************************************* ;SPI_INIT SPI Initialization ;********************************************************* SPI_INIT: clr SPIRNUM ;Clear Counters clr SPITNUM ; clr SPIFLAGS ;Clear Flags bclr AP_TRIS,#AP_SS ;Use SS pin for telling master ;that data is ready bclr PMD1,#SPI2MD ;Make sure module isn't disabled clr SPI2BUF ;Clear SPIxBUF register clr SPI2STAT ; ;if using interrupts: ; bclr IFS2,#SPI2IF ; nop bclr IFS2,#SPI2EIF ; nop ; bset IEC2,#SPI2IE ; nop ; bset IEC2,#SPI2EIE ; bset IPC8,#9 ;Set Interrupt Priority 3 nop ; bclr IPC8,#10 ; nop ; bset IPC8,#8 ; mov #0x0400,W0 ;Setup 1st SPI Control Register mov W0,SPI2CON1 ;Slave Mode mov #0x0000,W0 ;Setup 2nd SPI Control Register mov W0,SPI2CON2 ;No framed SPI support bclr SPI2CON1,#SMP ;Clear SMP bit bclr SPI2STAT,#SPIROV ;Clear SPIROV bit nop bset SPI2STAT,#SPIEN ;Enable SPI Operation return ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;__SPI2Interrupt SPI Interrupt Routine ;********************************************************* __SPI2Interrupt: push W0 ; push W1 ; push W2 ; bclr bclr IFS2,#SPI2IF SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Clear Interrupt Flag ;Clear SPI Interrupt Occurred? Flag cp0 bra SPITNUM NZ,SPIINTTRANSMIT ;Check if any data to be transmitted ; rlnc mov add SPIRNUM,WREG #SPIRECEIVE,W1 W0,W1,W2 ;Load Address Location ; ; mov mov SPI2BUF,W0 W0,[W2++] ;Retrieve word ;Save received word inc SPIRNUM SPIINTRETURN: pop W2 pop W1 pop W0 ;Increment Received Word Count ; ; ; 192 retfie ; SPIINTTRANSMIT: dec SPITNUM ;decrement Transmit Counter mov SPI2BUF,W0 ;Read data out to prevent overflow cp0 SPITNUM ;Check if any more data to be transmitted bra Z,SPITRANSNOMORE ; bset AP_PORT,#AP_SS ;ensure data ready line is high goto SPIINTRETURN ; SPITRANSNOMORE: bclr AP_PORT,#AP_SS ; goto SPIINTRETURN ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;__SPI2ErrInterrupt SPI ERROR Interrupt ; ;If an SPI overflow occurs, overflow flag must be cleared ;to re-enable reception ;********************************************************* __SPI2ErrInterrupt: bclr IFS2,#SPI2EIF ;Clear interrupt flag bclr SPI2STAT,#SPIROV ;Clear SPIROV bit retfie ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;SPI_WRITE SPI Word Write ; ;Data to be written is to be stored at location SPITRANSMIT ;Number of words to be written stored in SPITNUM ;********************************************************* SPI_WRITE: mov #SPITRANSMIT,W2 ;Load start address SPI_REWRITE: cp0 SPITNUM ;Check if any data to be transmitted bra NZ,SPI_WRITEWORD ; return ;no data to send SPI_WRITEWORD: bset SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Set interrupt check flag mov [W2++],W0 ; mov W0,SPI2BUF ;Send Received word out bset AP_PORT,#AP_SS ;Set data ready line SPI_WRITE_WAIT: btsc SPIFLAGS,#0 ;Transfer occur yet? goto SPI_WRITE_WAIT ;no goto SPI_REWRITE ;yes ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Digital Potentiometer Routines*********************** ;********************************************************* ;DP_INIT - Digital Potentiometer Initialization ;********************************************************* DP_INIT: bclr DP_CTRIS,#DP_CS_PRE ;CS Output bset DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PRE ; bclr DP_CTRIS,#DP_CS_PST ;CS Output bset DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PST ; bclr bset bclr bset DP_CTRIS,#DP_SCLK_PRE DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PRE DP_CTRIS,#DP_SCLK_PST DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PST ;SCLK Output ; ;SCLK Output ; 193 bclr bclr bclr bclr DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST ;DIN Output ; ;DIN Output ; bclr bclr bclr bclr DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST ;DIN Output ; ;DIN Output ; bclr bclr bclr bclr DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_DTRIS,#DP_DIN3_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST ;DIN Output ; ;DIN Output ; mov mov mov mov mov mov mov #0x00FF,W0 W0,PRE1 W0,PRE2 W0,PRE3 W0,POST1 W0,POST2 W0,POST3 ;Set minimum gain to start ; ; ; ; ; ; mov PRE1,W0 ;Set Pre-Amp Gain mov PRE2,W1 ; mov PRE3,W2 ; call DP_SET_PRE ; mov POST1,W0 ;Set Post-Amp Gain mov POST2,W1 ; mov POST3,W2 ; call DP_SET_PST ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;DP_SET_PRE - Digital Potentiometer Set Value ; ;Uses value in W0(7:0) to set Pre-Amp 1 Potentiometer ;Uses value in W1(7:0) to set Pre-Amp 2 Potentiometer ;Uses value in W2(7:0) to set Pre-Amp 3 Potentiometer ;********************************************************* DP_SET_PRE: bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PRE ;Clock Pin Low nop ; nop nop nop bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PRE ;CS Low nop ; nop nop nop ;Bit 7 (MSb) bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE btsc W0,#7 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE btsc W1,#7 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE btsc W2,#7 ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit 194 bset call ;Bit 6 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 5 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 4 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 3 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 2 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE W0,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE W1,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE W2,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE W0,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE W1,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE W2,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE W0,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE W1,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE W2,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE W0,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE W1,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE W2,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE W0,#2 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE W1,#2 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; 195 bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE btsc W2,#2 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE call DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE ;Bit 1 bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE btsc W0,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE btsc W1,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE btsc W2,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE call DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE ;Bit 0 (LSb) bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE btsc W0,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE btsc W1,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PRE nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE btsc W2,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PRE call DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bset DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PRE ;CS High nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bset DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PRE ;Clock Pin High return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;DP_SET_PST - Digital Potentiometer Set Value ; ;Uses value in W0(7:0) to set Post-Amp 1 Potentiometer ;Uses value in W1(7:0) to set Post-Amp 2 Potentiometer ;Uses value in W2(7:0) to set Post-Amp 3 Potentiometer ;********************************************************* DP_SET_PST: bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PST ;Clock Pin Low nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PST ;CS Low nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; ;Bit 7 (MSb) 196 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 6 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 5 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 4 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call ;Bit 3 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST W0,#7 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST W1,#7 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST W2,#7 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST DP_Clock_Pulse_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST W0,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST W1,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST W2,#6 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST DP_Clock_Pulse_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST W0,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST W1,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST W2,#5 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST DP_Clock_Pulse_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST W0,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST W1,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST W2,#4 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST DP_Clock_Pulse_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST W0,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST W1,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST W2,#3 DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set 197 call DP_Clock_Pulse_PST ;Bit 2 bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST btsc W0,#2 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST btsc W1,#2 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST btsc W2,#2 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST call DP_Clock_Pulse_PST ;Bit 1 bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST btsc W0,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST btsc W1,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST btsc W2,#1 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST call DP_Clock_Pulse_PST ;Bit 0 (LSb) bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST btsc W0,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN1_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST btsc W1,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN2_PST nop bclr DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST btsc W2,#0 bset DP_DPORT,#DP_DIN3_PST call DP_Clock_Pulse_PST ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ; ;Assume Bit Clear ;Send out bit ;Bit Set ;Clock bit through nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bset DP_CPORT,#DP_CS_PST ;CS High nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bset DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PST ;Clock Pin High return ; ;********************************************************* ;*****DP Clock Pulse PRE********************************** DP_Clock_Pulse_PRE: bset DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PRE ;Clock Pin High nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PRE ;Clock Pin Low return ; 198 ;********************************************************* ;*****DP Clock Pulse POST********************************* DP_Clock_Pulse_PST: bset DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PST ;Clock Pin High nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; bclr DP_CPORT,#DP_SCLK_PST ;Clock Pin Low return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Tone Decoder Routines******************************** ;TD_INIT - Tone Decoder Initialization ;********************************************************* TD_INIT: bset TD_TRIS,#TD_OUT1 ;Input nop bset TD_TRIS,#TD_OUT2 ;Input nop bset TD_TRIS,#TD_OUT3 ;Input return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********LED Routines************************************* ;LED_INIT - LED Initialization ;********************************************************* LED_INIT: bclr LED_TRIS,#LED1 ;Output bclr LED_PORT,#LED1 ; ; bclr LED_TRIS,#LED2 ;Output ; bclr LED_PORT,#LED2 ; bclr LED_TRIS,#LED3 ;Output bclr LED_PORT,#LED3 ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Transducer Driver Routines*************************** ;********************************************************* ;TDC_INIT - Transducer Driver Circuit Initialization ;********************************************************* TDC_INIT: bclr TDC_ETRIS,#TDC_MODE ;Output bset TDC_EPORT,#TDC_MODE ; bset TDC_ETRIS,#TDC_NFLT ;Output nop bclr bset bclr bclr mov mov mov mov mov mov mov TDC_TRIS,#TDC_PHASE TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE TDC_TRIS,#TDC_ENABLE TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE #145,W0 W0,TDC_DLYVAL #0x0131,W0 W0,BIGTOH #0x2D00,W0 W0,BIGTOL #0x0000,W0 ;Output ; ;Output ; ;load counter ; ;Set Big Timeout Default Value ; ; ; ; 199 mov W0,SMALLTOH ;Set Small Timeout Default Value mov #0x4E20,W0 ; mov W0,SMALLTOL ; mov #45,W0 ; mov W0,TDC_NUMCYC ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TDC_OUT - Transducer Driver Circuit Output ;********************************************************* TDC_OUT: bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Start Output nop ; TDC_RPT: bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE ;Change Current Direction call TDC_DLY ;delay nop nop ;(make up for loop time) nop ; bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE ;Change Current Direction call TDC_DLY ; nop ;match time output routine goto TDC_RPT ; bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Stop Output return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TDC_TOUT - Transducer Driver Circuit Timed Output ;Amount of cycles to output passed via TDC_NUMCYC ;********************************************************* TDC_TOUT: mov TDC_NUMCYC,W1 ;Set number of cycles mov mov mov mov call bset nop TDC_TRPT: bset call nop nop nop bclr call dec bra BIGTOH,W0 W0,PR5 BIGTOL,W0 W0,PR4 Timer45_clear TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Set Big Timout value ; ; ; ;Reset Timeout Timer ;Start Output ; TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE TDC_DLY TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE TDC_DLY W1,W1 NZ,TDC_TRPT ;Change Current Direction ;delay ;(make up for loop time) ; ;Change Current Direction ; ;decrement cycle count ;if not yet 0, repeat bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Stop Output return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TDC_DLY - Transducer Driver Circuit Delay (Sets Freq) ;********************************************************* TDC_DLY: mov TDC_DLYVAL,W0 ;load counter ;#145 = 45kHz @ 40 MIPS TDC_DLY_2: ; 200 dec W0,W0 ; bra NZ,TDC_DLY_2 ;Delayed Set Time? return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Timer Routines*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;Timer45_init - Timers 4/5 Init (use as a 32-bit timer) ; ;Setup Timer 4/5 to operated as a single 32-bit timer ;********************************************************* Timer45_init: bclr PMD1,#T4MD ;Make sure timers are enabled nop ; bclr PMD1,#T5MD ; ;mov #0x0038,W0 ;Setup 32-bit timer, 1:256 prescaler mov #0x0008,W0 ;Setup 32-bit timer, 1:1 prescaler mov W0,T4CON ;(Timer 4/5) ;Not setting up any interrupts bclr T4CON,#15 ;Ensure timer is stopped return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;Timer45_clear - Timers 4/5 Clear ; ;Clear 32-bit timer (Start at 0x00000000) ;********************************************************* Timer45_clear: bclr T4CON,#15 ;stop timer mov #0x0000,W0 ;Write 0x0000 to MSW mov W0,TMR5HLD ;(Timer 4/5) mov W0,TMR4 ;(Timer 4/5) bclr IFS1,#T5IF ;Clear interrupt flag bset T4CON,#15 ;start timer return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;Timer45_read - Timers 4/5 Read ; ;Read the 32-bit timer ;********************************************************* Timer45_read: mov TMR4,W0 ;Transfer the LSW into W1 mov TMR5HLD, W1 ;Transfer the MSW from the ;holding register to W0 return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;IC_INIT - Setup input capture ; ;Will setup the input capture feature to record the ;arrival of the three tone decoder inputs ;********************************************************* IC_INIT: mov #0x0080,W0 ;Ensure IC is disabled mov W0,IC1CON ; mov W0,IC2CON ; mov W0,IC3CON ; bclr PMD2,#IC1MD ;Make sure input capture modules 201 nop bclr PMD2,#IC2MD ;are not disabled nop bclr PMD2,#IC3MD ; bclr PMD1,#T2MD ;Make sure timer2 module is enabled mov #0x8000,W0 ;Setup Timer2 as 16-bit timer mov W0,T2CON ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;IC_START - Start Input Capture Routine ; ;Will begin checking for incoming signals from the tone ;decoders. If no signals are detected within 500ms, it ;will timeout. If a signal is detected, it will wait up ;to 500us for the other signals to be detected as well. ;If these are not detected, a timeout will occur. If all ;signals are detected, the value of the 16-bit timer will ;be returned in the TRANSTIME variables. The 32-bit range ;time will be returned in RANGETIME variables. ;********************************************************* ;MUST SET PR REGISTERS FOR TIMEOUT BEFORE STARTING TIMER!!!!! IC_START: mov #0x0082,W0 ;Setup IC registers, falling edge detect mov W0,IC1CON ; mov W0,IC2CON ; mov W0,IC3CON ; clr TRANSORDER ;Clear transducer order register ;Detection Enabled, big Timeout Should've been Started IC_WAIT: btsc IC1CON,#3 ;Check if IC1 event occurred goto ICEO1 ;IC1 Event Occurred btsc IC2CON,#3 ;Check if IC2 event occurred goto ICEO2 ;IC2 Event Occurred btsc IC3CON,#3 ;Check if IC3 event occurred goto ICEO3 ;IC3 Event Occurred btsc IFS1,#T5IF ;Check for big timeout goto IC_NORETURN ;no return signal received goto IC_WAIT ; ;Transducer 1 received signal first, start small Timeout ;wait for next 2 signals ICEO1: call Timer45_read ;store ranging time mov W0,RANGETIMEL ; mov W1,RANGETIMEH ; mov IC1BUF,W0 ;Retrieve event time mov W0,TRANSTIME1 ; mov mov mov mov call ICEO1_wait: btsc goto btsc goto btsc SMALLTOH,W0 W0,PR5 SMALLTOL,W0 W0,PR4 Timer45_clear ;Set Small Timeout value ; ; ; ;Reset Timeout Timer IC2CON,#3 ICEO12 IC3CON,#3 ICEO13 IFS1,#T5IF ;Check if IC2 event occurred ;IC2 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check if IC3 event occurred ;IC3 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check for small timeout 202 goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO1_wait ;1,2 ICEO12: mov IC2BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME2 ICEO12_wait: btsc IC3CON,#3 goto ICEO123 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO12_wait ;1,3 ICEO13: mov IC3BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME3 ICEO13_wait: btsc IC2CON,#3 goto ICEO132 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO13_wait ;1,2,3 ICEO123: mov #0x01,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC3BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME3 return ;1,3,2 ICEO132: mov #0x02,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC2BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME2 return ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;Check if IC3 event occurred ;IC3 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;Check if IC2 event occurred ;IC2 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Transducer 2 received signal first, start small Timeout ;wait for next 2 signals ICEO2: call Timer45_read ;store ranging time mov W0,RANGETIMEL ; mov W1,RANGETIMEH ; mov IC2BUF,W0 ;Retrieve event time mov W0,TRANSTIME2 ; mov mov mov mov call ICEO2_wait: btsc goto btsc goto btsc goto goto ;2,1 ICEO21: mov mov SMALLTOH,W0 W0,PR5 SMALLTOL,W0 W0,PR4 Timer45_clear ;Set Small Timeout value ; ; ; ;Reset Timeout Timer IC1CON,#3 ICEO21 IC3CON,#3 ICEO23 IFS1,#T5IF IC_NOTALLRETURN ICEO2_wait ;Check if IC1 event occurred ;IC1 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check if IC3 event occurred ;IC3 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; IC1BUF,W0 W0,TRANSTIME1 ;Retrieve event time ; 203 ICEO21_wait: btsc IC3CON,#3 goto ICEO213 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO21_wait ;2,3 ICEO23: mov IC3BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME3 ICEO23_wait: btsc IC1CON,#3 goto ICEO231 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO23_wait ;2,1,3 ICEO213: mov #0x03,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC3BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME3 return ;2,3,1 ICEO231: mov #0x04,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC1BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME1 return ;Check if IC3 event occurred ;IC3 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;Check if IC1 event occurred ;IC1 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Transducer 3 received signal first, start small Timeout ;wait for next 2 signals ICEO3: call Timer45_read ;store ranging time mov W0,RANGETIMEL ; mov W1,RANGETIMEH ; mov IC3BUF,W0 ;Retrieve event time mov W0,TRANSTIME3 ; mov SMALLTOH,W0 mov W0,PR5 mov SMALLTOL,W0 mov W0,PR4 call Timer45_clear ICEO3_wait: btsc IC1CON,#3 goto ICEO31 btsc IC2CON,#3 goto ICEO32 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO3_wait ;3,1 ICEO31: mov IC1BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME1 ICEO31_wait: btsc IC2CON,#3 goto ICEO312 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO31_wait ;Set Small Timeout value ; ; ; ;Reset Timeout Timer ;Check if IC1 event occurred ;IC1 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check if IC2 event occurred ;IC2 Event Occurred 2nd ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;Check if IC2 event occurred ;IC2 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; 204 ;3,2 ICEO32: mov IC2BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME2 ICEO32_wait: btsc IC1CON,#3 goto ICEO321 btsc IFS1,#T5IF goto IC_NOTALLRETURN goto ICEO32_wait ;3,1,2 ICEO312: mov #0x05,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC2BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME2 return ;3,2,1 ICEO321: mov #0x06,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER mov IC1BUF,W0 mov W0,TRANSTIME1 return ;Time out routines IC_NORETURN: mov #0x00,W0 mov W0,TRANSORDER return ;Retrieve event time ; ;Check if IC1 event occurred ;IC1 Event Occurred last ;Check for small timeout ;not all transducers received signal ; ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Set Transducer Order ; ;Retrieve event time ; ;All 3 transducers responded.. return ;Set Transducer Order to timeout ; ; IC_NOTALLRETURN: mov #0x07,W0 ;Set Transducer Order to timeout mov W0,TRANSORDER ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********DELAY ROUTINES*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;delay100ms ; ;Delays 100ms ;********************************************************* delay100ms: mov #20,W4 ;delay ~100ms delayloop100ms: call delay5ms ; dec W4,W4 ; bra NZ,delayloop100ms ; return ; delay5ms: mov #40,W2 ;load counter delayloop: call delay125us ;delay 125us dec W2,W2 ;Delayed 5ms? bra NZ,delayloop ; return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay125us ; 205 ;Delays 125us ;********************************************************* delay125us: mov #1664,W3 ;load counter delayloop2: ; dec W3,W3 ; bra NZ,delayloop2 ;Delayed 125us? nop nop return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* .end 206 ;********************************************************************************** ;************************ TRANSPONDER MICROCONTROLLER CODE ************************ ;********************************************************************************** .equ __33FJ12GP202, 1 .include "p33FJ12GP202.inc" ;.............................................................................. ;Configuration bits: ;.............................................................................. config __FOSC, FCKSM_CSDCMD & OSCIOFNC_ON & POSCMD_EC ;Turn off clock switching and ;fail-safe clock monitoring and ;use the External Clock as the ;system clock config __FWDT, FWDTEN_OFF & WINDIS_OFF;Turn off Watchdog Timer config __FPOR, FPWRT_PWR128 ;Set Power on Timer 128 mSec config __FOSCSEL, FNOSC_PRIPLL & IESO_OFF ;Setup Oscillator (w/PLL) config __FGS, GSS_OFF & GCP_OFF & GWRP_OFF ;Disable Code protect config __FBS, BSS_NO_FLASH & BWRP_WRPROTECT_OFF ; ;.............................................................................. ;Program Specific Constants (literals used in code) ;.............................................................................. ;----DIGITAL POTENTIOMETER EQUATES-------------.equ DP_PORT,PORTA ; .equ DP_TRIS,TRISA ; .equ DP_CS,0 ;Chip Select .equ DP_SCLK,1 ;Clock .equ DP_DIN_PRE,4 ;Pre-Amp Digital Pot Line .equ DP_DIN_PST,3 ;Post-Amp Digital Pot Line ;----TRANSDUCER .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ .equ DRIVER EQUATES-----------------TDC_PORT,PORTB ; TDC_TRIS,TRISB ; TDC_MODE,8 ; TDC_PHASE,7 ; TDC_ENABLE,6 ; TDC_NFLT,0 ; ;----TONE DECODER EQUATES----------------------.equ TD_PORT,PORTB ; .equ TD_TRIS,TRISB ; .equ TD_OUT,11 ; ;----ANALOG INPUT EQUATES----------------------.equ AI_PORT,PORTB ; .equ AI_TRIS,TRISB ; .equ AI_PRE,13 ; .equ AI_POST,12 ; ;.............................................................................. ;Global Declarations: ;.............................................................................. .global __reset ;The label for the first line of code. 207 ;.............................................................................. ;Constants stored in Program space ;.............................................................................. ; .section .myconstbuffer, code ; .palign 2 ;Align next word stored in Program space to an ; ;address that is a multiple of 2 ;ps_coeff: ; .hword 0x0002, 0x0003, 0x0005, 0x000A ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in X-space in data memory ;.............................................................................. .section .xbss, bss, xmemory TEMP: TDC_DLYVAL: TDC_NUMCYC: .space .space .space 2 2 2 ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Y-space in data memory ;.............................................................................. ; ;y_input: .section .ybss, bss, ymemory .space 2*SAMPLES ;.............................................................................. ;Initialized variables in data memory ;.............................................................................. ;.............................................................................. ;Uninitialized variables in Near data memory (Lower 8Kb of RAM) ;.............................................................................. ; .section .nbss, bss, near .section vars,bss,address(0x900) ;.............................................................................. ;Code Section in Program Memory ;.............................................................................. .text ;Start of Code section __reset: MOV #__SP_init, W15 ;Initalize the Stack Pointer MOV #__SPLIM_init, W0 ;Initialize the Stack Pointer Limit Register MOV W0, SPLIM NOP ;Add NOP to follow SPLIM initialization main: ;Initialize PLL to proper frequency ;PLL will work on startup if 4mHz<Fin<8mHz ;(it was checked that PLL settings will within ;limits during this PLL update process) mov #0x00C0,W0 ;PLLPRE=2,PLLPOST=8 (FOR IC=8mhz) mov W0,CLKDIV ; mov #0x003E,W0 ;Set PLL Multiplier=64 (For IC = 8mhz) mov W0,PLLFBD ; 208 ;Disable all modules mov #0xFFFF,W0 mov W0,PMD1 mov W0,PMD2 ; ; ; ;Disable all open-drains mov #0x0000,W0 mov W0,ODCA mov W0,ODCB ; ;Port A ;Port B ;Disable Analog Function of I/O Pins mov #0xFFFF,W0 ; mov W0,AD1PCFGL ; ;Initialize call call call Everything DP_INIT TD_INIT TDC_INIT ;Initialize Digital Potentiometers ;Initialize Tone Decoder ;Initialize Transducer Driver Circuit mov #35,W0 ;load counter (#35 = ~35khz, #170 = audible tone) mov W0,TDC_DLYVAL ;delay value (sets transmit frequency) mov #7000,W0 ;Load number of transmit cycles mov W0,TDC_NUMCYC ;sets pulse length (70 = 2ms) ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: call delay100ms ; mov #90,W0 ;Set front end gain ~100 mov #127,W1 ;Set back end gain min call DP_SET ;Set Potentiometer Values mainloop: call TDC_TOUT ;Main Loop Programmed to output 1ms pulse call delay100ms ;approximately 3 times per second call delay100ms ; call delay100ms ;In actual practice, this loop should wait for goto mainloop ;an interrogation pulse, then respond. ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;.............................................................................. ;Timer 1 Interrupt Service Routine ;Example context save/restore in the ISR performed using PUSH.D/POP.D ;instruction. The instruction pushes two words W4 and W5 on to the stack on ;entry into ISR and pops the two words back into W4 and W5 on exit from the ISR ;.............................................................................. ;__T1Interrupt: ; PUSH.D W4 ;Save context using double-word PUSH ;<<insert more user code here>> ; BCLR IFS0, #T1IF ; ; POP.D W4 RETFIE ;Clear the Timer1 Interrupt flag Status ;bit. ;Retrieve context POP-ping from Stack ;Return from Interrupt Service routine ;--------End of All Code Sections --------------------------------------------- 209 ;********Digital Potentiometer Routines*********************** ;********************************************************* ;DP_INIT - Digital Potentiometer Initialization ;********************************************************* DP_INIT: bclr DP_TRIS,#DP_CS ;CS Output bset DP_PORT,#DP_CS ; bclr DP_TRIS,#DP_SCLK ;SCLK Output bset DP_PORT,#DP_SCLK ; bclr DP_TRIS,#DP_DIN_PRE ;DIN Output bclr DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ; bclr DP_TRIS,#DP_DIN_PST ;DIN Output bclr DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;DP_SET - Digital Potentiometer Set Value ; ;Uses value in W0(7:0) to set Pre-Amp Potentiometer ;Uses value in W1(7:0) to set Post-Amp Potentiometer ;********************************************************* DP_SET: bclr DP_PORT,#DP_SCLK ;Clock Pin Low nop ; bclr DP_PORT,#DP_CS ;CS Low nop ; bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#7 ;Send out MSB (#7) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#7 ;Send out MSB (#7) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#6 ;Send out bit (#6) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#6 ;Send out bit (#6) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#5 ;Send out bit (#5) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#5 ;Send out bit (#5) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#4 ;Send out bit (#4) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#4 ;Send out bit (#4) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through 210 bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#3 ;Send out bit (#3) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#3 ;Send out bit (#3) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#2 ;Send out bit (#2) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#2 ;Send out bit (#2) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr btsc bset nop bclr btsc bset call DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear W0,#1 ;Send out bit (#1) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set ; DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear W1,#1 ;Send out bit (#1) DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through bclr DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Assume Bit Clear btsc W0,#0 ;Send out bit (#0) bset DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PRE ;Bit Set nop ; bclr DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Assume Bit Clear btsc W1,#0 ;Send out bit (#0) bset DP_PORT,#DP_DIN_PST ;Bit Set call DP_Clock_Pulse ;Clock bit through nop ; nop ; bset DP_PORT,#DP_CS ;CS High nop ; bset DP_PORT,#DP_SCLK ;Clock Pin High return ; ;********************************************************* ;*****DP Clock Pulse************************************** DP_Clock_Pulse: bset DP_PORT,#DP_SCLK ;Clock Pin High nop ; ; nop ; bclr DP_PORT,#DP_SCLK ;Clock Pin Low return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Tone Decoder Routines******************************** ;TD_INIT - Tone Decoder Initialization ;********************************************************* TD_INIT: bset TD_TRIS,#TD_OUT ;Input return ; ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;********Transducer Driver Routines*************************** 211 ;********************************************************* ;TDC_INIT - Transducer Driver Circuit Initialization ;********************************************************* TDC_INIT: bclr TDC_TRIS,#TDC_MODE ;Output bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_MODE ; bclr TDC_TRIS,#TDC_PHASE ;Output bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE ; bclr TDC_TRIS,#TDC_ENABLE ;Output bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ; bset TDC_TRIS,#TDC_NFLT ;Output mov mov #293,W0 W0,TDC_DLYVAL ; ;load counter mov mov #45,W0 W0,TDC_NUMCYC ; ; return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TDC_OUT - Transducer Driver Circuit Output ;********************************************************* TDC_OUT: bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Start Output nop ; TDC_RPT: bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE ;Change Current Direction call TDC_DLY ;delay nop ;(make up for loop time) nop ; bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE ;Change Current Direction call TDC_DLY ; goto TDC_RPT ; bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Stop Output return ; ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;TDC_TOUT - Transducer Driver Circuit Timed Output ;Amount of cycles to output passed via TDC_NUMCYC ;********************************************************* TDC_TOUT: mov TDC_NUMCYC,W1 ;Set number of cycles bset TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Start Output nop TDC_TRPT: bset call nop nop nop bclr call dec bra TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE TDC_DLY TDC_PORT,#TDC_PHASE TDC_DLY W1,W1 NZ,TDC_TRPT ;Change Current Direction ;delay ;(make up for loop time) ; ;Change Current Direction ; ;decrement cycle count ;if not yet 0, repeat bclr TDC_PORT,#TDC_ENABLE ;Stop Output return ; ;********************************************************* 212 ;********************************************************* ;TDC_DLY - Transducer Driver Circuit Delay (Sets Freq) ;********************************************************* TDC_DLY: mov TDC_DLYVAL,W0 ;load counter (35 = ~35kHz) ;#170 = Audible Tone TDC_DLY_2: ; dec W0,W0 ; bra NZ,TDC_DLY_2 ;Delayed Set Time? return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;************************************************************* ;;********Timer Routines*************************************** ;;********************************************************* ;;Timer23_init - Timers 2/3 Init (use as a 32-bit timer) ;; ;;Setup Timer 2/3 to operated as a single 32-bit timer ;;********************************************************* ;Timer23_init: ; mov #0x0038,W0 ;Setup 32-bit timer ; mov W0,T2CON ;(Timer 2/3) ; ;Not setting up any interrupts ; bset T2CON,#15 ;start timer ; return ; ;;********************************************************* ;;********************************************************* ;;Timer23_clear - Timers 2/3 Clear ;; ;;Clear 32-bit timer (Start at 0x00000000) ;;********************************************************* ;Timer23_clear: ; mov #0x0000,W0 ;Write 0x0000 to MSW ; mov W0,TMR3HLD ;(Timer 2/3) ; mov W0,TMR2 ;(Timer 2/3) ; return ; ;;********************************************************* ;;********************************************************* ;;Timer23_read - Timers 2/3 Read ;; ;;Read the 32-bit timer ;;********************************************************* ;Timer23_read: ; mov TMR2,W0 ;Transfer the LSW into W1 ; mov TMR3HLD, W1 ;Transfer the MSW from the ; ;holding register to W0 ; return ; ;;********************************************************* ;;********************************************************* ;;OnePPS_init - 1PPS Init (INT4) ;; ;;Setup 1PPS pin as input and interrupt used to clear timer ;;********************************************************* ;OnePPS_init: ; bset INT_TRIS,#GPS_INT ;Set 1PPS pin as an input ;;Setup INT4 interrupt ; bclr INTCON2,#INT4EP ;Interrupt on positive edge ; bset IPC13,#9 ;Set interrupt priority ; ;to level 6 (default level 4) ; bclr INTCON1,#NSTDIS ;Enable nested interrupts ; bclr IFS3,#INT4IF ;Clear interrupt flag 213 ; bset IEC3,#INT4IE ;Enable INT4 interrupt ; return ; ;;********************************************************* ;;********************************************************* ;;__INT4Interrupt - INT4 Interrupt Routine (1PPS) ;; ;;Clears Timer2/3 when 1PPS interrupt is received ;;********************************************************* ;__INT4Interrupt: ; ;Save context ; push W0 ;Save W0 ; ;Clear Timer 2/3 value ; mov #0x0000,W0 ;Write 0x0000 to MSW ; mov W0,TMR3HLD ;(Timer 2/3) ; mov W0,TMR2 ;(Timer 2/3) ; ;Restore context ; pop W0 ;Restore W0 ; bclr IFS3,#INT4IF ;Clear interrupt flag ; retfie ;return ;;********************************************************* ;;************************************************************* ; ; ; ;;********Conversion Routines********************************** ;;********************************************************* ;;SNUM2ASCII - Signed Number to ASCII ;;Converts Signed 16-bit value in W0 to 5 ASCII characters plus ;;a sign character. ;;The ASCII values are stored in ;;W5 - Sign (' ' or '-') ;;W4 - ten thousands ;;W3 - thousands ;;W2 - hundreds ;;W1 - tens ;;W0 - ones ;;********************************************************* ;snum2ascii: ; btss W0,#15 ;Check the sign bit ; goto snum2asciipos ;Positive Number ;;negative number, must reverse the ;;2's complement procedure before calling num2bcd ; mov #0xFFFF,W5 ;Invert all the bits ; xor W0,W5,W0 ; ; inc W0,W0 ;add 1 ; call num2bcd ; ; mov #0x002D,W5 ;Set Sign character ; add #0x30,W0 ;Convert BCD to ASCII ; add #0x30,W1 ; ; add #0x30,W2 ; ; add #0x30,W3 ; ; add #0x30,W4 ; ; return ; ;snum2asciipos: ; mov #0x0020,W5 ;Set Sign character ; call num2bcd ;Convert digits ; add #0x30,W0 ;Convert BCD to ASCII ; add #0x30,W1 ; ; add #0x30,W2 ; ; add #0x30,W3 ; ; add #0x30,W4 ; ; return ; ;;*********************************************** 214 ; ;;********************************************************* ;;SNUM2BCD - Signed Number to BCD ;;Converts Signed 16-bit value in W0 to 5 BCD digits plus sign bit ;;The BCD values are stored in ;;W5 - Bit 0 indicates sign... 1 if negative, 0 if positive ;;W4 - ten thousands ;;W3 - thousands ;;W2 - hundreds ;;W1 - tens ;;W0 - ones ;;********************************************************* ;snum2bcd: ; btss W0,#15 ;Check the sign bit ; goto num2bcd ;positive number, will be returned by num2bcd ; ;negative number, must reverse the ; ;2's complement procedure before calling num2bcd ; mov #0xFFFF,W5 ;Invert all the bits ; xor W0,W5,W0 ; ; inc W0,W0 ;add 1 ; call num2bcd ; ; mov #0x0001,W5 ;Set sign bit, show negative number ; return ; ;;*********************************************** ; ;;********************************************************* ;;NUM2BCD - Number to BCD ;;Converts 16-bit value in W0 to 5 BCD digits ;;The BCD values are stored in ;;W5 - Temporary Register, ;;W4 - ten thousands ;;W3 - thousands ;;W2 - hundreds ;;W1 - tens ;;W0 - ones ;;********************************************************* ;num2bcd: ; clr W4 ;Clear the variables to be stored ; clr W3 ; ; clr W2 ; ; clr W1 ; ; ;tenthoutest: ; mov #0x2710,W5 ;(10,000 in hex) ; cp W0,W5 ; ; bra ltu,thoutest ;Check if W0 >= 10,000 ; ;it is ; sub W0,W5,W0 ;Subtract 10,000 from Incoming number ; inc.b W4,W4 ;Increment BCD digit ; bra tenthoutest ;repeat ; ;thoutest: ; mov #0x03E8,W5 ;(1,000 in hex) ; cp W0,W5 ; ; bra ltu,hundtest ;Check if W0 >= 1,000 ; ;it is ; sub W0,W5,W0 ;Subtract 1,000 from Incoming number ; inc.b W3,W3 ;Increment BCD digit ; bra thoutest ;repeat ; ;hundtest: ; mov #0x0064,W5 ;(100 in hex) ; cp W0,W5 ; 215 ; bra ltu,tentest ;Check if W0 >= 100 ; ;it is ; sub W0,W5,W0 ;Subtract 100 from Incoming number ; inc.b W2,W2 ;Increment BCD digit ; bra hundtest ;repeat ; ;tentest: ; mov #0x000A,W5 ;(10 in hex) ; cp W0,W5 ; ; bra ltu,onetest ;Check if W0 >= 10 ; ;it is ; sub W0,W5,W0 ;Subtract 10 from Incoming number ; inc.b W1,W1 ;Increment BCD digit ; bra tentest ;repeat ; ;onetest: ; ;Rest are ones and already stored in W0 ; clr W5 ;Clear to indicate positive sign for snum2bcd ; return ;done ;;*********************************************** ;;************************************************************* ; ; ; ;********DELAY ROUTINES*************************************** ;********************************************************* ;delay100ms ; ;Delays 100ms ;********************************************************* delay100ms: mov #20,W4 ;delay ~100ms delayloop100ms: call delay5ms ; dec W4,W4 ; bra NZ,delayloop100ms ; return ; delay5ms: mov #40,W2 ;load counter delayloop: call delay125us ;delay 125us dec W2,W2 ;Delayed 5ms? bra NZ,delayloop ; return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay125us ; ;Delays 125us ;********************************************************* delay125us: mov #0x014B,W3 ;load counter (0x014B for Fcyl=8MHz) delayloop2: ; dec W3,W3 ; bra NZ,delayloop2 ;Delayed 125us? nop nop return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;********************************************************* ;delay71us - 216 ; ;Delays 71us ;********************************************************* delay71us: mov #0x00BB,W3 ;load counter (0x014B for Fcyl=8MHz) delayloop271: ; dec W3,W3 ; bra NZ,delayloop271 ;Delayed 71us? nop nop return ;yep ;********************************************************* ;************************************************************* .end 217 Appendix D: MATLAB Code 218 %GPS Accuracy Computer %Authored By Doug Bowlus on Dec 28, 2007 close all clear all clc %Known Coordinate %KC_Lat = DMS_2_DD(34,22,30.97170); %RINCON, PID: EW7931 %KC_Long = DMS_2_DD(119,28,36.69745); KC_Lat = DMS_2_DD(34,15,13.54656); %Fugro Point 6, In back of office KC_Long = DMS_2_DD(119,13,34.15617); [KC_X,KC_Y,KC_Z] = WGS84_2_Cart(KC_Lat,KC_Long,0); %Load Observed Data filename = 'LOG4a.txt'; [AP_Hdr,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt,RangeTime,TransOrder,Tran1Time,Tran2Time,Tr an3Time,AP_STime,AP_ETime,Tilt_Time,Mag_Time,GPS_Hdr,UTC_Time,Latitude,N_S,Longitud e,E_W,Fix_Type,Satellites,HDOP,MSL_Alt,MSL_Units,Geoid_Sep,Geoid_Units,Age_of_Corr, Checksum] = importuwgps(filename); [OC_X,OC_Y,OC_Z] = WGS84_2_Cart(Latitude,Longitude,0); %Compute Diff_X = Diff_Y = Diff_Z = the difference between observed and known positions OC_X - KC_X; OC_Y - KC_Y; OC_Z - KC_Z; %Plot the differences plot3(Diff_X,Diff_Y,Diff_Z,'o') hold on %Plot Last Posistion plot3(Diff_X(end),Diff_Y(end),Diff_Z(end),'go') %Find Average Position [AOC_X,AOC_Y,AOC_Z] = WGS84_2_Cart(mean(Latitude),mean(Longitude),0); %Plot Average Position Difference AEX = AOC_X - KC_X; AEY = AOC_Y - KC_Y; AEZ = AOC_Z - KC_Z; plot3(AEX,AEY,AEZ,'ro'); hold off grid on %Display computed overall Error E2DRMS = sqrt(Diff_X.^2+Diff_Y.^2+Diff_Z.^2); SD2DRMS = std(E2DRMS) Mean_2DRMS = mean(E2DRMS) Max_2DRMS = max(E2DRMS) Min_2DRMS = min(E2DRMS) Fix = mean(Fix_Type) DurationMIN = length(Fix_Type)./60 219 function [AP_Hdr,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt,RangeTime,TransOrder,Tran1Time,Tran2Time,Tr an3Time,AP_STime,AP_ETime,Tilt_Time,Mag_Time,GPS_Hdr,UTC_Time,Latitude,N_S,Longitud e,E_W,Fix_Type,Satellites,HDOP,MSL_Alt,MSL_Units,Geoid_Sep,Geoid_Units,Age_of_Corr, Checksum] = importuwgps(filename) % %importuwgps % %Authored by Doug Bowlus on 12/27/2007 % %[AP_Hdr,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt,RangeTime,TransOrder,Tran1Time,Tran2Time,T ran3Time,AP_STime,AP_ETime,Tilt_Time,Mag_Time,GPS_Hdr,UTC_Time,Latitude,N_S,Longitu de,E_W,Fix_Type,Satellites,HDOP,MSL_Alt,MSL_Units,Geoid_Sep,Geoid_Units,Age_of_Corr ,Checksum] = importuwgps(filename) % %Given the filename for UWGPS log data, this script imports all of it into %appropriate variable names % fid = fopen(filename); data = textscan(fid,'%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%s%f%f%s%f%s%f%f%f%f%s%f%s%f%s',1,'delimiter',','); AP_Hdr = cellstr(data{1}); X_Mag = double(data{2}); Y_Mag = double(data{3}); Z_Mag = double(data{4}); X_Tilt = double(data{5})./10; Y_Tilt = double(data{6})./10; RangeTime = double(data{7}).*125e-9; TransOrder = double(data{8}); Tran1Time = double(data{9}).*125e-9; Tran2Time = double(data{10}).*125e-9; Tran3Time = double(data{11}).*125e-9; AP_STime = double(data{12}).*125e-9; AP_ETime = double(data{13}).*125e-9; Tilt_Time = double(data{14}).*125e-9; Mag_Time = double(data{15}).*125e-9; GPS_Hdr = cellstr(data{16}); UTC_Time = double(data{17}); Latitude = strjust(num2str(double(data{18})),'left'); Latitude = DMS_2_DD(str2num(Latitude(:,1:2)),str2num(Latitude(:,3:end)),0); N_S = cellstr(data{19}); Longitude = strjust(num2str(double(data{20})),'left'); Longitude = DMS_2_DD(str2num(Longitude(:,1:3)),str2num(Longitude(:,4:end)),0); E_W = cellstr(data{21}); Fix_Type = double(data{22}); Satellites = double(data{23}); HDOP = double(data{24}); MSL_Alt = double(data{25}); MSL_Units = cellstr(data{26}); Geoid_Sep = double(data{27}); Geoid_Units = cellstr(data{28}); Age_of_Corr = double(data{29}); Checksum = char(data{30}); Checksum = hex2dec(Checksum(:,2:3)); 220 function [D,M,S] = DD_2_DMS(deg) %Decimal Degrees to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds %[D,M,S] = DD_2_DMS(deg) % %Authored By: Doug Bowlus 24 Oct. 2007 if deg >= 0 MS = mod(deg,1); D = deg - MS; M = (MS - mod(MS,(1./60))).*60; S = ((MS.*60) - M) .* 60; else deg = abs(deg); MS = mod(deg,1); D = (deg - MS) .* -1; M = (MS - mod(MS,(1./60))).*60; S = ((MS.*60) - M) .* 60; End function [DD] = DMS_2_DD(deg,min,sec) %Degrees, Minutes, Seconds to Decimal Degrees %[DD] = DMS_2_DD(deg,min,sec) % %Authored By: Doug Bowlus 24 Oct. 2007 if deg >= 0 DD = deg + (min./60) + (sec./60./60); else DD = deg - (min./60) - (sec./60./60); End function [X,Y,Z,Z2] = WGS84_2_Cart(lat,long,hp) %WGS84 to Cartesian Coordinates transformation function %[X,Y,Z] = WGS84_2_Cart(lat,long,ht) % %North = Positive Latitude, South = Negative Latitude %East = Positive Longitude, West = Negative Longitude %Authored By: Doug Bowlus 24 Oct. 2007 % %X,Y,Z in meters %WGS84 Parameters a = 6378137.0; %Semi-Major Axis in meters b = 6356752.3142; %Semi-Minor Axis ecc = 0.00669437999013; %Eccentricity squared flat = 1.0./298.257223563; %Flattening f = (a-b)/a 221 %Perform conversion vp = a ./ (1.0-ecc .* sind(lat).^2).^(1/2); X = (vp + hp) .* cosd(lat) .* cosd(long); Y = (vp + hp) .* cosd(lat) .* sind(long); Z = (vp .* (1.0-ecc) + hp) .* sind(lat); %Heading Data Analysis Script clear all clc close all %Load Calibration File and Computer Calibration Parameters filename = 'LOG3.TXT'; known_heading = 165.6; [Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,RF] = MagCalibrate(filename,known_heading); %Load Data File filename = 'LOG10.TXT'; known_heading = 144; [OS_Hdr,Time,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt] = importosdata(filename); Heading = Mag2Heading(X_Mag,Y_Mag,Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,RF); error = known_heading - Heading; Time = Time - Time(1); subplot(2,1,1) hold on plot(Time,Heading,'b') plot(Time,known_heading.*ones(length(Time)),'r') hold off grid on title('Heading Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('Heading (degrees)') legend('Measured Heading','Gyro Heading') subplot(2,1,2) plot(Time,error,'k') grid on title('Heading Error Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('Heading Error (degrees)') avg_heading = mean(Heading) avg_error = mean(error) std_heading = std(Heading) duration = Time(end) - Time(1) % RF1 = 178.1 - 191 = -12.9 % RF2 = 179.4 - 190 = -10.6 % RF3 = 165.6 - 203.2 = -37.6 % % % % % % % % figure plot(X_Mag,'r') hold on grid on plot(Y_Mag,'b') plot(Z_Mag,'k') plot(Heading,'m') legend('X','Y','Z','Heading') % OUTPUT GRAPHS he1 = [.39 .28 .12 -.10 -.42 -.75 -.50 -.09 -0.12 0.21 0.45 0.27 -0.4 -1.23 -0.62]; he2 = [-0.44 -0.56 -0.57 -0.46 -0.33 -0.28 0.12 0.36 -.1 -.23 -.32 -.61 -1.22 -1.95 -1.37]; he3 = [.41 .5 .58 .58 .44 .19 .40 .65 .37 .43 .44 .11 -.62 -1.4 -.73]; val = 0:24:336; 222 % % figure % plot(val,he1,'ro-') % hold on % grid on % plot(val,he2,'bo-') % plot(val,he3,'ko-') % legend('Calibration 1','Calibration 2','Calibration 3') % title('Mean Heading Error Vs. Heading') % ylabel('Mean Heading Error (degrees)') % xlabel('Heading (degrees)') % sd1 = [.18 .13 .14 .12 .12 .11 .11 .13 .14 .13 .11 .1 .09 .1 .12 .15 .01 .13 .12 .14 .11 .18 .1 .12]; sd2 = [.18 .13 .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 .14 .15 .13 .11 .1 .09 .1 .12 .15 .1 .13 .12 .14 .11 .19 .1 .12]; sd3 = [.18 .13 .13 .12 .12 .11 .11 .14 .15 .13 .11 .1 .09 .1 .12 .15 .1 .13 .12 .14 .11 .18 .1 .12]; % % figure % %plot(val,sd1(1:15),'ro-') % hold on % grid on % plot(val,sd2(1:15),'ko-') % %plot(val,sd3(1:15),'ko-') % %legend('Calibration 1','Calibration 2','Calibration 3') % title('Standard Deviation Vs. Heading') % ylabel('Standard Deviation (degrees)') % xlabel('Heading (degrees)') OMHE1 OMHE2 OMHE3 OMSD1 OMSD2 OMSD3 = = = = = = mean(he1) mean(he2) mean(he3) mean(sd1) mean(sd2) mean(sd3) function [OS_Hdr,Time,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt] = importosdata(filename) % %importuwgps % %Authored by Doug Bowlus on 12/27/2007 % 223 %[OS_Hdr,Time,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt_Y_Tilt] = importosdata(filename) % %Given the filename for OSSEN log data, this script imports all of it into %appropriate variable names % fid = fopen(filename); data = textscan(fid,'%s%f%f%f%f%f%f',-1,'delimiter',','); OS_Hdr = cellstr(data{1}); Time = double(data{2}) .* 125e-9; X_Mag = double(data{3}); Y_Mag = double(data{4}); Z_Mag = double(data{5}); X_Tilt = double(data{6})./10; Y_Tilt = double(data{7})./10; 224 function [Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,RF] = MagCalibrate(filename,known_heading) [OS_Hdr,Time,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt] = importosdata(filename); %Calibrate Magnetometer Heading according to PNI Multipoint %Primer Application Note. Assumes imported data comes from %magnetometer being rotated in a circle. The known heading %of the unit at the start of the collected data. A gyro or %be used to obtain this value. Xmax = max(X_Mag); Xmin = min(X_Mag); Ymax = max(Y_Mag); Ymin = min(Y_Mag); Calibration the is the heading other means can Xos = (Xmax + Xmin)./2; Yos = (Ymax + Ymin)./2; Xrange = (Xmax - Xmin); Yrange = (Ymax - Ymin); [Heading] = Mag2Heading(X_Mag,Y_Mag,Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,0); RF = known_heading - mean(Heading(1:10)); %Use the average of the first 10 points to compute the rotation function [Heading] = Mag2Heading(X_Mag,Y_Mag,Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,RF) % %Heading = Mag2Heading(Xvalue,Yvalue,Xos,Yos,Xrange,Yrange,RF) % %Authored by Doug Bowlus on 1/27/2007 % %Turns raw magnetometer values into a heading given the parameters %from calibration. RF = Rotation Factor % Xvalue = X_Mag - Xos; Yvalue = Y_Mag - Yos; if Xrange > Yrange Yvalue = (Yvalue .* Xrange) ./ Yrange; else Xvalue = (Xvalue .* Yrange) ./ Xrange; end Heading = (atan2(Yvalue,Xvalue) .* (180./pi)); for u = 1:length(Heading), %Compensate for -180 to 0 headings if Heading(u) < 0 %Makes these headings 180 to 360 Heading(u) = 360 + Heading(u); end end Heading = Heading + RF; %Rotate the headings for proper north orientation for u = 1:length(Heading), %Make headings ly between 0 - 360 after rotation if Heading(u) >= 360 Heading(u) = Heading(u) - 360; elseif Heading(u) < 0 Heading(u) = Heading(u) + 360; end end 225 %Tilt Test Data Processing Script %Authored by Doug Bowlus on 1/31/2008 clear all clc close all %Calibration Values XCal = -1.19 - (-0.0766); %F180 Neg Roll Value - Avg Xtilt (values from log1.txt test. Reference Level YCal = 2.89 - 2.7641; %F180 Pitch Value - Avg Ytilt (values from log1.txt test. Reference Level %Load Data File filename = 'LOG10.TXT'; known_xtilt = 2.79; %Negative Roll known_ytilt = 2.94; %Pitch [OS_Hdr,Time,X_Mag,Y_Mag,Z_Mag,X_Tilt,Y_Tilt] = importosdata(filename); %Apply Calibration Values X_Tilt = X_Tilt + XCal; Y_Tilt = Y_Tilt + YCal; Time = Time - Time(1); xerror = known_xtilt - X_Tilt; yerror = known_ytilt - Y_Tilt; %X TILT PLOTS subplot(2,1,1) hold on plot(Time,X_Tilt,'b') plot(Time,known_xtilt.*ones(length(Time)),'r') hold off grid on title('X Tilt Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('X Tilt (degrees)') legend('Measured X Tilt','F180 Tilt') subplot(2,1,2) plot(Time,xerror,'k') grid on title('X Tilt Error Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('X Tilt Error (degrees)') %Y TILT PLOTS figure subplot(2,1,1) hold on plot(Time,Y_Tilt,'b') plot(Time,known_ytilt.*ones(length(Time)),'r') hold off grid on title('Y Tilt Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('Y Tilt (degrees)') legend('Measured Y Tilt','F180 Tilt') subplot(2,1,2) plot(Time,yerror,'k') grid on title('Y Tilt Error Vs. Time') xlabel('Elapsed Time (seconds)') ylabel('Y Tilt Error (degrees)') 226 avg_x = mean(X_Tilt) avg_y = mean(Y_Tilt) avg_xerror = mean(xerror) avg_yerror = mean(yerror) std_xtilt = std(X_Tilt) std_ytilt = std(Y_Tilt) duration = Time(end) - Time(1) %Create Plots of processed data xe = [-.27 -.32 -.44 -.6 .28 .45 .45 .05 .18 .05 .08 .16 .13 -.1 -.05 -0.02]; %X Error xsd = [0.21 .25 .24 .26 .24 .21 .3 .3 .36 .32 .35 .31 .29 .32 .25 .22]; %X Standard Deviation ye = [.02 .02 -.06 .08 .04 -.1 -.03 .1 -.16 -.14 -.32 -.38 .34 .43 .23 -0.03]; %Y Error ysd = [.27 .27 .28 .31 .26 .34 .34 .33 .37 .36 .3 .28 .27 .28 .27 .25];% Y Standard Deviation xa = [-1.22 -1.5 -1.42 -1.71 -.89 -.75 -1.32 -.83 2.79 7.74 12.85 20.36 -17.50 23.04 -11.56 -1.26]; %X Angles ya = [-5.32 -9.12 -14.29 -21.25 11.8 18.18 23.48 7.46 2.94 2.83 2.77 2.74 2.93 3.08 2.84 2.82]; %Y Angles %Pick out pertinent test data [xa1,I] = sort(xa(9:16)); xe1 = xe(9:16); xe1 = xe1(I); xsd1 = xsd(9:16); xsd1 = xsd1(I); [ya1,I] = sort([ya(1:8) ya(16)]); ye1 = [ye(1:8) ye(16)]; ye1 = ye1(I); ysd1 = [ysd(1:8) ysd(16)]; ysd1 = ysd1(I); % %Plot Error and Standard Deviation % figure % plot(xa1,xe1,'ro-') % hold on % grid on % plot(ya1,ye1,'bo-') % axis([-25 25 -.25 .25]) % legend('X-Axis','Y-Axis') % title('Mean Tilt Error Vs. Tilt Angle') % ylabel('Mean Tilt Error (degrees)') % xlabel('Tilt Angle (degrees)') % % figure % plot(xa1,xsd1,'ro-') % hold on % grid on % plot(ya1,ysd1,'bo-') % axis([-25 25 0 .4]) % legend('X-Axis','Y-Axis') % title('Standard Deviation Vs. Tilt Angle') % ylabel('Standard Deviation (degrees)') % xlabel('Tilt Angle (degrees)') %Test Data Statistics OMXE = mean(xe1) OMYE = mean(ye1) OMXSD = mean(xsd1) OMYSD = mean(ysd1) 227 Appendix E: Supporting Test Documents 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238